L. Wallace Sappington


Jefferson Democrat 12 AUGUST 1885

Demands of Dr. SAPPINGTON for medical attendance to paupers


Jefferson Democrat Feb. 16, 1887

MAXVILLE - Febr'y 11th, 1887 - On the 10th inst. a grand surprise was held at the residence of Dr. L.W. SAPPINGTON, in honor of the Doctor, attended by about twenty-five or thirty of the best citizens of Maxville and vicinity.  After the citizens were welcomed, it was more of a surprise to them to find that Mrs. Sappington, in less than no time, furnished such a splendid supper, including oyster soup, to which everybody did justice. After supper a few kegs of beer were dispatched, and some fine music was furnished by parties present. Card playing was also indulged in until about two o'clock in the morning, there being six tables filled with players.  It was a splendid affair and every one present enjoyed it hugely.


Jefferson Democrat Oct. 24, 1888

Dr. SAPPINGTON, who has been located at Maxville, has been forced by failing health, occurring from over-work and exposure, to give up practice for a while and get needed rest. During his absence his place will be filled by Dr. F. F. Zeller of South St. Louis, who is recommended as a skillful physician. Dr. Zeller's father is known to many of our citizens as the owner of a large drug store in South St. Louis.


From "History of Franklin, Jefferson, Washington, Crawford and Gasconade Counties", Biographical Appendix, Goodspeed Publishing Company, 1888.

Dr. Wallace L. Sappington, practicing physician and surgeon, residing one and one-fourth miles north of Maxville, on the Gravel road, was born at Sappington, St. Louis County, Mo., in 1861. He is the son of Thomas J. and Helen (Leffingwell) Sappington. The father was also born at Sappington, where he has lived, all his life, and is now about fifty-six years old. He is one of the practical and enterprising farmers and stock raisers of St. Louis County, is one of its prominent citizens and active politicians, a life-long Democrat, and an ardent advocate of low tariff. He was a stanch Union man during the late war in which he served in the Enrolled Missouri Militia. He received a  good common school education, and graduated from the high school of St. Charles. He is a great reader of history and all works of general interest, and has, by his own efforts, obtained considerable knowledge of the outside world. His fine farm consists of 600 acres, and is well improved and well cultivated. He has been twice married; his second wife, Julia Leffingwell, cousin of his first wife, is still living.  John Sappington, grandfather of Wallace L., came to Missouri when St. Louis was a mere French trading post, and the surrounding country a vast wilderness full of Indians and wild animals. He established a tannery where Sappington now stands, and followed the business for many years years, the town being named in his honor. He owned a vast tract of land in the neighborhood, which was left to his two sons and three daughters. He was a man of considerable influence and ability, and was one of the county's first settlers.  The Doctor's mother was born in Pennsylvania, and when a girl came to Missouri with her brother, Hon. Hiram Leffingwell, who served as United States Marshall for the Eastern District of Missouri, under Gen. Grant's administration. She died when the subject of this sketch was about ten years old. The Doctor was reared at home and educated at Kirkwood High School.  He began his medical studies with Dr. Henry F. Steinhauer, for three years, and was also three years at the St. Louis Medical College, from which institution he graduated in 1881. He then began his practice in the vicinity of Maxville, where he has an extended and successful practice, and where he is considered one of the promising young physicians of Jefferson County. He was married in 1882 to Miss Anna, daughter of John L. and Margaret Sutton, and a native of St. Louis County, where her grandfather was one of the pioneer settlers. Her parents are still living at Sutton, a place named in honor of the grandfather, James Sutton. The Doctor has one child, Sadie. He is a Democrat in his political views, and cast his first presidential vote for Grover Cleveland in 1884.  He was formerly medical examiner of the A. O. U. W. of Sappington Lodge.