George A. Smith
1860 Jefferson Co., MO Census, High Ridge Post Office
Geo. A. Smith,
Physician, Age 45, Portugal
Elizabeth A. 30, PA
Margaret 21 LA
Alonzo 3 MO
Further info on this man can be found in Della Lang’s book,
“On the Road to History.”
Obituary: Missouri
Republican, December 27, 1863
Died of pneumonia, at his residence, The
Woodlands, Big River, Jefferson Co., MO., Dr. George A. Smith,
on 13
December, 1863. The deceased
emigrated twenty years ago from England,
bringing with him the highest testimonials of professional reputation from his
old preceptor, Dr. Ferguson, Professor of Medicine in King’s College, London,
of which institution he was a graduate in all its departments. As a physician,
he was distinguished for his skill and attention, whilst his kindly feelings
were proverbial. By his energy of character, he carved his way to fortune and
distinction and died in the full assurance of eternal life, leaving a wife and
one child, to whom he was devoted in life to mourn his loss in common with all
the neighborhood of his professional visitations.