Jefferson County Record

Hillsboro, MO

August 14, 1919



Of the Olive Drab and the Jackies in Blue.


 . . . RADECKER of near Zion, who was last year in France with the 89th . . . was in Hillsboro Tuesday.  He says he was glad to have been with the boys, but like most of them doesn’t want any more of it.


Geo. ELDERS was in town Tuesday . . . e doctor has recently returned from France and has not had time --- about his experiences. He says . . . that he saw France, much of . . . Belgium and for his last months had a good time and enjoyed it immensely.


Letter from Fred MUSE to John . . . y, states that he is in camp -- in San Francisco, Cal. That the eats are very good and the camp very . . . Fred says that the expectation is that they will sail for Siberia on the 15th. Fred is a son of . . . MUSE of DeSoto and volunteer army service in Siberia, a country with which we are supposed at  peace, no declaration of war being been made by Congress. . . . that may be the boys overseas seem to be doing quite a bit of . . .


. . . of Barnhart will welcome authentic news from their burg as a change from the “mushy,” smitten by some love sick youth . . . ks in conundrums leaving half readers to guess at.  For instance . . . se the town loafer is Edw. H. . . . and the rack of bones is . . . o describe Frank HITCHCOCK, who seems to have as much leisure as Edw. H., and one could not . . . fat who performs the duties . . . er, clerk, bookkeeper and general roustabout.”


We have a new citizen in our midst . . . and it appears he is a model citizen, neither drinks, smokes, swears, stays out late at night. He is the . . . r barber, Fred KRAFT. He is -- years old and when he made ais. . . Fred yelled, “next!”


 . . . Mrs. HELD of Oklahoma are guest of Mrs. HELD’S sister, Mrs. Geo . . . near Pevely.


 . . . ECHLER left Monday for a visit . . . sister in Dixon Ill.


B. YOUNG is spending a few . . in St. Louis.


 Mr. HITCOCK is also in town for entertainment.


General Motor Express conducted . . . Mr. HORTON is proving a decided . . . Each day his truck is loaded and overflowing on his trips to . . . the city. It went the limit . . . k by hauling a load of . . . from Mr. HOGAN’S sawmill to . . ., but the engine got so warm that the . . . st stay in the shade the rest of the week.


 ~DeSoto Items~


Blain JONES returned last week from a visit with his grandmother, Mrs. HENRY in the east.


 Supt. BOUCHER left last week for Ill. where he went to see his sister who is quite ill.


 Miss Martha REPPY is the guest of Miss Violet BENSON.


Mrs. E. TOBY of Louisiana, is here visiting Mrs. E. S. COXWELL.


 Mr. Max HACKE has installed a new electric range in his home on Pratt St.


 Mr. Walter EVANS has improved his home by purchasing a new Front Rank Furnace.


Mrs. Erving BROWN of Penn., visited John H. REPPY and family last week.


 A.E. STOCKING has a new Maxwell and has the agency for that car.


Mrs. Fred SHOWMAN who spent three weeks here on a visit returned to Hexie, Ark., last week.


 The Misses Etta and Tillie CAMPBELL entertained Saturday afternoon complimentary to their sister Miss Alice. The game for the afternoon was hearts. Summer refreshments were served, then a fancy decorated basket, willed with rice containing, written verses rolled and tied with white ribbons was passed and after each guest read their verse, which told of love, a proposal and the wedding date of Alice to William of New York State, we wished happiness and long life to the lady fair, who on the “thirteenth,” day to marry would dare.


The produce man, Mr. RUDMAN has completed his building on South Main Street near the Rail Road track where he will be able to handle his business in a more satisfactory manner.


 Mrs. R. B. JONES has been quite ill but is improving slowly.


 Miss Katherine McCLURE has resigned her position as principal of the East Ward School and has accepted at Kirkwood.


The St. Louis Base Ball Team won over DeSoto Sunday. Quite a few came here in their Dodge cars from the city to root for their boys.


 Those who attended the Normal at Cape Girardeau this summer returned home Friday night.


