Jefferson County Record
Hillsboro, MO
July 3, 1919
. . .MORRIS of DeSoto who made the overseas
trip in April 1918 is home again and has been visiting his brother in Goldman.
Errol Stone son of our fellow townsman,
William L. Stone, is home from overseas.
Errol saw a year of service and was in the 6th Infantry Regular Army. He saw service in the Meuse-Argonne offensive
and in the Army of . . . on. He has many things to tell that are interesting
and worthwhile, he was a good observer and had an --at appreciation of what he
Joe GONZ, Jr., and his dad were in one
day last week. Joe was one of the Marines belonging to the 6th . . . 2nd
Division. He was wounded by shrapnel at St. Mihiel and
had ---ck to the hospital. After returning he got mashed up between a . . . f
automobile trucks. He has been discharged from service as physical, with one
leg shorter than the other by over an inch and suffering constantly, it looks
like the M. D. . . . cted the discharge ought to . .
. by court martial and ousted for being a plain fool. Joe however is . . . and
optimistic and says he considers himself lucky to get out any . . . Joe has
been recalled for another examination and no doubt he will have the recognition
that is due the boys who is gallantly preserv . . . est traditions of the flag and country.
In a recent act of Congress, each serviceman
honorably discharged from the army, navy or marine corps . . . November 11th,
1918, is entitled . . . five cents per mile from the place of his discharge,
either to his . . or to the place of his muster in . . . Heretofore they have
been . . . 3½ cents per mile, or have . . . only to the place of muster . . .
War and Navy Departments . . . preparing to adjust all such . . . claims. I
will be glad to aid each soldier, marine or sailor in this . . .who desires it,
and who will provide to me his present address, and the branch of service in
which he engaged. Application blanks and instructions will be furnished on request.
Address; M. E. RHODES M. C. . . . 351
House Office Building, Washington, D. C.
H. W. HARRIS has sold his interest in
the Desoto Press to Chas. E. CURTIS, who . . . utatory,
promises not to “re . . . world,” or, “set the river on . . .
. . . “Valedictory” is distinctly . .
. ue“ and we reproduce it: I sold “all my right,
title and . . . and to the following described property,” to-wit: The De Soto
Press to Chas E. CURTIS, who will . . . and forevermore guide its . . . until
some sucker lifts the . . .m their (by that time) weary. . .
. . . he memory of man runneth to the contrary, I have labored . . .ley slave
trying to do something no mortal has ever yet succeeded in doing – please all
the people all the time, and today, summing up . . .of my work, I find the balance
reads: a few friends, many . . . and an overdrawn bank account besides years of
wasted energy . . . of perfectly good paper spoil . . .ing
poor copy.
The Press never was ably edit . . .
be impossible for the new . . . not improve the paper. He . . .t wishes for a
long and successful career. And I congratulate the .
. . on the prospect of at least having a chance to get their money’s worth in
the future. H. W. HARRIS.
~. . . BALL GAME~
. . . of Hillsboro boys went up . . .
e last Sunday to meet the undefeated Maxville Club. The . . . replete with
hitting and the boys wore a grove in the running around the diamond with . . . The
score was rather one sided, that is to say that Hillsboro won. We stated that a bunch of old . . . the
Maxville Juniors into . . . fairly close score. The Hillsboro pitcher?,
Clifford HUSKEY had the . . . on the Maxville boys and they couldn’t see the
Fred BONDELIER who made his home with
his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph BONDELIER died Sunday after a lingering
illness of tuberculosis. The funeral services were held at the Sacred Heart
Church by Father HOLDSCHNEIDER.
Miss Mae MARSH and Opal SANDER of St.
Louis spent the week-end with Mrs. P. A. BLUNT and daughter Miss Elizabeth.
Miss Elizabeth SEWALD is home from
her duties as a trained nurse for a short visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Ben DUTEMAN and Miss Pearl COLEMAN
were married at the Catholic Church in Herculaneum, last Tuesday. A wedding
dinner was given them at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. GRUETER. Heartiest
congratulations to the happy couple.
The ladies missionary Society of the
M. E. Church gave a surprise farewell to Mrs. MATHIAS. Delicious refreshments
were served, all reporting a very pleasant evening. The MATHIAS family left
Monday for their new home in Desloge. It is with
regret that we see them go.
The Misses Tillie and Monica OBERLE
entertained at their home Tuesday night in honor of Mr. and Mrs. B. BECK, who
expect to make their home in McKees Rock, Pa.
Mrs. WILLIS and daughter Miss Myrtle
have returned after an extended visit with relatives and friends in the city.
Oscar GETTINGER is the proud owner of
a new Ford which he recently purchased from Frank CANEPA.
Sergeant Charles HARTWEIN arrived
home this week from France. He has been discharged and after a little rest will
resume his old position at the P.P.G. Co.
