Louis Lohman


State Board of Health Certificates

Jefferson College 786 II D R

Louis Lohman, Kimmswick Post Office, 1846 (date of license or diploma) University of Gusseu, Germany


State Board of Health Certificates

Jefferson College 787 II D R

Louis Lohmann 1883 University of Giesseu


1870 Jefferson County MO Census, Hillsboro

Louis Lohmann, Physician, Age 50, Han


Antonia, Mo., Feb. 18, 1880. - Editor Jefferson Democrat: There was a very pleasant occurrence here last Saturday evening. A large number of invited and uninvited people gather for the purpose of seeing the solemn performance of the marriage ceremonies between our old esteemed friend Dr. LOHMAN of this place, and Miss Lizzie EDINGER, of the Future Great city St. Louis. The marriage ceremonies were performed by Esquire A. YERGER, in most splendid style. Although spoken in the German language, yet it was pronounced as being one of the nicest little speeches made on such solemn occasions. and Mr. Editor, let me tell you right here, that everybody was not only astonished, but hardly knew the old Dr. when he appeared in his wedding suit. Well, I have heard quite young women remark that the old Dr. is yet a very nice looking man. After the ceremonies were over a sumptuous supper was set -- a regular feast, where all had plenty to eat and enough left over to feed another large crowd. After the supper was over the music began, and dancing was kept up till a late hour. Ten gallons of wine and several kegs of beer were consumed; and all, young and old, had a happy time of it. The old Dr. is the happiest man you ever saw. But I am sorry to state that he is going to leave us and move to Kimmswick again, where he will attend, as a practical physician, to all who choose to call on him. We wish him and his young wife a happy life and much joy, and may they live to enjoy themselves a great many years, are the wishes of may who attended heir wedding.


Jefferson Democrat 19 AUGUST 1885

ANTONIA - Mrs. Ben. FRIEDMANN was very sick this week, but Dr. LOHMANN has brought her out of danger.


Missouri Birth & Death Records Database (as signing physician)

Louis Lohman, MD Kimmswick, MO 1884


1900 Jefferson County MO Census

Louis Lohman, Physician, Born Nov 1820, Age 79, Married 20 years, Ger Ger Ger, Immigrated 1856/N

Elisabeth, Apr 1850, 50, mother of 2, 2 living, Ger Ger Ger, Immigrated 1872

Louis Jr., May 1885, 15, MO


Directory of Deceased American Physicians, 1804-1929 about Louis Lohman

Name:   Louis Lohman

Birth Date:          1821

Death Date:        8 Jan 1915

Death Place:       Kimmswick, MO

Type Practice:    Allopath

Practice Specialities:        Kimmswick, MO

Practice Dates Places:     Kimmswick, MO

Medical School: Medizinische Fakultaet der Justus Liebig Universitaet, Giessen, Hessen, 1846, (G)

JAMA Citation:   64:682