Seyvee Sirintrapun


Tanglefoot Vol. II - Howard Litton
In 1975, Dr. Seyvee Serintrapin, gynocologist and obstetrician, opened his office in Dr. Twersky's former location at #303. (Main Street Festus) He stayed here only two years. A notice in the local paper announce that effective April 1, 1977, Dr. Seyvee Sirintrapin, M.D. would discontinue his practice in this community. All his patient's records were turned over to Dr. John F. Medler in St. Louis.


U.S. Public Records Index, Volume 1

Name: Seyvee S Sirintrapun

Address: 1515 Sweeney Dr, Festus, MO, 63028-1500 (1992)

[1588 Westvale Dr, Festus, MO, 63028-2029 (1974)] 


Social Security Death Index

Name: Seyvee Sirintrapun

SSN: 467-02-1855

Born: 2 Oct 1943

Died: Oct 1977

State (Year) SSN issued: Texas


Texas Marriage Collection, 1814-1909 and 1966-2002

Name: Seyvee Sirintrapun

Gender: Male

Marriage Date: 9 Oct 1969

Estimated birth year: abt 1943

Age: 26

Spouse: Somporn Sarutipakhorn

Spouse gender: Female

Spouse Est Birth Year: abt 1945

Spouse Age: 24

Marriage County: Bexar

Marriage State: Texas

Source: Texas Marriage Index, 1966-2002


SIRINTRAPUN, Seyvee, 34, Festus, Mo;. Faculty of Medicine at Chiengmai Hospital. University of Medical Sciences, Chiengmai,