Paul WAGGENER of Casper, Wyo., is now
the guest of his parents Mr. and Mrs. WAGGENER.
Frank BRICKEY of Booneville motored
here in his Hudson Sedan to visit with his parents Mr. and Mrs. F. W. BRICKEY.
Mrs. Russell JENKINS and small son
returned to Detroit, Michigan this week after quite an extended visit with the
A. F. MOORE family.
Lieut. N. W. BRICKEY has arrived from
overseas duty and is now at Camp Merritt in New Jersey. He expects to receive a
furlough home within the next few days.
The Christian Endeavor Convention of
the Presbyterian Church held here was successful in every way. At each session
a special lecture was given and special music was rendered also. About 70
delegates from out of town were in attendance.
Rev. MARLIN of the DeSoto Methodist
Church filled the pulpit here Sunday. His sermon being highly appreciated by
all. Special music was rendered on the saxophone by one of the DeSoto young
Howard MORSE, of DeSoto motored over
in his red roadster to be the guest of the G. W. BYRD family.
Miss Alice BRENT daughter of W. P.
BRENT and Mr. Fred PRATTE were united in marriage in the Sacred Heart Church at
5 o’clock mass. Father HOLDSCHNEIDER officiating. After a short honeymoon they
will be at home to their friends in their new bungalow in Park Hill Addition.
We extend our heartiest congratulations to the happy couple.
Mrs. C. C. ENGLAND and Miss Elizabeth
BLUNT spent several days in the city this week. Miss BLUNT attended a shower
given for a girl friend of hers who is to be married soon.
Miss Della Mae AUBUCHON and Mr. Percy
ABERNATHY were married Tuesday at 5 o’clock mass in the Sacred Heart Church.
After their honeymoon they will reside at her home for a short while before
going to housekeeping. Heartiest congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. ABERNATHY.
and Oscar VAUGHN are two more of our boys to arrive from overseas duty. We are
certainly glad to see them return.
Rev. R. E. FOARD has gone on his
vacation which he proposed to spend in Arkansas and Oklahoma. While he is away
the morning services are being held by the laymen of the church. Next Sunday
Jason BLUNT will speak and following week Mr. JOHNSON will speak.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles WELSH have gone
to housekeeping in one of the little cottages on Bailey Road in Crystal which
they recently purchased.
Al LONG’S smiling face was seen on our
streets this week end. He came over to see about men to help in the
construction of their new home in Cadet.
~The “I’S” HAVE IT~
The President WILSON’S Brussels
address the word “I” appears 55 times.
Madison R. SMITH died at his home in
Farmington, June 19th after an illness of three months. SMITH was State Senator
from 1887 to 1891. He then served as Reporter for the St. Louis Court of
Appeals. He was elected to Congress from this district and served two terms. His
last official position was Minister to Haiti to which he was appointed in 1914.
His wife and five children survive him.
Letter of administration granted to
Sarah E. BEAN on the Estate of Arnay (Arnie?) JENNINGS
deceased and bond filed and approved.
Will of John COLUMBUS admitted to
Probate and letters testamentary granted to Peter McLOON.
Inv., and appr.,
est Geo., J. CRULL, dec.,
filed and approved.
Inv., and appr.,
est., E. S. McCARTHY dec.,
filed and approved.
Inv., and appr.,
est., Susan I. DOUGLAS dec., filed and approved.
Inc., and appr.,
est., Isaac GOZA dec., filed and approved.
Inv., and appr.,
est., Angeline GOZA, dec., filed and approved.
Est., of Robert GNICHWITZ, a minor
sale of real estate ordered either public or private sale.
Will of Elizabeth MORRIS, dec., filed for Probate.
Sale of personal property est.,
Angeline GOZA ordered.
Adm., ordered to take charge of real
estate of Isaac GOZA dec., and rent same.
Louis MARSCHEL was shot one day last
week and quite painful, if not seriously injured. Three men in an auto, passing
along the road with a high power 22 caliber rifle took a couple of shots at a
bunny hopping along the road. They discovered that they had hit bigger game.
The gentlemen, for such they proved themselves looked after Mr. MARSCHEL’S
welfare and proposed to remedy as far as possible the result of an unhappy
incident. MARSCHEL was doing fairly well, but the ball has not been removed as
it is deeply imbedded.
We are the most up-to-date farmers in
Rock Township, nothing slow about us, we even have women tractor operators.
Mrs. Harry FREDERITZI the most experienced cutting all their own wheat and all
the neighbors and is looking for more.
The SIEVING-MEYER Wrecking Co., is
hard at work, first they wrecked the whole place now they are rebuilding it.
The Dr. and Mrs. MEYER are the carpenters and Mrs. SEIVING, straw boss, but all
jokes aside it will be one cute little home when they get through with it.
