Jefferson County Record

Hillsboro, MO

June 5, 1919





Stella STROUPE, Jefferson County Red Cross nurse who saw service over there is on her way home from Germany. Her relatives in Hematite are not the only ones who are glad to extend to her the glad-hand.


-- WILLIAMS, son of N. P. arrived after his discharge Thursday evening. His service was overseas and he . . . weight and width meanwhile with, many of his friends in De Soto.


-- MARSDEN, a Marine arrived at . . . in Victoria, Saturday, a day for the public welcome festivity certainly not too late for a reunion with his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius MARSDEN, his brother and many friends.


--- one, infantry, writes his parents in Hillsboro he is on his way home and will arrive any day. After the . . . Division was discharged Ernest’s organization was seat into Germany to take their place.


--- DANNEMAN of Route 1,  House Springs, is  home now, being discharged . . . He went over with ROSEN- . . .and Will KOMMER, but after they separated he never saw them again in the whole ten month ab- . . .He never saw a face he had ever known after he arrived in St. Louis after discharge. His service was with medical corp and spent one . . . firing line in Flanders field.


 . . FRAZIER’S son Joe is in France. . . . of sickness in family, papers were prepared to secure his discharge. The allowance Joe had been . . . is home folks was promptly . . . d D. S., was notified that Joe . . . Jefferson Barracks had been . . . Meantime Joe FRAZIER, the . . . S., is still in France and likely will remain for some time until the news reaches him, which may not months. The wrong Joe FRAZIER . . . ely “sore”.


An impressive memorial service was held in Festus by the ex-service men in Festus by the Ex-Service . . . ial Organization. At seven o’clock, about 35 soldiers marched to . . . cemetery and had a military service. Guy ROBERTS, Privates . . . HART are the three deceased soldiers buried there. However the . . . Festus boys who are buried in sacred soil of France, were . . . tten, the boys being Samuel --am (per transcriber: Samuel Hardy BOYCE) BOYCE and Robert RHEINHART .



. . . gave a royal welcome to the . . . heroes of the army, navy and . . . Decoration Day 1919. More than ----- hundred and fifty registered and attended the fine dinner furnished by various organizations, the picture . . . hospitality booths, the ball . . . hand and the street entertain . . . Several thousand friends arrived en masse and enjoyed the time with their boys and proudly witnessed . . . ir drilling after dinner. May . . . wept continuously, and altho . . continued to do so in some parts of the county, the Decoration Day was . . . De Soto, with the first all day sun for many many days.

The … ure show drew crowds all day presented a fine selection. The . . . generous and pleasing Two stages were built, one against the west end at the R. R. station and one south of Y. M. C. A.  Attractions alternated between these two stages, kept . . . moving constantly.


. . . dancing was offered by the . . . by the Knights of Pythias . . . floors were filled to the early morning. Much visiting was done, between with service men, servicemen with civilians, civilians with servicemen and civilians with civilians. During the day thoroughly  not an in . . .uring to mar the days enjoyment much will long be remembered. The service men particularly “Or . . . a” gave is their Biography. . . service records to Mrs. J. H. . . . had headquarters at the . . . ank. Mrs. REPPY has been  . . . hy Adj. General H. C. CLARK . . . City to collect these records for the county. Please report to her . . .


  . . picking time, and some of . . . some looking cans which re. . .empty last year are now get . . . oursly full in celebration of [continued on page 4]




-Mr. and Mrs. Grade AILEE of Fredericktown spent Saturday and Sunday here with relatives. Mrs. WEEKS and son Dutro accompanied them home for a two days visit.


-The Thursday War Club gave seventy dollars to the Red Cross. Six dollars for flowers and a donation of $45.00 to be used to purchase school equipment for the playground for the high school.


-Sam McINTOCK of Desloge spent Wednesday of last week here with friends.


-Alison REPPY and brother John were in DeSoto Sunday calling on friends. Many are looking forward to hearing the address of Alison REPPY at the County graduation exercises here Thursday. Mr. REPPY has a wonderful gift for speaking and his friends are mighty proud of him and also glad that he returned safely from France.


-The new elevator company has purchased the property adjoining the ELLIS garage and will build an up-to-date grain elevator. This company will be able to handle this year’s wheat crop.


-Mr. and Mrs. Tom WILLIAMS of St. Louis are here with their son Frank for a visit.


-Mrs. WALLACE returned last week from a visit with her mother in St. Louis.


-Mrs. KENDAL of Poplar Bluff was here last week visiting her sister Mrs. Arch HUSKEY.


-A.E. STOCKING made a business trip to Aberdeen, Miss. last week.


-Mr. and Mrs. James ALLEE spent Sunday at Morse Mill with friends.


-Mrs. E. E. BOYER is enjoying a visit with her little grandson and his mother from Carlylle, Ill., who arrived here last week from Kansas.


-All the school entertainments were a success and everyone seemed proud in deed of the bright pupils who took part in the exercises.


-Friday was a gala day in DeSoto. The soldiers and their friends and relatives were royally entertained. The band was generous with their splendid music. The vaudeville program was good and everyone had plenty to eat. Chocolate and other good things were distributed at the Red Cross tent and the K. of C.

Mrs. COXWELL’S Sunday School class served punch and wafers in the north end waiting roof of the depot which was decorated and furnished for the occasion. The Jolly Seven assisted in entertaining the guests and added to the pleasure of the soldier boys. Mrs. COXWELL was assisted by Mrs. Lillian WEEKS, Mrs. CHAMBERLAIN, Mrs. ALLE, Miss Etta CAMPBELL and others.


-Miss DUVAL departed for Ironton Friday morning for a day’s visit and from there will go to summer school. Miss DUVAL had charge of the Teacher’s training course and was a most successful teacher.


-Bert OGLE and family were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Willard HUSKEY.


-The new quarters for the Commercial College students is located over the Farmers Union store on Boyd Street.


-O. D. WATSON of Newport, Ark., arrived Friday for a short visit with his sister Mrs. W. L. NELLIGAN of Sunny Slope Farm.


-Teacher’s examination will be held at the DeSoto High School building Friday and Saturday of this week.


-Mrs. RAMBO and little son of Mt. Vernon, Ill. are here visiting her sister Mrs. J. G. BERKELEY.


-Mrs. C. T. JARVIS is improving and expects to return home from St. Louis this week.


-Mrs. W. I. SMITH left Tuesday to visit her parents during the summer months.


-Dr. and Mrs. OVERTON will leave in the near future to make their home at their farm near Ironton MO. We are sorry to have the Doctors leave as they had a large practice and many friends who will miss them.


-Charley ASHCRAFT has purchased the W. L. SMITH property on 5th street.



Ed COSBY  - - - - - - - - - - - -  Festus

Nellie GATHRIGHT - - - - - -  Crystal City


Ralston BENNETT  - - - - - - - Crystal City

May HEWITT   - - - - - - - - - - Crystal City


Wm. E. BELLEVILLE - - - - - Flucom

Eliz. STATZEL  - - - - - - - - - - Valle Mines


J. Justus WENDEROTH - - - - Los Angeles

Mato STEVETON - - - - - - - - Los Angeles


Geo E. BAKER - - - - - - - - - - Festus

Myrtle BENNETT - - - - - - - - Festus


Geo A. MARTIN - - - - - - - - - Herculaneum

Elsie E. DONNELLY - - - - - - - Herculaneum


Jess L. CRETIN - - - - - - - - -   Festus

Edith F. SCHMIDT - - - - - - -  Festus



-All taxes due on lots A & B. 1, 2, Harris’ sub ordered stricken off tax books as double assessment.

-Clerk ordered to modify all borrowers of school fund of amounts due on July 1st 1919 and request payment of some as soon after July 1st as possible.

-Engineer ordered to examine crossing of small ravine on DeSoto Richwoods road near W. R. MANESS stone house, make estimate on cost of concrete culvert and report.

-Acc’t of J. C. JOHNSON of $17.00 for making assessment of Income taxes for state Approved and ordered certified to state auditors.

