James B.  Pepper


Pepper Cemetery, Dallas County, MO


Physician & Surgeon

US Army MD Civil War

Died:     Jun. 16, 1878

Missouri Marriage Records

Name:  Mr James B Pepper

Marriage Date:  27 Dec 1840

Marriage Place: Jefferson, Missouri, USA

Registration Place: Jefferson, Missouri, USA

Spouse:                Miss Mary Ann Row


Name:  James Pepper

Home in 1840 (City, County, State):         Jefferson, Missouri

Free White Persons - Males - 5 thru 9:    2

Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 14:               1

Free White Persons - Males - 15 thru 19:               1

Free White Persons - Males - 20 thru 29:               3

Free White Persons - Males - 30 thru 39:               1

Free White Persons - Males - 50 thru 59:               1

Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 14:          1

Free White Persons - Females - 20 thru 29:          1

Free White Persons - Females - 40 thru 49:          1

Persons Employed in Agriculture:             1

Free White Persons - Under 20:                5

Free White Persons - 20 thru 49:               6

Total Free White Persons:            12

Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves:       12


1850 Jefferson County MO Census

James Peppers 32  Physician

Mary Peppers   18

Isabella Peppers               0


Civil War Draft Registration

Name:  James B  Pepper - Physician

Birth Year:           abt 1820

Place of Birth:    Missouri

Age on 1 July 1863:          43

Race:     White

Residence:          Willer, Green, Missouri

Congressional District:   4th

Class:     2


1870 Dallas County, MO Census

James B Pepper   52  Physician

Mary J Pepper   43

Isabell Pepper   21

Ferdinand Pepper 19

Benjamin Pepper 18

Elmina Pepper   15

Osiander Pepper 13

Rily Pepper 11

Amandus Pepper 10

Lucinda Pepper 7

Andral Pepper   6

Esther Pepper   2


From the Old Settlers Association notes - An Address by Sullivan Frazier

(Rev. Sullivan Frazier) "said that in those days there was only one doctor in the county, a Dr. Peppers, who lived near where Byrnesville now is, and was known as an herb doctor. His remedies were: for injuries and various diseases, bleeding; for fevers, wrapping the patient in hot, boiled corn; for biliousness, lobelia; and for colic, No. 6.  No. 6, he said, was like the fire prepared to burn the three Hebrew children, something made ten times hotter than was needed. He told how G.J. Johnston, who was afterward county judge for several years, studied medicine under Dr. Peppers and graduated. He had the two medicines, lobelia and No. 6, both in the same kind of bottles. He was called to see a neighbor who had a bad bilious attack, and took along what he supposed was his lobelia; and after administering several doses and nearly burning the insides out of his patient, concluded to taste it, when to his horror he found that it was No. 6. He hurriedly sent for his other bottle, and a big dose of lobelia caused the patient to throw up both the No. 6 and the bile and the man recovered; but Johnston traded his books and medicine for a yoke of oxen and a cart, and quit the doctor business.