Jefferson County Record
Hillsboro, MO
June 19, 1919
[Photo of Fred R. Paul]
Fred R. PAUL died “Over There” March 17, 1919. His country called . . . colors April the first 1918.
HE leaves to mourn his death his father and mother, Robert PAUL and Anna PAUL (nee ROESCH), four brothers, three sisters. (transcriber note: brothers were: Robert Jr, Richard, George & Harold; sisters were Lena, Flora & Louisa). Fred was born at ---an (DeSoto?) Mo., Oct., 29 1891. He was . . . of his home and kind to all. He was always ready to lend a hand.
Fred leaves hosts of friends and relatives to mourn his death, and young life cut off in the vigor of…
And sudden was the call,
Our brother, loved by all.
Little thot, on that day,
Son and brother would be called away.
Will keep green the grave that lies,
Beloh the wide and starry skies.
. . . sweet with sleep and give him rest,
His hands now folded on his breast.
Faithful son and brother true,
Always pray and think of you.
. . .n dear one, thy toil is o’er,
Soul now on the heavenly shore,
. . . too, in the realms of the blest.
,. . . there is no pain,
. . .sweet eternal rest.
Sadly missed, by all who loved him.
NOTICE – Will all service men, (or their relatives) please send at once to the undersigned their biographical and service records which have not yet been turned in. Several communities have not responded. The blanks for this data were distributed in your school district by a local agent, either pastor, priest, teacher, clerk of school board, or some wide awake man or woman delegated by the county collector of such blanks, and the time limit is about due. These records are not what Mr. Crow of the DeSoto republican is working on. His is a private enterprise, and a valuable history of Jefferson County boys.
The service blanks called for in this notice are required by Adj. General CLARK of Jefferson City, who is collecting data to preserve for a state history on Missouri in the World War. It is simply another piece of war work, and entails no monetary obligation to anyone and while the data could be collected from records already extant, yet a saving of clerk hire for Uncle Sam is another patriotic service. A collector in charge for such service has been appointed in each county.
Mrs. J. H. REPPY, Hillsboro, MO (for Jefferson County) (County papers, please copy).
A letter received by the editor from . . . M. WILSON, U. S. Navy Recruit Station, St. Louis, the request is for men to join a 22 piece band recruiting work in the central National District. This is a fine opportunity men 18 to 30 who are competent musicians. The pay ranges from $32.60 to $??.60 and $3.00 per day subsidies.. $122.60 being the least amount . . .
Several musicians have already enrolled and numerous requests are being applied for places in the band but you can be accommodated if they comply at once by wire with Lieut. . . Navy Recruiting Station St. Louis, MO.
. . . CREAN was in town last week. He informs us that his nephew Frank . . . son or Andrew CREAN is still in . . . Frank is an athletic and won a spot on the team that is to represent the United States in the Athletic Tournament for all the Allied nations to be held in France in the near future. We are glad to have a Jefferson County boy in the contest and he can be relied upon to do his very best to bring home the laurels for his country.
Next Thursday, June 26, takes place in Hillsboro the big annual meeting of the Home Bureau. It will embrace the election of officers, and is an important event. The new membership as well as the departmental reports will be given at that time. The executive board had their regular monthly meeting last Saturday and much business was transacted, the most important perhaps being the payment of the $250 dollar loan to G. C. TAYLOR of Crystal City, whose enterprise advanced that sum in the beginning of the movement when funds were greatly needed. There has also been a new department added to the already broad scope of the Bureau’s usefulness, that of Child Welfare and Mrs. Robert COXWELL of DeSoto has been made County Chairman of it. She is very capable and enthusiastic and her splendid work in the DeSoto branch of Child Welfare, makes her a particularly wise choice.
The several departments of the Home Bureau are now:- Food; Clothing; Poultry; Gardening; Boys and Girls Club and Child Welfare.
All women in the county are invited to attend next Thursday’s meeting in Hillsboro at 2 p.m. and it is desired that a large number join.
Mrs. Lily BOOTH has been untiring in her efforts as County Chairman of the Bureau, working with Miss BRASWELL the Home Demonstrator, and in spite of numerous obstacles, did much effective work, which is beginning to show now. The aid in food conservation last year was the one thing stressed, but this year’s activities will embrace the six departments. At this annual meeting the two state officers, Miss PANCOAST and Miss BROWN will be present and a profitable day is assured.
Alfred FAIRBANKS was appointed manager of the Southwestern Division of the American Red Cross to succeed George W. SIMMONS at a convention held yesterday at Hotel Statler. There were 275 delegates from the South Western Division and 13 from other parts of the United States present.
The following were elected chairman from the different departments: Dr. G. PERNOUD, director of first aid; Mrs. E. R. KROEGER, Junior Membership Committee; A. W. JONES, Jr., Home Publicity; Miss Pauline WYTHERSPOON, Standards Committee, and Miss Lyle W. ANDERSON, Nursing Committee.
Alfred FAIRBANKS and Dr. PERNOUD were former DeSoto boys not so many years ago.
Our old Mississippi is renewing her youth or rather her usefulness. It means much to shippers, and passengers as well, when both are being accommodated at Festus and Crystal. River rates are also better than railroad prices. Jefferson County should be up and availing herself of the opportunity at her door. The constant complaint of excessive freight and express rates may be greatly modified if privileges are only utilized, and passenger traffic is already in operation.
Tournament for all the Allied Nations to be held in France in the near future. We are glad to have a Jefferson County boy in the contest and he can be relied upon to do his very best and bring home laurels for his country.
Some more of the Festus fellows arrived home this week from overseas duty: namely Carl GROSSMAN, George PRATTE, Louie BEQUETTE, Roy HOFFMAN, Tony and Frank LINDERER and Ross CARTER. If they keep coming at this rate we will soon have all our Festus boys back.
Kelly and Frank GRANT arrived in Festus this week from France. Needless to say the GRANT family had a very happy reunion.
Festus correspondent reports one of the happiest reunions occurred Saturday evening, when the old “gang” were permitted to be together again. Tom McCORMACK, Dada COOPER, Leland McCLAIN, Zelmer LANCE and Bish JENNINGS comprise the gang. All the boys have been in active service for nearly two years and this is the first time they have all been together since entering the service. Bish is one of the men who brought the submarines to St. Louis. He is still in the service.
~Good Stain Mixture~
Take an ounce of sal-ammoniac and salt of tarter, mix and pour over them a pint of soft water. Dip into it those parts of a white article stained with wine, fruit or mildew. After the stains have thus been removed, wash in the usual manner.
While jubilee celebrations have become of merely every day importance nowadays, it is safe to say that never before in St. Louis has there been a more enthusiastic one celebrated than that which took place Friday, when St. Louis suffragists took official public and joyful notice of the passage by Congress of the Susan B. ANTHONY amendment, granting full and universal suffrage to the women of the United States.
Though the promoters of the celebration had but 24 hours in which to prepare for it, a parade was arranged that was typical, colorful and numerously attended, together with a public out-of-doors meeting on the steps of the Federal Building that gathered together in concourse of several thousand before it came to an end.
The suffragists assembled at noon at the City Hall. Automobiles white and yellow bedecked, awaited them there, as well as a band and a flag bearer with an out flung American flag.
Led by Mrs. George GELLHORN, state chairman, and Mrs. Fred L. ENGLISH, chairman of the St. Louis Equal Suffrage League the women and their adherents descended on the Municipal Building and carried off in triumph Mayor KIEL and President ALOE of the Board of Aldermen to head the parade.
