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Charlotte's Pearls Newspaper Articles
Transcribed by Charlotte Maness
Prepared for this website by Lisa K. Gendron
De Soto, Jefferson, Missouri
A Woman with a Gun - George W. DASHMAN was shot, and probably fatally wounded, in St. Louis, by Mrs. Susan M. FOSTER. Several years ago, DASHMAN gained unenviable notoriety through the death of Laura FITTS. He got out of the scrape but became attached to Edna MILLER, daughter of Mrs. FOSTER. DASHMAN and the MILLER woman were preparing to leave town together, it is said, when Mrs. FOSTER appeared on the scene and put several 38 caliber bullets into DASHMAN. "He gave poor Laura FITTS" mother the laugh, but he couldn't do it to me." was Mrs. FOSTER's remark after she had been locked up.
Death of Hon. Daniel PROCTOR - Hon. Daniel PROCTOR, ex-representative of Caldwell county, died at Braymer, a few days ago, aged 83 years. Mr. PROCTOR was born in Washington County, O. , in 1812, and in 1856 moved to Missouri, settling in Caldwell County, near Braymer, where he has resided until last year. When he moved to Braymer. He served two terms in the general assembly of this state.
Found in the River - The body of Mrs. H. OHLENBUSH was found in the Missouri about a mile below St. Charles. She had been missing from home several days. Mrs. OHLENBUSH was 63, and had been ill for some months.
Crystal City, Jefferson, Missouri - Died at her home on the 9th inst. near Florisant, St. Louis County, Mo. Mrs. M.J. FINE of heart disease, aged 43 years and 11 months. She was born July 9, 1851, on a farm in this county. Her remains were brought to our village on the 10th, accompanied by her husband and three sons. She was buried at the BURGESS cemetery on the 11th. Rev. JACKSON of Kimmswick delivered the general sermon. May she rest in peace.
Life's Labor's Done - On last Sunday evening at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Edward THOMPSON, aged 68, passed away. For fifteen weeks she suffered intensely but with christian fortitude bore her afflictions to the end. Mrs. THOMPSON was born in the Indian Territory and 50 years age was married to Edward THOMPSON and to him was proven a faithful companion through all these years. Mrs. THOMPSON leaves five daughters to mourn her. They are Mrs. S.S. PRENTISS, Mrs. Lottie FLEMMING, and Miss Sallie THOMPSON of De Soto, Mrs. GAMARCHE of Pevely, and Mrs. HARMONY of Clifton Hill, Mo. The funeral took place Monday, conducted by the Revs. RUSSELL and JANUARY, and the remains laid at rest in the family burying lot in the City cemetery. The bereaved family have the sympathy of a host of friends in De Soto and surrounding country as everybody was acquainted with "Aunt" Elizabeth. Card of Thanks - We take this means of extending our most sincere thanks to those who so kindly and nobly aided us during the sickness and death of our beloved mother and wish to assure them that their kindness to us in our bereavement will ever be remembered. Respectfully. Mr. and Mrs. S.S. PRENTISS
DIED - Lucile, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed MAHONEY, residing on Fourth and Boyd streets. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of their many friends in this, their sad affliction.
Died in St. Louis last Friday evening. Malcolm McGREGOR TRUE, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. H.M. TRUE, formerly of this city. The remains were brought to De Soto for interment and the funeral took place from the Episcopal church, conducted by Rev. McBRIDE, Sunday at 2 o'clock. The little child was only 7 months old but had won a place in its parents hearts that cannot be filled since its death. Mr. and Mrs. TRUE have a host of friends here who, with The Facts extend sympathy.
Mrs. Mary E. FERGUSON - Mrs. Mary E. FERGUSON died at Clinton from heart disease. She was the widow of the late Hon. John C. FERGUSON, of Osceola, and a sister of Hon. Joseph H. OUTHWAITE, of Ohio.
Killed by Cannon Firecracker - John ALLIS, aged 9 years, 1010 Arsenal street, St. Louis, was instantly killed as the result of trying to pick up a firecracker of unusual size. The top of his head was blown off.
Killed by the Cars - Mrs. Savannah GEORGE, 80 years old, was struck by a Burlington Passenger train at Parkville, Platte county, and her neck and back broken.
Run Over an old Man - David BOBST, an aged resident of Dean, was run over in St. Joseph by two unknown women in a buggy and probably fatally injured.
The funeral of Vese BURGESS took place from the Christian Church last Thursday. There were more people in attendance than could get in the house. The funeral was held from the Christian Church on account of Mrs. BURGESS being unable to attend at their own church, it being a distance of several blocks away. The kindness of the Christian people is highly appreciated by the family.
HUGH McKITTRICK Dead - He was An Old and Honored Dry Goods Merchant of St. Louis
St. Louis, July 16,--Mr. Hugh McKITTRICK, president of the Hargadine-McKittrick Dry Goods Co., died at his home in this city Sunday morning. The end came peacefully after a painful illness of six months' duration. Mr. McKITTRICK was an old and honored citizen of the city. He came here in 1849 and rose rapidly and steadily to a position of influence in the mercantile community. He was born in Belfast, Ireland, in 1830. He landed in New York in 1849 equipped with a sound education, a moderate capital and unbounded hope and energy. He had the gold fever, and landed with the determination to proceed without delay to the new Eldorado, California. While in New York he made the acquaintance and secured the friendship of Mr. Wayman CROW, a rising merchant of this city. He was dissuaded from going to California and decided to embark in business with Mr. CROW. Within three or four years he became a partner in the firm of Crow, McCreery & Co. This firm prospered, and lasted until 1876, when it was succeeded by Crow, Hargadine & Co., and in 1889, by the Hargadine-McKittrick Dry Goods Col, of which Mr. Hugh McKITTRICK was the head.
Frumet, Jefferson, Missouri - Thursday, 1 August 1895 - The remains of Mrs. John LOLLAR of Grubville, was interred in Dry Creek cemetery Sunday last.
It is reported that a man named Mr. HAYSTACKER committed suicide at an early hour Friday evening, by hanging himself in the barn, by means of a rope. It seems that he and some little children were at the home of his son--his son being absent--when he took the little children out of the house to the barn, put them to sleep, went back set the house on fire and then returned to the barn which resulted as above stated. The cause of the rash act is unknown at present. Mr. HAYSTACKER resided, at the time of his death, near French Village.
Vineland, Missouri - August 6, 1895 - Mrs. Mary JOYCE, formerly of Cincinnati, departed this life August 1, '95, at the home of her mother, Mrs. Luke O'ROURKE of this place. The remains were laid to rest in the Catholic cemetery at Old Mines. The family have the sympathy of all.
"Grandma" COOPER - She was born in Amelia County, Va., August 7, 179_. Her maiden name was HOLT. She married Wm. COOPER in Amelia County when 18, and in 1827 they came to Missouri and entered a tract of land in Lafayette county. In 1839 the husband died leaving ten children, only three of whom are living. She has twenty-five grandchildren and forty-seven great-grand-children. After her husband's death Mrs. COOPER resided upon the land they had entered until five years ago, when she went to live with a daughter, Mrs. Wm STARKE. Her eye-sight remains fairly good and her hearing is splendid. She is cheerful and strong and seems good for a number of years.
Rev. Moses U. PAYNE - The remains of Rev. Moses U. PAYNE, who died at Payne, Ia., were interred on the Payne farm, 12 miles west of Columbia. Moses PAYNE was for seventy-five years a resident of Boone county, and for many years a merchant of Columbia. He was worth over $1,000,000. He was one of the oldest citizens, and at the time of his death was over 88 years of age. He gave large sums at different periods of his life to educational institutions, and also to aid religious enterprises. He, in company with the late Dr. William JEWELL, established the first church in Boone county. He was a devoted Methodist, and had preached at different churches for over half a century. He was the founder of Howard Payne college, at Fayette, Mo. He also received some celebrity as an intimate friend of Jefferson DAVIS at the close of the Civil War, and presented him with $25,000, Rev. PAYNE leaves two children--a daughter, Mattie, the wife of Rev. S. P. CREISOP, of Maryville, Mo., and a son, Millard PAYNE, who was with his father at the time of his death.
Pioneer Daniel G. GRAY - Daniel G. GRAY died in Green county the other day. He was 89 years old and one of the oldest settlers of the county. He was among the original thirteen pioneers who started the village of Springfield in 1831. The only two now living of the original thirteen are Judge W.C. PRICE and Capt. Lucius ROUNTREE of Springfield. Daniel G. GRAY was born in Christian County, Ky., April 18, 1806. He was assessor of Green county when it extended from Crawford county on the east to the Indian territory on the west, the Osage river on the north and the Arkansas line on the south. Mr. GRAY was a staunch Union man, and a republican in politics.
Killed Himself in a Bath Tub - J.W. WALKER, of St. Joseph, killed himself in a Kansas City Hotel. He took a dose of carbolic acid and then shot himself behind the right ear. WALKER's clothes were on the floor by the bath tub, while he reposed in the tub on his back. Mr. WALKER was a well-known Democratic politician and was the leader of the Buchanan county delegation in the state convention held in Kansas City in May, 1894. He was a sound money man, and made a vigorous fight against the adoption of the Bland platform.
Judge Henry COWGILL - Judge Henry COWGILL, for thirty years a resident of Chillicothe, died the other night of a complicaton of diseases, aged 52. He was a bachelor, was born at Greencastle, Ind., and was the son of Judge John COWGILL, an eminent jurist. For eighteen years he held office in Livingston county, serving six years as justice of the peace, eight years as probate judge and four years as county clerk, his term expiring with 1894.
DIED--At Hillsboro, on August 30th,1895, Mrs. Fannie D. wife of F. R. DEARING, aged 30 years, 5 months, and 12 days. Mrs. DEARING was a woman loved and esteemed by all who knew her and her death cast a gloom of sorrow over the entire community in which she lived. She was a noble Christian woman and died with the blessed hope of reaching a better world. The remains were brought to DeSoto where the Rev. Geo STEELE conducted the funeral services at the Baptist church. Mr. DEARING in his sad bereavement has the sympathy of a host of friends.
Died, on Wednesday, Oct. 9, 1895. Howard PAUL, aged 63. The funeral will take place this afternoon at 2:30, Rev. R.W. MASON, officiating. Mr. PAUL was born in Maine, in March 1832, and came west at an early age. He had been a railroad man for 33 years. His death was caused by complication of Kidney troubles. He was the oldest man that ever died in the Mo. Pacific Hospital. His relatives have the unbounded sympathy of all in their hour of sorrow. C.E. BLAND, one of the most highly respected citizens of our town, died at his home on the East Side last Saturday morning. His remains were conveyed to the depot by Brother Odd Fellows and taken to Boston for interment. Mr. BLAND was a conductor on the I.M. for a number of years and was a favorite among railroad men. He leaves a wife to mourn his loss, but to her the sympathy of the entire community is extended.
Mr. Oscar VAUGHN, of Kokomo, Ind., died last Monday evening, and the remains were shipped here Wednesday for interment. Mr. VAUGHN was favorably known here, having lived here many years. We are sorry to hear of his death.
Lillie May STARLING, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N.R. STARLING died Monday after a short illness. The little babe was only two months old but in its death the fond parents lose one of their brightest hopes and their hearts are filled with sorrow.
The three year old child of Mr. and Mrs. FISHER, Kittie Ruth, died Monday night of diphtheria, and was buried yesterday. Rev. MASON conducted the funeral services. The bereaved family have the tender sympathy of their host of friends in this, their hour of sorrow. Little Kittie was a bright little child, beloved by the whole neighborhood, and her sweet childish prattle will be sorely missed by all who knew her. Let the bereaved take comfort in the words of Jesus; "Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven."
OBITUARY - Saturday, Nov. 2nd Mr. Ferdinand SCHMITZ lost their little daughter Addie Fanita, aged two years and three months. The funeral was conducted by Rev. S. MILLS, of Grace church, after the burial services the remains were interred in the Crystal cemetery. Eight pall bearers were selected from Grace church Sunday school Misses Gertrude BOZARK, Lizzy SEBERT, Lizzy SCANLIN, May WILLIAMS, Lizzie DIRKERY, Bertha YEASLEY, Mary THARMURE, and Doll SCANLIN. Crystal City, Mo., Nov 5, 1895.
Antonia, Missouri - Wm. KRUST had his share of sickness here lately. His two boys were sick with diphtheria the oldest 8 years of age died on the 17h ult, the other one is better at this writing and up and about. Last week his wife took sick with diphtheria but is on the mend.
On the 25th the friends of Mrs. Lou WESTERRECK were surprised to hear of her death at her home in St. Louis. She died after but a short illness of inflammation of the bowels, aged 32 years and 7 months. She leaves a bereaved husband and two small children. Mrs. WESTERRECK lived at Antonia for 9 years and is well known here. She was a lady in all respects and a true loving mother.
Mrs. H.H. LAUGEBENING died on the 23rd of Oct. of dropsy at the advanced age of 75 years. Mrs. LANGENENING had been living in this neighborhood for the last 40 years and was highly respected by all who knew her.
D.F. ERICKS, a respected and well to do farmer, near Seckman, committed suicide by cutting his throat with a butcher knife the 2nd inst. His mind had been demented for some time and he had made several attempts before to kill himself.
IN MEMORIAM - Knorpp, Mo., Nov. 13, 1895. - Died, at the home of her son, Wesley KNORPP, Mrs. Louisa Barbara KNORPP, aged 78 years. The deceased was the widow of the late John KNORPP, well and favorably known in this county, and was highly respected by all who know her. She was born in Bazel, Switzerland, March 5, 1817, and came to America in 1843. She was married to Mr. John KNORPP in St. Louis in 1846, and has resided in Jefferson county since that time. Her life was one of the highest type of Christian womanhood, and she made a friend of everyone who became acquainted with her. She leaves four children, twenty-five grandchildren and three great grandchildren to mourn her loss. She was laid to rest in the M.E. cemetery, the services being conducted by Rev. GRUENEWALD of the German M.E. church and Rev. Paul WENDT of the German Evangelical church. H.K.
Saturday, Nov. 16, Mr. and Mrs. A. MULLER lost two bright little boys with diphtheria in less than twelve hours, Antonia, aged 5 years and 10 months and Joseph, aged 4 years. They were laid to rest in one grave in the Catholic cemetery. It is sad to lose one but doubly sad to lose two. Mr. and Mrs. MULLER have the heartfelt sympathy of all their friends and neighbors.
Tributes of Respect Festus, Mo., Nov. 16, 1895
To the W.M., W. and Bros. of Shekinah Lodge No. 256, A.F. and A.M. Bro. D.J. MARQUIS, past master of this lodge has been called by the Grand Master of the Universe to the Supreme Grand Lodge on high. Those of us who had the pleasure of listening to the impressive manner in which he gave the several Masonic lectures and witnessed his truly exemplary life feel that a great light has gone out. Of his life as an expounder of the great light given as a rule and guide for our faith and practice, thousands can testify. He lived to a good old age to guide others and now has gone to his reward. Let us imitate the example of that good man in his virtuous life, strict integrity to his trust and Christian career. To his family and friends we have little of this worlds comforts to give, but truly sympathize with them in this their sad bereavement, and hope that we may all meet him in the great beyond. Resolved, That our lodge and jewels be draped in mourning until after our next installation. and that an enlarged photograph of our second W. M. be procured and placed in the east. Chas. G. WARNER, Com. Thos. J. LEE, Wm. F. HOLT.
Mrs. Jane POINTER, who was accidently shot last week, died last Thursday night, and the funeral took place Saturday under the auspices of the Tabernacle.
After a brief illness of a few days, P.C. ZOLLMANN, one of the oldest and most highly respected citizens of ths city, died at his home on Monday the 25th inst. Mr. ZOLLMANN has been a resident of De Soto for many years and in his death the town loses a valuable citizen and his family a loving husband and kind father. The funeral took place this afternoon. (Wednesday) at the German M.E. church of which Mr. ZOLLMANN was a member. Rev. GRUENEWALD, pastor of that church conducting the same.
He Pulled the Trigger - James A. THORNE, aged 28, of Sedalia, crazed with drink, and by the fact that his wife had left him, committed suicide while sitting in a buggy in a livery stable. He placed the muzzle of a pistol to his mouth and pulled the trigger.
A Sensational Suicide - Jacob HEATHER, a young farmer near Kliever, Montieau county, committed suicide under unusually sensational circumstances, according to a dispatch sent from Sedalia. Report has it that a young woman with whom he had kept company had acted indiscreetly and becoming a prospective mother, was disposed to designate HEATHER as the guilty party, but he stoutly protested his innocence. He called upon her, and after a brief conversation, grasped her hand in his and with his other hand drew a revolver and shot himself, dying almost instantly at her feet.
Antonia, Jefferson, Missouri - M.N. WURTZ, of near here, aged 71, died on November 28th, after a short illness of pneumonia. He was buried on the 30th, in the Catholic cemetery, in the presence of a large crowd of friends and relatives.
Rev. Dr. W.A. ROTHWELL - Rev. Dr. W.A. ROTHWELL, of Moberly, died a few mornings ago, aged 67. He was one of Moberly's pioneers and most highly respected citizens. He was the father of Hon. W.A. ROTHWELL representative of Randolph County. He had been pastor of the Primitive Baptist church of Moberly for many years.
A Kansas City Pioneer - Edward N. ALLEN, aged 65, a pioneer of Kansas City, for ten years president of the board of trade and an ex-mayor, died the other day. His father was the late Josiah B. ALLEN, a man of considerable prominence in Connecticut and Ohio.
Why Rufus SUITS Took His Life; - It had developed that Rufus SUITS, who committed suicide in Kansas City recently, killed himself rather than announce to the world as his lawful wife his former housekeeper, who, it appears, he had secretly married over a year ago.
Geo. GIMPLE, a lad thirteen years of age, was accidentally shot in the abdomen last Saturday night with a 22-caliber rifle. His injuries were not thought to be of dangerous nature until he became suddenly worse Monday and died Monday night. The coroner's inquest developed that young GIMPLE and some other boys were out hunting, and that GIMPLE set his gun down, leaving it half cocked, and that the gun fell down and was discharged, the ball taking effect as above stated.
12 DECEMBER 1895
The infant son of Jos. PALMER died last Friday morning of tonsillitis, being sick only one day. The remains were interred in the Catholic Cemetery after services at the church Saturday at 10 o'clock. The parents have the sympathy of all their friends.
By Hanging - Mr. Thomas BRAMEL, aged 75, a well-to-do farmer, and who had been living for the past fifty years about 3 miles from Washington, was found suspended by a rope from a rafter in his barn. He leaves an aged widow, but no children.
19 DECEMBER 1895
Last of the Early Residents - Bettie McCLURE, widow of the late Geo. W. McCLURE, and the last of the early residents of Georgetown, Pettis county, died recently, aged 78.
Mrs. MAHLER, an aged lady living on the east side, dropped dead Tuesday evening. She had been troubled for some time with heart disease, but no one thought she would pass away so soon.
Died on Monday, Dec. 16, of diphtheria, Paul, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. A. MULLER, aged seven months. This is three precious boys they have parted with in one month. The Heartbroken parents have our sympathy in their bereavement.
26 DECEMBER 1895
Hon. Bernard POEPPING - Hon. Bernard POEPPING, aged 67, mayor of Carondelet for 12 Consecutive years just previous to annexation to St. Louis, democratic candidate for secretary of state in 1868, and also served in the legislature, died recently.
Apoplexy of the Heart - Anton GRIESEDIECK, a wealthy and prominent German of St. Louis, well known in brewery circles died suddenly of apoplexy of the heart.
A young man by the name of SHEARLOCK, from St. Francois county, was run over by a train of cars west of town Wednesday night and instantly killed. It is supposed that he had started home, walking on the railroad; and that he being tired, sat down on the track and fell asleep, and was struck by an engine and killed. Coroner AUERSWALD summoned a jury Thursday morning; who, after hearing the evidence in the case, decided that his death was purely accidental.
2 JANUARY 1896
There was a head r-end collision between two freight trains on the Crystal railroad last Saturday evening. Mr. Hughes KIDD was instantly killed. Mr. McDANIEL and Mr. POLITE were seriously hurt. The small train was unloading near the brickyard. when the regular train came shooting down upon them from out the cut. The men on the work train thought the other train would stop. but No. 4 expected them to get out of the way, but as it was "Betsy" got badly smashed up. The Coroner's jury held no one responsible for the death of Mr. KIDD. He could have saved himself by jumping, as the others did, but thinking there was no danger, he remained on the car and was knocked off, the wheels passing over his head.
Victims of the Flood - The body of Mrs. Wm. MEADOWS, drowned in the flood near Old Monroe, was recovered, and buried in the same grave with her husband, who also lost his life in the flood. The body of Job HEILMAN, who attempted the rescue of the MEADOWS, was also found. He was not drowned with the others, but swam to tree, where he remained all night. Becoming discouraged, the next morning he attempted to swim ashore, but was washed down stream.
Sad Death of a Young Man - Charles H. KIDD, of Mineral Point, Washington county, son of the superintendent of bridge construction for the Iron Mountain railroad, was struck by the engine of a freight at Fredericktown, as it slowed up to take water.
Family of Five Drowned - The home of William JONES, on Sac river, in Cedar county, was washed away by high water. Mr. JONES, his wife and three children were drowned.
