Jefferson County Record
Hillsboro, MO
June 12, 1919
NOTICE – Will all service men, (or their relatives) please send at once to the undersigned their biographical and service records which have not yet been turned in. Several communities have not responded. The blanks for this data were distributed in your school district by a local agent, either pastor, priest, teacher, clerk of school board, or some wide awake man or woman delegated by the county collector of such blanks, and the time limit is about due. These records are not what Mr. Crow of the DeSoto republican is working on. His is a private enterprise, and a valuable history of Jefferson County boys.
The service blanks called for in this notice are required by Adj. General CLARK of Jefferson City, who is collecting data to preserve for a state history on Missouri in the World War. It is simply another piece of war work, and entails no monetary obligation to anyone and while the data could be collected from records already extant, yet a saving of clerk hire for Uncle Sam is another patriotic service. A collector in charge for such service has been appointed in each county.
Mrs. J. H. REPPY, Hillsboro, MO (for Jefferson County) (County papers, please copy).
Miss Theresa BURGESS, County Chairman of the Woman’s organization of the late Victory Loan, was in the county seat Monday and reported that she had been made custodian of four German helmets. These helmets the Germans had made to use in their triumphal march into Paris which we are gratified to report never took place. Miss BURGESS reported that she had given one to Mrs. P. S. TERRY of Festus for selling the greatest value in Victory Bonds and one to Miss Faye RUSSELL of Pevely for the greatest number of bonds. The one in her hand she presented to Mrs. J. H. REPPY with a special little speech about “faithful and efficient service” as County Chairman in the Third and Fourth Liberty Loans and Chairman of the Ninth District in the Victory Loan, etc. Very kind of Miss BURGESS and an interesting trophy to a relic lover.
Harry MILLER, Judge J. P. MILLER’S son, after a visit and big reception at home, and much merry making with former friends and relatives in St. Louis and elsewhere, left last week for a trip around Montana to see the sights. If that stat offers sufficient allurement, Missouri may lose one of her best young men.
Ernest KULP, a discharged soldier, formerly of Hematite route but now a resident of Kansas, has been a recent visitor in the Zion neighborhood. It is said he finds the postal service quite useful also to him.
Jerome RADECKER, son of L. B. RADECKER of Cedar Hill left yesterday on his return to Virginia after a thirty day furlough with homefolks. Jerome is a marine and wears a medal as “expert marksman.” He has enlisted for four years.
Robert POWERS, of DeSoto or genial Bob POWERS as he is usually known, is back in DeSoto at his old job with W. J. MAUTHE in the bottling works. He was discharged April 17, from Camp Kearney California, where he served 18 months with the 115th Engineers, Co. C. Afterward he was transferred to the Quartermasters Corps where he served 14 months. Bob says he enjoyed every day of it in that lovely climate. Worked hard, was well fed and all in all, calls it a “grand good time.” He is known as one of DeSoto’s best hustlers.
Boys State Fair School Examination held at DeSoto June 7. The following wrote in examination.
Hugh BRADY - - - - - - - - - DeSoto
Jefferson HILL - - - - - - - - DeSoto
Frank IRWIN - - - - - - - - - DeSoto
William LORENZ - - - - - - DeSoto
Oliver LEE - - - - - - - - - - - DeSoto Rt. 1
Mason SCHUBEL - - - - - - Hillsboro
Oran WILSON - - - - - - - - Hillsboro
Mason SCHUBEL won first place and Oran WILSON second place. Mason will get a free trip to Boy’s State Fair School held at Sedalia State Fair, Aug. 9th to 16th.
The Rural Commencement on June fifth brought a larger crowd than usual to DeSoto. The graduating class of 211 was the largest in the county’s history and owing to the threatening weather but 154 were present, which after all was a stage full. The program of the afternoon was the Medal contest preceded by an address to the graduates upon the life of General William BOOTH, the founder of the Salvation Army by Alison REPPY. The contest with six entrants followed. Helen ENNIS, of Horine won the REPPY medal, and Janette ZISKIE of Horine, the DUNNIGAN medal. This makes the second REPPY medal in the A. S. ENNIS family in two years. Wayne PIERCE was given honorable mention.