Emil SIMON is the proud owner of a
Ford truck (Lizzie). He came through the town with a smile on his face that
won’t come off.
Mrs. Fred GRAZACK, daughter of J. B.
FREDERITZI is out on a visit and is enjoying herself helping her father gather
hay, also picking blackberries. She says she is having the time of her life.
Margaret HAMPLE of St. Louis is
visiting her Uncle Theo. GRAVING.
Florence BECKER and Harry VOGLE who
have been in the army for the past year have returned home.
The young folks gave a surprise party
Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Jos. TREFENBRUN. It was a great success.
One of our most popular young ladies
Anna ZENTNER is going to leave us to the sorrow of her many friends.
The dance given by the Junior Boys
was well attended.
James GRAY was a very busy man last
week, as he had all of Nick EMS’ trade of St. Louis County as Nick had an
Mum’s the word on the ball game
Sunday. Let every dog wag his own tail.
Among those from Festus to attend the
Picture Show Exhibitors Convention, held at the Statler
in St. Louis were Mr. and Mrs. H. E. MILLER and Miss Eva PILLIARD.
Rev. A. HILKEMAN of St. Louis will
visit Jeff., Co., next Sunday July 6th and will preach at BELEWS Creek Chapel
at 3:30 p.m. on the above date. Everybody cordially invited.
Miss Leona REILLY is home again from
Pevely where she has been visiting her grandmother Mrs. YESBERG who has been
quite ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles ASHCRAFT have
moved in their new home on 5th street.
O. F. MOCK has sold his residence on
5th street to Mr. S. LEWIS.
Ross JEKYL of St. Louis spent the
first of the week with his grandmother Mrs. FROMHOLD.
Mrs. Susan HIGGINBOTHAM has a
beautiful new car.
Mr. DEARDORF of Iron Mountain was in
DeSoto Monday.
Mrs. Ollie MAUPIN of Texas was here
last week looking after her property on 4th street.
Mrs. Hattie ALLEN departed Wednesday
for a two month sojourn in Colorado.
Herman BALLARD and wife returned last
week from their California trip.
Mrs. Alice MACDONALD left Tuesday for
Boston to remain during the months of July and August.
Dr. W. L. NELLIGAN had business in
St. Louis Monday.
CLYDE DOUGLAS left Saturday for
Detroit Michigan were he has a position.
Holman MAHN returned last week from
St. Louis where he attended Washington University.
Mr. John LAHAY and family are
entertaining friends from the city this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry CHEATHAM have
returned from St. Louis where they visited relatives.
Charles CURTIS has purchased the
interest of H. HARRIS in the DeSoto Press.
Walter BLACK of Silica had business
here Saturday.
Dr. Frank LONG is visiting his
parents having arrived from California last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. STAHL and daughters were
shopping in St. Louis Thursday.
Walter LONG and wife of Poplar Bluff
is here visiting relatives.
Mrs. Lillian WEEKS and son Dutro
returned from Montgomery City visiting her husband’s people.
Mrs. R. R. TULEY and children have
returned to League Texas after a pleasant visit with relatives.
Dr. OVERTON and family departed this week
for their farm near Iron Mountain.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert MILLER of
Hillsboro attended Congregational church services Sunday.
Miss Susie JONES and mother departed
Tuesday for a visit with relatives for several weeks.
Mrs. HARVEY has rented Mrs. JONES home
for the summer.
Dave MALLICOAT and family expect to
take possession of their new home recently purchased from Charles HARMONY on
4th Street.
A party of young folks enjoyed a hay
ride Friday night.
Frank BOYD and Charles TIBBETTS have
opened a new grocery store in the Kempe building.
William HAMMON - - - - - - - - - -
Myrtle GRIFFITH - - - - - - - - - -
- Hillsboro
Wade HAWK - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Chattanooga, Tenn.
Florence HOLLIDAY - - - - - - - -
- Buncombe, Ill.
Wm. Jeptha
WOOD - - - - - - - - - DeSoto
Frances Mabel DUNN - - - - - - - -
Arthur COOPER - - - - - - - - - - -
- Independence, Kan.
Ira M. PHILLIPS - - - - - - - - - - -
- DeSoto
Wm. HELLER - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Herculaneum
Louise DECLUE - - - - - - - - - - - -
- DeSoto
Lloyd FALLEY - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - Washington, Mo.
-Washington, Mo.