9 JANUARY 1896
Gone to Her Reward - Mary A. CABLE departed this life at her home in this city Jan. 2, 1896, at 7:20a.m. being 51 years old. The deceased was the second daughter of Rose and Lavinia JELKYL, and was born near Farmington, Mo., Nov. 30, 1844. She received her education from her father who was one of the earliest instructors in St. Francois county who left his home England after completing a college course to try his fortune in America. Mary being his favorite daughter and being associated so closely with him soon became the most apt scholar in the surrounding country. At the age of 14, her father engaged in mercantile pursuit in the town of Farmington, and she was given a position in the store, the experience in which, had much to do in molding the firm business like character which pervaded her life. When the war broke out the family moved to DeSoto for greater security and the business continued under her charge, her father being away in the service of the forces of the North. During the troublesome times of 1863-4, she was complimented for her bravery many times by those in command of troops stationed at De Soto, and when the troops were withdrawn to St. Louis upon the approach of PRICE and his army and when the few men who were left to guard the families and property left behind were compelled to flee or remain in hiding Mary JELKYL was one of the very few women who were left to take care of the property of this city. It is well known to those who resided here then that it was chiefly through her pleadings with the captain of the Rebel forces that caused him to desist from burning the town on the night of that memorable raid. It was through her efforts that the fire that was thrice started to burn the hotel now known as the DeSoto House, and which had been completed a short time was extinguished. After PRICE's men left the town, which was near midnight, she gathered together the balance of the women, possibly a dozen, and during the remainder of the night engaged themselves and scattered end to end of the main street, keeping same safely until the owners returned and claimed them. At the close of the war she was married to B.C. CABLE and took up her residence for a short time at White Cloud, Kansas. She returned to De Soto in 1867 and with the exception of few years spent in St. Louis, has made this her home since. Mrs. CABLE was a most estimable woman and beloved by all who knew her, and her death is mourned by a large circle of friends. She was a devout and consistent Christian having first united with the Methodist Episcopal church many years ago. Later she united with the Presbyterian church and was a member of the First Presbyterian church of this city at the time of her death. While she suffered much during the greater part of her last illness she bore it with great fortitude and the end came while in the arms of her daughter without a murmur and as quietly as the dying leaf falls from the tree. Owing to certain peculiarities connected with her last illness--which was pronounced as valvular heart trouble--it was her request that an autopsy be made of her remains by the physicians who fought so heroically for her life to the end that the medical fraternity might have the benefit of such examination for the treatment of suffering humanity in the future. The funeral services was held at the residence on Friday afternoon by Rev. Mr. MASON and was brief and simply being in accordance with the of expressed wish of the deceased. Five children survive her who have the heartfelt sympathy in their bereavement.
Wreck at the Summit - Wednesday morning at 4:30 o'clock a wreck occurred at Summit, caused by freight, first No. 70 running into first No. 75, while the latter was heading into the switch. The trains had orders to me there, but owing to the heavy fog that prevailed at the time, Engineer FITZGERALD, of 75, did not see the other train until too late to stop. The collision resulted in five cars being thrown into the ditch, and the killing of a number of hogs that were in the car first struck. Engineer FITZGERALD was slightly wounded on the cheek, and his fireman, E.G. LEMONS, received an injury on the head and also in the breast, which may result in his death. He was brought up on No. 66 and taken to the hospital. Conductor HASTEL was in charge of No. 70, while No. 75 was in charge of conductor PILEHER, and Engineer GRANT at the throttle. The wreck delayed all the through trains, they not reaching this city until noon.
A Shotgun in the Wagon - Near Elsberry, as H.H. EVANS was riding along the bottom road in the rear of a two-horse farm wagon, driven by Will Dave JAMISON and son, a double-barreled shot gun, loaded with goose shot, which was lying on the bottom of the wagon. was accidentally discharged, the entire load entering EVANS' face and breast, mortally wounding him.
Mrs. Rachel REID BUTTERFIELD - Mrs. Rachel REID BUTTERFIELD, aged 63, widow of the late Gen. F.W. BUTTERFIELD, died in Kansas City, the other day, from a surgical operation.
Mrs. Catharine KENNEDY - Mrs. Catharine KENNEDY died at Nevada the other morning, aged 74. She was reared in Warren county, and had resided at Nevada 13 years.
Peculiar Cause of Death - James SANFORD MOORES, aged 16, whose home was at 924 North High street, St. Louis, died from chronic nose bleed a few days ago.
C.M. ROBINSON, lumber dealer, died at Lamar of pneumonia. He leaves a widow and three children. Judge ROBINSON, of the Missouri supreme court; William ROBINSON, of Nevada, Mo., and L.B. ROBINSON, of Paris, Mo., were brothers of the deceased.
George A. KING, a clerk in the state insurance department at Springfield found his brother James in the city hospital at Sedalia, after the family had for years supposed him dead. Fourteen years ago James, at the age of 13, ran away from his parents at Allendale, Wabash county, Ill., and all efforts to locate him proved futile. On Christmas day, after a fight in Sedalia, which resulted in the breaking of three ribs, he wrote to his brother George, who arrived from Springfield, and attired in an entire new outfit of clothing, James was taken back to the old home at Allendale.
16 JANUARY 1896
A Note Saved Him - Earl McCLURE of Englewood, Boone county, attempted suicide by taking rat poison. A note that he had written to his father was found and read before the poison had taken effect. A physician was summoned, and after considerable effort he was restored to consciousness.
Mrs. Margaret LYNCH - Mrs. Margaret LYNCH, aged 97, died recently near Shackelford, Saline county. She leaves four children, 42 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren, and was widely known.
A Child Fatally Burned - Edna May WILLIAMS, the three-year old daughter of L.L. WILLIAMS, near Bloomfield, was fatally burned. She was playing with fire and her clothing became ignited.
Thrown From His Horse - Joseph THOMAS, a farmer near Maltney's Mill, Buchanan county, was thrown by a fractious horse against a rail fence, and died within an hour.
Crushed His Skull - R.M. LAWRENCE, a farmer residing at Patton, was thrown from his wagon the other evening, a wheel passing over his head, crushing the skull.
Surprised Himself and Playmates - Rex WILEY, the 8-year old son of John WILEY, of Lamar, surprised himself and some other lads with whom he was playing by an act which nearly ended his life. Young WILEY slipped a rope over a tree, and then a noose over his head, mounted a fence nearby, and then jumped off to scare his playmates by making them think he was going to hang himself. His calculations proved incorrect, however, for instead of landing on the ground, as he had intended, he lacked about six inches of having rope enough, and dangled in the air. He was unconscious when cut down.
Mrs. Elizabeth FARLEY, mother of James FARLEY of this city, died at Ponona, California, on New Year's morning. She was 89 years old, and for the last twenty years had made her home with her son, Waman L.FARLEY, at Pamona.
28 JANUARY 1896
Judge MUNSON was buried yesterday at Festus.
Died From a Fall Downstairs - Mrs. Ann BULLARD, aged 88, mother of Rev. Henry BULLARD, of Westminster Presbyterian church, St. Joseph, fell downstairs and died from her injuries. She was well known in missionary and Christian work in Illinois and Missouri more than a quarter of a century ago.
Burned to Death in His Room - Frank HAMMOND, aged 67, was burned to death in his room at Utica, Livingston county, probably the result of a lamp explosion.
30 JANUARY 1896
Gone to His Reward - After a long and gallant fight, with disease Judge Theophilous MUNSON, one of the leading citizens of Jefferson County passed away Saturday, January 18, 1896, in the sixty-third year of his age, surrounded by his grief stricken and devoted family. The deceased was born near Zanesville, Ohio, on April 21, 1833, and was raised on the farm, receiving his education at the district school. He spent his youth and early manhood at the old homestead and in 1850 shortly after his marriage, he removed to Illinois, locating near Matton in Moultrie County, where he tilled the soil and engaged in stock raising for nearly sixteen years. He then went to the vicinity of Alton and began a business to which he had given much thought, viz: The shipment of milk to the St. Louis market. He has the honor of being the first man to ship a can of Milk on the Chicago and Alton R.R. A visit to Southeast Missouri seventeen years ago showed to him the great future and the opportunities for success that lay in Jefferson county and he at once came here with his family and purchased the farm on which he resided at the time of his death. This by unremitting labor and wise oversight has been cleared, improved and brought to the present high state of cultivation. Here he embarked in the milk industry and was the pioneer of the great business that is now such a feature in the business of the Iron Mountain R.R. Judge MUNSON was a lifelong Republican and was prominent in the councils of his party during all the years of his residence in the county. In 1890 he was the candidate of his party for representative and received a handsome support, his personal popularity placing him ahead of his ticket. In 1894 at the solicitation of friends he became the Republican candidate for Associate Justice of the county court and was elected by a handsome and emphatic majority. During the time his health permitted him to attend to the duties of the office he won the esteem and respect of the citizens of all parties for the patriotic manner in which he performed his work. His gradually failing health however latterly compelled his absence from meetings of the court and despite the brave fight he made, the excellent medical attendance, and the devoted nursing of his loved ones, he crossed "over the river" at last. He was a man of strong, self reliant character one who stood by his friends unflinchingly under any and all circumstances. He leaves behind to mourn the loss of the loving husband and father a widow and daughter, and two sons-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R.W. WILLIS and Mr. John STEGER, to whom in company with the host of friends we extend most sincere sympathy in this hour of bereavement. The funeral services took place at the home, being conducted by Rev. KISTLER of the Presbyterian church of which deceased had become a member during his last illness. The interment and services at the grave were in charge of the Masonic fraternity of which he was a member, the sad rites being performed by Shekinah Lodge, assisted by the brethren of DeSoto and Hillsboro lodges, large delegations from each being present. The funeral procession was one of the largest assembled in this part of the county for many years and testified the respect and high esteem in which the deceased was held.
Judge MURPHY of St. Louis was in De Soto Tuesday attending the funeral of the late Mrs. CANTWELL. Mrs. CANTWELL died in St. Louis Sunday and was buried at the Catholic cemetery, this city, Tuesday. She was a highly respected lady and had numerous friends who mourn her death.
Mr. PEERS of Springfield, Mo., son-in-law of the late Mrs. S.E. BERKELEY of this city died Friday. The body was taken to Farmington for interment. Several of the De Soto friends of the family accompanied the remains from here.
Judge W.W. EDWARDS - Judge W.W. EDWARDS of St. Charles county, died at Oakville, Fla., where he had gone for his health. Judge EDWARDS was 66 years of age, and was one of the best-known jurists of Missouri. He belonged to one of the leading democratic families, but was himself a republican. The first appointment Mr. LINCOLN made from Missouri was that of Mr. EDWARDS, to be United States district attorney for the eastern district. That office Mr. EDWARDS held until he was elected to the bench. He served as judge 30 years and some months. Twice he was elected without opposition. The only time he ever ran for a political office was when he was nominated for congress by the republicans against Richard H. NORTON.
Death Came Suddenly - Mrs. Amelia DAYTON, aged 68, died at Centralia just as she was sitting down to breakfast. She resided with her daughter, Mrs. C.W. ADAMS. For years she was president of the Centralia W.C.T.U.
Buckley LIVESY - Buckley LIVESY, postmaster at Warrenton, died the other morning, aged 70. Mr. LIVESY served several terms as circuit clerk, and held other positions of trust. He leaves a widow and several children.
An Old Business Man - J.W. SCOTT, one of Lebanon's oldest business men, died after a long illness, aged 69. He was the father of Rev. W.T. SCOTT, pastor of Tower Grove church, St. Louis.
Old Citizens Gone - Two old and respected citizens of Marshall died recently - Rev. C.W. McBRIDE, a Cumberland Presbyterian, aged about 74 and James A. ANCELL, aged about 82.
Killed in a Runaway - Mrs. S.O.G. HOPKINS, aged 55, well known in Missouri as a leading Missionary Baptist worker was so badly injured in a run-away in Marshall that she died.
Mammoth Mines, Jefferson, Missouri - Mr. John HARNESS, Sr., whom we spoke about in our last letter, died on the 19th, ult, and was interred in the Oakland cemetery.
Antonio, February 3, 1896 - Mrs. Jacob REICHERT died on Jan. 31, aged 50 years and 9 months. She leaves a bereaved husband and two sons, both grown, and a host of friends. She was buried in the German; Evangelical cemetery, by Rev. ETLECH, followed by a large concourse of friends.
Said to Be Highly Connected - William EMERSON, who killed Isaac RAY at Osceola, is said to be a nephew of the late Burr J. EMERSON, a pioneer county judge of southwest Missouri and of Ralph Waldo EMERSON.
Another Pioneer Gone - Judge William T. GILLIAM, one of Saline's pioneers, aged nearly eighty-eight died the other day. He came from Virginia 60 years ago.
One of Warrentown's Oldest Settlers - Mrs. FARRIS, mother of Mayor FARRIS of Warrenton, died the other day, aged 86 years. She was among the oldest settlers in Warrenton.
Shot and Killed - At Osceola, Isaac RAY was shot and killed by Wm. EMMERSON. RAY resided at Montrose, Henry County, and was on a visit to Osceola.
Why He Died - E. Frank OWEN, a young attorney of St. Louis, committed suicide by taking morphine. His best girl had broken their engagement.
13 FEBRUARY 1896
He Gambled and Committed Suicide - Howard M. COMMINS, a gambler of Clinton, and widely known in Missouri, Kansas and Texas, committed suicide at Fort Scott, Kas., taking Morphine. He left a letter giving directions as to the disposition of his body. He asked to be buried at Fort Scott, and that none of his relatives be notified until after the funeral: that his money be given to his parents, and that he be buried in a pine-box. It a cheap lot, adding that he did not believe in "$30 man a $300 burial." He was 28. He requested there be no funeral. no parade, no invitations, and no display, and that his body be hauled out in a dray.
Josiah M. ANTHONY - Josiah M. ANTHONY died near Fredericktown, after a long illness. He was born in Madison county in 1830, and was a prominent figure in its history for many years. He was a member of the Twentieth, Twenty-eight, Thirty-first and Thirty-second general assembly's of this state. He was identified with the grange and Farmers Alliance movements, and was at one time state president of the intter organization.
Settled an Old Trouble - W.I. BURDETTE is dead and his son, W.I. BURDETT, is dying at Sugar Lake, near St. Joseph, the result of a fight.
George MAY and Charley, his nephew engaged in a fight with the BURDETTE's, and after a desperate tussle, worsted them. The elder BURDETTE was killed almost instantly, while his son received wounds from which he cannot recover. The trouble between the two families was of long standing.
Lived a Century - Mrs. Steve STONE died near Cornelia, Johnson county, a few days ago, aged 100. She was born in Raleigh, N.C., June 28, 1795, and settled in Johnson county in 1830. She was one of the oldest settlers, the oldest woman in the county and one of the oldest in the state. She leaves over 100 descendants, running into five generations, all residents of Johnson county.
A Young Missourian Shoots Himself - Francis Cockrell EDWARDS, second son of Col. James F. EDWARDS, door keeper of the Unites States senate, and a resident of St. Charles county, shot himself in the head in a fit of despondency in his room in Washington. The wound was regarded as fatal.
Took Poison and Died - James FREY, aged 45, a Pettis county farmer, with a wife and seven children, 12 miles north of Sedalia, took poison and died. Some say it was an accident.
Killed Himself Accidentally - Joseph C. INGRAM, six miles east of Bowling Green, while rabbit hunting, accidentally shot himself, the load lodging in his bowels. He died.
An Old Resident of Paris - Mrs. Mary E. WILSON, an aged and highly-respected resident of Paris, died recently, aged 80. Pneumonia was the disease that carried her away.
A Dade County Pioneer - Warren BERRY, a pioneer, died at Golden, aged 72, of Bright's disease. He settled in Dade County, east of Golden City, over 60 years ago.
An Aged Resident of Pike - John TURNER, aged 80, a native of South Carolina, and since 1818 a resident of Pike county, died recently on his farm, south of Louisiana.
Found Dead in a Field - Jesse J. HALE, a Pettis county farmer, was found dead in a field by his 14 year-old daughter, death having resulted from heart disease.
The Will of Wm. H. ENGLISH - How the Dead Banker Disposed of his Millions. Indianapolis, Ind., Feb. 11.--The will of the late William H. ENGLISH was filed yesterday. He gives $2,500 to the Indiana Historical Society; $10,000 for the completion and publication of his History of Indiana; $5,000 cash and top pieces of real estate to his stenographer, Miss Ruth HEDGES; $3,000 to Alice WICK, the orphan daughter of a valued friend; the residue of his estate, amounting to about $2,000,000, to his son, W.E. ENGLISH, one-half; to each of his grand-children, Willoughby George WALLING and William English WALLING, of Chicago, one eighth to be paid to them when 21 years of age, and the remaining one-quarter to Rosalinde English WALLING, mother of the two boys.
At Rest - Miss Hattie Elizabeth McCLURE, aged 29 years, daughter of Henry McCLURE, died Friday morning at 7:35 o'clock, of consumption, after being ill for the past eighteen months. She has passed over the dark waters and is waiting and watching within the beautiful gates for the sorrowing ones she left behind, who must sooner or later bow to the stern decree of death and whose spirits must return to Him.
Her Labors Ended - Died at her home on Friday morning, Feb. 14, 1896, Mrs. Hattie C. MORSE, wife of J.H. MORSE of this city in the forty second year of her life. Mrs. MORSE was a daughter of John TUTTLE, Sr., and was loved and esteemed by all who knew her, 23 years ago Mr. and Mrs. MORSE were married and ever since living happily together. Five children were the result of the union three of which still survive her. Death that sinless, starless rest is the common lot of all. The grave awaits the forms we love and our friends go from us, but hark!--in the stillness of the funeral hour, in the quiet, hallowed hush we hear a voice speaking strange and wondrous things: "Thy brother shall live again." At the sound of that voice the shadows flee away and the soul is filled with a holy and glorious light. That voice is the voice of Jesus and that light the light of immorality and in that blessed hope Mrs. MORSE passed into the valley. She was immersed in the name of Jesus Christ in the fall of 1881 by Elder RENNI, now in Brooklyn, N.Y., and remained firm in the faith of the coming of Christ and the resurrection of the dead, till she was called away by the enemy, death, and we believe she now sleeps in Jesus and will come forth at the resurrection of the just. The funeral services were conducted by Elder HATCH of Circleville, Ind., on Sunday following her death and her remains were laid at rest on the family lot in the city cemetery in the presence of a large number of sorrowing friends.
S.M. BAKER, of Wellsville - S.M. BARKER, of Wellsville, died the other morning. Mr. BARKER was a prominent man, being a mason and casher of the Wellsville bank. His grandfather, James MACKEY, commanded the Spanish fort at St. Louis during the Spanish war, and built the first brick house in the village of St. Louis, and which afterward was made a part of the Sacred Heart convent, recently torn down. His paternal grandfather served with in distinction in the revolution, participating in all the principal battles.
Leaves Many Descendants - Mrs. Eliza WILLIAMS, widow of Capt. John Egbert WILLIAMS, a pioneer settler, who commanded a company of Missourians in the Mexican war, died at Chillicothe, aged 87. She leaves 100 descendants, some of the fifth generation.
An Old Resident of Farmington - Mrs. Evelyn BEAL died at Farmington, of pneumonia, where she had been a resident since 1850. She was the widow of I.G. BEAL, formerly one of the foremost lawyers of southeast Missouri.
A Very Aged Man - Peter McGIVERY, said to be 115, was received at the city hospital, St. Louis, the other day. He has resided in St. Louis 60 years, has been married twice, the first time in 1812, and is the father of 17 children, five of whom are living.
Shot Her Lover Then Herself - Barbara KASTL, aged 17, shot her loved, John ROHLFING, aged 20, and then killed herself, in a room, 314 Olive street, St. Louis, and when discovered, they were both dead. It was a case of a woman scorned.
Damages For Breach of Promise - In the Putnam county circuit court Miss Sarah A. HOLTSINGER was given judgement for $485 against W.D. COLLINS for breach of promise to Marry. The amount sued for was $5,000.
Lifted Too Much - Lewis MARTIN, of Lexington, was assisting Mr. MONTGOMERY in loading some heavy logs on a wagon, and ruptured a blood vessel, causing death.
Richard NICHOLS, a former citizen of this town was killed at Lamar, Colo., while at work as brakesman. It seems that a spout from a water tank was down and struck Mr. NICHOLS as the train was moving at a rapid speed. Mr. NICHOLS has a host of friends here who regret to learn of his sad death and extend his bereaved family and their heartfelt sympathy.
27 FEBRUARY 1896
Mrs. Jemima LINDELL - Mrs. Jemima LINDELL, one of the oldest residents of St. Louis, died recently, aged 92. She had lived in St. Louis since a child, her father settling there in 1808. She was the widow of Jesse G. LINDELL, one of the earliest and most successful merchants of St. Louis, who retired from business in 1833. He died in 1837. His suburban home was one of the largest and most attractive mansions of the time, and was surrounded by several hundred acres which he cultivated and ornamented as a park. Mrs. LINDELL, survived her husband nearly forty years, during which time, under the terms of his will, she had the management and control of his estate. At the time of her death she was one of the largest owners of real estate in St. Louis. She was the oldest and one of the most devout members of Christ church cathedral.
His Brain Gave Way - John TURNER, a highly-esteemed citizen of Bowling Green, who was taken to the insane asylum at Fulton not long ago, died from softening of the brain. He was 70 years old, and had been a resident of Pike county for over 60 years. He leaves a large family.
Dropped Dead - Francis P. STOTTS dropped dead of heart failure at Sedalia. He had been married 53 years, was the father of 13 children, only seven of whom are living, and had been a member of the M.E. church, south, since its organization in 1847. He had resided in central Missouri for 59 years.
His Wound Proved Fatal - Charlie JACKSON, a negro who played "Peeping Tom" at Fayette, and who was shot in the mouth by Sol HEIRONYMOUS, died the other day from the effects of the wound.
Alleged Murder Escapes - William B. EMERSON, who was in jail at Osceola for killing Ike RAY, made his escape the day. It is believed that he was furnished a key from the outside.
Sudden Death of a Farmer - S.E. JOHNSON, aged 40, a farmer near Little Rock, Saline county, attended church, was taken ill soon after and died in a few hours; paralysis.
Fifty Years a Church Member - Mrs. Martha LOCKRIDGE, a native of Howard county, aged 73, died the other day. She was a member of the Christian church for 50 years.
Little Henry WAPPLER, aged 3 years, and 7 months, died on the 15th inst., and was buried on the 16th. The funeral took place from the home of his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. OSTERTAG.
Died - Wednesday morning, Feb. 26, Virgilene, infant daughter of J.W. and Martha L. HAWKINS, aged 1 year, 1 month, and 1 day. The parents have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in this their sad bereavement.
Died at her home of kidney and heart trouble, Mrs. J.A. SEGNER. Mrs. SEGNER was sick for some time and suffered a great deal She leaves a husband and two daughters to mourn her death. THE FACTS extends sympathy to them in this their sad bereavement.
Grandpa AUBUCHON of French Village died last Sunday night and was buried Tuesday. He was 87 years old and was a most highly respected old gentleman. He was among the first settlers of Missouri. He has many warm friends here who will be pained to learn of his death. Several of our citizens attended the funeral.