-Inquest on body of Earl SWINK approved and fee bill ordered certificate to transfer for payment in sum of $??.40.

-Court orders unused dramshop license in sum of $150 refunded to estate of F. E. SPILKER dec., estate.

-Bonds of Bank of Hillsboro and Jeff Trust Co, county depositories approved.

-Clerk ordered to notify hospital ?? 4 to discontinue Fannie J. PELLEY as county patient.

-Engineer ordered to examine DeSoto and Mammoth Road from T. R. B. DODSON’S to Mammoth Church and report.

-State of grand jury scrip issued at May term of Circuit Court in sum of $248.40 approved.

-Statement of grand jury witness serip/scrip?  issued at May term Circuit Court in sum of $158.28 approved.

-Statement of petit jury witness serip issued at May term in sum of $794.69 approved.

-Statement of fees collected by Circuit clerk during May, $30.95 approved Ann GIBSON ordered sent to County Farm.


Road Construction Accounts.

-A.R. WEBER, balance due on concrete culverts on Gravois rd.  $1086.35

-W. J. KNORPP grd B. T. Rd $238.50

-GERALD Milling Co., tiling $44.00

-P. L. GLATT, Lemay Fry rd. $43.00

-St. Joe Lead Co., repair pipe line 57.17

-Theo HURTGEN, repiting brd lum 10.45

-C.B. LOWRY granted poll tax exemption for life.

-Engineer ordered to make contract with Conrad STRAHER for building retaining wall at small culvert near Breezy Heights on Le May Ferry road at $53.


Dramshop Licenses granted as follows.

-Fred HARPER, Festus - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -New

-MULLERSMAN & BYINGTON, DeSoto - - - - - New

-G. L. CRULL, Cedar Hill - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  New

-Fred STEGER, Crystal City - - - - - - - - - - - - - -   renewal

-L. F. KOHLER, Pevely - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -   renewal

-Frank VOTAW, House Springs - - - - - - - - - - - -  renewal


Accounts as follows.

-G. W. GASCHE, Co Clk. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  $156.35

-Same, incidentals - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 24.70

-R. B. WILSON, sal. May - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  $175.00

-R. B. WILSON, travel ex. post - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 27.98

-F. DIETRICH, treas., sal. May - - - - - - - - - - - - -$ 125.00

-Chas J. WHITE, pros atty. sal. - - - - - - - - - - - - $208.33

-Ware EVANS cir. elk sal. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$ 166.67

-Blanche FRAZIER dpt. cir. elk - - - - - - - - - - - -  -$ 50.00

-J. HUBELI, janitor - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$ 90.00

-Herman SIEMER, supt. Co. Frm. - - - - - - - - - - - -$ 55.00

-Jeff Co. Republican, stationery - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 30.00

-J. W. ECKLE, C. H. Supplies - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$ 14.45

-J. W. BEALL, stationery - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  $ 5.40

-T. M. MASTERSON, sup for sml pox - - - - - - - - -$ 34.25

-H. A. LANHAM civil cost - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  $ 4.25

-Crystal City Press stationery - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$13.50

-WATSON Mfg Co, steel fur C. H. - - - - - - - - - - $365.00

-Dr. MILLER & HENSELY, trt sml pox  - - - - - -  $ 25.00

-Standard Oil Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$ 29.45

-State Treas, tub sanit. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  $ 21.44

-C.J. DAVIDSON sup Co Farm - - - - - - - - - - - - -  $48.66

-Frank PIERCE, sup Co. Farm - - - - - - - - - - - - - -   $3.00

-Standard Ptg Co. stat - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 9.52

-Miss Lola BRASWELL -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $160.14

-W. G. HEARST, auto livery - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 8.00

-J. P. MILLER, cost Car Moss case - - - - - - - - - - -   $ 6.55

-Herbert HURTGEN, rep water sys - - - - - - - - - - -  $78.86

-Fred MATHES, rd dist 26 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$  60.15

-F. L. WILSON tele reps - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -   $ 5.30

-Emil SIEBALS, rd dist 19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$181.85

-J. H. HOPSON, sal - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  $ 5.00

-L. H. BRUNS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -   $ 5.00

-Steve COLE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  $ 5.00

-F. DANNEMAN, rd dist 8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -   $55.50

-Theo HURTGEN, sal - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  $166.67

-Same, postage & phone - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$ 4.50

-Court adjourns till Monday June 30. J. H. HOPSON



Paul P. HINCHEY of DeSoto was last week elected Grand Chancellor of Missouri’s Grand Lodge, Knights of Pythias. Mr. HINCHEY has been active in promoting the welfare of the order and promotion is worthy bestowed on a most worthy citizen.



We hereby call a county convention of the League to Enforce Peace to meet at Hillsboro at 10.00 a.m. on Monday June 9th to which every woman and man in the county who is interested in doing away with all war and in the promotion of national and international peace is most urgently requested to attend. Speakers of prominence will be present and address the convention A. S. ENNIS, Chairman



-Dr. MARBURY has moved his family back to Festus after six months stay in Bonne Terre. They are now occupying the house owned by Mr. LANDAU.

-Miss Blanche VAUGHN, who is a milliner in the city, is spending her vacation with her relatives here.

-Festus is having two big sales on now. Meyer MILLER and KAY’s Department stores are offering their many bargains to the people.

-The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. LEAGUE formerly of Festus will be glad to learn of their making their home in St. Louis now. They have been residing in Duluth, Minnesota the last year.

-Coney McCORMACK of Plattin transacted business in Festus last week.

-The Triangle club gave a most delightful dance at Lilly’s Hall Thursday evening. About 21 couples were in attendance. They expect to give their dances in the future at the pavilion at Silica.

-Mr. and Mrs. McLOON of Pevely motored over last week on business.

-Dr. VOGELSANG made a business trip to the city in interest of his dental office.

-Miss Nellie Lee JENKINSON who has been attending Marvin College at Fredericktown, is home now for the summer vacation.

-Miss DUTTON, mezzo soprano soloist of one of the Christian Science churches in St. Louis spent the week with Mr. and Mrs. Stoke WAGGENER.

-Miss Ethel McMILLIN of St. Louis and sister Gladys of Indiana are guests of the SIEFERT family.

-Miss MUNROE of Rush Tower, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Robert COLLIN and Miss Dora ERICHS.

-Miss Ruth OGLE of St. Louis was the weekend guest of her cousin Miss Alice PORTER.

-The members of the negro church, had a baptizing at the creek last Sunday. Quite a large number were baptized. A large crowd was assembled to witness the ceremonies.

-Miss Minnie WAGGENER and Grace SHERLOCK of Detroit, Michigan arrived this week to spend a two week vacation with friends and relatives here. Both girls have splendid stenographic positions in Detroit.

-Miss June SMITH a former teacher here but now accountant in a real estate office in Detroit returned to that city this week after a two weeks visit here and at Rush Tower.

-Mrs. Sarah PRICE and daughter Lois are visiting relatives and friends in Poplar Bluff.

-Danby lost one of her oldest and most highly respected citizens last week. Mr. ATKINS who has been ill for some time died at his home at the age of 76. He leaves several grown children and many relatives and friends to mourn his loss.

-Dare BOWMAN, a returned soldier has purchased the Buick Six of Mr. Glen JOLLY. Mr. BOWMAN owned a Buick before he left but sold it so was fortunate in getting Mr. JOLLY’S upon his return.

-Miss Helen WELSH of Sikeston spent the weekend with her aunt Mrs. DRAKE Monday she departed to the city to visit her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. T. H. LEAGUE.

-Edmond MILLER of St. Louis University and Richard RUTLEDGE of Washington University spent the weekend with their parents.

-Miss Dean GRIFFIN and Mrs. BROOKS departed this week for a three weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs. Sam BROOKS of Detroit, Mich.

-Misses Margaret KERRUISH and Olie FLIEG who hold stenographic positions in the city spent the week with relatives and friends there.

