Joseph Edward Stegmann
State Board of Health Certificates
786 II D R
Joseph Edward Stegmann, Frumet Post Office, 1895 (date of license or
State Board of Health Certificates
787 II D R
Joseph Edward Stegmann 1895 Beaumont
Hospital College
of St. Louis
Jefferson Democrat WEDNESDAY, 11 JULY 1888
Dr. STEGMANN's wife has become violently insane. They live
in Washington county,
and the court of that county has made an order to send her to an asylum but the
doctor is afraid to send her off in her present condition, and she is being
guarded at home.
1900 Jefferson County MO Census, Big
River township
Joseph E. Stegman, Medical Doctor, Born Nov 1868, Age 30, Single,
MO Ger Ger
1898 Historical Atlas of Jefferson Co., MO
J.E. Stegman, Physician, Frumet, came to county in 1872
Record March 13, 1913
~Sudden Death~
Friday this community was shocked by the news of the sudden
death of Dr. J. E. STEGMAN, who had
gone to St. Louis on business the
day before. From St. Louis papers
it was learned that he was picked up in the doorway of the Culver building,
dying condition and died before reaching the city dispensary. He seemed to be
ill when found and moaned, "Call Dr. Smith" near whose office he was
found. His funeral took place from the Boyd St. Methodist church in De
Soto and he was laid to rest in that city. Rev. A. A.
Halter conducted the funeral. He leaves a widow, who was Miss Alice Whitsett, and a daughter, who is ten years old, and a son,
six, two brothers, Gus A. and Chas. A. in St. Louis
and a sister, Mrs. George P. Dover of Frumet. The remains were borne to their
final resting place by the Royal Arcanum lodge, a large concourse of former
classmates, friends and grateful patients who had been aided by his skill and
devotion. Big River, Valle, and Central
Township, being
largely represented.
In Memoriam - Joseph E. STEGMANN was
born in Hillsboro, Mo.
August 10, 1869 and died in
St. Louis March 7, 1913. He graduated from
Medical College
in 1895 and although he in part worked his way through the school he was the
leader of his class. He has lived his life almost wholly in
County at Frumet and at Hillsboro
practicing his profession at both places. The Doctor had his faults but
they were of the kind that affected mostly his own life and the lives of his
own family. If he had faults he paid the penalty without complaint and without
bitterness and suffered in silence, unkindness from his fellows, where he
should have received encouragement and help. He was a man of fine
mentality and was recognized by the profession as a physician of more than
usual ability. His nature was generous and the spirit of charity was a
part of his being. The call for his professional service was to him a call
to duty and he never failed to answer the call no matter from whence it came.
He was Masonic in his ideals and in the years we have known him we can
truthfully say that we never heard him speak evil of any one, but was
generously tolerant of the faults and foibles of others. Though he had
frailties, he possessed many virtues; though he had weakness, he possessed much
strength; though unkind to his own interests and to himself he was unfailingly
kind to others; though he did not help himself, he used his utmost strength and
power to help those who most needed help. Judged by the critical standards
of the world he failed to live up to the splendid ability that was inherent in
him, but in the exercise of the spirit of charity and acts of loving kindness
who shall say that he failed. If loving tender ministration to the needy
and suffering, if thoughtful consideration of the aged the weak and the
helpless, shall count in the award, who shall say that there shall not be many
stars in his crown.
Record March 13, 1913
A large number of Hillsboro
citizens were here Sunday to attend the funeral of Dr. STEGMAN held in the M.E. church. The remains were interred in the city
1900 Jefferson County MO Census, Big
River township
Joseph E. Stegman, Medical Doctor, Born Nov 1838, Age 30, Single,
MO Ger Ger
Directory of Deceased American Physicians, 1804-1929
about Joseph E. Stegman
Name: Joseph E. Stegman