Jefferson County Record
July 24, 1919
Emil DINSE came over with Bob SCHMIDT on the same transport and were sent to Camp Taylor Kentucky . . .blization. He was not mustered by the time Bob left the camp, despite likely to report before . . . Bob says DINSE looks fine and in splendid health.
. . . E. KLEINSCHMIDT is home again. He arrived at Newport News, . . . and was sent to Camp Taylor, Kentucky where he was mustered on the 21st arriving here on the evening of July 22 . Bob promptly got into clean clothes and remarked that the clothing he had been able to procure since he left home that really fit him . . . brushes and shoe strings. Bob spent weeks touring England, Ireland, Scotland and didn’t run off to any little islands during that time. He is in good health and like all the others is glad to be home again. As Bob . . . ously inclined he has no doubt that a series of new stories with . . . regale his friends.
. . . WAGGENER of Detroit Mich., arrived home this week to visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jess WAGGENER.
. . DENHAM of Mobile, Alabama is visiting with Miss Celeste DRAKE this week.
Mr. Ellis SHANNON of Rush Tower spent the weekend with his sister Mrs. Mary (Frank) WAGGENER.
. . . Verna AUBUCHON attended to . . . for the Union Electric Co., in . . . two days this week.
Mrs. and Mrs. J. M. MERTON had as their guest Mr. and Mrs. W. PALMER of Cape Girardeau Mo., Mr. OLI--, cashier of the Sturdivant Bank….
Jerome BYRD had the misfortune of losing a haystack by fire last week. . . . the stack ignited from sparks either from the thresher or from sparks from those who were smoking could not be determined.
Dora ERICHS is visiting with Florence MUNROE at Rush Tower this week.
Several of the former saloon keepers in town are now fixing up ice cream . . . drink parlors. A. D. THOMURE installed all his new fixtures etc. in his place of business. Joe MUELLERS is also fixing an ice cream parlor in the building formerly occupied by the . . . Millinery Co.
Announcement has been made of the wedding of Mr. Roy HOPKINS and Miss Blanche HERRICK, to take place this Saturday, the 26th at 8 o’clock at the West Presbyterian Church in St. Louis. Mr. HOPKINS worked for several years here at the Crawford Lumber Co., and has many friends who extend their heartfelt congratulations. Miss HERRICK is formerly a DeSoto girl.
. . . COMMERFORD was taken to a hospital in St. Louis last Monday. Valle COMMERFORD going up with him. The doctor ---ing with heart trouble and rheumatism, however we trust he will be well again soon, as well as ever.
A.C. COXEY and three daughters returned Monday evening from an --- visit in the east.
N. W. BRICKEY returned to Camp Merritt in New Jersey Tuesday after spending a fifteen day furlough with home folks. He expects his discharge in a very short time.
SCHWAB has resigned his position at the Festus Drug Co. Ware . . . has accepted the position during the rest of the summer while he is staying with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. ? R. DONNELL.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. ENGLAND left Sunday evening for quite an extended trip. Among the places they will visit are Cleveland, Toledo, Buffalo and New York.
Gladys VELVICK, who formerly lived here but now in Bonne Terre, spent last week with Nellie Lee JENKINSON.
Lucille FITE of Bonne Terre was the weekend guest of the Misses Lila --- FROST.
George HOFFMAN (better known as . . of St. Louis) was the guest of Alice PORTER Sunday.
Mssrs. Grover HOLLADAY, H. E. . . ., Ed OSTERWALD, Bri TOWNSAND, Raymond THOMPSON went to . . . to spend a ten days …. “Chicken & Duck” Shy was. . . taken along as cook so the boys would not starve on their trip. Watch out for the “fish tales,” when the fellows return, for undoubtedly, the fish there are second cousins to the whale in size.
Festus was indeed well represented at the ball game at DeSoto where the two teams met. Several truck loads not to mention private cars went over. DeSoto defeated Festus with a score of 4-2. Everyone reports that it was sure some ball game.
Mr. Arnold KNOTTS arrived Saturday evening with his bride who is a French girl whom he met in France. Arnold certainly picked a pretty one and we are glad to welcome them back home.
Tom ANSLEM has resigned his position with the Union Electric here to go to Union Mo., where he has been promoted to manager for the same company. This is a big advancement over his other position.
Miss Inez KNOTTS came down from the city for the weekend to see her brother and bride who have just returned from France.
Miss Gladys BYRD of St. Louis spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. T. S. BYRD.
Rev. FOARD and family have returned from their vacation trip in the states of Arkansas, Oklahoma and Missouri.
Mr. G. C. TAYLOR has a new Buick touring car which he purchased through the Norwine Auto Co., of Bonne Terre. He turned in his Buick roadster in on a deal. Mr. WILLIS of this place has purchased the Buick roadster formerly owned by Mr. TAYLOR.
Adeline BROOKS has returned from the hospital where she had an operation performed on her throat. We trust for a speedy recovery.
When answering and advertising, mention the Record.
Ed BISSEL and family from the South were the guests of Kirk JONES and family last week.
Dr. W. L. NELLIGAN attended the YOUNG sale of fine hogs at Farmington Saturday.
Miss FLYNN of Richwoods was here with friends a few days last week.
Dr. W. W. WIEMAN was a St. Louis visitor Sunday.
Mr. HANLEY of Marshal Mo. is here visiting his wife.
Mrs. E. MERCER has returned from a month’s visit with friends at Sedalia.
Miss Gladys SERRIN of St. Louis was here looking after her property on 4th street last week. While here she was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A MUMMERT.
Mrs. Ollie MAUPIN of Orange, Texas was here over Sunday the guest of relatives.
Mr. Gust HAMEL has improved his house on St. Louis Street by having a large front porch built which adds to the appearance of the home.
Mr. D. D. McLEAN and family are entertaining his brother from Penn.
Mrs. Tom WILLIAMS of St. Louis visited her daughter Mrs. H. HARRIS Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Hazel SHOWMAN of St. Louis was the guest of friends here last week.
W. A. COUCH had business in St. Louis Tuesday of last week.
Banker WHITE spent Tuesday of last week in the city.
Miss Lois CHAMBERLAIN left Saturday for a visit with relatives at Ferguson, Mo.
Mr. W. SHOWMAN of St. Louis was visiting relatives here Saturday and Sunday.
Ona CAMPBELL of St. Louis spent Sunday here.
Mrs. J. MAHN left Friday for Cape Girardeau to visit relatives.
Mrs. FRECH is the guest of her daughter Mrs. Lynn DEADERICK at Beloit, Mich.
