


Charlotte's Pearls Newspaper Articles

Transcribed by Charlotte Maness



Jefferson County Democrat

Hillsboro, Missouri




JUNE 3, 1885



There was a quiet wedding in our neighborhood on the 28th of May, the contracting parties being Levi W. LUCAS and Miss Lucy DAVIS, Rev. S. MEDLEY performing the ceremony. The pair has our kindest wishes for their future success and happiness. T.M.




PROBATE COURT - Business transacted by Judge ELKINS last Saturday:

Hannah J. WILLIAMS, minor, chose W.H.H. THOMAS as her curator.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following deaths were filed with the County

Clerk the past week:

Date   Name     Age

May 15 Rosa L. VINYARD     9 months

May 13 Thomas GEITZ    2 years

May 24 Geo. W. MAGUIRE    111 years

June 1(?) Mary KRAMME      32 years

June 5(?) Mary HENRY       3 years

June 11 Henry LAMBARD         20 years



Date   Name of mother   Sex

April 21 Mrs. Wm. G. GULY   girl

May 20 Mrs. Philip LONGEHENNIG   boy

May 25 Mrs. L.J. HENRY    boy and girl

May 4 Mrs. James WARE    boy

May 30 Mrs. John B. HOLMAN   girl

May 21 Mrs. John P. MILLER   girl

May 21 Mrs. Carrollton BUTTS  girl

June 3 Mrs. Albert PITTMAN    boy

June 8 Mrs. Peter B. FRAZIER   boy

June 15 Mrs. Peter COOPER    boy

June 21 Mrs. James D. WAGGNER   boy

June 15 Mrs. Mathias LEPP    boy

June 16 Mrs. Henry J. WOOD   girl

June 8 Mrs. Henry KOERNER   girl




Mrs. Hannah D., wife of James LITTLE of Limitville, died June 28th of consumption. She had been a patient sufferer for several years.


Rev. S. FRAZIER will preach the funeral of Mrs. Nancy RICHARDSON, at the school house on Little creek, next Sunday, at 11a.m.  Mrs. R. was the wife of Robert RICHARDSON and died on the 28th ult.


15 JULY 1885


There is a bran new boy at J.W. PIPKIN, and it is now reported that the Counsellor is going to quit farming and move to some town to resume Practice. Our advice would be for him to stick the closer to his work.


'Squire ROGGE performed his marriage ceremony on the 21st ult., and performed his duty satisfactorily, Joseph GANZ and Mary A. GOLDSTER being the contracting parties. After the ceremony the couple were presented with may useful and ornamental articles from Mrs. SCHOEN of St. Louis, F. REINEMER and family, Peter STATZEL  and family, Louis ROGGE and family, David BLACK and family, Frank WEBER and wife, and many others. A sumptuous feast was enjoyed.


DEATHS AND BIRTHS - The following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name    Age

June 18 Emily YERGER  4 years

June 4 Mrs. GILLET  21 years

June 28 Nancy RICHARDSON 41 years



Date   Name of Mother   Sex

June 17 Mrs. Gust. HAMEL, Jr. boy

June 14 Mrs. Malvin BAKER  girl

June 24 Mrs. George W. HUNT  boy

June 21 Mrs. George D. WALKER boy

June 9 Mrs. Woodson MOON  girl

May 20 ---- ROBITON, colored girl

May 24 Mrs. John BREWSTER  boy

June 30 Mrs. W.M. BITTICK  girl

June 25 Mrs. John KYLE   boy

June 13 Mrs. Torrence O'BRIEN girl

July 3 Mrs. Edward RASCH  girl




PROBATE COURT - Business transacted by Judge ELKINS last Saturday. Mary A. JOHNS, guardian of JOHNS minors, was authorized to sell real estate of minors, at public or private sale.


PROBATE DOCKET - To be begun and held in Hillsboro, Jefferson county, Missouri, on Monday, August 10, 1885.  R.A. ELKINS, Judge.

Second Day, the 11th

Estate EGGERS minors, C. EGGERS curator

Estate Emil HELLER, minor, Chas. HELLER, Cur.

Third Day, the 12th

Estate Charles HELLER minor, John HELLER, cur.

Estate August HELLER minor, Wm. HELLER, cur.

Estate Nellie KIRN, minor, H.N. JENKINS, guard.

Estate Cora KIRN, minor, A. RACINE, guardian

Estate REHIES minors, Geo. ZIEGLER, curator

Amos MANESS, one of the oldest citizens of the county, died at his

residence on Big River on the 2nd inst.


James ELLIOTT of De Soto, a brakeman on the Iron Mountain railroad, was killed by the cars at Irondale, last Friday. He was buried on Sunday, at De Soto, by the Odd Fellows, of which organization he was a member.


DEATHS AND BIRTHS - The following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name    Age

June 23 Mattie BAKER  1 year

July 17 Albert HELTERBRAN 7 years

July 16 Edward ROQUES  9 years



Date   Name of mother   Sex

June 7 Mrs. James K. FORB  girl

July 5 Mrs. George W. McCORMACK boy

July 12 Mrs. William CRAIG  girl

July 3 Mrs. John BOHNA  boy




Lloyd KING and wife of Blackburn, Mo., arrived in De Soto last Saturday, in time to see Mrs. KING's brother Collier WATSON, before he died. They request us to express their thanks to friends in De Soto for their kindness and tender care of the sick boy.


Albert NULL died near Regina Postoffice last Saturday. He was only 23 years old and had been a very stout, active young man. The disease is said to have been abscess on the bowels. He leaves a wife and one child. He was buried in the Hillsboro cemetery.


There have been three deaths in this neighborhood within the past week. Mrs. HELTERDRAND, and old and respected lady residing near Cedar Hill, died on the 22nd of this month. She leaves a large family of grown children and a husband to mourn her loss, and was beloved by all who knew her as a good Christian lady. A son of Mr. Green HELTERBRAND, one of deceased's grand-children, also died a few days ago. One of Joseph ROQUE's sons was killed by large limb of a tree falling upon him. House's Springs, July 26, 1885.


DE SOTO - George MAHN's little boy died on the 24th inst., of brain fever.




Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of Judge John C. CAPE, died last Friday night of cancer, aged about 55 years. She had suffered for a long time, being 10 months confined to her bed. She was an estimable Christian lady, and much beloved by all who knew her.


The following BIRTHS were filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name of mother   Sex

March 22  Mrs. L.C. PARTNEY  girl

April 13  Mrs. James WILLIAMS  girl

June 25  Mrs. Louis BURGAN  boy

July 7  Mrs. Brooks COLLINS  girl

July 19  Mrs. Philip SCHAUB  girl

July 16  Mrs. Anthony CANNON  girl

July 18  Mrs. A. HUROFF   boy

July 22  Mrs. Edward WUNDER  boy

July 1  Mrs. George HAUSKIES boy

July 24  Mrs. R.C. OUTMAN  boy

July 9  Mrs. Peter BOMAN  girl

July 28  Mrs. Thomas E. MOSS  boy


DEATHS AND BIRTHS - The following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name    Age

July 18  Anna HILDERBRAN 64 years

July 31  James SULLENS  1 year


Date   Name of mother   Sex

June 30  Mrs. Fred SPRINGMEYER boy

June 6  Mrs. Fred BERGAN  girl

July 18  Mrs. Lafayette GRAHAM boy

July 24  Mrs. Drew DRENNON  boy

July 1  Mrs. August MEYER  boy

July 1  Mrs. Gust. SCHULTZ  boy

July 29  Mrs. Berhard SCHNEIDER boy

  Peter BOMAN  girl

July 28  Mrs. Thomas E. MOSS  boy




Wm. HEILIGTAG was buried near Antonia last Monday. His funeral is said to have been the largest ever seen in that neighborhood.


The body of Charles T. DUNKLIN, whose sad death we mentioned last week, was found about forty miles down the river from where he had fallen, after being in the water three days and nights. An inquest was buried and the body buried, the parties finding him having heard nothing of the accident. Two of his brothers, who were on the way down the river in a skiff, searching for the body, heard of the burial, had the body exhumed, and recognized it as that of their unfortunate brother. They procured a metallic casket and brought the remains home, where they were buried last Thursday. Rev. J.C. DOWNER conducted the funeral ceremonies and a goodly number of friends were present to attest their respect for the deceased and sympathy for the stricken family. Mr. DUNKLIN was about 26 years old, a young man of good character and steady habits, and we learn that among the mourners at his untimely death is an estimable

young lady, whom he would ere long have led to the altar. Surely, "in the midst of life we are in death," and "death is no respector of persons."  Judge Jos. J. WILLIAMS, and J.F. GREEN Esq., of Hillsboro attended the funeral.




Married, at the residence of Felix BOYER on Plattin, August 6, 1885, by 'Squire T.L. McCORMACK, Louis D. THURMAN of Ste. Genevieve county and Miss Dora BOYER of Jefferson county.


Mrs. Bernhard SCHNEIDER, after severe suffering, died very suddenly, leaving an infant with husband and friends to mourn her loss.




PROBATE COURT - At the August term of Probate court the following business was transacted:

Charles E. PYLE was appointed guardian of Gertie A.M. WATSON, minor.


BIRTHS and DEATHS - The following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name    Age

July 28  Eveline ALLEN  13 months

July 27  Frank ALLIS  1 year

July 29  Mary BANISTER  12 years

July 24  John BASSETT  21 months

July 4  Frank DASLEY  2 days

July 24  Walter MAHN  18 months

July 30  Fannie GRANVILLE 70 years

August 6  ---- POPE

August 20  ---- JENKINS 2 days



Date   Name of Mother   Sex

August 4  Mrs. Lausen FRAZIER  boy

August 1  Mrs. Henry CLIPPER  girl

August 2  Mrs. Henry MAUPIN  boy

August 17  Mrs. Julian W. JENKINS girl

August 10  Mrs. John HUSKEY  boy

August 5  Mrs. Andrew BARSLEY  boy

August 1  Mrs. Thomas ARMSTRONG boy

July 15  --- ---- GRAVEAU  girl

July 28(?) Mrs. George WILLIAMS boy

July 29  Mrs. ---- FRAZIER  girl

July 25  Mrs. Benjamin WINER  boy

Jan'y   Mrs. A.G. CROSS  boy




John STROUP, a young man of about 22 years of age, died at Hematite, Tuesday, August 25th, after a short illness of inflammation of the stomach.  He had been a very strong and healthy young man and bore a good character. He was a son of the late William STROUP.


The following births were filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name of Mother   Sex

July 31  Mrs. Isam DODSON  boy

July 27  Mrs. Stephen PERRY  boy

July 29  Mrs. John H. O'HARA  boy

July  26  Mrs. George I. THOMPSON boy

August 11  Mrs. Chambers WILSON boy

August 16  Mrs. M.L. PERKINS  girl

August 19  Mrs. N.A. DAHN   girl

August 23  Mrs. Jacob HUGHES  boy




A fine boy was added to the family of Recorder HONEY, last Wednesday night.


Antonia's young blacksmith, Louis WESTERECK, was presented by his wife, on the morning of the 2nd inst., with a boy weighing 9 1/4 and a girl of 6 1/2 pounds. The latter only lived a short time.


On Saturday morning, at 9:20, Willard FRISSELL died at his home in De Soto. Mr. FRISSELL was born at Peru, Berkshire Co., Mass., in 1804, and about 50 years ago he came to Jefferson county, Mo., settling on Big River. In his early life he taught school, but later he retired from that profession and commenced farming, having purchased a fine tract of land in the Big River bottoms. In 1827, he married Miss Ann Maria AUSTIN of this county, and of this union there were nine children, of whom five are still living. With the assistance of his family he opened a farm, which he sold in 1872, and then removed to De Soto, where he purchased property and spent the remainder of his life. Besides his five children, Mr. F. leaves a wife to mourn his departure. He was one of our most useful citizens, being generous, industrious and kind. Although a little eccentric, he was universally liked, and was ever ready to assist those who were worthy. There are many friends who remember these acts of kindness on the part of Mr. F. In 1873 he united with the Presbyterian church, under the ministration of Rev. J.R. ARMSTRONG. On account of dull hearing he was not an habitual church-goer, but he ever lead a consistent Christian life, dying in hopes of a glorious immorality. He was as consistent in his physical as in his spiritual life, and his death at the age of 81 years, was simply the wearing out of the life machine - the stopping of the wheels. Those who stood around his bedside never witnessed a more calm separation of the spirit and body. Not in pain, not in anguish of the soul, but in peace and quiet the released spirit took its flight. At a green old age he left the busy scene of this life. The remains were laid away in the De Soto cemetery, Sunday afternoon, many sympathizing friends attending the BURIAL. The widow and family have the sincere sympathy of all.


On the 28th ult., Robert STEWART died, aged 88 years. "Uncle Bob," as he was generally called, was one of the old pioneers of this country. He was here long before the county was organized and before the State was admitted into the Union, and was here at the time that Adam HOUSE was killed by the Indians. He has two sons living who are old, grey-headed men. "Uncle Bob's" occupation through life had been principally farming. His main motto in life was to be just and honest in all of his dealings with his fellow man. W.D.  House's Springs, Sept. 4, 1884. 


We are very sorry to mourn the loss of one of our most estimable citizens, Mr. SCHWEICKHARD, who died Thursday noon, aged 75 years. Dr. HARBISON attended him and pronounces the cause of death old age.


 SHERIFF'S SALE IN PARTITION - Louisa ZIMPFER and Martin ZIMPFER, her husband; Emily BUECHTING and William BUECHTING, her husband; and Mary YERGER, Louis YERGER and Joseph YERGER, minors, by Henry SECKMAN, their curator. - In the Circuit court of Jefferson county, Missouri. By virtue and authority of an order made by the Circuit court of the county of Jefferson, State of Missouri, at its may term, 1885, I will, on the 17th day of September, 1885, at the courthouse door in the town of Hillsboro, between the hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and five o'clock in the afternoon of that day, and while the Circuit court of said county is in session, offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, the following described land for real estate, to-wit: 40 acres - south half of lot one of the southwest quarter of section thirty-one (31), in township forty-two (42), range five east; also the west half of the southeast quarter and east half of the northeast quarter of section thirty-one (31), in township forty-two (42), range five east, containing 100; also the east half of section twenty-six (26), in township forty-two (42), range four east, containing 320 acres; also the south-east quarter of the northeast quarter and north half of the southeast quarter of section twenty-five (25), in township forty-two (42) range four east, containing 120 acres; the northwest quarter, and the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section thirty-five (35), in township forty-tow (42), range four east, containing 100 acres; the southwest quarter of section twenty-four (24), in township forty-two (42), range four east, containing 160 acres, also three acres of land in the northwest corner of the northwest quarter of section twenty-five (25), in township forty-two (42), range four east, all situate in Jefferson county, Missouri, for the purpose of making partition between

said parties, for which the purchaser will be required to pay twenty-five percent of the purchase money in hand at the time of sale, the balance in twelve months, the purchaser giving his bond with approved security, bearing interest at the rate of eight per cent, per annum from the date, the purchaser having the option to pay the full amount of his bid in cash at time of sale. Henry HURTGEN, Sheriff. Hillsboro, Mo., August 26, 1885.


MOONTOWN - Mrs. Ann MOON, spoken of in your last communication from here as being very low, died on the 22nd ult. On  the 15th a child of W.T. HAMMOCK died, aged 15 months, and on the 25th Mr. WELLERHAM lost a child 9 months of age. There is a great deal of sickness in this neighborhood. Mrs. NEAL, wife of George NEAL, has been very low for five weeks, but is some better now.  Scribbler.  Moontown, Sept. 1, 1885.


We are very sorry to mourn the loss of one of our most estimable citizens, Mr. SCHWEICKHARD, who died Thursday noon, aged 75 years. Dr. HARBISON attended him and pronounces the cause of death old age.




DEATHS and BIRTHS; -  The following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name    Age

August 20  Wm. HEILIGTAG  33 years

August 7  Louis SCHNEIDER 22 years



Date   Name of mother   Sex

August 19  Mrs. Edmund SALE  boy

August 20  Mrs. James HARNESS  boy

August 12  Mrs. Joseph LORENZ  girl

August 9  Mrs. H. JACKSON  girl

August 8  Mrs. John MORAN  boy

August 21  Mrs. A.S. BURRELL  boy

August 14  Mrs. James VALLE  girl

August 8  Mrs. Peter JARVIS  girl

August 14  Mrs. Isaac COLTNER  girl

August 23  Mrs. Ben JHOBLING  boy

August 20  Mrs. J.F. SHEIBLE  boy

September 9 Mrs. H. VANDERERSYSEN girl




PROBATE COURT - Business transacted by Judge ELKINS last Saturday:

Rudolph VINYARD was appointed guardian of William P. VINYARD.


DEATHS and BIRTHS; - The following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name        Age

August 19  Alma  V. HENSLEY     8 months

August 24  Endora M. PHILLIPS     8 months

August 25  Bettie WESTOVER     8 years

August 26  Areline CAPPAGE  1 1/2 years

August 23  Cornelius CUMMINS      13 years

August 8  John STEWART     50 years

August 11  Wm. SCHWICK   1 1/2 years

September 8 Isie H. LENDNA     41 years

September 2 Philip ZWEIGART    73 years

September 12 Lizzie CUMMINS     42 years

September 15 James C. KAFFE      4 years



Date   Name of Mother   Sex

August 14  Mrs. Carl SCHETH  boy

August 27  Mrs. M.C. McKAY  girl

July 26  Mrs. David PERKINS  boy

September 9 Mrs. W.F. WILSON  boy

May 5  Mrs. John T. BURGESS girl


Mrs. GLENDENNING returned this week from a three months' sojourn in Canada, where she has been visiting her parents.


The queerest case of suicide we have ever been called upon to chronicle occurred at Antonia, last MOnday night. At about 10p.m., Mr. ZIMPFER and three others were sitting in the saloon, when they heard an unusual explosion in the direction of the shoemaker shop, occupied by Sam HOFER, and on going to ascertain the cause, they saw the window lights shattered and in the room lay the lifeless remains of HOFER. 'Squire BERGMEYER was called in and summoned a jury, and held an inquest. The jury decided, from all they could learn, that the deceased had killed himself in the following manner: He took an old musket barrel - without lock, stock or tube - and charged it with powder and water, and touched it off with a match. The but-end of the barrel was stuck in a crack in the floor, and the rebound drove it in with such a force that it was difficult to pull it out. His head was literally blown off and into fragments, only a portion of the left ear adhearing to the body. HOFER was a Swiss, about 30 years of age, unmarried, and has no relations in this county known of. He had been working at his trade in Antonia two or three years, was well educated, and of a very lively and jovial turn. No cause is known for the suicide, as he left nothing to explain the matter.



BIRTHS and DEATHS - The following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name     Age

August 11  Mary Ann MANWARRING     3 months

August 22  Nevostia A. MOON     21 years

August 25  John STRONG      25 years

July 9  Infant of W.R. CANTWELL

July 7  Thos. CAMPBELL, colored 52 years

September 7 Charles SHEPPARD     54 years

September 12 Mary M. DICKERSON  1 1/2 years

September 2 Sofronia DAVIS      40 years

September 5 Willard FRISSELL     81 years



Date   Name of mother   Sex

September 10 Mrs. William LOTTMAN boy

September 7 Mrs. Thomas SWEET  boy

September 16 Mrs. O.H. DONNELL  boy

September 12 Mrs. E.F. HONEY  boy

August 26  Mrs. Henry WILBURN  girl

July 8  Mrs. W.R. CANTWELL  boy




Francis Edward - aged twelve years, to months and twenty-six days - son of Geo. and Mary NEAL, died at Moontown, on the 17th ult., of typhoid fever.


The following births were filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name of Mother   Sex

September 25 Mrs. Patrick J. WALSH boy

September 22 Mrs. C.W. FLETCHER  girl

September 26 Mrs. Charles WARNER  boy

September 28 Mrs. Gustave SAPPER  boy

September 13 Mrs. H.G. SAVIOE(?)  boy

September 3 Mrs. Henry GANNE  girl

September 9 Mrs. Charles BUCHER  girl

September 5 Mrs. Tim McGANY  girl

September 6 Mrs. Anton MILLER  girl

September 22 Mrs. John HUBERT  boy

September 20 Mrs. T.W. GUY   girl

September 2 Mrs. Otto SPITZ  girl


MARRIED - CRANE - BEQUETTE   - October 1, 1885, at CLARK's Hotel in Hillsboro, Mr. William CRANE and Miss Victoria BEQUETTE, Esq. SHEIBLE officiating. The contracting parties are both from Crystal City and have a host of friends. We extend to them our congratulations.


HERRINGTON - BAKER - September 29th, 1885, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. Millard F. HERRINGTON and Miss Mary E. BAKER, daughter of John W. BAKER, Judge ELKINS officiating. Several friends were present to witness the nuptials of this worthy couple, and as the hours passed by until nearly 2 p.m. without any wedding, they naturally grew restive and impatient; but "all's well that ends well." and the groom and Judge finally got there and the ceremony was concluded to the satisfaction of all. Millard will probably advise other young men, when preparing for such occasions, to give the tailor more time and not depend on getting the wedding suit the last day in the evening; however, we understand, he was willing to stand up on his old clothes rather than submit to a postponement. The Judge also learned a lesson from his dark ride through the rain and mud, and will start earlier next time his services are wanted on such an occasion. We congratulate Mr. and Mrs. HERRINGTON and wish them a long and happy life together.




J.G. RAPP, a former citizen of this county, was here last Monday on business.  He now lives at Malden, Mo.


PROBATE COURT - Business transacted by Judge ELKINS last Saturday: Settlement of Peter STRICKLAND, as curator of estate of W.A. COUCH, was approved.


The funeral sermon of Mrs. Ella WICKERHAM will be preached, by Rev. William HENDRICKSON, at Mt. Carmel church, on the third Sunday in this month, at 11 o'clock a.m.


John G. MORSE, eldest son of Hon. John H. MORSE, was married on the 23rd ult., to Miss Sallie TUTTLE of Columbia, Mo. From all accounts John has made a good capture, and is receiving the congratulations of all his

friends.  He and his wife will settle down to housekeeping on the Vineland dairy farm.


LICENSED TO WED - Orlando HOLLAND and Laura H. BURGESS, Leopold BEERESHEIM and Louisa LORENZ, Hubert HINCK and Frances POEPPER, Michael MERGET and Rosa RIEBER, John W. CLOVES and Laura WISE, Kemp FINNEY and Sarah C. HAVERSTICK, James H. WINER and Annie A. BURGESS, Robert GUY and Ellen DONNELL. The last couple belong to the lineal descendants of Ham.


The following births were filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name of mother   Sex

September 8 Mrs. Michael HILDERBRAN boy

September 12 Mrs. Owen O'BRIEN  girl

September 15 Mrs. Samuel COILINS  girl

October 1  Mrs. Benj. W. CORNELL boy


OBITUARY - DIED - September 26, 1885, near De Soto, of consumption, Leota F., daughter of L.C. and the late Eliza Ann HALE, aged 17 years. The illness of Leota continued several months and sometimes was very painful; but was endured with a calmness and fortitude. In her good natured innocence she could not imagine why she should be afflicted with pain, when she had always willingly performed all her duties as she understood them. Until nearly the last day of her life she lingered in hope that her physicians would restore her health. She had practiced the duties of her life cheerfully, according to what she considered a system of morality, governed by the knowledge of doing right instead of

doing wrong, which, in her pure-hearted innocence, she imagined she had done all that was necessary, until she went to sleep without pain, with a smile on her countenance, like an innocent child. So according to the preaching of Christ, our Divine Mediator, who informs us in His wonderful sermon on the mount, that that pure in heart are blessed, we are hopeful that our Almighty Father will receive her in heaven as one of His own. Her remains were interred in the family graveyard near Moontown. The services were conducted y Mr. Richard KITE, in the presence of a large audience, most of whom had been intimate friends of the departed.


Mrs. Frank BRICKEY of Richwoods, who was prostrated with paralysis about one year ago, died last Friday and was buried in the De Soto cemetery on Saturday.


The wife of Dr. SUDDICK, who has been a consumptive for several years, and who came to this city with her husband last summer, died last Wednesday afternoon, and was buried Thursday at 2 p.m., from the Congregational church, Rev. JOHNSON officiating.




The following births were filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name of Mother   Sex

September 30 Mrs. George GOZA  girl

September 17 Mrs. Elias DACE  girl

October 12 Mrs. James RYAN  boy

October 14 Mrs. Henry DAVIS  boy

October 4  Mrs. Jos. A. BURGESS girl

October 8  Mrs. W.G. COYCE  boy


MAXVILLE - DIED - August 9th, Anson, son of John KOCHNER, of typhoid malaria, aged 3 years and 10 days; August 22nd, Susan Magdalena, daughter of Philip and Lydia RUESS, one day old; September 25th, Andreas

Albert, son of Albert and Lena FUCHS, aged three weeks; October 8th, Joseph LEICHT, of consumption, aged 22 years; October 11th, Mary, wife of Henry BLANK, of typhoid fever, aged 27 years; September 30th, Mary

Sophia, infant daughter of Martin F. BECKER, aged six weeks.


MARRIED - LUCKEY - PATTON - At the residence of the bride's mother, in Moberly, Mo., October 8, 1885, Edwin D. LUCKEY of this county and Miss Rebecca A. PATTON of Randolph county. There were quite a number of Moberly friends and relatives present, I being the only representative of Jefferson county. After giving the bride an hearty congratulations and partaking of an extra-well prepared supper, we went to the depot to see the happy couple off on the train, which they took to St. Louis, and all wished them a safe trip home, as well as a long and happy journey down the stream of live.  W.P.


FROM REGINA - John W. CLOVER and Mrs. Laura WISE were married on the 11th inst., 'Squire DUNIGAN officiating. They were serenaded the old fashioned way, the instruments consisting of bells, horns, pans and anything that made noise, for which Mr. C. gave a V in gold, and the band retired to Ed. MILLER's, where they procured some splendid wine and had a jubilee.


PROBATE COURT - Term docket of the Probate court of Jefferson county, Missouri, to be began and held at Hillsboro in said county, on the second Monday in November, 1885.


Estate Mary KRIEKBAUM, minor, Chas. H. KLEINSCHMIDT, curator, final settlement.


Estate Paul YOUNG, minor, Hermann HAMEL, curator, first settlement.


Estate WILLIAMS minors, W.F. WILLIAMS, curator, first settlement.


Messrs. HANDCOCK and FLINT arrived in De Soto the latter part of last week, from their European trip. Most of their time was spent in London, where they both had relatives. Mr. HANDCOCK's mother and sister are living there, the former enjoying good health and strength at the advanced age of 86 years. Mr. FLINT's father returned to this country with the party, having formerly lived in America and having lost his wife in England he concluded to make his home here. Mr. H. came near being locked up in one of her Majesty's jails on suspicion of being a dynamiter. He called at a small shop where he had formerly been acquainted, and, without giving his name, told a lady who was in charge, that he was a gentleman from America and desired to leave his satchel for a short time. The lady took a hasty glance at the suspicious looking carpet bag and reached for a policeman's whistle lying near, and it was with difficulty that he quieted her fears long enough to explain matters.


Mr. SMITH, formerly of Victoria and father of Nellis SMITH of this place, died at St. Joseph, Mo., on the 11th inst. Mr. SCHMIDT of Moss Hollow, known here as "Big SCHMIDT", died on the 12th of paralysis very suddenly, being well Sunday and dying Monday.


Frank STARK's son, who has been sick several weeks with pneumonia, died last Tuesday and was buried at the Catholic cemetery on Thursday.


Munroe GRAY of Munroe, County, Ill., who killed his wife and Wm. DITCH some fifteen months ago, has been sentenced to one year's imprisonment in the Chester penitentiary.  Kimmswick, October 19.




Invitations are out to the wedding of Mr. J.W. EVANS and Miss Kora THOMAS, daughter of Judge THOMAS, which is to take place on the 4th prox.  Mr. EVANS is a son of the late Dr. EVANS of De Soto. He is an engineer on the Wabash railroad with headquarters at Moberly, Mo. We presume the wedding will be a brilliant affair.


John MITZAZEK, a Pole, who was working for Mr. ORLEANS of the Hematite quarry, got hurt some time since by the fall of a derrick, while assisting in loading a big stone. He died of his injuries last Friday. He leaves a wife and eight children - all girls. He was a blacksmith and had the reputation of being a first-class mechanic, and a good man besides. His family are not left with much of this world's goods, and the tragedy is a very sad occurrence for several reasons.


J.A. BUCHER, formerly of Hillsboro but now of Poplar Bluff, was in our city the early part of this week, with his bride, a Miss Mary GOFF of Piedmont. They were married last Sunday.


DEATHS AND BIRTHS - The following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week.

Date   Name        Age

October 6  James Horace BAKER     6 years

September 17 Ella Mary BARROWS    12 years

September 19 Patrick COMMISKY    87 years



Date   Name of mother   Sex

October 6  Mrs. Frank W. BRANDS   two girls

October 6  Mrs. Jerry NORRIS  boy

October 12 Mrs. Jacob SCAGGS  boy

October 18 Mrs. Felix THOMAS      two girls

October 3  Mrs. Peter KRAUSS  girl

September 24 Mrs. John H BRAUROTH girl




SEARCH CROWNED WITH SUCCESS - How an Arkansas Rebel Soldier Lost and Found His Children.  - At the beginning of the war a man named GARRETT enlisted as a soldier and served most of the time under Gen PRICE.  He

left his children, his wife being dead, near Van Buren, in Crawford county, Arkansas, in 1862. Shortly after the war closed he went to the West Indies, where he was made a prisoner on charge of treasonable intentions against the government, and was kept in confinement until recently. On being liberated he returned to the United States and determined on an effort to find his children. He went to Crawford county, but nobody there knew anything of them. He heard there that a family of his name lived in Independence county, and accordingly he went there. He spent one night with the family of a Mr. Smith GARRET, but they could trace out no connecting link. While in that county he learned that there was a family of GARRETs in Conway county, and left for that county the next day. On reaching Morrilton, Conway county, Mr. GARRETT learned that one of his sons was a farmer living ten miles in the country, and on repairing to the designated place found one of long-searched for children with a family growing up around him. One of his daughters died in Crawford county a number of years ago, as did also a son, John by name. But two of his sons and three daughters are still living - a son and daughter in Conway county. His other son resides in Carrol county, and the two remaining daughters have married and are living in Missouri.


Aaron A. POPE and Ida MILLER came out from De Soto, through a good shower of rain, one day last week, and had Judge ELKINS to "splice" them together.


The following births were filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name of Mother   Sex

September 23 Mrs. Florenz HELD  girl

September 19 Mrs. H.W. SCHULZ  boy

September 30 Mrs. John HUDSON  girl

October 18 Mrs. G.W. WIT---(?)  boy

October -- Mrs.   (?)  girl

October 21 Mrs. J.R. CHA--(?)  girl

October 19 Mrs. J.D. BA---(?)  boy

October 18 Mrs. W.H. (?)   boy

October 11 Mrs. Fritz ZIMMERMAN girl

October 27 Mrs. Francis CREAN  boy

October 25 Mrs. Tim SHELDON  boy

October 5  Mrs. Henry BRACKMANN girl

(There is an almost blank space in the column in which this item is

written, MISSING much of the information in the item.)


Louis BECKMANN and wife, residing near Catawissa in our neighboring county of Franklin, not far from the county line have been married nearly forty years - so we learn from the Times - but were never happy. Among other things, it has never been fully decided who was entitled to wear the bifurcated garment commonly called "the britches." This is a very irritating subject to discuss and has heretofore usually terminated in a hair-pulling seance. But the long and luxuriant locks which had adorned the head of the masculine part of this controversy in the earlier days of the argument, in latter years have given place to a polished smoothness, rivaling in whiteness a newly turned billiard ball, and the feminine division has, consequently, lost her strategical advantage. On the 17th ult. they had a quarrel, when she pulled a pistol on her lord and persuaded him to leave the place. He was gone some four or five days, when she was arrested for exhibiting deadly weapons in a threatening manner, and fined $50. In the mean time, while the husband was gone and before she was pulled in, she and her 20-year-old son engaged in a row, when the son knocked his mother down.

She had him jerked, and he paid $10 and trimmings. This family should move to Europe, where they are in need of fighting stock. 


IN MEMORIAM - Affectionately inscribed to Mrs. Cornelia BRACEY, who died October 8, 1885.  (There was included a long memorial poem which is not included here.)


ON THE BORDER - Editor Jefferson Democrat:  J. LONGWORTH of this place purchased a livery stable at Sullivan, MO., and is now there.




Peter KRAUSE's youngest child died very suddenly, at its parents home near Pevely.  Also a child of Mr. A.D. DAVIS.


Dr. W.H. NULL, who has been residing at Lane, Kansas, for some time, writes us to forward his paper to Brosley, Cass Co. Mo., in the future.


An old lady, named BUTTS, was struck by an engine, in De Soto, one day of last week, and so seriously hurt that she died the following day.


Mrs. Ann BECKETT, mother of Mrs. Wm. CLARK of this place, died at her home on Sandy, last Wednesday, in her 78th year. She was an exemplary lady and, besides leaving a host of relatives and friends she leaves her aged companion, Mr. E.B. BECKETT, who has been blind for a number of years, and who will miss her greatly.


Hugh J. SMILEY, a switchman at De Soto, was run over by a switch engine, at about 3 o'clock Saturday morning, and died twelve hours afterwards. Both legs were crushed at the knee and the left arm was mashed. Coroner

MOCKBEE held the inquest, but could not ascertain how it happened.


DEATHS AND BIRTHS - The following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name         Age

October 13 John SMITH     63 years

October 12 Margaret GEATLEY    79 years

October 20 ----  CLARK     18 months

September 20 Mary Malissa ELENGED   18 months



Date   Name of mother   Sex

October 15 Mrs. August FULSEK  girl

October 25 Mrs. C.W. BROOKS  boy

November 1 Mrs. James McKEEVER  boy

November 4 Mrs. Sylvester COOPER girl

November 5 Mrs. Louis KLEINSCHMIDT boy

September 29 Mrs. George HARNESS  boy


SULPHUR SPRINGS  - Frank STARK, Jr. of this place, died not long since of typhoid malarial fever. The family have the sympathy of all.




On the 13th of last month Mr. Wesley KNORPP, of Plattin, was made happy by the arrival of a 14-pound girl at his house.


Mrs. Wm. ARNOLD of Victoria, daughter of the late William STROUP, died last Sunday. She leaves two or three small children.


George NEAL, of the Moontown neighborhood, died on the 11th inst., of typhoid fever. He was a good man and a useful citizen, and leaves a large family.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following deaths were filed wit the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name         Age

October 30 Wm. HORN      61 years

October 21 Christian WARNICKE    2 days

October 23 John MULZAREK     14 years

October 11 Mary WIBBELS     67 years

October 31 Frederick A. BITTICK   24 years

November 4 Anna BECKETT     77 years



Date   Name of mother   Sex

October 24 Mrs. J.B. BOULICOUT  boy

October 14 Mrs. William BERGMAN boy

October 28 Mrs. Constantine BAKER boy

October 19 Mrs. Hermann WARNECKE boy

November 4 Mrs. Dow DICKERSON  boy

November 3 Mrs. Austin WILLIAMS girl


KIMMSWICK  - John WHITE is pleased for the twelfth time. The arrival of a fine girl at his house is the cause.




MARRIED - BURGESS - HUG - November 26, 1885, at the residence of the bride's parents, near Crystal City, Mo., by Rev. C.F. O'LEARY, Mr. T.L. BURGESS and Miss Justine HUG.


On the 14th ult., near Antonia, the infant daughter of William and Emily BOECHTING, died.  This was their first-born and their grief and sorrow is great.


Mr. John STOUSE, recently of House's Springs, writes us from Elk Creek, Texas County, Mo., that he arrived at his new home, near the aforesaid post office, "all right, and I want you to mail my paper to this place. I like the country very well" A new broom sweeps clean, Friend John.


Henry C. GUENTHER and Miss Jennette B. BAILEY were united in marriage, at Old Ditch, this county, on the 29th ult. Esq. George McFARLAND officiating. We are glad to hear of the 'Squire's good luck, for he had just written to us a few days previous that if some coffee money didn't come soon, he would have to go back to sassafras tea.


DEATHS AND BIRTHS - The followings deaths were filed with the County clerk the past week:

Date   Name    Age

October 23 Margaret ROEHLING 60 years

November 1 Josephine KRAUS 29 days



Date   Name of Mother   Sex

November 24 Mrs. John ECKLEY  boy

November 28 Mrs. Jacob VOGT  girl

November 22 Mrs. John J. CADY  boy

June 8  Mrs. A. SEYPOHLTOWSKI boy


MORSE'S MILLS - Mr. Wm. GULEY has been very sick with pneumonia, but we are glad to hear of a slight improvement in his condition, today.  Dr. HARBISON is attending him.


Wm. HUGHES has a horse that either pulls backward or forward, but is best on back-action when the road is slightly ascending  I do not know whether he is for sale or not.


Wm. HUGHES says his back action horse is not for sale.




William HENSLEY, an old citizen died last Saturday night, of typhoid pneumonia, aged 60 years.


Last Thursday evening Mr. Louis SCHAEFFER and Miss Emma THEOBOLD were married at the residence of Father O'LEARY.


Jeff BERKLEY leaves this week for Fort Worth, Texas, where he has accepted a position in the railroad company's hospital.


HOUSE'S SPRING - James PRICE, who lived on Antire creek died recently.


Mrs. KIDD, relict of James KIDD, died last week. She was a kind, Christian lady, and leaves many friends to mourn her demise.


Young Michael BOEMLER had his throat cut accidentally by Arthur NORTH, while killing a beef.  NORTH had just stabbed the animal, when it struggled and kicked NORTH, knocking him backward with the knife in his hand which entered BOEMLER's throat. The young man lived but a few days. Arthur NORTH is in a bad state of mind ever since. The community deeply sympathizes with the deceased's relatives, as he was one of our best young men. Mr. BOEMLER's afflictions are very severe - one of his remaining sons being so low with pneumonia that he is not expected to recover.  W.D.


Our friend, T.H. HASSE of Plattin, has a new boy at his house, who weighs something less than his father.


Frank GREEN was bouncing around quite lively last Sunday. On enquiry we learned that it was occasioned by the arrival of another assistant Prosecuting Attorney at his house.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name    Age

November 27 John JEUDE  73 years

October 7  Mary A. SUDDICK 40 years



Date   Name of mother   Sex

October 23 Mrs. Ernest MICKLER  boy

October 23 Mrs. Jake PRIESTER  boy

October 24 Mrs. William BOYAN  boy

November 4 Mrs. Joseph WATERS  girl

November 26 Mrs. Geo. W. GRAHAM  boy

November 10 Mrs. John KYLE   girl

November 7 Mrs. Charles MEYER  girl

November 3 Mrs. Fred YOMACK  boy

November 15 Mrs. John WALTHER  girl

November 5 Mrs. William BLANK  boy

November 1 Mrs. J.T. TATUM  boy

November 9 Mrs. Frank KNAPP  boy

November 28 Mrs. Joseph RIANDO;  girl

November 4 Mrs. William HOGAN  boy

November 19 Mrs. John A. COX  boy

November 26 Mrs. Henry C. FRIER  girl

November 8 Mrs. Albert WILSON  girl




On the 12th inst., 'Squire Thomas A. WILLIAMS united in marriage Jas. THOMPSON of St. Louis and Minnie SCONCE of Victoria.


Mrs. C. MARSDEN of Victoria and a Miss ARMSTRONG, were visiting friends in Crystal City, Saturday.  December 14, 1885.


Mr. and Mrs. BERRY of Crystal City, seem to have more of their share of trouble of late. Last Saturday they had the misfortune to lose their daughter, a young lady about 17 years old. She died of consumption.

this makes the third death in this family within six months.  December 8, 1885.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name    Age

December 3 Melissa KIDD  63 years

December 4 Michael F. BOEMLER 20 years



Date   Name of Mother   Sex

November 29 Mrs. Robert EVANS  boy

November 29 Mrs. P.C. EAVES  boy

November 12 Mrs. John H. WHITE  girl

December 10 Mrs. Otto BECK   girl

December 11 Mrs. Henry HOGIEFE(?) boy

December 12 M Laura CLARK  girl

October 31 Mrs. E. BERGMEYER  girl




The following births were filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name of Mother   Sex

November 17 Mrs. John PARTNEY  girl

November 17 Mrs. Henry STEFFEN  girl

December 6 Mrs. J.F. GREEN  boy

December 11 Mrs. W.A. SMITH  girl

December 8 Mrs. Brad BYRD   girl


OBITUARY - DIED - December 17, 1885, Ephraim B. BECKETT, in the 77th year of his age. Mr. BECKETT was one of our oldest and most highly respected citizens. He was born in Philadelphia in the year 1808, was married at the age of 20 or 21 to Miss Ann IRELAND, in New Jersey. They moved to this county a years ago, and resided here till their death. In June, 1879, they celebrated their golden wedding. Mrs. BECKETT preceded her husband to the spirit land just six weeks. They raised a family of five children, four of whom are still living - Mrs. William CLARK of Hillsboro, Mrs. BRADY, who lived with her parents, and Mrs. Jesse SMITH and Columbus BECKETT who lives in the western portion of this State. Their grand children are numerous, and there are also several great-grand children. Mr. and Mrs. B. had been consistent and faithful Christians, members of the Baptist church, for many years. Both were severely afflicted for several years, she being crippled with rheumatism and he having lost his sight. After the loss of his faithful companion for life, Mr. BECKETT had but little desire to live, and was ready to go at any moment. The

immediate cause of his death was a carbuncle on the back of his head. His mind was clear to almost the last moment. He was an honored member of the Hillsboro Masonic lodge, and his remains were taken charge of and buried by the lodge in the Sandy cemetery.


Albert BYRNS of Texas, nephew of Hon. Thomas BYRNS, is here visiting friends and relatives.


Isaac BURGAN, well known by the people of this county, died at his home in Southeast Missouri.


Joseph BOLY's wife died recently. She was a good and respected lady, consequently she leaves many to mourn her.


A fine girl arrived at Will SMITH's and a 9-pound boy at Lawrence McCORMACK's, on the 11th inst.




We learn that George WILEY, Sr., is low with fever, and that there are grave doubts as to his recovery.


Mary, aged 17 years, daughter of Chris. DALTER of Hillsboro, who had been in De Soto at Judge THOMAS' the past year, died there last Saturday morning of scarlet fever. There have been a great many cases of the fever in De Soto.


Ephraim B. BECKETT, whose death we published last week, was born in Philadelphia, April 20, 1809; married in same city, June 13, 1829; moved to Ohio in 1839, and nine years afterwards came to Missouri. He lost his eyesight in 1879, and died at the age of 76 years, 7 months and 27 days. He often referred to the nines occurring in important dates of his history. Mrs. BECKETT was born in New Jersey, June 1, 1808, and died November 4, 1885.  Her maiden name was IRELAND. She was an invalid for sixteen years.


A few weeks since we made mention of the fact that we had received a letter from our former fellow citizen, J.F. DETRICK, wherein he requested us to give his love to the boys. We were then at a loss why he did not give his love to the girls also, but have an explanation of his conduct now. The other day we received a neatly printed card, which read as follows: "J.F. DETRICK - Ettie M. COATES.  Married, December 23, 1885.  At home after December 28, 1885.  Tippecanoe City, Ohio."  We extend our congratulations.


Martin THORPE, an employee of the Plate Glass company, was murdered near Crystal City on Sunday, the 20th instant. His body was found the next day, and an inquest was held by 'Squire WARNE. The examination showed that he had been shot in the head with a 38-calibre revolver, and the Coroner's jury came to the conclusion that the shooting was done by a young man, known as Barney SMITH, who had been in this county the past four or five years. The evidenced is all circumstantial, and is about as follows: SMITH was the last man seen in company with deceased, on Sunday afternoon; he had borrowed a 38-calibre revolver and purchased 32-calibre cartridges for it. On that morning he had exchanged his cartridges for some that would fit the pistol. He was known to have been without money for some time and had not drawn any lately; Monday morning he went to De Soto and spent money freely in the saloons. There were also some discrepancies in his testimony before the Coroner's jury. THORPE had some money and a watch; the watch has not been found. He has a wife and one child, from whom he had been separated for some time. SMITH has no family and has not had regular employment, being addicted to dissipation. It is to be hoped that the guilty person will be found and speedily punished; and as far as Mr. SMITH is concerned, all the public wants is that he shall have a fair trial, without unnecessary delay.


OBITUARY - W.H. HENSLEY was born in St. Louis county, Missouri, September 17, 1872, and died at De Soto, December 5, 1885, in the 59th year of his age.  Mr. HENSLEY was a well known citizen, having resided for the greater part of is life in this county. In 1853 he married Miss Eliza P. BURGESS, who, with three sons and five daughters, survives him. He was for man years a faithful and consistent member of the Sandy Baptist church; but, after moving to De Soto, transferred his membership to the Baptist church of this city, of which he was a member at the time of his demise. Mr. HENSLEY was truly a religious man. Religion was with him not a matter of form and ceremony, but its truths and themes were the burden of his constant thought and his daily conversation. He knew how to introduce religious topics into conversation, with such an earnest manner and such evident sincerity of purpose, that even the most reckless would listen with respect and the worst scoffer could take no offence. On his death-bed he was visited by his pastor, and in the presence of his assembled family and friends, gave a firm and joyful testimony that the faith he had professed so many years before, was a comfort and support in death's trying hour. He was buried on the 8th at Sandy cemetery, near the church where he had so often worshiped. The funeral services were conducted by Elder J.M. HENSLEY. In contemplating the life and death of Brother HENSLEY we are tempted to repeat the desire of one of old; "Let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his."  De Soto, December 22, 1885.


EARLY DAYS - by J.T. McMULLIN - No. 2 - Plattin, Mo., December 25, 1885 - The teacher in the schoolhouse I described last week was named Wm. POTTS. He was a Pennsylvania German, about 60 years of age. On each side of the door were placed two stones, about 1 1/2 feet high; these were called dunceblocks, those on the right being for the use of the boys and those on the left of the door for the girls. On the boys' side hung a pair of leather specks, while the girls' side was furnished with a pair of pasteboard specks. The first offense against the rules of the school was punishable by a ten-minutes stand upon the dunceblock, the second by fifteen minutes and the third by twenty. Inside the door hung a paddle, on one side of which was painted "out" and on the other side "in." When one went out he turned the paddle so as to show the word "out" and when he came in he turned it so as to show the word "in." The paddle was supposed to keep a correct record of when a pupil was out, and if one happened to go out and neglected to turn the paddle, woe unto him, for he had to take his position on the dunceblock for 20 minutes, with the spectacles on. Our books were Dillsworth's speller, Willson's primer, Introduction to the English Reader and Pike's arithmetic. One half of the school had only the alphabet on pasteboards. As for grammar, we never seen so much as heard of such a book until three years afterwards, when some of us were furnished with Scott's Lessons and the Columbus Orator. After three years, the good people moved the school about one mile down the Joachim creek to another house somewhat like the one already described, never having been provided with a floor. Here we had a new teacher, and in my next I will give you his manner of teaching.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following deaths were filed with the county clerk the past week:

Date   Name    Age

December 17 E.B. BECKETT  76 years


Date   Name of mother   Sex

October 23 Mrs. F.X. DAHNER  girl

November 21 Mrs. David E. SMETZER girl

December 8 Mrs. Brad BYRD   girl

December 11 Mrs. William A. SMITH girl

December 11 Mrs. L.Y. McCORMACK  boy




EARLY DAYS - by J.T. McMULLIN  - No. 3 - Plattin, Mo., December 31, 1885. Editor Jefferson Democrat: Our Second school teacher was named J. SNIVELY. We used the same books as the previous school and his manner of teaching was similar to that of Mr. POTTS, but his rules were somewhat different. His mode of punishment was striking the hand with a ruler. He taught six months at the place and was succeeded by a man fresh from the Emerald Isle, named GILLESPIE. He gave it to the children right and left, striking wherever he could see a spot exposed; but it was only a short time till he was dismissed. The next teacher was Clifton MOTHERSHEAD, one of the oldest citizens of the county. He was successful as a teacher, and received the approval and commendation of his patrons. He taught two terms at the schoolhouse last named, after which we moved back up the creek, near our old homestead, into a house similar to the one I first described - built of round blackjack logs, with gable end for chimney and no windows; but with the improvement of a rough puncheon floor. Here one of my oldest and earliest friends, William G. WALKER, was employed as teacher. He was then a young man, just from Illinois. He taught several terms and gave full satisfaction. Here the school books were changed, Murray's grammar and Smiley's arithmetic being added to the list. He taught what was called an open school; that is, all the scholars were permitted, in studying their lessons, to read and spell, or calculate, just as loud as they pleased. I am sure that when the time came to study our spelling lesson, we could have been heard half a mile in ordinary weather. Of all the students attending that school I only know of two, besides myself, living, namely Mrs. Sarah BOOTH of Washington county, and old friend, Stewart WILEY of Dry Creek, in this county.


Rev. EMORY united in the holy bonds of matrimony, on the 3rd inst., Green McKEE and Miss Sallie SACK.


Mr. George WILEY, whose sickness we mentioned last week, passed away with the old year. He died December 21st, aged about 70 years. He was an old and respected citizen of the county.


Mr. GEHRING, father-in-law of Henry HURTGEN and John HUBELI, has bought the MORRISON property from Mr. WELSH and intends to move in it in the Spring. The old gentleman is nearly 80 years of age and proposes to

spend the remainder of his days, in peace and quiet, in a heathy locality.


Giles F. CARROW and Miss Effie WADE were united in marriage, December 24, 1885, by 'Squire George McFARLAND, and thus three more people are made happy - the groom and the bride and the 'Squire - and they all have

our best wishes for the future.


On the 23rd of last month James SULLENS and Miss Lou GRAHAM were married, 'Squire DUNIGAN officiating. We wish them a happy New Year. January 2, 1886.


William W. BOGGES of Chicago spent a portion of the holidays at Windsor Harbor, visiting his sisters, Mrs. F.D. WATERS and Mrs. T.B. MOSS.


Captain D.H. ROSENSTEIN of Chicago, a former resident of Windsor Harbor, was visiting friends last Monday at Windsor and Kimmswick. Mrs. ROSENSTEIN died at Chicago some two months ago.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - the following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name    Age

September 28 Thomas NEAL  23 years

September 18 Frank NEAL  12 years

November 4 Mrs. BUTTS  60 years

November 12 George NEAL  45 years

November 12 --- SHERRICK  9 months

October 7  Hugh J. SMILLIE 27 years

December 10 I.N. OGLE   10 years

December 23 Michael WHALEN  37 years

December 27 Albert SEYLES  8 years

December 28 Lily KYLE   1 month

December 22 Pearl MEYERS  8 years

December 22 May MEYERS  10 years

December 20 Charles SNEIGHBERGER 7 years



Date   Name of mother   Sex

December 27 Mrs. Joseph WIBBELS  boy

December 3 Mrs. John W. CUNNINGHAM son

December 26 Mrs. William WEIER  son

December 31 Mrs. Jacob MURRAY  son

December 30 Mrs. R.S. BAGE   son

December 31 Mrs. Richard HENDRICKSON girl

December 3 Mrs. John HOLZ   girl

December 29 Mrs. --- McDERMOTT  son

December 8 Mrs. C.W. SCHIELING  son

December 14 Mrs. Jean SWIFT  son

December 31 Mrs. Charles JAROWTSKI son

December 29 Mrs. George HODSON  son

December 14 Mrs. Fred DUNSFORD, two boys          (one dead)

December 1 Mrs. Joseph WEASER  girl

November 27 Mrs. E.P. BAKER  girl

November 3 Mrs. Henry MOEHLMANN son

September 22 Mrs. Thomas A. COGAN son

October 16 Mrs. Richard LANHAM  son




EARLY DAYS - By J.T. M'MULLIN - No. 4 - I promised in my next to give the  readers of the J.D., the names of some of our early preachers and where they preached, but before I proceed I will, for the benefit of the children, give another little sketch of school history, and tell then about the "pointers" we used in our first school. Close to the schoolhouse was a hillside abounding with prairie grass, two to three feet high. The stems of this grass were just to the thing for

"pointers." The teacher used one about two feet long, when the pupils all had their pointers about one foot in length. When studying or reciting our lessons, we used these pointers to point out the letters or words, and you can imagine how it looked - a class standing before a large card and the teacher behind them, all pointing to and calling out A.B.C. etc. We all got new pointers every day, and when Friday came a sackfull of them could have been picked up in the house and in the yard.


Our preachers in those days were old Father HEATH, David CHAMBERLAIN, Johnston SNIDICKER, the PERRYS, Jesse STEVENSONS, Uriah HOW, John GLANVILLE and W. BULEY. We had no church houses, but the preaching was done in private houses and in the schoolhouses before described, and when a meeting began it would generally continue through the week. Our lights to read and study by were made with the bark from scaly bark hickories and pine knots, which by the way made a fine light. We never heard of lamps in those days, but occasionally have tallow dips. Next week I will speak of some of the citizens I knew in those days.


Married, by Rev. J.T. McMULLIN, on the 6th inst., at Plattin, S.T. MEDLEY and Mrs. Ellen WATTS, both of this county.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name    Age

Dec. 30  Mary J. SHAFFERY 53 years

Dec. 5  Kate F. SMITH  7 years


Date   Name of Mother   Sex

Dec. 23  Mrs. Joseph PFEIL  girl

Dec. 26  Mrs. William ARMBRUSTER girl

Dec. 16  Mrs. Silas LEE   girl

Dec. 15   Mrs. Lewis ELLINGER  girl

Dec. 29  Mrs. George W. BLAKE boy

Jan. 3  Mrs. Clark H. RICE  girl

Jan. 5  Mrs. Thomas F. PIERCE boy


HOUSE'S SPRING - The Widow HOUYER;, living near this place, died on the 3rd inst. She leaves four small children.




PROBATE DOCKET - Following is the docket for the term beginning February 8, 1886.  R.A. ELKINS, Judge.

Tuesday, February 9th.

Estate Isaac and Catharine MORAN minors, A.J. CREAN curator, final.

Wednesday, February 10th.

Estate Bell S. SPARKS minor, Jos J. WILLIAMS curator, first.

Estate YERGER minors, Henry SECKMANN curator, annual.


Married, January 6, 1886, by Rev. W.H. GARDENHIRE, at his residence in Joachim township, Henry H. TINDALL and Miss Nancy E. MEDLEY, both of this county.


Rev. Wm. M. STRATTON of Potosi, died last Sunday, after a short illness, with Pneumonia. He had lately been engaged to preach for the Presbyterian church of De Soto. He married Mrs. Dr. WYATT, formerly of this county, and was a man much respected.


Our brother Thomas H., (McMULLIN) is now living in Phoenix, Arizona. He is there as a missionary for the Christian church. He writes that he has a congregation of 18, the most intelligent citizens of the place, and he expects to accomplish a great deal of good. He says the climate is delightful in the Winter.


Mrs. Nancy WILLIAMS, widow of Silas WILLIAMS, died on the 14th inst., at the residence of her son-in-law, Wm. BECKLEG on Sandy, aged 83 years. Mrs. WILLIAMS was a native of this county and raised quite a large family - Thomas F., F.H., and N.B. WILLIAMS are her sons, and Mrs. Wm. SMITH and Mrs. BECKLEG daughters, and some of her children are dead. She has quite a number of grand children and several great grand children in this county.


Died, January 12, 1886, Maggie, daughter of George R. and Eliza S. COOK of Plattin, aged 5 years, 2 months and 21 days. This is a very sad occurrence, as little Maggie was a bright girl - the pet of the household. She was left alone a moment, while her mother was preparing breakfast, when her clothing caught fire, it is presumed by the wind blowing down the stovepipe and blowing the flame out of the stove. Her father ran to the her and succeeded in extinguishing the fire, but she only lived a short time, and it is supposed she inhaled the flames, as the outward burns were not considered sufficient to cause death in so short time. Mr. COOK was badly burned, his right hand so badly that he will probably not be able to work any more this Winter. The family has the sympathy of the entire neighborhood in their distressing circumstances; but as they are poor and Mr. COOK is now unable to work, it may be necessary for his more fortunate neighbors to show their sympathy in a substantial manner.  J.T.M.


CIRCUIT COURT - The cause of Leonora CROSS vs. James F. CROSS, for divorce, was dismissed.  We believe the parties agreed to live  together again.


Christina HENNING was granted divorce from her husband, Henry, on account of bad treatment.


D.C. HAMILTON was granted a divorce from his wife, M.B. She was given the custody of their child. From the portion of the evidence we heard, we thought this was a divorce suit that might have been settled in a better manner outside of court as neither party was accused of anything outrageous.


M.R. BROWN was granted a divorce from his wife, Abbie, on the ground of desertion.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week.

Date   Name    Age

January 9  Infant son of  John ZACK



Date   Name of Mother   Sex

August 17  Mrs. Joseph KORBER  boy

December 27 Mrs. E.H. MANWARRING girl

December 15 Mrs. Lewis ELLINGER  girl

November 21 Mrs. Trust H. HASSE  girl

January 14 Mrs. R.G. HOEKEN  boy

January 7  Mrs. Frank WIDEMAN  girl

January 8  Mrs. John ZACK   boy


EARLY DAYS - By J.T. M'MULLIN - No. 5 -   One of the first persons that I remember seeing in my boyhood days, and whom I knew almost as early as I did my parents, was the noted duelist, Jack T. SMITH. He owned a farm

and lead mine in Washington county, and he brought my father on from Tennessee to superintend his works, in the year 1808. Father lived on Mr. SMITH's farm till the date of my birth in 1812, after which we moved to Jefferson county.  Father and SMITH were great friends, and on this account, as well as for the further reason I was named for him, he appeared to think a great deal of me, and his family attentions created impressions on my boyish mind, which stern facts of after days could not efface. He often visited my father and would some times stay a week. They both liked their liquor and often had jolly times. Mr. S. was good to the poor, and I have often heard my father and Uncle, WHITEHEAD, talk

of his kind deeds.  He also had his faults, the worst of which was an ungovernable temper, which led him into may scrapes. He killed several persons, with whom he had combats, and during his last years he appeared to live a life of constant dread and uneasiness. He and the faithful Negro man, who attended him always, went heavily armed; and it was not very safe to sleep in the same room with him, as he was apt to fire off his pistol at imaginary foes any time in the night. I remember a gun, which he used to carry: It resembled a surveyor's Jacob-staff and appeared very harmless to the casual observer, but it was only necessary to touch a spring, when the muzzle and breach were exposed and it was ready for action. Among the men of those days - pioneer who did their part towards settling up the then wilderness of this and adjoining counties, and who have long since passed over the river - were the MADDENs, VALLEs, McCLANAHANS, McGREADYs, PERRYs, BLACKWELLs, McCORMACKs, TODD, GREATHOUSE, BROOKS and others too numerous to mention. Some of them are now only known in history, while the descendants of others are still familiar names in this country.


Mrs. S.J. CRAFT's little girl died last week, this being the second death in the family from scarlet fever.


Will ARMSTRONG wants the person who has his buggy whip, to leave it at this office.




Dr. HARBISON has his family evened up at last. Another girl arrived, last week, and now he has four boys and four girls - quite a family for so young a man.


Rev. EMORY looked like he had something to communicate last Monday. We have learned since that a little daughter arrived in his family one evening last week.


The only marriage licensed issued, last week, by our Recorder, was to Enoch R. McMULLIN and Miss Jemima C. BRECKENRIDGE. The groom is the oldest son of J.T. McMULLIN, Jr., and the bride is a daughter of George

BRECKENRIDGE, all of Valle township. We wish the young couple success and happiness.


MAXVILLE - January 23, 1886 - Anna Bertha, daughter of John and Louisa KRASAH, died, aged 5 years and 8 months. Also, January 15, Philip M., son of John and Louisa KRASCH, aged 3 years and 8 months. Both died of

scarletina and dropsey. This is a hard blow on the family, there being one more down sick yet and dangerous. There are several cases of scarletina, measles and diphtheria here at present.


On the 19th inst., William EDELMANN and Amelia HARTWEIN were united in the holy bonds of matrimony, by the minister of the New German Evangelical church on Glaize creek, at the residence of the bride's parents on Sandy. Mr. EDELMANN resides at Fayette, Green county, Illinois, where he is a prosperous farmer, while his bride is a daughter of Mr. Louis HARTWEIN, one of our oldest citizens. This is the second EDLEMANN who carried away a HARTWEIN, and we wish them all the good fortune imaginable. The nuptials were witnessed by a large number of the friends of the bride, and dancing was indulged in until Wednesday morning. We enjoyed the eatables and drinkables muchly.


EARLY DAYS - by J.T. M'MULLIN - No. 6 - The first Circuit court I ever attended was at Herculaneum in 1835, I was a member of the grand jury. Herculaneum was then the county seat, but there was no courthouse. Court was held in an old house belonging to a Negro, who, I think was called Uncle Abe. The grand jury room was an out-house, about fifty yards from where the court was held. The attorneys present were GAMBLE, GO-ER, BA-S and POLK - all able men in their time. The first case I ever heard plead was between Mark MOSS and Gabriel JOHNSTON and the pleaders were GEYER and a man named LOWRY. I thought then that LOWRY's speech was very fine, and I think yet it was as able a defense as I ever heard. He defended JOHNSTON. I attended four courts at Herculaneum. There were but few conveniences at that place. The first court in Hillsboro was in 18?0(?) and I was on the petit jury. There were more people in Hillsboro at that court than I have ever seen at court since; and it is safe to say that many of them came long distances, and that many had no business to attend to. Thomas B. HUDSON and Wilson PRIMM came down from St. Louis to attend to a case brought here on change of venue. They both addressed the crowd on political issues of the day. PRIMM was a Whig and HUDSON a Democrat. The presidential canvass between Martin VanBUREN and William Henry HARRISON was then in full blast, and everybody had a jolly time. There was but little hotel accommodation in Hillsboro then. Some one had erected four or five log pens for stables, near where the cemetery now is, and I remember well that about twenty of us slept out near the stables on our saddle-blankets for want of room or more suitable beds. At the court were G.W. HARRISON, Wilson WEAVER, Jeff BOARD, Wm. BUTLER, Lindley McMULLIN, Joseph DRYBREAD and many  others, who were then young men, but are long since dead. There was only one place to eat at in the town, and the fare for every meal was hog meat, corn bread, beans and coffee. I think there were more beans eaten at that court than have been eaten in the county during any five years time since. If the incidents and scenes at that term of court and the one following, could be correctly written, it would make an interesting chapter of history; but as I depend upon my memory for what I have written, I will not attempt to enlarge upon the subject, but bid your readers good-bye for the present. (*I apologize for the --:s and ?'s left in this item but

part of the vital dates were misstyped and were impossible to read. C.M.)


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week.

Date   Name     Age

January 12 Charles J. WIDEMAN   1 yr 5 mos

January 14 Nancy WILLIAMS  77 yrs, 8 1/2 mo



Date   Name of Mother   sex

January 18 Mrs. John BOYER  girl

January 8  Mrs. William W. FARLEY girl


One of Henry FRAZIER's children was buried yesterday at Upper Plattin church, and one of Reed PORTER's children has been very ill.


Robt. MOOR, Sr., died last Wednesday evening of heart disease.  His remains were buried in the GAMEL grave yard, Friday.




OBITUARY - DIED - At his residence near Rush Tower, January 24, 1886, James M. BROOKS, aged 45 years, 10 months and 25 days. Mr. BROOKS was born February 29 '40, and was raised in this county. During life he engaged in farming.  He always took a great interest in the welfare of his community, and  was highly respected by all who knew him.  In 1862 he was united in the holy bonds of wedlock to Miss Mary AuBUCHON, who accompanied him till 1878, when it pleased an all-wise God to call her to an eternal resting place. The result of their marriage was three children, who still survive. In 1875 he married Miss Angeline PILLIARD, who is now mourning his loss. The result of this union was one child. Mr. BROOKS was not a member of any church, but favored all religious denominations. During his confinement he was deeply convicted, and frequently expressed himself as ready to meet his Creator. While dying he exclaimed, "O! I am so easy, now I am going, and I want to go." In a short time he made an effort to speak, but the grim reaper, Death, had too near reaped his harvest, and in a few moments he breathed his last. His remains were deposited in the Lebanon cemetery on the 26th ult. Mr. A.J. GREEN, pastor of the M.E. Church, conducted the services. Quite a large concourse of friends and relatives followed his remains to their last resting place.


HOUSE'S SPRING - Mrs. Mary LEE has been in poor health for several weeks, but is now slowly recovering.




Mrs. LYNEL's children, at Victoria, are down with scarlet fever. While the neighbors should see that the afflicted family does not suffer for want of attention, we hope they will act prudently and not give the disease a chance to spread.


The widow of John GILLMAN died, at her residence at Horine Station, on the 21st inst., aged about 60 years. On the 5th inst. She went to the well for a bucket of water and fell on the ice, hurting herself so that she was since confined to her room, though her injuries were not considered of serious nature at first. Her death is attributed to injuries received by the fall.


'Squire MARX of Maxville has had quite a time of it lately. All of his children have been afflicted with measles, and when they got well the 'Squire had a turn of pneumonia and kidney disease, which laid him up for five weeks, and to cap the climax his wife was taken ill on the 12th inst. She presented the 'Squire with boy No. 5. They are all doing well now and the 'Squire is not only ready, but really anxious for business. His Constable was the first to help him out. On the 17th,

Martin Ed. SCHAEFNER and Miss Catharine BECKER were made man and wife by Esq. MARX. No cards, owing to the illness of Mr. SCHAEFNER's mother.


OBITUARY - DIED - February 16, 1886, John C.R.H., son of Susan and Henry BRIGGS, aged 7 years, 10 months and 9 days. Mr. and Mrs. BRIGGS have again been called upon to pass under the rod, and though they know their star is shining brilliantly in the bright upper world, still it was hard to give him up.


DIED - February 16, 1886, of consumption, at the residence of C. Tho. HORINE in Hillsboro, Amanda SHELTON, aged 35 years, daughter of John and Matilda SHELTON. About five years ago Miss SHELTON made a profession of faith and united with the Presbyterian church and her life has been a bright example of Christian fortitude and patience. She refrained her mind till the last and, as the end drew near, seemed to have visions of the glories awaiting her across the river. Death had no terrors for her, and while she had before seemed loath to leave her loving relatives, her only thought about them then was that they must meet her in heaven. Miss SHELTON had for several years been living with her sister and brother-in-law, Mrs. and Mrs. HORINE. She was buried on the 18th inst., in the Hillsboro cemetery. The funeral sermon, by Rev. S. FRAZIER, was very touching.


Dr. P.G. KENNETT died last Friday afternoon, aged 34 years. His remains were taken to .p.St. Louis; on Monday by a delegation to Free Masons, and buried at the Bellefontaine cemetery.  February 23, 1886.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name     Age

Dec 31  Mrs. Mary HOVER     52 years


Date  Name of Mother    Sex

Feb 18 Mrs. Silas P. MAUPIN  boy

Feb 2 Mrs. George H. BERRY  girl

Feb 7 Mrs. Thomas C. CAGE   girl

Feb 4 Mrs. Bernhard LACKAMP  boy

Feb 4 Mrs. Thomas WILLIAMS  girl

Feb 3 Mrs. Gottfried SCHALHAMMER girl

Jan 27 Mrs. George SWEET  boy and girl

Jan 28 Mrs. J.N. DOUGLAS  two girls

Jan 9 Mrs. Joseph McMULLIN  girl




Licensed to Wed - Joseph E. BLAKE and Sarah E. PREWETT, Charles A. PREWETT and Olive C. WHITWORTH.


E.F. HONEY has had another spell of sickness, and his mind got so unsettled that it was thought best to take him to an asylum. His brother and Dr. BOOTH started with him to Fulton Wednesday evening.


W.L. STONE's family have been having a siege of sickness. Their two little children have had a severe attack of scarlet fever, and he and his wife have both been sick. Monday evening they were all reported as improving, and we hope the worst is over with them.


Edward STEPHENS and wife have again been called to "pass under the rod" in the loss of their little daughter Jessie, who died of pneumonia in Terrell, Texas, on the 11th of March, this being the third child they have buried in the short space of four years. May a loving Savior comfort and sustain them in this, their hour of affliction.


On the 11th inst., Joseph E. BLAKE of Pevely and Mrs. Sarah E. PREWETT of Jones Creek were united in marriage, by 'Squire SHEIBLE, at VOLLMAR's Hotel. Mr. VOLLMAR, who wanted to see the 'Squire "lock up" two forms,

rushed up to his parlor, then to the sitting room and, in fact, into every room from cellar to attic except the right one. While he was racing from room to room, the 'Squire quietly performed the marriage ceremony in the store. After the congratulations were over some refreshments were taken, whereupon Joe and his bride left for Uncle Tom OGLE's. The latter is the father of the bride, and the father-in-law of the groom, of course; but heretofore he was Joe's step-daddy-in law. We expect to hear of some tall charivaries before many days. Joe and his bride have our congratulations.  Dr. GREVE is next in order.


MARRIED - On the 8th of March Mr. J.E. BYRNE and Miss Fannie CLAFFEY were united in the holy bonds of matrimony, at St. Patrick's church at 10 o'clock. After the matrimonial services were over the happy couple repaired to the home of the bride's father. After receiving the best wishes of the host of guests present, there was a sumptuous repast prepared for them, at which all did good execution. We understand the presents were numerous and valuable, Dancing was begun at an early hour and indulged in till the bright Aurea glided the eastern continent. Music was furnished by Mr. D. WELLS, and consisted of first and second violin and harp. May your lives be ever happy; May your days be very long. Is the wish of Vex


KIMMSWICK - Theodore KIMM, our old and esteemed friend and the founder of our town, died in Switzerland on the 5th of February last.


CIRCUIT COURT - "St. Rose of Lima" church of De Soto was incorporated.


In the divorce case of Caroline STRICKLAND against James STRICKLAND, plaintiff was allowed $20 alimony, to be paid before May.


John STEPHENSEN was found guilty of the charge of mayhem and sentenced to the penitentiary for twelve years. Last January STEPHENSEN attempted to drive Jacob DIEHLE off a tract of land DIEHLE had rented and shot him

in the face with squirrel shot, putting out his eye, he already being blind of one eye. STEPEHENSEN ------ ----- a great deal of trouble in the neighborhood, while DIEHLE has a wife and five small children. DIEHLE's family are in destitute circumstances, and he is unable to help them. Nearly everybody seems satisfied with the verdict, except Lawyer TATUM, who conducted the defence for all it was worth. (Fold in paper on microfilm)


HOUSE'S SPRING - Old man DOLL living near House's Spring, died recently, upwards of 70 years old.


Dr. GUIBAR has another fine daughter at his house.


DIED - HUSKEY - March 19, 1886, at St. Vincent's hospital, St. Louis, of cerebral apoplexy. Martin W. HUSKEY, aged 44 years and 10 months. Mr. HUSKEY was a son of D.L. HUSKEY, Sr., and lived all his life near Hillsboro. He had been a member of the Baptist church fourteen years. His wife is a daughter of W.P. HAMRICK, Esq., and he leaves several children. He had been sick two or three months and was taken to St. Vincent's for treatment just a little over a week before he died. The relatives have our sympathy in their distress.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

Feb 25 James RYAN   4 1/2 months



Date  Name of Mother    Sex

Feb 16 Mrs. G.W.L. THOMPSON  girl

Feb 8 Mrs. Thomas Peter O'BRIEN boy

Jan'y 2 Mrs. Frank SCHMIDT   girl

Jan'y 31 Mrs. Eif HAMERS   boy

March 2 Mrs. James F. DONNELL  girl

March 6 Mrs. William ROBERSON  girl

March 8 Mrs. Nelson SMITH   boy

March 12 Mrs. Edward McLEAN   boy





James JOHNSON of Festus had a child buried at upper Plattin church on the 25th inst.; another scarlet fever victim.