Enthroned in the leading car of the procession, these two well-disposed guardians of the city’s affairs led the advance over the principal down-town streets. At every step the jubilee parade found its number increased by the addition of sympathetic men and women who wanted to assist in the celebration because the women of the United States had finally won their 41 year fight to be recognized as citizens of their country.
Arrived at the Federal Building on ??e Street, Mrs. Frederic B. CLARK introduced Mayor KIEL as “no band wagon suffragist, but a man who in the face of advice and admonition of political supporters, came out for suffrage years ago and signed every suffrage petition whenever and wherever it was presented to him.
The Mayor delivered a hearty suffrage speech, complementing the nation, state and municipality and the women as well for the outcome of the long fight. He declared that as an office holder, he welcomed the women voters and felt sure that they would be an asset to the electorate.
Mrs. Walter MCNABB MILLER, former state president of the suffragists in Missouri, when scarcely a corporal’s guard could ever mustered for a suffrage meeting, and the difficulty of obtaining converts to the cause and signatures to suffrage petitions, and compared those times to the present when hundreds turned out, with practically no advance notice, to the Jubilee celebration.
Mrs. MILLER wound up by declaring that “the mothers, sisters, sweethearts and wives and daughters or the boys who won democracy for the world would vote to keep the ideals of democracy, humanity and right uppermost in the United States” to applause that could be heard blocks away.
Mrs. George GELLHORN, state chairman of the suffragists, expressed the gratitude of the women of Missouri for having received the franchise, and reviewed the 41 year fight for suffrage in the state.
She predicted that granting the vote to women would be beneficial to the women and children of the state and country, and to the men as well and most of all, who will not have the women to help them obtain better living and social conditions.
Charles M. HAY closed the speaking program with a tribute to the mothers and wives of Missouri who, he declared “were able, more than the men, to do the housekeeping of the city and state,” He declared that every toddling child in Missouri to day would come to bless the day when suffrage was declared for the women of Missouri.
As then the band played “The Star Spangled Banner.”
News leaked out yesterday that Mrs. Lena HUSKEY FERGUSON and Fred MASTERS of Festus were quietly married in St. Louis several days ago. Hillsboro’s congratulations and hospitality was extended by the musical (1) muscularity with the usual ten horn method, in the usual good humored way and was accepted as such. Mrs. Lena HUSKEY the bride’s mother and hostess of the Commercial Hotel, welcomed the musicians and their friends and a pleasant evening was spent. Mr. MASTERS is in the grocery business in Festus where they will make their home. Good wishes follow them.
June 14th the Tag Day in DeSoto for the Boy Scouts. Everyone is anxious for this work to continue. Rev MARLIN is the local scoutmaster.
The Chautauqua will be held in DeSoto, 2 to 6 inclusive. A splendid program will be given each day.
Ferd SCHMIDT and wife spent a few days with relatives at Iron Mountain.
A number of the teachers left Monday to attend the Cape Girardeau Normal.
Miss Addie HAWKINS and mother of St. Louis returned to DeSoto to remain during the warm weather.
Ed BEISBARTH of St. Louis had business here Friday.
The Dorcas Society enjoyed Thursday afternoon with Dr. MACDONALD and wife at their home on 5th street.
Adam MUMMERT returned last week from a trip to Cincinnati Ohio, where he visited relatives for a week.
The band concert held Thursday night at the Jefferson Theatre was quite a success.
Mrs. VAN SICKLE of St. Louis is here visiting her daughter Mrs. L. N. HAMILTON on 4th Street.
Mrs. DAVENPORT of Dallas, Texas arrived last week to spend the summer with her daughter Mrs. R. COXWELL.
Mrs. W. T. LONG of Dallas, Texas spent Wednesday of last week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. G. E. LOGAN.
Ross HARRIS of Kirkwood had business in our city Thursday.
The Misses McCLURE departed for Cape Girardeau Monday to attend the Normal.
M. J. GROB of near Hematite had business here Saturday. Mr. GROB reports that he will have a wonderful peach crop.
The Elks observed Flag Day at their hall Saturday evening with appropriate exercises.
Dan ROUGGLY, Charley PYLE, Sam McKAY and E. C. EDGAR attended the Masonic Lodge at Hillsboro Saturday. They report a splendid meeting.
G. E. LOGAN celebrated his birthday June 19th. Telegrams of congratulations, good wishes expressed in letters from the children and a good dinner made the day a happy one.
Mrs. MURPHY of St. Louis visited Miss Margaret LAWRENCE at Sunny Slope Farm last week. Miss LAWRENCE returned to St. Louis with her guest to spend a few days shopping.
The DeSoto Amusement Co., is having a new floor laid in the Highland Park Pavilion and electric lights, new seats and tables will be added also swings and other conveniences. A big picnic will be given there July 4th.
The Child Welfare meeting was held at the K. of P. Hall Tuesday of last week. Refreshments were served by a committee of ladies and quite a sum was received and splendid reports were given.
Mrs. THOST returned Sunday from a trip to New Florence, Mo.
The farmers are cutting wheat and putting up hay. The wheat is very good.
Mrs. Mary FROMHOLD celebrated Tuesday by entertaining a number of relatives from St. Louis and her son Gus from Little Rock. Mrs. FROMHOLD is 81 years young and received many useful gifts and a dollar for every year.
Mrs. Lillian WEEKS and son Dutro departed this week for a visit near St. Louis with Mrs. WEEKS and family.
Mrs. Will MORSE and daughter of Poplar Bluff are visiting N. W. BISSELL and wife.
Master Mechanic BUTLER and family have moved in the T. BURGESS property on Fifth and Pratt Streets.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. MORSE went to Festus Sunday to visit Mrs. G. BYRD and family.
A splendid lecture was given June 17th by a chaplain recently returned from France at the Boyd Street M. E. Church.
Fred MUSE went over to Rush Tower Island to help Theodore FRISSELL harvest. Fred thinks he has put it over the “other fellers” by getting a view of the submarine while there, which is several days in advance of the Festus date, June 29.
Sidney J. BOYER - - - - - - - - - - - DeSoto
Agnes FRYE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DeSoto
Raymond M. WILLIAM - - - - - - Herculaneum
Gertrude A. CUNNINGHAM - - Bonne Terre
Robert M. HUNTER - - - - - - - - Festus
Ethel ROSS (minor) - - - - - - - - Festus
George Dewey CAGE (minor) – Hillsboro
Dartha B. HUSKEY - - - - - - - - Hillsboro
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas CAGE entertained a large party of young folks at their home north of town, on the evening of Flag Day. Several Hillsboro young folks were among the guests.
Now cometh the cow barn poet in the person of G. ENGLEBACH Jr., who toils as he quotes thusly: -
Heights by great men reached and kept
Were not attained by sudden flight.
But me, while my companions slept,
I toiled upward in the night.
(Milking Holsteins.)
The experiment of shipping milk Sunday morning via motor truck to St. Louis is a decided success. Fred LONGAHENNY accompanied the shipment and all dairymen pronounced it a boon.
Horton HOYT, recently of near Plattin, who purchased the old KOCH homestead near Glen Park is now comfortably located in his new home. A rock ribbed Republican, replacing the departed Wilsonians.
Wonderful sights are seen in Festus sometimes. For instance on South Mill Street, stream tractors are hooked to houses which are dragged down the boulevards to new locations.