Mrs. Charles POOL of Piedmont spent last week with relatives in DeSoto.
Mr. and Mrs. FAUTH have returned from a trip to Ind., where they visited Mrs. FAUTH’S mother.
Mrs. Ben JEKYL of St. Louis was here with her mother Mrs. Mary FROMHOLD last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Will SELLMAN of St. Louis spent the weekend with relatives.
Mrs. George MAHN returned from a trip to Chicago, Ill., last week.
H. METS arrived Saturday from Clinton, Ill. The trip was made in a new Overland.
Mr. FRANCIS of Herculaneum had business here Thursday.
Dr. and Mrs. David WALLACE entertained the latter’s sister from the city over Sunday.
Miss Amelia GEIB departed Friday for a visit with relatives in Ill.
Miss Lena STEEL of Hillsboro had business here Friday.
Mrs. Will T. LONG of Dallas Texas spent Thursday here with her parents Mr. and Mrs. G. E. LOGAN.
The Soldier Boys Picnic at Hillsboro Sept. 1st was discussed with enthusiasm by several veterans of the recent war. Several have promised to write to Hillsboro seeking details and next week or before, several will be is the harness boosting the enterprise.
Sacks coming to Barnhart are (chock full) of Records. There’s a reason.
A dancing pavilion 75 x 100 feet is another feature of achievement by local enthusiasts in the endeavor to keep the boys and girls at home. This feature along with a grove where picnics and public meetings may be held will do much toward locating the Farm Agent Bureau here.
Horton HOYT of near Glen Park has been ill the past week, but despite this fact that each Friday Uncle Sam’s mail local community with free plans and specifications for the local dancing pavilion.
Ben WINKING of Lone Star Heights smilingly visited Barnhart Saturday. We assume the smile to be a 45 to 55 bushel per acre one, since wheat has been threshed and 20 acres yield 960 bushels.
The ladies Auxiliary to the Republican Club will shortly announce a meeting to which all ladies of voting age will be invited. One stumbling block in including some ladies to vote, will no doubt be, the fact of telling their ages. No objections will be in line, if their ages for the next 10 or 15 years is 21.
A “dry” cabaret has been the theme of much speculation the past few evenings, by devotees of string band music. “Shorty” MEYER of Glen Park and John STEEL of Strawberry Ridge are no mean musicians of ability.
A truck load of promising Brummels and damsels of Festus were visitors Saturday eve. The truck bore the name of our previous presiding judge, perhaps on an inspection tour of those (good!) roads the bond issue never built.
Dan LONGEHENNING, a favorite son of the Glaize Creek section came breathlessly panting into the local tonsorial parlor, hatless, coatless in a wild endeavor to get a “haircut on the face.” We later learned the excitement was caused by the fact that his sprained ankle is again OK for dancing and Antonia’s dance Saturday eve was his goal, ‘tis said a fair one from Maxville also attended.
We have been non-plussed for some days as to the owner of a Ford truck painted black, said to be the fastest one operating between Maxville and a certain point on Mississippi Ave., in St. Louis. We finally agreed its owner is Joe ZENTNER of Maxville. Mention is made of wedding bells being polished.
J. H. HOGAN Tie and Lumber Co., announces a hard wood lumber yard has been established at Barnhart. Indications point to a revival of building operations by farmers generally.
The assistant lady correspondent covered the weekly meeting of the Ladies Domestic Art Society Thursday and among other things reports the individual address made also the plans for the canning and preserving season. Space does not permit reporting the many and beautiful gowns worn by those attending.
Francis BARNHART (a veteran of over there) is enthusiastic over the proposed Soldier Boys picnic at Hillsboro Sept. 1st. With such as Francis heart and soul for it we know it’s an established goal.
Mr. DOBLER has arrived to spend several weeks with the DOBLER family on Barnhart Heights. Another “close to nature enthusiast.”
Bachelors Hollow was well represented Saturday eve by the following 100 percent of its population, Messrs.’, Theo, Fred and Wm. WEBER; Bert and Wm. EMERSON and Florence KOCH. We might also christen the “Hollow” as Watchful Waiting Hollow or Bachelors and Democrats Hollow exclusively.
Mildred MOSS is breaking into the farmerette column. We observe the daily occurrences indicating an early return to the time honored custom.
“Shorty” DOMBACH asserts that he too is entitled to mention, by reason of his latest achievement in mastering the jazzing jingle step, recently introduced by that King of Dangers, Earl MURPHY.
Moss HOLLOW is not to be held in contempt, by some believing it’s asleep. Our representative citizen such as Henry SCHMIDT and son, Adolph HEMME and others are enthusiasts of the A-1 order.
Roscoe YOUNG has entered the lime light, taking from Willard BECKER the title of the most popular BRUMMEL. The nifty Ford does accomplish wonders.
Edw. ST JOHN of Sulphur does believe a certain --- place the ideal spot at which to take luncheon. As Ed explains it there’s “chicken to eat” and “chicken to gaze upon.”
We observe Jake GROTECKE has ceased gardening operations to take up a more remunerative pastime of newspaper vending in St. Louis. No tears were shed and no brass band was on hand to “music” him on his way.
Glen Park is fast coming to the front according to its progressive citizens. Aunt Molly FUSSEE holds the record as a champion berry picker and third place as a chicken raiser.
Wm. SCHMIDT Jr., of the famous Glaize Creek wheat section can be well termed a “farmer of the new school,” by reason of many new labor and time saving devices installed on his farm.
The meeting Saturday eve of the Farmers Union was one of chaos, adjourning at 12:30 a.m. with a little accomplished at adjournment as at the beginning of the meeting. It proved a tiresome burden to those present, endeavoring to untangle the (one man) rule caused by one member, perhaps two, who endeavor to play the role of judge, jury and prosecuting attorney.
Farmers are commencing to take advantage of marketing their wheat by motor truck, also stock. In this manner the seller any accompany the truck to and from marketing place eliminating freight delays and spending only a minimum time in accomplishing sales.
We had with us the past week, a representative of the large dairy feed distributor arranging to finance the distributing of dairy foods on a live and let live basis. ‘Tis said local profiteering is the main cause of installation.
We are soon to have established a dry goods store to be operated by a lady for ladies. Notions and kindred articles men never dreamed of handling will be installed.
Mrs. George W. GASCHE had sufficiently recovered last Saturday to attend the Sunday School picnic. She was assisted to an automobile by her two stalwart sons and wisely viewed the picnic from her seat in the machine.
After a lingering illness, Mrs. Wm. SWALBERT died and was buried at the Catholic Cemetery Monday morning at 10 o’clock. It was a large funeral, as she had many relatives and friends. We extend our utmost sympathy to the bereaved family.