Charley TINDALL, aged 10 7ears and 10 months, died on the 22nd inst., after suffering great agony for 24 hours with convulsions. He had been complaining for two or three weeks with something like neuralgia. It first came on his neck, moved to the arms and shoulders, then to the heart and face. His folks thought he was doing well under the treatment, Saturday night he again played with his brother and cousin about the fire. At 5 Sunday morning, he took convulsions and died Monday Morning at 9 o'clock. Hi has always been a stout boy and very industrious, his mother having died several years ago. His father was some times compelled to leave the boys alone for several days at a time, and on returning home he would always find Charley at his post, having done the cooking and washing during the father's absence. Several weeks ago Mr. T. married a good women and Charley thought he would now have a nice time, his step mother being very kind to him; but our blessed Father has taken him to a better home. Our prayer to god should be, that we all may be subjects for the messenger of death as was the sweet innocent child. Mr. and Mrs. T. wish to return thanks to Dr. PRICHARD and the kind friends, who did all in their power to  relieve the sufferings of poor Charley.    Plattin, February 26, 1886


Peter MOORE of Dry Creek died last Sunday, aged 78 years, after a short illness of inflammation of bowels.


Last week Miss Grace SMITH had the remains of her mother, who was buried in the Hillsboro cemetery, taken up and removed to Bellefountaine cemetery, in St. Louis.


Martin V. HUSKEY has been in bad health for some time, and during the past few weeks it was noticed that he was losing his mind. His folks took him to St. Vincent's asylum in St. Louis this week.


We received a postal card from N.W. WELSH, notifying us to send his paper in future to Denison, Texas, instead of Sedalia, Mo. We suppose Massa WELSH had heard of the old adage, "a sitting hen never fattens," but is totally ignorant of the other tried and true maxim, "a rolling stone gathers no moss," We hope to see the "Nightengale" back here by Fall.


The following BIRTHS were filed the past week;

Date  Name of Mother    Sex

Feb 14 Mrs. John ANDERSON, colored boy

Feb 13 Mrs. Williams J. ROWE  girl

Feb 18 Mrs. John DECKEY   girl

Feb 12 Mrs. Henry MARX   boy

Feb 23 Mrs. Christian MEYER  girl

Feb 18 Mrs. James ELLIOTT   boy

Feb 14 Mrs. Pat H. FITZGERALD  boy

Feb 5 Mrs. Hermann MEYER   girl

Feb 3 Mrs. Henry LEE, colored  boy

Feb 12 Mrs. Frederick HACKE  girl

Feb 15 Mrs. William MEYER   boy

Feb 13 Mrs. Joseph CRAEMER   boy

Feb. 16 Mrs. James TRIMMER   girl

Jan 31 Mrs. Fidelo ROGERS   girl


DIED - STONE - At the residence of W.L. STONE, De Soto, Mo., February 27, 1886, John Harry, son of the late Frank N. and Mattie STONE, aged 5 years, of scaletina. Little Harry was early left an orphan and was afflicted with a weak spine, and his constitution was not strong enough to withstand even a slight attack of such a disease. He was a bright child, of very amiable disposition, and his early demise is a sad affliction to Grand-Mother STONE, with whom he lived.


PROBATE COURT  - James T. MOSS was appointed curator of the estate of A.K. HENSLEY, minor, and bond fixed at $1,000.


John GALVIN was appointed guardian of Mary and James GALVIN, minors, and bond fixed at $1,000.




Thomas D.B. LANHAM, a brother of Judge Phil LANHAM of St. Louis, died on the 3rd inst, at residence of his daughter, Mrs. FREEMAN, near Vineland, aged 71.


Willie F. LACK, son of Rev. Fred LACK, died at his home in St. Louis on the 3rd inst. aged 21 years.  He had a great many acquaintances here, who will regret his early demise.


And still they come -- girls at Charley YEAGER's.  One arrived there Sunday. This, we believe, is the sixth girl that arrived at Charley -- the boys we are unable to arithmetic.


DEATHS AND BIRTHS - The following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

Feb. 29 Elizabeth MAHLER  13 years

Feb. 16 Amanda SHELTON   35 years

Feb. 21 Cathrine GILLMAN  62 years

Feb. 24 Charles W. CADWALLADER 29 years

Mar. 3 Thomas D.P. LANHAM  70 years



Date  Name of Mother   Sex

Feb. 6 Mrs. Nicholas LEE  girl

Feb. 26 Mrs. Albert WEASE  boy

Feb. 8 Mrs. John E. HUSKEY  boy

Feb. 26 Mrs. George A. WILLIAMS boy

Feb. 18 Mrs. Henry HELD  girl

Feb. 17 Mrs. F.E. GUIBOR  girl

Sept. 23 Mrs. George M. STAAT boy


DE SOTO - Phil LANHAM of St. Louis, the well known auctioneer came down last Thursday to attend his brother's funeral.




MARRIED - HAMBLE - TUCKER - March 7, 1886, at the residence of the bride's father in Plattin Township, by Rev. J.T. McMULLIN, Joseph H. HAMBLE of De Soto and Miss Phoeba C. TUCKER, daughter of D.W. TUCKER. Quite a crowd of invited guests were present to witness the ceremony, and all enjoyed a fine wedding dinner, which was prepared for the occasion. The bride received the following useful presents - table cloth and window curtains, from Charles G. HAMBLE; castor and fruit dish, Mrs. Josephine HAMBLE; cake stand and air castle, Celia E. HAMBLE; pillow shams and breast pin, Mrs. Louisa SCHUH; Lamp, Nich SCHUH; fruit dish and mug, Mrs. Phoeba TUCKER; towels, Elizabeth CROSS; pickle dish, Della PORTER; towels Mrs. Henry HALTER; china cup and saucer, William PORTER; The presents were love-tokens from relatives of the bride and groom.


KIMMSWICK - Mr. Nells SMITH is happy over the arrival of a 12-pound girl at his house.


HOUSE'S SPRING - John JOHNSTON eloped with Geo. VORT's daughter.  both are underage.


Joseph McINERAY has a fine daughter at his house.  Joe says it is the best-looking girl on Big River.    March 26, 1886


OBITUARY - Our town was deeply moved by the announcement of the death of Mrs. George LUHRSEN, last Tuesday. Mrs. LUHRSEN had been seriously sick for over a week, and hopes for recovery had been abandoned last Saturday. Last Sunday her condition seemed to be much improved and the attending physician, Dr. JENKINS, believed in a possible chance at recovery. But at would not be, and Tuesday morning Mrs. LUHRSEN breathed her last. She was a native of Jefferson county, Missouri, and in September, 1876, was united in marriage with Mr. George LUHRSEN, at the residence of her father, Mr. Frederick LANGEHENNING, near the village of Antonia, Mo. This union proved to be a very happy one, and Mr. LUHRSEN and his wife enjoyed the love and esteem of all. Mrs. LHURSEN was a lady of true Christianity, conscientiously fulfilling all her duties - a loving mother, an affectionate wife and never-ending helpmate to her husband, and a shinning example to all who knew her. She leaves her husband with six little boys to mourn her loss. May he, who tempereth the wind to the shorn lamb, help our friend, LUHRSEN, to bear upon this affliction.  Her sun set while it was yet day. It was intended to have the funeral to take place on Thursday, but circumstances made it necessary to change the time, and on Wednesday afternoon the body of Mrs. LUHRSEN was taken to its last long rest. Thursday afternoon Rev. BLANKIH of the German Lutheran Church, conducted the services in an impressive manner, and the great number of those present bore witness, that the one who had been carried to her grave was

beloved by all.  -  BUCKLEY  (Ill.) Inquirer,   March 20, 1886


The Mirror of last week tells of the death of Roxie McDANIEL, an old colored woman, who lived near Judge MADISON's. She fell on a pair of scissors, which penetrated between the fourth and fifth ribs, and caused almost instant death.


W.J. HUSKEY lost two of his girls in one week, and didn't go into mourning either. Miss Idle was married on Sunday, the 21st inst., to George W. RUSSELL, and Miss Frances M., on the 25th, to Gottleib R. BOHNE.  Rev. FRAZIER had the pleasure of uniting both couples. We congratulate the young people on their start in life and wish them success all the journey through.


John A. RICHARDSON, photographer at Festus, died on the 20th instant, of pneumonia, aged nearly 48 years. Mr. R. was an old newspaper man and, since the Mirror started, had been connected, more or less with that office. He leaves a wife and two children. He was a prominent member of the Knights of Labor, and the assembly to which he belonged passed some tender resolutions in his memory.


Many of our readers will be glad to hear that our former fellow-citizen, Mr. H.H. HARLESS, still liveth, and that very likely on the fat of the land, judging from the business he is in. He is the editor of the Buckley (Iroqois county, Ill.) Inquirer, a large eight-column folio, and the "fat of the land" expression we use because of our personal experience in that line of business. Elsewhere we publish an Obituary clipped from his paper, and the following we take from his locals: "Mr. Fred LANGHENNING, Sr., and wife and daughter, and Mr. Fred LANGHENNING, Jr., attended the funeral services of their daughter and sister, Mrs. LUHREEN."


No deaths were filed with the County clerk the last week, but the following births were recorded.

Date  Name of Mother    Sex

Mar 14 Mrs. John B. BECKETT  girl

Mar 14 Mrs. George DEADRICH  girl

Mar 20 Mrs. G.W. BYRD    boy

Mar 20 Mrs. Louis HAEFFNER   girl

Mar 22 Mrs. Frederick REIF   girl

Mar 10 Mrs. Wm. BRAMADISH(?)  boy

Mar 4 Mrs. Charles WOHLBOLD  girl

Mar 18 Mrs. Bennett R. BUREN  girl

Mar 10 Mrs. Martin GRAHAM   boy

Mar 21 Mrs. L.C. NEWBERRY   girl

Mar 21 Mrs. Daniel MERRILL   boy




Our friend Hermann STEMERS, thinks he is ten feet higher this week than last and all because a ten-pound girl arrived at his house Sunday morning. If each girl that arrived at our house had raised us ten feet we would be considerable taller than Lawyer KLEINSCHMIDT or Notary WALKER.


Sheriff HURTGEN's absence the past five days was very mysterious, but it is explained now. He arrived Tuesday morning with Thomas MOSS, having captured him in Randolph county, Ark. MOSS is one of the three men, who are charged with the murder of Allan HENSLEY and Mack MARSDEN. The Sheriff saw a good deal of Arkansas while he was gone. He is reticent as to how he learned where the accused parties were located. James MOSS and Alan MARSDEN, the two others indicated, he did not find.


IN MEMORIAM: To Birdie STAETZEL, who died February 15, 1886, aged 17 years. Sandy, Mo.  Aunt Sarah.


SPECIAL NOTICE - Whereas, my son, Aaron C. HINCKLEY, a minor, has left his home, I hereby warn all persons not to harbor him, as I am entitled to his services and will require payment for same.     Aaron HINCKLEY


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week.

Date  Name     Age

Aug 15 Samuel HAMMOCK   1 yr 3 ms

Jan 20 Infant son Henry FRAZIER 7 days

Mar 7 ---- HODSON   4 months



Date  Name of Mother    Sex

March 10 Mrs. Philip JACKSON   son

March 3 Mrs. Wm. B. METCALFE  son

March 8 Mrs. Lucilla M.A. STEWART son

March 3 Mrs. Thos. J McKEEVER  son

March 13 Mrs. Otto MILLER   son

March 1 Mrs. Clark DEBOSE   son

March 5 Mrs. Wallace SMITH   son

Feb'ry 17 Mrs. Sobert J. JOHNSTON  son

Feb'ry 13 Mrs. William DACE   son

Feb'ry 3 Mrs. Arthur STERNS   girl

Feb'ry 24 Mrs. John RAINS   girl

Feb'ry 17 Mrs. George HERBERT   son

Feb'ry 22 Mrs. Thomas EDELMANN  son

Sept.  39 Mrs. Jeptha HAMMOCK   son

(The date of birth here is as it was/is printed in the paper.)




Deaths and Births:  The following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week.

Date   Name    Age

22 Feb 1886 Charles H. TINDALL 10 years

30 Mar 1886? Mrs. NEFF   59 years

30    Peter HARRIS

(Note: There is a microfilmed fold in the paper)



Date   Name of Mother   Sex

March 7  Mrs. Charles YEAGER  Boy

March 10  Mrs. John T. GOYIE  Girl

March 16  Mrs. James MOORE  Girl

March 16  Mrs. Henry JOHNSON  Girl

March 4  Mrs. Christoph CAMPBELL Boy


MAXVILLE - March 30, 1886 - On the 27th inst. 'Squire SHEIBLE united in wedlock at the bride's residence, near Kimmswick, Mr. Michael ROESCH and Miss Anna G. YUNGEMANN. After the congratulations supper was announced, which was enjoyed by all present ... Some time since it was reported that one of our oldest citizens, Mr. Frederick GRIMM, had been married to Miss Catharina HEIMBACH. He is about 63 years old and she about 33.

Some 20 -25 boys concluded to visit Mr. GRIMM as the cow-bell brigade and did so. He refused to hear their music or grant their prayers, whereupon they struck up a tune, which permeated the air for three miles around. But the groom would not relent. A few nights later the brigade received reinforcement, and about 70 or 80 of the boys marched in double file to Mr. GRIMM's. Upon seeing such a crowd coming, he became disgusted and wisely concluded to satisfy their demands. They all got beer enough and left well satisfied with their old friend.    M.


PROBATE COURT - Viola POUNDS chose James R. EVANS as her guardian.


PROBATE COURT - Estate of Alexander R. HENSLEY, minor; order of Sale of real estate made.


OBITUARY - DIED - April 2, 1886, at the residence of William STEPHENS, near Vineland, Mark VINYARD, aged 60 years. Mr. VINYARD suffered much pain during the last four weeks of his life, but bore it with the meekness and patience of a true Christian. He was a man of exemplary habits and possessed the esteem and respect of all who knew them. There was no trouble too great for him to undergo in relieving his friends and neighbors when in sickness and distress. He was a true friend to those in need.   J.H.


DIED - At Maxville, Mo., April 1, 1886, at 8 p.m., Mrs. Mary GRIMM, beloved wife of Franz GRIMM, aged 58 years, 10 months, of paralysis of the heart. Mrs. GRIMM was a stout, robust woman and apparently in good health all

day. After supper she concluded to visit her sister, Mrs. WELDELS, about a half mile distant. She was accompanied by the daughter and daughter-in-law, and when within about three hundred yards of her sister's house, told them that she must sit down. She sat down by the side of the road and complained of being unable to get her breath, and said she was going to die. Her daughter-in-law ran to Mr. WELDELE's for help, but before she returned Mrs. GRIMM expired in her daughter's arms. Mr. Philip PARK who was near by, hauled the corpse back to the house she had left but a few minutes before in good health. Mrs. GRIMM was a true Christian lady, conscientiously fulfilling all her duties. She was a loving mother and an affectionate wife, loved and respected by all her acquaintances. She was a leading member of the Ladies Catholic Society here. Her funeral was largely attended, notwithstanding the inclement weather. Mr. GRIMM has our heartfelt sympathy in his bereavement. Tis is the second time he has been left a widower. "The wind breathes low, the withering leaf Scarce whispers from the tree;  So quietly flows the parting breath, When good women cease to be."   EUREKA




William J. EVANS and Viola E. POUNDS, were united in wedlock by 'Squire McFARLAND, on the 4th inst.


W.R. DONNELL as guardian for James S. WHITEHEAD, Jr., obtained judgment against the St. Louis Iron Mountain and Southern Railroad, in the Circuit court of Washington county, last week, for $5,000 damages, sustained by said boy by loss of a limb in a collision on the road sometime since. The only surprise here is that the judgment is so small


DIED - April 11th, 1886, at Hillsboro, Mo., John George GEHRING, aged 78 years, 2 months and 7 days. Mr. GEHRING has been a citizen of this country for about 35 years. He leaves a widow and six children, all of whom are grown, to of his daughters, Mrs. Henry HURTGEN and Mrs. John HUBELI, being resident of Hillsboro. Just a few weeks ago Mr. GEHRING concluded that as his family were all grown up he would take matters easy for the rest of his life, so he purchased a home in Hillsboro, and they moved in; but he did not enjoy the quietude long. He was a member of the German Evangelical Church, and was recognized by all his acquaintances as an honest, industrious and useful citizen. He was buried in the Hillsboro cemetery, a large concourse of his neighbors showing their appreciation by attending the funeral.


COUNTY COURT - Report of inquest on the body of Roxie McDANIEL, deceased, was approved and fee bill of $27.13 was allowed.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name    Age

March 11  Kate BIESER  20 years



Date   Name of mother   Sex

March 27th Mrs. C.H. KLEINSCHMIDT girl

March 21st Mrs. Peter DUGAN  boy

March 26th Mrs. Hardin BLAKE  girl

March 21st Mrs. Louis EDLICH  boy

April 7th  Mrs. Jno. J. HERRINGTON boy

April 9th  Mrs. L. DENERS   girl


DE SOTO - Mrs. William LORENZ died on last Wednesday. Her remains were taken to Farmington for burial.


Wm. J. BLANK, one of our oldest citizens, died of consumption, last Tuesday and was buried Thursday afternoon.


HIGH RIDGE - Harry M. , son of Warren STEVENS, died on the 23rd ult., aged 7 years, of what is supposed to have been croup. The boy was ailing for more than a week, and on the 23rd he grew worse, and by 8 p.m., he was a corpse. The parents have our sympathy.


Lorenz REITZ, residing two miles of High Ridge, died on the 31st ult., aged 80 years. Mr. R. was an old Mexican veteran and had also served in the late war, but never received one dollar as a pension. He had some pension papers made out two weeks previous to his death.  He leaves an aged wife and several married daughters to mourn his death. High Ridge, April 3, 1886.




Mr. F.R. McCORMACK, son of Hon. Reed McCORMACK, and Miss Ida, daughter of M.C. JENNINGS, Esq., were married on the 14th inst., at the National Hotel, Kimmswick, by Rev. EMORY. They are at present residents of Festus.


Mrs. Sarah E. WARNE, wife of Chas. G. WARNE, Esq. of Festus, died on the 7th inst., aged 45. She was the daughter of the late P.H. BURNS, of this county. She leaves eight children. Friend Charley has our tenderest sympathy in his bereavement, but for strength to bear his loss, he should look to Him in whom his departed wife trusted.


Hon. Henry ESHBAUGH died last Friday, at his home near Festus, Mo., and was buried on Sunday. He had not been well for a long time, having suffered partial paralysis some months since. Mr. ESHBAUGH was well known throughout the county as a useful citizen, and his loss will be felt outside the circle of his family relations. We will probably be furnished with a more extended notice of his life and services. Last Saturday, Thomas JOHNSON, of Horine, was fishing in the Joachim, and while trying to pull out a fish, he was struck with paralysis. Some one present conveyed him to his house, and Dr. McNUTT was sent for, but ere the physician arrived, about an hour later, JOHNSON was a corpse.

Mr. JOHNSON is an old citizen of this county, and leaves a family to mourn his sudden demise. He was buried at Horine last Monday afternoon.


Mrs. SCOTT, an old and respectable lady living near House's Springs, died recently. She leaves a large family of grown sons and daughters to grieve her departure.


Dr. James DEDRICH, of Arkansas, paid his friends here a flying visit last week.


MOVING TO ST. LOUIS - I will have a public auction at my residence, in Victoria, Mo., on Saturday, April 24, 1886, and will sell to the highest bidder, one horse, one mare, one cow, sow and pigs, a buggy, one barouche, plows, harrow, farming implements, a good piano, household and kitchen furniture, and other articles too mention. Terms - All sums under five dollars, cash; over that amount, a credit of six months will be given, purchasers giving notes, with approved securities.     J.H.G. MEYER, Victoria, Mo.


DEATHS AND BIRTHS - The following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name     Age

March 15  Matilda PERRY   ---

March 23  Nerces BOYER   35 yrs

April 5  Geo. F. SERMERT   1 yr

April 2  Mary A. GRIMM   58 yrs



Date   Name of Mother   Sex

Feb. 5  Mrs. Joseph SMITH  girl

Mar. 25  Mrs. Joseph M. GUERNEY girl

Mar. 23  Mrs. Mark HUSKEY  boy

Mar. 19  Mrs. Henry W. BEATT twin boys

Mar. 31  Mrs. Armstead TOWNSEND girl

Apr. 5  Mrs. George W. LUCAS boy

Apr. 21  Mrs. James AIKENS  boy

Apr. 4  Mrs. William JONES  girl


PROBATE COURT - Settlement docket of the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Missouri, to be begun and held in the town of Hillsboro, on the second Monday in May, 1886.  R.A. ELKINS, Judge.

Monday, May 10th, 1886.  First day.

 Estate of BARROWS minors, deceased, J.H. MORSE, Jr., administrator, 2nd annual settlement.

Tuesday, May 11th, 1886, Second day.

 Estate of SCKMERMUND minors, Jno. SCHMERMUND, guardian, 1st annual settlement.

 Estate WATSON minors, W.R. DONNELL curator, 2nd annual settlement.

Wednesday, May 12th, 1886.  Third day.

 Estate Geo. FRAZIER, minor, Peter STEIMAN guardian, 4th annual settlement.

 Estate Isaac FRAZIER, minor, A.H. MOORE, guardian, 4th annual settlement.

 Estate Barbara FRAZIER, minor, Lemuel FRAZIER, guardian, 4th annual settlement.

 Estate James FRAZIER, minor, Henry B. FRAZIER, guardian, 4th, annual settlement.

 Estate Anna M. FLAMM, minor, J.H. EHLERS, guardian, 1st annual settlement.

 Estate SCHANTLE minors, Johanna SCHANTLE, guardian, 2nd annual settlement.




ORDER OF PUBLICATION - State of Missouri - County of Jefferson, In the Circuit court of Jefferson county, Mo., to the September term, 1886, - in vacation, March 22, 1886.

 Peter LEE, Paul LEE and John M. LEE, an infant, by his next friend, Peter LEE, plaintiffs, vs. Martha L. GANNON and Edward GANNON, her husband; Mary G. LEE, George W. NICHOLS, Mary GLENN, William GLENN,

Sarah GLENN and Robert GLENN, defendants. At this day come the plaintiffs herein, by their attorney, Jos. J. WILLIAMS, and file their petition and affidavit, alleging among other things that defendant - Edward GANNON, one of said defendants, has absconded or absented himself from his usual place of abode in the State of Missouri, so that the ordinary process of law cannot be served upon him. Whereupon it is ordered by the clerk that said defendant be notified by

publication that plaintiff's have commenced a suit against him in this court the object and general nature of which is to contest the validity of a certain will made by one John LEE, late husband of Martha L. LEE (now Martha L. GANNON), and the father of plaintiff and the defendant, Mary C. LEE, dated February 15, 1876; admitted to Probate March 30, 1876, and approved by the Judge of Probate during the session of said Probate court on the 31st day of March, 1876; and asking the court that an issue be made up whether the said writing, which was admitted to Probate as hereto fore stated, be in fact the last will and testament of the said John LEE, deceased, or not, and for such orders and judgments

in the premises as may be just and proper; and that unless the said Edward GANNON be and appear at this court, at the next term thereof, to be begun and holden at the courthouse in the town of Hillsboro, in said county, on the second Monday of September, next, and on or before the sixth day of said term, if the term shall so long continue - and if not, then on or before the last day of said term - answer or plead to the petition in said court, the same will be taken as confessed and judgment will be rendered accordingly. And it is further ordered that a copy, hereof be published, according to law, in the Jefferson Democrat, a newspaper printed and published in said county and State.

 C. Tho. HORINE, Circuit Clerk, A true copy from the record.   Witness my hand and the seal of the Circuit court of Jefferson county, this 22nd day of March, 1880.  C. Tho. HORINE, Circuit Clerk.    April 7, 1886


A telephone message, last Monday, informed us of the advent of a new niece at DeSoto. She is stopping at W.L. STONE's.


There was a wedding in the Recorder's office on the 20th inst.  Mr. E.R. COLLINS of Decatur, Ill. and Miss Sarah E. BARRETT of De Soto, were united in marriage by Judge ELKINS. They were an intelligent looking couple, and it is hoped that their path through life will be pleasant. The bride's parents were present and everything seemed agreeable.


DIED -April 22, 1886, at the residence of his son-in-law, George KRAEMER of Maxville, Matias KROPA, aged 64 years, of dysentery. On the evening of the 27th he ate a hearty supper, and at about 3 the next morning, he died without a sign of a struggle.  Also, on the same date, John Anton, infant son of Henry and Caroline SCHLECHT, aged two days, of spina bifida. This is the second child they lost by the same malformation.


A RAMBLE - In pursuance of a call from Mr. Louis GREVE of Pevely, we, the fat 'Squire, started Saturday morning for that place, and in the evening united in wedlock Mr. William RICHARDS and Miss Minnie B. KARTER, at Mrs. DONOVAN's residence.  Mrs RICHARDS is well known in Hillsboro having resided here, and her husband is employed on one of the Government boats, now lying near Bushberg. After the ceremony, a magnificent supper was enjoyed by about one hundred guests, and those who know anything about Mrs. DONOVAN and her daughter's skill for cooking, have an idea of the treat it was to the hungry crowd. A splendid time was had after supper and as our watch had stopped, we are not certain but that Sunday had put in an appearance before the guests dispersed. We can candidly say that we enjoyed the wedding more than any other we ever attended. Every one present seemed to be in a good

humor; the sociability of the ladies, young and old, was unsurpassed, and the large and small ones vied with each other to make it pleasant for those who had come from a distance. We hope that Mr. and Mrs. RICHARDS will never have occasion to regret the step just taken, and that the storms of matrimonial life will deal gently with them.


Miss CLARK, a promising young lady of eighteen, died last Thursday of typhoid fever. Her sickness was of short duration. She was buried in the cemetery here last Friday afternoon.


Mrs. FRITTER, who has been paralyzed for about a year and a half - not being able to walk a step since her illness - will go to her son, William FRITTER, at Californio - this State, at the latter part of this week.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name     Age

March 23  N.M. STEPHENS   7 years

April 11  John GEHRING      78 years

April 7  Sarah E. WARNE      44 years

January 31 Thomas PORTER      60 years



Date   Name of Mother   Sex

April 15  Mrs. John PRATT  boy

April 12  Mrs. John E. MEDLEY  girl

April 17  Mrs. Gust. MILLER  boy

April 18  Mrs. Joseph GANZ  boy

April 15  Mrs. John NAUMANN  girl

March 30  Mrs. William BRACKMANN boy

March 29  Mrs. S.R. HAWKINS  girl




Last Wednesday 'Squire SHEIBLE united in wedlock, at CLARK's hotel in Hillsboro, William H. NIEDENHOFEN and Miss Maggie A. GARRISON, both of De Soto.  We wish them a happy journey through life.


FENTON, April 26, 1886 - On the 25th inst., Mrs. THURMAN, wife of Dr. THURMAN, departed this life. She suffered for a number of years from asthma occasionally, but would soon get better. Her last illness was complicated and baffled all medical skill. She leaves a kind husband and three daughters to mourn her loss.


Some one at Burnsville, who was afraid to sign his name to his communication, sent us a letter last week, telling about Thomas RAMEY being driven from home by his wife and daughter. He makes out a bad case against the women, but does not state the fact that RAMEY has been in Franklin county for a month, evading the arrest on a warrant for feloniously assaulting his wife.


DEATHS AND BIRTHS - The following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name    Age

April 22  Stella CLARK  17 years


Date   Name of Mother   Sex

April 10  Mrs. Emil SINNING  boy

April 14  Mrs. Henry KERKOWSKI boy

April 15  Mrs. Genevieve SHELTON girl

April 23  Mrs. Leo KOHLER  boy

April 11  Mrs. Samuel PRENTISS boy


COUNTY COURT - Report of inquest by 'Squire WARNE over body of William

COLLIER, was approved.




C.W. VOGT came in to attend court, Monday morning, when he received word that his eight-year-old boy had fallen from a wagon and broken one of his legs above the knee. Mr. VOGT immediately started for home.



Date   Name of Mother   Sex

April 6  Mrs. W.S. PURDY  boy

April 10  Mrs. Noah WILLIAMS  girl

April 12  Mrs. William A. BAKER girl

April 26  Mrs. Franz BURG  boy

April 25?  Mrs. J.F. SATTERWHITE girl

April 16  Mrs. Ernest DROMENSKI boy

May 4  Mrs. Michael O'HARA  girl


DIED - May 7, 1886, at his residence on Belew's Creek, Joseph MORRIS, aged 74 years, 7 months and 17 days. He was sick ten days, with typhoid pneumonia. He was in Hillsboro the day before he took sick and looked hale and hearty. He was a native of Ireland, but emigrated to this county from Canada in 1855, and resided near Hillsboro ever since. He raised a family of eight children, all of whom are living, and he leaves his aged wife, who and should ---- ---- ---- years, to mourn his loss. "Uncle Joe" as he was familiarly known, was a good citizen and commanded the respect of all his large circle of acquaintances. (microfilmed fold again.)


Mrs. Lizzie TRIMBLE of Louisville, Ky., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. FRAY.


Two wrecks occurred near Victoria, last week, in consequence of which trains were delayed several hours. Richard GEARLOCK, who had been helping to clear the wreck, wanted to come to De Soto, and in attempting to get on a freight car while in motion, he fell between the cars and was fearfully mangled. He was bro't here. Coroner MOCKBEE held an inquest.


Joseph L. PATTERSON and Miss Mallissa J. WARE were united in marriage April 21. They are both strangers here, her parents having just moved into the neighborhood a few days previous to the marriage, and had the misfortune of getting their house burned.      March 8, 1886.




Mrs. GALVIN, widow of Patrick GALVIN, deceased, died on the 7th inst., aged about 73 years.  She lived in the northwest part of this county.


Married, on the 11th of May, 1886, at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. S.W. EMORY, W.N. FLEMING of De Soto; and Miss Lottie THOMPSON of Pevely, Mo.


On the 7th inst., Mr. Fred. HEID departed this life. He was a resident of this county, but went to work on the Protectorate at Glencoe, St. Louis county. He and two others were engaged on a wall, removing some rocks from the wall, which was about two stories high; the wall started to collapse; the men on it were notified of the danger as soon as it could be done; two of them escaped, but the third, Mr. HEID, was caught in the falling mess; his leg was broken in two places and his breast terribly crushed. He bore the pain manfully, which lasted six hours, and was sensible to the last. He leaves his parents, a brother, two sisters and many friends to mourn his loss, which will be deeply felt. "Requiescat in pace."  Byrnsville, May 18.    A FRIEND.


The Coroner's inquest over the body of George W. PIERCE developed no facts in regard to his drowning. He passed thro' Victoria after the rain and evidently met the raging flood in Cotter creek, and was overwhelmed by it. Mr. PIERCE was a good, honest citizen, and we do not suppose he had an enemy in the world. His only fault was in his occasional sprees, but these he indulged in premeditatedly and not from lack of strength to resist temptation. At all times and under all circumstances he was good natured and never insulted nor molested any one. His untimely death was a sad occurrence. He leaves a wife and several children, all about grown.


CIRCUIT COURT - Caroline STRICKLAND vs. James STRICKLAND, divorce; decree plaintiff - custody - of girls awarded to mother and that of boys to father.


John BAST, guardian of BAST, heirs, vs. Wilhelmina BAST, injunction; fine of $1 assessed against defendant for disobeying order of injunction.


Mrs. SEIVERS of House's Springs has been very sick for some time, but at the present time she is some better.


DEATHS AND BIRTHS - The following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name    Age

May 17  Thomas J. JOHNSON 51 years

May 7  Cyrus ELEY  48 years



Date   Name of mother   Sex

March 10  Mrs. John W. JEUDE  girl

Febr'y 12  Mrs. M.M. JOHNSTON  girl

April 24  Mrs. Adolph KERNBACH girl

April 13  Mrs. Wm. A. BAKER  girl

April 10  Mrs. Noah WILLIAMS  girl

April 21  Mrs. Jesse MITCHELL  boy

April 25  Mrs. Seren McKEAN  boy

April 30  Mrs. Wm. R. CANTRELL girl

April 21  Mrs. Franklin  STROUP girl

May 4  Mrs. Charles DEERY  boy

May 4  Mrs. Michael O'HARA  girl

May 3  Mrs. Daniel L. JARVIS boy

May 5  Mrs. Willard McKEAN  girl

May 3  Mrs. John VINYARD  girl


Mrs. Johanna SCHMIDT, daughter of James GALVIN, died at Windsor Harbor, Friday evening, and was buried today at the Catholic cemetery near Maxville. Kimmswick, May 16, 1886.




Madison M. JOHNSTON, formerly of Pevely and late of Horine, died on the 17th inst., aged about 54 years. He received a paralytic stroke about a week before. He returned to the house from a little fishing excursion and, while sitting on the doorstep taking off his shoes, fell over helpless and was only able to speak a few words afterwards. Mr. JOHNSTON spent most of his life clerking for the late Judge RANKIN, and since that gentlemen's death has not had any remunerative business. He leaves a wife and three small children in destitute circumstances. Just a month before his brother, Thomas, died suddenly from a stroke of paralysis or apoplexy. It is reported that his father and sister died in the same way.


DEATHS AND BIRTHS - The following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week.

Date   Name    Age

May 18  M.M. JOHNSTON  53 years


Date  Name of mother   Sex

May 17 Mrs. James BRIERTON  a boy




A little miss put in an appearance at Jesse MAUPIN's last Wednesday. Thus Hillsboro slowly but surely increases her population.


Joel BOOTH is to be married to-day to Miss Zoe PENNINGTON of Macon, Michigan. But for the distance and cost of the trip, we would like to be present at Joel's wedding, as the day is also an important one in our history. It is just 44 years to-day since we came to this country.


The following births were filed with the County clerk the past week;

Date   Name of mother   Sex

Feb'y 25  Mrs. Louis SNEYERS  boy

Feb'y 11  Mrs. John PERKINS  boy

Feb'y 13  Mrs. John R. CREWS  girl

Feb'y 14  Mrs. Hermann MEYERS     3 boys

March 1  Mrs. Andrew WIDEMAN  boy

March 12  Mrs. Samuel WIDEMAN  boy

April 8  Mrs. John D. HEINEN  boy

April 9  Mrs. Sarah WILLIAMS  boy

April 23  Mrs. W.C. SIMMS  girl

April 27  Mrs. Jacob SCHMIDT  boy

April 25  Mrs. Joseph VINYARD  boy

May 15  Mrs. Charles HIRTH  girl


DE SOTO - Mrs. John FRENCH and children have gone to Council Grove, Kansas, to visit relatives.


Miss Mamie LEWIS of Louisville, who has made her sister, Mrs. Wm. FREY, an extended visit, returned home last week, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Lizzie TRIMBLE, who has made a short visit here


Edw. H., son of A.J. LUCKEY, and Miss Elizabeth WILLOUGHBY were married last week. Rev. George CHASE officiating. Several other weddings are reported to take place soon, which will lessen the membership of the

bachelor club.  De Soto, May 31, 1886.


Mrs. DOLL, living near this place, a very old lady, died Sunday night, the 23rd inst.


Waldemar SCHULZE's youngest child died on the 23rd inst. its death being produced from drinking coal oil. The child, while the mother was attending her household duties, by accident crawled to an oil can that was near by, and before the mother could get near it, it had poured a quantity down its throat. Dr. WILLIAMS was sent for, but did not get there in time to do the little one any good, and it lived only a few hours, the oil appearing to burn its throat and stomach so badly that it was beyond the reach of medicine. The neighbors deeply sympathize with the parents for the unfortunate occurrence.  May 30, 1886.




The funeral of Lettie OGLE, daughter of James and Emily OGLE, will be preached in Hematite next Sunday, at 11 a.m, by Rev. EMORY.


Last Thursday Mr. Robert BAECKER and Miss Augusta DREYER started in a buggy from Festus to Hillsboro, for the purpose of getting the Recorder to give 'Squire SHEIBLE permission to make them man and wife. In fording the Joachim they got into so deep water that the horse had to swim and they were in water up to the arms. They succeeded in reaching Hillsboro, a little worse for their ducking and the 'Squire started them off in double harness. We trust the little adventure will have no consequences on their health.


DEATHS AND BIRTHS - The following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name    Age

May 27  August A. SCHULZE 11 years

May 16  James W. ROGERS 9 months



Date   Name of mother   Sex

April 28  Mrs. Andrew WEBER  boy

May 7  Mrs. William BIELD  boy

May 10  Mrs. Antoine DUBA  boy

May 31  Mrs. James GIBSON  girl

May 10  Mrs. Thol SANDERS  girl

May 14  Mrs. Irving GOWEN  girl

May 14  Mrs. Robert HUNT  boy


The marriage of Henry WAGNER of this place to Miss Annie MILLER of Rock Creek, took place last Tuesday week, at the Lutheran church. A reception was had in the evening at Jacob MILLER's. The happy couple are now keeping house on Market Street. Kimmswick, June 6, 1886.




DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

April 15 Thomas P.E. FRAZIER  8 months



Date   Name of Mother   Sex

Jan 12  Mrs. Alonzo KITE  girl

April  Mrs. Nicholas SMITH  boy

April 12  Mrs. George DOUGLAS  boy

April 11  Mrs. Lafayette WILLIAMS boy

April 25  Mrs. Jessie MAUPIN  girl

May 8  Mrs. Andrew WILLIAMS boy

May 28  Mrs. Walter McANALLY boy

May 28?  Mrs. August RIDER  girl


Mrs. Emma ESTES is visiting relatives at her old home in St. Francois county, for the benefit of her health.


Mrs. Mike THORNTON of Camdon Ark., is visiting friends and relatives here, and will probably spend the Summer with her parents, Mr and Mrs. SHIELDS.   Ware, June 10, 1886




ORDER OF PUBLICATION - STATE OF MISSOURI - County of Jefferson - In the Circuit court of said county May term, 1886; 12th day, Saturday, May 22, 1886. Joseph GOODWIN, plaintiff, versus Mahala GOODWIN, defendant. At this day comes the plaintiff herein, by his attorney, Jos. T. TATUM, and moves the court for an order of publication in said cause and it appearing to the court here, from the return of the sheriff to the write of said cause; that the defendant can not be found, and the court being satisfied that she can not be summoned by the ordinary process of law - it is ordered by the court here that said defendant be notified by publication that plaintiff has commenced a suit against her in this court, the object and general nature of which is to obtain a decree of said court dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant on the ground of desertion of plaintiff and her children for more than one whole year, on the round of repeated acts of violence on the part of defendant and upon plaintiff and their children; and plaintiff also prays for an order of court giving him the care, custody and control of the children of said marriage; and that unless the said Mahala GOODWIN be and appear at this court, at the next term thereof, to be begun and holden at the courthouse in the town of Hillsboro, in said county, on the second Monday of September next, and

on or before the sixth day of that term, if the term shall so long continue - and if not then, on or before the last day of said term - answer or plead to the petition in said cause, the same will be taken as confessed and judgment will be rendered accordingly. And it is further ordered that a copy hereof be published according to law, in the Jefferson Democrat, a newspaper printed and published in Jefferson county, State of Missouri, and the cause stand continued. A true copy of the record.  Witness my hand and the seal of the Circuit court of Jefferson county, this 31st day of May, 1886.  C. Tho. HORINE, Circuit Clerk    June 9, 1886


Joel BOOTH and his bride arrived, last week, from Michigan.  They will remain here about a month before proceeding to their Dakota home.


A charming pair of doves, giving their names as Oscar C. HENKE and Bertha TICE, from St. Louis, applied to our Recorder last Monday for marriage license. They admitted that their action was without consent and against the wishes of the young lady's parents, and as they could prove that they were of proper age the Recorder reluctantly refused to issue the license.


COUNTY COURT - Proceedings of inquests were approved and feebills allowed as follows - by Dr. MOCKBEE, over body of A.H. FENINGER, $32.92; by Dr. MOCKBEE, over body of Richard GERLACH, $22.83; by C.G. WARNE, over body of unknown boy, $13.15; by L.K. WATERS, over body of unknown man, $14.90.


Paul YUNG, brother-in-law of H. HAMEL died rather suddenly, at 10 o'clock Saturday night.  he seemed apparently well during the day, having eaten a hearty breakfast and dinner.  He was 52 years old.


DEATHS AND BIRTHS - The following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name    Age

May 24  Margaret DOLL  65 years

June 16  Thomas LEE  65 years


Date   Name of mother   Sex

May 19  Mrs. George SCOTT  girl

May 14  Mrs. Hermann CARMANN girl

May 30  Mrs. Oscar NENGEBAUER girl

May 28  Mrs. Charles FRELAND boy

May 5  Mrs. Philip EDINGER  boy

April 10  Mrs. Kimberlin A. GILLMAN girl

Feb. 19  Mrs. Joseph ZIEGLER  girl

June 11  Mrs. Fred GLASS  boy




Mrs. John M. GEER of Springfield, Mo., is here visiting her brother, Mr. Frank BOUGHTON.


There is a new girl at Austin FRAZIER's.  This is their first and it is hard to tell which is the proudest, Papa FRAZIER or Grandpa BOUGHTON.


Mrs. Susan MITCHELL is visiting friends in Victoria. She has been in New Mexico for the last two or three years with her daughter, Mrs. LORD.


John VINYARD's family of near Victoria, have had a severe siege of sickness. One little girl has died and a little boy was at death's door for days, but is now recovering. The disease is said to be flux. Mr. and Mrs. VINYARD have the sympathy of the community in their affliction.


Henry HINCKE, the Big River broom maker; after living  the life of a bachelor for seventy years or more, concluded at last to travel the rest of the journey of life in double harness. He was married on the 21st inst. to Mrs. Sophronia INGALLS, a widow with four children. Esq. ROGGE performed the ceremony, and a lot of his friends got together and gave the couple an old-fashioned cow-bell and tinpan serenade. We had promised a keg of beer for the occasion, but they failed to notify us of the time.


W.F. EDINGER went to Potosi, Wednesday, to attend the wedding of Will JONES and Miss KENDALL. The happy couple left that afternoon for Lane, Kansas, their future home.


DEATHS AND BIRTHS - The following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name     Age

June 11  William H. STETHAM  2 years



Date   Name of mother   Sex

June 7  Mrs. John ZUFALL  boy

June 3  Mrs. James COOK  boy

May 25  Mrs. Albert BROUK  boy

May 27  Mrs. Erasmus WARNDRAN boy

 The boys seem to be in a hopeless majority this week.




MAXVILLE - Died - July 6th, Catharine, daughter of Edward and Catharine KASSEL, of Rock Creek valley, aged 2 years, 4 months and 2 days, of convulsions; July 9th, George, son of Otto and Mary SPITZ of near Fenton, aged 2 years, 9 months and 2 days, of congestion of the bowels.


Mrs. Ellen ADAMS of Sandy died on the 7th inst., aged 72 years. She had been afflicted for months with dropsy.


The mother of Herman SIEMERS and Mrs. DIENZE died at her home in St. Louis, last Saturday morning, at a ripe old age.


Mike HORINE says that some one in this office must have been in a "precarious" position last week, as his girl will be a voter in 21 years hence.


C.W.S. VINYARD of Victoria, one of our oldest, most respected citizens, died last Sunday evening after only a few days' illness, of flux.


Report of inquest by 'Squire WARNE, over body of Charles VILLMER, was approved and fee bill of $7.00 allowed.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name    Age

June 23  Bertha VINYARD  2 years

July 7  Henry VINYARD  4 years



Date  Name of mother    Sex

June 25 Mrs. Andrew J. CREAN  boy

June 30 Mrs. Sebastian BERNERA  girl

June 25 Mrs. R.A. FRAZIER   girl

June 13 Mrs. Doc DRENNEN   boy

June 14 Mrs. James COUCH   boy

July 6 Mrs. Kortus RICHARDSON  girl

April 7 Mrs. J.M. BAKER   boy




Constable Edwin FOREST two-month-old baby died yesterday morning.


On June 17, 1886, at Sulphur Springs, Nellie T. RANDOLPH, aged five years and ten months, died.


DEATHS and BIRTHS; - The following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name     Age

July 1  Anne GAVISK  11 years

July 3  Emelia VERNDRAN 1 month



Date  Name of mother    Sex

June 30 Mrs. Henry LEUTZINGER  girl

June 30 Mrs. M.W. HORINE   boy

June 22 Mrs. Henry TRENTELMANN  girl

June 19 Mrs. John G. BRUNS   girl

June 17 Mrs. H.P. GRAHAM   boy

June 17 Mrs. William POWERS   boy

July 5 Mrs. Henry SCHMIDT   boy

July 7 Mrs. Thomas POLKINGHORN  girl


PROBATE COURT - Settlement docket of the Probate court of Jefferson county, Mo., August term, 1886.  R.A. ELKINS, Judge

Tuesday, August 10th.

 Estate of KRAMER minors, Frederick KRAMER guardian, annual.

 Estate Nellie KIRN minor, H.N. JENKINS guardian, second.

 Estate Cora KIRN minor, August RACINE guardian, second.

 Estate REHEIS minors, George ZIEGLER curator, third annual.




There is a brand new Democrat at Ed. MERSEAL's. He won't be able to vote this time but if he follows after his father he will vote right when his time does come.


PLATTIN - Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell McCORMACK are attending the funeral of Mrs. S.H. MEAD, near Rush Tower, today...George TUCKER has over sixteen pounds of twins at his house, which came on the 10th inst. The girl

weighs 8 1/2 and the boy 7 3/4...


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name    Age

July 8  George SPITZ  3 years

July 13  Charles SPITZ  10 months

July 19  Charles COLE  26 years



Date  Name of mother   Sex

July 5 Mrs. Charles HARMONY girl




On Sunday, August 1, 1886, 'Squire McFARLAND united in wedlock John T. WILLIAMS and Lucy E. MANION, both of Big River township.


Dr. MOCKBEE was called, Monday, to hold an inquest over the remains of a man found on the track, near Toby switch, De Soto. He had been run over by a train and was badly mangled, but was finally identified as James ARMSTRONG who worked a while in De Soto during the late strike, but who had been gone from there for some time. He is supposed to have a wife, living at Belgrade, Washington county, Mo. There was nothing to show how he happened to meet with such a terrible fate.


Mary BLACK, colored, died July 20th, at Mrs. M.L. SPAULDING's on Sandy, aged about 80 years. She was formerly the property of Mr. SPAULDING and remained with the family after being freed. She was a cripple for many years and during the last ten years she could not see. She thought so much of the family that she would not consent to leave them after she became a helpless burden, and the county has been making small appropriations for her benefit for several years.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following deaths were filed with the County clerk the past week:

Date   Name    Age

July 21  John GUM?   17 years

July 5  Charles E. WILLE 2 months

July 13  Lizzie C. LENINGER 41 years

July 5  Edmund WEISSEL  1 1/2 years



Date   Name of mother   Sex

June 29  Mrs. James W. SENTER son

July 13  Mrs. Frank BOLHAFER  girl

July 25  Mrs. Rudolph RIESER  son

July 19  Mrs. Geo. B. TUCKER, boy and girl

July 5  Mrs. Nicholas HAEFFNER son

July 22  Mrs. Adolph HERMANN  son

July 27  Mrs. Cad CHEDAM  son

July 2  Mrs. Edward DONNELL  son

July 12  Mrs. A. POPE   girl

July 15  Mrs. Christian FRANK girl

July 17  Mrs. Julius B. DENO  son

July 25  Mrs. Julius BAKER  son

July 5  Mrs. M.E. OGLE   son

August 5  Mrs. Wm. McKEE   son

August 2  Mrs. Jos F. ADAMS  son


On Sunday, August 1, 1886, 'Squire McFARLAND united in wedlock John T. WILLIAMS and Lucy E. MANION, both of Big River township.




Last Monday 'Squire SHEIBLE united in wedlock.  Bernhard SCHNEIDER and Miss Charlotte L. HUNTLEY, both of Meramec township.


We are sorry to learn of the death of 'Squire ROGGE's wife, who died last week of puerpal fever. Some ten days ago she gave birth to a pair of twins, which are both living.


On the 10th inst., 'Squire SHEIBLE tied Adam FISCHER and Mrs. Dora SAUER together in wedlock. The Recorder had some doubts as to the groom's age, but finally gave his consent. They are both from Plattin.


John MAYFIELD of Big River township, died last Sunday week ago, at the residence of his son, Richard. Mr. MAYFIELD was quite old, up in the eighties, and was an excellent citizen. He was quite active up to a few weeks ago.


The war among the lately emancipated still goes on. It was only on the 4th inst that WESTOVER created a great sensation by brutally murdering his friend, BOWSER, and now we have another tragedy of the same kind to chronicle. It occurred last Thursday, near Crystal City, where Aleck MURDOCH walked up to the door of his brother-in-law, Henry HORTON; both men were perfectly sober; a few words were passed, when HORTON raised his shotgun and sent a load of shot into MURDOCH's heart, killing him instantly. The men stood so close together that HORTON was drenched with MURDOCH's blood. HORTON went and surrendered himself to Constable DAVIS, claiming he had shot in self defense; but George WHITENER, another colored man who witnessed the deed, gives a different version of the affair. After an inquest, by 'Squire WARNE, over the body of MURDOCH, Constable DAVIS brought HORTON to jail. MURDOCH was a single man and had lately come from Ste. Genevieve county hunting work. HORTON  has a family and worked for the Crystal Plate Glass Co. It is thought that the murder is the ending of an old feud.


Last Wednesday, Mr. W.A. FAZE of Cleveland, Ohio, arrived in this county on a visit to his brother, whom he had not seen for about thirty years. Manuel FAZE has been in this county several years, and for a long time was partially demented. At one time he got so bad he was confined in the county jail for a while to prevent him from doing mischief. He had had no communication with is people and they thought him dead. Mr. W.A. FAZE had just completed, a short time since, setting up the estate of another brother and, there being something coming to Manuel if alive, he set about trying to find him. An advertisement in St. Louis papers accomplished the work. Manuel being living with Judge M.F. BYRNE of Byrnsville. He has a good home with the Judge and will probably be left there, and his little money invested so that it will be of service to him when necessary. Mr. FAZE is a cultured gentleman, and we had the pleasure of quite a long talk with him. He will probably remain in the county a week or two and, if practicable, will give us a Sunday school lecture.


MAXVILLE - DIED - August 1, 1886, John, son of Postmaster Fred SCHWAAB and Eliza, his wife of Mattese, St. Louis county, aged 3 years and 9 months, of diptheria.


August 4, 1886, Louis Levi, son of Ed and Maggie McCLAIN, of inflammation of the bowels, aged 5 months.


August 6, 1886, Sophia, daughter of Joseph and Barbara STAHL, of congestion of the bowels, aged 2 years and 2 months.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

July 10 Irene Gertie WHITE  7 months

July 14 -----  VILLMAR   2 years

July 27 Jeptha BERKLEY   28 years

July 29 Hugh CAPE    2 years



Date   Name of mother   Sex

May 29  Mrs. Adam VOTEAU  girl

July 10  Mrs. Peter STAETZEL  girl

July 20  Mrs. Edward MERSEAL  boy

July 28  Mrs. C. W. VOGT  boy

August 5  Mrs. J.H. SILKWOOD  girl

August 3  Mrs. A.H. HERBURT  girl



Last Saturday, Thomas JOHNSON, of Horine, was fishing in the Joachim, and while trying to pull out a fish, he was struck with paralysis. Some one present conveyed him to his house, and Dr. McNUTT was sent for, but ere the physician arrived, about an hour later, JOHNSON was a corpse. Mr. JOHNSON is an old citizen of this county, and leaves a family to mourn his sudden demise. He was buried at Horine last Monday afternoon.




The following is a correct list of the Normal Students of 1886.  There were 67 this year to 78 last. Considering the dull times and that there was another Normal held in this county, the present, or rather the past Normal has been eminently successful. The work did last Summer pleased the teachers, and they feel that they have been much benefited by their attendance during the session. The Normal institute is  growing in favor with the people, as it should, and the effects of the Normal training are felt throughout the county.  Here is the list:

D.L. STURGISS   Bushberg

Jessie FREESE   Horine

Mary LYNCH   House's Springs

W.A. HENSLEY   Pevely

Ida HENSLEY   Sandy Bridge

Julia DONOVAN   Pevely

L.E. SMITH   Rush Tower

Bessie MORSE   De Soto

Allie COON   De Soto

F.W. McFARLAND   De Soto

Emma BEISBARTH   De Soto

Sarah A. HICKS   De Soto

Nettie CABLE   De Soto

Delia McGUIRE   De Soto

Anna McCLURE   De Soto

Elenor M. WARHER  De Soto

May BRADY    Hillsboro

Sarah A. McNAMEE  Pacific City

Sebastian BOSLER  Antonia

Omer F. JAHN   Morse's Mill

George H. WITTRAM  Hillsboro

Mrs. Florence McCREERY De Soto

Thos. S. BYRD   Hematite

Carrie E. O'MARA  Potosi

Annie A. ROBINSON  Kimmswick

Mary SEAT    Victoria

Nellie BRIERTON  Potosi

Mrs. M.D. BAKER  Caledonia

Jennie PERKINS   Vineland

Annie DOUGHTERTY  Byrnsville

J.E. LENHART   Clark Ave. St. Louis

Millard F. HERRINGTON Hillsboro

W.A. WILSON   House's Springs

Lester WILSON   House's Springs

Genervra HOPSON  Frumet

Willis HOPSON   Frumet

Josie WILLIAMS   De Soto

Edwin HERRINGTON  Hillsboro

John DALTON   Catawissa

George GASCHE   Dittmer's Store

May THOMAS   Eureka

Jessie HALL   Rock Creek

Mary B. DOVER   Frumet

Minnie DOVER   Frumet

Lettie B. WATERS  Kimmswick

Bertha WHITEHEAD  Kimmswick

Emma A. LYNCH   Victoria

Belle LEE    Grubville

Mrs. Maggie ADAMS  Sandy Bridge

Julia MUNDY   De Soto

Lausen FRAZIER   Hillsboro

Lizzie L. PERKINS  Vineland

James BERKLEY   De Soto

John A. DOVER   Frumet

Lily WITTRAM   Hillsboro

D.V. VEAZEY   De Soto

W.P. BUREN   Hillsboro

Robert BUREN   Hillsboro

Willie BLANK   De Soto

George SULLENS   Byrnsville

W.H. CROWDER   Hillsboro

Katie PYLE   De Soto

Rosa ELDERS   Hematite

Katie WALKER   De Soto

Nora SLAWSON   De Soto

Simon McINERNEY  House's Spring

Essie IRWIN   Rush Tower

  Very truly yours,  Edwin D. LUCKEY, County School Commissioner.


BYRNSVILLE - On Wednesday, September 15, Mr. Thomas McDERMOTT and Miss Mary J. FLANNIGAN were united for a double journey down the highway to eternity, by the Rev. Father GALLAGHER, Rector of St. Columbkills church. I will not attempt to portray, with my weak pencil, the gaudy apparel of the bride and groom, but will simply say they were dressed in the latest style. A hearty welcome was tendered the invited guests by the bride's parents. Beer, wine, etc., were served in abundance to all to arouse good cheer and drive from the midst of the crowd drowsiness. A spacious hall was laid open for the young and old to trip to the light fantastic to the sweet, soft airs of James EARLEY, Edw'd DOGHERTY and J.T. BYRNS. The guests showed their good wishes not only by the presents given to the happy couple, but also their good will in providing for the deer little innocents whose fate time alone can tell. We wish this happy pair a long and happy life, free from earth's troubles and cares. May their every joyful moment breathe sweet tokens of eternity, and may their brows be bound with wreaths, whose transient radiance will survive the wearers. From what we could gather the following are the gifts and donors:  John FLYNN and wife of St. Louis, lace bed-spread, table cloth and towels; Frank CREAN and wife, Singer sewing machine; Julia McDERMOTT of St. Louis, white Marsailles bed-spread; Mrs. M. MULDOON, pair vases; Mrs. Julius PETERSON of St. Louis, set silver spoons, knives and forks; Mrs. WYDCOFF, desert dishes; Mary BYRNE and Nanny DEWYER, each a glass tea set; Mrs. Louis EDLICH, table cloth and set of napkins; P. BYRNE, Jr., table cloth; Miss Anna BYRNS, silver cornered plush album; Laura DICKERSON, beautiful hanging lamp; Martin DENNISON, castor and several other things.


CRYSTAL and FESTUS - John STAHLER, the expert carpenter, and Fred HAGUE, leave for Dakota tomorrow.




DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name    Age

Sept. 2  Tulda BECK  8 months


Date   Name of mother   Sex

Sept. 16  Mrs. W.J. VAHN   boy

Sept. 6  Mrs. U.S. WELLS  boy

Sept. 12  Mrs. James WALSH  girl


Billie ARMSTRONG left last week for California, where he expects to make his future home. The rest of the family intend to follow this Fall.


Last Sunday morning J.M. FREDERITZIE of Maxville came to Hillsboro, in search of his brother-in-law, George RICHARDSON. The latter is partially demented and ran away from home last Friday. He is a medium sized man, about 50 years old and has a three-weeks' growth of beard. Information of his whereabouts will be gratefully received by his anxious relatives.


James GORDON was arrested last Thursday, upon a warrant issued by 'Squire SHEIBLE, charged with disturbing the peace of Mary GORDON, his wife. He gave bond for his appearance for trial next Friday. Last Saturday, while working at De Soto for the railroad company, Mr. GORDON was injured to such an extent that he had to be sent to the company's hospital, which will likely continue the case for some time.


Two weddings took place, yesterday, in Plattin township. Mr. Thomas HILL and Miss Sarah McCLAIN, daughter of J.T. McCLAIN, were one party, and Mr. James A. WILLIAMS and Miss Emma McCORMACK, daughter of W.S.

McCORMACK, the other. We had an invitation to Mr. McCORMACK's and, though we knew it would be a good place to see a number of old friends, and to get a magnificent wedding dinner, it seemed impossible for us to attend.


Garrett P. WHEELHORN and wife, who live near Valle's Mines, were charged by the last grand jury with causing the death of their three-year old girl by cruel treatment. They were arrested last Saturday by the Sheriff and brought to jail, but their friends bailed them out that evening. Mr. WHEELHORN is a school teacher and has the appearance of a well-disposed person, and one would not think him capable of committing such a crime as he is charged with.


Louis DEGUERE of Festus died suddenly last Saturday morning. He was employed by the Crystal Plate Glass company, had worked all week and appeared to be in good health. Saturday morning he arose and, after his little girl had prepared him breakfast, started to the table and fell and in a few moments more he was dead. His remains were interred in the Sunny Side cemetery, Sunday. Mr. D. was about 40 years of age and a good, quiet citizen. A divorce suit between him and his wife is now settled without judgment of the court.


COUNTY COURT - Reports of inquests were approved and fee bills allowed as follows - Coroner MOCKBEE on body of Jos. ARMSTRONG $22.58; same on body of Nelson BOWSER $57.53; same on body of Isaac WOLF $35.28; C.G. WARNE on body of James WILLIAMS $7.42; L.K. WATERS on body of unknown man $12.


CIRCUIT COURT - D.W. MORSE vs. Anna MORSE, divorce; judgment for defendant for $35, alimony.


CIRCUIT COURT - J.F. ALLRED vs ----  ALLRED, divorce; dismissed. (The name of ---- ALLRED, was not given in the paper.)


CIRCUIT COURT - Joseph A. BEUCLER was made a citizen.


Henry WAGNER, our genial shoe merchant, is happy over the arrival of a boy at his house.




Mr. William JARVIS and wife, of Guion, Indiana, are here on a visit to their uncle, Thornton JARVIS, and other relatives.


George E. BUTLER of near Hematite, has sold his farm and stock, and intends moving to Washington territory. The purchaser is Mr. SHIELDS of St. Louis.


On the 5th inst., Rev. D.W. CROW united in the holy bonds of matrimony Mr. Thomas HILL to Miss Sarah C. McCLAIN, daughter of James T. McCLAIN of Plattin township. A great many guests were present, mostly relatives, and enjoyed a first class dinner, prepared by the bride's mother. The young couple were the recipients of a large number of useful and valuable presents, accompanied by the good wishes of all their friends.


Married, at the residence of James CAFFRY on Belew's Creek, October 2, 1886, by Judge ELKINS. Mr. J.M. HASLER of Springfield, Mo., and Miss A.M. McCLAIN of this county. A few of the nearest neighbors were present to witness the ceremony and a splendid supper was enjoyed by all. We wish the happy couple a long and happy life, but we object to the way these outsiders have of carrying off our fairest young ladies. However, if the young men of the county can stand it we can.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following deaths ere field with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

Sept.  11 Miss Georgia FRIEDRICH 20 years


Date   Name of mother   Sex

Sept. 26  Mrs. Oscar A. DENNY  boy

Sept. 27  Mrs. Eli HANK   girl

Sept. 9  Mrs. Sam HAVERSTICK  boy

Sept. 16  Mrs. Charles REICHART boy

Sept. 10  Mrs. Wm. THOMPSON  boy

Sept. 26  Mrs. Philip SCHAUB  boy

Sept. 22  Mrs. Felix TOOLE  boy

Sept. 24  Mrs. Frank SWOB  girl

Sept. 30  Mrs. Henry WAGNER  boy

Oct. 2  Mrs. Elias EIMANN  girl


William BAKER and Miss M. HERRILL were married, at the residence of the bride's mother, last Thursday evening.  Numerous friends were in attendance and the evening highly enjoyed.  Judge SECKMANN officiated.


'Squire STONE united in marriage, on the 5th inst., Joseph FRANCES and Miss Emma ROUSIN, both of De Soto.


John DURNER, a fireman on the road, came to his death at Little Rock, Thursday, by being run over by an engine.




PROBATE COURT - Term docket of the Probate court of Jefferson county, Missouri, to be begun and held in the town of Hillsboro, in said county, on the 2nd Monday in November, 1886. R.A. ELKINS, Judge Monday, November 8th


Estate Amandus and Alvina BRACKMAN minors, Emma BRACKMANN, guardian, first.


Estate FARRELLY minors, Nicholas VOGELSANG, guardian, first.


Estate Henry KAISER minor, Wm. SCHWALBERT guardian, first.


Estate W.P. VINYARD minor, R. VINYARD guardian, first annual settlement.




DIED - in Cincinnati, Ohio, Wednesday, October 20, 1886, at 11 p.m., Anna Maria HARDER, at the advanced age of 95 years, 8 months and 16 days. Peacefully she passed away, after having received the last sacrament of the

Roman Catholic Church, of which she was a life-long member.    Frank HARDER.


Judge T.F.W. ZIMMERMAN, accompanied by Mr. Wm. ROHLFING and a gentleman connected with the ALEXIAN Bro's hospital came down from St. Louis, last Friday, on probate business, caused by the sudden and tragic death of

William BRETHOLD, who died in said hospital the first of this week, from the effects of an accident we mentioned in our last issue. Mr. BRETHOLD had agreed to take a span of Texas ponies home and break them in harness for a friend in St. Louis; they went to the Union stock yards, where the ponies were lassoed; BRETHOLD was leaning against a post, when one of the ponies made a quick circle around the post, and the rope, with which it was fastened, was wound so tight about BRETHOLS's body that both his arms and four ribs were broken, and he received fatal internal injuries. Deceased was one of the best men of the northern part of the county, and leaves a family and many friends to mourn his unexpected death.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name    Age

May 17  John BOST   2 1/2 years

Oct   Agnes STARLEY  37 1/2 years


Date   Name of mother   Sex

Aug. 31  Mrs. James SULLENS  girl

Aug. 29  Mrs. E.M. ARMSTRONG  girl

Sept. 5  Mrs. Oscar GAMACHE  boy

Sept. 21  Mrs. George MURRELL  boy

Sept. 30  Mrs. Roger JOHNSTON  boy

Octr. 8  Mrs. William BLAKE  boy

Octr. 10  Mrs. R.G. BOHNE  girl

Octr. 11  Mrs. Thomas ARMSTRONG boy

Octr. 8  Mrs. John G. KOCH  girl

Octr. 13  Mrs. Wm. BUECHTING  boy

Octr. 2  Mrs. Jas S. BLACKWELL girl

Octr. 15  Mrs. Jefferson COUCH boy




John SWENEY, of near Hillsboro, buried little child last Tuesday.


W.P. HAMRICK, a former resident of this, but now of Texas county, was here last week on business.


Mrs. CROWDER gave birth to twin boys, last Saturday morning. One of them was born dead. The other one and its mother are doing well.


An old gentleman named WILJACK, was sitting in BRACKMANN's store at High Ridge last Tuesday, when he suddenly fell dead. The cause is not known.


On the 11th ult. a 14 pound boy stopped at Clay MOSS' on Sandy. Mother and son are doing well, but Clay has not recovered entirely from the son-stroke.


Cliff MOTHERSHEAD did not get to do any electioneering last week. He was watching the arrival of a little stranger at his house. It came on time and is a fine boy.


Last Wednesday 'Squire SHEIBLE was called to CLARK's hotel, where he found George W. SMITH and Miss Mary A. BAUMGARTNER awaiting to be 'hitched.' He gave them a two-dollar set of harness, and started them off working double for their home in Monroe county, Ill.


KIMMSWICK - Capt. A.J. FLEMING of Sulphur Springs, died last Sunday night. His remains were shipped to Louisville for interment. The Captain was an old steamboatman and a man of considerable wealth. He was a citizen of Jefferson county for the last ten years.


OBITUARY - In Hillsboro, October 30, 1886, at 1 o'clock a.m., Edward VOLLMAR, in the 54th year of his age. Deceased was born in Wuertenberg, Germany, March 23, 1829, where he learned the locksmith trade and served his country in the regular service in a pioneer regiment. In 1854 he came to America and was married to the lady who survives shortly after landing on the "soil of the free," having form her acquaintance on the voyage over the ocean. They resided in Cincinnati some years, and then removed to St. Louis, where they remained until 1861, when they moved upon a farm near Horine. Since that  time he has been well known among the people of this county as a business man of more than ordinary ability, and his demise is a loss to Hillsboro, as well as the whole county. He leaves a widow and seven children - three daughters and four sons - and some grandchildren to mourn his loss, who have our sympathies.




Mr. and Mrs. W.B. TRUMBULL of Athal, Kansas, are visiting Judge THOMAS at De Soto. Mrs. T. is a sister of the Judge. She is aged and feeble, and came near having a serious accident last Sunday. In attempting to pass from one to another, she opened the wrong door and fell headlong down stairs into the cellar. Luckily she received no serious hurt.


Married, November 2, 1886, at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Ann DAVIS of Belew's Creek, Mr. C.W. McKEE and Miss Sedalia DAVIS. After the wedding Mr. McKEE took his bride to Victoria to visit his relatives and parents, and while there were the recipients of many presents of use and value, the donors being Mr. MANDLE and lady, F. McKEE, Phil McKEE, Sant DOVER, Catharine McKEE, Lew McKEE, Ella McKEE, D.F. McKEE and

lady, Miss Burnett McKEE, T.J. McKEE, Ida McKEE and Will ROBERTS.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name    Age

Oct. 30  Edward VOLLMAR  56 years


Date   Name of mother   Sex

July 29  Mrs. James MANWARRING boy

Aug. 29  Mrs. John G. HAVERSTICK girl

Aug. 26  Mrs. K.P. FINNEY  boy

Sep. 28  Mrs. A.P. TEGTEMEYER girl

Sep. 23  Mrs. Wm. REYNOLDS  boy

Sep. 15  Mrs. John DORLAC  boy

Sep. 9  Mrs. Ferdinand DODSON girl

Sep. 22  Mrs. Samuel KELLY boy and girl

Oct. 10  Mrs. Peter GREB  boy




On the 11th inst. 'Squire MARX united in wedlock, at the residence of the bride's father, Wilson HUNT, in Rock township. Mr. Louis BRUST and Miss Amanda HUNT.


Mrs. Elvina TREFTS, of near Hillsboro, died last Sunday, aged 54 years. The disease was cancer of the breast, with which she had been suffering for three years. Her last days were very painful, but she retained her mind till the last, and was fully prepared for the dreaded journey. She had been a member of the Baptist church for fifteen years.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

Oct. 18 Mrs. Alice EHRICHS  38 years

Oct. 10 Luella PORTER   16 years



Date  Name of mother    Sex

Sep. 23 Mrs. Oscar OGLE   girl

Sep. 29 Mrs. Edward KELLAR   girl

Sep. 20 Mrs. Peter WILLIAMS   girl

Sep. 23 Mrs. James ADAMS  boy, died

Oct. 21 Mrs. H. BRAMERLOH   girl

Oct. 23 Mrs. William GUIBOR   boy

Oct. 30 Mrs. W.H. FARRIS   girl

Nov. 3 Mrs. Frank NULL  boy, died

Nov. 4 Mrs. W.F. DITTMER   boy

Nov. 2 Mrs. Andrew STEVENS   girl




George GRAVES leaves for Paducah, Ky., Saturday, where he will be married on December 7th, to a young lady of that city. They will return home about the 9th prox.


Mr. Otto OETERS? of St. Louis died last Saturday. He was here the Saturday before, attending to business for the estate of Jane MITCHELL, deceased, of which he was administrator.


Magdalene DUNIGAN has filed a petition for divorce from her husband, John DUNIGAN, alleging "intollerable treatment" as the cause. They have been married 18 years and have a houseful of children.


Mrs. Hattie JOHNSTON, wife of Eugene JOHNSTON of Sandy, died last Thursday. She and her infant, the innocent cause of her death, were buried on Friday. Two of her sisters, Mrs. William TURNER and Mrs. S.H. POSTON died in the same way.


---- ---- ---- ---- ---- PARKS of Jefferson county was recently married in St. Louis to Maj. J.A. GREY, a prominent and wealthy land commissioner of Dakota. The bridal party will visit New York, Philadelphia and other eastern points of interest and return to their western home in time for the Winter carnival at St. Paul.


The following BIRTHS were filed with the County Clerk last week.

Date   Name of mother   Sex

Oct. 21.  Mrs. Alexander HUSKEY boy

Oct. 30.  Mrs. Thomas DODSON  boy

Oct. 29. Mrs. W.H. CRODER, 2 boys, one of them         dead

Oct. 13.  Mrs. Justus MARTIN  girl

Nov. 2.  Mrs. August BONACKER girl

Nov. 12  Mrs. James BYRNE  girl


Mr. George McNAMEE, one of the oldest and most prominent citizens of Meramec township, died on the 25th inst., after suffering for months with a spinal disease. He was 68 years of age, a native of County Tyrone, Ireland, and a resident of this county since 1849. We learn from a notice in the St. Louis Republican, that he leaves a wife and nine children - three daughters and six sons. Mr. McNAMEE was an intelligent, educated gentleman, and did a good part towards training up his children to be useful and intelligent citizens. He will be missed in many ways.


MARRIED - Last Wednesday seemed to be a mating day about Hillsboro. A little before noon a gentleman came into the J.D. office and timidly enquired whether the 'Squire was in. That consumptive individual was just in the act of putting Louis GREVE's name on a paper, in the most modern Sheibleistic hieroglyphics, and responded in the affirmative. The gentleman then said he had a job for us, and we remarked we could do no job printing until the 1300 subscribers were furnished with the news of the week. This seemed to partially unnerve our visitor, and he suggested he did not know that it required a printing machine to press two forms together until death, or the divorce law, pulled them asunder. We took the hint, accompanied him to Clark's hotel, and soon had Louis A. AMSDEN and Josie McMULLIN pronounced man and wife. Both are from Plattin township, and we wish them success in the journey through life.


