Albert Henry Hamel


State Board of Health Certificates

Jefferson College 786 II D R

Albert Henry Hamel, Jefferson County, 1890 (date of license or diploma)


State Board of Health Certificates

Jefferson College 787 II D R

Albert Henry Hamel 1890 St. Louis (college)


Advertisement Jefferson Democrat Thursday, May 8, 1890

Albert H. HAMEL Physician and Surgeon, DeSoto - Office in HAMEL'S Drugstore


Jefferson County Democrat  June 19, 1890
Patrick O'HARA, of Big River Township, got into bad company in DeSoto, one night
last week, and was badly used up. He received some kicks in the abdomen and is in a critical condition, but the attending physician, Dr. Albert H. HAMEL, thinks he will recover if his instructions are strictly obeyed. The names of his assailants are kept
secret, for what reason we are unable to state.


1897 Directory of the City of DeSoto

Albert H. Hamel, physician & surgeon, 404 Boyd St., DeSoto


1900 Census, Jefferson Co., MO DeSoto

A H Hamel 33  Jun 1867   Married 7 years  Physician

Pauline Hamel 28  July 1871  Mother of 3, 2 living

Delphine A Hamel 5  Oct 1894

Ellis H Hamel 8/12  Oct 1899