5 MARCH 1896
Mrs. Addie SHERMAN died at her home on the east side Tuesday night. Mrs. SHERMAN leaves two little children only 8 months old. She was only sick a few days when she was called to go. The bereaved husband and family have the sympathy of a host of friends.
Gen. Madison MILLER, a venerable and respected citizen of St. Louis, and one of the most prominent members of the G.A.R. in that city, died suddenly and alone in the bath room of his home at 4248 Maffitt avenue, Thursday afternoon. There was no one in the house at the time and the body was not discovered until an hour after the General's death. The family physician, Dr. MAGOON, pronounced the cause of death apoplexy. Gen. MILLER was a brother-in-law of Mr. L.J. RANKIN of this city and had a great many friends here. The funeral took place Sunday and was largely attended. Several of our citizens were in attendance.
19 MARCH 1896
Died, at her home at Kimmswick, Mo., on Friday at 4:10 a.m., Minnie WITHELMINE, daughter of Conrad WUERTZ, aged 21 years, of congestion of the brain. Deceased was a young lady of sweet character and had a host of friends who sorrow most sincerely at her departure, and who
sympathize with the members of the bereaved family host heartily. The funeral services were held at the house Sunday, being held by Rev. W.A. JACKSON of the Presbyterian church. A large concourse of friends were in attendance and numerous beautiful floral offering testified of the love and esteem of the many friends of the departed one. The interment took place in the Kimmswick cemetery.
Died, at the home of her husband on the 14th inst., Mrs. Henry CAPE. Mrs. CAPE was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F.S. PYLE of this city and a most estimable lady loved and esteemed by all who knew her. She leaves two children and a husband and a host of friends to mourn her death.
Robt. CHRISTAL, brother of C.C. CHRISTAL of this city, died at San Antonio, Tex., on the 9th inst. and was buried at the city cemetery here on the 11th. The funeral took place from the residence of John MYERS on Louis street. He was a member of the F.R.T. and K. of H. The family of the deceased desire to tender their thanks to the choir of the Presbyterian church for appropriate music rendered at the funeral, Rev. MASON conducted the funeral services.
OBITUARY - DIED--At Valles Mines, Mo., on Thursday, March 5, 196, Miss Georgia A. HAVERSTICK, of consumption of the lungs, aged 19 years, 11 months and 7 days. Deceased was born in Jefferson county A.D. 1876 where she resided until the message of death removed her from this world of sorrow. Georgia was a bright girl and loved by all with whom she came in contact, and it is with sad regrets we are called upon to dedicate these few lines to the memory of one who is gone but not forgotten. She was a member of the Baptist church and it is indeed a
consolation to know that she is numbered among the blessed in Christ. Once more the heavy hand of death has descended to this earthly sphere and taken from our midst one of earth's brightest flowers. Yet it is assurance to think that there will be a grand reunion beyond the
confines of the tomb. The funeral was conducted by Rev. G.J. DOUGLASS after which the remains were interred in the Mt. Olive cemetery. A large family including a large number of friends and relatives are left to mourn her loss. Sorrow not dear parents but prepare to meet her in that land where parting is no more. A Friend.
Died - D.S. WILCOX, a merchant of Longwood, Pettis county, after a weeks illness with pneumonia, aged 50.
Rev. Franklin JENKINS, aged 81, died at the home of his son, near Columbia. Rev. JENKINS was the oldest primitive Baptist preacher in Missouri.
Mrs. Augusta HOHL, aged 81, mother of Supt. HOHL, of the Burlington lines, at St. Joseph, at the residence of her son, G.M. HOHL.
Two Children Terribly Burned - Two children of William FORTNY, a Boone county farmer, were terribly burned the other day. One of them has since died, but it is believed the other will recover. FORTNY and his wife, who live four miles southeast of Columbia, left the children in the house in charge of a half-grown boy while they were attending to some work on the premises. The boy went into an adjoining room and while gone one of the children fell into the fire. The other child endeavored to pull her from the flames, and the clothing of both became ignited. When their parents attracted by their screams, reached them they were both terribly burned.
Bitten by a Rabid Dog - Ira HARRIS, who lives ten miles southeast of Nevada, took his ten-year-old son to that city for treatment by a madstone. The boy was bitten several days before by a dog, which has died of hydrophobia. Sam BEASELY, of the same neighborhood, was bitten
on the hand by the dog.
Poison in the Coffee - The family of W.B. TAYLOR, a wealthy farmer, was mysteriously poisoned at Craig the other day. The drug is supposed to have been introduced in the coffee, though by whom and for what purpose is a mystery. W.B. TAYLOR is dead and five others reported dying at last account.
Excitement Proves Fatal - Mrs. Thomas LINVILLE, aged 51 years, attended the revival services at the Christian church at Sedalia. The service concluded, she returned home laboring under considerable excitement, and one hour later died of heart failure.
Mrs. Anna SHAFROTH, mother of Congressman John F. SHAFROTH, of Colorado, and Alderman William SHAFROTH, of Fayette, died at Fayette the other morning. She was 75 years old, and a faithful member of the Baptist church.
Roasted to Death - The house of Amanda WILSON, near Columbia, was burned the other day, and her two children, aged 4 years and 19 months respectively were roasted to death.
A Murderous Assault - Walter SHARP, a well-known young man in the west end, St. Louis, was shot and fatally wounded by an unknown man the other day.
26 MARCH 1896
Died, at her home in this city on the 22nd inst., Mrs. Mary A. ACKERSON. Mrs. ACKERSON had been sick for quite a while but bore her affliction with Christian fortitude until she was called away. Her funeral took place yesterday and her last request being that Rev. D.W. CROW conduct the same, he did so. She had a large family who mourn her loss. She was born in Washington county where she married. She was a consistent member of the M.E. Church. The family tender their thanks to the kind friends for their sympathy in their sorrow and for the kindness and attendance of Dr. HAMEL who waited on her in her sickness.
Mrs. Cole CAMERON died last Wednesday after a lingering illness. Mrs. CAMERON was a most estimable lady and was loved by all who knew her. Her bereaved husband has the sympathy of a host of friends.
9 APRIL 1896
Blew Out Her Brains - Mrs. Jacob KOBLE, tired of life, commits suicide. Rowena KOBLE, wife of Jacob KOBLE, living near Valle's Mines, committed suicide last Sunday evening at 4 o'clock, by shooting herself with a 44 Winchester rifle. There is no assignable cause for her committing the rash act. She was about 20 years of age and had been married to Mr. Koble only about one year. It seems that she was cleaning house or rather dusting things up around the kitchen and took the gun from the rack and laid it on the table. She went out on the porch and said to her mother-in-law, you give this ring to Jacob when he comes in as I will not see him, but Mrs. KOBLE refused saying that she could give it to him herself. She then took the ring and laid it on the banister of the porch and walked into the kitchen. When she reached the door she turned around and said: You folks all be good to yourselves. This seemed to arouse her mother-in-law who said to another daughter who was sitting on the porch reading: I will go and see what she is doing and immediately started for the kitchen. Just as she reached the door the gun discharged and Rowena KOBLE was no more. She had placed the gun on a little table, looked into the barrel and pulled the trigger with a fork. The coroner in speaking of the affair said it was one of the most sickening sights he ever beheld. The verdict of the jury was that deceased came to her death from a gun fired by her own hands.
Died at her home in St. Louis, of nervous prostration, Saturday, at 4:30 p.m., Mrs. G.W. JONES, who for many years was chief clerk at the R.R. machine shops here. The remains were brought to this city Monday morning and the funeral took place from residence of Mr. D.M. PARK. The
services being conducted by Rev. MASON, pastor of the Presbyterian church. There was a very large attendance of friends who followed the remains to the cemetery. The sympathy of the entire community is with the bereaved ones in this sad hour of sorrow and trial.
23 APRIL 1896
Under The Wheels - Felix BROWN, a Brakeman Horribly Mangled at Piedmont. Died on the Train at Hogan as He was Being Brought Home. One of the saddest accidents that has happened on the Iron Mountain in some time was the accident that befell poor Felix BROWN at Piedmont,
Monday evening. It seems that he was trying to open a Jenni coupler while standing on the draw heads of two cars and that the train separated and he fell under the wheels and had both legs severed near the body. He was picked up and cared for by his companions as best they could. He
was placed on a train and started home but died at Hogan Mountain at 6:30, just one hour and a half after the accident. He was a young man well liked by all who knew him and his death is
mourned by many. He was formerly in the employ of AUBUCHON & Son, of this city, and no man had more friends than he. He was a member of De Soto Lodge No. 115 A.F. & A.M. and the B.R.T. His mother lives near Hillsboro at which place the remains were interred yesterday. A large concourse of sorrowing friends attended the last sad rite of one they esteemed and loved.
7 MAY 1896
Gone to His Reward - Died, at his home in Bismarck, Mo., on April 24, 1896, Judge J.M. CLIFFORD, aged 70 years, 9 months and 4 days. Mr. CLIFFORD was born at Mackville, N.C., where he lived until he came to Missouri a number of years ago. He married Miss Ludia KURFEES when he was 26 years of age who still survives him He spent several years of
life in Douglas, Ill. Settling there in the woods and furnished the material to build the first Baptist church in that part of the State. He leaves a widow, three sons and a daughter and a host of friends to mourn his death. His remains were laid to rest in the Bismarck cemetery on the day following his death. Mr. CLIFFORD was a Christian gentleman having been a member of the church for 40 years, and died with the assurance of a better world beyond.
NOTICE, FISHERMAN - On the night of April the eleventh, parties was shooting dynamite in Big river of and on all night. Now for own protection we will prosecute any person found hunting or fishing on our land. Now we mean it. John D. HEARST, John A. ALDERSON, Joseph A. HUBBARD, Arthur BARROWS, Henry VIVRETT, Louis VIVRETT, Boon BRINK.
28 MAY 1896
Card of Thanks - To the friends who so nobly and kindly aided us during the sickness and death of our dear husband and father we desire to extend our heart-felt thanks and assure them they shall never be forgotten. Mrs. Geo. HAMEL and Family.
25 JUNE 1896
Mrs. Walter EDWARDS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S.W. TEMPLE, of this city died in St. Louis a few days ago. She had been sick for some and was taken to St. Louis where an operation was performed after which she died. She was the beloved wife of Ealter EDWARDS, telegraph editor of the St. Louis Republic and a lady loved and esteemed by all who knew her.
9 JULY 1896
Suddenly Called Away. - The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. E.T. STONE were shocked to hear of the death of their son Rollin from brain conjestive yesterday afternoon, and the hearts of all go out in tender sympathy to them in this sudden and sad bereavement. Rollin was a bright active boy of very affectionate disposition and his sudden death has stricken his loving parents brothers and sisters with deepest grief. He had been under treatment for a month or two for headache of
which he complained from time to time, and on yesterday morning he was suffering from an attack of rather more severe character than before, yet it was not thought to be anything serious. After dinner he layed down on the bed and a few minutes later was found there unconscious. Drs. HIGGINBOTHAM and JAMES were at once sent for, but nothing could be done for the little sufferer. He passed away about three o'clock. The funeral will take place Friday (tomorrow,) likely from the home of his parents.
Shot His Wife and Then Himself - George DAVIDSON, an aged citizen of St. Louis, made a murderous attack with a revolver on his wife, with whom he had lived 37 years, and then committed suicide by shooting. Insanity, super induced by liquor, is believed to have been the cause. Mrs. DAVIDSON may recover.
Fatal Fight Between Farm Hands - Three miles west, of Ardeola, in the northern part of Stoddard county, George COSSABOONE was knocked in the head with a pitchfork by Henry BANKS. Both were farm hands.
A Tornado Victim - Jacob CANMAN, aged 85, died in St. Louis from injuries received in the tornado. He located in St. Louis in 1836, and established the first distillery operated in the city.
Fooled With the Wrong Girl - Spencer TALBOT was fatally stabbed in St. Joseph by Rose WILSON because he placed a firecracker under her chair as she sat at home reading a book.
Courted Through The Mail - L.F. FORESTER, Norfolk, Mass., and Nelia RICHARDSON, of Macon county, met the first and married at Macon. They courted by mail.
Her Husband Owned Steamboats - Matilda KINNEY, widow of the late Capt. Joseph KINNEY, well known as owner of steamboats on the Missouri, died at Old Franklin, aged 60.
23 JULY 1896
Died--at the home of his parents on North 2nd St. July 15, George Raymond, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ATKINSON, aged 5 months and 15 days.
Mr. Wm. ALEXANDER, an old resident of this city, died of consumption on last Saturday. He was buried in the family burying grounds west of Victoria on Monday afternoon.
Mr. MUNROE's--the Jefferson County Bank--was closed Wednesday on account of the death and burial of the infant son of Mr. MUNRO, who was killed Tuesday afternoon by falling from its baby carriage. On Tuesday evening the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. O.M. MUNROE were
shocked to hear of the sad and pathetic accident which caused the death of their youngest child, John Edward, six months of age. It seems from the information obtained from parties who have visited the afflicted family, that Mrs. MUNROE, left the little boy in the baby buggy whilst
she went up stairs to attend some household duties. The buggy was on the porch at the time and the servant who had it in charge with its precious load left a few moments to attend to some duties inside. Whilst gone the little fellow must have raised himself up and, falling from the buggy upon the floor struck upon the side of its head breaking its neck. Mrs. MUNORE is terribly prostrated by the awful blow and the sincere sympathy of the mothers of our city go out to her in this sad hour. The funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at the Catholic Church.
12 AUGUST 1896
Rollin STONE July 8;13yrs; Hemorrhage of Brain
C.D. BEQUETT July 13,3 mos. Marasmus
Geo. R. ATKINSON;July16,5mos; Gastre Entoritis
Wm. T. STRODER July 20;14 days; Inanitis
Jno. E. MUNROE July 22;6 mos; Accident
-- KOHLER July 26, Stillborn
Wm. WALKER July 28, 90 yrs. Sen'l Debility
-- BOYER July 29, Stillborn
Burial permit was also issued to the following non-resident: Henry STILLBRINK, July 14, 40 years, Hemorrhage of Lungs.: Hillsboro, Mo.
13 AUGUST 1896
Murton E. infant son of W.H. and Mary CASTILE, died Aug. 4, at 1:30 p.m. after a severe illness of a few days. The remains were interred in the city cemetery Wednesday afternoon. Rev. R.H. SHUTE conducted the services in a very impressive manner. The bereaved parents have the sincere sympathy of a host of friend.
Crystal City, Mo., Aug. 22, '96
In Memoriam - We, the members of British Oak Lodge No. 187 Order Sons of St. George assembled and drew up the following resolutions: Whereas; It having been the will of almighty God to call our brother Peter HOUGHTON, from our midst, therefore it be
Resolved, that while we bow in submission to the Almighty's decree, we shall mourn the loss of our dear brother, and sadly miss his presence among us, but we hope that what is our loss, shall be his gain.
Resolved, that this lodge has lost a faithful and intelligent brother, his friends a cheerful and congenial companion and his family a loving and devoted husband and father.
Resolved, that we tender our sincerest sympathy to the bereaved family
and friends.
Resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family of our deceased brother and that they be entered on the records this lodge.
Entered Into Rest - At Festus, Mo., Aug. 6, 1896, at 7:10 p.m., Lewis McCOY, in the 54th year of his age, after an illness of several months. Mr. McCOY was a kind and affectionate husband and father, and a pleasant and accommodating neighbor, and will be greatly missed by his friends and old companions, even those not related by ties of blood. To his affectionate and devoted wife, and his young daughter, still in her early childhood, and his son, just approaching the man's estate, his loss will be irreparable. A FRIEND.
Festus, Mo., Sept. 15, 1896. - Burned to Death - The 3 year old son of Richard ALCOCKS, of this city, while playing with matches was unfortunate enough to set fire to his clothing and was so badly burned that he died last night. The little fellow suffered an awful death. It seems that no one was near when the little fellow's clothes were ignited and that he was burned to death before anyone could get to him. It is indeed a sad affair.
Suicide - An Old Citizen Jumped in the River. - Mr. Louis IEUDE, for many years blacksmith at Pevely, disappeared from his home Thursday last, and when his clothes were later discovered on the river bank it was concluded that in a condition of temporary insanity he had gone down
to death in the Mississippi. The river was dragged for several days in an effort to recover the body, but in vain. On Sunday it was found at Ste. Genevieve and brought to Pevely. The funeral took place Sunday from his late residence, the services being conducted by his brethren of Crystal Council, American Legion of Honor, of Crystal City, of which deceased was one of the oldest members. Mr. IEUDE was a man of genial disposition, kind and affectionate in his manner, and he will be missed by the many friends who loved him despite his faults and failings. We extend our sympathy to the widow and the other members of the family.
Mrs. Harry WHALEY died at the home of her husband yesterday morning. She had suffered for some time with Consumption.
Frank BOUGHTMAN aged 57, years died at his home near Hillsboro yesterday morning. Mr. BOUGHTMAN had been a resident of the county for many years and his death is mourned by many.
Mrs. Reed McCORMACK, of Hematite, mother of our worthy townsman. Mr. Harvey FARRIS, died last night after a prolonged illness, and was buried Tuesday morning. Mrs. McCORMACK was well known in this section of the state and was a woman of very fine character. She had been a member of the M.E. Church, South from her girlhood, and was an active worker in the Sunday school. Her funeral was very largely attended from far and near, some of the relatives coming from Birmingham, Ala. Rev's MATTHEWS and STEPHAN officiated in the funeral exercises. The FACTS hereby extends its sympathy to the bereaved family.
Obituary - Mrs. Lucella C. McCORMACK, wife of Reed McCORMACK, departed this life at her home in Hematite, Sunday, Sept. 20, 1896, at 4:10 p.m. Deceased maiden name was JOHNSON, was born in Alexanderia, De Kalb Co., Tenn., March 1, 1837. Her father with his family emigrated to St. Francois Co. Mo., about the year 1854, where most of her life was spent until 1875, and where two brothers and three sisters are still living, there being two other brothers in Arkansas. Her first marriage was with Mr. W. J. FARRIS, and took place June 3,
1859, he living only 1 1/2 years, of this union one child was born, Mr. H.W. FARRIS, now married and living in De Soto. After being a widow until May 25, 1865, she was united in marriage to Mr. J.R. FLEMMING, of this union one child was born, Mr. E. FLEMMING of Hematite. Being again left a widow, she, on Dec. 21, 1875, united in marriage with her now bereaved husband. They having lived happily together about 21 years, a more devoted wife and mother could not be found, although the last marriage brought together three sets of children, it would be hard today for the stranger to find out which were hers, so devoted were all to their mother and she to them. At the age of 12 she gave her heart to God and united with the M.E.
Church, South, in which church she lived a devoted and useful member the remainder of her life excepting a few years when she was deprived of the ministrations of her own church, she attached herself to the Presbyterian church at Farmington, Mo. She was a Bible student and a
home christian. The church has lost a useful member, the Sunday school one of its most prominent and live workers, her own children and those of her husband a loving and kind mother, a devoted and affectionate companion. She was in ill health near four months and the last few weeks her suffering was intense but she bore it all with christian patience, and near the last said bravely. "I can bear it all" For several days before her spirit left us her parting words to relatives and friends were. "If we meet no more on earth meet me in Heaven." The same request she sent to absent children and friends. The last quotation penned by her, which afford great comfort and consolation, were: Her funeral took place the following Tuesday at the M.E. Church South, at Hematite, conducted by her pastor, assisted by Rev. J. STEPHAN, of De Soto, Mo., and attended by a large number of relatives and friends. After which we laid her body to rest in the Hematite cemetery, to await the coming of her Lord truly, Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord. May we all meet in Heaven. J.K. MATHEWS, P.C.
Mammoth Mines, Oct. 5. - Mr. Jerry DUGAN, aged about 76 yrs, departed this life the 20th ult, and was buried in the Oakland Cemetery the 21st.
Mrs. Harvey WHALEY whom we have previously mentioned as being almost at death's door, died the 14th ult., and was interred in the Oakland cemetery the 15th. A large concourse of relatives and friends were present.
DIED - At Festus, Mo., Sept. 26, 1896, James Elmer HENDERLITE, born in Illinois in January 1867. Seven years ago Mr. HENDERLITE made Festus his home, where he has since live, engaged as photographer. He was honored as an honest and upright citizen and loved for his congenial spirit. In May 1893 Mr. HENDERLITE lost his first wife and the eldest of two children, both burned by a gasoline explosion. He recognized the Heavenly Father's hand even in this and in July of the same year he united with the church, giving evidence ever since of his dedication and faith. His faithful wife, still remaining, he married in June 1894. To her go
our sympathies and to the child, as also to the child of his fist wife. Look upward to the given of life and hope for a glorious meeting on that last great day. A.K.
Died in St. Louis - Thomas JOHNSON, formerly of Jefferson county, Mo., a son of Calvin JOHNSON, died in St. Louis Friday night, Nov. 6, after a lingering sickness of nearly three years. During all these years of illness Bro. JOHNSON manifested a christian resignation which was truly commendable, and when death had claimed him his Bible was found under his pillow.
He was buried from the Spruce St., Mission, Sunday afternoon, Nov. 8, and by his request the funeral services were conducted by Mr. V.O. SAUNDERS, assisted by Mr. McPHAIL, sang "It is well with my soul." And among all the sorrowing friends of Bro. JOHNSON not one doubted but that it was well with his soul, and that our loss was his eternal gain. Bro. JOHNSON leaves a devoted wife who in his long illness lovingly and patiently did all in her power to comfort him.
He remarked a few days before his death that he had sunshine in his soul and that he was only going on a little before some of his friends and that he expected to meet them all in Glory when the storms of life are over. A FRIEND.
