

Charlotte's Pearls Newspaper Articles

Transcribed by Charlotte Maness

Prepared for this website by Lisa K. Gendron



De Soto, Jefferson, Missouri




Marriage licenses were issued by Recorder CASHELS for the week ending Nov. 28th, as follows: 23d Jacob BRIMLEY and Miss Seneth A. PRITCHETT; P.S. OGLE and Miss Lucy KERKOWSKI; 27TH, Chas. H. KEE and Miss Permelia Ann HUSKEY; 28th, Oscar OGLE and Miss Katie DONNELL; 28th, Chas. H. KLEINSCHMIDT and Miss Maria Theresa VOLLMAR.



Among those who have paid taxes for 1884 appear the following names, which lead the van in amount:

Ann R. ALLEN, non-resident     $540.67

L.J. RANKIN, Valle Township    395.35

G.W. & P. HALL, non-resident        345.26

C.C. FLETCHER, Valle township        342.21

Estate of Jos. YERGER, Rock township  312.45

Thomas BYRNS, Meramec township   277.14

Jacob MULLER, Rock township            223.28

Thomas L. DONNELL, Plattin township  180.18

A.F. WISHIZENUS, non-resident    149.76

SARPY heirs, non-resident    133.47

Thos. PRICE, Meramec township    132.30

Booker RICHARDSON Rock township   125.66

D.W. BRYANT, non-resident    116.40

Jno. MILLER, Rock township    113.73

W.S. JEWETT, Joachim township    109.83

W.J. HAVERSTICK, Plattin township   103.73

Gabe BOYCE, (colored), Joachim township   96.24

Isidor BUSH, Joachim township     91.32

Mathias LEPP, Valle township     90.53



The wife of Mr. HUFF of the livery stable is very sick, and not expected to recover.

Mrs. Wm. GOFF has been seriously ill all week, but is somewhat better at this writing.

Rev. ALLEN and wife rejoice over the arrival at their house last Saturday of a little daughter.

We are happy to announce that Mr. Sol. BROWN who has been so dangerously ill from hemorrhage of the lungs, is now some better, and there is a good chance for his recovery.


Capt. Joseph WALTER, who has been sojourning in Muenster, Westphalia, Germany, since early last summer, returned to De Soto last week.  He is much improved in health and appearance and thinks he will be able to stand this climate in future.


Mr. Samuel HOAK who for the past sixteen years has been a resident of this city breathed his last, at his residence Sunday last.  Mr. HOAK was buried with honors by the Perry V. FLETCHER Post on Tuesday, 26th, of which he was an honored member, he being a member of Co. A. 115 Ohio Vols., Mr. H.P. DECKER the commander, officiated with Capt. J.C. FOX in

charge of the guard of honor.  The ceremonies at the grave was very impressive.  Mr. HOAK had many friends in this city and all of whom will miss him as he was a gentleman who in every act and deed acted the part of a true man.  To his friends in Armstrong county, P., we would say a

true man was born, honored and respected by all who knew him.


Friday, 7 December 1883.


Chas. S. BOOTH arrived home on Friday 7th inst. from Dakota.  He is looking well and reports the Jefferson county colonists in good health and spirits.  He expects to remain here for some months.  His brother J.C. BOOTH starts for Dakota on the 13th inst. to be gone for a year.


Herbert E. COMSTOCK, proprietor of the Brunswick Coffee Restaurant in Chilicothe, formerly of New York, committed suicide a few evenings since by shooting himself through the head with a 44-caliber revolver.  The act was fully premeditated.  Financial embarrassment and disease is

assigned the cause.  Deceased was about thirty-three years old.


Gov. CRITTENDEN received a telegram a few days ago announcing the sudden death of Mrs. Ann T. JACKSON, the mother of Mrs. CRITTENDEN, at Springfield, Ill.  Mrs. JACKSON, was eighty-five years of age and her home was at Lexington,Ky., but recently she had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. NUCHOLS of Springfield, Ill.


Shelton WILKERSON, an estimable farmer residing near Carrington, Callaway county, dropped dead a few days ago while gathering corn in his field.


Monday evening, Mr. STELBRINK drove off of the high bank near Mr. BOYD's on the Victoria gravel road, with Messers. W.R. DONNELL and R.W. McMULLIN.  The night was dark and it was thought the horses got scared and shied off.  Mr. McMULLIN was bruised and had his right shoulder dislocated.  Mr. DONNELL was considerably scratched and bruised but had no bones out of place.


Mr. Robt. FORSYTHE of Chicago spent a few days in Hillsboro visiting his sister-in-law, Mrs. J. Ed. WALKER.


Marriage licenses were issued to Louis BONACKER and Miss Josephine GLATT, Dec. 1st; Rosan DELMAYER and Miss Mary D. BROWN, Dec. 1st; John KADY and Miss Mary GIBSON, Dec. 3d.


The wedding of Mr. C.H. KLEINSCHMIDT and Miss Teresa VOLLMAR, on Nov. 29th, was one long to be remembered as being the largest in the county. It is thought there were over 200 persons present.  Judge ELKINS performed the ceremony in his usual brief style, when the wishes of "a long life and a happy one," etc., etc., were made by the many present. The bride and groom were attended by Miss Josephine WALZ of St. Louis and Mr. Robert VOLLMAR;  Miss Pauline VOLLMAR, (sister of the bride) and Mr. Ernest GREEN.  The bride was handsomely attired in a crushed strawberry silk, trimmed in Spanish lace, etc.  The groom wore the regulation suit.  The happy couple were the recipients of many valuable and useful presents.


On Thursday evening, Nov. 29th at the residence of Mr. Eli. DONNELL, near Hematite, Mr. Oscar OGLE and Miss Kate DONNELL were united in marriage, Rev. S.W. EMORY of the Southern M.E. Church of this city officiating.  The attending parties were Mr. J. KEARNER and Miss Stella WEAVER and Mr. Wm. PARKS and Miss Maggie ENGLAND.  The bride wore a

white India mull dress, made with alternate flounces of same material, silk bodice trimmed with cascade of Spanish laces; bridal veil and wreath of orange blossoms.  The bridesmaids were dressed in white.




Died, at Moontown, Jefferson county, Nov. 17th, 1883, Fellie R. SANDERS, of Typhoid Fever, aged 15 years, 6 months and 20 days.  Miss SANDERS was the eldest daughter of Naman and Mary SANDERS, and the high esteem in which she was held was shown by the large concourse of people that attended her funeral to take a last farewell of a dear young friend, many of whom seemed to share the grief of the almost heart-broken family, she being the fifth child they have consigned to the silent tomb.  Although she had not made a public profession of religion, her piety and moral character and the active part she took in the Sunday school and the church, seems a strong evidence that she loved the Lord and sought a home not made with hands, but one eternal in the heavens.  The heart stricken family have the sympathy of the entire community in their sad affliction for it is a sore trial to part with such a dear one; but such is mortal.


Tax-paying is still the order of the day.  Below is a list of some of the largest amounts paid lately, all residents with one or two exceptions:


A.T. HARLOW      $418.23

S.W. CRAWFORD       353.80

B.F. ENGLAND       183.66

J. TENBROOK               162.00

Jas. A. WILSON                   161.25

B. MANHEIMER                   135.90

Fred. BUSCHMAN           127.84

Wm. BLANK            127.22

Edmund SCHLAFFKE          118.88

A.F. SHEARLOCK           117.50

Jas. M. ENGLAND          114.98

Alex. ZIEGLER           109.94

G.W. McCORMACK           107.86

Mrs. Ellen A. WEAVER         107.55

A.J. FLEMING           101.40

Catherine BEELER           99.05

Chas. A. CRAFT                99.02

Jno. R. SHEPLEY               90.06

Henry DECKER        90.20

S.H. MEAD         88.67

Mrs. S.B. PIPKIN       88.70

Wm. SMITH         80.41

Making a total of $3,732,46 paid by the twenty-four parties, or an average of over $155.00 each.


Marriage licenses were issued to Jas. McKAY and Miss Emma C. WIDEMAN, W.H. WAGGENER and Miss Mary F. BOWN(?), Dec. 26th, and to Robt. LONG and Miss Phonea SIDES (col.), Dawson CHEAMON and Etta BURRELL, (colored,) Dec. 27.


Esquire HONEY officiated at the wedding of Jas. McKAY and Miss Emma C. WIDEMAN at CLARK's Hotel, Dec. 26.




Mrs. ATCHISON, an old lady, who for a number of years lived near the mouth of Belews creek, was buried at Cedar Hill, on Sunday last.  She had been sick for some months past and died on Saturday.


We were forcibly reminded of the above stanza, fro on Dec. 31st 1883, John W. STEPHENS

of Dry Creek died after a short illness, and on Jan. 1st, during one of the worst snow storms ever known here.  He was buried with Masonic Honors by Joachim Lodge, of which he had been a member for many years.


The Leap Year party given by the C.G.A.C. at the residence of Mr. L.J. RANKIN was the most enjoyable affair of the season, for which the ladies deserve all credit.  They called for their charge and gentlemanly escorted them to the place of amusement.  The following were the couples in attendance:  Miss Maggie RANKIN, Mr. R.B. DECKER;  Miss Mamie CRAWFORD, Mr. C.W. BRACEY; Miss Annie CRAWFORD, Mr. Will McMAHON; Miss

Helen BURNS, Mr. Will WATSON; Miss Annie WILLIAMS, Mr. Arthur BAINBRIDGE; Miss Florence CUNNINGHAM, Dr. H.E. ZORN; Miss WATSON, Mr. C.C. GORHAM; Miss Winnie THOMAS, Dr. G.A. AUERSWALD; Mrs. L.J. RANKIN and Mr. L.J. RANKIN.  Dancing was largely indulged in by all, to which Mr. Sam. HIBBARD and Mr. ROBERTSON rendered very select music.


Friday, 11 January 1884.


In order that the readers of the JEFFERSON WATCHMAN, both at home and abroad, may see what our citizens have been doing for themselves during the year just closed, we have obtained a list of the buildings which have been erected during the period mentioned, and we give it in detail below.  It is quite true that the list does not embrace all the buildings, as there are some we could not find, and there are others in course of construction which aren't included in our list.


C.C. FLETCHER, 6 houses     $3,000

A.M. BAKER, 1                1,100

E.S. PYLE, 1              750

Charles PYLE,               600

Mrs. E. KNORPP, 1             650

John HOPSON, 1              700

Peter STEINMAN, 1         800

Louis MATHIEU, 1 addition       200

R. WILLIAMS, 1 house        500

Wm. KRAMER, 1          250

COLE, 1           300

Annie WILLIAMS, 1       1,200

John WRIGHT, 1          700

Bates FRISSELL, 1       1,000

African Church          250

DYER, 1 house          650

RAMSEY, 1           200

Charles BOYNE, 1         300

Amos COEMAN, 1 addition        150

C. SMITH, 1 house       1,500

F.P. BROWN, 1        1,500

B.S. REPPY, 1        1.500

W. FRISSELL, 3        1,800

Mrs. MANESS, 1          500

MURRAY, 1           450

THOMPSON, 1          200

G.R. RATHBUN, 1         400

Frank JOHNSON, 1         500

James HOPSON, addition        400

HUSKEY, 1 house         300

HIGHFIELD, 1          150

John DAVIS,           150

C.H.R. HANDCOCK, 1       1,600

C.H.R. HANDCOCK, 1         300

FLOTTMAN, 1          500

INGALLS, 1          150

John CUNNINGHAM, 1 barn      1,200

H.N. JENKINS, 1 addition        700


                    Total frame        27,1.000



A. RACINE, 2 houses       1,400

J.W. FLETCHER, 1       3,600

Henry EULER, 4        4,000

L.J. RANKIN, 1        3,600

George MAHAN, 1       1,800

A. HUFFMAN, 1        2,800

H. HOFFMAN, 1        5,000

B. MANHEIMER, 1       1,400

Dr. KEANEY, 1        2,200

F. KELM, 1        2,000

H. KEMPE, 1 addition        400

J.L. THOMAS, 1 addition        400

F. HACKE, 1 house       1,800

M.R. BROWN, 1        1.500

W. WALTHER, 1        1,000

J.W. THOMAS, 1        1,000

CLARK & PULLIS, 1 addition       400

A.M. BAKER, 1 addition        700

John BENNETT, 1 house        700

Louis MATHIEU, 2       1,500

R. KEMPE, 1        1,800

STALL, 1         2,000

H.M. LINTZ, 1          600

N. SLAWSON, 1        2,000

P. SHARP, 1        1,700

P. FROMHOLDT, 1 addition        500

C. OSTERTAG, 1 addition        600


    Total brick         $66,400





A detailed statement of County Warrants issued during the year ending February 28th, 1875