On the same day, November 24th. Rev. J.C. DOWNER united in the holy bonds of matrimony, Dr. George M. MOCKBEE and Miss Jessie E. GREEN. This is the wedding we hinted at last week, but it occurred a day earlier  than we expected.  The ceremony took place at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Abner GREEN of Hillsboro, and only the members of the family were present to witness the ceremony. The couple left that afternoon for St. Louis, but were back on Friday to attend the reception given in their honor by Mrs. GREEN. Nearly all the townfolks were present at the reception, and a very pleasant evening was spent and a splendid supper enjoyed. The guests did not get away till near 2 o'clock. It was the opinion of everybody present that it was a happy match, and the many hearty congratulations were sincere tokens of the high esteem in which the Doctor and his charming wife are held by the community. The bride and groom were also the recipients of several substantial tokens of regard, in the way of handsome and useful presents.


On the evening of the 24th, at the residence of the bride's father on Belew's creek Rufus M. RUDDER of St. Louis county and Miss Serreptie J., daughter of John W. BAKER, were married by Judge ELKINS.  The wedding was a quiet one.  No cards having been sent out, only a few of the neighbors and relatives were present. The ceremony was said but the Judge in a very neat little speech at half-past 7 o'clock, after which the contracting parties were introduced as Mr. and Mrs. RUDDER. Some time was spent in congratulations and then all were invited to supper, which was splendid indeed. The table was loaded with ever thing the eye could admire or the heart desire in the way of eatables, and it would be saying too much to say the guests were dainty eaters. The reminder of the evening was spent in social chat and amusement. Thus has gone another of Jefferson county's fairest and most esteemed young lady's; but suffice it to say that old Jefferson's loss is Mr. RUDDER's gain. It seems that Jefferson has for some time been furnishing the young men of St. Louis county with wives, and our young men - though plenty of marriageable age - look on in astonishment and seem not to know what to do. Retaliate, boys, or lead them up to the altar yourselves. The young couple will make their home at Fenton. The best wishes of a host of friends go with them.


On the 28th of November, 'Squire McFARLAND united in wedlock Mr. Charles F. WIDEMAN and Miss Mary F. BRINDLEY, all of Big River township. This is the first coffee money the 'Squire has earned since he was last elected, and it made him feel so happy he started over to 'Squire HERRINGTON's  to divide the fee; but on the he fell and hurt himself and had to go back home.


James FOSTER was in town this week looking for a housekeeper, and carried away a whole family.




On the 22d ultime, Charles GREBE - aged 20 years, 10 months and 10 days - died of diphtheria; and on the 23d Henry C. SHOEMAKER, aged 31 years, of consumption, after several years illness.  Both resided near Maxville.


On the 5th inst., 'Squire McFARLAND united in wedlock, at the residence of T.M. BAKER in Big River township, Charles A. HALE and Miss Susie J. McCULLOCH, daughter of the late Alvin McCULLOCH.  A number of friends

were present, including several from De Soto; but the 'Squire got so excited that he could not remember names and we get this item from him.


KIMMSWICK - Victor HUGHES who has been lying quite low with pneumonia for several weeks, died last Thursday night. He leaves a wife and three children.  Mr. H. was the eldest son of Covington HUGHES of Monroe county, Id.?  The senior HUGHES was an old river pilot and well known in this county.


$50 REWARD - The above reward will be paid for the recovery of the body of Mrs. Ida RICHARDSON, drowned in the Meramec river, November 19, 1886. She was dressed in white and black plaid gingham, had on low-quarter shoes and a small black and white shawl; height, 5 feet 6 inches; 55 years old; teeth considerably decayed. Finder can communicate with L.K. WATERS, Kimmswick, Mo.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name    Age

Sep. 15   Julia E. McDONALD 4 months

Oct. 10  ----- PRENTISS  6 months

Nov. 10  Albert MOREAU  4 years

Nov. 30  Mrs. Zach THOMAS 30 years

Nov. 19  Mrs. STEPHENS  34 years

Nov. 15  ----- BROWNELL  2 years

Nov. 10  Charles HOPSON  3 months



Date  Name of Mother    Sex

Sept. 1 Mrs. A.A. DEES    girl

Oct. 2 Mrs. Pat LOVETTE   boy

Oct. 6 Mrs. John ELKINS   boy and girl

Oct. 7 Mrs. O.M. MUNROE   boy

Oct. 11 Mrs. James HOPSON   boy

Oct. 22 Mrs. Jacob KOCHNER   girl

Oct. 13 Mrs. Warren LANDERS   boy

Nov. 24 Mrs. George HODSEN   girl

Nov. 25 Mrs. Joseph HUNT   boy

Nov. 29 Mrs. James D. ACKERSON  girl

Nov. 22 Mrs. John BECK    boy

Nov. 15 Mrs. John R. GOWAN   boy

Nov. 9 Mrs. Thomas R. WILLIAMS  girl

Nov. 21 Mrs. James J. McDANIEL  boy

Nov. 9 Mrs. Thomas WELSH   boy

Nov. 27 Mrs. John GEATLEY   girl

Nov. 19 Mrs. Zach THOMAS  boy, died

Nov. 28 Mrs. Eugene JOHNSTON  boy, died


TAKE NOTICE - The public are hereby warned not to trust my wife, Rachel NICHOLADS, as she has left my bed and board without any cause and I will not be responsible for any debts of her contracting.  James F.NICHOLADS,  December 8, 1886.




Henry HICKS, late of De Soto, was killed last Friday by accident, while working in the Vulcan iron works.


Stella SHAW asks to be divorced from Lafayette M., and to have the maiden name of BIGFORD restored; he having been convicted of a felony and sent to the penitentiary.


The ARMSTRONG family, who lived near Hillsboro, got away last week. They have gone to Los Angelos, California, where they expect to make their home in the future.


Joseph WHITE petitioned for a divorce from his wife, Mattie, and the care and custody of their little boy. If he proves what he alleges, we presume his prayer will be granted.


Mrs. Mary STEPHENS, whose death, we mentioned some time since, was 27 years, 7 months and 14 days old. Her age was incorrectly stated by our correspondent, who furnished the notice of her death.


The following BIRTHS were filed with the County clerk the past week - October 27, to Mrs. Jacob KOCHNER, a girl; Nov. 27, to Mrs. John GEATLEY, a girl; Nov. 15, to Mrs. George COUCH, a girl; Nov. 28, to Mrs. Joseph SIEMON?, a boy.


The body of Albert CAPE, son of the late William CAPE, was brought to De Soto, one day last week, for burial. The young man had been killed by the premature explosion of a blast where he was working, some where down the road.


KIMMSWICK - The body of Mrs. John RICHARDSON was found on the afternoon of the 11th, in the slough one half mile below the mouth of the Meramec, by Mrs. Landon HERRINGTON, who went to the river after a bucket of water and saw the boy lodged on a snag out in the stream. She notified Mr. Skelton RICHARDSON, who had the body conveyed to his house and prepared for burial. Funeral services were had at Mr. RICHARDSON's house on

Thursday, and the remains were buried in the RICHARDSON graveyard on the old State road. The body was in a good state of preservation, and could be recognized by any one who knew her well. Kimmswick, December 12, 1886. 




Mrs. COFFMAN, of St. Genevieve county, sister of Judge MADISON, died on the 13th inst. The Judge just heard of her death last Friday, and went next day in response to a letter from Mrs. C's children, to see to their affairs. This accounts for his absence from County court this week.


Married, at the residence of the bride's step-father, Fred KAUFMANN, December 11, 1886, by Judge ELKINS, Charles DECKE; of St. Louis and Miss Lena ESSELBRIGER. An old fashioned German wedding was had and the Judge

has not yet got throu' speaking of the grand time and good things had there.


The following BIRTHS were filed for record the past week.

Date  Name of mother    Sex

Sept. 26 Mrs. Meredith ROGERS  boy

Oct. 6 Mrs. William PINSON   boy

Oct. 21 Mrs. Patrick WIDEMAN  girl

oct. 21 Mrs. Joalpha? WILSON  girl

Oct. 18 Mrs. Edward LEE   girl

Nov. 29 Mrs. Louis LUCAS   boy

Nov. 5 Mrs. Riley WILLIAMS   boy

Dec. 8 Mrs. R.W. McMULLIN   girl

Dec. 8 Mrs. Hermann WARNECKE  boy

Dec. 10 Mrs. Conrad SCHORR   girl

Dec. 5 Mrs. Robert EVANS   boy

  Mrs. A.N. KEYSER   boy

Dec. 8 Mrs. George POPE   boy

Dec. 7 Mrs. D.S. FRAZIER   boy


Henry REICHMANN and Cora BULLIS, of Glaize Creek, were married last Wednesday night.




James GLENDENNING of New Foundland is visiting his brother, Peter, of this place. He reports fine weather and a much milder climate in St. John than here.  In the interior, a distance from the sea, they have extreme cold weather and several feet of snow.


Died, in St. Louis, on the 18th instant, of the effects of an operation for malformation of the upper lip, the 6-weeks-old infant of Mr. D.F. DITTMER. We sympathize with the bereaved parents, and sincerely regret the loss of their beloved child.   A Friend.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week.

Date   Name    Age

Nov. 11 Mrs. Ellen TREFTS  54 years

Nov. 25 Mrs. Hattie E. JOHNSTON 20 years



Date  Name of mother    Sex

Nov. 17 Mrs. Ellen VINYARD   boy

Nov. 24 Mrs. Hattie E. JOHNSTON  boy

Nov. 24 Mrs. Carolina LANGEHENNIG boy

Nov. 30 Mrs. Malinda ANDERSON  girl

Dec. 10 Mrs. Isabella JAHN   boy

Dec. 2 Mrs. Susan NELSON   girl

Dec. 15 Mrs. Henrietta ROGERS  girl




PROBATE COURT; - Term Docket of the Probate Court of Jefferson county, Missouri, to be begun and held at Hillsboro, in said county, on Monday, February 14, 1887.  R.A. ELKINS, Judge.

Wednesday, February 16th

Estate John and Catharine DUNIGAN, Mary LEO, guardian,  annual.

Estate John W. COUCH, W.R. DONNELL, guard, 1st.

Estate Chas. COUCH, Sull FRAZIER, guardian, 2d.

Estate W.A. COUCH, W.T. HUSKEY, guard. 1st.

Estate BARROWS minors, J.T. MORSE, Jr., gu'd, 3d.

Estate John and Hermann ACHTER, H.D. ACHTER, guardian,  1st.

Estate GALVIN minors, John GALVIN, guardian, 1st.

Estate HENSLEY minors, C.B. THOMAS, guard. 1st.

Estate KADLETZ minors, C.H. KLEINSCHMIDT curator, 2d.

Estate James R. McCULLOCH, Lester J. HENRY, curator,   2d.

Estate O'BRUNS minors, J.G. O'BRUNS, cur. 2d.

Estate Henry PREWITT, M.C. HARBISON, adm, final.

Estate Matilda VENEGER, C.R. VENEGER g'd, 3d.

Estate Hannah J. WILLIAMS, W.H.H. THOMAS, guardian, 2d.


Mrs. MANWARRING of Dakota is visiting her relatives in this county. She is a sister of Mrs. DEERING of this place.


Mrs. M.P. THORNTON has just returned from Pine Bluff, Ark., to spend a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. SHIELDS of near Frumet.


DIED - January 14th, Peter ALLIS, aged 58 years, of typhoid pneumonia; January 15th, Wilhelmina, daughter of Mr. Louis PREISTER, aged 10 weeks, of pneumonia; both of Rock township.


The following items we copy from the Robertsville correspondent to the Pacific City Herald; A Mr. LEONARD, who has been living near Grubville, fell dead last week while at work...John HIRTRY died last week and among his mourners were his two wives. The day of his death he called on his first wife and told her if she'd loan him $10 he would return and live with her the rest of his life. He got the money, mounted his horse and started off, but had not gone ten steps when he fell from his horse, dead. He is said to have been a well-to-do man.


In the divorce case of Rachel NICHOALDS vs. James F., plaintiff was given $75 alimony, $20 to be paid January 25th. and the balance in three installments - February, March and April.


In the divorce of case of Marta vs. James J. McDANIEL the previous order of court was modified, by agreement, the plaintiff receiving $300 in full of three years alimony.


Joseph A. vs. Martha A. WHITE, petition for divorce; defendant allowed hundred dollars alimony.


PROBATE COURT - The following was transacted in the Probate court, Saturday, the 22d.  ---- Annual settlements were approved of estates of BAST minors, Emma J. BUTLER minor, and John ZICKEMIRATH?, insane.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

Dec. 26 Lizzie STYMAN   1 1/2 years

Jan. 15 George REINEMER  26 years


Date  Name of mother    Sex

Dec. 18 Mrs. J. Smith DUTTON  girl

Dec. 17 Mrs. Zada P. STEVENS  girl

Jany. 5 Mrs. John NUSE    boy

Jany. 4 Mrs. Michael KYLE   boy

Jany 13 Mrs. William WILSON   boy




On the 27th, at the residence of John GOWAN, father of the bride, Miss Cora A. GOWAN and Mr. James L. IRVIN of Plattin, were united in marriage by Rev. J.T. McMULLIN. A houseful of friends were in attendance, and after the

ceremony a good dinner was served.  The presents were numerous, ornamental and useful.


Last Wednesday, in the Concordia club rooms in St. Louis. Miss Lillie H. HOHENTHAL and Mr. Henry LEDERER, all of De Soto, were united in wedlock. Dr. H.J. MESSING of the United Hebrew congregation officiated. The bride is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. HOHENTHAL and the groom the manager of the Square Deal Clothing House of this city. The wedding was strictly private, there being none but the relatives of the family present. Telegrams of congratulations from all parts of this country and cablegrams from relatives in Europe, bear ample testimony to the kindly interests felt in the happy young couple. On the evening of the wedding the left for a tour through the eastern States,  where they will spend a few weeks visiting the principal cities. On their return they will go to housekeeping in the handsome dwelling adjoining the Presbyterian church.   De Soto, January 31, 1887.


Another girl arrived last Sunday in T.E. MOSS' family. This makes two pair - kings and queens. A good hand to draw to.


Mr. and Mrs. Wm. BUECHTING buried their six-months-old baby last Wednesday. This is the second child they have lost, and they are now childless.


'Squire McFARLAND made some black-tea money last Sunday. He welded together John SIMMS to Mary MITCHELL and John McCULLOCH to Jane MILLER. The contracting parties were all from Franklin county and colored.  We are not advised whether Mac saluted the brides in the customary manner, but no more sassafras till the tea gives out.


During the late icy spell an 8-year-old son of P.R. HAVERSTICK, near Victoria, was engaged in the exhilarating pastime of coasting, when his sled ran with him off a steep bank. He got up and walked to the house and no one thought of his being seriously hurt. He had received internal injuries, from which he died in a few days. This makes the seventh child Mr. and Mrs. HAVERSTICK have buried, and they are certainly having their share  of sorrows in this life. Human sympathy is inadequate to such cases, but it is nevertheless extended.


Mrs. GILLMORE of Rock township died on the 25th.  She is the mother of our former citizen, John STOUSE.


Mrs. YATES of Rock township is lying at the point of death...DINTER, our stone mason, has been very sick....High Ridge, January 29th.




DIED - January 29th, Mrs. Magdalena HAMPEL, of near Maxville, aged 84 years and 9 months. She was a resident of this county some forty years, and always resided in this neighborhood. She was a great-great-grandmother. Also, near Fenton, January 31st, Mary, infant daughter of Reinhold SCHLECT and wife, being about four days old and one of twins.   Maxville, February 1, 1887.


We had two fires here all about the same time.  Mr. TOOLOOSE's house, on what is known as the Uncle Joe McMULLIN place, and occupied by Mr. BEATTE, who lost all he had in it, was consumed by fire. Mr. BEATTE was

attending a party at the time. It is believed to be the work of an incendiary, as an out-house, some distance from the building, was also burned down. The main building was insured for $475. The other was Widow KENNEDY's residence.  The fire was discovered about 8 o'clock at night, but the roof was burning so rapidly that nothing could be done to extinguish it. This poor lady has had more trouble than most can bear. One of her  daughters died last Fall and left five little children. Mrs. Mary PERKEY was her name, Mrs. KENNEDY's house was well insured, but she is so crazy that she can not receive the money. She says her children were all burned in the house, which is an hallucination of her sick mind.  Plattin, February 4, 1887.


Emeline ROUSSIN, for the widow of Cyrel BEQUETT of Frumet, was granted a pension from the government last week.


Ed MAUPIN informs us that No. 11 has arrived at his house. Ed is so much excited over the affair, that he forgot to inform us whether the new arrival is a boy or a girl.


Wiley C. COBB and Miss Minnie B. PATTERSON, both of De Soto, were united in the bonds of matrimony, at CLARK's hotel in Hillsboro, on Monday evening, February 7, 1887, 'Squire SHEIBLE officiating.


Rankie A., 14-year-old son of Mrs. Alex B. HENSLEY, died last Friday after a painful illness of inflammatory rheumatism. He had received some injuries from a fall on the ice, which are supposed to have aggravated the disease. He was Mrs. HENSLEY's only son, and of course, his loss is deeply felt.


Last Sunday the  relatives and a few invited friends of Mr. I. Sylvester MOTHERSHEAD and Miss Rosette B. BLEIKER, assembled at the residence of Mr. Jacob BLEIKER of near Hillsboro, to witness the nuptials of the happy young couple.  'Squire McFARLAND officiated, while 'Squire SHEIBLE saw that  none of the eatables and drinkables spoiled. The dinner was superb, and enjoyed by all present except the officiating Justice, for whose blood the repast seemed to be too rich. We extend our congratulations.


The following BIRTHS were filed with the County clerk the past week:

Date  Name of mother    Sex

Dec. 26 Mrs. William BEAN   girl

Jan. 25 Mrs. George GRAHAM   girl

Jan. 5 Mrs. George W. McCORMACK  boy

Jan. 18 Mrs. Wm. E. FIELDS   boy

Jan. 19 Mrs. Wm. E. HOLT   boy

Jan. 30 Mrs. William KELLY   girl

Jan. 12 Mrs. Thomas PURDY   girl

Jan. 3 Mrs. James HARTMAN   boy

Jan. 13 Mrs. James WHITNEY   boy

Jan. 12 Mrs. Joseph R. SNEDRON  boy

Jan. 31 Mrs. James SNIDER   girl


Last Wednesday, the 2nd inst., 'Squire SHEIBLE was called to Antonia, for the purpose of uniting in wedlock Mr. Philip H. RENTZ and Miss Annie WITZEN. The ceremony was performed at the residence of Leo KOHLER and was witnessed by some thirty persons, who had all to eat and drink one could desire. The groom is the stone mason of that section, while the bride was formerly Mrs. Annie FARLEY, and had just procured a divorce from her former husband (FARLEY) at the January term of Circuit court. We trust that her journey through life along-side Philip, will be more amiable and pleasant than it was with her first husband. After the ceremony we were treated to vocal music by the young Antonians, and must say that they did splendid for the chances they have had to train their voices.


Recorder COLMAN stepped into 'Squire SHEIBLE's office, last Saturday noon, and informed him that there was a couple at the courthouse anxiously awaiting 240 pounds of justice. The 'Squire went to the Recorder's office, where he found Mr. HONEY entertaining Felix BURRIES and Miss Eliza HAMILTON, whom he soon made man and wife. After the ceremony Mr. HONEY congratulated the pair in a short and appropriate speech. The bride is a pretty Mulatto, with a good education, and teaches the colored public school at Horine, while the groom is somewhat darker, but seemed possessed of more than ordinary intellect for one of his race.


OBITUARY - DIED - January 22, 1887, near Victoria, Willis J., beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. P.R. HAVERSTICK. Willis was a child of extraordinary intellect and was always first in his classes at school. He was loved by all the school and teacher too. His death was the result of internal injuries, received just two weeks previous while coasting down a precipitous bank in the meadow. He died on the eve of his eighth birthday. Very sad to the bereaved parents was that birthday. But dear, grief-stricken parents, mourn not the loss of your bright little boy; your loss is his gain. We well know this was his happiest birthday - newly born into the Angel Band. May this thought be a consolation, to the sad parents and may it lead then nearer the Cross of Christ.  To the Memory of my Dear Little Pupil, Willis J. HAVERSTICK.Thos. S. BYRD, Hematite, Mo., January 30, 1887.




Mrs. James JACKSON, of De Soto, has been granted a pension.


Mr. A.J. FISHBACK, who last month was granted a divorce from his wife, in our circuit court, is reported to be married to a lady in Illinois.


Mr. Augustus MERRILL and Mrs. Mary Jane MOLSRAME? were married by Rev. J.C. McMULLIN at the residence of M.D. CANTRELL, in Big River township, on the 11th inst.


A Mrs. BAIRETT and her four children were brought to the county farm from De Soto, yesterday. Her husband had deserted her, and she was destitute of means and supposed to be insane.


James TAYLOR, of De Soto, died on the 8th inst., aged 74. He has been known in this county for the past 40 years as a Methodist exhorter, and we don't suppose he ever harmed a human being. Robert ROBERTSON, another of the old landmarks of that section, died Sunday, the 18th inst. at 10:30a.m., at the residence of his brother George, in De Soto. He had been something of a cripple for years, but was that morning apparently as well as usual. He sitting in a room by himself, when his sister-in-law heard him fall, and ran in, finding him gasping for breath, and in a minute he was dead. His death was doubtless the result of heart disease. He was buried Monday in the family burying ground; near Mr. TATUM's.


Mr. BRECKENRIDGE, south of town, has been dangerously sick for some time and is still in rather bad condition.


Wesley HARMONY, who has been very sick for several months past, is thought to be slightly improved.


Henry LEDERER and bride returned to De Soto from their tour through the East last Saturday morning. They visited The White House and were greeted by the President and Mrs. CLEVELAND.


COUNTY COURT - Report of inquest by Coroner MOCKBEE over body of Ann BOLY was approved and feebill of $6 allowed.


Laura MEHLER, now at the State lunatic asylum, was made a county patient, her private means having been exhausted.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

Jan 25 Martin F. BUECHTING  3 months

Jan 12 Mary Ann MANION  39 years

Feb 9 Hiram LINEHARD   55 years


Date  Name of Mother    Sex

Jan 23 Mrs. Jno BECHLER   girl

Jan 5 Mrs. James TRIMBLE   girl

Jan 30 Mrs. Frank HICKS   girl

Feb 2 Mrs. R.P. STEWART   girl

Feb 7 Mrs. John A. TUTTLE   girl

Feb 10 Mrs. William ATWOOD   boy




Boone BRYAN has been granted a pension for services in the Army. His claim has been pending for a long time.


Wm. DOLLMAN, residing near Horine station, one day week before last, while out riding, fell dead from his horse. We have been unable to learn the cause of his death.


John DORNSEIF, Sr., residing near Maxville, died on the 18th inst., of a paralytic stroke, aged 82 years, 9 months and 25 days. For many years he has been an old land mark of this county.


Nicholas RASCH, an old citizen of Rock township, started for St. Louis, last Saturday morning, with butter and eggs for the market. He did not proceed many miles when an attack of heart disease summoned him to his Maker.


A young man named LANGDON, engaged with the force that are putting up the bridge at Morse's Mill, died one day last week of typhoid pneumonia, brought on by exposure. His father, who lives near Fort Worth, Texas, came on to see him, but got there an hour after the young man died.


After a severe illness of some three months, John N. REUSS died at the residence of his son-in-law, W.J. KIRK, Maxville, on the 18th inst., aged 78 years, 9 months and 5 days. Deceased resided in the vicinity of Maxville for the past 27 years.  He was a native of Baden, Germany, and emigrated to this country in 1837, locating in St. Louis county.


PROBATE COURT - Hannah Jane WILLIAMS, blind daughter of the late Meredith WILLIAMS, was adjudged of unsound mind and incapable of managing her affairs. This was one of the saddest cases we ever saw in court. Some fiend has taken advantage of her ignorance and helplessness and she is soon to become a mother. Summary punishment is likely to be inflicted on the author of her shame if he is found out of a certainty.


DEATHS AND BIRTHS  - The following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

Dec 30 Frank McNULTY   24 years

Jan 15 Lelly HECK   20 years

Jan 22 Willis HAVERSTICK   8 years

Jan 25 Frankie FARLEY    8 years

Feb 12 James ROBERTS   61 years

Feb 6 ---- HERBERT   11 months

Feb 8 Willy A. BOLY   10 days

Feb 4 Rankin HENSLEY   15 years



Date  Name of mother    Sex

Jan 30 Mrs. James F. CARLEY  boy

Jan 39? Mrs. Augustus BRINEKMAN  girl

Jan 2 Mrs. Scott COVINGTON  boy

Jan 12 Mrs. Henry CARL   boy

Jan 3 Mrs. Frank E. SETTLE  girl

Feb 11 Mrs. James FREY   boy

Feb 8 Mrs. Alfonso INGLE   boy

Feb 4 Mrs. Aquilla BLACKWELL  boy

Feb 2 Mrs. Charles COPLIN   girl

Feb 7 Mrs. Arthur S. STEVENS, girl dead

Feb 10 Mrs. Charles STEVENS   girl


DIED - At his mother's residence in Youngstown, Ohio, February 10, 1887, D.B. CROSSMAN, in the 15th year of his age. In 1885 deceased had a severe attack of typhoid fever; by the physician's orders or permission, he went out too soon and contracted a severe cold, which settled in his lungs and was eventually the cause of his death. In September, 1885, he was advised to travel for his heath, and he came to this county to visit his brother and sister, stayed 18 months and, under good medical aid, grew weaker; he returned to his native soil and the home of his mother and suffered nine months, when his Maker called him to sleep with his father, who had been called  five years before him. There let him sleep in peace, as he lived since he was twelve years old. He died a faithful worker for his Master, without an enemy, but much loved and missed by all who knew him. Interment took place on the 13th. He would have attended had we not been hindered by the delay of the dispatch at Pevely.  MAGGIE.




By the act of Congress recently passed, giving a service pension of eight dollars per month for life, and to their surviving widows the same, to all soldiers of the Mexican war, Edward THOMPSON, John SCHLUETER and Mr. GOODFELLOW, and perhaps others not yet heard from, will be recipients.


Christopher MANESS, 84 of age, not long since walked from De Soto to Frumet in three hours, making nearly four miles an hour, and he did not think he was doing anything unusual.


The following BIRTHS were filed the past week:

Date  Names of Mother   Sex

Jan 26 Mrs. John DOBBINS   boy

Jan 28 Mrs. Charles HOGGENMEISTER girl

Feb 18 Mrs. Martin SCHLUDER  boy

Feb 7 Mrs. J.J. McDONNELL   girl

Feb 15 Mrs. William HAGAN   boy


'Squire SHEIBLE was summoned to VOLLMAR's parlor last Thursday, where he tied together Mr. Phineas S. OGLE and Miss Mary A., daughter of Joseph BROWN of Big River township, James E. WILSON and lady, and a number of young folks, came in with the handsome couple to witness the ceremony, and James says the 'Squire is the best hand to tie matrimonial knots he ever saw.


MARRIED - KRANTZ - BURDA - At the Catholic church in De Soto, February 21, 1887, by Rev. Father CONNOLLY, Mr. Henry KRANTZ of Louisville, Ky., and Miss Mary BURDA of Valle Township. Mr. John BURDA of De Soto and Miss Fannie HEINS of St. Louis were the attendants. A large number of invited neighbors and friends gathered at the residence of the bride's parents in the evening, to partake of the grand wedding supper that had been prepared.  The happy young couple were the recipients of many handsome and useful presents. They left next day for their future home, Louisville, with the good wishes of a host of warm friends.   W.


Mrs. RISKE, mother of Mrs. Samuel J. KLEINSCHMIDT, died at her residence in New Miller, St. Clair county, Illinois, last week.


Patrick LYNCH of Plattin, an old gentleman of over 70 years of age, started home last Friday noon on mule-back and considerably under the influence of liquor. He failed to reach home that night and his family and friends began searching for him. The mule was found the next day near W.S. McCORMACK's, and LYNCH's dead body was found Sunday afternoon in Mr. McCORMACK's field. He had probably fallen from the mule and, being unable to arise, was chilled to death.


Jacob JENNI, who has been a familiar form around Hillsboro for the past twenty years or more, died on Sunday at the age of 81 years. His life was one of toil and but few pleasures. With body bent in the shape of a half circle, he was as tough as a pine knot and had suffered enough hardships to kill a half dozen ordinary men. He was known among his German acquaintances "Schweizer Yawny." We learn from those who laid him out, that his body became perfectly straight after death.


The biggest thing on wheels ever seen in Hillsboro, was witnessed by nearly all the townfolk last Wednesday evening. It was a nuptial knot fastening. Silas G. JONES and Mrs. Margaret M.O. DEGEARE were the contracting parties and 'Squire SHEIBLE officiated. The bride had her whole "dower" on a wagon, consisting of some household and kitchen furniture and three children. The groom and bride stood up in the wagon while the 'Squire performed the ceremony. Dick HOEKEN was general manager, and after the ceremony was over, he treated the witnesses, which were legion.


OBITUARY - Mr. Jacob SCHMIDT, well and favorably known to many readers of the J.D., died after a brief illness, on the afternoon of February 21, 1887, at his old home on the Plattin, at the advanced age of 75 years, 1 month and 9 days. The immediate causes of his sudden death were congestion of the brain and paralysis of the right side of his body. Deceased was a native of Germany, but already at the age of 19 he bade adieu to the Fatherland and came to seek his  fortune in the New World. After spending a short time in Baltimore he came to St. Louis, but soon removed to Caledonia, Mo., where he remained two years. From there, accompanied by two older brothers, he came to this county and

settled near the place where he resided at the time of his death. He and his brothers were the first German settlers in that part of the county. Mr. SCHMIDT being a tanner by trade, soon after his arrival in Jefferson county satisfied a long felt want by establishing a tannery - the first in the county. He worked at his trade for a number of years, thus making himself very useful as a fellow settler in a new country. "Uncle Jake" has been a resident of our county for the last 52 years,

during which time he was ever recognized by all as a man of honesty and integrity. Few men have succeeded in gaining and holding the confidence and esteem of so many for so long a time as did the departed. He was a consistent Christian, a loving husband, a kind father, a good neighbor and a most excellent citizens. He leaves an aged widow, five children, twenty five grand-children, a large number of other relatives and a host of friends to mourn his demise. The funeral took place last Thursday morning at the German M.E. Church. The large concourse of relatives and friends showed in what esteem he was held by all who knew him.  Rev. C. STUECKMANN of the M.E. Church preached an able funeral sermon, after which Rev. J.T. McMULLIN spoke in a most impressive manner of the life and character of the deceased.   A FRIEND!


Joseph, son of Butcher HAGUE, and Mrs. Emma, daughter of Paul GOVREAU of Ste. Genevieve, were married on the 21st inst., Father DIEL officiating.


Mr. VOGELGESANG, who lived near Fenton, died this week.




Freddy TURNER, 11-year old son of Chas. TURNER of St. Louis, has been visiting his grandfather, Esq. T.A. WILLIAMS of near Victoria. Last Monday he went down to where the wreck had occurred on the road, and attempting to clinch onto a passing freight train, fell and was badly crippled by the wheels. One leg is crushed so that it will probably have to be taken off, and the toes of the other are mashed. He was taken to the railroad hospital in St. Louis.


Several deaths occurred lately in the neighborhood of Dittmer's Store. George DUGGE, aged about 89 years, died on the 4th inst. His death was sudden and unexpected, and was doubtless caused by old age, probably hastened by a fall.  A 19-year-old son of Gustave DUGGE died one day last week. He had measles, and had got out and exposed himself too early, causing a relapse. Mrs. James RICHTER was also a victim to measles. She leaves an infant, prematurely born, which may survive.


Solomon BITTICK intends to remove to Dry Branch, Franklin county.


The following few words were all we found upon opening an envelope recently.  "November 24th, Michael CLOVER, a boy."


A little girl, which arrived at Gustave LUHN's last Saturday, caused quite a serious time, but mother and child are now reported as doing well.


IN MEMORIAM - Died - February 4, 1887, Ernest CARROW, aged one year, one week and three days. Not dead, but gone before.


OBITUARY - Martha A. BITTICK, beloved wife of Rev. O.D. BITTICK, died at the Baptist parsonage, at Grubville, Mo., on  February 23, 1887, after a painful illness of three months. She was the fourth daughter of Mr. L.H. LEE, and was born October 8, 1854. She was married to O.D. BITTICK April 9, 1871. She professed religion in 1774 and was baptised on December 13th of that year. To the day of her death she maintained a godly walk and conversation. Her last illness was borne with patience and resignation of a sincere Christian. She testified on her death-bed to the consolation of true religion. The funeral services were conducted by her brother-in-law Rev. George STEELE, in the presence of a large circle of mourning relatives and friends. She leaves a husband and eight motherless children to mourn their irreparable loss.


DEATHS AND BIRTHS - The following deaths were filed with the County Clerk the past week.

Date  Name     Age

Aug 29 Thomas T.B. RANSON  27 years

Feb 4 Ernest CARROW   1 year

Feb 2 Aaron E. SCOTT   32 years

Feb 17 ---- DORNSEIF   82 years

Feb 23 Martha A. BITTICK  32 years

Feb 1 Katie WILLIAMS   1 1/2 years



Date  Name of mother    Sex

Oct 20 Mrs. A.H. McMULLIN   boy

Jan 19 Mrs. L. MANESS    girl

Jan 7 Mrs. Willis REYNOLDS  girl

Feb 4 Mrs. George WILLIAMS  girl

Feb 12 Mrs. Edgar ARMSTRONG  girl

Feb 16 Mrs. John E. MALLICOAT  girl

Feb 24 Mrs. John OHEIM   boy

Feb 17 Mrs. A. BOUGHTON   girl

Feb 23 Mrs. Thompson SWEET   girl

Feb 1 Mrs. Frank JARVIS   girl

Feb 14 Mrs. Wm. ROBINSON   girl

Mar 4 Mrs. Thomas HOLDMAN  died boy




Martin ZIMPFER has received $200 from the Sons of Hermann Lodge - a benefit that order provides in case of the death of member's wife.


MARRIED - The marriage of Miss Alice J. PEDLEY and Louis J. FUNK was solemnized by Rev. G.W. NOLLNER, at the Methodist church in Hematite, on Wednesday evening, the 15th inst.  The church was filled to its utmost capacity, when the bridal party entered at 8:30.  Miss Nellie BRIERTON presided at the organ, and played the wedding march as the party filed into the church and in front of the altar, where Mr. NOLLNER read the marriage service and received the responses of the bride and groom, and pronounced them man and wife. The bridesmaids were the Misses Letty PEDLEY, Lelia BRIERTON and Alice FUNK; the groomsman were John MONRO, Willie FUNK and Dr. CHENEY. After the service the congregation were offered an opportunity to extend congratulation to the newly-married couple, after which the bridal party and invited guests repaired to the residence of the bride's mother, where an elegant supper awaited them.  Now, Mr. Editor, "you have been there yourself," and know that when Mrs. Charles LEE has a hand in providing for the "inner man" that nothing is lacking in quantity or quality; so it is enough to say that Mrs. LEE was the presiding genius of the table. She drafted Mr. LEE, George MONRO, Louis POSTON and your correspondent into service, and kept us busy serving the three tablefuls before the last guest was served. Your correspondent being a small eater, finished in time to go to the last train south, but left Charley LEE and George MONRO each putting the finishing touches upon the frame-work of a couple of gobblers. After supper Miss Nellie BRIERTON presided at the organ, and music and social converse was kept up until about the time St. Patrick's day was ushered in. The presents were as follows: Silver butter dish, Henry FUNK; carving set, Dr. CHENEY; decorated toilet set, twelve pieces, Misses Nellie and Mamie CONSTANCE; plush dressing case and parlor lamp, George MONRO and lady; set of silver fruit knives, Ed FUNK; half dozen towels, Miss Mable VEAZEY; half dozen napkins, Mrs. I.F. GUIROITS; cabinet photograph and handkerchief's, C.M. VEAZEY; cut glass fruit dish on silver stand, Miss Maud GILL; Half dozen towels, Miss Katie FUNK; two silver napkin rings, Miss Alice FUNK; dozen napkins, Mrs. N.B. MONRO; parlor lamp, Miss Lizzie PERKINS; hanging lamp, Louis POSTON; set china ware, 55 pieces, moss rose, decorated, Mesdames C.F. LEE and O.H. DONNELL; decorated tea set, Mrs. James MONRO; colored water set, Miss Louisa BLAKEY; chair tidy, Miss Blanche VEAZEY; fancy shoulder cape, Miss Nellie BRIERTON; table linen, Mrs. B.C. BERRY, set of knives and forks, B.C. BERRY, willow rocker, Miss Lelia BRIERTON; syrup cup, Master Eddie DONNELL;

flowers, Miss Nellie CONSTANCE; decorated toilet set, 10 pieces, Mrs. D.B. VEAZEY; bed room set from groom to bride; house decorations, fancy lamp mats and wall pockets, and kindergarten work from England, Miss JOHNSON.

 Your correspondent will not attempt a description of the costumes of the ladies, being mindful of wrath to come in case he did. He can only say that the ladies all looked lovely and wore their sweetest smiles, as well as becoming dresses.


Charles MARRIOTT died on the 17th inst. after an illness of but six days. He leaves many friends to regret his demise. The family have the sympathy of their many friends in this their hour of trial. Sulphur, March 17, 1886 (1886 is NOT a typo but as was printed in the paper. C.M.)




DE SOTO - Mr. and Mrs. Andy L. FRECH are the proud possessors of a fine new boy.


The personal property and effects of the late Mr. KEEFE were sold at auction, last Saturday, bringing fair prices.


WEDNESDAY, 23 MARCH 1887 - ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE - Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Walter KEEFE, deceased, were granted to the undersigned, on March 11, 1887, by the

Probate Court of Jefferson county, Missouri. All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the administrator within one year after the date of this notice, or they may be precluded from any benefit of said estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within two years from the date of this publication, they shall be forever barred.   J.W. STAPLES, Administrator.  March 23, 1887) (I placed this item here, out of

sequence, because of the notice of the auction above. C.M.)


Willis. WILLIAMS and Osman McMULLIN have been heard from. They are at T.H. McMULLIN's, in Phoenix, Arizona. They did not like New Mexico, but are well pleased with Arizona. They expect to locate about seventy miles from Phoenix.


The following BIRTHS were filed last week - Dec. 29th, to Mrs. James RYAN, a boy; Feb. 22, Mrs. Theodore DUTTON, a boy; Feb. 23, Mrs. George L. THOMPSON, a girl; Feb. 26, Mrs. Edward WOODSON, a boy; Feb. 16, Mrs. J.W. GILBERT, boy; March 3, Mrs. Oliver UNO, a girl; March 9, Mrs. Gustave MEISNER, a boy.


Henry ROESCH - the gentleman from Prairie Hollow who was adjudged insane by the County court some two weeks ago, and whom they could not admit at the State asylum because he was an epileptic - died on Thursday night in our jail with an epileptic fit.  His family came after the remains and interred them near Maxville.


FROM PLATTIN - Aunt Polly PORTER is very low with hemorrhage of the lungs.


FROM PLATTIN - Mr. SCHNEEBERGER died last Saturday night. I understand his was a triumphant death. He told his family and friends that he was ready and willing to go to his blessed Lord.


BYRNSVILLE - The Rev. COX united in the holy bonds of matrimony Franklin WHITWORTH, and Miss Rosie SCHOULTS, only daughter of Nelson SCHOULTS. The wedding was well attended by friends and invited guests. After the ceremony they all partook of a sumptuous dinner, which had been prepared by Mrs. SCHOULTS and, after wishing the bride and groom long life, happiness, etc.  the guests separated for their homes. The presents are said to have been

many and valuable.  We wish the young couple success in their new departure.




DE SOTO - William O. WILLIAMS and Minerva CATES were united in marriage, by Esq. STONE, on the 1st inst.


Philip ZIPP an old gentleman from near House's Spring, died at the county farm, on the 24th of January last. He had been an inmate of the poor farm two or three months. He was a very devout man, had been a member of the Baptist church for many years; and but few live up to their professions of Christianity as closely as he did.


John VINYARD, of Victoria, died last Friday night. It was his third attack of pneumonia, and he had not enough constitution to withstand the disease. He leaves a wife and four little children who receive the sympathy of their large circle of friends.  We understand that Mr. VINYARD realized that he would not recover, and was fully prepared for death. He joined the Baptist church about seven months ago.


PROBATE COURT - Mary Y. YERGER, aged 16 years, chose Henry SECKMANN as her guardian.


PROBATE COURT - William BUECHTING was appointed guardian of Louisa YERGER, aged 12, and Joseph YERGER, aged 6 years.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

Jan'y 81 Thomas L. PORTER  60 years

Mar 17 Daisey F. SCOTT  8 months



Date   Name of mother   Sex

March 25  Mrs. James R. LESSOR girl

March 12  Mrs. George HARNESS  girl

March 22  Mrs. Geo. SHOWERS (dead) boy

March 18  Mrs. John HOSLER  boy

March 17  Mrs. Geo. D. WALKER  girl

March 28  Mrs. Andrew FRECH  boy

March 23  Mrs. Christie CRAHAN boy

March 19  Mrs. George ADKINSON boy




Frumet is very much excited over the death of George W. BURRIS, an old river pilot. He was found lying dead on his bed, Friday morning, the 1st inst., by a passer-by.  'Squire McFARLAND and Dr. STEGMANN were

immediately summoned and an inquest was held.  Verdict - cause of death unknown. He was buried Saturday evening, at the FRISSELL graveyard. Quite an assembly were present, BURRIS having been very popular at Frumet.


Our pressman Tome CAGE is as mad as a wet hen, and hardly able to pull the "devil's tail" this week.  It is only a girl and he wanted a boy.


Mrs. Anna YUNGEMANN, living about two and a half miles northwest of Kimmswick, some 60 or more years of age and living by herself, was found dead on Monday morning, standing at and leaning over her kitchen table. Esq. WATERS held an inquest, but the jury did not ascertain the cause of her death.


The following dispatch was received here on the 11th; "Pine Bluff, Ark. 4,10,'87.  F.J. SHEIBLE - you are not the only one who can get a boy. I caught one last Monday, 2.a.m. - at least the woman did. Boy's name - J. Thornton FOX.:  We are glad to learn that Joe has taken our oft-repeated advice to him. "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again."


COUNTY COURT - Miss Louisa FREY was found to be insane and ordered sent to State lunatic asylum for treatment.


This morning news was received here that John CANOPY, an old resident a few miles south of here, had died this morning. Deceased was a model man in his life time, and his departure is sincerely mourned by all who knew him.


Miss Annie, daughter of Richard MANESS?, died last Thursday morning, after a few months' sickness with consumption. She was buried in Big River township.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

March 18 Charles T. MARRIOTT  23 years

March 17 Daisy F. SCOTT   8 months



Date  Name of mother    Sex

March 25 Mrs. Edmund SALE   boy


Miss Julia PECAUT and John PRIMM were united in marriage, on the 12th, at ---- ----- Father CONNOLLY officiating. The happy pair will spend a few weeks with friends in St. Louis, after which they will return to De Soto and go to housekeeping. (microfilm fold)


Dr. AUERSWALD and Mrs. Geo. R. RATHBUN will start for Southern California on Wednesday of this week. Mrs. R. goes for the benefit of her health, which has been delicate for some time past, and the doctor to accompany her and take a needful rest for himself.


The remains of Frank HARDER, who died on Wednesday near Hematite, were brought to De Soto Sunday morning on the mail train, where delegations from the Masonic fraternity and G.A.R. post were awaiting their arrival. The remains were taken to Masonic hall, where funeral services were held, after which they were conveyed to the cemetery and interred by the Masons.


Mr. and Mrs. Eric PAULS, of near Hillsboro, buried their two-year-old child one day last week.


Judge THOMAS is a grand-pa now, Presly Lilburn EVANS having taken up his abode with Mr. and Mrs. EVANS of Moberly.


We learn that Mrs. John HOWALD, of near Eureka, died some three weeks ago. We sympathize with the bereaved husband and children.


Mrs. Kate HILES of Mansfield, Pa., formerly, Mrs. Willis MITCHELL of this county, is having a fresh lot of trouble. We learn from a letter to Mr. DONNELL, that she has lately lost two little children of membranous croup. The only child left her now is little Willie MITCHELL.


Mr. William SMITH, of Belew's Creek, died last Saturday after a short illness of pneumonia. Mr. SMITH was one of the thriftiest farmers of the county, and by industry and good managing, had accumulated a handsome property. He leaves a wife and quite a large family of children, most of which are grown.


On the 11th inst., near Fenton, Mrs. Louisa, wife of Louis SCHLECHT, died after an illness of four days, of inflammation of the bowels, aged 32 years. Her husband had been down sick for some time, and was not expected to live. This will give him another shock. This leaves a flock of small children upon the father's care, and we sincerely hope he will survive his attack of pneumonia.


When 'Squire SHEIBLE received Joe FOX telegram, last week, announcing the arrival of Joe Jr., he made up his mind not to let Joe "carry signals" for him any length of time. The 'Squire immediately wrote to the immigration office, and on Thursday morning, at 11 o'clock while he was in this office getting out a brief for Joe TATUM, Immigration Commissioner, Mrs. KERKOWSKI, deposited a 12 pound justice of Peace in "the old log cabin in the lane." This makes an even number, three pair - three kings and three queens. To justly celebrate his victory and glory over FOX's defeat - and because he was working on "Joe" TATUM's brief at the time - SHEIBLE has concluded to name the new arrival Joe.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

March 19 Jacob SCHNEEBERGER  42 years

April 10 Charlotte SCHRADER  84 years



Date  Name of mother    Sex

Mar. 15 Mrs. Samuel OGLE   girl

April 1 Mrs. Alfred PHILLIPS  boy

April 10 Mrs. Thomas C. CAGE   girl

April 14 Mrs. F.J. SHEIBLE   boy


FRUMET FINDINGS - Miss Anna, daughter of D. MANESS, died last Thursday and was buried the following day at the home graveyard, near Frumet. The deceased was a nice young lady, and her death is regretted by all who knew her.


PROBATE COURT - O'BRUNS minors, J.G. O'BRUNS, guardian, 2nd annual settlement.


PROBATE COURT - Estate REHELS? minors, George ZIEGLER, curator, 2nd annual.


PROBATE COURT - Estate ROHLFING minors, Otto ROHLFING guardian, 3rd annual


PROBATE COURT - Estate SCHANTL minors, Johanna SCHANTL, guardian, 2nd.


PROBATE  COURT - Estate Belle L. SPARKS, minor, J.J. WILLIAMS, Curator, 2nd.


PROBATE  COURT - Estate SPITZ minors, Robert SPITZ, guardian, 3rd annual.


PROBATE  COURT - Estate Anna M. WATSON, minor, Chas. E. PYLE, guardian, first.


PROBATE  COURT - Estate Lee HUSKEY, minor, W.R. WILLIAMS, curator, first.


PROBATE  COURT - Estate Emma Mae WILLIAMS, minor, Elizabeth WILLIAMS, guardian, final.




A step-son of Charles JACOBS met with a shot-gun accident last week, which resulted in his death on Monday.


Rev. G.W. NOLLNER is to be married this week, of Miss Sadina A. PEHLE of Franklin County.


Mrs. M.L. SPAULDING, of Sandy, died last Sunday. She was the widow of Vincent J. SPAULDING, deceased, and was a very estimable lady. She has been in bad health for some time.


On Wednesday, April 13, 1887, after a long but comparatively painless illness, at his residence, near Hematite, Mr. Frank HARDER, died, aged 52 years, and 6 months. Mr. HARDER had lived in this county for about 15 years, and was respected and loved by all who knew him. He was ready and willing to go, and met death with a smile. He was buried in the De Soto cemetery, at 11 a.m. on the 17th, by Shekinah Lodge, No. 256, A.F. and A.M., of which he was a member. While we feel his loss deeply, we are consoled by the belief that he is now at rest, in a brighter world above.   A FRIEND.


Died, at his residence on Belew's Creek, April 16th, 1887, William SMITH, aged 67 years 8 months, after an illness of eight days, of pneumonia and abscess of liver. His sufferings were intense. When told by his physician that his time was short he sent for his attorneys to write his will, giving all of his children a good home, and was not forgetful of his faithful wife, giving her a good portion of his property. Mr. SMITH was born and raised in this county, was married

January 9, 1851, to Catharine WILLIAMS, and died on the farm he first owned. He was perhaps the most industrious and hard working farmer in the county and a good manager. He made his property by farming, and in all his dealings we always found him strictly honest, and prompt to comply with his contracts. In his last illness his wife and all his children watched over him and showed their devotion by doing all in their power to make him comfortable until death separated them. Friend SMITH has gone the way of all the earth. May God bless and sanctify the dispensation of his Providence to our good. He leaves a wife and five children, all grown, with many friends to mourn his loss.  A FRIEND.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

March 24 Henry BOESCH

April 1 John VINYARD   45 years



Date  Name of mother    Sex

Ma'ch 10 Mrs. Jacob LEUTZINGER  girl

Ma'ch 28 Mrs. Mathias LEPP   girl

April 21 Mrs. Charles MERCER   boy

April 9 Mrs. Adough LEONARD   girl

April 6 Mrs. John OBER    girl

April 21 Mrs. Milton LONG  (dead)  boy


OBITUARY - Izella, daughter of Mecca and George BUTLER, was born September 7, 1886, at Hematite, Mo., and died in Washington Territory, after an illness of a few weeks, March 18, 1887. She leaves father, mother, two brothers and seven sisters to mourn her early death.


FYI - GERMAN SETTLEMENT - Mr. ZAHNER has in, the past, bought quite a lot of milch cows and is now running a dairy. He also makes an excellent article Schweizerkaes....If reports are true there will soon be a wedding in these parts; hurry up, Frank, before bad weather and threshing time sets in...John WAGNER felt so proud over his first-born that he invited all his friends to a grand christening. Several De Sotoans were present, we understand...John BAUER is six inches taller and as proud as a king. Cause - boy No. 1. Verily, this is a great country...John RUFF is at Valle's Mines, smelting for the company. Plattin, April 26, 1887.


Yesterday afternoon a telegram was received by Mrs. George TERRY that Chas. WILKSON, her brother, who was lately in partnership with Mr. TERRY and Joseph THOMURE here, committed suicide at Pilot Knob. Mr. TERRY left at once to attend the wants of the stricken family. He was very popular here and a gloom has been cast over his friends.


NOTICE - Notice is hereby given that my wife, Deborah BOISARMIE, has left my bed and board without just cause or provocation, and I will not be responsible for any debts she may contract.  R.F. BOISRAMIE,  Frumet,

Mo., April 11, 1887.




Died, on Sunday, May 1st, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hermann POSCH, aged 2 years. Her remains were interred at the Crystal cemetery. A large concourse of friends followed the remains to the grave.


We learn that Mrs. Philip PIPKIN is dangerously ill.  She is with her daughter, Mrs. SIMMONS, at Macon, Mo.


We learn that "Uncle Dilly" HUSKEY received a paralytic stroke recently, and is in a precarious condition.


Jno. H. REPPY has left our town and gone back to Dixie. He started for his Arkansas home, last Sunday. He will be missed, hereabouts.


We see that our old friend, "Uncle Joe" BASS, of Potosi, has received a pension for services rendered during the Mexican war. If we had time we would come down and have a regular old-time "washout" with "Uncle Joe," even at the risk of his spending the remainder of the night in the hay-loft.


Married, at the residence of Thomas M. BAKER in Frumet, May 1, 1887, by 'Squire McFARLAND, Mr. Willis S. HOPSON and Miss Mary A. McCULLOCH, both of Big River Township, in  the presence of a large number of relatives

and friends. A sumptuous dinner and a good time in general was had. Our best wishes attend the happy pair.


We received the following, mailed at St. Louis April 30th: Miss Cynthia VERNON of Festus, Mo., was drowned yesterday. She was looking over the railing, lost her balance and fell in. Her body has not been found. She was loved by all who knew her.  - No name was signed to the communication, but we presume it is true, as it is not likely any one would select such a subject for a joke.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

April 11 Mrs. Laura CHARTRAND



Date  Name of Mother    Sex

April 24 Mrs. John NICHAUS   boy

April 9 Mrs. Theophilus CHARTRAND boy

April 4 Mrs. Henry MAUPIN   boy

April 5 Mrs. Thos. G. CAMPBELL  boy

April 7 Mrs. Willie BOYNE   girl

April 23 Mrs. A.H. DONOHUE   girl

April 12 Mrs. Frank EDGAR   boy

April 23 Mrs. Sherman OGLE   girl


Mrs. Adam MUMMERT has her mother from Cincinnati visiting her.


Miss Lou COLE, of Bonne Terre, spent last week visiting her sisters, Mesdames FARRAR and ROZIER.


Mrs. SCHWAB of St. Louis spent several days of last week with her mother, Mrs. Dr. EVANS, in this city.


Otto HAMMEL and Miss Alice FALLETT, both of De Soto, were united in marriage by 'Squire ZOLLLMANN, Thursday afternoon of last week. They have gone to housekeeping on East Main street.


On Monday evening, the 25th ult., Miss Mary E. BAKER and Mr. August MARTIN were united in marriage at the residence of the bride's parents, Rev. J.C. DOWNER officiating. This is the marriage referred to last week, Mr. MARTIN being the barber. Also on the 26th ult., at the Presbyterian church, by the pastor, Rev. CASE, Mr. Charles W. MUSE and Miss Louisa M. STEGMANN, the latter a former resident of Hillsboro.


A row occurred at BELLIS' saloon, last Friday afternoon, between Pat HOPKINS and Sam POST, as principals, and Mayor JENKINS, Marshal TRIMMER and others, as seconds. HOPKINS did most of the fighting, having thumped POST pretty well and made a vicious thrust with a knife at the breast of POST, cutting his clothes to the skin, and afterwards giving his honor, the Mayor, a black eye. HOPKINS was then arrested and taken to the calaboose, but was released by the Marshall upon the deposit of $35 in the Marshal's hands by HOPKINS, as security for his appearance for trial on Saturday. As soon as released, however, HOPKINS vamoosed and did not appear for trial. The Mayor and Marshal were not disposed to be thus balked in their efforts to punish violators of the ordinances, and had Dan HOPKINS, a brother to Pat, arrested for inducing the latter to escape. Dan was fined $2 and costs, but filed a bond and took an appeal to Circuit court.   De Soto, May 2, 1887


The wife of Tobias CHARTRAND died one day last week.  She leaves many friends to mourn her loss.


Elias BURGESS and Miss Jennie KIDD were married on Wednesday, the 20th inst.  Long may they live to enjoy life together.


In order that your many readers may know where Stringtown is, I will say it is in Meramec township, about half way between the flourishing village of Byrnsville and House's Springs. The country is level and very fertile. Big River valley is very wide at this point, and has some of the best farms located in it that you can find in the county, viz: those of Judge P. BYRNE, Oliver CROMWELL, Dan'l BONACKER, Michael BOEMLER and John BRIMMER. They own the leading farms. Stringtown, April 26, 1887.




KIMMSWICK - Peter MILLER, a citizen of this county, while working on one of the government boats, fell overboard and was drowned. His body was recovered three hours afterwards. The river has been rising the last few days...Dr. HULL is quite low with inflammatory rheumatism;  Mr. WINOM is similarly afflicted.   Kimmswick, May 8, 1887


FRUMET FINDINGS - Wm. HOUSTON is seriously thinking of taking unto himself a better half, and as he is a nice young man we think he will succeed...Charles MUSE and his wife, nee STEGMANN, have returned from St. Louis, where they spent their honey-moon.  Frumet, May 7, 1887.


Mr. D.L. HUSKEY had a stroke of paralysis, one day last week, and has been in a bad condition since, though he has much improved. He is quite aged.


A lamentable tragedy occurred at Valle's Mines last Friday, which resulted in the death of Robert C. OUTMAN, whom we have always considered a good citizen. From what we can learn OUTMAN and a man named MANWARRING had a fight over an old difficulty, and OUTMAN got the better of his antagonist. George MINOR, already known to fame as having served a term in jail, through clemency of a petit jury, was present, and remarked that he would whip OUTMAN after giving him a day's rest. OUTMAN thought he didn't need any rest, but after quarreling a while they made friends and started home together. When they got to where their roads parted, OUTMAN who carried a jug of whiskey, handed it to MINOR and asked him to take a parting drink. MINOR took the jug, but instead of taking friendly drink, as was expected of him, suddenly OUTMAN on the head with it, knocking him down, and following up the

assault. Friends came and took OUTMAN home, where he lingered till Sunday, dying of a fractured skull. MINOR was permitted to escape, but it is to be hoped that he will yet be arrested and meet with the punishment he deserves. OUTMAN leaves a wife and several children.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

April 16 William SMITH   67 years



Date  Name of mother    Sex

April 19 Mrs. Herman CARMAN   boy

April 22 Mrs. John CASKINETT   girl

April 7 Mrs. Hermann WELLA   girl

May 2 Mrs. August MEYER   girl

Feb'y 18 Mrs. W.F. HALTER   boy


The wife of Engineer John BAILEY, who has been confined to her bed for some time past with consumption, died last Saturday night and will be buried at Fredericktown today. She leaves a husband and four children, besides many friends and acquaintances, to mourn her loss.


On Monday evening, May 2nd, at the residence of the bride's parents, Miss Martha HAVERSTICK and Mr. Ira W. HEMPHILL, formerly of Pittsburg, Pa., were united in marriage by 'Squire STONE. The bridal party were attended by a sister of the bride and Mr. A. TURNER. A large number of guests were present to witness the ceremony. An elegant supper was served, and music and dancing were enjoyed afterwards.


At the council meeting last Monday evening, among other business transacted, an order was made for an election, to be held on Tuesday, the 17th inst., to elect a city marshal to fill the unexpired tern if George HODSON, who was elected to that position at the April election, but who was unable to qualify by reason of his having failed to become a naturalized citizen of America.  James TRIMMER and Willis DEARING are candidates for the office. De Soto, May 9, 1887.


COUNTY COURT - Report of inquest, by Coroner MOCKBEE, over body of Charles H. WARE, was approved.


COUNTY COURT - Report of inquest, by 'Squire WATERS, over body of Anna YUNGERMANN, was continued.




Miss Lizzie PERKINS is now making her sojourn in Wichita, Kansas. She is teaching a term of school at that place.


Mrs. WELSH and her children arrived yesterday. Mr. WELSH will remain in Texas a while longer.


Mr. Dorsey HENSLEY of Granite Bend, Wayne county, Mo., was visiting his Jefferson county friends  last week.


John J. McDONALD and Miss Mary A. BYRD, of De Soto, were married last Monday, at CLARK's hotel, by Judge ELKINS.


Henry WRIGHT, of Pevely, died one day last week of consumption. Henry had many good qualities of heart, and was his own worst enemy.


Rev. Wm. HENDRICKSON will preach the funeral of Mrs. FERGUSON, at Oakland church, on the second Sunday in June. He was unable on account of sickness to fill his appointment at that place the second Monday in this month.


The following BIRTHS were filed the past week;  April 15th, Mrs. Caspar CROPER, boy; April 15th, Mrs. George A. DITSH, girl; April 12, Mrs. W.A. SMITH, girl; April 30, Mrs. Joseph ROQUES, boy; May 4, Mrs. Simon WUERZ,

girl; same day, Mrs. John KADLETZ, boy; same day, Mrs. Jonas YATES, boy.


Jesse, 7-days-old son of Jonas and Anna YATES of Rock township, died on the 13th inst., of lockjaw. Dr. THURMAN who was in attendance, could not relieve the little sufferer. The little flower which gladdened the home of friend YATES, has been rudely plucked by the grim reaper, who "takes the breaded grain at a breath, and the flowers that grow between."


PROBATE COURT - The will of Jacob SMITH, deceased, was approved.


CIRCUIT COURT - The divorce cases of Rachel vs. James F. NICHOALDS, and Bridgett vs. Erasmus GARRETT, were dismissed by plaintiffs


CIRCUIT COURT - The biggest case of the term was that of the State vs. G.P. WHEELHORN and wife, charged with murdering a little child. There were about fifty witnesses besides three who got away or could not be found. Defendants were represented by Messrs. DINNING & BYRNS and THOMAS & HORINE, Frank GREEN being alone for the State. The evidence disclosed the remarkable fact that the child in question was probably Mr. WHEELHORN's, while its mother was a Miss LARKIN; that he had got the consent of his wife to let the other woman "lie in" at their house, claim the child as their own, and conceal the unfortunate mother's shame. The plan was carried out; the child was born and lived between to and three years of age. The State's witnesses detailed many acts of inhuman treatment the little waif had received at the hands of WHEELHORN and wife, all of which were denied and contradicted by defendants and their witnesses, who claimed that the child died a natural death from inherited diseases, and had always been treated kindly by them. The jury were but a few minutes in finding Mrs. WHEELHORN not guilty, but after deliberating in regard to Garret P., they returned a verdict of guilty of manslaughter in the fourth degree, and assessed his punishment at a fine of one hundred dollars and three months imprisonment in the county jail. A motion for a new trial was at once filed, pending which WHEELHORN was released on $400 bail.




CIRCUIT COURT - Millie MARSDEN was granted a divorce from her husband, John, and given control of their child.


CIRCUIT COURT - Henriette SEBASTIAN was divorced from Michael C., and given care of her child.


OBITUARY - DIED - At De Soto, Mo., May 12, 1887, August RACINE, aged 45 years. Mr. RACINE was born at St. Imier, Canton de Berne, Switzerland; came to America in the Spring of 1867, locating in French Village, Mo. He was married in 1875 to Miss Sophia AUBUCHON. He was a resident of De Soto since 1873, during which time he was a useful, energetic and enterprising citizen. He followed the business of butcher and was quite successful, sustaining a good trade at all times. On account of failing health, he had retired from business; but lately, in partnership with his brother-in-law, Mr. PECAUT, had undertaken to light the city with electricity, but did live to see the consummation of the enterprise. Mr. RACINE was a member of De Soto Lodge, A.F. & A.M., Copestone R.A. Chapter and Ivonhoe Commandery of K. of T. He will be missed by his brethren and companions, as he was always punctual in the performance of his lodge duties, the same as in his business affairs. His remains were buried with Masonic honors at the De Soto City cemetery, last Sunday. He leaves a wife, mother and father, but no children. The funeral was one of the largest we have ever seen and was conducted under difficulties, a drenching rain falling from the time the procession started at the residence. The procession was headed by the De Soto band, playing a funeral march, and next came the K. of P. lodge,

who joined to show their appreciation of their deceased brother. An escort of about thirty Knight Templars of Ivanhoe Commandery were next in line, while a large procession of Masons followed the hearse, the mourners and friends, in carriages, being in the rear. Thomas WELSH, Master of De Soto lodge, read the funeral service in an im--- --- not be heard outside of the inner circle. The floral tributes were beautiful, there being two large and elegant pieces - one a massive pillow, presented by the De Soto gun club, and the other a Maltese cross, a token from Ivanhoe Commandery. A handsome metallic casket enclosed the mortal remains of our esteemed citizen, friend and brother, and his body was tenderly placed to rest by those who had known and loved him in life, and who will ever cherish pleasant memories of their intercourse with him.




CIRCUIT COURT - Joseph A. WHITE was divorced from Mattie A., after proving abandonment and indiscretion. Defendant was given custody of the little boy and the plaintiff to clothe it.


CIRCUIT COURT - G.P. WHEELHORN, convicted of manslaughter, was granted an appeal to the Supreme court, John WHEELHORN and H. STELBRINK going his bond in the sum of one thousand dollars.


CIRCUIT COURT - M.M. DUNNIGAN vs. John DUNNIGAN, action for divorce; judgment rendered for defendant, he to pay costs.


CIRCUIT COURT - The divorce case of Stella v. Lafayette SHAW, Martha E. v. Thomas OGLE, and M.J. v. George VINYARD, were dismissed for lack of prosecution.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

March 2 Sofronia Ann FORD ROBINSON   76 years


Date  Name of mother    Sex

Jan'y 29 Mrs. Ben F. WASHBURN  boy

Jan'y 19 Mrs. Jess LAPORT   boy

Feb. 13 Mrs. King D. SMITH   boy

Feb. 26 Mrs. Jacob LARKIN   girl

Mar. 13 Mrs. Alex HENROID   boy

April 30 Mrs. N.B. MALLORY   girl

May 15 Mrs. Frederick F. MILLER  girl

May 15 Mrs. Bernard LACKAMP  girl


We learn from the Watchman that Mr. S.J. KLEINSCHMIDT, who taught the Hillsboro school last Winter, has been engaged as principal of the public schools of Higginsville, Lafayette county, Mo.


On Saturday, June 4th, at noon, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. CHARLES of Pevely, will celebrate their wedding anniversary, by the aid of invited guests. It will be their Crystal wedding.


Mrs. Ellen JONES died, May 14th, at her residence on Buck creek, aged 71 years, of rheumatism. She was the widow of John JONES, and leaves three married daughters, who are the mothers of large families. Her remains were interred in the SKEEL graveyard.


Among the latest arrivals in town are a boy at Henry HURTGEN's, and a girl at John HUBELI's. Boys are so  common at Henry's that he said nothing about the last one till he was three weeks old. As the girl was the first one at John's, it was but a short time till everybody in town knew of it's arrival.


GERMAN SETTLEMENT - Last Tuesday Mr. Frank SPEIDEL and Miss Victoria BAUER were married. Your correspondent is unable to give any items about the wedding as circumstances beyond his control prevented his attendance...Roadoverseer SPEIDEL finished some substantial and very necessary work on our roads the past four weeks. No damage by storms to be reported from here, and all crops booming.  Plattin, May 21, 1887.




Charles CADWALLADER, of Pevely, died May 23, at the age of 73 years. He was well known throughout the county having held the office of Justice of the Peace at various times.


A.J. LUCKEY has got settled in his new home at Iantha, Barton county, and expresses himself well satisfied with his surroundings and prospects. He writes that the sheep he took with him are the only sheep in Barton county, and that, while driving them along the road, they created quite an excitement, frightening and stampeding several teams of horses.


On the 28th day of May, Mrs. Margaret SIMON died, near Maxville, having resided there some 35 years. He had been ailing and suffering for several years. Mrs. SIMON was born June 22, 1820, hence was 66 years, 11 months and 6 days old when called to her final rest. She was the mother of fourteen children, twelve of whom are boys, mostly married and all living, and all of age, able to help themselves. Her remains were interred May 30th, a large concourse of relatives and friends paying them their last respects.  May she rest in peace!


CRYSTAL WEDDING - Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. CHARLES, of Pevely, celebrated the 15th aniversary of their wedding, last Saturday, in grand style. Among those present to congratulate and wish them a safe and prosperous journey to the 25-year post were Capt. ZIEGLER and wife, W.S. JEWETT and wife, I.S. BAKER and wife, Judge THOMAS and wife, W.R. DONNELL and wife, B.C. BERRY and wife, Hardy McCORMACK and wife, Peter McCORMACK and wife, Mathew EDRIDGE and wife, R.W. McMULLIN and wife, Mesdames S.T. WAGGENER, Louis JEUDE, R. McCORMACK, I.J. DRAKE, F.  CREASY and C.S. RANKIN; also Misses Mary McCLAIN, Rose CHAMBERLAIN, Millie RANKIN, Emma DONNELL, Rose CRAFT, Lethe BREY and Hattie and Fannie CHARLES; and Messrs. J.F. FOSTER, D.W. BRYANT, Will CHAMBERLAIN and Rev. NOLLNER.  The bride and

groom were the recipients of a beautiful collection of appropriate presents of china and glassware, all of the fine and quality and latest patterns. The Misses CHARLES presented a complete china toilet set; Capt. ZIEGLER, a set of fruit dishes; Joseph CHARLES, a set of cut-glass goblets; Mrs. L. JEUDE and Rose CHAMBERLAIN, fruit dishes; Mrs. McILVANIE, a glass gravy boat; Mrs. R.M. McCORMACK, butter dish; Mr. JEWETT, a water service; Mrs. RANKIN, a salad bowl; Lawrence McCORMACK ---- ---- glass bowl and fruit dishes; I.S. BAKER, set of finger bowls; Miss BREY, syrup pitcher; J.F. FOSTER, moustache cup with saucer, and Mrs. DRAKE, key holder. A handsome set of bed-room  furniture was the tribute of Messrs W.R. DONNELL, B.C. BERRY, R.W. McMULLIN, O.H. DONNELL, C.E. LEE, J.E. WAGGENER, J.M. ENGLAND, P.C. McCORMACK and Mrs. CREASY.

The guests all arrived early, some of them in time for breakfast, and had most enjoyable time till 5 o'clock in the afternoon. The wedding feast, spread at noon, was immense. We can not spare space to do it justice here, but did it full justice at the time. Altogether it was one of the pleasantest gatherings we ever attended, and we join with the other guests in wishing Mr. and Mrs. CHARLES many years with which to enjoy their magnificent home and social intercourse with their friends.


PROBATE COURT - Frederick SMITH was appointed curator of the estates of Rosa, Sophia and Anna SCHMERMOND, minors; bonds, $100 each, approved.


Otto HERMANN and H. HOFFMANN celebrated a holiday together, last Saturday, that being the 12th anniversary of HOFFMAN's wedding and the first birthday of HERMANN's new boy. If they have since suffered with big-head, it was not altogether on account of conceit.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

May 23 Charles CADWALLADER  73 years

May 24 George GLASS   6 years

May 27 Jacob GLASS   13 years



Date  Name of mother    Sex

May 20 Mrs. E. MILLER    boy

May 14 Mrs. John SMITH   boy

May 9 Mrs. Charles BUCHER   girl

May 18 Mrs. John M. BARKE   girl

May 3 Mrs. Lorenz LANDENFELD  boy

May 22 Mrs. W.G. McKEE   boy




Chris KRAUSS, of Klausmann's brewery, was in town last Saturday, exhibiting himself to our prohibitionist as a sample of what they might be would they indulge in a little beer some times. He is not yet 21 years old, wears a No. 70 coat, stands 6.2 in his boots, weighs a little homeward of 300  pounds, blooming like a May-rose, and yet he takes a little 'beer once in a while, some thing less than a keg at a time. Will Mayor McCLANAHAN and 'Squire SHEIBLE drop their genial smiles a few degrees at this?


Dr. BIEWEND and lady, and his valet Hermann HELBIG, of Collinsville, Ill., came here last Saturday to spend a few hours with brother Chas. BIEWEND. The visitors accomplished a feat never excelled in this section of the country.  They came in a single-horse buggy and drove from Collinsville; to Festus;, a distance of over 50 miles, on muddy roads, inside of 10 hours. And yet Hermann says the critter of a horse came near kicking a twinkling star from his eye on their arrival.


DRY CREEK - Clark BULLOCK was home a few days on sick leave, but went back to the shops again although far from being well. Mr. BULLOCK is one of those, who a quarter of a century ago responded to the country's call, and sacrificed the best of his ---- ---- ---- the pension money Uncle Sam gives in such unmistakable partiality to the ones who can procure good legal help to get it, though no more entitled to it than these honest, every-day men, who were the first to go and the last to come back. (microfilm fold)


George W. VINYARD, of near Bailey's, died recently, at the age of 20 years, of consumption.


Mrs. J. Ed. HUSKEY, who was confined some two weeks ago, is in a very precarious condition.


The following BIRTHS were filed the past week:  May 25, Mrs. Adolph BAUER, girl;

May 12, Mrs. Henry D. EGGERS, girl;

May 14, Mrs. George CRULL, girl;

May 17, Mrs. Charles RAUMACHER, girl;

June 4, Mrs. Henry F. MEYER, boy;

March 17, Mrs. William HILDERBRAND, girl.