-Tom McCORMACK has arrived home safely after two years’ service for Uncle Sam in France. He liked his trip “abroad” very well. He reports having seen the two JENNI boys just before leaving. Edwin is coming home as soon as he can, but Clarence (Tiny) has reenlisted.

-Miss Estella BAILEY has organized a summer school in Crystal. Children failing to pass this year are to be coached and try to be made ready for the grade they should have gone in next year. Quite a number have enrolled.



The case of State vs. Carrol T. BYRD, was yesterday reversed and remanded for new trial by the Supreme Court. This is quite likely to be the end of this case as there is no probability that the State will ever be able to secure the attendance of the prosecuting witness, a showman connected with the carnival company, one of whose members BYRD is charged with having killed.


 Cecil BALLARD lost one of his trucks last week by fire. The truck was burned near Goldman on the Lemay Ferry Road.




-George SCHMIDT announces a change to his name of Senior.  Georgie Jr., arrived Tuesday almost large -enough to help papa. This accounts for the “won’t come off smile.”


-Correspondence from various locations indicates a keen interest in our well organized Republican Club. Ladies as well as men are inquiring as to meeting our personnel.


-Spring chickens are being marketed ?? in our midst and Aunt (Mehy F--?) held the record --- and size.


-The garage and public service station is being erected adjoining the “Little Store around the Corner.” It is said that Andrew MOSS will have sole charge.


-The dance given Saturday eve by the W. O. W. in their hall was decided success. Despite the inclement weather the hall was crowded to capacity with no “wall flowers” in attendance.


-The Ladies Domestic Art Society has found it necessary to enlarge their club house, due to the large increase memberships. Mrs. Jules BARON, holds the record of an orator of no mean ability.


-Mrs. FRITZWATER of Pattenville, St. Louis County is visiting her daughter Mrs. L. G. OHIMAN. Delighted with Jefferson County’s beautiful scenery, we, of necessity to hang our heads in shame when trying to explain the cause of our bad roads, our weak joint.


-F. L. HITCHCOCK has advanced from “cook stove engineer” to “head of the household” by reason of the return of Mrs. HITCHCOCK from her visit to her parents.


-The correspondent attended the address made by TUMULTY, our Watchful Waiting President’s Secretary at the Odeon St. Louis the past week, and wishes he had two bits for each person who left the hall during the address disgusted the brand of “trying to hide mistakes” oratory.


-Mabel SCHALL, our little butterfly lady has emerged from school girl to the “big league.” Mabel is a dancer to be envied and is sought eagerly as a dancer partner by the Beau Brummel Clan.


-We have our doubts, but Dame Rumor has it that Andy MOSS is seeking a post in the “Benedict Class.” We will cover his case more thoroughly and report definitely our findings.


-Donald REDECKER who recently installed an auto indicator on his --ver announces that no road in this vicinity will permit of his car going 60 miles per hour, to hear the automatic band play “Nearer My God to Thee.”

-Representatives of a large canning industry of St. Louis were here endeavoring to contract for vegetables with several large growers.


-Fred WEBER and overflow enthusiast of the “Meddlesome Matty Party” at Washington still smiles at events nationally and states thusly. 


It’s easy enough to be pleasant,

When life flows along like a song,

But the man worthwhile.

Is the man with a smile.

When everything democratic goes wrong.


 -Master Keith HITCHCOCK, aged nine inquired of his father recently. “Must I be a soldier before I can get married,” “No son,” the father replied, “you become a soldier immediately after marrying.”


-Much amusement was aroused by a sign pinned to the coat of a Brummel” at a local function reading. Of all the dancers we ladies despise, Are dancers wearing bright red neckties.


-Since Earl MURPHY’S popularity has become a fact, as a delightful dancer, a certain lady admirer, thrilled beyond measure has commenced to write a song to be dedicated to him.

From what we then in came a big fellow dressed in Black.

I believe they call him Big Black Jack.

Said he I came here to have my way.

So don’t anyone play me for a day.

I’ll break up this jamboree.

And no one be left in here but me.

Now all hands ‘round, wheel and spin;

Earl, my boy, dance the jay-bird gin.


-Four Ridge was well represented in the person of Wm BOLLIVER, who holds the title of King of Beab BRUMMELS.


-Mrs. Geo. HEARST visited in and around Tenbrook the past week.


-Geo. BLOCK and wife of St. Louis visited Ben WINKING of Lone Star Heights the past week.


-L. G. OHLMAN journeyed to St. Louis in connections with a business deal of some magnitude.


-The Ladies “Koffee Klatch” have expressed a desire to partake of coffee made by Jules BARON. Perhaps they are contemplating daily meeting instead of weekly, not to be outdone by mere men.


-Mrs. G. O. JURY holds the title of champion chicken raiser, having 1500 baby chicks and Mrs. L. G. OHLMAN runs a close second with 800 baby chicks. Class to our lady chicken fanciers.


-Theodore PLACK of Pevely announces his intention of again entering the life of a farmer, and states he will specialize in growing “Rainbow corn.” We don’t know the variety of corn, perhaps some reader can enlighten us. Theodore does not know himself just what this variety is, anyhow he is going to specialize in it.


-Saturday June 7th will be a big day in Barnhart by reason of the annual election of the Farmers Union. Delegates are expected from surrounding vicinities, Zion, Horine, Sandy, and others. Balloting will commence about 8 p.m. A social and hop will wind up the evening.





-Early harvest is predicted for this year, wheat already ripening.


-Lieut. Allison REPPY and Miss Olive STONE attended the Sodality dance in DeSoto, Tuesday evening.


-A.D. SPENCER formerly of this county is now located in St. Louis and is engaged in the real estate business, specializing in farms.


-Farmers are getting decidedly anxious about their corn planting, and as the sun came (and rain, too) out on Monday there were fewer farmers at County Court this session.


-Fredrick LUDEMANN living between Dittmer and Byrnesville, died at his home Monday and was buried at Dittmer. He was about 75 years of age.


-Rev. A HILKEMAN of St. Louis former Presbyterian pastor here, conducted the funeral of Charles F. WOHLBOLD on Saturday and called on a few Hillsboro friends Saturday evening. Bro HILKEMANN looks well and likes his charge in St. Louis very much.


-Glenn N. JOLLY, formerly cashier of the Crystal City State Bank, writes to the editor to have his Record sent to Oakmont Pennsylvania, where he is now located. Mr. JOLLY is cashier of the First National Bank of Oakmont. A folder enclosed with his letter shows that the footings of his bank are $1,113,440.92. Deposits amounting to $945.660.30. This indicates that Mr. JOLLY has hold of a proposition that will give him an opportunity to exercise his unquestioned ability as a banker.


 “Uncle” John OHEIM of Kimmswick is no more. He was at work in his garden Friday and came in, ate a saucer of ice cream and was sitting in his chair conversing with a friend when his head dropped and when his friend stepped to his side, he was dead. We expect an obituary later, but we know Uncle John for many years and he was a kindly hearted gentleman, who loved his friends and his family and was an honest honorable man. He and Freeman D. WATERS were great friends and chums and he missed FREEMAN every day since his death and mourned him more than had he been a brother. “Peace be unto thee.” Uncle John.


Our astute colored friend King D. SMITH of DeSoto, always a kindly soul, but a very shrewd business man has fallen into the hands of the Philistines. Co. Ed WILLIAMS and his wife Lorain, from nowhere in particular and everywhere in general, so entranced the genial King with a modern fairy story that he unloosed his purse strings and check book and is short various and sundry dollars. Ed and his wife were charged with petit larceny from Wilbert WILLIAMS at Morse Mill. The wife pleaded guilty and a Nolle Prosse was entered as:  Ed FORTH WITH  Col. Ed HIED to DeSoto to meet King D., the colored magnate of DeSoto. Ed had a farm on Big River and a lot of chickens. King likes chickens and bet a few hundred and advanced some money to help Ed pay for repairs on Ed’s truck imaginary. He came back with a story that the truck had broken down with its load of chickens and that he was sending a man out to make repairs and it would be in that afternoon. He left and shortly after leaving King was called upon the telephone and asked about Mr. WILLIAMS, he told the party that Mr. WILLIAMS was not in. King was then directed to tell Mr. WILLIAMS that upon receipt of $35.00 for the repairs to his six cylinder passenger car that would be delivered to him at DeSoto. Later Mr. WILLIAMS came in and was informed of the message and not having any money induced King to advance it. King was cautious and wrote a money order and mailed it to the address given. Later WILLIAMS called for the letter, got the money order and cashed it, came to Hillsboro paid his wife’s fine and costs and skipped. King got wise, called the sheriff and WILLIAMS and wife were caught in St. Louis. WILLIAMS was in the City hospital and could not be brought back but “Lorraine” is in the jail and Col. Ed will be, when he gets well enough to travel. King D. vows he no longer believes fairy stories and it will be several days before he will be able to enjoy any degree of confidence in any man.


