Jefferson County Record
Hillsboro, MO
July 17, 1919
Joseph FRAZIER, son of N. W. FRAZIER, one of the latest of Central Township boys to arrive home from overseas duty.
Soldier Boys – Attention – What do you think about a real soldier boys picnic at Hillsboro about September? Don’t you think you could make it a go and would you help to do so? Would like to hear from you. Write your letter and give your idea. We want the boys in on this and want you to boss the job.
The Second Division is ordered to prepare for demobilization and all attended units. The 5th and 6th Marine units, heroes of Chauteau Thierry are the Second Division and some of our Jefferson County boys are included in those units.
The captured German cannon will defend the Court House Square in Hillsboro, and no doubt, as Congressman RHODES introduced a bill to that effect sometime since. We hope to see the bill thru promptly and to have the can--- here for the soldier Boys Picnic in September
Office of Selden P. SPENCER, United States Senator from Missouri.
Any military man who has been in military service of the United States and who, on account of such service, is not in in ideal condition permitting him to return at once into gainful occupation should immediately present his claim to the Bureau of War Risk Insurance, Compensation Division, Washington, D. C.
Under the law the Bureau is charged with providing compensation and free medical attention to all service men discharged because of disability, until such time as they are restored to physical fitness.
Every man who when discharged, is affected with tuberculosis or any ailment of any character, incurred or augmented during his service in the Army, Navy or Marine forces of the United States, should at once present his case to the Bureau of War Risk Insurance.
~ War Risk Insurance~
Some applications for War Risk Insurance have been rejected on the ground that those who applied for it were mortally sick at the time of making such applications, and they were denied. All such applications are reviewed to be reconsidered and the Insurance granted, if applications were otherwise in order.
Men who have lost their sight in the service, even though they retained a degree of vision to distinguish light from darkness but are totally unable to see for industrial purpose are regarded as totally disabled and are entitled to the maximum compensation of one hundred dollars a --- …..
In addition to this, they will receive --- 57.50 monthly insurance, provided they have taken out ten thousand dollars of insurance, which is payable in the case of death. Insurance is made payable either in the event of death, or in the case of total disability, unless the disability was the result of willful conduct on the part of the insured.
The Republican Congressional Committee for the 13th Congressional District will meet at Bismarck next Saturday. The meeting is called to add to the state committee two women members. Jefferson County has not committed its organization. Valle Township will be represented on the county committee by Mrs. Walter EVANS of DeSoto, Rock Township by Mrs. Gustave . . . of Kimmswick and Plattin Township by Mrs. James REID and Central Township by Mrs. Frank Dietrich.
Under the existing law, women are allowed to vote for presidential election in the next election and if the commitment to the Federal Constitution is satisfied by 26 more states before ---election, they will be able to vote . . . subjects. It is the proper thing to have the representatives on the committees as it is only a question of a very short time until they have the ballet.
Currently all the farmers are thru ---- and are well satisfied with the crops.
Hillsboro was visited Friday afternoon by a storm of exceeding violence. It came up rapidly from the northwest. The clouds bore a tinge of green and came up with a rapidity that presaged a heavy blow. Trees withered and twisted in the heavy blasts and limbs and leaves were soon flying in every direction. The rain was very heavy but the wind dissipated it into mist and it so completely filled the air that considerable objects became visible at very short distances. A section of the court house roof was torn off. Joe J. HOEKEN lost a hayshed and Green HEARST’S buggy shed was blown down. The Jefferson Trust building had a few ties? torn off its west side wall which crashed on the roof with force enough to cause a goodly sized leak.
Peach trees were torn to pieces and many trees blown down. Several out houses were overturned and the wind drove the rain thru under doors and windows so that housewives generally had plenty of water for cleaning purposes. The storm was heavier west of here and did quite a bit of damage at Morse Mill. George HARRISON had the roof of his barn blown off and trees were blown across the road between Morse Mill and Ware so that the carrier of Route 3 could not make the round trip. Wheat was blown all about the fields and corn blown down and much of it badly broken. There was some hail during the course of the storm but not enough to do serious damage. The roads of course were badly washed as they always do when anything like a heavy rain falls.
