Jefferson County Record
August 7, 1919
The compulsory attendance school was passed by the last Legislature provides that every child between the ages of seven and fourteen shall attend school regularly for the entire term, and between the ages of fourteen and sixteen they must attend unless actually, regularly and lawfully employed for at least six hours each day in some use. . . employment or service. As a means . . . enforcement this law provides for a County Attendance Officer being selected by the County Superintendent of Schools, placed under a bond of $1000 and being paid a salary not to exceed $4.00 per day for each day actually engaged in the discharge of his duties and his actual expenses incurred. This attendance officer is appointed for the entire County and has authority to arrest and place in school, children who are not in attendance. He may bring action against the parent or guardian in any court of competent jurisdiction. The following children are exempt: those mentally or physically incapacitated or those who have completed the common school course.
Beginning September 1st, the teachers of Jefferson County will be required to make a weekly report of those pupils who are not attending school and give reasons why they are not attending. These reports are to be filed with the County Superintendent who in turn will turn them over to the County Attendance. The attendance will then proceed to place the children in school. The law requires the clerk of the district to furnish the teacher with a copy of the enumeration list which will inform the teacher of the number of names of the children in the district. Blank reports will be printed and sent to the teachers for the purpose of notifying the Attendance Officer.
Superintendent WILSON has filed with the County Court his appointment of W. H. POWER of County Truant Officer. The Court has not acted on the matter we understand for the reason that the law has not yet gone into effect.
St. Louis – Reports reaching the Salvation Army Headquarters here this week tell of operations in the rural communities of the state of numbers of fake Salvationists who are apparently collecting money by posing as Salvationists.
Lieut-Colonel John D. SHARP, in charge of this district stated today that the Salvation Army had no agents who are authorized to collect money in Missouri and that all collections being made by men and women who are well known in their community.
“We have only two agents on the road in this state,” said Col. SHARP, “and these are campaigners who are securing local committees to do the work of collecting. All collections are being made by prominent citizens in each community and are being sent to us thru local banks, in order to protect the people of the state against imposition.”
“In the past hundreds of dollars have been taken from towns yearly by fake collectors who used our name and uniform to make their collections and we are instituting the new system to guard against this. In a majority of instances the fake collectors use all of this money for their own selves.”
“Of course there is nothing to prevent any recognized organization from making collections for a worthy purpose, but we are asking the people and the authorities to be on the watch for unscrupulous persons who are masquerading under the guise of Salvation Army officers to line their own pockets.”
Big River: John TIERNEY and Sam OTTOMEYER.
Central: W. H. PIERCE and Emil SEEMEL.
Meramec: Wm. BOEMLER, Frank SCHUBEL, Francis BLACK and Henry A. MILLER.
Joachim: Harold BOND, F. L. RUSSELL, Wm. VAUGHN, Robert FROST, Curtis RICHARDSON.
Plattin: L. J. SANGUINETTE and W. F. HALTER.
Rock: Fred DAEHN, N. J. HILGERT, J. J. CONRAD and Romine SPITZ.
When answering advertising, mention the Record.
Cow barn orator being scare for sometime, “now cometh a lady of the house,” oratory emitting from the lips of our smiling Freda WEDDE stating thusly:
“Don’t think of the good you could do
“If you had just a million or two;
“Rather think of the good
“You could do if you would,
“With a smile and a kind word or two.”
Several jokers of a humorous turn of mind, evidently sought to shame certain streets in the western part of St. Louis in odd manners. For instance Swan Ave. was designated by a metal outline of a swan nailed to the customary street sign post. We dislike to state how Kentucky Ave. was designated and leave that to the reader. It is stated by a local “has been’ politician that the confirmed habit of smiling is so general among some politicians that they even appear good natured at home. A good joke leaked itself into print thusly; a certain teacher, while teaching a class in grammar asked, “What tense am I speaking in when I say “I am beautiful?’ A small girl replied, “The past tense sir.” There is more or less curiosity in the average human and in this instance, they will turn this paper upside down in order to satisfy it.
Rossie YOUNG sighs deeply when mention is made of Dolores HATMAN’S removal to St. Louis. Rossie considers employment in St. Louis to help overcome an aching heart.
The dance Saturday eve must have been an informal one, since Dan LONGCHENNIG was non-committal, as he was being prepared for a Brummel eve, by the tonsorial artist.
Claude AUBUCHON of Glen Park believes he could lovingly walk ten times the distance after 11 p.m. Wednesdays and Sundays, for the object of his heart, if it was necessary. “What a dear,” she remarks.
In a recent interview with a representative citizen of Glen Park, we learned of a group of three. While two make the cannon balls, the other shoots them. This is a daily occurrence at Barnhart, Sundays and one week day excepted.
Four Ridge was well represented here the past week, numerous farmers renting safe deposit vaults, a recent addition to the facilities of our local bank.
Farmers generally are becoming alarmed at that bugaboo in the reduction of the price of wheat. With a wheat crop far behind expectations, high priced seed, labor and utensils likewise, the end is not yet.
Mrs. L. G. OHLMAN spent the weekend in St. Louis.
Alfred RAEBEL, a promising son of the Glaize Creek section turns a deaf ear to the numerous appeals for his attendance at social functions. As Albert is a bachelor, certain ladies are the cause.
We observed Fred BUCHTING of Antonia practicing the art of fisherman, near here recently. If Fred operates that fancy fishing reel as well as he drives that two ton Palmer, a tub could not possibly hold the fish caught.
Had Martha WUNDERLUND and her camera been on hand Friday morning an interesting snapshot could have been taken, prima-facia evidence of the interest manifested in our Record, scores perusing it in the shade of the post-office.
Walter RACHEL of Mosquito Lane departed for St. Louis Saturday, the mother much worried at his continued absence. We suggest a reason, since Dame RUMOR reports his betrothal to a recent fair resident, now residing in St. Louis.
War eagles have no place along the quiet trail of the giant sycamores, in the Glen Park section, notably near Papa BLAKE’S Turtle doves coo as softly as of yore, both large, a hammock of immense strength being necessary for Bill BURNS and his bride.