 [Page 2]


The Jefferson County Record. A Partnership Composed of John H. REPPY an Albertise C. REPPY. John H. REPPY, Editor. ALBERTISE COON REPPY Associate Editor. Entered as second-class master March 2, 1911, at the Post office in Hillsboro, Mo., under the Act March 3, 1889.  Cards of Thanks twenty-five cents; Resolutions, one dollar. Obituary poetry, five cents per each six words. Subscription Price One year, $1.50, Six Months, .75 cents in advance.



By Republican National Chairman Will H. HAYS.

The Republican women’s national executive committee has been appointed to act with the Republican national committee in an effort to devise ways and means to make certain the full participation by the Republican women in the party’s affairs. The interesting and exceeding successful national conference held in Washington last week was with this end in view.

There is but one possible rule for a political party, and that is that the rights of the individual membership to participate in the management of the party’s affairs must be the remain equally sacred and sacredly equal. The Republican women in the country are a part of the party membership. In many states this has long been so. They came into this party activity not as women, but as voters entitled to participate and participating in so far as the present legal limitations permit, just as other voters. Their activity is not supplementary, auxiliary nor secondary at all – they are units in the party membership and where the suffrage for them is new they come in just as men have come in when they have reached the legal voting age. They are not to be separated nor segregated at all, but assimilated and amalgamated with just that full consideration due every working member of the party in the rights of their full citizenship. There is to be no separate women’s organization created within the party except and only in those cases where such arrangement may be needed temporarily as an efficient instrument in the aid of the complete amalgamation which is our objective. I am convened that the Republican women will enter into the party’s activities with that sense of responsibility and serious attention to their party’s affairs which is due the only instrument thru which all individuals can apply their patriotism, all to the end that the problems of government, immeasurable in magnitude and complexity, which now confronts this country, may be properly solved.  Will. H. HAYS



-Clementine POLITTE et al to S. W. PIRKEY. 7 lots in DeSoto, Herrington add $4.50.

-William J. FRANZ to M. T. FRANZ, $600.  40 acres (19-43-4)

-Emily C. SIMMONS to J. W. DICKEY $1.00. Lots in DeSoto.

-T. B. EAVES to J. R. RENNICK, $40.00 4 lots in DeSoto.

-Alma L. SIEBERT to W.  Scott NULL, $375. Lot in Festus.

-Geo. W. BAUM to ALONZO BAUM, $1.00

-Reinhold R. MUENGERT to R. STADLER, $500. 20 acres (27-41-4).

-B.& W. C. MORSE to Henry BUDDE $22,000 Lots in DeSoto.

-John BUFF and Mary WEIMAN, $1,000 Lot in DeSoto.

-Louis HELBERG to Luther CRESSWELL, $1.00 secs 20 & 30 43-4.

-Jennie B. GRAY to Arnold E. ROUGGLY $4,400 Lots in Festus.

-C.F. LEE to Ferd Lee GEHRS, $400. 2 lost in Festus.

-Nettie Mande ELDERS to T. J. WILLY $15,000 364 acres 11-40-3.

-Judson B. POUNDS to James L. POUNDS 173 acres Sur 1972 $6,500.

-Belle GRATIOT to W. E. CROW, Lot in DeSoto $1,300.

-Mrs. J. O. MATHIAS to J. L.  ZIMMER, $2,000 Lot in Festus.

-Oliver C. PEASE to EMIL KIMMER, $2,000 133 acres. 29-42-3.

-R. F. PANCHOT to Earl F. PANCHOT $500. ½ interest in 2 lots Crystal City.

-F. B. REDDICK to H. H. GENCK $250. Lot in DeSoto.

-E. C. EDGAR to R. F. CHAPMAN, 2 lots in DeSoto $1,100.

-W. T. HENRY to W. H. GRIFFITH $1.00 lot 9 blk. 5 Oak Grove add Pevely.

-Chas WAGGENER to Mary W. FOWLER, $2,000. 107.75 acres sur. 1906 2 lots in Festus.

-Frank KOHR et al to G. W. SIEVING $1,350. lot 1 of lot 16 sur. 2991.

-Frank KOHR et al to Louis J. ROESCH $1,250. lot 2 of lot 16 sur. 2991.

-John RIESER to Wm. KONERT and wife $500. 11 acres suc. 36-43-5.



Three Jersey milch cows, also three extra nice bulls, 18 months old. Will . . .


~Anti-Submarine Flotilla Now On the Mississippi River~

The Anti-Submarine Flotilla, which the Navy Department assembled for a visit to the Mississippi and its tributaries, is now on the river. It includes the U. S. N. Submarine K5, the destroyer Isabel, the submarine chasers and the flying boats; all of which with a majority of their officers have seen active service in the war zone. They completely illustrate the types of ships guns and equipment which was used in fighting the “U” boats. The flotilla was sent to the Mississippi to give the people of the section every opportunity of seeing these ships, and of making a close inspection of them.

Proceeded by several days start by one of the chasers of flotilla is passing up the river to St. Louis. This port will be made the northern base, and on the trip down a visit will be made to all the principal ports on either side of the river. In the event of several towns being grouped, or accessible to a landing the flotilla will call at the nearest landing. The itinerary is now being completed and every town to be visited will be notified in ample time of the coming of the Navy Fleet. A scout chaser will leave St. Louis in advance of the flotilla to call at all towns to complete arrangements.

It is also planned to have ships of the flotilla call at the principal ports on the Ohio above Cairo, the Mississippi above St. Louis and the Illinois River. The exact dates and itinerary will be announced.

The flotilla carries a Navy Band, a glee club of Blue Jackets and a baseball team. A display will be made at each port of motion pictures of navy life and training.



Notice is hereby given that letters of Administration with Will Annexed on the estate of MARY M. KENNER, DEC., were granted to the undersigned on the 26th day of May 1919, by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Missouri. All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them to me for allowance within six months after the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of such estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within one year from the date of the last insertion of the publication of this notice they shall be forever barred. E. R. NIEHAUS. Administrator with will annexed. 100 N 4th Street St. Louis (SEAL) Attested. J. P. MILLER Judge of Probate.



On account of the increased cost of all material and supplies used in the maintenance of the telephone plant, and also the necessary increase in wages for all classes of labor, we are compelled to ask the State Public Service Commission for permission to increase our rates for telephone service at Pevely, Fenton and Beck exchanges.

The proposed rates are as follows.

Class of service                         Rate per month


Direct line – Wall set - - - - - - $2.50

Direct line – Desk set - - - - - - -2.75

Extensions – Wall set - - - - - -    .75

Extensions – desk set - - - - - -  1.00


Direct line – wall set - - - - - -   1.75

Direct line – desk set - - - - - -   2.00

Extensions – wall set - - - - - -    .50

Extensions – desk set - - - - - -    .75

Rural Lines

Residence - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1.50

Business - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2.00

Calls between Pevely, Fenton and Beck exchanges, 5 cents for each three minutes or fraction thereof.


