Jefferson County Record
Hillsboro, MO, August 21, 1919
While passing thru Antonia we met Bernard FRIEDMAN, who told us he was expecting his son Ben FRIEDMAN Jr. home this week. Young FRIEDMAN was very severely wounded in the Meuse-Argon offensive and has been in a hospital at Camp Sheridan for some months. It is to be hoped that the surgeons save made a good job in Ben’s case and that he will be as sound as ever. Young FRIEDMAN was wounded within twenty miles of where his grandfather was born.
We are informed the John HOPSON is at home again. John was with the Marines at Chateau Thierry and of course in other big offensives. He came out of the fight without having received a scratch and says that in all the fierce fighting in which he was engaged is never had an opportunity or cause to use a bayonet and states that such opportunities are rare in open fighting. John is a man of intelligence and grit and no doubt will be able to tell many interesting stories and incidents of the war and of the sights and people he has seen in Europe.
Alvin MILLER, son of Judge J. P. MILLER is home again from overseas. Alvin was in the aviation section and had several close shaves in his flying experiences. He was an observer and never had any experience in combat planes, but found plenty of thrills and plenty of danger in the other sort of work. Alvin is a bright observant boy and has gathered quite a bit of interesting history in connection with aeroplane service. He thinks the Liberty motor a good one but the planes too easily set on fire in fact verified by such men as RICKENBERGER the Ace of Aces for America.
She was called from the breakfast table twice, once to make a date for a meeting to hold a community sing, and the other time to give information about canning asparagus.
As it was Saturday and office day, she was at a desk at eight-thirty, reading mail and dictating to her stenographer. By nine o’clock the rush was on, and only four letters had been dictated.
During the day she responded to seventeen telephone calls lasting from three minutes to fifteen, the last call coming at ten-thirty at night, but her landlady did not call her to answer it.
She made five dates for future meetings, had four office calls from as many women, each remaining half hour or longer; held seven conferences previously arranged for, varying in length from five to fifteen minutes; talked to one hundred and twenty-five members of the Farm Bureau about the scope of her work, and its benefits to the rural women; helped the chairman make plans for “Baby Week”; arranged for a community “sing,” and promised to train a chorus to sing at a rural meeting on Memorial Day; took charge of a thirteen-year-old girl at the request of her mother and went with her to see the sheriff to ask his protection for the child from an irate neighbor woman who had threatened her; interviewed a candidate for the position of matron to a newly established home for working girls, and then made appointments for her to meet other members of the committee; instructed a rural teacher as to the best method of installing a hot lunch in her school next fall, and advised her about taking care of her girls’ sewing club this summer.
She used a whole half hour for lunch except for a few minutes when she went to the bank. At five-thirty she was starting to return a book on the “Newer Nutrition,” feeling that there was something she had left undone. There were.
This gives an idea of how busy a home demonstrator agent may be. The activities of this day are not unusual in number, the business is typical. And the University of Missouri College of Agriculture is glad that the women of the state are making the most of their opportunities to call on the representatives of the Extension Service.
Sandy folks gave a picnic and fish fry last Saturday to raise money for their cemetery. Hon. Walter L. HENSLEY was present and addressed the assembly. A good crowd was present and everybody went away with hunger satisfied and report an enjoyable time.
Mr. I. L. SILBERSTEIN, a prosperous merchant of our city celebrated his birthday Sunday. His children who came here from St. Louis in their automobiles were the guests. There was a dinner consisting of everything good and the birthday cake graced the center of the long dining table. May Mr. SILBERSTEIN live to celebrate many more birthdays with his loved ones around him.
Mr. HAWKINS returned the first part of the week from Atchison Kansas where he went to get his automobile. He was accompanied by his daughter and Miss Vivian EDGAR.
A.E. STOCKING and family went to Potosi Friday in their Maxwell.
DeSoto Base Ball team won Sunday in a game with the Ziegeaheims of St. Louis.
The Misses Lucile and Margaret BENSON returned from Columbia, Mo., Friday.
The Misses McCLURE are entertaining their niece Rachel HERTIG of St. Louis.
Miss ROWLAND who visited Miss Tillie CAMPBELL returned to Parsons, Kansas Friday.
Mrs. Will CASEY and little daughter Margaret BRICKEY of Potosi spent the weekend here with relatives.
Mrs. Ross DONNELL and daughter Miss Eunice of Hillsboro were here shopping Wednesday of last week.
Miss Martha REPPY of Hillsboro who visited Miss Violet BENSON returned home the latter part of last week.
Charles HEMME Jr. and Fred EVANS of Hillsboro attended the baseball game here Sunday.
August 22, the Child’s Welfare Assn. will give an ice-cream lawn special at the home of Mrs. R. COXWELL.
A.W. MORSE and family spent Sunday at Festus with Mrs. G. W. BIRD.
John FRECH and Robert COXWELL departed Wednesday of last week for Beloit, Michigan. They are making the trip in John’s Dodge car.
Miss Lillie HEMME of Hillsboro was the guest of Miss Edith HERMAN Sunday.
Mrs. E. STONE and son Klenn of Kansas are here visiting her sister Miss Julia KLENN.
A new concrete street crossing is being built on the street from the M. E. Church South to the DAVIDSON property.
Frank BOYD has improved his home on 4th Street with a new coat of paint.
Mrs. Lena STEEL and little son Joseph of Hillsboro were in town one day last week.