At the John F. WILLIAMS farm, Mrs. T. W. SCHNEIDER had a little house party and the wind struck the house, with such terrific force that it blew a shutter completely thru one of the front dormer windows and of course flooded the house and very much alarmed her guests.
Near town J. F. WILLIAMS’ house was struck by lightning, which passed entirely thru the house from north to south. All the family was at home, but none were injured. So far as we have been able to ascertain no lives were lost in the storm and no one injured. While the storm did much damage the rain was badly needed and perhaps more than offsets the damage done by the storm. One thing is sure, that the peach crop in this section is very materially shortened, as practically all the old trees were destroyed, many of them laden with ripening fruit.
L. B. WHITE to Anthony SCHMITT. 40 acres (3-38-4) $100.
Gregory W. NESSELHAUF to H. HOYT. 1.10 acres (6-41-6) $100.
Sallie PINSON to W. T. HUSKEY Lots 6 & 7 blk 9 DeSoto $1000
Otto HERRMAN to Walter J. BITTMAN 44.49 acres (2-39-5) $10.00
Walter J. BITTMAN to Chas SCHLAG. 44.49 acres (2-39-5) $1.00
Clara T. STAUSS to Wm. C. STAUSS lot in Festus $900
Lillie M. COSBY to Edwin LEWIS. Lots 13 to 17 blk. 6 Lane, add DeSoto $1000
John OEST & wife to W. R. DORLAC. Lots 9 & 10 blk. 1 R & D add DeSoto $1050.
Mary J JEWETT to Ed HOLDINGHAUSEN Lot 5 Jewett Subdiv. (32-41-6) $350.
Wm H. PAUL to Thos. F. HAVERSTICK. Lots 17 & 18 blk. 38 DeSoto $1000
Mary MOORE to Algy KELSO & wife. Lot in Keeners subdiv. Festus $100
M. K. JONES to TRUMB Realty Co. 80.22 acres (32-42-6) $100
C. H. KLEINSCHMIDT to J. J. HAWKINS Lots 19 & 20 blk. 3, J. W. FLETCHER’S add DeSoto $850.
Aaron SMITH to G. L. NESSELHAUF lot 1 blk. 1, Rockport $1.00.
Peter VINYARD to Emil JOSEPH, Lot 1 Sur 1995 178.78 ac $1.00.
Emma E. GOFF to C. S. CONNOR, 40 ac (4-39-4) $1000.
Eugene HELLIVIG to W. G. PIERCE lot 5 blk. 6 R & D add DeSoto $15.00
Otis M. MUNROE by adm. to G. BOYD Lots 13, 14 & 15 blk. 21 DeSoto $2500.
J. J. REYNOLDS, a minor by guardian to J. WEIDNER, 1-24 interest in 106 ac. 21-43-4 $160
J. J. REYNOLDS, a minor by guardian to J. WEIDNER, 1-24 int. in Pt. Lot 1 Sur 944 cont. 134 acres $355.
A. WESTERMAN, guardian REYNOLD minor to J. WEIDNER 5-34 int. 106 acres 21-42-4. $800.
A. WESTERMAN guardian to REYNOLD minors to J. WEIDNER 34 int. pt lot 1 sur 944 post 186 acres $1775
The Hillsboro School Board met last Thursday to re-employed Miss Medora McMULLIN as principal and employed Mrs. Lena STEEL for the primary department.
Mrs. AUBUCHON and daughter Lillian of St. Louis are guest of the Chas. GROSSMAN and Sam AUBUCHON families.
Mrs. F. W. BRICKEY and son, Norville motored to Boonville, Mo, in their Hudson Super-Six to be the guests of Dr. Paul BRICKEY and wife.
Mr. Leo SMITH returned this week from Marinette Wisconsin where he spent his vacation with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DIETRICH and family motored over from Hillsboro to spend Sunday with Mrs. Amanda BYRD and family.