 We have asked that the above proposed schedule of rates be allowed to go into effect July 1st 1919 Each subscriber is therefore notified that if there is any reasonable objection to the proposed increase, that such objection should be made in writing to the Public Service Commission at Jefferson City, prior to the effective date of the proposed schedule. 23.2 Meismer Telephone Company. By H. HEINER, Jr., President


 Chas F. NAUMAN and Geo. RASMMUSEN were Hillsboro visitors Monday on Business. Mr. RASMUSSEN is the owner and manager of Oak Grove Farm and is trying to improve the livestock of . . .



The dance given by the M. B. B. C. Friday night, and one given by the M. G. A. Saturday night were great successes and we thank everyone that helped make it so, but what’s the matter with our Kimmswick and Seckman friends, if they have a grudge against us would like for them to let us know.


 The ballgame played Sunday by the Maxville and Four ridge teams was a success as far as the Maxville boys were concerned, but our Ridge boys don’t despair, the sun will shine in front of your door someday. The score was 17-3 in favor Maxville.


It is surprising how up-to-date we’re getting with all the other improvements we have the Marriage Bureau now boys and girls, no more danger of being a bachelor or an old maid, all you do is to put in an application at the Marriage bureau and hand over a few bucks and your case will be taken care of. Widows and widowers a specialty.


 There were quite a few visitors out from St. Louis Saturday and Sunday. Miss Gladys RULLKOETTER, Viola WEBER, Ophelis WEBER, Clara BECKER and Hollie PFEFFLE.


 Mrs. Frank HAMPLE and two daughters Mrs. Marie SEXTON and Mrs. Margaret CAMARATTA were to see Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ZIEGLER Sr. Sunday.


Mrs. Louis SIMON passed away after a short illness Monday morning leaving two small children, one two year old and one three weeks.


 We see “Rastus” plowing potatoes for his dad. Not so exciting as his late efforts in the Rainbow Division.


We bid you a pleasant good day and meet you all at BOEMLER’s Hall Saturday night.



Another old and esteemed friend and citizen of Jefferson County has been called to the Great Beyond. After an illness of several months, Chas F. WOHLBOLDT quietly passed out of this life last Thursday and was laid to rest in the Presbyterian Cemetery at Belews Creek, Saturday, May 31.

 The large number that attended the funeral, bore evidence of the esteem in which Mr. WOHLBOLDT was held. The floral tributes were many and beautiful. Rev. A. HILKEMAN of St. Louis and the Woodman Lodge conducted the funeral rites which were very impressive.

Mr. WOHBOLDT leaves an aged widow two sons, one daughter, two stepsons, one step-daughter, 32 grandchildren and two great-grand-children. He reached the age of 66 years four months and 7 days.

 All the bereaved family express their heartfelt thanks to all who have shown their sympathy and have so kindly rendered their assistance during the illness and death of the departed. A friend.



My farm is . ..



By Dr. W. H. G. WHITE

To acquaint you with my new location, I will make a special price on guaranteed work for the next thirty days.  My three years of successful work in DeSoto, and hundreds of satisfied patients, attest my ability to do your dental work in the most able manner.

My new location is at the corner of Main and Boyd streets, upstairs at Farmers and Citizens State Bank. The entrance on Boyd street.

I want you to see an up-to-date . . . itary and well equipped dental office. This is why I am making these unusual low prices for 30 days. Upper and lower set of teeth, each from $8 --- according to material and finish. All bridge work $4 per tooth. Gold . . . $4. Fillings, from 50 cents up.

Come in and see my up-to-date office whether you need dental work or not, then you’ll know where to come when  you do need it. Now is  your opportunity in get first-class work at . . . prices, don’t delay until the time expires – set at once.

Dr. W. H. G. WHITE Office phone: 10F(?) Residence (Commercial Hotel) No. 73. DeSoto, MO


[Page 3]


~Hillsboro Items~


-Herman DONER has gone to the Kansas fields to keep in the big harvest.


-Alvin MILLER came home for Decoration Day, week-end.


-Very heavy rainstorm struck town about church time and prevented Rev. MATHEWS from filling his appointment.


-Mr. ECKLE was confined to his room by illness all last week but is somewhat better this week.


-Mr. and Mrs. George GASCHE and family attended the service and basked dinner at Morse Mill Sunday.


-The Misses Lillian and Mary STEEL and Miss Lucy FROST of St. Louis were over Sunday guests of Dr. and Mrs. STEEL.


-Mr. and Mrs. John HELLER spent part of last week with House Springs relatives and fished a little, having several fine fish suppers.


-Morris McMULLIN has returned from Waco Texas and will now locate in Hillsboro, his boyhood home. He is connected with the office of the Jefferson Democrat.  Fraternal greetings.


-We are sorry to lose Harry D. GRIFFITH from our town. He and his wife leave warm friends behind them. May they be happy in DeSoto their new home.


-Most everybody was in DeSoto Decoration Day to see the returned soldiers and the happy welcome, and numerous festivities accorded them. All the young folks and some of the married ones staid for dancing.


-Mr. and Mrs. Clyde WILLIAMS had as their guests Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. C. MARSDEN, Mrs. E. PINSON, Mrs. Edwin MARSDEN and Roy MARSDEN the returned brother. They came to attend the preliminary contest, in which Doyne WILLIAMS took part.


-Lieut. Alison REPPY who went out to Camp Funston where he received his discharge, visitor relatives and friends Atchison Kan. and returned in time to take in the Welcome Home festivities in DeSoto on Decoration Day.


-Little Brill WILSON who broke his leg some time ago is out on a crutch now.


-J. F. WILLIAMS and family attended High School Commencement at DeSoto Thursday night and brought Miss Irene home with them for vacation days.


-Harry GRIFFITH moved his household to DeSoto Tuesday and will occupy the Lew BURGESS property on West Pratt Street.


-E. M. WILLIAMS has now a small private bus which transports him between office and his residence, Brownwood, in the suburbs of the county seat. Ed isn’t partial to a muddy road to promenade to business on.

-Miss BRASWELL of Festus the Home Demonstrator, came over to attend the preliminary contest, and brought Mr. and Mrs. James STUTTON, Miss KELSO and Rev. Mr. MONTGOMERY in her car. These motor guests with the exception of Mrs. SUTTON acted as judges of the contest.


-Miss Leona ECKLE came down to spend Decoration Day and weekend arriving in DeSoto first where she enjoyed the festivities for the soldiers and then coming home until Sunday evening.


-Our postmaster J. J. HOEKEN has bought the Spilker machine, instead of HAMMOND Bros. as we were first informed.


-Misses Eunice HOLMES and Leona REILY are home for vacation from their studies in the DeSoto High School.


-Miss Zoe BOOTH is visiting among her home friends before leaving for summer school in the University of Wisconsin.


-The preliminary contest drew a full house and the program was very enjoyable, the subjects all relating to the war. Faye DIETRICH was rendered first place, but not being a seventh or eighth grade pupil was ineligible. This honor fell to Nellie PARTNEY of Highland School and Wayne Pierce of the Hillsboro School.



 Service fees for cows bred to Jersey Bull ‘Barlow Pogies’ are payable in advance, and hereafter no cows will be accepted for service on any other condition. Oak Grove Farm. West Kimmswick.



The regular examination for teacher’s certificate will be held at DeSoto Friday and Saturday June 6th and 7th at the high school building. The order of subjects will be the same as here to fore. The examination will begin at eight o’clock a.m. Be on time. Teachers taking the county examination at the State Normal Schools should get receipts at once. Fee for examination is three dollars. Respectfully, R. B. WILSON. County Superintendent (22-2ti)


 ~Fish You Cannot Eat~

While there are many varieties and great quantities of curious fish in the abysmal depths of the ocean (some have been trawled up from depths of three miles or more), none of these are eatable. The limit to which fish fit for food is found is 1,600 feet.



Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of BERTHA TUCKER dec., were granted to the undersigned, on the 18th day of December A. D. 1918, by the Probate Court of Jefferson County Missouri. All persons having claims against said Estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the Administrator within six months after the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of said estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within one year from the date of this publication, they shall be forever barred. Richard FRANCIS, Administrator. (SEAL) Attested. J. P. MILLER, Judge of Probate.