Wm. WRIGGLEY of Wichita, Kansas and Miss Alice CAMPBELL of DeSoto were united in marriage at the home of the bride’s parents Wednesday August 13th. Dr. Donald McDONALD, pastor of the Congregational Church performed the ceremony. This happy young couple will travel for three weeks before taking up their work at Wichita.
W. H. POWERS has been appointed county attendance officer and children of school age will be compelled to attend.
D. A. MALICOAT and wife went to visit relatives in Tennessee last week. The trip was made in their Overland car.
Mrs. Gus HAMEL and son Raymond have returned from Sedalia, Mo. where they attended the State Fair.
Dr. C. E. FALLETT has returned safely from France. His many friends are glad to welcome him home.
A number of our town folks attended the Farmers’ Union convention.
The Union Electric light and Power Co. of St. Louis filed its mortgage to the Bankers Trust Co. of New York to secure fifty million dollars refunding bonds. The mortgage took 78 pages of written record. The Company owns the electric plant at Festus and DeSoto and has a line of poles in this country. Their power is derived from the Keokuk Dam.
Bank of Imperial allowed $3410.86 against partnership estate of NAES Brothers.
Inv. and appr. lists in estate of S. H. ROUX filed and approved. Additional bond in said estate in sum of $1500 or ordered also ordered bale hay and employ help to care for stock.
Addl. Inv. estate J. W. SMITH filed and approved.
Final settlement in estate of Frank CAMPBELL approved.
CHENOWITH minors: Sale of real estate by guardian confirms.
Claim of W. W. ROGERS vs. estate of Dora ROGERS dismissed for failure to give security for costs.
Estate of Jas. H. WILSON: All notes on hand ordered sold at private sale.
Wm. DIX estate: Further administration dispensed with.
Clarence and Edwin JENNI returned this week from overseas duty. Both boys have been cited and decorated for bravery at the battle front. We are happy indeed to welcome our home town heroes home.
Mr. LOWRY of Crystal has gone to Baltimore on his vacation where his wife and daughters have been the past year.
The new labor law, not allowing children under sixteen to work after seven p.m. has deprived several of the boys here of their jobs, especially soda dispensers at the drug store confectionaries and show.
Miss Alice PORTER is visiting the SCHAFER family in St. Louis this week.
Our Chautanqua program is being well advertised and from the program given out we are promised five days of good entertainment. There are lectures and music to please each and everyone. Be sure to come. August 30 to September 3.
Edgar FALLERT recently returned from France has accepted a position as assistant to Dr. BOWMAN in the accountant’s office.
Richard RUTLEDGE of St. Louis is spending a two week vacation with relatives and friends here and in St. Genevieve.
Master Donald DIETRICH of Hillsboro is visiting with his grandmother Mrs. Amanda BYRD.
Miss Mabel VOLLMAR, assistant at the Farmers and Merchants Bank is spending her vacation in Kirkwood with her mother.
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. BAILEY and daughter Mary AVIS of Memphis, Tenn. are visiting with his parents Mr. and Mrs. James BAILEY.
Mr. and Mrs. Jess WAGGENER and children have returned to Detroit, Michigan after spending the summer in Festus.
Carl GROSSMAN has purchased the Alex BAILEY home in Moor’s addition.
The Senior League of the M. L. Church gave an ice-cream social at Warnes Grove Monday evening. The folk games played by the children proved quite an attraction. The social was a success in every way.
A family reunion was held at Harry EVANS home Sunday. Plenty of eats and a good time in general is the report of the happy occasion.
Herbert GREEN passed through Hillsboro with a troop of boy scouts with whom he has been camping on Big River since August 4. Quite a few patrons came down from the City to visit the boys Saturday of August 9th and the Sunday following. On Sunday August 10th R. HOWES of St. Louis, while in bathing got in beyond his depth and called for help. Altho there was a goodly crowd present it remained for Andrew LAUGE, a boy scout fifteen and a half years old to be the person to get Mr. HOWES out. It can be said that this feat would have been impossible of accomplishment by so small a boy, but Mr. HOWES seems to have kept his head and did not resist the effort to save him and the boy soon had him up to the dam, where he was easily pulled out and was soon recovered. Mr. GREEN is quite proud of his portage and is taking the steps necessary to procure proper recognition of the act, which entitles young LAUGE to rank as a first class scout.
Dear Mr. Editor:
I hope to find the following item of sufficient news value to publish in your splendid paper. If so, it will be very much appreciated.
John David REPPY, one of our Hillsboro boys, enlisted in the Navy last Saturday, as Apprentice Seaman at the recruiting station in St. Louis. He chose to go to Mare Island, California and the Government will immediately send him there. After about two months there he will go abroad one of the ships of the Pacific Fleet.
In peace times Uncle Sam runs his Navy principally as a great training school. So this young man now has a bright future before him with a splendid chance to learn a trade, and while learning, to see the world and save money.
Yours sincerely,
Lieut. Comdr. U. S. N.
Sunday September 7, 1919 the Evangelical Glaize Creek Church will celebrate their annual Harvest Mission Festival. For noon and afternoon services. Refreshments of all kinds to be had. Everyone come. Rev. Huge FRIEDRICH.