Miss Bess JENNINGS’ Sunday School Class went on a three day camping trip at Plattin last week. They report a real good time other than the “skeeters scooted rather lively.” Among those who went were Joyce and Cecil BYRD, Mildred GEHRS, Jeanette KNOTTS and Alberta LATURNO.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed KERRUISH and daughter Margaret, Howard EDMONDS, Edmond MILLER, Robert ARMBRUSTER and Eva PILLIARD motored to Bonne Terre Sunday in the Kerruish Haynes.
Zelmer LANCE, who is one of the bakers at the Statler Hotel in St. Louis spent the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. S. LANCE.
Mrs. Eph BLACKWELL of Danby spent several days here last week on business. She says, “if you want berries come down there, after picking 30 gallons, there will be as many more.” The sell for 40 cents while here we pay 80 cents.
Windsor DRAKE arrived home this week from overseas duty. He looks to be in the best of health and says he enjoyed army life but much prefers being home.
Miss Margaret HATTERSHIRE of St. Louis is spending her vacation with her parents here.
Miss Margaret KERRUISH of St. Louis spent the weekend with homefolks.
Mrs. Robert PALMER and daughter, Janie returned this week to their home in Pensacola, Fla., after spending two months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar OGLE.
The storm Friday did quite a bit of damage here. Gardens were practically ruined, trees blown over and broken off. A barn was blown over on the James HALL place.
Mrs. Duncan SANGUINETTE of New York is visiting with her mother Mrs. CRAIG. Mrs. SANGUINETTE will be remembered as Florence CRAIG.
Miss Lettie VAUGHN left Saturday for an extended visit in Los Angeles California where she will be the guest of friends and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley STOKES and J. STANLEY Jr., motored from St. Louis to Perryville Sunday. Enroute they stopped to visit a short time with W. W. PILLIARD and family.
Miss Florence HOLDINGHAUSEN is visiting with her uncle, Wm. HOLDINGHAUSEN in Bushong, Kansas.
Miss Alice PORTER has been seriously ill the past week. We trust for a speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. LANDIS of Covington, Ohio are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Chas REDDICK and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde OUTMAN had as their guests last week, Mr. OUTMAN’S sister and four children.
“Skimmer” Loraine GRANT has resigned his job as soda dispenser at FUNK and SMITH’s and now sell various commodities at the picture show.
Mr. DORLAC who is with the DUFFNER Ice & Ice Cream Co., of DeSoto spent several days in Festus on business this week.
Mrs. Maggie PATTERSON formerly of Danby, Mo., died at her home in St. Louis this week. Her remains were brought to Danby for burial. Mrs. PATTERSON was a sister of Dr. Ed RUTLEDGE of this place.
The Union Electric Co., here reports quite a demand for electric stoves during this hot weather. Those who have recently installed electric ranges are C. C. ENGLAND, W. H. PILLIARD and H. B. DRAKE.
Miss Anna BRUNS of Morse Mill has been with the GASCHE family for more than a week assisting Miss Marie GASCHE in the housekeeping during Mrs. GASCHE’S forced retirement on account of a badly sprained ankle. Miss Anna tells that Marie is some provider and that quite recently decided that they would have rhubarb pie. Miss Marie prepared to gather the rhubarb and when was dispensed it made 4 pies and a big dish of rhubarb sauce and four quarts of canned rhubarb.
Wm. S. WILSON carrier on Hillsboro Route 3 and secretary and treasurer of the County Rural Carriers organization attended the regular meeting of the Association held at Pevely last Sunday.
Just to prove that everything has its purpose in this world, declared a weekender at the Cedars cheerily, “I suggest that the Mosquito makes us think more kindly of the fly.”
In July the “BRUMMEL’S” fancy does not turn to thoughts of love, perhaps due to the disparity between the small pay check and the high cost of ice cream.
If wheat could be cut by hot air and talked into shocks and threshed by the wind, comments a recent visitor, there’s a company or two around town who could have finished the entire Jefferson County wheat cutting job long ago.
George SCHMIDT has taken suddenly ill confining him to his room. Nothing serious we are told.