 ~Henry ADAMS on Facts.~

ADAMS was a man of industry, always doing more work than he confessed to. With him all facts had to be interrelated into meaning and significance. “For facts as such I have a profound contempt,” he said one day in his classroom. just as in his education he remarked that, “nothing in education is so astonishing as the amount of ignorance it accumulates in the form of inert facts” Henry O. TAYLOR in Atlantic.


 Mrs. J. F. WILLIAMS and baby son left yesterday for two weeks visit to her mother, Mrs. John TUTTLE in Nashville Tenn.



-Nobody to boom Seckman so we will have to report a little to the Record about this burg.


-Nic ROESCH is busy hauling berries of almost all descriptions to market and get enormous prices for them.


-SPECK and Sons are reported to have had the first strawberries this season.


-Joe SCHEEMAN, the ‘Strawberry King’ wants about 108 pickers. Several thousand pickers could have been employed in this vicinity had it not been for the frost.


-Some of the farmers are thinking of planting corn pretty soon and others want to replant.


-Jake KOHR is going to show the boys how to raise corn on the J. MILLER farm. He was planting with full force Sunday also SCHULTZ and Sons and BAUM and HAEFNER. That’s the boys fool the weather.


-H. G. DANNENBERG of St. Louis County is busy over hauling Deering binders in this vicinity. He can make an old binder work like a new one. Make them work Henry for wheat looks good.


-Nick ROESCH has several car loads of twine to sell to his customers so they won’t have to tie any wheat or oats by hand. Get a binder and avoid tying by hand.


-Rumors are that Christ LUDWIG is going to buy a machine, but it is not known whether it will be a “Curtis or a DeHaviland.”


-Arthur HOOGE got stuck in the creek with his machine one night and had to get horse power to pull it out. So he got his dad in the notion of selling the “blamed thing”. That’s nothing Arthur. Little things will happen at times.

-Adolph LUDWIG is one of “out best deer hunters,” He got one of the tracks and has still got it.


-Henry DIERKS is one of the lucky ones finding two tracks at almost the same time, leading in opposite directions. You must know which one Henry.


-Herman SCHLUTER is keeping down some of the underbrush on Sunday on some of our county roads, unknown to our road overseers, and spent bond issue money. It is sometimes great to have a girl on the other side of the brush. That’s it Herman keep down the brush; its good for our roads.


-Most of our young sports are our “deer hunting” on Sunday without a license. None have reported capturing any yet. Success to you hunters. Geo. GASCHE will issue you the license. Some of the “dears” seem to be on the “watchful waiting” bench yet.


-Elmer KOHLER, who has been in St. Louis is back home again. Glad to see you Elmer.


-Clara ROESCH who had been in St. Louis is back home keeping accounts in the books for her father.


-William NESSEL went to Kirksville Sunday morning for another term of high school. That’s it Bill, those who reach the top first climb the hill. Bill was seen last week using the good roads walking, with sweat drops rolling off his face as big as a butter bean. What’s the matter with your buzz wagon Bill?  Are you boycotting it?


-There was a dance at Mrs. Selma KOHLER’S Saturday eve. Herman MOTTERS was the main ramrod making the noise. D. C. HAEFNER was seconding. A fine time was reported. Walter BECKER was the humorist. We hike to hear you talk Walter. Johnny REITER said there were five riding home from the dance in his buggy. Is that the reason your wheels are so out of shape Johnny?


-There ought to be a swimming pool in this thorp, so the young misses of St. Louis won’t have to take shower baths in the spring branch after supper some ducks like water, so do geese. Girls dressed in overalls riding horses bare back are very attractive.


-Some people ought not to eat dictionaries, when they cannot digest them they should eat grammars.

-Ralph EDLING was entertaining a brother-in-law from St. Louis Sunday.


-By the looks of things, Judge EDINGER is speculating on starting an auto repair shop as he already had a ford truck under his shed to repair and a Mormon and a Ford in the yard waiting for inspection. Peeping Tom.



A dance will be given at the Horine school house June 7th, everybody invited.

Admission. Gents 50. Ladies free. Mothers Club, Horine Mo.


Miss Little HEMME visited her sister in DeSoto and was there for the big Decoration Day Celebration.


[Page 4]




The rainy weather stops farm work . . . turn reporter again.


Strawberry picking is in full swing around here now with prospects for a bigger crop.


. . . John GRAY and family motored to St. Louis Sunday in their new buzz . . . with Mr. Bernard GRAY as chaffauer. . . . Lookout chickens and pedestrians on the road.


Rumors have it that another string band is being organized in our vicinity . . . position to our renowned HERZOG . . . z, band with Mr. Louis HERZOG, president.


. . . er DAUTENHAHN intends to leave Kansas for harvesting but Jos Jir . . . t go along.

Joe said he makes . . . money with T. NOLAN’S water wa . . .


Immanuel DAUTENHAHN and Chris . . . were out here on a visit. Rumor that wedding bells will be toiling up . . .ork Creek soon. Murphy town . . . to be quite and newsless.


The Record furnishes more local home news than any other paper in the county that is what you want. Subscribe . . . e need your help.


~For Sale~

Gentle driving horse, harness and two seated trap. Apply at GREEN’S Store, Sulphur Springs, MO



The regular examination for the Boys State Fair School will be held at DeSoto High School Building Saturday June 7th commencing at ten o’clock.

The examination will be on eight grade Agriculture, Geography and Arithmetic.

Any boy between the age of 12 and 17 by the first day of June is eligible to write in this examination. The boy making the highest average grade on the three subjects will have the privilege to attend the State Fair at Sedalia August 9 to 16th. No expense money for the trip is required.

This is an opportunity given the boys to try for the free trip to the State Fair. I feel sure that a great many enterprising wide awake boys will be on hand at DeSoto next Saturday. Very respectfully R. B. WILSON


~”How Old is Ann.”~

A contribution by a bystander in settling an argument between two citizens.

If Ann looks on this planet fair

As being right side up, with care;

If she is glad there is work to do,

And useful errands to pursue,

And if she sings while plying broom,

Or dusting up the sitting room,

A frying cakes for the men.

A fooling round the setting hen,

Why Ann’s as young as any lass,

That ever owned a looking glass.

If Ann’s contented with her lot,

And thinks her home a beauty spot,

If she enjoys a humble chore,

And smiling, looks around for more,

And if she likes to talk and joke,

With all the blithe Barnhart folks,

The years’ don’t do a thing to Ann,

She’s young as when she first began.

If Ann detests her daily tasks,

And if for gilded ease she asks

If she’s inclined to fret and whine,

And shed large drops of furtive brine,

If discontent distorts her days,

And follows her in all her ways,

She may be young in counted years,

But she’s as old as Adam’s steers.

The youngest girl we know,

Has hair as white as driven snow

The years don’t make us young or old,

Save as the outward signs are told,

The swift years come and then depart,

But age or youth is in the heart.



The Farmers Union of Barnhart, Local 1294 will hold their annual election on Saturday evening June 7th. All members are requested to be present. Jules BARON, Pres; E. J. WARD Sec.



Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of FRANK E. SPILKER dec., were granted to the undersigned on the 12th day of May 1919, by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Missouri. All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the executor within six months after the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of such estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within one year from the date of the last insertion of the publication of this notice, they shall be forever barred. Stella SPILKER, (SEAL) Executor. Attest. J. P. MILLER, Judge of Probate



Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of JOHN WILDE, Dec., were granted to the under signed on the 9thday of April A.D. 1919, by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Missouri. All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the administrator within six months after the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of said estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within one year from the date of this publication they shall be forever barred. CAROLINE WILDE (SEAL) Administratrix. Attested. J. P. MILLER, Judge of Probate.



Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of LUTHER CRESSWELL, dec., were granted to the undersigned on the 2nd day of June A.D. 1919, by the Probate Court of Jefferson County Missouri. All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the Administrator within six months after the date of said letters or they may be precluded from any benefit of said estate and if such claims be not exhibited within one year from the date of this publication they shall be forever barred. CLEM CRESSWELL, (SEAL) Administratrix. Attested. J. P. MILLER, Judge of Probate.