While most all the good folks of Hillsboro were attending church Sunday night, C. W. CARWRIGHT, Joe HOEKEN’S man of all work, discovered a light in HOCKEN’s/HOEKEN’s barn. He called Joe and they went down to investigate. Joe didn’t have the horse in the barn but he did have it locked. When they arrived upon the scene they found the horse in the barn and the padlock used in locking it pried off with the marks of the steel bar plain upon it. Joe says his horse is very intelligent but he never knew him to strike a light and pry off a padlock. In as much as a sack of corn was missing Joe thinks that some of his friends probably borrowed it. He adds however that he is tired of this sort of thing and if some of his friends are not careful they will get a load of shot just by the way of letting them know they are welcome. Petty thieving about Hillsboro is getting to be quite common, due no doubt to the high cost of living.
Mrs. Geo. JOHNSON is visiting her brother Wm. STRAHER for a few weeks.
Mrs. Frank ARNOLD’s sister Mrs. RUDOLPH of St. Louis was visiting her the latter part of the week.
Private Arthur BECHLER arrived here this week looking fine. He is a credit to Uncle Sam.
There was a fish fry at HACK’s grove Sunday and everyone had a jolly time. The expert fisherman supplied them with plenty of fish and as the ladies had taken baskets full of cats along no one went home hungry. The rumor is that Jacob BECKER caught the largest fish. “Another fish story.”
A few of our young people attended the dance Saturday night at Antonia. They had the time of their life, and say they will never miss another dance at good old Antonia.
Quite a number of our folks attended a basket dinner at Cliff Cave Sunday. They left early in the morning and got back at a late hour in the evening. They looked tired but happy.
A little bird whispered to us that Mrs. Joseph ZIPP sold the old homestead to Mr. D. W. HACK. We don’t know Mrs. ZIPP’s plans but Mr. HACK expects to move in a very short time.
Mrs. Wm. HARTMAN and children and Mrs. DODIE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert ROESCH were here on a visit for a few days. From here they went to see their brother Jas. ROESCH at Kimmswick.
Jack FROST asks the Maxville correspondent to announce that there will be no picnic at Seckman August 24th on account of the Barbecue given by the C.K. of A. at Maxville, Mo.
We appreciate their kindness and will surely attend their picnic when they do give it.
Our old reliable ball grounds were turned into a battlefield Sunday afternoon. Some “smarty” from St. Louis walked into the diamond and kicked up as much dust as he possibly could and that was too much for our boys as they always try to play fair. Most of our ball players are still in good turn as they just came back from fighting the “huns” so it was a battle royal, and we just know that the fellow that kicked up the dust was willing to kick up some more dust trying to get away from there. Our boys won in spite of everything. The score was 11 to 10.
Rev. J. C. MONTGOMERY at the request of citizens of Barnhart spoke a second time there on Sunday August 17th on the League of Nations. As a speaker for the league Rev. MONTGOMERY is decidedly strong. His arguments are coached in simple language and illustrated by means of anecdotes and stories in such a way that no one who is open to conviction can fail to see the logic in them. As evidence that the Barnhart folks were convinced the following resolution was adopted without a dissenting vote.
Whereas: the great world war has been fought and won to the lasting glory of American arms, and whereas, all the destruction of property, bloodshed pain and death might have been averted had there previously existed a League of Nations.
Therefore: be it resolved that we favor the adoption of any international agreement that will spare our children from the horrors of future wars; that we believe the covenant of the League of Nations to be a long step in the right direction and that we urge our United States Senators to lay aside all partisan and personal prejudice and vote for its satisfaction without further unnecessary delay.
Copies of this resolution have been sent to Senators, REED and SPENCER. James SUTTON, Director of Publicity for Jefferson County.
George KOEBBE is visiting Barnhart frequently in connection with an important business proposition.
Ben RIECHMAN of near Antonia, smilingly visits Barnhart, remarking he too likes the smiles that won’t wear off.
Antonia attracted quite an audience of Barnhartians Saturday eve, the fish fry being the drawing card. Four o’clock a.m. returning home indicated an excellent time had by those attending.
A new departure of the town loafer is taking straw votes of those not favoring the League of Nations. Thus far 350 of 375 do not favor any league while remaining 25 are willing to take chances of permitting a vote on the question. Quite a contrast to the alarm of a certain Jefferson County attorney asserting 75 percent favor it. Next week we expect to reach fully 600 more and get their views.
Dame Rumor has it that a suit for slander will soon be underway by certain neighbors down Pevely way.
Efficiency Farmer GANTNER can be seen daily marketing produce in and around Festus. Efficiency will come to the front.
Wm. F. MEYER of Glen Park has been appointed manager of the Farmers’ Union Store. It has not been announced who are to be the able assistants.
Ben WINKING of Lone Star Heights, worked himself into sickness during the threshing period, becoming overheated. He is doing nicely and will be out in a few days.
Francis BARNHART attended the State Fair at Sedalia the past week. We are expecting some data on certain farm appliances on his return.
Earl MURPHY and the “Flying Dodge” barely touched the high places going north through Barnhart Sunday. One bystander remarked here he comes and there he goes …
A party of St Louisans were in our midst Sunday seeking new business locations. From the remarks of one, we assume they were ex-saloon keepers endeavoring to embark in new enterprises.
J. M. STITES accompanied the milk truck Sunday to attend the regular G. A. R. semi-monthly meeting in St. Louis.
Sylvester BLAKE and wife of Glen Park feel and appear chesty since the advent of an agreeable son-in-law into the family circle.
