County Record
10 1919
Marines and Sailors, who yet have not made out their service records should do
so at once. The Adj. Gen. desires to publish a roster of the services, sent
from this state and a brief biographical sketch for the soldier, marine and
sailor who were in the service. Our history would be incomplete without your
name and the name of every boy from this county. If you have not filled out
such a blank do so. You can secure blanks from County Clerk George W. GASCHE or
Mrs. J. H.REPPY, Hillsboro, Mo.
first post of the new Legion has been organized in St. Louis and is named the
“Quentin ROOSEVELT, Post No.
Legion is an organization of the American veterans of the World War. It is a civilian organization and has no distinction
of rank and no distinction between overseas men and men who did not go
soldier, sailor or marine who discharged honorably between April 1, 1917 and
Nov., 11, 1918 are eligible. Women who were regularly enlisted in army, navy,
or marine corps are eligible. The Legion was organized in Paris March 17, 1919
by a thousand officers and military delegates from all units of the American
Expeditionary Forces and a . . . ative name and
constitution adopted.
action of the Paris meeting was formed at a convention held in St. Louis in May
of this year, when Henry LINDSLEY of Texas was named Chairman, Bennett C. CLARK
of Missouri. Vice Chairman, Eric Fisher WOOD of Pennsylvania, Secretary and Gasper/Casper
BACON of Massachusetts, Treasurer. The final organization will take place at
Minneapolis, Minn., Nov 10-11 (Armistice Day) 1919, when a great National Convention
will be held. Local posts must have a minimum of 15 members.
constitution states in its preamble that the Legion stands: -
God and Country we associate ourselves together for the following purposes: -
To uphold and defend the constitution of the United States of America; to
maintain law and order; to honor and perpetuate a one hundred percent
Americanism; to preserve the stories and incidents of our association in the
Great War; to inculcate a . . . of individual obligation to the community,
state and nation; to combine autocracy of both the classes and masses; to make
right the master . . . ight; to promote peace and
good will on earth; to safeguard and transfer to posterity the principles of
justice, freedom and democracy; to sanction and concrete our comradeship by devotion
to mutual helpfulness.”
is certainly a splendid set of principles and with a membership, and all join
who are eligible, of approximately 4,000,000 of the pick and . . . e of the
young men of the country. The Legion should be a tower of strength in the cause
of good in our nation and will prove a
potent force for a cause its members may unite upon.
Fourth of July was observed at Festus-Crystal City. The affair was in honor of
the soldier boys. There were not quite so many of the boys present as at DeSoto
celebration. All present were royally treated. The two cities had practically
all its prominent citizens on a reception committee and they made it their
business to see that the boys had a good time. There was a dancing platform and
all sorts of refreshments and amusement stands. BRICKEY’S Brass Band furnished
music throughout the day. There was a parade of the boys in kaki down town to
the grounds where all were supplied with credentials enlisting them to the
freedom of the city and to all good things therein. Capt. HOAG, an aviator from
Scott Field, arrived on schedule time with his aeroplane,
gave a brief exhibition and alighted as easily and gracefully as a bird and
flew away in the afternoon.
excellent ball game was put on between the Crystal City team and DeSoto. The
score was 1 - - 1 at the end of the ninth inning. DeSoto scored twice in the
10th and walked away with the game. It was well played and without friction.
boxing exhibitions were staged between youth, manhood and age as represented by
the contestants. The aged boxers, however were not old enough to be anemic and
put on a good exhibition.
large and small were turned loose and drifted away and everybody seemed to be
enjoying a real good time.
County was well represented with folks from every corner attending, and it was
more like a big homecoming than is usually the case at the average picnic. It
would be hard to estimate the number of people in attendance but it must have
been well about 3,000 people.
effort was made to accommodate the visitors and there were restrooms provided
for the ladies and seats for the crowd generally.
management is to be complimented on their efforts to please and no accident or
untoward event occurred to mar the harmony of the day.
allowed June 30, 1919.
W. BITTICK sup Co. Farm - - - - - - - - - - $42.95
COUCH Merc., Co. sup - - - - - - - - 34.55
Produce Co., sup - - - - - - - - - - - - 20.00
A. MARSDEN, sup., - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -19.41
A. MARSDEN sup C. H. & J. - - - - - - - -
W. ECKLE, sup C. H. & J. - - - - - - - - - - - 11.26
F. E. SPILKER - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 1.15
Treasurer tub, san - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
School for Deaf, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 94.85
Louis Bindery Co, stat - - - - - - - - - - - - - 34.84
D. BARNARD & Co., stat - - - - - - - - - 23.41
Ptg. Co., - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -18.88
Industries - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7.38
News - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4.50
B. CLARK, civil costs - - - - - - - - - - 101.70
waiting on court - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 172.00
feeding prisoners - - - - - - - - - - - - - 739.50
W. GASCHE, fees for June - - - - - - - - - - 137.65
postage, exp & dray - - - - - - - - - -
DIETRICH, June sal - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 125.00
B. WILSON, sal - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 175.00
trav expenses - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10.50
postage - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11.54
EVANS, sal - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 166.67
FRAZIER, sal - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50.00
J. WHITE, sal - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 208.33
G. BERKLEY sal - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50.00
HUBELI, sal - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 90.00
Lola BRASWELL, trav expenses - - - 43.32
& ESSER, eng, sup - - - - - - - -
Blue Print Co., sta - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 41.48
E. RUTLEDGE, smallpox - - - - - - - - - -
& GRIESHABER - - - - - - - - - 18.29
L. GLATT, Lemay Ferry rd - - - - - - - --
G. HACKE, rd tools - - - - - - - - - - - --
E. McMULLIN, DeSoto rd - - - - - - -- 881.00
Store Co., cement - - - - - - 44.00
ZACK, Vic & Hematite - - - - - - - - - - 4.00
W. MCKEE, Vic & Hematite - - - - - - -
L. CLERC, help engr - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3.00
HEILAND Jr., help engr - - - - - - - - - 2.00
J. GROB, Dist 23 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WIBBLE Dist 21- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 31.60
G. GREEN - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
H. HOPSON, cash advance pr per - - - - - 19.70
MANESS care pr person - - - - - - - -
H. HOPSON, sal - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5.00
COLE, sal - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5.00
H. BRUNS, sal - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- 5.00
HURTGEN sal & etc. - - - - - - - - - - 169.90
adjourned until Monday August 4, 1919.
ROSSMAN, Jr., - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - St. Louis
FRANKENREITER - - - - - - - - - - - - -- St. Louis
Joseph ABERNATHY - - - - - - - - - - - - - Festus
Mae AUBUCHON - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Festus
R. McCONNELL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
St. Louis
G. COLLINS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - St. Louis
Clarence MURDOCK returned to the city Tuesday after a weeks
visit with her sisters the Misses KLAUS and Mrs. P. P. HINCHEY.