After a trio of BRUMMELS visited St. Louis recently; as one states, “it seems now a days as if the more women spend for clothes, the fewer they put on.”
The feature of the evening at a meeting of the soil tillers, was: “The world is just waking up to the fact that the farmer is indispensable to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
Two young ladies, bathing in the creek expressed opinions of “Peeping Toms.” We were unable to ascertain whether Seckman’s or Barnhart’s were meant, anyhow, attention Seckman Weekly News Orator.
Blackberry pickers were treated to a real clothes line episode, part of which was caused by the imagination of one, accusing the other or cutting a clothes line. All this occurred southwest of Barnhart on the anniversary of a certain reunion.
Little Helen OHLMAN comes to the front a born chicken fancier, stating thusly: “We should learn to feed the chickens from the proper kegs, or they will idle like the dickens when they should be laying eggs.”
From all the information we can glean, a Bolsheviki is a man who has nothing and is anxious to divide it with everybody. Our town loafer has plenty of time, but will not divide that with anyone, even for good pay.
Roscoe YOUNG has been taught that the feat of trying to climb telegraph poles and trees with a Ford is expensive business. Experience is the best teacher (Rossie).
Walter RAEBEL is so intensely betrothed he has secured employment 10 minute walk from his finance’s place of abode. By certain signs and signals he displays, he informs her his heart is aching and presto! She appears as if by magic.
Correspondence from Kansas City and elsewhere indicates a keen interest in our local affairs. The K. C. correspondent, evidently a lady is betrothed no doubt with a local “Lord of Creation.” We shall learn who this lord is, and report at a later day.
The Ladies Domestic Art Society will meet Thursday with a house full of unfinished business on hand to dispose of. The assistant lady correspondent will cover the meeting and report next week.
Ollie McKEE has served his connection as clerk in a local store. Jumping counters and selling ladies lingerie was too bashful an occupation for so modest a boy, he states.
Our efficiency farmer extraordinaire, is again sowing seeds of efficiency and states thusly: “That expert knowledge mixed with common sense, makes a farming formula hard to beat, and that well-kept fences and clean fence rows will do a lot toward giving a man credit at a bank.
Mrs. BURKE who has been visiting friends here departed Saturday for her home in Birmingham, Ala.
Mrs. ROUGE and family moved to Excelsior Springs Tuesday of last week.
Charlie BECKER and wife visited in St. Louis Sunday.
Mrs. John RYAN and mother Mrs. J. MAHN were the guests of relatives in St. Louis several days last week.
Mrs. Charles HERMAN was shopping in St. Louis Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles STOCKING of Richwoods went to St. Louis last week where Mrs. STOCKING is under the care of a physician.
The young folks enjoyed their weekly hay ride to Silica Saturday night.
Mrs. Williard HUSKEY entertained the D. A. R. members last week.
Harvey TOOLOOSE of Plattin spent Sunday with his friends Howard MORSE.
Mr. and Mrs. Andy BLAIR were in Bonne Terre Friday.
Miss Margaret LAURENCE went to St. Louis Friday for a week’s visit with friends.
Mrs. Will CASEY and daughter, Margaret were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. STOCKING and family Thursday of last week.
T. Coke BRICKEY was in St. Louis buying goods for his store Wednesday of last week.
Mr. HALE and family have returned from a month’s stay in Kansas with relatives.
The announcement of the marriage of Miss Blanche HERRICK and Mr. Roy HOPKINS to take place July 28 was in Thursday’s Globe. This young couple formerly lived in DeSoto and they have the good wishes of their friends here.
Rev. A. HALTER, a former pastor who has been visiting his parents east of town, preached Sunday night at the M. E. Church on Boyd Street.
Mrs. Tillie BENSON and daughter, Violet returned Thursday from a visit with Hillsboro friends.
Mrs. Orrick WHITEHEAD and baby are the guests of her parents at Bonne Terre.
A large number of citizens went to Morse Mill Sunday.
Mr. GOUGH is visiting Mrs. MILTON on 5th Street. He made the journey from Colorado here in six days in a Ford Sedan.
John DUGAN of Herculaneum had business here this week.