Messers Adolph HEMME, Rachel and Engelbach composing an executive committee of a local organization were busy the past week, (cleaning house).
The love sick youth is quite a contrast to the business racking element of certain communities. We have them far and near.
The Lemay Ferry road seemed crowded to capacity with “chicken” the past week in the vicinity of the amenable Maxwell Heights. The Columbia Six was no exception; it too was admirably represented.
Sidney LEE located east of Barnhart, evidently means business judging by building material now on the ground. We assume those “chicken dinners” will be made a feature of the new road house.
John R. BAKER - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Maxville
Mary A. RUESS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Maxville
Arthur W. LUHN - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hillsboro
Hazel N. EATON - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hillsboro
Wm. WRIGLEY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wichita, Kan.
Alice CAMPBELL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wichita, Kan.
Chas. E. LADD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DeSoto
Nellie BRADFORD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DeSoto
Oliver A. HIPES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Crystal City
Josephine M. PERRY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Crystal City
Luther HOOD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Frumet
Martha RUPKY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DeSoto
Hello, Here we are again. Haven’t been heard from a quite a while but is still among the living.
The rain that fell last week pleased everyone as things were almost burned up.
The Barbecue and picnic given last Saturday night, proved to be a success. There was a very large crowd and everybody enjoyed themselves.
People have their wheat all thrashed in this neighborhood and have started to plow.
There will be a basket dinner and services at the Cedar Hill Baptist Church Sunday August 24th. Reverend Carl RADAR of St. Louis will be present, and will have special singing by his quartette. Everybody is cordially invited to attend. Services will be at eleven o’clock.
Our Friends Heenan PIERCE brought a couple of Elberta peaches . . . perfect as any we have ever seen. We weighed one of them and it was a ten good ounces. It was some peach.
F. J. ADAMS, John REPPY and Green HEARST made a trip into Rock Township Monday and had dinner with Wm. SCHWALBERT. The Editor and the Judge wasn’t expecting . . . and the bunch got there just a . . . but oh say, it was a regular . . . dinner and then some of us poor folks. There seems to be a lot of peaches in Rock Township and weather is pretty generally is fair and some days are very good. Many farmers are cutting the early corn.
Col. Thomas Hart BENTON M--- formerly of this county was one of the features of the Sunday Globe Democrat’s Artgravure section. Col. BENTON of course posed as an old time fiddler and was of course dispensing the old melodies such as “Irish Washerwoman”, “Soapsuds over the Fence” and ‘Moneymusk”, Devils Dream” and other melodies as have been forgotten so called violinists of the day.
Chas. HAUSER, wife and four -- and Mrs. Mary KAHLE, were visiting Judge J. P. MILLERS Tuesday. Mr. HAUSER is a former resident of High Ridge and left this county about 30 years ago. He is assistant manager at the Litchfield Creamery at Litchfield, Ill. He made the trip from Litchfield to High Ridge by way of St. Louis in an automobile and is having a . . .
A party of Khaki clad young men passed thru here last week, with flags flying and were followed by a hearse. We concluded it was a military (funeral) but ascertained later that it was a group of boy scouts and the hearse was used as a commissary wagon. This was certainly quite an unique use for the hearse but then you know you can’t . . . folks.
Frank DIETRICH, Doctor M --, and W. R. DONNELL Jr. went down to Caruthersville to look over their farm down there. Frank says they rented it for cash rent about – years ago, to a drayman who was just about down and out. When they arrived to the farm they found the drayman absent and was informed that he had taken his family for an automobile trip to Kentucky. Frank said they also were told that he had purchased twenty acres of land at $400 per acre and was cared for by his foreman at $2.50 per day to look after the farm, which had the best crops they saw on the whole trip. They had their eyes opened on the . . .
As Peeping Tom has forgot all about Seckman someone else must take the place.
Very few farmers are still . . . for wheat, all are waiting on rain
Arthur BECHLER, a soldier boy who was overseas is back home again. NAUMAN also is back.
Quite a bunch of young folks attended the picnic at Antonia Saturday. HAFNER’S Band furnished the music. All reported a good time.
The Rock Creek bridge between . . . and Imperial is being worked on and will be one of the best bridges in the County, after it is finished. It is expected to be finished the last part of next . . .
The correspondent wishes to tell people that read the Record, the Seckman picnic that was to be S . . . August 24 will be postponed until a later date. Maxville is giving a . . . on the same date, and Seckman and Maxville never buck against each other. We must say that the Maxville Committee must have forgot to put their glasses on, so they didn’t see any . . .
Herman MOTTERT says he didn’t want to rely on the South for watermelon. He can raise them just a large as they do down there.
George BOEMLER is back home from overseas and sports the same ro. . he did before he left. “Things look the same”, says George.
Some of the Seckman sports and . . . shooters are preparing to have fishfry for themselves.
George BECHLER, a former Jefferson County boy, now located in Chilicothe, is here visiting relatives.
Burnell SEAUBEL is at home from Cape. He will teach his first school in Oak Ridge in Cape County.
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~The Jefferson County Record. A Partnership composed of John H. REPPY an Albertise C. REPPY. John H. REPPY, Editor. Albertise Coon REPPY Associate Editor. Entered as second-class matter March 2, 1911 as the Postoffice in Hillsboro, Mo. under the Act March 3, 1889. Cards of Thanks, twenty-five cents; Resolutions, one dollar, Obituary poetry, five cents per each six words.. Subscription Price – One Year, $1.50. Six Months, .75 Cents in Advance.
