William P. Adair


Advertisement Jefferson Democrat Dec. 3, 1875

Wm. P. Adair Physician & Surgeon Hillsboro, MO


1870 Jefferson County Missouri Census

Wm. P. Adair, Physician, Age 56, born Pennsylvania

Elizabeth Age 47, born Missouri


Obituary - Jefferson Democrat, Mar. 18, 1881

Adair - Feb'y 27, 1881, of abscess of the lungs, Dr. William P. Adair, aged 65

Dr. Adair was born in Fayette county, Penn. He had been for a number of years a citizen of Jefferson county, but had recently removed to Crawford county, Mo., where he had begun a successful practice, but the "shadowy messenger has summoned him home" to a happier life, leaving many to mourn his sudden death, for to his friends he was ever generous and kind. To the inevitable we must all submit, though it be with aching hearts.