April 21st, 1874

Jno W. VERNON, keeping Patch VERNON   60.00

W.F. WILLIAMS, member board equalization  18.00

Jerome B. DOVER, member board equalization     21.00

W.R. DONNELL, clerk board equalization    21.00

Sull FRAZIER, member board equalization   21.00

Anton YERGER,  member board equalization  21.00

Jno C. CAPE, member board equalization   21.00

Eugene AMOR, goods etc for court house and jail   25.20

R.W. McMULLIN, advertising proceedings board equalization   27.20

Jas S. HENDERSON, county's patients at asylum  241.40

Dr. C. PIPKIN, med attn county poor   46.04

Louis PARTNEY, supt county farm   161.39

Leonard METTS, services as road commr   16.00

Sam'l MARSDEN, services as road agent   21.00

Geo L. JOHNSTON, stationery     22.35

Thos A WILLIAMS, services sheriff     4.00

A. MITCHELL, salary as collector   980.39

Herman ULRICH, road damages     30.60

H.F. ENGLAND, road damages     15.00

Anton YERGER, services co court justice   12.50

Jno C. CAPE, services co court justice   12.50

W.F. WILLIAMS, services co court justice                12.50


May 4th, 1874

Dr. E.F. EVANS, med attn and services to Elizabeth HILL, a poor person    26.00

Jno T. McMULLIN, keeping Elizabeth HILL in her last illness and for funeral expenses   31.00

Jno W. VERNON, services as road overseer   8.94

Thornton JARVIS, services as road overseer         12.10

Jos BECHLER, services as road overseer   47.45

Edw CASHELLS, services as road overseer   37.40

S.H. MEAD, services as road overseer    5.68

J.W. WILSON, services as road overseer    3.55

E.F. HOBART & Co., stationery blanks etc   6.00

I.H. BROWN, services county school supt  114.20

Jno T. BYRD, support of Lot McDONAL and family   16.00

Joseph YERGER, services as road overseer  10.19

Xaver KOHLER, services as road overseer   25.65


May 5th, 1875

Jno A. CREASEY, services as road overseer 32.80

Franz GRIMM, services as road overseer   17.95

Conrad GLATT, services as road overseer   96.04

Louis REICHMAN, support and burial of poor person   21.00

Dan BONACRE, services as road overseer   24.50

Bazile HINEY, services as road hand    9.00

Leinar HINEY, services as road hand    3.00

Davis WILLIAMS, services as road hand    7.60

J.B. COFFIN, services as road hand     3.00

Ben ALLEN, services as road hand     4.50

Fred YAGER, services as road hand     4.50

H.L. DOVER, services as road hand     1.50

Jno CAREY, services as road overseer   11.50

J.B. DOVER, services as road commissioner 30.00

J.B. DOVER, services as member board appeals    3.00

C.F. GRALL, services as road overseer   32.50

Geo LONEY, services as road overseer   26.73

T.B. MOSS, services sheriff     64.00

Henry POHLMAN, service as road overseer   82.20


May 6th, 1874

W.J. KIRK, services to negro small-pox patient   10.00


May 7th, 1874

Anton YERGER, member board appeals     6.60

Sull FRAZIER, member board appeals     6.00

Jno C. CAPE, member board appeals     6.00

Jno H. MORSE, reading rod     12.00

W.R. DONNELL, clerk board appeals     6.00

R & T.A. ENNIS, stationery     35.27

Elisha EAVES, services as sheriff     2.00

H. STELBRINK, treas traveling expenses   50.00

Thos A. WILLIAMS, repairing court house yard fence   8.00

Anton YERGER, services co court justice   20.00

Jno C. CAPE, services co court justice   20.00

W.F. WILLIAMS, services co court justice  20.00


May 18th, 1874

T.B. MOSS, services as sheriff    54.00


May 19th, 1874

Thompson BROWN, road overseer     10.00

H. POHLMAN, bringing insane man to jail    5.00

W.R. DONNELL, services as county clerk   20.20

Anton YERGER, services co court justice   15.00

Jno C. CAPE, services county court justice     15.00

W.F. WILLIAMS, services co court justice  15.00

Jos WHITE, damages for county road    38.00


May 25th, 1874

Charles KYLE, a blind man     25.00

Jas O. WILLIAMS, services etc as jailer   27.69

W.R. DONNELL, services as county clerk   29.60

Thos A. WILLIAMS, services as sheriff    5.00

E. MAUPIN, saw-dust for court house    3.00

Anton YERGER, services as co court justice 5.00

Jno C. CAPE, services as co court justice  5.00

W.F. WILLIAMS, services as co court  justice 5.00

Dr. J. KEANEY, examination etc Jno McGEE   7.28

Dr. C. PIPKIN, examination etc Jno McGEE  10.00






CIRCUIT COURT - The January term of the Jefferson county circuit court will convene at Hillsboro on Monday next, the 14th inst., Below we publish the trial docket in full, which our correspondent at Hillsboro has furnished us for our readers.

Mathias SETTLEMEIER vs Margaret SETTLEMEIER: Divorce

James BURKE vs Malinda BURKE: divorce.

Thomas ARNOLD vs. Maria ARNOLD: divorce.

Adelia J. SMARR vs Judson E. SMARR: divorce

Martha V. MABEE vs John MABEE: divorce.

James McBROOM vs Annie McBROOM: divorce.

F. KLENN vs. S.L.I.M. & S. Ry.: damages for killing a hog.

Tempe VALLE vs. Julius VALLE: divorce.

Edward VOLLMAR vs. S.L.I.M. & S. Ry.: damages for killing a horse.

Alice M. DUNSFORD vs. Frederick DUNSFORD: divorce.

Joel BUTLER vs. Emma BUTLER, for board, &c.




IN MEMORIAM. -  Died in this city on Monday, Jan. 7th, 1884, Nellie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.E. HENRY, aged about 9 years and 6 months. The funeral took place from the Congregational church on Wednesday afternoon, Rev. H.J. ZERCHER, officiating, and was attended by very large number of sorrow sympathizing friends. It was only a few days ago that we saw Nellie HENRY in the Sunday school.  Little did we then think that her form would now be resting in the grave.  She died Jan. 7, at the age of nine and one-half years, after an illness of about twelve days.  She seemed to be a favorite with all who knew her.  She was a bright, beautiful girl, and for her age seemed to know something of what it meant to prepare for death.  She had been well instructed in spiritual things and it is believed that she took heed to the divine message.  Hence we have great comfort in the thought that she is with our Father in heaven.

 This Christian home has been made sadly vacant.  A bright star has ceased to shine here except in memory, but its luster will never fade in the spirit land.  "Whither I go, thou canst not follow me now; but thou shalt follow me afterwards."  There, all tears are wiped away and sorrow

is not known. How helpless we are in the presence of death!  Human words have little force, friends sympathize, but they cannot bring back the loved one. Bit in so far as it is possible the loss of little Nellie, and did all in their power to comfort those who are let behind with sand and aching hearts, made to bleed afresh by the sight of the vacant chair and the memory of voice and action in youthful innocent pleasures. But look upward.  She is not dead; but has only passed from living into life.  Father and mother and children will strive earnestly to meet her in the heavenly mansions.  And the hopes that we had here and all seemed blessed, we shall realize above all our expectations when we get "over yonder" and see our loved ones with their beauties of character intensified a thousand fold.  H.J. ZERCHER.


Born, in this city.  Wednesday, January 9, to Mr. and Mrs. James HOPSON, a fine boy.


Last Wednesday night about 11 o'clock fire was discovered in the house owned and occupied by Miss Jennie ALEXANDER, in the southern part of town, and the alarm was sounded by a switch engine blowing its whistle. A large crowd soon assembled at the scene but nothing could be saved, as the fire was under good headway before discovered. Miss ALEXANDER was

the only one in the house at the time, and she escaped with nothing but her clothing.  The house was a two-story frame of five rooms in good order, and worth about $1,200.  There was $800 insurance on the house and $375 on household goods.  The house stood on an isolated spot and so prevented any spread of the fire.




CIRCUIT COURT NOTES - The January term of the Jefferson circuit court was convened in Hillsboro, on Monday morning last, with Judge John L. THOMAS on the bench, and all the court officers at their posts.  Sheriff WEAVER had just finished overhauling the stoves and furniture about the room, and everything  was in neat and convenient order.  The extreme cold weather had the effect of making the attendance at court rather small, and business did not progress well until Tuesday.  The grand jury consisting of Sul. FRAZIER, foreman, Stephen POUNDS, Thomas WILLIAMS, C.W.S. VINEYARD, Thomas L. PORTER, Fred HOW, Jacob PILLARD, Jr., Geo. SALE, Thompson BROWN, George ZIEGLER, L.A. POSTON and D.B. VEAZEY, were sworn in and charged by his honor as the docket as published in our last issue is brief and uninteresting, the term will be short unless the jury finds something to enliven matters.


James BURKE vs. Malina BURKE; divorce; dismissed at cost of plaintiff.


Thomas ARNOLD vs Maud ARNOLD; divorce was prayed on the ground of desertion of one year; no defense; divorce granted on proof of the fact of desertion.


Adelia J. SMARR vs Judson E. SMARR; divorce was prayed on the ground of habitual drunkenness for a long time and for abusive language; no defence; divorce granted on the proof of the causes set up.  The children were awarded plaintiff, and she was allowed $500 alimony.


Martha V. MABEE vs. John MABEE; divorce prayed on the ground of desertion without cause for one year; no defence; divorce granted on proof of the cause alleged.  The custody of the child was awarded the plaintiff and by consent she was allowed in full of alimony, one-half of

their farm near De Soto.


Tempe VALLE vs. Julius VALLE; Plaintiff asked for a divorce because defendant required her to live in  a room fourteen feet square where his mother and brother lived and slept, and telling her if she died to like to live there to go back to her former home.  She took him at his word

and went back.  He set up a cross-bill and asked for a divorce on the ground that she had refused to live with him for over a year.  They had one child and were both young.  The court refused to grant either a divorce, holding that plaintiff could not be divorced because she had to live in a poor house, nor could defendant be divorced for her leaving him under the circumstances.   Plaintiff admitted to the court she was willing to live with defendant if he would furnish her a better house, and defendant admitted that he wanted to live with plaintiff, but she refused.  The court told them to go and live together as husband and wife ought to do.  It was evident in this case that some meddlesome outsiders had caused the trouble between these young people, and there was no reason why they could not live together happily.

Alice DUNSFORD vs. Fred DUNSFORD; suit for divorce on the ground of drunkenness, not providing for plaintiff, and for continuously insulting epithets, such as 'liar' etc.; no defence; divorce granted on proof of the causes alleged.


Joel BUTLER vs. Emma BUTLER; plaintiff took Emma BUTLER to raise when she was 4 months old and kept her eight years.  She received a pension of over $1,200, and is now getting a pension of $130 per year.  The court allowed plaintiff $360 for the eight years care, board, schooling and clothing.


State vs. C.H. KLEINSCHMIDT; one Allen TAYLOR was arrested with one McVEAGH for "trading horses with parson FRAZIER's minor son.  TAYLOR turned over to a lawyer KLEINSCHMIDT a horse and the latter went on his bond for appearance at circuit court.  TAYLOR "jumped" his bond and left Mr. K. the "bag" to hold, and judgement was rendered against him for $100, which when collected, will go into the school fund.  McVEAGH is in

the penitentiary.


Prosecuting Attorney GREEN is the happy father of a brand new baby boy.




The grand jury found indictments against James STRICKLAND for the shooting of Thomas DAVIS and against Dr. STEGMAN for the killing of HOPKIN's boy some time since. STRICKLAND gave bond in the sum of $2,500 for his appearance on February 26th, and Dr. STEGMAN gave bond for $500 to appear February 27th, at which time the trials were set.