Death of C.W. HARDEN - The many friends of C.W. HARDEN were saddened to hear of his death, which took place at Charlotte, N.C., Sunday morning, after a short illness. During his residence here Mr. HARDEN made many friends, and at one time was the candidate of the Prohibition party for Congress in this district. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved ones
in this sad time. The following is from the Charlotte News. Mr. Charles W. HARDEN, chief train dispatcher of the Southern Railway, died at his residence, corner Graham and Seventh streets, at 10:40 o'clock yesterday morning. He had been sick about two weeks with fever. He leaves a wife and six children, the eldest son seventeen years old. Mr. HARDEN came to this city from Mt. Ayr, Iowa, and accepted the position with the Southern. In his residence in this city he has made a host of friends, who deeply regret his death. The funeral was held from Tryon Street Baptist Church at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon, conducted by the pastor. Rev. A.C. BARRON. The interment was in Elmwood cemetery. The pall-bearers were: Messrs. A.A. KIRKHAM, Albert WATSON, W.A. MUIR, R.M. WILSON, S.G. HAMMOND and Fred LAXON.
Resolutions of Condolence By Hazel Nelson Lodge No. 205 B.R.T. WHEREAS: The Grand Master on high has seen fit to remove from our midst our beloved Bro., Thomas J. CARROLL, after a short illness of fourteen days by death on Nov. 25, 1896. Therefore be it. Resolved, that while we sadly mourn and regret his demise, yet we rejoice that he is free from the cares and burdens of this life and who is now enjoying the sunset rest and peace that comes to an earnest and faithful worker in the Master's fold while on earth. Resolved, that his order extend to the father, mother, sister and brother and other relations our heartfelt sympathy in their time of sorry and sad affliction and we hereby invoke the kindness comforting blessings of the Holy One on them. Resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family of our deceased brother, to our city papers for publication and spread upon the records of this lodge. G.M. PARKER, J.R. SUTTON, T.J. DAVENPORT, Com., Bert ROUSE, P.E. TALIAFERRO
PASSED AWAY - Dr. C.S. BEAULIEU, Pastor of the Christian Church, Dead. Dr. C.S. BEAULIEU, pastor of the Christian Church, this city, died at his home on Tuesday evening, December 15, at 6:30 o'clock. The Doctor was very popular in De Soto and a host of friends mourn his death. He had suffered for several weeks from heart trouble, but for the past few days seemed to be getting along nicely and his friends had great hopes for his recovery, little knowing that the silent messenger of death was lurking so near, even within a few hours of his death he seemed to be improving. Dr. BEAULIEU was a man loved and esteemed by all who knew him. A friend to everybody and especially so to the widow and orphan. Many times has he deprived himself of the necessaries of life in order that he might add to the comforts of some poor unfortunate. He was a true christian in every sense that the word implies and died with the blessed hope of immortality beyond this vale of tears. Yesterday's Western Disciple has the following to say regarding his death:
"This will be sad news to his numerous friends throughout the brotherhood and more particularly to his children in the gospel. As has been mentioned in these columns, our brother has been suffering from heart disease for some time and for the past few weeks has been confined to the house to some extent, but not to bed. He occupied his chair to the last, receiving visitors right along and ever talking concerning the affairs of the Kingdom. On Sunday, 6th inst, he was so much better that he preached at the morning and evening service, but the next day found him weaker than before and he had several severe attack of his disease since that day. Last Lord's Day he did not attempt to go to the church but this week he has been so much better and to-day, Tuesday, he felt and looked better than he has since his illness began. We called on him about 2:45 and spent a very pleasant hour with him, chatting about the work of the church and planning new work for the future. He was in excellent spirits and laughed heartily at some incidents that had occurred. He spoke of many of the brethren and sisters in course of our
conversation and about Brother DODSON whom he wanted to exchange work with. About 4:15 another attack came upon him and after two hours of keen suffering he entered into rest. He fully realized that death was at hand and was ready and willing to go. A few moments before he died he said "I am so tired,--so tired" and shortly he entered upon that rest prepared for the people of God. His beloved wife who so tenderly cared for and waited on him during his sickness was with him at the last. Our brother was a native of France where he was educated for the Roman priesthood. Renouncing that faith he came to America when a young man. He entered the Union Army and fought gallantly throughout the war of the Rebellion, being severely wounded on several occasions. On leaving the army at the close of the war, he took up the practice of medicine, which he pursued for many years in Indiana. In 1876 he was converted and confessed the Lord Jesus, in Indianapolis, and at once made up his mind to preach the Gospel. He was trained by that grand old man, Bro. U.B. WATKINS, and on entering the ministry, at
once gave up his practice as a physician. During his career as a preacher of the gospel he had the pleasure of receiving a large number into the Kingdom, having held pastorates in several states. For some time he was State Evangelist of Pennsylvania and preached for several churches in that State. He also did a great deal of work in Minnesota, Virginia and Ohio. In 1887 he came to Missouri and preached for the churches at New Haven, Pleasant Hill, Chamois and other points. Under the auspices of the churches of this county he held a meeting at Victoria in 1888 and later preached for the church at Festus, and took part in the dedicatory services of the church in this city in 1891. In 1892 he began work for the De Soto Church and remained until March 1893 when he returned to Ohio, taking charge to the Lowellville Church. In response to a unanimous call from the Church here he returned in August 1895 and has remained until the end, faithfully laboring in the vineyard, gathering souls to the Savior and building up the brethren in the most holy faith. As evidence of his labor it may be mentioned that during his two periods of service 154 souls have been added to this church. His genial whole-souled nature made him many friends wherever he went, and he was esteemed most highly by the citizens of De Soto without respect to church affiliation. His death is deeply lamented by all classes of people who knew him. As was said in a letter from Bro. S.W. ROBINSON which we received on the day of the Doctor's death and before that sad event was known to the brother. "He is a true friend of all true preachers and a substantial friend of every enterprise connected with the cause of the Master."
The funeral will take place from the Christian Church is this city Friday at 2 o'clock. Bro. STUTZMAN the former pastor of this Church has been sent for to preach the funeral sermon.
He leaves a widow, two daughters and a son by a former marriage, to mourn the loss of the loving husband and kind father. We extend our sincere sympathy to the bereaved ones in this sad hour of trial.
"Laughing HARMON" Dead - John E. HARMON, known all over western Missouri and eastern Kansas as "Laughing HARMON." is dead. He died at his home at De Kalb after a long illness. No man in that part of the state was more widely known. HARMON acquired fame many years ago by his laugh, and it was an easy matter to tell when he was in the city. His laugh could be heard for many blocks. One night, about fifteen years ago, HARMON visited Tootle's opera house, St. Joseph, while a performance was in progress. His laughter so drowned the voices of the players and deafened the ears of the audience that he was ejected.
Shot Himself While Hunting - George GEREW, of Slater, the 18-year-old son of a freight engineer on the Chicago & Alton, met with a fatal accident while hunting. He was using the butt end of the gun to scare a rabbit out of a brush pile when it went off, the entire load entering his stomach.
An Old Resident Gone - Dr. John H. COSHOW, a pioneer of St. Charles county, died at his home in St. Charles, aged 87. Deceased was born in St. Charles county.
Virginia's Lumber King Dead - Morgantown W. Va., Dec. 1.---Andrew J. COROTHERS, known in his section of West Virginia as the "Lumber King." died Friday at his home near Morgantown. He accumulated a large fortune while in the business, and was widely known in the state.
Golden Wedding Anniversary - Mr. and Mrs. Charles HOLTZCLAW, of Chillicothe, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary the other evening. Among those present were S. ENGLAND and Mrs. Joseph STONE, who were guests at the wedding in Mercer county, Ky., 50 years ago.
Was Prominent in Jasper County - Mrs. E. ROBERTSON, Carterville, died recently of general debility, aged 92. She was one of the oldest and most prominent residents of Jasper county.
Well-Known Farmer Killed - Polk JAMES, one of the best-known farmers of Buchanan county, was killed by a Burlington train near Easton, as he was walking on the track.
All Over a Dog - John BOBO was stabbed and killed by Frank FARRELL, at West Plains. Both Colored. The killing occurred over the ownership of a dog.
Lived in Pulaski County Many Years - Andy YORK died at Richland a few days ago, aged 81 years. He was a resident of Pulaski county for over fifty years.
BOILER EXPLODED - Engine 591 Exploded at Gads Hill and Killed The Engineer. Head Brakeman and badly injured the Fireman. On last Friday night engine 591 left De Soto in charge of Engineer FITZGERALD, one of the oldest engineers on the road, and made the trip to Poplar Bluff and returned on Saturday to Gads Hill where it had orders to side track for No. 51 and the south bound local. This was done and the two south bound trains had just passed when a terrific explosion took place. The conductor and rear end brakeman hurried to the front end of the train
where a most heart rendering sight met their gaze. Engineer FITZGERALD lay on the ground in a field 400 feet from the wrecked engine in the agonies of death. Head brakeman ISBY was a short distance from the engine also in a dying condition and Fireman BRADY was near the tank
badly injured. Engineer FITZGERALD lived five minutes after the explosion took place, and Brakeman ISBY lived 55 minutes. The fireman was taken to St. Louis and at last accounts was in critical condition. The dead bodies of Engineer FITZGERALD and Brakeman ISBY were brought here Sunday morning and taken in charge by Undertaker COXWELL and about noon the dead engineer was taken to his home in the western part of town. The engine is a total wreck and in all probability has made its last trip. The cause of the accident is unknown as the engine was practically a new one and counted one of the most substantial on the road and had only been out of the shops about 3 weeks where it had had a thorough overhauling. The funeral of Engineer Patrick FITZGERALD took place from the Catholic Church, this city, on Tuesday, and the remains were laid at rest in Calvary cemetery. The B.L. of E. of which he was a member conducted the remains to their last resting place. The body of Brakeman ISBY was sent to his home in Indiana. This is one of the saddest accidents that has happened on the Iron Mountain since engine 638 blew up at Carondelet over a year ago killing the engineer, fireman and brakeman.
Laid To Rest - The funeral services in memory of the late Dr. C.S. BEAULIEU, pastor of the Christian church, in this city, were held at the church Friday afternoon in the presence of a vast concourse of sympathizing friends. The sermon was preached by Eld. F.R. STUZMAN the former pastor of the church who is now located at Brookfield, Mo. He spoke tenderly of his close association with the deceased, and how he, a young preacher, one just as it were starting out in the work of the ministry was counseled and encouraged by he whose form lay, in their
presence. His theme was based upon the words of the Apostle James: "What is your life?" He emphasized its transitory character, and urged all to take the lesson home that was manifested in the life of his deceased brother. His address was a tender tribute of love and many were deeply affected while he dwelt upon the life work and many grand characteristics of the deceased as pastor, citizen and humble follower of the Master. He was followed by Eld. T.A. ABBOTT, the secretary of the State Board of Missions, whose loving, sympathizing words touched each heart. The very day he died, Dr. BEAULIEU had written him a short note of encouragement and expressing his pleasure that he would so soon have an opportunity of having him in De Soto. As Bro. ABBOTT spoke ofthe many christian qualities of his friend and brother and his tender
association with him there was not a dry eye in the house. The music was rendered by a large choir under the leadeship of Mr. R.A.MORRISON. The services began with a hymn and was followed by the invocation by Rev. B.F. JANUARY, pastor of the M.E. Church and president of the Ministerial Alliance of the city. After Scripture reading Eld. W.F. HASMANN, pastor of the Fifth church, St. Louis, led in prayer. Then came the sermon. Every minister in the city was in attendance. The pall bearers were, Eld. T.A. ABBOTT, Eld. W.F. HASNANN, L.J. DEARING,
Thos. CUMMINS, Al. SHORT, P.J. LOVETT, The interment took place at the city cemetery.
Amanda WIBURN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas SHOWMAN, of this city, died at the hospital in the City of St. Louis. She had only been married about 3 months and lived with her husband in Kansas City. She was 41 years old and had many friends here who mourn her loss. The remains were brought here on Thursday and laid at rest in the city cemetery.
CARD OF THANKS - To the members of D. of H. Lodge A.O.U.W. and all others who so nobly and kindly assisted me during the sickness and death of my beloved wife I wish to extend my heartfelt thanks and assure them that their kindness will ever be cherished as precious treasure by me. Faithfully, John SHORT
An Able Minister Gone - Rev. A. MACHETTE, D.D,. pastor of the Baptist church at Fredericktown, died after a week's illness, of pneumonia. He was born in St. Charles in 1835, and had been pastor of churches in Sedalia, Kansas City, Westport, Boonville and Charleston, and was also at one time connected with William Jewell college, at Liberty, Mo. He was highly esteemed for the gentleness, integrity and sincerity of his life.
Had a Big Funeral - Sandy MIX, a thirty-third degree colored mason, was buried in St. Louis recently. There were more people in attendance than at any funeral of a colored man in St. Louis.
Settled Early in Johnson County - Mrs. Cynthia A. KIMZEY, one of the early settlers of Johnson County, died at the residence of her son Lee KIMZEY, near Knobnoster. She was 84.
J.B. McCULLAGH, editor of the St. Louis, Globe-Democrat, is dead. He retired at the usual hour last night but it seems that he got up about 2 o'clock this morning and jumped from the
window of his residence killing himself instantly. His remains were not discovered until 6 o'clock this morning. He had been in bad health for some time and it is supposed that he was beside himself at the time he ended his life. This is sad news to the newspaper fraternity throughout the entire United States as he was honored and esteemed by all.
The remains of Fireman BRADY were buried at the Catholic cemetery Sunday last. It will be remembered that BRADY was the fireman of the ill fated engine that caused the death of Engineer FITZGERALD and Brakeman ISBY at Gads Hill on the 19th inst., and also injuring Fireman BRADY who has been at the Missouri Pacific Hospital since the accident. The funeral
was largely attended and many are the friends of Mr. BRADY whose hearts are made sad by his untimely death.
OBITUARY - Died, Dec. 27, Cornelia Boyd SHORT, the beloved wife of Mr. John SHORT of this city, of consumption. She had been a sufferer for many months and during the greater portion of the time had been confined to her bed. All her illness and pain she bore with christian patience and fortitude, never repining, declaring that she was ready to go, and that while she longed to live for her husband and babes, yet she realized that the Master had called her and she passed away in the full assurance of faith, confident in the welcome that awaited her on the other side. She was a sincere Christian and lived in keeping with the holy name by which she was called walking faithfully in the Master's footsteps. She confessed her faith in her Savior in the christian church in this city, Oct. 21, 1893, and was baptized by Eld. F.R. STUTZMAN. She leaves to mourn the loving wife and mother, a husband and two children of tender years. She was an earnest and devoted follower of the Master and lived but to do His will. She realized that there was a mansion prepared by the Savior for her and she longed to be there and at rest, but the love for husband and little ones made her desire to remain here a little longer. She has passed to that rest prepared for the people of God where all is peace and joy and love. We sincerely sympathize with the bereaved ones in this dark hour of sorrow and trial.
Mrs. HAYDEN, a most estimable lady died at the Arlington Hotel Tuesday. She was sick only a few days and leaves a husband and two little children to mourn her death. Though in our town only a short while Mrs. HAYDEN had made many friends whose hearts are made sad by her death. To the sorrowing ones we extend our sympathy.
W.J. WYAN, one of the oldest native born citizens of Cooper county, died at Bellair. He was connected with some of the leading families of the state.
Bank President Dead - Robert H. HODGE, president of the Chariton County Exchange bank, and a wealthy farmer and stock raiser of Brunswick, died after a short illness.
He Served in Porto Rico - Gordon TAYLOR, who served as a telegraph operator in the signal service corps in Porto Rico, died of consumption at Sedalia, aged 18.
15 DECEMBER 1898
Found Her Mother Dead - Mrs. Francis DAVIS, aged 50, was found dead in bed at Sedalia, by her daughter, who had slept with her parent during the night.
Death of Ex-Gov. Francis' Mother - Mrs. Eliza Rowland FRANCIS, widow of John D. FRANCIS, and mother of ex-Gov. D.R. FRANCIS, died at the home of her daughter, near St. Louis.
Mrs. B. HELLER, died yesterday of consumption. Her funeral will take place tomorrow from her father's residence.
Mr. G. ROESCH, formerly of this county, but lately of St. Louis county, died last week and was buried in the Maxville Catholic cemetery. He was 72 years of age and leaves several daughters and sons all grown up to mourn his departure.
Accidently Shot - Mary, the twelve year old daughter of John ZOHNER, who lives in the German settlement east of De Soto was accidently shot one day last week. She was on her way to school, and it is supposed a hunter mistook her for a turkey or deer. Eight small sized buckshot took effect, six in her legs, one in her left shoulder and one in the corner of her eye. She was able to walk home and report, and Dr. HIGGINBOTHAM was called and dressed the wound which he reports serious but not fatal. It was thought at first that the child was the victim of an attempted outrage by a peddler who stayed all night at Mr. ZOHNER's the night
previous, but upon investigation this was found to be a mistake. It has not been learned who fired the shot.
Mrs. Christina Fredericka SCHMIDT, was born in Marback, Wittenberg, Germany, Dec. 8, 1806 and departed this life Dec. 7, 1896, at the home of her son Fredrick SCHMIDT, near Knorpp, at the ripe age of 92 years. She came to America in 1832 and lived for two years in Baltimore, Md.,
where she was married to Christopher SCHMIDT in 1833. In 1834 the family came West and settled in Jefferson county, Missouri, in the neighborhood in which she died. They were among the first settlers in this part of the State and experienced many respects the privations and hardships incidental to the life of the early pioneers, especially when they are limited in means.
But by industry, and economy and self-denial they soon obtained a comfortable home, although it was somewhat of a primitive character, yet they were grateful, contented and happy. In 1850, when the first German Methodist Missionary came to this county to organize a church, Mrs.
SCHMIDT became one of the charter members. About this time she was converted and lived a faithful and consistent christian life up to the time of her death. Hers was in many respects an exemplary life. She loved the church of her choice and labored faithfully for its advancement and was ever willing to contribute liberally to the support of the gospel. The traveling preachers always met with a warm welcome at her home. Her Husband died in 1861. Mrs. SCHMIDT's funeral services were conducted by Rev. P. MARTIN, her pastor in the German M.E. church near Flucom, Dec. 9. She leaves one son, three daughters, thirty-three grandchildren, twenty-five great grand children, many other relatives and friends to mourn her departure. Four children having preceded her in death.
Louis MATHIEU - Died at his home in De Soto, December 17, 1898, aged 71 years. Mr. MATHIEU was born in France in 1827, where he lived until 1852, when he immigrated to this country. He first settled in Nauvoo, Ills., and after five years removed to Adams county, Iowa. In 1862 he moved to St. Louis, and in 1866 to Jefferson county, first living on a farm three miles from De Soto. After six years residence on the farm he moved, to De Soto where he established a butcher shop which he successfully conducted until 1884 when he sold out and since then has
lived on the fruits of his industry acquired in the earlier years of his life. In France he followed the occupation of a cook in hotels and private families and at one time owned a restaurant in Orleans, France. In 1849 he married Annett BIERRE, who was also a native of France, and there were born of this union two children, Juliette, the wife of Andrew FRECH and Emma, wife of Amos L. COLMAN. After the death of Mrs. MATHIEU, some six years ago, his son-in-law, A.L. FRECH moved to the family home and Mr. MATHIEU has lived with them since. His garden and his flowers have shared the attention of the master hand that knew how to care for them. Mr. MATHIEW was an educated man of rugged integrity and decided convictions, and his death removes another of De Soto's old citizens.
Old and Destitute - Joseph DOWDEN and wife, and old couple were found in a destitute condition at No. 1020 Collins avenue, St. Louis. They were without fuel, food or clothing. and for three days had not had anything to eat.
Died in His Wagon - Calvin HEATH, a farmer near Plymoputh, Carroll county, was found dead in his wagon. His corpse was taken home by his horses. He had evidently expired from heart disease while on his way home from town.
Fatal Hunting Accident - Louis FICLIN, aged 18, was found, fatally wounded, near Mansield. While he was climbing a fence his gun was discharged, and the load entered his abdomen.
Central Missouri Pioneer - Lycurgus REED, of Otterville, Cooper county, one of the pioneers of central Missouri, died at Kansas City, a few days ago, of pneumonia.
Boy Broke His Neck - Emmett HATFIELD, aged 12, while walking on some piling at the waterworks pumphouse, Chillicothe, fell and broke his neck.
Aged Resident of Nodaway - T.G. McNEIL, one of oldest residents of Nodaway county, died at his home near Graham a few days ago. He was 85.
Mark VINYARD died at the home of his uncle, Dan VINYARD, last Saturday morning of consumption, and was buried Sunday in what is known as the Telegraph burying ground. The funeral sermon was preached by Rev. Harry L. JENKINSON.
DECEMBER 29, 1898
Suicide - Last Friday morning about 9 o'clock Mr. Leon POLITTE a farmer living about a mile from Blackwell committed suicide by shooting himself through the brain. The circumstances, as reported by his brother, Henry POLITTE, are to the effect that at about the hour named, Mr. POLITTE came in from outdoors, passing his wife, who was sweeping the porch. He evidently went to a bureau in the room and took from it a 38 caliber revolver, which he put in his pocket. When Mrs. POLITTE came in the husband was sitting by the stove warming his hands. She remarked to him that he ought not be out in the cold air, but remain inside and keep warm. He said nothing, but soon got up and passed outside. On his way out he passed a daughter whom he bid good bye. In a few moments the report of the pistol was heard and when reached by the wife the last of life was passing from the unconscious body. Mr. POLITTE was an old man 68 years of age and has been a hard working man all his life. For several years he has not been well and has had frequent spells of melancholy, but which have passed off and no one thought that he would commit any rash act. The funeral took place Saturday, and the body buried in the Catholic cemetery at Old Mines. Father GALLAGHER conducting the services. The funeral was largely attended as Mr. POLLITE was a man who stood high in the neighborhood and had many
friends. It was a sad Christmas to the bereaved family and a large family connection. There are six children, three boys and three girls, all of whom are grown.
Maj. Mortimer DEARING - Maj. Mortimer DEARING, capitalists, and one of the pioneer settlers of Kansas City, died recently, aged 78. Two years ago Maj. DEARING built a tomb which cost $15,000. His remains were deposited in it.
Death of Typhoid - Mrs. Lydia Lord BAHLMAN, aged 65, wife of Capt. William F. BAHLMAN, professor of Latin in the state normal school at Warrensburg, died of typhoid.
A Merchant's Wife Killed - Mrs. L.A. WARFORD, wife of a merchant at Manila suffered a fractured skull in a runaway accident, and died. Mr. WARFORD was also badly injured.
