Priestly A. Bainbridge
Priestly Bainbridge,
Age 28 Physician, Born
Susan E. Age 27, MO
Percie Ann, Age 3, MO
1876 Jefferson
Co., MO Historical Atlas
P.A. Bainbridge, DeSoto, Occupation Physician & Surgeon,
Nativity Williams Co., Ill., came to county in 1860
Priestly Bainbridge, Age 46, Dentist, Born IL
Susan, Age 40 MO
Percy 12, MO
Edith 3 MO
Democrat January 1882
Dr. Bainbridge will be in Hillsboro next Monday to do any dental
work that may be desired. He will also have a supply of vaccine virus, and be
prepared to vaccinate all who call. He will remain only three days, and those
who want work doen should not delay calling on him.
Roll of Dentists and Dental Surgeons in Jefferson Co., MO
P.A. Bainbridge – Dentist & Surgeon, Filed 1883
Missouri Birth
& Death Records Database
P.A. Bainbridge, DeSoto 1884 (as signing physician)
The DeSoto Watchman, it seems, was mistaken last week, when it published a local of Dr. Bainbridge’s having quit practicing medicine and dentistry in that city. In a note from the Doctor we see that he feels hurt over the aforesaid publication, and thinks it was prompted by a desire to injure his business. This, however, we are satisfied is a mistake, and the error is certainly the result of wrong information furnished Bro. Stone. The truth is, the Doctor removed his office from where it was to his residence.
P.A. Bainbridge
Resident Dentist,
The latest appliances for the painless extraction of teeth, without the use of gas.
Coxwell Funeral Home Records
Dr. Priestly Bainbridge died