The real kind of optimism comes from the Lone Star Heights section which abounds around our efficiency “tiller.” GNERTNER. He smilingly quotes the following:
“The man who wins is the man who does,
The man who makes thing hum and buzz,
The man who works and the man who acts.
Who builds on the basis of solid facts.
Who doesn’t sit down to mope and dream.
But bumps ahead with the finest steam.
Who hasn’t the time to fuss and fret,
But gets there every time – you bet.”
A scene at the dance Saturday night resembled trench fighting. Two youthful BRUMMELS, quarreled as to who shall have the next dance with a certain (breaker of hearts) girl, and proceeds to the ground floor to have it out. One took refuge behind a pile of lumber, the other behind some cordwood. The heart breaker about this time learned of the matter, patched up the differences and the three arm in arm returned to the hall and danced nearly the balance of the eve.
William BECKER, recently voted as the most popular ladies-man is now located at Mehlville, St. Louis County. Broken hearted lassies voice their sentiments at his sudden departure.
Dr. Jules BARON and his famous coffee are now matters of history. We have since learned the strong coffee was a bracer to steady the nerves, in passing the “Arkansas Razor Back scene,” to and from home daily.
L. G. OHLMAN has been busily engaged the past week improving the interior of the big store by needed additions for real efficiency.
The following is the slogan of the really little dairymen, sons of O. A. BRUHN who are now keeping pace with the times.
“Old Mother HUBBARD,
Has just now discovered
The value of testing her herd,
The cow she thot best,
Was poorest by test,
Now who said that to test was absurd?”
BARNHART’S younger set were well represented at the Antonia dance Saturday eve. Jitney service by Edward ST. JOHN enabled the restless to be at both dances, at intervals.
The wheat crop in this vicinity will be a bumper one, but plenty of help in sight from the ranks of the “Empty dinner pail brigade,” no delays or difficulties are anticipated in harvesting the crop.
A representative of a flour milling-machinery concern was here the past week negotiating for the installation of a 50 barrel capacity mill. The committee in charge reports progress favorable.
Mrs. C. L. BARNHART and son are residents here for the summer. Both are enthusiastic when questioned as to the business activity of this community.
The Domestic Art Club met Wednesday, the first time since the new outdoor tea room was finished. All pronounced the addition as just simply grand.
Dan LONGAHENNY carries one foot in the air by reason of a painful accident caused by jumping from a farm wagon, severely spraining his right ankle. Must not worry Dan the fair one at Maxville will attend no dances until you are able to accompany her and dance too. That is real devotion.
The HEARST boys have departed for the Maxville vicinity to pick berries.
Distance leads enchantment declares Delphi REDECKER, since her “Lord of Creation” has found employment at Ten Brook.
The new bridge at Glen Park road stands as a monument emphasizing the fact that “promises are like pie crusts, easily broken.” The county has (continued; per transcriber - page 4 copied here): raised but the money for . . . d by residents, who are . . . is still on its way com . . .
. . .Auxiliary to the Republic . . . st enrolling members. . . .elderly ladies scoff at the . . . voting, preferring their household duties in pre . . . many show and express . . . in the proposed League voicing their disgust in no . . .
. . . Crystal City visited . . . Saturday and Sunday. . . is a hostess ala mode. . . ch is trucking berries, . . . is. Soon it will be . . .
. . . neighbors “Record” is . . . a hobby with some of . . . Democratic folks. “Its . . . action to be a Record . . . lared.
Our local poet promises . . . best effort. Its to be . . . that is Blue. Its well . . . n. (Sounds naughty:-
. .o have stepped out on the town Hematite way, and the correspondent will sur . . . wanted, outside of . . . ils, we will gladly put forth efforts. Empty dinner . . . t to be belittled. How . . . our sympathy here and . . . but congratulate Hematite . . . prosperous community . . . shutdowns” of public . . .
. . . dreams on Saturday . . .
. . . true, no matter how . . .
. . . es STOLL, who visited . . . long with her finance. . . .dream was of wedding . . . it music in the world.
(end of page 4 continuation).
The cherry crop is drawing to a close and it has been a generous one.
Otto THOMAS and others of Herculaneum were here Saturday to attend court.
Edward STEINBACK of Barnhart vicinity, the man with the busy truck, paid a business call to the county seat early in the week.
Haying is in full swing and wheat cutting has already begun. Much harvesting was done last Sunday, farm work being so behind that sunny days are eagerly noted.
Miss BRASWELL, the Home Demonstrator, has returned from her father’s home in Alton, where she spent her week’s vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Tony SCHNEIDER of Morse Mill entertained a party of relatives and friends with a river party on their farm last Sunday.
Attorney’s Clyde WILLIAMS and John H. REPPY are attending court in Ste. Genevieve.
Asa HAMRICK who has been teaching in Arkansas the past year came up for our Rural Commencement.
Judge DEARING held an adjourned term of Circuit Court here three days last week, adjourning until the regular term in September. It looked like a divorce session, so many petitioners being in attendance.
The state Fair Assn., has begun a vigorous publicity campaign and from the literature the Fair expects to be bigger and better than usual which is saying much.
Mrs. Guy HONEY has had some seriously ill guests at her home north of Hillsboro. Mrs. Joel HONEY, her daughter-in-law, and the latter’s mother and brother were taken suddenly and seriously ill on Thursday with something like ptomaine poisoning necessitating two calls from Dr. GIBSON of DeSoto, the family physician and friend.
While in the city recently the editor enjoyed the hospitality of Jos. J. BROUK and a nice luncheon at the Missouri Athletic Club of which Mr. BROUK is a member. Mr. BROUK is with the MORE-JONES BRASS and Metal Co., and has been handling some big business for his firm. He is a live wire and if energy and attention to business mean success, Joe will sure get there as he is strictly on his job and looking for an opportunity to increase his firm’s output.
One of Milt BAKER’S boys was run over by an automobile last Saturday. Mrs. Amy CLARK, who is just learning to drive was at a wheel and her son was sitting by her as instructor. They were meeting the BAKER boy and Mrs. CLARK was giving most of the road, in fact her son thought she was giving too much and grabbed at the steering wheel. He must have given too much of a pull as the car turned across the road knocking BAKER down, passing over him and running into the wire fence across the road before it could be stopped. Clay KING, passing in his truck brought young BAKER into town and aside from the shock he was not hurt.
Letters of incorporation have been granted to the Farmers Elevator, Mill and Mercantile Co., of DeSoto, and work has already begun on the old Acme Hotel property, the site. There are 90 stockholders and Will MARSDEN of Victoria will be manager.
Christopher C. LANGLEY departed this life June 4th 1919 at his home in St. Louis, at the age of 52. He was ill of pneumonia but two days. He leaves to mourn the loss his loss a broken hearted wife, and three children, aged 12, 10 and 5. His wife was Miss Lucy BLACK of Bonne Terre, and he was a brother of Mrs. William CHRISTOPHER of Hillsboro. He was a kind and loving husband and father, always striving for the right, and for the comfort and wellbeing of his loved ones, and will be missed by all who know him. He was laid to rest in Mt. Olive Cemetery in St. Louis. He is gone but not forgotten, lonely are our hearts today for the one we loved and cherished has forever passed away.
[Page 2]
. . . EAVES to Medora MCMULLIN . . . est in lot in Hillsboro - - - - - $3000
. . . YATES to Hary A. BENDER, . . . sur 1974 - - - - - $4600
. . . MOTHERSHEAD to Anna PIERCE . . . lot, S 3-39-4. - - - - - - $20
. . RATHBURN to F. W. O’ROURKE. . . . Mt. Pleasant ad - - - - -$20
. . . INSCHMIDT to Perry BELLEVILE. . . . DeSoto - - - - - $500
. . . THOST to V. O. PRATHER, 80 acre . . . . . . . $1300.