Miss Kate and Louisa ZENTNER were on a visit to see their brother “Uncle Joe” alias “the Mayor.”
Quite a number of friends visited SIEDLERS Sunday. It was almost a family reunion. As usual all had a glorious time. We don’t know if they got the argument about the “Potato lettuce,” fixed up, but we hope so.
Dr. SEIVING’S residence is almost as good as new again and we also see his new neighbor Louis J. ROESCH making preparations to beautify his home and when they all get thru remodeling, this town will be worth coming to see.
Clarence GANGLOFF who has been away from Jefferson County for quite awhile was here to visit some of his friends. He tells us that he just recovered from the scarlet fever. Clarence has many friends and all were glad to see him.
Mr. Jacob GANFLOFF Sr., is on the sick list, as we have seen him at Dr. SEIVING’S the other evening.
Rev. C. H. SCHLEFERS pastor of the Catholic Church, will celebrate his silver jubilee next Sunday. He is priest twenty-five years. We wish him all the good luck in the world and hope he will live long enough to celebrate his golden jubilee. It is now twenty-five years that the URSLINE Sisters have had charge of the Catholic School, so it will be a double jubilee.
The “Columbia Six” was seen going thru this town Sunday. It sure is a classy boat, saying nothing about the nifty young man that owns it.
Three of our most popular young ladies decided that they would take advantage of Wm. FREDERTIZI’S swimming pool and were enjoying themselves immensely when to their horror they discovered a “Peeping Tom.”
We’re not going to say a word about the ball game this week. Our motto still stands good. “Let every dog wag his own tale.”
Dear friends, don’t forget we want to meet you all at BOEMLER’s next Saturday night, July 26, 1919.
Inventory and appraisement estate of John RICHARDSON, filed and approved.
Estate of Julia JARVIS. Administrator ordered to pay $10.00 legacy to state treasurer.
Last will and testament of Letitia MISSEY admitted to Probate and Wilburn C. MISSEY named as executor with our bond.
Court adjourned to July 26, 1919.
Thos. N. WILLIAMS by trustee to Thos. B. EVANS 10 ac (5-39-4) $100
Pittsburg Plate Glass Co., to Walter GARNER. Lot 34 Crystal City $450.
PATE minors by guard to W. B. PATE Lot in sur. 924 Horine $400.
Quick Payment Old Line Life Ins., Co., to Richard FRANCIS. Lot 3 Riverside Fruit & Stock farm 13.32 ac $1.00.
Wm. WENOM & wife to G. A. WENOM Lot Kim, subdiv. cont. 33.30 ac $1.00.
Gertrude M. Dixon to Louis LUCAS, Lot S. Sherlock’s subdiv Festus $1600.
S. T. WAGGENER et al to Chas H. JETT Lot 7 blk. 4 BERRY & WAGGENERS Sub Festus $100.
Jas. T. WHITEHEAD to Chas F. SEEMEL 70 acres sec 27 twp. 40 r 4 $1.00.
Chas F. SEEMEL to Jas. WHITEHEAD 70 ac (27-40-4) $1.00.
P. S. TERRY & wife to Jos MARTIN Lot in Festus $500
Wm. B. PATE to Wm. CORDES & wife Lot in sur. 924 Horine $1.00
Jno Wm. RUFF to Lacy S. COLEMAN lots 18 & 19 blk 5 Mt. Pleasant add. DeSoto $35.00
Nellie STEGMANN to L. S. COLEMAN. Lots 20 & 21 blk. 3 Mt. Pleasant add. DeSoto $87.50.
Harold Frank GRAY, (col.) - - Crystal City
Clara FOWLER, (col.) - - - - - - Festus
Andrew J. STATZEL - - - - - - - Valle Mines
Anna HEATON - - - - - - - - - - - Valle Mines
Miss Leona ECKLE, who has been taking a stenographic course at Brown’s Business College in St. Louis has completed the required course, received her diploma and is home again. The young folks of course are delighted as Miss ECKLE is bright, vivacious and is a delightful addition to the Hillsboro young folks society.
Edward J. STENGLEIN was in town Tuesday with a new Chevrolet, which he had just purchased from NAES Bros. Mr. STENGLEIN says he can keep it in the road but wants to get all the information possible before turning his instructor loose.
It is said that Senator James REED and Ex-Senator Alfred J. BEVERIDGE will make speeches next Monday in St. Louis on the League of Nations. Both are able to eloquent and those who really want information on the subject would do well to hear them.
John L. BECHLER says he threshed 670 bushels of wheat machine measure and shipped it within an hour and thirty minutes from the time the last bushel came out of the machine. John only got $2.185 for his wheat while Jos. J. HOCKEN got $2.21. John thinks that having a short ear load is responsible for the difference in price.
Mrs. John VINYARD of Pevely writes that no service blanks have been presented in that school district. She says in her letter: “We had three sons in Uncle Sam’s service and will be glad to have blanks so that their records may be properly placed in Missouri’s honor roll of those who served.” Any one desiring a blank for this purpose can secure it by writing to Mrs. J. H. REPPY, Hillsboro, Mo., who has charge of the work for the Adjutant General’s office.
John L. BECHLER and James JACO of Meramec were in town Tuesday. John has rented his farm to Mr. JACOB’S and is going to sell his stock and farm machinery, as well as seen in an advertisement elsewhere in our columns. Mr. BECHLER purchased his home in Hillsboro some time since and expect to move to town as soon as his tenant can take charge of the farm.
Mrs. Jerome POLITTE, died at her home near Blackwell last Saturday and was buried at the Mason Cemetery near Blackwell on Tuesday. Mrs. POLITTE was about 51 years of age and leaves her husband and ten children surviving her.
Green HEARST while taking Mr. and Mrs. J. W. ECKLE out to the Syl WILLIAMS farm espied a large fat juicy groundhog. In the interest of science, Green proposed to catch Mr. Groundhog and keep him so that the matter of which really is groundhog day could be accurately determined and future argument done away with. The groundhog was not captured, although Green easily outran it. The failure to catch the hog is another story. Ask Green or Mr. ECKLE if you are really curious about it.
No community is immune from tornadoes. Protect your farm property and livestock by a good tornado and windstorm policy, don’t wait until too late. You might be next. Write or phone for rates to JAMES N. HALL, Agent
[Page 2]
The Jefferson County Record. A Partnership Composed of John H. REPPY as Albertise C. REPPY. John H. REPPY, Editor. Albertise Coon REPPY, Associate Editor. Entered second-class matter March 2, 1911, at the Post office in Hillsboro, Mo, under the Act March 2, 1889. Card of Thanks, Twenty-five cents: Resolutions, one dollar. Obituary poetry. Five cents per each six words. Subscription Price – One year, $1.50. Six Months, .75 cents in Advance.