GOFF of St. Louis was here the Fourth.
Jessie WILSON of Hematite is here visiting Mrs. C. T. JARVIS.
party of young folks enjoyed a hayride and box supper at Silica Saturday night.
Etta CAMPBELL has returned from a two weeks stay in the city.
Susan HIGGINBOTHAM was in St. Louis Tuesday of last week.
and Mrs. H. BRUMMER entertained friends Monday night.
HARVEY has rented the Darden property on Fifth Street.
McKAY and family visited relatives in Ill., the
NOLAN attended the prize fight and was much pleased that his man won.
and Mrs. F. FITZGERALD returned to St. Louis after a few days stay in DeSoto.
new elevator company is ready to handle the new wheat crop.
MURPHY of St. Louis is visiting Miss Margaret LAWRENCE.
HAWKINS and family have returned to Atchison, Kan.
Margaret CARLEY and Miss Lattie MALLICOAT spent the
Fourth at Festus.
and Mrs. E. E. BOYER are rejoicing over the safe arrival of their son Elmer
from overseas. He surprised them Sunday morning.
MAHN, a soldier boy, returned home last week.
and Mrs. Grade ALLEE of Fredericktown spent the week-end in DeSoto.
large crowd of DeSoto Folks went to Festus for the Fourth.
Izella DONNELL of Festus was here Saturday to visit
Mrs. Ella FARRIS.
and Mrs. O. F. MEEK were here a few days last week on business.
have shipped their household goods to Freeport, Ill., having sold their home to
and Mrs. I. L. MASON were shopping in St. Louis Tuesday of last week.
HERMAN and wife, Harry and Fred BROWN and their families and John STATZEL and
wife went camping over the Fourth of July at the Old WIILSON home the other
side of Vineland.
Lillian WEEKS and son departed Tuesday for Iowa where they will visit relatives
for the summer.
P. HINCHEY went to Cape Girardeau on business Monday . . . relatives and
Hillsboro Library Association had their annual meeting last Monday evening.
Miss Mayme HELLER was elected President, R. W. McMULLIN Secretary and John H. REPPY Treasurer.
following board of trustees was elected: - Mesdames; Lily BOOTH, A. C. REPPY,
Maud MILLER, and Messrs Geo. STEEL and W. J. A. SCHUBEL.
resolution was adopted that all dues for the period of the war be remitted and
that dues of members began July 1st. The old members are requested to come
forward and pay their quarterly dues and invite others to join. The library
will be open on Saturdays until other arrangements can be made, when it is
hoped that it can be kept open all the time. The citizens of the town ought to
take a lively interest in their library and give it their united support. There
are over 1800 volumes in the library and it is expected that the state will aid
by sending out its usual traveling library which will give us a constant change
in books.
Friday night, June 27, Mr. C. M. HAY who is a well-known League of Nations
speaker, addressed the Christian Endeavor Convention at the Festus Presbyterian
Church and spoke on the League of Nations. No resolutions were adopted but it
is believed that the convention was practically unanimously for the League.
evening, June 29th, Judge BERKELEY and H. B. IRWIN held a meeting on the
streets of DeSoto and delivered addresses on the League of Nations. The crowd
received their addresses with enthusiasm that evidenced their sympathy for the
a number of ministers in the county preached sermons on the League of Nations
on Sunday, June 29th, the opening day of the “League to Enforce Peace Week.”
Most if not all, others did so on Sunday July 6th, the closing day of the week.
sentiment is practically unanimous in favor of the League. (James SUTTON)
and Mrs. H. M. GRAHAM of St. Louis motored down and spent a few days with their
daughter, Mrs. Edw. RUCH the past week.
Festus-Crystal City picnic at WARNE’S Grove was one of the best and biggest
affairs the 2 towns have ever given. Added attractions for the day was the
parade at 10 o’clock. In the afternoon Captain HOAG an aviator from Scott Field
gave an exhibition flight. DeSoto also crossed bats with the P. P. G. Co.,
team, defeating them 3-1 in a ten inning game which was some game. Plenty of
amusements were on the grounds as well as refreshments. All in all, the picnic
was a decided success.
Olie FLIEG, who has a good position in the Hamilton
Brown Shoe Co., office, spent the week-end with her parents here.
the Hillsboro folk who came over for the picnic were Mr. and Mrs. J. H. REPPY
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde WILLIAMS, Mr. and Mrs. Horace FRAZIER, Mr. and
Mrs. Elijah BURGESS and Mr. Cornelius MARSDEN.
Ada and Ruth OGLE of St. Louis motored down in their Dodge car to spend the
week-end with the C. E. PORTER family.
Everette HARRIS and “Charley Boy,” HARRIS departed
this week, for an extended visit with her people in Columbus, North Carolina.
Her husband, Lieut. HARRIS expects to land soon from France and will be
discharged in a camp near there. He expects to join her later.
Norville BRICKEY is home on a fifteen day furlough.
He landed in this country a week ago but expects his discharge in about a
month. We are indeed glad to welcome him back.
Margaret KERRUISH of St. Louis spent the weekend with her parents here taking
in the Fourth of July picnic.
Margaret SHEPPERMAN of Cape Girardeau is visiting with Miss Lila FROST this
VAUGHN of St. Louis motored down with a party of friends, to enjoy the Fourth
with Festus friends also. About fifteen people came with him in 3 cars.
Selma SEWALD is cashier now in the SEWALD Meat Market taking the place of Miss
Bess THOMURE who resigned.
Frank OBERMILLER of Phoenix, Arizona is visiting the WALKER family in Crystal
City this week. She says she doesn’t care to relate about the terrible cases
she handled but that her experience over there was invaluable.
and Mrs. W. R. DONNELL have as their guests their daughter and grandson Mrs. D.
PARHAM and son, Ware of Chicago.
Theodore PRIMO and daughter Miss Lottie of Oakmulgee,
Oklahoma are here for an extended visit with friends.
and Mrs. G. W. McCORMACK of Chicago are visiting Miss
Linda and Lydia KLEINSCHMIDT.
BESS and Alice JENNINGS departed this week for a month’s vacation trip to
Phoenix, Arizona and Los Angeles, California expecting to be the guest of (<transcriber note : sentence ends here.)
JOHNSON transacted business in Festus this week. Mr. JOHNSON was a former
resident and merchant of our town.
and Mrs. Joe DERQUE have moved into their new home in the West End which they
recently purchased from Mike CAMPBELL.
Misses Erme, Bertha and Lucille SCHAFER of St. Louis
are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dare BOWMAN and Miss Winnie BYRD, many informal
affairs have been given and are being given in their honor.