Run Over by a Locomotive - William BROWN, of Graniteville, fell off a car and was run over by a locomotive on the Iron Mountain while switching at Middlebrook. He died.
Shot Wife and Himself - William SHAVER, a wood-chopper who lived four miles west of Greenfield, shot and mortally wounded his wife. He then killed himself.
Jumped Into a Well - John R. HILL, near Hamilton, Caldwell county, committed suicide. He removed his coat, hat and shoes, and jumped into a well head first.
Accidentally Shot and Killed - Isaac DODSON, a well-known grocery-man of Springfield, was accidentally shot, by a country boy, while hunting, and died the following day.
Fatal Ending to Festivities - At Aud, Osage county, after a Christmas exercises, Jule BOILLOT was shot and killed by John HOLLOWAY. BOILLOT was a prominent farmer.
Could Not Find Work - Gustave NEWMAN, of St. Louis, could not find work and killed himself in the presence of his wife. He was well along in years.
Judge A.E. SHORTRIDGE - Judge A.I. SHORTRIDGE, aged 73, died at his residence at Macon, after a brief illness. He had been judge of the county court.
While Hunting - Will KELLY, aged 14, was accidentally shot and killed several miles south of Farber, Audrain county, while out hunting.
Thursday, 5 January 1899
FELL INTO A CISTERN AND DROWNED - Frank RICH, seven years old, whose parents live just west of Nichols Junction, Greene county, fell into a cistern and was drowned. His sister had drawn a bucket of water and left the cistern uncovered. Frank, who was running around, accidentally fell in. A mover, who was passing at the time, went down after the boy, but was too late to save his life.
HIS WOUNDS PROVED FATAL - James SHEARER, who was shot in the stomach, two miles northwest of Lancaster, died. His slayer, James MOORE, gave himself up to the officers.
WIFE OF A PIONEER MERCHANT - Mrs. Louis LONG, wife of Peter LONG, a pioneer merchant, who had been a resident of Sedalia for the past 32 years, died recently.
A PIONEER OF LINCOLN - Mrs. Job TAYLOR, a pioneer citizen of Lincoln county, died at her home, near Brussels, a few days ago. She was 75 years old.
A Veteran Passes Away - Capt. C.C. HARE, aged 67, is dead at his home in Kansas City of grip. He was born in Louisville, Ky., and served through the civil war with distinction.
PROBATE COURT - Saturday, December 31 1898 - Second annual settlement of estates of Harry, Robert, Alice, Edith, Edward and James MARSH filed and approved.
PROBATE COURT - Saturday, December 31 1898 - John J. NELSON appointed guardian and curator of estates of Flora, Wm. E. and Gesnie BOHMIE, minors, with bond of $2000 in each case.
J.D. MALOY, a brakeman on the road, was instantly killed last Sunday morning at Mill Spring. He was running to open a switch to let in No. 76 and was struck by the engine. The accident was not discovered until the train had pulled in the side track. Mr. MALOY was about thirty years old and had been married only seven months. His home was in De Soto, to which his remains were brought Sunday afternoon, and on Monday afternoon were shipped to Mt. Vernon, Ills., the former home of Mrs. MALOY. The associates of Mr. MALOY speak highly of him and general
sympathy is expressed at his untimely death and for the sorrowing young wife. He carried a policy on his life for $1,200 in the trainmen's organization and was a member of the Knights of Pythias. A delegation of trainmen accompanied Mrs. MALOY and the remains of her husband to Mt. Vernon, Ills.
Mr. GRIFFITH, an old and respected citizen of Ste. Genevieve county, whose home was near the river, Aux Vases, died at the home of his nephew, Judge R.G. MADISON on Monday of last week. His body was sent home for interment.
OBITUARY - Daniel L. JARVIS, whose death we announced last week was born in 1853 and was the eldest of seven children born to Thornton and Mary A. (WILLIAMS) JARVIS. His whole life, except the time spent at school, at McKendree College, Lebanon Ills., has been spent in Jefferson County, with the exception of about three years, on the farm, a part of which was the home place give him by his father. He has been extensively engaged in stock raising during all these years and when a post office was located at his place and named Jarvis, he opened a country store, which he has also conducted. In 1877, Mr. JARVIS was married to Miss Rosetta HENSLEY and of this marriage seven children were born, three boys and four girls, all living. His mother, one brother, Chas. JARVIS, and two sisters, Mrs.O.H. DONNELL and Mrs. Jos. J. HOEKEN survive the deceased. During all his life Daniel L. JARVIS has had the esteem and confidence of a large number of friends, acquaintances and business associates, who deeply
regret the loss of one whom they have learned so thoroughly to appreciate. The funeral services were held at the home of the deceased and he was buried in the church yard at Sandy Creek, beside the last resting place of his father, not so long ago laid at rest. The services were conducted by the Rev. Geo. STEEL, of Ironton and were attended by a large number of sympathizing friends from all over the County. In the death of D.L. JARVIS, Jefferson county loses one of its best citizens.
MISSOURI STATE NEWS - Recent Deaths - Enoch WELLS, of Clinton, aged 57, suddenly at Sedalia, where he was visiting relatives.
MISSOURI STATE NEWS - Recent Deaths - Mr. Amos WAGONER, aged 84, at his home near Odessa, of grip. He was an old settler and prosperous farmer.
MISSOURI STATE NEWS - Recent deaths - S.J. HAZENTINE, who was elected to congress on the greenback platform at his home, near Springfield.
MISSOURI STATE NEWS - Recent Deaths - Thomas S. ALSOP, of New Franklin, of pneumonia, aged 58. He was of large financial interests. His wife and four children survive him.
MISSOURI STATE NEWS - Thomas COLEMAN, of Smithton, Pettis county, aged 69 years, a veteran of the war of the rebellion.
MISSOURI STATE NEWS - Mrs. F.E. WOODFIN, aged 78, of Sedalia.
MISSOURI STATE NEWS - Mrs. J. YOUNGER, wife of Hon. Thos. J. YOUNGER, at Osceola, after a lingering illness from typhoid fever. Mrs. YOUNGER was an aunt of the celebrated YOUNGER boys.
MISSOURI STATE NEWS - E.K. SAYERS, one of the oldest citizens of Lewis county, at his home near Monticello. He was born in New Jersey in 1810. He was a member of the constitutional convention of Missouri in 1861 and 1863, and voted against secession. He was the oldest living graduate of Amherst college, Mass., having graduated from there in 1828.
MISSOURI STATE NEWS -Hon. Charles L. EWING, aged 71, at Lexington, after a week's illness of pneumonia. He had just finished a four years term as circuit clerk. He represented Lafayette county in the legislature in 1879. He served in the Mexican war, and was engaged in
the battle of Buena Vista. In the war between the states he sided with the confederates.
MISSOURI STATE NEWS - S.G. WALKER, a prominent druggist and business man of Maryville.
MISSOURI STATE NEWS - Thomas T. PHILLIPS, a pioneer of Marion county, and one of the best known citizens of Palmyra.
DEATH DID NOT SEVER THEM - Matthew JOYCE and wife, an aged couple, who had lived in Maryville many years, died within 24 hours of each other. Their funeral services were held at the same time and they were buried in the same grave. They had been sick only a short time, Mr. JOYCE was 93, and his wife 85, and they have been married over sixty years. Both were natives of Ireland.
Graham ATKIESON, aged 16 years, while handling a target rifle at Lexington, Mo., accidentally shot himself in the stomach. It is thought the wound is fatal.
WAS BAUERLE INNOCENT? - Gov. STEPHENS has commuted the ten-year sentence of Otto BAUERLE to eight months, without benefit of the three-fourths rule. BAUERLE was convicted in Lafayette county by a negro's testimony, of shooting and killing his niece, Amelia BAUERLE. Facts have developed which indicate that the girl committed suicide.
USED A MADSTONE - W.M. HORNBUCKLE, who resides in the southwestern portion of Callaway county, visited Sedalia to secure the use of a madstone. About a month ago he was bitten on the left hand by a pet dog. A horse that was bitten by the same canine died of hydrophobia.
ESTRANGED FROM HIS WIFE - Harvey ALLISON, 40 years old, cut his throat at Nevada. He had been estranged from his wife for some months, and had called on her at a neighbor's. When he failed to induce her to return to him, he deliberately cut his throat.
WITH A TARGET RIFEL - Graham ACHISON, of Lexington, aged 16, while handling a target rifle, accidentally shot himself in the stomach. It was thought the wound would prove fatal. His father. L.B. ATCHISON, who lives at Conway, Ark, was summoned.
DEAF MUTE KILLED - A Missouri Pacific passenger train, east-bound, ran over and killed E.T. CARRIER, of Clinton. CARRIER was a deaf mute. He was sitting on the track.
CHASED BY A RABID DOG - J.H. BOWRON, an attorney of Sedalia, was chased into a stable by a rabid dog. His wife reached him by a circuitous route with a revolver
Mr. Arthur HIBBERT, of this city, and Miss Jennie SMITH of Kansas City, were married last Monday in the city on the Kaw. A reception was given them at the residence of Sam HIBBERT on Tuesday. Mr. HIBBERT is one of our brightest and best young men, and we wish him and his unlimited happiness and prosperity.
Judge Louis HARTWEIN died at his home on Sandy last Monday morning and was buried at Hillsboro on Wednesday afternoon. The death of Mr. HARTWEIN, so unexpected, comes with crushing force to his many friends, a great many of whom did not know that he was sick.
Claude FLETCHER, the oldest son of Smith FLETCHER, formerly a resident of De Soto and an employe of the Iron Mountain Road, died in the Mo. Pac. hospital at St. Louis last Tuesday and is to be buried to-day in that city. Claude was a De Soto boy and is well remembered by our older citizens. He has been telegraph operator on the Mountain and his last office was at Vineland, where he was taken sick and submitted to an operation for appendicitis, from the effects of which he died.
Married January 18, at the home of the bride, at Mammoth Mines, Mr. John FOXTON Jr., to Miss Gertrude F. EMMONS.
A serious and fatal accident on the railroad last Thursday evening caused the death of Brakeman M.E. STRUNK. The train was going north and somewhere White House Station broke in two. Mr. STRUNK, who was on the caboose, climbed to the top of the cars and was setting the brakes. It was dark and in the excitement and hurry to get other brakes set he evidently did not notice the gap at the broken point; at any rate he fell there and his life was nearly crushed out by the two cars and caboose which ran over him. He was taken to the Mo. Pac. hospital in St. Louis, but died about nine o'clock. The funeral services were held at Hematite on Sunday afternoon, from the Christian church, Rev. MASON, of De Soto, officiating. Hematite had been Mr. STRUNK's home for many years and a large number of the neighbors and friends from the vicinity attended the funeral. He was twenty-nine years of age and for several years has been in the employ of the Iron Mountain Railway, the officials of which speak in the highest terms of his efficiency as an employee. He was engaged to Miss Blanch STROUPE, young lady whose home is near Hematite, but is teaching in Washington County. They were to have been married the 15th of February. The parents, sister and two step-sisters, living in St. Louis, are his immediate relatives.
JUDGE LOUIS HARTWEIN - Last week we noticed the death of Judge HARTWEIN, but at that time had no data of is life. Through the courtesy of Rev. WENDT, we are able to supply the information needed. Mr. Louis HARTWEIN, was born on the 13th day of November 1827, in the city of Gentheim, Germany. In 1849 he came to this country, where he made his home at first in the state of Pennsylvania, for five years. On the 1st day of January, 1850 he united with Eva Mary HOFECKER into the holy matrimony. They were blessed with 11 children of which two now will meet him in eternity. In 1855 he came to this county, where he has lived nearly 44
years at his home near Hillsboro. The deceased was also a member of the German Evangelical church. He served as probate judge for 4 years in this county and died after a sickness of two weeks on the 15th of January at his home, aged 72 years 2 months and 2 days, leaving a wife, 9 children and about 20 grandchildren. The interment took place on Tuesday the 17th at Hillsboro. Services were held at his house and at the grave by Rev. WENDT, of the German Evangelical church, of this city.
WINTHROP BARTLETT - The death of Mr. BARTLETT recalls to many of our older citizens of the fact that for several years he was a resident of De Soto, where he commenced his married life. Mr. BARTLETT was born September 15, 1851 at Springfield, Mass., but came to St. Louis when young and was educated in its public schools and Washington University. He was a civil engineer by profession and for several years was connected with the Iron Mountain railroad. It was during this time that he lived in De Soto and married a daughter of S.W. CRAWFORD. Since leaving De Soto Mr. BARTLETT has been employed in St. Louis by several street railway companies, reconstructing from horse power to cable and electric power. In 1850 he married Alice CRAWFORD, who, with three children, survive him. Mr. BARTLETT died January 16, 1899, following an operation for a cancer of the intestines. For some time he had been undergoing treatment but the nature of the disease was not known until the operation was
performed. Short funeral services were held at the home of the deceased by Dr. HOSMER, of the Unitarian church, St. Louis, and at the Missouri crematory, where the body was cremated. A brother, Mr. L. BARTLETT, is the master mechanic at the Missouri Pacific shops in St. Louis.
Those who knew Mr. BARTLETT when he lived in De Soto remember a young man of excellent habits, of quiet, yet pleasing address, strongly imbued with a love for his life work, his friends and his family. Such are the men who have done so much to build up the great west, to harness the forces of nature, for the material welfare of man. There are many in De Soto whose heart go out in sympathy to the bereaved family.
CHARLES BEISBARTH - Charles BEISBARTH, born at Stuttgart, Germany, April 3, 1841, died at Se Soto, Mo., January 18, 1899. Mr. BEISBARTH came to the United States about 1861 and after living in New York a short time enlisted in the Union Army, 11th Connecticut regiment, and continued in the army during the war. At the close of the war he engaged in cotton raising in the south, but an overflow and smallpox among the pickers broke him up in that business and he came to St. Louis about the spring of 1868. In the fall of 1868 he came to De
Soto, being employed by the farm of KNORPP & BLANK as salesman. In 1868 he married Miss A.A. BASTIN, at Oakland, Mississippi, she coming north to meet him, after he had located in De Soto. Of this marriage there are seven children living: Emma (Mrs. J.M. LAUGHLIN), Edward, Elease, Albert, Maggie, Paul and Ceclie. From KNORPP & BLANK Mr. BEISBARTH engaged with HOHENTHAL & MANHEIMER, about and about 1872 started in the business or himself, later taking in Frank C. SMITH as a partner. In 1879 he opened business at the present BEISBARTH stand and since that time has carried on a large grocery trade, until a few months ago, when on account of failing health he transferred his business to his son, Edward. He was one of the original stockholders of the People's bank and at the death of Col. RANKIN, succeeded to the presidency of the institution. During all the years of business life in De Soto Mr. BEISBARTH's name has been a synonym for honesty, integrity and high business capacity.
He was a member of the German Lutheran church, also holding membership in the Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Blue Lodge, Chapter and Knights Templar Masons. He held a commission as Major in the Uniform Rank of the Knights of Pythias, being one of De Soto's most conspicuous members in that organization.
Captain Joseph WALTHER, who was born at Muenster, Westpfhalen, Germany, on April 26, 1831, died of heart failure at De Soto, Mo., at 9:15 p.m., January 23, 1899. Mr. WALTHER lived in Germany until June, 1860, when he emigrated to the United States and settled in New York;. He served in the German army for several years and left that army with the rank of Lieutenant. On February 5, 1855, he married the wife who survives him. In June, 1861, Mr. WALTHER enlisted in the Union army with the rank of First Lieutenant, which he held about one year, when he was promoted Captain and served as such until mustered out at the close of the war. He was in Co. D, 41st New York regiment and was in the thick of the fighting until peace was declared. Three times he was wounded at the battle of Gettysburg. In 1864 Captain WALTHER moved with his family from New York to New Jersey, where he remained till December, 1866, when he located on a farm in Jefferson county, Mo., about three miles east of De Soto. In 1884 Captain WALTHER came to De Soto and embarked in the feed and fuel business. His business transactions were strictly honest and his word as good as his bond. He was appointed postmaster at De Soto by President HARRISON, which office he held four years, and in 1894 he was elected county collector. Nine children, eight boys and a girl, are the fruits of his marriage, and all survive him. Captain WALTHER was buried to-day in the city cemetery. Short services were conducted at the house by Rev. WENDT, and the remains were taken in
charge by the members of the Grand Army and tenderly laid at rest.
John FOXTON, Jr. Mammoth Mines
Gertrude F. EMMONS Mammoth Mines
John C. HALEY De Soto
Jennie SUBLETTE De Soto
Glen SMITH Vineland
Maud STROUPE Barryties (there were no dates noted with the
marriage licenses.)
LITTLE BOY FATALLY BURNED - While the three-year-old son of George C. TOEL, of Maryville, was playing near a gasoline stove, his clothes caught, burning him fatally.
LITTLE BOY'S FATAL PLAY - The three-year-old son of Monore BUCKNER, colored, of Smithton, Pettis county, while alone at home, played with the fire and was burned to death.
FELL BETWEEN CARS - Mike COLLOPY, a Missouri Pacific brakeman who resided in Nevada, was killed between Harrisonville and Pleasant Hill by falling between two cars.
A FARMER ROBBED - J.C. WOBBE, a farmer living near New Conception, 16 miles east of Maryville, Nodaway county, was held up and robbed of $133 at night.
HIS INJURIES PROVED FATAL - Le Roy WHITFORD, a traveling salesman, fell from the platform of a car and lost both legs, at New Conception, Nodaway county, and died.
DEFENDED HIS MOTHER - In defense of his mother, Theodore ATTERBERY, shot his father, Joseph, in the neck, at their home at No. 2221 College avenue, St. Louis.
A FOURTEEN YEAR-OLD GIRL BURNED - Elvina NORTON, aged 14, was blacking
the kitchen stove at her home in St. Joseph. The brush took fire, igniting her clothing.
GEN. GENTRY ADJUDGED INSANE - The Pettis county court has adjudged Gen. Andrew J. GENTRY insane, and ordered him confined in the Nevada asylum.
FATAL FALL DOWN STARIS - Dr. W.C. HILEY, of Houstonia, Pettis county, slipped and fell downstairs at a hotel in Hughesville, sustaining fatal injuries.
Mrs. Sarah McNUTT is lying dangerously ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Chas. FAKE.
Helen, the beloved little daughter of Henderson and Alice HILL, died at her home in Crystal City, on Wednesday, January 18, aged eleven years and nine months. She was buried from the Christian church of this city the following day in the GAMEL cemetery. Rev. NATIONS conducted the services. Little Helen was a very sweet child and was loved by all who knew her. She had been afflicted with heart trouble from her earliest infancy but bore her sufferings with great patience. She spent at least half of her short life in Festus with her uncle and aunt, J. REESE and wife and to them as well as the bereaved parents, we extend our sympathy.
Luther and Phillip WILLIAMS, are at home this week helping to move their aged mother, who is quite sick.
Mr. Phil. SWINK, of Van Buren, Ark., was called to the bedside of his sister, Mrs. Sarah McNUTT. He arrived Tuesday.
Seckman, Mo., Jan., 23 - Died at her home of paralysis, Mrs. S. WOLFANGLE, aged 72. She was buried, in the LUTH cemetery near Maxville. She leaves a husband and two grown sons.
PROBATE COURT - Rosa A. JARVIS was appointed guardian and curator of the estates of Oran D. JARVIS, Adie F. JARVIS, Madge E. JARVIS and C.R. JARVIS and she was ordered to give bond in the sum of $500.00 each.
PROBATE COURT - Claud T. JARVIS, aged 20, Norval W. JARVIS aged 18, and Edith JARVIS, aged 14, made application for guardian and chose Rosa A. JARVIS, their mother, which was approved by the court and was ordered to give bond in the sum of $500.00 each.
PROBATE COURT - John J. SHORT was appointed guardian and curator of the estates of Bertha A. SHORT and Milly A. SHORT, minors, and he was ordered to give bond in the sum of $400.00.
CARD OF THANKS - We desire to extend our sincere and heartfelt thanks to the many kind hearted friends whose aid and sympathy were given us during the illness of our beloved husband and father, Joseph WALTHER. We shall ever remember with gratitude the many acts of kindness shown the departed, and should occasion demand, our aid and sympathy shall be
freely and generously given in return. Thankfully. Theresa WALTHER & Family.
Basil B. BOYER Festus
Mary M. CARROW Festus
George GORMAN Oerman
Mrs. Anna RAHOGE Oerman
Bernard SCHIELL Festus
Lena HUGHES Festus
Florence WESTWOOD De Soto
T.J. LETCHER Richwoods
Maggie LAMEN Richwoods
(no dates included in the posting.)
THIRTY YEARS A FUGITIVE - Geo. LEE, who shot and instantly Killed Henry M. STONESTREET, 30 years ago at Lee's Summitt, and ever since a fugitive, died at Meridian, Miss. recently.
John A. PERDUE, an old native resident, of Johnson county, died at Columbus, aged 70 years. He had always lived in one residence.
KILLED BY FALLING ROCK - John SOLBERG, aged 20 years, was instantly killed in a coal mine at Elliott, Randolph county, a few days ago, by a fall of rock.
Albert CASEY, a very popular colored lad, died at his home Sunday morning of typhoid pneumonia. He was only sick a few days.
OBITUARY - Lee DUFFEY one of our oldest resident's sons and at one time a telegraph operator of the road here, was on yesterday afternoon buried in our city cemetery. The cause of his death was a wound caused by an accidental shooting in Texas a few weeks ago. Lee was a young man of promise and had he lived would have made a record of which is fond father would have been proud. His father John DUFFEY has for nearly a quarter of a century been an engineer on the road and is by all of our citizens honored and respected, and who in this hour of trouble and sadness sympathize with him and his excellent lady.
H.W. HEIST De Soto
Mary J. WARE De Soto
Howard J. WEINEL St. Louis
Anna L. BURMEISTER St. Louis
BURNED TO DEATH IN HIS HOME - Peter SCHNEIDER met with a horrible death in his home near Florence, Morgan county. SCHNEIDER was living alone, having separated from his wife six years ago, after a few months of wedded life. The house was burned and the unfortunate occupants was cremated. How the fire started is not known. SCHNEIDER was 60 years old.
