Lee T. Bradfield


State Board of Health Certificates

Jefferson College 786 II D R

Lee T. Bradfield, Rush Tower Post Office


1870 Jefferson Co., MO Census, Plattin Township, Hillsboro P.O.

L. T. Bradfield 50 Physician VA

Evaline 49 MO

Mary 16 MO


Missouri Birth & Death Records Database

L. T. Bradfield MD, Rush Tower 1884 (as signing physician)


1876 Jefferson County Missouri Historical Atlas

Lee T. Bradfield, Rush Tower, Occupation Physician, Nativity Stanton, VA, came to county in 1834


1880 Jefferson County MO Census, Plattin Township, #292

Lee T. Bradfield, Age 60, Physician, Born VA

Evaline, 59 Born MO

Adaline Fight, granddaughter 14, MO

Evaline Fight, granddaughter, 12, MO

Christiana Fight, granddaughter, 10 MO

Andrew Fight, grandson, 8 Ark.

Charles Smith, nephew, 19, MO


Zoe Booth Rutledge - Our Jefferson County Heritage - 1970

About 1850 Dr. Bradfield built his house near Danby on the Rush Tower Road. It is still standing, although it has been remodeled. He had his office in a room which later became the dining room with wide hand dressed boards on (the) floor put together with square, home-forged nails. The ceiling still shows the original hand-hewn beams with the marks of the axe upon them. All his obstetrical practice was consummated in the homes of the patients, many times the good doctor stayed until daybreak waiting for the tardy birth of a child. Many residents of Danby remember hearing their parents say that Dr. Bradfield had brought them into the world.