Hillsboro, MO., Thursday, August 21, 1919
Henry FORD sued the Chicago Tribune for a million dollars for having called him an anarchist. The Tribune’s defense was that it was true. The jury gave FORD six cents of 6-1000,000,000 part of what he sued for. Ford says he is vindicated by the verdict. Perhaps, but if the Tribune came within 6-100,000,000 of the truth we can't see that the vindication amounts to much. As it is we think FORD got too much damages.
The DeSoto Fair is a strictly Jefferson County matter and there is every reason for the citizens of the county to make strenuous efforts to make it a success. The fruit display this year ought to be such a one as would attract the attention of outsiders for there certainly can be no better fruit than Jefferson County produces and is producing this year. The County has some splendid stock and if the various industries of the County all exhibit, the Fair would have vastly more than local interest. Get ready to go and get ready to exhibit the best you have. In this way you can help and be helping you create interest and insure success.
“Watchful Waiting” with Mexico, has resulted in the loss of over 200 Americans killed. Now bandits have seized two American aviators and demand $15,000,000 ransom for them. We are going to pay it but just what we are going to do after that is hard to tell. The average American knows what we ought to do, and if they could decide the “Star Spangled Banner” would soon be floating over the halls of the Montezuma” and would stay there.
Well the war is over and now we know that only 72 American cannon ever reacted the front and less ammunition than would have been needed for a single battle. We spent for the cannon and ordnance $1,181,181,850.00 and for ammunition $3,173,054,546.00 which is some expenditure. This is efficiency with a vengeance and compares favorably with our aeroplane production.
~SUBLIME SELFISHNESS~ Washington, Aug: The Republican Publicity Association, though its President, Hon. Jonathan BOURNE, Jr., today gave out the following statement from Washington Headquarters:
In their appeal to the public for support of their measure reorganizing the railroads the four brotherhoods assume a most benevolent attitude. Full of sympathy for the abuses they claim capital has forced upon poor people they invite support for their legislation stating that “it is to benefit the consuming public of which labor at present is the audible part.” But an examination of the bill itself shows that the brotherhoods have taken care first of themselves. Under its terms the Government will buy the roads from the present owners, issuing bonds in payment therefore. They will then be operated by the newly created ‘National Railroad Operating Corporation.’ After providing for the payment of operating expenses, maintenance as ‘net earnings.’ One-half of the net earnings are to be paid into the Treasury, in other words will be given to the people. The other half will be paid to the employees themselves in the form of dividends in the proportion which each individual’s compensation bears to the total compensation.
“In plain English that means that the railroad employees will take the money of all the people out of the Treasury and buy the roads. After that is done they propose to give 100,000,000 people half of the profits of operation. 5,000,000 people will keep the other half, assuming that there are 1,000,000 employees and that each represents a family of five. In other words each member of the brotherhood will receive in profits 20 times more than any other citizen and in addition will get his share as a member of the total population.
“After confiscating the roads without a cent of expenditure on their part, except as they form about five percent of all who contribute taxes to the Treasury, these economic highwaymen propose to give each of their membership 20 times as large a share of the profits as any other person will be permitted to receive. That is what the so-called Plumb plan, reduced to its lowest terms means, and a veiled threat is held over the country that unless their demands are complied with by Congress the railroad employees will affect a complete tie-up of our transportation systems, with its attendant papalysis of the Nation.
Bolshevism in Russia has nothing on this”.
No community is immune from tornadoes. Protect your farm property and livestock by a good tornado and windstorm policy, don’t wait until too late. You might be next. Write or phone for rates to James N. HALL, Agent
~For Sale~
One set single harness and one four burner coal-oil stove. J. L. THOMAS, Rt. 1, Pevely Mo.
Docket of cases in which settlements are due from administrators, executors, guardians and curators at the ensuing term of the probate court of Jefferson County, to be held at the courthouse in said county, commencing on the fourth (4) Monday of August, 1919.
Name of Estate - - - - - - - - - Adm, Ex., Guar., or Cur., - - - - - - - - - Kind of settlement
Monday, August 25th, 1919 – First Day
ARNOLD, Michael, dec. - - - - - - - - - Louis ARNOLD, Ex. - - - - - - - - - - - - F. S.
BURRUS, Chas. L., dec. - - - - - - - - - P. S. TERRY, adm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - F. S.
BRINKMAN, Warren, dec. - - - - - - -Lola J. BRINKMAN, admx.- - - - - - - F. S.
BURGAN, Dennis, dec. - - - - - - - - - -Louisa BURGAN, admx. - - - - - - - - - F. S.
BRECKENRIDGE, Melvin G., dec. - -Frank BRECKENRIDGE, adm. - - - - Semi-An
BRIERTON, Kate, dec. D. B. FROST & W. L. TOWNSEND adm’s with will an Semi-An
BRENNAN, James J., dec. - - - - - - - - Sarah BRENNAN, Exx. - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
BRUNE, Henry dec. - - - - - - - - - - - - George ADAMS, Ex. - - - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
BRAMERLOH, Wm., dec. - - - - - - - -Fred BRUMERLOH, adm. - - - - - - - Semi-An
BYRNE, Francis & Katie, minors - - - Mary A. BYRNE G. & Crux. - - - - - -A. S.