The writing awards are as follows: HILGERT Medal to Mary MANGAN of the McNamee school in Meramec Township. The WILSON Medal to Marie BLAKE of Mayfield School in Big River Township.
DeSoto and Festus High Schools offered free scholarships as usual one to a township and they were won as follows:
Big River Township:
1. Gail HENSING, Grubville, Blackhawk School
2. Howard MILLER, Bethlehem School
Central Township:
1. Frank LAFFOON, Hillsboro R.F.D. 2 Highland School
2. Viola BOND, Victoria School
Joachim Township:
1. Irwin LINDHORST, Sandy School
2. Mary Jane ENNIS, Horine School
Meramec Township:
1. Mary McNAMEE, McNamee School
2. Florence VORNBERG, High Ridge, Central School
Plattin Township
1. Maud BECKER, Rush Tower School
2. Harold BROWN, Haverstick School
Rock Township:
1. Helen LONG, Kimmswick School
2. Clara LUDERMAN/LUDEMAN?, White School
Valle Township:
1. Martha WILSON, Vineland School
2. Oliver DAPRON, Vineland School
The attendance banner was carried off by Central Township. 118 being present.
Irwin LINHORST is the County’s honor graduate making the highest average.
James WAGENER of the Grubville School, fourteen years of age has the proud record of making his eight years of common school with never an absence day, nor a tardy one. May that fine record be continued thru his high school and college career. The youngest graduate is Johnny McKAY, son of Rev. PRICE of Ware, who is ten year and seven months old.
Mrs. C. C. MITCHIM, wife of the late editor of the DeSoto Press, died in a Memphis hospital June 3, 1919 and was interred at Ruleville, Miss., June 6. The news of her death was a shock to her DeSoto friends among whom she had lived for the past eleven years, only leaving that town in January to return to her native Southland, that her husband’s health might be regained by a change of climate and occupation. None of her late friends dreamed that the death angel hovered near her, who was a woman of beautiful physique and the picture of blooming health.
She was a woman of exceptionally fine mind, wide education, fine character and was a gifted writer. She was a most unselfish character, regretting that she could not do more than the already much for public good. Her whole life was service of which her three little children were the golden heart of her constant care, love, pride and ceaseless devotion. Their happiness and welfare was her first thought, her own, her last. Never any man, a better wife, nor one whom he could honor more.
How can this world spare such a mother and such a woman. Her Christian womanhood, her broadminded outlook upon her fellow beings and their welfare, her generosity and sympathy, leave an imprint upon those associates she leaves behind, which is more than a hollowed memory – a lasting inspiration. All this was manifest in her association with her beloved organization, the Daughters of the American Revelation. She was a charter member of the Louisiana Purchase Chapter at DeSoto, and had been its vice-regent since its organization in 1916, a position she held until her resignation to leave the state in January last.
May the roses of Southland never cease to wave above her hallowed resting place, and may her dear little children, Charles, Louise and Kelly, develop into a manhood and a womanhood worthy of such a mother.
The following information will be of interest to the public in view of the fact that the Navy Department
and the Commanding officer of the ex-German Submarine UB-88 have kindly consented to include Festus-Crystal City in its itinerary up the Mississippi River, it is sincerely hoped that many thousands will be gathered at the landing site selected, the Government Plattin Rock Light, just north of the present steamboat landing, to view and learn all about the submarines that east to the four winds all dictates of humanity and of international law and whose effective as was reduced to naught chiefly thru the efficiency of our Navy and the thorough inventive genius of Americans. We are going to make this event a noteworthy one and call upon one and all to come on this day and view the boats and its parts. It is an occasion not likely to be offered again and the opportunity alone to board this vessel should induce all from far and near to resolve. Now to spend a few hours along the river front. Remember this is one of the captured submarines, a silent yet eloquent testimonial to the magnitude of our glorious achievement in conjunction with our allies. Letter follows: UB-88 Enroute New Orleans LA., to Baton Rouge, LA. Mr. Henry F. KRATZER, Secretary A.R.C., Festus Missouri.