Alpha Lonzo
SIMMONS - - - - - - Charleston
Edna May POLITTE - - - - - - - - - DeSoto
Lew O. GAMACHE - - - - - - - - - -
- DeSoto
Ollie M. HARDWICK - - - - - - - - -
- DeSoto
Wm. BYRNES - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - Barnhart
May HOPKINS - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Pevely.
acres Sur 1969 - - - - - $1.00
Fredrick C. MINGES to O. MUSKOPF 40
acres, (5-39-7) - - - - - $1.00
Augusta SMITH to Ira B. CASTLE, Lots
7, 8, & 9 blk 2 G. W. ALLEN addition DeSoto - - -
- - $1,000
200 acres, sec (23-42-4) - - - $5.00
200 acres (23-42-4) - - - - - $5.00
Arthur BEAUFORD to Theo. WALTHER. 5
acres (11-39-4) - - - - - $187
F. J. SEWALD to Harry G. WAGNER. Lots
17 & 18 Gabarino sub. Festus.
Isabella POWELL et al to M.
ALTERANGE. 5 acres (20-42-6) - - - - - $500
American Bank of DeSoto to W. S.
WALLACE. Lots 9 & 10 blk., DeSoto $650
E. ALLEN by adm.
to Arthur D. HILL. 120 acres (35-42-5) - - - - - $1,400.
W. R. DONNELL Jr., to A. KEPA &
J. ZGARBA 354 acres, (sec 5 & 6 6-40-4) & sec 31 & 32 twp 41 r 4 E
- - - - - $5,300
Blackberries are more than abundant
being in full swing with peaches and apples running in close competition
obliging our efficient merchant Nic ROESCH to purchase another five ton truck
increasing his fleet to four, though that isn’t so very surprising to us when
we heard he has sold three Overland touring cars in one week having two other
prospective buyers in view.
Mr. and Mrs. Nic ROESCH had as their
guest the past week, their brother-in-law, Mr. Wm. FITZGERALD and daughter Miss
Hilda. Mr. FITZGERALD also thinks our progressive village will soon hold its
own with Chicago, in the business hue.
Wheat in this community is mostly all
cut and many, (to the doctor’s joy) are getting their vocal cords repaired in
some cases having new ones inserted.
Spectators were highly entertained
recently by watching an amusing scene which was enacted on Lemi
(Lemay?) Blvd., between Seckman and Oak Ridge
Ave. It was observed that the wheat
which had been sown with a shot gun from opposite hillside was being jerked up
from its foundations with a four foot binder that made an imposing lane through
the field, six inches wide on the lower side, having someone on the platform
who had his pockets groaning and expostulating with the weight of rocks
balancing the machine with difficulty, the whole of which resembled a stuffed
Christmas goose. Happy to say owing to the quantity of handkerchiefs all other
drums were saved, though several were damaged.
The hop at Wm. PAULS on Short Bend
Ave., Saturday eve had a large attendance and was a grand success for which
thanks are due to the spry of Antonia and also to those who inhabit the back
ground of Breeze Heights.
It is presumed that a vigorous hunter
of Seckman will soon report successful capture. The
hunter had an interesting trail on a cot all evening at the dance and luckily
managed in an audible way to slip in and help with home Sweet Home. At three
a.m. when all were homeward bound down Short Bend Ave., it was noticed that the
“dears” slackened their pace considerably when it was discovered that hunters
of all descriptions were in hot pursuit.
It is expected that the rust on the
wedding bells will soon be removed, for it looks rather conclusive when hunters
take their intended mother-in-law to jollification.
Seckman residents were startled to see Twin
Four flying to Maxville dance on the Harley Davidson motorcycle at the rate of
68:7 miles per hour. Decorations aplenty in the floral line and smiles that
were trying to contest the length of Halley’s Comet.
Found at Bumping and Juggling
1 pink silk hose. 3 collar buttons, 7
cigars, 11 wads of Horseshoe, 1 bouquet, 3 gold crowns, 15 hat pins, 3
shattered eyeglasses. 2 Ford gizzard’s which have since been yelling bow wow.
Owners apply within Jumbo office. No
rewards solicited.
Oscar SHULTZ has secured the leather
medal with brass buttons for being the champion wheat cutter, cutting 16 ½
acres per day for five days, then taking in the hop going home with an object
beside him which he abandoned halfway only to jump into a motor boat for the
remainder of the way home and in the morning being at work 3 minutes ahead of
time. This shows army training.
George WEIGERT’S grain belt shows
that wheat there is immense. We have our doubts if there will be room to store
the straw.
A smothering sound came from the
ALBRIGHT farm which attracted quite a crowd of neighbors who discovered that
the corn was gasping for air, the grass choking it so.
Alonzo BAUM was lifting the ban on
his spring July 1st bright and early before the sun was peeping. The cocktail
contained such a kick that the bubbles flew through his nose. His close friend
Jacob KOHR “passed” on that.
D. J. HERREL has a demonstrating Ford
in the jarring and defending line. In perambulating by Imperial’s ice cream
parlor, he enrages the idlers by shaking the spoons out of their hands. Maybe
he ought to have a band put on it July 1st.
