Francis E. Guibar


State Board of Health Certificates

Jefferson College 786 II D R

F. E. Guibar, House Springs Post Office, 1871 (date of license or diploma)


State Board of Health Certificates

Jefferson College 787 II D R

F. E. Guibar, 1883 St. Louis Medical College


Jefferson Democrat Dec. 3, 1875

Francis E. Guibar Physician & Surgeon, House’s Springs, MO


1880 Jefferson County MO Census, Meramec Township

F.E. Guibar, Physician, 29, IL MO MO

Minerva 28 MO Eng TN

Susan E. 9 MO IL MO

Julia F. 5 MO IL MO


Jefferson Democrat Jan. 12, 1887

On the morning of the 7th instant Mrs. Louisa ZIMPFER, of this place, died after an illness of three days. Child birth was the cause. Drs. GUIBAR and McNUTT performed a surgical operation on her, but it was too late to save her life, as inflammation had set in.


History of Franklin, Jefferson, Washington, Crawford and Gasconade Counties Biographical Appendix, Goodspeed Publishing Company, 1888.
Dr. Francis E. Guibor, a practicing physician and surgeon, also general merchant, House's Springs, is a native of Pike County, Ill., born in the year 1851, and is the
son of Francis E. and Elizabeth (Bailey) Guibor, natives of St. Louis, born in 1824 and 1826, respectively. They were married in 1846, and soon after removed to
Pike County, Ill. After moving around and living in various parts of Missouri and Illinois, they removed to Jefferson County in 1866, where they have since lived.
The father was a farmer and carpenter, and for some time was merchant at Cedar Hill, where he was also postmaster. He is of French descent, and a son of Francis
Guibor, native of Canada, but who was one of the early settlers of St. Louis. He was the brother of Capt. Henry Guibor, who served under Gen. Price, in the
Confederate army, and commanded the famous Guibor Battery. The Doctor received his literary education at the Christian Brothers College, of St. Louis, and
graduated from the Missouri Medical College, in 1871. He commenced practicing in Jefferson County, and in 1872 removed to House's Springs, where he soon
established an extensive and lucrative practice, now being by far the oldest and most experienced practitioner of the place. He also engaged in merchandising, at
which he has been quite successful. He is a Democrat in politics, his first presidential vote being for Horace Greeley, in 1872. He and family are members of the
Catholic Church. In March, 1870, he wedded Miss Minerva E., daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth Jones early settlers of Jefferson County, where Mrs. Guibor was born.
The fruits of this union were eight children, five now living: Susan E., Julia F., Gertrude M., Blanche and Ada M.


Missouri Birth & Death Records Database

Date of Birth, Feb. 20, 1889, Female born to F. E. Guibor and Minerva E. Guibor at House Springs, Cause of dead birth; Tonic contraction of uterus with rupture of membranes too early. Signature of Medical Attendant, F.E. Guibor


1898 Historical Atlas of Jefferson Co., MO

Dr. F.E. Guibor, Physician & Surgeon, Demaree, House Springs, came to county in 1878

(portrait department 1898 Historical Atlas of Jefferson Co., MO)


Jefferson County Record, Feb. 13, 1913

Dr. Francois E. GUIBOR, Mayor of Maplewood, who was stricken with apoplexy in the street near his home some two weeks ago, died and was buried in Byrnesville last Sunday, after the funeral rites at the Church of the Immaculate Conception in St. Louis. Dr. GUIBOR formerly lived at House Springs and has many friends in this county who will regret the loss of this enterprising citizen and worthy man.  He was 61yrs. of age and is survived by a wife and several grown children.