Harrison HARTWEIN arrived home this week from overseas duty. Charles arrived
last week, so the HARTWEIN family is again complete, the boys having been gone
nearly two years.
and Mrs. Floyd DIXON and family of St. Louis are making an extended visit with
her parents Mr. and Mrs. LUCAS.
and Mrs. B. GROVERO are being congratulated upon the arrival of a new baby
and Mrs. Sid ENGLAND are making their home with Mr. and Mrs. Stoke WAGGENER,
until their new bungalow in the West End is finished.
PODESTA left this week to visit his brother in Detroit, Michigan.
and Mrs. Clarence PORTER are receiving congratulations upon the arrival of
Clarence Junior last week.
more Festus boys have arrived in this country from France, but not home. They
are Thomas EUSTACE and Joe COLEMAN.
Emma WEHNER, one of our Festus girls who have been doing Red Cross nursing in
France, arrived home.
wheat has been the main pastime the past week. Excellent prospects are reported
from all sections. Moss Hollow will hold first place it is said.
the addition of a flivver to his personal affects, Roscoe YOUNG’S popularity
has risen from 25 to 100 percent commenting on the fact that “auto elopements”
are all the rage.
BARNS motored to Hillsboro Thursday as advance agent of a local BRUMMEL,
seeking information, whether marriage licenses are issued to minors or not. Be
careful Bill or you will be adjudged an “accessory before the fact.”
Rev. BERNARD of the Pevely Church has purchased a new auto. Observing an
everlasting smile on the countenance we assume the new car is a “peach.”
MUNICKE of Moss Hollow whose weight is estimated to be between 300 and 400
pounds believes it an unusual hardship to labor in a wheat field with the
thermometer hovering around 100 in the shade.
HIGGS the veteran timber man, was stricken ill while walking home Thursday eve.
We are unable to learn the nature of the illness.
eve was a big meet night of the Local Farmers Union. Several new members were
proposed for membership, and initiation will take place next meeting, the new
goat will then be on hand.
WEBER of Bachelor Hollow, an ardent Wilsonite now
comes forth stating that he has at last discovered why Postmaster General
BURLESON is so much in the public print. States Bill, “you see they keep
BURLESON before the public eye to hide the other misfits of WILSON’S cabinet.
MOSS of Moss Hollow was a business visitor the past week. Frank is hale and
hearty but does not ever expect to see another Democratic national
this year will not be as “dry” as many anticipated. Stocks ??d in before the
national drought should be ample to quench the thirsts of the driest, judging
from the quantity stored.
of our fair sex have christened visitors from various sections to the local
dance as “regulars and volunteers.” Those of Antonia and west of there are
regulars and Pevely’s Beau BRUMMELS” are classed as volunteers.
MEYER of Glen Park has severed his connection with the Union Store and George
STEIN now acts as clerk.
F. L. HITCHCOCK and children will depart for the family farm in the hills south
of Antonia for recuperation.
Ladies Domestic Art Society is stocking its larder for a real season of canning
and preserving and we anticipate some lively competition as to which one cans
and preserves the best.
farmerettes, dairyettes an
established fact, now cometh forth the carpenterettes.
In the Engle station vicinity, helping with a new front porch is the newest
accomplishment of the suffragettes.
a visit to various farms by a prospective St. Louis purchaser, in the vicinity
of Seckman, he believes roads are not necessary, but
elevators would be the ideal improvement up and down the little hills.
LONGEHENNIG announces he is nearly in shape to again indulge in his favorite
fox trot dancing. Dances at Maxville are the ones most considered. The reason
is well known.
political debate between two ladies, one an enthusiastic G. O. P. and the other
a watchful waiting, misfit, admirer, is to be staged soon. The debate will
cover the period from 1912 to the present time. Peace makers will be present to
prevent any possible hair pulling episodes.
George STEIN will act as postmistress during the absence of Mrs. HITCHCOCK.
MURPHY announces a discovery whereby an auto can be guided by using the feet
instead of the hands of the driver. This seems, Earl thinks is an ideal one for
tie inspectors for the McAdoos Scissor-Bill Road,
were here recently. They have improved wonderfully over the old method of
inspection which resembled a debate on uncertainties. So uncertain are they as
to what should constitute a good railroad tie their efforts are amusing to
those of experiences.
the “Columbia Six,” a new possession of our neighbor merchant. Wm. HENTCHEL of
Imperial, has been in commission, Bill thinks the roads around Cedar Hill an
ideal location for a tryout. We surmise a charming debutante in that vicinity
the real drawing card.
May BLAKE of Glen Park, who blushingly confesses her weight as 330 pounds and
Wm. BURNS of our town seem betrothed. As Bill admits 280 pounds as his weight,
we now are satisfied and agree with Bill that a stake wagon “wedding cart,”
will be the proper method of moving about.
the actual death of old John BARLEYCORN, several local devotees of “Rock &
Rye,” are anticipating some strenuous efforts in their endeavors to overcome
the long friendship with the once powerful monarch.
WEDDE looked her prettiest as she came in town driving a team of spirited
steeds drawing a surrey. Being proud of her achievement as she well might be,
Dame RAMOR has it as lessons from her farmer fiancée breaking her into the farmerette class.
A. HILKEMAN, now pastor of Sidney Street Mission Church in St. Louis was given
two weeks’ vacation by his flock. He felt that he could save more of his
friends by preaching at his old congregations and so last Sunday he preached a
morning sermon at Hillsboro, one at 3:30 in the afternoon at Belew’s Creek Chapel and another in the evening at Cedar
Bettie GLASS sold her farm Tuesday to Forest Lee TILLER of St. Louis. Forest Lee is to become a Tiller of the soil
and will evade forest shades and seek refuge when warm and tired under the “Old
Apple Tree,” or at the spring under the hill. The sale was made through F. J.
ADAMS, with Geo. W. OTTENAD.
Parsons home at Riverside has passed into the hands of the Quick Parliment Old Line Life Insurance Co. It is a beautiful home and a beautiful site
and it is to be hoped that it will soon pass into the hands of someone who can
afford to keep and maintain it and make a real home of it.
WILLIAMS of Morse Mill quite recently sold a bunch of light hogs 34 in number
averaging about 156 pounds and received something over $1,100.00 net for them.
The poor down trodden farm seems to be getting his these days and yet even
these prices are not sufficient to justify the high cost of bacon.
Mill seemed to be the Mecca toward which the St. Louis Folks traveled for their
Fourth, although quite a few cars passed through the Ironton and Arcadia. At
the Mill however all the available road space and vacant lots were filled with
automobiles, which came down from the city loaded with holiday pleasure
seekers. They had a good time, too, so
good in fact that many remained over until Sunday evening late. The water was
fine and slow, there was plenty of shade, and bathing was the order of the day.
Some of our boys say you don’t have to go to Louis Branch, or any of the big
national bathing beaches to see some real up to date bathing suits, that are
really used for bathing purposes.