My Dear Sir:
The itinerary of the UB-88 and the U. S. S. Tuscurva as submitted to the Dept., and approved by them, call for a one day stop at Festus. (transcriber note: this is USCG TUSCACORA; see internet:
Carrying out the above itinerary we will arrive in your city on June 29th and leave on June 30th.
During our stay the boat will be open for inspection to visitors. Officers and men will be detailed to show you the boat and explain its parts.
If any change in the above dates is found necessary you will be informed in plenty of time to inform the people of your city.
This letter is in answer to your communication to the Secretary; of the Navy under date of May 6th 1919, Very Truly yours, J. L. NIELSON, Lieut. Com. U. S. Navy Comd’g UB-88
Earl B. KILLY - - - - - - - - - - - - Festus
Flossie L. PEEBLES - - - - - - - - Crystal City
Alfred G. ERNY - - - - - - - - - - - DeSoto
Cora Lydia THOST - - - - - - - - - DeSoto
Frank HABERBERGER - - - - - - Maxville
Mary E. ZIEGELMEYER - - - - - Maxville
W. H. McCORMACK - - - - - - - DeSoto
Josie B. McCORMACK - - - - - - DeSoto
Ferdinand BURKHARDT - - - - - Festus
Mrs. Agatha KRATZER - - - - - - Festus
Louis POHIMAN - - - - - - - - - - - Perryville
Leonora BREWER - - - - - - - - - - Perryville
B. J. DUETMAN - - - - - - - - - - - Herculaneum
Pearle COLEMAN - - - - - - - - - - Herculaneum
To our neighbors and friends who so kindly assisted us during the illness and after the death of our husband and father, George CRULL Sr., and to the A. O. U. W., we extend our heartfelt gratitude. To the pastor whose beautiful service and consoling words gave comfort, Widow and family.
We desire to express our heartfelt thanks to our many friends and neighbors for the kindness shown us in our sad bereavement in the loss of our dear husband and father Charles F. WOHLBOLD: also for the beautiful floral offerings, the consoling words of our pastor Rev. A. HILKEMAN. Widow and family.
The Jefferson County Association of Rural Letter Carriers was organized in DeSoto, Sunday morning, June 8, 1919 with sixteen of the eighteen carriers present. The officers are: President, B. P. LONG, Kimmswick; Vice-Pres. P. M. RILEY, Hillsboro; Sec-treas. W. S. WILSON, Hillsboro.
The object of the association is fraternalism among members, for improvement of their condition as well as for better r. f. d. service. The next meeting will be held in DeSoto the fourth Sunday in June.
Look for the announcement next week of a Home Bureau meeting to be held the last week of June for the purpose of re-organization and election of officers. Join the Home Bureau if you are not already a member.
On Monday June 9th, the first meeting of the Jefferson County Branch of the League to Enforce Peace was held at Hillsboro, County Chairman A. S. EUNIS presiding.
The principal business transacted was as follows:
1. A director of Speakers was appointed Mr. O. J. MATHIAS who is leaving the county. Mr. Jan G. BERKELEY was appointed. Several assistants were appointed.
2. A resolution committee was appointed. Resolutions submitted and a adopted will be published in the county papers. Mr. MATHIAS was chairman of the committee.
3. A finance committee was appointed to devise means of meeting the expenses incurred by the organization. Mr. C. T. JARVIS was chairman.
4. A week beginning June 29th and ending July 7th designated League-to-Enforce Peace week and all members pledged to make special effort to accomplish the purposes of the League.
Addresses were delivered by a number of prominent men. Local citizens who spoke were Jas. G. BERKELEY, Mr. H. H. WEAVER, Rev. Frank MORTON, Rev. MATHEWS and H. B. IRWIN. Special speakers of the day were Mr. Miller HAGEMAN, State Secretary of the League to enforce peace and Hon. Fredrick N. JUDSON, State Chairman.
