Francis Asbury Brickey


State Board of Health Certificates

Jefferson College 786 II D R

Francis A. Brickey, French Village Post Office, 1886 (date of license or diploma)


Missouri Birth & Death Records Database

F.A. Brickey MD  DeSoto 1888 (as signing physician)


1900 Jefferson Co., MO Census, DeSoto

Francis A. Brickey, Physician, Age 68 Born Oct. 1831 MO, Married 14 years

Mildred, (wife) 54, Born Dec. 1845 IL, Mother of none

Frank (son) Age 37, Born Nov. 1862, MO, Single

Adelbert E. Stocking, (grandson) Age 21, Born May 1879, MO


1897 Directory of the City of DeSoto

Dr. F.A. Brickey, physician & surgeon, 622 S. 2nd St.


Dr. Francis Asbury Brickey's parents were John Compton Brickey and Sally Rolen Bush. John Compton Brickey's parents were Jarrett Brickey and Amy Compton. He is listed in John Compton Brickey's old Bible, which is now in the Roanoke, Va. Library. The bible was printed in 1815 and was passed down in the Brickey family since 1852 or so, and had much family history inscribed in it.

(1) John Brickey I (Immigrant from France) and Wife, Alce (No DOCUMENTED dates or places for birth, marriage, maiden name or death-all are estimates by researchers) His estate settled in 1718 by son, John Brickey Jr. John I, the Immigrant, wife's name, ALCE documented when she relinquished her dower rights. Brickey Bible says he "came from France about 1680 with wife" No immigration record has been found. (The DAR REJECTED the spelling of Briquette on an application, no documentation or proof that was the french name) Numerous court records found in Westmoreland County, VA. with the name BRICKEY.
(2) Peter Brickey (1715-1836) married Winifred Lucas (PATRIOT, REV. WAR)
(3) John Brickey (1740-1807) married Mary Garner and Jane Scott
(4)Jarrett/Gerard Brickey (1760-1841) married Amy Compton
(5) John Compton Brickey (1782-1864) married Lydia Smith and Sally Rolen (Bush) Brown (He was the FIRST owner of the Brickey Bible and handwritten Journal)
(6) DR. FRANCIS ASBURY BRICKEY (1831-1911) married Feb 15 1854 to Cornelia Cosby and married second to Mildred Roberts
His children were:
Millard Squires Brickey
Sallie St. Clair Brickey married Charles Stocking
Frank Skeel Brickey married Amelia Kunz
Mary Cosby Brickey
Thomas Coke Brickey (II) married Alice Beswick
Jefferson Democrat
January 14, 1892
Shekina Lodge A.F. and A.M., of Festus had a banquet and public installation of officers last Saturday night. The attendance of Masons was one of the largest ever seen in this county. Lodge was opened in the hall, after which they marched to the opera house where R.W. William RICHARDSON, D.G.M., installed the following list of officers; J.P. SNEDEN, W.M.; J.G. MOORE, S.W.; D.B. FROST, J.W.; F.A. BRICKEY, Treasurer; J.O. COVER, Secretary; A.MOORE, S.D.; W.F. HOLT, J.D.; Jas. S. IRWIN and G. GARDNER, Stewards; and R. BRADY, Tyler. After the installation a grand supper was provided in the opera house hall. There were fifty plates, and the ladies and other outside guests filled the first table. Mrs. PHILLIPI favored the company with a couple of songs, Miss Emma DONNELL playing the accompaniments. Price's quadrille band was present, and after the first tableful had eaten, music and dancing commenced. Our informant says that it was one of the most pleasant affairs he ever attended, and he is an old-timer.
Buried at De Soto City Cemetery Jefferson County, Missouri
Brickey Cornelia May (COSBY) May 5, 1837 died Oct 09 1885 De Soto City Lot & Plot: B-9, I, 7, 269 (FIRST WIFE OF DR. F. A. BRICKEY)
Brickey Dr. Francis Asbery Born Oct 29, 1831 died Sep 14 1911 De Soto City Age: 79 yrs 10 mo 16 days; Lot & Plot: B-9, I, 6, 269
Brickey EARL Asby Beswick born Oct 1900, died Nov 14 1900 De Soto City Age: 1 mo 25 days; Lot & Plot: 24, 36, ?, ? (GRANDSON OF DR. F. A. BRICKEY SON OF THOMAS COKE AND ALICE BESWICK BRICKEY)
Brickey Infant Son born Oct 15 1901 died Oct 15 1901 De Soto City Lot & Plot: B-9, I, 4, 269
(INFANT SON OF DR. BRICKEY) This child would have been his and wife, Mildred.
Brickey Mildred E. (ROBERTS) Born about 1845 died Aug 31 1907 De Soto City Parents: nee Roberts; Age: 62 yrs; Lot & Plot: B-9, I, 6, 269 (SECOND WIFE OF DR. F. A. BRICKEY)
Brickey Millard -"Squire" born May 4, 1870 died Feb 27 1863 De Soto City Age: 3 yrs 11 mo 8 days; Lot & Plot: B-9, I, 5, 269 (SON OF DR. F. A. BRICKEY AND WIFE CORNELIA)

This record compiled by Nancy Hough ( July 2010 from personal research, including wills, census records, books, and records of many descendants sent to me years ago, many who have now joined their ancestors. Some names may be spelled differently in other records, however, I choose to spell them as close to the original record as possible.
These are only a few of the sources used to compile this family history:
John Compton Brickey Bible and Journal: Bible printed in 1815, and the earliest known Brickey family history. John Compton Brickey wrote this family history in 1855, and it passed down (in 1852) through generations and it is now residing in the Genealogy Room of the Roanoke Public Library, Roanoke, VA.
"Genealogy of the Hord Family" Rev. Arnold Harris Hord 1898
"Garner-Keene Families of Northern Neck Virginia" by Ruth Ritchie & Sudie Rucker Wood, pub. 1952, Jarman Printing Co., Charlottesville, Virginia,
"Comptonology" a series of articles written by C. V. Compton in the 1940's and 1950's
"Our Brickey Families" by Nancy G. Hough 1979 (updated many times since) (Compiled records of many descendants, Self Published)
"Historical Background of The Brickey-Slinker-Houlette Families" by John R. and Helen P. Creger Nielsen 1980 (Self Published)
"The Brickey Heritage" by Raymond L. Brickey 1983 (Commonwealth Press, Inc.)
Daughters of the American Revolution:   Records based on the service of Peter Brickey (#2 above)
REVOLUTIONARY WAR PATRIOT, received a certificate for furnishing food to the Revolutionary Army. farmer
(Note: D. A. R. #380055 - Miss Inez Burns)
Furnished supplies to the American Army during the Revolution.
Volume V., Page 217 Public Service Claims Commissioner's Book; Westmorelance County, Virginia.
Page 8 Public Service Claims Court Booklet in Archives Division, Virginia State Library - Richmond, Virginia.