HURTGEN and George HEILAND and left Hillsboro Tuesday morning for Pacific where
they expect to have turned over to them for use on the county roads a Nash four
wheel drive truck. This is one of a lot of material turned over to the State
Highway Department by the government. It was one of a lot of trucks purchased
by the War Department for army service. The freight charges is about all the
county has to pay and there is no question but that they will be valuable
adjunct-- in road building. Harry D. GRIFFITH who is now with the state Highway
Department is making a strong effort to secure at least three of these trucks for
Jefferson County.
and Mrs. Leo HELD formerly of Pevely Mo., now living at McCloud, Oklahoma,
arrived in Pevely last week by motor, via the Santa Fe Trail. The trip is about
600 miles and they made it without trouble. Mrs. HELD was formerly Miss Sophia
HEINER and Mr. HELD a son of Florenz HELD. They are visiting
relatives and friends at Pevely and expect to visit Hillsboro before returning
and Mrs. Ed RUCH of Belews Creek entertained a large
party of relatives and friends from St. Louis on the Fourth. The party was entertained
with a fishing trip to the river on Friday and Saturday and on Saturday evening
Mrs. RUCH gave a dance at her home in honor of her guests. Refreshments were
served and dancing was indulged in to a late hour. After a most pleasant
week-end the party left Sunday afternoon for St. Louis, taking with them among
other trophies and souvenirs a large supply of Big River and Belews Creek chiggers.
H. HOFFMAN to Jesse FREEMAN Lots 13 & 14 Davis ad DeSoto … $600
F. MEEK to J. S. LEWIS & wife . . . Lots 1 & 2 blk
4 R & D ad DeSoto 300.. . .
M. MOON to W. T. WILKSON & wife 40 ac (15-38-4) … $1,500
Farm and Vocational Training Institute to Quick Payments Old Line Life
Insurance Co., Lot 3, Riverside Fruit & Stock Farm, cont. 13.3 3 acres ….
GLASS et al to Forest L. TILL . . . 40 acres (23-41-4) …$1,700
Jefferson County Record. A Partnership Composed of John H. REPPY as Albertise C. REPPY. John H. REPPY, Editor. Albertise Coon REPPY, Associate Editor. Entered
second-class matter March 2, 1911, at the Post office in Hillsboro, Mo, under
the Act March 2, 1889. Card of Thanks, Twenty-five cents: Resolutions, one
dollar. Obituary poetry. Five cents per each six words. Subscription Price –
One year, $1.50. Six Months, .75 cents in Advance.
may pause to remark that the nation again has in its midst a president. WOODROW
has returned and will advise the country of the fact as . . . lily as possible.
We bid the president a hearty welcome and hope he will spend the summer,
although we anticipate a very warm season in the neighborhood of Washington D.
Missouri Legislature adopted the Federal Amendment granting women suffrage.
Five votes were recorded against it in the House and Three in the Senate.
Missouri is the eleventh state to ratify the amendment, all states so far
voting, having ratified.
death penalty has been revived in Missouri. The Legislature has just passed the
bill re-establishing the death penalty for murder 1st degree, rape, armed
robbery, treason – suborning testimony in capital cases and kidnaping.
British dirigible, the R-34 has now successfully crossed the ocean. It is only
a question of time until air strikes will make the trip on practically schedule
time. It can and will be done in safety and celerity.
year George C. TAYLOR gave the Woman’s Home Bureau two hundred and fifty
dollars to help get started. It was a loan but one that was rarely needed and
truly and gratefully appreciated. The ladies were successful in their work and
Mr. TAYLOR was observant of what was done in his community of what was being
done in his country. On July 4th in order to properly celebrate the day, Mr.
TAYLOR presented to Mrs. Lily BOOTH, one hundred dollars as a gift for the use
of the Home Bureau.
is needless to say that the women of the county appreciate the chivalry and the
patriotic spirit of Mr. Taylor not only for the present gift but for his
constant spirit of helpfulness.
re-organization for the new year work has been completed but members have been
slow in rending in their dues and the required number of duly paid and enrolled
members is about thirty short. Membership is only one dollar per year and every
housewife in the county should belong and should send in an application for
membership to Mrs. Lily BOOTH President or to the secretary, Miss Sadie MORSE,
Hillsboro, MO.
Form of Golf~
and when golf started anybody knows of a certainty; whether or not it comes
from Holland or Scotland matters little, perhaps, except to the seeker after
the truth and nothing but the truth. To him we would say that some sort of a
game resembling golf was played in Holland oftentimes on the ice with skates
instead of holes. No rules for such play have ever been discovered, but from
pictures we learn that the finish of this . . (last line is cut off – transcriber
big steamship George Washington lay in the harbor of Brest from May 18th until
June 28th awaiting the decision of President WILSON to return to the United
States. It is estimated that to keep the ship in the harbor cost $10,000 a day.
During the period of its delay it could have made two trips to the United
States, bringing home 6,000 men on each trip. The delay or that number of men
in France costs the government, it is estimated $36,000 a day, or about a
million and a half dollars for the number of days that many men will have to
remain in France longer because of the detention of the vessel for the
convenience of President WILSON and his party. It is stated by Kenneth ADAMS,
Chicago Tribune correspondent, that the soldiers in the camps about Brest have
not been at all backward about complaining. Some seventy-thousand of them have
been watching the George Washington riding idly in the roads while they were
held in camp with an ocean between them and home. One lieutenant colonel a
prominent democrat, is said by Mr. ADAMS to have declared that he knew four
hundred officers, heretofore Democrats, who are so “sore” about the variety of
democracy exemplified in such neglect of the comfort and convenience of
soldiers in order to minister to the liking of a comparatively few officials
for luxury that they’d not expect to affiliate with their old party when they
come home.
old Rock Creek is still all on the map.
farmers in this neighborhood are all busy cutting and stacking wheat.
new merchants, LEIGHT Brothers moved in their store last week and are ready to
accommodate everybody.
dance given by the Base Ball team was well attended. The Rock Creek team in the
county, so look out Four Ridge.
Royal YATES is seen sporting around in his new Ford, here is your chance girls.
Anna MILLER from Ill., a little friend of Kasper RIEBOLD, is visiting Mr.
George RIEBOLD and family.
young sport, Anton LEIGHT is seen making frequent trips to the east end of the
district, wonder why?
BROOKS is going down Sugar Creek quite often, well Arthur if you find something
as sweet as sugar let us know.
Louis RIEBOLD stacked wheat last week and we are informed that he made the
stack so high that the sun burned his whiskers off.
news is getting scarce I will close but will come again soon. Pieface.
a number of Hillsboro folks attended the picnic and barbecue at House Springs.
