Joseph Evans Jones


State Board of Health Certificates

Jefferson College 786 II D R

Joseph E. Jones, Jefferson County, 1871 (date of license or diploma)


State Board of Health Certificates

Jefferson College 787 II D R

Joseph Evans Jones 1890 Rush Medical College of Chicago


1897 Directory of the City of DeSoto

Joseph Evans Jones, physician, 102 Easton St.


Jefferson County Record, Feb. 13, 1913

Dr. J.E. Jones had a sale of personal property on Monday and is making preparations to move to DeSoto next month.


He was born of Welsh parents on Sept. 27, 1847 in Manchester, England. He served in the Civil War, Company B, 134th Iowa Infantry until 1864. He re-enlisted in Company I, Second Iowa Cavalry, serving as hospital steward until the end of the war. He married Jennie Evans in 1875 and they had seven children. He started his medical practice in DeSoto in 1895. He was elected county treasurer and served for eight years until his retirement. He died on June 19, 1913 in Williamsburg, Iowa, his boyhood home.