R.E. Edwards
Tanglefoot Vol. II -
Howard Litton
On January 1, 1913...It was announced that Dr. R.E. Edwards, an osteopath,
would be in his office in the Farmers & Merchants Bank building on Mondays and
Fridays. By October 31, 1914, a news item stated that Dr. R.E. Edwards had moved
his family from DeSoto to St. Louis. He had sold his DeSoto office so he could
practice three days a week in St. Louis and three days a week in Festus. By
February 6, 1914, Dr. R.E. Edwards had an assistant by the name of Dr. W.C.
Goodpasture, who also was an osteopathic physician.
Dr. Edwards and family enjoyed a fine reputation in Festus. He was friendly, easy to become acquainted with, and was a quiet and unassuming person. He was a member of the Methodist Church who made his presence felt in an unobtrusive way.
On the 4th of December 1931, Dr. R.E. Edwards, a chiropractor, moved his office here from the Gehrs building......Dr. R.E. Edwards moved his office from the Stoll building, whihc he had occupied for 13 years, to the office which had been tenanted by the late Dr. Charles G. Harris at #2 Main Street.