. . . ROGERS to Paul MANESS, 160 acre. . . . $4500
. . . ine AYDT to W. J. SPENCER. . . . (3-39-4) - - - - - - $1600
. . . STETTIN to John STETTIN. 40 acre . . . - - - - - $1.00
. . . LANGDON to Claud M. WELCH. . . . Herrington sub-div - - - - - $1200
. . . NANCE to Thomas PORTER. Lot . . . s - - - - - - - $200
. . . WAGGENER to J. J. SCOTT. Lot . . . ns - - - - - - - $400
. . . L. WALSH to Jno. N. CONN. . . . (2-49-6) - - - - - - - - - $1000
. . . ie CHEATHAM to W. R. JONES. . . . Fletcher’s ad DeSoto - - - - - - - $700
. . . YATES to Magdalena TESSMER. . . . U. S. Survey 1974 - - - - - - - $4000
. . . SCHRIEBER to N. J. DAPRON 2 . . . Allen’s add DeSoto - - - - - - - $705
. . . KNORPP to Charles BAISH. 22 . . (?-39-4) - - - - - - - $1400
. . . J. MOSS to Clarence C. MOSS. . . . (13-41-4) - - - - - - - $920
. . . r Building Co. to G. A. ESTES . . . es 33-43-4 - - - - - - - $1.00
. . . MOTHERSHEAD to Anna PIERCE . . . - - - - - - - $40
. . . MOTHERSHEAD et al to Anna PIERCE . . . - - - - - - - $24
. . . NELL et al to Thos B. EAVES . . . - - - - - - - $1000
. . . HERMAN to Henry LUEDERMAN. . . . (22-42-3) - - - - - - - $2490
. . . GAST dec., by adm. To Wm . . . 5 acres sur 2991 43-5 & 6 - - - - - - - $4500
. . . ROGERS et al to M. F. ROGERS . . . (10-40-3) - - - - - - - $2500
Edward FELGATE, editor of the Higginsville Jeffersonian and a graduate of the school of Journalism of the University of Missouri, tells in a recent article in the Jeffersonian how a young man may work his way thru the state University if he has the nerve and stamina to put in some hard work. The article follows: -
“Thousands of young men just out of high school are asking themselves if they can afford to go thru the university course. They can if they have never enough and stamina to put in four years of hard work. There is enough to do at Columbia to provide a fellow willing to work with necessary funds. Here is what one man did and this work did not interfere with his studies, for he made an honor fraternity in his special line of work.
“He washed dishes, windows, floors, buggies, house cleaned, chopped wood, kept a library, collected and delivered laundry (no wagon job, but with a sack weighing 18,675 pounds it seemed on hot August days), mailed circulars shoveled ashes (dirties job in five years and he got $1:05 for seven hours at the student rate of 15 cents an hour), collected subscriptions preserved milk with chemicals, painted floors, did typewriting, enrolled students, entered, sold aluminum, shoveled rock for street paving, waited on tables, reported ?? arranged museum exhibits, drew and painted posters, fumigated and nursed in a hospital.
Many students pay all or part of their expenses at the University every year. The Y. M. C. A. maintains an employment bureau to aid students to obtain work. As Mr. FELGATE says, there is plenty of work at the University to put a man or woman through school.
Tom MARSDEN of St. Louis came down to stay over Sunday with his brother Edgar and family.
We will accept bids on our new school house, LaBarque School, District No. 6 Jefferson County Mo. Plans and specifications can be had of the clerk of the district. All bids to be in by July 10th. Successful bidder to furnish bond for the completion of the work. Address Dr. J. S. SARGENT R. F. D. No. 2 Pacific Mo.
Circuit Judge - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -E. M. DEARING
Stenographer (official) - - - - - - - C. T. JARVIS
Circuit Court begins Second Monday of January, May and September
Representative - - - - - - - - - - - - Milton MOSS
Presiding Judge Co. Court - - - - - J. H. HOPSON
Judge First District - - - - - - - - - - L. H. BRUNS
Judge Second District - - - - - - - Steve COLE
County Court First Monday of each Month.
Probate Judge - - - - - - - - - - - - J. P. MILLER
Probate Court Fourth Monday, February, May, August and November
Circuit Clerk - - - - - - - - - - - - W. R. EVANS
County Clerk - - - - - - - - - - - G. W. GASCHE
Recorder - - - - - - - - - - - - - W. G. REINEMER
Treasurer - - - - - - - - - - - - Frank DIETRICH
Prosecuting Atty. - - - - - - - C. J. WHITE
Assessor - - - - - - - - - - - - J. C. JOHNSON
Supt. of Schools - - - - - - R. B. WILSON
Sheriff - - - - - - - - - - - - Frank CLARK
Surveyor - - - - - - - - - - Theodore HURTGEN
Public Administrator - - - -J. G. BRUNS
Coroner - - - - - - - - - - - Dr. N. W. JARVIS
Probation Officer - - - - - J. G. BERKELEY
When answering advertising mention the Record.
. . .defendants to make petition more definite and certain, overruled. Plaintiff granted leave to file amended petition.
Edith S. WHALEY vs. A. H. WHALEY divorce granted to plaintiff and custody of their two children from Sept 1919 to March 1920. Each to see children at any and all times. Each parent to pay half expenses.
Vaul VOSSES vs. Thomas VOSSES, by leave of court plaintiff take voluntary non-suit.
Divorces granted: J. M. MOON vs. Bertha MOON, Olive L. YOUNT vs. Charles W. YOUNT, Andrew BOURBON vs. Alda BOURBON, Annie E. COURTEWAY vs. J. T. COURTEWAY, Annie JARVIS vs. James JARVIS, Linnsus WOODS vs. Laura L. WOODS, Anna B. LABEAUME vs. C. LABEAUME, Bertha I. ELSMAN vs. William ELSMAN, Edgar OGLE vs. Lola OGLE.
Divorces Continued: - Roy HIGGINBOTHAM vs. Ada HIGGINBOTHAM, Josephine McCREARY vs. Allen McCREARY, Thersia DRENNAN vs. Andrew DRENNAN, Nancy SMITH vs. Edw. K. SMITH, H. H. BALSIGER vs. Anna BALSIGER.
A.H. DOVER vs. Samantha DOVER, motion to set aside judgment continued until Sept., term.
E. CORDIA vs. City of DeSoto. Motion for new trial continued until Sept.
Mary COURTEWAY vs. Otto THOMAS, Motion herein pending for new trial passed until first day of September term.
Jesse THOMAS et al vs. St. Joe Lead Co. Motion herein pending for new trial passed until first day of the Sept. term.
Ben H. REICHMAN vs. Julius KOHLER: Plaintiff takes non-suit.
State of Missouri relative of Chas W. SHIELDS vs. PEMISCOT Co. Abstract and Inv., Co. bill of exception filed.
Louis MUELLER vs. M. Y. O’BRIEN, judgment rendered for sum of $241.02 in first count and $241.02 on second count.
Judge J. H. KEITH enrolled as a member of this bar.
C. D. HANSON vs. P. S. TERRY adm., continued to Sept., term.
George S. HAGER vs. Pittsburg P. G. Co. Plaintiff takes leave to file amended petition before Sept. term.