CONN, Sylvanus M., dec. - - - - - - - - John N. Conn Ex. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
COLE, Sarah, dec., - - - - - - - - - - - - - May Josephine COLE, Exx. - - - - - - Semi-An
CRETH, Timothy dec. - - - - - - - - - - -Chas E. ENGLAND, adm. - - - - - - - Semi-An
CLARK, Fred Z. Jr., a minor - - - - - - Fred Z. Clark, Sr., G. & C. - - - - - - - - A.S.
Tuesday, August 26th, 1919 – Second Day
DORNSEIF, Louisa, dec. - - - - - - - - - Fred DORNSEIF, adm., - - - - - - - - - - A. S.
DODD, John B. dec., - - - - - - - - - - - Mrs. Mary C. DODD, admx - - - - - - Semi-An
DICKERMAN, Leon & Arthur, minors Celina DICKERMAN G. & C - - - - -A. S.
EHRICHS, Marie Minna, a minor - - - Sophia EHRICHS, Crux. - - - - - - - - - A. S.
ELLIS, Wm. C. dec. - - - - - - - - - - - - John SCHWEAK Ex. - - - - - - - - - - - F. S.
FRASER, David FRASER, dec. - - - - - Margaret FRASER admx - - - - - - - F. S.
FITZGERALD, Wm, Dec. - - - - - - - - -Wm. & Margaret FITZGERALD Ex’s. Semi-An
FRANZ, George Sr., dec. - - - - - - - - - -Mark FRANZ adm. - - - - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
GANNON minors - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Jos GANNON G. & C - - - - - - - - - - -A. S.
HUG, Stephen dec., - - - - - - - - - - - - Wm. S. WITTLER, Ex. - - - - - - - - - - F. S.
HEINEN, Margaret, dec. - - - - - - - - - Horace BUXTON adm - - - - - - - - - F. S.
HARTER, Wm. J. dec. - - - - - - - - - - - Fred W. HARTER adm - - - - - - - - - F. S.
HOFFMAN, Emanuel dec. - - - - - - - - E. C. EDGAR adm. - - - - - - - - - - - - F. S.
Wednesday, August 27th, 1919 – Third day
HAMILL, J. M. dec. - - - - - - - - - - - - - R. B. JONES ex. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
HEILIGTAG, Anna dec. - - - - - - - - - - Julius HEILIGTAG adm. - - - - - - - - Semi-An
HUSKEY, W. J. dec.- - - - - - - - - - - - - Harly DAHL Ex. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
HAVERSTICK minors - - - - - - - - - - - Helen I. HAVERSTICK curx. - - - - - A. S.
HILDERBRAND minors - - - - - - - - - - Augusta HILDERBRAND crux. - - - A. S.
HOHL, minors - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - John C. HOHL Cur. - - - - - - - - - - - A. S.
KIDD, Ralph Wm., a minor - - - - - - - - John B. KIDD Cur. - - - - - - - - - - - - A. S.
KLENN, Elizabeth, dec. - - - - - - - - - - Julia KLENN Exx - - - - - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
KLEINSCHMIDT, Fredrick A. dec. - - Louisa KLEINSCHMIDT admx. - - - Semi-An
KROPA, Barbara dec. - - - - - - - - - - - - Kasper KROPA adm. - - - - - - - - - - F. S.
Thursday, August 28th 1919 – Fourth Day.
LALUMANDIER, Velar, dec. - - - - - - Elizabeth LALUMANDIER, Exx. - - F. S.
LINDWEDEL, Fred H. dec. - - - - - - - - Fritz LINDWEDEL, Adm. - - - - - - - Semi-An
LOYSON, Louis insane - - - - - - - - - - - John G. BRUNS Guar. - - - - - - - - - A. S.
MEYERS minors - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lewis R. MEYER cur. - - - - - - - - - A. S.
McCORMACK, C. R. dec. - - - - - - - - W. S. BOYCE adm. - - - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
NAES Bros. Partnership estate - - - - - -Wm. NAES Adm. - - - - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
NAES Minors - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Theresia WARD G. & C. - - - - - - - A. S.
QUINN, Kate, dec. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Chas QUINN Adm. - - - - - - - - - - - F. S.
RINEY, Georgina A. dec. - - - - - - - - - - - Esther Carr ATKINSON Admx - - - Semi-An
ROGERS, Doretha, dec. - - - - - - - - - - - - M. F. ROGERS Adm. - - - - - - - - - -Semi-An
Friday, August 29th, 1919 – Fifth Day.
ROESCH, Wm. H. dec. - - - - - - - - - - - - Louisa ROESCH, Admx. - - - - - - - -Semi-An
ROSE, Henry, dec. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wm. ROSE, adm. - - - - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
ROSE, Katherine, dec. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wm. ROSE, adm. - - - - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
ROGERS, Louisa dec. - - - - - - - - - - - - - George ROGERS adm. - - - - - - - - F. S.
SONTAG, Susie M. dec. - - - - - - - - - - - W. W. TUCKER adm. - - - - - - - - - F. S.
SULLENS, Eliza dec. - - - - - - - - - - - - - George BRACKMANN ex. - - - - - - Semi-An
SMITH, Ellen Louise, dec. - - - - - - - - - - - L. H. SMITH, Ex. - - - - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
SCHMITT, J. W. dec. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Friederika SCHMITT Exx.- - - - - - Semi-An
SWAN, Nettie Katherine dec. - - - - - - - - S. J. ROZIER, adm. - - - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
THOMSICK, Mary, insane - - - - - - - - - - -Andrew L. HILGERT G. & C - - - - A. S.