The bridge fills on the road leading to Glen Park completed, a long felt want has been filled. Residents rejoicing generally at the improvements.
Farmers thru-out the district complain bitterly at losses sustained, by reason of binder twine not insect treated. As one expresses his displeasure, “The twine must have been the kind manufactured by convicts, in competition with free labor.”
Several cow barn orators announce the fact that high priced dairy feeds have knocked out the scrub dairy stock.
The time honored stark paid a visit to our tonsorial artist, Mr. KRAFT’S residence Saturday eve, mother and child doing splendid.
Mesdames F. W. RAEBEL, Wm. F. MEYER and Jules BARON, members of the Domestic Art Society, were busily engaged cleaning up club headquarters Thursday. A lecture of importance to members only, will be the program at next meeting.
Several local “has been” enthusiasts of the Watchful Waiting Clan, are just lukewarm in their praises, and by the time snow flies, it will be ice cold against all previous utterances in their favor.
It has always appeared strange and mystifying to the average laymen, that the proper place to commence reducing the high cost of living is the producer. Of course the farmer is the largest producer, and not generally as wily as his city cousin, they commence on him. As one wholesaler remarked, “farmers have had their inning, now let us have ours.”
John PLACK our prominent dairyman bachelor wears a smile these warm days, indicating a keen interest in feminine affairs. It is possible a lady could be the cause?
Referendum petitions were signed eagerly by local supporters for the referendum vote to repeal the war-time prohibitions act. In several instances appendixes were affixed to care for the many signatures.
George HEARST Jr., has ceased his employment at Ten Brook, giving as the cause, “its orders from my girl,” who states it’s too far away from her.
Ed KUNZ and his wonderful dog have at last parted company. Ed gave the dog so much of his time teaching it tricks it threatened to disrupt family relations hence the wife laid stress on his neglect of her. The disappearance of the dog is the result.
The corn raising post promises some things within a week or two. Threshing wheat and helping in the harvest delayed his political endeavors.
Mrs. E. WILLIAMS of St. Louis stayed Sunday for a visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. T. DONNELL.
Mr. and Mrs. P. P. HINCHEY went to St. Louis the first of the week to buy goods for their stores.
Mrs. G. E. LOGAN spent part of last week with her daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Grade ALLEE at Fredericktown.
Dr. David WALLACE and wife have moved in the Bissell property on 2nd Street.
Mrs. Docia SUTTON went to St. Louis last week.
The band concert was well attended and the people look forward to Saturday evening for this treat.
Oliver LEMAY was a St. Louis visitor last week.
Miss STAHL entertained Miss COSBY last week at her home in the north end.
Mr. William WRIGLEY arrived the first of the week from Wichita, Kansas to stay a week or so in our city.
Mrs. Tillie BENSON and daughter Miss Violet have returned from a visit with St. Louis relatives.
Those who attended the Normal at Cape Girardeau are expected home the latter part of the week.
Mr. J. MATZ of St. Louis had business here last week.
Robert KLEINSCHMIDT was in DeSoto last week greeting his many friends.
Miss Rebecca KENNETT of Chicago visited Miss Margaret CARLEY last week.
Miss Sadie MORSE is at Avoca with her mother for a visit.
Robert HEARST has purchased the DUFFY home on 4th Street and will take possession at once.
Ed COLEMAN the salesman spent the weekend with his family.
Miss Margaret LAWRENCE is at the Lakes in the north for a three weeks stay. Her aunt Mrs. O. D. WATSON of New Port, Ark., is with her.
Mrs. Roy FINLAND returned last week from a visit with relatives at Cape Girardeau.
Miss Gladys SERRIN of St. Louis was a guest of Mrs. Adam MUMMERT last week.
Miss Lutie STEARNS who is going over the state holding school of instruction in citizenship, addressed the ladies on the questions of today and the Women’s Voters League at the auditorium of the high school Monday afternoon and evening. Miss STEARNES went to Festus Tuesday.
Mr. Ralph OMOHUNDRO arrived from Joplin last week and has a position here.
Miss Alice CAMPBELL and finance Mr. William WRIGLEY were entertained in St. Louis by her brother Mr. Ona CAMPBELL Monday.
Wanted for my farm, reliable man, either single or with small family; must be experienced farmer and milker and also take care of stock on Sundays. Robert A. HOLEKAMP. Hillsboro Rt. 1
Accounts allowed as follows
G. W. GASCHE, fees for July - $107.75
same, postage, exp, & etc. - $20.40
Ware EVANS, July sal. - $166.66
same, postage - $ 9.00
Frank DIETRICH, July salary – $125.00
same, com on school funds – $115.15
same, postage – $5.45
R. B. WILSON, sal, July $-175.00
same, trav ex & postage – $25.43
Chas J. WHITE salary – $208.33
Jas G. BERKELEY, proba office – $50.00
John HUBELI, sal – $90.00
Herman SIEMER, salary – $50.00
same burial pauper – $10.00
same, co farm sup – $10.00
Walther COUCH Ferc Co sup co fa - $ 33.50
J. W. BITTICK, same – $42.00
New Era Pub. Co., stat – $107.25
Standard Ptg Co., - $ 93.72
Buxton Skinner stat – $26.61
J. W. BEALE – $16.00
Standard Ptg Co., - $ 24.18
J. J. HOCKEN – $65.18
St. Louis Bindery Co., - $101.86
Jeff DEMOCRAT – $24.00
Hugh STEPHENS Mtg Co., - $33.06
Wm. WELLS Mtg Co., - $ 4.16
J. I. MILLER Postage - $ 5.14
Standard Oil Co., - $ 14.72
PIERCE Oil Co., - $ 15.40
C. W. MOCKBEE, trust Co., pat – $34.26
Miss Lola BRASWELL expenses – $15.00
? A. ANERSWALD Paper – $7.00
Jos SONDAG papering - $ 7.00
State Fees – $42.88
State Hospital No. 1 bd inmate - $ 1,154.20
State Hosp No. 4, same – $4,265.03
Mo. Prison Bd. – $65.00
Wm. R. COMPTON, int on bds - $ 10,417.50
St. Louis Union Bank – $26.14
Account G. W. GASCHE against state in sum $578.25 for making tax books approved and ordered certified.
