William H. Farrar



State Board of Health Certificates

Jefferson College 786 II D R

William H. Farrar, DeSoto Post Office, 1873 (date of license or diploma)


State Board of Health Certificates

Jefferson College 787 II D R

William H. Farrar 1883 St. Louis (college)


1876 Jefferson County, Missouri Historical Atlas

William H. Farrar, Avoca, Nativity Iron Co., MO, came to county in 1876


Advertisement Jefferson Democrat November 1878

William H. Farrar Druggist DeSoto, MO


Jefferson Democrat Oct. 17, 1883
Drs. FARRAR and KENNETT performed a difficult surgical operation for a Mrs. HADLEY.  She had an arm broken, last February, and the physician in attendance did a bad job of setting it, inconsequence of which the arm was stiff and useless. They had to break and reset it, and it is thought the operation was very successful.


Goodspeed, History of Jefferson County, Missouri - 1888

William H. Farrar, M. D., of De Soto, is a native of Arcadia, Iron Co., Mo., and was born in 1856.  His father, Dr. George Farrar, is of Scotch descent, and was born in Perry County, Mo., in 1839; he is also a physician by profession, and is a graduate of Pope Medical College, St. Louis.  The latter moved to Iron County in 1854, and two years later entered upon the active practice of medicine, where he has since continued as one of the influential and prominent physicians of Iron County.  He married Harriet P. Russell, who was a colonel in the Revolutionary War.  To this union nine children were born, William H. being the third. He received his literary education in Arcadia College, and at the age of seventeen began the study of medicine under the preceptorship of his father. In 1872 he entered St. Louis Medical College from which institution he graduated in March, 1874. In 1876 he located at Valle's Mines, Jefferson County, and engaged in practice for two years, at the expiration of which time he came to De Soto, where he has since been located. In the latter place he bought a drug store, which he successfully conducts in connection with his large and lucrative practice. He enjoys the most extensive practice of any physician of Jefferson County, and with one exception is the oldest resident practitioner of De Soto. In December 1877, he married Miss Maggie A. Cole who was born in Jefferson County, Mo., in 1858. They have one child, Gertrude May. The Doctor is a democrat, politically, and a member of the A. O. U. W.


He was the company doctor during the time he was located at Valles Mines. Starting in 1889, he was the local surgeon for the Iron Mountain & Southern Railroad and physician examiner for at least fifteen life insurance companies. He was also a member of the Civil War Pension Board, served on the DeSoto School board several terms and served on the city of DeSoto's Board of Health. He was a charter member of the Royal Arch Lodge, Knights of Pythias, and of the A.O.U.W.


Jeffferson Democrat June 23, 1886

Miss Lou COLE of Bonne Terre will spend the Summer with her sister, Mrs. Dr. FARRAR


1900 Jefferson County Missouri Census

Dr. W. H. Farrar Apr 1856 age 44 married 23 years MO KY CT Physician

Margaret A. May 1860 40 mother of 1, 1 living MO KY KY

Gertrude M. Aug 1883 16 MO


PPG Death Records (1911)

W.H. Farrar M.D. (as signing physician)