BURIED SIDE BY SIDE - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee ETTER, who died within 36 hours of each other, in St. Louis were buried side by side in their wedding clothes. The funeral took place from the same church in which they were married a year and a half ago. They died of the same disease.
Johnson county, was accidentally killed while hunting. His gun was discharged while he was climbing over a fence.
AN ICICLE FELL AND KILLED HIM - U.G. GIBSON, 28 years old, was instantly killed at the Rex mills, in Kansas City, by a large icicle falling upon him from the eave of the building, crushing his skull.
KILLED HIS MAN - At St. Joseph, Jesse BOSWELL killed Thomas McROY by crushing his skull with a brick. Both were young men. They quarreled over a game of pool.
THEODORE SESSINGHAUS, of St. Louis - Theodore SESSINGHAUS, one of the best-known German citizens of St. Louis, died suddenly. He was well known in the milling business.
BURNED TO DEATH IN HIS DWELLING - Christian NEIDECK, a railroad section hand, of St. Joseph, was burned to death in the fire that consumed his dwelling. NEIDECK lived alone.
Died near Bonne Terre, Mo. Tuesday, Feb. 14, 1899, Mrs. Elizabeth BRYAN, wife of Charles BRYAN. Mr. and Mrs. BRYAN lived in De Soto for many years and are well remembered by the old residents here. She was the mother of Dr. G.G. BRYAN who is a popular young physician in this town. The remains were brought to De Soto and interred in the city cemetery,
Rev. BRETT of the Congregational church, conducting the funeral services. She was a member of the Episcopal church and held in high esteem for her many virtues.
On last Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. E.E. WARREN in this city, Judge A.F. SLAWSON, united in marriage, Mr. E.B. KOLLER and Miss Katie SEIFERT. The contracting parties are well and favorably known here and their host of friends extend to them their heartiest congratulations. This being the Judge's first attempt in that kind of business, he, not only got through the ceremony nicely, but exceedingly so.
Rev. Harry L. JENKINSON went to Hillsboro, Friday, where he was called to perform the last sad rites over the body of little Clark, beloved baby of Lillie and Harvey McCOY. This little baby was born Sept. 25, 1898 and died Feb. 16, 1899, aged 4 months and 21 days.
The funeral of Lacy ADAMS which took place from the Presbyterian church Friday afternoon was one of the largest ever in Festus, and showed the esteem in which he was held. Rev. HEYS, of Hematite conducted the services at the church and grave. He leaves a father, mother, two
brothers and a host of friends to mourn his loss.
Miss Rodia WADE made a trip to St. Louis on account of the death of her niece.
RECENT DEATHS - Jacob BICKENSDORFER, who was one of the most widely-known civil engineers in this country, at his residence at Oakland, ten miles east of Lebanon.
RECENT DEATHS - Henry KEEHART, aged about 70, a well-known citizen of Saline county.
A DESPERATE YOUNG MAN - John GOODSELL, bookkeeper in his father's hardware store at Grant City, Worth county, shot and killed himself, after vainly attempting to kill his father and Peter HUDSON, a young attorney. Young GOODSELL entered the store at one o'clock. Without a word he opened fire on the two men. HUDSON's jaw was shattered by one bullet. After firing several shots young GOODSELL turned the weapon upon himself with fatal effect. The suicide was 30 years old and unmarried. The tragedy is unaccounted for, as there had never been any
previous trouble.
LOST HIS LIFE IN A SWOLLEN STREAM - Martin LEINWEBER, an extensive land owner, was drowned by the overturning of his buggy in trying to cross a swollen stream, in Henry county. He came from Manito. Ill., the past winter and brought 1,800 acres of land near Lee Summit, Jackson county, also 1,800 acres of swamp land near Hartwell, Henry county, which he was reclaiming. His family were to have come out from Illinois in a few days.
BROTHER AND SISTER DIE - Mrs. Elizabeth E. WRIGHT, aged 79, widow of Felix E. WRIGHT, died at her home in Sedalia. At the same hour her brother, Richard MATHER, died at his home in Alton, Ill. Mrs. WRIGHT had been a resident of Pettis county 42 years, and well known to all the old settlers.
FOR A MURDER - Gov. STEPHENS has issued a proclamation offering a reward of $100 for the apprehension and conviction of Mile GREGORY, who murdered Joseph CORBET in Dunkin county, February 20.
HIS NINETIETH ANNIVERSARY - Thomas HUTCHINS, of near Chillicothe, celebrated his ninetieth birthday anniversary recently. He came to Missouri 57 years ago.
TOOK A YOUNG WIFE - J.F.C. RENNISON, aged 70, a wealthy farmer near Elk Lick Springs, Pike county, was married at Sedalia to Miss Nettie STOKES, aged 30.
Festus, Mo., March 1.-- Dr. T.B. TAYLOR, was called to Silien, Monday morning to hold an inquest over the body of a man supposed to have been killed by a train on the Iron Mountain road. He promptly responded accompanied by Undertaker J.I. BRANCH. Arriving on the scene a jury was impaneled and after examining the body, the verdict rendered by the jury was, that he came to his death by falling off a train, or, was knocked off the track striking his head against the piers of the bridge. In his pockets were found a chain, a clean handkerchief, 6.50 in money, and a
letter from a brother in Waterman, Ill.. A telegram was sent at once to that address, and the following reply was received; "Obtain a coffin and burial robe, the cost not to exceed 60 dollars and ship body home." The body was removed to Festus and placed in the undertaking rooms of
J.I. BRANCH, where it was embalmed, dressed and placed in a beautiful coffin and all that was mortal of Isaie E. WOODS was shipped to his brother in Waterman, Ill. for interment.
RECENT DEATHS - Mrs. Catherine A. BAILEY, aged 76, at the residence of her son. W.H. EMERSON, in Moberly.
Dana Reed LANDAN, who had been a resident of Pettis county for 56 years, coming from New York in 1843, of pneumonia at his home near Lookout.
George A. SETTLE, aged 87, at his residence, near Moberly.
COULD NOT STAND THE STRAIN - From Schell City comes the news of the sudden and pathetic death of J.B. PARRETT. Mr. PARRETT, who was about 60 years of age, had great anxiety as to the fate of his son, who was a member of Co. H. and was aboard the Mobile & Ohio train wrecked at Tupelo, Miss. When he heard the news of the wreck, Mr. PARRETT dropped
dead at his home. The son about whom he was so anxious arrived home in good health and strength.
William H.H. COLLINS - William H.H. COLLINS, ex-sheriff of Johnson county, died at his residence in Warrensburg, of a complication of diseases. Mr. COLLINS was 58, and a native of Johnson county. He served through the civil war in the Second Missouri regiment of confederate infantry, commanded by Senator F.M. COCKRELL, and was twice wounded. He was elected sheriff in 1890 and 1892. He was prominent in the Masonic fraternity.
SENT UP FOR LIFE - John BROCKWAY, charged with the murder of his mother-in-law, Mrs. Ellen VINSON, and her daughter, Elizabeth, near Hahatonka, April 22, 1898, was tried in the Camden county circuit court. The jury found the defendant guilty of murder in the second degree, and assessed his punishment at 99 years in the penitentiary. The defense set up a plea of hereditary insanity.
WAS A MISSOURI BOY - Howard OLDS, member of the Twentieth Kansas, killed in Battle at Manila, was a resident of St. Joseph, having gone to Kansas on a visit, where he enlisted. The father will have the body returned to St. Joseph if possible.
DIED AT THE POST OFFICE - Isaac PIARMAN, an old and highly esteemed citizen of Montevideo, 15 miles outheast of Nevada, dropped dead in the post office at that place.
OBITUARY - On the third day of March, 1899, Mrs. Sallie McNUTT was taken to her eternal home. She was born in Tennessee May 16, 1830. In early childhood she removed with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William SWINK, to St. Francois county, Mo., where she became a member of the Christian church. Later the family removed to Ste. Genevieve county, where she
married George McNUTT and began her long residence in Jefferson county. Her life is a shining example of Christian piety. Everybody loved her and those who knew her best loved her most. Her funeral at the Festus Christian church was attended by a large concourse of sorrowing
friends. Her remains were laid to rest by those of her husband in the beautiful GAMEL cemetery. She leaves a daughter, Mrs. C.H. FAKE, two brothers, J.E. and P.A. SWINK, a sister, Mrs. W.B. KENNER, and countless relatives and friends to mourn her departure. G.O. NATIONS.
Festus, Mo., March 7 - Mrs. Sarah McNUTT entered into rest last Friday morning at the home of her only child, Mrs. Charles FAKE, after a lingering illness. When the summons came she was ready even waiting. She was buried from the Christian church Sunday afternoon. Rev. Mr.
NATIONS conducting the funeral services in a beautiful and impressive manner. He chose for the subject of his remarks the seventh verse, sixth chapter of Second Timothy. "I have fought the good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith." It would seem that these lines were written especially for her, as there are so few of us to whom they could be applied so appropriately. Had she lived till May 16th she would have been 69 years old, had almost lived her three score years and ten, and her life was a living testimony that she had kept the faith. She had been a consistent member of the Christian church since she was fifteen years old. In the course of his remarks the Rev. Mr. NATIONS said: "Had I the least shadow of a doubt that sister McNUTT is saved, I would quit trying, would know it would be no use trying." Now we feel
sure that everyone under the sound of his voice echoed the sentiments expressed by him. Mrs. McNUTT saw no evil in others because she herself was good. She was one of the few people whom everybody loved. She was a friend alike to the rich and poor, always seeking to do good. And as Mr. NATIONS said, "those who knew her best loved her best." Her body was followed to the grave by a large concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends, who mourned not for the dead but for themselves that they had lost so good and true a friend.
Judge Emmet SWINK, and wife of Farmington, David CARLYLE and wife of Silica, Mrs. Dr. O.A. SMITH and sister, Miss Lida SWINK of Bonne Terre, and John SWINK of Etlendale, attended the funeral of their aunt Mrs. Sarah McNUTT, Sunday.
Mrs. F.S. DODDS, of Dennison Texas, with her little son, Robert, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.R. DONNELL.
Knorpp, Mo., March 12 Mr. J. BUFF, Sr., is very ill with lung disease since the past five months and it is feared he'll not recover. Mesdames Wm. MATTHES and C. SCHWENK are also on the sick list.
CALLED HOME - Florence WALLACE was born Nov. 19, 1881, at De Soto, and died at St. Charles, Mo., March 15, 1899, of typhoid fever, after a short illness of only nine days. She was the youngest daughter of James and Irene WALLACE, and losing her mother at the age of two years was left to the care of her eldest sister, Mrs. Mary CASTILE, in whose home she died. She professed religion at the age of fourteen, was a member of the M.E. church at Pevely at the time of her death. She was always of a pious, quiet disposition, yet cheerful and pleasant, and was the
spirit of kindness and love in the home circle, beloved and respected by all and the petted favorite of her many relatives. She was called away so suddenly that few of her friends were with her, and her father arrived only in time to see her laid to rest. All will miss her, and many will mourn for the dear one whose life was so brief.
RECENT DEATHS - Maj. Henry STONESTREET, at the home of his daughter, in Kansas City. Maj. STONESTREET was born in Lexington, Ky., in 1822, and won his title in the confederate army.
Mrs. Thomas GREEN, at Joplin, recently, aged 78. She was born at Stratford-on-Avon, England and was the daughter of John and Betsy TAYLOR, of Warwickshire, descendants of SHAKESPEARE.
"Uncle Buck" HIGHLEY, at his home near Farmington. Although 87, he was able to do a full day's work until a few weeks ago.
DEATH OF A WANDERER - F.W. MARSHALL, 43 years old, a traveling man well known throughout Missouri, died at the Sedalia city hospital. He leaves a widow and four small children. MARSHALL ran away from home when ten years old, and pledged himself never to return until he had his fortune made. He circled the globe in quest of gold, but died penniless, and his parents will never know what became of their boy. Even his wife is ignorant of their whereabouts. Mrs. MARSHALL, herself an orphan, is left without funds. She will return to Joplin, where she has friends.
YOUNG COUPLE LICENSED TO MARRY - Recorder Gordon EWING of Vernon county
issued a marriage license to Will H. McKILL of Richards, and Miss Maud May CRAIGHEAD, of Deerfield, neither of whom is over 17 years old. They are the youngest couple ever licensed to marry in Vernon county.
The remains of Mrs. C. WARNER, who died at Old Orchard last Monday morning, were brought to De Soto on No. 1 to-day and will be interred in the city cemetery this afternoon. Rev. MASON conducting the funeral services at the Presbyterian church.
Mr. Chas. WARNER, electrician for the Liggett-Myers Tobacco Co., was in De Soto Tuesday to arrange for the burial of his mother, Mrs. C. WARNER, who died at Old Orchard last Monday morning.
OBITUARY - Died, Wednesday, March 22, at Elvins, Mrs. Emma Edwards HANSBOROUGH, aged 23 years. She was a daughter of W.J. EDWARDS, of Shenandoah, Page county, Iowa, and a niece of Oscar EDWARDS, of De Soto. She was married to Ollie HANSBOROUGH about eighteen months ago and they have lived at Elvins several months. Mrs. HANSBOROUGH was a pupil in the De Soto High School some three years ago, when, by her lady like demeanor, she endeared herself to all. She leaves a large number of relatives and friends in De Soto, who
mourn the loss they sustain.
Charlotte WARNER died, March 20, 1899, at Old Orchard, Mo., having just passed her 74th birthday. She was born in London, in 1825 and was married to Charles H. WARNER, in 1848. Soon after they came to America, living in New York until 1865, when they came to St. Louis, living there only a short time. De Soto became their home about 1868, and for many years all their interests were centered here. There were eight children, five, still living, Alfred, whose home is in Choteau, Montana; Hederick, near Seattle, Washington; Charles, Walter and Eleanor in St. Louis; and Edwin in De Soto. The death of Mrs. WARNER, was a great shock to her many friends, who loved her for her worth. She was a woman of culture and refinement. She possessed a broad, kindly spirit.
RECENT DEATHS - Miss Lena May PEARSON, aged 28, for a number of years teacher in Marshall public schools.
Prof. R.B. McILHANEY, for 50 years identified with educational work in Missouri, at the residence of his son-in-law, B. COCKRELL, in Nevada. He was 67 years old, a graduate of Central college, Fayette, and for many years a professor in Prichett institute, Glasgow.
Judge R.L. SUTHERLAND, at his home at Farmington. He represented Saint Francois county in the legislature once, and was twice elected county judge.
W.H.H. McVEY, a prominent citizen of Sedalia, from Paralysis. Mr. McVEY was born in Pettis county 59 years ago.
Thomas J. THORP, one of Saline county's oldest citizens and most prominent farmers.
Mrs. Virginia ELIOT CABANNE, one of the oldest and best-known ladies of St. Louis.
CAUSED BY SHOCK - Miss Mollie SHIFER, aged 40, was buried near Magnolia, Johnson county. She never recovered from the shock of her brother's death that occurred a few weeks ago from an accidental gunshot wound.
FOUND MURDERED - Three miles north of Oregon, Holt county, James CRAW, old and inoffensive farmer, living alone, was found dead in bed, his head beaten to a pulp.
BURIED IN THE SAME GRAVE - Thomas and Johanna MURNANE, husband and wife,
quite aged, died in St. Louis within five hours of each other. Theywere buried in the same grave.
Louis, is suffering from nicotine poisoning, caused by excessive smoking. He fell unconscious in a theater.
IT WAS AN ACCIDENT - Paul BEALE, who carried off honors at the Young school, killed himself at Hemple, Clinton county, by the accidental discharge of a shotgun.
DIED GETTING OUT OF BED - Mrs. Mary Ann EVANS, of Vernon county, aged 63, dropped dead as she arose from bed, the other morning, probably from heart disease.
THEIR GOLDEN WEDDING - Dr. and Mrs. J.C.B. DIXON, of West Plains, celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary. Five hundred guests were present at the banquet.
KILLED BY A FALLING BOULDER - T.P. KIER, owner of a zinc mine on the Nap Perry lease at Lone Elm, near Joplin, was killed in his mine by a falling boulder.
RECENT DEATHS - Charles A. DAUGHERTY, at Fayette. He was a former democratic member of the legislature.
Simon B. ARMOUR, president of the Armour Packing Co., Kansas City, of pneumonia, at the age of 71 years.
Mrs. Nancy P. TODD, one of the oldest residents of Louisiana. She was born in Harrison county. Ky.
Lewis BREY, the oldest merchant at Linn Creek, suddenly, in his place of business.
FUNERAL OF EX-GOV. FLETCHER - The remains of ex-Gov. Clement FLETCHER -
Missouri's war governor--who died in Washington, were interred in Bellefontaine cemetery, St. Louis. The funeral services were held at Union M.E. church. Two former governors of Missouri, four former lieutenant-governors and two former members of the cabinet were in attendance and acted as pall-bearers, honorary and active. They were D.R. FRANCIS, and William J. STONE, E.O. STANARD, Charles P. JOHNSON, John B. O'MEARA and Norman J. COLMAN. Gen. John W. NOBLE and D.R. FRANCIS were the former cabinet members present. The lot in which the war governor lies is situated on the crest of a hill almost midway between the eastern and main entrances to the cemetery. Flowers completely covered the little mound of fresh earth.
HEREDITARY CRIME - The theory of hereditary crime is borne out in the case of James REED, the 22-year-old negro who was hanged at Kansas City the other day, for the murder of Susie BLAKELY. The father of REED was also a murderer, and was hanged in January, 1894, for killing his wife, mother of James REED, and on the same scaffold. For the first time in
the history of Jackson county, a woman witnessed the execution.
KILLED AT NIGHT - John FREEMAN, of Craig, Holt county, while on his way to his home at night, was waylaid and killed. Jack GROUND, who had been keeping company with FREEMAN's daughter against the will of FREEMAN, was arrested.
EVIDENTLY IN A HURRY - In St. Louis, Mrs. Katherine VENXLAFF, two months a widow and the mother of a 2 1/2 months-old baby, took her third husband.
Died, Friday, April 7, of typhoid-pneumonia, the 13 months-old baby of Mr. and Mrs. A.E. VINYARD, after an illness of five weeks. Interment in the City Cemetery Saturday.
DEATH OF REPRESENTATIVE ELLIS - Judge J.D. ELLIS, representative in the legislature from Vernon county for the past four years, died at his home, near Nevada, at an early hour the other morning, after a two weeks' illness, of pneumonia. A peculiar run of fatalities has affected
this family recently. Mrs. ELLIS, wife of the representative, died of pneumonia during the first week of April. Two days later his mother-in-law Mrs. Elizabeth HALL, died of the same disease. Mr. HALL, his father-in-law, has pneumonia, and is not expected to survive. Judge
ELLIS was an ex-Union soldier and popular.
"TOO MUCH MOTHER-IN-LAW." - William A. CHURCHILL, a bookkeeper, died at a fashionable boarding house in St. Louis, as the result of an over-dose of laudanum. He left a letter, the opening sentence of which read: "This is a case of too much mother-in-law."
IT COMES HANDY - Mrs. Mamie CLARK, wife of Harry CLARK, a painter of Centralia, has received information that by the will of her grandfather, Samuel WALLACE, who recently died in Monroe county, W. Va., she is willed $5,000.
MRS. MALINDA MAJOR - Mrs. Malinda MAJOR, wife of Dr. T.T. MAJOR, of Sedalia, died of Bright's disease. Mrs. MAJOR was born in Howard county. Her maiden name was BUCKNER.
YOUNG FARMER FOUND DEAD - The dead body of Lee COOK, a young farmer, was found by the side of the road near Redman, Marion county. It is supposed that he was thrown from his horse.
MRS. GEORGE O. HAMILTON - Mrs. George O. HAMILTON, 60 years old, a member of one of the most prominent families in Lincoln county, died at her home, near New Hope.
KICKED TO DEATH BY A HORSE - The three-year-old-son of Moses GOULD, of Clarence, was kicked to death by a vicious horse the other night. He was injured internally.
FOUND DEAD IN BED - Mrs. WHARTON, the wife of Bayless WHARTON, a contractor, was found dead in bed at Knobnoster. Death probably was the result of heart failure.
Eva HAWKINS, about twelve years of age, youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. Robert HAWKINS, living near Hematite, died at Godfrey, Ills., last Monday and was buried at home Wednesday. The child had been sent recently to a sanitarium at Godfrey for medical treatment.
B.F. HUSKEY, a farmer living near Goldman, and formerly in De Soto, was buried in Glade Chapel Wednesday by the Modern Woodmen. He was a charter member of De Soto Camp, but Lodges at Hillsboro, Jarvis and Antonia participated. About twenty members attended the funeral from De Soto Camp. He died from consumption, which developed during the past year. He leaves a wife and five children. Rev. Sull FRAZIER conducted the services at the house and the Woodmen officiated at the grave.
CALLED FROM EARTH - Died, at the home of his sister, in this city, on Tuesday, April 18, 1899, Mr. Charles R. ROLLINS, aged 24 years. Mr. ROLLINS contracted a very severe cold, which, in a very short time developed itself into pneumonia, and just nine days from the time
he was taken sick he passed away. He came to De Soto in 1892, and with his brother-in-law, Mr. A. SHORT, opened a steam laundry on Boyd Street, which proved to be a very successful venture. He worked at the laundry until the honor of his country was assailed by a foreign foe and with the fires of patriotism burning in his bosom, he enlisted in the 1st Missouri Volunteers and served in the capacity of Corporal of his company until honorably discharged, and while his regiment never saw service, yet it can be said of him that he would have marched boldly to the front and defended to the death the flag he love.
Mr. ROLLINS was an exemplary young man, and his friends were numbered by the score, and many are the hearts that are sad to know that so promising a life has gone out. He was a member of the Christian church and walked in the narrow path, being a Christian to the end, and
entered the valley of death with the blessed assurance that beyond its dark borders a happy and immortal home awaited him. His remains were taken back to his home near Moberly, Thursday morning, followed by a number of sorrowing friends and relatives, and an escort from the K. of
P. and Select Knights, of which lodges he was a member. In the death of Mr. ROLLINS our town has lost a valuable citizen, one whose death casts a gloom of sorrow over the entire community. But to Him who doeth all things well we bow our heads in humble submission,
and with those who drink from sorrow's bitter cup we mingle our tears.
