M. F. Spalding
State Board of Health Certificates
M. F. Spalding, Kimmswick Post Office, 1873 (date of license or diploma)
State Board of Health Certificates
M. F. Spaulding
M. F. Spalding
Physician & Surgeon,
M.F. Spalding, Physician, Age 32, MO KY MO
M.L., wife, Age 31 MO KY KY
Clarence 4, MO
Chris. Vogt, who had a hand sawed off in his mill, some time ago, was in town recently. The amputation, performed by Drs. McNUTT and SPALDING, was a success, and is pronounced by all medical men who have seen it, as one of the neatest and best piece of surgery ever performed in this county. Drs. SPALDING and McNUTT have added laurels to their professional skill by this operation.
Tombstone reads
M.F. Spalding M.D.
1849 - 1908