Mr. HAGEMAN outlined the work of the local organization. The object, he stated was primarily to secure the ratification of the Paris Peace Covenant when it is submitted to the United States Senate. He urged every member to exert all possible influence toward that end. He especially urged that each member address our two Senators urging them to vote for the ratification of the Covenant. The order that the members of the organization might study the Constitution of the League of Nations. Mr. HAGEMAN distributed literature bearing upon it. Mr. JUDSON explained the nature of the Covenant in a most logical and convincing manner. The contention of certain Senators that they should have been consulted about the League Constitution was childish and illogical, Mr. JUDSON said, and was probably due to envy or personal feeling. Until a treaty has been made and agreed upon by the powers it cannot be submitted to the Senate.
Again the content that the League Constitution deprives our Congress of some of its authority, is incorrect. No treaty ever entered into by the United States or any other country was irrevocable. Our Congress has authority to say when a treaty shall cease to bind us.
Mr. JUDSON expressed the opinion that the United States Senate cannot afford to reject the covenant. When it shall have been submitted to that body, all other parties to the agreement will have ratified it thru their delegates at the Peace Conference will be looking to the Senate to take the final steps to make us safe from another horror like that just ended.
There was a beautiful wedding at the Evangelical Church of near Jarvis Sunday, May 25th, at 2 p.m. Miss Marie SCHULZ and Martin LINHORST.
Miss SCHULZ is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. SCHULZ of Hillsboro and a twin sister of Mrs. Fred BINS of Festus. Mr. LINHORST is the son of Mrs. H. LINHORST and the late Mr. LINHORST of Hillsboro Route 1.
The bride’s gown was a white net trimmed with silk ribbons and roses, she wore a beautiful veil trimmed with orange blossoms and carried a bouquet of white roses and lilies of the valley. The bridesmaid were the Misses Anna SCHULZ and Ida DITTMER, they each carried a beautiful bouquet of American Beauty roses. The groomsmen were Mr. Ernest LINHORST and John SCHULZ. The wedding march was played by the groom’s sister Louise. A host of relatives and friends witnessed the ceremony. At six o’clock a beautiful supper was served by the groom’s mother. The table was beautifully decorated with roses and good eats. At eight o’clock the MILLER Band gave the young couple a surprise and everybody enjoyed the good music.
Only near relatives were invited but there were about 70 guests. The young couple will make their home at the old homestead of the late Herman LINHORST, one of Shady Valley’s good farms. At a late hour the guests departed wishing the young couple a long and happy life. – A Guest.
Mrs. L. B. RADECKER of Cedar Hill and her soldier son Jerome were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will REISEMER yesterday.
[Baby photo of Myrtle May WALKER]
The Child Welfare movement has brought to light a baby that Barnhart is proud to claim as her own. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George J. WALKER who lived on the Stahl place last year, and have many friends here who are please to hear of the fine growth of little Miss Myrtle May. They are living in Newport, New Hampshire now, where Miss Baby was measured and awarded the ten dollar prize for being the largest and best natured baby in New England in a contest put on by the Boston Post. At the age of four month she weighed 31 pounds, measured 29 inches in height had four teeth and it took a 23 inch piece of tape for her waist measurement. She is now just two year old, weighs 40 pounds and has 21 teeth. Some baby surely.
Now comes the ‘Barnhart Cor,’ with a baby show to embellish ‘his or her’ items. Verily Barnhart won’t be bested at least it looks that way, but you never can tell.
The imaginary trip thru Arkansas has passed down in history. The NESSELHAUPS have sold their farm with the Arkansas razor back hogs sold in advance. Their future step has not been determined.
Lone Star Heights is coming back. Wheat which will yield 45 to 56 bushel per acre, without the aid of commercial fertilizer, is creating no end of interest on the Ben WINKING farm.
Cow-barn orator is making history emitting from Jules BARON’S dairy barn. Carl ENGEL declares “One gives up his liberty to those whom they tell their secrets.”
The election held by the Farmer’s Union Saturday eve was an interesting feature of the meeting. All the old officials were re-elected unanimously. Reports of various committees show the institution in a healthy and flourishing condition due to the untiring efforts of Messrs HITCOCK and the entire executive board and committees.