Before we lay down our pen we wish to
relate an interesting incident which occurred on the Lime Kiln Bridge. Two cars
coming from opposite directions met on the center of the bridge when commenced
a see-saw game which lasted several minutes. After the game was completed, with
nicety, the two chauffeurs clasped hands and congratulated themselves upon their
narrow escape. Then and there it was arranged to purchase a collapsible bridge
for future use. It is wondered if a moonshine still will be erected with the 3
inch timber lying there for the past eleven months.
Simons Hardware Co., has issued a
notice to Seckman people that their supply of pump
handles is so diminished that it will be impossible to fill future orders for
some time as the small supply on hand was bought by Barnhart’s residents. Now
be sure and take good care of yours until you are sure of getting another
supply. Adieu. Peeping Tom
Big River got up enough last week to
get over quite a bit of low bottoms. It didn’t stay up long enough to do very
much damage.
of Hematite was in town Monday. Mr. McCORMACK has
sold his farm on the Plattin to Geo. E. REID for $7,500. He bought the farm in
1877 and has owned it for over 42 years.
Columbus McCULLOCH
has sold 168 acres of Kansas lands for over $12,000 and made the deeds last week.
We understand that Columbus and Wilbert WILLIAMS have bought another large
tract in Kansas.
Judging by the number of dramshop licenses granted at DeSoto and Festus they are not
looking for a drought at those points. Arrests have been made by government
officials at Kansas City and at other points and unless the courts declare beer
non-intoxicating there is likely to be prosecutions where sales are made.
W. R. DONNELL Jr., made a sale Monday
of the BLERKER farm to Andro KEPA and John ZGARBA of
Colfax County, New Mexico. The parties were friends of a brother of Wenzl HLAVA, who resides near Hillsboro and were sent up
here to investigate Missouri lands. Mr. HLAVA showed them the BLEKER farm and
it suited them nicely and they forthwith purchased it. Deeds were exchanged
Sikeston is to have an aviation field
with one aeroplane and a lone aviator to start with.
Sikeston is in the most fertile belt of Missouri. There are no rocks down there
or gravel, nothing to make roads out of. Sikeston has wealth and can buy aeroplanes if it wants them and no doubt the folks down
there expect ultimately to use the aeroplane as the
best means of communication. We have no doubt that the Sikeston youth will
easily learn to fly and to fly high.
J. SHEIBLE and A. T. HOCKEN, had quite a serious motor accident Saturday
evening. While driving to DeSoto one of the front casing was wrenched off by
the loose gravel in making a quick turn to avoid a truck which was traveling
with an obscured rear light. The car was overturned on the steep bank near
Frank VAUGHN’S residence and was considerably damaged as was also some of the
clothing worn, but no personal injuries resulted. The occupants of the car
wonder how it could have happened without seriously injuring some of the party,
and an inspection of the scene of the accident made it seem a miracle that all
were not killed or seriously injured.
Alvin C. YORK killed a company of
Germans, silenced a carload of machine guns, captured a regiment or so and came
home to be married, with breakfast bacon above 60 cents. That young man isn’t
brave by fits and starts, but confidently courageous – Louisville Courier
Washington, June 26 – Representative
Marion E. RHODES of Missouri learned at the Department of Agriculture today
that 186 army motor trucks turned over to that department by the War
Department, have been allotted to Missouri. The trucks will be shipped at once
to the Missouri State Highways Commission at Jefferson City. RHODES has
notified all the county officials in his district to make requisition on the
state commission for trucks to be used in road building and improvements. Later
it may be possible to obtain tractors and other machinery and implements for
road making which were used by the engineering force of the army and are also
to be turned over to the Department of Agriculture.
[Page 2]
~Hillsboro Items~
Word has it that W. R. DONNELL Jr.,
bought a house in Hillsboro, having . . . farm near town.
Rev. A. HILKEMAN, formerly pastor of
the Presbyterian Church here is having a vacation just now and will return for
his old Hillsboro congregation Sunday morning July 6th.
Latest society formed in Hillsboro,
The Truth Tellers, Green HEARST, President, Edgar MARSDEN Secretary, . . . ng
Treasurer and Col., Robert Marden, solicitor. No body
but horse, and hog traders, lawyers, editors and teachers eligible. A
certificate . . . will be issued to each new member who is able to pass the
strenuous registration required.
July 7, at 8 p.m. takes place the annual
meeting and election of officers for the Hillsboro Library Association. Members
of the library are expected to be present and express themselves ---ports.
It is said that a prominent citizen .
. . ille have lost all his little . . . n the ball
game Sunday offered a bet that Hillsboro would not score runs. It is said he
lost this bet.
Miss Mary HOEKEN is visiting her . .
. Jos. J. HOEKEN and will likely stay for some time to meet her many Jefferson
County friends.
. . . DONNELL is feeling quite happy now.