All report an excellent supper and a good big crowd present and a good time for
of Thousands~
destruction wrought on all but the hardest wood by the white ant, or termite,
is not surprising when a few facts are known of its prolific character. A nest,
some six feet in height, was found in the tropics and about one foot below the
level of the ground was a conical mound of hard earth. Inside this dwelt the
queen mother. After careful observation she was found to lay 9,120 eggs in an
hour. On account of her great size she was unable to leave her cell, her only
function being to lay eggs.
acres, 63 in cultivation, balance can be cultivated. 6 room house, good out
buildings. Soil-sandy loam. Located 2 miles east of Goldman, Mo., Price $5,500.
For particulars see J. J. SPROCK. 3454 Crittenden Street, St. Louis, Mo.
Judge - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -E. M. DEARING
(official) - - - - - - - - - - - C. T. JARVIS
Court begins Second Monday of January, May and September
- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - Milton MOSS
Judge Co. Court - - - - - - - - - J. H.
First District - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Second District - - - - - - - - - - - -
Steve COLE
Court First Monday of each Month.
Judge - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J. P. MILLER
Court Fourth Monday, February, May, August and November
Clerk - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - W. R. EVANS
Clerk - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Frank DIETRICH
Atty. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C. J. WHITE
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
of Schools - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - R. B. WILSON
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Theodore HURTGEN
Administrator - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J. G. BRUNS
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Officer - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J. G. BERKELEY
June 9th the United States Department of Agriculture estimated the winter wheat
at 893,000,000 bushels and spring wheat at 343,000,000 bushel a total of
1,236,000,000 bushels. This will represent a record winter wheat crop exceeding
the crop of 1914 by 219,000 bushels and the spring wheat crop does not equal
the total of 1915 or 1916. The largest wheat crop heretofore was 1,025,801,000
bushels in 1915, and the estimate…..
Learned by People Insure the Bringing into Closer Contact of Citizens and
that the new German Government has accepted the inevitable, and has officially
signed the peace terms tendered them by the Allies and the countries associated
with them, the greatest and most disastrous war that has ever scourged the
world is ended.
nearly five years now the world has been topsy-turvy. The things that were
needed yesterday are no longer required, and the products of the great war
establishments and munition plants are being diverted to the manufacture of
implements of peace.
will now needs to be a readjustment. Governments that have thought in billions
and spent money with a lavish hand, must needs retrench and think in millions
and even smaller amounts, and must gain a new perspective.
in the retrospect the part played by America in the great world war is one of
the most glorious chapter in history. The greatest nation the world has ever
seen to rise and gain predominance in world affairs was the one to add the
finishing blow to the unprecedented struggle. And in the days that followed the
signing of the armistice it was that same country, America that led in the road
to world peace.
in the making of this brilliant history the plain American citizen played a
stellar role. The mountains of munitions, the equipment for the millions of
soldiers, the great ships that carried the men across the ocean, could not have
been provided had not the common people of America provided the money.
of this money was obtained through the sale of Liberty Bonds and the War
Savings and the Thrift Stamps. And this great volume of money has not been
wasted. First it brought permanent peace to the world, and not that real peace
in here, every cent that was so invested will come back to those who aided
their government, and it will come back with interest.
war that is now happily ended has taught the people the value of saving. They
went into the saving game as much through patriotism as anything else. But now
that they are reaping the returns, and see that what they did with a patriotic
motive is a real foundation for future fortune, they have gained a new
confidence in their country, and they will continue to buy the securities the
Treasury Department offers, and will make the country many fold more prosperous
than it would have been had not the war instilled the lesson that will prove
invaluable in future years.
Endorses War Savings~
hundred delegates to the Central Trades and Labor Union of St. Louis at the
regular semi-monthly meeting, June 8, unanimously voted to endorse the 1919
Thrift campaign and pledged their co-operation with the War Savings
Organization in promoting the War Savings and Thrift campaign plans. They
adopted a resolution to this effect and will send copies of the resolution to
every labor organization in St. Louis.
. . emer and family visited Ce . . . d the home folks
on the . . .
Heeman PIERCE, discovered a watch lying on the
sidewalk. Recorder Reinemer’s attendant as it was
warm sent William ---it up. Reinemer kept the watch
almost a week and was to advertise for an owner when --- Gasche
inquired of him about it and identified it promptly as his.
. . Mathews of DeSoto filled an appointment at Hillsboro and as usual preached
an elegant and forceful sermon, the text of . . . Going back to Eden,” al . . .
s not the scriptural text. . . . s contends that despite the . . . the ideals
of the people are . . . that the day of the brother . . . n is approaching,
because . . . ome to realize, that they . . . s of their
brothers,” and . . . to make sacrifices and if . . . ight
and die for the rights . . . ows.
(Willia)m A. REILLY and his daughter of Wilmington, Delaware
and Mrs. NORWINE
of St. Louis were guests of the --- family
on the Fourth. Mr. REILLY is -- years old and a veteran of war and formerly
resided in this county and is visiting Missouri for the first time in nine years.
Mrs. NORWINE is a sister of Mr. REILLYs, his uncle. They return to the City
G. BENSON and daughter are making a vacation visit to family.
. . has arrived from Honolulu to visit his parents Dr. George STEEL and wife
for ten days before going . . . Mr. STEEL has been in Y.M.. . . in Honolulu for
the past --- and has had a most interest
. . ful life in that particular area.
. . ie DEES and Miss Maurine . . . St. Louis spent
the Fourth here with the Ross DONNELL family.
. . e HEMME returned to To . . . r guest Mrs. GAYNOR
whose . . . s HEMME terminated last . . .
is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of ANGELINE GOZA, dec., were granted to the undersigned on the 23rd day of
June 1919, by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Missouri. All persons
having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to
the Administrator within six months after the date of said letters or they may
be precluded from any benefit of said Estate; and if such claims be not
exhibited within one year from the date of this publication they shall be
forever barred. JOHN G. BRUNS (SEAL) Administrator. Attested: - J. P. MILLER
Judge of Probate.
C. A. McCLELLAND will be in Cedar Hill July 18 to
19th and in Hillsboro July 25 to 26 and glad to meet anyone needing . . .
Prices reasonable and all service guaranteed.
were so many visitors coming out to Maxville to spend the Fourth that it kept
the bus driver busy transporting them from Thursday eve until Friday evening.
Elizabeth GUDDING has been visiting her cousins Mr. and Mrs. Jos. GRAZACK a few
Clara BECKER who returned home from St. Louis to help her father pick
blackberries is heard singing “How you going to keep them down on the farm
after they’ve seen Paree.”
foot seems to be OK again as he passed through town in his big Case looking
neither to the right or left. “I wonder why?”
of the old settlers Mrs. BUER who for the past few years stayed with her
daughters Mrs. Martin BECKER of St. Louis died after a short illness and was
buried at the Catholic Cemetery Tuesday. She is mourned by all her relatives
and friends.