 Mrs. Ella FARRIS is entertaining Mr. and Mrs. D. L. MOUNTS of Poplar Bluff who arrived here in their car last Friday.


 A. W. MORSE and family and W. A. COUCH and family spend Sunday in St. Louis at Forest Park.


 Dr. W. W. WIEMAN spent Sunday in the city.


Atty, E. WILLIAMS and wife of St. Louis visited kindred here over Sunday.


A.W. MORSE purchased a new electric range last week.


Miss HELEN CROW spent Sunday in the city.


John DUGAN of Herculaneum was here Sunday.


The Monday Club entertainment was a success in every way. Tickets sold well and the artists giving the program entertained the audience in a charming manner.




“John and Mary,” got married last Thursday, August 7th, and the long looked for charivari took place Sunday night. We think it was the largest charivari over given to any couple in Jefferson County. John and Mary have lots of friends and gave everyone a warm welcome, but someone always has to take the joy out of life. No one knows who started the argument, but just the same there was a little skirmish, and the main instigator of it was knocked out in the first round. Outside of that everyone had a splendid time. Everyone going home wished the young married couple all the good luck in the world.


Mr. and Mrs. SIEDLER and son and Mrs. Lena KOHLER are spending their vacation at Dixon, Ill., where they are visiting at Philip PARKS, better known as “Uncle Philip.” The PARK’S family is well known in Jefferson County as this was their home for many years, about a year ago they moved to Dixon.


We had some excitement around here last Thursday. The threshing machine was threshing at Emil SIMON’S when a strong wind blew some sparks from the engine to the straw pile and before they knew it, stables and all were on fire. Luckily they saved the wheat.


Mr. and Mrs. Joseph GRAZACK were visiting relatives in St. Louis last week.


Two of our overseas boys returned home last week, George BOEMLER and George HACKMANN.


The Maxville Seniors played Alpen Brau boys last Sunday and beat the Brau boys badly.


The Maxville Married Men played Maxville Juniors and beat them to a frazzle.



Sheriff Frank B. CLARK received a telephone message Monday returning from the WATT farm, southeast of DeSoto, that thieves had stolen the belts off the threshing outfit of John NUSSBAUMER and had broken off and taken the governor of his engine. He was requested to procure bloodhounds to run down the thieves. Mr. CLARK got in communication with W. B. HUCKABY of St. Louis, who arrived in Hillsboro about five o’clock Monday afternoon.

By invitation we went with the sheriff to see the dog work. Mr. NUSSBAUMER had discovered a mark in the grass where the belts had been lain down and he kept everybody away from this point until the arrival of HUCKABY with his dog. Jim, the bloodhound a great big savage looking brute took the trail and let into the brush and to the belts concealed therein. From there he followed the trail until he came to the public road, where the trail was lost.

The parties who committed the act, either took either a buggy or a Ford car which was evidently in waiting. At the church a short distance from where the dog trailed them, there was evidence to indicate either theory.

It is assumed that some person with a grudge against Mr. NUSSBAUMER for threshing in that neighborhood may have been responsible.

It is evident that the parties merely wanted to put the machine out of commission and not to steal the belts. It is also evident that there was more than one person engaged in the job for over the ground traversed by the dog, occasional places in the path disclosed heel and footprints. One big heel and tap sole being plainly distinguishable from the other marks. The parties kept clear of the plowed ground and traveled in the stubble and pasture lands.

The governor of the engine was not found, but Mr. NUSSBAUMER has procured another and expected to start to work again Tuesday afternoon.

No names were given but Mr. NUSSBAUMER is pretty well satisfied that he knows the guilty parties and later developments may disclose evidence of their guilt.

 It was a dastardly outrage and should be severely punished if the miscreants are found.



The executive committee of Jefferson County Home Bureau met in regular session August 9th.

Report on petition to the County Court made.

 President assumes the required amount until otherwise made up.

 Plans for an extensive display at the DeSoto Fair discussed. Each chairman made head of display in her department. Displays to be exhibited by committees. It was decided to ask the DeSoto Fair Ass’n for space for exhibit in the Woman’s Building.

