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Ward Book 1900 County Farm



                                                                                                                                                      Years In

Name                           Age/Sex/Color /Weight /Height/Hair    Eyes  Complexion  County  Court Order   Admission (Cont. at bottom of page)

Backaus, A.                                   M  W                                                                                                                               11/19/1907

Beard, Blonda                              M  B                                                                                                                                 1/5/1909

Breckinridge, Thos. R.         58  M W                 160         5' 11"     Brown    Grey       Fair         15                          10/24/1909

Bulford, Haden                     59  M W                 175         6' 0"        Gray        Blue        Fair         51                           8/28/1900            8/28/1900

Butler, Margeret                         F W                                                                                                                                 3/9/1908

Cantrell, James                     33  M W                 152         5' 4"        Black       Grey       Dark        33                           8/6/1910               7/23/1910                               

Crumbel, Ed                          57  M W                 135         5 ' 4"       Brown    Blue        Fair         50                           9/6/1904               9/6/1904

Curee, Frank                         73  M W                 175         5' 8"        Gray        Blue        Light       43                           8/5/1908                              

Dais, J. L.                                60  M W                 140         5' 8"        Gray        Blue        Light       26                           10/18/1909

Davis, Coon                           28  M B 160         5' 6"        Black       Black       Black       28                                           3/1/1908

Davis, Mrs. V.                               F W                                                                                                                                  10/20/1908

Dix, Wm.                                62  M W                 220         5' 10"     Gray        Brown    Dark        6                              8/6/1910               7/27/1910

Drennen, Ida M.                    31  F W                                 100         5' 3"        Dark        Dark        Fair                          9/6/1910                8/18/1910

Farmer, Clarence                 5    M W                 40           3'             Brown    Blue        Light       5                                 4/1/1909

Foersted, John                             M W                                                                                                                                   7/12/1909

Frank, Henry                         52  M W                 140         5' 4"        Light       Blue        Fair         28                           9/6/1910               8/17/1910

Franklin, Ben                         64  M B 155         6'             Gray        Black       Black       40                                           3/3/1908

Gray, Vane                                    F B                                                                                                                                    10/14/1908

Hiller, A. S.                                   M W                                                                                                                                 12/8/1908

Horn, John W.                       49  M W                 130         5' 6"       Brown    Blue        Fair         49                           10/24/1909         

Jardell. Joe                            74  M W                 120         5' 3"        Gray        Blue        Dark        26                           7/10/1908

Logan, Margeret                       F W                                                                                                                                   3/1/1908

Marbury, Laura                    20  F W 120         5' 3"        Black       Brown    Brunette                5                              4/1/1910

Miller, John                           64  M W                 150         5' 4"        Gray        Blue        Fair         20                           2/4/1903               2/4/1903

Miller, Peter                         68  M W                 135         5' 5"        Gray        Grey       Fair         20                           1/8/1908

Morgan, Lithia                      80  F W 135         5' 4"        Gray        Blue        Light       20                                           9/5/1909

Noonan, Louis                             M W                                                                                                                                 3/11/1909

Null, W. F.                                    M W                                                                                                                                 11/2/1907

Nulte, Henry                         60  M W                 110         5' 4"        Gray        Blue        Fair         21                           4/4/1910               3/26/1910

Nulty, Henry                          60  M W                  110        5' 6"        Light       Blue        Fair         20                           4/7/1910               3/26/1910

Parker, William                 67  M W                 130         5' 4"        Gray        Blue        Fair         55                             3/1/1908              

Patterson, Ed                               M W                                                                                                                                  8/19/1909

Patterson, Ed                        68  M W                 125         5' 6"       Brown    Blue        Fair         1 1/4                      4/7/1910               3/24/1910

Robertson, George                    M W                                                                                                                                 7/28/1909          

Robertson, Joe                           M W                                                                                                                                12/15/1908

Ruest, Joe                                    M W                                                                                                                                3/30/1909

 Scott, Ed.                                     M W                                                                                                                                 9/9/1909

Sheridan, Lawrence            70  M W                 125         5' 6"        Gray        Blue        Fair         3                              5/4/1910               4/11/1910