FROM PLATTIN - Johnnie HOLMAN has been quite sick, but is better...John L. MARSH has had a very sore hand, caused by bruising it in doing farm work. John has not been used to that for several years...Lee SMITH and wife, of Bonne Terre, visited W.A. SMITH last week...I understand that Luther SMITH and Miss Jennie GRIFFIN, of Rush Tower neighborhood, were married on the 8th inst., at her father's residence...Mr. and Mrs. B.F. ENGLAND will start to California soon. Plattin, June 10, 1887.


The remains of PHILLIPS, the brakeman killed last week, were buried in the city cemetery at the directions of his family in the East.


Dr. AUERSWALD has returned from his trip to San Diego, Cal., much improved in health and delighted with the country he saw. Mrs. RATHBUN, who went out with him, remained with her father, Mr. GORHAM, and will not return for some weeks.        De Soto, June 13, 1887


Talbert SMYRL of Belleville, Ill., has ---- ---- ---- days.  Yesterday he preached in our school-house, and in the afternoon performed the rites of baptism by immersion for Mrs. Thomas BURGESS and son. (microfilm fold.)




CRYSTAL AND FESTUS - Mr. AUBRAY, who whipped his wife two weeks ago, was called by wire to Kansas City, last Saturday. The lady was reported as in a dying condition. Gloomy result of that scandal.


Mrs. Sarah Ann VINYARD, formerly of this county, and who has many relatives and friends here, died at Atlanta, Texas, on the 9th day of June, 1887, in the 57th year of her age, after a long and painful illness.


In the Probate court, last Thursday, Frederick SMITH made final settlement, as curator of the estate of Rosa SCHMEDRMOND, minor, and annual settlement of estate of Anna and Louisa SCHMEDRMOND.


The base ball enthusiasts of Hillsboro, met last Saturday, and organized a club, electing as officers J.F. GREEN, president; C.R. HONEY, vice-president; W. McMULLIN, secretary, and Dr. MOCKBEE, treasurer. They meet again next Saturday, to receive members and adopt constitution and by-laws.


MARRIED - At Vollmar's Hotel, Thursday evening, June 16, 1887, by Judge R.A. ELKINS, Mr. John J. BLUNT and Miss Althea SMITH, daughter of Monroe SMITH, both of Festus. Those present remarked that they were a nice

looking pair, apparently fully appreciative of the important duties they were assuming; and the wish of all is that they may live long to bless the day on which they were made one.


Some of Jasper HAMRICK's friends were curious to know how he could get a week's vacation from his job in the machine shops in De Soto. He said he was not going to help anybody harvest, and didn't appear as if intending to take hold of any other job; but as it was all explained Monday morning, when he stepped into HOEKEN's store and announced the arrival of a pair of twins at his residence.


Charles SMITH of Sandy, appeared before 'Squire SHEIBLE, last Sunday, and made affidavit that James MARTIN had committed a rape on his (SMITH's) 13-year-old girl. A warrant was issued and placed in the hands of Sheriff McFRY and in the afternoon MARTIN was brought in a prisoner. He gave bond in the sum of one thousand dollars for his appearance for examination next Saturday. It is hard to believe MARTIN guilty of such a crime, but the father of the little girl has no doubts about the matter. We await developments of the trial before making further comments.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week.

Date  Name     Age

April 19 Mrs. George EVANS

May 7 Mrs. John F. BAILEY  34 years

June 1 Alexander ORTON  24 years



Date  Name of Mother    Sex

June 11 Mrs. Henry CADWALLADER  girl

June 9 Mrs. Andrew A. LOFGREEN  boy

June 12 Mrs. Benson OGLE   girl


A brakeman, by the name of NICHOLS, was killed on the night of the 16th inst., down the road somewhere, and brought to De Soto for burial. He had a wife and children here.




Joseph BROWN, I understand, sold his farm to two gentleman, by the name of FAY, of Denver, Colo., for $10,500.  Mr. B. has had poor health this Spring, and is now at Hot Springs, Ark. It is hoped that he will return all right.


No. 7, a fine boy, arrived at Andy  WHITEHEAD's on the 16th inst.


Mrs. P.A. MANESS of DeSoto has been added to the government pension list.


Mr. John HOLMES of near Hematite, is seriously ill and it is not thought possible for him to recover.


A little girl was added to the family of J. Ed. HUSKEY, on June 8th. Mrs. H. has had a serious time of it since, but is now about well again.


John MEYERS and Miss Fannie GOZA, both of DeSoto, were married last Thursday at MOCKBEE's Hotel, Hillsboro, Judge ELKINS officiating.


Last Saturday morning a little girl arrived at Jos. J. HOEKEN's, and found everything in readiness for her hearty reception. Mother and child are doing well.


Philip D. WEASE, a former resident of this county, died in Carondelet, not long ago, of dropsy. His death was very sudden and unexpected; he was sitting at the table, and suddenly fell over dead. His remains were brought down to his old home, near House's Springs.


Charles MACKEY of York, Pa., brother of Mrs. D.B. VEAZEY, arrived at Mr. VEAZEY's last Saturday. Mr. MACKEY was badly mashed up by a 70-feet fall from a bridge about thirteen months ago and is almost helpless yet. He expects to be benefited by the pure air of Hillsboro, and will probably remain all Summer.


We saw in the St. Louis Republican one day last week, that W.A. JACKSON, of Richland, Pulaski county, Mo., had shot and killed his son-in-law, a man named MILLER; and that he had given himself up to the officers. We presume it is the William A. JACKSON who was for many years a citizen of this county and moved to Richland probably fifteen years ago, and if so we are sorry to learn that he has got into such serious trouble. The dispatch in the paper did not indicate whether the shooting was justifiable or not.


Miss Annie CRAWFORD has been very dangerously sick the past week, but at present writing is somewhat improved, and will probably recover.


CRYSTAL and FESTUS - Mrs. Hermann POSCH is very sick and reported dangerous yesterday. There are ugly rumors flying around about Mr. POSCH, which I hope are unfounded.


Adam FISCHER, who is staying with William HALTER, is very sick with bilious fever.


Last Sunday Ben ZAHNER, oldest son of Mr. ZAHNER, was drowned in the Mississippi river at St. Louis, while bathing. His body was recovered on Tuesday, and buried in Carondelet.  Plattin, June 25, 1887.




KIMMSWICK - Otto RAUSCHENBACH was married to Miss Josie GILMARTIN, of St. Louis, early last week, and they have gone to St. Paul on a bridal tour. They will make up their residence in Kimmswick.


DIED, at DeSoto, July 2, 1887, after a painful illness of two weeks' duration, Miss Annie CRAWFORD, aged about 20 years. Funeral services, conducted by Rev. McCAW of Bonne Terre, were held at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. S.W. CRAWFORD, parents of the deceased, on Saturday, the 3rd inst., at 2 p.m.. The Interrment took place in the City cemetery, and the attendance was large. Annie was next to the youngest child of the ---- ---- ---- possessed of an amiable and winning disposition, and was the light and live of the circle of young folks in which she moved. A feeling of genuine sympathy is felt for the parents and sisters of the departed friend - a feeling which is as general and far-extended as the circle of friends and acquaintances of the family.  De Soto, July 5, 1887.  (microfilm fold)


On the 2nd inst. Louis FREDERTIZIE, of Maxville, was gloriously disappointed - it was girl instead of a boy.


The county has lost another good citizen in the person of B.F. ENGLAND, who has moved to San Jose, California, with his family.


Mr. W.L. PIPKIN died at his residence in St. Louis county on the 2nd inst., aged 69 years. He was a brother of the late Judge PIPKIN, and formerly a resident of this county.


There was a wedding at MOCKBEE's hotel, Hillsboro, on the 28th of June. Frederick  WAKEFIELD and Miss Eva ALEXANDER were the happy contracting parties, and Judge ELKINS did the legal business in his finest style.

Both bride and groom had been married before.


Uncle Sam is sometimes very slow especially in the matter of Mexican War pensions, as well as deserved pensions of the last war. We see that Thomas L. PORTER, of Hematite, was granted a pension the past week. Mr. PORTER has been dead some time, but the money will not come amiss to his family we hope Jacob PILLARD of Danby, and Clark BALLOCK of De Soto, were likewise honored, and we presume they had fully as much trouble and anxiety in obtaining their pensions as they had in the army. We know of several more cases in this county, where men are entitled to remuneration from the ---- ---- ---- live to be the age of Methusalem they may enjoy their hard earnings. (microfilm fold.)


DIED, at his residence, near Hematite, June 29, 1887, John HOLMES, in the 66th year of his age.  Mr. HOLMES had been a resident of this county for over twenty years, and had so demeaned himself as to command the respect and goodwill of all who knew him. He followed the profession of school teaching for forty-six years, and was quite successful until a partial stroke pf paralysis, some years since, somewhat impaired his efficiency. His death was a remarkable one. The disease, inflammation of the Kidneys and bladder, did not impair his mental faculties, and he welcomed death as a happy transition into eternal life, where all would be peace and joy. He talked of it as a pleasant journey for which he was fully prepared, and ready and willing. He had been serving his Savior from the he was twelve years old, and had lead a consistent Christian life. He leaves a widow, four daughters and two sons. His children, who are now men and women, have had the advantage of careful, proper training and, it is believed, are following the examples of their good parents. Mr. HOLMS' funeral was conducted from the Hematite Methodist church. Rev. NOLLNER delivered an appropriate and touching sermon, after which the remains were taken charge of and interred by Joachim Lodge, No. 164, A.F. & A.M., of which Mr. HOLMES was an honored member. 


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

May 23 Gottlob BAUMBACH  69 years

May 14 John Henry LEPPER  46 years



Date  Name of Mother    Sex

June 18 Mrs. E.J. HAMRICK  two boys

June 22 Mrs. E.A. WUNDER   boy

June 18 Mrs. T.W. GUY    boy

June 13 Mrs. George ADDIS   girl

June 26 Mrs. E.A. VINYARD   girl

June 24 Mrs. Joseph McKEE   boy

June 8 Mrs. Edwin T. WARNER  boy

June 17 Mrs. Frank VOGT   boy

June 15 Mrs. Henry SELF   boy


A 9-pound boy arrived at Frank SHERMAN's on the 19th ult.  This is No. 3 - all boys. They were just as proud as if it was the first. Frank calls him his harvester, but says he came too late to help this year.




SULPHUR SPRINGS - Mr. WITT, a citizen of our town, has been granted a pension of $8 per month.


Christian WAGNER has also been granted a pension of two dollars per month.


Robert VENN and George LUMAN, we understand, have made application for pensions.


Mrs. Annie M. PEDLEY petitions for a divorce from her husband, Arthur, on the grounds of abandonment. Notice is being served on defendant by publication.


The following ex-soldiers, residing in this county, were pensioned last week:

J.W. BUTCHER, DeSoto; Lorenz REITZ, High Ridge; Hermann BAUER, House's Springs.


MORSE'S MILLS - Miss Artie HUSKEY, daughter of James HUSKEY, died of typhoid fever last Friday.


COUNTY COURT  - Report of inquest, over body of David HOOD, by 'Squire WARNE, was approved and feebill paid by deceased's father.


COUNTY COURT  - Report of inquest by 'Squire ROBERTS, over body of R.C. OUTMAN, was approved and feebill of $24.25 allowed.




A QUIET WEDDING - Yesterday afternoon a quiet wedding was celebrated in this city, the high contracting parties being J.M. GARDINER and Miss Nora REPPY - both young people, who are well known and highly respected in this city. The newly-married couple soon after took their departure for California, where they will spend several months in visiting places of interest. They are followed by the best of wishes of a large circle of friends and acquaintances, in whose congratulations the Arizonan heartily joins, wishing the twain, now bound together with the most sacred throng, a happy and prosperous journey shown the highway of life.  - Arizonan.


Kirk NULL of this township died some time since, after a protracted sickness. He was a good honest citizen, and is missed by many friends.


Everett D., infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W.F. ROBERTS, died on the 30th ultimo. The dear baby was only nine months old to the hour, but one of the brightest and best babies of his age. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. George C. ADAMS, of St. Louis Congregational church, at the residence of Mr. ROBERTS, at 10 a.m., Saturday, in the presence of a large number of friends and relatives. The remains were quietly laid away in the Victoria grave yard.


A sad accident occurred last Wednesday, at Willow Point, Ste. Genevieve county, about 14 miles south of Festus. On the farm of J. BOKENKAMP, son of Julius BOKENKAMP of DeSoto, parties were racking hay, among them

the young wife of Mr. BOKENKAMP. While so engaged a bolt of lightning struck among them, killing Mrs. BOKENKAMP instantly. The fatal spark struck her just behind the right ear and passed downward, tearing the side off her foot, and then it passed into the hay without setting it on fire. Three horses were also knocked down, one of which was killed and two recovered. This accident cast a sad gloom over that neighborhood as Mr. BOKENKAMP is a worthy young man and universally esteemed.  Festus, July 18, 1887.


PROBATE COURT - Settlement docket of the Probate court of Jefferson county, Missouri, to be begun and held in the Town of Hillsboro, in said county, on the second Monday in August, 1887.  R.A. ELKINS, Judge Tuesday, August 9th - Second day

 Estate Emma May WILLIAMS minor, Elizabeth WILLIAMS guardian, final settlement.

 Estate Mary F. WILLIAMS, W.F. WILLIAMS guardian, final.

 Estate Frank WEIDELE minor, Elizabeth WEIDELE guardian, final.

 Estate Elizabeth WEIDELE minor, Elizabeth WEIDELE guardian, final.

 Estates A.O. and M.A. ELDERS minors G.W.N. ELDERS guardian, fourth annual.

 Estate Nellie KIRN minor, H.N. JENKINS guardian, third.

 Estate Lee HUSKEY minor, W.R. WILLIAMS guardian, first.

 Estate Anna WEIDELE minor, Elizabeth WEIDELE guardian, second.

 Estate VOGELGESANG minors, Nicholas VOGELGESANG guardian, first.

 Estate Nellie P. SPARKS minor, Ben J. WILLIAMS guardian, second.


The widow of Amos OGDEN, of Kimmswick, has secured a pension from Uncle Sam.


No deaths were filed with the County clerk the past week, and only three births, and all boys at that: May 15, to Mrs. John GULEY; May 28, to Mrs. Hannah J. WILLIAMS; June 6, to Mrs. Gottleib MAY.


John BORGAN, an old bachelor who resided on Calvey creek in this county, was found dead in Henry EGGERS' pasture last Sunday, and an inquest was held by 'Squire ROGGE. It is supposed that he was overcome by the heat,

assisted by too much liquor, as he was in the habit of spreeing. He was found about three miles from his cabin and was supposed to have been dead three or four days as the body was much decomposed.


The family of Mr. James HUSKEY, of Big River, filed information with the Probate court that Mr. HUSKEY was of unsound mind and incapable of managing his affairs. He was brought in, last Saturday, and a jury summoned, but on account of the absence of some witnesses the matter was continued till Monday, when the family concluded to withdraw and dismiss the proceedings. Mr. HUSKEY's ailment is thought to be the result of a stroke of paralysis, received nearly a year ago, and his physician does not consider him a proper subject for a lunatic asylum. It is thought that he can be taken care of at home without very much trouble.




The funeral of Alex. HENDERSON, the engineer who lost his life, last Friday night near Piedmont by the upsetting of his engine, was held last Sunday afternoon. Services were held at the family residence by Rev. Father CONNOLLY, after which the remains were conveyed to Calvary cemetery and interred by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. HENDERSON was one of the oldest and most popular engineers on the road and has always been a favorite among high officials. He leaves a wife and two children, and had no insurance on his life.


FROM PLATTIN - A fine boy arrived at Ephraim SMETZER's this week - of course, at Ephraim Junior's.


Myrtle, daughter of George and Mary THOMPSON, died on the 15th inst., aged about four months old.


Mrs. Sallie HILL presented her husband with a fine harvester, on the 15th inst., weighing 8 1/2 pounds.  the mother and babe are getting along fine. It believe she is the proudest mother I ever saw. It is the first grand-child of Mr. and Mrs. J.T. McCLAIN, and the first great-grand-child of Jerry McCLAIN, and they are certainly the proudest family that we ever knew over such an event. It is useless to describe Tommy's delight at being a papa. He is at least one foot taller since he possesses a little squaller.  Plattin, July 17, 1887


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name    Age

July 13  Belle GRAHAM  16 days

July 19  Jos. CHARTRAND  3 months

June 23  Anna May SCHIDE 8 months

June 29  John HOLMS  65 years

June 27  Mattie Lee BITTICK 10 months

June 26  Joseph RAUCH  1 1/2 years

June 25   Curtis NULL  30 years

(26  The data for Mr. NULL was extremely hard to read, I am undecided as

to the age, could have been 90 years.  :/( )



Date  Name of mother    Sex

July 18 Mrs. William WILEY   boy

July 1 Mrs. J.L. CARROW   girl

July 21 Mrs. George BARRETT   boy

July 22 Mrs. James A. ACKLEY  boy


We learn that the widow HUBELI has been quite ill the past week.


Mr and Mrs. E.J. HAMRICK buried one of their twin babies, last week.


Mrs. BOUGHTON and her son, Georgie, have been quite ill the past week, with a fever of somekind.


James W. TODD, aged 90 years, died at the HOFFMANN place near Hillsboro, on the 19th instant, of dropsy, and was buried at Dry Creek Church.


William SMITH and Miss Lizzie SHAMBONE, both of DeSoto, were married on the 18th inst., at the residence of James S. WILLIAMS, on Big River, by Squire McFARLAND.


Samuel JUDY, of near Victoria, died last Wednesday, the 20th instant, of old age. He would have been 77 years next Christmas. His remains were buried in the Hillsboro cemetery.


Jacob KOBEL and wife, both 82 years of age, were in Hillsboro, last Thursday, fixing up an application for pension on account of a son, who died in the army. They rode from their home, near Valle's Mines, in a farm wagon, and both seemed very spry for persons of such age.


A sad accident occurred at Charles WOHLBOLD's near Belew's Creek postoffice, last week. His eight-year old son was kicked by a young horse, took lock-jaw and died after lingering in intense pain for two days. Our sympathies are extended to the grief-stricken parents.


ANOTHER MURDER - The town of Kimmswick was startled last Sunday morning by the report that  a murder had been committed, and upon investigation Jacob SCHINDLER was found dead on the commons near by, Coroner MOCKBEE was immediately notified and, accompanied by Sheriff McFRY and Prosecuting Attorney GREEN, he repaired to the scene to hold an inquest. The facts gleaned from the Coroner are as follows: Otto ROCHELLE and Jacob SCHINDLER, who have been working in the bottom across the river in Illinois, came to Kimmswick on Saturday evening, took in the circus at night and drank very freely until midnight, at which time they left OHEIM's saloon together.  ROCHELLE says SCHINDLER wanted to go to GREEN's boarding house, and he told him he didn't know where that was, (by this he certainly meant a bed on the grass, under a tree, the Germans often designating such a lodging place as Madam Green's), whereupon Jacob took hold of him and they went about 200 yards in a northwesterly course from the depot, laid down under a tree and went to sleep. ROCHELLE says that he woke up about 4 o'clock, felt for his watch to see what time it was, and found that the timepiece was gone, together with the pocket-book. He then called to Jacob to get up, stating he had been robbed, but received no answer; he then discovered that his friend was not where he had laid down some hours before. After a short search, he found him some 20 feet further down the hillside dead. Deceased had received a blow on the left side of his head, extending from the angle of the jaw to the crown, from some blunt instrument. No other marks could be found on the body. The Coroner's supposition is that the robbers went through" ROCHELLE without waking him up; that SCHINDLER awoke when he was robbed, and received a tap which killed

him. The following is a portion of the account, given by the St. Louis Republican, of the matter:  SCHINDLER was well known through Jefferson county where he has worked a great deal in former years as a farm hand. He was a single man about 30 years old. His friend ROCHELLE is about the same age. They were seldom apart. The two men had received $20 and they had about $15 each left when they laid down on the brow of the hill. There were $15.50 in

SCHINDLER's picket-book when he was found. They had displayed their money in the bar-rooms, and it is generally believed they were followed to the common by some one who saw them in the saloons and who waited till they had fallen asleep to rob them. SCHINDLER was quick, nervous and irritable  He was quarrelsome when he was drinking, but he had no quarrels last night to provoke any one to follow him to take his life. ROCHELLE says he had no enemies who would have harmed him and concludes that he was murdered for his money. But no reasonable explanation is offered for his being on the opposite side of the ravine, a distance from where he had laid down. The spot where he had laid down with ROCHELLE had not been scarred by a struggle and it seemed impossible that he could have been murdered where his body was found. Sheriff McFRY will continue the investigation he began to-day, and the country will be crossed and recrossed tomorrow by citizens of the village in search of tramps.Tthis work will be done by the few who believe the murder was committed by a tramp.




James BONNELL of Victoria, and Caspar BYRNE of Cedar Hill, were added to the list of U.S. Pensioners, last week, and C.W. HARMONY of DeSoto received an increase.


One day last week Dick HOEKEN's well bucket would not sink, and he induced our whilom balloonist to make a descent. Arriving in the lower regions, Mr. KAGE  found a dead porker floating on top of the water.


Last Friday evening Mr. John BAKER, of Belew's Creek, sustained a loss which any poor farmer can ill afford. While threshing a wheat stock took fire and his wheat, oats, together with a shed and a grain drill were consumed. Thus nearly a whole year's labor was destroyed in a few minutes. With great effort DAHL's thresher was saved.


When Edwin FORREST came home, last Thursday, from a trip to Crystal City, he was surprised that another Constable had levied upon the affections of Mrs. FORREST. Ed. didn't bounce the intruder, but generously offered him a permanent home.


Last Monday afternoon we noticed Judge ELKINS walk into the parlor of MOCKBEE's Hotel and, thinking there was a prospect for an item, we followed him, and soon learned the nature of the business on hand. There were two young couples in the room and the Judge had a marriage license in his hand. Presently, at his suggestion, Mr. Wm. FITZSIMMONS and Miss Lily M. THURMAN arose and joined their right hands, and the Judge, after exacting the usual vows and promises, pronounced them man and wife. Mr. FITZSIMMONS lives in St. Louis and his bride is the daughter of H. THURMAN, the painter, of DeSoto. They appeared happy and we hope they may continue so. The attending couple were Mr. John McBRIDE and Miss Sarah HERRINGTON. We thought for a while there was a chance for another wedding, but the young man had not obtained his mother's consent, and it had to be postponed.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week.

Date   Name    Age

June 30  ----- ROBERTS  9 months

July 1  Annie CRAWFORD  21 years

July 2  ----- NOLAND  1 day

July 20  Willie WOHLBOLD 9 years

July 21  Willie NANSEL  4 years



Date  Name of Mother    Sex

Nov. 23 Mrs. Hugo ZIMMERMANN  boy

June 14 Mrs. John C. HILGERT  boy

June 16 Mrs. Terrance O'BRIEN  girl

June 26   Mrs. Phoeba GRAHAM   boy

July 2 Mrs. S.L. AUBUCHON   boy

July 4 Mrs. Henry HELD   boy

July 19 Mrs. Peter NOLAND   boy


IN MEMORIAM - Willie, son of Mr. and Mrs. N.B. WILLIAMS died July 8, 1887, of brain fever. The dear baby was only 1 year, 1 month and 21 days old, and sick but 9 days. It was one of the brightest and best babes of its age, and leaves many friends and relations to mourn his early death. The remains were quietly laid away in the Hillsboro cemetery

Why ope thy little eyes!

What would my darling see?

Thy mother's bending form,

Thy father's agony.  M.R. 


CRYSTAL and FESTUS - Old man SANCIER, the widely-known and highly esteemed farmer on the Pevely road, three miles from Festus, died last Thursday afternoon.


FROM PLATTIN - Latest Arrivals - A boy at John M. SCAGGS' on the 23rd inst., and Mr. and Mrs. S. feel very young, as it has been 8 years since they have had a little one at their house; Mrs. John PERIDO presented her husband with a fine girl on the 29th inst., and John is just as proud as if it had been two boys; a boy arrived at Mr. John CROSS' on the 23rd inst. Newt. CROSS deserves great praise for his services in hunting up an attendant for the occasion. He had quite a time, but succeeded fine.   Plattin, July 29, 1887.


Miss Addie SMETZER was buried, last Friday. Her death was very sudden and unexpected.


A man, by the name of Joe COSLER was burned to death, last week, near Mr. BOKENKAMP's. They had set an old snag of a tree on fire; he went to see about. The fence had also taken fire. His daughter thought, as he stayed so long, she would go and see about him. She pulled his charred remains out of the fire. He was lame from paralysis, and had used a crutch. It is supposed he tried to extinguish the fire, and was overcome by the excessive heat of fire and sun.    Plattin, August 1, 1887.




NOTICE - To Whom It May Concern - Notice is hereby given by the undersigned petitioners, that a petition, in words and figures as hereinafter set forth, and signed with the names hereinunder mentioned, constituting two-thirds of the legal voters of the City of Festus, in Jefferson county, Missouri, praying for the disincorporation of said city, will be presented to the County court of Jefferson county, Missouri, at a term of said court to be held at the courthouse, in Hillsboro, Missouri, on Thursday, the 8th day of September, 1887;  To the Honorable County Clerk of Jefferson county, Missouri:

 The undersigned, your petitioners, residents of the City of Festus, in said county, and comprising two-thirds of legal voters of said City of Festus, respectfully petition the court to disincorporate the said City, the incorporation of said City not being of benefit to the people of the said City, but being an unreasonable burden and expense to the people, and in duty bound your petitioners will ever pray:




COUNTY COURT - Dramshop petitions were approved of STEVENS & SMITH, DeSoto, and William JEUDE, Pevely; bonds were approved of William GORMAN, William JEUDE, Richard ALLCOCK, R.G. HOEKEN and Anton SWEENE; the bond of Charles JACOBS was rejected.


COUNTY COURT - Report of inquest, by Coroner MOCKBEE, over body of Jacob  SCHINDLER, was approved and feebill of $27.55 allowed also over body of an unknown man, and feebill of $20.60 allowed.


Mrs. Jasper ADAMS has been sick and very low for some time.  Mrs. BECKMAN, Wm. TERRY and others, especially children are also very sick. Festus, August 8, 1887.


DE SOTO - Miss Philipena SCHWENK of Plattin died, and was buried in the city cemetery one day last week.  She had been ill for long time.


Charley McMULLIN and George CAPE will heave here Monday for San Diego, California, where they will probably locate. Dr. HASSE will go to the same place at an early date.   DeSoto, August 8, 1887.


Mrs. Laura SHANNON, wife of Frank SHANNON of near Rush Tower, died last Friday night. She was a daughter of the late W.B. WEAVER, and had only been married a couple of years. The disease was consumption.


Mr. and Mrs. Larkin COLLINS living near DeSoto celebrated the 51st anniversary of the wedding last Thursday, August 4th. The house was crowded, over 50 persons being present, the greater part of that number being children and grand-children. The venerable couple are hale and hearty, which speaks well for the bracing air of our Jefferson county hills. The genial hospitality of Jefferson county people will always strike a stranger when he comes among us, but at Mr. C's it was particularly notable. The dinner was remarkably fine. Meats of all kinds, jellies, preserves, pies, cakes, etc., but I won't name anymore, for if I do the fat man will be sorry he was not there too. In a word, good cheer was never more heartily enjoyed any where. Ice cold lemonade was the only drink and that was had in abundance. Cheerful conversation and singing caused the hours to pass quickly, it was evening before we knew it. Although Mr. and Mrs. C. will not, in any condition to nature, live another century together, it is our sincere wish that the noble boys and girls, and live and happy girls, who are their grand children, may celebrate their anniversaries in the fifties.


Mr. Noah B. BARLOW died suddenly at his residence in Kimmswick, on the 3rd inst. His daughter, Mrs. SPENCER found him lying dead on the floor, and it is supposed heart disease was the ailment. He was quite aged.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name    Age

July 19  James TODD  40 years



Date  Name of Mother    Sex

June 19 Mrs. W.F. SHERMAN   boy

July 15 Mrs. Thomas J. HILL   boy

July 23 Mrs. John M. SCAGGS   boy

July 29 Mrs. John PERADORE   girl

July 2 Mrs. Richard PIERCE   boy

July 15 Mrs. James CASEY   girl

July 21 Mrs. Roland HULL   girl

July 25 Mrs. Frank KNAPP    boy and girl

July 30 Mrs. Oscar KOLBE   boy


Frank DUBA, formerly of this county, had a little boy drowned in the Meramec last week. He went fishing by himself, and was found in the river after a three-hours' search.


Whenever you see a married man all smiles right early in the morning, you need not stop to ask the cause, for nine times out of ten there is a new arrival at his house. Thomas McDERMOTT said it's a bouncing boy.




CRYSTAL and FESTUS - Mrs. Jasper ADAMS is still sick in bed and very low. This is a long spell of suffering for the lady in such hot weather.


Mrs. AUBREY, who figured conspicuous in the last scandals at Crystal, is now insane. Her insanity, if you may call it such, is of a mild form. Her husband, who has become reconciled to his fate, doing al he can for the relief of the unfortunate woman.


Willie TERRY, whose illness I reported last week, is still in bed and very low. The sultry weather of the last few days is hard on patients. Festus, August 15, 1887


KIMMSWICK - Andrew BOSLER and S.A. WHITEHEAD, both living in the north end of town, are jubilant over the arrival of very young ladies at their homes.


Miss Ella GREENE, who has been in Wisconsin the past month, returned last week, looking better than when she left us. She bought a quantity of lemon for sea-sickness as she crossed the lake, but forgot whether to take them before or afterwards; so she did not take them at all. Sulphur Springs, August 15, 1887.


Mr. and Mrs. LACKAMP burried their three-months-old baby last Wednesday. The child had never been healthy.


John S. McKAY announces that his family is now complete, another boy having arrived a week ago. He now has three boys and three girls, but fours will beat threes any time.


Capt. Frederick Wilhelm OTTEMEYER died last Sunday, and was buried Monday in the old HERRINGTON graveyard. The Captain had been sick for more than a year with consumption.    J


The lady, who suicided at DeSoto last week, was Mrs. John SCHREIBER, daughter of Mr. Green McKEE. She had been in bad health a long time, partially paralyzed, but whether or not she took the dose of rough on rats with suicidal intent is not known. Dr. MOCKBEE held an inquest, but nothing was developed further than that she administered the dose to herself. Dr. KEANEY was called in after her condition was ascertained and administered an emetic, but was too late to save her life.


The lady, who suicided at DeSoto last week, was Mrs. John SCHREIBER, daughter of Mr. Green McKEE. She had been in bad health a long time, partially paralyzed, but whether or not she took the dose of rough on rats with suicidal intent is not known. Dr. MOCKBEE held an inquest, but nothing was developed further than that she administered the dose to herself. Dr. KEANEY was called in after her condition was ascertained and administered an emetic, but was too late to save her life.


Miss Phillpeina SCHWENK, who died on the 1st inst., at her home east of DeSoto, was a young lady beloved by all who knew her for her kind and gentle ways. Her friends have lost a kind companion, and her family a dutiful daughter and affectionate sister. She had been sick nearly a year, but bore her sufferings meekly and with patience till death relieved her.


Mrs. F.A. PEDLEY, of Hematite, died last Friday morning, aged 37. Mrs. PEDLEY came to this county from New York in 1856, and was married shortly afterwards to F.A. PEDLEY, of the same state. She was deserted by her husband some years and had lately instituted proceedings for divorce, her eldest the wife of Mr. FUNK. She was an estimable lady and highly respected. 


PROBATE COURT - Estate of Wm. BLANK, deceased; renewed order of sale of real estate made.


PROBATE COURT - Estate of Henry STEERMAN, deceased; order of publication made.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name    Age

July 19  Margaret MANESS 75 years



Date  Name of Mother    Sex

July 29 Mrs. David J. WHITE   girl

Aug. 23 Mrs. Andrew BOSSLEY   girl




Mr. and Mrs. L.L. MOSS, of Sandy, buried their three-year-old girl last Wednesday.


Jas. T. MOSS looks like a disconsolated widower; his wife being off on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. BYRNES, in Potosi.


MARRIED - in the Probate office, Monday, August 22nd, 1887, W.H. TUCKER and Miss Elizabeth MATTINGER, Judge ELKINS officiating.


If Mr. George FREDERICH will send us 6 cents in postage stamps and inform us of his address, we will mail to him his citizens paper, lot of teacher's certificates, &c. The bundle of papers was found on the road last Saturday by Mr. LEMPKE.


Martin ZIMPFER, of Antonia, had been ---- ---- ---- had gotten very lonesome. He had a 2-year-old child and a large house to take care of, and as the family hired by him was about to move away, he felt the necessity of securing a permanent housekeeper, who would have an interest in the business. Just over the hill lived his neighbor, Adolph KASSEL, whose eldest daughter was a bright, handsome, healthy and well-formed young lady of marriageable age, and Martin recognized the fact that there was no use going any further provided he could win the prize so near at home. To make a long story short, he laid siege and won, and it was our good fortune, through the kindness of Judge ELKINS,

who was called upon to officiate, to be present at the wedding last Sunday. Martin ZIMPFER and Miss Josephine KASSEL were pronounced man and wife, by Probate Judge R.A. ELKINS, at the residence of the bride's parents at noon, Sunday, August 21, 1887.  In addition to the family there were present Louis WESTERECK, Leo KOHLER and ye editor. A fine dinner was served by Mrs. KASSEL, which was not slighted by anyone present. After dinner neighbors began dropping till there was quite a large crowd.  Refreshments were served all through the day, and a jolly time was had up to the hour of our departure for home, 6p.m. It was the hardest kind of a job to tear away from such a friendly company, but business demands were imperative and we could not devote any more time to pleasure. We reached home at 9p.m., after a disagreeable drive through rain and dark. We can almost imagine that we will hear horns tooting, bells ringing and beer glasses clinking up towards Antonia ever since, for it is not likely that vicinity missed such a good opportunity for a rousing charivari.  (microfilm fold. )


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

April 17 Maurice Leander MOON 12 years

May 8 Robert C. OUTMAN  34 years

June 11 Emma S. SMITH   4 years

Aug 1 John A. KELLY   10 months

Aug 5 Ulyssus U. LAPLANT  6 months

Aug 11 Mildreth A. LARKINS  5 months



Date  Name of mother    Sex

July 10 Mrs. William SCHLUDER  boy

June 26 Mrs. Wm. Jasper McFRY  girl

June 1 Mrs. John E. HUSKEY   girl


OBITUARY - DIED - August 8, 1887, at the residence of her father, Mr. Theo MUNSON, near Horine, Mrs. Ella M. STAGER, aged 26 years. At the time of her death she was visiting at her father's, and although she had been in ill health and a great, tho' patient sufferer for month, still her death was a great shock as she was confined to her bed less than two days. She was buried August 10th, which would have been her 26th birthday. She had many excellent qualities, was more than ordinarily intelligent, and had a cheerful and sunny disposition, which made her a universal favorite. She was loved and esteemed by all who knew her. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. CROW, and were very impressive. The large attendance of friends, and many beautiful floral offerings, attested the high esteem in which the deceased and family were held. Her early death is indeed a great bereavement to her devoted husband, parents, sisters and friends, who are left to mourn her irreparable loss. May God give them grace to bear up under this great affliction, and live in such a way that they may be prepared when the summons comes to them. 

For "One by one we cross the river,

One by one we're ferried o'er;

One by one, with sins forgiven,

May we stand upon the shore,

Waiting till the angel boatman

Takes the helm and guides us o'er,

And the white-robed angel boaatman

Lands us on the shining shore."



Oliver CROMWELL is in a bad state of health. He is confined to his bed, not likely to recover soon. Dr. GUIBOR is his medical attendant.


Jacob WEHRLE, carpenter and builder of High Ridge, has been doing work at Stringtown and at House's Springs. He seems to do good work, consequently deserves patronage.   Meramec Tp., August 13, 1887.




The usually quiet and sedate-looking operator, Peter GLENDENING, has a grin on his face this morning, resembling somewhat a poor man's lease, running from (y)ear to (y)ear.  It's only a bit of a boy.


Last Saturday 'Squire SHEIBLE united in wedlock, at VOLLMAR's hotel, August GEIB and Miss Malinda SAEGER, both of Rock township. The groom is a son of Fred GEIB and the bride a daughter of Chris. SAEGER. They will reside at DeSoto, and have our congratulations.


Last week we omitted the marriage notice of Peter McCLOON and Miss Julia DONOVAN, which took place at the residence of the bride's mother, in Pevely on the 17th inst. Owing to too much shoemaker in jail, without visible means of bail, we could not attend the nuptials.


DRY CREEK - Some years ago we had for a neighbor Henry LONGEHENNIG, or better known as "old man Longhenry." It is useless to describe him to those who know him so well; but his hale, hearty, Winterapple face, the kindly eyes, the snowy hair and genial, friendly voice are a very pleasing recollection. At home, on a Winter's Sunday afternoon, with his wife, a neighbor or two, and his family around him, the hours would glide into night, and the glow of the blazing fire upon the spacious hearth made one feel loth to start out for home, for the genuine hospitality of this rare old man is scarcely equaled and hardly ever exceeded. Or when in the forenoon, cold or warm, rain or shine, he and his family would drive by on their way to church, or during week days to a festive gathering, the church, or the party, or the public meeting, was the better for his having been there. Well do I remember the house-warming of his son-in-law, Mr. BEUCHTING, when every one remarked how well old man Longhenry danced - he and his wife - and when complementing him on his sprightliness he said: "O, it's only to please the children - only to please the children."  He did not comprehend that while he pleased the children, he unconsciously pleased us all without being boldly conspicuous; everything seemed the better for his having been there. No matter how dreary the day, how dismal the rain, it always seemed after he left as if though a bit of sunshine had stayed back. And why? For the simple reason that this old man worked for the food of his fellow-men before he worked for his own. He considered his neighbor's benefit first; he was kind, hospitable, charitable and honest to severity. And when evil tongues wagged, as evil ones will wag, he came to me and begged me to write out the full particulars and give them to the J.D. Then first I learned to know the sterling qualities of this noble old man.  I promised, but many .....(My apologies to the reader, I neglected to copy the entire item about Mr. Longhenry.  Sorry!)


BYRNSVILLE - Mrs. McKEEVER of Dutch Creek died, last week, of old age.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name     Age

July 20 Samuel JUDY   76 years

July R0 Ada SMETZER   22 years

(Not my typo, was in the paper as it is here July R0.)



Date   Name of Mother   Sex

July 31 Mrs. Thomas McDERMOTT  boy

Aug. 15 Mrs. F.E. GUIBOR   girl

Aug. 16 Mrs. Harmon SIEBLES   boy

Aug. 21 Mrs. George WALLACE   boy




Louis HELM, our ferryman, had the misfortune to lose one of his little girls with scarlet fever last week. Two more of his children also have the fever, but are improving at this time.


There was a very sad occurrence at Horine Station last Saturday. Mr. E. SCHLOFFKE's eleven year old boy, while playing with a loaded rifle gun, accidentally shot himself through the body, from which he died in a few hours. It appears that he had the muzzle of the gun against his person and was leaning over it at the time it was discharged.


The Plattin neighborhood has had a big sensation during the past week, and we do not k now of any occurrence in the county that has created so much surprise or caused so much comment. Various rumors are float, but we have not depended upon any of them, but have got our information from headquarters, by visiting and interviewing members of the family. The cause of the excitement is the now notorious fact, that on Saturday, Aug. 27, Mrs. Lura McCORMACK, wife of Perry McCORMACK, left her husband and home and in company with Len CRAIG, a man formerly in the employ of Mr. McCORMACK, and went to Webb City, Mo. She left a long letter to her husband, explaining her action, and the contents of which have been grossly misrepresented. In it she accuses him of having been unfaithful to her, and of having told her he made a mistake in marrying, and loved another woman better. She avers that she only leaves because her life has been too miserable and that she was going off to work and earn a living for herself. Her parents have since received a letter of same purport; assuring them that she has done nothing wrong, but intends to still lead a pure life. The parties are second cousins, and on account of opposition on the part of the bride's parents, ran away from home and got married. After a wedded life of near ten years no children came to brighten their home, and Mrs. M. claims that this fact has been a great disappointment to her husband. From all the public knew they were getting along splendidly, were well to do and prospering. She was naturally of a very modest and timid disposition, and was looked upon as

a model woman in every respect. It was a very severe shock to her parents, though they still have the utmost confidence in her integrity and purity.



Date   Name of Mother   Sex

July 25  Mrs. Fritz KRAMER  boy

Aug 3  Mrs. Wm. FAIRBANK  boy

Aug 3  Mrs. John CARVER  girl

Aug 7  Mrs. Joseph RIANDO  boy

Aug 8  Mrs. J.W. SENTER  boy

Aug 12  Mrs. C.W. FLETCHER  girl

Aug 26  Mrs. C.W. SCHIELSING girl

Aug 23  Mrs. Thos. DAVENPORT boy

Aug 20  Mrs. George CHENEY  boy

Aug 22  Mrs. Robert HUNT  boy

Aug 19  Mrs. P.C. ZOLLMAN  boy

Aug 21  Mrs. Henry REINEMER  boy

Aug 10  Mrs. Sam A. WHITEHEAD girl


NOTICE is hereby given that my wife, Lara McCORMACK, has left my house and home without any just cause, and I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her from this date.  Perry B. McCORMACK  Sept. 4, 1887


CIRCUIT COURT - Trial docket September term, 1887, of Jefferson County Circuit court:

First Day - September 12

Joseph GOODWIN vs Mahala GOODWIN, divorce

Kate YEIDA vs Wm. HERRINGTON et als, partition

Mary DIARD vs V.F. DIARD, divorce

Third day - September 14

Hariett ROCKLIFF vs Charles BRYAN et al, partition

Phoebe HAMBLE vs Joseph H. HAMBLE, divorce.

Louisa CLEMENS vs. Elijah CLEMENS, divorce

Emily J. CREASON vs Levi S. CREASON, divorce

Lester J. HENRY vs. Sarah E. BLAKE, et al, partition


Wm. JEUDE of Pevely, we are very sorry to learn, is very ill; in fact some of his friends have grave doubts as to his recovery.


Wm. H. McMULLIN, an orphan boy 18 years old, but small for his age, has been missing for a month. His friends are very anxious to hear from him, but have no desire to bring him back against his will. Information of him should be addressed to William B. McMULLIN, DeSoto.


Mrs. Perry McCORMACK, whom we mentioned last week as having left her husband and gone to Webb City, Mo., came home with her mother on Sunday of last week, and is making her home with her parents. The gossipers, who think only evil and revel in scandal, had just as well look up another case to talk about.


The little boy of Mr. SLAFFKE's who accidently killed himself, was only nine years old. He had saved up nickels and dimes, earned by doing errands, till he had three or four dollars a head, and he invested part of his earnings in an old rifle, which he purchased from a negro man. The gun was out of fix and would not shoot when he tried it, and that accounts for the careless handling which caused him his life. Mr. SCHLAFFKE knew nothing of his having the gun till after he was shot. The party who sold him the gun is liable to punishment.


The town of Victoria lost one of her best citizens last week, Mr. C.S. WHITE having died on the 7th inst. after a short illness of inflammation of the bowels. He was a carpenter and builder by trade, an excellent workman and by his quiet, gentlemanly demeanor had made friends with all who got acquainted with him during the few years of his residence in this county. He leaves a wife and an infant child. His remains were buried by the J.N. WHITEHEAD post, G.A.R., of which he was an active and valuable member.


CIRCUIT COURT - The Grand Jury was impaneled, sworn and charged.  N. SLAWSON, foreman; and R.H. SHUTE, John D. HEARST, Patrick BYRNE, P. LYNCH, B.M. LANHAM, John MILLER, Philip MEYER, George MERSEAL, Elbert OGLE, John T. BURGESS and Thos. J. LEE; the latter selected in place of M.C. JENNINGS, who was excused, being a school teacher.


CIRCUIT COURT - Mary DIARD was granted was granted divorce from Felix DIARD and given the custody of their child.




A young gent arrived at L.B. BADAKER's last week.  This makes No. 5, and all boys.


Patrick McCOOL if St. Louis, formerly of this county, paid his friends and relatives a visit this week.


Robert SWAIN of this neighborhood died on the 10th inst., of pneumonia, leaving a large family.


Mrs. Nancy BAINBRIDGE and Miss Carrie WILLIAMS start today for California, where they will probably make their home for the future.


Mrs. Caroline ALBERS, an old German lady, who has been bed-ridden for a year or two, died last Thursday at the residence of her son-in-law, Hiram JAHNSON, on Cotter Creek. She had been supported in part by the county the past year.


Mrs. ROSENAUER - mother of Albert, Frank and Michael ROSENAUER - died at her home near Fenton, on the 15th inst. She was quite aged, and had not eaten anything for three months, her ailment being a tumor in the throat. Before she too sick she was a very fleshy woman, but there was nothing left but skin and bones at the time of her death.


At the Sheriff's sales last week, D.M. PARK was the purchaser, under school fund mortgage sale, of the Jefferson County Fair grounds, at $1300; John T. GIFFORD bought the PREWETT farm on Big River, at partition sale, for $845 - the dower interest of a young widow and minor children made this farm go low.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week.

Date   Name    Age

Sept. 2  William BAER  60 years

Sept. 10  Jesse HEIMS  2 years

Aug. 5 John  William HERRINGTON 1 year

Aug. 15  Fannie M. MOSS  2 years

Aug. 31  Ida HEIMS   5 years



Date  Name of mother    Sex

Aug. 2 Mrs. John HUBERT   boy

Aug. 8 Mrs. James BERGAN   girl

Aug. 27 Mrs. Rudolf DRYER   girl

Aug. 27 Mrs. Louis RADAKER   boy

July 8 Mrs. Charles OERMAN   boy

Sept. 6 Mrs. Nelson SHOULTE   girl

Sept. 12 Mrs. John RICHTER   boy

Sept. 13 Mrs. Alfred WILLIAMS  boy


Mrs. Sarah E. JONES, wife of ex-Sheriff Thomas J. JONES, was buried in the Hillsboro cemetery, last Saturday, having died in St. Louis, of consumption, on the 15th inst., aged 39 years. Mrs. JONES was a daughter of the late Phinas WILLIAMS of this county. While single she was in our employ for several years. After her marriage with JONES she resided in Hillsboro until shortly before the unfortunate circumstance which caused her husband to be fugitive from justice. In all relations of life she proved herself faithful, patient and forbearing and, we are informed, had made her peace with God and was fully prepared for death. The circumstances under which her last few years were spent, away from

her relatives and friends, made her funeral a very sad one, and it was trying on Rev. S. FRAZIER, her old neighbor and friend, to conduct the ceremonies at the grave. She leaves three or four children, to whom her loss is irreparable.


CIRCUIT COURT - Divorces were granted plaintiffs in the following cases, no defense being made - Phoebe C. vs Joseph H. HAMBEL, Joseph vs Mahala GOODWIN, Louisa vs Elijah CLEMENS.


CIRCUIT COURT - D.C. HAMILTON, who was some time since divorced from his wife, Mary Belle, instituted suit for possession of their child, but on a hearing his petition was denied.


CIRCUIT COURT - Peter LEE et als vs Martha L. GANNON et als, was a suit to set aside the will of John LEE, father of plaintiffs and former husband of Mrs. GANNON, who died over ten years ago. It was defended by a Mr. NICCOLTS, who has purchased some of the real estate from the widow, to whom it was willed, and the jury decided that the will was not valid.  An appeal will be taken. During the course of the trial which consumed three days, Messrs. R.M. NICCOLTS and W.H.H. THOMAS, opposing counsel, were fined five dollars each for quarreling in court. The fines were subsequently remitted after due apologies had been made.


CIRCUIT COURT - John OETGE, native of Germany, took out first citizen papers.


PROBATE COURT - The following business was transacted in the Probate court the past two weeks. Sophie RACINE was appointed guardian of Cora KIM, and accounts of A. RACINE as such guardian settled.


PROBATE COURT - Elias BURGESS appointed curator of Phoebe KIDD, minor, and accounts of Mrs. BURGESS, former curator, settled. Order made to sell said minor's interest in land of estate of Melissa KIDD.




Mrs. Louisa FREY, a county patient who had been in the insane asylum at Fulton, has fully recovered, and Deputy Sheriff BRYAN, upon notice from the superintendent, went and brought her home last week.


The wife of Henry LOTHER, of Valle township, has not been heard of by her folks for over a month. She has insane spells, and during one of her attacks, last spring, left home and wandered around the woods for a week or two. She is doubtless on an other wild tramp now, but diligent search has failed to find any trace of her. She is a large woman, German, light complected. We ask our exchanges in adjoining counties to kindly publish a notice of her. Information can be addressed to P.C. ZOLLMANN, DeSoto, Mo.


DE SOTO - Dr. Charley WILLIAMS, formerly of DeSoto but now located in Arkansas, spent the past week with his mother here.


Married, in Plattin township, September 18th, by Rev. J.T. McMULLIN, Mrs. Louisa CLEMENS and Solomon LUTHER.


A man, named HEIST, was crushed by a heavy weight falling on him in the railroad roundhouse, last Sunday. He was sent to the hospital at St. Louis in a critical condition.


Miss Charlotte A. BISSELL, daughter of N.H. BISSELL, was united in marriage to Mr. James R. VanFRANK, at the residence of the bride's parents, on Thursday last at noon. Rev. DOWNER officiating. The bride is a prominent society lady of our city and, being an accomplished musician, will be a loss to our society. The groom is chief civil engineer of the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railway Co., and lives at Little Rock, Ark., whether he has taken his bride for a

permanent residence. DeSoto, September 26, 1887.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week.

Date  Name     Age

July 8 Edward WILLIAMS  1 year

Aug 16 William SLETHERN  74 years



Date  Name of mother    Sex

July 28 Mrs. D.L. WIDEMAN   girl

July 25 Mrs. Joseph ZIEGLER   girl

Sept 24 Mrs. George A. WILLIAMS  boy




Mr. James WALKER of California, one of the Forty-niners who went from this county, was back, last week, on a visit. He started for home Sunday, taking with him his sisters, Mesdames D.D. GOFF, R.H. STEWART, and his niece, Miss Hattie WALKER.


Richard BOHNE of Crown Point, Ind., who was a member of the 99th Indiana Volunteers, and attended the Grand Army Encampment at St. Louis, came down and spent two or three days with his brother, Jacob, near this place. They had not seen each other for 18 years.


Edward DUGAN and Jack MANESS, of Frumet, leave today for California, to see the country with a view of locating. We do not know whether they were induced to go there from a description of the sorrel-thorted maidens or not.  We hate to see these young men leave, but hope they may do well wherever they cast their lot.


Married, at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. C.S. RANKIN of Pevely, on Thursday, September 29th, Mr. W.E. DICKEY, of Lutesville, Mo., and Miss Millie C. RANKIN, Rev. E.P. REACH, of Marble Hill, officiating. The immediate relatives of the families, and a few unrelated friends, were present. And all left tokens of appreciation, both valuable and ornamental. After congratulations and a luncheon, the bride and groom left on the 5p.m. train, for Niagara Falls and the East.


Last Wednesday evening John A. BYRD of Mississippi county, Mo., and Miss Iva E., daughter of Thomas L. DONNELL of Plattin township, were united in marriage, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. J.A. GREEN. About 60 relatives and friends were present to bid the happy couple God speed on their entrance on life's journey and partake of the splendid marriage feast which was spread. We learn that the newly-married pair left at once for their home in Mississippi county, where they go to housekeeping and farming.  We wish ------ . (microfilm fold)


Dr. MOCKBEE was called out to the old HAMRICK place, last Monday morning, to hold an inquest over the body of the 19 year-old son of Justus MARTIN, who is living on the place. The boy had gone out into the field, Sunday morning, and covered up some potatoes that had been dug the previous day with straw.  After this nothing was seen of him until Monday morning, when diligent search revealed the lad's body suspended to a tree about three hundred yards from the house. He had evidently committed suicide by hanging. No reason has yet been given why the boy should have desired to end his worldly career.


Mrs. Catherine COA died, at Cantrill, Iowa, September 13, 1887, aged 80 years. Her maiden name was HURLBERT, and she was born in Nelsonville, Athens county, Ohio, in 1808. Deceased was the grandmother of Mrs. SHEIBLE of this place. She was the mother of eleven children, two of

who; preceded her to the "land beyond the dark river" - one, Mary Ann JACKSON, died here, while on a visit to her daughter, several years ago. We trust that another and grand-mother are enjoying the reward which their kind deeds in life merited, and that their large circle of relatives left behind, will finally greet them "on the ever green shore."


Gus ARMSTRONG arrived here Saturday evening and will remain a few days with his former neighbors. He speaks in the most flattering terms of his new home - Los Angeles, Cal., - and claims to be getting rich. His brother, Will, is married to a rich widow, which news will be quite a shock to some DeSoto damsels and is another illustration of the perfidy of men. Among other things Gus told us that California is blessed with "the most exquisitely beautiful red-headed ladies one ever saw," and we suppose it is due this fact that California is called "the golden State."  Mrs. William ARMSTRONG carries gold on her head we know not, but are told that her pockets are well lined therewith.


James WELCH died at his residence in Ironton, Mo., Saturday, Oct 1, 1887. His funeral took place from St. Paul's church Oct. 3rd. He was buried with Masonic honors by Star of the West Lodge, W.R. EDGAR, W.M., officiating, assisted by brethren of Blackwell and DeSoto.


BIRTHS and DEATHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week.

Date  Name     Age

Jan 26 Ellen GILLMORE   79 years

      Charles HOULG?   12 years

      William HOULG?    5 years



Date  Name of mother    Sex

Sept. 12 Mrs. R.A. FRAZIER   boy

Sept. 26 Mrs. Adam POPE    girl

Sept. 25 Mrs. John F. JOYCE   boy

Sept. 3 Mrs. Hermann STUDER   boy

Sept. 21 Mrs. Mart ROBERTSON   girl

Sept. 12 Mrs. Michael BURK   girl

Sept. 16 Mrs. David JOHNSON   boy

Sept. 16 Mrs. James GRAY   boy

Sept. 7 Mrs. H.P. GRAHAM   boy

Sept. 8 Mrs. John WALTHER   girl

Sept. 13 Mrs. William McGRATH  girl

Sept. 10 Mrs. Charles EDWARDS  boy

Sept. 22 Mrs. William MAHN   girl

Sept. 7 Mrs. George BOYER   boy

Sept. 17 Mrs. Brooks COLLINS   boy

Sept. 3 Mrs. Thomas JOHNSON   boy


George CAPE, who went to California two months ago, is so much pleased with the country that he has sent for his family and will make his future home there.




KIMMSWICK - I am sorry to chronicle the death of Mrs. Philip BOWMAN, which took place last Friday. The funeral was held at 1 p.m. to-day.The attendance was large, the line of carriages being about a mile long. Rev. WILSON preached an excellent sermon in German. Mr. BOWMAN

and family have the sympathy of the entire community...Our Public school was started last Monday, with Mr. CATHCART as principal and Miss Carrie BOWMAN as assistant, Miss Minnie SALTER presides over the colored school...Capt. Th. ZIEGLER and family have returned to St. Louis, after having lived at Windsor Harbor during the Summer. They will return next Spring...C.H. SPENCER and family have returned from St. Louis, where they have been spending a week or two...E. BRUENEMANN and wife of St. Louis, and  W.J. KIRK and wife, of Maxville, were visitors at Kimmswick, Sunday...Mrs. Thomas WILSON goes to Belleville, Ill., on a visit...Our enterprising jeweler, M. ZIEGLER, has just set up a full stock of clocks, watches, etc. which look pretty and attractive as you walk up Market Street.  Kimmswick, October 9, 1887.


Mrs. Frank CANEPA, of Crystal City, presented her husband with a little daughter on the 13th ult.


Warrants were issued by Esq. SHEIBLE last week against Jeff BOLY and George LONEY, who are charged with disturbing worship at Glade Chapel. They were arrested and gave bond for their appearance for trial next Saturday.


Fred SEAMAN, a banker of Falkton, D.T., accompanied his bride on a visit to her relatives and old neighbors in this county last week. Mrs. SEAMAN was formerly Miss Julia SMITH, and is a daughter of D.S. SMITH, who emigrated from this county.


Wm. BRECKENRIDGE and George HARRISON, of the McMULLIN settlement, are preparing to join the throng of pilgrims to the Far West, Southern California being their proposed destination.


Charles LEWIS, late of DeSoto but now of St. Louis, buried an infant child last Tuesday in the LEMASTER burying ground, south of DeSoto.


Henry EULER, who has been suffering from poor health the past two years, decided to try a change of climate and left for Southern California on Thursday last. The Western fever has struck our city and the adjacent county, and many are turning their serious attention toward that land of

golden promise. During his recent trip Mr. CARVER, of the People's Bank, became infatuated with the country and is now considering the advisability of going into business at San Diego. Dr. AUERSWALD, during his trip, also received such favorable impressions of the country that he was induced to make investments in real estate and these, it is said have proven such profitable ventures that he is greatly interested and may eventually go there to reside.




B.C. BERRY and wife, of Hematite, start this afternoon for San Jose, California, where they expect to make their home. Bad health on the part of Mr. BERRY is the moving cause.


We see from St. Louis papers that on Monday of last week license were granted, in that city, to Mr. E.J. BLACKMER of Leadville, Colo., to marry Miss Laura CLARK, formerly of this town. We hope that their future may be happy and prosperous.


One day last week, Jesse MAUPIN was seen stepping around in a tremendous hurry, covering three inches more than usual at each step. He has been very quiet ever since, and refused to be interviewed, but Judge ELKINS explains Jesse's conduct in four words - it's only a girl.


George LONEY and Jeff BOLY came in last Saturday, and plead guilty to talking too loud in front of Glade Chapel, while some ladies and gentlemen were in the church for religious worship. They threw themselves upon the mercy of the court, and the 'Squire "soften" to $25.45 - fines and costs.


Fred WAPPLER, Jr., son of the proprietor of the Jefferson House, at DeSoto, while working on the roof of a 3-story house in St. Louis, last Saturday, fell to the sidewalk. He was taken to the City Hospital, but there is little hope of his recovery. He is about 20 years old and a tinner by trade.


Dr. MOCKBEE was called to hold an inquest on the body of Tony CAPELLO, near Silica, last Wednesday. He found the body sitting upright against a shock of corn. CAPELLO was in his field with his boy hauling corn, when he said to the lad, "I feel sick," sat down against the corn and, in less than a minute, was dead.  The Coroner attributed his death to heart disease, with which he had been afflicted for some time.


P.C. BARROWS, one of our old and esteemed citizens, paid us a visit the past week. He is located at DeSoto, Iowa.


P.B. McCORMACK, one of our most enterprising citizens, is moving the building known as the old MARSH house, on the Plattin Mines farm. He is to rebuild it near the first house built by M. McCORMACK on that same farm. Perry must give possession of the house he is living in, as he

has rented the farm to a young man who, rumor says, will go to keeping house about the holiday time.  Plattin, October 18, 1887.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

Sept 25 Maud CAMPBELL   5 months

Sept 3 Christian WAGNER  43 years

Octr 7 Mina BOWMAN   44 years

Octr 7 Frank GAMACHE   4 months



Date  Name of mother    Sex

Sep 30 Mrs. Malcom MINER   boy

Sep 24 Mrs. N. VAHEY    girl

Sep 25 Mrs. William FRENCH   girl

Sep 7 Mrs. Charles McKEE   girl

Sep 25 Mrs. Frank LISKAL   boy


PROBATE COURT - Term docket, Probate Court, Jefferson County, Missouri, to be begun and held in the town of Hillsboro, in said county, on Monday, the 14th day of November, 1887.  R.A. ELKINS, Judge.

 Estate John FISK, minor, James HOPSON, curator - 1st settlement

 Estate Charles FISK, minor, James HOPSON, curator - 1st settlement

 Estate Barbara and Magdalena KRAMER, minors, George KRAMER guardian, 2nd settlement.

 Estate Mary, Louisa and George YERGER, minors, Henry SECKMAN guardian - 4th settlement.


FOR SALE - The Joshua HERRINGTON farm on JONES creek; 312 acres, 60 acres in cultivation in bottom and 17 0n ridge; 40 acres more good land, and plenty of timber on the tract; 87 bearing apple and 60 peach trees; good dwelling and all necessary out-buildings, and with one of the finest springs in the county.  Terms - half, cash; balance on time. Further particulars enquire of N.S. HUSKEY, Hillsboro, or J.L. HERRINGTON, Morse's Mill.




On the 18th inst., Mr. John DAVIS and Miss Laura J. DEGONIA were united in marriage, at Hillsboro, by Judge ELKINS.


Joseph GOODWIN of St. Louis, and Miss Maggie KNAPP of near Victoria, were married on the 17th inst., 'Squire Tom WILLIAMS officiating.


Austin WILLIAMS and David W. TUCKER of this county, have lately been added to the list of U.S. pensioners, and Carey KNAPP has been favored with increase.


Another big boy arrived at E.F. HONEY's, one night last week. Mother and child are both doing well, but Guy has not entirely recovered from his disappointment because it is not a girl.


We learn from St. Louis papers that Dr. E.J. THURMAN, of Benton, was married on the 20th inst., at Collinsville, Ill., to Miss Jennie KNEIDLER of that place. The Doctor has been a widower for some time.


Frank J. RIEBOLD and Miss Mary KING were united in wedlock, by Esq. SHEIBLE, at VOLLMAR's hotel, on the 19th instant. The groom is from near Maxville, while the bride is a daughter of James KING of Sandy. They will make South St. Louis their future home.


Mr. Francis KIRK, father of Judge W.J. KIRK, died on Friday, October 21st at his home in Maxville, of pneumonia and old age, he being 78 years and 6 months. He was sick only three or four days. He lived in this State over 50 years, and in this county since 1853. He was buried Sunday, in the Catholic cemetery.


Ed. LYONS, an aged colored man of near the mouth of Big River, is charged with assaulting G.M. SCHMULL. The case was set for trial last Thursday, on which day Prosecuting Attorney GREEN and 'Squire SHEIBLE went to High Ridge where Judge DILLON presides over the law and the

evidence."  The long pole of Big River had previously figured in the case as attorney; but afterwards appeared with three smaller poles as witnesses, and John I. MARTIN of St. Louis was installed as attorney. A change of venue was taken to 'Squire DUNNIGAN of House's Springs, and the witnesses all claimed their fees something over four dollars falling to the lot of the poles. As the case has been continued three times the expenses will run pretty high. Our Hillsboroites went as far as Antonia that evening, and staid all night with M. ZIMPFER, where they were royally entertained.  The improvements noticed on the way were the repairs made by John REECE on the gravel road, which are excellent; Parson MEDLEY is putting up a government building - a postoffice; Dr. GUIBOR has enlarged his store building and added to his stick, while Bob SMITH of Sandy Bridge is adding to his residence. We also heard that Mrs. Thos. BYRNS was quite sick with malarial fever and that diphtheria was raging in the Bohemian settlement; that Mrs. HOOG had died, after several months of intense suffering. Sebastian KOHLER sold his farm to Adolph KASSELL, who in turn transferred it to his son, and now it may turn out that there will be another wedding near Antonia soon.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

July 21 -------- NEMNICH  21 years

Aug. 11 Mary REITZ   72 years

Aug. 15 Joseph L. POLITTE  35 years

Aug. 22 Anna KELLY   20 years

Aug. 30 ----- POPE   1 year

Sep. 6 ----- DAVIS   2 years

Sep. 5 James F. EDGAR   2 years

Sep. 6 ----- STAPLES   1 day

Sep. 19 Frank GHERKIN   2 years

Sep. 25 Grace E. SPENCER  19 years

Sep. 29 Mrs. Robert OUTMAN  33 years



Date  Name of mother    sex

Aug. 9 Mrs. J.H. LEHEY   girl

Aug. 21 Wm. F. EDINGER    girl

Sept. 3 Mrs. Charles McCLELLAND  girl

Sept. 5 Mrs. Wat MAPLES   boy

Sept. 15 Mrs. Horace HURST   boy

Sept. 29 Mrs. F.B. DEGONIA   girl

Sept. 30 Mrs. Louis H. LEMPKE  girl

Oct. 13 Mrs. Gottl. SCHOELHAMMER  girl

Oct. 5 Mrs. Charles HOPSON   girl

Oct. 10 Mrs. A.J. CRAIN   boy

Oct. 13 Mrs. George W. JONES  boy

Oct. 21 Mrs. Louis PERADORE   girl

Oct. 16 Mrs. Jacob LINDEAUER  boy

Oct. 14 Mrs. Solomon SMITH   girl


Louis LEBREYER, who has been in the Indian Territory the past twelve years, is here on a visit to his mother.


Mr. and Mrs. H. LERDER are proud parents of a little girl, which arrived at their home Sunday evening.


On the 22nd inst., E.S. PYLE sold, at auction, his cattle stock and farming implements, preparatory to removing his family to Franklin county.


On Wednesday evening, the 19th, Miss Nellie PYLE and Mr. Gus. STEGMANN were united in marriage, at the residence of the bride's parents at FOREST Home, Rev. Joel HENSLEY officiating.


Samuel J. CRAFT, who has been a resident of DeSoto for many years, but who has been confined to his house for more than two years, died of consumption last Friday night. He served in the army and navy during the late war and, tho' he no doubt deserved a pension, never was given one. He was a kind and affectionate husband and father, a consistent member of the Baptist church, and was universally respected by all his fellow men. He leaves a wife and one little child, having lost two little girls from scarlet fever within one week last  (My apologies. I neglected to copy the entire death notice. C.M.)




DE SOTO - Mr. and Mrs. C. CHEATHAM, of the North end, lost a five-year-old child, on Friday last, from croup.


Geo. HARRISON and ---- BRECKENRIDGE, two of our county's prominent young men, lately emigrated to California.


Our friend Charles BIEWEND of Festus, has had another little girl added to his family, and now thinks himself a bigger man than the Mayor of that town.


George EDINGER, of Glenwood Springs, Colorado, wrote last week to Jos. HOEKEN for three dollars worth of country knit wool socks. He says it is so cold there that he needs extra covering for his feet.


R.E. JOHNSTON and Miss  A.E. HUSKEY were united in the bonds of matrimony, at the residence of the bride's mother, on the 12th ult., by Elder S. FRAZIER, in the presence of quite a number of young people. After the ceremonies a splendid supper was had, and many gifts were given the happy couple, such as delft and glassware, books, etc.


Henry KERKOWSKI's six year old boy died very suddenly on the 25th ult. He had complained of a sore throat but that morning as his father was starting to help a neighbor raise a house, assured him that he was feeling very well. Later in the day he suddenly complained of a pain in his bowels and in a few minutes was dead. A doctor had been sent for but he arrived too late.


Mrs. Richard BOHNE died very suddenly last Thursday, from some unknown cause that produced premature childbirth. She was a daughter of Wm. J. HUSKEY and was one of the stoutest healthiest women in the county, having never had any sickness. She had been married near three years

and they were getting along nicely. She leaves one child and a sadly bereaved husband.


Several friends of Mrs. Henry EULER of DeSoto gave her a surprise party on the 29th ult. it being her 44th birthday anniversary. Among those present were Mrs. OSTERTAG, Mrs. SCHEIHING, Mrs. WALTHER, Mrs. HACKE, Mrs. REID and Mrs. GEHRING.  Mrs EULER served refreshments and the evening was spent in the pleasantest manner. The visitors left, wishing Mrs. EULER a long and happy life.


OBITUARY - Departed this life, October 22, 1887, in Plattin township, Armstrong O'HARA, aged 86 years, 7 months and two days. He was born in Westmoreland county, Virginia, but came West while young locating in St. Francois county, and moved into this county about the close of the civil war, locating on the farm where he died. He was a peaceable and quiet citizen, a liberal contributor for his means to works of public enterprise and charity or for the benefit of society. He was a member of the Baptist church for the last 34 years. He was prompt and methodical in all his dealings, and it was his pride to keep even with the world. He told the writer of this sketch that he bore no man a grudge and held no malice toward any one. He had long been ready and willing to go when the Master should call and seven years ago he gave the writer a card requesting him to preach the funeral sermon if he should die first. This request was complied with on Sabbath last, at 4 o'clock, at the grave, where he was laid beside his sleeping wife, who died some six years ago. He leaves a son and daughter, and many friends and neighbors, to mourn his departure. Plattin, Oct. 25, 1887.  J.T.M.


John R. SERRIN, of DeSoto, has had his pension increased.


Charlton, son of James WOOD of near Ware P.O., died on the 22nd inst. of consumption, ages about 19 years. He had been in delicate health for months, and his demise was expected by himself and parents.


We learn that Thomas HARNESS and a daughter of W.W. CRAIG's went to St. Louis last week and were married. There seems to have been some opposition at home, to the match, and so the young folks bid defiance to locks and bars and cruel parents, and took a trip to the city.


Mrs. Mary Ann, wife of Phinas OGLE, of Big River township, died on the 22nd inst., the cause of her death being premature child birth, caused by a fall from a horse. Mrs. OGLE was a daughter of Joseph BROWN and was a strong, healthy young woman. She had been married about a year.


William NULL came near having his Thanksgiving spoiled. He came out with his lady-love to get marriage license, and found no one at home at the Recorder's office. Late in the afternoon Mr. COLMAN came along and gave him the paper which started him to feeling thankful again. Mr. NULL has been a widower for several years.


LICENSED to WED - Ward CUNNINGHAM and M.D. CRAWFORD, William H. KINGSTON and Anna VREELAND, William H. NULL and Maggie O'HARA, Louis CELLA and Amelia A. CASTEN, Edward S. RAYMOND and Teda F. McKEE, Robert KENEY and Laura WISE, James H. HINES and Mollie A. LYNCH, Charles DOVER and Sarah A.H. STEWART, colored.


Thomas H. BECKETT died, at his residence in St. Louis on the 3rd inst., and was buried at Victoria on the 5th.  Mr. BECKETT was for years a resident of this county, having lived at Kimmswick, DeSoto and Victoria, and was well and favorably known here. His last wife was the widow of

the late Capt. Oscar DOVER, and she now mourns the loss of a kind husband for the second time.


LIST of CONVEYANCES - Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Saturday.

Ferdinand BURKHARDT to Rosalie BURKHARDT, two lots in Festus.  $509.00

Amanda M. SINGER to Gertrude H. DONNELL, 80a sec28 tp40 range 5 1.00

Henry FOSTERLING to Louisa SCHUMAKER, 38 acres in survey 3011 10.00

W.F. DITTMER to F.W. SCHUMAKER, interest in 157 acres, sec34, tp42, range 3    5.00

MOTT and RANKIN to Herman MEYER, two lots in DeSoto        125.00

Wm. A. GAMEL to Jefferson WILCOX  lot near Festus         50.00


Kim, son of Christian GILLMAN, died last Wednesday, at the farm of U.S. WELLS. He had had a slight attack of pneumonia, and had gotten better, but went around too soon and was taken with a relapse, and only lived a day or two afterwards.   Kimmswick, November 28, 1887




The following amounts were subscribed towards improving the road leading from Hillsboro to Morse's Mill, and a petition  for an appropriation from the county was presented this week - about one-fourth mile has already been graded and graveled.

Barney WYNN      $ 10.00

Eric PAULS         4.00

Henry SEEMEL        15.00

Felix LEUTZINGER        8.00

Emil BLEIKER        15.00

Louis PARTNEY         5.00

Alexander HUSKEY        5.00

William PIERCE         5.00

John J. PIERCE         2.00

Thomas RYAN         5.00

Edward RYAN         5.00

William DEER        10.00

Charles JOHNSTON        3.00

James E. CARVER        5.00

George T. CARVER        5.00

Hermann SIEMERS       10.00

Jacob LEUTZINGER       15.00

Henry STEFFEN        12.00

Adolph DIENSE        10.00

Edward LEUTZINGER        5.00

Heenan  PIERCE         3.00

G. PIERCE          2.00

Starrett McKEEN        5.00

George W. DODSON        5.00

William BRACKMANN        5.00

B.F. BOUGHTON         2.50


Mr. and Mrs. Martin OGLE buried one of their children, one day last week.