A new daughter arrived at his home last week.
The annual meeting of the Hillsboro .
. . Association is next Monday . . .
Carrie HILL, nee KLEINSCHMIDT of . .
. arrived here last week and will spend vacation days with her mother, Mrs. C.
. . . EVANS is now at Detroit Mich., he
went to work in the Ford ship yards.
Mrs. Rosa Clerc and two daughters spent
the weekend in the city.
Anyone found hunting on my place without
my permission will be punished . . . law. Wm. KUENZLE.
House painting is going on just now.
Jim DONNELL started it when he repainted his residence. Then the SPILKER
residence, Jim BOUGHTON, R. A. FRAZIER and Ed FOREST followed suit. The rusty
spots are disappearing right along.
Mrs. Edgar MARSDEN and son, Julius
went to the city Wednesday on a shopping tour.
Mrs. Bettie GLASS of St. Louis is
here visiting the Edgar MARSDEN family.
May and Walter LANHAM visited their
brother Elliot at DeSoto Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Geo W. GASCHE, while attending
her household duties, fell from a box and severely sprained her ankle. The
sprain is so severe that she is confined to her bed and is not likely to walk
for a week or more. Mrs. Ford GASCHE came out and is helping in the emergency.
~NOTICE~ Search your homes thoroughly
for all stray library books that have not been returned. The library records
show a large number charged up to readers and not returned. Have them ready and
they will be called for Monday evening between 4 and 5. While you are at it
look for church hymn books also that you want returned.
Quite a number have taken out library
books this week. Readers who want library books may procure them by calling
Wednesday and Saturday evenings between 4 and 5 o’clock. Adults can get books
to read at 10 cents per month. Children under 7th grade 5 cents. Better still
join the Library association and have a vote at the annual meeting.
Miss Alice REINEMER, daughter of
Recorder REINEMER, is home probably for the summer.
Mrs. Esther LUPKEY of Herculaneum has
been visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. F. B. CLARK.
Rev. George STEEL informs us that his
son Lieut. John STEEL had been discharged, but the discharge was recalled and
John ordered to Washington. He has been recommended for a captain. John is a
very fine accountant and executive and probably will become a member of the
permanent army.
Mrs. D. P. PARHAM of Chicago, was in
Hillsboro Wednesday visiting her two big brothers, Ross and Jim DONNELL and
their families. Mrs. PARHAM will probably spend the heated term in Festus with
her father and mother Mr. and Mrs. W. R. DONNELL.
Jefferson Trust Company held its
directors meeting yesterday and reelected the old officers.
Alison REPPY is attending the summer
term of the Chicago University Law School.
Mrs. L. A. GOHN and daughter Miss
Opal are visiting Hillsboro relatives this week.
Fresh Holstein cow for sale, T. C. CAGE,
Hillsboro, Rt. J. Mo.
~LOST~ Bundle of dry goods. A liberal
reward to finder. Philip FISKEL.
The Home Demonstration Bureau is
quite likely to make Hillsboro its headquarters during the coming year. Miss
BRASWELL the efficient and very industrious demonstrator finds that Hillsboro’s
central location makes it much easier to reach desired points without waste of
gasoline. Miss BRASWELL is a fine type of Missouri womanhood and we feel glad
to welcome her to our little community.
Notice is hereby given that letters
of administration on the estate of ANGELINE GOZA, dec.,
were granted to the undersigned on the 23rd day of June 1919, by the Probate
Court of Jefferson County, Missouri. All persons having claims against said
estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the Administrator within
six months after the date of said letters or they may be precluded from any
benefit of said Estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within one year
from the date of this publication they shall be forever barred. JOHN G. BRUNS
(SEAL) Administrator. Attested: - J. P. MILLER Judge of Probate.
In loving remembrance of Ferdinand
GASCHE who entered into the eternal rest on July 2, 1918, sadly missed and
tenderly mourned by his bereaved ones, widow, brother, sisters and relatives
and by members of the church of which he was a highly esteemed member. We know
it is well with him. But for us left behind it is sad to miss the familiar
presence and to hear no more the sound of the friendly voice that is forever
There is a world above,
Where sorrow is unknown,
A long eternity of love,
Formed for the good alone,
And Faith beholds the dying here
Translated to that glorious sphere.
Mrs. Catherine GASCHE and relatives
Gentle driving horse, harness and two
seated trap. Apply at GREEN’S Store, Sulphur Springs, Mo.
When answering advertising mention
the Record.
Between 4 and 7 years old. 15 ½ or 16
hands high and heavy build. Call or write to. Jacob BETTERMANN, Jr. Pevely, Rt.
2 Bx 42 Mo.
[page 3]
As West Kimmswick looks like it’s
dead we will have to liven it up.
Jacob MILLER of Hillsboro visited J.