A most horrible murder was committed on High Ridge about four miles south of Fenton, at what is known as the DOWNING place, Tuesday night last. Someone in passing about 10 a.m. Wednesday, noticed the house open and on investigating found Louis BONECKER and wife both cut to pieces with an ax.  BONECKER had evidently been killed in bed, but his wife had run into the other room where she was found weltering in blood on the floor, her head nearly severed from her body.  The instrument used was a double bitted ax.  The fiend who did the work had pried open a trunk with the ax, and had searched the house thoroughly, evidently

bent on plunder.  He had washed the blood off and left his own bloody shirt, and worn one of BONACKER's.  The bodies were cold and stiff, that of Mrs. BONACKER being frozen to the floor.  It was thought some tramp whom they had sheltered did the deed.  Mr. B. and wife were married only a few months ago.  Mr. B. is the son of Henry BONACKER of Rock township,

his wife was a Miss Josephine GLATT, daughter of Conrad GLATT also of Rock township.  Every effort is being made in the neighborhood to ascertain and arrest the guilty party.  Prosecuting attorney GREEN was notified to attend the inquest, but on account of the grand jury being in session could not attend.


CIRCUIT COURT NOTES. - The following cases have been disposed of additional to those published last week:

 Louis GROSSGROSS vs. W.L. REID; plaintiff sued defendant before a justice of the peace for $4.56; judgement was recovered from plaintiff for $2 and defendant appealed to circuit court.  The case was tried Thursday of last week, and the jury failed to agree and were discharged.

Another trial before a jury was held last Saturday.  Plaintiff certified that defendant had hired him on April 25, 1883, to work on his farm for one month at $15 per month.  After he worked 8 days defendant one day complained that he rested too much.  Next day he quit work but defendant did not object or urge him to work his month out, but he refused to pay him for the work he did do.  Defendant certified that he objected to plaintiff quitting before his time was out, and refused to pay on that ground.  The court instructed the jury that if plaintiff quit work

without REID's consent, he could not recover.  The jury returned a verdict for plaintiff for $5.56.  A motion for a new trial has been filed and the judge is incubating it.  The costs now amount to $60 or $70.


Samuel C. and Oscar W. HENDRICKSON vs. A.J. VINYARD and Dr. PARKS, administrator: in 1866 VINEYARD was appointed guardian to the persons and estates of plaintiffs, who were then minors.  He gave bond in the sum of $200.  The records showed that VINEYARD petitioned the county court for the sale of some land of plaintiff's and the land was sold, and Dr. PARKS bought it for $130.  No settlement was ever made by VINYARD.  The suit was for this money, VINEYARD testified that he never signed any bond, never applied for the sale of the land, never sold it and never received any money for it.  He also testified that though he was guardian of these children, he could neither read nor write.  The court held that VINEYARD's statement was not enough to overturn the records of the court, and found that VINEYARD owed plaintiffs $50 each, from October 1866 until the present time, at ten per cent interest, compounded, which would make the amount now due to $240, or about 480 to both; but as the bond was for only $200, that was the measure of the liability of the surety, Dr. PARKS, and judgement was rendered for $100 for each plaintiff.


State vs. HENRY BRENNER: BRENNER was indicted for bigamy.  He pleaded guilty and threw himself upon the mercy of the court.  The prosecuting attorney stated that he had investigated the case and was satisfied defendant believed he had been divorced from his first wife, and had a right to marry a second one.  It appeared that he and his first wife had gone to a lawyer in St. Louis, last summer; the lawyer a Mr. BUSH, wrote out a paper divorcing the parties, and told the defendant that was alright to marry again.  He paid BUSH $5, and armed with this document, he came to Jefferson county and married his second wife.  The defendant

stated to the court that he honestly believed BUSH had procured for them a legal divorce, he being ignorant of the laws.  The court thereupon fined him $500 and it appearing that he was unable to pay the fine and costs, commuted the fine to sixty days and the costs to twenty days

imprisonment in jail, and as he had already been in prison forty-four days, ordered that this number of days be taken from his sentence.


DEATH OF OUR BABY. - At the residence of Mrs. Dr. Wm. EVANS, beloved daughter of Mrs. Mary E. ATWOOD, Jessie Almo.  Died at 3:33 a.m., Jan. 18, 1884, with scarlet fever, aged 6 years, 7 months and 3 days.  After twenty-four hours of painful illness little Jessie left her friends for a happier home.  She was the favorite with all, both at school and at home.  A member of the Congregational Sabbath School.  Her teacher, little school and playmates all mourn the loss of her sweet smiles and expressive face, at the door.  Her sparkling brown eyes have closed.  St. Louis papers please copy.  P.L.J.




Bro. McMULLIN of the Democrat, who had his shoulder dislocated last November, by the up-setting of the Hillsboro and Victoria hack, went up to St. Louis last Friday with Dr. AUERSWALD and had Dr GREGORY re-set his shoulder.  It had been set at the time of the accident, but had slipped out of place again, and had since been too sore to be treated again, until last week.  The operation was a very painful one and Bro. Mac was so prostrated that the was unable to proceed further toward home than De Soto, until yesterday.  He has been quartered at the De Soto Hotel, where he has received every attention and kindness that an obliging and polite host could bestow.  We hope that Bro. Mac's worst trouble and suffering is now over and that he will soon be able to resume his duties as editor of the DEMOCRAT.


A bar meeting was held at the court house on Friday, January 25, to take suitable action on the death of Samuel T. GLOVER.


Judge L.F. DINNING called the meeting to order, and Judge J.L. THOMAS was selected as chairman, and J.F. GREEN, secretary.  Judge THOMAS made a few well timed remarks, and was followed by Judge DINNING.  A committee consisting of Messrs. GREEN, DINNING and WILLIAMS was appointed to draft resolutions expressing respect, etc. for the deceased, and the following resolutions were reported.


"WHEREAS, The members of the Jefferson County Bar have received the sad information of the sudden death of the Hon. Samuel T. GLOVER, and  "WHEREAS, We not only have an interest in his fame and reputation, in common with all the people of the state, but feel a personal bereavement, inasmuch as he was a member of this bar, and occasionally practiced his profession here as one of, us therefore, be it RESOLVED, First, that the members of the bar and bench of Jefferson county Missouri, join their brethren of the state and nation in mourning the loss of their illustrious friend and brother.  They feel deeply the loss the state and especially the legal profession has sustained in the death of Mr. GLOVER.  He was eminently a great man, a patriot, a statesman and a jurist.  He was an honest man, and it may be truthfully be said of him that not only the legal profession bout the world is better for his having lived.

 SECOND, Resolved, that the chairman of this meeting appoint a committee of one, whose duty it shall be to present these resolutions to the circuit court of Jefferson county, Missouri, and request it to dedicate one page of its record to the memory of Mr. GLOVER, with this inscription:

Sacred to the memory of Samuel T. GLOVER, Born ---- 1813, in the state of Kentucky.  Died January 27, 1884, at his residence, in the city of St. Louis, Mo.

THIRD.  That we tender to the family of the deceased our sympathy for their irreparable loss, and that the secretary of this meeting present them a copy of these resolutions.   Respectfully submitted, Jos. J. WILLIAMS,  Louis F. DINNING, J.F. GREEN.


The trial of the seduction case against Sterling MOTHERSHEAD was set for

February 28th, and defendant's bond was fixed at $300, which he gave.


Millard STROUP is again in trouble.  He was indicted for carrying concealed weapons, and gave bond for his appearance at the next day's court, but failed to put in an appearance, leaving his bondsmen to the mercy of the court. A capias was put into the hands of a special deputy, and now Millard sits behind the bars.


Only one marriage license has been issued the last week.  Miner SIDES and Miss Mary A. DILL, both colored, on January 28th.


A great many arrests of parties suspected of being the murder of the BONACKER family have been made, but so far the right man has not been found. Sheriff WEAVER arrested a man Monday night at Kimmswick and took him to St. Louis, but he was discharged on Tuesday.  Some boys found the satchel which the peddler had been seen to have, hidden under a pile of

brush, the man who owned the satchel cannot be found.  The whole country seems to be on the alert and it is hoped that the villain who committed this most atrocious crime will be arrested soon.


The De Soto L. and M. Society met last night at RATHBUN's hall, and reorganized for the ensuing year.  The society has been very successful in the past in furnishing pleasing entertainments to our citizens.  But few of the old members, whose earnest work made it so successful remain and its future success will depend on the efforts of the new members.

The following names have been added to the membership list this year:

Judge J.L. THOMAS, Mrs. THOMAS, Misses Cora and Winnie THOMAS, J.L. THOMAS, Jr., Sam'l CRAWFORD, Mrs. CRAWFORD, Mr. PECAUT, Mr. THEOBOLD, Mr. HOFFMAN, Mr. HEMME, Mr. HANDCOCK, Sr., Mr. HANDCOCK, Jr., August RACINE, Dr. AUERSWALD and Charles GORHAM. The society will hence forth meet in the De Soto Opera House.  The first meeting will be held Thursday, February, 14th.  A programme of the entertainment will be duly announced in the Watchman.




ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. - Notice is hereby given, that letters of Administration upon the estate of Kate DAVIN, deceased, have been granted to me the judge of the probate court, bearing date the 9th day of January 1884.  All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them to me for allowance within one year from the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of such estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within two years from the date of said letters, they will be forever barred.  Chas. T. RANKIN, Administrator of the Estate of Kate DAVIN, deceased.


OBITUARY. - Departed this life, Jan. 23, 1884, in Victoria, Mo., James LUTHER, aged 63 years and seven months.  Also Mrs. Candis LUTHER, wife of the above named James LUTHER, Jan. 26, 1884, in Victoria, Mo., aged 63 years and 7 months.  Mr. LUTHER was born in North Carolina, moved to Tennessee, thence to Illinois and thence to Missouri, settling in

Jefferson County.  He lived some time on the Plattin then in Victoria where he died.  He was a blacksmith by profession.  His wife was born in Virginia.  They were both buried in the M.E. church grave yard on the Plattin.  They leave two sons and one daughter to mourn the loss of a

kind father and mother.  They have the sympathies of all who knew them. J.T.M.


DIED, In Carondelet, Sunday, February 3d, 1884, in the twenty-ninth year of her age of pneumonia, Mary V., daughter of Isaac S. and Napoleana BAKER, of Pevely, Jefferson county, Mo. Funeral services were held in the Methodist church of Pevely, Tuesday afternoon, and the remains followed by a large company of sorrowing friends, were taken to the family cemetery and interred Wednesday morning.  Miss BAKER was well known in Jefferson county and in St.

Louis, where she graduated at the Normal School with honor, and where she was teaching when death overtook her.  She was ill only two weeks, and her death was a sad surprise to all with whom she was acquainted. For three years she taught in .P.Augusta, Ark;., and the numerous

friends she had there testified to the high esteem in which she was held.  As a thorough teacher, as an affectionate daughter and sister, as a tender and sympathizing friend, and as a sincere and earnest Christian, she was loved and respected by all.


The fire bug has again been at work in our county.  On Monday night about 12 o'clock Delo ROGERS and family awakened to find their house in flames. Mr. ROGERS, managed to get all the family out, but saved nothing except the clothes they wore.  He had about 200 bushels of wheat stored in one room of the house, besides quantity of oats and corn all of which was burned.  John ROGERS, a brother, lost $50 in cash (hard earned money) which he had put away in his trunk.  This is a bad blow for Mr. ROGERS, as he had a new house and stable burned some months ago, and now he has all of her personal and household effects burned.  it is

thought to be the work of an incendiary. as there had been no fire in the front of the house (where the fire first started) for several months.  He had no insurance, except on the house, and only $150 on it.


Leap Year Among the Colored Folks.

A very enjoyable leap year party was given at the residence of Al. LONG on Saturday Eve., 26 Jan., by Miss Ellen DONNELL and Mahala SMITH.  An elegant supper was prepared by the young ladies and all went "merry as a marriage bell."  Among those present were noticed, Henry LONG, escorted by Miss Margaret NALL; Mr. WILKINSON, by Miss Jennie SCOTT; J.W.

JOHNSON, by Miss Maria BRECKENRIDGE; Robert GUY, by Miss Adaline JEFFRES; Robert JENKINS, by Miss Mary TAYLOR; Henry STUART, by Miss Lou COOK; Sam. BRUCE, by Miss Darcus WHITE; Mr. MAZE, by Miss CRETHERS, Mr. FOWLER, by Miss BRUCE; Mr. LAMROW, by Miss Minnie RELPH; John GUY, by Miss Elmira POSTON; George Long, by Miss Ellen DONALD; Parson SUMMERS, by Miss Mahala SMITH; Mr. McSPADEN, by Mrs. SUMMERS; Bob LONG, by Mrs. Nana DeBOAS; Frank DeBOAS, by Mrs. Phenie LONG; Mr. and Mrs. Lou GARDENER, Mrs. Amanda KEETON and Mrs. Martha TAYLOR.