Edward BONACHER vs. Ernest BONACHER. Dismissed by plaintiff and at his costs.
W. W. TUCKER adm., vs. G. A. ZAHNER et al Cont., on application of pltff.
Agnes KUEBLER vs. John McMILLIN. Judgment of partition granted and sale ordered, terms of sale to be one half cash or all cash at option.
Frank F. JOHNSTON et al vs. George ASTOR. Petition ordered filed.
Independent Brewery, Co., vs. Marie ESCOFFIER: Contd to next term.
Mattie BONNELL et al vs. Guy GLOSSBREMER et al. Sheriff reports sale filed.
M. F. ROGERS vs. Wm. ROGERS: Same.
State vs. Eugene HAYS: Capias ordered issued.
State vs. Walter HUSKEY; Capias ordered issued.
State at the relation of R. B. JONES executor of the will of Caroline HIGGINBOTHAM dec., relator vs. J. P. MILLER, Probate Judge. Bill of exception filed.
Frank DIETRICH adm., pendent lite estate Caroline HIGGINBOTHAM vs. R. B. JONES. Bill of exceptions filed.
H. H. LANDUYT vs. Jefferson County Temporary injection herein is now set aside. New trial over-ruled, appeal filed in Supreme Court.
School Dist. no. 84 vs. Rosa TOOLOOSE et al. Now on this day come plaintiff by their attorney and also come defendants by their attorney and the court proceeding heretofore heard the evidence in the petition of plaintiff’s asking that the defendants show cause why the road starting at a point known as Plattin Gap and running thence in an easterly direction until it intersects the Festus and French Village road, over lands owned by defendants towit:- S. ½ of NW1/4 S. 30 tp 39 R 6 East, be not opened to a width of 20 feet, the court is of the opinion that said road should be opened on the original right of way, on or before the first day of August 1919. Failing therein defendant will be adjudged guilty of contempt and defendant will report on the first day of next term that this order be complied with. If not complied with, said defendant will be in contempt of court and dealt with accordingly at that time.
Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of FREDERICK LUDEMANN dec. were granted to the undersigned on the 16th day of June 1919, by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Missouri. All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the Executer within six months after the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of such estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within one year from the date of the last insertion of the publication of this notice, they shall be forever barred. HELENE LUDEMANN, (SEAL) Executrix. Attested: J. P. MILLER, Judge of Probate.
Make it a priority to make the month of May a No-Accident month. It will be of interest to learn the result and I quote below a telegram from General Manager Mr. J. F. MURPHY, containing information for the first twenty days of the month compared with same period of last year.
“Regional Director B. F. BUSH announces results obtained in campaign against personal injuries to employees being conducted on Southwestern Region Railroads during May are surprise to everyone as indicated by returns for first twenty days. During first twenty days of May 1918 nine hundred, ninety employees were injured while during corresponding period this year for hundred employees were injured, a decrease of 590 or 56 per cent. During first twenty days May 1918, nine employees were killed a decrease of five of 50 percent. Total number of casualties first 20 days of May 1918, 999 while the number this year is 404, a decrease of 565 or sixty percent.”
Fresh Holstein cow for sale, T. C. CAGE, Hillsboro Rt. 1, Mo.
Sunday evening the north end of our burg was scared almost green. Mr. A. WEBER of St. Louis was out with his limousine taking Mrs. SIEDLER, his sister-in-law out for a joy ride when along came Old Dobbin and the Shay, and to the horror of all the spectators there was an awful crash. When all the parties concerned picked themselves up there was only a little damage done to the shay’s wheel. The reckless driver was fined the enormous amount of $1.00.
Miss Frances BECKER gave a Welcome home party in honor of her friend, Christ HAFNER, who has just returned from overseas. The ball room was decorated in red, white and blue in honor of the returned hero. There was quite a large crowd. Everybody had a splendid time, especially our friend Orie, who had his “sweetie” there from St. Louis. They are what you call a nifty couple.
Mr. Frank HABERBERGER will be married this week, to Miss Mary ZIEGLEMEYER. We wish them every happiness.
Mr. ZENTNER alias “Uncle Joe,” is kept very busy repairing batteries and putting in light plants and in the rush of business don’t forget your old friends, “Uncle Joe.”
Our Seckman friends redeemed themselves nobly Sunday evening at the M. B. B. C. dance at Forest View, as they came on the scene in truck loads. We thank them one and all and will return the favor someday. We also thank everybody, who helped make it a success. There were also quite a few here from St. Louis and St. Louis County. Our friends Nic EMS of St. L. Co., was here and brought several of his friends.
Miss Mildred AUFDERHEIDE, niece of Dr. SEIVING who visited at the Doctor’s was at the dance where all the young boys fell head over heels in love with her and hope to see her here the first Sunday in July when the boys give another dance.
We certainly are proud of our ball players if they keep playing the way they have been, they will be professionals and who knows but what some day will beat the Browns or Cardinals. For the benefit of those who do not know it, we have two ball teams. The Juniors were all togged up in their new suits last Sunday maybe that’s the reason they players so excellently. Both teams won their games Sunday. The Juniors playing four ridge and the Seniors, Mehlville. This is the score of the Seniors.
Innings - - - - - - - - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Maxville - - - - - - - - - 2 0 2 2 0 0 4 1 0 –11
Mehlville - - - - - - - - 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 – 2
Juniors score was 16-10.
The FESTUS-CRYSTAL CITY, Mo. Branch chapter, American Red Cross is giving a Soldier Home – Coming July 4th celebration at Warne’s Grove, Festus Mo., on Independence Day – expected attendance – 5009. We want flat price bids or following concessions. 25 percent of bid must accompany bids. Bids must be in by June 25th.
Cocoanut stand
Shooting gallery
Nigger Baby stands
Cane Racks
Merry Go Round (will consider percentage bid)
Ocean-wave swing (will consider percent bid)
Minstrel Show (will consider percentage bid)
Knife Racks
Toy balloons, whistles and miscellaneous
Gas balloons
Any other legitimate enterprise for picnic.
Address L. D. BOWMAN Chairman, Amusement and Concessions Committee. Crystal City, Mo.
Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of LUTHER CRESSWELL, dec., were granted to the undersigned on the 2nd day of June A. D. 1919, by the Probate Court of Jefferson County Missouri. All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the Administrator within six months after the date of said letters or they may be precluded from any benefit and said estate and if such claims be not exhibited within one year from the date of this publication they shall be forever barred. CLEM CRESSWELL. (SEAL) Administratrix. Attested: J. P. MILLER, Judge of Probate.
Notice is hereby given that letters of Administration with Will Annexed on the estate of MARY M. KENNER, DEC., were granted to the undersigned on the 26th day of May 1919, by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Missouri. All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them to me for allowance within six months after the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of such estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within one year from the date of the last insertion of the publication of this notice they shall be forever barred. E. R. NIEHAUS. Administrator with will annexed. 100 N 4th Street St. Louis (SEAL) Attested. J. P. MILLER Judge of Probate.
[Page 3]
~Hillsboro Items~
Miss Blanch FRAZIER spent Sunday in St. Louis.
The O. E. S. of Festus were guests Tuesday night of the local chapter.
Sam ECKLE left for Chicago Saturday, where he has accepted a good job.
Mrs. Stella SPILLER spent Friday in St. Louis.
Hugh EVANS of Herculaneum made a brief call on Hillsboro friends on Saturday.
George GASCHE has bought a Chevrolet, and now likely someone will fall . . . eir to his always busy Ford.
