Walter E. Gibson



Walter                                                His mother, Rebecca Hearst Gibson


Zoe Booth Rutledge - Our Jefferson County Heritage

Born in Washington County, Missouri in 1863 he was a son of Samuel D(ecatur) Gibson and Rebecca (Angeline) Hearst, both of the parents being grandchildren of early pioneers. When a boy, he attended a one room log school, then Belleview Collegiate Institute, and the State Normal School at Kirksville. In his later years he sometimes humorously recalled his college days when he was a "green country kid with a funny hat, who had to learn the ways of city folks." He taught several terms of school in Washington County, where he married "Miss Lucy" McGrady, who encouraged him to become a doctor. In 1892 he earned his degree at Missouri Medical College, a part of the Washington University School of Medicine. Thus began a career in medicine that lasted fifty four years, although he felt impelled to leave his practice long enough to serve in the Forty-fourth General Assembly. He introduced many good bills that were written into the laws of the state. For ten years, concurrently with his practice of medicine, he was the mayor of DeSoto, and the town took forward strides because of his wise administration. A lifelong friendship between Walter E. Gibson and my father, Charles S. Booth, began in their boyhood and continued until my father died at the age of fifty-six. Dr. Gibson lived to be eighty four.


He practiced medicine in DeSoto for many years and was a “horse and buggy” doctor. His first home and office is now the location of the Mahn funeral home. His later office was on Boyd Street.


1897 Directory of the City of DeSoto

W.E. Gibson, physician and surgeon, 1000 N. Main St.


1900 Jefferson County MO Census, DeSoto

William E. Gibson, Physician, Born Nov. 1863, Age 36 Married 5 years, MO MO MO

Lucie, Nov 1866, 33, mother of 2, 2 living

Lucie J., Feb 1896, 4, MO

Walter E., Jan 1900, 4/12, MO


1910 Jefferson County Missouri Census, DeSoto

William E Gibson 47  Married 15 years

Lucy Gibson 43  Mother of 2, 2 living

Genevieve Gibson 14 

Walter Gibson 10 


1920 Jefferson County MO Census, DeSoto

Walter E Gibson 55  Physician

Lucy Gibson 52  wife

Genevieve Gibson 23  daughter 

Walter E Gibson 19  son

Amanda Baker 54  boarder

Jane McGrady 76 mother-in-law  Widowed


1930 Jefferson County MO Census, DeSoto

Walter W Gibson 65  Widowed Physician  MO MO MO

Walter W Gibson 30  Son Physician  First married at age 27  MO MO MO

Mary J Gibson 2 1/12  Granddaughter

Shelley C Crass 36  Son-in-law  First married at age 33

Geneieve Crass 33  Daughter  First married at age 29

Amanda Baker 65  Servant

Hallie Martin 28 Servant


1936 Directory of the City of DeSoto

Dr. W. E. Gibson, Physician Tel. 41, 16 Boyd