Marriage licenses were issued to M.M. MOORE and Mrs. Mary FOLLETT, on the 8th; to Frank J. SHAFFER and Miss Paulina SPECK, on the 9th inst.


The broad grin on Frank BOUGHTON's face is caused by the arrival of new boy at his house.


OBITUARY - DIED, at De Soto, Mo., on Sunday, February 6th, 1884, Neolema, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy RALSTON, aged seven months.     De Soto, Feb'y 10th, 1884

COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. - The court ordered a change in the county road leading from Morse's Mills to Pevely, through lands of F. ZELSMAN, Theo. KOESTER and A. BIERMAN, vacating the part of said road which runs diagonally through the land of above named parties.


Ordered that the personal property assessed to A.W. BUTTS on tax book of 1883 be stricken off because it was shown that the same property was assessed to Wm. A. BUTTS, his father and the tax was paid by him.


Reports of inquest by Coroner BREWSTER were approved and fee bills allow3ed as follows--on child of Albert TURK, $31.17; on Anna KLIESLEY, $6.84; on Thomas DAVIS, $54.75.


Reports of inquests by C. DILLON, over Louis BONACKER and wife, and by Squire WATERS on body of Otto KRAUSE, were continued.


Road Overseers were appointed as follows:

Dist. #     Dist. #

1. Franz GRIMM   21. F.H. WILLIAMS

2. John WINOM       22. John I. RUSSELL

3. Xavier ARNOLD  23. J.J. ENGLEBACH

4. Edw. ROESCH   24. Joshua COLE

5. Geo. MARTIN   25. Charles WALDRON

6. Conrad GLATT  26. Gust. MOORE

7. Geo. BEERESHEIM  27. Philip LYNCH

8. Frank SQUAR   28. Ed. CASHELS

9. Frank STOW   29. Henry REIMANN

10. A.J. CHARTRAND  30. John McCOURT

11. Wm. OTTOMEYER  31. Edw. MAUPIN

12. Chris SAEGER  32. W.P. WILLIAMS

13. T.L. McCORMACK  33. Mike O'HARA;, Jr.

14. C. FUNK   34. I.Y. McCORMACK

15. Henry TIMMING  35. J.E. SWINK


17. Peter STROUP  37. J.W. WILSON

18. W.H. WASHBURN  38. Charles KNORPP

19. John PARTNEY  39. Robert McMULLIN

20. John CAREY   40. J.W. FITZMORRIS


Accounts were allowed against the county as follows:

F.M. HOPKINS, for Unity BALDWIN, pauper  $20.00 

Rosina LLOYD, to use of pauper       $15.00

Conrad GLATT, building and repairing bridges   41.65

J.W. WILLIAMS, superintendent of county poor farm     145.85

Mrs. WILLIAMS, sewing for paupers      10.00

NULL & REID, bringing family of paupers  from Hematite to county farm  4.00

R. MARSDEN, bring pauper to Hillsboro    1.00

Mrs. HOFFMAN, kpg. insane pauper        19.35

J.B. DOVER, road commissioner             23.00

W.R. DONNELL, county clerk        373.57

J.W. VINEYARD, repairing gravel road       100.00

Dr. BREWSTER, attendance on paupers          62.50

Wm. FLANAGAN, care of pauper and taking him to county farm    12.00

J.F. GREEN, prosecuting attorney    15.00

Louis HARTWEIN, bridge lumber      8.76

Alex. CALLAHAN, sawing wood     24.00

James HOPSON, bridge lumber     42.25

R. COXWELL, matting for court house   10.35

R.G. HOEKEN, kpg. I. WILLIAMS, 1 yr.   60.00

J.J. HOEKEN, goods for county farm    45.85

WILLIAMS & HOEKEN, goods for co. farm   52.50

R.W. McMULLIN, printing       5.00

Edw. ROESCH, repairing bridge      5.00

Henry HURTGEN, repairing road tools    4.80

R.W. McMULLIN, prntg. and pubg    68.00

M.C. JENNINGS, co. school com'r    70.00

R. BURROUGHS, road tools       8.50

N.W. WELSH, work in court house     4.10

Geo. W. BARNARD & Co., stationery    90.00

C. Tho. HORINE, circuit court fee bills  135.86

H. HAMEL, book case for collector     8.00

WATERS  & RAUCHENBACH, bdg. lumber    38.00

Franz GRIMM, repairing bridge     24.41

R.C. MOORE, for A. GIBSON, paper    10.00

Wm. CLARK, treasurer     150.00

S.J. BURGESS, pauper      10.00

Lucas BELLAGAMBA, keeping pauper    20.00

M.V. SPALDING, keeping pauper     10.00

W.H.H. THOMAS, rent for assessor's office      30.00

Ed. SALE, building bridge      8.00

John L. WEAVER, Sheriff      27.00

John WILLIAMS, County Court Justice   30.00

R.G. MARSDEN, County Court Justice    30.84

Patrick BYRNE, County Court Justice   32.76





Stephen W. HUSKEY, was in town last Friday settling up the noted dog case of CARVER vs. HUSKEY, which went to the supreme court.  Steve paid $104.00 of which $12.40 goes to CARVER for his dog.  Although he had to pay rather dear for the dog, Steve insists he did not kill it.


Wesley RENFRO, colored, from Crystal City, was registered at the WEAVER House on Saturday, with carving the body of one Alex MURDOCK, also colored.  MURDOCK is reported dangerously wounded.


Marriage licenses were issued the past week as follows: to John H. IEUDE and Miss Eliza ETHREDGE, 15th; H.C. REINEMER and Miss Katie EITZMAN, 16th; John MILLER and Miss Lena DOTT, 18th.


Gone to Rest. - Mr. Robert RITTER, who for many years has been employed at the Crystal City Plate Glass Co., died last Friday, Feb'y 15th, aged 22 years, of consumption.  He left many friends in Limitville and vicinity to mourn his loss, besides a widowed mother, whom Robert

supported.  His remains were taken from his home to the Lodge Hall, followed by one hundred members of the Am. Legion of Honor, No. 932, of which Lodge Robert was a member.  At the Hall, Mr. Geo. F. NEAL delivered a beautiful address in behalf of the Lodge, and at the grave

he again delivered an appropriate address, dwelling on the good traits and deeds of the deceased.  At the grave a beautiful son was sung, entitled "Good Night" by Robert FROST, Duncan FROST and Mrs. Andy STEWART.  This has been the first death in the Legion of Honor of Crystal City and we are glad to see that the mother of Robert RITTER received $1,000 insurance, which her son carried in the Lodge.


Mrs. James ALRED died, Feb'y 18th at Crystal City, and her remains were taken to Hematite for burial


William DRUMMOND, we are sorry to say, is down with the Pneumonia.  We hope to see him in our streets again at an early date.


A cutting scrape was indulged in last Tuesday in the quiet village of Crystal City, between two colored men.  Alex. MURDOCK and Wesley RENFRO were the participants in the melee; and Alex. was badly cut in the abdomen, but under the treatment of Dr. TAYLOR it is thought he will recover.  Wesley RENFRO has been taken to the Hillsboro jail for safe keeping.  He is known as a bad character.


Mrs. R.G. CARINS has added one more to the population of Crystal City, a boy.




Judge THOMAS convened a special term of circuit court at Hillsboro, last Tuesday, for the purpose of finishing up business carried over from the regular term in January.  The two important trials--the one vs. Jas. STRICKLAND for the killing of Thos. DAVIS, and the other the State vs. Dr. G. STEGMAN, for manslaughter--attracted a large number of witnesses

and spectators, and the special term will probably be more interesting than the regular term.  The following cases have been disposed of so far:


State vs. Dr. G. STEGMAN; defendant stands indicted for manslaughter in the third and fourth degrees.  The first and second counts charge him with manslaughter in the third degree in performing the operation called tracheotomy while in a state of intoxication upon one Edward HOPKINS, which produced the death of the latter.  The third count charged the doctor with manslaughter in the fourth degree by unskillfully, negligently and carelessly performing the said operation by which HOPKINS lost his life.  Defendant demurs all three counts--to the first and second, upon the ground that they do not aver that the operation was an improper one under the circumstances, nor that it was unskillfully performed.  Defendant's consul urged that under section 1248 a doctor performing a proper operation skillfully though intoxicated at the time

is guilty of no offense.  Section 1247 is as follows: "If any physician, while in a state of intoxication, shall without a design to effect death, administer any potion, drug or medicine or do any other act to another person which shall produce the death of such other, he shall be deemed guilty of manslaughter in the third degree."  The court held that under this section a physician would be criminally liable, if he gave medicine or performed an operation that produced death while intoxicated.


Mr. John D. HEARST was in town Saturday last, soliciting contributions for the relief of Geo. W. CRIPPEN and family who had their house and contents destroyed by fire the day before.  The fire started about 1 p.m., from some lard on the stove, and burned so fast the family saved

but little more than they had on.


Marriage licenses have been issued the last week as follows: W.J. WICKERHAM and Miss Ella BUTLER, 19th; Wm. HOWALD and Mrs. Mary SCHMELZ, 22d; S.P. MOTHERSHEAD and Miss Mary WHITSELL, 26th; Albert D. SPENSER and Miss Tillie PETERSON NORTHROP, 26th.


OBITUARY. - Died. In De Soto, Mo., on Thursday, Feb. 21, at 7:30a.m., of consumption, Bertie TYLER, aged 7 years, 4 months, only son of Ms. E.C. BEARDSLEY, (formerly Mrs. Col. A.M. TYLER) and stepson of Mr. A.J. BEARDSLEY of Fredericktown, Mo.  it was with feelings of deep sympathy and sadness that a large number of friends last Saturday afternoon followed this little one of only seven summers to the grave.  But the grave is not dark with the sunshine from the other land falling into it, that the land where there is no more sorrow or death, "but the lamb is the light thereof."  "Suffer little children come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven."  The little lamb is folded close in the tender bosom of the great shepherd.  Earth is robbed of its treasure, but enriched with a nearer heaven.  Oh, heavenly Father, let the little wings that sped through the shiny palaces, and the little lips that lisp angelic melodies and then little arms that cling tight about the master's neck come down through the on coming years of a sorrowing mother, and lighten and glorify forevermore.  A.




Hillsboro Items. -  Circuit court adjourned on Saturday until the regular term in May, after disposing the following cases:- S.P. MOTHERSHEAD indicted for seduction under promise of marriage quashed the indictment for fulfilling his promise to marry, and the case was dismissed.




The court appropriated the sum of $40 per annum for the support of Geo. GRAHAM, who is old and poor, to be paid quarterly.

Jurors for next term were drawn as follows: Grand--John D. HEARST,

William B. McMULLIN, R.G. MORGAN, Rob. K;, Oliver LEE, John CARREY, Geo.

W. McFRY, James F. EAVLEY, Veazy PRICE, Jas. HARBISON, Thomas E. MOSS

and Robert SNODELL.  Petit--Peter FRAZIER, William BLACKWELL, Gus.







Demands were allowed against the county as follows:

George EERESHEIM;, building bridges  $54.95

P. LYNCH, building bridges     83.00

Frank STONE, building bridges     25.00

Franz GRIMM, building bridges     32.25

Wm. FLANNAGAN, road overseer      1.50

Ed. RASCH, for bridges      18.50

Ed. CASHELS, for bridges      26.00

Leo KOHLER, for bridges      39.35

John L. RUSSELL, for bridges     15.25

George BEERESHEIM, road overseer     1.50

Conrad GLATT, for culvert      6.75

J.O. WILLIAMS, superintendent poor farm   72.66

J.O. WILLIAMS, superintendent asylum   40.00

W.R. DONNELL, county clerk    126.75

W.R. DONNELL, freight and stamps    13.15

C. Thos. HORINE, Circuit clerk    35.20

Wm. CLARK, treasurer      50.00

N. SLAWSON, stove       22.50

Mrs. DRENNON, for pauper      15.00

R.W. McMULLIN, advertising     25.00

John WILLIAMS, county court justice   12.00

R.G. MADISON, county court justice    13.92

Patrick BYRNE, county court justice   14.88

John L. WEAVER, sheriff      57.50

Geo. D. BARNARD, stationery     78.35


The following were authorized to marry since last report: John T. CLEMENS and Miss Martha J. TOLTEN, Feb'y 28; Theophile HUMBERT and Miss Mary CAYLER, March 1st; G.W. KNORPP and Miss Margaret WAGNER, March 3d; John M. SMITH and Miss Adelia J. CRAWFORD, March 5th; Emil HENTCHER and Miss Mary HALTER, March 8th; Lawrence LANDENFELD and Miss Mary M. McNULTY, March 10th; Frank SCOTT and Miss Mary HENDERSON, (col) 10th.