Pension warrants ordered drawn as per list, Crazy Mike and Robt BOYER ordered sent to County Farm.
Private leading from Gravois Road near local school house to Geo. PINK’S place ordered placed on working list as county road.
Petition of E. W. WEGMAN for private road dismissed.
Back tax on fair grounds for 1916 ordered stricken.
Petition of Christ FRANK for private road over lands of Francis FRANK and G. W. WOLGAST. Report of commissioners read and cause continued to Sept., 2nd 1919.
W. G. GREEN road overseer dist 20 ordered to open of Dry Creek and DeSoto Road on lands of A. H. LANDUYT.
Offer of Wm. RUPPEL to furnish posts and build fence (county to furnish wire along right of way of Ware and DeSoto Road along QUINN Farm for $35.00 accepted.
Bid of J. H. WINER for 75 cords of wood for court house @ $4.25 per cord accepted.
John GLOZESKI ordered on pension list @ $12.00.
Jacob MARTIN same @ 15.00. R. STREIFF @ $15.00, Allen WILSON @ $25.00 per quarter.
John H. BOULCH of Herculaneum and Mrs. Gertie M. CLONTS ordered sent to state sanatorium as county patients.
P. H. BAUMGARTH resigns as road overseer district 6 and Pat O’BRIEN appointed.
Abstract of fees collected by pres attorney for quarter ending June 30 1919 $80 approved.
Fees collected by circuit clerk for June, $86.20 and for July $18.00 approved.
Order of Circuit Court as to deputy Cir Clerk approved.
Fees earned by cir elk June 119.35 for July $84.50.
Criminal cost bills allowed aggregating – 564.22 in following cases, C. T. BYRD, Albert TAYLOR, Lane PARMELY, Sam JONES, Nic WALTHER, W. L. MOON, Frank WELLS, Wesley SMITH, I. UNIE, Wm. SCOTT and W. A. JONES.
Inquest Proceedings filed and approved.
Noble DIGGS, Horine – $18.09
J. O. HEARNS, Crystal City – $19.63
Bert JARVIS, Vineland – $19.63
Wm. J. MASTERSON, Herculaneum - $19.63
John CHEIM Sr., Kimmswick – $19.63
Walter KAVANAUGH, House Springs – $16.40
Pittsburg Plate Glass Co., valuation corrected to $400,000 for 1919.
Frank DIETRICH Inquests -$ 94.00
Same, crim costs -$ 564.22
Edgar MARSDEN bd L. DAY -$ 7.30
Chas O. BOUZEK, Rd Dist 2 -$ 70.99
John KREINHEDER 3 -$ 259.87
J. S. SARGENT 5 -$ 63.00
Ed. H. STEINBACH 11 -$ 20.50
P. BAUMGARTH 6 -$ 10.45
F. P. BOEMLER 4 -$ 68.25
W. H. STRAHER 9 -$ 98.50
Wm. DIERKS 10 -$ 183.40
Frank HUSKEY 14 -$ 12.00
W. W. THOMPSON 15 -$ 23.00
H. SPRINGMEYER 16 -$ 131.50
Emil SIEBELS 19 -$ 116.54
Loa WIBBEL 21 -$ 39.75
Curtis RICHARDSON 22 -$ 70.90
M. J. GROB 23 -$ 3.00
E. M. BERRY 28 -$ 25.50
Brentwood COLE 29 -$ 9.00
Festus Drug Co. smallpox -$ 7.50
Engineer ordered to have LaBarque Creek Road from N. E. Cor, BUSH Farm 4 miles SW to YOUNGS farm graded at cost not to exceed $1,600. Public agree to rock and gravel.
Miss Boyce BYRD left this week to visit with her friend Fannie WALLER in Muscatine, Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. Hart ENGLAND and family spent Monday and Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert COLIN.
The M. E. Sunday School held their annual picnic at Silica Friday. Plenty of eats and swimming made the day pass delightfully.
Miss Lucetta WAGGENER of Detroit Michigan is visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jess WAGGENER on Kenner’s Hill.
Samuel LANCE is the new soda dispenser in the Funk and Smith Drug Co., succeeding Loraine GRANT.
Misses Vera AUBUCHON and Lillie OBERLE leave this week on their vacation. They expect to make the boat trip on the Mississippi river to Memphis Tennessee.
Mrs. Del STOCKING and two children of DeSoto are the guest of Mrs. CRAWFORD at the Black home in Silica.
Richard BEQUETTE is going to make DeSoto his future home, having bought a farm at the edge of town. He moved all his household effects this week.
Scott CLINE of Dexter Mo., is here selling and demonstrating the “Wear Ever”, Aluminum cooking utensils. He gave his first demonstration at the M. E. CHURCH parlors Friday evening.
Miss Catherine ARMBRUSTER of Collinsville Illinois is visiting with C. E. MILLER and family.
The Festus - Crystal Baseball team crossed bats with a St. Louis team Sunday defeating them by a score of 12-2. Grovera pitched his usual steady, good game and had more backing than usual, hence the score. Next Sunday we hope to beat DeSoto. She has won two games but we think we can land the 3rd.
Miss Margaret WOODSON of Cape Girardeau is the guest of the Misses LENORE and Avis BAKER.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy ABERNATHY have gone to Toledo Ohio, where they expect to make their future home. They expect to stay with her sister, Mrs. Tom GARWIN until they find a house.
N. W. BRICKEY is visiting in Marianna and Osceola, Ark. In all probability Mr. BRICKEY will start in business in Osceola.
Misses Alice and Bess JENNINGS have returned from a month’s visit to Phoenix Arizona and Los Angeles Cal. They enjoyed their trip very much.
Quite a number of boys arrived home this week from overseas duty. Some of them being, Thos. PALMER Dick REAVIS, Henry JOKERST, Elmer and James MARTIN, Peter LAROSE, Elmer J??, and Tom UUSTACE? We are glad to have the fellows back.
Mrs. J. E. JENNINGS is quite ill with typhoid fever. We trust she will soon be well again.
