Gustavus Stegmann


State Board of Health Certificates

Jefferson College 786 II D R

G. Stegman, Frumet Post Office, 1858 (date of license or diploma)


State Board of Health Certificates

Jefferson College 787 II D R

Gustavus Stegmann 1883 St. Louis (College)


1860 Jefferson Co. MO Census, Morse’s Mill Post Office

G. Stagmann, Physician, Age 34, Russia

Matilda 30 Spinstress Russia

Gus 4/12 MO

Chas. 21, Confectioner, Russia


1870 Jefferson Co., MO Census, Central Township, Hillsboro Post Office

Gustavus Stegman 44 Physician Rus/Pol

Matilda 42 Pru/Pol

Gustavus 10 MO

Charles 8 MO

Louisa 5 MO

Joseph 1 MO

Augustus Bollfross 73 Lives with Daughter Pru/Pol


Jefferson Democrat FRIDAY, 7 JUNE 1872

PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY COURT - May Term, 1872 - A man had been taken to the County Farm last winter, with one side badly burned and his feet frozen, one of them so badly frozen that it became necessary this spring to have his leg amputated. Dr. PIPKIN, the attending physician, was at the time waiting on Mr. Williams, who had the smallpox, and it would have been imprudent for him to visit anywhere else, he requested Dr. BREWSTER to attend to the patients at the Farm for him. BREWSTER finding that it was necessary to amputate the man's leg, took Dr. STEGMAN, with him to assist in the operation. The operation was performed and the man got well. At this term of the Court the two doctors brought in their bills for services; Dr. STEGMAN claiming that he had done the work, and having made a few other visits, and having performed a few other operations, charged the modest sum of $231.00. BREWSTER claimed that he was the regular physician, and had really done as much as STEGMAN, and had permitted STEGMAN to do the cutting and sawing through courtesy. He had made several other visits and done some other work, and his charge was $121.00. The Court, after a hearing of the evidence, allowed STEGMAN $95.00, and BREWSTER $31.00. STEGMAN took his county warrant, feeling no doubt that he had received big pay, but BREWSTER thought he had not been dealt with fairly and refused to take his, and will probably appeal the case to the Circuit Court.


Jefferson Democrat, AUGUST 20 1884

On Monday, the 11th inst., Miss Martha Campbell, a young lady of about 23 years of age, daughter of Francis Campbell of Dry Creek, made a serious attempt to take her own life.  He took her father's shotgun into her room, fastened it to her bed end, standing in front of it, pulled the trigger with a horse whip. The load of shot entered her left lung just above the heart.  Dr. STEGMANN was called in and pronounced the wound fatal, but at last accounts there was thought to be some hope of her recovery.  Her parents were of the opinion that her mind had become unhinged from brooding over a judgment that had been rendered against her, a couple of years since, for damages for slander.  To a neighbor woman who stated the cause of her rash act to be the people had talked about her; but neighbors say she bore a good reputation and had not been unfavorably talked about.  Later developments indicated that disappointment in love was the cause. Gus. STEGMANN, who was working in St. Louis, hearing of the affair, came home immediately and procured a license to marry Miss Martha, and the ceremony would have been performed last Thursday had not Gust's father interfered and taken him away.  We have had no news from there since Friday, but hope the marriage has taken place and that all will yet be well with them.  It is a very sad occurrence at best, and a terrible blow on her parents.


Missouri Birth & Death Records Database, roll number C 3421, page C228 states that cause of death was Gun Shot wound of lungs after 9 days. Dr. Gustavus Stegman as signing physician


Dr. Gustavus Stegman served in the civil war, Asst. Surg. 2nd MO Inf.

Index to the Officers of Missouri Volunteers and Missouri State Militia


Eleventh Census of the United States: SPECIAL SCHEDULE

Surviving Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines, and Widows, etc.

Gustavis Stegman   Missouri, Jefferson, Missouri Surgent   1862-1866


Jefferson County Missouri Cemetery Records

Gustav Stegmann b. May 12, 1826 d. Sep 4, 1890

Mathilde Stegmann b. Jun 19, 1828 d. Feb 29. 1880

On same stone as Gustav and Mathilde: August Bollfrass b. Feb 10, 1797 d. Dec. 7, 1876


Early Jefferson County Obits

Mary Gertrude Dover, born Jul 7, 1873, died Mar 11, 1927, daughter of M/M Gustave Stegmann, wife of George Dover, 2 children


Missouri Birth & Death Records Database

G. Stegman, Frumet 1883 (as signing physician)