DIED - At Godfrey, Ill., on April 18, 1899, of pneumonia, Eva Clare, youngest child of S.R. and C.L. HAWKINS of Hematite, aged 13 years and 20 days.
D.A. MOON Blackwell
Rosa RICHARDSON Valles Mines
Carry WOOD De Soto
Thos. KETCHERSIDE Jefferson Co
Hattie CASH Jefferson Co
E.G. RAPP Pevely
Mary E. HEINER Pevely
Albert F. JUDGE Jefferson Co
Catherine SWAYNE Jefferson Co
Gustave EGLER St. Louis
Mrs. Pauline HEEGE St. Louis
Ben A. STACKES Jefferson Co
Lizzie SEIPP Jefferson Co
Albert POUNDS Ware
Frances BELEW Ware
John DAVIS Maupin
Wm. D. LEHMAN St. Louis
Mary WITTSTEIN St. Louis
John A. SHANNON St. Francois Co
Matilda E. COLMAN Washington Co
(*Sorry no dates were included with the above marriages.)
Hon. John T. BURGESS died at his home near this city on the 20th inst, at the age of 55, and was buried at Sandy church on the 22nd. Mr. BURGESS was elected to the state legislature in 1892 and defeated for re-election in 1894. He was a consistent Democrat, a good citizen and
neighbor, and is mourned by a large number of relatives and friends.
Dr. W.H. GEIGER Killed - Dr. William H. GEIGER, of St. Joseph, was killed by an accidental discharge of his shotgun. He and his wife had prepared to spend the day in the country. She was seated in the buggy and her husband was climbing in with the gun in his hand. The hammer caught in the wheel, and the entire charge entered the doctor's left side below the ribs, causing a frightful wound. He lived about 20 minutes. He was 37 years old.
In the Presence of His Wife - While standing beside his wife on his front steps, Hon. John A. McCORMACK, aged 74 years, and one of the most widely known men in the vicinity of Irondale, fell dead.
Sudden Death - David SIDEY, a wealthy retired business man, died at Montrose suddenly. His remains were taken to Mount Pleasant, Ia., for interment.
A Polk County Pioneer - John WINTON, one of Polk county's pioneer settlers, died near Morrisonville, of pneumonia, a few days ago. He was 88 years.
A little daughter of Geo. WARREN's about six years old was buried from the Christian church Sunday. Rev. NATIONS conducting the services. Her little body was followed to the GAMEL cemetery by a large number of friends.
Mrs. Rachel VAUGHN entered into rest Friday April 28, after a lingering illness, at the home of her grand-daughter, Mrs. William TERRY in Crystal City, aged 79 years. She was buried from the Southern Methodist church in this city in the GAMEL cemetery Saturday afternoon. Rev.
JENKINSON conducted the funeral services in a beautiful and impressive manner. Grandma VAUGHN was a good woman, loved and respected by all who knew her. In her death the church has sustained a great loss. She was always among the first to meet the new preacher and bid him welcome, and in all charitable work she was not found wanting. She was a true Methodist. We have often heard her express her sentiments in these words: "I am a Methodist from the crown of my head, to the sole of my feet." While she so loved her own church and people, she was in love and charity with all good people. We extend our sympathies to her bereaved children and grandchildren. Their loss is her eternal gain.
MRS. M.L. KERR DEAD - Mrs. M.L. KERR, wife of the pastor of the Presbyterian church at Lawson, died of consumption at the house of her father, H.S. POTTER, north of Palmyra. She had just reached there from Asheville, N.C., where she had been for her health.
Rev. D.V. INLOW Dead - Rev. D.V. INLOW, a well-known Baptist minister, died at his home near Philadelphia, this state. He was 79 years old, and is said to have married more couples than any other preacher in northwest Missouri.
REV. SAMUEL COPE DEAD - Rev. Samuel W. COPE died at his home in Chillicothe of grippe and old age. He was 75 years old, and had been 50 years in the ministry.
Anton WURMSER, an old gentleman, who lived with his son, Jos. WURMSER, about two miles east of De Soto, died suddenly Sunday. He was 78 years of age and was born in Alsace, at that time a province of France. Coming to this country just before the Mexican war, he enlisted and
served under General SCOTT. At the breaking out of the Civil war, he enlisted in the Union army where he served his adopted country a second time. No physician having been called in, the Coroner, Dr. TAYLOR, was called to view the body. There was no need of an inquest and the body was buried on the farm last Tuesday.
CIRCUIT COURT - C.W.B. SANDS, granted divorce from Owen SANDS and granted custody of their child.
Letetia McANALLY granted divorce from Walter D. McANALLY, with custody of child.
Eda M. RECOR granted divorce from Geo. T. RECOR and given custody of
RECENT DEATHS - Mrs. Eliza BORING, aged 99, at Lamar. She was born in Kentucky, but had lived in Missouri since childhood.
Mrs. M. DUNGY, aged 80 years, at Poplar Bluff.
Mrs. Carrie MUSSER, aged 48, at Odessa, of dropsy, after a short illness.
Anderson JOHNS, at his home six miles west of Salem. He was 79 and a prospective farmer.
Gen C.D. WOLFF, one of the leading citizens of St. Louis county, at his home in Clayton. He made a good record in the Civil war on the Union side.
JOHN BROWN's SISTER - Mrs. Martha BROWN DAVIS, of St. John's, Mich., arrived at Nevada, the other day, on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. B.N. BAILEY. Mrs. DAVIS is a sister of John BROWN, of Harper's Ferry fame. She is the last surviving member of the family.
ALL FOR LOVE - Edith McKEE, aged 16, daughter of John McKEE, a farmer ten miles north of Maryille, committed suicide by shooting through the head. Her parents objected to her lover.
BRIDE 80, GROOM 75 - M.T. HELVEY, aged 75, was married to Mrs. Sarah E. SMITH, aged 80 at Sedalia. The marriage took place at the bride's home. The bridegroom was a widower of six weeks.
BY FEAR OF A STORM - At Springfield, Thomas AIKEN, an ex-Union soldier, aged 65, became alarmed at the prospects of a storm and killed himself with a pistol.
AGED FARMER KILLS HIMSELF - Fredrick BUSHNER, aged 68, a farmer, committed suicide near Neosho, by hanging. He was despondent over the death of his wife.
SHOT HIMSELF IN THE HEAD - Edward CLARK, a butcher at Hopkins, committed
suicide by shooting in the head.
FARMER KILLED BY LIGHTNING - Charles JOHNSON, a farmer five miles south of Carrolton, was struck by lightning, the other afternoon, and instantly killed.
TEARS SOON SHED - Mrs. Estelle GEIGER, of St. Joseph, who had been a widow since April 21, was married on May 16. She is said to be handsome.
A daughter of Benj. MANESS, of St. Louis, died recently in New Mexico and was buried in De Soto on Monday. She was twenty-one years of age, and has been in the west for some time hoping for a recovery of her health. Mr. MANESS is well known to a large circle of De Soto friends, who extend sympathy to him and his family in their bereavement.
On last Sunday, James T. McCARTY, of Upper Plattin, died, aged 90 years. Mr. McCARTY came to Jefferson county 68 years ago from Tennessee and has lived here ever since. He leaves five children, two girls and three boys, who are numbered among the best citizens of the county. The deceased was buried at Charter church, on Upper Plattin. He was a good man, truthful and kind. The FACTS extends sympathy to relatives and friends.
RECENT DEATHS - George J.P. PARKER, at his home northwest of Shelbina. He was about 70 years old, and an old resident. He was presiding judge of the county court.
Rev. Dr. George A. TRENHOLM, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of St. Joseph, after a long illness.
Mrs. Elizabeth EWING, 83 years of age, one of the oldest residents of Putnam county.
Maj. Thomas J. SHAW, who served with Jo SHELBY in the confederate cause during the civil war, at Denver, Col. He was a prominent figure in Jackson and adjoining counties prior to that struggle. He was once mayor of Independence.
O.J. RENWICK, aged 69, and George HARTLEY, aged 70, at Nevada. Both were prominently identified with business interests of the city over a quarter of a century.
Judge John E. FOGEY, aged 72, at Paynesville, Marion county. He was prominent and wealthy.
WAS IN DEBT - W.F. HACKNEY, architect of the Kansas City school board, and one of the best-known members of his profession in the state, committed suicide by shooting. He was hopelessly in debt.
SHOT HER HUSBAND - Mrs. Alice BLUNK shot her husband, Robert E. BLUNK, at Springfield. The shooting occured near the public square. She used a 38-caliber revolver, firing two shots. He was not badly hurt.
TO REST IN MISSOURI - The remains of Bert ARMSTEAD, of Monroe City, who was drowned trying to escape capture in .P.Nicaragua;, during the recent revolution in that country have been returned home for burial.
DEAD IN BED - Mrs. ROBERTS, widow of Wade ROBERTS, of Hopewill, Morgan county, aged 80, was found dead in bed a few mornings ago.
Mr. E. BLAKE, of Litchfield, Ills., and Miss Blanche McILHATTEN, of this city, were married in Hillsboro last Saturday by Judge FRAZIER. Miss McILHATTAN is a step-daughter of Edgar PERRY, an old citizen of De Soto. They left Saturday night for Kansas City on their wedding tour, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. PERRY.
William KRAMER, a resident of De Soto for the last twenty or more years, died at his home on South Main street Monday night at the age of 69. Heart disease was the immediate cause of his death. The funeral will take place to-day, and will be under the care of De Soto Lodge No. 119,
A.F. and A.M. He leaves a widow but no children.
The funeral of Fireman F.J. PARKER, who was killed on the wreck at Tip Top, was held from his late residence at 2051 Geyer Ave., St. Louis, and the remains were interred at St. Marks cemetery, Carondelet. The floral offerings were numerous and beautiful. The attendance was very large from all branches of the railway fraternity.
Moses CHAPEL colored Herculaneum
Malinda O'NEIL colored Herculaneum
A.W. CRANE De Soto
Maggie May HEARST De Soto
Anthony J. BRUDA De Soto
Bertha L. FISHER De Soto
Mary L.F. SCHRARER Pevely
Samuel J. DOSS Cape Girardeau
Virginia Belle LANGDON Bismarck
RECENT DEATHS - Mrs. Sophronia WRINKLE, aged 87, at Richland. She was the mother of ten children, seven of whom survive her. She had 43 grandchildren and 45 great-grandchildren.
Lewis MYERS, ex-member of the Missouri legislature, aged 88 years, at his home in Spicard, Grundy county.
WHILE DRINKING BEER - Henry ROTTMANN, 44 years old, of 1837 1/2 North Market street, St. Louis, was seized with a sudden fit of apoplexy while drinking a glass of beer, and died.
BROODED OVER LOSSES - Fred MEHLING committed suicide in St. Louis by drinking a cup of carbolic acid. He had been brooding over losses sustained in the tornado three years ago.
LITTLE GIRL KILLED BY LIGHTNING - Ten-year-old Nellie FERGUSON was struck dead by lightning at Nevada a few days ago. She was at play in her father's yard.
RECENT DEATHS - G.P. PEPPER, at Chilicothe, of paralysis, aged 77. He was a native of Virginia, and had been a resident of Livingston county 55 years.
George R. RILEY, banker and well-known in state financial circles, suddenly at his home in Plattsburg, from a stroke of paralysis, the second within eight months.
Mrs. Nancy CLARK, at her home near Clarksburg, aged 79.
Mrs. John F. BURROUGHS, aged 53, wife of a prominent farmer, at Marshall.
Judge William HORSTMAN, an old resident of Warren county, aged 82, of heart trouble. He served as justice of the peace for 42 years.
Mrs. Mary GUNN, the aged mother of Dr. G.M. GUNN, of Versailles.
Mrs. Ann WITHROW, aged 77, daughter of Elder Thomas Jefferson WRIGHT at Troy.
Mrs. W.K. STURGEON, of Centralia was found dead in bed.
Prof. J.H. BROWN, colored educator, of Warrensburg. He was born October 30, 1868, in Saline County, was a graduate of Lincoln institute at Jefferson City, and a graduate of the Central Tennessee college, at Nashville, Tenn., with the degree of B.S. he taught four years in the
university at New Orleans.
Mrs. Willis MOTHERSHEAD was taken seriously ill Tuesday morning, but later reports state that she is a little better.
RECENT DEATHS - Calvin Marion MILLARD, for many years a prominent business man of southwest Missouri, at Houston, aged 70.
Col. John W. EMERSON, at his residence in Ironton, of paralysis, at the age of 69. Col. EMERSON was an officer in the Union army during the civil war. During CLEVELAND's first term as president he was appointed United States marshal for the eastern district of Missouri.
Elizabeth LUCKETT, aged 85, an early settler of St. Charles county, six miles south of Foristell. Her husband Thos. H. LUCKETT, aged 89 survives her. hey recently celebrated their sixty-third wedding anniversary.
Beal GREENE, Sr., one of the oldest residents of Kansas City. He was 84 years old. Mr. GREENE was born in Montgomery county, Ky. When he was 25 years of age--in 1840--he and his bride stepped from a Missouri river steamboat at Kansas City, then known as Westport landing. He had lived there ever since.
George LAWRENCE, 73 years old, one of the best-known residents of Springfield, suddenly of heart failure while sitting in his chair. He leaves an estate valued at $50,000.
W.H. HATCH, aged 78, an old business man of Carthage. He was preparing to celebrate his golden wedding July 3.
Capt. Richard Depont EMERSON, a relative of Ralph Waldo EMERSON, at Kahokia, aged 75. He was a Union soldier.
O.N. GIBSON, a pioneer farmer of Jackson county. He was in all the skirmishes with PRICE's army in the vicinity of Kansas City, serving the federal side.
LIVED WITH A BROKEN BACK - Robert L. SMITH, son of S. SMITH, of the Sante Fe railway, died at Kansas City, a few days ago. He fell out of the window of a boarding house and broke his back in two places. A man with a broken back seldom lives more than a week, but this young man surprised the doctors by living two weeks.
FROM A FOOTBALL INJURY - Warner S. POPE, a graduate from the law department of the Kansas state university, died in Kansas City from paralysis, the direct result of an injury received while playing football in Kansas City, Thanksgiving day, 1895, with the Missouri university team. He was practicing law.
FELL FROM A WINDOW - Mrs. Katie COLMAN and her infant fell from a third-story window, in St. Louis, while watching Elks frolicking. The mother was fatally injured, but the child escaped unhurt.
HANGED HERSELF - Mrs. Andrew SANDERSON, of near Swedeorg, Pulaski county, hanged herself to a pole in the cow shed. Disease had temporarily affected her mind.
AGAIN PROVED FATAL - John W. ROSE, aged 66, an old citizen of St. Joseph, fell in alighting from a street car and received injuries that proved fatal in four hours.
HE WAS DESPONDENT - Samuel RAUSCH, who bought a farm nine miles southeast of Bolivar, and moved there recently, committed suicide by shooting. Despondent.
BY HIS SLEEPING WIFE - Capt. M.V. MOSLEY, a farmer, near Troy, committed suicide by shooting himself in the forehead at the bedside where his wife lay sleeping.
was moving a binder out of his barn it fell on his daughter, Pearl, and fatally injured her.
his home near Iberia and taken to the Camden county jail, charged with killing his father.
RECENT DEATHS - Ephraim JAMISON, prominent and highly-respected citizen of Polk county, well known in adjoining counties, of softening of the brain, at his home, 12 miles east of Humansville, aged 56.
P.C. MURPHY, a prominent farmer and stock raiser five miles north of Huntsville.
Hiram SMITH, Jr., aged 54, at Cameron. He was deputy pension commissioner under HARRISON's administration.
Dr. Joseph C. WATERS, a prominent physician, suddenly of apoplexy at his home in Utica. He was twice postmaster under CLEVELAND, and at the time of his death was a member of the board of managers of the Fulton deaf and dumb school He was a native of Boone county.
Mrs. Matthew KING, 87 years old, at Marshall. She was an aunt of the present governor of South Carolina.
William B. TUCKER, one of the oldest citizens, of Fulton. He was born in Madison county, Ky., in 1828, and located in Callaway county in 1830, with his parents. He was reputed to be one of the wealthiest men in the county.
Peter F. POLLARDY, formerly a business man of St. Charles, aged 58.
J.W. GALLATIN, a traveling man from Sedalia, from heart disease, while at Princeton. He was well known in business circles.
Alvin STOTLER, a prominent farmer and stock raiser, near Laddonia, from congestion of the brain. His life was insured for $8,000.
DROWNED IN A POND - The 14-months-old baby of James LOWRY, of Taber, was drowned the other day. Mrs. LOWRY had been absent from the house for a few minutes, leaving the child asleep. When she returned she found the child in a pond near the house.
AGED WOMAN HANGS HERSELF - Aged Mrs. RODENBAUGH, employed as a domestic
in the family of Chas. WYMORE, near Liberty, committed suicide in an orchard by hanging.
KILLED HIS BROTHER - William GETTY, aged 17, shot and killed his brother, James, aged 30, in St. Louis. James had chided William for his treatment of their mother.
HE KILLS HIS WIFE - Frank CALLAWAY, charged with killing his wife, was found guilty of murder in the first degree, at St. Louis. An appeal will be taken.
PROMINENT FARMER DROPS DEAD - Vincent GLASCOCK, aged 60, one of the most
prominent farmers of Ralls county, dropped dead on his farm. He was 60 years of age.
WM. H. ANDERSON RELEASED - Wm. H. ANDERSON was released, at Linn Creek,
where he was held on the charge of having killed his father and Lizzie WISEBACH.
PROBATE COURT - R.W. McMULLIN; appointed curator of estate of Arnold, Aubrey, Edith, Katie and Rachel HUSKEY, minors, bond $300 each, approved.
Mary HALL relinquished her right to administer on estate of her late husband, Louis HALL and on her request N. HALL was appointed to administer, bond $1000, approved.
Mrs. E. FROTHINGHAM was buried from the home of her mother Mrs. CARTER on Wednesday afternoon. Rev. R.W. MASON of the Presbyterian church conducted the services.
Mrs. MANESS and son, Charley, have returned from a three week's visit with relatives in Larado, Texas.
RECENT DEATHS - Mrs. W.W. ALLEN, wife of Sedalia's ex-night chief of police.
Mrs. Mary TINKER, who had lived at Humansville a half century.
Felix O. GREGORY, an ex-confederate soldier, and prominent member of the Christian church and of the I.O.O.F. at Fredericktown.
Col. Andrew Jackson RADER, an old and highly-respected citizen of Pettis county, at his home, nine miles west of Sedalia, aged 72. During he civil war Col. RADER commanded a Virginia regiment under Gen. Stonewall JACKSON.
William DAVIS, aged 60, at his home in Slater. He was postmaster of Slater during HARRISON's administration.
John H. MAHAN, aged 63, at his home near Knobnoster. He was an old settler and had a wide acquaintance in Johnson and Pettis counties.
Mrs. Elizabeth A. COLWELL, at her home in Holden, aged 72. She was a cousin of Senator John SHERMAN, of Ohio.
George B. BENETT, a prominent farmer and stock raiser, near Palmyra.
William PEARCY, a prominent resident of Odessa.
"Uncle Billie" WALDEN, aged 70, four miles south of Dewitt.
Capt. John CRANE, of Palmyra, possibly the oldest constable in the United States.
Mrs. Mary A. FLETCHER, of Marshall, who was one of the pioneers of central Missouri, at Sedalia, at the home of her son, Dr. T.J. FLETCHER, aged 87.
Sylvester T. BUCK, who was in the wholesale boot and shoe business in Kansas City from 1878 to 1891, at the Bethany hospital, in Kansas City. As a merchant, Mr. BUCK was known all over the west. He was 61 years old.
FOUND DEAD - Judge W.H. CONNOR, a prominent Osage Indian, was killed at Monett. When found a leg was cut off and there was a large gash on the head. Opinions differ as to the cause of death. Some believe he was murdered. Others are of the opinion he was killed by a switch engine.
A SKY ROCKET'S VICTIM - Charles JOSEPH, the 11-year-old son of John JOSEPH, died at Glasgow, from injuries sustained on July 4. He was struck in the stomach by a skyrocket, which glanced from the surface of a lake.
THE GRAVE - Our thoughts are ever more tending towards the grave and its mysteries, and like our hours, troop onward, often unbidden, to the day, when we too, shall be called to the realm of the unknown. Our Father has taken from us our beloved friend, mother and wife, Mrs. Scott NULL. The loved one, whom we have lost, will one day advance to meet us at the gate of eternity to greet us as a glorified companion. O Lord, our Father, why then should we be bowed down with grief? Oh give us strength, give us power, whatever suffering thou may impose, we will bear it, for it will bring us nearer to Thee.
RECENT DEATHS - John Franklin CREWS, aged 78, a veteran printer, reporter, editor and politician, in St. Louis. He engaged in the newspaper business in St. Louis, Missouri for half a century. Interment at Fayette.
O.B. MORRIS, county assessor of Jasper county.
Milt EWING, president of the Farmers' Exchange Bank, of Gallatin. He resided in Gallatin 30 years.
Mrs. Rebecca ENTWISLE, wife of one of the oldest Methodist preachers of the St. Louis conference, at Carthage, aged 75.
James T. SMITH, aged 50, and a well-to-do farmer, south of Paris.
Wm. L. SALTENSTALL, aged 76, an old settler of Saline county, near Slater.
Herman H. MEYERS, a prominent German citizen of Sedalia, and an old resident of Pettis county, suddenly, aged 65. He was stricken with apoplexy at the supper table, and survived only a few hours.
DRANK CARBOLIC ACID - Arthur E. SLOAN, son of wealthy parents, who reside in London, England, died in the St. Louis city hospital, having drank carbolic acid.
INHERITS A VALUABLE FARM - Stephen L. YOUNG, aged 21, a poor farmer boy,
has been apprised that he will inherit a farm in Platt county, valued at $20,000.