Quite a number of correspondents were crowded out this week on account of lack of space. Sorry boys and girls it can’t be helped.
Peeping Tom got here too late for this week’s issue. We note of late that some of the correspondence sent in has somewhat of a personal tinge that does not appeal to the editor. We want good live stuff, but the Record the integrity of good citizens, so if we cut out items you know why.
It now appears that the final decision as to the Shantung province in China was left to President WILSON. Three of our envoys protected against turning it over to Japan but Woodrow was “It,” and Japan got Shantung with its 36,000,000 people and now what are you going to do about it. Woodrow says so, therefore it must be so. You must sign as she is writ because Woodrow says so and no one else knows what is right.
The friends of Mrs. Henrietta PARKINSON gave her a pleasant surprise last Saturday the occasion being the anniversary of her birth. Mrs. PARKINSON was of course delighted and the evening was pleasantly passed. Dainty refreshments were served.
W. J. WHITE of Kimmswick was a Hillsboro visitor Monday.
Name of Estate - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Adm., Ex., Guar., or Cur., - - - - - - - - - - Kind of settlement
Monday, August 25th, 1919 – first Day
ARNOLD, Michael, Dec - - - - - - - Louis ARNOLD, Ex. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - F. S.
BURRUS, Chas. L., dec. - - - - - - - P. S. TERRY, adm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - F. S.
BRINKMAN, Warren, dec. - - - - - Lola J. BRINKMAN, admx - - - - - - - - - - F. S.
BURGAN, Dennis, dec. - - - - - - - Louisa BURGEN, admx - - - - - - - - - - - - F. S.
BRECKENRIDGE, Melvin G., dec., - - Frank BRECKENRIDGE, adm - - - - - - - Semi-An
BRIERTON, Kate, dec., D. B. FROST & W. L. TWONSEND adm’s with will an. Semi-An
BRENNAN, James J., dec., - - - - - - Sarah BRENNAN, Exx - - - - - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
BRUNE, Henry, dec., - - - - - - - - - -George, ADAMS, Ex. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
BRAMERLOH, Wm., dec., - - - - - - Fred BRAMERLOH, adm - - - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
BYRNE, Francis & Katie, minors - - Mary A. BYRNE G. & Curx. - - - - - - - - - A. S.
CONN, Sylvanus M., dec., - - - - - - John N. CONN, Ex. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
COLE, Sarah, dec., - - - - - - - - - - - -May Josephine COLE - - - - - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
CRETH, Timothy, dec., - - - - - - - - Chas. C. ENGLAND adm - - - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
CLARK, Fred Z., Jr., a minor - - - - -Fred Z. CLARK, Sr., G. & C. - - - - - - - - - A. S.
Tuesday, August 26th, 1919 – Second Day
DORNSEIF, Louisa, dec., - - - - - - - - - - Fred DORNSEIF, adm - - - - - - - - - - - - - F. S.
DODD, John B., dec., - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mrs. Mary C. DODD, admx - - - - - - - -Semi-An
DICKERMAN, LEON & Arthur, minors Celina DICKERMAN G. & C - - - - - - - - A.S.
EHRICHS, Marie Minna, a minor - - - - - Sophia EHRICHS CURX - - - - - - - - - - A.S.
ELLIS, Wm. C., dec., - - - - - - - - - - - - - John SCHWENK ex. - - - - - - - - - - - - - F. S.
FRASER, David FRASER, dec., - - - - - - Margaret FRASER admx - - - - - - - - - F. S.
FITZGERALD, Wm., dec., - - - - - - - - - - Wm. & Margaret FITZGERALD Ex’s- - Semi-An
FRANZ, George, Sr., dec., - - - - - - - - - Mark FRANZ, adm., - - - - - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
GANNON minors - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Jos GANNON G & C - - - - - - - - - - - - - A. S.
HUG, Stephen dec., - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wm. S. WITTLER, Ex - - - - - - - - - - - - F. S.
HEINEN, Margaret, dec., - - - - - - - - - -Horace BUXTON, adm., - - - - - - - - - - F. S.
HARTER, Wm. J. dec., - - - - - - - - - - - - Fred W. HARTER, adm - - - - - - - - - - F. S.
HOFFMAN, Emanuel, dec., - - - - - - - - E. C. EDGAR adm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - F. S.
Wednesday, August 27th, 1919 – Third day
HAMILL, J. M., dec.,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - R. B. JONES ex. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
HEILIGTAG, Anna, Dec., - - - - - - - - - - - Julius HEILIGTAG, adm., - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
HUSKEY, W. J., dec., - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Harry DAHL, Ex. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
HAVERSTICK, minors - - - - - - - - - - - - - Helen I. HAVERSTICK curx - - - - - - - - A. S.
HILDERBRAND, minors - - - - - - - - - - - Augusta HILDERBRAND CURX - - - - - A. S.
HOHL minors - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - John C. HOHL, Cur., - - - - - - - - - - - - A. S.
KIDD, Ralph Wm., a minor - - - - - - - - - John B. KIDD, Cur., - - - - - - - - - - - -- A. S.
KLENN, Elizabeth, dec., - - - - - - - - - - - Julia KLENN, Exx - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
KLEINSCHMIT, Fredrick A., Dec., - - - - Louisa KLEINSCHMIDT, admx - - - - - - Semi-An
KROPA, Barbara, dec., - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kasper KROPA, adm - - - - - - - - - - - F. S.
Thursday, August 28th, 1919 – Fourth Day.
LALUMANDIER, Velar, dec., - - - - - - - - Elizabeth LALUMANDIER, Exx - - - - - - F. S.
LINDWEDEL, Fred H., dec., - - - - - - - - Fritz LINDWEDEL, Adm - - - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
LOYSON, Louis insane - - - - - - - - - - - -John G. BRUNS Guar., - - - - - - - - - - - - - A. S.
MEYERS minors - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lewis R. MEYER cur., - - - - - - - - - - - - - A. S.
McCORMACK, C. R., dec., - - - - - - - - -W. S. BOYCE adm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
NAES Bros, Partnership estate - - - - - Wm NAES adm., - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
NAES Minors - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Theresia WARD G. & C - - - - - - - - - - - A. S.
QUINN, Kate, dec., - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Chas QUINN Adm.,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - F. S.