P. BOOMLER Sunday. J. P. has also received his new electric piano. Look out for
the next dance for she seems to be a bird.
Wm. HENTCHEL has bought a new
Columbia Six, he says the Ford is too slow for him.
The dance at the hall Saturday night
was well attended. The band from St. Louis made everybody feel like dancing.
But people wake up, what’s the matter with our home boys. Home folks ought to
have a chance sometime.
E. J. WHITE, our merchant has bought
a Ford car and is very busy on Sunday’s using both cars.
As wheat cutting is all over
threshing will take place about this coming week.
Peter KROBUR and his Bull Tractor
don’t seem to get along very good. The tractor was standing at one corner of
the wheat and Peter at the other. Peter says the Bull refuses to pull the
It is said that one of our good
cornet players caught a fish of seven pounds out of Rock Creek. It sounds fishy
but must be so.
The florist is very busy getting his
supply of flowers ready, for there are several weddings to take place in the
near future.
Harry HAMPEL is back from overseas
where he spent about a year with Uncle Sam. All are glad to see him back.
W. J. WUERTENBERG was a visitor of
this town Sunday.
Herman MOTTERT Jr., says stumps are
hard on legs on a dark night.
Anton NAES has bought a ford
Roadster, Anton says he don’t believe in taking the whole family, when he wants
to go out.
Our tinner
is very busy and seems to be a business man.
Quite a number of our young folks
intend to take in the picnic at House Springs July 4. Jack FROST.
Team of mules, wagon and harness, on
John DIETZ farm. C. BOHMEYER, Pevely Mo., Rt. 1.
We wish to extend our thanks to the
many subscribers and patrons who have sent in their remittances this month, in
answer to the statements sent out. Will the several who have not already done
so, give attention to the matter at once so that their accounts with us may be
entirely clean. Nearly all our subscribers run from January first to January
first, but quite a number still read “1 – 1 – 19” instead of “1 - 1 - 20.” Yours Cordially, New Era Publishing Co.
Nations of the World Taking Pains to
Instruct Their Citizens in Lessons of Thrift and Saving.
Way up in the Far North, in Dawson
City, in the Yukon country, the thrift habit is taking root and taking the
place of the extravagance and prodigal waste that formerly characterized that
land of gold.
The following tale, bearing the
guaranty of the Canadian Government for veracity, comes from Dawson City:
With a poke of gold dust as big as a
cabbage, a buckskin shirt clad miner from the creeks in the northwest stalked
into the post office here a few days ago. He placed the bag of glittering
mineral on the counter, and called the postmaster.
“I’ve got $6,214 worth of dust here,’
he said, “I want some War Savings Stamps instead. They’re easier to tote
around, nobody can steal them and besides, I see by your sign that they can
bring higher interest than the banks give. Then they’re to help the government
get the boys back, so I guess they’re the investment for me.”
The postmaster did not have that much
on hand at the moment, so the miner waited in town for a few days until they
could be sent for, bought them, registered them, and deposited them with one of
the local banks. “They look good to me as an investment.” He said. “When I get
back to the woods I’ll tell the boys about them.”
The Canadian thrift campaign is not
dissimilar to that now being waged by the U. S. Treasury Department and
Americans everywhere are learning that Government securities are the best
investment they can make. The War Savings and Thrift Stamp campaign is just one
of the features the U. S. Government is impressing on the public now to bring
about an era of prosperity that will last.
Securities Offered by U. S.
Government Possesses Advantages Over All Other Investments.
There are eight points of excellence
in each War Savings Stamp that are mighty appealing, all of which are not
combined in any other security now to be obtained in any marker on earth.
W. S. S. workers would do well to
digest these eight points thoroughly and see to it that their advantages are
not lost on the multitude. Each War Savings Stamp is a direct promise to pay on
the part of the most stable government in the world. It bears interest at the
rate of 4 percent compounded quarterly, if held until maturity.
The amount of money required for the
investment is so small that every person can own at least one interest bearing
government bond. It is readily obtainable – any post office, almost any bank
and many other agencies will supply them. It is always in season and may be
purchased any time.
Its principal is always maintained
with an accrual at the rate of 3 percent per annum. It is the most liquid of
all securities, readily converted into cash on short notice, if necessity
requires, and is redeemable upon maturity at convenient places. Its interest is
received immediately at the time of purchase, instead of periodically during
the life of the security.
[Ad] Salvation Army Home Service Campaign July
8 to 15. Western Division, Jefferson County, Big River, Central, Meramec and
Valle Townships. Our Quota $700. Campaign Slogan – “A man may be down but he’s
never out.” The most excellent work of the Salvation Army is well known to all
the people especially to our soldier boys and our small quota should be
doubled. Let everybody to their bit and it will be no trouble to go over the
[Ad] Artisian
Bottling Works. WARD’S Orange Crush. Orange-Crush puts a quick quietus on
thirst. Served ice-cold, its refreshing natural fruit
flavor delights and invigorates. Orange-Crush is obtainable wherever soft
drinks are sold. Our modern machinery bottles Orange-Crush under strictly
sanitary conditions. W. J. MAUTHE, Propr. DeSoto, MO.