Festus, Mo., July 19.- On last Monday morning at two o'clock Samuel HOBBS, received the sad intelligence that his sister, Mrs. Scott NULL, had died suddenly at her home in Hematite, at about eight o'clock Sunday evening. Dr. T.B. TAYLOR was notified. He promptly responded and after making a post-mortem examination of the body, said that fatty degeneration of the heart was the cause of death. She was buried from the Hematite M.E. church Tuesday afternoon. The Rev. Harry L. JENKINSON of Festus, performed the last sad rites at the church and grave. It is said of Mrs. NULL by those who knew her best that she never made an enemy. That she had made a host of friends was very evident. Her body was followed to the grave by a host of sorrowing relatives and friends. She leaves a husband, two daughters and one son to mourn the loss of wife and mother.
Mr. John RUFF died last Thursday p.m. after a lingering illness and was buried Saturday, July 15 in De Soto. A large concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends followed him to his last resting place. The bereaved family has the heartfelt sympathy of all friends, in the loss of a much beloved husband and father.
IN MEMORIAM - Died at his home in German settlement, July 13th 1899, after a lingering and painful illness, Mr. John RUFF of cancer in stomach in his 61st year.
Mr. RUFF was born in Wessinger, Hohenaollarn Hachingen, Germany, January 14th, 1838. He came to America in Jan. 1866, and made his home with his uncle in Jefferson county, New York, for a short time. He then came to St. Louis, where he remained until February 11th of that year from whence he went to Valle Mines which was his home until he moved on the STATZEL farm in 1875. There he lived till his death. June 17th 1869, he was married to Miss Maria Ann FEKER in French Village, and nine children were born to them. His death was a sad blow to the bereaved family and leaves a grief which words can never describe, and many days will elapse e'er the deep wounds in the hearts of those who were so dear to the beloved husband and father will be healed. O, how often will the thoughts wander to the time when his place in your happy midst was not vacant, and no sorrow was known and when he was ever ready to increase the joys of the home circle. Mr. RUFF was sick for 8 months and bore his intense suffering with great patience, always hoping to recover. All that loving hands and hearts could do to prolong his life was done, but alas! the time the time for earthly parting had arrived. He was conscious till the last three days in which he was partly unconscious, but spoke almost to the last moment. His remains were brought to De Soto, Saturday July 15th, to the Catholic church of which he was a member. Rev. Father NOONAN, conducted the solemn and impressive service in the presence of a large concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends.
To know Mr. RUFF was to love him. He was kind and agreeable to all, and his daily life was the highest form of Christianity. There is not one who knew him that has not a good word for him. He leaves a wife, 7 children, 5 boys and 2 girls, and 3 grand children, and a host of sorrowing relatives and friends to mourn his departure. And now dear mourners great as is your grief and sorrow, turn your eyes to Him that has suffered for us all, trust Him and all will be well. One place is vacant in your home, never more to be filled. The voice you loved so well is hushed, and the loving eyes that gazed at you are closed. O! how great will be the joy when you'll meet at Jesus feet and no more tears will then be shed. Trust in the Lord. KNORPP, Mo.,
July 25. A FRIEND.
RECENT DEATHS - Roll ETTER, son of C.W. ETTER, at Holden. He was young and married. His wife was Miss JACKSON of Moberly.
Wm. T. FOLLOWILL, a civil war veteran, at his home in Louisiana, of heart trouble, aged 60. He was second lieutenant of Co. F, Seventh Missouri volunteers, in the civil war, and was one of the heroes who ran the blockade at Vicksburg on the night of April 22, 1863, and was pilot of the flatboat Tigress when she was shot to pieces and sunk.
Clifton THOMAS, at Warrensburg, of Heart disease, at the age of 56. He had lived at Warrensburg 27 years. He held various positions in the legislature, last session acting as clerk of the house normal school committee. The deceased leaves a widow and five children.
W.H. ROBERTS, at the home of his son, W.S. ROBERTS, at Huntsville, aged 64. Mr. ROBERTS was county collector four years.
F.W. LINKELMANN, a leading wholesale liquor merchant, of Nevada, of heart failure, while in Kansas.
T.A. BARNES, aged 74, a pioneer physician of Carroll county, at Norborne as the result of a paralytic stroke.
Mrs. Lucy BOWMAN, wife of Sam BOWMAN, a prominent farmer, near Knobnoster, aged 35.
Mrs. Elizabeth LILLEY, aged 91, at St. Joseph. She was an invalid for half a century. A greater part of this time she was confined to her bed. She was the oldest member of the First Christian church of St. Joseph.
Col. C.N. PALMER, aged 68, at Warrensburg, of heart disease.
Theodore TAYLOR, well-known as a civil engineer, and who served under PRICE in the confederate army, in St. Louis.
Judge E.V. DYSON, at his home near Williamsburg. He was one of the wealthiest and most prominent men of Callaway county, and had been judge of the county court for many years. He was 70 years old and a bachelor.
Miss Nora JOYCE, aged 101, the oldest woman in Buchanan county. She was the mother of the late Mrs. Alice HORIGAN, a very wealthy resident of St. Joseph.
Hillsboro, MO., July 26, '99.--Death cut quite a swathe among the old people during the past week. Last Thursday Ignatius KERKOWSKIH, better known as "Pollander," died at his home near Hillsboro at the age of 78. Last Monday John B. CRAFT died at Pevely and the county lost one of its most respected citizens in his death. On Tuesday after noon "Uncle John" SHELTON died at his home here in his 78th year. He had spent his entire life in the county and was known to almost all our citizens. Thus three old landmarks have passed away in one short week.
OBITUARY - Charles H. WARNER, died at the home of his son E.F. WARNER, near De Soto, July 28th, 1899 aged seventy four years. Mr. WARNER was born in London, England, and came to America soon after his marriage in 1848. He was a machinist by trade but, in New York, engaged in glass making which he followed all the rest of his business life. In 1865 Mr. WARNER came to St. Louis where he became the manager for the Planters Glass Co., then for the St. Louis Glass Co., and later for Great Western Co. It is well known that Mr. WARNER was the first man who made glass making a success in the west. Soon after coming to St. Louis he purchased a farm about three miles east of De Soto, and later bought and improved the property about two miles east of town where his family lived until the property was sold to Mr. WOODS.
During the past few years Mr. WARNER has made his home with his son E.F. WARNER. It will be remembered that Mrs. WARNER died only a few months since, and was laid to rest in De Soto's beautiful Cemetery, where, beside the wife and daughter Fanny, Mr. WARNER was buried last Sunday. The funeral was held at the Presbyterian church, Rev. Mr. MASON
officiating. There are six children living, Alfred, Charles, Edwin, Walter, Frederick and Eleanor. Charles, Walter and Eleanor are living in St. Louis and were present at the funeral. Alfred and Frederick are in Montana and Washington.
RECENT DEATHS - Mrs. Polly S. QUIRK;, at her son's home, south of New Florence. She was born in Virginia in 1823, and had lived in Montgomery county over sixty years.
Mrs. Anna KEENEY, aged 97, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Chas. PIERCE, near Oregon, Holt county. She came from Kentucky and was one of the pioneer settlers in the Platte purchase. She left a large family of children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great- great
Mrs. John GENEVAY, an old settler and wife of a prominent farmer, at her home a few miles south of Butler.
I.N. JUMP at Ozark, Ark. He was for nearly three-quarters of a century one of the most prominent citizens of Pike county, and has a large family connection in Pike county.
Asburry GODMAN, 78 years old, a highly respected pioneer, at his home near Laynesville, Saline county.
Joseph L'ANGE, one of the oldest residents of Carondelet, St. Louis, at the advanced age 86. Mr. L'ANGE came from Strasburg, now German territory, many years ago, and located in Carondelet, which was then familiarly known as "Vide Poche," or empty pocket.
Brig. Gen. Nelson COLE, of St. Louis. He served during the civil war in Missouri, and was wounded at Wilson Creek; also in the regular army after the war, guarding railways in the Indian country. When war with Spain was declared, he was made a brigadier general. He was highly
esteemed in St. Louis.
Stephen DUTCHER, aged 88, at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. J.N. WRIGHT, of Macon.
RECENT DEATHS - Christian BAPPLE, who was born in Worksburg, Germany, in 1820, and had been a resident of Sedalia for many years.
Joseph A. BADGER, aged 80, a pioneer of Sedalia. He was famous as a writer of puzzles.
Mrs. Frances VAUGHAN, one of the oldest residents of Callaway county, at her home, about five miles from Cedar City.
I.N. COOPER, aged 81, at Monroe.
Mrs. Margaret FULTON, aged 79, at her home near Odessa, after a long illness. She had lived there over fifty years.
Royal F. BROWN, 80 years old, well known in Saline county, at his home south of Malta Bend.
W.H. GRIFFIN, a wealthy shoe merchant of St. Joseph, in Chicago of heart failure.
PARDONED TO DIE - William JANUARY, who killed his father near Farber three years ago, and who was pardoned by Gov. STEPHENS recently, died at his home, in Audrain county, of consumption.
INJURED IN A RUNAWAY - County Treasurer JOSLYN and daughter, Lillian, were thrown from a buggy at Lebanon, by a runaway team, and severely injured.
THE GASOLINE STOVE - Mrs. Barbara SEBASTIAN, of St. Louis, was fatally burned, the other day, while trying to fill a gasoline tank on her kitchen stove.
Mrs. Phillipine FLUTH, widow of the late Geo. FLUTH, a member of Co. A. 3rd Mo. Vol. Inf., during the Civil War, died at her home in St. Louis, Friday August 4th, of asthma and dropsy, and was buried at Salem cemetery in St. Louis county. Mrs. FLUTH was a sister to Mrs. Wm.
KLEINSCHMIDT, at Flucom and the late P.C. ZOLLMAN and sister-in-law to Mrs. Dena BLANK.
RECENT DEATHS - Col. Adam MILLER, a prominent citizen of Camden county,
aged 83. He was buried by the Masonic lodge, of which he was a member 50 years. He was a veteran of the Florida war, having gone out in a Tennessee regiment under Gen. JACKSON. He was also prominent as captain and colonel of Missouri state militia during the civil war. For the
last 30 years he had practiced law, and served two terms as probate judge. He amassed quite a fortune.
Allen A RIAL, the oldest person in the Masonic Home of Missouri, St. Louis, at the age of 93. He leaves a widow, aged 87.
John M. BOSACKER, a wealthy lumber merchant and capitalist of Warrensbug, of appendicitis.
HAD CAUSE TO REMEMBER LINCOLN - George S.E. VAUGHN, who was the subject of Abraham LINCOLN's last official act as president of the United States, died at Maryville a few days ago. While the wing of the confederate army to which he was attached was encamped at Tupelo, Miss., he came on a visit to his old home in Canton. He got through the Union lines in coming all right, but was arrested as a spy while attempting to return, taken to St. Louis, tried and sentenced to be shot. Senator John B. HENDERSON went to the president, and asked him as a policy measure to pardon VAUGHN. This on the evening of the president's assassination, and he was dressed at the time to go to the theater. Before leaving he signed the paper and handed it to HENDERSON.
MURDER OVER A CARD GAME - A tragedy occurred at Noel, McDonald county, over a game of cards. William MATNEY persuaded James SMITH and a stranger to go with him into the woods on the river to have a game of cards. MATNEY was accused of cheating and a quarrel ensued. MATNEY drew a pistol and ordered the stranger to jump into the river. He jumped, and SMITH, expecting to be forced to jump into the river, pulled a revolver and shot MATNEY in his tracks. SMITH gave himself up, and was taken to Neosho.
A HUSBAND AND FATHER'S DEED - Daniel MONTGOMERY, living 12 miles northwest of Milan, fatally wounded his wife at an early hour the other morning, attempted to kill his little boy, and then cut his throat, severing over two-thirds of his neck and dying almost instantly. The
MONTGOMERY family is wealthy and respected, and Mrs. MONTGOMERY, the murdered woman, was a WATSON, one of the pioneer families of the county. It is believed that MONTGOMERY was insane.
DEATH CAUSED BY SMOKE - Hemorrhage of the lungs, resulting from inhaling mosquito smudge, caused the sudden death of Mrs. H.C. EVANS, an aged lady of Carthage. The smoke caused violent coughing, and she burst a blood vessel.
Died--Sunday, Sept. 3, of cancer Christopher FINDLON, aged 79 years. Funeral services were held at the Catholic church, Monday last, at 3 o'clock. A wife and five children survive him and they have the sympathy of a host of friends in their bereavement.
Arthur HOLTKAMP of St. Louis came down Saturday to spend a few days with his cousins, Christian and August BOLIN and friends.
RECENT DEATHS - Benjamin B. FRAZIER, president of Park bank, St. Joseph. He was 73, and had been for years a conspicuous figure in the business of the city.
John NUTT, aged 60, a resident of Unionville, at the home of his daughter near Weaver, Ia.
Mrs. Belinda E. DAVIS, aged 66, at Moberly. Deceased came to this state from Kentucky. She was for 38 years a zealous member of the Christian church.
Mrs. Joe TAYLOR, an old resident of Webb City, and prominent in church and social circles, of paralysis at the age 50. Her husband owns the Eleventh Hour mines in Carterville.
Miss Violet BIRDSEYE, the 16-year-old daughter of John T. BIRDSEYE, one of the most prominent of Nevada's citizens, of typhoid fever.
Reuben H. KNEISLEY, at Neosho, from the result of a fall he sustained, which caused concussion of the brain.
Mrs. Mary DEARBIN, at her home near Odessa. She was 73.
Charles Howard HAVEN, oldest member of the St. Louis bar, at Trenton, N.J., from injuries received in falling from a window.
The remains of Rev. G.C. SPARROW arrived at Macon from Kansas City the other day. Mrs. SPARROW had been visiting a son in Kansas City, and died there suddenly. He was a pioneer Baptist minister of Missouri, and had preached all over the state during his ministerial career of 61 years. He was 83.
Thomas COBB, of Webb City, one of the best-known mining operators in the district, of a complication of diseases. He was 60 years old.
John IVIE, of Webb City, 52 years old, from apoplexy, leaving a widow and one child. For 20 years he had operated two mines, and was well known throughout the district.
Mrs. Hester DESPAIN, a pioneer and a charter member of the Christian church, at Butler, at Bentonville, Ark., where she was visiting her son.
Mrs. Sarah TOOLEY, 80 years old, at Monroe. Interment at Palmyra.
Mrs. Sallie A. LANDRAM, at the residence of her brother-in-law, John G. HERNDON, at New Franklin, aged 83. She was born in Fluvana county, Virginia, and came to Missouri in 1850.
Mrs. MEULRATH of St. Louis is in the city this week attending the bedside of her daughter, Mrs. C.A. SCHOELLKOFF, who is slowly recovering from an attack of malaria.
OBITUARY - Died at his home in St. Louis, of pelvic tumor, Mr. Samuel B. PARTING, on Sept. 6, 1899, at the age of 58 years nine months and ten days. The deceased was well and favorably known in Jefferson county, having been a resident of this city a number of years. Four months ago he moved to St. Louis where he had established a law and collecting business. He had been a sufferer for a number of years, but was only confined to his home about two weeks in his last illness. He leaves a wife and three daughters, Mrs. McCOMACK of St. Louis, Mrs. BROWN of Martinsdale, Mont., and Miss Eliza PARTING of St. Louis. Sometime previous to his death he realized that the end was near and expressed a willingness to die. The remains were buried in this city on the 8th inst., Rev. STEPHEN officiating.
Mrs. Amanda ACKERSON, wife of the late Carrett ACKERSON, passed away at her home in St. Louis last Monday morning. The ACKERSON family were well-known here, and a host of friends mourn the death of this worthy and esteemed lady. She was sick but a short time and not thought to be dangerously ill a few hours before she died. The funeral took place from the Episcopal church in this city on Wednesday evening and the remains laid at rest in the city cemetery in the family lot.
Died at his home in this city on Thursday, Sept. 7, 1899, Baneker L. DAVIS, youngest son of Mrs. and Mrs. G. Lindel DAVIS, aged seven months, three weeks and three days. The remains were taken to St. Mary's for interment.
Died at the home of her parents in this city, Mable, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.S. BOUDINOT, on Saturday, Sept. 9, 1899, aged three months and ten days.
The remains of Miss Lydia DEVINE, of St. Louis were brought home for burial Monday. Miss DEVINE was the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. DEVINE, the late presiding elder here about ten years ago for the German M.E. district. She was only 16 years of age and in the bloom of pretty
girlhood, but contracted a cold which resulted in her death by consumption.
Died, at her residence in this city, Wednesday, September 27, of blood poison, Mrs. James H. SMITH, aged 40 years and 7 days. Funeral Friday in the family burying ground of her girlhood home five miles southeast of De Soto. A husband and three children survive her.
SCHOOL NOTES; - Following are the names of the seniors: Vinnie CABLE, Minnie CROW, Millie CROW, Nona DOVER, Ernest GREEN, Frank LONG, Frank LUCKEY, Lucille McGLASHON, Lloyd ROUDENBUSH, Russell SOLOMON and Nellie THOMPSON.
RECENT DEATHS - Washington LYNES, aged 93 years and 4 months, at Gurthie, Callaway county. He located in Missouri in the 20's and served in the Black Hawk war.
Dr. L. BRACKNEY, a retired physician, at Warrensburg, aged 70.
John DONLIN, aged 65, at his home in Hopkins, Nodaway county.
Capt. William T. BROWNING, of Chillicothe, author of the famous expression, "Get there, Eli."
Geo. KELLY, business man, at a Kansas City wedding.
Albert RUSS, a hardware merchant, of Hannibal, after a long and painful illness, aged 70.
W.W. ARNETT, aged 91, a Mexican war veteran, at Marshall.
Thomas HOWARD, Sr., one of the wealthiest and most prominent citizens of Howard county, at his home near Fayette, aged 72.
Mrs. Rachel DICKEY, aged 47, suddenly, at her home in Laddonia.
J.S. FLEMING, prominent at Jefferson City, aged 79.
Col. Sam A. LOWE, formerly one of the most prominent citizens of Missouri, at his residence, 2751 Geyer avenue, St. Louis, after an eventful life of nearly 81 years. Col. LOWE has been superintendent of the territory of Kansas, clerk of the Missouri constitutional convention of 1861, lieutenant-colonel in the federal army during the civil war, the first grand chancellor of the Missouri Knights of Pythias, colonel of the First Missouri militia regiment after the war, and one of the prime movers in the early railway building of the state.
W.S. COBB of Lewiston, N.C., is in De Soto visiting his brother, Albert and sister Mrs. J.G. CLANTON. He may make his home here.
The funeral of Mrs. Mary H. COSBY occurred last Saturday. The service was held at the Presbyterian church of which she had been a member for years. Her death was unexpected, for until she recently took sick, she seemed to be enjoying excellent health. She was a lady of commanding appearance and was esteemed by those who knew her. De Soto has lost an
old and respected citizen.
RECENT DEATHS - J.S. OWEN, ex-sheriff, at Springfield.
William A. KLOESNER, a respected farmer of St. Charles county, at his home in Black Walnut.
George EVANS, aged 62, suddenly, at Sedalia. He was a Union veteran.
James G. SHOCKLEY, an old citizen of near Vienna.
Richard KIELY, one of California's most prominent citizens.
J.R. STUART, aged 63, who had been a resident of Pettis county since the early sixties, at his home near Benman.
Mrs. Mary RUBY, aged 87, a sister of Kit CARSON, the famous scout, and the last of that celebrated family, very suddenly at her home in Warrensburg of apoplexy.
William EDWARDS, aged 60, near Wentzville. He was a pioneer of St. Charles county.
Lester STINSON, a farmer east of Browning.
James T. WARREN, prominent stockman and farmer, four miles south of Sedalia.
Mrs. J.H. McCORMICK, aged 70, who had been a resident of Pettis county for 66 years.
Mrs. Margaret CARTER, 76 years old, widow of Prof. Jesse CARTER, of Waverly, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. N.R. GENTRY, near Sedalia. Mrs. CARTER was a native of Ireland, and was a cousin of Alexander CAMPBELL, founder of the Christian church, by whom she was partially reared.
Mrs. Rebecca ROBINSON, aged 90, the oldest woman in Macon.
Mrs. Lena HARLAN, who had almost reached the century mark, near Salsibury.
We regret to announce the death of Mr. H. Edward GREEN. The sad event occurred at his mother's house at Hillsboro, on Monday morning last. Deceased was a mail clerk and had been sick only a few days. The cause of his death was pneumonia. The deceased was a brother of Judge J.F. GREEN and was 41 years of age and was much esteemed by a wide circle of
friends. The funeral took place on Wednesday at Hillsboro.
Grandma KUINZLI was paralyzed lately while visiting at her son's, Wm. KUINZLI, and after intense suffering for nine days, died on the 5th and was buried on the 7th in the Antonia cemetery. Rev. BIEMEYER officiating, followed by a large concourse of relatives and friends.
She was 74 years old and leaves three sons and five daughters and twenty-nine grandchildren to mourn her loss.
Benjamin F. JOHNSON, Jr. De Soto
Lizzie L. BISSELL De Soto
Charles HEITMAN Oerman
Christina SANDS Cedar Hill
George H. BRUNS Dittmer
Bertha MEYER Morse Mill
Mary R. McMULLIN Ware
Charles F. TAYLOR De Soto
Mrs. Rosa CRYSTAL De Soto
Anna McMULLIN St. Clair
COUNTY COURT - Warrants were issued to county pensioners for their quarterly allowances as follows: F.D. AIKENS, Geo. SULLIVAN, Nancy STEWART, Mary WYNN, J.W. CRAIN, Lella HANDLER, Ann RUPKE, S.J. BURGESS, Patsy BROWN, Emily ROGERS, SIDD, Lucy BRADSHAW, Parmelia KITE, Mart DRENNAN and Joseph RUE, each, $6.; Emily TAYLOR for Mary ELLIOT, $15.; Eph MANESS, Martha J. LINGOOD, and Fritz KARAMER, each $2.; Joshua DRENNAN, James DRENNAN, Jos. EMERINE and Mrs. Sanders STEWART, each,
$8.; Margaret BAILEY and Wm. HINTCH, each $10.
Circuit Court - The following grand jurors were sworn in and impaneled: W.R. MANESS, J.W. PINKIN, J. Ed CRAFT, Harvey WINER, Frank CREAN, Wm. J. BOYCE, Frank GAMACHE, Philip PARK, A. BLACKWELL, F.M. HOPKINS, Sol HOHENTHAL, W.J. ADAMS.