A young Texas ranger arrived at Mrs. WELSH's, last Saturday night. Mother and babe are doing well.


Two young girls arrived in the vicinity of Hillsboro, the past week, one at Hermann SKINNERS' and the other at Chas. JOHNSTON's.


Judge ELKINS performed the marriage ceremony, in German, last Monday. The contracting parties were Rudolf LEONARD and Mrs. Elizabeth  R. LEONARD, of Franklin county.


Two of the most remarkable escapes from death, with chances of ultimate recovery of former health and vigor, are those of William HEIST and Fred WAPPLER, Jr., both of this county. The former was crushed beneath one of the boilers in the DeSoto machine shops, while the other fell down

the hatchway from the fifth story of a building in St. Louis.  Both men are convalescing.


COUNTY COURT - Report of inquest, by 'Squire ROGGE, on body of John BROGAN, was approved and fee bill of $22.80 allowed.


COUNTY COURT - Adele C. LEPP was examined and found to be insane, and provisions were made to send her to the State lunatic asylum as a county patient.


COUNTY COURT - Allowances were made to paupers as follows:

Paul McSTAY,         8.00

Joseph PFEIL,         8.00

Jacob TYREY,         8.00

Mer. ROGERS,         8.00

Wm. ALEXANDER         8.00

S.J. BURGESS         8.00

U. BALDWIN        12.50

Teas TAYLOR        14.00

Elizabeth LOGAN        8.00

Luc. BRENNEN         8.00

Elizabeth BEHRENS        8.00


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the

County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

Octo. 19 Jacob WAGENER   66 years

Oct. 25 Henry BLANK   21 years


Date  Name of Mother    Sex

Sept. 23 Mrs. F.X. DEHNER   girl

Oct. 4 Mrs. Joseph LORENZ   girl

Oct. 12 Mrs. William MANTHE   girl

Oct. 20 Mrs. James WILLIAMS   girl

Oct. 23 Mrs. George HARBERTH  boy

Oct. 28 Mrs. Charles MEYER   girl

Oct. 30 Mrs. William BEARKE   girl


James FOSTER died at his house, Saturday evening, and will be buried Monday morning at the BURGESS cemetery.


Raymond MICHAELS, an old resident of DeSoto, died and was buried by the G.A.R. of which he was a member, last week.


Mrs. BROWN the widow of the late M.R. BROWN, and sister of Mrs. G.R. RATHBUN, and Dr. GORMAN, died on Sunday night, after a long and painful illness of consumption. She leaves several small children and many friends to mourn her loss.


John COGAN, a machinist, employed in the car shop, died rather suddenly last Saturday night. He had been under medical treatment for some time past, but was able to work all day Saturday, and felt no symptoms of danger until a short time before his death. Coroner MOCKBEE held an

inquest on Sunday, and the verdict was  that he died from heart disease. He has been working in DeSoto for about a year and a half, but had no family here, though it is said that he has children in East St. Louis. November 7, 1887


MAXVILLE - On the 25th ult. we had a grand wedding here.  John H. von der HAAR of St. Louis county (as usual these St. Louis county gents will keep crossing the line and gobble up our girls, to the detriment of our young, bashful fellows; and it seems our Rock township girls, on account

of their beauty and sweet, continence, are in demand by our neighbors on the north), was married to Frances KONERT, daughter of Joseph KONERT, by Rev. W.J. AUGENENDT, at the Catholic Church, and the wedding was held at the residence of Hubert BECKER. The bridesmaids were Misses Mary KONERT and Elizabeth Von der HAAR, while the groomsmen were Messrs. Joseph Von der HAAR and Gerhard KONERT. The musicians, John BECKER, Adam BECKER and Anderson SWEENEY, were kept busy all afternoon till next morning. The tables were filed with choice victuals, which were well patronized. It don't look like Local Option here, when ten kegs of beer were got away with, and a cold day at that. We wish the bridal party health, wealth and a happy life.  Maxville, October 31, 1887.


STRINGTOWN - Mrs. Ed. MAUPIN is very sick.  She is not likely to recover soon.




COUNTY COURT - Victorine AUBREY was adjudged insane and ordered sent to the State lunatic asylum at Fulton.


COUNTY COURT - Inquest proceedings by 'Squire WATERS, over body of Mrs. Anna YUNGEMANN, were approved.


COUNTY COURT - The following reports of inquests were approved, all by Coroner MOCKBEE. Over bodies of Mary SCHREIBER, Toby CAPELLO, Paul POLONIA and two unknown men.


ORDER OF PUBLICATION - State of Missouri - County of Jefferson. In the Circuit court of said county, to January term, 1888 - In vacation, November 15, 1887.

 Anna  P. GRAHAM, plaintiff, vs. James P. GRAHAM, defendant.

At this day comes the plaintiff herein, by her attorney, Jos. J. WILLIAMS, and files her petition and affidavit, alleging among other things that defendant, James P. GRAHAM, is not a resident of the State of Missouri. Whereupon it is ordered by the clerk, that said defendant be notified by publication that plaintiff has commenced a suit against him in this court, the object and general nature of which is to obtain a decree of said court dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant, upon the grounds that about the month of August, 1884(?), defendant deserted and abandoned her, and has absented himself without any reasonable cause for the space of more than one whole year; plaintiff also prays that she be awarded the care and custody of the issue of such marriage, to-wit: Ella, Willie, Florence, Elmer and Ellis(?), all being between the ages of nine years and three years; and that unless the said defendant, James P. GRAHAM, be and appear at this court, at the next term thereof, to be begun and holden at the courthouse in the Town of Hillsboro, in said county, on the second Monday of January next, and on or before the sixth day of said term, if the term shall so long continue - and if not, then on or before the last day of said term - answer or plead to the petition to said cause, the same will be taken as confessed and judgment will be rendered accordingly. And it is further ordered that a copy hereof be published, according to law, in the Jefferson Democrat, a newspaper printed and published in Jefferson county, Missouri.

D.B. VEAZEY, Circuit Clerk.  A True copy from the record.  Witness my hand and the seal of the Circuit court of Jefferson county, Missouri, this 15th day of November, 1887.  D.B. VEAZEY, Circuit Clerk.  November 15, 1887.




James K. ROGUES, of Victoria, was granted a pension as a veteran of the Mexican war.


Louis ADAMS and family, accompanied by Joe and Clark WHITE, have gone to Kansas to make their future home.


Mrs. John GAEVIN died, last week, at her home in Festus. She leaves a husband and five children to mourn her demise.


On the 17th inst., in the Probate court room, Judge ELKINS pronounced Cornelius WASHBURN and Lucinda MANESS man and wife.


Green McKEE, one of the oldest citizens of the vicinity of Victoria, was buried last Saturday. He had been in feeble health for years.


We learn that Perry McCORMACK, of Plattin, has gone to San Jose, California, and that he gave his wife $1,742 and a valuable horse, in lieu of her dower or interest in his property.


Mrs. Raymond MICHAEL of DeSoto whose husband died recently, will continue the business of hoop-shaving, at the old stand, and will pay the highest market price for hoop-poles.


The following BIRTHS were filed the past week:  Sept. 5, Mrs. Sebastian KOHLER, a girl; Oct. 15, Mrs. Frank ROSENAUER, a girl; Nov. 3, Mrs. Philip RENTZ, a boy; Nov. 11, Mrs. William KUENTZLE, a boy.


Dorsey HENSLEY died, at his mother's residence on Sandy, last Monday night.  He has been living in Wayne county, where he took sick. He came up home, and his illness turned out to be Typhoid fever, which caused his death. His brother, Thornton, who has also been in Wayne county, is

at his mother's, and quite ill too.


MARRIED - on the 206h inst., at the residence of Charles T. JARVIS, James E. BURGESS and Miss Irene WILHITE; on the same day at the residence of Thomas DODSON, in DeSoto, Lewis A. HUSKEY and Miss Laura M. NULL. Elder FRAZIER performed the ceremonies for both couples. We wish them peace, happiness and prosperity.


James HUSKEY, of Big River was buried last Friday, at Bethlehem. He was quite aged, and for some time had lost his reasoning faculties. Some months ago he was adjudged insane by the court, but as he was partially paralyzed the authorities at the State lunatic asylum would not receive

him as a patient, and he was taken back home.


Last Saturday afternoon, as the northbound through express passed Victoria, Thomas LANHAM of Sandy was on one of the platforms, leaning outward to get a better view of those about the station. All at once he seemed to let all holds go and was hurled upon a tie, striking with his head and with such force that he bounded into the air like a rubber ball, alighting face downward some sixteen feet away. He is badly cut about the face and head, and sustained a fracture of the skull. Nothing but a miracle can safe his life, it is said. LANHAM is one of the best young men of Sandy, and we deeply sympathize with him and his relatives.


OBITUARY - DIED - November 15, 1887, near Zion, Cornelius M., youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. Elbert OGLE, aged 9 years, 11 months and 6 days. It is indeed a sad blow to the fond parents, who for the first time had the white-robed angle to enter their little band and claim for his own

their precious boy, he being their thirteenth child and baby. But the word of God will comfort them, if they study the precious words, "Suffer Little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not,  for of such is the kingdom of Heaven." Dear little "Nealy" suffered three long weeks, but was the most patient, obedient child I have ever seen; and when he would see the family weeping, he would say: "Auntie, please tell them not to cry, it makes me feel so sad." And today, if we could only hear him speak, it would be: "Dear pa and ma, and sisters and brothers, weep not for me, for at the "beautiful gate, I'll be waiting and watching for the."  Victoria, Nov. 20,  AUNTIE.




Jonathan CRAWSHAW of Festus, was last week added to the list of United States pensioners.


On the 24th ult., 'Squire WILLIAMS of Victoria united in wedlock Wm. H. NULL and Mrs. Maggie O'HARA, both of Desoto.


There was a big wedding at Antonia last Thursday evening, the contracting parties being Mrs. Dolly Ann BOWER and Rudolph GARDMANN; The couple is an old one, and both have worked in double harness before. 'Squire BERGMEIER tied then together, while 'Squire SHEIBLE kissed the bride and saw that everything was done up in apple pie order. They were married in ZIMPFER's parlor, after which they went to Leo KOHLER's, where a feast was had. Eating and drinking and dancing was indulged in till about two o'clock Friday morning.


HIGH BOTTOMS of Sandy, Nov. 29. There is nothing very exciting here, but we will try to supply a few items. Rev. Joel HENSLEY is re-covering his barn and sheds; H.T. TEMMING is shedding his barn, and others are preparing to improve. Wesley MOCKBEE has moved to his farm, situated on the south end of Sandy Mines. G.R. JOHNSON and son are building a bridge for the county near Mrs. HENSLEY's, and doing a good job. Robert BUREN is giving general satisfaction as school teacher. D.S. HENSLEY and Mrs. MAHIER were buried in Sandy graveyard last week. Thornton HENSLEY is still improving.  J.K. CRESSMAN has moved onto the ADAMS farm, closer to school and water.


OBITUARY - DIED - November 24, 1887, at her residence on Plattin, Mary PORTER, aged 75 years.  "Aunt Polly," as she has been familiarly known in the neighborhood for years, was a native of Jefferson county, a daughter of Jeremiah McCAIN, who was one of the first settlers of the county, and quite probably was never out of the county in her life. She has a brother living, Mr. Jeremiah McCAIN of Plattin. Her husband, Samuel PORTER, has been dead for thirty years or more. She raised four children, all of whom have families. Mrs. PORTER was a very active industrious woman, and her life was one of toil. She had been a church member for many years, and was recognized in the community as a good Christian woman. She had been confined to her bed for about six months and, feeling that she was worn out and her usefulness in this life ended, was anxious for the transformation to that life of peace beyond, prepared for her from the foundation of the world, and which she confidently expected to obtain through the merits of a merciful Savior.


DIED - November 22, 1887, at his mother's residence on Sandy, Dorsey S. HENSLEY, in his 34th years. Dorsey was born January 27, 1854, of religious parents, and had the benefit of good precepts and examples. He was high-spirited and inclined to waywardness. His father, dying while he was yet young, left a good deal of responsibility upon him as the oldest boy in the family, and he discharged his duty faithfully. About six years ago he professed religion and joined the Baptist church, and was a very active member. He was superintendent of the Sunday school for years, and a good one, being zealous in all he undertook. About two years ago he married and located in business in Wayne county, Mo., where he had got a good start in business. He had been home twice on a visit in the last three, and his friends protested against his going back, as his health was much impaired; but, feeling that he could not abandon his business, he resisted their appeals. His constitution surrendered to disease and he was forced to bed, from which he was brought home to die after a month of suffering. The Master has taken him to join his father and three sisters, where there is no pain or sorrow, and his faithful mother, loving wife, sister and brothers, are left to mourn, but their loss is his gain.


LIST of CONVEYANCES - Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Saturday.

 Ellen TERRY to William TERRY, 10 acres, section 10 tp40 range 4     $ 200.00

 Andres  JUNGERMANN, by administrator to Henry JUNGERMANN, 80 a res, section 8 tp42, range 6  938.00

 Louis WAGNER to D.M. PARK, three lots in DeSoto  140.00

 James CAMPBELL to Wm. H. PLASS, lot in Festus    510.00

 D.L. REPPY to George MITCHELL, lot in DeSoto  15.00

 O.A. HAYNES to Mary H. COSIFY?, lot in DeSoto    100.00

 O.A. HAYNES to James R. HARVEY, lot in DeSoto    160.00

 F.W. MOTT to C.M. O'CONNELL, 8 lots in DeSoto    760.00

 Frank KELM to J.W. PETERS, lot in DeSoto      400.00


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

Octr 30 Edward NULL   31 years

Nov. 13 Cornelius OGLE    9 years

Nov. 32  Dorsey S. HENSLEY  33 years

(the 32nd of November is not a typo but as it is printed in the paper)

Aug. 25 Henry C. FORD   17 years

Aug. 1 Winnie KOEPKE    2 months

Oct. 13 Eliza MOSS    8 years



Date  Name of Mother    Sex

Mch 24 Mrs. E. BEQUETTE   girl

Mch 25 Mrs. Joseph REECE   boy

Aug. 28 Mrs. P.E. GLENDENNING  boy

Aug. 3 Mrs. George L. SCOTT  girl

Aug. 7 Mrs. W.W. HULL    girl

SEPT. 24 Mrs. Louis EELAND   girl

Oct. 28 Mrs. Fred CORDER   boy

Oct. 31 Mrs. J.S. DEADERICK   girl

Oct. 13 Mrs. ----- SLEUTER   girl

Oct. 2 Mrs. T.J. McKEE   girl

Nov. 22 Mrs. Isom DODSON   girl

Nov. 5 Mrs. Charles A. HALE  boy

Nov. 16 Mrs. George SCHMIDT   boy

Nov. 22 Mrs. Atwood BAKER   girl

Nov. 20 Mrs. John TRAVERS   girl

Nov. 26 Mrs. Hermann MEYER   girl

Nov. 4 Mrs. Charles BOYNE   boy

Nov. 20 Mrs. William JACOBS   boy

Nov. 18 Mrs. Anton MUELLER   girl

Nov. 11 Mrs. John BRIDELL   boy

Nov. 18 Mrs. Thomas WHALING   boy

Nov. 20 Mrs. John W. JONES   girl

Nov. 4 Mrs. Alonzo RAMEY   boy

Nov. 20 Mrs. John WIDEMAN?   boy

Nov. 5 Mrs. James DAVIS   girl

Nov. 29 Mrs. -.C. HARBISON?   girl

Nov. 18 Mrs. Conrad KRIEKBAUM  boy


Will J. McMAHON returned on Tuesday from a ten-days' visit to his old home at Paducah, Ky., having spent a pleasant time.


On Wednesday evening Miss Mamie CRAWFORD and Ward CUNNINGHAM were united in marriage at the residence of the bride's parents, in the presence of only a few of the nearest relatives.




Notice has been given to the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of DeSoto that the Local Option election at that place will be contested at the next term of the Circuit court. The notice sets forth that the following named persons voted for the sale of liquors and were none of them qualified voters of the City of DeSoto, and their votes should, therefore, be thrown out in the recount: John DEARING, Frank BURISAW, Frank JARVIS, J.W. SENTER, J.E. REED, Jno. BRUCE, John JOHNSON, Edw. BECKETT, Z.T. PTOMY, J.M. SULLIVAN, Patrick McCAULAY, John DASH, Aug





COUNTY COURT - Jurors for the next term of Circuit court were drawn as follows:  Grand - Phil SLAWSON, George H. LeBESAUME, W. T. NICCOLS, John McBROOM, Austin FRAZIER, Michael BOEMLER, Thomas BOLY, Phil EMS, Joseph SIMON, Rph. WILLIAMS, Oscar Wilm and N.B. McCARTY:  Petit - John McMULLIN, V. METZ, C.W. HARMONY, W.J. HAVERSTICK, Lemuel GOWAN, Stephen POUNDS, David O'DONNELL, Sull FRAZIER, Eric PAULS, Henry RIEMANN, Wm. McDANIEL, G.M. SCHMOLL, William HELLER, Joseph TIEFENBRUN, W.M. GREEN, Michael ZIEGLER, Frank HUCK, John B. CRAFT, R.E. MOCKBEE, Charles H. PARKS, W.J. JEWETT, James A. ACKLEY, Thomas G. BRENT and Frank LEE.


CRYSTAL and FESTUS - This city has been very fortunate heretofore in its exemption from fires, but last Wednesday there was a pretty bad fire in the northern part of the town near the Crystal City railroad. A large frame tenement house, belonging to Mr. Frank KENNER, caught fire on that

day and in a very short time was entirely consumed.


Miss Jennie L., daughter of the late John HOLMES, has opened a millinery shop on Main street, one door east of LaROSE's store.


SHERIFF'S SALE IN PARTITION - Harriett ROCKCLIFF and Amelia RUSSEL, plaintiffs vs. Charles BRYAN and Elizabeth BRYAN, his wife defendants. - In the Circuit court of Jefferson county, Mo.  By virtue and authority of an order made by the Circuit court of the County of Jefferson, State of Missouri, at its September term, A.D., 1887. I will on the fifth day of January next, 1888, at the courthouse door, in the town of Hillsboro, between the hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and five in the afternoon of that day, offer for sale to the highest bidder, the following described land or real estate, to-wit: Lots number fifteen and sixteen, in block number one of the Railroad addition to the town of DeSoto, in Jefferson county, Missouri, for the purpose of making partition between said parties, for which the purchaser will be required to pay twenty per cent of the purchase money

in hand at the time of sale, the balance in twelve months, the purchaser giving his bond with approved security, bearing interest at the rate of eight per cent, per annum from date or at the option of the purchaser the purchase money may be all paid in cash, this 14th day of December 1887.  G.W. McFRY, Sheriff.


Ed. L. HINSON and Miss Missouri HUSKEY were united in marriage, by Judge ELKINS, last Wednesday, in the Probate office.


Married, December 5, 1887, by Rev. J.T. McMULLIN, John HADE of South St. Louis, and Miss Carzady? LUTHER, daughter of Solomon LUTHER of Plattin.


Elbert OGLE has been granted a pension and John GOWAN's has been increased. If the old soldiers would only consider how much better they have been faring under the Democratic administration than they did under that of the opposition they would not be likely to vote for a change, not withstanding the profusion of promises put forth in Republican forums


George, son of Josiah HARRISON of Big River, went to California some time ago. His going did not create much surprise at the time as it was supposed that he was only influenced like other young men, who have gone West seeking a better place to make a living. It has been learned though, that he went away to get married, his bride being a Miss MOTHERSHEAD, also from this county. It appears that George's parents did not approve of the match and, as he had always been a dutiful son and disliked anything like a scene, he concluded to get far enough away to avoid any unpleasantness that might have arisen at home.


From a private letter from Mr. Henry EULER of DeSoto, who went to California  for the benefit of his health, we learn that he is now in the Mountain Tamo, McGd? county, where the climate is delightful, and he has begun to mend rapidly and expects t to be well by the first of April. He has visited Dr. HASSE, Mr. DOUTHITT, Mr. GORHAM, Mr. HERALD and others, former residents of this county, and found them all doing well and satisfied with their new home. He finds abundance of fruits, and he thinks that country almost a paradise. Where twenty years ago was nothing but a wilderness, land is now selling at from five  to thirty hundred dollars per acre; so we presume there is not much show for a poor man go get a home there.


BYRNESVILLE, Nov. 21, 1887 - Miss Sarah BUXTON was married at 1 o'clock last Thursday, to Walter DICKSON, at the Catholic church in Byrnesville, by Rev. Father GALLAGHER. Only a few friends were present at the ceremony. The groom was attended by Messrs. John BUXTON, Peter GALVIN and Jas. F. EARLY, and the bride by three maids of honor. The bride was graceful and self-possessed in receiving the congratulations of her many friends, and looked very handsome. The ceremony was followed by a reception of about 200 guests, and lasted until 7 o'clock a.m.  An elegant repast was served by Mrs. BUXTON. The table was decorated with the delicacies of the season. Every one seemed to have a delightful time, as the bride's folks spared no pains in making it pleasant for all. The wedding presents were beautiful and numerous.


The Postmasters who have to distribute the J.D. weekly heaved a sigh of relief last week on finding the names on the papers written in a more legible hand than common. This fortunate circumstance they owe to a wedding which occurred near Maxville last Wednesday, and in which our fat man took a prominent part.  By this we do not mean that he turned Mormon and took unto himself another wife, that he performed the ceremony that made Wm. H. STRAHER and Miss Elizabeth L. GLATT man and wife. The groom is a fine-looking man, not far in the twenties, and a step-son of Mr. BEYERSDORF. The bride is a daughter of Conrad GLATT, at whose residence the wedding took place and a sister to the ill-fated Mrs. BONACKER, who was murdered with her young husband some three or four years since. She is a beautiful woman, and it is to be hoped that she will fare better than her unfortunate sister. After the ceremony a magnificent dinner was partaken of, to which all did justice. We then went to Maxville and spent the night with Jos. ZIPP, who entertained us royally. He has just completed the erection of an ice house, which is a beauty. There is nothing small about Joe, except his waist, and that will compare favorably with ye fat man's.


Mrs. Julia HOFFMANN, of near Burksville, Ill., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. DAUTENHAHN, at the Lutheran church, two miles west of Antonia. Mrs. HOFFMANN is 'Squire SHEIBLE's eldest sister, and as they had not seen each other for some ten years, the 'Squire went to see her last

Sunday, in company with Fred VOLLMAR, who has a 200-pound magnet out that way, and they actually attended church. Martin ZIMPFER conveyed us from Antonia to the church, Fred's buggy being to small for three; but as we had broken his buggy the week previous he hitched two mules to his freight wagon, thus avoiding another break down.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Saturday.

Date  Name     Age

Dec 4 Joseph EDLICH   4 years


Date  Name of Mother    Sex

Nov. 25 Mrs. August H. BESHMAN  boy

Dec. 6 Mrs. Walter McANALLY  girl


LIST of CONVEYANCES - Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Saturday.

C.F. LEE to L.J. FUNK, 4 1/2 acres in Survey 2978  $ 604.00

A.H. MILLER to Fred OETJEN, 40 acres, section 9, township42, range 4 117.00

Elizabeth WILSON to Mary I. WILSON, 59 acres, sec 11, tp41 range 4 300.00

James R. WOOD to James HUSKEY, 80 acres, section 14 tp40 range 3 1200.00

R.C. MOORE to Hermann LIAROF?, lot in survey 160   $80.00

G.M. SAPPER to O.M. MUNROE, lot in DeSoto  $ 250.00

W.S. JEWETT to N. AUBUCHON, lot in section 32, township 41, range 6 150.00

John OETJEN to Fred OETJEN, 80 a, section9, twp42 range 4    1400.00

Dietrich MEYER to John OETJEN, 180 acres, sec21 tp42 range 4       10.00

Martin BROWN to John MILLER, two lots near DeSoto   $200.00

E.C. WILSON to Mary I. .i.WILSON;, 59 acres, section 11 tp42 range 4 300.00


Frank MAHN brought the remains of one of his children from South St. Louis on Friday and buried it in DeSoto.


B.J. EVANS and Miss Fannie EICHELBERGER were married at the bride's residence in DeSoto.  December 12, 1887.


BYRNSVILLE - James HINES was married to Miss Mollie LYNCH on the 29th ult., Father GALLAGHER officiating.


William FLANAGAN of LaBarque has been very low with typhoid pneumonia, but is now able to sit up.


Louis EDLICH's second oldest son died on the 5th inst., of croup, and his youngest son came near dying with the same complaint.


A string band - composed of Dudley WATERS, Charles HENSLEY, W.C. BOWMAN, C. NEWCOMB and Adolph MEYER- has been organized. After a few weeks' practice this amateur band will probably give a musical entertainment. The young ladies of the neighborhood may also expect a moonlight serenade.


An exciting and interesting case was tried in Justice WATERS' court, Thursday. A colored woman, named Lizzie McGLOUGLIN, was accused of stealing a cashmere dress pattern from Mrs. W.L. WILLIAMS, valued at $3.50. The theft was perpetrated some six weeks ago. It became known

that Mrs. McGLOUGLIN had disposed of a dress pattern answering the description of the one Mrs. WILLIAMS had lost, to Mrs. Anna VAUGHN, who lives with John OHEIM. A search warrant was issued and Constable SCHAD proceeded to search Mrs. McGLOUGLIN's house. Of course it was not found there, but in the possession of Mrs. VAUGHN, who was an innocent purchaser. The colored woman was subsequently arrested and tried, with Prosecuting Attorney GREEN for the state and Mr. PHILLIPS, of DeSoto, for defendant. She pled, not guilty, claiming to have purchased the pattern from Theo. HUNICKE, one of our best German citizens, who had assisted Mr. WILLIAMS to remove his goods from his house to the railroad station about the time the theft was committed. The jury gave a verdict of guilty, and fined her $15 and costs. Kimmswick, December 12, 1887.




SULPHUR SPRINGS - Lou MILLER, after a long and tedious siege, has at last compelled his enemy, Cordelia HENSLEY, to surrender - whether unconditional or otherwise we are unable to say. This much we know, they were married this p.m., at the house of Mr. CRAWSHAW, by 'Squire



Allen DEVIT and mother, while crossing the Meramec river some time since, missed the ford and got into swimming water, and the wagon became uncoupled. Mrs. DEVIT fell into the water and was carried away some distance by the current. Allen, being a good swimmer, jumped and caught

his mother as she was sinking, and thus saved her life. The team struggled some time in swimming water before they managed to get out. Stringtown, December 10, 1887.


A surprise party was tendered Miss Lizzie EARLEY on the evening of the 10th, at the residence of her brother E. MOOHEN. Owing to the inclemency of the weather a great many were prevented from attending. Rain and very bad roads, however, did not prevent some of the young folks from going. Among those present were the Misses Berdie and Tenie LYONS, Annie and Belle MACKY, Annie and Jennie McGUIRE, Maggie and Nellie RYAN, Mary EARLY, Katie CABLE, Minnie THOMPSON, Celia EARLY, Kate and Belle McDERMOTT, Eva DENNIE, Lizzie and Ellen HEMPKER; the Messrs. W. EARLY, W. COOPER, J. McDONALD, Chrs. McDANIEL, P.R. GALVIN, J. CASHELS, J. and W. LOTTER, J.F. and Ed. EARLEY, H. ULRICH, Otto FLESCHE, M. and J. DOUGHERTY, H. DILLON, M.P. LYONS,  Jas. LYNCH, Walter DICKENSON, J. McDANIEL, M. McDERMOTT, W. DOUGHERTY, S. SALE, L. DUNNIGAN, A. O'BRIEN and many others. Dittmers Store, Dec. 18, 1887


FROM PLATTIN - Mr. and Mrs. Louis PERADORE lost their infant daughter, last week.


Felix BOYER is very sick, caused by injuries received by a rock falling on him while digging a well.  He is an old man, which makes his recovery more doubtful.


Reed SWEET died last Monday night, of erysipelas, after four or five days' illness. He was a good old gentleman, and had been a deacon of the Baptist church for several years.


George B. QUEN?, of Festus, has been awarded a pension for services in the Mexican war.


Willie D. CUNNINGHAM, of Bedford Co., Va., wants to find his uncle, Dan MORGAN, and two cousins, Frank TURNER and Green SANDERS.  he is at New Haven, Mo.


Last Thursday afternoon, at VOLLMAR's hotel, 'Squire SHEIBLE united in wedlock Louis A. PELOT and Miss Susan BONCHARD, both of DeSoto. They were a good looking young couple, and have our best wishes through the journey of life.


On the 16th inst., among the cases and presses, stands and alleys, of the J.D. offices, George E. SMITH and Miss Mary K. MURPHY, both of DeSoto, were pronounced "man and wife" by 'Squire SHEIBLE. The groom is a blacksmith in the machineshop.


Berhard FERIEDMANN, of Antonia, met with a great loss a week ago last Monday evening, about 6 o'clock. Both his barns, the old and new one, together with all of his feed, were destroyed by fire. The loss is a very serious one, as he had a great deal of feed in the buildings.


Miss Frances FETTE and Henry WEISS were united in marriage, at the residence of the bride's mother at Victoria, on Tuesday evening, 18th inst., Rev. Father CONNOLLY of DeSoto officiating. The bridal party were attended by Miss Lizzie WEISS and George FETTE. The ceremonies

were witnessed only by a few relatives, but a pleasant evening was spent and an elegant supper served. A number of handsome presents were bestowed on the handsome couple, among which may be noted a fancy tea set, by Mr. and Mrs. D.A. DEES of DeSoto; a fancy silver castor, Mr. and

Mrs. WITHER of St. Louis; a silver card receiver, Jas. J. DIXON of St. Louis; silver butter server, Mrs. J. TULBERT of St. Louis; pair of fancy hand painted vases, Henry EICHNER of St. Louis; silk handkerchiefs, Miss Lizzie M. KENDALL of Ironton; fancy hanging lamp, Mrs. WEISS; fancy

chamber set, Thomas MAGUIRE, of Bismarck; silver cake stand, C.A. KENDAL of Ironton. The bride and groom have gone to Kansas City for a short visit, after which they will come up to DeSoto to make their future home. They have the good wishes of a large number of friends.


LONGVIEW, December 18, 1887 - As I had nothing to do, hog-killing being over, I thought I would wend an item to your paper. Longview is a thriving commercial town, with a population of about FOUR and a good prospect for an increase next year. Thomas HERRINGTON, an old citizen

of this place but for the past year residing in St. Louis county, is reported to be the recipient of a red-headed boy. Don't know for sure, but Thomas wears an eight-day grin. Wm. SWANTNER, our blacksmith, lost one of his boys last week with diphtheria. He has the sympathy of all his friends in these parts.  This neighborhood is considerably worked up over an expected wedding; everybody is on the qui vive, as the facts have not leaked out as yet. However, Jim McCORMICK wears a very broad grin and Cassie CLARK is wearing a peach bloom on each cheek. There is some talk of Ernest BONACKER being the next Republican candidate for President should John SHERMAN decline.   S.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

Nov. 17 Charles FALLET   47 years

Nov. 24 Marjar OGLE   23 years

Dec. 7 Michael SWANTNER   4 years


Date  Name of mother    Sex

Sep. 4 Mrs. Michael HILTERBRAND  boy

Nov. 21 Mrs. Lewis W. LUCAS   girl

Nov. 21 Mrs. William DITTMER  girl

Dec. 6 Mrs. Francis M. BELEW  girl

Dec. 6 Mrs. Peter O'BRIEN   girl

Dec. 12 Mrs. John W. ECKLE   boy


LIST of CONVEYANCES - Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Saturday. John NULL to E.J. ROBERTS, 80 acres, section 31, township 43, range 3 $  1000.00

Chas. WALDRON to Albert PEGERON, 36 acres, sec 1, tp39 range 4 600.00

C.R. STIADE to F.A. HILDERBRANDT, 3 acres near Kimmswick       729.00

F.W. MOTT to L.J. RANKIN, six lots in DeSoto   404.00

R.W. McMULLIN to J.C. HERRINGTON, 20 acres, sec 17, tp40 range 3 20.00

James PHILLIPS to G.W.N. ELDERS, lot in Hematite 161.00

C.P. DULTON to G.W.N. ELDERS, lot in Hematite  325.00

Philip GLATT to Jacob WEHRLE, 82 acres, section 14, tp43 range 4 775.00

D.V. GOETHEN to Peter BAKER, 40 acres, section 31, tp40 range 4 230.00

Wm. LACKLE to Pat FREENEY, lot in DeSoto   300.00

W.R. DONALDSON to M.R. BROWN, lot in DeSoto 50.00

G.R. RATHBUN to M.H. BROWN, three lots in DeSoto  115.00

August PUIS to T. JARVIS, 69 acres, section 24, tp41, range 4   1200.00




Mrs. Frank CLARK, of near Dittmer's Store, died on the 16th inst., aged about 50 years, of congestion of the brain. She was an estimable lady, and leaves a sorrow-stricken husband and two orphans, which she had taken to raise, to mourn her loss.


The family of Henry GROB, of near Hematite, had a sad Christmas. Mr. G. had been in St. Louis on business, and intended returning home on Wednesday evening. Through mistake he got onto a Chicago and Alton train, and did not discover his error until the train neared the entrance of the tunnel, when he attempted to jump off and was thrown against the side of the tunnel with such force that he received injuries from which he died the next day in the City hospital. His remains were brought home for interment on Saturday. Mr. GROB was a useful citizen, and leaves a wife and five children.


LIST of CONVEYANCES - Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Saturday.

Michael SCHLESSER? to Geo. SCHLEUKER, 80 acres, sec29 tp42 range 4 $   100.00

Jerome LONG to Reuben SUTHERLAND, 5 acres, sec 15, tp38 ran 4 150.00

Mary J. WILSON to M.D. CANTRELL, 40 acres, sec18 tp40 range 3 50.00

R.S. BAKER to Adolph ROSENSTRETER, 641 acres, in survey 1949, and exchange of goods    1.00

Joseph BECHLER to W.F. NULL, 75 acres, section 2, tp41 range 3 125.00

John H. WINER to Lawrence O'BRIEN, 40 acres sec18 tp42 r4         30.00

D.W. PAUL to Andrew POTTER, 80 acres, sec11 tp41 range 5        5.00

R.W. McMULLIN to Mary J. WILSON, 40 acres, sec18 tp40 range 3 30.00

R.W. McMULLIN to M.D. CANTRELL, 80 acres, sec18, tp40 range 3 30.00


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

Nov 25 Mrs. MAHLER   51 years

Dec 15 ------- ECKLES    6 days


Date  Name of Mother    Sex

Dec 14 Mrs. Chas. DAUTENHAHN  boy

Dec 3 Mrs. Philip DOLL   boy


OBITUARY - Died - Near Antonia, October 22, 1887, Barbara, wife of Martin HOOGE, aged 62 years. In announcing the death of our loved friend I may say with sincerity that we are bereft of one of our best neighbors and her death will be deeply mourned by all who knew her. The funeral took place at the Maxville cemetery. She leaves a husband, six children and a host of friends to mourn her loss. But could we but hear her speak it would be, my friends:

 "Shall we meet beyond the river

     Where the surges cease to roll,

 Where in all the bright forever

     Sorrow near shall press the soul."

      A FRIEND.


Henry WEISS and bride, nee Miss Frances FETTE, have returned from their bridal tour, and are house-keeping in DeSoto.


Two young children of John McMULLIN were badly burned with powder last Friday evening. They were loading an old iron pipe for a Christmas gun, and smoking a pipe at the same time, when fire from the pipe fell into the powder and exploded the flask. Two of the boys were severely

burned, but the third who was also in the room was not hurt. December 26, 1887.


Mr. E.S. PYLE has left DeSoto and become a citizen of Union, Mo.


Mrs. VOLLMAR is filling up her ice house this week.  Richard HOEKEN intended filling his also, but the supply of ice was too short.


Quite an interesting wedding took place in Hillsboro, on last Wednesday, December 28th, the contracting parties being Miss Vanda M. VINYARD, of Victoria, and John H. ROSENSTENGEL, of DeSoto. The bride is a very intelligent and accomplished young lady, and a daughter of the late

C.W.S. VINYARD.  Mr. ROSENSTENGEL is in the employ of the railroad company. The ceremony took place in the County Clerk's office, and was witnessed by a crowd of spectators, Judge ELKINS officiating.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

Nov. 18 John GRUENWALD   86 years

Dec. 9 Elizabeth VINYARD  59 years

Dec. 15 ----- ECKLES   6 days

Dec. 23 John C. TRUBOLD  55 years

Dec. 11 Wenzel STAHL   18 years


Date  Name of Mother    Sex

Nov. 28 Mrs. Barney CASSADAY  girl

Dec. 11 Mrs. Louis J. ROZIER  girl

Dec. 24 Mrs. Augustus STROUP  girl

Dec. 9 Mrs. M.W. PERKINS   girl

Dec. 8 Mrs. Philip DOLL   boy


Elias and Sim KIDD, and Frank HERRINGTON and family, have left this neighborhood for the Wild West, and we wish them success in the Lone Star State.


The trial of Fred QUAST took place, at Regina, on the 3rd ult. He was requested by 'Squire ROGGE to accept board and lodging at the Hotel de McFRY for fifty days, free of charge, which the prisoner thought ought to have been left to the crowd present for decision instead of the 'Squire.      Regina, December 28, 1887


LIST of CONVEYANCES - Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Saturday.

J.S. BROWN to J.H.G. MEYER, lots in Victoria $  400.00

W. CAPE to H.?. CAPE, 240 acres, sections 10, 3, 16, tp39 range 4 25.00

T.B. TAYLOR to S.P. WATTS, lot in Festus    60.00

Heirs of R.G. WAGGENER to ?.A. GAMEL, 17a, sec4 tp39 range 6 170.00

F.M. JOHNSTON to J.M ROSS, 2 lots in DeSoto  900.00

John WEISS to Michael CHRIST, 75 acres, section 11, tp42, range 5 600.00

Heirs of Robert GAMEL to A. GAMEL, lot in survey 416?

H.M. REED to J.M. SAXTON, 58 acres section 32, tp42 range 4      200.00

C.G. WIER to Wm. TOMLINSON, two lots in DeSoto 1000.00

W.T. LEMASTER to J.G. MEYER, 199 acres, sec31 tp40 range 5     1200.00

G.H. FROST to R. FROST, 150 acres, section 25, tp41 range 2        1.00

C.G. WIER to Thomas FARLEY, 6 lots in DeSoto  594.00

Wm. TOMLINSON to C.G. WIER, 40 acres, section 3, tp39, range 4 450.00

S.P. WATTS to T.B. TAYLOR, lot in survey 315  175.00

J.R. STOWE to Frank STOWE, 100 acres, section 31, tp43 range 4 1000.00

J.L. SWINK to W.W. JOHNSON, two lots in DeSoto 255.00

Rudolph HARNESS to Thos. PRICE three lots in Demaree  800.00

Ceston MILLER to Wm. BRACKMANN, 38 acres, sec14, range 4      1200.00

W.C. DAVIS to Michael CLOVER, 80 acres, section 32, tp42 range 4 500.00




PROBATE COURT - The following business was transacted in the Probate court the past week.

 The will of Samuel J. CRAFT was probated.

 W.R. DONNELL was appointed curator of the estate of Bessie L. BYRD, minor.

 Final settlement of the estate of Anna RASCH, minor, was approved.

 Annual settlement of estate of Emma J. BUTLER, minor, was approved.

 Final settlement of estate of W.E. BUREN, minor, was approved.

 Estates of Robert and Ida HICKMAN, minors; report of lease approved.


W.B. HARRIS, of Valle Mines, was added, last week, to the list of United States pensioners. Also John SCHLOETER of Antonia.


'Squire Jas. S. WILLIAMS was in town, one day last week, and had to hurry off home through the rain, giving as an excuse that a new baby had arrived at his house that morning.  It is No. 13.


DeSoto, January 3.  -  Mr. Editor  -  To one of your subscribers this has been a sad Christmas - one ever to be remembered. Christmas in future will not only remind her of the coming of Jesus to the world, but also of departures. Her little girl died December 19th. Stella, daughter of Mrs. W.T. LONG, died of typhoid pneumonia, aged three years, and was buried on a stormy, snowy day. Mrs. LONG's brother, Mr. W.A. GOODWIN, died next on Christmas day. Mrs. GOODWIN, the mother, died the following Friday. God grant they may meet in heaven.


Our attention has been called to an error in our report of the County court proceedings at the last term. It was stated that Alexander HUSKEY, superintendent of the poor farm, had been paid $31 for sewing for paupers. The bill for sewing was only $15, the other $16 being for burial expenses of two paupers who had died. Mr. HUSKEY has been very conscientious in the discharge of his duties as superintendent, and it seems he has been subjected to unfavorable criticism based upon the misstatement above referred to, hence we make this correction of what may seem to some a trifling matter.


MARRIED - RUSSELL - CRAFT - Mr. Frank RUSSELL and Miss Lily CRAFT were united in the holy bonds of matrimony, by Rev. G.W. NOLLNER, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. C.A. CRAFT on Sandy, December 21, 1887. The ceremony was performed at 8:30 p.m., in the presence of about 50 or 60 invited guests, most relatives of the contracting parties, together with some of Miss CRAFT's former schoolmates. The bride was elegantly attired in white satin and orange blossoms, and the groom was dressed in a handsome dark suit. They were attended by Miss Allie LETCHER, of St. Louis, as bridesmaid and Mr. F.A. DOVER, of Pleasant Valley, as groomsman. Among those present from a distance we noticed the following: Mrs. HALLE, Mrs. MEGGETTS, Mr. George COLLINS and lady, Mr. Charles HOGG and lady, Mrs. KERCKHOFF and daughter, and Mr. George LACY, of St. Louis; Major BRYANT, of Waterloo, Ill.; Mr. Lewis HALL and lady, of Rock Creek; Mrs. Robert KEENEY, of DeSoto; Mrs. BURGESS, daughter and son, of Big River, and Mr. Louis GREVE, of Pevely. The bride and groom were the recipients of many handsome and valuable presents, of which the following is a list, though taken from memory we think it is correct. Mrs. HALLE, silver pickle castor; Major BRYANT, set silver teaspoons; Mrs. COLLINS, carving set and case; Louis GREVE, set of knives and forks, silver; George LACY, elegant lamp of latest pattern; Mrs. KERCKHOFF, set of china plates; Jacob KERCKHOFF, whisk-broom holder and thermometer; Miss Winnie MOSS, beautiful water set; Miss Allie LETCHER, amber cut-glass fruit set; Mr. and Mrs. HOGG, a very handsome lamp; Miss Annie CRAFT, fine bed-spread; J.A. DOVER, half dozen fine linen towels; Miss Nellie KERCKHOFF, set of glass dessert dishes; Mrs. Robert KEENEY, sugar bowl, cream pitcher and butter dish; Mrs. GRATE, glass preserve dish; Mrs. A.D. DAVIS, handsome bride's cake; Mrs. George LACY, bouquets of rare cut flowers.  The Misses Sue BURNS, Ella WILLIAMS, Maggie GRATE, Mr. Sam JONES and others, presented handsome sets of vases. The writer acknowledges his inability to give an accurate description of the bountiful supper that was spread before the appreciative guests. All went as "merry as a marriage bell," and those who were fortunate enough to be present will never forget the happy occasion, and will join us in wishing the newly wedded couple the greatest success in life and many blessings.


LIST of CONVEYANCES - Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Saturday.

Robert C. MOORE to Thomas ANSDEL lot in survey 160  $  170.00

V.W. ROTH to Michael ROTH, 80 acres, section 19 tp43  range 3    1000.00

L.T. BRADFIELD to Wm. GORMAN, lot in Festus $300.00

Max MEYER to John THEOBALD, lot in DeSoto  $550.00

S. RICHARDSON to V.F. DIARD, 15 acr in BELL's subdivision      $383.00

E.S. PYLE to S.W. CRAWFORD, lot in DeSoto  $1050.00

A.J. LUCKEY to W.H. McLELLAND, lot in DeSoto  $500.00

Mary ESHBAUGH et al to A.J. VINYARD, 40a sec29 tp39 range 6        1.00

Thomas HIGGINBOTHAM to James T. WHITEHEAD, 20a sec9 tp40 r6      210.00

A.L. FREEN to E.S. PYLE, lot in DeSoto   $1.00

PALMER & OMOHUNDRO, by trustee, to Leo SCHAUB, 3 lots in    DeSoto 210.00

F.C. VOLLMAR to John THROST, 120 acres, section 24, tp42,   range 4 1000.00




On Friday, the 6th inst., Mrs. Laura LEONARD, died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Laura E. STONE in this city, at the age of 87 years and five months. The cause of her death was a severe hemorrhage or the rupture of a blood vessel. She ate her dinner heartily as usual and was left for a few moments by Mrs. STONE, upon whose return she was found suffering from the hemorrhage and from which she died in less than ten minutes and without speaking. She was born at Wilkesbarre, Pa., August 13th, 1800, her maiden name being CROSBY; she was united with the M.E.

CHURCH in '18 and was married in 1820 to Patrick LEONARD. She was a second cousin to Enoch CROSBY, the original of Harvey BURCH the spy, in J. Fennimore COOPER's novel by that name. Of a family of six or seven brothers and sisters, Grandma LEONARD was the last, and each one of the family with one exception, lived beyond the age of 80 years. She was the mother of five children all of whom, except the eldest, survive her. Her death, though very sudden and shocking, was not altogether unexpected, as her heath had been somewhat feeble for several years. Her quiet, gentle and affectionate demeanor, endeared her to those around her and her death will be a great affliction to them. Funeral services were held at the residence of Mrs. STONE on Monday, by Rev. D.O. TRAVIS of the Congregational Church, after which the remains were taken to the Hillsboro Cemetery and interred in the family lot.


Lou KELLY, one of the oldest engineers on the Iron Mountain road, met with a very sudden death on Thursday night, the 3rd inst. He left DeSoto on Tuesday at 11.5, in charge of his regular engine, pulling the Texas Express, and arrived at Poplar Bluff on time late in the afternoon, after enjoying his usual robust health and good spirits. After visiting a barbershop and taking, supper he went to bed at 7 o'clock. Nothing more was seen or heard of him until 12, midnight, when the railroad caller went to wake him to take charge of the engine on the return trip. KELLY refused to answer to the call, and upon examination it was found that he was cold and stiff in the sleep of death, having suddenly died of heart disease and painlessly, probably without waking, as he was laying with gently folded hands and undisturbed coverings. After holding an inquest his remains were sent to this city, where he lived with his wife along in the enjoyment of an elegant and happy home, which his habits of industry and economy have enabled him to provide. KELLY has been employed as engineer on the Iron Mountain the past nineteen years continuously, and the many courtesies extended to him and his family during his life, and since his sad death, testify to the high esteem in which he was held by the company. His wife was completely prostrated by the affliction and could not attend the funeral, which occurred on Friday, and was one of the largest and imposing ever seen in DeSoto, and at which were representatives engineer brotherhoods as follows: Division 182 of Little Rock, 7 members; Division 42 of St. Louis, 10; Division 123 of DeSoto, 47; of fireman, Pride of the West of DeSoto, 27; brakemen, Hazel NELSON Lodge of DeSoto, 20; conductors, Lodge No. 3, of St. Louis, 20; A.O.U.W. of DeSoto, 60; besides Messrs. O.A. HAINES, inspector of locomotives and machinery, and W.H. HARRIS, master mechanic of this division, and numerous other visitors and the citizens of DeSoto generally. KELLY's record has been one of honor and credit to himself, of which his friends all feel justly proud. In 1861 he was firing an engine on the Chicago and Western, but left the position to enlist in the 17th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, where he was attached to McPHEERSON's corps, where he served three years, taking part in the battle of Port Gibson, and remaining until after the capture of Vicksburg. After leaving the service he resumed the duties of fireman on the Hannibal & St. Joe and Toledo, Peoria & Warsaw roads, being promoted to engineer on the latter road. Since that time he has been on the Iron Mountain and, though he has passed through may dangers, he had but one serious accident, that of his plunge into the Joachim, near Victoria, last Spring. Rev. WATKINS, of the Presbyterian church, held religious services at the residence, and the different lodges to which he belonged performed their impressive rites at the grave.  The floral tributes were numerous and of the most varied and elegant designs. DeSoto, January 8, 1888.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

Nov. 28 Frank GALDSTER   51 years


Date  Name of Mother    Sex

Dec. 17 Mrs. Oliver HUNT  two girls

Dec. 11 Mrs. John THEOBALD   boy

Dec. 10 Mrs. Francis McLAGLAND  boy

Dec. 31 Mrs. Wm. H. CLOPPER   boy

Dec. 31 Mrs. August GEIB   girl

Dec. 20 Mrs. George BLAKE   girl

Dec. 17 Mrs. James R. WILSON  girl

Jan'y 1 Mrs. Robert PEEBLES   girl




Joe and Dick HOEKEN are both filling their ice houses this week. The ice is about seven inches thick.


Mrs. Dr. C.F. SAPPER was buried in DeSoto, Sunday. She died at their residence, near Mill Spring, Wayne county, Mo.


Mrs. FINNEY, widow of Kemp FINNEY, deceased, died at the residence of her son, Swaney, near Valle Mines, on the 1st inst., at the age of 75 years. She had been confined to her bed about eighteen months.


The following BIRTHS were filed the past week:  Oct. 19, to Mrs. E.F. HONEY, a boy;

Nov. 26, Mrs. Andrew SPENCER, a girl;

Dec. 20, Mrs. Albert BROUK, a girl;

Dec. 21, Mrs. J.W. PIPKIN, a boy;

Jan. 1, Mrs. C. Hermann SCHMIDT, a boy;

Jan. 6, Mrs. Thomas J. HAMRICK, a girl.


CIRCUIT COURT - James F. GROOM vs Anna E. GROOM; divorce granted to plaintiff.


CIRCUIT COURT - Alfred OZARK vs. Eliza OZARK; divorce granted plaintiff.


CIRCUIT COURT -  George V. HICKS was granted divorce from Mary V. HICKS, on the ground of abandonment.


CIRCUIT COURT -  Maggie SINKHORN was divorced from Wallace SINKHORN.


CIRCUIT COURT -  Mary J. was divorced from Simon PASHEA, and given care and custody of their children and $25 alimony.


CIRCUIT COURT -  Calvin SANDERS was divorced from his wife, Mary.


CIRCUIT COURT -  Alonzo KYLE vs Frances KYLE, divorce; defendant found to be the injured party and given a divorce, and awarded custody of their child.




OBITUARY - For the Jefferson Democrat - Died, at the residence of U.S. WELLS, on the 20th day of January, 1888. Walter,  beloved child of U.S. and Lou WELLS, aged 3 years, 11 months and 8 days. Hopes too bright to last clustered around the life of this dear little child. His death is another verification of the poet's words, said so long ago and still repeated because they cannot be improved, "Death loves a shining mark," for Walter was truly a beautiful child, and bright as he was beautiful. With a mind particularly active, and a loving, affectionate nature, his everyday life was a succession of sweet and winning little ways, well calculated to endear him to the hearts of the household and those who knew him best and loved him most. No wonder, then, an aching void is left in the hearts of those who have so long caressed and petted him as the "Darling of our home."

Thou weakest, loving mother-

Aye weep, 'twill ease thy aching heart,

He was thy first born son,

Thy first, thy precious one;

'Twas hard from to part.


'Twas hard to lay thy darling

Deep in the damp, cold earth;

His empty chair to see,

His silent nursery,

Once gladsome with his mirth.


To meet again in slumber

His small mouth's rosy kiss;

Then wakened with a start

By thine own throbbing heart,

His twining arms to miss.


January 23, 1888


Christopher W. JACKSON, Victoria, has been added to the list U.S. Pensioners.


Amos COLMAN, like a good citizen is sustaining the reputation of the town. A fine big boy was added to his family one night last week. Mr. COLMAN has only been living here a little over a year.


Joel BOOTH has written to his people here, detailing the unwelcome incidents of the Dakota winter he has had to endure. He came near getting lost in a storm, only a few feet from his house. After the storm was over he had to get help to find his stable which was ten feet under the snow, and contained his horse and cow. They finally struck the right spot and dug down to the imprisoned animals.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

Dec. 11 Samuel PERRY   75 years

Jan. 3 Hulda TILLISON   17 years

Jan. 2 Louisa MILLER    7 years

Jan. 12 Charles KNAUSS   43 years

Jan. 16  Thomas WILLIAMSON   1 year

Jan. 20 ----- WELLS    3 years

Jan. 21 Charles CONSIGNEY  18 years

Jan. 13 ---- FUNK       days


Date  Name of Mother    Sex

Dec. 11 Mrs. H.C. GAINES   girl

Dec. 27 Mrs. Victor MAHL   girl

Jan. 7 Mrs. Edward RUSH   girl

Jan. 11 Mrs. Lewis FUNK   boy

Jan. 21 Mrs. Oscar GERKE   girl


LIST of CONVEYANCES - Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Saturday.

C. JOHANNES & Co. to C. JOHANNES Lime Co., lot in survey 2007 $8000.00

PREWETT heirs by sheriff, to J.T. GIFFORD, part survey 871, sec13 tp41 r4   845.00

Owen BRENNAN to Francis CLARK, 120 acres sec23 t42 r3  $990.00

Jno. H. WINER to Fred REINEMER, 1 1/2 acres, sec24 t42 r3       50.00

Frank P. KENNER to C.H. STRATTMAN, lot in Festus $75.00

F. BURKHARDT to Geo. ARMBRUSTER, lot in Festus $120.00

Jonas YATES to Eliza SCHUBERT, 6 acres in survey 1934  $100.00

Thos. THOMPSON to C.A. DAVIS, 80 acres, sec6 t39 r4  $600.00

Lucy ROBERTS to W.T. CLIFTON, 10 acres, sec4 t39 r4      $100.00

Henry HENDRICKS to Michael ASH, 40 acres, sec21 t43 r4        $750.00


CALVY CREEK, Mo., Jan., 23, 1888 - Mrs. DUGGE's house on Dutch Creek was destroyed by fire one night last week. It caught from a defective flue but when it was discovered it was too late to save anything.


NOTICE - Notice is hereby given that all persons are forbidden hunting on the premises owned by the undersigned, unless they have permission to hunt on the same. Our only reasons for tis is, the carelessness of hunting parties in letting fire get out in the woods, thereby causing great danger to our farm property.  Henry BLACK, George  W. BRYON, Joe MINKER, J. BRADFORD, L. STEVENS, J.A. TUTTLE, J.W. WILSON, Thomas M. POLITTE, J.C. CAPE, C. LEPP, Samuel D. GIBSON, John D. HEARST, Thos. WELSH, Frank PERKINS, John FOXTON,  Boone BRYAN, John H. MORSE, Jr., James H. WILSON, J.A. HUBBARD.


DE SOTO - Fred HAMEL, second son of George HAMEL, living near the Fairgrounds, in a fit of despondency, committed suicide by hanging himself last Saturday afternoon. No cause is known for the action, but it is said he was of a rather gloomy disposition and was worried by small troubles.  He was buried Sunday afternoon.


Died; at his home near Stringtown on the 11th ult., Samuel PERRY in his 75th year. Mr. PERRY immigrated from Ireland to this country at an early date, settling on Big River in this county. Mr. PERRY through life had been a very hard working industrious man and an honest Christian gentleman in every respect. He had had quite a large family, but only two are living, two sons, Stephen and Martin, who resides on the old homestead, Mr. PERRY had by good management accumulated considerable property, leaving good homes for his children to enjoy.J


Uncle Thomas PRICE of House's Springs is very sick at the present.




DE SOTO - Mr. and Mrs. RATHBUN went to New York to attend the funeral of the mother of Mr. R., who died in Florida while traveling for the benefit of her health.


Mr. GEISE, living on Glaise Creek, had his leg broken about a month ago, and has been suffering ever since, and is now in a bad condition. To-day Drs. McNUTT a nd KIRK are going to perform an operation. It will probably be necessary to amputate his leg.


David WHITE lost a child, Friday, either with the croup or diphtheria. Kimmswick,  February 5, 1888.


PUBLIC AUCTION - W.L. REID will sell at public auction, on Saturday, February 25, 1888, all of his farm stock, implements, tools, etc.; eight head of horses, fifteen graded Jersey cattle, and twelve fine brood sows. This is an excellent opportunity for getting fine blooded stock at public sale.  W.L. REID,          Sandy Bridge, Mo.


C.W. HARMONY, of DeSoto, was last week granted reissue and increase of pension.


If any one wants to see a fine large girl, let him call on Louis WESTERRECK,  the Antonia blacksmith, who has a brand new one at his house for the past week.


Hermann HOFFMANN, one of DeSoto's prominent citizens, died last Monday. Mr. HOFFMANN was engaged in the business of saloon keeping and was a man who, by his gentlemanly deportment, made respectable any business in which he engaged.


We are in receipt of a letter from Constantin MEYER, of the Leavenworth (Kansas) Soldier's Home, dated February 5th, in which he tells us that the inmates of that institution have all that could be desired. Their rooms are excellent, the board of the best, and amusements numerous. Those who are able to work get some fair pay for their services. He informs us that old man AHERNS is doing well, being the foreman of the "saw mill gang," and that Andrew HOCHSTADTER, also of this county, is enjoying good health. This trio of Jefferson county are regular readers of the J.D., and Mr. MEYER complains that they have missed three issues. Whose fault this is we can not tell, as the paper is mailed regularly at this office. He also says that  it was so cold on January 19th, that several children froze to death while on their way to school.


McGAHAN's District, February 3. - Editor J.D.: Our five-months school, taught by Miss Jennie PERKINS, closed  yesterday with exhibitions, in which the children acquitted themselves splendidly. Every one had something to do, and all performed their parts well. Miss PERKINS has taught us two terms and given such satisfaction that I am sure she will be engaged for the next term, as we can not do better. Mr. DEGONIA furnished vocal and instrumental music for the entertainment...The Moontown road is so bad that people can not go to town to get the news, so I haven't much to write about; but I must not forget to state that there is a new boy at Eli McMULLIN's, and the father is very proud. This is No. 5.  Get there, Eli!   B.



Date  Name of mother    Sex

Nov. 23 Mrs. John W. NULL   girl

Dec. 30 Mrs. George SCHAD   boy

Jan. 3 Mrs. David MATHEWS   boy

Jan. 5 Mrs. Rudolph KRAMME   boy

Jan. 8 Mrs. Alfred GRAHAM   boy

Jan. 9 Mrs. Joseph HYATT   boy

Jan. 13 Mrs. John RENO    boy

Jan. 23 Mrs. Amos COLMAN   boy

Jan. 25 Mrs. James GIBSON   girl

Jan. 30 Mrs. Richard HENDRICKSON  boy


LIST of CONVEYANCES - Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Saturday.

State of Missouri to John OEJEN, 80a section 16 tp42  range 4      $  100.00

James COHIRK to James COHIRK, Jr., 200a, section 18 tp40   range 5 1000.00

John B. CRAFT to Henry ACHTER, 40 acres in survey 1981       507.00

Sarah BITTES to John A. YOUNG, two-fifths of 80 acres,   section 18 township 42 range 3  $282.00

J.L. THOMAS to A.J. MILLER, 40a, section 11 township 40 range 4, to correct former deed.


OBITUARY - DIED - January 17, 1888, at Sullivan, Mo., Mrs. E.W. ADAIR, wife of the late Dr. W.P. ADAIR, of spinal disease, after an illness of six days. Mrs. ADAIR was born December 2, 1822, in St. Francois county, Mo., near Farmington. Her maiden name was POSTON.  She was married twice, first to N.M. BOSWORTH, of New York, and afterwards to Dr. ADAIR of Pennsylvania.  She leaves one daughter, Mrs. J.W. MILLER, besides a host of mourning friends and relatives. She united with the Presbyterian church when quite young, and has ever since lived a consistent Christian life. But her work is done, her pilgrimage finished, and she has gone to that brighter, better world, to be forever with the God she loved and served, and while we weep we feel that our loss is her gain. Her brow is enclosed in a golden crown, Her travel-stained garments are all laid down; And, clothed in white remount, she rests in the mead,(?) Where Jesus doth love his saints to lead.       Annie M.W. Sullivan, January 28, 1888.




PUBLIC SALE - The undersigned will sell, at public auction, at Pevely, Mo., on Saturday, March 10, 1888, a mule, farm and spring wagons, cider press, lard press, plows, corn sheller, and other farming utensils, household and kitchen furniture, feather beds, quilts, 150 yards of carpet, empty barrels; and some corn and hay; also some desirable lots in Pevely. $5 and under cash; over, six months credit on good notes. Wm. JEUDE.


A new postoffice has been established in the northwest part of this county, on Calvey creek.  It is known as OERMAN, and Charles OERMAN is postmaster.


Mrs. Anna, wife of Jacob GONGHOFF, of near Maxville, died on the 10th instant, aged 46 years. She leaves a large family of children to the care of the bereaved husband.


The young ladies won't propose and the young men seem afraid to, since a DeSoto man's girl went back on him after securing the marriage license. The recorder has issued only one license in three weeks - Daniel L. CASEY and Laura A. HENSLEY, on the 8th inst.


Mrs. DUGGE, an aged widow lady living near Dittmer's Store, had the misfortune of having her home and its contents destroyed by fire, some weeks ago. Unfortunately she had no insurance and the loss leaves her in rather destitute circumstances. She needs assistance, and those in a position to render it will know it is bestowed on a worthy object.


Joseph SPALDING, of near Pevely, was run over and killed by the cars, a week ago last Monday. It seems that he was on his way home from Pevely, walking along the track, when a train came up behind him, and, being in a cut, he attempted to run ahead and get out of the way; but coming to a

small culvert, he fell and the train caught him, crushing him to pieces. An inquest was held, but no blame was attached to the train men.


Charles MAUPIN, late of this county, died last Wednesday night, at Cairo, Ill., where he has been living for some time. The disease was pneumonia. His remains were brought here by his brother, Seymour, and interred on Sandy, where other members of the family have been buried. Charley was a familiar form about Hillsboro for many years, and had many friends, who were both pained and surprised at his sudden and early demise.


Last Sunday, at Victoria, Alonzo VINYARD, son of Thos. VINYARD, aged about 17 years, and Samuel, son of W. STROUP, aged about 20, had a little quarrel, when VINYARD picked up a club and struck STROUP over the eye, knocking him senseless. The bystanders all rushed to STROUP's assistance, and very foolishly let VINYARD walk off. A warrant was procured later for his arrest, from Esq. SHEIBLE, but he was not found, and as he is a cunning, as well as bad boy, it may be some time before he is caught. Samuel's wound is a bad one, but it is tho't that he will recover in a short time.


LIST of CONVEYANCES - Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Saturday.

Joseph BECHLER to William F. NULL, 75 acres, section 2 tp41 range 3 $ 125.00

Freeman D. WATERS to Mary STRUBE lot in survey 2005  $1.00

Peter BRUHN to Louis ENGLEBACH, two acres in survey 420    $20.00

J.M. COUCH to Ellis N. WILLIAMS, 120 acres, sec15 tp40  range 3   1300.00

G.W. ELDERS to Mary A. McKEE, lot in Victoria  $40.00

Michael SCHLOSSER to Geo. SCHLINKER, 80a sec29 tp42 range 4      100.00

John C. EAVES to W.F. WILLIAMS, lot in DeSoto  $350.00

YERGER heirs, by Sheriff to Martin ZIMPFER, 120a sec20 tp42 ran 5 400.00


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

June 27 Thomas PRICE   72 years


Date  Name of Mother    Sex

Dec. 20 Mrs. Charles GILLMAN  girl

Jan. 14 Mrs. Louis REDHAGE   girl

Jan. 15 Mrs. Frank RIERER?   boy

Jan. 17 Mrs. Kim GILLMAN   boy

Jan. 30 Mrs. Oscar NEUGEBAUER?  boy

Feb. 2 Mrs. Louis WESTERRECK  girl

Feb. 1 Mrs. Zeno BECKETT   boy

Feb. 3 Mrs. H.D. KOERNER   girl

Feb. 8 Mrs. Robert EVANS   boy


COUNTY COURT - At the February term of County court the following proceedings were had: William ALEXANDER and Henry KLIESLEY were dropped from the list of persons assisted by the county.


Demands were allowed against the county as follows:

Wm. SULLENS, for pauper    $ 30.00

F.M. HOPKINS, for pauper      12.50

J.F. TYREY, pauper        8.00

S.J. BURGESS, pauper       8.00

Lucinda DRENNEN, for pauper      8.00

Wm. ALEXANDER, pauper       8.00

Henry KLEISLEY, pauper       8.00

Alex HUSKEY, keeping paupers    179.10

Alex HUSKEY, keeping insane    128.60

Alex HUSKEY, burying five paupers    50.00

Alex HUSKEY, sewing for paupers    17.75

Mary WIDEMAN, pauper       8.00

Eliz BAUER?, pauper        8.00

Joseph PFEIL?, pauper       8.00

E. LOGAN, pauper        8.00

Kitty A. McMULLIN, pauper      8.00

Meredith ROGERS, pauper       8.00


OBITUARY - Henry GROB, for many years a resident of this county, was born in Zurich, Affoltern county, Switzerland, October 20, 1831. Died in St. Louis, Mo., December 22, 1887, at 4:30 p.m. Mr. GROB was but little past the prime of life, and might still be in the enjoyment of life and health but for the sad accident which caused his death. He was severely injured by a train in St. Louis and was carried to the city hospital where he died. His bereaved family were denied the consolation of being present at his death, as he had expired before they could be notified of his situation.  He leaves a wife and six children to mourn his untimely loss. Death is ever an unwelcome visitor, but when he comes in so sudden and terrible a manner, his advent is doubly sorrowful.

"Death rides on ever passing breeze

And lurks in every flower;

Each season has its own disease,

Its peril every hour."

But "the Lord giveth, and the Lord

taketh away.  Blessed be the name of the Lord."

Mr. GROB was a good neighbor, and a kind and affectionate husband and father. His loss has left a blank in one home which can never be filled. The bereaved widow and stricken family have the sympathy of all for the irreparable loss of a husband and father, who has passed from Time into Eternity, who has left his earthly pilgrimage to enter that "unexplored region, from whose bourne no traveller returns."

"There is rest for the telling hand,

Rest for the anxious brow,

Rest for the weary way-worn feet,

Rest from all trouble now."


DIED - George Oliver, beloved child of David and Mary WHITE, February 3rd, aged 2 years, 2 months and 15 days. It was said, by one of the ancient philosophers, that the emotions of the human heart should be reversed at the beginning and ending of a little child's earthly experience - that we should weep at its birth and rejoice at its death; for, though the dear little innocent, cooing in it's mother's arms, is pure as the virgin snow, still it is heir to sorrows and troubles, from which there is no escape. But the cold, relentless hand of Death takes the darling of a mother's heart from the sins and sorrows of a lost world, and bears its pure spirit, untarnished by the sins of this life, to that celestial home above, where sorrows enter not - where weeping is no more. Christ said, "suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven." This is indeed a sweet and consoling thought in contemplating the death of dear little George. While we feel and know that his pure angelic spirit was snatched from the dark shadows of a sorrowing world to bloom forever in realms of endless bliss, the unbidden tear will start from loving eyes when we miss the silvery ring of his laugh, the pattering music of his little feet, the gleesome frolics around his mother's chair, the sweet musical prattle of his childish tongue; but above all when we miss the kisses of his rosy lips and the loving embrace of his little arms. Yes, we miss the, dear little child; our first thoughts in the rosy glow of morning and our last in the quiet hours of the night, shall be of you, Georgie.

Darling, farewell!

"Bright be the place of thy soul!

No lovelier spirit than thine

Ere burst from its mortal control,

In orbs of the blessed to shine."

February 9, 1888     FRIEND.




SULPHUR SPRING'S - Mrs. BURGESS is very low and will probably not recover.


George SEEMON received quite an injury, which came near putting a period to his existence, at the lime klins at Glen Park.


Little Rosie STARK passed into eternal rest and peace, on the 24th ult. This is the fourth time the bereaved parents have been called on to mourn the loss of a child.


Minn COLE, colored, daughter of Alex. COLE, was shot by a would-be lover, in St. Louis, for the reason that she would not marry him. She received four shots one in the face, one in the shoulder, one in the arm and one in the back. She was brought home by a sister, and at the present time is doing remarkably well.


George SEEMON, of Kimmswick, was granted an increase of pension.


Henry WEBER and Rachel M. MANESS were licensed to marry last week.


James J. WILSON, Sr., of Hillsboro, has been granted an increase of pension.


Martin HAUSER, of High Ridge, is advertising his stock, farming implements, etc. for sale. He has purchased a farm in Illinois, to which he will move in a short time.


John B. RICHARDSON, of Maxville, will start next week for San Bernardino, Cal., where his brother, Merrill, has been for the past year. This county will thus lose another good Democratic citizen.


During the past month five inmates of the county farm died. They were Philip BLANK, Lewis KEMPFER, Jacob CONRAD, Betsey HALE and George KNUTE. BLANK had only been on the farm a short time. His wife and children live in DeSoto, and he was well known in the southern part of

the county. Betsey HALE was an old Negro woman, who had been on the county a great many years. We did not know the other three, but presume they had friends somewhere in the county.


Alonzo VINYARD, who knocked down Samuel STROUP with a club, a week ago last Sunday, and then left for unknown parts, was arrested in Knoble, Ark., the following Tuesday and brought out to Hillsboro Wednesday. He was put in jail until Saturday, when a preliminary examination was had before Esq. SHEIBLE, which resulted in the binding over of VINYARD to the action of the next grand jury. Young STROUP was not able to attend the examination, but is thought to be out of danger.


LIST of CONVEYANCES - Filed with the Recorder during the week ending last Saturday.

Lafayette GRAHAM to Louisa LENARDT, 80a section 29 tp42   range 4 $ 500.00

W.F. WILLIAMS to W.W. CRAIG, 83 acres, section 13 tp41  range 4    1000.00

Peter BEATT to Thomas RYAN, lot in Festus  $80.00

Adolph THOMURE to Alexander DORLAR, lot in survey 416        80.00

CLAFIN & ALLEN to A.W. ALLEN, 80 acres, section 24 tp39 range 5 1.00

C.L. SCHNEIDER to Ada A. ATCHISON, 80a secs 30 & 31 tp42 r4      75.00

Wm. BLANK's administratrix to Bea HENTCHER, 120a sec5 tp39 r5    600.00

Ruth B. CADY to H.N. JENKINS, lot in DeSoto  $200.00

Silas POUNDS to James T. HUSKEY, 200a secs35 & 36 tp42  range 2     660.00

C.W. BEELER to Silas POUNDS, interest in same land $200.00


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

Aug. 19 William REYNOLDS  11 months

Jan'y 1 Maria Cicely FINNEY  76 years

Jan'y 26 Elmer GRAHAM    3 years

Feb. 9 Mrs. Frank SCHMIDT  43 years

Feb. 22 Ferdinand DODSON  22 years


Date  Name of Mother    Sex

May 15 Mrs. R.C. OUTMAN   girl

Jun 30, Mrs. Jos DOUCHOUQUETTE  boy

Sept. 9, Mrs. Thomas SMITH   boy

sept. 12 Mrs. Simon JOHNSON   boy

Sept. 22 Mrs. Kerap? FINNEY   girl

Jan. 8 Mrs. John J. HERRINGTON  girl

Jan. 10 Mrs. James COUCH   girl

Jan. 21 Mrs. James COUCH   girl

Jan. 22 Mrs. Joseph McINERNEY  girl

Jan. 26 Mrs. James L. WATT   boy

Feb. 3 Mrs. Henry EGGERS   girl

Feb. 3 Mrs. H.D. KOERNER   girl

Feb. 6 Mrs. Hermann STUCKWEST  girl

Feb. 8 Mrs. Robert EVANS   boy

Feb. 15 Mrs. Peter FARRELLY   boy


PROBATE COURT - The following transactions were had at the February term of Probate court: 

Caroline HEILIGTAG was appointed curator of estates of Henry, aged 12 years, Caroline, aged 10; Emily, 9; Augusta, 7, and Sophia HEILIGTAG, aged 4; bond, $100 each; and $15 was apportioned out of estate of each for clothing, etc.


