F. J. Vogelsang


Tanglefoot Vol. II - Howard Litton

Dr. C.E. LeMaster, a dentist, rented space here and proceeded to build a home at 917 North Mill Street on what is still known as "Kenner's Hill."  ....(he) sold his dental office in December 1919, and a Dr. F.J. Vogelsang, a dentist also succeeded him.


December 5, 1924 was the date when Dr. Clarence Colin, son of Mr. & Mrs. John Colin, purchased the dental office of Dr. F.J. Vogelsang, located in the front rooms on the second floor, and consisting of three rooms. (bank building Festus Main St.) Dr. Colin had his office here for 52 years. His office hours were from 9-12 a.m. 1-5 and 7-8 p.m. Evening hours were the usual thing for dentists at this time in our history. Clarence was a graduate of Festus High School and he studied dentistry at the St. Louis University School of Dentistry. Dr. Vogelsang planned to visit his relatives in Breese, Illinois, for about two weeks, then to return to Festus and assume charge of the radio room (x-ray) in the new Crystal City hospital (PPG) for about about a month. This hospital was built, staffed and served mostly their own employees who had been injured while working in the factory. It was not a public hospital. After this, Dr. Vogelsang wanted to enter Northwestern University for some post graduate study and thereafter to locate in some western city.