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1869 - 1894 Donnell Mercantile Store Ledger
Hematite, Missouri - Transcribed by Lisa K. Gendron

This ledger is owned by the Barton family, descendants of the Donnell family that owned the mercantile.

Each page of the ledger gives an accounting of the customer purchases, the price paid for the item, and the balance due.

Some of the names mentioned were for wages paid for various services. 


Click on the following sample images from the ledger. A larger image will open in a new window.



         Cover              William S. Boyce      E.F. Donnell


 List of Names & Accounts:

Ackerson, "Engineer" Driver, "Engineer" Leutzinger, Ed Pratt, Charles
Ackley, Jas. A. Duffee, Philip Lewis, L. Raley, Mr.
Asher, W. R. Dum, Frank Linne, Adolph Relliford, Willie
Bage, Theodore Durkin, Larry Longley, N.H. Romine, West
Bage, Wm. E. Dyer Loring, Fred Rutherford, Willie
Barlow, Alex Eagan, Edward Luckey, F. Ryan, Dennis
Barlow, Elick Earley, John Manace, George Salsman, G.W.
Becket, Nathan Elders, Dr. Martin, Jas. Sapp, B.
Berry, B.C. Elkins, Jno. McClain, Jerry Sawyer, "col' d"
Blackwell, Jane "col'd" England, E.R. McCormack, Con Schwargott & Co.
Bodkin England, James M. McCormack, Hardy Jr. Scott & Miller
Bogy & Fry England, Laura C. McCormack, Maggie Sedgwick, William
Bond, Jim England, Minnie McCormack, Mitchell Sha, Thomas
Boyce, John L. Evans, W.R. McCormack, Peter Jr. Shapleigh, A.F. & Co.
Boyce, William G. Farley, Joe McCormack, R. & Bro. Singer, Thomas
Boyce, William S. Fleming, Ellis McCormack, Ross Skeel, Amos
Boyd, Robertson Foxton, John McCormack, W.S. Skeel, Wm.
Bradfield, Lee T. Foxton, Lemuel McFarlane, J.S. Smetzer, E.
Bradley, Elmore Gaines, H. McGillery, Dan Smith, James Jr.
Bratt, Joe Gallagher, John McKee, D.F. Smith, Mrs. John
Brennen RRd. Garrett, R McKinstry, Gray & Co. Smith, Tho's O.
Brickey, Frc's A. Gibson, Herod McMullin, Alice Snow R.R. Cond.
Brooks, C., Dr. Gibson, Wm. H. Meadley, Dave Sonigan, John
Brooks, James Gideon, Robert Medley & Johnson Sparks, Jack
Brooks, Jane Mrs. Gilchrist, R. Medley, Lee Steele Yost & Co.
Bruhn & Anderson Goodman, Ben Medley Sephus Stout, James
Bull, James R. Gordon, Willie Meyberg, J. StL & IM RRd. Co.
(St. Louis & Iron Mountain Railroad)
Buren, John Y. Goza, Irvin Millet, Michael Strickland, Wm.
Burgess, Thomas Goza, J.L. Mitchell, Alfred Stroup, George
Bush, Berr Goza, John, Mrs. Moore, Robt. Stroup, Louis
Butler, Ed Goza, Joshua S. Moranville, Frank Stroup, Peter
Butler, Geo. E. Grobe, Mrs. Munroe, George Stroup, William
Butts, Wm. A. Hampton, Isaac Munroe, John Stroup, William Jr.
Byrd, Gabe W. Harra, A.O. Norton, Nick Sumpter, Geo
Calahan, Peter Harrison, Ed Null, Charley Tillison, David
Campbell, Chris Harrison, George Null, G.W. Tillison, Mart
Cavanaugh, Jerry Haskins Null, John Tucker, Campbell
Chase, Hobart Hawkins, L.K. Null, Joseph Sen. Tucker, Frank
Clark, Frank Hawn, Mark Null, Josiah Sr. Tucker, J.W.
Clark, Morris Hayes, Frank Null, Paschal & Bro. Vanderbilt, Tom
Cook, Charles Hazzard, J.S. Null, Samuel Vaughan, A. J.
Cook, George Heinicke & Estel Null, Scott Vaughan, James
Cook, Joseph Henning, H.A. Null, Thomas Veasey, D.B.
Cook, Stephen Holmes, John Null, T. J. Vernon, John
Cooper, Abner Hug, Stephen Null, William Vernon, Wes
Cooper, Wm. Hull, Moses Ogle, Charley Vick, Alex
Copeland, Jas. F. Hunter, William Ogle, Elbert Waggener, Burr
Cosby, Overton "col'd" Hutchison, Mike Ogle, Henry Walton & Co.
Coyne, C. RRd. boss Jarvis, David "col'd" Ogle, James Warne, C.G.
Creasey, John A. Jarvis, James Ogle, Mrs. Oscar Waters, Minnie
Davis, John Jelkyl, Mrs. Ogle, W. Webster, Link
Ditch, George John the Duchman Ogle, Wash Wetsel, John
Dodson, Isham Johnson, A.M. Ogle, Willie Whaley, Albert
Dodson, William Johnson, John Osborn, Wm. T. Whaley, Thomas
Donnell & Co. Jolly, Mrs. Palmer, Glue Whitehead, Andy
Donnell, Alta Jones, Ellen Mrs. Parker, Alf Whitehead, John
Donnell, E.F. Kavanaugh, Pat E. Patterson & Fitch Whitehead, Roe
Donnell, Eliel F. Kennett, Fer'd B. Patterson, Joshua Whitney, Mrs.
Donnell, Jesse Key, Aaron "col'd" Patterson, Thos. Wiatt, Henry M.
Donnell, Katie Key, Moses "col'd" Paxon, A. C. Wiatt, John Dr.
Donnell, Newman Ross Knight, A. Pearson, John Wilbert, Nick
Donnell, O. Hart Kribbe?, Gus Pinson, Calvin, Mrs. Wilcox, John
Donnell, Theodore LaGrave, A. Pinson, Harry Williams, Davis
Donnell, Thomas L. Landoff, Frits Pinson, Mrs. Wm. Williams, Eva
Donnell, Wm. Lee, Chas F. Porter, Felix Williams, Henry
Donnell, W.F. Lee, Thos. J. Porter, Thomas Williams, Louis
Donnell, W.R. Leonard, Ira E. Porter, Thomas Sr. Williams, Sam