Garden Seeds That Will Grow. - I hope all my old friends will come and bring their neighbors to get good sees, summer flowering bulbs and green house plants.  Our stock of plants is larger than was ever at De Soto, many of which are scarce and rare.  J.W. BUTCHER,  March 12th, 1884


FRIDAY, 21 MARCH, 1884


OBITUARY -  Died, in De Soto, Mo., March 15th, 1884, William KNORPP, in the 54th year of his age.  Mr. KNORPP was born Sept. 21st, 1830, at Stuttgart, Germany; came to America in 1847, locating in the German Settlement in Plattin township, this county, the same year; he married Feb'y 2d, 1851, to Miss Ernestine FINISTER; he lived in the German settlement until 1865, when he came to De Soto and engaged in merchandising until 1882; he was one of the

oldest business men in De Soto at the time of his death.  He had been confined to his room for three months past and most of the time he suffered intensely, dying at length from dropsy.  He retained consciousness until within twenty-four hours of death.  He leaves one brother in this county and a sister in .Germany; besides a wife and two sons and four daughters, and a large number of warm-hearted friends to mourn his death. He was ever a kind and faithful husband and parent and had many excellent qualities as a man.  Funeral services were held at the family residence on Tuesday.   Rev. SCHLEUTER, of the German M.E. Church officiating, and a very large cortege followed the remains to their final resting place in the city cemetery.  Messrs. H. HAMEL, P. FROMHOLD, Otto HERMAN, Chas. BEISBARTH, Carl SCHWENCK and Fred WALTHER acting as pall-bearers.




We the undersigned citizens and tax payers of the Second ward, do respectfully request that you again enter the race for alderman of our ward, you having with fidelity carried out our wishes, and we hereby tender your our most hearty support in the race.  Respectfully: Aug. RACINE; Henry LEDERER; D. BAER; J.J. BALL, Jr.; H. HOFFMAN; H. MEYER; G.C. HURSUNG; Rob't COXWELL; John PRIESER; J.M. BRACEY; C.H.R. HANDCOCK; J.B. HANDCOCK;





J.W. BUTCHER of De Soto is in St. Louis this week serving as petit juror in the U.S. Circuit Court.


Wm. M. ANDERSON has received notice that his claim for a pension has been allowed, he will receive $4 per month from Aug., 1865.


Died, in this city, on the 16th of March 1884, of pneumonia, Millini E., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry LAMAY aged one year and six months.


On Wednesday last a most shocking and distressing casualty occurred in the railroad yards in this city, by which a good man lost his life. John FLEMMING, aged 27 years, who loved with is parents in this city, was a repairer, and was at work at the time and place indicated, when a switch engine ran into the car under which he was at work.  He attempted to get from under the car, but was caught and crushed beneath the wheels. Coroner BREWSTER held an inquest, and the verdict of the jury was to the effect that the company was responsible.   FLEMMING was a member of I.O.G.T. Lodge and als of the A.O.U.W. of De Soto




The following marriage licenses were issued during the week by the Recorder:  Charles Gust HEIN and Matilda KABBE; Theodore J. HUNICKE and Anna M. BRAUN; J.W. SENTER and Josephine PRESLEY.


OBITUARY. -  Died, March 4, 1884, Noble IRWIN, aged 50 years. Mr. IRWIN was a native of Ireland, but immigrated to this county 27 years ago, where he resided to the time of his death.  He was a member of the M.E. Church and lived a faithful Christian life, being earnest and zealous in every good work.  He leaves a wife, nine children and an aged father and mother, to mourn the loss of an affectionate husband, father and son.  They have the sympathy of all who knew the deceased. The writer of this was personally acquainted with Bro. IRWIN and knew

him to be wholly devoted to the service of his Divine Master.  May the Lord bless and comfort the afflicted ones.


FRIDAY, 2 MAY 1884


MASSACRED BY NAVAJOS - A party of settlers in Southern Colorado Beleaguered and Supposed to Have Been Massacres, After a Heroic Fight, by a Band of Navajo Indians.  (Denver, Col., April 25)  A. JOHNSON, present at the recent fight between the Navajos and whites at MITCHELL's place. Lower San Juan River, Southern Colorado, arrived in Durango yesterday.  JOHNSON says: "Myself, Wm. GREEN and Victor NEFF arrived at MITCHELL's store the evening of the 15th.  A party of a dozen Navajo Indians came to the store.  One drew a gun on Edward MITCHELL. While the quarrel progressed a Navajo named Lily Rye commenced removing the buckskin from his rifle, and other Indians ran for their guns that were standing against the store.  Both the Indians and whites began firing. After about twenty-five shots were exchanged the Indians retreated across the river, leaving one dead on the ground.  None of the

whites were hurt.  The whites then proceeded to throw up a fortification, while the women

showed great nerve carrying tubs of water to supply them in case of a siege.  JOHNSON then started for Fort Lewis.  The commanding officer immediately started a squad of cavalry to the relief of MITCHELL's. When they reached BOWEN Ferry a Navajo came in and reported that the Utes had killed all the whites at MITCHELL's place. So far no other word has been received, and JOHNSON fears all the whites have massacred.  It is not probable that the Utes went to the

scene to avenge the death of the Navajo Indian.  It is common for one tribe to lay its crimes to another. The following is a list of whites there when JOHNSON left MITCHELL's place: Old man MITCHELL and wife.  Edgar MITCHELL, wife and three children.  Henry MITCHELL and wife.  Joseph DOUGHERTY and wife. Peter CHRISTMAN, Wm. POLAND, Wm. GREENE, and Victor NEFF. 

THE HOSTILE UTES - The Recent Fight at MITCHELL's Ranch in the Ute Reservation. - The Indians Repulsed With Loss. - Troops Dispatched from Fort Wingate to the Scene of the Trouble.  -  Albuquerque, N.M., April 28

 News is received here from Fort Wingate that the rumors which have been afloat for a few days past in regard to an uprising of the Ute Indians at MITCHELL's ranch, in the reservation, have been confirmed.  The Utes attacked the ranchmen of that section and desperate battle ensued, but

the Indians were repulsed with the loss of two Indians killed and two wounded.  No whites have been killed thus far, but several were wounded.  Captain SMITH left Fort Wingate yesterday for the scene of the trouble with a company of cavalry.  Troops from Fort Lewis, Col., are already there, but the situation is so desperate that Captain SMITH was sent for to reinforce them.  The Ute reservation, the scene of the trouble, is located in the corners of New Mexico, Arizona and Utah, and news there can't be readily obtained.  Reports of another outbreak were received by the Department on Saturday.  The Navajos in the San Juan valley have uprisen, and fears are entertained for the safety of settlers.  Although perfectly reliable, the advices are so meager that

the situation is not thoroughly understood.  The Adjutant General, has ordered Captain HEYL, of Fort Wingate, to send a company of soldiers to the scene and ascertain the extent of the trouble.  Captain HEYL left Fort Wingate yesterday with a body of cavalry. The San Juan country is

situated in the southwestern part of Colorado and Western New Mexico.




MAUPIN--REED -  Married at the residence of the bride's parents, Henry MAUPIN to Miss Annie REED, May 7th, 1884.  The ceremony was Performed by his honor the mayor, D.D. GOFF.  The bride was attended by Miss HICKMAN, and the groom by the bride's brother, Mr. Wm. REED, Jr.  The bride was most beautifully dressed in a sky blue silk trimmed with orange blossoms.  The bridesmaid was dressed in a beautiful changeable blue silk.  The broom was dressed in elegant black broadcloth and his best man in the same style. There was a select few of the immediate relatives present which made one of the most pleasant companies it was ever our good fortune to be in.  The spread a perfect banquet and everything that heart could desire or the most fastidious epicure could wish was on the table. We wish the happy couple a long and prosperous voyage on life's tempestuous sea with here and there a youthful progeny like a green oasis to cheer them on.  Lex.


Last Thursday evening, in response to invitations previously issued, a large number of guests assembled at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. James T. MOSS in Hillsboro to witness the marriage ceremony of their daughter Melisia to Hon. Sam. BYRNS of Potosi.  The ceremony was performed by Rev. S.W. EMORY of De Soto.  There were a large number of very handsome and valuable presents from the many friends of the happy couple. The tollitt of the bride was admired by all present. After the ceremony and congratulations were over the guests were invited to a supper such as is seldom surpassed at any place.  After a few days spent in St. Louis and else-where the happy couple will take up their abode in Potosi, where they will reside for the present.


OBITUARY - Millini E. LAMAY, the daughter of Henry and F.E. LAMAY, was born Sept. 25th, 1883, and was taken ill March 5th, 1884, and was called from this earth to heaven March 16th.  She was a very bright and beautiful little darling.  She was too bright for this world.  She is

missed very much by all those that knew her, and doted on by all the family, especially by her Mama; for she thought there was no one like her.  Her little footsteps can never be heard around her anymore, and her little prattling tongue, which sounded sweeter than the sweet songs of the birds in the forest.  But she is brighter and more beautiful than before.  She is singing the sweet songs and praises to the God that created her.  The Mama's greatest hopes are that she will meet her to part no more.


Charlie FORD, who assisted his brother Bob in the assassination of Jesse JAMES, committed suicide by shooting himself last Tuesday, at this father's home, near Richmond.  The direct cause for the act is not definitely known, but it is generally supposed to be ill health and fear of retaliation by the friends of JAMES.


FRIDAY, 23 MAY 1884


John McFARLAND has been compelled to resign his position as night car accountant for the rail-road company on account of failing health.


Mr. A. COON, son-in-law of Mr. Willard FRISSELL, and formerly a resident of De Soto, but for several years a resident of Pocahontas, Ill., died at his home this week and was buried in this city this afternoon by the Free Masons.  Mr. COON was about 50 years of age and only two weeks ago he came to this city to bury a little daughter.  He died suddenly of a congestive chill.


FRIDAY, 30 MAY 1884


Married at the residence of C.G. WARNE, Mr. Edward CUMMINGS to Miss Eliza GOZA, on Tuesday eve, the 27th inst.  The ceremony was performed by 'Squire Chas. G. WARNE.  There were present a few of the immediate friends and relatives, which made it a very pleasant gathering.  After the usual ceremony a reception was held at the residence of Chas. WILKINSON, and dancing was kept up until a late hour. We wish this happy couple a long and prosperous journey through life.


Chas. E. HOPSON has bad luck again.  His little baby boy, only a couple of months old, but which promised to be healthy and strong, has been taken away.  It did last Wednesday afternoon and was buried on Thursday. Charley has the sympathy of many friends.


Two children of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. JONES have been suffering for a week past with typhoid fever, but are now thought to be improving.  The parents desire to express their thanks to the many kind friends who have assisted them during the sickness of their children.


Dr. Hugh BERKLEY, who for many years enjoyed great popularity as a physician in this city, died in Bloomfield, Ky., on the 28th inst., at the home of his brother, whither he went last winter for the benefit of his health.  His remains arrived in de Soto today and the funeral took

place from the Congregational church.




OBITUARY - Died in Bloomfield, Nelson county, Kentucky, May 28th, 1884, at 11 a.m. of consumption, Dr. Hugh BERKLEY, of De Soto, Mo., aged 58 years, 4 months and 25 days. The remains of the deceased were brought to De Soto on Friday, 30th inst., and interred at the City cemetery, the funeral services being conducted by Rev. J. Wesley JOHNSON of the Congregational Church, of which he was a member.  After the services at the Church were concluded, De Soto Lodge A.F. & A.M. of which he was also a member, conveyed the remains to the Cemetery and interred them with Masonic honors. Dr. Hugh BERKLEY was born in Spencer county, Ky., Jan 3d, 1826, and was married Sept 21st 1854, to Miss Sarah E. GLASSCOCKE, daughter of Dr. GLASSCOCKE, of Nelson county, Ky.  Seven children were born to them--of whom six--two daughters and four sons, are still living.  The eldest daughter, Mrs. J.D. PEERS, resides at Springfield, Mo.; the younger, Mrs. J.W. JENKINS, at South St. Louis, Mo.  The sons--Jephthah, Hugh, James Gore and Joseph Harvey, are in De Soto.  His medical education was completed in New York City, after a full course of lectures in Louisville, Ky.  He had diploma's from both the medical and surgical department, and eye and ear infirmary, of the New York medical college. He had began the practice of medicine at 23 years of age, with Dr. ASHBURNE, in St. Francois county, Mo., remaining in Missouri, 4 years, when he returned to Kentucky and continued practicing in Bloomfield, Nelson county, Ky., until the spring of 1866, when he returned to Missouri, settling in Jefferson county, where he practiced until sickness compelled him to stop, his health being too poor to allow him to practice during the last two or there years of his life.  He made DeSoto his home, during his life in Missouri, excepting two or three years.  He was a most consistent Christian and was an elder in the Presbyterian Church for twelve or thirteen years, and was for more than thirty years a member of the Masonic Lodge.  Dr. BERKLEY died at the residence of his brother, Mr. J.W. BERKLEY, as given above.


