Joseph Scott Wolff


Roll of Dentists and Dental Surgeons in Jefferson Co., MO

Jefferson College 788 II-D-R

Joseph Scott Wolff – Dentist & Surgeon, Filed 1907, Received Diploma 1905 St. Louis, MO


Festus News November 1918


On account of the prevalence of Influenza, it is hereby ordered that Schools, Churches, Billiard and Pool Halls, Theatres and Moving Picture Shows be closed until further notice; that saloons cigar stores, etc., close at 10 p.m., that all citizens refrain congregating in crowds of more than six on the street or in other places and that children remain on their own premises.

Done by order of the Board of Health of the City of Festus, Mo., this 12th day

of November 1918.

J. Scott Wolff, Mayor

Dr. Rutledge Health Officer


Advertisement Festus News (date unknown)

Dr. J. Scott Wolff, Dentist: At the Old Stand Where He Has Been for the Last Nine Years.

Dr. J. Scott Wolff is one of the most skillful practitioners in this section of Missouri, and a gentleman of decided ability and skill of a high order. Dr. Wolff is a graduate of the dental department of Washington University, St. Louis, in the class of 1903. He has been located in Festus for eleven years and the practice he has built up demonstrates better than any words his high attainments and excellence in mechanical and operative dentistry. Dr. Wolff is a gentleman of refinement and culture and is highly esteemed by his large circle of friends and professional confreres. He served two terms as mayor of the city of Festus, a position he filled to the en- (line missing)

-ents. In the year 1912, he was elected Great Sachem of Missouri Improved Order of Red Men, the highest office within the gift of that large organization. He is also a prominent member of the Odd Fellows, Woodmen and several other societies. Dr. Wolff is a self-made man, his first occupation being that of a plumber and gas fitter, and the doctor says he can still wipe a joint. Her served two years and seven months in the 4th U.S. Cavalry, Phillipine service, and was discharged by favor to enter dental school, where he worked and paid for his own expenses, graduation at the age of twenty-seven. He was married the year of his graduation to Miss Antonette Nengel of Festus, and their four fine children are Antonette, Scott Emmerson, Marie and Estelle. He was elected as representative to the state legislature from this county last November, which (line missing) credit both to himself and community. Dr. Wolff made his campaign for the legislature in the summer of 1912 on the platform promise that he would have a bill passed prohibiting any glass company of Silica Sand Quarry Co. from working their men over eight hours. This promise he fulfilled by having the Wolff Eight Hour Law passed and this is now on the statute books. Dr. Wolff is a strong advocate of good roads, believing in County, State and National aid for that cause. One of his road bills introduced in the last general assembly which placed a tax on moving picture shows would have netted the good road fund of the state over a hundred thousand dollars each year. Many of Dr. Wolff’s friends would like to see him in Congress and we understand that without doubt he will be a candidate for (line missing)


J. Scott Wolff - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Joseph Scott Wolff (June 14, 1878 - February 27, 1958) was a U.S. Representative from Missouri.
Born on a farm in Westmoreland County near Greensburg, Pennsylvania, Wolff attended the public schools. He served with the Fourth United States Cavalry in the Philippine Islands during the Spanish-American War 1899-1901. He moved to St. Louis, Missouri, in 1901. He was graduated from the dental department of Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, in 1905 and practiced his profession in St. Louis and Festus, Missouri. He served as mayor of Festus, Missouri from 1907 to 1911 and 1915-1917. He served as member of the State house of representatives 1913-1915. He was graduated from the St. Louis College of Law and Finance in 1923. He was admitted to the bar the same year and commenced practice in Festus, Missouri. Wolff was elected as a Democrat to the Sixty-eighth Congress (March 4, 1923-March 3, 1925). He was an unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1924 to the Sixty-ninth Congress. He moved to Kansas City in 1924 and continued the practice of dentistry and law until retirement in 1957. He died in Kansas City, Missouri, February 27, 1958. He was interred in Gamel Cemetery, Festus, Missouri.

History of southeast Missouri: a narrative account of its ..., Volume 1: By Robert Sidney Douglass

Joseph Scott Wolff, D. D. S.—One of the best known members of the dental profession in Southeast Missouri, as well as mayor of Festus and a public citizen of broad and strong character, Dr. Joseph S. Wolff comes of an old, substantial Pennsylvania family which has included not a few distinguished members in the east and southwest. His father, Rev. A. T. Wolff, was born in Westmoreland county, that state, and was recognized until his death, in 1905, at the age of forty-nine, as one of the eminent Presbyterian clergymen in the country. The elder man spent his early boyhood and youth on the old Pennsylvania farm and as a hardworking pupil in the neighborhood schools, afterward realizing his ambition for a higher education by completing a course at Union Seminary, Alliance, Ohio. At his graduation therefrom he became pastor of a small church at Sandy Lake, Pennsylvania, and not long afterward accepted a call from the First Presbyterian church of Alton, Illinois. He acceptably filled the pulpit of that strong organization for seven years, and then served as pastor of the Calvary Presbyterian church of Detroit, and the North Presbyterian church of St. Louis. In the discharge of the duties attaching to these responsible charges, Dr. Wolff had become so widely admired and loved both as a faithful pastor and an eloquent pulpit orator that he received an urgent call to assume pastoral charge of the largest Presbyterian church in Edinburgh, Scotland, the old-world stronghold of the denomination. Although deeply appreciative of the honor, his home ties and stanch Americanism, as well as his firm conviction that he could do more good in the United States where his influence had been so long exerted —these considerations forced him to decline the proffered Edinburgh pastorate. For some time, however, he lectured abroad under the Slayton Lyceum Bureau, and became widely known in Great Britain. He also became very prominent as a Mason and at one time was grand state orator for Illinois. In 1875 Rev. A. T. Wolff was united in marriage with Miss Margaret S. Young, of Oakland Cross Roads, Pennsylvania, and of the six children born to him, the Doctor was the eldest. His mother is still living, also two brothers and one sister, residents of St. Louis.

Dr. Wolff is also a native of Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, where he was born June 14, 1878. He first received a common school education, but pursued his proi'essional courses at Washington University, St. Louis, from which he graduated, in 1905, with the degree of D. D. S. For the succeeding two years he engaged in practice in that city, and then moved to Festus, his present residence and his lucrative and progressive field of professional labor. That Dr. Wolff's honors do not end there, has already been intimated. To particularize—he was first elected mayor of Festus in 1909, and re-elected in 1911, and his administrations have been so conducted as to earn him the respect of all parties, albeit his personal support has always been given to the Democracy. He is one of the leading fraternalists of this section of the state. The Red Men, Odd Fellows, Modern Woodmen and Select Knights have all afforded him evidences of their esteem, and at the present time he is presiding officer (Great Sachem) of the Improved Order of Red Men, State of Missouri. And his advancement has never been of the drifting nature, but rather of the propelling and pushing kind, often against strong contrary currents. Owing to a serious decline in his father's health, he was compelled to work his way through college. Both figuratively and literally, he had to fight hard to get his education, for, soon after the completion of his freshman year at Washington University, he enlisted for service in the Philippines, and served as regimental commissary sergeant for two years and seven months. This delayed his graduation until 1905, but showed his stamina and added to his deserved popularity as a man. In the year of his graduation Dr. Wolff was married to Miss Antoinette Neugle, of Festus, Missouri, and their three children are Scott Emmerson, Marguerite Antoinette and Marie Wolff.