Mr. and Mrs. DORHETY and little daughter of Poplar Bluff drove thru in their Dodge and spent the weekend with their aunt Mrs. Ella FARRIS.
The band concert was enjoyed Saturday night and will continue to be a treat every Saturday night.
The DeSoto Fair will be the second week in September.
The ice cream social at the Presbyterian Church Saturday night was a success.
The auxiliary recruiting station is in the KNORPP building. Corporal T. C. McDERMAN is in charge and will be pleased to see or hear from anyone desiring to enlist.
Dr. and Mrs. David WALLACE motored to St. Louis Saturday to spend Sunday with relatives.
The Home Bureau at their meeting last Saturday received the reports of Miss BRASSWELL, demonstrator, for May and June which were approved. Last year seven communities were organized and much work done outside of these communities.
Last year’s community centers were Barnhart, Mrs. Jules BARON, President. Festus, Mrs. Hallie JENKINSON, President. DeSoto, Mrs. H. B. IRWIN, President. Hillsboro, Mrs. O. BUCHANAN, President. Kimmswick, Mrs. G. OHEIM, President. Rush Tower, Mrs. H. H. WEAVER, President. Horine, Mrs. J. SCHULZ, President.
There are fifteen new community centers for this year’s work.
Imperial, Mrs. E. J. WHITE, President. Cedar Hill, Mrs. A. SHORT, President. Ware, Mrs. A. H. EATON, President. Grubville, Mrs. F. HARBISON, President. Sandy, Mrs. R. D. MORGAN, President. Victoria, Mrs. Lulu PINSON, President. Seckman, Mrs. Anton KOULET, President. Morse Mill, Mrs. T. E. SCHNEIDER, President. Vineland, Miss Fannie WELSH, President. Hematite, Mrs. GAFFNEY, President. Secmel, Miss Emma SEEMEL, President. Byrnesville, Miss G. BRINKMANN, President. Highland, Mrs. J. BUFFINGTON, President.
The new contract for the coming year has not yet arrived but are expected at any time, but the work is going on steadily and that real enemies are being taught in the most enlightened homes, must now be admitting by even the very wisest of our Wei-----?
Miss Lillian STEEL is hostess at Montebello for the summer camp of the Y.W.C.A. was home last week to visit the family and to see ---. Paul lately returned from Honolulu . Paul left this week for Columbia University, New York where he goes to take up some special work.
G. O. JURY, the enterprising cashier of the Bank of Barnhart and Francis BARNHART, were Hillsboro visitors last week. They visited the Record office and had a good word to say for our Barnhart correspondent, whom they think is great.
Hon. Homa H. WEAVER and Harriet ENGLAND of Rush Tower, Frank BRICKEY of Festus, Peter McLOON of Pevely and Richard FRANCIS, were in town Friday. They are interested in good roads and came out to consult the Court and Highway Engineer concerning the old State Road “El Camino Real,” which is the oldest road probably in the State and called. “The King’s Trace,” and runs from St. Louis to Cape Girardeau.
No community is immune from tornados. Protect your farm properly and livestock by a good tornado and wind storm policy, don’t wait until too late. You might be next. Write or phone for rates to James N. HALL, Agent, Festus, Mo.
Fred WILLIAMS left this week for Kansas to visit relatives and to see how Kansas handles her big corps. Sun, flowers and pretty girls grow abundantly in Kansas and Fred may take a liking to the breezy ozone atmosphere “Out where the West begins.”
The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. OBERMILLER, who are now in St. Louis will be pleased to learn that Mrs. OBERMILLER is now convalescing and that Fred is again on the upgrade. We trust that the progress of recovery may be rapid and that they are soon able to come down and live on the Jefferson County farm and be at home again among their own hills and valleys of many friends.
James McKEAN, living on the Hillsboro and Morse Mill Road lost his baby son Monday. The babe was eight months old and was stricken with cholera infantum, which quickly carried him away. The parents have the sympathy of the entire community in their loss.
