John E. Morris


Jefferson Democrat Aug 1878

J. E. Morris Physician & Surgeon, Zion, MO Dr. Hobson’s old place


1880 Jefferson County MO Census, Joachim Township

John E. Morris, Physician, Age 38, MO KY TN

Jennie E., 35, KY PA PA

John E. 13, MO

William H. 10 MO

Harvy W. 7 MO

Joseph M. 4 MO

Emma 3 MO

Infant 1/12, Born May, MO


Jefferson Democrat May 1883

Died - Morris – April 30, 1883, at his residence at Zion, Dr. John E. Morris, aged 40 years.

Dr. Morris was a native of Phelps county, Missouri. He first came to this county in 1872 under the direction of the M.E. Conference as an itinerant minister and proved to be very popular with and acceptable to the people of his circuit. In 1876 he located here permanently to practice his profession, that of M.D. in which he was successful, and was well liked as a physician by all who secured his services. He continued to preach as a local preacher and by the last Conference of his church was persuaded to accept the pastorate over a few churches near him. Being a man of good intellect and cultivated mind, his preaching was interesting and effective. As a Sunday school worker he had no superiors, and alas! too few equals, and in this department his loss will be especially felt.


As a man and citizen he was a thorough gentleman, entertaining his own positive views on all subjects, but respecting the opinions of others, and thus he commanded a respect and love such as is enjoyed by comparatively few. He was selected as a candidate for Representative by the Republican party at the last election, but would not neglect his business to make a canvas, and though defeated, came out of the race respected as much by those who voted against him as by his most ardent supporters.


He leaves a wife – a worthy lady – and seven children, the eldest of which is about fifteen years of age. While the community has lost an upright, intelligent citizen, the church a faithful and able defender, the Sunday school cause a devoted and earnest worker, his bereaved family have suffered a loss which is irreparable, and they have the sincere sympathy of all. Dr. Morris was earnest and energetic in every good work, his dominant motive always being to accomplish some good and promote the welfare of those around him. While assisting in fencing in a graveyard he contracted a severe cold, a violent attack of pneumonia followed, and death soon claimed his body, but we feel confident that his spirit is at rest with the God whom he served.