We hear of oddities in the English language, this time from the Glaize Creek section and our representative citizen Ferd RAEBEL, who states thusly: “For instance,” says he, “what we most like in an egg, we despise in men or women.”
“Speed and plow” is the slogan of our farmers, notably our city farmer who speeds his near the depot, and to him who will, nothing is difficult.
A committee of Dairymen journeyed to St. Louis the past week negotiating with the large distributors, as to June and July prices for their milk. An all day session resulting in an increase of five cents per gallon.
Pevely was well represented in Barnhart the past week. The Rev. BERNARD of the Pevely church being a frequent visitor.
The ladies organization known as the Ladies Auxiliary to the Republican Club, has been perfected. This is a step in the right direction.
The Democratic Club has disbanded, the cause given that not enough members could be enrolled to make up a club. Barnhart’s climate is not good for democrats.
Mrs. Cary. L. BARNHART is contemplating her residence here. Recent activities demand her presence here instead of in St. Louis her winter home.
An auto, seldom seen in this section has been purchased by Henry HELIGTAG of Glaize Creek. It is called the Allen car and we trust Henry will make use of it if for no other reason than to delight the ladies who have christened it “a dear.”
Preparations are being made by the local bank to finance the building of several new buildings. One is to be occupied by a dealer with a full line of farm machinery, binder twine and farm machinery accessories. The other as a [per transcriber: the next line is missing]
One of the latest guesses as to the (Continued?)
R. STADLEMAN of Ten Brook was among the court visitors yesterday.
A large class was confirmed last Sunday at the Lutheran church near Pevely.
Fourth of July picnics are in progress of making and the date is not far away.
Festus sent a large delegation to attend the meeting of the League of Enforce Peace.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest BONACKER of Byrnesville attended Circuit Court here yesterday.
Mrs. W. P. BUFFINGTON of Hillsboro Route 2, went to the city Tuesday for a short stay.
Fritz OETGEN/OCTGEN and daughter Miss . . . were in the county seat of Friday where Mr. OCTGEN transacted some business.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray WILLIAMS of Protection Kansas welcomed a daughter May 29. They were formerly Big River Township residents.
What do you think of Seckman and her live wire correspondent? Judging from some of our suburban reports, there is news everywhere if it is collected.
The sun shines at last but we are afraid to say it out loud for fear the deluge will return. Confidentially, however, we believe it has cleared up in time for wheat harvest.
Mrs. J. R. ENGLAND of Hematite and Miss Theresa BURGESS of Pevely are the woman delegates from Joachim township here to attend the League of Enforce Peace.
D. A. SULLENS of Valley Park . . . 15, has recently returned home after two months stay in a St. Louis hospital where he underwent an operation. His health seems to be improving.
Mrs. Martin GRAHAM of near --- has gone to Montana to spend the summer with her daughter, Miss Maude who is there for her health. Miss Blanche went with her mother.
New potatoes, peas, beets and corn arrived locally on last Sunday’s dinner table. They with a cherry pie . . . son and these magnificent moonlit nights make June time a happy house time.
Farmers have had so much weather to contend with, corn planting so backward, and weeds engulfing growing crops, that many were worked their fields on Sunday who do not make a practice of so doing.
A lecture on Christian Science by . . . George SHAW COOK will be given at the First Church of Christ, Scientist, . . . and Washington Avenues Kirkwood . . . Sunday June 15 at 3:30 p.m. No mission fee nor ticket required Fri . All invited.
Bob POWERS, the husky assistant at MAUTHE’S Bottling Works in DeSoto is back on the old job since being discharged from Uncle Sam’s service, he is circulating about the county in . . . discharge of his duties and greeting old friends.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. WILLIAMS and children, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. WILLIAMS and young son; Mr. and Mrs. . . . SCHNEIDER and children and Mr. --- Williams made an automobile trip recently to attend Church of God service near Fredericktown.
A most unusual wedding party had its appearance in Hillsboro on Monday morning about nine o’clock.
