George Alfred Auerswald


Dr. Auerswald house on East Pratt, DeSoto, MO


1880 Jefferson County Missouri Census, Central Township, District #193

George Auerswald, age 27, Physician, Born Switzerland, Single


1900 Jefferson County Missouri Census, DeSoto,

George Auerswald, age 44 Single, Born Dec. 1855 in Germany, Physician, Year of immigration 1855


Jefferson Democrat Advertisement - Oct. 8 1884

G.A. Auerswald Physician & Surgeon, Office at City Drug Store, DeSoto, MO

Calls promptly answered by day or night

Jefferson Democrat Feb. 24, 1882
G.A. AUERSWALD, med attention to pauper        10.00
Jefferson Democrat Jan. 1882
Mrs. James White has been quite sick with typhoid fever, but is improving rapidly under the treatment of Dr. Auerswald.


Jefferson Democrat Jan 7, 1885

Dr. AUERSWALD's anticipation of a pleasant and profitable holiday season was sadly marred by the death of his brother, Edwin, which occurred in St. Louis, December 18th.  Deceased had just returned from a trip to California in search of health, and left his wife and babe in Marinetta, Wisconsin.  The Doctor had the remains embalmed and accompanied them to the home of the bereaved wife, who was too sick to come to St. Louis.


Jefferson Democrat April 20, 1887

Dr. AUERSWALD and Mrs. Geo. R. RATHBUN will start for Southern California on Wednesday of this week. Mrs. R. goes for the benefit of her health, which has been delicate for some time past, and the doctor to accompany her and take a needful rest for himself.


The Record March 8, 1917

(letter to the editor)

Discontinue sending your paper to my address.  Send bill to People's Bank of DeSoto for collections.  G.A. AUERSWALD, State Representative of Jefferson County.
(response of editor)

The Dr. does not yet realize that he is not the Representative of Jefferson County, but is the MIS-representative of the County.  If he had any of the real qualities of a true representative, he could never had so far forgotten his dignity as to be guilty as having sent such an atrocity through the mails.  We merely give his postal in order to show that he is really only Dr. AUERSWALD and the real mis-representative of Jefferson County.  The Dr. has always paid his subscription and we hate to lose a subscriber, but we suffer the loss uncomplainingly, because we are sure that the Dr. will borrow his neighbors paper to see what we have to say and the real loss is only financial and not as a factor in the life of the common-wealth.


Newspaper obit (from Eddie Miller’s “As You Like It”)

Doctor’s Permits to Prescribe Ethyl Alcohol and Wine 1922-33

Jefferson College 790 II D-R

G. A. Auerswald, DeSoto


Dr. George Alfred Auerswald, one of the pioneer doctors and citizens of Desoto died Tuesday morning, August 30, 1928, at St. Mary’s Hospital in Jefferson City. He had been ill only a few days when death, due to the infirmities of old age came to him. Dr. George Auerswald was probably one of the best known men of Jefferson County, having been identified with medical practice for over fifty years – also as a servant of the people in these capacities, coroner of the county, Representative in the State Legislature for five years, and head of the Pure Food and Drug Commission for the State under both Governors Hyde and Samuel A. Baker. The doctor never married, although he has an adopted son living in St. Louis. Besides one sister touring in Europe at the time of  his death and a nephew living in California, there are no other living relatives.