 Leona ECKLE elected stenographer.

 $20 in new membership turned in arrangements have been made for a special poultry culling meeting at Hillsboro Sept., 3rd at 1 p.m., to be conducted by T. E. L. TOURISLEY of Columbia.

 Two demonstrations on flocks will be given. One in the flock of Mrs. J. F. WILLIAMS.

 Demonstration agent reports for July.

 Days in office - - 10

Days in field - - 16

Home visits - - 31

Meetings - - 9

Lily Booth, Pres, Sadie Morse Secry



The election of officers at State Hospital No., 4 on August 11, resulted in the re-election of Dr. T. F. FRAZER of Commerce, and Dr. Prentiss S. TATE, of Corley, assistant physician; Norman E. BUGG of Potosi, steward; Margaret L. GRAY of New Madrid, matron and J. N. JONES of Farmington, Treasurer.

 The high efficiency of the Hospital Staff, the harmonious unity of purpose which characterizes their work, guarantees the continued success that has marked the present administration.

 The patients are kindly treated under all conditions, and are especially well fed.

 The new training school for nurses has been most beneficial, and has resulted in every kindness, courtesy and consideration being shown the patients.

One noteworthy feature is, that Dr. J. L. EATON, Superintendent, and the officers just elected, are all, for the first time in the history of the institution, native Southeast Missourians.




The meeting, Thursday eve given under the auspices of the WILSON League of Nations was a failure so far as attendance is concerned. About twenty attended, for the most part women, to hear the speeches. As one stated, “they told us something that didn’t amount to anything.”  The small attendance would indicate the citizens around here are SPENCER admirers and not Wilsonites.


 Seldom we hear utterances from a well-known dairy man, but when we do they usually are worth repeating. For instance says he, “I now name certain cows ‘United States,’ about the time they are going dry.”


 “With winter drawing near,” remarked a young matron recently, “and women get the vote, we all will be most anxious to permit our husbands to hang on to some of their privileges, for instance, that of splitting wood.”


 It has been suggested by prominent dairymen, since suits have been openly advocated against the producers of milk, and their various associations, to invite as guests, for a period of a week or ten days, the instigators of the suits to reduce the price of milk and permit them to act as a producer for that period of time. It’s a safe bet to assert they would not last 48 hours as a producer, to arise at 3:30 am. Work 4 hours before breakfast, hired hand arises at 7 a.m., breakfast at 7:30. Hired hand in field at 8 a.m., dinner 12 to 1, quits at 6 p.m. and has his supper about 6:30. Producer, after working in field all day, starts milking about 6:30 p.m., and has his supper about 8:30. No taking into account dry pastures, with bran at $12.50 per hundred, other feeds proportionately as high, 8 percent on loans, and various other difficulties confronting a producer, we believe the agitation against producers would cease immediately, after the experience.


A perfect gentleman, states Edw. St. JOHN, is the man who has the highest regard for the rights and feelings of others.


 The already exploded notion of our city cousins is that everybody on earth can live in large cities and still have plenty to eat at bargain prices.


 “Somehow, it’s strange to me,” remarked a St. Louis fisherman, “while angling in our river, (little), every time I have my vacation the fish seem to be having theirs too.


 We note that recently the corn hoeing poet has been burning the midnight oil and as usual, a close observer he comes forth with a contribution, evidently having much in mind, that which one will observe, usually among the careless. It is thus: -

Wherever red rust is found

There’s carelessness in sight,

I know there’s someone lofing round

Who ought to keep things bright.

You’ve seen some old Tumbledown,

Go forth to till his land,

His plow with rust is red or brown,

And dull to beat the band.

He left it lying in the rain,

When he got thru last spring,

While knowing it would be safe and sane

To house the costly thing.

And now the blamed thing will not seour,

It jerks and balks and leaps

And they are cussing by the hour,

And shedding briny weeps.

They’ll have to seour it now by hand,

As punishment for crime,

Or plow long furrows in the sand,

And waste all kinds of time.

