Walter E. Gibson


PPG Death Records

Walter E. Gibson (as signing physician)


Doctor’s Permits to Prescribe Ethyl Alcohol and Wine 1922-33

Jefferson College 790 II D-R

Walter E. Gibson, DeSoto


1936 Directory of the City of DeSoto

Dr. W. E. Gibson, Jr. Physician Tel. 41, 16 Boyd


PPG Death Records

W. Gibson Jr. Coroner


1900 Jefferson County MO Census, DeSoto

William E. Gibson, Physician, Born Nov. 1863, Age 36 Married 5 years, MO MO MO

Lucie, Nov 1866, 33, mother of 2, 2 living

Lucie J., Feb 1896, 4, MO

Walter E., Jan 1900, 4/12, MO


1930 Jefferson County MO Census, DeSoto

Walter W Gibson 65  Widowed Physician  MO MO MO

Walter W Gibson 30  Son Physician  First married at age 27  MO MO MO

Mary J Gibson 2 1/12  Granddaughter

Shelley C Crass 36  Son-in-law  First married at age 33

Geneieve Crass 33  Daughter  First married at age 29

Amanda Baker 65  Servant

Hallie Martin 28 Servant


He practiced medicine with his father for several years, then became ill and died. Washington State Park was part of Dr. Gibson’s farm.