Those who are gaining most are the people of small means.

In Financial Affairs

Wealthy Give up Profits in Taxes which do Not Hit the Other Classes.

Byers of Government securities and experts who have studied the effect of the war on the financial situation in the United States are pointing out that poor people in the United States are gaining most from the effects of the war.

The rich manufacturer is watching his profits go in the shape of war taxes and war profits. Congress has seen to that. The people with the smaller incomes are losing proportionately less through taxation. Furthermore, the money they have invested and will invest in government securities and Liberty bonds will make them collectively, the heaviest creditors in the future.

If it were the other way round, if the rich were financing this war by the buying of bonds and the people with the smaller incomes were doing their war financing in the shape of taxes, the reverse would be true. If that were the situation, then the poor of the next generation would be taxed to pay the interest and the principal of the loans that were held by the rich. This is what happened after the Civil War. As it is now the poor man with a few Liberty Bonds is in far different circumstances to what that same poor man would have been after the Civil War.

Emphatically, this last war was not “a rich man’s war and a poor man’s fight!. It was everybody’s fight as we all know who watched the workings of the draft law, but it will be the poor man’s profit if the poor man will just have sense enough to hang on to his Liberty Bonds and get more of them at every opportunity.

That is why the poor man who is wise in his day and generation will buy as many Fifth Liberty Loan notes (short-term bonds) as he possibly can and hang on to them. He will buy as an investment, knowing that the rich man who sought profit go in the shape of heavy war profits taxation, and that the rich man’s money in this taxation is being used to pay the interest on the bonds held by the poor man.



The Words Have Peculiar Significance in Victory Loan Campaign.

Farmers have been told so often that they are the backbone of the nation’s prosperity that they sometimes grow tired of hearing the phrase repeated. But this year the words have more than ordinary significance.

It costs money to raise and transport the produce of American fields and farms. The farmer made money; he received higher prices for his crops than had ever been paid before in the history of the country.

It is true that the war has been gloriously ended. But the job has not been ended.

When the American puts his hand to the plow he does not look back. When he puts his name on a note he makes good. It is the American way. And nobody doubts that the American people will make good on the Victory Liberty Loan. In entering the war they put their name to a promissory note to their government which is about to fall due.

These words are just a reminder of obligations. The farmer has prospered in some cases even beyond his dreams. And prosperity is coming to him in the future in even greater measure. The world must come to America for food. The war is over, but the job is not. America will finish it in true American 100 per cent style.



Canada and the United States are the only nations which state in their official prospectuses that their war loans are paying in gold. The law authorizing the liberty loans of the United States state that the bonds are payable I gold of the present standard of value. Obligations of the United States may be issued under Act of Congress, payable in foreign currency, but obligations so issued will not be payable also in United States gold coin. 



During the last six months of 1918 the United States Employment Service found places for 2,234,290 men and women at the cost of $1.33 per placement. Since the war begun this branch of the government has found places for 100,000 applicants a week. In addition to its 750 regular offices it has set up 1,900 bureaus for returning soldiers and sailors. The Victory Loan will help this movement.



Notice is hereby given that the annual stockholders meeting of the Jefferson Trust Co., will be held at its place of business in the Town of Hillsboro on Tuesday June 17th, 1918. Said meeting to be commenced at 9 o’clock a.m. and continue at least three hours for the purpose of electing 5 directors to serve for three years and transmit any other business that may come before the meeting. Clyde WILLIAM, President. Frank DIETRICH, secretary.



Sweet Potato plants at 30 cents a hundred. J. A. FRIEDMEYER. DeSoto, MO 23-3



Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of John OTT, Dec., were granted to the undersigned on the 13th day of May 1919, by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Missouri. All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the Executor within six months after the date of said letters or they may be precluded from any benefit of such estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within one year from the date of the last insertion of the publication of this notice they shall be forever barred. Joseph OTT, Executor. (SEAL)


[Ad]  Keep Clean. Keep clean inside, as well as outside. Do not allow food poison to accumulate in your bowels. Headache, a sing of self-poisoning, will point to numerous other troubles which are sure to follow. Keep yourself well, as thousands of others do, by taking, when needed, a dose of two of the old, reliable, vegetable, family liver medicine, Thedford’s Black-Draught. Mrs. Maggie BLADSOE Ogawatomie, Kas., says. “Black-Draught cured me of constipation of 15 years standing, which nothing had been able to help. I was also a slave to stomach trouble . . . Everything I age would sour on my stomach. I need two packages of Black-Draught, and Ohl, the blessed relief it hs given me.” Black-Draught should be on your shelf. Get a package today. Price .25. One cent a dose. All Druggists


[Ad] The Mission of Swift & Company. Swift & Company has become one of the largest businesses of the world through continuing to meet the growing needs of a nation and a world.

Society has a right to ask how the increasing responsibilities and opportunities for usefulness which go with such growth are being used by the men who direct its affairs – and the men are the right to answer.

To promote the production of livestock and perishables and increase the food supply;

To reach more people with more and better meat;

 To make a fair competitive profit, in order to reimburse the 25,000 shareholders for the use of their capital, and to provide for the future development of the business;

To reduce to a minimum the costs of preparing and distributing meat and to divide the benefits of efficiency with producer and consumer;

To live and let live, winning greater business only through greater usefulness, with injury to nothing but incompetency, inefficiency and waste; to deal justly, fairly, and frankly with all mankind.

These are the purposes and motives of the men who direct the policies and practices of Swift & Company. Swift & Company, U. S. A.


[Ad] L. A. CHAMBERLIN Dentist.


[Ad] Don’t throw that broken casting away, have it welded by the Union Welding & Brazing Co. We weld aluminum without preheating and guarantee against warpage of aluminum and cylinders. All kinds of metals welded one to another. Cutting of high and low carbon steel. Union Welding and Brazing Company. Between Festus and Silica. Post Office, Hematite. STILLMAN Bros. Prop.

[Ad] ELCAR Four and Six. Dependable and Classic. Quality and Quantity for your money. Seeing is believing. Also Two-in-one Make a Tractor Agent for Maude Make a Tractor. Cordless 1500 lb. Truck Elcar Touring Car. Jacob BECKER Jr. Phone Long Distance. Maxville, MO.


[Ad] Wanted. Poultry, eggs and butter . . . on Thursday only Highest market price paid in cash.

Fresh Milch Cows Wanted will purchase your marketable live stock.  Clay KING Hillsboro, Missouri


[Ad] MUSE MERCANTILE CO. DeSoto, MO.  Money Saving Special. Every day is a money-saving day in our store. Here are a few notable examples that we take pleasure in submitting to you at this time. Remember, these are quality goods sold at prices lower than the ordinary. Sale Starts SATURDAY, JUNE 7 and Lasts 8 Days.

-10 Qt. Steel Clad Dairy Pails. Strong, well made pail, absolutely guaranteed against leakage. Strictly reliable and dependable. Will stand more hard usage and last longer than most. A bigger than ever value. Specially priced during this sale-only Each .39.

- Curtain Rods, Come to this store for the most improved curtain rods, you will surely find just what you want at prices you will be willing to pay. Here’s an extension rod at 10 cents.

-Glass Salad Bowls. Same good values in massive deep shapes, fine sparkling finish. One lot priced at per bowl 29 cents.

-Enameled Kettles. A pleasing combination of size, quality and price, making this value something you cannot afford to overlook. Each 33 cents.

-Water Pails. Seamless water pails made out of best speckled enameled ware. Each 58 cents.

-Horse-shoe Tumblers. A new assortment of this very popular pattern of substantial tumblers. Each set 29 cents.

-Slicers and Graters. These are made out of heavy bright tin and are usually substantial for hard wear. Each 15 cents.

-Red Handkerchiefs. The famous Arabian red, fast color, assorted pattern. A very substantial article at 10 cents.

-Drip Pans. Made of best quality, full weight sheet iron. Various sizes. Some at 10 cents.