John F. WILLIAMS begins to think that the old adage that “lightning never strikes twice in the same place,” needs revision. His house was struck during the late storm. Two weeks or more ago, during an electrical storm a vivid sheet of lightning lit up the whole house, followed instantly by a most tremendous crash. John made hasty investigation but could not discover any sign. Later in the day he took some scraps to feed his beloved hound which he kept chained to a wire, so as to allow the good freedom to exercise. He found his dog dead, and then discovered that the blast had struck a small tree to which one end of the wire was fastened and had run over the wire and down the chain to the dog, killing it instantly to all appearances.
Henry MOSER - - - - - - - - - Crystal City
Agnes CARRON - - - - - - - Crystal City
Carl Elmer PRIEST - - - - - - Festus
Edith JONES - - - - - - - - - - Festus
Joseph B. DRESSEL - - - - - St. Louis
Edith MILLER - - - - - - - - - St. Louis
Frank KRIEGBAUM - - - - - DeSoto
Myrtle FRIDENBURG (Fredenburg) - - - - DeSoto
Demand of Waller COUCH Mercantile Co. against estate of Vance DONNELL dec., for $7.15 allowed.
Demand of Dr. John M. C. H. DEARING for $100.00 against estate of Jos HAMPEL, dec, allowed.
Inv and appr list of est of John COLUMBUS filed and approved.
James W. BOWMAN estate subject to inheritance tax $155. --- $4.65
Joe HAMPEL estate subject to inheritance tax on --- Tax $45.70
Final settlement of estate of Stephan HUG continued to Aug term
[Page 2]
~Hillsboro Items~
Mrs. H. F. WEBER, son and daughter, are guests of the John HELLER family the first part of the week.
The storm put cars out of commission right and left. Carburetors were hit and ignition systems short circuited, and --- HERMAN, the garage man was kept busy for a few hours.
Chas J. SIEDLER was in Hillsboro Friday and had his car put out of commission for awhile. Charlie is resourceful with a pocket handkerchief to cry . . . nete connections put the car . . . and Charlie hit the rough --- homeward.
--- DONNELL, Jr. has a graders working on his lot on the east side of town. Whether this means ultimately a home residence, a nifty hungarian up-to-date home, we are unable to say and Ross won’t.
Hugh EVANS went over to Herculaneum Monday afternoon to visit a friend and to close some business matters.
Faye DIETRICH has been visiting . . . since the Glorious Fourth.
R. A. FRAZIER and Green HEARST were caught by the storm last Friday about a mile north of town. The wind was so strong that HEARST decided it would turn the machine over when they made the crest of the hill. He stopped the car, after turning it so that it couldn’t overturn it and he and the Judge sought shelter under a tree. The wind was furious and so was the rain, but HEARST declares he held to a watermelon and offered fervent prayer for his safety. He says he encouraged the Judge to do the same and hoped that he would include him. But Judge didn’t want his prayers with any added responsibility and left Green out. HEARST said he has never been as wet in his life, not even when he was actually covered with mud and that he was so cold his teeth chattered. After the storm they had to walk to town as the rain put the car out of commission. Judge FRAZIER said it was again time to pray and that he believes in doing things in timely . . d adds no doubt there were others did even as he, but are now unwilling to confess, and added, I am not one, I’m thankful.
Mrs. W. R. DONNELL of Festus and her daughter Mrs. D. PARHAM of Chicago were in Hillsboro Wednesday of last week to see Betty BELLE, the only granddaughter of the DONNELL couple. James L., is very proud of his little daughter and wears the honors thrust upon him by her advent with considerable grace.
Tornadoes have never been controlled, and the best protection is a good tornado and windstorm policy. For rates on farm property, write or phone. JAMES N. HALL, Agent, Festus, Mo.
Mrs. Catherine SCHNEIDER and her small family visited the John F. WILLIAMS family Monday.
Misses Matilda RAUSENDORF and Edna ALT of St. Louis came down Friday to spend the weekend with the J. P. MILLER family.
Arthur CRULL and wife were guests of the G. W. GASCHE family Saturday.