RINEY, Georgina A. dec., - - - - - - - - - - Esther Carr ATKINSON Admx - - - - - Semi-An
ROGERS, Doretha, dec., - - - - - - - - - - -M. F. ROGERS, Adm - - - - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
Friday, August 29th, 1919 – Fifth Day.
ROESCH, Wm. H. dec., - - - - - - - - - - - - - Louisa ROESCH, Admx - - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
ROSE, Henry dec., - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wm. ROSE, adm., - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
ROSE, Katherine, dec., - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wm. ROSE adm., - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
ROGERS, Louisa, dec., - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - George ROGERS adm - - - - - - - - - - - F. S.
SONTAG, Susie M. dec., - - - - - - - - - - - - - W. W. TUCKER adm - - - - - - - - - - - - F. S.
SULLENS, Eliza dec.,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - George BRACKMANN Ex., - - - - - - - Semi-An
SMITH, Ellen Louise, dec., - - - - - - - - - - - - L.H. SMITH, Ex., - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
SCHMITT, J. W. dec., - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fredericka SCHMITT Exx - - - - - - - - Semi-An
SWAN, Nettie Katherine dec., - - - - - - - - - S. J. ROZIER, adm., - - - - - - - - - - - - Semi-An
TOMSICK, Mary, insane - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Andrew L. HILGERT G. & C. - - - - - A. S.
Saturday, August 30th, 1919 – Sixth Day.
VORNBERG, Herman, dec., - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wm. & Fred VORNBERG Exs - - - - - Semi-An
VOGT, John, Sr., dec., - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Geo & Jacob VOGT, Exs - - - - - - - - - F. S.
WILSON, James H., dec., - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Frank L. WILSON Adm., - - - - - - - - - F. S.
WELDELE, Joseph, dec., - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Elizabeth WELDELE, Admx - - - - - - F. S.
WEIDNER, Magdelena dec., - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph WEIDNER Adm - - - - - - - - - - Semi-an
WILLIAMS, Hazel C. a minor - - - - - - - - - - - - W. R. WILLIAMS G. & C - - - - - - - - A. S.
WILLIAMS, Howard D., a minor - - - - - - - - - - Wm. Sylvester WILLIAMS G. & C - - A. S.
State of Missouri, County of Jefferson
I, Anna MILLER, Clerk of the Probate Court in and for said county, hereby certify that the above is a true copy of the original Probate Court Docket, as the same appears on record in my office. Witness my hand and the seal of said Court. Done at office in Hillsboro, Missouri, this 21st day of July, 1919. Anna MILLER, Clerk of Probate Court. (SEAL)
Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of LETITIA ANN MISSEY, Dec., were granted to the undersigned on the 23rd day of July 1919, by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Missouri. All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the Executor within six months after the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of such estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within one year from the date of the last insertion of the publication of this notice, they shall be forever barred. WILBURN C. MISSEY Executor (SEAL) Attested: Anna MILLER, Clerk of Probate Court.
Notice is hereby given that undersigned Geo & Jacob VOGT, Administrators of the estate of John VOGT, dec, will make final settlement of his accounts with said estate as such administrator at the next term of the Probate Court of Jefferson County Missouri to be begun and holden at Hillsboro, in said county on the 25th day of Aug 1919. Geo. & Jacob VOGT, Administrators.
[Page 3]
~Hillsboro Items.~
Theo HURTGEN and family spent Saturday and Sunday in St. Louis.
Jos. J. HOEKEN didn’t lose any time getting his wheat crop to market. He threshed 947 bushels machine measure and finished at 4:10 in the afternoon and at 6:20 the same afternoon it was in the car at Victoria and duly sealed in by the agent. This is the best record so far.
Mrs. R. A. MARSDEN has been suffering from a threatened attack of appendicitis but is improved. Miss Jeannette ZISKI of Horine has been with her for some days and is enjoying herself among her Hillsboro friends.
Some “good Samaritan,” gave Edgar MARSDEN’S dog a feed with broken glass mixed therein. The poor dog suffered untold agony and had to be killed to end its misery. This no doubt will be welcome news to the person who administered the glass. The good old fashioned hell of the bible is altogether too kindly a place for this sort of Christian character. Even a dog is entitled to a humane sort of death, where death is deserved or it is necessary.
Wheat crops in and about Hillsboro are averaging from 12 to 15 bushels per acre, so far as reported and crops are being marketed in many cases direct from machine.
Joachim Lodge No. 164 A. F. & A. M. held a special communication Saturday night. J. W. BITTICK of Morse Mill received the degree of M. M. and James WILSON of the same place, received the E. A. degree.
F. J. ADAMS was in town last week. Joe invited the editor to visit him in the city and assured us that a real hat was coming to us and we could get it any time we called. Our judgment on the amount of Spencer’s plurality was better than Joe’s.
Mill Ollie STONE is home again and will spend the heated term in Hillsboro where balmy breezes blow at night and where the mosquito cometh not to pester or to arouse the sleeper. Few Hillsboro folks realize how much they are blest in this respect, until they stay somewhere else a few nights.
Miss Katie MILLER, spent last week with the home folks. Sunday she accompanied Judge MILLER and other members of the family to High Ridge for a brief visit to friends there, returning to the city from High Ridge.
In the Circuit Court of Jefferson County, Mo, in vacation, July 19th 1919 Sarah V. BEAN, Plaintiff vs. Walter GARNER, Defendant. Now at this day comes the plaintiff herein, by her Attorney P. S. TERRY in the above entitled cause, before the undersigned Clerk of the Circuit Court of Jefferson County, in vacation and files here petition and affidavit stating among other things, that the above named defendant Walter GARNER is a nonresident of the state of Missouri. It is therefore ordered by the Clerk afore said in vacation, that publication be made notifying him that action has been commenced against him, by petition and attachment in the Circuit Court in Jefferson County, in the State of Missouri, founded on an account for the sum of $168.00 that his property is about to be attached, and that unless he be and appear at the next term of said Court, to be holden at the Court House in Hillsboro, within the county of Jefferson on the Second Monday of September 1919, on or before the third day thereof if the term shall so long continue, and not then before the end of the term, judgment will be rendered against him, and his property sold to satisfy same. It is further ordered that a copy hereof be published in the Jefferson County Record, a newspaper published in the said County of Jefferson, for four weeks successively, the last insertion to be at least fifteen days before the commencement of the next term of said court. Ware EVANS, Clerk, Circuit Court. A true copy from the Record. Witness my hand, and seal of the Circuit Court of Jefferson County this 19thday of July 1919. Ware EVANS Clerk, Circuit Court. (SEAL)
The Sunday School gave a picnic Saturday afternoon and all attending enjoyed an excellent supper.