Saturday, August 30th, 1919 – Sixth Day.
VORNBERG, Herman, dec. - - - - - - - - - - Wm. & Fred VORNBREG Exs. - - - Semi-An
VOGT, John, Sr., dec. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Geo & Jacob VOGT, Exs. - - - - - - F. S.
WILSON, James H. dec. - - - - - - - - - - - - -Frank L. WILSON, Adm. - - - - - - - F. S.
WEIDELE, Joseph, dec. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Elizabeth WEIDELE, Admx. - - - - F. S.
WEIDNER, Magdelena dec. - - - - - - - - - - Joseph WEIDNER, Adm. - - - - - - Semi-An
WILLIAMS, Hazel C. a minor - - - - - - - - - W. R. WILLIAMS G. & C. - - - - - A. S.
WILLIAMS, Howard D. a minor - - - - - - - Wm. Sylvester WILLIAMS G. & C -A. S.
State of Missouri,) ss. County of Jefferson)
I, Anna MILLER, Clerk of the Probate Court in and for said county, hereby certify that the above is a true copy of the original Probate Court Docket, as the same appears on record in my office. Witness my hand and the seal of said Court. Done at office in Hillsboro, Missouri, this 21st day of July, 1919. Anna MILLER, Clerk of Probate Court. (SEAL).
[Page 3]
~Hillsboro Items~
Mrs. Fred EVANS spent the week-end in St. Louis.
. . . A. MARSDEN is nicely settled in his new store.
Miss Beulah PARKINSON from Illinois is visiting her grandmother Mrs. H. PARKINSON.
Master Huge EAVENS is visiting Mrs. Charles HERMAN of DeSoto for a short while.
Miss Ella FRISSELL who has spent several months in a Chicago health rehab visited her cousin Mrs. J. H. REPPY last week. She had also spent some time with relatives in New York andfeels quite recovered in health.
W. S. WILSON and son Brill spent Sunday with DeSoto relatives, Stanley having gone there some days before for a visit which included one also to St. Louis relatives.
Mrs. T. KLEINSCHMIDT, in trying to prevent the baby granddaughter from the fall down stairs lost her balance and landed at the bottom herself with the baby unhurt. She herself however, was not so fortunate but has been laid up several days with bruises and from the shock of her rapid transit and sudden landing.
The GASCHE family had as guests on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Ben WINER and daughter Gladys, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. BUDER and son Carl and Master Charles WINER of St. Louis.
Mrs. McCOOL, two sons and daughter-in-law visited Mrs. John ECKLE Saturday and Sunday.
Judge W. KERKHOFF was a Hillsboro visitor Monday.
The Editor, his son John, and Otto HAGEMAN went to St. Louis Friday by automobile. Coming home that night the rain struck us just before we reached Cedar Hill. We stopped for a short time in Cedar Hill until the hailstorm was over and drove on to Hillsboro, the rain continuing all the way. It has been a long time since we have witnessed an electrical display quite as vivid as the one last Friday night.
Dr. C. A. McCLELAND will be at the Commercial Hotel at Hillsboro, August 29 and 30.
Leopold ZIPP and his wife were Hillsboro visitors Tuesday. Leopold visited the Record office and had his son J. A. ZIPP enrolled on our list.
Last week a party of four men and four young women arrived in Hillsboro. There is nothing unusual in this, for such events frequently occur, but these young women were attired in blue overalls and attracted quite a bit of attention. We don’t know who they were or where they came from and we don’t imagine that work or necessity required the garb and while the garb attracts attention it is not the sort of attention that a modest young woman seeks.
Mrs. REPPY, who has been ill for the past two weeks is improving slowly, but is still confined to her room.
The MESDAMES, PARKINSON and BUCHANAN entertained friends Monday evening with a six o’clock dinner in honor of Miss Beulah PARKINSON.
The Eastern Star Tuesday evening initiated Fred WILLIAMS and Miss WILSON, both of Big River Township. Refreshments and a social time followed.
Wanted to rent for the coming year, a small dairy and general farm. Address “Farmer” care of Record office.
A League of Women Voters has been organized in Hillsboro, with the following officers: President, Miss Medora McMULLIN; Vice President, Mrs. Lily BOOTH; Secretary, Mrs. Stella DIETRICH; Treasurer, Mrs. Emma STONE.
“Uncle Ted’s Bet-Time Stories.
“Uncle Ted,” spoke up Jack as he and his sister Ruth were again . . . ed for their weekly story, “you presented us last that you would tell us another reason why the big Senate do not like the Peace Treaty which President WILSON signed in France. You said it was about China and that there was a dragon in it, too.”
“Yes,” answered Uncle Ted, as he settled back in a big easy chair with Jack on his lap and Ruth at his feet, “China has some to the very important in the making of peace after the great war. Way back in 1898, before either of you were born, China signed a treaty with Germany by which China . . . to Germany, a large part of this . . . away country. The part which . . . many received at that time is . . . as the province of Shantung a province in China about the same as a state of the United States. This province state is in the northeastern part of China and is about as large as the states of Pennsylvania and Virginia put together. The land is in the . . . of a peninsula with the Gulf of C-- on one side and the Yellow Sea on the other. Port Arthur which the Japan had won from the Russians in another war is just across the water from the --- norther part of Shantung.’