R. P. McCLELLAN believes in taking adversity by the forelock and raving as much as possible out of the wreck of adverse fortune. When the storm stripped his apple trees, Mac got busy right now and gathered them up and was first man in market. Result top prices. He met fifteen wagons loaded with fallen apples going in as he came out.
A bathing party chaperoned by Mrs. Hugh EVANS and Miss Bess KLEINSCHMIDT went to the “Atlantic City,” of Jefferson County Sunday afternoon. The party consisting of Misses Lola WILLIAMS, Vivian EVANS, and Martha REPPY and Misses Clifford ECKLE, Glen CLARK, John D. REPPY, Julius MARSDEN, Alvin MILLER and Amos MILLER. They had an enjoyable time but needed a considerable amount of cold cream on arrival home on account of sunburn.
Errol STONE and Miss Myrtle DUVAL of St. Louis were the Sunday guests of the W. L. STONE family.
Roy STEEL, the man with the indefatigable smile, was down the latter part of last week to visit his father’s family and especially to see his brother Paul. Roy says he is a regular working man these days and enjoys it, as he feels now, that he belongs to the constructive forces since his detachment from the destructive. Roy was a marine.
R. A. MARSDEN is getting a new hardwood floor on the MOSS building and expects to put it in first class shape before he moves his store into it.
Joachim Lodge A. F. & A. M. had a big meeting Saturday night, about five receiving the F. C. Degree. A special communication will be held Saturday night to take care of the overflow work. Never in the history of the Lodge has there been so many applications.
Our first ripe tomatoes came not from our own garden, but neighbor’s R. P. MCCLELLAND and Charles HEMME gave us of the first fruits of their gardens. They were nice smooth tomatoes and tested mighty fine.
12 cords, good wood, green and dry mixed. Apply, J. W. ECKLE. By under the board, W. L. STONE, Clerk
We have heard of Potato King, Burger King and now we will add one more to the list. We have a Plum King. Frank FREDERITZI who is farming at the old BAUMGARDNER farm comes to town mostly every night with anything in season, mostly plums. He doing so well that we know we will soon see him coming along in a big six. We wish him all the success in the world for he’s a good old scout.
Wm. FREDERITZI Sr., says he don’t care what kind of Kings there are, he knows that he’s the Muskmelon King. That his muskmelon patch is the pride of his heart.
Edna SINDY, niece of Chas. WELDELE was out from St. Louis for a visit lately.
Quite a number of Maxville people went to the picnic up at LEIGHT’S Sunday. They all had a good time after they got there, but oh you awful roads. What’s the matter with the road boss?
Mrs. Phil EMS Sr., who has been ill for a long time died and was buried at the Catholic cemetery last Monday morning at 9 o’clock. She was loved by all and will be sadly missed by her husband and children.
Mrs. Lena KOEHTER was visiting her sister Mrs. Geo ZIEGLER Sr., coming for the purpose of attending the funeral of her life time friend, Mrs. Nie BUER Sr., from here going to visit relatives in St. Louis.
Miss Margaret WUERTZ is visiting her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. J. B. FREDERITZI.
Mrs. Geo ZIEGLER Jr., while delivering a parcel to Mrs. Theo. GRAVING was bit by their dog. It was serious enough to cause him to go to the doctor.
The young folks are making preparations to attend the Seckman dance Sunday night and they say if they don’t find out who “Peeping Tom” is they will know the reason why.
The Junior Boys played the married men Sunday and also Breezy Heights Boys and won both games.
The Maxville Seniors played the HARTMANN boys at Carondelet Park Sunday and beat them to a frazzle. In the afternoon they played Melville Boys at Prie’s Ball grounds and oh boy, what the Maxville boys didn’t do to the poor Mehlville boys.
Gentle driving horse, harness and two seated trap. Apply at GREEN’S Store, Sulphur Springs, Mo.
William PLOWMAN, who formerly lived in DeSoto was severely scalded a few miles from Parry Sound, Canada, July 2 while in the discharge of his duty as engineer, when the boiler of his engine busted and he died in a hospital at Parry Sound a few hours later. Mr. PLOWMAN came to DeSoto a number of years ago and entered the service of the Iron Mountain Railroad where he learned to be an engineer. He worked out of several points on that system and was considered one of the best engineers on the road.