Rust is the stuff that interferes,

With progress everywhere,

And rust may grow behind the ears

And underneath the hair.

The man who has a rusty mind

May show a steady gait,

But he will be long leagues behind,

The one who’s up-to-date.

We have to keep out hot works bright

Devoid of rusty streaks,

If we would have them function right.

Without a jar or squeak.

And we who read what others do,

And mark what others say,

And when the day or toil is thru.


Consult our friend the Record at J.


 “Success or failure often hangs in the balance and needs only the word of a wise advisor to sway it in the right direction,” states a pioneer of the Glaize Creek section. With two making and a third sheeting (canned?) balls of the kind made out of hot air, seldom brings success….”




Misses Isabelle IRWIN of DeSoto and Mrs. Mildred RUTLEDGE of Ste. Genevieve are the guests of Miss Lois RUTLEDGE.


Miss Olie FLIEG of St. Louis is spending her vacation with her parents here.


 Mr. Carl AUBUCHON returned Saturday from a business trip at Louisville, Kentucky.


 Messrs.’ H. B. DRAKE, N. W. BRICKEY, F. W. BRICKEY, W. MADISON and E. KERRUISH are the men of our town in attendance this week at the State Fair in Sedalia, Mo.


Mrs. Mary BLUNT has gone for a two weeks visit with relatives at Steelville Aptus and neighboring places.


Frank DIETRICH and family of Hillsboro spent Sunday with Mrs. Amanda BYRD and family.



Glen CLARK received quite a painful injury while working in the machine shop. A piece of steel flying in his eye. We trust that nothing serious develops from this accident.


Mrs. Coultas KEMPS was taken to St. Louis to St. John’s Hospital this week for treatment. Dr. COMMERFORD accompanied her to the hospital.


 Mrs. A. B. MARBURY is again a patient at the St. John’s Hospital in St. Louis. Her family went up to spend Sunday with her.


Mr. Oscar OGLE has sold his Dodge touring car to Archie HALL. Mr. OGLE has purchased a new Dodge.


 Richard FRANCIS of Herculaneum was in town several times this week in his new Dodge Coupe which is a very pretty car.


Mrs. McCLUNE of Pevely was in town on business this week.


Festus is to have a new skating rink soon. In all probability the rink will not be open until fall but everything is being gotten ready now.


Mrs. Lee JARVIS of Wichita Kansas is visiting relatives in Jefferson County. At present she is visiting at Eli DONNELL’S.


 Miss Bunny WALKER of Cape Girardeau is the guest of Miss Bertha BRENT.


 Miss Edna BRADLEY is spending her vacation in Alton, Illinois.


The Misses Louise SCHUESTER, Margaret and Alice HATTERSHIRE, Edna and Ethel VAUGHN returned Saturday from a week’s camping trip at Plattin.


Miss Pearl CARPENTER of St. Louis is visiting with friends and relatives here.


Mrs. MARBURY and son Willard, of Farmington made a business trip to our town Monday.


Miss Margaret KERRUISH has resigned her position in St. Louis and is home for a short visit before leaving for Virginia.


Our school Superintendent for this year, Mr. J. SUTTON has finally found a house here. He expects to be domiciled in the A. W. LITTON house on Russell Ave.


Mrs. Martin CADY and two children of Macon, Georgia arrived here Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. CADY have rented Mrs. FREEZE’S house in the West End and will make Festus their future home.


Mrs. Lou BURGESS and daughters Theresa and Justine, motored over from Pevely Monday on business.


Festus was well represented at the Rush Tower picnic, about 50 people going from here. All report a very pleasant time and “some” good dinner.


John L. MURPHY, son of Mrs. D. I MURPHY died at the Woodmen Sanitarium in Colorado last week. Mr. MURPHY formerly lived here and was liked by everyone. We extended condolences to his bereaved relatives.


Mrs. WHITE of St. Louis is the guest of Mrs. F. W. BRICKEY.