Philip EMS, Sr., and Mrs. Wm. SWALBERT are reported very ill.
usual the Sunday ended with an accident. A big new six upset at the foot of
Maxville hill. They were strangers coming out from St. Louis.
and Mrs. Wm. FREDERITZI Jr., expect to go to housekeeping in a few weeks in
their brand new, cute little bungalow. We wish them all the luck in the world
because everybody likes Lydia and “Boy.”
reckless chauffeur Mr. WEBER of St. Louis was out with his family Thursday
evening to visit his relatives and his daughter Viola stayed out over the
holidays. Viola is a great favorite with most all the young folks out here and
they all say that no party is complete without her presence.
of our young folks were at the Seckman dance Sunday
night and as usual had a grand and glorious time.
rumor was afloat that “Peeping Tom” was there also and the young folks tried
their very best to find out which was he, but he is a real mystery.
and Mrs. Gus WENOM and friends took a joy ride to Maxville Thursday evening and
stopped in at FREDERITZI’S soft drink parlor.
WEIDELE, mother of Chas WEIDELE in nurse for Mrs. WUERTZ who is recovering from
an accident.
is quite as busy around here as the threshing machine crew. Wheat seems to be
fairly good this year.
was a large crowd attending the ball game Sunday. Maxville Juniors played Four
Ridge boys and won, the score being 8 to 9.
Maxville Seniors played the Hen Pecked husbands of South St. Louis, the score
being 8 to 6 in favor Maxville. Next Sunday the boys expect to play American
Eagle’s of St. Louis.
Record furnishes more local home news than any other paper in the county. That
is what you want. Subscribe now. We need your help.
young cows and calves for sale also some young pigs.
HENKE. Kimmswick Rt. 1 Box 28 Mo.
driving horse, harness and two seated trap. Apply at GREEN’S Store, Sulphur
Springs, Mo.
MAUTHER, Propr. De Soto, MO
few more subjects to relate to the benefit of those who doubt our word. As our
thorp is progressing entirely too rapidly to express it all we will pass over
the facts lightly.
STRAHER, the genial thresher man is to blow the cobwebs out the blower Tuesday
at Albert MAUL’S.
are of the opinion that some farmers will not have room to store the wheat and
may have to dig a hole in the ground to bury it as the bushels are more
supernumerary than expected.
curve in Short Bend Ave. is a memory to Martin BLANK and the close shaving
barber of Maxville. The two met in machines unexpectedly. BLANK dodged there
colliding with a young mountain overturning his buzz wagon. Dexterous Jim made
his bus wiggle so swiftly that the tail light popped off. BLANK and his
brother-in-law, Fred FLAMM picked themselves up on the other side of the fence.
The car somehow got on its feet and proceeded to speed down to Nic ROESEN’S
gasoline station in search of more gas, as it only had the right hind leg
crippled. Did you ever try a pair of curve goggles?
dance at Seckman Hall was well represented from
Maxville, Antonia, House Springs, Kimmswick and Tenbrook
all showing us a pleasant smile.
sights were witnessed in seeing Martin BLANK, Martin REITER and Wm. PAUL who
bought their beds with them using empty soda bottles for downy pillows. We wish
to thank the trip for booming the soda industry. We have sympathy for the widows
sitting on a bench looking as innocent as a bull frog in January.
KYLE quit his job at Walter SULTZ’S and returned to House Springs Sunday,
Charley, whats the dear you had so near you at the
dance going to do.
champion ‘dear’ hunter of Stony Point was just about to report a success when
his Chevrolet died on low, “more gas.”
of the Seckman “dears” was chased to House Springs on
the Fourth and back on the fifth. Going some!
superintendent of Stony Point was visiting at DIERK’s near Bumper Station
Sunday. This too looks very conclusive.
cannot comprehend why Twin Four were not at the frolic. Probably there’s a
KOHLER had an armful Sunday. He was seen speeding up the Blvd., with some
object taking up three fourths of the front seat. Emil DIERKS thinks that the object
will soon occupy the rear seat.
HOOGE reports he has had no trouble since he travels Short Bend Ave., with a
horse and rig. That certainly saves gas and rubber tires.
Barnhart ‘Beau Brummel King’ was seen at our burg last week and had a peach of
a doll by his side. If he slipped by the Barnhart correspondent, the Seckman one takes pleasure in enlightening him.
KOHLER says he don’t care if the lights on his Ford are dim. He usually has an
extra one along that supplies the deficiency.
REITER reports the blackberry jubilee in Red Valley Hollow was interesting as
soon as the “jiggers” started operating on the St. Louis pickers, the same
working on them with both hands. Who scratched yours, Martin?
REITER is gleefully telling his friends of a new trail he has. Joy to Bumper
Station bird.
riot last Thursday completely wrecked the “information pump.” Peeping Tom
invites all enthusiastic workers of the pump to read the finishing touch in the
next issue in which he bids all the regretful adieu. Peeping Tom
4 and 7 years old. 15 ½ or 16 hand high and heavy build. Call or write to,
Jacob BETTERMANN, Jr. Pevely, Rt. 1 Box 41 Mo.
are busy in this neighborhood plowing corn, stacking and threshing wheat. The
wheat crop will fall far short of expectations.
visitors were quite humorous hereabout around the Fourth. Among those we had
the pleasure of meeting were Peter SVEHLA and sister of St Louis who visited
their father and Miss Rosa WEAST also of St. Louis who spent a few days here
with her sisters, Mrs. KUENE and HAEFNER.
STEINHAUER an optician of St. Louis spent the Fourth here with his cousin
who attended the dance at Fred BOLLEFER’S report a record crowd and a
rollicking good time. We do not doubt it any as the writer also once attended
at this place and knows from experience that the hosts are very good
parsonage being erected at the Lutheran church is well nearing completion and
will be a beautiful residence.
many friends and acquaintances of Mr. E. J. HOOGE were shocked to hear of his
sudden death. Leaving home in the morning in apparently the best of health he
was brought back two hours afterwards unconscious in which state he died not
two days later.
postal clerk Lewis HILGERT was in this neighborhood visiting his parents and
sweetheart. Lewis formerly taught the school here before he received his
present situation. He informed us that he never missed an hour for nearly 1 ½
years in his present work.
has become of the Four Ridge ball team and of the wedding bells we were
supposed to hear cast their enchanting melody to the air some sunny morning, we
knew not when. As we scan the item appearing from time to time about Four
Ridge, in our distant habitation, we would look for some light concerning the
above but in vain. Well here’s luck and hope, and until we may come again some
future day, we live in suspense.
is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of FREDERICK LUDEMANN dec., were granted to the undersigned on the 16th day of
June 1919, by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Missouri. All persons
having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to
the Executor within six months after the date of said letters, or they may be
precluded from any benefit of such estate; and if such claims be not exhibited
within one year from the date of the last insertion of the publication of this
notice, they shall be forever barred. HELEN LUDEMANN, Executrix (SEAL)
Attested: J. P. MILLER, Judge of Probate.
orders that there be no appraiser appointed for collateral inheritance tax in
the following estates: - Geo. CRULL, Susan I. DOUGLASS, Fredrick LUDEMANN and
estate of Vance BONNELL dec., Mattie BONNELL, widow,
files renunciation of will.
