William Parks


1870 Jefferson Co., MO Census, Joachim Township, Hillsboro P.O.

William Park 52 Physician PA

Sarah 45 VA

Virginia B. 20 OH

William 16 OH

Charles 13 OH

Lucy 6 MO


1880 Jefferson County MO Census, Joachim Township

William Parks, Physician, Age 60, PA PA PA

Sarah P. 56, VA VA PA

Virginia B., 27 OH

Lucy H., 14, MO

Jefferson Democrat 15 DECEMBER 1882
DIED - December 5, 1882, at his residence in Joachim township, this county, William PARKS, M.D., aged 63 years, 1 month and 23 days. Dr. PARKS was born in Carlisle, Pa.  He has resided in this county the past 23 years. He was a faithful servant in his profession, and had the friendship and esteem of all who knew him.  His last words were: "I am going! I am going!" When asked whereto, he pointed upward.  His funeral was preached by the writer and, notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, a goodly number of his friends assembled to hear and to pay the last tribute of respect to a departed friend.  He leaves a companion in feeble health, and four children - two young men and two young ladies - to mourn the loss of a kind father. They have the sympathy of all.      
J.T.M.   (Springfield, Ohio, and Carlisle, Pa., papers, please copy)