Mrs. Walter BLACK, (nee Sametta CRAWFORD) was taken to the St. John’s Hospital this week for treatment. We wish her a speedy recovery.
Dr. COMMERFORD is visiting with home folks in Kansas City this week.
Frank SPICER formerly of Festus who has been in France the past year is the guest of the PANCHOT family.
Ira D. PILLIARD of Milwaukee Wisconsin is spending his vacation with the PILLIARD family.
Raymond BRICKEY spent the weekend in St. Louis the guests of friends.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. SMITH who leave for their new home in Detroit Michigan this week have sold their home to Mr. and Mrs. Frank HUBER.
S. J. ROZIER made a business trip to Farmington this week. Relative to his branch of stores here.
The dance given by the Maxville Seniors Sunday night at Peter FREDERITZI’S hall was a grand success, there were people from all directions in attendance. It is a fact that Peter FREDERITZI’s hall is the best in Jefferson County. The music was up-to-date and the crowd seemed to be in a very good humor so the result was that they stayed until a late hour.
This is getting to be a real happy burg to live in, just to show you how happy we are, one of our most popular ladies in Maxville to amuse her friends danced a real classy dance in the “bean patch.”
The DOHACK family, SIEDLER family and Mrs. EINK, (sister of Mrs. J. ZIPP) took a fishing trip last Wednesday, when they came home they told the same old fish stories and added one to it. All you could hear was the bravery of George DOHACK according to their say-so he was a hero. In the scramble after a big 25 pounder cat-fish, Mr. --- glasses fell in the river. George . . . slow, dives down and brings . . . if that isn’t real heroism, we don’t know, what it.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. GEBHARDT and family were out on a visit to Mr. GEBHARDT’S parents, J. B. FREDERITIZI and wife lately.
Morey BRADY, who has just returned from France attended the dance and was the main attraction, especially for one young lady. She thinks . . . nifty for anything.
Wallace CAUDLE, another of the overseas boys from Kimmswick came to visit, “Uncle Joe,” and all his other friends. He finds everything the same as when he left, the difference being that he couldn’t get old red lard-bucket across the . . .
It won’t be long before we see all the old familiar faces around again. Who should be see . . . our town Sunday afternoon, good old friend Paul O’BRIEN. He was all smiles. No wonder! As he sitting next to a real good oki . . . feur.
Billie SPIT, owner of the . . . Six, passed thru here Sunday . . . with a “real chicken.” Whe . . . always find them Billie!
Miss Margaret WELDELE one of out pretty young ladies will leave next week to take up a position at (Webster?) Groves.
Tom KIRK, who has been . . . with Nace Brothers this summer been laid up with a sore foot for days.
Miss Ana ZENTER who lives in St. Louis was home to parents Saturday and Sunday so attended the dance.
John J. HOGAN who does business in and about Barnhart says the Barnhart Correspondent is great. Calling attention to the beauties of Barnhart . . . its business possibilities has resulted in much benefit to the town and lumber yard and elevator are also likely to materialize there very soon.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. TOMKINS of Phoenix Ariz., have been visiting Mr. -- CARREY, uncle to Mrs. TOMPKINS for the past two weeks. Last Sunday Mr. A. DOWLING, (brother to Mrs. Tomkins of East St. Louis, Ill., with his daughter Frances and his sons Mead and . . . the latter just returned from France came down with a party of young folks. A cobweb party was a feature of the evening and a jolly time was enjoyed by all. Mrs. TOMKINS and husband returned to St. Louis but will come again for another visit later.
Green HEARST is out of luck again . . . I. H. C. truck developed undue heat in the radiator and Green got out to take the cap off to let it cool. The . . . was that before he got it entirely off, the confined steam blew it the rest of the way and the water and steam . . . out scalding Green pretty severely on his body hands and arms. Green . . . Niagara Falls wouldn’t look as . . . him as the amount of water that out of the radiator, in fact he said it “so completely filled my eyes. I could not see anything else”.
Cap. Lon HARLOW and wife, together with the Edgar families of Ironton and some St. Louis families, are . . . for two weeks on St. Francois . . .
Lewis ADAMS, was in town the other day on business and to visit . . . also. Of course he brought Mrs. ADAMS who is determined, we are glad to see to take a new lease in life. Less than five weeks ago, she drove with ADAMS on one of his professional trips to the farm of Philip PINK up in Eureka. She remained in the . . . which Mr. Adams drove under . . . while attending to business . . . and shower burst suddenly a . . . the shed down, crushing again her shoulder and several ribs, duplicating the injuries received in a sleigh . . . away, more than a year ago. . . Adams returned in June from . . . months stay in West Virginia where she went to recuperate from continued heart trouble. The experience would kill an ordinary woman, but Mrs. ADAMS is never counted as an ordinary woman, in spite of her size and small shoes. Congratulations to her and to her friends.
[Page 2]
The Jefferson County Record.
A Partnership Composed of John H. REPPY an Albertise C. REPPY.
John H. REPPY, Editor. Albertise Coon REPPY Associate Editor. . .
Cards of Thanks, twenty-five cents: Resolutions, one dollar.
Obituary poetry, five cents per each six words.
Subscription price -$ one year, $1.50. Six months, .75 cents in advance.
~Hillsboro Items.~
. . . Sunday School has an ice cream … on the Court House lawn tomorrow evening. Cream can be bought . . . e o’clock by those who wish to take it home for supper.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. A. SCHUBEL spent Saturday in Grubville, a combined business and pleasure trip.
Miss MANNING spent Saturday in St. Louis. Miss MANNING leaves her stenographic position with the Schubel-Jar . . . Abstract Co., this week. The many friends she has made since her coming here regret to lose so estimable a girl of the community.
S. WILSON got in this morning from his trip to Springfield Mo. Mr. WILSON was sent to the Rural Mail Carrier Convention to represent the chapter of Jefferson County. He had a fine time in that beautiful little city being in the Ozarks.
Mrs. George STEEL who has been visiting relatives at Bethlehem and Grubville for a week or two joined her husband, Dr. STEEL, at the preaching service at Morse Mill, Sunday and came home with him from there.