COXWELL and Son allowed $345.95 against estate of Elizabeth HAVERSTICK.
property estate of Elizabeth HAVERSTICK ordered sold.
of real estate of John J. REYNOLDS a minor confirmed.
settlement of estate of James R. WOODS filed and approved.
Military System~
the Franco-German war, 1870-71, the armies of the various German states, though
they were not Prussian, while in the field were commanded by the Prussian king
and his general staff. After that war there was no difficulty in making
Prussian control permanent. One after another the various states resigned
direction of their armies to the King of Prussia, and for all practical
purposes the German army became one. Almost immediately after the close of the
Franco-German war a movement was begun to extend the imperial army, and the
Prussian military system was introduced throughout the empire.
is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of ANGELINE GOZA, dec., were granted to the undersigned on the 23rd day of
June 1919, by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Missouri. All persons
having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to
the Administrator within six months after the date of said letters or they may
be precluded from any benefit of said Estate; and if such claims be not
exhibited within one year from the date of this publication they shall be
forever barred. JOHN G. BRUNS Administrator (SEAL) Attested: - J. P.MILLER
Judge of Probate.
Chief Executive Thinks the Chance to Build Prosperity’s Foundation Never So
wholesome and much needed lesson has been taught the American people by the
government in the various loan and thrift campaigns which have been launched
within the past two years.
War Savings Stamp campaign should appeal especially to the salary and wage
earner, man and woman, girl and boy, as an incentive to saving and investment.
The War Savings Stamp affords the readiest means of investment and the most
frequent and largest returns in interest. As a boy I would have hailed with
delight such an opportunity to invest my small earnings.
a word of business advice to the American boy and girl, I would say: out of
your earnings save something each week and make your savings earn money for you
by investing them in War Savings Stamps. FREDERICK D. GARDNER, Governor of
HOWARD, in Signed Statement, Tells of Benefits of Saving.
securities afford the safest and most practical investment in the world,” said
Representative William S. HOWARD of Georgia. A War Savings Stamp is a
promissory note for $5 if redeemed at maturity, or of the original cost of the
stamp plus accrued interest if redeemed before maturity.
was only after America entered the great world conflict that the small wage
earned in this country has been afforded the opportunity of investing in
government securities of becoming co-partners with the government. That there
are today more than 20,000,000 holders of government securities, as compared
with 3,000,000 before the war, is a fact which speaks for itself.
you buy a War Savings Stamp you are helping the government. To be able to make
a loan to the government, even as small as the sum represented by a War Savings
Stamp, is a proof of patriotism and also a practical manifestation of that
spirit of national thrift and individual savings which has come to us a
permanent heritage from the war.”
the dates of Missouri’s State Fair, August 9-16 now scarcely more than a month
away, exhibitors and prospective exhibitors who have not yet made their entries
should do so immediately. This is the word sent out from E. G. BYLANDER’S
office on the Fair Grounds at Sedalia, where preparations for the 1919 Fair are
now being made. The closing date for entries in the livestock, saddle stakes,
and home economies departments is July 25th. For apiary, agriculture, corn
exhibits dairy products and stock judging the closing date in August 4th.
exhibitors had prospective exhibitors are holding off sending their entries
because they have not yet received copies of the 1919 premium list,” said
Secretary BYLANDER, Saturday. “More than six thousand premium lists were mailed
out last week to exhibitors all over the state; and we have plenty more for all
who want them. Drop a postcard to the Missouri State Fair, Sedalia and you will
receive your copy by return mail.
offered total $44,530:00, divided among eighteen departments as follows:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $10,550.00
and Coach Horses - - - - - - - 7,170.00
Horses - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- 5,583.50
Jennets & Mules - - - - - - - - 1,250.00
Cattle - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Cattle - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4,554.50
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,797.00
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Judging - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Products - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,062.00
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 521.00
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 155.50
Economics - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 1,032.00
& Girls’ Club Work - - - - - - -
Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of GEO J. CRULL, Dec.,
were granted to the undersigned on the 10th day of June 1919, by the Probate
Court of Jefferson County Missouri. All persons having claims against said
estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the Executor within six
months after the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any
benefit of such estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within one year
from the date of the last insertion of the publication of this notice they
shall be forever barred. LOUISA CRULL (SEAL) Executrix, Attest: J P. MILLER,
Judge of Probate.
found hunting on my place without my permission will be punished by law. Wm.
is a tendency to describe the increasing differences in growing clover to so
called “clover sickness,” of . . . soil. B. W. TILLMAN, of the University of
Missouri College of Agriculture states that on many farms in Missouri the
acreage in clover has been greatly reduced in recent years on account of the
uncertainty in getting a stand. . . will, therefore, be of great interest and
value to the farmers to know that the so-called “clover sickness” is largely if
not altogether, due to the lack of lime in the soil. The fact has been very
clearly proved by the results obtained from the use of ground limes . . . on
the outlying soils experiment found in the state as well as by particular
experience of the farmers.
of the most striking instances of the value of ground limestone in saving these
crop troubles is to be found on the outlying field on the farm of George KLENKE
at Union, Franklin, Mo. Certain plats in this field receive two tons of ground
limestone per . . . four years ago, other plats were left untreated as a check,
while still others received various fertilizer application. During this time clover has appeared in the
rotation three times, including a crop which is on the land this year. The
clover on the untreated plats, as well as unfertilized plats, is a complete ---ure this spring. The four lime plats on the field, on the
other hand, have a magnificent stand of clover, and preliminary indications are
that the clover will yield as high as two tons to the . . . It is planned to
hold a meeting on the clover field at some date in the near future for the
purpose of getting some definitive ideas as to the value of limestone and the
most practical method of applying it on the farm.
from the direct value of the ground lime stone, the experiment in Union shows
an additional value for the use of phosphatic
fertilizer on ground clover. The clover on the lime plat which received this
fertilizer, has . . a better growth than
that of the straight lime plats, showing once . . . what is becoming to be
generally recognized that the soils of Missouri are-- in phosphorus. The
application of phosphatic fertilizer is, therefore an
important step in clover production and nothing can take place of ground limestone
in establishing proper soil condition for clover.
How’s This?
offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured
by HALL’S Catarrh Medicine. HALL’S Catarrh Medicine has been taken by catarrh
sufferers for the past thirty-five years, and has become known as the most
reliable remedy for Catarrh. HALL’S Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood in the
mucous surfaces, expelling the Poison from the Blood and healing the disease
portions. After you have taken HALL’S Catarrh Medicine for a short time you
will see a great improvement in your general health. Start taking HALL’S
Catarrh Medicine at once and get rid of catarrh. Send for testimonial free. F.