-Salad Bowls. A very excellent assortment that we offer while they last at, 29 cents.

-Coats and Pants Hangers. Inserted bar, cannot pull out. We are now offering this useful article at 8 cents.

-Muffin Pans. A very good quality tin that will not warp. Real value for the money. Each 19 cents.

-Work Shirts. When you want to work shirt you want one that is well made, strong and comfortable. This is the kind we have at prices that will please you. Per shirt $1.13.

-Men’s Mixed Cotton Half Hose. Assorted blue and brown mixtures toe. Sturdy wearers. Our price, per pair. 20 cents.

-Men’s Hosiery. A special lot of men’s half hose including various styles and colors. Rare values for the price per pair, 23 cents.

-Pudding Pans. Seamless and decidedly high brade?? speckled gray enameled ware each 18 cents.

-Women’s Union Suits. See for yourself these high class garments. We buy in the big markers and get them right for quick turning. Some at 58 cents.

-Face Towels. Better stock up while they are quoted at this favorable prices. Each 23 cents.

-Women’s Sheer Hosiery. Light, summer weights, reinforced where the wear is greatest. Fine Guage and seamless.. A special lot now on sale at pair. 15 cents.

-Silk Taffeta Ribbon. Any width from 1 7/8 to 3 ½ in., all colors, plain & fancy. All silk, smooth finish, stiff enough for bows. Sale yard 10 cents.

-Women’s Vests. Made out of fine combed yarn. Some at 18 cents.

-Re-tinned Flour Sifters. Well made and finished. Will give satisfaction. Priced specially for this sale. 19 cents.

-Tea Strainers. Made out of re-tinned wire. Will last a long time. Each 5 cents.

-Varnish Brushes. Made of pure black China bristles. Very good value at 10 cents.

-Feather Dusters. Here is a real value in turkey feathers with black enameled screw handle. Each 19 cents.

-New Table Oil Cloth. A very special value – assorted small and medium figure on light and dark grounds. Very best sheeting. Per Yard. 39 cents.

-Envelopes. This is the best place in town to buy envelopes. We always have a big line in stock at prices to please you. Per package. 5 cents.

-Padlocks. A plentiful assortment of locks, here at right prices. Some at, each 10 cents.

-Dish Pans. An extraordinary offer. This splendid large size dish pan while our supply lasts at 39 cents.

-Dairy Pans. Heavy re-tinned pans in several sizes. Some as low as 10 cents.

-Tack Hammers. Substantially made at a low price. Each 10 cents.

-Hydrogen Peroxide. A standard household remedy that you cannot afford to be without. We have standard brands of this but sell it at lower prices than others. Per bottle 10 cents.

-Leather Purses. Large variety of styles and shapes. Special value, each 10 cents.

-Kitchen Forks. Heavy re-tinned wire, black enameled handle with hanger. A splendid value at each 7 cents.

- Screw Drivers. We offer for this selling these dependable steel blade screw drivers at 7 cents.

- Egg Beaters. Strongly made of cast iron driving wheel and handle, extra large re-tinned beaters. Each 10 cents.

-Dust Pans. The popular japanned tin kind, half colored, riveted strongly made. Each 10 cents.

-School Tablets. Come to school headquarters for real bargains in writing tablets. We are offering this splendid tablet with patriotic cover at 5 cents.

-Collapsible Cups. Good grade aluminum made in four sections. Real value here. Each 10 cents.

-Embroidered Handkerchiefs. Fine white goods of excellent quality, several daintily embroidered needlework designs. Your choice while they last. 9 cents.

-Bar Pins. Decorative and plain bar designs. A splendid gift suggestion. A few are priced at, each 10 cents.

-White Dressing Combs Just the thing for women wanting an extra good comb. Each 10 cents.

-Talcum Powder. This is the place to get poplar makes at right prices. Some new priced at 10 cents.

-“CLUB” Brand Dress Shirts. A special lot of high grade shirts attractive patterns. Worth much more, but in this offering, while they last. Each $1.15.

Silk Four-in-hands. New nobby effects in silk wear which we know you will like. Special. Each 29 cents.

-Boys’ Dress Blouses. An unusually good assortment of pleasing patterns were in our last shipment. Your choice of these while they last at each 49 cents.

-Fancy Shield Bows. All made up and ready to wear. In natural shapes and a variety of shades and colors. Each 10 cents.

-Flue Stops. Full size, various styles. Now to be had at each 10 cents.

-Scrub Brushes. Strongly made with the new popular extension beveled polished block. Each 10 cents.

-Wire Hair Pins. Several sizes assorted in a box. This is an opportune time to make your purchase. Per box 5 cents.


[Ad] Catarrh Cannot Be Cured. With Local applications as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catahhr is a local disease greatly influenced by constitutional conditions and in order to cure it you must take an internal remedy. Hall’s Catahhr Medicine is taken internally and acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of the system Hall’s Catahrrh Medicine was presented by one of the best physicians in this country for years. It is composed of some of the best physicians in the country for years. … Such wonderful results in catarrhal conditions… F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo….


[Ad] ECKLES Store. Fresh Staple and fancy groceries, paints’ glassware, tin & aluminum. Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing. Market Price for Country Produce. J. W. ECKLE, Hillsboro, MO.

[Ad] E. A. STAAT. General Blacksmith and Garage. Dealer in Farm machinery, Implements, . . . hickles, Gasoline engines, and . . . pairs of all kinds; Deering and Plymouth twine. Antonia, MO.


[Ad] Bank of Kimmswick. Kimmswick, Missouri. Capital $10,000. Surplus and Undivided Profits $10,000. C. H. GERALD, President. M. ZIEGLER, Vice-President, G. A. WENOM, Cashier. We invite you to open an account with us. Pass Books . . . and Check Books given without charge regardless of the amount of deposit. We pay 4 per cent on time deposits for one year, and 3 per cent a year for 6 months.


[Ad] Puritan Tires. 30 x 3 1-2. $15.50. Carries Usual 3500 Mile Guarantee. Fresh Stock. Agents for Republic trucks and Dort Touring cars. Maxville Auto Repair Co. Maxville, MO.


[Ad] Subscribe for The Record.


[Ad] Children Cry for Fletcher’s Castoria. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this.

All Counterfeits, Imitations and “Just-as-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children – Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA. Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Peregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea – The Mother’s Friend. Genuine CASTORIA always Bears the Signature of Chat. H. FLITCHER. In use for over 30 years. The Kind you have always bought. The Centaur Company, New York City.


[Ad] Peoples Bank of DeSoto. Capital and Surplus, $100,000. Deposits, $600,000. We congratulate the loyal citizens of Jefferson County. Jefferson County’s Quota $514,500.00 …


[Ad] HOLEKAMP Lumber Co. If you want to build a house, a barn or any other kind of a building, and you will let us know, we will call on you with our plat books which show buildings of all kinds, from the cheapest to the most expensive with estimates of the approximate cost. We will furnish you complete plans by which to erect the building free of charge. Yards, Afton, Kirkwood, Old Orchard, Webster Groves, Gratiot Station St. Louis, Maplewood, Planning Mill, Old Orchard.


[Ad] Farm & Dairy Bank. Barnhart, Missouri. Solicit Your Checking Account Savings Department, 3 percent. Certificates of Deposits, 12 months, 4 percent.  Officers: Wm, SCHMIDT, Pres. J. M. STITES, V Pres., G. O JURY, Cashier.


[Ad] GERALD Milling Co. Proprietors of Kimmswick Roller Mills and Lumber Yards. GERALD Milling Company, Kimmswick, Missouri.


[Ad] Up To-date Goods. We buy right and sell right. We ask you to give us your business and compare our prices with our competitors. We can save you money on your daily and weekly purchases and give you better values. R. A. MARSDEN. General Merchandise, Hillsboro, MO.


[Ad] HURTGEN’S shop. First class Horse Shoers. All kinds of machinery repaired on short notice. Try us and see. Automobiles Repaired. Hillsboro.