Three couples from nearby county arrived in a rather hilarious condition. One couple secured a license and were then immediately married by the preceding judge. Only the sober faced bride . .. ed to have any realization of the . . . in progress; after the ceremony a trip to the saloon was next proposed and the bride held out against the . . . for some time. The proposition finally ended with all six making the vows. They then left town as they came one couple driving the roadster, the others hanging on as best they could and the silly groom astride the engine, . . . calling goodbyes to the passerby.
We are wondering if they made that dangerous journey safely as . . . this wedding trip is to be symbolized… their marital journey thru life.
[page 2]
Get One
Washington, June 10 – Representative Martin B. MADDEN of Illinois who spent several weeks in France and visited the battlefields cook occasion recently to give the House of Representatives an account of his observations of the . . . es of the great world conflict. Some of his descriptions of battle fields are particularly interesting and thrilling as they give a very vivid impression of the difficulties encountered by the American soldiers who frequently fought against tremendous odds. A copy of his speech may be obtained by applying to Mr. MADDEN at the National Capitol.
~Hurry It Up~
The resolution has been introduced by state representative Harry C. WOODYARD of Virginia directing immediate return to this country of the soldiers of the United States now in Europe and the immediate demobilization of soldiers now in service outside of the regular army. The resolution is in the . . . of the House committee on Military Affairs. It is Mr. WOODYARD’S desire to have the men return as rapidly possible to civil life.
~All In A Lump~
Senator Charles CURTIS of Kansas, has introduced a bill which will authorize the Bureau of War risk Insurance to give to beneficiaries of soldiers the amounts due them in a lump sum, at the election of said beneficiaries. Under the present law, payments can be made only installments. The original purpose was to provide benefits over a considerable period and to protect those who might be tempted to waste their money if paid to them in a lump sum. Senator CURTIS’ bill is designed to afford relief to those who could make better use of the money if they had it in a lump sum available for investment.
~We Don’t Want ‘Em~
Senator Wesley L. JONES of the State of Washington has introduced a bill to provide for the deportation of aliens who had declared their intention to be the citizens of the United States, but then withdrew such declaration with the respect of escaping military service. His bill also provides that any such alien who shall have left the United States will be excluded therefrom hereafter.
~To The Illustrious Dead~
A bill has been introduced by Senator Selden P. SPENCER of Missouri to appropriate $500,000 for the purchased maintenance of a cemetery in remembrance in the name of the United States for the interment of the bodies of the American officers and men who lost their lives in connection with the European war. This bill, if enacted into law it would not interfere with the return to the United States of the remains, of any man whose nearest relative may desire such return.
When the Republicans organized the Senate, they put a real farmer, Gronna -- of North Dakota, at the head of the Agriculture Committee. When the Republicans organize the cabinet in March 1920, they will put a real farmer at the head of the Department of Agriculture.
Washington, D. C. May 19th 1919
1. All inquiries related to allotments would be addressed to the Bureau of War Risk Insurance Washington, D. C.
2. The Zone Finance Officer, Lemon Building, Washington, has entire charge . . . the payment of sixty dollar bon . . . to discharged soldiers.
3. All discharged Navy men, who did not receive this bonus at the time of discharge should communicate with the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, Navy Department, Washington D. C.
4. All matters concerning compensation for sickness or injuries, under the War Risk Insurance Act, should be referred to the Bureau of War Risk Insurance Compensation Division Washington D.C.
5. The bodies of soldiers and sailors who died overseas cannot be returned . . . or the present. Neither France nor England will as yet allow the bodies to be disinterred. The United States is not prepared to bring them back at this time. Congress will, in all probability provide for a Field of Honor in France, with a view to making it the most beautiful cemetery in the world and to be used entirely as the resting place for the bodies of American soldiers and sailors.
Later on those who do not desire to have the bodies of their dear ones hurried in the Field of Honor can have such bodies brought back to the United States at the government’s expense, but this will not be done until after all wounded soldiers and sailors and living soldiers and also sailors are returned.
Any further information can be secured from the Congressman from your district, or from the United States Senators.