Mrs. Thomas HOSKIN, of Hannibal, Mo., is visiting her daughter Mrs. John CROSS, of this city.


Mrs. CRAIG, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. George DECKER, left for Pittsburg last Friday morning.  Mrs. DECKER will remain in Pittsburg for a few months.


FRIDAY, 13 JUNE 1884


CUNNINGHAM--MUMMERT - Married--At the Presbyterian church, on Thursday evening, June 12th, at 9 o'clock, Mr. John M. CUNNINGHAM and Miss Sophia MUMMERT, both of this city, Rev. J.C. DOWNER officiating.  Quite a number gathered to witness this ceremony at the Presbyterian church last night.  At about 9 o'clock the bridal party entered the church preceded by ushers D.M. PARK and C.C. GORHAM, followed by Miss Carrie CUNNINGHAM and A.F. SLAWSON, first bridesmaid and groomsman and Miss Belle MUMMERT and Davis CUNNINGHAM second bridesmaid and groomsman and the bride and groom. The bride looked very sweet, attired in a cream satin basque, white nun's veiling overdress, long flowing tulle veil and orange blossoms.  The groom was dressed in the conventional black and bridesmaids in white entirely.  The altar had been tastefully decorated with fragrant flowers and presented an attractive appearance. As the high contracting parties advanced to the altar.  Father DOWNER stepped forward and offered prayer, envoking the presence of God and his blessing.  He then performed the wedding ceremony according to the rites of the Presbyterian church making them man and wife.  The young couple received the congratulations of the minister and with the rest of the bridal party were driven to the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Adam MUMMERT, where the reception was given.  Here the bride and groom received the congratulations of all their assembled friends and at about 11 o'clock refreshments were served.  After supper the bride and groom looked over the presents which were numerous and well selected. Noticeable among them were: pickle castor, M.R. BROWN and Ed. TOBEY; odor case, Mrs. McCONAUGHY, Johnstown, Penn.; silver butter dish, Mrs. Samuel CUNNINGHAM, Blairsville, Penn.; plush photograph album, F.C. SMITH; pair vases, Mrs. R. BURROUGHS; silver card receiver, Misses Annie and Carrie WILLIAMS; hanging lamp, David CUNNINGHAM; silver card receiver, Mr. and Mrs. W.H. HARRIS; porcelain odor stand, Geo. F. HAMEL; paper weight, Mrs. L. McGLASHEN; silver pickle caster, Mr. and Mrs. C. GORHAM; panel picture, Mrs. PEERS, Springfield, Mo.; table linen, Miss Kora THOMAS; chair tidy, Miss Jennie HOLMES; decorated fan, Jessie BAINBRIDGE; willow chair (rocker), Miss Carie CUNNINGHAM; ink stand, John DOWNER; pickle caster, Mr. and Mrs. R.R. MOORE; spoon holder and spoons, D.M. PARK; bottle cologne, Miss Ida BISH; beautiful ground glass silver mounted berry dish, Miss  MUMMERT's public school pupils.


A.J. HANKS died of cancer last Thursday morning, 12th inst., in his 54th year.


We are sorry to learn that our friend Mr. Frank HAEFFNER formerly of this place, now a resident of Potosi is dangerously ill.


MARRIED - Mr. Jesse WAGGENER of Rush Tower and Miss Anna KENNER of Festus were married in St. Louis, last Wednesday, and have gone to Texas on a bridal tour.  Both parties are well known and much esteemed by a large number of friends, whose best wishes will accompany them through their new life.


Also, on Thursday, 12th inst. at the residence of the bride's mother, Near Crystal City, Mr. Robert DENHOLM and Miss Lydia DRAKE.  This happy couple also enjoy the friendship and love of a large circle of friends, who wish them great success and happiness in future.  The newly married couple will make their home in Crystal City.


Also, on same day, by Esq. WARNE, Mr. Sherman HUNT and Miss Ida OGLE. The kindly wishes of many friends will follow the happy pair wherever they go.


FRIDAY, 20 JUNE 1884


Mrs. Margaret KIRN, the lady who has been suffering with consumption, the past winter and spring, died last Sunday afternoon, in the 31st year of her age, and was taken to De Lassus for burial on Monday.  She leaves a husband, who is a confirmed invalid, and two little children to mourn her loss.


FRIDAY, 18 JULY 1884


COUNTY COURT - Dramshop license were granted to Thos. BELLIS, H.W. MEYER, HIGGINS, TEALL & Co., Jos. C. FOX, Fred WAPPLER, H. HOFFMAN, A. STRICKLAND, J.W. CLARK and M. CEDARSTREAM, De Soto; G. RAUSCHENBACH, Kimmswick; Wm. CLARK and R.G. HOENKEN, Hillsboro, and WILKSON & TERRY, Limitville.


Report of inquest by 'Squire WARNE. over body pf Fred CORNELIUS, approved and fee bill of $18.55 allowed.


Accounts were allowed against the county as follows:

W.J. BUXTON       $21.34

Otto RAUSCHENBACH, bridge lumber    19.00

John WINOM, building culverts     35.00

C.L. ROBERTSON, repairing road    30.00

J.F. GREEN, prosecuting attorney   100.00

W.R. DONNELL, county clerk    158.30

Wm. CLARK, treasurer     258.78

B.P. BAILEY, treasurer lunatic asylum  221.71

Geo. D. BARNARD, stationery    127.15

R.W. McMULLIN, advertising     67.20

W.R. DONNELL, making tax books   429.95

Wm. BRACKMAN, coffins for paupers    16.00

John CARREY, repairing road     12.00

John WILLIAMS, county court justice    6.00

Patrick BYRNE, county court justice    9.20

R.G. MADISON, county court justice     7.92

R. COXWELL, pauper coffin      6.00

Lucinda DRENNON, for pauper     30.00

Court then adjourned till August.



We are authorized to announce Henry HURTGEN as a candidate for sheriff of Jefferson county, subject to the Democratic nomination.


At the Valle township meeting last Monday, for the election of Congressional delegates, Prof. J.M. SHELTON presided and William GOFF acted as secretary, a full CLARDY delegation was elected, as follows: H. HOHENTHAL, J.C. FOX, George DRUGAN, W.H. FARRAR, J.W. THOMAS, James TALBOTT and C.A. HIGGINS.


On the evening of the 12th inst. a stranger called on Mr. and Mrs. OPSION. It is a girl and weighs ten pounds.  Its beauty and symmetrical form has never been equaled, nor surpassed by any line advent in our town.


Messrs. L. RATHBUN of Elmira, N.Y., and James BENJAMIN of Brooklyn, N.Y., on their way to California, spent a day or two in De Soto this week.  The gentlemen are brother and cousin of Mr. Geo. R. RATHBUN, with whom they stopped while in the city.


Mrs. P.M. BOOTH, who has been seriously ill for some weeks past, died last Wednesday morning at her residence, two miles north of Hillsboro, and was buried in the Hillsboro cemetery on Thursday afternoon  Mrs. BOOTH came to this county nearly twenty years ago with her husband and children.  Less than two years ago her husband died, since which time she has resided with her children on the farm, all of whom were at home to comfort and console her through her illness.  By her sweet and amiable disposition Mrs.  BOOTH made fast friends of all whom she came in contact, and she was known by all to be a truly pious and Christian lady, whose death is a sad loss to all.


A child of 'Squire WARNE's died last Wednesday and was buried on Thursday.  Mrs. WARNE is also very ill.


The house of John BECKETT, near Bailey's Station, was destroyed by fire one day last week. The house was insured.


Died, in this city, July 16th, Eda May, infant daughter of J.P. and Alice M. ANDERSON.


Married at the residence of the bride's mother, near Vineland, Mr. Fred DUNSFORD to Rebecca Jane CAPE.


FRIDAY, 25 JULY 1884


A CARD OF THANKS. - De Soto, Mo., July 25th, 1884. - Editor Jefferson Watchman: - Permit me to say through the columns of your paper that W.H. GIVENS, who was killed in the I.M. yards, in De Soto, on the night of July 8th, is my son.  He was 23 years old on the 27th of December last. He was next to the youngest child of a family of five children--four brothers and one sister, all of whom are living.  The parents reside in Centerport, Clay county, Indiana, where he was born.  His elder brother is a practicing physician.  The second brother studied law, but is now traveling for his health and recreation.  His sister is married to a farmer and stock dealer.  His younger brother resides with the parents at the homestead.  Bert--as he was familiarly known--of his own will chose the occupation of railroading, and left home with the consent of his parents.  He has occupied the positions of fireman, engineer and baggage master on the Iron Mountain and on the Central Pacific.  He came from the Pacific to De Soto about the 18th of June last.  His family received no intelligence of his death until the evening of the 22d inst.  I started from home at 6 a.m., and arrived here at 10:35 p.m. of the same day.  I desire to embrace this opportunity to return our heartfelt thanks to the many friends who offered sympathy and helping hands to my dear boy when he could not know or appreciate their kindnesses; also to the various clerks and employees of the company, and especially do we remember Mr. PAGE, yard master, Mr. ROTHERY, who was in charge of the night hands (among which my son was numbered), also Mr. G.D. HAWKINS, agent, and last but not least, Mr. Robert COXWELL, undertaker, who so kindly, with is own hands did what he could for my son, and who, christian-like took me to the cemetery where he had layed my son away so tenderly.  Also Mr. DUNLOPE, proprietor of the RANKIN house, for the favors and efforts he made to render me comfortable while here.  Rev. W.M. GIVENS, Centerport, Indiana.


Fred DASTING of De Soto and Miss Anna MOTHERSHEAD were united in marriage last Wednesday afternoon at the residence of the bride's parents, south of the city.  Rev. STEVENS of Sandy Valley officiating.

Among the guests from De Soto who attended were Dr. BAINBRIDGE and wife, M. CONNOLLY and wife,  A. PECAUT and wife and A. RACINE, Sr., and wife.


Mr. A. PLATT handed us a little volume this week, which possessed considerable interest to railroad men.  It is a brief sketch of the life of W.W. GOODALE, the oldest locomotive engineer in the United States. He was born in Pittsfield, Mass., December 1, 1803, and is consequently 81 years old.  His first experience with a steam engine was gained on a steamboat on Sandusky Bay.  In 1832 he went to Baltimore and drove a team of horses with two cars on the B.& O. Railroad, which had not at that time adopted steampower, and in 1834, when steam power had come into use on that road, he was engaged as one of the first engineers. From this point on the narrative is interesting as a history of the growth of railroads and their equipments, the many incidents and accidents encountered in a railroadman's life.  Mr. GOODALE was married and raised a family of children, his oldest son having been killed by the explosion of a locomotive.  He has a sister, Mrs. Melvin BAKER, living in this city, whom he visited this summer. Financial misfortunes have overtaken him in his later years and he was, induced to publish the story of his life with the hope that it might prove of sufficient interest to his brother craftsmen and the public to afford him assistance after he became too old to follow his profession longer.  We hope that he may realize his hopes in the fullest measure.  A man who has devoted as many years as he has to hard work deserves to have friends and comfort through his declining days.




DEATH OF MR. WILSON - Presiding Elder of the St. Louis District of the M.E. Church, South. Rev. J.G. WILSON, D.D., presiding elder of the St. Louis district of the M.E. church, South, died last Tuesday evening of cardiac dropsy, at his residence, 2810 Locust street, St. Louis.  John Glasgow WILSON was born November 12, 1826, at Mount Pleasant, Maury county, Tenn., his father dying when he was about six years of age, his mother moved with her children, to  Nashville, Tenn. He went to school at the University of Nashville, graduating at the age of sixteen.  He then joined the First Presbyterian church at Nashville in 1847, and later while studying for the ministry, became converted to Methodism.  He was licensed to preach by Dr. A.L.P. GREEN and was ordained in 1850 by Bishop SOULE.  In 1849 he married Miss Martin P. LANIER of Nashville, and moved to Limestone county, Ala., where he taught school until 1860, when he went to Huntsville, Ala., and became president of the Huntsville, Female college.  About a year after the breaking out of the war, he joined WHEELER's Calvary and was taken prisoner shortly afterward and remained a prisoner in Camp MORTON until the close of the war.  Returning to Huntsville he remained in charge of the college at that place until 1872, when he was called to the presidency of WARREN college at Bowling Green, Ky., and was pastor of the Methodist Church at that place for four years.  In 1876 he was transferred to the St. Louis conference, as pastor of St. John's M.E. church, South, where he remained for four years, when he was made presiding elder of the St. Louis district and was winding up his fourth year's work as presiding elder, when he was prostrated with the sickness which resulted in his death.




