Asa Prior Booth


State Board of Health Certificates

Jefferson College 786 II D R

Asa P. Booth, Hillsboro Post Office, 1884 (date of license or diploma)


State Board of Health Certificates

Jefferson College 787 II D R

A. P. Booth 1884 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Jefferson Democrat, 17 JUNE 1881
Asa BOOTH got back home this week from the Michigan University, where he has been studying medicine.  He is looking extremely well.
Jefferson Democrat, 23 JUNE 1882
Asa BOOTH has returned home from Ann Harbor, Mich., to spend vacation. He expects after another term to have the privilege of affixing M.D. after his name.
Jefferson Democrat, 3 OCTOBER 1883
Asa BOOTH will again resume his studies at Ann Arbor, Michigan, this week.  He is one of the best, as well as brightest young men in this county, and will, no doubt, stand a good examination at the end of his term, and return home a full fledged M.D.  Our best wishes for his success are with him.
Jefferson Democrat July 2, 1884
Asa Booth returned last Thursday from Ann Harbor, Michigan, with his diploma from the medical college of that place.  He is now entitled to be addressed as Doctor. His return home was hastened by the serious illness of his mother.
The Jefferson Democrat April 21, 1892  
~BLUEWOOD, 9293~
The standard bred trotting stallion will stand the season of 1892 as follows: 
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of each week in DeSoto at the livery stable on the east side of the track, and the balance of the week, at home 2 miles north of Hematite, and 1 mile south of Bailey Station.  For a full pedigree, write to A.P. BOOTH, Hematite, MO.
Terms - $12 to insure a live foal.  W.T. HENSLEY, Groom.
Jefferson County Record, March 13, 1913

Dr. A.P. BOOTH, Miss Hilda BOOTH and Mrs. E.F. HONEY are back home after spending the winter in Florida.

Obituary – Jefferson Democrat 1917
Asa Prior Booth, son of Joel P. and Phebe M. Booth, was born March 6th, 1855, in Berlin Center, Ohio; died at the old homestead, near Hillsboro, November 4th, 1917, aged sixty-two years, seven months and twenty eight days. In his early life for a number of years he taught school in Jefferson County. After this he took a medical course in the Ann Arbor Medical School, Ann Arbor Michigan. He graduated in 1884. Although he was a graduate of one of the very best medical schools and was intellectually and every other way highly qualified for the profession, he never practiced medicine, but took up farming dairying, and the mercantile business. His mercantile life was spent at Hematite in partnership with Judge Rome Byrd. The last years of his life he lived with his niece, Hilda Booth, daughter of Joel C. Booth at her home at Buckeye, Missouri. He came to this county with his parents about 45 years ago. He has two brothers, Charles S. and Joel C. both of whom have preceeded him. His only sister, Mrs. Medora Honey survives him. Besides these near relatives he has two nephews, Charles W. Booth and Joel F. Honey, and three nieces, Hilda, Zoe and Medora Booth. 


No one has been a more important factor in the upbuilding of the county; he has been identified with almost every undertaking, and has always stood for the best interest. His life was commendable in every moral and social respect. His was a pure mind and his unfailing fidelity to his friends will cause many to gratefully cherish his memory. A vast host join the near members of the family in mourning their irreparable loss. His funeral was conducted by Rev. T. S. Mattews, pastor of the Presbyterian church, DeSoto, Mo. The services were in the old homestead, the present home of his sister, Mrs. Medora Honey, and his remains were taken to the Hillsboro cemetery and laid away to rest, November 6th, 1917.


The Democrat, December 14, 1917

Will of A. P. Booth as follows:

Mrs. Medora Honey, a sister, is given undivided 3.16 interest in 8 lots in Hematite and $2000

Mrs. Lily Booth, 1-4 interest in a farm in Mohoning County, O.

Miss Zoe Booth, niece, 20 shares of the capital stock of the Corno Mills

Miss Medora Booth, niece, 20 shares of the captial stock of the Corno Mills

Miss Hilda Booth, niece, All the West end of the N 1/2 SW 1/4  Sec. 6, Twp. 40, R5E containing 20 acres; 26 shares of the capital stock of the Corno Mills; all the personal property of every nature and kind on the Joel C. Booth farm including automobile, furniture, and fixtures, tools and impliments, all horses, cattle, grain, and feed.

Charles W. Booth, Nephew, is given all the rest of his property both real and personal, which interest is the major portion of his property

Miss Hilda Booth is named as Executrix without bond until Charles W. Booth reaches the age of 21, at which time hs is to become executor without bond.

Charles W. Booth was 21 Monday, Nov. 26, and was appointed Executor.