~Wanted~ 12 cords, good wood, green and dry mixed. Apply, J. W. ECKLE. By order of the board, W. L. STONE, Clerk
The Misses Anna ECKLE and Eunice HOLMES are taking a little extra vacation at the home of Syl WILLIAMS at Morse Mill.
10 o’clock a.m.
The undersigned will sell at public section at his farm known as the “George KIDD,” farm on Big River, 4 ½ miles northwest of House Springs on the Eureka and High Ridge Road on Saturday, August 16, 1919 the following described personal property to-wit:
One 15 hand high mare mule 7 years old.
One span matched mules 15-3 4 & 5 years old.
One 2 year old mule 15-3
One yearling mule, good big mule.
One Mew 16 hands, 8 years and mule colt
7 good milk cows, all in milk.
5 Heifers, all yearlings.
5 brood sows – Thorobred Duroe Jersey due to farrow in September.
1 Registered Duroe Jersey boar.
10 ton clover hay in stack
1 two horse power gas engine and pump jack.
1 new Dearing binder, 1 John Deere 14 in. sulky plow, corn planters, harrows, plows and farming machinery also farm wagon and hay frame. Harness and other articles too numerous to mention. Sale begins at 10 o’clock a.m. Lunch served on ground.
TERMS: All sums under ten dollars cash in hand. A sum over ten dollars a credit of twelve months will be given purchaser to give bankable note bearing six percent interest. No goods to be removed until terms of sale are compiled with John L. BECHLER, owner. Albert WEBER, Auctioneer.
Miss Lillie HEMME has returned from a visit to Toledo, Ohio and reports a splendid time.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Fred DORNSEIF administrator of the estate of Louisa DORNSEIF, dec. will make final settlement of his accounts with said estate as such administrator at the next term of the Probate Court of Jefferson County Missouri to be begun and holden at Hillsboro, in said county on the 25th day of August 1919. Fred DORNSEIF, administrator.
Mrs. Alice CURTICE-WING of Greenville and Mrs. Maud M. MILLER of Hillsboro were chosen unanimously at a meeting at Bismarck Saturday of the Republican women from the counties of the Thirteenth Congressional District as the two state members from this district to meet with the Republican men state committeemen in St. Louis on July 26.
Mrs. WING is a former St. Louisan. She is on the State Board of the Missouri Equal Suffrage Association, and is a well-known writer and speaker. She did excellent Red Cross work during the war and her only son, Charles Curtice MOYER, is still serving his country in France.
Mrs. MILLER is the wife of a prominent Jefferson County lawyer and an active worker in the civic affairs of her town.
Albert MILLER, Frank DIETRICH and R. A. MARSDEN attended the meeting of the Republican congressional Committee above mentioned.
The local weather forecasters give no promise of rain before Sunday. Crops are burning pretty badly on the ridges and gardens are suffering for need of moisture. The nights however are very cool and sleep is very luxurious, save only when some d—d feist turns loose and wrecks the holy calm with his incessant ki-yi.
If you have any local news, don’t fail to send it to the Record.
A big dirigible flying above Ch--- fell, and fell thru the glass roof of the bank building and its gasoline . . . exploded. Twelve persons were killed and 28 injured. Three of the crew of the airship escaped with their lives. What caused the fire cannot be determined, but it is made manifest that flying game is dangerous not only those who fly but to earth dwellers as well, and laws will have to be . . . prohibiting flying above cities
The toll of life taken of the innocent bystander, might well be larger than the flyers, as it was in this case. We are not alarmed out here at Hillsboro and are not yet considering ordinance prohibit, but it is a matter that will have to be regulated in some way . . . course in order to enforce such . . . we will have to have aeronautic . . . It will not be necessary to supply aeronantic judges and justices, we have them with us now.
Frank DIETRICH, Clyde WILLIAMS, John F. WILLIAMS departed yesterday afternoon for a night’s fishing at Big River.
Jas. L. DONNELL, is having the collector’s office repapered and is making some other improvements which . . . to its neatness and convenience.
Mrs. George WALKER of Trenton, arrived in Hillsboro Tuesday afternoon on a brief visit to her old friends Octavia BUCHANAN and Henrietta . . .
[Page 4]
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Horace BUXTON, administrator of the estate of Margaret HEINEN dec. will make final settlement of his accounts with said estate as such administrator at the next term of the Probate Court of Jefferson County Missouri to be begun and holden at Hillsboro, in said county on the 25th day of August 1919. Horace BUXTON, administrator.
83 acres, 63 in cultivation, balance can be cultivated. 6 room house good out buildings. Soil-sandy loam. Located 2 miles east at Goldman, Mo. Price $5,500. For particulars see J. J. SPROCK 3454 Crittenden Street. St. Louis, MO
Notice is hereby given that letters of Administration on the estate of Isaac GOZA, Dec., were granted to the undersigned on the 23rdday of June 1919 by the Probate Court of Jefferson County Missouri. All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the Administrator within six months after the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of said estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within one year from the date of this publication, they shall be forever barred. John G. BRUNS Administrator (SEAL) Attested: J. P. MILLER, Judge of Probate.
Pursuant to an order of the County Court I will receive sealed bids up to Monday August 4th 1919 for 75 cords of good sound split cord wood, (25 cords seasoned and 50 cords green), one half to be delivered and corded in Court house wood yard not later than October 1st, and the remainder by November 1st 1919.
I will also receive sealed lids on same amount and kind of wood cut into 20 inch blocks and corded in court house wood yard on or before the above mentioned dates. G. W. GASCHE, Clerk, County Court.
Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of ANGELINE GOZA, dec., were granted to the undersigned on the 23rd day of June 1919 by the probate Court of Jefferson County, Missouri. All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the Administrator within six months after the date of said letters or they may be precluded from any benefit of said Estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within one year from the date of this publication they shall be forever barred. JOHN G. BURNS Administrator (SEAL) Attested: J. P. MILLER, Judge of Probate
In the Circuit Court of Jefferson County, Mo., in vacation. Edward H. STEINBACH Plaintiff vs. Elizabeth J. STEINBACH Defendant. Now at this day comes the plaintiff herein, by his Attorney and files his Petition and Affidavit alleging, among other things that defendant Elizabeth J. STEINBACH has absented herself from her usual place of abode in this state and has concealed herself so that the ordinary process of the law cannot be served upon her in this state.