Henry BOEMLER was appointed guardian and curator of Daniel, Louis, John and Rosa .i.HOFER;, minors; bond, $100 each.


OBITUARY - Departed this life, in St. Louis, February 14, 1888, Cora L. IRVIN, aged 22 years leaving a little babe only 9 days old, a fond husband, brothers, sisters and friends, to mourn her early death. She was the daughter of Mr. John GOWAN of DeSoto, and was buried from his

residence on the 16th inst., the interrment taking place at John GOWAN's family burying ground, east of DeSoto. She was married about two years ago to Mr. James IRVIN, of Plattin township, and a few months ago went with her husband to St. Louis to live. Four years ago she united with

the M.E. Church, and lived a devoted Christian life until called to her eternal rest.




HEMATITE - John W. NULL, Jr., who has been very sick, is reported better.


Miss Lula ELDERS, who was very sick at Mayfield, Ky., a few weeks ago, has recovered and is again attending college. We also understand that Miss Lula ELDERS received the highest per cent, in all her studies, last term, at Mayfield College, of any other student attending, the average in all her studies being 94 per cent.  Hematite, February 23, 1888


Notice of Application for a Private Road.  -  To Catharine LAUMANN and others interested:

 Notice is hereby given that the undersigned petitioner will, at the next term of the County court of Jefferson county, Missouri, to be begun and held at Hillsboro, in said county, on the first Monday in May 1888, and on the first day of said term, present to the court a petition, setting forth that I am the owner of a tract of land in Jefferson county, Mo., described as follows: The east part of the northeast fractional quarter, and the southwest forth of the southwest fractional quarter, section thirty-six, township forty-two, range three east, and that no public road passes through or touches said land; and praying for the establishment of a private road.  20 feet wide, from his said premises to connect with a public road in said county - said road petitioned for being a necessity - and to run through lands of the above-named Catharine LAUMANN, to-wit: Lot 4 and part of lot 3 of United

States survey No. 897, and to begin, run and end as follows - beginning at a white oak, 2 feet in diameter, near Isaac WILSON's barn lot, thence 75 feet north to an old road, thence along said old road to the northwest corner of Catharine LAUMAN's garden, thence north by west to a sycamore 2 feet in diameter, thence to a sycamore 3 feet in diameter, keeping 10 feet west of ditch, thence in a straight line to old quarry on Fenton and Big River Valley gravel road.  Peter DUNNIGAN, February 29, 1888.


Thomas DIXON, a stone cutter living at Hematite, died very suddenly last Monday, and the coroner was sent for to hold an inquest. It was learned that he had been ailing all winter, and a verdict of heart disease was returned.


Dr. MOCKBEE was called last Sunday to hold an inquest on the body of Capt. W.D. CHAPMAN of the U.S. Government fleet located at Bushberg. He died suddenly while sitting in a chair,and it was evidently caused by heart disease. The Captain was about 60 years old and had a family at

Alton, Illinois.


MARRIED, at the residence of the bride in St. Louis, on the 14th inst., Charles STEWART and Miss Rosalind JOHNSTON. The bride is a daughter of Mr. Jesse G. JOHNSTON and was raised in this county. The wedding was attended by a number of the intimate friends of the contracting parties, and a lot of valuable presents were given the bride.


J.C. ELLIS, late a prominent citizen of Festus, has been attracting his share of  attention over in Union, Mo., where he now resides. On the 15th inst., he got after a conductor, who owed him some money, and "treed" him in the house of a Mrs. WHITE. Mrs. W. sent for Col. WEST and a Mr. CHAMBERLAIN to assist in raising the siege. ELLIS laid them both out in short order and made his escape, but has since been arrested and will be tried on two charges - assault and battery and assault to kill.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

Feb'y 2 Margaret ROBINSON  78 years

Feb'y 9 Susan S. DORCAS  60 years


Date  Name of mother    Sex

Feb. 15 Mrs. James BLACKWELL  girl

Feb. 13 Mrs. William G. WALES  boy

Feb. 18 Mrs. Isaac F. McCARTY  boy

Jan. 28 Mrs. W.L. ROBERTSON   girl

Jan. 31 Mrs. Culley HAMMON   boy

Jan. 17 Mrs. James E. MANESS  boy

Jan. 25 Mrs. Charles SPILLER  boy


LIST of CONVEYANCES - Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Saturday.

W. STEPHENS, by trustee, to Thos. BYRNS, 80 acres in survey  1890      $ 1205.00

Milton PARK to Philip PARK, 55 acres in survey 2991 $500.00

John HAMPEL to Geo. HABERBERGER, 40 acres in survey 2991      1400.00

Jennie LEMON to D.A. DEES, two lots in DeSoto  $1000.00

Lucy BUREN to Edward BUREN, 10 acres in survey 1948 $21.00

Henry SCHARRE to Anton DANNEMANN, 160a, sec8 tp42 range 5      350.00

Geo. R. RATHBUN to P.H. FITZGERALD, lot in DeSoto  $55.00

M.R. BROWN to L.H. FITZGERALD, lot in DeSoto  $625.00

Stephen HUG to T.L. BURGESS, lot in survey 160  $5.00

Charles HELLER to Peter OSTER, 82 acres, section 25 tp43 range 4 650.00


OBITUARY - DIED - January 21, 1888, at the residence of C.W. HERBERT, near Hematite, Mo., Charles F. CONSIGNY, aged 16 years, 1 month and 6 days. Thus the death angel has swooped down and taken another from our midst, to remind us of the debt we all have to pay and the uncertainty of life. We miss Charlie's face so much; Oh, how we long for him to be among us. But the Lord has need of him up higher; for He has said: "Charlie, though hast fought a good fight, thou hast run thy course, thou hast kept the fait; henceforth there is laid up for the a crown of righteousness - come and wear it."  We have a glorious hope of meeting Charlie in a better land, where there is no sickness, sorrow, pain or death - where all is love. Oh! may we not wish for him here, but prepared to meet him where there is no parting. We do not know how soon the lovely messenger may claim us for his own, for he is continually coming into our midst, claiming our loved ones one by one. Oh! what a meeting there will be when we push the pearly gates ajar and our loved ones will takes us by the hand and bid us welcome, and walk the golden streets, clothed in pure garments, cleansed from sin. We will cast our cross at the entrance gate, and there receive the crown of life. It seems hard to think Charlie is in the cold, cold ground; it almost breaks our hearts. But we can say, "Thy will be done;" for is not death e'en a gain to though whose life to God was given?

Gladly to earth their eyes they close To open them in heaven. Then let our sorrows cease to flow-- God has recalled His own; But let our hearts, in every woe, Still say, "Thy will be done!"

   Kate H.  [Louisville, Ky., papers and Huntsville Herald, please copy.]


DE SOTO - Bob HICKS is the father of a fine new boy.




Willis BEAVER, of near Frumet, died last Sunday night, of pneumonia. He leaves a family of seven children, entirely destitute.


On the second inst., Mrs. Thos. ARMSTRONG, of near Cedar Hill, presented her husband with two 8-pound girls.  They are said to be extra-fine babies.


Henry STROUP, of near Frumet, is down with consumption, and his family is destitute of the necessities of life. A neighbor was circulating a subscription paper in their behalf this week, meeting with some success.


We learned, last Sunday, that Mr. Henry EULER, of DeSoto, is dead, having died in California. Mr. EULER was a very useful citizen, and his death will be a loss to DeSoto. He had been in bad health a year or two, and last Summer took a trip to California with the hope of regaining his former vigor. After a few weeks sojourn there he wrote back very encouraging letters, but it now seems that appearances were deceptive and the improvement in his condition only temporary. His family are still in DeSoto.


A telegram was received by Mr. W.R. DONNELL, last Monday, informing him of the death of Miss Carrie WILLIAMS, which occurred in California, whither she had gone in search of health. Miss Carrie was a daughter of the late ex-collector John WILLIAMS. She had had superior advantages, well educated and accomplished; and while her many friends are pained to hear of her early demise, they were prepared, knowing that it was but a question of time, and that the time was limited, as she was a victim to hereditary consumption.  Her remains will be brought to DeSoto for interment.


LIST of CONVEYANCES - Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Saturday.

W.H. McCLELLAN to Chas. WALDRON, lot in DeSoto  $   40.00

Charles WALDRON to Virginia J. WILLIAMS, same land  $100.00

Reinhold SCHLECT to Theo. CONRADE, 116a sec17 tp48 range 5      350.00

Thornton JARVIS to Henry WIBBLES, 82 acres, sec24 tp41  range 4   1200.00

Albin STRICKLAND to Ed. McHUGH, lot in DeSoto  $575.00

Wm. P. SHEDRON to Lanton ARMBRUSTER, lot in Derby City   $40.00

Jerusha BISCH to George FLINT, two lots in DeSoto  $775.00

Charles NELSON and others to Robinson BOYD, 10a sec24 tp40 r4       1.00

Robinson BOYD to Henry BAER, the same land  $500.00

John H. WROUGHTON to John MOORE, 80 acres, section 11 tp39 range 6 1050.00

Noah PARKS to Sophia HULSE, lot in survey 416  $10.00

Henry GOLDEN to Michael BOEMLER, 95 acres in survey 941      4100.00


OBITUARY - DIED - November 23, 1887, Kimmy, son of Christian and Evaline GILMAN, aged 27 years, leaving a wife, three children and many relatives to mourn his early death.


HEMATITE - A fine girl arrived at O.H. DONNELL's on the first inst.


Quite a sudden death on Monday last.  Thomas DIXON, a stone cutter residing at this place, who had been complaining for some time, called at TILLISON's hoop-pole shop and made complaint about a wounded chicken he supposed TILLISON's boys had hurt; while telling Mr. TILLISON about it, DIXON complied of feeling ill and immediately sat down, and finally laid down. As Mr. TILLISON saw that he was really sick, offered to help him home only a distance of about forty yards, and on entering his house DIXON immediately lay down and in less than ten minutes was dead.  As he did not have any medical attention the Coroner was called, and the cause of death was found to be heart disease.  Y.X.    Hematite, March 3, 1888.


Carrie E., Wife of Thomas BURGESS, died on the 28th ult., aged 63 years, 2 months and 19 days, of paralysis of the brain. Funeral services were held at the residence on the 2nd inst., by Rev. Talbot SMYRL of Nilwood, Ill. He also preached a the schoolhouse on Saturday evening, and Sunday

morning and evening. Sulphur, March 5, 1888.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

Nov. 1 Raymond MICHAEL  46 years

Nov. 10 Thomas McNAMARA  27 years

Dec. 17 ------ HOPSON    8 years

Dec. 17 Stella LONG    3 years

Jan.  2 ------ BREWIN    2 years

Feb.  3 Ben F. RIGGS   35 years

Feb. 19 George ROLL   44 years

Feb. 25 Robert J. HARPER   1 year


Date  Name of Mother    Sex

Nov.  8 Mrs. W.F. RICHARDSON  boy

Dec.  6 Mrs. Harry HART   boy

Dec. 22 Mrs. George K. ASHBY  girl

Feb.  4 Mrs. Jerry NORRIS   girl

Feb. 14 Mrs. Anton GIMPEL   boy

Feb. 18 Mrs. Henry LONNEMEYER  boy

Feb. 14 Mrs. John PECKELS   girl

Feb.  4 Mrs. William TRIBOLET  girl

Feb. 23 Mrs. Rob. H. FITZGERALD  boy

Feb. 26 Mrs. Robert HICKS   boy

Feb. 21 Mrs. James HOLLEY   girl

Feb. 21 Mrs. Perry WHITSELL   boy

Feb. 29 Mrs. Randal KEMPE   boy

Feb. 25 Mrs. Grant MARTEN   girl

Feb. 15 Mrs. James BLACKWELL  girl

Feb. 13 Mrs. Wm. G. WALES   boy

Feb. 18 Mrs. George HOLMAN   boy

Mar.  1 Mrs. James TRIMMER   boy




Mrs. Louis BUSCH, one of our oldest German citizens, died last week, after a lingering sickness.


Lawrence HENRY lost a small child this week, and has a grown son very low with pneumonia. Henry PLANK also lies very low with same disease. Mrs. Thos. TRUE is quite sick, but thought to be slowing improving.


One of our most enterprising farmers, John WHITE, met with a serious accident. Last Thursday morning he took his double-barreled shotgun and went out to take a hunt, expecting to start up a fox; when about one mile from his house he thought he heard a fox or something behind him and turned suddenly around, when the barrels of the gun struck a tree, knocking the gun off of his shoulder, one barrel firing and the contents striking Mr. WHITE in the heel just below the ankle joint, ranging downward and breaking the heel bone lacerating the back of the foot badly. Mr. WHITE crawled about a half mile to his field, and by hollowing managed to make his wife hear him. A wagon was quickly hitched up and the suffering man conveyed to his house. Dr. SPAULDING was sent for, the loose bones were picked out and the wound dressed, since which time he has been doing very well and will probably recover, but will be a cripple for life.  Kimmswick, March 11, 1888.


The remains of Mr. Henry EULER and Miss Carrie WILLIAMS, both of whom died in California last week, arrived here, the former on Saturday and the latter on Sunday and were buried in the City cemetery.


Willis S. HOPSON, has been a papa since one night last week.  It is a boy.


If Charles KLEINSCHMIDT appears to be more quiet than usual, don't think any thing strange of it; there is a bran-new girl at his house.


A new STAAT was admitted into the Union, last Saturday. It is a girl, but Papa George is just as proud as if it were a pair of boys.


Wm. JEUDE of Pevely, who has been in very poor health for more than a year, contemplates starting for Germany next May, where he expects to regain his former vigor.  His wife will accompany him.


Mrs. W.H. JEWEL of Brentwood, N.H., with her two daughters, are visiting relatives in this county.  Mrs. J. is a sister of Circuit Clerk VEAZEY.


We learn that Mr. Aquilla H. COLE of Plattin township, was buried last Sunday. Mr. COLE was one of the most energetic and successful farmers of the county. Thirty or more years ago, while assisting at a house-raising, a heavy log fell on him, mashing him enough to have killed two or three ordinary men, and though he was crippled for life he soon recovered sufficiently to get around and attend to business. He necessarily had to do a great deal of horseback, and ever since his misfortune had to use a sidesaddle. He and his excellent wife raised quite a large family. Two of his sons now live in Texas, and one daughter is in Arkansas, we believe. Mr. COLE will be missed.


On the 11th inst., Albert HAHN and Miss Christina KLEESNER were united in the bonds of matrimony, at the residence of John TRUST?, in Meramec township, by 'Squire SHEIBLE. The groom is a step-son of Charles WOHLBOLD, and is known as one of the most industrious as well as one of the best young men of Bellew's Creek. The bride is the step-daughter of Mr. PLUMER, of near Antonia, but was raised by Mrs. TROST, who took charge of her at the age of five years, when the child's father, a relative of the TROST's, died. A large number of friends of the contracting parties had assembled, and eatables and drinks made for a grand feast had been provided; but Mrs. TROST had been attacked by pneumonia, which marred the joys of the occasion, and the guests had noticed as people generally do on such occasions. We hope that Mrs. TROST will soon recover, and that the young couple's brightest expectations may be realized.


COUNTY COURT - Reports of inquests, by the Coroner, were approved as follows: Over body of Thomas DIXON, and fee bill of $15.35 allowed; Joseph SPALDING, 29.30; also over bodies of William MARTIN and Freda HAMEL, but no fee bills.


LIST of CONVEYANCES - Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Saturday.

Wm. JEUDE to John MILLER, two lots in Pevely.  $  1.00

John MILLER to Wm. JEUDE, same property  $1.00

Thomas R. LYON to Chas. G. HEIN, lot in survey 1995  $200.00

James F. HUSKEY to John L. HUSKEY, one seventh of 340 acres  in survey 1967  350.00

J.B. BAKEWELL to Leo REMDEL?, 160 acres, section 16 tp40   range 4 1200.00

Joseph VINYARD to J.B. BAKEWELL, 21 acres, sec28 tp40  range 5      150.00

R.A. ELKINS to Gust. MARTIN, two lots in DeSoto  $800.00

Coral L. ROBERTS to W.H. PAUL, two lots in DeSoto  $326.00

J.T. GIFFORD to Columbus McCULLOCH, 130 acres in survey 871     1800.00

Anna KRAUS to George STAAT, 8a section 2 township 42  range 5      525.00

James P. HESSER to James A. WILSON, 16a sec22 tp41 range 4       25.00

John W. NULL and others to O.H. DONNELL and C.F. LEE, two   lots in Hematite and lot in survey 875 $3230.00


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

Jan. 24 Rosa STARK    5 years

Sep. 28 Carrie E. BURGESS  63 years


Date  Name of Mother    Sex

Jan. 2 Mrs. Josephus BULLIS  girl

Jan. 14 Mrs. Ed. BERGMEYER     boy & girl

Feb. 20 Mrs. Charles F. MURPHY  girl

Feb. 21 Mrs. Armstaad TOWNSEND  girl

Mar. 3 Mrs. Thos. F. MILLERMAN  boy




John L. MARSH will move to Fairbury, Ill., soon. We are sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. MARSH, and shall miss them very much.




LIST of CONVEYANCES - Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Saturday.

William KOENIG to Emily JENNI, 201 acres in survey 1906       $  1100.00


Daniel McALISTER to Emily JENNI, 200 acres in survey 1906      1100.00

John WINOM, administrator Frank GREGORY, to J.H.     FREDERITZIE, 40 acres, section 26 tp43 range 5  $190.00

Henry SUMMA to Henry HIEFUNDICK 160 acres, section 34 tp43   range 3      2700.00

Jacob SCHNEEBERGER, by sheriff, to Henry HUBER, 160 acres,   section 35 township 40 range 5 $500.00

U.S. to Thomas McKEEVER, 80 acres section 35 tp43 range 3 Homestead

U.S. to heirs of Mary McKEEVER, 80a section 35 tp43 ran 8      Homestead


John WINOM, administrator Frank GREGORY, to Bernhard MEESE,  73 acres, section 25 tp43 range 5 $600.00

Michael KESSLER to Adam KESSLER, 70 acres, section 34 tp43   range 5 for love and affection.

Michael KESSLER to Henry KESSLER, 60 acres, section 35   township 43, range 5, love and affection.

A.F. STEPHENS by trustee to Thos. HIGGINBOTHAM, 180 acres,   section 4 and 9 township 38 range 4 $175.00

E.S. DUGAN to James S. WILLIAMS, 350 acres in survey 3166.      160.00

Mary J. BUXTON to W.J. BUXTON, 149 acres, section 6 tp41   range 4 100.00

Frank HOOK to Fritz HOOK, 80 acres section 24 township 42   range 7 1500.00

George HOHL to Joseph DICKEMAN, two lots in DeSoto  $300.00

Joseph DICKEMAN to G.R. RATHBUN two lots in DeSoto  $200.00

Albert WEASE to W.J. HAVERSTICK, 67 acres in survey 944        1500.00


Died, at his residence near Richwoods, Washington County, on the on the 23rd instant, Robert Findly LETCHER, aged 54 years and 26 days.


Mrs. Thomas TRUE, of near Kimmswick, died on Monday of last week. She leaves a husband and many friends to mourn her death.


James WILCOX, of Kimmswick, died last week of pneumonia. He was a familiar figure about that town, and will be missed by many.


'Squire McFARLAND stove off the blood-thinning process a couple of weeks longer, on the 1st of March, by uniting in wedlock John F. ROBERTSON and Miss Lulu M. FERGUSON.


Mrs. Emily, wife of Florian JENNI, died at her home, near Crystal City, on the 29th inst. We understand that the disease was typhoid pneumonia. We extend to Friend JENNI our heartfelt sympathies, but human sympathy is poor recompense for such a loss as he has sustained.


We learn that Frank WILLIAMS has moved out to his mothers farm, near this place, there to die. Frank believes he has quick consumption, and has sent for his brother, Willis, who is in Arizona, to come and see him once more. We sincerely hope that Frank is mistaken as to his condition.


A PRESS dispatch, to the St. Louis dailies of last Wednesday, states that Judge HAGAN, of Spokane Falls, Washington Territory, received notice of the killing, by Indians, of Wm. M. PIPKIN and two other men, who were out in the mountains prospecting for gold. We had a letter from Mr. PIPKIN, last Fall, in which he informed us that he was going on a prospecting tour clear beyond the bonds of civilization and during the ensuing six months would not be where any mail or news from the settlements could reach him, and promising an account of his trip when he returned in the Spring. The news of his death comes through friendly Indians, who report that he and his comrades were murdered by hostiles. There is a rare possibility that the report is false, but we do not base any hopes on such possibility. William was the eldest son of Philip PIPKIN and has many relatives here to whom his tragic death will be a severe shock. His wife and son live near Kimmswick, but for some reason they had been estranged from each other for some time. He has spent several years in the gold regions mining the precious metal. Several times he thought a large fortune almost in his grasp, and though as often disappointed and perseverance that deserved a better fate. Though he was of a disposition some what wayward and wild, we were proud to number him among our friends.


SALINE CREEK - Wm. HILLIARD & Co. have moved their sawmill and engine to Andrew NOLAN's, and are ready to accommodate the public with lumber. Mr. NOLAN has completed his house and blacksmith shop, and as he always keeps a good supply of iron on hand, he is ready for all customers who may come for a good job in his line...Mike SLAVIK and Martin ROSENAUER announced that they were going to the old country and the public believed them, as they were both old bachelors and had nobody at home to care for. SLAVIC started first and ROSENAUER at a later date...Neither was gone more than four or five days, and each returned with what they went for --- a wife.  Bro. Mike ROSENAUER is now about to start on a trip, and I suppose our friend, Louis SCHLECT, will be next...Hubert HING and George FING took the contract for cutting the timber off an acre of land, belonging to school district 1 of 5, at $1.25 per cord...Roman SPITZ, Sr., has been very sick, but is now recovering. Mathias SCHMIDT's 9-year-old son, George, has been speechless and unable to walk for the past three months, caused by paralysis of the liver and

lungs.  Dr. THURMAN is putting him in shape again...Mike ROSENAUER is now sole agent for the all-steel Dearing self-binder, which was awarded first premium at last St. Louis fair...Mike ROSENAUER rented out his farm and is moving to the city, where he will go into business.


DEATHS and BIRTH - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

Feb'y 20 Joseph EICHEMEIER   8 months

Mrch 11 Edward BEQUETTE  76 years

Mrch 12 John R. STOW   72 years

Mrch 13 John W. PARTNEY   1 month


Date  Name of Mother    Sex

Feb'y 5 Mrs. William DACE   girl

Feb'y 14 Mrs. C.W. BROOKS   boy

Feb'y 20 Mrs. G.W.L. THOMPSON  boy

Feb'y 29 Mrs. Peter STROUP   boy

Feb'y 28 Mrs. W.S. POE    boy

March 1 Mrs. O.H. DONNELL   girl

March 2 Mrs. Thos. ARMSTRONG two girls

March 10 Mrs. C.H. KLEINSCHMIDT  girl

March 13 Mrs. Adam VOTAU   girl


CRYSTAL and FESTUS - Hermann POSCH has a child dangerously ill.


Mrs. F.K. HOLMES has been quite ill, but is getting better.


Mrs. MALONE, who has been very sick, is slowly recovering.


Charlie BIEWEND died on the 25th.  The bereaved wife has the sympathy of all her neighbors.


DIED, March 18, 1888, John HOLMES BECKETT, aged seven months, son of John and Clara BECKETT. He was buried in the Presbyterian graveyard near this place. Their little daughter was not expected to live at the time. She is now getting better.


Martin JOHNSON, of DeSoto, was added to the list of U.S. pensioners, the past week, and P.R. HAVERSTICK, of Victoria, was restored to the list.


T.L. McCORMACK, Esq., united in the bonds of matrimony, on the evening of the 14th inst., at the residence of the bride's father in Plattin township, Chas. B. FRAZIER and Miss L.B. McCARTY.


Mrs. LAWRENCE, mother of Mrs. W.T. SPENCE, of near this place, died on the 14th inst., at the residence of Mr. S. She was over 80 years of age, and had not been well for some time. Mrs. SPENCE accompanied the remains of her mother to Springfield, Ill., where the old lady had

formerly lived and where other members of the family had lived.


Our youngest brother, Osman, has been appointed postal clerk on the railroad between Deming and Los Angeles, California, and is now performing the duties of the office. Our brother, Tom, is still in Washington City, and is expected to be here about the last week of this month, on his way to his Arizona home.  He expects to remain a week to see his old friends. (Our "brother" is Tom McMULLIN.)


Miss Carrie WILLIAMS' will has been filed for probate, but will have to be forwarded to San Diego, Cal., for proof. She gives to Miss Sallie PINSON her store house, on Main street, DeSoto, a note on Henry HERSTEIN and her piano; to Miss Virdie WILLIAMS, her dwelling on Second street, note on W.F. BROWN and $900 DeSoto school bonds; to Mrs. C. GORHAM notes for $1000, on GORHAM & AUERSWALD; to T.L. WILLIAMS, the notes he owes her; to Dr. L.W. CAPE, the notes he owes her; and if there is any balance left, after payment of expenses and debts, it is to be equally divided between Misses Sallie PINSON and Virdie WILLIAMS.


The contest for the postoffice at House's Springs is getting to be a serious affair. Last week the postmaster, I.E.C. WILSON, was arrested by a U.S. Marshal, and taken to St. Louis to answer to a charge of demanding and receiving an illegal fee in a pension case. Wilson assisted a man named HENSON, in proving up his claim and getting his pension, and was paid a large amount out of the first payment HENSON received. WILSON claims that the money paid him by HENSON was not in the nature of a fee at all, but was a return of money advanced and paid out from time to time for HENSON. HENSON puts quite a different phase upon the matter, and people are divided, each side believing just what they would prefer should be true.


OBITUARY - Died, near .P.Hematite;, December 9th, 1887, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. D. McKEE, our beloved mother, Elizabeth VINYARD. Oh, that our faith may be like hers, so that we can say we are not afraid to die. We miss thee, dear mother; we miss thy smiling face and

loving words.  But 'tis wrong to wish them back, when our loss is thy eternal gain.  'Twas hard to give you up, but we shall soon follow.

'Why do we mourn departed friends

Or shake at Death's alarms?

'Tis but the voice that Jesus sends

To call us to His arms.


Why should we tremble to convey

Your body to the tomb?

Where once the flesh of Jesus lay

And left a sweet perfume."

May we be enabled to say: "The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away blessed be the name of the Lord.     E.M.M.


Mr. Edward MAUPIN buried one of his children, last Thursday. It was two years old.


Quite a serious accident occurred on Little Creek, at the residence of Mrs. R.M. WHITEHEAD, last Thursday. Walter BUREN, son of the late Dr. BUREN, went out to the barn to catch an old mare - the family animal of Mrs. WHITEHEAD - that had always seemed perfectly gentle; on entering

the stall the old mare became excited or vicious, and as he attempted to escape she either struck or pushed him against the stall, fracturing his left arm about halfway between the elbow and shoulder joint. Dr. ELDERS was called and set the bone, but found no other wound or bruises to amount to anything.  Walter is doing well at this writing, but will be laid up seven or eight weeks at best.   Hematite, March 19, 1888.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths files with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

Feb. 12 Eliza B. LEAGUE  64 years


Date  Name of Mother    Sex

Feb. 14 Mrs. Philip HAEFNER   boy

Feb. 18 Mrs. Frank WHITWORTH  boy

Feb. 19 Mrs. Frank NEASE, Jr.  boy

Feb. 20 Mrs. John REIMANN   boy

Mar. 1 Mrs. Henry HOGRAVE   boy

Mar. 3 Mrs. Jacob HAEFNER   girl

Mar. 6 Mrs. Louis HAEFNER   girl

Mar. 13 Mrs. Elias BURGESS   boy

Mar. 13 Mrs. Martin GRAHAM   girl


LIST of CONVEYANCES - Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Saturday:

Henry T. MUDD to Amanda E. WILSON, 80a section 23 tp40  range 4       $ 300.00

Ella P. TUTTLE to John F. WILLIAMS, one twnety-fifth of 780 acres, in  sections 13 and 24 tp42 range 3  $225.00

Emanuel BECK to Andreas STECKER, 10 acres in survey 2991       400.00

Joseph KLODT to Henry SCHLECHT, 59 acres, section 8 tp43 range 5 500.00

Anna E.C. BROWN to Wm. LEMASTER, 101 acres sec11 tp39 range 4      100.00

John H. SPRINGMEYER to Henry SPRINGMEYER, 165 acres, section 4 township 41 range 3  1000.00

Maithias LEPP to Wm. H. PAYNE, 4 acres, section 35 tp40 range 5 1000.00

Mathias LEPP to same, 160 acres, section 30 township 39 range 5 4000.00

W.S. JEWETT to W.R. JEWETT, 83 acres, sects 30 and 31 tp41 ran6 1.00




MAXVILLE - Jacob HUBMEYER's 18-year-old daughter Margaret, died March 17th, of pneumonia. The family was quite a large one, but has had the misfortune of losing from one to three children every year for the last three or four years.


On the 19th instant Henry SIMON lost his son, Joseph, aged 22 years, and 7 months. Some two months ago Joseph enlisted in the U.S. cavalry at Jefferson Barracks, and was highly slated at  an order to leave in a few days for the West to fight the "Big Injun" and Oklahoma boomers; but he

was taken down with measles and pneumonia, which resulted fatal. He was buried at Jefferson arracks; with appropriate military honor, some of his friends from here attending.  Our heartfelt sympathies are tendered the afflicted family.


Our jovial friend, William STETTIS? - Bohne Wilhelm - has been a widower long enough; so he went to St. Louis, last week, and married a widow lady of that place. Returning on a bitter cold day with his wife and a wagon load of furniture, he stopped at KASSCHAM's to warm and take some

stimulants.  While there he contracted with Joe METTS, our mail carrier, to take his wife to Maxville, and before he got ready to start some one chalked all over his furniture and wagon bed the words "For Sale." A rope was also stretched across the road to impede his progress, but he at last succeeded in reaching Maxville, and took his frau aboard and left for home, there to await the tin-pan brigade of his neighborhood. The brigade had been a little too previous, having met two weeks before to serenade Mr. S.; but finding him still single, they adjourned to await the arrival of the wife.


LIST of CONVEYANCES - Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Saturday:

Leonard WILLIAMS to George L. WILSON, 75a sec30 tp43 ran3        $600.00

J.B. FREDERITZIE to Jacob GLATT, 40 acres, section 26 tp43 range 5 $220.00

Henry HUBER to Hermann ZIRMAN, 160 acres, sec35 tp 40 range 5     1500.00

H.J. STEINS to J.O. ACKERSON, 2 lots in Festus  $1500.00

J.O. ACKERSON to H.J. STEINS, 77 acres, section 36 tp41 range 5 2000.00

D.E. O'DONNELL and others to T.W. EVANS, 120a sec23 tp41 r4      100.00

J.F. SAYLES to John FOXTON, 160 acres, section 35 tp40 range 5    1200.00

L.J. RANKIN to George MAHN, two lots in DeSoto  $2000.00

George MAHN to Hermann HOHENTHAL, two lots in DeSoto $2000.00

P.A. SWINK to James CAMPBELL, 33 acres in survey 1986  $800.00

T.J. RYAN to S.B. REYNOLDS, lot in Festus  $200.00

Jos. THOMURE to Martin SCHMOLL, lots in Festus  $1600.00

Martin SCHMOLL to Harriett E. THOMURE, same lots. $1600.00

Geo. A. DITCH to Malcomb MINER, lot in survey 1948  $500.00

H.T. SIMON to Thomas HIGGINBOTHAM, 200 acres, section 9 township 38 range 4   50.00


Clarence T. HALE, of near Frumet, has moved to San Antonia, Texas. He is working in the car shops at that place.


Maxville - March 31, 1888. - Mr. Jacob LOEWE has been very unfortunate this last week, losing four of his children, the oldest being 13 years old. The disease is pronounced as croup and diphtheria. There is still one sick. This cleans out his whole family with the exception of one girl, who is in St. Louis, hired out. She has not yet been informed of the awful calamity at home, her parents fearing that she might come home and catch the fatal disease also. Mr. and Mrs. LOEWE have the sympathy of the community.


Last Wednesday Frank GREEN went to St. Louis, and when he returned on the late train in the evening he found his house packed full of visitors, who had brought refreshments along with them and were having a good time. It was a complete surprise to him, but he soon understood the cause of the raid and seemed to have as much fun as anybody else. It was the fifth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. GREEN, the time fixed by custom for celebrating their wooden wedding, and that was what gave excuse for the unexpected assembly which he hound occupying his premises.


SALINE CREEK, MO., - March 18, 1888 - William GILBERT & Bro. are not doing as well with their sawmill as was expected. Old man SMITH, for whom they are working, says they have burned more wood than they have sawed so far...the constable of Meramec township paid our place a visit, and was so pleased with the engineer, William GILBERT, that he requested him to accompany him to High Ridge to see the 'Squire. Friend William says he is used to such invitations, as they occur often...Charles MARGOT and Mr. HILDERBRAND, both of St. Louis county, were in this part of the county prospecting for gold and silver, claiming to have been sent by a company...Reinhold SCHLECT had a contest with district ----, over a couple of trees which the district had chopped up, and we had to get Mr. DOVER, the County surveyor, to survey the district land again. It had been surveyed once before, the corners were not plainly marked...George, son of Louis BAUER, aged about 21 years, of near here, went to St. Louis, and on his return concluded to have some fun so he broke about 15 or 20 street lamps along the Gravois Road.  The St. Louis authorities got after him, but his mother heard of it and sent him to Chicago. People around here are glad to get rid of him, and hope he will not return...Mrs. Kate, wife of Andrew NOLAN, is very low and not expected to survive...A new SPITZ arrived at the home of Roman SPITZ.


COUNTY COURT - County court was in session, Monday and transacted the following business;  Warrants were drawn on road fund for balances due districts as follows -

T.L. McCORMACK     $10.52

C. FUNK       11.52

A.D. DAVIS      19.22

William CLARK      25.00

Peter STROUP       8.25

Jacob M. GROB      13.58

Barney WYNN       5.00

William DEER       6.34

John CARREY      14.80

John J. ENGLEBACH     21.05

James EVANS       8.06

A. BLACKWELL       8.88

A.H. MOORE       1.50

J.G. BRUNS      27.70

William BRYAN      27.70

C.E. MERSEAL      25.96

G.W. McCORMACK      12.20

Charles EITZEN      46.82

Oscar EDWARDS      29.28

J.W. WILSON      10.50

Charles KNORPP      11.26

John McMULLIN      17.56

J.L. McMULLIN      10.32

White McNUTT       7.96

George BEERSHEIM     27.76

Frank SKWOR      17.24

Waldermar SCHULZE     14.94

George FRANZ      16.20

Joseph BECHLER       5.58

Chris. SAEGER       8.62

Charles SHEERIN      8.18

Edward MAUPIN       9.46

Henry EGGERS      16.74

P. LYNCH       13.00

John CARREY       5.70


Jurors were drawn for next term of Circuit court as follows: Grand Juror - J.C. CAPE, Alonzo KITE, Samuel L. McMULLIN, John PARTNEY, James S. McKEEN, Gottleib BRACKMANN, Sr., J.W. VINYARD, John DORNSEIF, Franz GRIMM, Hermann SMITH, John M. BAILEY and John ENGLEBACH; petit juror - Samuel WASHBURN, Oscar EDWARDS, G.W. SUBLETT, J.L. FARLEY, N. RALSTON, A.H. SPILKER, A.P. BOOTH, Thomas M. BAKER, Austin WILLIAMS, Fritz ROLF, William McDANIEL, Thomas BYRNS, Thomas BOLY, W.J. KIRK, D.F. DIERCKS, S. RICHARDSON, Geo. NOLL, William HALTER, Frank WAGGENER, Jas. ROBINSON, W.A. WHITEHEAD, J.R. BERRY, W.B. KENNER and Aaron MOORE.


Demands were allowed against the county as follows:

Thomas DUNN, pauper      $ 8.00

T. TAYLOR, pauper        6.00

Mrs. WRIGHT, pauper        8.00




John TILLISON, one of the old residents of this part of the county, died one day last week, age 65. TILLISON was recognized as a good, honest citizen.


The following is a list of lands and lots on which the Assessors valuation for 1888 was raised last week by the Board of Equalization.

E. WARRINGTON, lots 3 and 4, block 1, BOYNE's add'n DeSoto, from $350 to 500.

H. EULER, lots 1 and 2, blk 1, J.W.F.'s ad.  DeSoto, from $300 to 600.

Wm. BLANK, lots 1,2,3,4, blk 4, DeSoto, from $600 to $00.  ? (It is written here as it was printed in the paper.)

Jas. ELLIOTT, 50 x 150 feet, blk 25, DeSoto, from $20 to $140.

W.H. FARRAR, lots 19, 20, 21, blk 4, R.R. ad. DeSoto, from $150 to $400.

CARR & TOWL, lot 14, blk 5 R and D's ad. DeSoto, from $10 to $30.

Geo. MAHN, lots 9 and 10, blk 5 DeSoto, from $1000 to $1500.

A. STRICKLAND, lot 1, blk 2 RR Ad. DeSoto, from $1000 to $1500.

Gertrude STEIN, lots 9 and 10, blk 3 RR Ad. DeSoto, from $1500 to $2000.

BYRD & DONNELL, n hf lot 1, blk 1, Hematite, from $400 to $700.

A.F. HOFFMAN, lot 1 blk, Ludwig, from $600 to $800.

R.M. DENHOLM, lots 1 and 2 blk 1, Silica, from $50 to $800.

Mrs. RANKIN, 80 acres south end Pevely tract, from $170 to $500.

A. GALLOWAY, lot 1 sur 944, from $1500 to $1800.

John WEASE, pt lot 9 sur 944, from $1000 to $1800.

Ed WEASE, pt lot 2 sur 944, from $750 to $1200.

Albert WEASE, pt lot 2 sur 944, from $500 to $900.

Stephen HUG, 266 acres sur 190, from $5200 to $6650.

A.H. GORDON, 30 acres sur 416, from $200 to $1000.

J.M. FREDERTIZIE, 121 acres sur 2991, from $1700 to $2600.

Louis MAIL, 229 acres sur 783, from $2400 to $2000.

Jacob MILLER, 260 acres sur 2021, from $2800 to $2900.

Ed. RESH, 75 acres sur 2021, from $700 to $900.

S.B. PIPKIN, 169 acres sur 1976, from $500 to $700.

John KASSEL, pt lot 9 sur 1969, from $400 to $500.

Leo KOHLER, 180 acres sur 1969, from $1270 to $1300.

Henry OGLE, 160 acres sur 2978, from $800 to $1000.

Jas. ACKLEY, lot 2 sur 2978, from $400 to $600.

W.S. JEWETT, 880 acres sec 32-41-6, from $2000 to $3000.

J. LUDWIG, 120 acres sec 37-41-5, from $1200 to $1500.

D. BECKMANN, 200 acres sec 33-42-4, from $620 to $900.

F. JAHNKE, 160 acres sec 27-42-4, from $200 to $400.

Frank SKWOR, 40 acres sec 14-43-4, from $190 to $410.

Frank SKWOR, 40 acres sec 23-43-4, from $75 to $210.

Henry WIBBLES, 80 acres sec 24-41-4, from $400 to $600.


LIST of CONVEYANCES - Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Saturday:

B.S. REPPY to A.O. PRESS, lot in DeSoto $100.00

Jacob KUECHENMEISTER to Xaver KOHLER, 2 a sec10 tp42 r5     $100.00

Arthur IRWIN to Michael BOEMLER, 1-2 of 160a sec19 tp43 r4     $60.00

Martin HAUSER to Frank SCHUMAKER, 180a sec19 tp43 r5 2225.00

MOTT & RANKIN to L.J. ROZIER, 4 lots in DeSoto   $300.00

J.A. GARNER to S.D. CRITTENDEN, 280a sec9 tp40 r4  $5600.00

Michael KESSLER to Clara BECKER, 80a sec26 tp43 r5  Gift

Michael KESSLER to Gertrude HAUZEN, 80a sec26 tp43 r5 Gift

John ARNDT to Louis LIERSH, 2 lots in DeSoto  $500.00

R.G. HOEKEN to BRACKMAN and SECKMAN, block 12 Hillsboro      $1000.00

W.H.H. THOMAS to Henry SECKMAN, lot in Kimmswick  $10.00

Wm. ROWE to J.A. TUTTLE, 10a sec19  tp35 r4  $200.00

Thomas EVERETT to Albert CHIFT, 68 acres sec6 tp40 r3    $1600.00


Byrnesville, Mo., April 9, 1888 - Thursday night was the scene of great merriment for the friends of Miss B. McDERMOTT and James WELSH, who were married at the St. Lawrence O'Toole's church, Fourteenth and O'Fallon Streets, St. Louis. The bride was escorted to the altar by Mr. P.

DUFFY, the groom escorting Miss R. McDERMOTT, the bridesmaid, where they were met by Rev. C.F. O'LEARY, who performed the ceremony. The bride was dressed in cream-colored Albert cloth, trimmed with Irish point lace and watered ribbon of the same color. The bridesmaid was dressed in cream-colored India Linen, trimmed with cream-colored lace. The groom and groomsman were dressed in magnificent Prince Albert suits of black cloth. The married couple were then driven to their residence, at 1960 Cass Ave. After partaking of a hearty supper the rooms were cleared for the guests to dance to the music of an Irish harp and violin. The presents were many and costly, as follows: The groom's was a costly set of pearls; the bride's mother's, a bed outfit; T. McDERMOTT and lady, silver table and teaspoons; J. McDERMOTT and lady, picturesque rural oil

painting; Miss R. McDERMOTT, elegant hand-made quilt; Miss Agnes McDERMOTT, lovely hand-worked pin cushion; Mrs. A. and P. McDERMOTT, Singer sewing machine; Mayor FRANCIS and lady, two blue plush parlor chairs; Sid. FRANCIS, bell-room set; F. FRANCIS, wash-stand set of eight pieces; Miss M. FRANCIS, beautiful centre-table lamp; Miss Mary Jane BYRNE of Byrnesville, a pair of vases; Miss Katie DUNIGAN of Byrnesville, a pair of vases; Michael MULDOON, a pair china spittoons; P. DUFFY, an eight-day clock; Miss Lizzie and John McKITTRICK, set silver knives and forks; Miss M. DIERKER, lovely hanging lamp; T. DUFFY, handsome bed-room hanging lamp; P. McCORMACK and lady, plush album; Miss Mary McCORMACK, a cut-glass pitcher, six glasses and waiter; Miss Josie RYAN, cut-glass pitcher, two glasses and waiter; Miss Mary BOYLE, costly china set of 56 pieces; Miss Mary McDERMOTT, an elegant white bed spread; Frank DAVIS and lady, two white lace window curtains; Miss Mary MURRAY, pair blankets; Miss B. CASSIDY, pair of vases; Miss Nellie FRANZE, handsome worked pincushion; Miss Mary HARMON, fruit dish; Misses Mary and Julia CONNELL, finely-furnished castor; Miss Maggie MULLEN, set white table linen; Miss A. GRIFFIN, pair lace pillow shams; Ter. McDERMOTT, rocking chair; John DUFFY, silver tea-pot; J.T. BYRNE, elegant lamp; James BOYLE, pair of brown kid gloves; Miss Julia CONDON, a silver butter dish.    O.U. FINDOUT.


William CLARK has been quite sick, at his home on Sandy, the past week.


Stephen MARLEY, of south of Hematite, was buried last Wednesday. He had been sick for some months.


'Squire ROGGE, of Cedar Hill, died very suddenly last Thursday morning. He took a congestive chill and died before the arrival of the physician whom his family had sent for. He was 52 years of age, and had been married to his present wife for about a year. He leaves a large family.


On the 13th day of this month, at the J.D. office, 'Squire SHEIBLE tied the matrimonial knot for John C. CERCLE of Crystal City, and Miss Lucy KIRKPATRICK of DeSoto. Mr. C. is a machinist and a Frenchman, while his bride is one of the best-looking women the 'Squire had has the pleasure of uniting in wedlock.


'Squire SHEIBLE extended the jurisdiction of his court clear across the Atlantic ocean last week. It was an attachment suit, brought by Wm. BROWN of near Hematite, against John and Jane CLAMPETT, who reside in Ireland and are heirs in the Jane MITCHELL estate. Mr. BROWN had been looking after their interests in the estate for two years, and just when the administrator had made final settlement and was ready to distribute the money, the CLAMPETTs revoked BROWN's power of attorney and invested Wm.  ANTHONY, a promising young lawyer of Potosi, with that power. Mr. BROWN sued for $50, services rendered, and a jury allowed him that sum, though Mr. ANTHONY tried hard to convince the jury that BROWN was not entitled to a cent.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

Aug. 20 Margaret MORAN    1 year

Sep. 11 Catharina ALVERS  64 years

Oct. 27 Fannie BOHNE   23 years

Mch. 11 Willis BEAVERS   54 years

Mch. 14 Sarah LAWRENCE   84 years


Date  Name of mother    Sex

Aug. 17 Mrs. William DEER   girl

Nov. 18 Mrs. Andrew BUTTS   boy

Nov. 4 Mrs. Charles JOHNSON  girl

Mch. 24? Mrs. Charles TAYLOR   boy (There was a black mark through the date, there is a question as to whether it is the 24th or simply the 2nd.)

Mch. 18 Mrs. William ROSE   boy

Apr. 4 Mrs. Frederick ROLF   girl


LIST of CONVEYANCES - Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Saturday.

John JUDE and George N. BOGGS, by sheriff to Charles R. SANDERSON, 200 a sec13 tp40 range 4  $ 232.00

Theo CONRADS to Jacob DIEHL, 62 acres, section 17 tp43  range 5     175.00

John HARMON to Jacob MUELLER, 57 acres, section 1 tp41   range 240.00

J.E.C. WILSON to Henry J. MILLER, 74 acres section 18 tp42   rang 5 165.00

F.W. MOTT to Frances DAVENPORT, two lots in DeSoto  $120.00

James A. MEDLEY to James B. DUTTON, 80a sec18 tp42 rang 4      800.00

Kate M. BARROWS to John F. WILLIAMS six twenty-fifths of 730 acres, sections 13 and 14, township 41, range 3  $1400.00


IN MEMORIAM - In memory of our dear brother, James WILCOX, who died March 23, 1888.


MAXVILLE - DIED, April 12th, Hermann, son of Fredericka WARNECKE, aged 16 months, of pneumonia. Misfortune seldom strikes single handed; for last Summer Mrs. WARNECKE lost her husband and father in the short space of three days.


Last Tuesday, the road boss near Kimmswick, Xaver ARNOLD, was married to Mrs. Magdalena ROESCH, by the Rev. J.W. AUGENENDT of the Maxville church. A gay time was had Tuesday night, by young and old, at the home of the bridegroom.


Tomorrow Louis SCHLECHT will be married to Miss Mary NOLAN, and on the 19th Philip DIEHL of St. Louis county, and Miss Barbara WEIDELL, all by Father AUGENENDT. A good time is expected ad the parties are making big preparations for the occasions. Maxville, April 16, 1888.


P.B. McCORMACK has bought a farm in St. Francois county, near Fred LANDOLT's place, and expects to move upon it soon.


DE SOTO - There has been an unusual amount of sickness in and around DeSoto this spring, and the number of fatal cases is above the ordinary.  D.D. GOFF and T.O. SMITH are among the very sick people this week.


Thomas L. WILLIAMS, who has been suffering for some time with severe kidney troubles, died on Monday morning.


NOTICE to CONTRACTORS - Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned till May 5th, 1888, for the erection of a frame school house for district 4, township 19, according to plan and specifications on file with Allen MANESS, near Ware's P.O.; contractor to furnish material, and work to be paid for when completed and received; contractor to give bond for performance of contract. Right is reserved to reject all bids.  W.S. WILEY, Frank CAMPBELL, Allen MANESS, Directors.


George HENSLEY, a young man of about 30 years of age, was buried on Sandy last Sunday. He was working for the R.R. Co., at DeSoto, when he took sick and was sent to the hospital in St. Louis, where he died. He was unmarried.


J. Ed. WALKER received a letter, last Thursday, from Judge Albert HAGAN of Spokane Falls, W.T., informing him that the report that W.M. PIPKIN had been killed by the Indians was incorrect. Three miners were killed, and it was supposed to be the party of which Mr. PIPKIN was a member, but it was a mistake. PIPKIN had returned to Spokane, safe and sound. His friends and relatives were glad to hear that the Indians had not raised William's hair, and hope that he will be spared to raise a pile of the precious dust, for which he has been so long seeking.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

March 13 Jno. W. PARTNEY   1 month

March 28 Malinda J. SULLENS  18 years

March 22 Wilhelmine LOEWE   6 years

March 28 Daniel LOEWE   18 years

March 28 Fette LOEWE   11 years

March 29 Jacob LOEWE    9 years

March 30 John TILLISON   63 years

March 24 Eli HOUK    44 years

March 12 John R. STOW   72 years

March 11 Edward BEQUEATH  76 years

March 30 Charles MITCHELL  18 years

April 1 Georgiana HARPER   4 years


Date  Name of Mother    Sex

Jan 7 Mrs. Frederick MENG   girl

March 17 Mrs. William BUCHTING  girl

March 26 Mrs. Benjamin JOPLIN  boy

March 28 Mrs. Henry HINER   boy

March 11 Mrs. Geo. W. GROOM   boy

March 2 Mrs. Edward KINDER   boy

March 13 Mrs. Thos. CHRISTOPHER  girl

March 20 Mrs. Joseph HUNT   girl

March 23 Mrs. Otto HAMEL   boy

March 6 Mrs. James MANESS   boy

March 3 Mrs. Thomas THOMSON   boy




NOTHING IN IT - W.M. PIPKIN, one of the triumvirate who was reported as murdered by Indians on Priest Lake, arrived in the city Thursday night and was met yesterday by a Review reporter. Mr. PIPKIN is an intelligent and agreeable conversationalist and a robust specimen of physical manhood. It struck the reporter at the time he met Mr. PIPKIN that if he figured as a corpse in a massacre there would be a good many Indian stiffs found scattered around, as he is not the kind of man who would surrender up his existence without a lively struggle, while all that was necessary to disprove the report of his death was his presence in the city. He was asked if there had been any rumors of other miners having been killed by Indians. He had heard of nothing of the kind. His party was the only one that wintered in that part of the country. It seems that a man named Geo. FRANCIS, at Sand Point, who understands the Indian language thoroughly, overheard the Indians talking about three prospectors having been killed by the Kootenai Indians, and the conclusion was at once reached that the murdered men were the PIPKIN party, and work to that effect was at once telegraphed to Judge HAGAN, of this city. The party consisted of W.M. PIPKIN, A. ROIKY and M.D. PENDLETON. They left Sand Point for the north in October. Prior to leaving Sand Point, Mr. PIPKIN met Father JACQUET, and told him of his intention of going out prospecting, and told him to advise the Indians of the fact and use his influence to prevent them from interfering. This Father JACQUET did, and as the priests have a great influence with the Indians, it is to be presumed that it was largely due to Father JACQUET's efforts that the Indians kept away from the camp. From Sand Point the party went to the head of what is known as Little Lake, northwest from Sand Point about sixty-five miles, and about thirty-five or forty miles north of Metaline. The location is some eight miles south of the 49th parallel, and is known as Priest Lake District. Here the party worked at placer digging and also located a very promising galena ledge. They remained in camp all winter, and are out now of provisions and supplies. They traveled from camp to the foot of the big lake on the ice, which is now twenty inches thick. The main Priest lake is about twenty-five miles long. It is connected with little lakes by a stream that is termed the thoroughfare, some three miles in length, and the smaller lake is about three miles long. From the foot of Priest lake it is about thirty-five miles to Sand Point. There is a good trail easily travelled when the snow is off the ground. Priest lake is also connected with Pond d'Orille Lake by a stream called Vermillan River. This can be traversed with some trouble by boats, although Whipple Falls, Hell Gate and Bedrock Rapids, are considerable of an unpleasant impediment. Mr. PIPKIN is a prospector of sixteen years experience, and is competent to pass judgment upon mineral. He is well enough satisfied with the claim he now holds, but does not advise people to go into the country. He does not believe in exaggerated reports of the value of mining property and regrets that any highly colored statement of the

district have ever been given publicity.  He will return to Sand Point in a few days, but it will be several weeks before the party can reach their winter quarters, as it will be that long before winter breaks up in the mountains.  (Spokane Falls, W.T.;)  Review.


Mr. and Mrs. L.J. ROZIER lost a little babe this week from congestion of the lungs.




KIMMSWICK - X. ARNOLD is now working the roads at present, but stays at home, enjoying the company of his new companion. His sons, George and John, are reported as "on deck" for matrimony...Mrs. John NAUMANN, who has been suffering with consumption for a long time, died last Thursday and was buried in the Kimmswick cemetery last Saturday at 2 p.m.. A large concourse of friends attended the funeral and services at the house, were conducted by Rev. WISELOW...The public sale, Saturday, at the Montesano grounds, was but slimly attended, but fair prices were

realized.  J.B. FREDERITZIE, of Maxville, was the auctioneer and kept the crowd wide awake...Judge SECKMANN of Rock Creek, Judge KIRK of Maxville, and Col. H.P. WILLIAMS of St. Louis, were in town last Saturday...Mr. WILLIAMS, formerly of Wicks, departed for Little Rock,

Ark., today.  He expects to work at that point temporarily...Mr. WHEELER, formerly night operator at Wicks, is now located at Bird's Point...Louis LEIS of Rock Creek, says he is going to announce himself as a candidate for County Judge, subject to the Democratic nomination, claiming that he is the man who can best Judge SECKMANN...Theo. ZIEGLER, Secretary of the Anchor Line of steam boats, has taken up his residence at Windsor Harbor for the Summer.  Kimmswick, April 22, 1888.


SHERIFF'S SALE IN PARTITION - Charles MILLER and Edward MILLER, in their proper person, Henry WEBER, Edward WEBER, George WEBER, Emma WEBER and Albert WEBER, minors, by Adolf WEBER, curator of their estates; and Ellen MILLER, Mabel MILLER, Lily MILLER and Jenny MILLER, minors, by Edward MILLER, curator of their estates - exparte petitioners. - In the Circuit court of Jefferson county, Missouri. By virtue and authority of an order made by the Circuit court of the County of Jefferson, State of Missouri, at it's January term, 1888.  I

will, on the 18th day of May, 1888, at the courthouse door in the Town of Hillsboro, between the hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and five o'clock in the afternoon of that day, offer for sale, at public auction to the highest bidder, the following described land or real estate to-wit - the south half of the northwest quarter, and the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter, and the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter, of section number thirty- four (34), township number forth-two (42), south of the base line of range number four (4), east of the fifth principal meridian, containing 160 acres, situate in Jefferson county, Missouri, for the purpose of making partition between said parties, for which the purchaser will be required to pay twenty-five percent of the purchase money in hand at the time of sale, the balance in twelve months, purchaser giving his bond with approved security, bearing interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum from date, or all cash at the option of the purchaser.  George W. McFRY, Sheriff  April 23, 1888.


Katharina, widow of Lorenz GANSNER, of near Rush Tower, was added to the list of U.S. pensioners last week.


Constantine DEHNER, of Plattin township, and Miss Mary J. ZACK, of Hematite, were united in marriage, on the 18th inst., by 'Squire SHEIBLE.


Miss Lizzie ARMSTRONG, daughter of the late Austin ARMSTRONG, died near Cedar Hill, last Thursday, aged about 20 years.  She was buried in the Hillsboro cemetery.


John A. DOVER, one of the leading young men of Big River township, leaves this week for Montana, where he will attempt to make a fortune. We hope his expectations may be fully realized.


Monday, the Republican reported the marriage of W.H. ELKINS to Miss Mamie BAKER, of East St. Louis. W.H. is the son of our Probate Judge. His parents were not informed of his intended marriage, but we presume they are ready to welcome him and his bride whenever they get ready to visit this place.


David D. GOFF, ex-Mayor of DeSoto, died last Friday night, aged about 55 years. He was buried on Sunday by the Masonic lodge, of which he was an honored member. In the funeral procession were 66 Masons, and nearly all the people of DeSoto, and friends from other points. Mr. GOFF's

pleasant, jovial disposition made him friends wherever he went. He leaves a wife and several children to mourn his loss.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk for the past week:

Date  Name     Age

March 8 Aquilla COLE   62 years

March 20 ----- HICKS    1 month

March 23 James H. WILCOX  43 years

April 4 John COLE    32 years

April 7 Nellie STEPHENS   7 days

April 14 Lucille ROZIER    4 months


Date  Name of Mother    Sex

Dec. 31 Mrs. William BOYD   boy

Jan'y 31 Mrs. Daniel HARDY   boy

Feb. 12 Mrs. Cora HERBERT   boy

Feb. 15 Mrs. William T. LONG  boy

M'ch. 3 Mrs. W.B. METCALF   boy

M'ch. 30 Mrs. Arthur STEVENS   girl

April 6 Mrs. John HAAS    boy


The voters seem to have the majority.


Sales of Land Advertised - May 18th, in partition, Leroy DOVER v. Florence McALISTER, 40 acres ne ne, sec17 tp40 range 3; May 17th, in partition, Peter SIMON and others v. Elizabeth DeSALM and others, 40.63 acres, part lot 12 survey 2991.


LIST OF CONVEYANCES - Filed with the Recorder during the week ending last Saturday.

Willis M. BITTICK to James BITTICK, 80a section 13 tp42 range 3 $   1.00

J.E.C. WILSON to Henry A. MILLER 76a section 18 tp42  range 5     165.00

J.B. BAKEWELL to William SCULLY, 21a section 23 tp40  range 5     160.00

Charles HAGEMANN to Peter WISELOW, 42a sec31 tp42 range 6     1685.00

Ed McHUGH to Henry WEISS, two lots in DeSoto  $800.00

John W. BAKER to Henry HEIDBRING 80a section 9 tp41 range 4     700.00

M.W. GREENE to M.M. OGDEN, lot in Horine  $50.00

Henry WIBBELS to P.C. EAVES, 80 acres, section 24 tp41  range 4    1200.00


HEMATITE - Elder J.D. DILLARD and family of Clinton, Ky., have been visiting his sister, Mrs. Frankie NULL, of this place this week. During their stay he preached three interesting sermons on "Christian Union," at the Christian and Methodist churches...Have been having quite an epidemic of what Dr. ELDERS calls "rothein" commonly called German measles, all through this vicinity for the past month...Willie ELDERS caught the boss bass last Tuesday; it weighted four and a half pounds...We understand that Miss Rosa A. ELDERS has been engaged to teach the coming term of school on Little Creek...The WHEELERS seem to be trying everything clean before them.  Success to them!  Hematite, April 23, 1888.


MAXVILLE - Last Tuesday Louis SCHLECT was married to Miss Mary NOLAN, at this place, by the Father AUGENENAT. The married couple proceeded to their home as if nothing unusual had happened or was likely to occur; but lo! all of a sudden the tinpan brigade made its appearance and demands. Mr. S. surrendered at once and forked over satisfactorily, not desiring a prolonged engagement of a music band of that kind. The party also tried to secure from Mrs. S. a sum of money or a couple of rooms in which to enjoy themselves, but not succeeding they hied elsewhere...On

Thursday Mr. Philip DIEHL was married to Miss Barbara WEHDEL, the same minister officiating. They gave a large wedding feast, attended by several gentleman and ladies from St. Louis, Carondelet, and Mehlville, as well as from the surrounding neighborhood.  Messrs ANDERSON, SWEENEY, Edward RUESS and others furnished good music and dancing was kept up till next morning. Presents were numerous, some useful and valuable. A complete set of --- furniture was presented the bride by Mr. and Mrs. KILPATRICK of Carondelet...Our 'Squire, B.B. MEESE, was married last Thursday to Miss STAHL, very quietly; so quietly that the neighbors did not know of it and even yet some of them are in doubt as to the facts; but the knot was securely tied by 'Squire BERGMEYER...A nice piece of burglary was committed here last week, on Jim JOHNSON, colored, by a young tramp from St. Louis, who has been loitering around here for the last four weeks. He took a good silver watch and chain, valued at $30, a pair of new shoes and other things. The thief was tracked towards St. Louis, and parties are still after him in hot haste, and we hope they

will succeed in overhauling him.   Maxville, April 21, 1888.


DE SOTO - The wife of Horace HEARST, who died on Saturday of Erysipelas, was buried in the City Cemetery on Sunday afternoon. She was the daughter of A.M. BAKER...Dr. H.E. ZORN will soon add to his dental rooms the necessary apparatus for administering gas to such of his customers as desire it...Thomas O. SMITH, who was dangerously sick, has been improving steadily, though slowly, and is not in a firm way of recovery...Paul DOUTHETT, Everett WARD and Sol. HOHENTHAL were among our visitors last Sunday...Frank W. McFARLAND has finished his school term at Eureka, St. Louis county, and returned to DeSoto to spend is vacation and -- surplus cash. He has two or three schools tendered for next season, but has not yet decided where he will go...Fred HACKE is preparing for harvest already, having received a large stock of heavy

machinery some time ago...John HOPSON has lately completed one of the handsomest cottages to be seen in our city. It is located on  Fourth north of Miller street...Gust. HAMEL's furniture factory, on Main street, is being converted into a suitable building for a hotel...L.J. ROZIER recently purchased a number of elegant lots near the school house, and will probably erect some cottages this summer...The Valle township Republican meeting was called to order by W.F. EDINGER, committeeman, and T.E. PHILLIPS was chosen secretary. The following named delegates to the mass meeting to be held in Hillsboro on May 5th, were selected: Henry BLACK, Oscar EDWARDS, Joseph WALTHER, Nelson KING, Lemuel GOWAN, John McMULLIN, Fred. WAPPLER, L.J. RANKIN, W.F. EDINGER, W.D.W. BARNARD, John BRIDELL, H.N. JENKINS, D.M. PARK, J.W. JOHNSON, A.L. FRECK, H.P. DECKER, P.C. ZOLLMAN, H.P. GRAHAM and Matt LEPP...E.C. RANKIN came up  from his Texas trip last week. The work he was to engage in was not quite ready to proceed with, and he will probably remain here until the work is ready...Will KNORPP left the city on Saturday last, bound for Germany. He will be gone several months and will, no doubt have a pleasant time. The good wishes of many friends go with him.  DeSoto, April 30, 1888.


SULPHUR SPRINGS - Miss Bertha WHITEHEAD spent part of last week with us...George P. HULL has been visiting his brother for the last ten days...James P. DOUGHERTY, our efficient County School Commissioner, passed through Sulphur yesterday, on his way to Judge SECKMANN's, where he was to meet the directors of the Rock Creek and Buechting school districts, and to adjust the boundary line between them...A few days since a dispute occurred between two railroad men, and finally blows were passed. Mr. CRAWSHAW, the foreman discharged one of the men. This morning the man pulled a pistol on the foreman as a persuasive measure to induce the boss to do what he though was right. It is said that Mr. CRAWSHAW became scarce in that neighborhood immediately ...Last night, about 12, Mr. VENN, our postmaster, was aroused by the grating of a key in the lock of his door. He got up and cautiously made his way to the door, with a revolver in hand, and awaited developments. After the door was unlocked, an iron bar and night latch obstructed the entrance. The parties - there were two of them - then went across the street to

JOHNSON's shop and took from there a brace and bit and chisel; they then returned and bored a hole through the panel of the door and were in the act of boring another when Mr. VENN fired, the shot taking effect in one of the burglars' hands, who were tracked some 200 yards to a fence,

in climbing which they left the bloody imprint of a hand. Two loaded shells for Winchester rifles were found at the door, one of which had been struck by VENN's ball, indenting the shell and knocking the bullet out...Rodney P. SWIFT, of Chicago, and Miss Margaret GREENE, of this place were married at the residence of the bride's parents, on the 23rd inst., by Father COFFY of St. Louis. The bridal party left on the evening train for an extended tour through several Southern States. Their future residence will be in Chicago, where Mr. SWIFT's business calls him, he being superintendent of the McCormack Reaper Co.'s manufactory. Miss Maggie had an extensive acquaintance in this county, and among them all there is not one who will not join us in wishing her all the happiness and pleasure that can be crowded into the brief life of a mortal. Several telegraphic congratulations from a distance were read. A mountain of presents, both valuable and useful were received. The following is a list of a few: R.B. SWIFT, a diamond pin; bride's mother, French china tea set; her father, check for $500; Miss K. McGRATH, silver water pitcher; Blanche GREENE, silver cake stand; Miss MOHAN, same; Miss RABASEM, Mr. PARK, and Mr. BISHOFF, each set silver teaspoons; Miss M. KAVANAUGH, a silver breakfast castor; Miss Winnie KAVANAUGH, silver butter dish; Mr. BENNETT and lady, silver pickle castor; Harvey FURBORN, silver butter knife, sugar spoon and nut cracker; W.H. (Kansas City), gold sugar spoon and gravy spoon etc.; Fred LEWIS, silk table scarf; Miss Maggie STARK, several sets damask table linen and a beautiful sofa cushion; Miss Mary GREEN, a unique quilt; a Russian leather bound key to heaven, providing they follow the teaching of the best of all books, the Bible, and if Mrs. SWIFT does not follow the teachings of the key to heaven, it will not be her fault. Sulphur, April 29, 1888.


LIST of CONVEYANCES - Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Saturday.

James OGLE to C.F. LEE, 142 acres in survey 2177 $ 310.00

Mary A. FULLER to J.B. BAKEWELL, 120 acres, sec11 tp40 range 4    285.00

G.R. RATHBUN to C.H. WEISS, 2 lots in DeSoto   35.00

C.H. WEISS to Gust. MARTIN, two lots in DeSoto   362.00

F.J. KNAPP to Margaretta SPEIER, three lots in DeSoto     3000.00

B.S. REPPY to John WILLIAMS, 2 lots in DeSoto  100.00

Terrence FERRELLY to Justin EDWARDS, 80a sec8 tp43 range 4      505.00

J.M. ENGLAND to C.F. LEE, 23 acres, section 22 tp40 range 5     290.00

C.A. OERMANN to John H. OERMANN, 40a sec7 tp41 range 3   800.00

William JEUDE to Louis GREVE, 2 lots in Pevely  50.00

Edward AMES to Fannie AMES, lot in DeSoto  1.00


John OHEIM, of Kimmswick, has been confined to his bed for a week, with a rising on the inside of his throat.


Allison  REPPY, son of Sam. A. REPPY, came up from Arkansas this week, to take charge of the old homestead here.


Mr. VEAZEY brought his father home with him, last Saturday, and on Monday he sent his mother to St. Louis to stay with his sister. The old folks have been on the sick list for some time, and by this arrangement they can be taken care of much better.


Married, by George McFARLAND, Esq., April 22, 1888, Dr. W.H. SMITH to Miss Ruth J. NEVELS, daughter of Henry NEVELS, all of Big River township. We presume it is a good match and that the parties all felt happy and indulged in bright hopes of a pleasant journey thro' life, for they made the 'Squire so happy that he announces that he will henceforth drink nothing cheaper than, store tea, and that he has relinquished his share of the sassafras business to his neighbor, 'Squire HERRINGTON, who has one of MOTHERSHEAD's stump pullers, with which he can extract the

roots from the ground.  We wish them all well.


Ludwig REICHMANN, of near Antonia, had the misfortune of losing his residence and barn, on last Wednesday, and it appears to have been a clear case of incendiarism. Mr. R. had purchased some hogs and put them in the barn that morning. About noon his wife went out to give the hogs

some slop, when she discovered a fire under the corner of the building, just beneath where some hay was stored. She immediately grabbed a stick and endeavored to rake the fire away, but, not succeeding she ran for a bucket of water, and before she could get back the hay was burning and

the fire beyond control.  the dwelling house stood near, and in line with the wind, and it, too, was soon wrapped in flames. Most of the contents of the residence were saved, but the barn, feed, machinery, etc., was a total loss. He had insurance of $400 on residence, and $200 on barn and contents, but this does not near cover the loss. He does not know who his enemy is.


CRYSTAL and FESTUS - Charlie McCORMACK has been visiting his brother, Ross, of this place. He reports times booming in the South...Miss Nettie, daughter of A.F. MOORE, is very sick...The Presbyterians talk of building a parsonage for their well-loved and popular minister, Rev.

J.A. SMITH... Mrs. Charles WHITEHEAD is still quite sick...Mrs. HOLMES, formerly of Hematite, has moved into Dr. MILLER's residence ...Miss J.L. HOLMES, our new and enterprising milliner and dress maker, is kept very busy and her work gives general satisfaction...Our new baker is giving us some excellent bread, cakes and pies.  He will have to step lively if he gets ahead of our old reliable Nie BEHRING...Mr. ACKERSON, of Crystal City, has purchased Mr. STEINS Festus property, with the exception of one house. Mr. STEINS has bought and moved on a farm.    Festus, April 30, 1888.  FESTUS.


OBITUARY - DIED - March 9, 1888,at his residence, near DeSoto, Aquilla H. COLE, in the 68th year of his age. He was born in Washington county, Mo., near Mineral Point, May 12, 1820. For several years there, together with his brothers, he followed mining. At the age of 21 he entered the farm on which he died. December 7, 1843, he married Phoebe H., daughter of B.B. BYRD.  he left a wife, four sons and three daughters to mourn the loss of an affectionate, faithful husband and fond indulgent father.  In 1861, this devoted parent's heart was brought to mourn for Arthur, a little son; and, again in 1866, for a daughter, Mary, the wife of James DONNELL. But believing that in this case "death is up in victory," and that "Uncle Quilla" has gone home to be with the Savior, and meet those two of his loved ones who passed out long before him, we find in this sweet consolation. He gave evidence of faith in a saving Grace and said that he was trusting his Redeemer. He was a man of untiring energy, industrious, peaceful, frugal, a careful provider for his family, and for honesty and integrity he was unsurpassed. In his death our community lost one of its most enterprising citizens, and the memory of "Uncle Quilla" will be long and fondly cherished by those who knew him.

A precious one from us has gone,

A voice we loved is stilled;

A place is vacant in our home,

Which never can be filled.

Hematite, Mo..     Nephew.


IN MEMORIAM - Office of the Mayor and Council of The City of DeSoto, Mo., April 22. - Whereas the Creator of the Universe has removed from our midst David D. GOFF, an officer and ex-Mayor of our city, we, his co-workers, officers and ex-officers, members and ex-members of the City Council, here assembled, recognizing in him an honest and efficient official, therefor be it - Resolved, That we attend his funeral in body and pay the last tribute of respect to his memory. Resolved, that a copy of this resolution be spread on the clerk's minutes, and a copy furnished the family of the deceased and the press of the county.  James HOPSON, P.C. ZOLLMAN, J.R. SERRIN, Perer  BERG, Committee.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

April 12 Blanche GIBSON    3 months

April 16 Mary Magdalena SCHAFF 68 years

April 18 Elizabeth M. ARMSTRONG 19 years


Date  Name of Mother    Sex

Feb'y 9 Mrs. James FOSTER   girl

Mach 25 Mrs. John SCHWALLA   boy

April 1 Mrs. Samuel L. WATTS  girl

April 14 Mrs. Eugene QUEEN   girl




Michael COLBION, with is bride and party, have returned from Ste. Genevieve.  A courtship of four years terminated - oh! so happy.