Will HENKE, former deputy collector . . . returned Sammie went thru here Thursday evening, motoring to Cedar Hill to spend Sunday.
Harry MILLER and his father the Probate Judge went out Tuesday to look at some farms. Harry thinks he’d like to have a farm, now that he is back from France.
Lloyd MARSDEN one of the twins, returned home to Horine with his little . . . Jeanette ZISKIE, to make a week’s visit. This is the first time these chaps have ever been separated in the nearly . . . years of their lives, and it is a . . . orable date. Lloyd is trying to motivate the “other fellers” while . . . is away and seems fairly well con . . . ed.
John H. REPPY spent the weekend in St. Louis and East St. Louis.
Miss Mary HOEKEN who has been visiting relatives in St. Louis returned to Hillsboro last Saturday after a pleasant trip.
Miss BRASWELL, the Home Demonstrator who is now located in the country here, is pleasantly situated in the E. C. -son home.
Judge MILLER and family attended church service at the Jarvis church last Sunday and afterward spread their lunch at the Milton Moss spring. After a trip thru Pevely, Sulphur Springs and Barnhart they visited Mr. and Mrs. . . . ie DIERKS where they enjoyed supper and then returned home by moonlight after a delightful day.
Mr. Irving BROWN of Tarenton Pa., had business in the County seat Thursday and made a call on his old friends, Mr. and Mrs. REPPY.
(Suph)-ur library is coming forward with . . . im. Since its re-opening eight books were loaned last time. Come in and see, or else pay you monthly dime and read some of the nearly 3000 volumes on the shelves. Open Wednesdays and Saturdays from 4 to 5. Neighboring districts are invited to enjoy the books and parcel post is an aid.
Misses Lillian and Rose BLEIKER and Miss Helen STOVESAND returned from DeSoto Saturday evening where they have been to take the teachers “exam.” --- HAMRICK and Zealous PARTNEY were two local pedagogues doing the same thing.
Notice is hereby given that the annual stockholder’s meeting of the Bank in House Springs will be held at said bank on the 3rd day of September, . . . 1919, said meeting will be convened at . . . o’clock a.m. and continued during at . . . st three hours unless the object for . . . which such meeting is called be accomplished sooner. The purpose for which the meeting is called is to elect directors for said bank to serve during the ensuing years and for the transaction of any other business which . . . properly come before the meeting. V. J. LEIGHT, President. H. F. WEBER, Secretary.
Want to rent; farm on shares, with . . . and stock.
No community is immune from tornadoes. Protect your farm property and livestock by a good tornado and windstorm policy, don’t wait until too late. You might be next. Write or phone for rates to James N. HALL, Agent.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Geo. & Jacob VOGT executors of the estate of John VOGT Sr., will make final settlement of his accounts with said estate as such executors at the next term of the Probate Court of Jefferson County Missouri to begun and holden at Hillsboro, in said county on the 25th day of August 1919. Geo. & Jacob VOGT, executors.
Docket of cases in which settlements are due from administrators, executors, guardians and curators at the ensuing term of the probate court of Jefferson County, to be held at the court house in said county, commencing on the fourth (4) Monday of August, 1919.
Name of Estate - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Adm., Ex., Guar., or Cur., - - - - - - - - - Kind of Settlement
Monday, August 25th, 1919. -$ First Day
ARNOLD, Michael, dec. - - - - - - - - - Louis ARNOLD, Ex. - - - - - - - - - - - - F. S.
BURRUS, Chas. L., dec. - - - - - - - - - P. S. TERRY, adm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - F. S.
BRINKMAN, Warren, dec. - - - - - - -Lola J. BRINKMAN, admx.- - - - - - - F. S.
BURGAN, Dennis, dec. - - - - - - - - - -Louisa BURGAN, admx. - - - - - - - - - F. S.
BRECKENRIDGE, Melvin G., dec. - -Frank BRECKENRIDGE, adm. - - - - Semi-An
BRIERTON, Kate, dec. D. B. FROST & W. L. TOWNSEND adm’s with will an Semi-An
BRENNAN, James J., dec. - - - - - - - - Sarah BRENNAN, Exx. - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
BRUNE, Henry dec. - - - - - - - - - - - - George ADAMS, Ex. - - - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
BRAMERLOH, Wm., dec. - - - - - - - -Fred BRUMERLOH, adm. - - - - - - - Semi-An
BYRNE, Francis & Katie, minors - - - Mary A. BYRNE G. & Crux. - - - - - -A. S.
CONN, Sylvanus M., dec. - - - - - - - - John N. Conn Ex. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
COLE, Sarah, dec., - - - - - - - - - - - - - May Josephine COLE, Exx. - - - - - - Semi-An
CRETH, Timothy dec. - - - - - - - - - - -Chas E. ENGLAND, adm. - - - - - - - Semi-An
CLARK, Fred Z. Jr., a minor - - - - - - Fred Z. Clark, Sr., G. & C. - - - - - - - - A.S.
Tuesday, August 26th, 1919 -$ Second Day
DORNSEIF, Louisa, dec. - - - - - - - - - Fred DORNSEIF, adm., - - - - - - - - - - A. S.
DODD, John B. dec., - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mrs. Mary C. DODD, admx - - - - - - Semi-An
DICKERMAN, Leon & Arthur, minors Celina DICKERMAN G. & C - - - - -A. S.
EHRICHS, Marie Minna, a minor - - - Sophia EHRICHS, Crux. - - - - - - - - - A. S.
ELLIS, Wm. C. dec. - - - - - - - - - - - - John SCHWENK Ex. - - - - - - - - - - - F. S.
FRASER, David FRASER, dec. - - - - - Margaret FRASER admx - - - - - - - F. S.
FITZGERALD, Wm, Dec. - - - - - - - - -Wm. & Margaret FITZGERALD Ex’s. Semi-An
FRANZ, George Sr., dec. - - - - - - - - - -Mark FRANZ adm. - - - - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
GANNON minors - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Jos GANNON G. & C - - - - - - - - - - -A. S.
HUG, Stephen dec., - - - - - - - - - - - - Wm. S. WITTLER, Ex. - - - - - - - - - - F. S.