Harry MILLER is home after considerable travel to see the country and look for the best location.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe KING of Goldman and Frank FRAZIER of DeSoto spent Sunday here with their parents.
The school patrons are to have a basket picnic in SCHUBEL’S Grove Friday of which the public is invited.
Allison REPPY has returned from a trip to Colorado Springs to visit relatives and friends. He returned by way of Atchison Kansas, where he delivered the Flag Day address for the D. A. R.
Quite a number of young people went to DeSoto Friday evening to see the Daddy Longlegs.
W. J. A. SCHUBEL and Ware EVANS were St. Louis trippers Monday, and encountered the big rain that flooded that city in the afternoon.
C. W. MUSE of DeSoto who was here to witness duty Saturday took time to make a call or two and play a game of checkers with Edgar MARSDEN.
Max PILLIARD of Festus made a visit to his REPPY friends returning home Sunday afternoon. Max re-made the acquaintance of boys who were babies too, about the time he left here, eight years ago.
On July 7, at 8 p.m. takes place the annual meeting and election of officers of the Hillsboro Library Association. All members of the library are expected to be present and express themselves. Reports.
Henry WEBER and family of House Springs were guests of the HELLER family Sunday. Miss Mamie HELLER who had been spending the week with them returning with them.
Pete CLERC Jr., has been working in concrete block making in House Springs lately came home sick as also his sister Miss Dolly, from Jarvis.
Mrs. J. F. WILLIAMS and baby son Carl have returned from a trip to Nashville, Tenn., to see her mother, Mrs. John TUTTLE, and family. The TUTTLES are nicely located on the outskirts of that city and are well and doing well, though they have not forgotten their old home and friends here.
Cards have been received announcing the wedding of Mr. Harry T. REPPY of Detroit and Miss Beatrice V. McCARTNEY of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, were the marriage was solemnized. The groom is the youngest brother of the editor, a former resident of Hillsboro and DeSoto. He is expected to bring his bride to Jefferson County for a visit in the near future.
Ford Touring Car. First class condition. One man top, shock absorbers, etc. Apply to G. W. GASCHE, Hillsboro, Mo.
Miss Martha REPPY and Byron SCHUBEL are home from the Cape to spend vacation. Also Alvin MILLER of the St. Louis Schools.
Mr. and Mrs. James BOUGHTON went to St. Louis Sunday to attend the funeral of William J. FLEMING, a brother-in-law of Mrs. BOUGHTON. Mr. FLEMING died at his home in Monett and was buried in St. Louis on Monday.
The Misses Lillian and Mary STEEL arrived home this week for vacation.
Judge J. P. MILLER and family spent last Sunday with the Martin SHARP family near High Ridge.
A bicycle party of fifteen arrived here from St. Louis Saturday evening and spent the night at the Commercial. Several of them were middle aged men who used to love a bike in its day of popularity before the motorcycle buzzed its noisy being into public notice. They had a good breakfast and started back well pleased with the outing.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. DONNELL and Mrs. Maria BERRY of Festus were the guests Sunday of Jim DONNELL and wife.
Mrs. Lily BOOTH spent Friday with her son and daughter at Baily Booth Farm north of Hematite, on Friday. Miss MEDORA has forsaken the teaching profession and will hereafter be the home-maker for her brother Charles. At least for the present.
~”A Little Learning.~”
The following are some of the answers recently given in a school examination of “general knowledge:” “Gravitation is when an apple falls on the floor.” Benjamin FRANKLIN invented lightning.” “The place where they keep all kinds of wild animals is called a theological garden.” “One of the most important inventions of modern times is the North Pole.”
Professor Herbert GREEN with two men friends brought an outing party of boys in a motor truck through Hillsboro on Monday. They were going to Morse Mill to camp a few days, and were a lively bunch of youngsters.
John HURTGEN of St. Louis made a flying trip to Hillsboro yesterday. Come again, when you can stay longer.
Dewey CAGE and Miss Dartha HUSKEY were married yesterday by Squire P. M. REILY, all parties being Hillsboro people. We wish the young couple a life of happiness and prosperity.
Dr. McCLELLAND, dentist, will meet his patients again on Friday and Saturday of this week at the Commercial Hotel. First class work, usual prices.
Miss Lucy HEILAND one of the eighth grade graduates has gone to St. Louis to work through the summer and expects to enter high school in the fall. Success to you, Lucy. Her sister Miss Linda, who has been here on an extended visit returned to the city with Lucy.
Search your homes thoroughly for all stray library books that have not been returned. The library records show a large number charged up to readers and not returned. Have them ready and they will be called for Monday evening between 4 and 5. While you are in it look for church hymn books also that you want returned.
Quite a number have taken out library books this week. Readers who want library books may procure them by calling Wednesday and Saturday evenings between 4 and 5 o’clock. Adults can get books to read at 10 cents per month. Children under 7th grade 5 cents. Better still join the Library association and have a vote at the annual meeting.
J. F. ADAMS of St. Louis was here Sunday with three men to look over some farms. He says is wife will take their son Leslie’s baby daughter to raise. The baby is six weeks old and her mother was buried only last week.
Mrs. Izella DONNELL of Salem Oregon is here on an extended visit to her sister Mrs. J. J. HOEKEN and her many other friends about the county.
Ammonia is found in minute quantity in air, and is a natural product of the decay of animal substances. It is procured artificially by the destructive distillation of nitrogen organic matters, such as bones, hair, horns and hoofs, and is largely obtained as a by-product in the manufacture of illuminating gas from coal.
Seckman has improved tremendously the past weeks. Strawberries are declining but blackberries, raspberries, limes, pineapple, grapefruit and potatoes are abundant. Binders of all description are being dragged out of their hiding places and are oiled, greased and polished, that they almost outshine Venus.
DIERKS Bros., were first to start their motor. SPECK and sons to second the motion. It is feared the Nic ROESCH Implement Co., of Seckman will be short of twine and may have to order another carload. Our artesian farmers have completed all their necessary work so they can handle the bumper wheat crop.
Conrad STRAHER is wearing a pleasant smile to the farmers in this community. Maybe he intends to thresh for five cents a bushel again. You’re welcome Connie.
Jake KUOEHENMEISTER/[KUEHENMEISTER/KUCHELMEISTER?], Jr. intends to equip his farm with an electric plant to increase daylight. Surely WILSON has splendid co-operators.
Walter SCHULTZE says there is big money in buying and selling old binders.
Frank FISHER has potatoes as big as cucumbers. That’s nothing Frank, LUDWIG used to raise potatoes like that.
George SCHALCK, was very busy plowing the past week to plant pineapple, limes and grapefruit. That’s it George plant something new.
Alonzo BAUM also was very busy the past week, watching what was going on in the vicinity and telling what was in the Record, the past week and wondering who was the correspondent. Guess again Alonzo.
John REITER was hunting his “Musmon heifer,” the past week and found it in “Wildcat Hollow,” sitting on a stump, lamenting its cruel fate. Hunting “dears” would be more irksome. One of ?? was when sitting near the road on a stone wall weeping, wondering what had become of the Grandma Widow and her “Overland.”
A young dear who had been distributing cherries to a friend, was seen violating the speed limit, with a wild western steed, scattering tin-ware of most all descriptions along the public highway. Show your muscular “pep” Ethel.
Adolph LUDWIG has still got the championship belt for being the “progressive dear hunter,” but here is a notice that all vacancies at “Stony Point” are occupied. Hunters give Short Bend, an opportunity.