He was married in 1906 to Miss Alice HIXSON of Piedmont, Mo., who with one little son and daughter survive him. Some three years ago he with his wife and children moved to Canada where he was employed as engineer for the Canadian National R. R. He numbered his friends by his acquaintances and was always ready to help those in need. His remains were laid to rest in the city cemetery in DeSoto, Missouri July 7, following the usual ritualistic ceremony of the Brotherhood of Railroad Engineers.
Edward H. STEINBACH, a farmer from the Pevely neighborhood was in town yesterday and wanted to know when the county court would resume road work. We told him of course, that it would be just as soon as they had an unmortgaged dollar, and they would celebrate and let a road contract somewhere. That’s the best we could do. Any further information desired can be secured from the court.
Richard SCHROEDER, whose father resigned his city position to help harvest the western wheat crop is visiting his relatives here.
[Ad] Correct Lubrication Is Tractor Insurance. No matter how good your tractor may be it cannot give satisfactory service unless it has proper lubrication. This means not only plenty of oil, but the correct oil, properly applied. After long years of experience the Standard Oil Company (Indiana) has produced three oils which will correctly lubricate the entire range of tractors. These in the order of their viscosity are: Heavy Polarine Oil, Stanolind Tractor Oil, Extra Heavy Polarine Oil. Any Standard Oil representative will be glad to show you the chart of Tractor lubrication, prepared by our Engineering Staff. It indicates specifically which of these three oils the Standard Oil Engineers have found will give the best results in your particular tractor. We have just published a 100-page book “Tractor and Tractor Lubrication,” prepared by our engineering staff, which you will find a valuable reference book, and we believe it will save you many days of tractor idleness with the resultant money loss. It’s free to you for the asking. Address. Standard Oil Company, 910 So. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. 1750 (Indiana)
[Ad] Artesian Bottling Works. WARDS Orange Crush. Orange-Crush puts a quick quietus on thirst. Served ice-cold, it’s refreshing natural fruit flavor delights and invigorates. Orange-Crush is obtainable wherever soft drinks are sold. Our modern machinery bottles Orange-Crush under strictly sanitary conditions.
W. J. MAUTHE, Propr. DeSoto, MO.
[Ad] PLAN FALL REPAIRS NOW. Prepare for the storm days. Make the roof leak-proof, the door plumb, the windows tight – in fact up the whole building in ship-shape order for winter. You’ll find it pays to plan it out with us whether it’s storm sash, new window casing, doors, roofing, shingles, door casing, seasoned lumber to repair the porch or stairs or inside trim from wainscot or base board. And how about that extra room. And how about that extra room this year? Beaver Board will make it in attic or other waste space. Beaver Board – the original pure-wood-fiber wallboard – is the only board “Sealtite” sized to prevent warping or bulging. It’s easy the Beaver Board way – no mess, dirt nor delay. The Beaver Board room is warmer in winter yet cooler in summer. The handy panels are quickly nailed in place and painted. Decorative strips put on over the panel edges complete the room. Let us furnish special designs and working plans. HOLEKAMP Lumber Co. Yards. Afton, Mo., Old Orchard, Mo., Gratoit Mo., Webster Groves Mo., Maplewood Mo., Kirkwood., Planning Mill at Old Orchard.
[Ad] GERALD MILLING CO. Proprietors of Kimmswick Roller Mills and Lumber Yards. GERALD Milling Company, Kimmswick, Missouri.
[Ad] Farm Y Dairy Bank. Barnhart, Missouri. Solicit Your Checking Account. Savings Department, 3 percent. Certificates of Deposit, 12 months 4 percent. Officers. Wm. SCHMIDT, Prest., J. M. STITES V. Prest. G. O. JURY, Cashier.
[Ad] ECKLES Store. Fresh staple and fancy groceries, paints, glassware, tin & aluminum. Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing. Market Price for Country Produce. J. W. ECKLE, Hillsboro, Mo.