COUNTY COURT. - Report of inquest by Coroner BREWSTER, OVER body of John FLEMING, was approved.


COUNTY COURT - DOVER, CLEMENS and MARSDEN, commissioners to view routes of road in Meramec township, reported in favor of route proposed by E.B. MAUPIN and others, over lands of E.B. MAUPIN, J.L. MATTHEWS and P.M. BROWN; the same was approved by the court and route ordered, surveyed.


Grand jurors were selected as follows: O.C. BAKER; Owen O'DONNELL; Alf. STEWART; Poindexter MANESS; Samuel MARSDEN; Henry FREESE; Thomas J. LEE; J.L. DALTON; A.T. HARLOW; John HILLARD, Jr.; Sammy FINNEY; Wm. PINSON: Petit; John E. LOLLAR; Lester HENRY; James E. BYRNE; Frank BALDWIN; Arthur O'BRIEN; C. DILLON; S.P. COLLINS; Wm. DEER; Harry DAHL;  George KIDD; W.J. ADAMS; Ira J. FARLEY; Edw. CRAFT; T. MUNSON; J.L. MEDLEY; John J. CORKERY; John P. SPECK; Henry WAGNER; S. KOHLER; Otto SPITZ; W.W. HELSLEY; Thomas COOPER; C.C. FLETCHER; Fred. SCHULTZ


Accounts were allowed against the county as follows:

Thomas BYRNS for Mrs. BELLEW, pauper  $20.00

John WAGNER, road plow              12.00

Ed. RASCH, building bridges     46.50

Otto RAUSCHENBACH, bridge lumber    19.00

Alex. HUSKEY, superintendent Co. farm  262.92

Sam. MARSDEN, road commissioner     4.50

D.L. CLEMENS, road commissioner     4.50

Jos. J. HOEKEN, goods for court house    1.90

C. Tho. HORINE, Circuit clerk     20.85

D.L. JARVIS, bridge lumber    183.50

Dr. BREWSTER, medical attendance  paupers     62.50

Dr. KENNETT, examining Mrs. MANION     5.00

J.B. DOVER, road commissioner    104.50

W.A. GAMEL, road hand           1.50

C.G. WARNE, road hand           1.50

J.W. FLETCHER, road juror      3.00

George WILEY, road juror       3.00

W.R. DONNELL, county clerk               157.40

J.E. SWINK, for bridge          38.82

R. BURROUGHS, for road scraper         6.00

ROBERTS Bros., lumber for paupers' coffins     17.50

George D. BARNARD, stationery     26.35

C.T. HORINE, circuit court fee bill   21.21

Unity BALDWIN, pauper          10.00

Jacob STROUP, pauper      10.00

Geo. MUNROE, for J. PINSON, pauper         5.00

Philip ZIPP, pauper       10.00

John WILLIAMS, county judge        18.24

R.G. MADISON, county judge          19.12

Patrick BYRNE, county judge         21.20

John L. WEAVER, sheriff and jailer    14.10

Mrs. SPALDING, for pauper     10.00

Court then adjourned to fourth Monday in September, next.


NOTICE TO CREDITORS - All persons indebted to the undersigned are hereby notified that Immediate settlement must be made if they wish to avoid trouble and expense.  James HOPSON.


Mrs. Rose SCHWAB, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Dr. EVANS, this city, returned home today, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. ATTWOOD.


Mrs. R.G. WHITEHEAD and Mrs. W.G. BOYCE have both been seriously sick for a week or ten days past, but at present their condition is somewhat improved.


SUICIDE. - Last Tuesday afternoon, between 8 and 4 o'clock, while Maggie A. CAMPBELL, daughter of Frank CAMPBELL, a well to do farmer living on Dry Creek, in this county, near Frumet, was sitting at the spinning-wheel, upstairs, at Mr. CAMPBELL's residence, she ceased her work slipped down the stair, and got a shotgun that was charge with small shot.  Returning to her room upstairs she placed the muzzle of the gun below her left nipple and discharged the contents of one barrel into her breast. At last accounts, she was still alive, but Dr. G.  STEGMAN, who is tending on her says there are no hopes of her recovery.  One cause given by the family for the girl's desire to put an end to her life is, in March, 1881, Sarah F. and J.C. McMULLIN got a judgment against her for $500 damages in a slander suit.  This has been weighing on her ever since.  Another report assigns disappointment in love as the cause of her rash act, and still another report says she was worried about slanderous reports circulated concerning her character.  She was 22 or 23 years of age.


Mrs. Josephine HAMBEL, Geo. M. BARR, Joseph ROGERSON and L.F. TATE are new subscribers to the J.W.


Alderman SCHULTZ had a severe spell of sickness last  week which prostrated him for several days.


Edward LUCKEY left last week for Mitchell, Kansas;, where he joined his brother Burt. They will farm together and make their permanent home in Kansas.


CARD OF THANKS. - De Soto, Mo., August 15th, 1884 - Editor Jefferson Watchman - Please allow  me to return thanks through your paper to the following parties for the kindness shown us during the sickness of our little girl: Mr. S.M. BROWNELL and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. COXWELL, Mr. and Mrs. GREENE, Mrs. NULL and Mrs. SMITH.  G.G. BAILEY.


Chauncey, a little son of Mr. and Mrs. James B. SHELDON, died yesterday morning of ulceration of the bowels, at the age of eight years.  He is said to have been an unusually bright and intelligent little fellow and his death will be a heavy blow to the parents.  Funeral this afternoon at 3:30, from the Episcopal church to city cemetery, Rev. R. BURROUGHS, officiating.




Mrs. W.C. WHITTLER of St. Louis, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. HUG, of Crystal City.


Mr. Robert FROST, for many years a resident of Crystal City, left for Streator, Ill., where he expects to make his future home.  His family will follow him shortly Mr. and Mrs. FROST have made a good many friends here and their kindly wishes will follow them where ever they go.


Mrs. James MOUND is visiting relatives at New Albany, Ind.




OBITUARY. - Departed this life, August 14th, 1884, Mrs. Margaret A. LUTHER, of Plattin township. She was born and reared in Illinois, came to Jefferson county fifteen years ago; she leaves a husband and seven children to mourn a departed friend, mother and companion.  By her kindness and amiable disposition she had the love and esteem of all her neighbors. She sought and obtained peace and pardon while she lay on her sick bed.  She lay affected for a long time, bore her affliction with patience and Christian fortitude. If sympathy is any relief Mr.  LUTHER's sorrow will be lightened. May kind Heaven bless and protect the family.




OBITUARY. - Annie WILLIAMS was born on the old DONNELL farm, near DeSoto, on the 6th of January, 1864, and died at South Pueblo, Colorado, Friday, September 5, 1884, making her age about 21 years.  Her malady was consumption, from which she suffered more than a year, it being necessary for her to leave school in St. Louis, where she also attended the conservatory of music, in which art she was proficient, and would have graduated last year had it not been for her ill health.  Returning from St. Louis, accompanied by her sister Carrie last spring, her health became so bad that she was advised to a change of climate, and sought Southern Colorado.  Leaving here in company with her sister on the 16th of June last, her stay in South Pueblo did her little real good.  Mrs. GORHAM was telegraphed for a few days before her death, but could not respond on account of her own ill health.  Mr. C. GORHAM and W.R. DONNELL started, but were met  by a dispatch, announcing her death at 9 o'clock on the morning of the 5th.  They met the train that bore her remains at Kansas City, and returned, reaching De Soto Sunday morning. The Funeral - Arrangements were made for the funeral to be from the residence of the family, on Second Street, which occured Monday afternoon, Rev. Father DOWNER officiating (by request of the deceased) assisted by Rev. Geo STEELE, of the Baptist church.  The funeral cortege was one of the longest ever seen in De Soto--testimony of the high appreciation in which she was generally held.  Being a member of the Order of Eastern Star, that organization took charge of the funeral at the grave.  The floral offerings were numerous and beautiful, one of the order of Eastern Star being a large star, each point being made up of different colored flowers, indicative of the five degrees of that order.  Another beautiful offering was from the C.G.A. club, of which she was a member.  It was a swinging gate, made of rare exotics, and the posts of tea and tube roses.  In the base was inscribed "Annie", the whole thing being emblematical of the hymn, Gates Ajar--a beautiful and fitting offering, generally remarked.  The members of this club, Misses Kora and Winna THOMAS, Helen BURNS, Mamie CRAWFORD, Ella WATSON, Maggie RANKIN and Florence CUNNINGHAM were her dearest friends and associates. The club attended in a body.  Another beautiful offering was that of a lyre, composed of tea and tube roses, by Misses BENTLY and SEXTON, intimate school friends of Annie's.  It was her request that flowers should be used abundantly at her funeral, and a great number brought them.  The Eastern Star services at the grave were impressive, each member depositing a bouquet of a different color in the sepulcher.  A number of friends from abroad were present, of whom were Mr. and Mrs. STEPEHNS of St. Louis; Mrs. MURPHY and Mrs. WEBB, also of St. Louis, sisters of Mrs. GORHAM; Misses BENTLY and SEXTON of St. Louis; Mrs. LEBEAUME of Frumet; Mr. and Mrs. W.R. DONNELL, Miss Emma DONNELL and Mrs. BERRY, of Hillsboro.  To the bereaved friends of the deceased the undivided sympathy of the community goes out, and to her memory we place

an immortelle of truest sorrow and regret.




CIRCUIT COURT - Circuit Court convened Monday of Last week.  The jury was composed of Alfred STEWART, foreman, O.C. BAKER, Frank BALDWIN, P.R. MANESS, Samuel MARSDEN, Henry FREESE, Thomas J. LEE, L.A. GREEN, A.T. HARLOW, John HILLARD, Thomas WILLIAMS and William PINSON.


CIRCUIT COURT - Mathias SATTLEMEYER's petition for divorce from Margaret SATTLEMEYER, was dismissed, he failing to appear.


CIRCUIT COURT - Ellen HAYS vs. Mound City Paint & Color Co., action for damage resulting in death of plaintiff's husband; dismissed for want of prosecution.


CIRCUIT COURT - The divorce case of Mary P. LYNCH vs. M.P. LYNCH was concluded after two days steady work before Frank HARRIS as special judge, and the court found that neither party was entitled to divorce, and the bill and crossbill were both dismissed.


CIRCUIT COURT - John GUENZLING was found guilty of seducing Anna STAAT under promise of marriage, by a jury, and fined $325.  On account of a mistake in the instructions of the Court, the verdict was set aside, new trail granted and cause continued to next term.


ITEMS FROM HEMATITE. - Mr. Thornton JARVIS, who has been sick at his son-in-law's, (Mr. O.H. DONNELL,) for some time, is able to walk about again.


Married--Monday evening, September 15th, at the residence of the bride's parents in De Soto, Jefferson county, Mo., by the Rev. Lyman ALLEN, Miss Larua B. SMITH to Mr. John E. COMPTON of Bonne Terre, MO.


Tuesday of last week one of the most distressing accidents we have yet had to record occurred in Big River Township.  A six-year old son of Thomas MANION, fell from a wagon loaded with wheat and the wheels passed over his chest. Medical aid was summoned but the child died before it reached him.


Rev. J.T. McMULLIN, of Plattin, has been confined to his bed for more than a week with an attack of malarial fever, and is unable to fill his engagements for preaching.  Those who have been expecting him will know from this the reason of his failure. His wife has also been sick with the same complaint, but at last accounts both were improving.


Mrs. PHILLIPPI, who has been quite sick for some time past, has recovered sufficiently to be out again.  Her mother Mrs. LYONS, and her sister and brother, who attended her during her illness, have returned to their home in Sedalia.