Whereupon it is ordered by the undersigned Clerk of said Court in vacation, that said defendant be notified, by publication that Plaintiff has commenced a suit against her in this court the object and general nature of which is to obtain a decree of divorce upon the ground of desertion, and for the care and custody of their minor and that unless the defendant Elizabeth J. STEINBACH be and appear at this court at the next term thereof to be begun and holden at the Court House in the Town of Hillsboro, in said county, on the second Monday of September, next and on or before the first day of said term, answer or plead to the petition in said cause, the same will be taken as confessed and judgment will be rendered accordingly.
And it is further ordered, that a copy hereof be published according to law in the Jefferson County Record a newspaper published in said County of Jefferson for four weeks successively published at least once a week the last insertion to be at least fifteen days before the first day of said next September Term of this Court. WARE EVANS Clerk, Circuit Court.
A true copy from the Record. Witness my hand and seal of the Circuit Court of Jefferson County this 17th day of July 1919. Ware EVANS Clerk, Circuit Court (SEAL)
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Chas QUINN, administrator, of the estate of Kate QUINN, dec., will make final settlement of his accounts with said estate as such administrator at the next term of the Probate Court of Jefferson County Missouri to be begun and holden at Hillsboro, in said county on the 25th day of August 1919. Chas QUINN, administrator
Notice is hereby given that the annual stockholders’ meeting of the Bank of Maxville will be held at its banking house at Maxville, Missouri, on the 2nd day of August, 1919. Said meeting will be convened at 9 o’clock a.m. and continued during at least three hours, unless the object for which said meeting is called by accomplished sooner.
The purpose for which this meeting is called is to elect directors for the said bank to serve during the ensuing year, and for the transaction of any other business which may properly come before the meeting. Attest: Louise J. ROESCH, secretary, Chas J. SIEDLER, President.
Tornadoes have never been controlled, and the best protection is a good tornado and windstorm policy. For rates on farm property, write the phone. JAMER N. HALL, Agent, Festus, Mo.
The regular examination for teachers certificates will be held at DeSoto High School Building, Friday and Saturday August 1st and commencing at eight o’clock sharp. The order of subjects will be the same as here to fore. Applicants who paid fee in either March or June this year will use the same number in August examination.
The regular legal fee for the examination is three dollars for the calendar year. Paper furnished. Bring pencils or pens and ink. Respectfully, R. B. WILSON, Co., Supt.
Gentle driving horse, harness and two seated trap. Apply at GREEN’S Store, Sulphur Springs, Mo.
The Record furnishes more local home news than any other paper in the county. That is what you want. Subscribe now. We need your help.
[Ad] Delicate Mechanism. Despite its scope Swift and Company is a business of infinite details, requiring infinite attention. Experienced men must know livestock buying with a knowledge of weight, price, the amount and quality of meat the live animals will yield. Each manufacturing operation must be done with expert skill and scientific precision. A highly perishable product must be handled with speed and care to avoid loss. Chemists, engineers, accountants and other specialists are required to take care of our intricate problems. Alert wisdom and judgment must be used in getting stocks of goods into the open channels of demand through our four hundred branch houses. Branch houses organizations must show activity and energy to sell at the market in the face of acute competition from other large packers, and hundreds of small ones. All these requirements of intelligence, loyalty, devotion to the task, are met in the personnel of Swift & Company. Yet the profit is only a fraction of a cent per pound with costs at minimum. How can the workings of this delicate human mechanism be improved upon? Do you believe that Government direction would add to our efficiency or improve the service rendered the producer and consumer? Let us send you a Swift “Dollar”. It will interest you. Address Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards. Chicago, Ill. Swift & Company, U. S. A.
[Ad] DON’T throw that broken casting away, have it welded by the UNION WELDING & BRAZING CO. We weld aluminum without preheating and guarantee against war page of aluminum and cylinders. All kinds of metals welded one to another. Cutting of high and low carbon steel. UNION WELDING AND BRAZING COMPANY. Between Festus and Silica. Post Office, Hematite. STILLMAN BROS. PROP.
[Ad] ELCAR FOUR AND SIX. Dependable and Classic. Quality and Quantity for your money. Seeing is Believing. Also, Two-in-one Make a tractor. Agent for Maude Make a Tractor. Cordless 1500 lb. Truck. Elcar Touring Car Jacob BECKER Jr. Phone Long Distance. Maxville, Mo.
[Ad] Up To-date Goods. We buy right and sell right. We ask you to give us your business and compare our prices with our competitors. We can save you money on your daily and weekly purchases and give you better values. R. A. MARSDEN. General Merchandise, Hillsboro, MO
[Ad] For Tractor Lubrication. Heavy Polarine Oil Stanolind Tractor Oil Extra Heavy Polarine Oil. Stanolind Tractor Oil has been found, through severe and thorough tests, to be the best lubricant for more than one-half of the tractors made. This oil is one of great durability. It stands the high temperature developed in a tractor engine without change in body. It has the correct body to thoroughly lubricate the remotest frictional surfaces, eliminating scored cylinders and undue wear. Where mechanical conditions or design make it desirable to sue a slightly heavier, or slightly lighter, oil than Stanolind Tractor Oil, Extra Heavy Polarine Oil or Heavy Polarine Oil is recommended. Any Standard Oil representative well be glad to show you the chart of Tractor lubrication, prepared by our Engineering Staff. It indicates specifically which of these three oils the Standard Oil Engineers have found will give the best results in your particular tractor. We have just published a 100-page book “Tractors and Tractor Lubrication,: prepared by our engineering staff, which you will find a valuable reference book and we believe it will save you many days of tractor idleness with the resultant money loss. It’s free to you for the asking. Address. Standard Oil Company, 910 So. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill.
[Ad] Artesian Bottling Works. WARD’s Orange-Crush. Orange-Crush puts a quick quietus on thirst. Served ice-cold, its refreshing natural fruit. Orange-Crush is obtainable wherever soft drinks are sold. Our modern machinery bottles Orange-/crush under strictly sanitary conditions. W. J. MAUTHE, Propr. DeSoto, MO
[Ad] GERALD MILLING CO. Proprietors of Kimmswick Roller Mills and Lumber Yard. Gerald Milling Company, Kimmswick, Missouri.
[Ad] Farm and Dairy Bank. Barnhart, Missouri. Solicit Your Checking Account. Savings Department, 3 percent. Certificates of Deposit, 12 months 4 percent. Officers. Wm. SCHMIDT, Prest. J. M. STITES V. Prest. G. O. JURY, Cashier.
[Ad] ECKLES Store. Fresh staple and fancy groceries, paints’ glassware, tin & aluminum. Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing. Market Price for Country Produce. J. W. ECKLE, Hillsboro.