Wm. HOOK spent Sunday visiting home folks, but was also seen on a hunting trip.
Judge EDINGER was busy in his corn the past week, preaching the gospel to his mules in such a low whisper that he could be heard at Imperial railroad station while a freight train was passing by.
Jake KOHR was also heard expounding the gospel in the same low whisper to his domestic animals and was heard in the Maxville Bank and Louis ROESCH cashier of the bank left his important post for a few moments to step out into the street to see if a DeHaviland was passing over their thorp.
The dance at Maxville was well attended by our “Seckman folks,” so this ought to take a kick out of Maxville. Nic ROESCH hauling about 5700 lbs., on his truck taking passengers back and forth.
Fritz FLAMM, who spent the last several months in Arizona, is home.
John A. FUSZNER, veterinary of St. Louis County has recited to his friends the following bull story. He said a man named BROWN of St. Louis Co., had a ferocious bull who had a tendency to destroy his surrounding neighbor’s crops. They had warned him to keep up his bull or they would shoot him. BROWN said “shoot him,” it might help keep him out of your fields so of course the neighbors began shooting him. BROWN had had him for 15 or 18 years. At last BROWN sold the bull to butcher FINK. The bull was butchered, and after removing the hide FINK discovered that the hide was perfectly useless, due to the numerous bullet and shot holes, which BROWN’S neighbors had inflicted. After the butcher began cutting the meat, he cut 27 pounds of rifle bullets out of the bull’s neck and found that the whole beef was not fit for sausage, having so much shot and shrapnel in his meat. We do not doubt the veterinary, who is as truthful as George WASHINGTON. It must have been “some bull.” -Peeping Tom
Strawberries are about over with, blackberries and raspberries gradually taking their place. A large crop of each is expected.
A number of young folks of this burg attended the dance at Maxville Sunday night. Everyone reported an excellent time, especially Emil ROESCH. He says “she was there alright.” That’s right, Emil, keep the track, you will win her yet. Emil expects to work in St. Louis this coming winter and make a few thousand. Inspect your pocket before you jingle the change and be sure there are no holes.
A company bridge has been built across Rock Creek on GROBL’s farm being made of willow trees juggling not being necessary in crossing it. It is built specially for machines and machines built for immediate service.
Oscar SCHUTZE has changed his dear hunting route. He doesn’t cross the toll bridge anymore. He says the rates are too high. Some dears enjoy relating thrilling incidents.
Charley KYLE has read and heard so much about deer hunting that he has concluded to try it out himself. What’s your trouble Charley can’t you find the right trail?
Martin BLANK says frog chasing is good sport. He has seven hounds all thoroughbred, but they have neither trailed nor captured any of the deer that Seckman boasts of.
Hugo PAUL enjoys auto riding but Dad says “nothing doing, that’s too good for the rubber companies.” We all have our troubles.
Harvey KOHLER says he is going to get the patent of the automatic brass band on his Studebaker. Perhaps that will cheer the poor thing up and get it in moving notion. He says he could not use it on the Overland as it goes wild when it sees good roads. How would it set when the band played “Jada?”
The ladies of Seckman district have been busy organizing a sewing and cooking club. They have quit a number of members and have a few more in view. This club promises to be beneficial to all housekeepers young and old and also to the community. Hip-hip-hurrah for the good eats! The Home Bureau is surely alright.
Gerald BECKER and Frank FISCHER don’t believe in feeding the rubber companies, they run on the rims. That’s right boys. Let the auto people do that and help the iron companies along.
~Pacific Deepest Ocean.~
It is believed that the Pacific is fully a mile deeper than any other ocean.
Editors is sure forgivin’ cusses! A guy kin die an beat ‘em outen eleven years subscription an’ then the editor’ll set down an’ write half a column about what a fine feller the deceased wuz an’ how everybody will miss him!
Is Offering Two New Series of U. S. Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness.
In order to meet the requirements of the Government, pending the deferred installments upon the Victory Liberty Loan and deferred installments of income and profit taxes. Secretary of the treasury GLASS has offered through the Federal Reserve Banks, two series of U. S. Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness.
Series T-4 is payable September 15, 1919, and series T-5 on December 15. The offering of these securities evidences the need of the government for further funds to fulfill the financial obligations growing out of the world war, and should be an incentive to all War Savings societies to do their utmost to increase the sales of War Savings Stamps and Thrift Stamps during the summer.
By purchasing these small securities, the individual not only aids the government, but serves his own interest by making the best investment in the world and making a start in saving that will lead to just the success that the investor’s sticking to it justifies.
Old Mother Hubbard went to the cupboard,
To get her poor dog a bone.
Had she invested in War Savings Stamps.
No need for the hungry dog’s moan.
F. M. C.
Every man can own his home if he will be practice thrift. Self-denial today returns in manifold gain tomorrow. Buy W. S. S. and start your home.
The cornerstone of tomorrow’s success is founded upon today’s thirst. Any postman can lay the cornerstone for you with War Savings Stamps.
Thrift, as an essence of character finds expression in the purchase of W. S. S. They help both you and the nation and pay compounded interest.
[Page 4]
Continued from 1st page… [per transcriber - see 1st Page).
We extend our thanks to members and patrons who send their remittances this newspaper to the statements of several who have not yet give attention to the . . . o that their accounts . . . entirely clean. Near . . . ers run from January . . .first, but quite a number “1-1-19” instead of . . .
Cordially, New Era Publishing Co.
Gentle driving horse, harness and two seated trap. Apply at GREEN’S Store, Sulphur Springs, Mo.
Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of JOHN WILDE, Dec., were granted to the under signed on the 9thday of April A.D. 1919, by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Missouri. All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the administrator within six months after the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of said estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within one year from the date of this publication they shall be forever barred. CAROLINE WILDE (SEAL) Administratrix. Attested. J. P. MILLER, Judge of Probate.
We are indeed sorry to report the death of Helen DAVIS, who died Saturday at the age of 14 from ptomaine poisoning caused from eating tomatoes. Another little girl in this family was made sick also, but there is hope for her recovery.
The Ladies Missionary Society of the Methodist church gave a most delightful reception Monday evening to the returned soldiers on the Methodist Parsonage lawn. Refreshments of ice cream and homemade cake and soda were served. Most of the musical talent of the town rendered a lovely musical program. All in all, the reception was a large success.
The “old swimming hole,” is about the most popular attraction at present. Quite a few parties were out at Silica Sunday. In fact too many were in for pleasant swimming. We will have to find more beaches if this continues.
Mrs. H. E. MILLER returned Saturday evening from a week’s visit with Dr. and Mrs. LEMASTER of St. Louis.
Judge SEIGRIST’S office was a place of great excitement Saturday morning. A bunch of detectives from St. Louis came down arresting several men on the charge of helping rob the Trust building in the city. The detectives started to administer the 3rd degree to obtain confessions from the prisoners. The judge said this treatment was too harsh so ordered Constable PRATTE to arrest the detectives. That evening, both prisoners and detectives went to St. Louis for higher officials to take charge.
Edmond MILLER is home now for his vacation, having completed the year’s work in St. Louis University.
Quite a number of our people are taking advantage of making excursions on the boats on the Mississippi. Those coming down last Friday being Mr. and Mrs. C. C. ENGLAND, Mr. and J. R. FUNK, and Mr. and Mrs. L. KAY.
Miss Gertrude AUBUCHON who is studying to be a nurse at St. John’s hospital is home on a two weeks’ vacation.