Shroder, L.                            80  M W                 120         5' 2"        Light       Blue        Fair         10                          4/1/1910               5/26/1910

Strech, Joe                            35  M B 174         5' 5"        Black       Black       Black       4                                              2/26/1907            2/26/1907

Sweidendick, Anton            65  M W                 160         5' 6"        White     Blue        Fair         20                           3/1/1908

Tibbits, Martin                      57  M W                 180         5' 11"     Gray        Blue        Light       14                           10/18/1908

Voisey, Henry                              M W                                                                                                                                   3/1/1908

Wacklin, John                       28  M W                 5'             Black       Blue        Fair                                                         3/1/1908              

Wagner, Annie                            F W                                                                                                                                  3/10/1908

Ward, Robert                               M W                                                                                                                                  9/9/1909                              

Wimmer, Henry                  69  MW  150         5'6"         White     Blue        Fair         25                                           11/13/1904          11/13/1904

Zimmerman, Jacob               59  MW                 5'4"         Gray        Blue        Dark        16                                           3/1/1908



Name            Relative                 Relatives P.O.         Discharge     Date of Death          Place of Birth

Backaus, A.                                                                                                            1/16/1909

Beard, Blonda                                                                                                       10/10/1909

Breckinridge, Thos. R.    Mrs. W.S. Jewett        Crystal City                                                                                            Missouri

Bulford, Haden     none                                                                                                                                                       St. Louis

Butler, Margaret                                                                                                  6/24/1908

Cantrell, James                                                                                                                                                                     Missouri

Crumbel, Ed          none                                                                                                                                                      St. Louis

Curee, Frank         none                                                                                                                                                      France

Davis, J. L.              Mrs. Matilda Davis               DeSoto, Mo.                          11/2/1909                                            Iowa

Davis, Coon           none                                                                                                                                                       Missouri

Davis, Mrs. V.                                                                                                        12/2/1909

Dix, Wm.                                                                                                                                                                                England

Drennen, Ida M.   John Timms?         Herculaneum

Farmer, Clarence none                                                                                                                                                      Missouri

Foersted, John                                                                                                      8/17/1909

Frank, Henry         A.W. Siegrist         Festus, Mo                                                                                                             Ohio

Franklin, Ben         none                                                                                                                                                       Missouri

Gray, Vane                                                                                                             10/15/1908

Hiller, A.S.                                                                                                              12/18/1908

Horn, John W.       David Horn            Crystal City                                            10/27/1909                                          Missouri

Jardell, Joe            none                                                                                                                                                       France

Logan, Margeret                                                                                                  5/6/1909

Marbury, Laura    none                                                                                                                                                       Mo

Miller, John           Emma Miller          Festus                                                                                                                     Germany

Miller, Peter         none                                                                                                                                                      Germany

Morgan, Lithia      none                                                                                                                                                       Kentucky

Noonan, Louis                                                                                                       9/10/1908

Null, W.F.                                                                                                               1/12/1908

Nulte, Henry                                                                                                                                                                         Germany

Nulty, Henry          none                                                                                                                                                       Germany

Parker, William     none                                                                                                                                                      Missouri

Patterson, Ed                                                                                                        10/23/1909

Patterson, Ed        none                                                                                                                                                       Penn

Robertson, George                                                                                              9/22/1909

Robertson, Joe                                                                                                     4/26/1909

Ruest, Joe                                                                                                              6/2/1909

Scott, Ed.                                                                                                                9/11/1909

Sheridan, Lawrence                                                                                                                                                            Ireland

Shroder, L.            none                                                                                                                                                       Ireland

Strech, Joe            Richard Strech      Swan Lake Ark.                                                                                                     Arkansas

Sweidendick, Anton            Mrs. A. Sweidendick            House Springs       2/3/1910                                              Germany

Tibbits, Martin      none                                                                                                                                                       Norway

Voisey, Henry

Wacklin, John       Peter McGee        Catawissa, Mo                                                                                                       Missouri

Wagner, Annie                                                                                                     3/13/1908

Ward, Robert                                                                                                        9/2/1909

Wimmer, Henry   none                                                                                                                                                       Germany

Zimmerman, Jacob               none                                                                                                                                       Switzerland