C.S. Beaulieu


J.D. Dec. 17, 1896


PASSED AWAY - Dr. C.S. BEAULIEU, Pastor of the Christian Church, Dead. Dr. C.S. BEAULIEU, pastor of the Christian Church, this city, died at his home on Tuesday evening, December 15, at 6:30 o'clock. The Doctor was very popular in De Soto and a host of friends mourn his death. He had suffered for several weeks from heart trouble, but for the past few days seemed to be getting along nicely and his friends had great hopes for his recovery, little knowing that the silent messenger of death was lurking so near, even within a few hours of his death he seemed to be improving.

Dr. BEAULIEU was a man loved and esteemed by all who knew him. A friend to everybody and especially so to the widow and orphan. Many times has he deprived himself of the necessaries of life in order that he might add to the comforts of some poor unfortunate. He was a true Christian in every sense that the word implies and died with the blessed hope of immortality beyond this vale of tears.

Yesterday's Western Disciple has the following to say regarding his death: "This will be sad news to his numerous friends throughout the brotherhood and more particularly to his children in the gospel. As has been mentioned in these columns, our brother has been suffering from heart disease for some time and for the past few weeks has been confined to the house to some extent, but not to bed. He occupied his chair to the last, receiving visitors right along and ever talking concerning the affairs of the Kingdom. On Sunday, 6th inst, he was so much better that he preached at the morning and evening service, but the next day found him weaker than before and he had several severe attack of his disease since that day. Last Lord's Day he did not attempt to go to to the church but this week he has been so much better and to-day, Tuesday, he felt and looked better than he has since his illenss began. We called on him about 2:45 and spent a very pleasant hour with him, chatting about the work of the church and planning new work for the future. He was in excellent spirits and laughed heartily at some incidents that had occurred. He spoke of many of the brethren and sisters in course of our conversation and about Brother DODSON whom he wanted to exchange work with. About 4:15 another attack came upon him and after two hours of keen suffering he entered into rest. He fully realized that death was at hand and was ready and willing to go. A few moments before he died he said "I am so tired,--so tired" and shortly he entered upon that rest prepared for the people of God. His beloved wife who so tenderly cared for and waited on him during his sickness was with him at the last. Our brother was a native of France where he was educated for the Roman priesthood. Renouncing that faith he came to America when a young man. He entered the Union Army and fought gallantly through out the war of the Rebellion, being severely wounded on several occasions. On leaving the army at the close of the war, he took up the practice of medicine, which he pursued for many years in Indiana.

In 1876 he was converted and confessed the Lord Jesus, in Indianapolis, and at once made up his mind to preach the Gospel. He was trained by that grand old man, Bro. U.B. WATKINS, and on entering the ministry, at once gave up his practice as a physician. During his career as a preacher of the gospel he had the pleasure of receiving a large number into the Kingdom, having held pastorates in several states. For some time he was State Evangelist of Pennsylvania and preached for several churches in that State. He also did a great deal of work in Minnesota, Virginia and Ohio. In 1887 he came to Missouri and preached for the churches at New Haven, Pleasant Hill, Chamois and other points. Under the auspices of the churches of this county he held a meeting at Victoria in 1888 and later preached for the church at Festus, and took part in the dedicatory services of the church in this city in 1891. In 1892 he began work for the De Soto Church and remained until March 1893 when he returned to Ohio, taking charge to the Lowellville Church. In response to a unanimous call from the Church here he returned in August 1895 and has remained until the end, faithfully laboring in the vineyard, gathering souls to the Savior and building up the brethren in the most holy faith. As evidence of his labor it may be mentioned that during his two periods of service 154 souls have been added to this church. His genial whole-souled nature made him many friends wherever he went, and he was esteemed most highly by the citizens of De Soto without respect to church affiliation. His death is deeply lamented by all classes of people who knew him. As was said in a letter from Bro. S.W. ROBINSON which we received on the day of the Doctor's death and before that sad event was known to the brother. "He is a true friend of all true preachers and a substantial friend of every enterprise connected wit the cause of the Master."

The funeral will take place from the Christian Church is this city Friday at 2 o'clock. Bro. STUTZMAN the former pastor of this Church has been sent for to preach the funeral sermon. He leaves a widow, two daughters and a son by a former marriage, to mourn the loss of the loving husband and kind father. We extend our sincere sympathy to the bereaved ones in this sad hour of trial.