Dr. Bertalan Bolgar


Howard Litton’s “Tanglefoot, Portrait of a City”

On October 23, 1936, Dr. Bertalan Bolgar, of St. Louis arrived in Festus and took over the entire office and clientele of Dr. H.N. Khoury as the latter was leaving Festus. His office had been on the street floor of #231 Main Street. Dr. Bolgar came to this country from Hungary where he had received his medical degree from the University of Scezed, Hungary. For a time he had been an army doctor there. Shortly after arriving in Festus, Dr. Bolgar bought the Farmers & Merchants bank building, probably shortly after 1938. From then on it was called the Bolgar building.


Info from Jane Turner

My aunt, Mable (Taylor) Jackson worked for him and his family, as a housekeeper, for many years.  His office was located at the corner of Mill St. and Main Street.  He was a very kind, and polite person.  He had two daughters, Mary and Susan.  I also visited with them on occasion, when I went to work with my aunt. The Dr. would give his patients medicine when they came in sick.  It was like he had a pharmacy in his office.  He died in his home of a massive heart attack, and I'm unsure of the year this occurred. Their residence was on the coroner opposite the KC. Hall in Festus. The house had an old fashioned veranda, and a beautiful staircase in the living room.  Although he was a millionaire, he was very kind and humble, and very loving to others, and helped many. He was my doctor and I appreciate the things he did to help me and my family.