Two other weddings occurred last week.  August KESSLER "popped the question" to Miss Caroline HOLDINGHAUSER and was accepted, and Hermann MEYER and Miss Maud TULLOCH imitated them to perfection. The two grooms now continually sing: "Her bright smiles haunts me still."


OBITUARY - DIED, at home, near DeSoto, April 4, 1888, John T. COLE, aged 31 years, 10 months and 15 days. He was the third son of Aquilla H. and Phoebe COLE was born in this county, May 20, 1856, at the old homestead where he died. His father preceded him to the better land only about three and one-half weeks. John was always considered a good moral young man, never accustomed to evil habits, ever strictly temperate. He found, however, that morality alone could not save him; that he must give his heart to God and devote his life to the saving of his soul. This he did more than four years ago, and in May, 1884, he took the obligation of church membership, uniting with the M.E. Church, South, and ever afterward remained loyal to his Master's cause. He was a kind, affectionate brother, and very devoted to his parents, especially, whom he loved most tenderly.  In his last illness he spoke freely of his readiness to die and "put his house in order," bade adieu to earth, and died in the full triumph of faith. Then dear, bereaved mother, mourn not for Johnnie. His spirit is in heaven. Brothers and sisters, mourn not for him. In his death we are brought nearer the Savior.  Heaven has become more attractive for us, and may we strive the more earnestly to gain an entrance therein. Hematite, Mo.   cousin.


In loving remembrance of Rosie A. DESCHNER, who died April 16, 1888, aged 13 years, 4 months and 19 days.


Elizabeth, mother of Jacob KOBEL, Jr., of Avoca, was added to the U.S. pensioners.


Mrs. HINKLEY brought us some specimens of her strawberries that she alls "Monarch of the West." For size and flavor they are deserving of the name, for they are as large and delicious as any we ever saw. Mrs. HINKLEY will have a large number of plants to sell this Fall, and those wanting plants should call on her.


J.W. STAPLES, administrator estate of Thomas L. WILLIAMS, deceased, will sell at public auction, at late residence of deceased, one and a half miles south of DeSoto, on Saturday, June 2, 1888, 35 milch cows (27 of which may be sold at private sale before said date for dairy purposes)

and a number of young cattle.  4 horses, sheep, hogs, farm wagon and harness, combined reaper and mower, hay rake, plows, harrows, etc. Terms - $5 and under cash; nine months credit, on notes with approved security, on all sums over that amount.  


CIRCUIT COURT - Lucy C. was divorced from Sherman OGLE on grounds of abandonment


CIRCUIT COURT - W.R. MANESS, selling liquor without license, was fined $40.


The following were made full citizens of the U.S.: Gerhard, Louis, Philip, Jacob and Conrad HAEFNER, Jacob BECKER, Joseph PFEIL, William POLLACK, Wm. KERRUSH,  John H. SCOTT, Henry DEPKE, Theodore BEUCHTING, Hermann HEMME, George DANNEBERG, Martin SCHINTER, Martin ZIMPFER, Joseph RITTEL, Simon HATZ, Charles and Louis KRAUSS, Fritz PETRASCH and Frederick BECKMANN.


LIST of CONVEYANCES - Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Saturday;

W.R. DONNELL to estate of Daniel DAILEY, 40a, sec21 tp39 range 4 $38.00

Henry STUERMANN, by administrator, to Henry STEUERMANN, Jr., 40 acres, section 27 tp43 range 4  $710.00

Marian HUGHES to Sarah and Eliza WALKER, 15 acres in BELL's Subd. 10.00

Wm. H. GREEN to Charles SEAPORT three lots in DeSoto  275.00

Leonard COUCH to T.J. COUCH, 6a, section 11 township 40 range 3      15.00

Sarah and Eliza WALKER to Catharine BENDER, 15 acres BELL's Sub. 200.00

Peter STROUP to Thomas CALDWELL, 40 acres, sec32, tp41 range 5       100.00

Jos. T. COUCH to Thomas J. WILEY, one-seventh of 143 acres, section 14 township 40 range 3  $180.00


DE SOTO - Chas. A. STONE, of the train dispatcher's force, returned from Wellsville, Ohio, last Saturday, accompanied by his bride, lately Miss Mary HAMILTON, of the latter city.


The new City Council was organized last Monday evening, Alderman ROBERTS being elected President of the Board. W.L. STONE, clerk, P.C. ZOLLMAN, collector and Henry LEPP treasurer, filed their respective bonds and were sworn into their offices.  J.W. WASHBURN was elected night watchman, Vice D.K. SMITH.  DeSoto, May 22, 1888.





A leap-year ball was given at Theatre Hall, Saturday night under the management of the Misses Mary SCHAD, Lucinda HERRILL and Louisa RAUSCH. Everything passed off pleasantly. As usual, MILLER's band furnished music and dancing was vigorously indulged in. One of the managing

ladies was said to be the belle and beauty of the evening.


The sad event of the week was the death of Mrs. Corrington HUGHES, which occurred last Sunday night. Tuesday her remains were conveyed to Monroe county, Illinois, for burial. A large number of friends attended the funeral.


Mr. HICKS, an old man who used to teach school in this county, came back here this week to be taken care of at our county poor farm. He is a total wreck.


Charles TRUSDALE, working on the iron railroad bridge, between Horine and Silica, fell off the bridge into Joachim creek and was drowned, at about 10 a.m. Monday. His remains were shipped to Youngstown, Ohio, where his relatives reside.


Wm. BRIDGEMAN, a colored man, married, of near Silica, while working in the sand quarry near Silica, had a lot of sand cave in, killing him instantly. Coroner MOCKBEE held an inquest Saturday, the report of which is in accordance with the above facts.


Mr. B. CHARPLE, the DeSoto baker and confectioner, came to Hillsboro last Monday, with his new wagon and a lot of bread. He disposed of his bread in a short time, and could have sold more had he had it to sell. He is as proud of his wagon as a boy with his first red-top boots, and is loud in the praise of the manufacturer, Mr. HACKE. He will make regular trips to Hillsboro, on Mondays and Thursdays, and will supply those who desire his bread and cakes at reasonable prices.


CIRCUIT COURT - R.F. BOISRAMIE v. BOISRAIME, divorce; $20 alimony allowed defendant.


One of the most distressing accidents that has ever happened in our city, occurred last Saturday about noon, to the wife of Mr. A. JACCARD. The lady drove two horses attached to a carriage into the city, and was returning home, when she noticed that a stone had got fastened in the shoe of one of the horses and alighted to remove it. In an attempt to reenter the carriage, her skirts were caught in the step and she was thrown to the ground, frightening the horses and causing them to run away. The unfortunate lady was dragged more than half a mile and was not rescued from her perilous position, until the horses arrived at Mrs. JACCARD's home. She was terribly lacerated and bruised, and has been in a very dangerous condition ever since, and there are grave doubts of her recovery. She had just recovered from a spell of severe illness, and was taking a ride for exercise. She had two children in the carriage with her, but they escaped injury.  DeSoto, May 28, 1888.


OBITUARY - The Committee appointed by the Charter Sabbath school to draft resolutions on the death of R. SWEET and J.T. COLE reports the following: Whereas, It has pleased Almighty God to remove from our midst our brothers R. SWEET and J.T. COLE; and whereas, it is but just that a fitting recognition of their many virtues and the esteem in which they were held by the Sabbath school and their many friends be passed; therefore, be it Resolved, by the Charter Sabbath school, that while, we bow with humble submission to the will of the Most High, we do not the less mourn our

brothers, who have been taken from our midst, Resolved, That in the death of our brothers the Sabbath school has lost two of its most efficient laborers and teacher, who were ever ready to aid and give for the advancement of the Redeemer's kingdom; they were so dear to us all, and their uprightousness of character and life of virtue were at standard of emulation to their friends and companions. Resolved, That we sincerely condole with the families of our deceased brothers on the dispensation with which it has pleased the Heavenly Father to afflict them and commend them for consolation to Him who does all things well, and whose chastisements are sent in mercy.  J.T. BYRD, J.S. DUTTON, E.F. McCARTY, Committee.


LIST of CONVEYANCES - Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Saturday:

James P. McGUIRE to Mary DEVLIN two lots in DeSoto          $ 400.00

S.T. WAGGENER to  Reuben BROADHENT, lot in Festus  $276.00

Ruth A. NORTH to Philip SCHAD, 83 lots in Kimmswick $300.00

Margaret SPEIER to Matilda KNAPP, 120 acres, secs 17 & 20 tp39 r5 1000.00

Same to same, 27a, sec21 tp39 r5  300.00

W.T. BLACKWELL to W.T. BLACKWELL, Jr., 139 acres, section 10, township 38 range 4  100.00

James ROWAN, by trustee, to T. JARVIS, 40a, sec10 tp41 range 4     205.00

T.G. RUSSELL and others to W.J. ARMSTRONG, 73 acres, section 35, township 41 range 4  $7000.00

W.J. ARMSTRONG to G.R. ARMSTRONG, same land $7000.00

G.R. ARMSTRONG to Henry FOWLER, same land   $7000.00

Henry WEINHOLD to George STAAT, 8 acres, section 2 tp42 range 5

Thomas J. HAMILTON to Pleasant EAVES, lot in Festus  $500.00

Louis SNEYERS to Casper VIELHABER, 26 acres, Maddox Mill site and mill 5000.00




Whooping cough and measles are prevalent this section of the county, with serious results, as Mr. Milton BAKER had the misfortune to lose a child three weeks old, afflicted with the whooping cough.


BYRNSVILLE - Editor Jefferson Democrat:  One of the most brilliant wedding receptions of the season occurred at Mr. Peter DUNNIGAN's, May 17th, in honor of Dr. J.P. DUNNIGAN and wife. The happy couple were married the day previous, in the city, at 4:30 p.m. The ceremony was

performed by Rev. Father GADELL. After receiving congratulations and best wishes of many friends, the repaired to the Laclede Hotel, where an elegant supper was served. After partaking of the delicacies of the season, they adjourned to the parlor where many friends were received. Among those present were Col. O'FALLON, Drs. T.T. DUNNIGAN and ROBINSON, Messrs, FARRAR, SMITH, MATTHEW and many others. On the following day they proceeded to Byrnsville. The bride wore a skirt of heliotrope of faille francaise, with drapery of nun's veiling of same shade and tea roses. First bridesmaid, Miss Kate DUNNIGAN, wore a Gobelin grey, with the ornaments and natural flowers. Second bridesmaid Miss Mattie McCOURT, wore Nile green, with gump trimming and natural roses. The groom wore a Prince Albert of the latest style. The groomsmen, Michael

J. DOUGHERTY and Sergeant McNAMEE, looked handsome and elegant. Supper was served, dancing, singing and card playing, and other amusements, were kept up until a late hour. The presents were costly and numerous: Mr. and Mrs. FARRAR, China toilet set; Mr. W. LONG, China tea set; Mrs. DOUGHERTY, and sons, silver castor; Mrs. SMITH, handsome pin cushion; Mr. J. DRACE, silver syrup pitcher, initial engraved; Mr. W. FARRAR, silver tea spoons; Miss M. DRACE, silver butter knife; Mr. James DRACE, silver cream pitcher; Miss Mattie McCOURT, silver water pitcher; Miss Emma McCOURT, parlor lamp; Mrs. C. McCOURT, silver sugar spoon; Dr. DUNNIGAN and lady, two plush chairs; Sergeant McNAMEE, silver knives and forks; Miss Belle GILBERT, silver butter dish; Mr. T.J. DUNNIGAN, silver pickle castor;  Gertie SMITH, beautiful plush album; Dr. GUIBAR and lady, silver castor; Mr. Chas. GUIBAR, brass water pitcher and glasses; Miss Jennie BYRNES, pair of vases; Miss Annie BYRNES, silver butter dish; Mrs. Ed. SALE, lamp; Miss Ella SALE, castor; Mr. Geo. SALE, set of goblets; Miss Kate DUNNIGAN, silver napkin rings, initials engraved; Mr. A. OWENS, album; Mrs. A.J. CREAN, water pitcher; Miss Annie DOUGHERTY, fruit and dessert dishes; Miss Maggie DUNNIGAN, beautiful hanging lamp; Miss Jessie BUXTON, castor; Mrs. P. DUNNIGAN, rocking chair; Miss Annie LYNCH, table spoons; Mrs. Pat O'BRIEN, fancy work basket; Miss Agnes DUNNIGAN, lambrequin.      A Subscriber, Byrnsville, Mo., May 26, 1888.


LIST of CONVEYANCES - Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Saturday.

Belle GOODFELLOW and others to C.B. PARSONS, 87 acres, section 17, township 41 range 3  $3300.00

J.A. KELLY to John WATEROUS, 160 acres, section 24, tp40 range 4 6000.00

John E. SWINK to J.V. HAEFNER, 90 acres in survey 1986       600.00

Margaret SMITH to W.A. SMITH, 28 acres, sec20 tp42 range 6     1400.00

William JEUDE to John  W. JEUDE, 90 acres, section 31 tp41 range 6 800.00

S.W. CRAWFORD to George A. ROBBASON, two lots in Silica  $50.00

Henry WEISS to Wm. J. CAIN, two lots in DeSoto  $200.00

Belle REFNRO to Sarah LAVAR, two acres in survey 1973 $80.00

Sophie SMITH by Sheriff to R.H. SHUTE, 2 acres, section 3, township 39 range 4   50.00

Florence McALISTER, by Sheriff, to Leroy  DOVER, 40a sec17 tp40 r3 50.00

J.H. EGGERS et al, by Sheriff, to F.W. SCHUMACHER, 158 acres, section 34 township 41 range 3 $1880.00

M.E. BOWLES to Wm. HOLZNAGEL, two lots in Demaree $400.00


DIED, at Mitchell, Kansas, May 24, 1888, Walter E., son of E.H. and L.A. LUCKEY, of Infantile Paralysis, aged 7 months and 12 days.


Henry HORN, of St. Francois county, suicided last Friday night by shooting himself through the head with a shotgun. He is the man who, some years ago, while resisting arrest, shot and killed Sheriff Thomas McMULLIN of that county. He stood his trial after some delays, and by manipulations of skillful lawyers, was acquitted; but it seems that the crime has weighted upon his mind ever  since, as the dispatches state that it is supposed that that was what caused him to take his own life.


Leon R. LOCKWOOD, of Des Moines, Iowa and Miss Pattie OWEN, of Nodaway county, Mo., were united in marriage, last Saturday, in our Recorder's office. Probate Judge ELKINS tying the knot in a very impressive manner. We did not learn how they happened to come here to start a

life, but they were both of age, intelligent and of preposing appearance, and they took the vows in a serious and earnest manner, which indicated a full appreciation of its solemnity and importance; and it is the wish of the witnesses that they may live long and bless they day and never have occasion to regret the step taken.


Last Wednesday afternoon was a semi holiday at Crystal. A large concourse of workmen assembled at the hall to bid Mr. ELLIOTT a heartfelt farewell - to at least show in a feeble manner the appreciation and esteem with which he is regarded among men connected with the glass works, and the men presented him with a solid silver tea set. Dr. TAYLOR presented the gift in an able and touching speech. He pointed with pride to the valuable services Mr. ELLIOTT had rendered the company and community at large by his untiring energy and inventive genius, to his forbearing patient toward the employes, and his pleasant social habits.  Mr. ELLIOTT was taken by surprise. With a voice filled with emotion he could only utter a few words of thanks. Mr. NEALE then arose and in a spirited oration bid his associate a warm farewell. He hoped that Mr. ELLIOTT, in his new field of enterprise, would be as successful as he had been for six years at Crystal City. He regretted to lose his valuable services, but expressed the hope that in a twelve-month he would again show his beaming countenance to the people of Crystal and then remain. Many other tokens of esteem were presented, among which was a beautiful bouquet from Mrs. Fred BURKHARD. Mr. ELLIOTT left for Kokoum, Indiana, last Thursday.    Festus, June 4, 1888.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week.

Date  Name     Age

April 9 Lottie B. FROST  18 months

May 17 ----- DUGAN    6 days

May 28 Mabel MANESS    1 year


Date  Name of mother    Sex

Jan'y 7 Mrs. Jane JOHNSON   boy

Feb'y 14 Mrs. John MILLDERBAUGH  boy

Feb'y 21 Mrs. William MERWETHER  boy

Feb'y 28 Mrs. J.T. PARKER   boy

Mrch  3 Mrs. Jake PRIESTER   boy

Mrch 11 Mrs. George STAAT   girl

Mrch 30 Mrs. Albert MOLL   girl

Apr. 20 Mrs. Wm. Perry GAMEL  boy

Apr. 16 Mrs. Gottleim VOGT   boy

Apr. 24 Mrs. Jacob KOCHNER   girl

May 9 Mrs. Mary VALLE   boy

May 23 Mrs. Edmund KASSELL   girl

May 24 Mrs. B.M. LANHAM   boy




Oh, horror! What a sad accident, Sunday afternoon, while little Freddy, son of the Widow BUTLER at Crystal, was playing in the grove between the twin cities, he having a short stick in his mouth, and while running fell, running the stick down his throat, sustaining such injury that he is not expected to live.


A little girl of William HEDDLE, at Crystal, was run over by Wm. GORMAN's delivery wagon, last Saturday. It was first thought that the child was fatally injured. Dr. TAYLOR being absent, Dr. BRUCE of Festus was called, and examination proved that the injuries, tho' painful, are not dangerous. It is said that the driver was not to blame, it having been a runaway.


A serious accident happened at the glass works last week. While a gang of eight were carrying a large plate of glass, it broke over their heads and three men were injured. George DAY was badly cut in the arm, almost its entire length; Joe LIDDLE received severe cuts, and a Frenchman, whose name I can not recall, was also bruised. Accidents of this kind always command the sympathy of our community.   Festus, June 11, 1888.


Sam POST, a carpenter, while at work on Judge HOPSON's house, on Thursday was struck by lightning and instantly killed. A young son of the Judge's was badly shocked, but has now recovered.


Charlie VEAZEY is here from Kansas City, visiting his parents.


George WILSON was discharged from jail yesterday, at which his young wife will doubtless rejoice.


Joel GILL and Luella SCOTT, colored, were the only persons licensed to marry by our Recorder the past week.


M. CANTRELL, James WILSON, and Andy and Henry JOHNSON, the four boys who were sentenced to a term in jail for borrowing chickens, were discharged, last Thursday, having served out their time.


The teachers, selected for the DeSoto public school for the ensuing year, are J.P. DOUGHERTY, principal; E.J. DOUGHERTY, first assistant, W.A. KLEINSCHMIDT, Second assistant; Julia JARVIS,  primary; Sarah PINSON, Julia KLENN, Nettie CABLE, and Nettie SHIELDS, intermediate. There were 46 applicants, and the selection is a sore disappointment to some. Henry LEE was selected to teach the colored school.


Mrs. WALTER, an old widow lady who lives near Victoria, met with a bad loss last Saturday. She had taken in a couple of tramps - a man and a woman - and had kept them about the place two  or three weeks. On Saturday they disappeared and a few hours afterwards Mrs. WALTERS

discovered that $500 of her money was also gone. She telegraphed a description of the thieves to different points, but nothing has been heard of them yet.


LIST of CONVEYANCES - Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Saturday.

F.W. MOTT to Samuel HIBBERT, two lots in DeSoto  $300.00

James HOPSON to A.F. SLAWSON, three lots in DeSoto $140.00

W.H. THOMAS to Ernst SCHUERMAN 320 acres, sec15 tp39 range 6      250.00

O.M. MONROE to J.W. COLLIER, lot in DeSoto  $150.00

O.M. MONROE to Frank WILLIAMS, lot in DeSoto  $150.00

Wm. THOMASON to Henry A. POLITTE, 3 acres section 3 tp39 range 4 60.00

Frank P. KENNER to O.M. BAURICHTER, lot in KENNER's subdivision 100.00

James SWALLOW to B.C. BERRY, 60a in survey 2978 $300.00

F.W. BULLHOFER to F.H. BULLHOFER 176a, section 5 tp42 range 5     700.00

S.D. CRITTENDEN to Will W. BEACH, 280a section 9 tp40 range 4    5600.00

Fritz THORNE to Wm. THAUE, 40 acr section 28 township 42 range 5 530.00

Wm. J. ADAMS to Robert BACKER, lot in Festus  $80.00


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

May 4 ---- LLEQUEMBOURG  13 years


Date  Name of mother    Sex

April 26 Mrs. John PRATT   boy

May 1 Mrs. John B. GOWAN   girl

May 3 Mrs. Thomas BLACKWELL  girl

May 6 Mrs. G.W. NOLLNER   girl

May 10 Mrs. Wm. T. ROGERS   boy

May 12 Mrs. George HARTHGROVE  girl

May 18 Mrs. Dow DICKERSON   boy

May 21 Mrs. F. ROGERS    girl

May 26 Mrs. George DITCH   boy

May 28 Mrs. Lois HELM?  girl-dead

May 31 Mrs. Edwin WARNER   boy

June 1 Mrs. W.H. HENDRICKSON  girl

June 2 Mrs. David W. SMETZER  boy


GERMAN SETTLEMENT - One of Mr. and Mrs. F. KNAPP's twin babies died last week. Mr. KNAPP has lately moved from DeSoto onto the old SHARP place.




LIST of CONVEYANCES; - Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Saturday.

John N. HAEFNER to Ducia SUTTON, two lots in Festus  $200.00

John W. GARRISON to S.A. REPPY 120 acres and lots in Hillsboro $5000.00

Joseph REESE to John BUEHLING, a lot in Sulphur Springs  $50.00

Robert VENN to Joseph REESE, lot in Sulphur Springs $30.00

Peter O'BRIEN to John EMHT, 80 acres, section 8 tp42 range 3    $100.00

Louisa HELTERBRAND to Douglass CALLOWAY, 40 acres survey 944     1150.00

John WEASE to Louisa HELTERBRAND same land  $350.00


J.B. CAPO and Wm. REPPY finished their visit to their old home and have gone back to Colorado.  they are located at Sugar Loaf, Boulder County.


Capt. William J. BUXTON was buried, last week, at Cedar Hill. He had been unwell for some time and had been in a hospital in St. Louis. His remains were buried by the G.A.R. Post, of which he was a member.


Samuel L. HICKS died very suddenly at the residence of James ROBINSON, colored, of Horine, one day last week. The Coroner held an inquest and found that heart disease was the cause. HICKS had been blind for some time and had been supported by the county. He was once a very active

and nervey man, but had not saved anything for the rainy day.


A postal card, dated at Antonia last Saturday, says; "Friend SHIEBILE - Mrs. ZIMPFER presented her husband with a new Democrat this morning, about 10 o'clock; but he can not vote this year - not before 1909. We are glad to learn that Martin expects to teach his son the right political principles, and not keep the lad in "panties" if he will name him Grover CLEVELAND.



Date  Name of Mother    Sex

June 2 Mrs. Joseph H. ROWE   boy

June 3 Mrs. George M. BOWLES  girl

June 13 Mrs. Silas MAUPIN   boy


Kimmswick - The sad event of the week was the death of David GALVIN, who was killed by the railroad a quarter of a mile south of Windsor, at about 10 o'clock Friday night. Parties returning from the entertainment found his body horribly mangled, lying on the side-track. His head was

mashed all to pieces, and brains were scattered for some distance along the track. Coroner MOCKBEE was summoned and held an inquest, which gave an accidental verdict. GALVIN had been night watchman on the railroad for the last ten years, and had always been attentive to his business,

and was a good honest citizen.    Kimmswick, June 18.


On Wednesday evening, 18th inst., by request of a large number of Republican voters of DeSoto and vicinity, a meeting was called, at G.A.R. hall, for the purpose of organizing a Republican campaign club. -- D.M. PARK called the meeting to order and, pending the permanent organization of the club, Jos. T. TATUM entertained those present with a short speech -- The Permanent organization was effected by electing M. ROBERTS, president; George W. JONES, vice-president; E.T. STONE, foreman of the machine shops, secretary, and Henry LEPP, treasurer. The executive committee, to serve in connection with the above officers, were then chosen as follows: D.M. PARK, O.M. MUNROE, James KEARNEY, H.P. DECKER and R.C. RANKIN. After some considerable discussion the title of Gresham club was rejected and that of John A. LOGAN club accepted. The organization was effected for one year, and they claim to have almost two hundred signers to the call. The meeting was well attended, as above shown, the deliberations spirited and harmonious, and would serve as a very worthy model of the Democrats. DeSoto, June 18, 1888.




Mrs. Augustin SCHWEIS, mother-in-law of Henry LaROSE, died, last Friday, and was interred at Gamble's Cemetery on Sunday afternoon. Many relatives from  abroad attended the funeral among them Leon JOKERST, Sheriff of Ste. Genevieve, Henry JOKERST of the same place, and Valentine JOKERST of Collinsville, Ill., brothers of the deceased.           Festus, June 25, 1888.


Old Mrs. Kate COOPER, who has been confined to her bed for the last nine weeks with typhoid fever, is still very low.


Fred BONACKER, of Rock township, and Miss Minnie FEUERBACHER, of St. Louis recently formed a matrimonial copartnership. May their dividends be rich and their stock increase twelvefold.


The following officers were elected, Saturday night, as officers of Joachim Lodge, No. 164, A.F. & A.M.; Willis HOPSON, W.C.; C.H. KLEINSCHMIDT, S.W.; Chas. S. BOOTH, J.W.; J.F. GREEN, Treasurer; R.W. McMULLIN, Secretary; J. Ed. WALKER, S.D.; W.H.H. THOMAS, J.D.; N.S. HUSKEY, and J.S. McKAY, Stewards; R.P. BUREN, Tyler. They will be installed at the next meeting.


The following are the officers of the new Workman Lodge recently organized at Dittmer's Store; James F. EARLY, P.M.W.; M.F. BYRNE, M.W.; Ed. SALE, Foreman; George J. CRULL, Overseer; H. REINERMER, Recorder; J. REINEMER; Financier; J.H. GEHRKEN, Receiver; F. LUDEMANN, Guide; M.A. DAHN, I.W. and O.W.; E.B. MAYFIELD, J.T. BARRETT and Silas P. MAUPIN, Trustees.  Dr. MAYFIELD is Medical Examiner.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:


Date  Name     Age

May 5 Albert WEBER   77 years


Date  Name of Mother    Sex

June 5 Mrs. Charles W. MUSE  girl

June 6 Mrs. Strickland MANESS  boy

June 15 Mrs. James BYRNE   girl


FESTUS, June 11. - Festus and Crystal City are pretty well itemized in our county papers, still I have never seen a thorough description of our cities and inhabitants; and thinking it might be interesting to our friends at a distance I will try and give a partial, or impartial, as you please, description of them. We have curious and interesting features, and some of nature's most wonderful adornments. We have LaROSE's in abundance and a BRANCH right in Festus; also the liveliest of BROOKs, which is ever running night and day, at the call of the sick. We have no promontories, only a CAPE, a few HILLs and MOUNDs. Though there are many homeless people in the world, we have a few pleasant HOLMEs, and here are seen the most popular colors of the season - BROWN, GRAY and GREEN; also various WOODs and considerable COLE. I have heard of BONTONs, but we have our BRIERTONs, BRICKEYs and SHEARLOCKs; are not without our FROSTs, in the very hottest weather. There are MILLERs, a BAKER, CARTERs, DRAYMAN, a GARDENER, some few WAGGENERs, SMITHs of every description and TAYLORs, one of which fits us with prescriptions to suit our various ailmemts. We are not by any means a superstitious people, still we have our protection from all evil and disorder in our LUCKEY man, who marshals our town to order in a very systemic manner. One of our citizens is always CUMMING. When you pay us a visit, always bring your little folks, for we have SWEETs in abundance. There are no land grants here, but a few ROSEGRANTs. We also have the first man and the first woman in the plural - ADAMS and EAVES. There are WOLFs and a FOX in Crystal, and BURROWS near there, and a SWENG, and when some of our townsmen pay him a visit they are sure to swing as they go home. We can also boast of a songster, a real SINGER, who sings pretty lively at times and seems somewhat surprised that every time one does not dance to his tune. Although we do not believe in strikes, a STRIKER is one of the most prominent features of Crystal City. The superintendent of the glass works should never NEALE to any one. It is not strange that whenever he is addressed it is by Mr. NEALE. The town and city are located among hills, still there is a MARSH in Crystal. Our homes are brightened with youthful faces, but we have some WHITEHEADs. As the season for camping out approaches, we must not forget to mention our CAMPs and CAMPBELLs, and those who wish can visit the SHOREs, not of the sea but of Festus. Our ROYAL man is at DeSoto; but we still consider ourselves ROYAL, for he has left numerous little ROYALs behind him. Our town clerk seems to be a wise and cautious man; yet those who speak to him always WARNE him. I might go on enumerating the many particularities of our cities, for there  R. MOORE and A. MOORE to follow, and I feel that the waste paper basket will get us; so for this time will close with my old intitials.  X.Y.Z.


LIST of CONVEYANCES - Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Saturday.

James ALLEN to J.B. BAKEWELL, lot in Victoria  $ 50.00

John E. KELLY to John McLEAN, 166 acres, section 24, tp43 range 3 100.00




CIRCUIT COURT - State vs. Roussin DELMAIN; plea of guilty to disturbing an assemblage, and sentenced to ten days in jail.


LIST of CONVEYANCES - Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Saturday.

James ALLEN to J.B. BAKEWELL, lot in Victoria  $ 50.00

Mary A. FLETCHER to Edward McHUGH, two lots in DeSoto        600.00

Noah PARKS to S.T. WAGGENER, lot in Gamel's subdivision      200.00

Charles R. SANDERSON to Clarissa A. HARVEY, 200a, sec13 tp40 r   1500.00

Stephen BRADSHAW to W.J.F. KIRK, lot in Kimmswick   $155.00

James MUNRO to J.B. AUBUCHON lot in survey 160  1500.00

S.J. CRAFT to Louis  KELLER, lot in Fletcher's DeSoto addition    300.00

M.F. KUHL to Patrick SLATTERY, lot in DeSoto  $300.00


MAXVILLE - Our people are done marketing berries and are about finishing up their wheat harvest. John M. FREDERITZIE and Henry SIMON have the best-looking wheat I have seen.. Joseph ZIPP lost a fine cow from milk fever, and Joseph FREDERITZIE had to kill his best horse. The animal had been kicked and its leg badly broken by some other horse...A couple of dogs, supposed to be mad, were killed last week at Bernard KONERTs...I hear of several cases of summer complaint and cholera morbus. Mr. Henry UNSER lost a six-week old babe of the first named complaint yesterday...Judge SECKMAN and John WINOM struck our town last week, just from a HARRISON boom in Kimmswick, and tried to get up a boom here, but did all the booming themselves.  Maxville, June 30, 1888.


'Squire SHIEBLE united in wedlock, at the MOCKBEE House in Hillsboro, Monday evening, Richard BILLINGER; and Margaret A. CASSIDY, both of DeSoto.  They were a handsome couple.


Rev. U.S. WATTS, better known as "Rough and Ready," one of the pioneer preachers of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, died on the morning of the 1st inst., at his home in St. Francois county, aged 76 years.


Carl DREYER, of Festus, will celebrate the Fourth with a new wife, if there's a no slip  'twixt cup and lip. Our 'Squire started for Festus yesterday evening, to officiate the marriage. As this is Mr. DRYER's second matrimonial venture, it is reasonable to expect that he will get more than his share of Fourth of July music. (DREYER and DRYER are here as they are in the paper, and not my typo.  C.M.)


On the 26th inst., in the City of St. Louis, Joseph MIDDENHOFF and Miss Anna SIEMERS were united in the bonds of matrimony. The groom is a rising young merchant of the Future Great while the bride was formerly one of Jefferson county's fair maidens, being sister of Hermann SIEMERS

and Mrs. DENZE, both of near Hillsboro.


There has been quite a change in the atmosphere about BRYAN's saloon; Will BAKER has quit slinging gins and taken a wife to whom he is singing hymns, while Jesse CLARK is behind the counter. Last Wednesday night, at the residence of the bride's parents, Judge ELKINS pronounced William BAKER and Miss Birdie McCREERY man and wife.  We wish them success.


Dr. MOCKBEE was called, one day last week, to hold an inquest of the body of Henry ZUERN, four years old, son of Wm. ZUERN of Festus. Mr. ZUERN had gone out near the Plattin creek to get some pea-sticks, and was accompanied by his little boy. They were joined by three other

children of a Mr. WOLF.  During Mr. Z.'s absence, the children all got into the water, and Mr. WOLF's oldest child barely succeeded in saving her little brother and sister by being able to reach them without getting beyond her depth in the water. The body of the drowned boy was recovered shortly afterward.


DIED - June 27, 1888, in Big River township, Elizabeth, wife of Thomas HAMRICK, aged 21, of consumption. Mrs. HAMRICK was a daughter of Isaac P. WILLIAMS. She leaves two small children who will be taken care of by relatives. She was an earnest Christian and expressed herself as fully prepared for death. Her funeral was preached by Rev. W. McKAY, of the Baptist church.


The residence of Mr. and Mrs. F.H. WILLIAMS was crowded to overflowing last Thursday evening, with invited friends and relatives, who had gathered there to witness the marriage of their daughter, Miss Mary E. WILLIAMS to Mr. William S. KATTELMANN.  At a few minutes past 8 o'clock the bride and groom, accompanied by Miss Etta MARSDEN and Mr. Louis KATTLEMANN, acting as bridesmaid and groomsman, marched into the east room, where Judge ELKINS declared William S. KATTLEMANN and Miss Mary E. WILLIAMS to be man and wife. The young couple will make their home in St. Louis, where the best of wishes of many friends, and the love of a kind father and mother go with them.


DIED, at his residence on Sandy, June 30, 1888, William CLARK, in the 61st year of his age. Mr. CLARK was one of the familiar figures of this county, his long service as hotel-keeper with his two terms as county treasurer, having given him opportunity to get thoroughly acquainted. He resided in Hillsboro from 1864 till last Summer, when he sold out his business here and moved out upon the farm. He was a man of an extra-good constitution, and great strength, but for some years had suffered greatly from spells of stomach and bowel complaint. Last Friday he was feeling well as usual and drove to Festus, where he at a hearty dinner. He came home that afternoon sick, and died next day at noon. He was buried in the Hillsboro cemetery, on Sunday, but the Masonic lodge, of which he was a member. The Odd Fellows lodge of DeSoto, to which he also belonged, were present in full force at the funeral to attest their respect for the memory of their deceased brother. Mr. CLARK had, not long since made a profession of religion and joined the Baptist church, and all who came in contact with him noticed the change that had taken place and recognized that his professions were genuine. His widow and her two little boys have the loving sympathy of a host of friends in their bereavement.


CRYSTAL and FESTUS - We have sad news this week: we might truthfully head our items "casualties and bereavement." On the 18th Margaret, infant daughter of Charles and Lily K. WHITEHEAD, died. She was not quite five months old.  On the 19th, Mrs. CARPENTER, mother of Mrs.

BRICKEY, fell down stairs, dislocating her collar bone and fracturing it, and receiving several other bruises. She is 84 years old. On the 22nd, a horse of Mr. BEHRING, the baker, threw his little son and seriously kicked Mr. BRICKEY, fracturing his shoulder. The little boy was not seriously hurt. Mr. Ed. SWINK's daughter, Lena, is very low. She has been wasting away from consumption for some time; she has taken worse in the past few days and is sinking rapidly. On the 20th inst. Rev. NOLLNER preached the funeral sermon of Mrs. WHITEHEAD's little child. It was a farewell sermon as well, as he left for Colorado the next Monday. Rev. BROUGH, of the M.E. church of this place, assisted him with well chosen words and prayer, and the singing of himself and wife was beautiful and appropriate. Mr. NOLLNER also preached the funeral of Mrs. WHITEHEAD's father, less than a year ago, and of her little nephew a few months since. On the 21st Dr. CAPE was called to his father, who was very sick. On the 24th a little French boy, of Crystal City, was drowned in the Plattin. He was boating with several others when the boat was turned over. Mr. BRICKEY's shoulder was set wrong and Dr. CAPE was called in to reset it. He is doing as well as could be expected now. Dr. CAPE also has charge of Mrs. CARPENTER; she is doing as well as an old person possibly could. Frank BRICKEY is out West, looking after mining interests. While writing the J.D. for this week was handed us, and we can not but think the Festus correspondent of last week, when he wrote his items, must have been making a pretty lively acquaintance of cornjuice, and it varying a little from it's usual effect - snakes in the boots - gave him corn on the brain. On

June 30th the little daughter of Isaia COTNER, Crystal City, died, aged five years. Mrs. C. lost a child, a baby boy, about a month a go. This last child died very suddenly; she choked to death with some throat trouble. The Dr. said it was not diphtheria.



Date  Name of Mother    Sex

June 3 Mrs. Frank BOLHOFFER  Boy

June 5 Mrs. Fred H. WEDDE   Girl

June 16 Mrs. Martin ZIMPFER   Boy

June 16 Mrs. Henry SOLAR   Boy

June 17 Mrs. Luther E. SMITH  Girl

June 23 Mrs. Fritz BOELHOFFER  Girl ( Both names BOLHOFFER and BOELHOFFER are in the paper.)




James EVANS, booker at the factory, took his departure for England. His mother, who is well to do but aged, has requested him to return.


When Philip MEYER, a young man from Kimmswick, first began to erect a blacksmith shop here, many predicted a failure, and his partner, RUFFER from Sulphur Springs, was beset on every side by evil influence and amilee.  But Philip knows how to push things. The firm turns out new wagons at the rate of one per week.   Festus, July 8, 1888.


LIST of CONVEYANCES - Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Saturday:

John BOTH to Wilhelmina WALTHER, lot in DeSoto; bequest

J.B. MANN to F.M. BELEW, 140 acres, section 22 tp40 range 4    $600.00

John FOX to Michael and Arthur O'BRIEN, 140a, sec13 tp42 ran3    2000.00

Rudolph HARNESS to Edw. SMITH, 20 acres, section 5 tp41 range 4 200.00

Emma ULZEN to Henry LUCEEMANN, 80 acres, section 22 tp42 range 3 750.00

W.H. TURNER, by Sheriff, to W.F. BLYTHE, 80 acres, sec6 tp43 r3 12.00


A STATEMENT Showing the Financial Condition of the Several School Funds of Jefferson County, Missouri, for Year Ending July 1, 1888.

Notes Due this Fund:

    Principal      Interest

B. HINEY      $800.00   $291.22

Jerry McMINN       100.00      3.18

E.L. HARNETT       400.00     36.18

D.F. McKEE       600.00     19.20

Robert BACKER   120.00      3.81

J.T. LEE     68.89     33.15

S.P. MOTHERSHEAD  300.00      9.60

Francis SHERMAN  100.00      2.21

W.H. POWELL   150.00     32.68

John S. DUGAN   400.00     45.34

J.E. WILSON   564.00     13.16

C.W. NELSON   200.00      7.30

W.E. PYLE    800.00     38.67

R.J. MOSS    151.00      2.28

W.F. MOTHERSHEAD  100.00      9.32

Ludwig YEIDA   293.00     26.73

David HALE   500.00     16.67

Tom WALKER   100.00      1.69

James IRWIN   800.00     20.09

W.J. BELL    800.00    138.63

Robert McMULLIN  250.00     48.01

J.H. MORSE  1500.00    168.00

W.A. BUTTS   300.00     40.73

Leo KOHLER   298.42     58.37

B. WYNN    400.00     66.11

J. Ed. WALKER   400.00     91.61

E.S. PYLE, trustee  147.22      7.44

James MARTIN     9.00      2.43

M. GRAHAM    145.00      3.48

A. SINGER    250.00      2.05

A.J. MILLER    50.00      1.22

F. BURKHARDT   298.89     23.59

J.H. WAGGENER    158.00      6.50

P.W. HAMRICK   200.00     12.99

J.L. BYRD    400.00     42.43

J.P. SPECK   900.00    136.60

John O'FALLON  2000.00    317.34

W.J. ADAMS   114.90     15.18

T.C. CARVER   309.00     23.16

Joseph GRIFFIN   378.90     22.74

Jesse A. LUCAS   200.00      4.67

Peter STROUP   650.00     24.33

W.S. McCORMACK   600.00     15.77

Ann DAVIS    200.00      4.09

T.S. BREWSTER   123.14      3.77

D.H. MILLER   500.00     26.08

J.W. McCREERY   600.00     55.33

R.P. STEWART   350.00     14.78

S.G.A. MEDLEY   500.00     19.67

Joseph BEATT   100.00      4.94

J.W. PINNELL   200.00      7.47

B. HINEY    600.00     21.38

Laura E. STONE   400.00     24.35

G.M. MOCKBEE   300.00     17.38

Charles WHITEHEAD  350.00     18.11

W.E. CARVER   250.00     10.58

Matt WYNN    450.00     20.10

Solomon KNORPP    200.00      6.61

W.B. JEWETT   800.00     11.02


Louisa, daughter of Carl and Margaret SIEMAN, of near Maxville, died on the 1st inst., aged 7 months.


Christina Lydia, daughter of B.B. and Emma MEESE, of near Maxville, died on the 3rd, aged 3 months and 4 days.


Dr. PRICHARD, of Valle's Mines, and Miss Susie PERKINS, of Farmington, were married at the residence of the bride's parents, on  Thursday of last week.


Mrs. Wm. BRYAN of Hillsboro, last week, presented her husband with a fine boy baby. Mother and child are doing well, but "Bill" has been under the weather ever since.


Mr. and Mrs. W.H.H. THOMAS celebrated their twentieth wedding anniversary, one day last week, in company with several of their relatives from different parts of the county.


Matt. WYNN is now doing remarkably well at Festus; a week ago last Wednesday his wife presented him with a pair of boys, one weighing seven the other eight pounds. We saw them on the 4th and must say they are fine boys.


Dr. STEGMANN's wife has become violently insane. They live in Washington county, and the court of that county has made an order to send her to an asylum but the doctor is afraid to send her off in her present condition, and she is being guarded at home.


DIED, June 8th, at his residence on Dry Creek, Henry STROUP, aged 41 years. Mr. STROUP leaves a wife and five children in rather destitute circumstances. He had been down with consumption so long as to exhaust all their means of support. Mrs. STROUP is a cripple and her oldest boy an invalid, and they are truly objects of charity.


At the semi-annual election of Eureka Lodge, A.O.U.W., No. 170, the following named gentlemen were elected, and all, save the Foreman, by acclamation: Dr. L.E. MONROE, M.W.; George HORNEKER, F.; F.E. IRWIN, O.; R.H. EARLEY, R.; William DOERGES, Financier; E.B. MAUPIN, Recorder; H. KESTON, G.; Ths. WARNER, I.W.; W.H. MAUPIN, O.W.; Charles SMITH, Trustee.


Married, July 5, 1888, by Judge R.A. ELKINS, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. W.B. HARDESTY, of St. Louis, to Miss Jennie R. McCREERY, daughter of John McCREERY. It was a quiet wedding, and which but few were present, but the Judge reported having had a fine supper. This is McCREERY's last daughter, and he may expect a lonesome time now, as the boys will not be half so anxious to visit him as they used to be.


Dr. MOCKBEE held an inquest last Saturday on the body of Henry PACE, at the residence of Anton OKER, 3 1/2 miles west of DeSoto. PACE was a peddler and came to OKER's on the 3rd inst., complaining of feeling unwell, and unable to swallow. On the 5th he went to see a doctor.  The doctor saw symptoms of hydrophobia, but did not tell the patient so. Next day PACE left OKER's and was found next morning lying dead by the side of the road. He was bitten in the thumb by a dog, last Sunday, and the dog died or was killed shortly afterwards, but it was not supposed he was mad. The indications are that PACE died of hydrophobia.


As was stated last week, 'Squire SHIEBLE went to Festus on the 3rd to unite in the bonds of matrimony Mr. Carl DREYER and Mrs. Elizabeth REHM. Mr. DREYER was a widower and, as he married his first wife in Germany, he knew little about the marriage customs of this country so when the 'Squire found the groom, and asked him if he had his license, it was ascertained that he had not consulted Recorder COLMAN about his venture. A gentleman was accordingly dispatched to Hillsboro, with a letter to the Recorder, kindly asking his permission to the union, and instead of getting married t 6 o'clock in the evening of the 3rd, the union took place at 15 minutes past 12 o'clock on the morning of the 4th. Hence this is probably the first copartnership formed on the glorious fourth of 1888. There were quite a number of guests present, from St. Louis and Ste. Genevieve, who enjoyed waiting for the license in a manner as though nothing unusual had happened, by singing, eating and drinking. A splendid supper was partaken of a about 8 o'clock, and the table was loaded down with good things until 3 the following morning. About 11 boys came around and gave the supposed-to-be-married pair a rattling serenade, with cow bells and tin-pan instruments. Mr. DREYER never told them that the ceremonies had not been preformed, but paid them off for their services and they left in good humor. We trust Mr. DREYER will be a good mother to his children and he will be a kind father to her's, and that they may never have occasion to regret the step they took on the morning of the 4th.


There was a very sad accident occurred in our little town last Sunday afternoon. A storm of rain came up accompanied by several flashes of lightning. Just at the beginning a bold of lightning struck Frank BOUGHTON's house and instantly killed his oldest son, Willie, 18 years of age. Mr. BOUGHTON, with Willie and two little boys, Albert and Jimmie, were standing on the porch which is in the L of the building, a one story frame house. The lightning struck in the corner, shivering the studding and knocking off the plastering and ceiling between the room door and the corner. Willie was right in the corner and was knocked dead; Jimmie had the shoe torn off his left foot, and his foot and let injured some; one of Albert's toes was cut, and Mr. BOUGHTON was shocked but did not fall. A hog, under the porch, was instantly killed. Willie was quite a favorite around town, being noted for his manliness and many good qualities. He was in fact, an exceptionally promising lad, and his sudden and violent death is a terrible shock to his parents. So far as human sympathy will avail, it is earnest extended by the whole community.


ORDER of PUBLICATION - State of Missouri - County of Jefferson - In the Circuit court of said county, January term, 1887; January 28, 1887.

 Kate YEIDE and Louis YEIDA, her husband, plaintiffs, vs. William C. HERRINGTON, Jonathan HERRINGTON, Margaret YEIDE, Virginia OGLE and Thomas OGLE, her husband; Eliza MILLER and Louis MILLER, her husband; Mary WILCOX and James WILCOX, her husband; Sarah ENGLEBACH and John ENGLEBACH, her husband; Emma HEMME and H. HEMME, her husband; Edward HERRINGTON, Samuel HERRINGTON, Sarah HILDERBRAND and M. HILDERBRAND, her husband; Walter HERRINGTON, Edward HERRINGTON, Samuel HERRINGTON, Benjamin HINSON, Kate BUCH? and James BUCH?, her husband; Gustave ROGERS, Alice LEMMONS and John LEMMONS, her husband; Harrison HILDERBRAND, Charles HILDERBRAND, Edward HILDERBRAND, Samuel HILDERBRAND, Mary LAWRENCE and -.? LAWRENCE, her husband; Eliza PATTERSON and Jacob PATTERSON, her husband; Huldah MATHIAS and August MATHIAS, her husband; Harlet? HERRINGTON, John A. HERRINGTON and Edward HINSON, defendants.

 At this day come the plaintiffs herein by their attorney, Joseph J. WILLIAMS, and present their petition heretofore filed, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that summons has been issued against each of them by the clerk of the Circuit court, and directed to by the Sheriff of Jefferson county, Missouri and it further appearing to the said action of the court that said sheriff has made return that said defendants - Virginia OGLE and Thomas OGLE, her husband; Edward HERRINGTON, Samuel HERRINGTON, Walter HERRINGTON, Ellen? PATTERSON and Joseph PATTERSON, her husband, can not be found, and the court being satisfied that process can not be served on them; Whereupon it is ordered by the court that said defendants be notified by publication that the plaintiffs have commenced a suit against them in this court, the object and general nature of which is to make partition and division between the parties of the following described real estate, situate in Jefferson county, State of Missouri; to-wit: A piece of real estate in United States survey 266, in township 41, range 6 east, bounded as follows: viz - produce the eastern boundary line of the Town of Pevely, to a point 80 -e-t? northwesterwardly from the center of the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railroad, running thence north 6 degrees and 30 minutes west 71 feet to a stake; thence eastwardly and parallel to the center line of said railroad 75 feet; thence south 6 degrees and 20 minutes east 71 feet; thence westwardly and parallel to the center line of said railroad 76 feet to the place of beginning, containing 5,325 superficial feet; also lots numbered nine, ten, eleven and twelve, in block number six in the town of Hematite; and that unless the said Virginia OGLE and Thomas OGLE, her husband; Edward HERRINGTON, Samuel HERRINGTON, Walter HERRINGTON, Eliza PATTERSON and Jacob PATTERSON, her husband, be and appear at this court, at the next term thereof, to be begun and holden at the courthouse in the town of Hillsboro, in said county, on the second Monday of September, and on or before the sixth day of the term, if the term shall so long continue - and if not then on or before the last day of said term - answer or plead to the petition in said cause, the same ill be taken as confessed and judgment will be rendered accordingly.  And it is further ordered that a copy hereof be published, according to law, in the Jefferson Democrat, a newspaper printed and published in Jefferson county, State of Missouri. A true copy from the record.

 Witness my hand and the seal of the Circuit court of Jefferson county, this July 10th, 1888.  D.B. VEAZEY, Circuit Clerk.




IN MEMORIAM  -  In memory of Eddie, infant son of L.F. COLLINS, who died July 8, 1888, aged 9 months and 21 days


In loving remembrance of little Fanny MOSS, daughter of Nancy and Lausen MOSS, of near Sandy, who died in her third year. 


A.J. MILLER of Victoria, and John M. GEHRKEN of Dittmer's Store, have been added to the list of U.S. Pensioners.


We noticed in Thursday's St. Louis papers that Felix LEUTZINGER and Miss Wilhelmina STEFFEN both residing near Hillsboro, had taken out marriage license in the city.  We wish them success.


Frank WILLIAMS died Monday night at the residence of his mother, north of Hillsboro. He had been down with consumption for some months, and his death was not a surprise to his friends.


DIED, in DeSoto, Mo., July 12, 1888, of paralysis of the brain, Solomon BRILL, aged 79 years and 6 months. His remains were taken to Ironton, Mo., and interred in the Masonic cemetery, beside those of his wife.


F.R. DEARING, the DeSoto attorney, and Miss Fannie MILLER of St. Louis, were married at the Congregational church in DeSoto, on the 10th instant, Rev. WATKINS performing the ceremony. We were unable to accept the invitation to be present, but our best wishes are with the happy pair. May they live long and prosper.


The will of the late Capt. W.J. BUXTON is a unique document, but as sensible a one as we ever read. He gives reasons for each bequest he makes.  Here are some of the items:

 IV. It is my will that all the rest of my property, whether real or personal shall go to my beloved wife, Mary Jane, to have in her absolute control during the term of her natural life, and at her death to revert to our children in accordance with law; for, as we began life together with very little, and by our united efforts succeeded in bringing up a large family in decency and comfort, and finally obtained a modest competence, so I think she has as much right to the fruits of our labors as I would have myself, without dower or any other division being made, and this is in strict justice to the children, as their interests could be nowhere better conserved than in the hands of their loving mother.

 V. It is my desire that my funeral be conducted in as plain a manner as possible. I hold it supreme folly to envelope a poor corpse with gaudy trappings for a few hours and then consign both to the grave to rot. If it be said "it's out of respect" I answer that one kindly word or wish expressed during life is worth more than all the adulation that can be given after death.

 VII.  And finally, I solemnly cojoin my children when at their mother's death they shall come to make a division of my estate to do so without bickerings, but in justice and loving kindness one with another.

 (He gives to each of his 11 children five dollars, and at their marriage each girl is to have $100 and each boy $200.)


LIST of CONVEYANCES - Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Saturday.

Frank CADWALLADER to William GORMAN, lot in Festus $555.00

J.W. FLETCHER to Carrie BRADLEY, two lots in DeSoto. $400.00

Ruth NORTH to John MUELLER, 80 acres in survey 1985 $1800.00

S.W. CRAWFORD to Peter H. WYNNE, 80 acres, section 34 tp41 ran 5 500.00

Wm. C. FRITTER to P.J. KERBERICK, eight lots in Sulphur Springs 300.00

S.L. AUBUCHON to Ida K. AUBUCHON, 160 acres, sec1? tp30 range 6 1500.00

Wm. H. PAYNE to Samuel E. NORTON, 184 acres, secs30 and 31 tp30 r5 4000.00

Augusta STURGES to Minne SETZ, 75 acres, section 2? tp41 range 6 4000.00

MOTT & RANKIN to Henry KLEISLEY, two lots in DeSoto  $50.00

B.S. REPPY to Don DICKERSON, two lots in DeSoto  $15.00


COUNTY COURT - Dramshop license were granted to BROWN & HUFF, Richard ALLCOCK, William GORMAN, Theo. AUBUCHON and Frank P. KENNER, of Festus; Fred WAPPLER, Chris HOCK, Hermann MEYER, Charles KARTE, James T. WILLIAMS, C.W. SCHEIHING, T.B. SMITH, J.W. SMITH, Anna HOFFMANN and Jacob MAY, DeSoto; Joseph ZIPP, Maxville; Louis WESTERRECK, Antonia; Anton SWEEN, North Crystal; Gustave RAUSCHENBACH and John OHEIM, Kimmswick; F.C. VOLLMAR and William TRYAN, Hillsboro, and Louis FISCHER & Co., of High Ridge.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

Jan. 27 George CONOUT   27 years

Jan. 12 Jacob CONRAD   30 years

Jan. 22 Betsy HALE, colored  80 years

Feb. 13 Riley LANDON   50 years

May 10 Samuel ATWOOD   67 years

All above died at the county poor farm.


Date  Name of Mother   Sex

June 8 Mrs. George SMITH  boy

June 9 Mrs. Franz S. HAMCOCK boy

June 16 Mrs. Henry LEE   girl

June 22 Mrs. George PEARCE  girl

June 24 Mrs. James H. WILEY  boy

June 26 Mrs. James ROSS  girl

June 27 Mrs. James HUSKEY  boy

June 28 Mrs. Henry KRUMSICK  girl

June 29 Mrs. William BRYAN  boy

June 10 Mrs. Martin DRENNON  boy

June 13 Mrs. Warren S. LANDES boy

June 11 Mrs. Frank SHERMAN  girl

June 23 Mrs. Thomas RYAN  girl

July 2 Mrs. Frank SCHAFFER  boy


EDUCATIONAL - The following is a list of students attending the Normal at DeSoto: Lily IRWIN and Wesley SHANNON, Rush Tower; Annie RICHARDSON, Maxville; Edw. DALTON, Scheve; J.W. JONES, Nellie ROBERTS, Valle's Mines; Maude AUBUCHON, Cadet; Hannah McKAY, Morse's Mills; Nellie FLYNN, Potosi; Amanda E. HALE, Mary B. DOVER, Ella FRISSELL, Mary HOPSON, Frumet; Annie JENNINGS, Festus; John MITCHELL, Farmington; Alice NORTH, Kimmswick; Anna THOMAS, Bonne Terre; Mary GOLDEN, House's Springs; Annie McINERNEY, St. Louis; M. DUNINGAN, Mary WILHITE, Byrnsville; Lucy WILSON, Bertha JOHNS, Grubville; P. NORTH, High Ridge; Mary NELSON, Emma M. LYNCH, Victoria; Florence McMULLIN, Lude HUBELI, Carrie LANHAM, Laura McMULLIN, Hillsboro; Nellie SHIELDS, W.A. KLEINSCHMIDT, Mary C. BRICKEY, Anna McCLURE, Laura McFARLAND, Grace CUNNINGHAM, Bessie MORSE, Belle GRATIOT, Mary GRATIOT, Julia KLENN, Nettie CABEL, Maude DUFFY, G.F. BOOTHE, J.G. BERKLEY, Hetta COXWELL, F.W. McFARLAND, Zoe L. THOMAS, DeSoto.




Frank ENT, who has been in the penitentiary, has come back to his family.


We are sorry to learn that Mrs. C. MARSDEN of Victoria is dangerously ill. The doctors have about given her up, but we hope that she may yet recover.


Rev. J.T. McMULLIN, father of the editor of this paper, is very sick, at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. W.L. STONE, of DeSoto. He is in his 77th year, but possesses a good deal of vigor, and it is hoped that he will be up again in a few days.


Festus, July 21, 1888.  - Mr. Aleck FLEMING has just received a pension of $900, and traded his Festus property for Os. OGLE's farm...Miss Belle MARSH has been spending a few days with Mrs. F.R. McCORMACK...Mr. FREY and Mrs. SAFFORD died on the 18th, within about three hours, and Mrs. Jos. BAILEY died on the 19th.  All three lived within a mile of each other, near Rush Tower...It is hard to tell just where the lightning went after striking the old STEINS building, now owned by Mr. ACKERSON. Mr. R. SHEARLOCK is sure that it went through his house, in at one window and out at another. The occupants of the meat market are sure it went through there. Mrs. C. WHITEHEAD, who was sitting at the door of her sister's millinery store, says that a ball of fire burst just inside the door, and she felt as if she had hold of a very strong electric battery and shook so that she could not speak for some minutes, and the smell of Sulphur was strong. Rev. BROUGH says it was a stronger shock than he ever felt from an electric battery and he lives several blocks from where it struck...In my article on names the printer left out the 'n' in promontory; also "we are well protected from burglarism, as we have BRICKEY's and SHEARLOCKS"...Rev. J.A. SMITH preached, last Sunday, two of the best sermons it has been my privilege to hear for some time. The Presbyterian ladies are going to have a lawn party at Mrs. HOLMES' place under the apple trees.  It is a pleasant place.  Mrs. HOLMES, Miss J. HOLMES, Duane HOLMES, and Mr. and Mrs. John BECKETT have joined the Presbyterian church here...Mr. SHEDRON has gone to the city to work and will move his family there soon.    X.Y.Z.


Mr. Oscar MALLEY of Crystal is taking things by the forelock in the matrimonial affairs. It is stated that he is affianced to Miss Annie SUTTER now part of the household of Mr. F.? SCHWEIZER, the clothier of Festus, and the wedding ceremonies will occur some time in September. I will wager a cigarette that his intentions are sincere, because he has now, and for sometime past had, the cozy homestead ready for his bride to preside over.  Festus, July 23, 1888.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

June 30 William CLARK   61 years

July 1 Erna WEBSTER   4 months

July 16 Ella VANOSDAL   32 years


Date  Name of Mother    Sex

July 12 Mrs. William F. ROBERTS  boy


LIST of CONVEYANCES - Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Saturday.

Alexander FLEMING to Oscar OGLE, lot in Festus  $ 600.00

Peleg HALL to Jacob SCHMIDT, 29 acres in survey 1982     $375.00

Peleg HALL to Rudolph STREIF, 18 acres in survey 1982    $239.00

Peleg HALL to John STAHL, 40 acres in survey 1982   $520.00

Peleg HALL to John M. STILES, 100 acres in survey 1982       802.00

John L. WARNE to Virginia JOHNSTON, lot in Festus  $85.00

Rudolph STREIF to John M. STILES, lot in section 36 tp42 range 6 5.00

Hermann HAMEL to John KEATING, lot in DeSoto  $700.00

Thornton JARVIS to Gus MARTIN, two lots in DeSoto $325.00

J.H. GLASSCOCK to Ellen McCREERY, three lots in DeSoto       250.00

B.S. REPPY to Jerry NORRIS, two lots in DeSoto  $10.00

J.H.G. MEYER to W.T. LEMASTER, 200 acres, sec36 tp40 range 4      500.00

Gustave YEAGER to David and George PINK, 40a, sec24, tp40 range 3 330.00


DE SOTO - Henry JAHNSEN died last Wednesday. He leaves a wife and child...Royal Arch Lodge, K.P., installed the following officers: R. COXWELL, P.C.; Chas. SEAPORT, C.C.; Wm. LYNCH, V.C.; S.H. HIBBERT, P.; Ward CUNNINGHAM, M. at A.; W.H. BROWN, K. of R. & S.; Otto HERMANN, M. of E.; J.F. WALTHER, M. of F.; A.W. BLANK, I.G.; F.G. HAMEL, O.G...Robert COXWELL is contemplating the erection of a handsome new cottage...Hon. R. McCORMACK came down from Hematite last Monday...H. HOHENTHAL has awarded the contract for his new Main street building to Otto HERMANN and the work has been commenced.




William DEER and lady lost their only child, a girl about a year old, from cholera infantum. It died Monday evening and was buried in the Hillsboro cemetery yesterday. The parents have the sympathy of all their friends. Mr. DEER desires us to extend his thanks to the neighbors who assisted them through illness of their darling.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

21 April David D. GOFF   ----

12 May John BOTH    72 years

13 May Edith M. BAKER   11 days

17 June W.R. MAUPIN   13 days

14 July Hilda SISSEL    4 months


Date  Name of Mother    Sex

1 May Mrs. O.M. MUNROE   Boy

9 May Mrs. J.A. HEHN    Girl

27 Jun Mrs. George W. HOBBS  Boy

21 Jul Mrs. Louis HUSKEY   Girl

24 Jul Mrs. Ralph ROBINSON   Boy

24 Jul  Mrs. Lisander LANHAM  Boy

28 Jul Mrs. John W. ELKINS   Girl

11 Jul Mrs. Thomas I. PORTER  Boy

  Mrs. Winn HUFENDISCH  Boy


Mrs. John SCHAEFER, of Antonia, died suddenly in St. Louis, where she was on a visit to her daughter, last Sunday. Her remains were interred in the Antonia cemetery last Monday.


Rev. J.T. McMULLIN died at the residence of his daughter, in De Soto last Sunday afternoon. Deceased being the father of the editor of this paper, necessitates the latter's absence, and any shortcomings in this issue may be attributed to this fact.


DIED - At Crystal City, July 16th, Ella Myrtle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James MALONE, aged six months. 

Grieve not parents, for

She shines in the light of God

His likeness stamps her brow;

Thro' the valley of Death her feet have trod,

And she reigns in triumph now.  A.


Last Sunday was the wedding of Fred. VOLLMAR and Miss Mary YERGER, which occurred in the Evangelical church on Glaize creek. After the ceremonies the bridal couple and their friends repaired to Antonia, where the bride's stepfather, Mr. ZIMPFER, gave them a royal wedding feast.  The groom is well known throughout Jefferson county, and his friends are legion; the bride is the second daughter of the departed Joseph YERGER, and is one of the best young ladies in the county. The presents were numerous and useful. We join the host of friends in wishing Mary and Fred all the joy and happiness mortals can enjoy.


Some months ago Hannah Jane, a blind daughter of the late Meredith WILLIAMS, gave birth to a child, and on her evidence her brother-in-law was indicted as the cause of her ruin. She died a month or so ago, and her baby died one day last week. She left an estate of thirteen or fourteen hundred dollars, which will go to her sister. Here is material for a thrilling novel, but it would have to end differently from the ordinary novels.


DIED - At De Soto, July 29, 1888, John Thompson McMULLIN, in his 77th year.While in the discharge of his duties as Deputy Assessor, on the 16th, he was caught in a rain storm, which produced chills and fever; the fever assumed typhoid form and there was also inflammation of the bowels. During his last 21 hours he could neither see, hear, speak nor swallow, but continued to breathe, almost once for every second of time. He was buried on Monday, at his home on the Plattin.  Mr. McMULLIN was of Irish parentage, and was born in Washington county, Mo., February 14, 1818, and was brought to this county before he was two years of age and resided here ever since. Of the early history this

county he knew more than any one now living. His was an active and efficient particular in the pioneer struggles for the advancement of civilization, education, morality and religion. As a county official, school teacher or minister of the Gospel, his influence always was for progress in what was right and good. In the neighborhood he was an ever-ready counsellor and guide; to those in sickness and distress, a minister of peace and consolation - while his hospitality, generosity and charity were only bounded by his means. His life was a struggle with poverty, but cheerfully borne. Twice comfortable homes were sacrificed by his having stood security for the contracts of others; but he never gave up the battle and would at once strike out to prepare another home for his family. His first wife was Eliza M., daughter of Robert JAMESON, mother of the pioneer settlers of this county. To them were given nine children. Some of them died at an early age - two after having arrived at maturity. There are now but four living. He was married four times, his second wife living but a year or two, and his third but a month or two. His fourth, now left a widow for the second time, is a daughter of the late James GOWAN of De Soto. We are sorry that time and circumstances were such that we could only notify so few of his relatives and friends of the time and place of his funeral.


Sammy HERRINGTON died some time since at his uncle, John TULLOCH's place.




Capt. WEHMEYER, the keeper of the Fenton "farmers' home", died last week, after a protracted illness.


A good many startling reports are in circulation about a fight which occurred at De Soto; Monday.   From what we can learn nobody was seriously crippled. Capt. W.H. WASHBURN had some words with his son-in-law, J.W. STAPLES, bad blood existing on account of the separation of STAPLES and wife, and some other man interfered to prevent WASHBURN from striking STAPLES. WASHBURN knocked the peace maker down with a club and left, but the man afterwards found him in a saloon and gave a beating, while a deaf and dumb friend stood by with a pistol and kept everybody from interfering.


John OGLE, formerly of Sulphur Spring but now a resident of Iowa, was here this week, visiting relatives and attending to some business affairs.


Thursday's city papers contained the following marriage licenses, granted by the Recorder of the City of St. Louis: John H. SCOTT, of Crystal City, and Miss Christina WIBBLES, of St. Louis; Frank P. MEHL, of Mehlville, and Miss Elizabeth ENGLEBACH, of Pevely.


There seems to have been considerable sickness in this county lately. The following deaths have been reported to us: July 27, infant son of John and Augusta HAMPEL of Maxville, aged 2 years, of Summer complaint; July 26, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. George REISSING of Antonia, age 18 months, of Summer complaint; July 4, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank DOHECK of Rock Creek, aged one year of same complaint; August 4, Louisa, daughter of John and Louisa KRATCH of Maxville, after a long illness of Summer complaint, aged one year, five months and eleven days; August 3, Perry, son of Henry STROUP, deceased, aged 17 years of consumption; August 3, infant child of Mr. and Mrs. James COUCH of Dry Creek, aged seven months. 


OBITUARY - Freddie B. McNUTT, died at Pevely, on July 23, after a very brief illness, lasting from Saturday to Monday. The bright little fellow was four years and one day old. In his death we are reminded of the old pagan proverb, "those whom the gods love die early." On his little tomb we would engrave two sweet verses, the one from the genius of Coleridge - the other from Legl Richmond.

"Ere sin could blight or sorrow fade,

Death came with friendly care --

The opening bud to heaven conveyed,

And bade it to blossom there."


"A lovely bud, so soft and fair,

Called hence by early doom;

Just sent to show how sweet a flower,

In paradise would bloom."

     J. Addison SMITH.


LIST of CONVEYANCES - Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Saturday.

Mike BRETZNER to John P. LABOUBE, lot in Festus $500.00

Emil RAUSCHENBACH to Fred DORING, four lots in Kimmswick.      175.00


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

April 30 Thomas BERGMEYER   3 1/2 months

July 19 Henry JOHNSON   36 years

July 19 Freda BECK   11 months

July 28 John ZWERK   54 years

July 29 Adelheld SCHAEFER  44 years


Date  Name of mother    Sex

June 23 Mrs. R.M. REYNOLDS   boy

July 20 Mrs. Andrew HILGARD   girl

July 24 Mrs. Henry FRIAR   girl

July 25 Mrs. John EAVES   boy

July 20 Mrs. James REYNOLDS   boy

July 8 Mrs. Charles KEE   boy

July 24 Mrs. George COUCH   boy

July 29 Mrs. Adam GORHAM   girl

July 1 Mrs. Thomas H. STITER?  girl

July 25 Mrs. Jacob WUERTENBERGER  girl

Aug 2 Mrs. George F. WAGGENER  girl

Aug 1 Mrs. Samuel CARTER   boy


DE SOTO - On Saturday, at 2 p.m., The Democrats of Valle Township, to the number of about one hundred, met at the BOYD hall pursuant to call of chairman of the County Central committee, and organized y selecting T.A. JAMES as chairman and W.L. STONE, secretary. After stating the object of the meeting and reading the call, the chairman appointed a committee of five to select twenty-six delegates to the county convention, to be held at Hillsboro next Saturday.  The committee was composed of Wm. BLACKMAN of Moontown precinct, Harvey ROBERTS of Avoca, J.A. TUTTLE of Vineland and W.J. McMAHON and J.W. CLARK of De Soto, and after due consideration the following named delegates were reported: From Avoca - K.P. FINEY, H.D. McCLAIN, A.H. MOORE and Henry ROBERTS; Moontown - A. BLACKWELL, Joshua COLE, Warren LANDERS and W.T. BLACKWELL; Vineland - James H. WILSON, F.P. PERKINS, George SIMON and Thos WELSH; De Soto - J.C. CAPE, W.J. WILLIAMS, J.F. JOYCE, W.J. McMAHON, J.S. DEADRICK, James T. ROBERTS, J.L. THOMAS, Jr., George BRECKENRIDGE, Caleb SANDERS, H. HOHENTHAL, T.A. JAMES, Hermann HAMEL, L.J. ROZIER and W.C. McDOWELL. The delegates, as reported, were accepted and elected with dissent. The delegation, as nearly as can be ascertained, are about evenly divided as regards Francis and Moorehouse for Governor. The meeting was harmonious and enthusiastic. The Republicans of Valle township also met on Saturday, at G.A.R. Hall, and organized a township meeting for the selection of delegates to the county convention, at Hillsboro on Thursday next, by choosing D.M. PARK, chairman and E.T. STONE secretary. The following named gentlemen were selected as delegates: C.E. HOPSON, R. WASHBURN, H.P. GRAHAM, James HOPSON, Dan. M. PARK, W.E.W. BARNARD, H.P. DECKER, Williams LORENZ, F.C. SMITH, E.C. RANKIN, Henry LEE, John T. McMULLIN, Os. EDWARDS, M. ROBERTS, Joseph WALTHER, Henry BLACK, W.F. EDINGER, Dr. James KEANEY and Fred WAPPLER. The Republicans are advertising a grand torch light procession and ratification meeting for next Saturday evening, and Hon. E.E. KIMBALL is expected to be present and address the people.  De Soto, August 8, 1888.




Mrs. EAVES, after several years of severe suffering, died. She was glad to go to rest. Her patience and power to endure were wonderful, and her faith and trust in her Savior never wavered. She requested to have every thing about her funeral white, and not to have the funeral in any house or church; so the friends gathered at the grave, where Rev. GIBSON preached the funeral sermon. His words seemed inspired from God, and I did not wonder as I witnessed that scene - the white casket on white rests, the occupant of the casket robed in white, the dark green of the trees over head, with a but of sunshine gleaming through here and there, just as God's love penetrates the shadows of our lives. It was indeed a lovely funeral, and a true representation of the pure and beautiful life that awaits the Christian or the little child.     Quaker.


LIST of CONVEYANCES - Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Saturday:

B. MAGOFFIN and others to J.F. NULL, 80 acres, section 31 tp43 range 3     $ 400.00

W.W. CORCORAN, by trustee, to Hermann MEYER, 40a, sec34 tp40 r4 200.00

James LONG and others to Gottleib SIEVERS, lot in Demaree       400.00

W.S. JEWETT to Bishop MENDRICK, 10 acres, section 5 township 40 range 6, gift to church.