HEINEN, Margaret, dec. - - - - - - - - - Horsce BUXTON adm - - - - - - - - - F. S.
HARTER, Wm. J. dec. - - - - - - - - - - - Fred W. HARTER adm - - - - - - - - - F. S.
HOFFMAN, Emanuel dec. - - - - - - - - E. C. EDGAR adm. - - - - - - - - - - - - F. S.
Wednesday, August 27th, 1919 -$ Third day
HAMILL, J. M. dec. - - - - - - - - - - - - - R. B. JONES ex. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
HEILIGTAG, Anna dec. - - - - - - - - - - Julius HEILIGTAG adm. - - - - - - - - Semi-An
HUSKEY, W. J. dec.- - - - - - - - - - - - - Harly DAHL Ex. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
HAVERSTICK minors - - - - - - - - - - - Helen I. HAVERSTICK curx. - - - - - A. S.
HILDERBRAND minors - - - - - - - - - - Augusta HILDERBRAND crux. - - - A. S.
HOHL, minors - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - John C. HOHL Cur. - - - - - - - - - - - A. S.
KIDD, Ralph Wm., a minor - - - - - - - - John B. KIDD Cur. - - - - - - - - - - - - A. S.
KLENN, Elizabeth, dec. - - - - - - - - - - Julia KLENN Exx - - - - - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
KLEINSCHMIDT, Fredrick A. dec. - - Louisa KLEINSCHMIDT admx. - - - Semi-An
KROPA, Barbara dec. - - - - - - - - - - - - Kasper KROPA adm. - - - - - - - - - - F. S.
Thursday, August 28th 1919 -$ Fourth Day.
LALUMANDIER, Velar, dec. - - - - - - Elizabeth LALUMANDIER, Exx. - - F. S.
LINDWEDEL, Fred H. dec. - - - - - - - - Fritz LINDWEDEL, Adm. - - - - - - - Semi-An
LOYSON, Louis insane - - - - - - - - - - - John G. BRUNS Guar. - - - - - - - - - A. S.
MEYERS minors - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lewis R. MEYER cur. - - - - - - - - - A. S.
McCORMACK, C. R. dec. - - - - - - - - W. S. BOYCE adm. - - - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
NAES Bros. Partnership estate - - - - - - Wm. NAES Adm. - - - - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
NAES Minors - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Theresia WARD G. & C. - - - - - - - A. S.
QUINN, Kate, dec. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Chas QUINN Adm. - - - - - - - - - - - F. S.
RINEY, Georgina A. dec. - - - - - - - - - - - Esther Carr ATKINSON Admx - - - Semi-An
ROGERS, Doretha, dec. - - - - - - - - - - - - M. F. ROGERS Adm. - - - - - - - - - -Semi-An
Friday, August 29th, 1919 -$ Fifth Day.
ROESCH, Wm. H. dec. - - - - - - - - - - - - Louisa ROESCH, Admx. - - - - - - - -Semi-An
ROSE, Henry, dec. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wm. ROSE, adm. - - - - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
ROSE, Katherine, dec. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wm. ROSE, adm. - - - - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
ROGERS, Louisa dec. - - - - - - - - - - - - - George ROGERS adm. - - - - - - - - F. S.
SONTAG, Susie M. dec. - - - - - - - - - - - W. W. TUCKER adm. - - - - - - - - - F. S.
SULLENS, Eliza dec. - - - - - - - - - - - - - George BRACKMANN ex. - - - - - - Semi-An
SMITH, Ellen Louise, dec. - - - - - - - - - - - L. H. SMITH, Ex. - - - - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
SCHMITT, J. W. dec. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Friederika SCHMITT Exx.- - - - - - Semi-An
SWAN, Nettie Katherine dec. - - - - - - - - S. J. ROZIER, adm. - - - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
THOMSICK, Mary, insane - - - - - - - - - - -Andrew L. HILGERT G. & C - - - - A. S.
Saturday, August 30th, 1919 -$ Sixth Day.
VORNBERG, Herman, dec. - - - - - - - - - - Wm. & Fred VORNBREG Exs. - - - Semi-An
VOGT, John, Sr., dec. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Geo & Jacob VOGT, Exs. - - - - - - F. S.
WILSON, James H. dec. - - - - - - - - - - - - -Frank L. WILSON, Adm. - - - - - - - F. S.
WEIDELE, Joseph, dec. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Elizabeth WEIDELE, Admx. - - - - F. S.
WEIDNER, Magdelena dec. - - - - - - - - - - Joseph WEIDNER, Adm. - - - - - - Semi-An
WILLIAMS, Hazel C. a minor - - - - - - - - - W. R. WILLIAMS G. & C. - - - - - A. S.
WILLIAMS, Howard D. a minor - - - - - - - Wm. Sylvester WILLIAMS G. & C -A. S.
State of Missouri,) as. County of Jefferson)
I Anna MILLER, Clerk of the Probate Court in and for said county, hereby certify that the above is a true copy of the original Probate Court Docket, as the same appears on record in my office. Witness my hand and the seal of said Court. Done at office in Hillsboro, Missouri, this 21st day of July, 1919. Anna MILLER, Clerk of Probate Court. (SEAL).
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Horace BUXTON, administrator of the estate of Margaret HEINEU, dec., will make final settlement of his accounts with said estate as such administrator at the next term of the Probate Court of Jefferson County Missouri to be begun and holden at Hillsboro, in said county on the 25th day of August 1919. Horace BUXTON, administrator
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Chas QUINN, administrator, of the estate of Kate QUINN, dec., will make final settlement of his accounts with said estate as such administrator at the next term of the Probate Court of Jefferson County Missouri to be begun and holden at Hillsboro, in said county on the 25th day of August 1919. Chas QUINN, administrator.
