Isaac Newton McNutt


State Board of Health Certificates

Jefferson College 787 II D R

I. N. McNutt 1883 Medical College of Richmond Virginia


1870 Jefferson Co., MO Census, Joachim Township, Hillsboro P.O.

I. N. McNutt 29 Physician TN  Married May

J. E. 23 NY


1876 Jefferson Co., MO Historical Atlas

I. Newton McNutt, Pevely, Occupation Physician, Nativity TN, Came to county in 1866


Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. Hospital Death Records

I. N. McNutt (as signing physician)


Jefferson Democrat December 1881

Judge Elkins arrived in Hillsboro last Friday, complaining of being unwell, and it was noticed that his face was broken out with some sort of eruptions. He was in his office next day and Sunday, but everybody thought “smallpox” and fought shy of him, which made him very indignant. Sunday afternoon he rode down to Victoria, staid all night at Meyer’s hotel and went on Whitney’s train next morning to Pevely to resume school teaching. That evening Dr. McNutt sent back word that the Judge really had the varioloid. It is hardly necessary to add that the people of our town are excited, and using all precautions known to prevent the disease getting a hold.


Jefferson Democrat December 1881

We are permitted to publish the following extract from a letter from Dr. McNutt of Pevely to County Clerk Donnell.

I write in justice to, and without the knowledge of Judge Elkins, to say that he went to Hillsboro on Friday, the 9th inst. only after he had my positive assurance that he did not have smallpox or varioloid; and I am satisfied that it was his implicit confidence in my diagnosis – knowing that I am familiar with the disease – that prompted him to persist in the mad folly of going around in the face of so much opposition. I regret that I could not see him Saturday morning or even Friday evening as doubtless the eruption was then sufficiently developed to be easily recognized. I hope you will show this to any interested parties, that they may deal leniently with the unfortunate blunder and throw the mantle of charity over any overt act the Judge may have committed.


Jefferson Democrat Jan. 12, 1887

On the morning of the 7th instant Mrs. Louisa ZIMPFER, of this place, died after an illness of three days. Child birth was the cause. Drs. GUIBAR and McNUTT performed a surgical operation on her, but it was too late to save her life, as inflammation had set in.


Missouri Birth & Death Records Database

I.N. NcNutt, Pevely 1884 (as signing physician)


Jefferson Democrat Sept. 23, 1885

Chris. VOGT, who had a hand sawed off in his mill, some time ago, was in town recently. The amputation, performed by Drs. McNUTT and SPALDING, was a success, and is pronounced by all medical men who have seen it, as one of the neatest and best piece of surgery ever performed in this county. Drs. SPALDING and McNUTT have added laurels to their professional skill by this operation.


1900 Jefferson County Mo. Census, Joachim township

Isaac McNutt, Physician, Born Oct 1840, Age 59, married 30 years, TN TN TN

Julia McNutt, Sep 1846, 53, mother of 0, NY CT NY