Deere, Binders, Dain Mowers, Deer Disc Cultivators and Planters, J. L. Case
Disc Cultivators and Planters, James Oliver Sulkey
Plows, Weber and Dame Farm Wagons. Cedar Hill, Hillsboro, Route 2, Missouri.
[Ad] ECKLES Store. Fresh staple and
fancy groceries, paints, glassware, tin & aluminum. Dry Goods, Notions,
Clothing, Market Price for Country Produce. J. W. ECKLE, Hillsboro, Mo.
[Ad] Peoples Bank of DeSoto. G. A.
ROUGGLY, J. F. WALTHER are the directors of the PEOPLE’S BANK OF DESOTO. The
strength of a financial institution depends primarily upon the character of men
chosen by the stockholders to direct its affairs. Next in importance in
estimating strength is the amount of the institution’s capital, surplus and
profit, every dollar of which is for the protection of its clients. In the case
of the People’s Bank of DeSoto, this amounts to the large sum of One Hundred
Thousand Dollars. The combination of the above board of directors and of over
One Hundred Thousand Dollars capital, surplus and profits, enables this company
to maintain a reputation for solidity and for careful conservative management
which it has enjoyed ever since its organization in 1885.
[Ad] PURITAN TIRES, 30x3 1-2, $15.50.
Carries Usual 3500 Mile Guarantee. Fresh Stock. Agents for Republic trucks and
Dart Touring cars. Maxville Auto Repair Co. Maxville, MO
[Ad] Bank of
Kimmswick, Kimmswick, Missouri, Capital $10,000. Surplus and Undivided Profits
$10,000. C. H. GERALD, President. M. ZIEGLER, Vice President, G. A. WENOM,
Cashier. We invite you to open an account with us. Pass Books and Check Books
given without charge, regardless of the amount of Deposit. We pay 4 percent on
time deposits for one year, and 3 percent a year for 6 months.
[Ad] E. A. STAAT, General Blacksmith
and Garage Dealer In Farm machinery, Implements, Vehicles, Gasoline engines,
and repairs of all kinds; Deering and Plymouth twine. Antonia, Mo.
[Ad] HURTGEN’S SHOP. First Class
Horse Shoers, All kinds of machinery repaired on
short notice, Try us and see, Automobiles Repaired. Hillsboro, Missouri
[Ad] Be Happy! Don’t permit yourself
to become depressed and despondent, on account of womanly troubles. You can
help yourself, just as thousands of other women have done, by taking Cardui. It has been found to prevent those frequent bad
spells. Take Card-u-i. The Woman’s Tonic. Mrs. L.
DREW, of McLeansboro, Ill., says: “I was affected
with pains and irregularity. I suffered continually, was despondent and weak,
and had backache and headache. I took Cardui, and in
one month I felt like a new woman. I am now in perfect health, and recommend Cardui to all suffering women,” Why wait? Try Cardui today. E. B. 4.
for the storm days. Make the roof leak-proof, the doors plumb, the windows
tight – in fact put the whole building in ship-shape order for winter. You’ll
find it pays to plan it out with us whether it’s storm sash, new window casing,
doors, roofing, shingles, door casing, glass, oiled lumber to repair the porch
or stairs or inside trim for wainscot or base board. Any how about that extra
room this year? Beaver Board will make it in attic or other waste space. Beaver
Board – the original pure-wood-fiber wallboard – is the only board “Sealtite” sized to prevent warping or bulging. It’s easy
the Beaver Board way – no muss, dirt or delay. The Beaver Board room is warmer
in winter yet cooler in summer. The handy panels are quickly nailed in place
and painted. Decorative strips put on over the panel edges complete the room.
Let us furnish special designs and working plans. HOLEKAMP lumber Co., Yards.
Afton, Mo., Old Orchard, Mo., Gratiot Mo., Webster Groves Mo., Maplewood Mo.,
Kirkwood Mo. Planing Mill at Old Orchard.
[Ad] FARM & DAIRY BANK. Barnhart,
Missouri. Solicit, Your Checking Account Savings Department, 3 percent.
Certificates of Deposit, 3 percent. Certificates of Deposit, 12 months 4
percent. Officers. Wm. SCHMIDT, Pres. J. M. STITES, V. Pres. G. O. JURY,
[Ad] GERALD MILLING CO. Proprietors
[Ad] CASTORIA. For Infants and
Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Chat H.
FLETCHER. In use for over thirty years. Castoria
[Ad] Subscribe for The Record.