Farm near Hillsboro, on a good rock road. 150 acres, 75 in cultivation. Good house and barn, write this office. (31-3)
Tornadoes have never been controlled, and the best protection is a good tornado and windstorm policy. For rates on farm property, write or phone, James N. HALL, Agent, Festus, Mo. (29-tf)
Gentle driving horse, harness and two seated trap. Apply at GREENE’S Store, Sulphur Springs, Mo. 23-tf
In the Circuit Court of Jefferson County, Mo., in vacation. Edward H. STEINBACH Plaintiff vs. Elizabeth STEINBACK Defendant. Now at this day comes the plaintiff herein, by his Attorney and files his Petition and Affidavit alleging, among other things that defendant Elizabeth J. STEINBACH has absented herself from her usual place of abode in this state and has concealed herself so that the ordinary process of the law cannot be served upon her in this state.
Whereupon it is ordered by the undersigned Clerk of said Court in vacation, that said defendant be notified by publication that Plaintiff has commenced a suit against her in this court the object and general nature of which is to obtain a decree of divorce upon the ground of desertion, and for the care and custody of their minor, and that unless the said Elizabeth J. STEINBACH be and appear at this Court, at the next term thereof, to be begun and holden at the Court House in the Town of Hillsboro, in said county, on the second Monday of September, next and on or before the first day of said term, answer or plead to the petition in said cause, the same will be taken as confessed, and judgment will be rendered accordingly.
And it is further ordered, that a copy hereof be published, according to law in the Jefferson County Record a newspaper published in said County of Jefferson for four weeks successively, published at least once a week, the last insertion to be at least fifteen days before the first day of said next September Term of this Court. Ware EVANS, Clerk, Circuit Court.
A true copy from the Record.
Witness my hand and seal of the Circuit Court of Jefferson County this 17th day of July 1919. Ware EVANS. Clerk, Circuit Court, (SEAL)
70 acres, 35 acres in cultivation, balance fine white oak timber. 3 room house, 2 springs, one cistern. Ridge land, located one mile Northeast of High Ridge, Mo. 65 yards off Gravois Road. Price $60.00 per acre. Step lively, see me at once. J. J. SPROCK, 3454 Crittenden, St. Louis.
Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of LETITIA ANN MISSEY, Dec., were granted to the undersigned on the 23rd day of July 1919, by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Missouri. All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the Executor within six months after the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of such estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within one year from the date of the last insertion of the publication of this notices, they shall be forever barred.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Fred DORNSEIF administrator of the estate of Louisa DORNSELF, Dec., will make final settlement of his accounts with said estate as such administrator at the next term of the Probate Court of Jefferson County Missouri to be begun and holden at Hillsboro, and said county on the 25th day of August 1919. Fred DORNSEIF, administrator.
In the Circuit Court of Jefferson County, Mo., in vacation, July 19th1919 Sarah V. BEAN, Plaintiff vs. Walter GARNER, defendant.
Now at this day comes the plaintiff herein, by her Attorney P. S. TERRY in the above entitled cause, before the undersigned Clerk of the Circuit Court of Jefferson County, in vacation and files here petition and affidavit stating among other things, that the above named defendant Walter GARNER is a nonresident of the State of Missouri. It is therefore ordered by the Clerk aforesaid in vacation, that publication be made notifying him that an action has been commenced against him, by petition and attachment in the Circuit Court in Jefferson County, in the State of Missouri, founded on an account for the sum of $168:00 that his property is about to be attached, and that unless he be and appear at the next term of said Court, to be holden at the Court House in Hillsboro, within the county of Jefferson on the second Monday of September 1919, on or before the third day thereof if the term shall so long continue, and not then before the end of the term, judgment will be rendered against him, and his property sold to satisfy same. It is far the ordered that a copy hereof be published in the Jefferson County Record, a newspaper published in the said County of Jefferson, for four weeks successively, the last insertion to be at least fifteen days before the commencement of the next term of said court. Ware EVANS, Clerk, Circuit Court.
A true copy from the Record. Witness my hand, the seal of the Circuit Court of Jefferson County this 19th day of July 1919. Ware EVANS, Clerk, Circuit Court. (SEAL) (30-4)
10 o’clock a.m. The undersigned will sell at public auction at his farm known as the “George KIDD,” farm on Big River, 4 ½ miles northwest of House Springs on the Eureka and High Ridge Road, on Saturday, August 16, 1919. The following described personal property, to-wit:-
One 15 hand high mare mule 7 years old.
One span matched mules 15-3 4 & 5 years old.
One 2 year old mule 15-3.
One yearling mule, good big mule.
One mare 16 hands, 8 years and mule colt.
7 good milk cows, all in milk.
5 Heifers, all yearlings.
5 brood sows - Thorobred Duroc Jersey due to farrow in September.
1 Registered Duroc Jersy boar.
10 ton clover hay in stack.
1 two horse power gas engine and pump jack.
1 new Dearing binder, 1 John Deere 14 in. sulky plow, corn planters, harrows, plows and farming machinery also farm wagon and hay frame. Harness and other articles too numerous to mention. Sale begins at 10 o’clock a.m. Lunch served on ground.
TERMS: All sums under ten dollars cash in hand. A sums over ten dollars a credit of twelve months will be given purchaser to give bankable note bearing six percent interest. No goods to be removed until terms of sale are complied with John L. BECHLER, owner. Albert WEBER, Auctioneer.
~$100 Reward, $100~
The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is catarrh. Catarrh being greatly influenced by constitutional conditions required constitutional treatment. HALL’S Catarrh Medicine is taken internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System thereby destroying the foundation of the disease giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in the curative power of HALL’S catarrh Medicine that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, Ohio, sold by all Druggists, 75 cents.
The Ladies Aid of Sandy will give a fish fry and social Saturday August 16, 1919. Supper will be served from 5:30 p.m. on thru the evening. Fish will be there without fail.
The Hon. Walter L. HENSLEY, formerly congressman for this district will give us an interesting talk.
The proceeds of this social will be given towards the erection of a retaining wall which is to be built on the east side of the cemetery. Everybody come and help a good cause along. Mrs. A. D. KENEY, Secretary
Second-hand cement block machine. 31st Address “Block", care the Record, Hillsboro.
WILBURN C. MISSEY, Executor. Attested: Anna MILLER, Clerk of Probate court. (SEAL)
Dr. C. A. McCLELLAND will be in House Springs on Friday and Saturday August 15 and 16. All who desire dental work, take notice.