A state convention of the Farmer Cooperative and Educational Union was due to begin at DeSoto Tuesday. Owing to a breakdown in the train schedules, the state officers did not arrive and the meeting will be held Wednesday. The editor went down to attend Tuesday’s session and heard the elevator and mill propositions discussed by Messrs.’ A. O. WHITE and Eugene C. EDGAR.

According to Mr. WHITE’S report the elevator preparation has already demonstrated its efficiency in securing better prices. The mill proposition was discussed and its advantages to the farmer outlined. Subscriptions for additional stock necessary to build the mill were started and liberal subscriptions were secured. The meeting expressed its confidence in Messr’s WHITE and EDGAR and were enthusiastic in the expression that they were the right men in the right place.



Dr. C. A. MCCLALLAND will be at Cedar Hill, Friday and Saturday August 22 & 23.





Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas SCHULTZ of St. Louis spent a week with Wm. GONZ and family, John EISENHANER and family joining them for the weekend bringing with them Miss Leona GONZ to spend her vacation with relatives and friends at Cedar Hill and Belews Creek.


James C. JOHNSON, has purchased the live stock and property of Tom MONTGOMERY, who has been occupying “Jimmie’s” farm. The price paid seems to have been a pretty fair one, $4,200, which is more than a good farm was worth a few years ago. Jim says however that the night after he bought it, a good rain fell and increased the value of his purchase several hundred dollars.


Mrs. Edwin J. BEAN, her son Mason, lately returned from France, her daughter Helen and Miss BEBEE, were here Saturday, greeting friends for a short while. They left Jefferson City Friday and stopped in St. Louis overnight and left here for Farmington where Mrs. BEAN expected to visit her mother. They came down from Jefferson City by automobile and found the roads fairly good and were enjoying themselves. Mr. BEAN, who is a member of the Public Service Commission, was detained by business before the Commission.


Geo. RUSSELL recently had a lively experience with his “Lizzie.” George stopped the machine on a steep hillside and when he got ready to go started to crank the car. His brake gave away and “Lizzie,” started downhill backward. George got aboard, but before he could get into action, “Lizzie,” hit a very large and substantial tree and jarred and bruised George quite considerable. No bones were broken and George is around again and we are ready to vouch for the fact that his vocal organs are not injured at all.


 The so-called DeSoto Fair Association held a meeting in DeSoto Monday to determine what they would do with the $10,000 lawsuit that has been wished on them. A committee was appointed to handle the matter.


 Supt. R. B. WILSON and Mason SCHUBEL left Friday morning for the State Fair at Sedalia.



The United States Civil Service Commission has announced an examination to be held at Barnhart, Mo, on Sept., 13th, 1919, as a result of which it is expected to make certification to fill a contemplated vacancy in the position of fourth-class postmaster at Barnhart Mo., and other vacancies as they may occur at that office, unless it shall be decided in the interests of the service to fill any vacancy by reinstatement. The compensation of the postmaster at this office was $266 for the last fiscal year.

 Applications must have reached their twenty-first birthday on the date of the examination, with the exception that is a state where women are declared by statute to be a huge age for all purposes at eighteen years, women eighteen years of age on the date of the examination will be admitted.

Applicants must reside within the territory supplied by the post office for which the examination is announced.

The examination is open to all citizens of the United States who can comply with the requirements.


~Rev. J. C. MONTGOMERY Requested to Repeat Speech on League of Nations~

On Thursday, August 7th, a good crowd of citizens of Barnhart and vicinity were addressed on the League of Nations by Rev. J. C. MONTGOMERY of Herculaneum.

Rev. MONTGOMERY’S arguments were decidedly convincing and committee in charge requested that he came back again some Sunday afternoon and speak again. They thought more people should hear him. So on Sunday Aug., 17th, Rev. MONTGOMERY will speak again at Barnhart.

 James SUTTON, Director of Pub. Jeff Co.



The annual Mission Festival of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Jarvos will take place on August 30th near the church. Everybody is cordially invited to attend. Refreshments will be served as usual. The session in the morning will begin at 10:15, -- afternoon at 2:15. Rev. H. H. W??