Frank S. Luckey
State Board of Health Certificates
Frank S. Luckey 1907 State Board of
of health physicians $11
PPG Death Records
F. S. Luckey (listed as coroner 1913)
Howard Litton, “Tanglefoot, Portrait of a City”
Dr. F. S. Luckey started a practice in Festus in 1907 and
remained until 1918. The community of
Tanglefoot Vol. II, Howard Litton
In an interview with Wiley Joseph Canepa
Another doctor that Canepa remembered was a tall good sized man named Luckey. He had an office above where Andy Backy's place is now. (1983) The Luckey's lived about where the DeBuchananne's lived. One of the brothers was a builder and I remember he was shorter than the doctor.
Litton: Lucky was the doctor who played football on the Festus town team, and he showed Mr. Canepa a picture of the 1909 Festus Football team and asked Wiley if he remembered some of the player's names. Canepa was unable to identify any of the players on the old photograph.
Canepa: Dr. Lucky's office was down there in the Pursall building.