Of administration on the estate of [SAMUEL H. ROUX], Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of SAMUEL H. ROUX, Deceased, were granted to the undersigned on the 4th day of August 1919, by the Probate Court of Jefferson County Missouri. All persons having claims against said Estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the Administrator within six months after the date of said letters are they may be precluded from any benefit of said estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within one year from the date of this publication, they shall be forever barred. Ernest S. ROUX, Administrator. (SEAL) Attested - J. P. MILLER, Judge of Probate.
Trespassing on my promises is strictly forbidden. Wm. FREDERITZI, Maxville, Mo
Ford Touring Car, Model T. 1917. For full particulars apply to, Lafe MCDANIEL, Oerman, MO
[Ad] “Cured!” Mrs. Gus GRIFFITH, of Everton, Mo., writes “I suffered for three years with various female troubles. My life was a misery. I was not able to do anything …bearing down pain in my back and limbs, and headache … weak and nervous…” ….. Thousands of women, now strong and healthy, who once suffered from women’s ailments, give Cardui the credit for their good health. Try it, for your troubles. All Druggists.
[Ad] Get Efficiency From Your Tractor. Keep it in service constantly. The one best way to do that is to give it all the lubricating oil it will take, providing you select the correct oil. The Standard Oil Company (Indiana) has produced three oils which will correctly lubricate the entire range of tractors. These are: Heavy Polarine Oil, Standolind Tractor Oil, Extra Heavy Polarine Oil. Any Standard Oil representative will be glad to show you the chart of Tractor lubrication, prepared by our Engineering Staff. It indicates specifically which of these three oils the Standard Oil Engineers have found will give the best results in your particular tractor. We have just published a 100-page book, “Tractors and Tractor Lubrication,” prepared by our Engineering Staff, which you will find a valuable reference book, and we believe it will save you many days of tractor idleness with the resultant money loss. It’s free to you for the asking. Address Standard Oil Company, 910 Michigan Ave., Chicago Ill.
[Ad] ECKLES Store. Fresh staple and fancy groceries, paints’ glassware, tin & aluminum. Dry Good, Notions, Clothing. Market Price for Country Produce. J. W. ECKLE, Hillsboro, MO.
[Ad] Don’t throw that broken casting away, have it welded by the Union Welding & Brazing Co. We weld aluminum without preheating and guarantee against warpage of aluminum and cylinders. All kinds of metals welded one to another. Cutting of high and low carbon steel. Union Welding and Brazing Company. Between Festus and Silica. Post Office, Hematite. STILLMAN Bros. Prop.
[Ad] ELCAR Four and Six. Dependable and Classic. Quality and Quantity for your money. Seeing is believing. Also Two-in-one Make a Tractor agent for Maude Make a Tractor Coreless 1500 lb. Truck Elcar Touring Car. Jacob BECKER Jr. Phone Long Distance. Maxville, Mo.
[Ad] Up To-date Goods. We buy right and sell right. We ask you to give us your business and compare our prices with our competitors. We can save you money on your daily and weekly purchases and give you better values. R. A. MARSDEN. General Merchandise, Hillsboro, Mo.
[Ad] ECKLES Store. Fresh staple and fancy groceries, paints’ glassware, tin & aluminum. Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing. Market Price for Country Produce. J. W. ECKLE, Hillsboro, MO
[Ad] Peoples Bank of DeSoto. G. A. AUERSWALD, Ernest S. COXWELL, R. B. JONES, Henry LEPP, Geo. MAHN, D. L. ROUGGLY, J. F. WALTHER . . . the directors of the People’s Bank of DeSoto….
[Ad] CLEVELAND TRACTOR. . . . after due and deliberate consideration, we have . . . up the CLEVELAND TRACTOR agency. One of the most successful demonstrations ever held in Jefferson County on a Hill-side was Saturday July 27th on . . . John OTT farm. Maxville Auto Repair Co. Maxville, Mo.
[Ad] Bank of Kimmswick, Kimmswick Missouri. Capital - $10,000. Surplus and Undivided Profits - $10,000. . . . GERALD, President M. ZIEGLER, Vice-President G. A. WENOM, Cashier. . . . Invite you to open an account with us. Pass Books . . . Check Books given without charge, regardless of the . . . account deposit. We pay 4 per cent on time deposits . . . one year, and 3 per cent for a year for 6 months.
[Ad] E. A. STAAT, General Blacksmith and Garage, Dealer in . . . Farm machinery, Implements, Ve- . . . kles, Gasoline engines, and re . . . of all kinds; Deering and Plymouth twine. Antonia, MO.
[Ad] HURTGEN’S SHOP, First Class Horse Shoers, All kinds of machinery repaired on short notice. Try us and see, Automobiles repaired, Hillsboro, Missouri.
[Ad] Children Cry for Fletcher’s Castoria. The kind you have always brought, and which has been in use for ever over 30 years has borne the signature of Chas. H. FLETCHER. And had been made under his personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “Just-as-good” are but Experiments that trade with and endanger the health of Infants and Children -$ Experience against Experiment. What is Castoria. Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregurle, Drops and soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness arising there from, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea -$ The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA Always. Bears the Signature of Chas. H. Fletcher. In Use For Over 30 Years. The Kind You Have Always Brought. The Century Company, New York City.
[Ad] GERALD MILLING CO. Proprietors of Kimmswick Roller Mills and Lumber Yards. GERALD Milling Company, Kimmswick, Missouri.
[Ad] Farm & Diary Bank, Barnhart, Missouri. Solicit Your Checking Account. Savings Department, 3 percent. Certificates of Deposit, 12 months 4 percent. Officers. Wm. SCHMIDT Prest. J. M. STITES, V. Prest., G. O. JURY, Cashier.
[Ad] E. A. STOVESAND Agent for . . . John Deere Binders, Dain Mowers, Deer Disc Cultivators and Planters, J. I. Case, Disc Cultivators and Planters, James Oliver SULKEY Plows, WEBER and Dame Farm Wagons. Cedar Hill, Hillsboro, Route 2, Missouri.
[Ad] Albert S. ENNIS, Attorney-at-Law, Real Estate, Notary Public, Office over Citizen’s Bank. Festus, MO.