Wm. J. ADAMS to John F. HAGUE, lot in Festus  $23.00

Charles F. DRURY to Clovis CHARLEVILLE, lot in Festus    $400.00

W.R. DONALDSON to E.A. RITTERSKAMP, two lots in De Soto      150.00


COUNTY COURT - August Term, 1888. -  Reports of inquests by Coroner MOCKBEE were approved and feebills allowed as follows:

Henry ZUERN      $ 8.49

Sam POST        11.28

David GALVIN       25.48

Henry PACE       21.71

Sam HICKS        26.74

William BERGMANN      13.41


Jurors for next term of Circuit court were drawn as follows: Grand Jurors - Davis ROBERTSON, George ADDIS, John I. RUSSELL, F.C. SMITH, T.J. -OUCH, Thos. BYRNS,  George FRANZ, Jacob DIEHL, Casper APPLE, Frank



Mrs. SPILKER is quite sick, also the old lady HUBELI.


Mrs. Anderson RUDD, of Kansas, was here this week, looking after her orphan nephews and nieces, the children of the late R.C. OUTMAN.


Mr. C.H. FAKE received a telegram, Sunday, informing him of the death, by drowning in the Potomac near Washington City, of his only brother. Young FAKE was employed as chemist in the Agricultural department, and was in bathing at the time of the fatal accident.


Some of our farmers had extra good yields of wheat this season. Judge SECKMANN had seven acres that averaged 37 bushels to the acre; Mr. HEID, on J.T. MOSS' farm, had yield of 25 bushels per acre on 40 acres; and we are informed that Mr. BRUHN, of Pevely, had 10 acres that yielded 40 bushels per acre.


Charles SMITH, colored, who had been arrested on a charge of assaulting Mr. STALLINGS of Horine, was acquitted, last Wednesday, by 'Squire MOCKBEE. His wife, Catharine SMITH, was also tried on a charge of sending threatening letters to Mrs. STALLINGS, and was fined $200 and costs. As she has a small baby, and being unable to pay the fine, the State's attorney requested the Justice to grant a stay of execution conditioned on her good behavior in future and payment of costs.


DRY CREEK - The graveyard at Dry Creek was the scene of sorrow and despair last Sunday, and Jefferson county mourns the loss of one of her pioneer settlers, a man whose energy and good-will helped smooth the roads of wild and rough country, and who shared weal and woe with his fellow-men, who was ever ready at the call of distress and need, and who will be ever first with the good and honest and best of men are spoken of.  J.T. McMULLIN's name will be breathed with reverence, and the few old pillars of the county still left, feel doubly honored in having tread the same path with him gone on before. He rests after a long life and faithful work; he tasted of the dregs; his four score years were

nearly filled, and when the call came he was ready to go. While on Dry Creek, Perry STROUP, 19 years old, was buried along side the scarce closed grave of his father, who had died of the same disease - consumption, leaving mother and brothers and sisters to mourn for him. Mr. STROUP has the sympathy of the community, for hers is a sad lot indeed. And up at the old LUCKEY's place plucked a little white flower that scarce had opened on its stem. Two little baby hands were folded over the still breast and placed within the white casket, while a mother's heart was well nigh broken and a father's head was bent in grief. But it mist be so; there is enough wormwood and gall left for us all, Nora and James COUCH are not alone in this their first great sorrow. That grand old and old-fashioned hymn comes back to me to-night.

I would not live away, I ask not to stay

Where storm after storm rises dark over the way:

I would not live alway, I dread not the tomb

Since Jesus has lain there I fear not its gloom

Dry Creek, August 10, 1888.


Some of the citizens along Calvey would be very thankful to Jos. McDANIEL - the young man who disturbs them of their rest at an unusual early hour nearly every morning - if he would not ride so fast as to arouse all the dogs in the neighborhood.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name    Age

July 18  Lucy SEIFERT  47 years


Date  Name of Mother    Sex

July 40 Mrs. James B. CREWS   girl

(The date July 40, is here is at was/is printed in the paper. C.M.)

July 30 Mrs. Wm. W. BROWN   boy

Aug. 8 Mrs. John WILEY   girl

Aug. 1 Mrs. Sam CARTER, colored  boy




A young man, named FLYNN, from Potosi, jumped from a moving train at Blackwell Station, last Saturday, and broke his neck.


Charles BOOTH started last Monday for Falkton, Dakota, to complete title to a tract of land he had preempted there. He was accompanied by his sister, Mrs. HONEY, and her two children. They expect to be gone three or four weeks.


Capt. W.A. JACKSON, who emigrated from this to Pulaski county killed his son-in-law some months ago, and it has been reported here since that he was convicted of murder and sent to the penitentiary. This was a mistake.  He was tried last week and acquitted. We infer from what we have heard that it was a cause of self defense.


DIED., at Paris, Texas, August 9, 1888, William PORTER, aged 65 years, of congestive chill. Mr. PORTER was a native of this county, where many of his relatives now reside, and resided here until he emigrated to Lamar county, Texas, about twelve years ago. His wife was a daughter of the late Joseph McMULLIN of this county, and they raised a large family of children, most of whom are now in Texas. His widow and children have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in Jefferson county.


LIST of CONVEYANCES - Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Saturday:

Eliza M. WALTHER to R.M. BOOTHE, 40 acres in survey 2008        $950.00

Henry BAER to John N. SPARKS, 70 acres, section 24, tp40 range 4 700.00

John W. FLETCHER to Thornton JARVIS, lot in De Soto  $100.00

Charles BUTCHER to J.H. BUTCHER, half 40 acres, sec28 tp40 rang 4 175.00

Mary L. WILLIAMS to Laura B. JUDSON, lot in De Soto $25.00

G.R. RATHBUN to same, lot in De Soto  $25.00

William H. GAMEL to John MURPHY, lot in survey 1978 $215.00

George H. FETTE, by trustee, to Anna FETTE, block 26 of De Soto 1175.00

William A. GAMEL to J.O. ACKERSON, lot in survey 416 $140.00


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

August 14 Ellen GOLT   73 years

July 19 Catharine BAILY  38 years

July 18 Joseph FREY   30 years


Date  Name of Mother    Sex

July 2 Mrs. Henry J. TEMMING  girl

July 19 Mrs. Henry LEUTZINGER  boy

Aug. 10 Mrs. Otto YOUNG   girl

Aug. 11 Mrs. Mark PERRY   boy

Aug. 13 Mrs. Stephen R. PERRY  boy

Aug. 1 Mrs. Charles R. PAUL  boy


The Maroons of Crystal City went down to De Soto, yesterday, to slug the DeSotoans in a game of baseball. Imagine our amazement when they came back without that laurel wreath to be placed upon the brows of our Crystalites. The second game of the series of base ball games, to be played by our glassites during the Summer and Fall, took place yesterday at Crystal Park. William EGGINGTON, captain of the polisher's nine, marched his men to the diamond, and O'MALLEY, captain of the grinders game, followed suit. The game was even more exiting than that of last week between the smoothers. The park was crowded with spectators, especially ladies, who desired to see their spouses whirl 'round the bases. Shout after shout went up at every awkward feature of the game, especially when the players tried to make bases on that part of their anatomy which is intended for a chair use more than to make deep impressions on the

dust.  The pitcher and catcher, Messrs Morice and William LAROSE for the polishers and Ed. FIANA and William CAGEL for the grinder, did good work. Morice had his finger badly bruised. The batteries were PARSONS, CAGEL and COLBOIN - regular terrors. The grinders were ground by the polished polishers in a score of 24 to 19.  Festus, August 20, 1888.


The picnic, at Montesano on Wednesday last, given for the benefit of the Catholic church of Kimmswick, was a great success, far exceeding all expectations. Among the ladies in charge of affairs were Mrs. M.W. GREENE, Mrs. Amos OGDEN, Mrs. C.A. NEWCOMB, Mrs. F.D. WATERS, Mrs. John CLYDE, Mrs. Otto RAUSCHENBACH, Mrs. WARKEN, Miss Sarah PALMER, and Misses Mary Ella and Blanche GREENE. A large cake was sold at auction

with the understanding that it was to be presented to the handsomest young lady present. Col. O'FALLON being the highest bidder, with a neat speech presented the cake to Miss Ella GREENE, thereby displaying excellent judgment and Miss Ella took the cake.  Kimmswick, August 19, 1888.




Jacob N. DOUGLAS, of Morse's Mills, was added to the list of U.S. pensioners last week.


Thos. H. McMULLIN arrived here from Phoenix, Arizona, last Saturday. He is visiting St. Louis on business for his city, and may not return home for some weeks. Tommy is looking tolerably well, but is not as robust as he was when a citizen of this county.


O.M. MUNROE, of the Jefferson County Bank, has been in New York State the past week, whither he went to attend the funeral of his father, who died suddenly last week. Mr. Geo. BAKEWELL, the senior member of the firm, has charge of the bank during Mr. MUNROE's absence.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

July 24 Philip EDINGER, Jr.  10 years

Aug. 16 Willis B. RODGERS   3 months


Date  Name of Mother    Sex

July 2 Mrs. Henry J. TEMMING  girl

Aug 1 Mrs. Charles R. PAUL  boy


LIST of CONVEYANCES - Filed with the Recorder during the week on last Saturday.

Adam DOLL to John DOLL, 160 acres sections 1 and 2 tp42 range 4      $200.00

Joseph BEATT to Ernst SCHURMANN, 120 acres, sections 9 & 16 township 39 range 6  $200.00

Charles E. MILLER to John BOLLE, lot in survey 416 $65.00

E.W. PORTER to Elizabeth F. PORTER, 100 acres in survey 1996     290.00

Silas P. MAUPIN to Albert WEASE, 197 acres, sec29 tp43 range 4   2750.00

Henry STAAT to Ignatz WUERZ, 147 acres, section 30 tp42 range 5 750.00

Henry LEPP to William KRAMER, lot in De Soto  $825.00

F.W. MOTT to H.H. MAGUIRE, two lots in De Soto $110.00

Gust. MARTIN to W.T. LONG, four lots in De Soto $500.00

M.E. ELLIOTT to D.J. MANESS, lot in De Soto  $200.00

F.W. EVANS and others to John A. EVANS, 140 acres, section 9 township 39 range 4   1.00

A.T. HARLOW to John WINOM, lots in survey 1303  $850.00

Otto HERMANN to Anna SCHNEIDER, block 2 in De Soto  $600.00




COUNTY CONVENTION - The Democrats assembled in full force Monday to nominate a county ticket. The Central committee recommended for temporary officers Dr. Chas. WILLIAMS, as chairman, C.T. HORINE, Secretary, and T.B. MOSS sergeant-at-arms, and they were duly elected. ----  Committees were then appointed of one from each township: on credentials - Pat. O'HARA, Jos. J. HOEKEN, T.A. CHARLES, Alex. COOPER, D.C. McCORMACK, Frank GAMACHE and J.A. TUTTLE permanent organization and order of business - Gust. LUHN, Aust. FRAZIER, James BRIERTON, Henry GOLDEN, Henry JOBGEN, W. TULLOCH and G.H. LABEAUM; on resolutions -



In the Valle township meeting there were over 200 Democrats, and they organized by electing Thos. WELCH as Chairman and W.L. STONE as Secretary. Delegates to the County Convention elected were H. HOHENTHAL, L.J. ROZIER, Dr. T. JAMES, H. LEDERER, A.F. SLAWSON, Gust. HAMEL, W.L. STONE, J.C. CAPE, W.J. WILLIAMS, Geo. BRECKENRIDGE, J.A. TUTTLE, A. BLACKWELL, Wm. PINSON, J.H. WILSON, Thos. POLITTE, W.B. McMULLIN, Stephen POUNDS, W.H. FARRAR, Dr. DEADRICK, Joshua COLE, Jas. LONG, Geo. LeBEAUME and T.A. JAMES.  To the Judicial Convention: Dr. PRITCHARD, Henry KEMPE, Gust. MOORE, Henry CAPE, Steve HUSKEY, Priest MOON, Caleb SANDERS, Thos. THOMPSON, Willis MOTHERSHEAD, Rob HICKS, Frank McFARLAND, Alex SIEGNST?, W.E. McDOWELL, Chas. ROBERTSON, Chas. BISCH, D.J. McDERMOTT, Jas. ROBERTS, J.W. McMAHON, Jerry RALSTON, Frank PERKINS, Gust. SAUCIER, L. MITCHELL, W.T. BLACKWELL, Louis COSBY, J.D. HEARST and Willis MANESS.


The convention, Monday, was composed of the following gentlemen, in addition to those elsewhere reported from Central and Valle townships:





William SIOL?, an inmate of the State Lunatic asylum from this county, died at that institution on the 31st of August.


John ULT?, of near Sulphur Springs, was brought to Hillsboro, yesterday, and conveyed to the county farm. He is sick and has no family or friends to take care of him.


LIST of CONVEYANCES - Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Saturday.

Michael McKAY to Silas and Russell JOHNSON 80 acres, in section 26, township 42 range 3  $450.00

Robert WILSON to same parties, 80 acres, section 26 tp42 range 3 450.00

Isaac HUNT to Jos. E. HUNT, 600 acres in survey 1832 $10.00

Pat. DOWDEL to Willis HOPSON, 83 acres, section 15 tp40 range 3 1000.00

Chas. E. MILLER to William PEEBLES, lot in survey 416 $40.00

J.B. KNOLL to B. MENKE, 71 acres,   section 24, township 43 range 5 900.00



Date  Name of Mother    Sex

Aug 6 Mrs. M.F. OGLE    Girl

July 25 Mrs. Otto SPITZ   Girl




LIST of CONVEYANCES - Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Saturday.

Mary A. DERBY to Sophia M. COONS, 640 acres in survey 2020.      $1.00

W.A. GAMBLE to Sarah WILLIAMS, lot in survey 416. $250.00

S.T. WAGGENER to Frank W. LANNING, lot in Derby City. $60.00

Ernstina KNORPP to W.H. FARRAR, three lots in De Soto.       600.00

Philip MUNDY to Annie MILLSAP, lot in De Soto.  $300.00

Thomas HIGGINBOTHAM to Narcisse POLITTE, lot in De Soto.           25.00

John McNULTY to John L. ROUGGLY, lot in De Soto. $2450.00

W.R. BROWN to Harvey BLACKWELL, two lots in De Soto. $550.00

Henry DANIELS to James IRWIN, 36 acres in survey 1973.          2000.00

James IRWIN to Henry DANIELS, 332 acres, sections 1,2,2, twp39 r6 2000.00


We are under obligations to Mr. and Mrs. W.R. MANESS, of Frumet, for hospitality extended to us.


Mrs. Jas. BURGESS, of Sulphur Spring, is visiting her children at Hillsboro, Texas. She is expected home in about a month.


The marriage of Mr. Anderson ROBERTSON and Miss Bertha STEINMEYER was celebrated, at M.E. Church in De Soto, on Tuesday evening of last week, Rev. D.W. CROW officiating. A large circle of friends of the parties were present to witness the ceremony. May  their way through life be bright.


Elder FRAZIER united in the holy bonds of matrimony, on the 4th inst., John J. HEARST and Miss Lilly BOWEN; on the 5th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, in Valle township, Emery WATT and Miss Susan M. HAVERSTICK; on the 6th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, in Valle township, N.W. FRAZIER to Miss Elizabeth C. WATT.


On the 21st day of July, 1888, 'Squire McFARLAND united in marriage Charles GERARDEAU and Miss Dora J. WIDEMAN, both of Washington county; also on the 22nd day of August, Thomas F. HEDGER and Miss Laura RUPKEY, both of Jefferson county. The 'Squire is happy, and we suppose the contracting parties are too.


HEMATITE - September 9th. - Dry and hot.... Louis STROUP had a very severe attack of hemorrhage of the lungs, last Saturday evening, and came near dying, but is better now.. Several of our young people have gone to college the past week, among them Lula M. ELDERS, who returned to West Kentucky College, at Mayfield, where she spent the last year...Our school will open in two weeks, with Mrs. BAKER of Caledonia as principal...We are expecting a wedding in the near future - Miss M.E. and Mr. M.


Mr. Tom WALKER, of near Hillsboro, died very suddenly  last Friday evening. He had not been feeling very stout, but was still going around and working. After supper he went to attend to something about his barn lot, and not returning in a reasonable time Mrs. WALKER sent their son to see what was the matter, and he found the old gentleman hear the door, dead. Mrs. WALKER  was alone with the corpse, in the dark, while her son came to town for assistance, and it was a terrible ordeal, but friends to her relief as soon as possible. Mr. WALKER was born in Leicester, England, and in 1817 came to this country with his wife and child in 1844, locating near St. Louis, where he was in business several

years.  He moved to this county about 26 years ago, where he engaged in farming and fruit raising, making a special study of horticulture, the practice of which he was quite successful at. His first wife died Sept. 8th, 1867, leaving one child, J. Ed., of this place. He was married to his second wife, who is now left a widow for the third time, about 20 years ago, and they have one son. Mr. WALKER was for many years an active member of the Baptist Church, but of late years has affiliated with what are known as the Plymouth Brethren. He was recognized by all as a Christian gentleman and successful citizen.


SALINE CREEK - Sept. 10. --  Mr. Editor, it has been so long since there has been anything said about Saline, that one would think there was no such place; but there is, and it still keeps ahead of the rest of the county. Threshing is nearly all done. William GILBERT's machine, I think, is the only one out. As he threshes on one crop from four to five days. It  takes but a few crops to keep him busy all Winter. Mr. GILBERT is slow, but sure; he never leaves a crop, no matter how small, before it is finished....ROSENAUR & KINDELL pulled in on the 8th. They made a good run and are still in the lead, giving perfect satisfaction. Wheat in this section averaged about fifteen bushels per acre...The directors of school No. 1 have employed Miss Car. WOLSCHLAEGER as teacher, and she is a very promising young educator...A fine large boy arrived at Louis SCHLECHT's on the 4th inst. It is their first boy and they are proud of him.


DEATHS and BIRTHS; - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County clerk the past week.

DATE   Name    Age

Aug 8  ----- KYLE  4 hours

Aug 6  ----- EAVES  12 days

Aug 14  William BLANK  36 years


Date  Name of mother    Sex

May 16 Mrs. Frederick RITTLE  boy

May 29 Mrs. Jacob FRANKENREITER  boy

Aug 24 Mrs. Albert LEIUM   boy

Aug 25 Mrs. Charles BURRUS   girl

Aug 8 Mrs. Joseph McKEE   boy

Aug 29 Mrs. W.H. GARDENHIRE  boy

Aug 8 Mrs. Charles KYLE   girl


A SAD SUMMONS - Otto ROHLFING, of De Soto, Found Dead in his Bed.  De Soto, Mo., Sept. 11, 1888.

 Editor Jefferson Democrat: Our city was startled this morning at the report that Mr. Otto ROHLFING, a well known and highly respected young man, had died during the night without the knowledge of any of his family. He carried a

banner at the head of the great procession last night, and was in the full enjoyment of robust health and vigorous manhood - the last man in the whole multitude whom we would expect to see so suddenly called to his last account. He was only 27 years old, but was over six feet in height and weighted about 240 pounds. He was a man of the strictest business integrity and reliability, of a genial and generous disposition, and possessed the confidence and respect of all his

acquaintances to the fullest degree. An Inquest will be held to-day, and the funeral will probably take place on Wednesday, and probably under direction of Royal Arch Lodge, No. 47, Knights of Pythias, of which order he was a honored member. W.L. STONE.




MARRIED - A large number of the relatives and friends of Mr. and  Mrs. J.M. ENGLAND assembled at their residence on last Wednesday evening, Sept. 12, to witness the marriage of their daughter, Maggie B. ENGLAND, to Mr. Jas. S. IRWIN. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. John M. ENGLAND, a cousin of the bride in a very impressive manner. The bride wore a beautiful white embroidered tulle dress; the skirt was handsomely decorated with white moire ribbon, draperies bouffant; the corsage cut en V; epaulets of ribbon on the shoulders; tulle veil fastened with pearl pins and natural flowers. Among the guests from a distance were Mr. C. DUMM, J.H. WATTENER, Mr. Harry GILBERT, Miss Mary KIELTY, St. Louis; Mr. James MITCHELL, Sugar Loaf Springs, Ark.; W.R. DONNELL, and wife Hillsboro; T.A. CHARLES and wife, Pevely; D.C. McCORMACK, Plattin; J.O. JOHNSON and wife, the Misses Essie and Lily IRWIN, sisters of the groom, Miss Lilla BRIERTON, W.H. WAGGENER, Mrs. S.T. WAGGENER, Sidney ENGLAND, Festus, Mo.; Miss Lottie ENGLAND, Miss Lilly WAGGENER, B.A. BROOKS, Rush Tower, Mo.  The happy couple were the recipients of many elegant and costly presents; among them were a handsome bronze clock, gift of the bride's uncle, J.H. WAGGNER; parlor stove, Misses Essie and Lily IRWIN; parlor lamp, Mr. and Mrs. J.O. JOHNSON; set of dishes. W.R. DONNELL and wife; hanging lamp, a dozen silver tea spoons, set silver knives and forks, silver cream ladle, silver butter knife, silver pickle castor, glass water set, wash stand, set towels, table cloth, toilet set, China silk chair scarf and rocking chair, and many other articles too numerous to mention. After receiving the congratulations of their friends and partaking of an elegant supper the newly married pair left for Festus, their future home.


Henry C. BOEHLING and Kate ALT were the only ones calling for marriage license this week.


Charley BOOTH and Mrs. HONEY returned, last week, from their visit to Dakota. They report having had a very pleasant trip, and found that the Jefferson countyites all doing well.


Mrs. Margaret, wife of James A. WILSON of Big River, died on the 6th inst.  Mrs. WILSON was an excellent Christian lady, and had been a sufferer for more than a year with dropsy. She leaves several children, which are nearly all grown.


Thomas L. DONNELL, one of the oldest and best citizens of Plattin township, died last Sunday morning, after a lingering illness. We were a member of his Sunday-school class when a little boy, and have always felt an affectionate regard for him which time has not effaced.


On the 13th inst. 'Squire McFARLAND united in the bounds of wedlock, at Rock Road Hotel, near De Soto, Thomas B. EAVES and Mandora K. GRAHAM. The proprietors of the hotel, Messrs WALDON & BRADFORD, as well as the superintendent thereof, Mrs. CUREE, gave the happy couple and about an hundred of guests, a superb supper. After supper dancing was kept up till next morning. During the night some DeSotoans came and serenaded the newly-wedded pair. The bride received many and valuable presents.


LIST of CONVEYANCES - Filed with the Recorder  during the week ending on last Saturday.

U.S. WELLS to William HAMPEL, 53 acres in survey 783.        $ 1200.00

Laura FICHTENKAM to G.M. BYRD, one-fifteenth of 160 acres in survey 2978    50.00

Equitable Life Insurance Co. to W.S. MADDOCK, one-fifteenth of 500 acres, section 16 tp40 range 3  ------

Stephen HUSKEY to Laura RITTGER, 40 acres, sec31 tp40 range 4       55.00

B. LACKAMP to John E. MILLER, 95 acres, section 34 tp41 range 4 100.00

Louisa SCHAULIN to Charles KUHN, 20 acres, section 9 tp38 range 4 400.00

W.T. LEMASTER to R.S.D. HICKS, lot in De Soto. $40.00

Hugh and F.E. MAGUIRE to Mary CLOONEN, two lots in De  Soto.      160.00

Augustus STROUP to Robert RICHARDSON, 33 acres in survey 423      550.00

W.E. McKEE to Millard M. LONG, 160 acres, section 24, tp40 range 3 500.00

E.S. PYLE to John BECK, 5 acres section 2 township 39 range 4      200.00


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name     Age

July 7 Hannah Jane WILLIAMS     21 years

July 11 Julia PFAFFLIN       11 years

Aug 18 James DOWDEL       17 years

Sep 6 Margaret WILSON      53 years


Date  Name of Mother    Sex

Aug 26 Mrs. M.F. SPALDING   girl

Aug 9 Mrs. E.L. ROUGGLEY   boy

Aug 15 Mrs. J.B. BOULICOUT   boy

Aug 24 Mrs. Louis KLEINSCHMIDT  boy

Aug 13 Mrs. James CRULL   girl

Aug 9 Mrs. Ephraim FROST   girl

Aug 28 Mrs. J.L. PERKINS   girl


Final citizen papers were granted to George R. OLDHAM, George WILLIAMS, T.F. WILLIAMS, Charles COMBS, John JOHNSON, John BENNETT, John COOK, James CUNNINGHAM, Emil SANTSCHIE, Henry R. GOODMAN, Adolph KASSEL, Ernst KASSEL, Edmund KASSEL, John SCHAEFER, Herman HEINER, George STAHL, Peter GEIB, Mike LINSKY, Paul C. ALY, O.W. STRIKER,  James  MOUND,  Mike McAULEY, M.S. COXWELL and Carl JARONITZKY.


CIRCUIT COURT - Annie VAUGHN vs. W.L. VAUGHN; divorce granted plaintiff.


CIRCUIT COURT - Sarah E. vs Daniel C. SNYDER; divorce granted plaintiff and maiden name of MORELAND restored.


CIRCUIT COURT - John BECKER vs Emma BECKER; divorce granted plaintiff.


CIRCUIT COURT - J.W. STAPLES vs Addie P. STAPLES; defendant allowed $15 per month alimony from September 1st until suit is dismissed, she to have general custody of child, but to permit father to see it every Sunday.


CIRCUIT COURT - William ROSE and Jesse NEET pleaded guilty to the charge of robbing Thomas HARRIS, and were each sentenced to two years in the penitentiary.


CIRCUIT COURT - Wat MANESS, selling liquor without license, was filed $40.


Citizen papers were granted to Louis RIECHMANN, Emil HENTCHER, Fred WEDDE and Anton DANNEMANN.


OBITUARY - Plattin, Mo., Sept. 11, 1888.  --  Editor Jefferson Democrat: Publish the following notice and oblige:

DIED - At her home, in St. Louis, Sept. 3d, 1888, of a lingering disease, over with medicine and the best of surgical skill could not prevail, Mrs. Jennie NULL, aged 29 years and 9 months. She leaves a husband, mother and brother to mourn her early death. Mrs. NULL was a member of the M.E. Church; and, although she thought it hard to leave this world, that seems so beautiful, when we must pass from it, she had the promises of the Christian religion to sustain her, and died happy. She was buried in the De Soto cemetery, by the side of her father, the late Frank HARDER. And while their bodies are separated by the cold ground, we trust that their immortal spirits are enjoying together that perfect peace that is promised by Christ to all his disciples.      A FRIEND.


DIED - July 14, 1888, Mabel, infant daughter of Mrs. D.S. HENSLEY. She was laid to rest the following day, a beautiful Sabbath; but, oh! how sad to those who loved her. We would say to them, weep not, sorrowing ones, for Mabel is now with the angels. Home has been made sad; Ah! home is not like home, because little Mabel is not there. 

"Jesus the opening bud to heaven conveyed, and bade it blossom there."

"Although a mother's earthly care --

A mother's hope and pride;

Remember 'twas the Savior, dear

Who called her to His side."


God Willed that Mabel should leave us here.

In this sad world of woe;

But when we leave this earthly sphere,

To her we all may go.  A FRIEND.

Sandy, Mo., September 8, 1888.


Our neighbor Joseph ROQUES, had quite a jolly time at his house the other night. About twenty couple of dancers met there, and you better bet that there was a rattling time had for about six hours. The CHARTRAND band furnished the music and it was most skillfully played, too.  Stringtown, September 14, 1888.


FROM PLATTIN - Thomas L. DONNELL is very sick.  His physician has given up all hopes.


There was a double wedding in the neighborhood at Upper Plattin, last week. A Mr. WATT and Miss HAVERSTICK and a Mr. FRAZIER and Miss WATT were the contracting parties.  Plattin, September 14, 1888.


John BALL, an old and well-known citizen of De Soto, died very suddenly on Thursday of last week, and was buried in the Catholic cemetery on Friday.


Last Friday night there were two serious accidents on the railroad in this city. A man, named MOON, from St. Joe Lead Mines, had is hand cut off while attempting to climb on a moving train; and a young man, named STOECK, living in St. Louis and starting out on a trip, when he fell and had both legs cut off. He died before reaching his home in St. Louis. De Soto, September 17, 1888.




LIST of CONVEYANCES - Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last  Saturday.

E. SCHLAFFKE to Isom BROUSEN, lot in Horine. $16.00

John GOWAN to E.F. GOWAN, 17 acres, section 6 township 39 range 5 1.00

Henry HENICKE to Henry BLANK, 40 acres, section 5 tp39, range 6 725.00

P.C. EAVES to Thomas HAMILTON, 73 acres, section 13, tp41, range 4 950.00

John C. WATT to Henry LEPP, 11 acres section 1 township 39 range 4 130.00


John HARNESS and wife conveyed their land, 500 acres on Big River, in township 30 range 3, and 230 acres near House's Springs, to Joseph S. STEPHENS;  STEPHENS then deeded the same land to James BURGAN, as

trustee for Mrs. HARNESS, and Mrs. HARNESS conveyed the House's Springs farm to her son, George.


Another girl arrived at Charley YAEGER's last Friday night. This is their sixth girl and Charley says "enough."


Sheriff McFRY and Deputy RICHARDSON took the two convicts, William ROSE and Jesse NEET, to the penitentiary last Friday. They were two of as bad looking characters as ever went up the road.


DIED, with cholera infantum, on the 22nd inst., Lettie June, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William HENDRICKSON, Jr.; age 3 months and 21 days. God willed that Lettie should leave us here, in this sad world of woe; but when we leave this earthly sphere, to her we all may go.


One of the grandest weddings we attended for sometime took place at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. L. YEIDA of Pevely, last Sunday evening. The contracting parties were Mr. Chas. W. GODAT, of the Government fleet now lying at Bushberg, and Miss Lizzie, eldest daughter of Ludwig and Kate YEIDA. A little after 8 p.m., the couple were pronounced man and wife by 'Squire SHEIBLE, in the presence of 60 or 70 friends of the groom and bride. Supper was immediately afterwards served, and the table after table was set until midnight when the room was cleared and dancing was indulged in till 3 a.m. The bride was the recipient of many useful presents. May they live long and happily together.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name     Age

August 6  Eddie SCHULTZ  18 months


Date   Name of Mother   Sex

August 19  Mrs. Omer JAHN   girl

Sept. 4  Mrs. Lauden STRICKLAND boy


COUNTY COURT - Judges of Election were appointed as follows:

 McCormack's - Mitchell McCORMACK, Herman SMITH. T.L. McCORMACK and William HALTER

 Rush Tower - W.A. GAMEL, Joseph GRIFFIN, W.J. BELL and J.D. WAGGENER.

 Pfinister - Frank J. KNAPP, Charles KNORPP, A. SEYPOHLTOWSKI  and Edward -OLE?


 Crystal City - James HOUGHTON, Jos. HIGGINS, W.S. JEWETT and James LONG.

 Pevely - A.D. DAVIS, L.S. BAKER, W.E. GRAVES  and C.A. CRAFT.

 Hematite - R.G. MORGAN, Elbert OGLE, J.M. ENGLAND and E.F. DONNELL.

 Victoria - Chr. RUPPEL, C.W. NELSON, William STROUP and John PATTON.

 Hillsboro - Jacob LEUTZINGER, Louis HARTWELL, Jno. WILLIAMS and J. SHELTON.


 Avoca - M. LEPP, E.J. LOWE, Swanie FINNEY and A.M. MOORE.

 Moontown - Alonzo KITE, A. BLACKWELL, B.F. BUSTER and Wm. HOLIMAN.

 Vineland - D.W. MORSE, C. LEPP, Geo. WILKINSON and W.H. WILSON.

 Frumet - W.M. MUSE, John L. WARE, George MERSEAL and W.R. MANESS.

 Ware -  David O'DONNELL, T.J. COUCH, T.J.. WILEY and James HUSKEY.

 Douglas' Store - William BRYAN, Omer JAHN, J.R. HARRISON and W.G. MANION.

 Grubville - John BRUNS, Henry OERMANN, E.F. FROST and Robert WILSON.

 High Ridge - Frank SKWOR, Frank STOW, John BRIMMER and Hermann NOLLMANN.

 House's Springs - V. PRICE, William HUME, Henry BOEMLER and D. BONACKER.

 Byrnsville - Edward CASHELS, Andrew CREAN, Henry MEYER and Wm. DETWILER.

 Cedar Hill - Albert GANZ, Charles SCAEFER, William SCHUMACHER and Wm. BOHLE.

 McNamee - Charles  SHEERIN, Owen McNAMEE, John HOWALD and John BREEN.


 Bohemian Church - Jonas YATES, John NABLIK, Jacob DIEHL, B.C. BONACKER.

 Maxville - Hubert BECKER, W.J. KIRK, Louis FREDERITZIE and Henry JOBGEN.


 Bowle's Store - James HARBISON, J.W. SULLENS, - M. MURPHY and Robert SPITZ.


LIST of CONVEYANCES - Filed with the Recorder during the week ending last Saturday.

William REED to Marshall McMULLIN, two lots in De Soto        $ 150.00

Hermann DREYER to Fritz HONIG, 40 acres, section 24 tp43 range 4 400.00

Jacob KERKHOFF to Joseph SCHUER, 60 acres, section 16 tp41 range 5 1370.00

Phillip SCHAUB to Catharine ENRY, lot in De Soto  $1000.00

A.L. BROWN to Gus MARTIN, three lots in  De Soto  $650.00

J.M. AUBUCHON to W.W. AUBUCHON, lot in Festus  $200.00

Stephen BRADSHAW to Geo. ARNOLD lot in Kimmswick  $750.00

Frank PERNUR to Joseph SALARI, lot in Festus   $200.00

Charlotte OGLE to G.W. BYRD, 160 acres in survey 2978    $1300.00

John OGLE to Eliza C. FUNK, two lots in Hematite  $300.00

W.H. KINGSTON to Henry  LEPP, two lots in De Soto $1500.00


CIRCUIT COURT; - Lydia SHELTON was granted a divorce from her husband, Edward.


CIRCUIT COURT - Citizen papers granted to Adam FISHER, Ernest S. COXWELL, Fritz GLASS, Conrad SCHNEIDER,  Melcher HOFFARTH, August HELLIGTAG, Henry HELLIGTAG and Herman J. MEYER.


CIRCUIT COURT - Judgments were rendered in tax suits as follows:

Against  Elsworth MILLER,   for $  74.72

Against Henry WHITTEN   for    70.00

Against  Joseph E. ELDER  for   36.02

Against  Gordon MANESS   for   54.33

Against HOBBS & BARNES   for   20.61

Against  McNAMEE heirs   for   32.95

Against Bertha A. MEYER  for    4.11

Against Wm. LONG    for   20.62

Against D. AUBUCHON   for   17.90

Against Jas. W. THOMPSON  for   43.50

Against J.C. COLE    for   34.69

Against Jas. H. ROGERS   for   16.94

Against H. STELBRINK   for    8.40

Against SEAL & McNAMEE   for   13.25

Against W.A. COLE    for   18.19

Against Chas. WIDEMAN   for   26.50

Against Mary D. AUGUSTINE  for  102.38

Against Clara E. LEWIS   for   31.49

Against H.N. DOUGLAS   for   23.84

Against M.W. GREENE   for   53.16

Against Thos. BURGESS   for    9.60

Against James BURGESS   for    5.57

Against Benj. BUSTER   for   19.75


CIRCUIT COURT - R.F. BOISRAMME was granted a divorce from his wife Debby.


GERMAN SETTLEMENT - After a sickness of several weeks Mrs. HALTER died on the 3rd instant, and was buried on the 5th. She was over seventy years old at the time of her death. An husband, and quite a family of children and grandchildren, are left to mourn her death.  Plattin, September 19, 1888.




The following BIRTH CERTIFICATES were filed: Sept. 10 to Mrs. Thomas E. COX, a boy; Sept. 22, to Mrs. Mkidelton? S. BURK,  a boy.


John A. DOVER has removed from Martinsdale to Castle, Meagher county, Montana. This is a mining district and at  present on a boom.


The late Thomas L. DONNELL left a will in which he bequeathed to his four youngest children - Mildred I., Eva E., Edna E. and Thomas L. - $600 each; to Thomas L. 200 acres of land, and the remainder of his property to all his children in equal shares. His son-in-law, Charles F. LEE, is the executor.


A sad accident occurred at Festus last Sunday. Joseph GOVRO, a lad of 18 years, in company with another boy, were on their way from Crystal City to Festus to attend Sunday school. As they walked along the railroad track they saw a train coming, and stepped  aside to let it pass. And that moment a horse on the other side of the track, had got frightened and thrown a lady out of the buggy, and GOVRO attempted to run across the track ahead of the engine to assist the lady, when he fell and the engine passed over his body, mashing the life out of him. The Coroner held an inquest, eliciting the above facts. No blame could be attached to any of the railroad men, as GOVRO could have barely crossed the track if he had not fallen. He is spoken of as a young man, well liked by all his acquaintances. His  parents reside in Crystal and of course, it is a terrible shock to them. The lady thrown from the buggy was Mrs. Peter GUTHRELL, and she was badly hurt, though her injuries are not thought to be fatal.


LOCAL, Mo., Sept. 19. - Revs. Wm. McKAY and SHORT are carrying on a protracted meeting at Cedar Hill...Rev. Sam MEDLEY keeps constantly on hand a supply of groceries and sells them at lowest cash prices...Miss Anna WILHITE, one of our most estimable young ladies, left this vicinity Sunday in order to take charge of her school Monday. She is sadly missed by her many friends. May success and happiness crown her efforts while following her chosen profession. ...The BUXTON's have relatives from Montana visiting them...Miss Dolly EDWARDS, of St. Louis, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jos. BURGESS, of near here.


LaBARQUE, Sept. 30. - Sheriff McFRY was here, hunting some of the LaBarque law-breakers...Samuel WHITWORTH, of St. Louis county, is very sick with malarial fever; hopes of recovery are slim...Our school commenced on the 3rd, with Mr. DUNNIGAN as teacher. He informed us that he has a large number of pupils...Francis DETWILER, of Crescent, was visiting friends here the last couple of weeks...M.F. DUNNIGAN took a trip to Crescent, last Saturday, on business.  MOORE.


COUNTY COURT - The dirtroad money in the treasury was apportioned to the districts to which it belonged, and warrants drawn therefor as follows:

T.L. McCORMACK     $ 10.73

C. FUNK        10.70

A.D. DAVIS       11.34

William H. PLASS      15.44

Peter STROUP        2.44

Jacob GROB       10.44

William DEER         9.81

John CARREY       29.00

M.F. HERRINGTON       3.13

G.E. MARSDEN        6.00

John J. ENGLEBACH      38.14

James R. EVANS       15.91

A. BLACKWELL       11.21

William BRYAN         .82

John G. BRUNS       14.93

Austin WILLIAMS      13.86

Edward MERSEAL        6.35

George W. McCORMACK       2.67

Charles EITZEN        7.43

Oscar EDWARDS       24.32

J.W. WILSON       26.26

Charles KNORPP        9.20

John McMULLIN        9.92

J.B. FREDERITZIE       2.25

X. ARNOLD        29.28

Jacob HAEFNER       14.49

Gerhard HAEFNER       7.82

George MARTIN        3.44

Conrad GLATT        1.88

George BEERSHEIM      21.09

Frank SKWOR       15.28

Waldemar SCHULZE       2.42

Joseph BEECHLER       4.26

E.B. MAUPIN        7.74

P. LYNCH         5.03

J.B. McMULLIN        4.00




IN MEMORIAM - In memory of Lettie June HENDRICKSON: Oh, our dear little darling how we miss you! It is hard to give thee up, so affectionate and charming; but, God knows best. So now little Lettie is a shining angel in the arms of our blessed Savior. Weep not, dear Emma, your little darling is at rest; no pain, no sorrow, no death, can enter there; but, oh! our homes are so lonely. O land of rest, for the we sigh; when will the moments come when we can lay our armors down and dwell with the at home?    GRANDMA.


FROM PLATTIN - James A. WILLIAMS was summoned to attend the funeral of his Grandma OWEN, a very aged lady who lived near Bonne Terre. She died on the 3rd inst., Mrs. Sadie HADE, daughter of Sol. LUTHER, died a short

time ago at her home in South St. Louis, of quick consumption. She was married  about last Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. LUTHER attended her during the last few weeks' illness and also the funeral...A 10-pound Grover Cleveland arrived at George THOMPSON's on the first day of this month, which was the fifth birthday of one of their girls...W.S. McCORMACK wishes that a cane be voted to the ugliest old man, as he is grandpa now, a son being born to Mrs. J.A. WILLIAMS on the 19th ult.: weight, seven pounds.     Plattin, October 5, 1888.


LIST of CONVEYANCES - Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Saturday.

Edmund KASSELL and  others, by sheriff, to Edmund KASSELL,   75 acres, section 6, tp42  range 6  $ 990.00

Adolph KNOCH to J.P. McCARTHY, 320 acres sections 1, 12,   tp40 r3 $1.00

State to Charles HELLER, 40 acres, section 16, township 43 range 4 50.00

William LORENZ to John L. ROUGGLY, two lots in De Soto     1500.00

F.W. MOTT to Edward BURGESS, two lots  in De Soto  $150.00

Louis MATHIEW to A.L. FRECH, two lots in De Soto $400.00

John FRENCH to Thomas EDELMANN 80 acres, section 34 tp40 range 4 1200.00

John W. BEMENT to B. MANHEIMER, two lots in  De Soto    $1500.00

Peter DUGAN to James S. WILLIAMS, interest in 223 acres, survey 3166 100.00

W.R. DONNELL to Lyde J. FRENCH, three lots in De Soto      1000.00

Lyde FRENCH to W.R. DONNELL, lot in survey 2908 $85.00

Smith DUTTON to J.L. FARLEY, 240 acres, sections 29 and 30, tp39  range 6  2500.00


DEATHS and BIRTHS; - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name    Age

August 8  ----- HARDY  9 months

August 28  Charles SEALS  9 years

Sept 6  ---- McDANIEL  1 day

Sept 23  ---- THORUM  50 years


Date  Name of mother    Sex

July 28 Mrs. William BERGMANN  boy

July 29 Mrs. Aaron PLATT   girl

July 31 Mrs. Burris TOLER   boy

Aug 25 Mrs. Chas. BRUNS   girl

Aug 10 Mrs. ---- STONE   boy

Aug 14 Mrs. W.F. BLACKWELL   boy

Sep 10 Mrs. John F. BAUGHE   girl

Sep  14 Mrs. George GROVE   girl

Sep 28 Mrs. Philip LONGEHENNIG  girl

Sep 25 Mrs. Charles ROBERTSON  girl

Sep 27 Mrs. Samuel HAVERSTICK  girl

Sep 16 Mrs. Philip H. KESSLER  girl

Sep 22 Mrs. M.S. BURK    girl

Sep 28 Mrs. Thomas HARNESS   boy

Sep 5 Mrs. F. McDAMT(?)   girl

Sep 3 Mrs.  Henry GIEB (dead)  boy

Sep 29 Mrs. W.F. WILD  (dead) boy


OBITUARY - Francis SHERMAN was born in Nantzig France;, January 25, 1809, and died in Plattin township, this county, October 1, 1888. He came to America in 1830, and served three years at his trade - an edge-tool maker - in New York. Then for a time he traveled through the Territories, and at length entered the Government service.  He served for a number of years as a blacksmith for Gen. LEE.  At one time he was second engineer on one of the riverboats. Some time about 1840, he came to Perry's Mines and worked there. For a few years he was in business for himself at Rush Tower. In 1847, he married Agnes STEPHENS, and went to farming within a few miles of the place  on which he died. His first wife died in 1871, leaving three children - Edward, Frank and Mary. The latter has since died. In 1862 he married Elizabeth WYATT. He had one son, Julian, by his second wife, who is still at home. Mr. SHERMAN, by

early training, was a Catholic, but for many years had not taken an active part in the church. He had expressed himself but a few weeks before his death as confident of his salvation in the Lord. He died from heart disease, being found dead in the room, by his wife, whom had left but a few minutes before. Mr. SHERMAN leaves many friends to whom, though long expected, his sudden death was a great shock. He used to take an active interest in politics, and will be missed in political circles, and was a staunch Democrat. His life was a long and useful one.  May he rest in peace.    A FRIEND!


AUCTION SALE - I will sell at my farm, on Dry Creek, on Saturday, October 20, 1888, the following property. 14 head of cattle, one work mule, a yearling  colt, 11 hogs, a combined reaper and mower, wagon and harness, plows, 7 or acres of corn in the field, and a lot of household and kitchen furniture; also two milch cows. Terms - The hogs will be sold for cash; on other articles a credit of 12 months will be given on amounts of $5 and over, the purchaser to given note with approved security; under $5, cash. A discount of 8 per cent, will be made for cash.   Patrick DOWDALL.




Mr. Daniel BONACKER, of near Rockford Bridge, has had a severe spell of yellow jaundice. He is now improving slowly.


Emil GORBACK, the French barber and portrait painter of Festus, died one day last week. He was a liberal-hearted man and quite an artist.


There was a wedding in THOMAS & HORINE's law office last Wednesday. W.J. REECE and Nancy Jane FIELDS were the contracting parties, and Judge ELKINS performed the ceremony.


The dance given by the A.O.U.W. lodge, at the "Black" church near Dittmer's Store, last Wednesday evening, was an enjoyable affair, well patronized, and a success in every particular. The Democratic candidates for county offices were present, with two or three exceptions, and the opposition was represented by Sheriff McFRY and Judge SECKMAN. Dancing was kept up till about midnight, when, just before supper, Mr. J.F. GREEN was introduced. After supper but little dancing was indulged in, and cakes were raffled off. Harry DAHL won the finest one in the lot, and not having a partner at hand to utilize it as his wedding cake, he gave it back to the lodge. The same cake was then voted to the most popular young lady present. There were put in nomination - Misses Tenie LYONS, Mary HARBISON and Anna BYRNE. The contest was spirited, but good humored. Miss BYRNE received 140 votes, Miss LYONS 115, and Miss HARBISON. The old men of our party - HAMEL, SECKMAN and SHEIBLE - went to bed at Mr. SCHUMACHER's immediately after supper, while MAUPIN, GREEN, CONN and DOVER - amused the crowd by singing, dancing and speeches. The next morning, those Democratic candidates who had "made a night of it," went to Judge M.M. BYRNE's and slept till noon, when they were awakened by HAMEL and SHEIBLE. After partaking of an excellent dinner prepared by Miss Anna, the Judge's sister.


Mr. and Mrs. William SHIELDS, of Moberly, were here this week, on a visit to Mrs. SHIELD's sister, Mrs. Joseph J. WILLIAMS.


John H. REPPY returned last Thursday, from Arkansas, with his wife. He was married September 30th to Miss BUTCHER, of Prescot, Ark.


This evening, at the residence of the bride's parents in De Soto, Mr. Paul A. KINGSTON is to be married to Miss Maggie, daughter of Mr. L. MITCHELL.


Catharine, widow of Joseph DICKEMANN, was added to the list of United States pensioners, last week. F.H. and Landon S. WILLIAMS were each granted an increase.


Mr. and Mrs. Charles SWINGLER, accompanied by their daughter, Mrs. McCLAIN, and her baby, were here visiting friends and relatives last week. They were formerly residents of this town, but are now living in Springfield, Mo., We are glad to know that they are prospering in their new home.


Dr. MILLER, the gentleman who traded for the LACKAMP place adjoining Hillsboro moved in last Thursday and on Saturday he had the misfortune of losing his little three year-old girl. The child had a stroke of paralysis two weeks before and it's death, although not unexpected, was a sad blow, occurring among strangers; but the neighbors soon heard of the family's distress and rendered what assistance they could. The child was buried, on Monday, in the Hillsboro cemetery.


Mrs. W.T. MOCKBEE narrowly escaped getting killed last Thursday. She was driving along the road, at the LACK place, when the bolt dropped out that attached one of the shafts to the buggy, and, the shaft dropping down, frightened the horse and made him unmanageable, and the buggy and it's load were thrown off the bridge into the spring branch. Mrs. MOCKBEE was badly bruised, but was able to get to Mr. T. BROWN's, where she got assistance. Mr. John GALVIN, who was coming to Hillsboro, found the horse, with one shaft hitched to him, in the road and brought him to town. Harry HUSTES went out to look for Mrs. MOCKBEE, and met Mr. BROWN bringing her in. She was so badly hurt  that a couple of doctors were at once called in, but she is about well again. A little boy, in the buggy with her, escaped with only slight bruises.


The Twin Cities, Crystal and Festus, have their weekly tragedy. Last week it was the suicide of Henry BAKER, foreman in the coal department of the Plate Glass company. Mr. BAKER was apparently an intelligent gentleman, aged 40 or thereabout, and had a wife and four little children. He was a good provider and his home was well furnished, and here was  no good reason why it should not have been a happy one. The tempter came in the person of a fellow, named PULLAN, and Mrs. BAKER was persuaded to leave her husband and pleasant home and elope with the scoundrel. She with her two of the children, the eldest and the youngest. That evening poor BAKER ended his earthly troubles by sending a pistol ball through his heart. It was noticed that he was about crazy over his trouble, and  it is believed that it was his intention to kill his children also, but luckily they were kept away.


MARRIED - At the residence of the bride's father, October 10, 1888, by Rev. S. FRAZIER, Mr. Paul A. KINGSTON to Miss Maggie A. MITCHELL, daughter of Leander MITCHELL of De Soto. A number of invited guests friends of the young couple, were present to witness the important ceremony and wish them God speed on their journey through life. Mr. and Mrs. KINGSTON were the recipients of numerous presents, useful articles, such as table linen, glass and china ware, bed spreads, etc., and the guests were treated to a bounteous wedding supper, to which full justice was done by all including the writer. After supper Miss McGREADY presided at the piano, and until 11 o'clock at the time was spent pleasantly by all. The bride and groom are a popular couple, and start in life with the kind wishes of a host of friends.  May they win success with happiness.  S.F.


KIMMSWICK - Robert RAUSCHENBACH of St. Louis, has again become a citizen of Kimmswick, having purchased the saddlery and stock of goods on the late Martin MEYER. He is located on Mill, near the corner of Front Street.


Louis KEIS had an auction sale at his farm, on Rock Creek yesterday. Good prices were realized. Mr. KEIS will remove his family to Quincy, Ill.


H.P. WILLIAMS, former proprietor of the Montesano has taken possession of the Peterson House at Paris, Texas.


LIST of CONVEYANCES - Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Saturday.

George FETTE to Louis J. ROZIER, part block 7 De Soto  $40.00

B. MANHEIMER to Ida JOHNSON, pts lots 1 and 2, block 32, De Soto    1350.00

G.W. BEDDINGER to R.N. MARDLOW 5 acres, section 2 tp39 range  4     500.00

Thomas HAMILTON to W.H. HAMILTON, 36a sec 13 tp41 range 4      350.00


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

Sept 21 Mary CHATT   1 year

Sept 26 Louis STROUP   35 years


Date  Name of mother    Sex

Sept 22 Mrs. Samuel C. SEAT   girl

Octo 8 Mrs. Carlton BATTS   boy

Octo 9 Mrs. Oscar OGLE   boy




MISSOURI STATE NEWS - David SMITH, one of Cooper county's oldest pioneers, and an esteemed and respected citizen, died at his home, four miles southeast of .p.Boonville; Thursday morning at 1:30 o'clock. Mr. SMITH was born in Boonsboro, Madison county, Ky., in January, 1805. He came to Missouri in the "thirties," living first in Boone, then in Howard for the last half of century in Cooper county. He married Miss Sophie McMICHAEL of Boone county, who at an advanced age, with ten children, survives his death. Mr. SMITH was well known all over Central Missouri.


Mrs. C. RUPPELL, of Victoria, presented her husband with a boy on the 2d inst.


We presume that Dr. HARBISON begins to feel old by this time. His daughter was married last Sunday to Mr. Edward REABIN.


Dr. SAPPINGTON, who has been located at Maxville, has been forced by failing health, occurring from over-work and exposure, to give up practice for a while and get needed rest. During his absence his place will be filled by Dr. F.F. ZELLER of South St. Louis, who is recommended as a skillful physician. Dr. ZELLER's father is known to many of our citizens as the owner of a large drug store in South St. Louis.


William FOXTON, one of the oldest residents of this county, died last Monday at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. O'SHEA of Sandy. He was 78 years of age, and during his last two weeks suffered greatly with inflammation of the bowels. He was for many years a Justice of the Peace for Plattin township, and in his time was prominently known for several years, since his children have all grown up and married, has lived a quiet retired life.


It becomes our duty to record another terrible accident, which resulted in the death of a friend. Mr. Wm. BROWN, of near Hematite, was on his way home from De Soto, on Tuesday of last week, when he fell or was thrown from his wagon and received internal injuries, which resulted fatally within a few hours after he reached home. Mr. BROWN was an intelligent and enterprising farmer, a great lover of good horses and always kept some high strung horses. He had one falling, that possessed by so many men of genial natures, and that fault was one cause of his untimely death.


CALVEY CREEK - Miss Balggie? LYONS is on a visit to friends and relatives in Saline county...Madison McDANIEL is completing a large frame barn on his farm, which will be a useful ornament to his large and well-kept farm...Charles OERMANN's new house will soon be completed. It will be one of the handsomest residences in the county...G.A. JONES opened the Calvey creek school October 8th. He is from Eureka, St. Louis co., and bids fair to be successful in teaching the young idea the rudiments of a public school education.   Calvey,  Oermann, October 18, 1888.


DE SOTO - Joe SUTTON, Marsh McMULLIN, J.W. FLETCHER, the Misses TURNER, and several other citizens, are erecting new houses...Mrs. Alex. HENDERSON, whose husband was killed on the railroad two years ago, died,

at a hospital in St. Louis, on the 12th inst., and was brought to De Soto for burial. She had been suffering for some time with a dropsical complaint and had gone to St. Louis for medical treatment.




Another boy arrived at T.L. BURGESS' one day last week, and in 1909 will vote the Democratic ticket.


KIMMSWICK - Mrs. C.H. SPENCER has been quite sick for the last two weeks.          Kimmswick, Mo., October 28, 1888.


LIST of CONVEYANCES - Filed with the Recorder during the week ending last Saturday.

J.P. BESAMON  to R.G. WHITEHEAD, lot in De Soto  $75.00

R.G. WHITEHEAD to Henrietta ROGERS, same property $125.00

Henrietta ROGERS to B.S. REPPY, same property   $103.00

MOTT & RANKIN to B.S. REPPY, 3 lots in De Soto  $60.00

Ben. NICHOLLS to John G. MARTIN, two lots in De Soto $450.00

S.G.A. MEDLEY to Louisa HILTERBRAND, 148 acres, section 18, township 42, range 4  900.00

Francis WEISS to Anna FETTE, 3 lots in Victoria  $1500.00

Frank POPEL, by trustee, to Emely POPEL, 35 acres in BELL's survey 1125.00

J.F. NULL to E.J. ROBERTS, 80 acres, section 31 tp43 range 3    1000.00

John WATRONS to Alex. SIMPER, 160 acres, section 24, township 43,  r3; in exchange for other property.

E.J. ALEXANDER to J.T. KINCAID, lot 14, block 39 De Soto      225.00

Henry FLOTTMAN to John LOSCH, Lots 11 and 12 , blk'k 30, De Soto    650.00

William CLARK, Jr., to Sarah A. CLARK, lot 52, bl'k 14, Hillsboro 275.00

Wm. CLARK, Jr., and Jesse O. CLARK to W.H.H. THOMAS and C.T. HORINE, 30 x 100 feet off east side lot 52, bl'k 14,     Hillsboro 300.00

F.W. MOTT to Pat LOVETT, s half lot 14 and all lots 15 and 16, bl'k 14, De Soto  295.00

Ferdinand BURKAHRDT to Isaac COTTNER, pt lot 1 is 3, McALLISTER's subdivision survey's 160 and 315.  $400.00

Gabriel BOYER to William FREESE lots 6 and 7, BOYCE's subdivision survey 315 $100.00


Uncle Dilly HUSKEY, who lives two or  three miles north of Hillsboro, attended the grand Democratic rally at Festus. He is 76 years old, and not very robust, and as he can't reasonably expect to engage in many more Presidential campaigns,  he is determined to take a full hand this time, in favor of Democracy and freedom.


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a lit of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week.

Date  Name     Age

Oct 6 Lillian MILLER   3 years

Oct 26 Elbert H. THOMPSON  19 days


Date  Name of Mother    Sex

Sept 19 Mrs. James A. WILLIAMS  boy

Oct  1 Mrs. George J. THOMPSON  boy

Oct  1 Mrs. Michael RASCH   boy

Oct 8 Mrs. Arnold FRITCH   girl

Oct 7 Mrs. Henry BRUGGEMAN  boy

Oct 7 Mrs. James HINES   boy


DIED - At her residence, in Richland Pulaski county, Mo., Oct 21, 1888, Narcissus Ann, wife of William A. JACKSON, aged 51 years and 9 months. Mrs. JACKSON was raised on Dry Creek, Jefferson county, Mo., and was a

daughter of the late Will.? WILLEY. She was married to Mr. JACKSON, in this county, June 12th 1861, and they moved to Pulaski county in august, 1874, where they have since resided. She was sick with typhoid fever, from the 12th to the 21st. She leaves a number of relatives in this county, and a husband and children in Pulaski county to mourn her loss.




CRYSTAL and FESTUS - Dr. Ellis BLISS spent a few days in Festus filling and extracting the ivories of the natives.


Mr. Tillman ROCKE and Miss Louisa WILLY were married on Thursday, at the Presbyterian Church. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. Addison SMITH; after which, the guests partook of a dance at EHRICH's hall.


Miss Mary BELVILLE died the other day of consumption. She will be buried in the Methodist grave-yard to-morrow.    M.  October  29, 1888.


Newton EOFF, of Grubville, and Fred BYERSDORF, if Kimmswick, were granted new pension certificates the past week.


Mr. Allen M. McCREERY and Miss Ella M. ROGERS, daughter of A.A. ROGERS, of Big River township, were united in marriage on the 4th of November, by 'Squire George McFARLAND.


Mr. John T. NEFF, an old and respected citizen of Kimmswick, dropped dead last Sunday, having shown no ailment previously. Coroner MOCKBEE held an inquest, and the cause of the sudden death is supposed to have been apoplexy.


Constables were elected last Tuesday, as follows:  Central township - Edwin FORREST, 256 votes to 120 for A.H. SPILKER; Big River - James WIDEMAN, 98 to 84 for J. PARMER, 65 for H. SAUERHAGEN, and 48 for Joseph

McMULLIN; Joachim - Frank C. LUCKEY 589 and 464 for W.W. AUBUCHON; Meramec - Thomas ARMSTRONG 367 to 285 for Frank COOPER; Plattin - John DRURY 118 to 111 for James REED and 51 MEDLEY; Rock - Leopold BERRESHEIM 336 to 313 for Henry MARX; Valle - C.S. MOTHERSHEAD 612 to 574 for R. WASHBURN.


Monthly report of Pleasant Valley school, for the month commencing Octr. 8 and ending November 2, 1888. Number of scholars enrolled, 25; average daily attendance, 19. The following is a record of their deportment and class work:

Hattie HOWARD  100

Melia DELF  100

Finnie CRAFT   95

Richard WEBER   95

Theodore WEBER   95

Freddie WEBER   90

Ohe MOSS    95

Sammy GAMACHE   85

Helen DOUGLASS   90

Georgia GAMACHE  90

Lola GAMACHE   90

Willie DOUGLASS  95


Peter BRUHN   95

Pinkie  DAVIS   90

Otto BRUHN   90

Rosa DELF    90

Eddie DELF   80

Lottie BRUHN   85

Louie DELF   85

Mary B. DOVER, Teacher


Plattin, Mo., Oct. 26, 1888.  We are having lovely weather which makes everybody look happy, especially the farmers, who already scarly through the rush of work...The railroadmen have pitched their tents near Joe BROWN's. They will commence work next Monday. They have been delayed one week, on account of their tools being missent...Mr. and Mrs. George I. THOMPSON's babe died on the 20th inst.


LIST of CONVEYANCES - Filed with  the Recorder during the week ending on last Saturday.

Peter O'BRIEN to Jos. APKE, 40 acres,  sur. 8, tp42 range 3       $500.00

Jas. F. BRUGAN to Henry SAEGER, 149 acres, sur. 11, tp42 range 2 $2600.00

G.W. ELDERS to Mary A. McKEE, lot in Victoria  $40.00

Alice BARTLETT to L.S. VOLKER, 2 lots in De Soto, $250.00


DEATHS and BIRTHS - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date  Name     Age

Oct. 20 Elbert H. THOMPSON  19 days

Oct. 13 Stella COOK   18 months

Oct. 7 Bridget CREEGAN  27 years


Date  Name of Mother    Sex

Oct 7 Mrs. Louis ADAMS   girl

Oct 7 Mrs. John D. MEINEN   girl

Oct 4 Mrs. Joseph BLAKE   boy

Oct 3 Mrs. Edward HINSON   boy

Oct 18 Mrs. Henry WEISS   girl

Oct 25 Mrs. Adam POPE    boy

Oct 24 Mrs. Robert KEANEY   girl

Oct 24 Mrs. Thos. R. WILLIAMS  boy

Oct 23 Mrs. Wm. R. PIERCE   boy

Oct 18 Mrs. James HOPSON   girl

Oct 15 Mrs. Thomas McPHAIL   boy


OBITUARY - DIED - October 22, 1888, in Jefferson county, William FOXTON, aged 78 years.

 To those of his children who loved and cared for h him in his declining years father grew dearer every day. In the last six months of his life spent with me he seemed to grow so weak and childish. He engaged talking of the reminiscences of his life spent in Washington City, where he was born and educated. It is hard for us to realize the bitter reality  that he is dead - that the dear, old, bent form is buried from our sight. Though he belonged to no church he was a true believer in

the mercies and saving-power of God through our Savior. His mother was a strict Baptist and his father an Episcopalian, and he leaned to his mother's religion. During his sickness of two weeks such patience and meekness could only be shown by one who was fully trusting in the mercies of a loving Savior, and when God set the signet of death on the dear, old face, he also set the signet of a happy immortality, for never during his long life did he wear the mild, lovely look he wore in death. Requiescat in peace, dear father. Heaven seems nearer when I feel that thou art there. Oh! blessed hope of immortality! How it comforts the bereaved heart.    S.F.O.




The City of Piedmont, on the Iron Mountain railroad in Wayne county, has sustained another great loss by fire, the second one this year. J.F. LINDSAY's hardware store was first consumed; the postoffice, TOUEY's drug store, DAVIS' jewelry establishment and DALE's block went next. Four more blocks went down including the new 4-story building erected by the Knights of Pythias, which was also used as a court-house, Masonic, K. of P. and G.A.R. Hall.  The Methodist church and parsonage were also destroyed, and the following business firms were burned out; William H. BLAINE, general merchandise; T.L. LOPES? & Co., general merchandise; J.E. BROWN & Co., general merchandise; E. HISPLINGHOFF;,  drugs,; W.P. TOUEY and A. BLAINE, drugs; PURCELL & Co., notions; WILSON & Co. and DAVIS & Col, butchers; J. McGUIRE, restaurant; A. HARTMAN, attorney; F. FAMADA, bakery; G.W. CREATH and SHEAHAN Bros., saloons; O.L. DAVIS, jewelry; Democrat Printing office; Miss MAX, millinery; C. CONRAD and Harry LAMP, barber shops; YOUNG's hotel and CLEVELAND house; LUTES house; FRAZIER & Co. Millinery; S.R. DURHAM, attorney; the city hall and HARRISON's wagon establishment. The loss is about $200,000.


Miss Lou GOSS, of the Crystal school, was suddenly called to her home last Sunday, by the death of her mother. Miss Lou has our heartfelt sympathy in her sad bereavement.


Weddings seem to be the rage in Festus this month. Dr. CAPE will be married to Miss MURPHY, of Bonne Terre, on Tuesday, and rumor says another one of our young men will be married before Thanksgiving. Crystal City, Mo., Nov. 11, 1888.


We the undersigned citizens and taxpayers of Plattin township warn any one of hunting with hounds or dogs of any kind, on our lands after this date, November 6th, 1888.







David V. TUCKER  Scott McCARTY





On the 9th of November, 1888 'Squire MEESE united in wedlock, at the residence of the bride's parents on Rock Creek, George STAAL and Mary CHRIST. The groom is a practical blacksmith and hammers away for dear life at Rock Creek hill, while the bride is a bright young lady, and the only daughter of Peter CHRIST, one of our most respected and well-to-do farmers. May their journey through life be pleasant and  without sorrow, so that they may reap the harvest of a long and happy married life.


COUNTY COURT - On petition of citizens of Meramec township court ordered commissioner to view, mark out and survey new road commencing on north line of U.S. survey 922, township 42, range 3, about 100 years west of Big River; thence north-easterly along and under the bluff, some 70 yards east of H. BREWSTER's house; thence through Peter DUNNINGAN's to Jno. GALVIN's land, and about 50 yards northeast of his house; thence through Isaac WILSON's land on an old road to Catharine LAUMANN's, to intersect gravel road at the point where a road turns off leading to DITTMER's Store, at an old rock quarry.


COUNTY COURT - Demands were allowed against the county as follows:

S.P. McKEEN, supt, county farm     $ 220.00

S.P. McKEEN, pay of road hand      1.50

S.P. McKEEN, paid for paupers      5.00

W.H. WAGNER, keeping pauper      8.00

J.F. TYREY, keeping pauper      8.00

Geo. REPKE, keeping pauper      8.00

Fred MENG, pauper        8.00

Jos. FILE, pauper        8.00

Stephen MERSEAL, pauper       8.00

Elizabeth BEHR, pauper       8.00

Elizabeth LOGAN, pauper       8.00

Kitty McMULLIN, pauper       8.00

Chas. YEAGER, carpenter work in jail   16.00

W.R. DONNELL, county clerk    444.28

J.B. DOVER, for road hands     10.00

M.D. CANTRELL, care of pauper     20.00

W.R. MANESS, burying pauper      8.00

J.F. McMULLIN, coffin for pauper     6.00

W.R. MANESS, goods for pauper      4.30

Gus. SPILKER, hauling lumber      6.50

John WILLIAMS, wood for court house   68.00

Robert COXWELL, pauper coffins    62.50

M. HOPKINS, for pauper      12.50

Chris GRIMM, breaking rock    140.28

W.R. DONNELL, paying judges and clerks of election  376.50

L.K. WATERS, house for election     2.00

Alec CALLAHAN, sawing wood     15.00

E. VOLLMAR, goods for jail     16.15

E. VOLLMAR, keeping Isom WILLIAMS    15.00

D.B. VEAZEY, Circuit court feebills   96.69

G.W. McFRY, cleaning courthouse     1.50

G.W. McFRY, for ballot boxes     14.25

James HOPSON, county judge     20.80

R.G. MADISON, county judge     21.20

Henry SECKMANN, county judge     21.70


DEATHS and BIRTHS; - The following is a list of the deaths filed with the  County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name    Age

October 7  Laura Viola STARK 35 years

Novem. 3  ----- KNOKEN  13 months


Date  Name of Mother    Sex

Sept. 27 Mrs. John VINYARD   girl

Octr. 8 Mrs. Herman LINDHORST  boy

Octr. 22 Mrs. Henry SANQUINETT  girl

Octr. 19 Mrs. Andrew J. CREAN  boy

Octr. 14 Mrs. Lawrence LUTENFICK  girl

Octr. 6 Mrs. James H. AIKINS,    two girls

Octr. 31 Mrs. William E. FIELDS  girl

Nov. 1 Mrs. Nancy HUSKEY   girl

Nov. 3 Mrs. Peter GILLMANN   boy


KIMMSWICK - John P. NEFF, an old man residing and owning property in this place, died suddenly the evening before the election. He had been working all day long, and appeared more happy than usual. After spending the evening with friends down town he went home, and just before reaching his home he fell in a hallooing at the same time. He was heard by a neighbor, who procured assistance at once, and carried him into his house, where he soon expired. He was an honest and useful man, and a member of the Bandanna Club.




BIRTHS and DEATHS  -  The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date   Name    Age

November 10 Fritz MILLER  30 years


Date   Name of Mother   Sex

Octr.   23 Mrs. Richard BLACKWELL girl

Octr.  13  Mrs. Mathies LEPP  boy

Octr.  26  Mrs. George HUSKEY  girl


Lilburn Thomas and Miss Minnie BAILEY will be married, at the residence of the bride's father in St. Louis county. We wish them success.


Ben WILLIAMS, who left here 33 years ago for California, returned last night. He looks good and hearty. He is a brother of the late Meredith WILLIAMS.


Just before the election Mrs. W.R. WILLIAMS, of Big River, presented her husband with a son. His name is Grover Cleveland, and "Riley" says if the boy don't vote Democratic ticket in 1910 he'll know why.


Our young  friend, Wm. ELLIS, of  De Soto, formerly of Fredericktown, was united in marriage, in Madison county, with Miss Jennie THOMASSON, on the 14th inst. They reside at De Soto. We have known "Billy" for the past fifteen years, and always found him to be one of the best young men in the land, and as we are also acquainted with his bride's family, we can truly congratulate the pair.


CRYSTAL and FESTUS - Mud, snow and weddings. - Dr. W.L. CAPE and bride arrived in Festus on Thursday evening, and are staying for the  present at Adam's hotel..


LIST of CONVEYANCES - Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Saturday:

R.G. WHITEHEAD to Henrietta C. ROGERS, lot in De Soto  $125.00

J.B. BEASNCON to R.G. WHITEHEAD lot in De Soto $75.00

Benjamin NICHOLLS to Julius D. SIMMS, 87 1/2 acres and 40 feet off s hf ne se, sec 25 tp 40 range 5  $2200.00

Benjamin NICHOLLS to Julius D. SIMMS, 39 3-4 acres  $300.00

Thomas and James R. ROBINSON to Joseph G. ROBINSON, 40   acres  $700.00

C.M. O'CONNELL to Charles BECKER three lots in De Soto   $300.00

Severt KUECK to Chas. B. STEUVER, 172 acres $1350.00

G.W.N. ELDERS to Mary A. McKEE two lots in Victoria  $40.00

Asa B. ECOFF, by trustee, to Mina LINDEMAN, 240 acres    $1100.00

Charles McCREERY to Wm. THANE, 40 acres  $260.00

Alex. SIMPER to Joseph BEERY, 160 acres  $4300.00

George B. GREEN to Lizzie GREEN, 40 acres  $1.00

James O. BROADHEAD to William HAMPEL, 4 lots in survey 2005      500.00

Green CROWDER to SCHWARA Bros. Commission Co., two-thirds of an acre in survey 2028  $1000.00

Perry B. McCORMACK to  Mitchell McCORMACK, 80 acres survey 2138 1000.00




LIST of CONVEYANCES -  Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Saturday.

Mary A. ESHBAUGH to Sophia HULSE, 86 acres, sections 13 and   14, township 40 range 5  $700.00

James M. WILKSON to John and Jos. WILKSON, 80 acres, section 35, township 39, range 4  $100.00

Catharine LONG to Philip DOLL, 156 acres, sections 2 and 11  township 42 range 4  100.00

Adam DOLL to Philip DOLL, same land  100.00

Reinhold SPROCK to Joseph SPROCK, 80 acres, sections 13 and  18 township 43 range 6  $50.00

John M. DEWEIN to John THEOBOLD, lot in De soto  $500.00

J.H. BAKER to Joseph G. MOON, lot 21 in Jewett's Subdivision, maintenance and     1.00

T.R. BRUCE to Irene BRUCE, lot in McAlister's Subdivision       1.00