Last Sunday, a most shocking accident occurred near Crystal City. Alphonso and Alfred PRUNEAU, aged respectively 15 and 13 years, were in the woods hunting, when the gun of the elder brother was accidentally discharged, tearing the head of the younger brother almost to pieces, and causing instant death.  Esq. WARNE held an inquest, and the verdict as above was rendered. The funeral took place on Monday from the residence of the parents.


A surprise party was given at the residence of Mr. Joseph WHITE, on Tuesday evening last, in honor of Miss Susie STEPHENS, of Sandy, and Miss Nannie STEPHENS, of St. Louis, who were visiting their sister, Mrs. WHITE.


On Thursday afternoon, little Charlie, youngest child of Judge C.C. FLETCHER, was buried in our city cemetery. From all we can learn this little boy has not been well for a long time past, being almost continually under the treatment Dr. KENNETT, the Judge's family physician. There was a number of excellent floral gifts by friends of the family. The funeral ceremony was conducted by Rev. Mr. DOWNER, and all of that vast assembly present sympathized with the family in their bereavement.


As we go to press this afternoon we learn with sorrow of the death of Lulu, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. A.L. FRECH, aged 7 years. He was a particularly bright child, and the blow falls heavily upon the parents. The funeral will take place tomorrow at 2 o'clock, from the residence. Rev. Father DOWNER will officiate. The ailment was typhoid fever.




OBITUARY - Died at Windsor Harbor, Jefferson County, Mo., at noon, Monday, September 29, Mrs. Letitia WATERS, in the 84th year of her age.  On Wednesday morning a large concourse of friends from different parts of the county assembled at the residence of her son Lewis WATERS, from whence they followed her, borne by her old friends, to the Windsor Harbor Church, where the funeral services were held.  Conducted by Rev. Lyman ALLEN, pastor of the Presbyterian Church of De Soto, and formerly the pastor of the Windsor Harbor Church.  An hour of precious

remembrances and consecration was spent, and the large assembly followed the remains to the WATERS cemetery, three miles from Kimmswick, where the deceased was interred, under a most beautiful covering of flowers, in anchors, crosses, wreathes, sickles, pillows, etc., tokens of her sorrowing and loving friends. Mrs. WATERS was one of the oldest residents of Jefferson county.  She came here in 1838, and has resided at Windsor Harbor nearly half a century.  She was the mother of Lewis, Freeman and Israel WATERS, all well-known and influential citizens of our county.  we need not speak of her praises:  Her life has been before us, as a great sacred influence. Those whom she has helped and inspired by her noble words, her fine impulses, her consecration, her cheerful and patient endurance of suffering, and her grand active work for Christ, are legion.  they remain with us, scattered thickly over this county, memorials of her whom we all call "Our Mother."  God help us all to follow in her footsteps. The remembrance of such a spirit is such a sacred shield against temptation and an ennobling and consecrating influence throughout life.




Death of C.C. FLETCHER. - Died at his residence in this city, Wednesday, October 8th, at 11 p.m., Charles Carroll FLETCHER, in the fifty-fourth year of his age. Major Charles Carroll FLETCHER, was born in the old town of Herculaneum on the 12th of November, 1830, and died at his residence in this city October 8th, 1884. The death of Major FLETCHER has cast a gloom over the entire community, and throughout Jefferson County, where his entire life has been spent since the days of his boy-hood.  This city is largely indebted to Major FLETCHER for its rapid progress and continued prosperity, to which no one person has contributed more than he, to whom is due the success of several important undertakings, which to-day stand as monuments to his memory.  Public spirited, full of enterprise, successful in business operations, using his accumulated capital for the building up of his town, and the general development of its very best interests, Major FLETCHER's death can only be regarded as an irreparable loss to the community. The first sixteen years of the Major's life was spent in the locality where he was born.  His community at that time being almost destitute of educational advantages, it was his custom, with his brother Thomas and some other of the neighborhood boys to row across the Mississippi to Harrisonville, Ill., where he received the principal part of his schooling, comprising altogether not more than a year.  At the age of seventeen, after spending a few months in the mines on Big River, he entered the store of L.J. RANKIN at Hillsboro, where he remained until he obtained a one-third interest.  At the breaking out of the war he was a Democrat but, sympathizing with the Union side of the struggle, he enlisted as a private, in 1861, in a company raised in Jefferson County, which afterwards became Company B., Sixth Regiment Missouri Volunteers, and in which, in June he was chosen First Lieutenant.  He was promoted to Captain, served on a general Court Martial at Memphis, was at Vicksburg, and at the their attack at Chickasaw Bayou, where he lost seven men, out of the twenty-five under his command.  He resigned on account of sickness in March 1863 and returned home. At the time of PRICE's raid in the fall of '64, he was commissioned by Governor HALL, major of the Eightieth Missouri

regiment. In November 1864, he was elected Sheriff of Jefferson county and was appointed Collector by the County Court. In November 1866, he was elected Representative, on the Republican ticket. From 1867 to 1869 he served as Tobacco Inspector at St. Louis. He was commissioned Lieutenant Colonel near the close of the war. Major FLETCHER has occupied important positions in De Soto. For five years  was a member of the town Board of Trustees, for six years member of the School Board, for one year Mayor. October 22d, 1868, he united in marriage to Miss Mary A. LANDSDOWNE of Jefferson City while serving as a member of the General Assembly. In the present campaign he was again a candidate for Representative, and through his personal popularity in the county, had he lived, would have doubtless run far ahead of his ticket. His bereaved family has our deepest sympathy. The funeral took place this afternoon and was very largely attended, services held at the family residence, by Rev. J.C. DOWNER, and the Masonic and G.A.R. Lodges holding appropriate services at the grave.


Mr. Henry DUGAN, route mail agent on this division of the I.M. road, died last night at Bismark, where he has been sick for some time past. He lived for many years in this county and leaves many friends to mourn his death.


C.L.S.C. - The C.L.S.C. met at the residence of M.R. BROWN, on Tuesday evening, October 7th, this being the fourth meeting of the club.  The usual number were in attendance. Officers present; Mrs. H.A. PRATT; Treasurer, Mrs. W.A. WHITE; Secretary, Mrs. C.W. BRANT.  Visitors, Mr. SHROUDS, the Misses WILLIAMS, BURNS, BRANT and Master Warren BRANT. The programme was carried out as follows: Music by Miss Josie WILLIAMS, etc.


A few relatives and friends gathered together at the residence of T.J. LEE last Tuesday to witness the marriage of Mr. Arthur ESHBAUGH to Miss Carrie LEE.  The ceremony took place at one o'clock, and was performed by S.W. EMORY.  W.B. MORGAN and Miss Ida MULLER, of Salem, acted as ushers.  Several beautiful presents were made, among which were a large parlor lamp by Mrs. P.A. SWINK, silver pickle stand by Mr. and Mrs. C.F. LEE, silver castor by Miss Ida MULLER, silver molasses stand by U.C. PARKER, silver castor by Mrs. PHILLIPS, dining room clock by Mr. and Mrs. BURRELL, plush portmonaie by Mrs. ESHBAUGH, fruit stand by Mrs. ADAMS, pickle dish by Mr. A.J. PACKET, two cake stands by Mr. Clark BERRY, table cloth and napkins by Mrs. BRUCE.




Will ROBBINS, who has been working in the shops in this city, and boarding with the family of Mr. D.W. NICHOLS, received a dispatch summoning him to the bedside of his dying brother at their home in Vandale, Ark., last Tuesday.  He left on the first train, but his brother died before his arrival. He will return to this city next week and resume work.


Married--(In St. Louis), Tuesday evening, Oct. 14, at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. Lyman ALLEN, of De Soto, Mo., Miss Annie B. WRIGHT to Mr. W.T. WHITNEY, of Sidney, Neb. The bridegroom, who is a first cousin of Rev. Mr. ALLEN, paid a visit in De Soto last winter.  We wish him much joy.


Married--At Freeburg, Ill., Tuesday evening, Oct. 7th, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. James N. CHEWNING, (the bride's parents) by Rev. Lyman ALLEN, Miss Sarah E. ALLEN to Mr. W.L. BLANTON, of Gainesville, Texas. The bride is the sister of the pastor of the Presbyterian church here, and will be remembered by many who had the pleasure of meeting her while visiting her brother last summer.




Herman HAMEL and wife will celebrate the 25th Anniversary of their wedding on Thursday of next week, by giving a silver wedding at their residence near the fair ground.


Mr. Samuel A. REPPY, who has been in Kansas the past few months, spent a few days in the city this week, before returning to his home in Boughton, Ark




Mrs. Emmie HINCHEY of South St. Louis, died in that city on November 3d, and was buried in the De Soto Cemetery on the 4th inst.  She was a sister of Probate Judge ELKINS, was a resident of this city for many years, and was well known and much esteemed by many friends here.  She

was only 18 years of age, and died of consumption.


Married, Tuesday evening of last week, at the residence of the bride's parents, in Plattin Township, by Rev. H. SCHLUETER, Mr. Wm. BOVINE of De Soto to Miss Annie RUTH. A pleasant party was given at night, when dancing was indulged in, and a hearty supper partaken of. The newly married couple will make their home in De Soto.


On Wednesday morning a young couple from Palestine, Texas, arrived in our city, and inquired for the Baptist Minister, as they wished to be married. Mr. STEELE informed the young man, who gave his name as H.M. BORNGESSER, that a license was necessary. Mr. B. proceeded without delay to the county seat, procured his license, returned to De Soto and was united in marriage to Miss Mary BERG at the residence of the Baptist minister. The happy couple left on the evening train for St. Louis.


WARNING TO HUNTERS. - Hunters and all persons warned against trespassing on the premises of the HENDRICKSON farm, one mile east of De Soto, under penalty of the law. L.A. POSTON, L.H. POSTON, De Soto, Oct. 22, 1884.




MARRIED - The marriage of Esq. E.F. HONEY and Miss Medora BOOTH, of Hillsboro, was solemnized last evening at the BOOTH residence, two miles north of Hillsboro, Rev. J.C. DOWNER officiating. Only a few guests were present, and the wedding was a very quiet one.  The ceremony was concluded at 7:30 o'clock, and after hearty congratulations had been extended to the happy couple by those present the company adjourned to the dining room and partook of a bounteous supper. Both bride and groom are highly esteemed by a large number of acquaintances, and they start upon their new journey through life with only the kindest and best wishes of all.




Crystal City and Limitville. -  Married, Mr. John STEIN of this place, to Miss BURKHARD of Carondelet, at the Catholic Church on the 6th inst. Reception was given at Arlington Hall in the evening.


The nuptials of Mr. Eugene JUNKER and Miss Marie BENA, both of Crystal City, were celebrated on Thursday the 18th inst.


Mr. Richard ALLCOTT named his boy Grover Cleveland ALLCOTT.


Mrs. Lattie PRATTE will arrive home from Marshall, Texas, tonight.  Her exceedingly poor health is likely the cause of her return.


Married, at the residence of the bride's parents, near Valle's Mines, on Tuesday evening the 18th inst. Esq. GOFF officiating, Mr. Edward ALEXANDER of St. Francois county, to Miss Parale SMITH, both colored. The squire says they had a sumptuous supper, but would not allow him to

sit with the bridal party, although he got the first kiss from the bride.


Thomas PURCEL, son of Harry PURCEL, was buried at the Crystal City Cemetery last Sunday.  Dr. TAYLOR officiated at the funeral.


The six year old girl of John NIES was buried in the Crystal cemetery last Sunday.


MARRIED - On last Wednesday evening at the Congregational Church the marriage ceremony of Miss Mary MYERS and Mr. Elisha HARRINGTON was performed by Rev. Dr. JOHNSON.  the ceremony was beautiful and impressive, and the church was filled with spectators. The bride was beautifully attired in gros-grain satin, orange blossoms and long, flowing tulle veil, presenting a charming appearance, of which we thought the groom was fully cognizant, judging from the look of pride and the firm step with which he left the church after the Gordian knot had been tied. After the ceremony at the church the invited guests, of which there were a great number, repaired to the residence of the bride's parents on Easton street, where hearty congratulations were extended to the newly made one. The bride's supper served to the assembled guests was a marvel of nicety and delicacy, and was relished by all who partook. The happy pair left on the 10:17 express to Poplar Bluff, from which place after a short stay they go to Little Rock and commence the encounter with the joys and sorrows of married life. Mr. HARRINGTON's home is in Little Rock, where he has two brothers, all railroad men, running trains out of Little Rock.  Mr. HARRINGTON has a wide-spread acquaintance on the Iron Mountain road, and is well spoken and thought of everywhere. The many presents testified to the great number of friends of the bride and groom.