Mrs. Walter BLACK of Silica entertained the “500” Club at her home Thursday afternoon. Delicious refreshments were served.
The Children’s Day program at the Methodist church was very good. Due credit going to Miss Stella BAILEY who trained the children so faithful.
Miss Lydia BRICKEY entertained the Philatha Girls at her home Tuesday evening. All report a very pleasant evening.
Louis BAILEY of Memphis Tennessee spent several days in Festus last week on business.
Mrs. Paul BRICKEY returned to Booneville Monday after a three weeks visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. GILDEHANS of St. Louis and Mr. and Mrs. F. BRICKEY of this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry WELSH spent several days this week with Mr. WELSH’S sister, Mrs. H. B. DRAKE.
Master Max PILLIARD visited with the REPPY family of Hillsboro last weekend.
Raymond BRICKEY motored to Bonne Terre on his motorcycle Sunday, being the guest of the NEES family.
Mrs. Kenneth NORWINE and three children are visiting her parents and friends in Bonne Terre.
Miss Beatrice COLIN has accepted a position in the office of the Pittsburg Plate Glass Co.
Al LONG of Cadet spent a few days in Festus on business last week. Just simply can’t stay away from the town.
Mr. HUCK of Crystal City has sold his interest in the Twin City Bakery to Sylvester FULTZ who will begin to operate the bakery within the next week. Mr. HUCK is going to run a restaurant in the Pittsburg Plate Glass Co.
All final receipts of the estate of Frances WILLJECK dec., filed and executor discharged.
Letters testamentary upon estate of Geo. J. CRULL granted to Louisa CRULL without bond. Ed REABAN, Alfred TORBITZSKY and Fred RUMMEL witnesses.
BOATALSKY Minors estate: Agnes BAOTALSKY guardian of the estate of Paul, Francis, Minnie & Thomas BOATALSKY, and her bond approved. Witnesses: P. S.TERRY, Charles GROSSMAN, Sam COLEMAN.
All final receipts of the estate of Martha ICHMIDT dec., filed and adm., discharged.
Demand of S. T. WAGGENER for $10.80 against estate of Timothy CRETH dec., filed and allowed.
John T. McMULLIN dec., estate semi-annual settlement approved.
Final settlement approved on the estate of A. G. MEDLEY, dec.,
Inven., and appr., list of the estate of Elizabeth HAVERSTICK, dec., filed and approved.
Final settlement approved in Frederick RUMMEL Dec., estate.
Inv., and appr. lists of the estate of Elizabeth HAVERSTICK, dec., filed and approved, no inheritance tax.
Inventory and upp., lists estate of Friedrich A. KLEINSCHMIDT dec., filed and approved, no inheritance tax.
Demand of George HARNESS for $52.50 against the estate of Henry ROSE dec., allowed.
Estate of Luther CRESSWELL dec: - Order $400 allowed. Order $400 first support.
Letters testamentary granted upon estate of Frederich LUDERMANN dec., to Helena LUDERMANN without bond. Witnesses, W. G. REINEMER, Frank DIETRICH, Fred SCHLOSSER.
Estate of Hederich LUDERMANN, dec., inventory and appr lists filed & approved.
Anyone found hunting on my place without my permission will be punished by law. Wm. KUENZLE.
Notice is hereby given that the annual stockholders meeting of the Jefferson Trust Co., will be held at its place of business in the Town of Hillsboro on Tuesday June 17th, 1918. Said meeting to be commenced at 9 o’clock a.m. and continue at least three hours for the purpose of electing 5 directors to serve for three years and transact any other business that may come before the meeting. Clyde WILLIAMS, President Frank DIETRICH, secretary.
Sweet Potato plants at 30 cents a hundred. J. A. FRIEDMEYER, DeSoto, MO.
Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of Geo. J. CRULL, Dec., were granted to the undersigned on the 10th day of June 1919, by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Missouri. All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the Executor within six months after the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of such estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within one year from the date of the last insertion of the publication of this notice they shall be forever barred. LOUISA CRULL, Executrix (SEAL) Attest: J. P. MILLER, Judge of Probate.
Importance of Saving and Value of War Savings Stamp Part of Education Nowadays.
Many thoughts of real value were developed at the recent Wisconsin State War Savings Conference at Milwaukee and these thoughts should prove of value to War Savings workers everywhere.
J. H. PUELICHER, State Director of War Savings for Wisconsin, among other things, said: “The fundamental purpose of the War Savings movement as far as the child is concerned is to inculcate into its very life’s blood the thought of wise earning and wise spending. It is not intended that the money used by children for the purpose of War Savings and Thrift Stamps should be the result of a gift from parents and others. Money wisely earned and wisely spent improves the individual mentally, morally and physically.”
P. F. NEVERMAN, executive secretary, touched on patriotism and thrift by saying that, “while we were at war it was easy to be enthusiastically patriotic. War-time patriotism, while splendid, did not have the staying qualities so necessary for the finishing of the job and rapidly declined and in placed disappeared altogether after November 11, 1918. It is the peacetime patriotism which delivers without martial music that we must and will finish the job. We are called to lay the foundation for the payment of the tremendous obligations incurred by our government during the period of strife. We must so inculcate in the coming generation, those now in school, the idea of thrift, that they will meet the obligations of their time. Between these two stands the community and industrial savings society to reinforce the work of both. It is vital to the success of the movement that societies be organized in every lodge, factory, store, office, club and school in the state.”
Thomas W. BOYCE, educational director for Wisconsin discussed “Opportunity.” He showed clearly the need of thrift education by quoting figures demonstrating that out of every one hundred men who died, three leave an estate of $10,000 or over; fifteen leave an estate of $2,000 to $10,000, and eighty-two leave no income producing property. Of two hundred widows, eighteen are in comfortable circumstances, forty-seven are obliged to work for a living and thirty-five are in absolute want, dependent upon charity. He quoted facts and figures showing that the tremendous indemnity imposed upon France by Germany in 1870 taught the French to save and was a blessing in disguise to that nation.
War Savings Worker Shows It Will Buy More in Five Years than It will Today.
One of the telling points being made by W. R. JACKSON, of Mexico, Mo., Director for Audrain County, in his address before War Savings societies, is the statement of the value of a dollar today as compared with what it will be worth five years hence, when the present series of War Savings Stamps mature.
“The Dollar saved today will be worth more than $1.50 then,” he said. “Of course, I refer to the buying power of the dollar. The conditions that exist now will have disappeared by that time, and the normal will have returned. All authorities on economics agree that present prices cannot be maintained and that the dollars of 1924 will go much further, as a purchasing medium, than the dollars spent today.
“History repeats itself. The value of all staples immediately following a war have always been extremely high, and these values have steadily declined as business conditions readjust themselves.”
The argument is sound and the saver of War Savings Stamps may reasonably expect a much greater return than the interest of four per cent, compounded quarterly, which is assured by the government.
“Gin a lassie met a laddie,
going to the Rhine,
Here’s a lass would help ye, laddie,
Savings Stamps I’m buyin’.
Every lassie has a laddie;
And I think of mine.
But all the lads they smile at me
When Saving Stamps I’m buyin’.”
Bill lived for one thing – just to spend.
Couldn’t even spare money to lend.
Save? Bill couldn’t do it.
And he – well, you knew it,
He died poor and nifty – The Nod.
A saving people make a safe investment.
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Fresh Milch Cows Wanted will purchase your marketable live stock. Clay KING Hillsboro, Missouri
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