[Ad] E. A. STOVESAND AGENT FOR John Deere Binders, Dain Mowers, Deer Disc Cultivators and Planters, J. L. Case Disc Cultivators and Planters, James Oliver SULKEY Plows. WEBER and DAME Farm Wagons. Cedar Hill, Hillsboro, Route 2, Missouri.
[Ad] PURITAN TIRES 30x3x1-2 $15.50. Carries Usual 3500 Mile Guarantee. Fresh Stock. Agents for Republic trucks and Dart Touring cars. Maxville Auto Repair Co. Maxville, Mo.
[Ad] Bank of Kimmswick. Kimmswick, Missouri. Capital $10,000. Surplus and Undivided Profits $10,000. C. H. GERALD, President. M. ZIEGLER, Vice President, G. A. WENOM, Cashier. We invite you to open an account with us. Pass Books and Check Books given without charge, regardless of the amount of Deposit. We pay 4 percent on time deposits for one year, and 3 percent a year for 6 months.
[Ad] E. A. STAAT. General Blacksmith and Garage Dealer In Farm machinery, Implements, Vehicles, Gasoline engines, and repairs of all kinds; Deering and Plymouth twine. Antonia, Mo.
[Ad] HURTGEN’S Shop. First class Horse Shoers. All kinds of machinery repaired on short notice. Try us and see, Automobiles repaired. Hillsboro, Missouri.
[Ad] Albert S. ENNIS. Attorney-at-Law. REAL ESTATE. Notary Public. Office over Citizen’s Bank, Festus, MO.
[Ad] L. A. CHAMBERLIN, Dentist, DeSoto, MO
[Ad] Hot Weather Specials. The mercury may be high these days but it cannot keep our prices . . . down. Just look over the offerings described below and see if you do with us. Come in and enjoy yourself by looking at these specials. Sale Starts July 25 & Closes Aug . . .
Big Values in Oil Cloth – this is an excellent time to obtain new oilcloth. A variety of choice patterns, pretty designs and colors. Very special price of Per. Yard .36.
Silk Fear-in-hands – Up to the minute styles, extra well made with double stitched neckband. Your choice .25
Fancy Shield Bows – All made up and ready to wear. In natural shapes and a variety of shades and colors. Each .08
Men’s Laundered Shirts – Plain percale, coat style, attached laundered cuffs, assorted sizes and colors Each .98
Boy’s Dress Blouses – An unusually good assortment of pleasing patterns were in our last shipment. Your choice of these while they last at, each .49
A Cap For Baby – You may select from a variety made of soft sheer lawn dotted Swiss and allover embroidery, stylishly trimmed. Some at .25
Plain Chambray Shirts – Made a good quality chambray, yarn dyed, extension collar band, faced sleeves. The kind men ask for time and time again. Our price .98
Men’s Mixed Cotton Half Hose – Assorted blue and brown mixtures. Heavy yarn with double heel and tow. Sturdy wearers. Our price per pair .19.
Women’s Sheer Hosiery – Light, summer weights, reinforced where the wear is greatest. Fine gauge and seamless. A special lot now on sale at pair .23.
Women’s Union suits – See for yourself these high class garments. We buy in the big markets and get them right for quick turning. Some at .59
Face Towels – Better stock up while they are quoted at this favorable price. Each .23
Bleacher Turkish Bath Towels – An extra special offering in these high grade towels for this sale only. They are very heavy and have close uniform pile weave. Something exceptional at the price. Each .39
White Pearl Buttons – We have a very large assortment of the famous UTILITY brand. Fill your wants from our stock .05
Women’s Handkerchiefs – We have a big assortment of lace trimmed and embroidered handkerchiefs. Exquisitely tasteful designs. Come in and allow us to show what we have. Your choice now, each .10
Women’s Vests – Light weights in large assortments of suitable fabrics and styles. One lot at each .23
Women’s Vests – Made out of fine combed your. Some like the one illustrated here at .15
Pad Garters – A very dependable article at a price that will attract you. Each .13
Women’s Vanity. Purses – Made out of well wearing leather with strap handles two side pockets, snap fasteners. Each .59
Curling Irons – A full assortment of styles & sizes always to be had here. Each .10
Leather Purses – Large variety of styles and shapes. Special value, each .10
Pens! Pens! – Sharp both in name and in execution. Special value at per paper – 04
Safety Pins – We handle the market standard brand of these useful articles per card .05
Wire Hair Pins – Several sizes assorted in a box. This is an opportunity to make your purchase. Per box .05
Men’s Hose – Hose of this kind gives good wear and looks good. Come in and see for yourself .23
Novelty Bro . . . We are showing the . . . in ample variety. Every . . . good value and very time . . . qualities as low as . . .
Fancy Bar – Numerous designs in . . . black on white effect. See . . . each . . .
Hat Pins – Just what style you wa. . . A big line now on display . . .
Dressing Co . . . Good value in dressing . . . heavy black, assorted epl. . .
Celluloid Hair . . . 3 in crimped polished . . . prongs quality workmanship . . . almost indestructible . . .breaking . Per box of . . .
Rubber Pocket – these are of the popular of course and fine teeth fit . . . ette case. Each . . .
Men’s Soft Finish . . . Lawn Hand . . . These handkerchiefs are . . . popular and we were pa . . .fortunate in being able to . . . quality for this sale . . . at, Each . . .
Canton Flannel – These are the better . . . with elastic knit wrists.
Men’s Fancy suspenders. A large variety of . . . man attractive ?? Many popular styles are show . . . lot. Now on sale at, pair . . .
Men’s Leather . . . A good assortment of . . . grain belts, black and . . . Good values at . . .
Stand Mirror . . . You are sure to find w . . . among our pleasing line . . . The prices are surprising . . . considering the values . . . at . . .
[Ad] Peoples Bank of DeSoto. G. A. AUERSWALD, Ernest S. COXWELL, R. B. JONES, Henry LEPP, Geo. MAHN, D. L. ROUGGLY, J. F. WALTHER are the directors of the People’s Bank of DeSoto. The strength of a financial institution depends primarily upon the character of men chosen by the stockholders to direct its affairs. Next in importance in estimating strength is the amount of the institution’s capital, surplus and profit, every dollar of which is for the protection of its clients. In the case of the People’s bank of DeSoto, this amounts to the large sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars. The combination of the above board of directors and of over One Hundred thousand Dollars capital, surplus and profits, enables this company to maintain a reputation for solidity and for careful conservative management which it has enjoyed ever since its organization in 1885.