“But what has that to do with the Peace Treaty and the Great War!”, asked Jack.
“Just this. In the peace treaty which President WILSON is asking the Senate to accept without changing it says that Japan shall be allowed to own this province of Shantung and that Germany will no longer own part of it. But the Chinese and Japanese cannot agree. They are just like you, Jack, and the little boy next door, always getting into a quarrel. China helped fight Germany in theGreat War and China says she helped fight it after the United State promised to protect her at the Peace Conference from just such things as this transfer of Shantung over to Japan.”
“Would it be wrong to give Shantung to Japan!” asked Ruth.
“Yes it would be wrong for several reasons. Germany never had any right to stay in Shantung, and it was only because her army and her . . . were much stronger than the China that she was able to stay there. It is true that the Japanese and not the Chinese drove the Germans too, but after that happened China took sides with the Allies and did all she could to help beat the Germans. When the peace treaty was written Japan should have been told that when she made the Germans leave Shantung she only drove some robbers away from land that already belong to China, and that now that the war was over it should be given back to the Chinese again.”
“Then,” asked Jack, “China w. . . really lose by the war without having anything to say about whether . . . wants Japan to have part of her country or not.”
“That is right, Jack, said also another thing that is wrong is he said which the men who made the peace treaty decided to give Japan this part of China. I heard Senator NELSON, of Minnesota, make a speech in the Senate in which he read letters showing that in 1916 and 1917 England, France, Italy and Russia secretly told Japan that if she would help them get what they wanted in the peace treaty, he would help Japan get Shantung. The United States did not have anything to do with this secret, but our President gave his consent in France to allow this part of China to be given to Japan. He always said, too, that he would not let anything like that happen to any of the countries at the peace conference. If the peace treaty is accepted by the Senate, giving this province to Japan, it may cause the United States a lot of trouble.”
“But why does Japan want the land?” asked Jack.
“Because she will get more land for her people to live in. She will have many coal mines and many places for her ships to land. One of the big ports as we call a city where ships loan and unload their goods, is a city in Shantung called Kinochow. It has a large bay or harbor and it would help the Japanese increase their business which must be carried on water in large. boats. You see, children, China is like the poor helpless prince who was in great danger of being robbed by the dragon. For a time the prince was afraid that his old friend would fail help keep the robber dragon away and that the friend might help the dragon to rob him of his treasured land. The United States has always been a friend of both China and Japan, but Japan is the dragon this time and many of our Senators think it is a big thing for the United States to help the dragon, Japan, rob the helpless prince, China.”
“I hope the prince isn’t robbed, said Ruth.
“I think our Senators will refuse to help the dragon and the prince will be safe once again. But it is late, kiddies so off to bed. I’ll tell you more next week.”
[Ad] “Cured!” Mrs. Gus GRIFFITH, of Everton, Mo. writes: “I suffered for three years with various female troubles. My life was a misery. I was not able to do anything . . . bearing down paint in my back and limbs, and headache . . . weak and nervous. Dr. – recommended Cardul to me.” Take Card-u-i. The Woman’s Tonic. “When I was on the sixth bottle”, she continues, “I began feeling like a new woman . . . I am now a well woman . . . I know my cure is permanent for it has been three years since I took Cardui.” Thousands of women, now strong and healthy, who once suffered from women’s ailments, give Card-u-I the credit for their good health. Try it, for your troubles. All Druggists.
[Ad] Heavy Polarine Oil. Stanolind Tractor Oil. Extra Heavy Polarine Oil. One of these three is the correct oil for your particular tractor. Our Engineering Staff, after a careful and exhaustive study of all tractors, has prepared a chart on which is shown your tractor and which of these three oils is the correct one for you to use. This is part of the Standard Oil Company (Indiana) service to the farmers of America. The nearest Standard Oil representative has this chart and he will be glad to show it to you. Send for 100 page book “Tractor Lubrication.” It is free and the information is contains is invaluable. Read it carefully – apply the information given and you will be able to keep your tractor in service longer. Standard Oil Company, 910 So. Michigan Ave, Chicago, Ill
[Ad] ECKLES Store. Fresh staple and fancy groceries, paints’ glassware, tin & aluminum. Dry Good, Notions, Clothing. Market Price for Country Produce. J. W. ECKLE, Hillsboro, MO.
[Ad] Don’t throw that broken casting away, have it welded by the Union Welding & Brazing Co. We weld aluminum without preheating and guarantee against warpage of aluminum and cylinders. All kinds of metals welded one to another. Cutting of high and low carbon steel. Union Welding and Brazing Company. Between Festus and Silica. Post Office, Hematite. STILLMAN Bros. Prop.
Ad] ELCAR Four and Six. Dependable and Classic. Quality and Quantity for your money. Seeing is believing. Also Two-in-one Make a Tractor agent for Maude Make a Tractor Coreless 1500 lb. Truck Elcar Touring Car. Jacob BECKER Jr. Phone Long Distance. Maxville, Mo.
[Ad] Up To-date Goods. We buy right and sell right. We ask you to give us your business and compare our prices with our competitors. We can save you money on your daily and weekly purchases and give you better values. R. A. MARSDEN. General Merchandise, Hillsboro, Mo.