J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
Cramps! Says Mrs. Frank HAGLER, of Carbondale, Ill.: “I was suffering terrible
cramps and pains each month. I had used…but it didn’t give any permanent
relief. The pains came back on me just the same as before … After taking Cardui, I was entirely relieved from the pains, and have
never been bothered with them since.” Take Card-u-i.
The Woman’s Tonic. Cardui should help you as it did
Mrs. HAGLER, as it has helped thousands of other women who suffered from the
pains and discomforts from which women suffer. Many medical authorities prescribe
the ingredients of which Cardui is composed for the
female troubles for which it is recommended. Why not try it for your trouble?
All Druggists.
Don’t throw that broken casting away, have it welded by the UNION WELDING &
BRAZING CO. We weld aluminum without preheating and guarantee against warpage
of aluminum and cylinders. All kinds of metals welded one to another. Cutting
of high and low carbon steel. UNION WELDING AND BRAZING COMPANY Between Festus
and Silica. Post Office, Hematite. STILLMAN Bros. Prop.
ELCAR FOUR AND SIX Dependable and Classic Quality and Quantity for your money.
Seeing is Believing. Also Two-in-one Make a Tractor Agent for Maude Make a
Tractor, Coreless 1500 lb. Truck, Elcar Touring Car
JACOB BECKER Jr., Phone Long Distance, Maxville, Mo.
WANTED. Poultry, eggs and butter. On Thursday only. Highest market prices paid
in cash. Fresh Milch cows Wanted. Will purchase your
marketable live stock. CLAY KING, Hillsboro, Missouri.
Up To-date Goods . . . We buy right and sell right. We ask you to give us your
business and compare our prices with our competitors. We can save you money on
your daily and weekly purchases and give you better values. R. A. MARSDEN,
General Merchandise, Hillsboro, Mo.
Artisian Bottling Works Ward’s Orange-Crush.
Orange-Crush puts a quick quietus on Thirst. Served ice-cold, its refreshing natural fruit flavor delights and
invigorates. Orange-Crush is obtainable
wherever soft drinks are sold. Our modern machinery bottles Orange-Crush under
strictly sanitary condition. W. J. MAUTHE, Propr. DeSoto, Mo.
CASTORIA. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the
Signature of Chat H. FLETCHER. In use for over thirty years. Castoria
PLAN FALL REPAIRS NOW. Prepare for the storm days. Make the roof leak-proof,
the doors plumb, the windows tight – in fact put the whole building in
ship-shape order for winter. You’ll find it pays to plan it out with us whether
it’s storm sash, new window casing, doors, roofing, shingles, door casing,
glass, oiled lumber to repair the porch or stairs or inside trim for wainscot
or base board. Any how about that extra room this year? Beaver Board will make
it in attic or other waste space. Beaver Board – the original pure-wood-fiber wallboard
– is the only board “Sealtite” sized to prevent
warping or bulging. It’s easy the Beaver Board way – no muss, dirt or delay.
The Beaver Board room is warmer in winter yet cooler in summer. The handy
panels are quickly nailed in place and painted. Decorative strips put on over
the panel edges complete the room. Let us furnish special designs and working
plans. HOLEKAMP lumber Co., Yards. Afton, Mo., Old Orchard, Mo., Gratiot Mo.,
Webster Groves Mo., Maplewood Mo., Kirkwood Mo. Planing
Mill at Old Orchard.
GERALD MILLING CO. Proprietors of Kimmswick Roller Mills and Lumber Yards.
GERALD Milling Company, Kimmswick, Missouri.
Farm & Dairy Bank. Barnhart, Missouri. Solicit. Your Checking Account,
Savings Department, 3 percent. Certificates of Deposit, 12 mouths 4 percent.
Officers: Wm. SCHMIDT, Pres. J. M. STITES, V. Pres. G. O. JURY, Cashier.
ECKLES Store. Fresh staple and fancy groceries, paints, glassware, tin &
aluminum. Fry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Market Price for Country Produce. J. W.
ECKLE, Hillsboro, MO
LEPP, GEO. MAHN, D. L. ROUGGLY, J. F. WALTHER are the directors of the PEOPLE’S
BANK OF DESOTO. The strength of a financial institution depends primarily upon
the character of men chosen by the stockholders to direct its affairs. Next in
importance in estimating strength is the amount of the institution’s capital,
surplus and profit, every dollar of which is for the protection of its clients.
In the case of the People’s Bank of DeSoto, this amounts to the large sum of
One Hundred Thousand Dollars. The combination of the above board of directors
and of over One Hundred Thousand Dollars capital, surplus and profits, enables
this company to maintain a reputation for solidity and for careful conservative
management which it has enjoyed ever since its organization in 1885.
PURITAN TIRES, 30x3 1-2, $15.50. Carries Usual 3500 Mile Guarantee. Fresh
Stock. Agents for Republic trucks and Dart Touring cars. Maxville Auto Repair
Co. Maxville, MO
Bank of Kimmswick, Kimmswick, Missouri, Capital $10,000. Surplus and Undivided
Profits $10,000. C. H. GERALD, President. M. ZIEGLER, Vice President, G. A.
WENOM, Cashier. We invite you to open an account with us. Pass Books and Check
Books given without charge, regardless of the amount of Deposit. We pay 4
percent on time deposits for one year, and 3 percent a year for 6 months.
E. A. STAAT, General Blacksmith and Garage Dealer In Farm machinery, Implements,
Vehicles, Gasoline engines, and repairs of all kinds; Deering and Plymouth
twine. Antonia, Mo.
HURTGEN’S SHOP. First Class Horse Shoers, All kinds
of machinery repaired on short notice, Try us and see, Automobiles Repaired.
Hillsboro, Missouri
E. A. STOVESAND AGENT FOR John Deere Binders, Dain Mowers, Deer Disc
Cultivators and Planters, J. L. Case Disc Cultivators and Planters, James
Oliver SULKEY Plows. WEBER and DAME Farm Wagons. Cedar Hill, Hillsboro, Route
2, Missouri.
The Record. The home paper that has the news from all over the County. We don’t
want you to take our word – look and listen. No paper in the County has such a
staff of correspondents, good ones, and no other paper in the County prints as
much general county news each week as the RECORD. You want to look into this
matter and boost your home paper. We want new subscribers and ask you to help
us get them. Get your neighbor to subscribe and help us to build a bigger and
better paper. Subscribe for the RECORD. SUBSCRIBE NOW.
Albert S. ENNIS. Attorney-at Law, Real Estate, Notary Public, Office over
Citizen’s Bank, Festus, MO.
When answering advertising remember the Record.