Semi Annual settlements made and approved:
C. W. MARTIN, dec.; Frank BURKIE dec., Lucy HAYS dec., John T. McMULLIN dec., David E. SMITH dec., John H. GRUETER dec., Julian N. SHERMAN dec., Margaret GRUETER, a minor.
Final settlements filed and approved.
Thomas BURGESS dec., Henry MARX Sr., dec., Peter OSTER dec., Fritz SCHNURBUS dec., John MAYE dec., John HOESBACHER dec., Mathias SCHMIDT dec., Anton J. SPROCK, Aug SCHAELICH dec., John EMAT dec., Wm. ROGERS a minor; Belle WAIT dec., Charles MILLER dec., Emily C. STEGMAN not compt dec., Narcis POLITTE dec., Christian FUNK dec., Sarah Ann WILLIAMS, dec.; Monte E. REID, a minor; A. G. MEDLEY dec., Francis CAMPBELL, dec.; Rachael LEFF, dec.
In estate of Stephen HUG, final settlement continued to adjourned term.
Demand of C. E. MERSEAL for $101.10 against estate of Thomas BURGESS dec., allowed.
All final receipts in estate of Henry KOHR, dec., filed and approved and Ex. discharged.
In estate of Emanuel HOFFMAN dec., final settlement continued to August term.
In estate of David FRASER dec., final settlement continued to adjourned term.
In estate of G. W. BYRD dec., final settlement continued to adjourned term.
In estate of Louisa ROGERS dec., final settlement continued to August term.
Letters of administration upon est. of Luther CRESSWELL granted to Clem CRESSWELL. Witnesses appointed to make apprais., and inventory: Fred BAUER, Adolph YOUNG and Gotineil BAUMGARTH.
Letters of administration granted to W. J. HAMPEL upon estate of Joseph HAMPEL dec., without bond. Witnesses appointed, Barney MEESE, Otto PAUL and Harry ASH.
Letters of adm granted Mrs. E. A. MCCARTY upon the estate of E. S. McCARTY dec., Witnesses James RIED, T. L. DONNELL and W. A. SMITH.
Charles F. WOHLBOLD dec., estate Letters refused.
R. L. MEYER dec., estate letters refused.
Report of sale of real estate of David FRASER dec., Order continued to June 21.
Demand of John G. KOCH for $209:55 against estate of William F. LUEDERMANN dec., allowed.
Private sale of stock ordered in estate of J. W. SCHMIDT, dec.
Private sale of note ordered in estate of Jas H. WILSON, dec.
Sale of real estate ordered in estate of John Joseph REYNOLDS, minor.
In estate of James H. WILSON dec., cost bill of Ida POLITTE vs. James H. WILSON dec., certified and approved.
Private sale of personal property ordered in estate of Luther CRESSWELL dec.
Inventory and appr lists in estate of Joseph HAMPEL dec., approved.
No inheritance due on the following estates:
June 21, 1919 is date set to appoint appraiser of the following estates: J. W. BOWMAN dec., Joseph HAMPEL dec.
Demand of W. W. ROGERS for $132.21 against estate of Dorothy ROGERS for $132.21 against estate of Dorothy ROGERS dec., filed and by agreement continued to some date to be agreed upon later.
~Santa Not Enemy Alien~
Of what nationality is Santa Claus? A friend asks. Of almost every nationality, we would say. If you mean to ask the derivation of the name, it is a corrupted form of the Holland Dutch name for ST. NICOLAS and has no “enemy alien” taint. The saint himself was a native of Patars in the province of Lycia, Asia Minor, and was bishop of Myra in the same province.
If you have any local news, don’t fail to send it to the Record.
~Slipper Styles~
In the east, as a general rule, Turks wear yellow slippers, Armenians red and Jews blue.
The many friends of Mrs. LUCKEY of Casper Wyoming will be glad to hear she is improving after her recent illness. Her life was despaired of for several days but she is much better now.
Miss Flossie TOMPSON, who has been the guest of her sister Mrs. Fred SCHAFER of Toledo Ohio, returned this week.
Linns BOYER is the new drummer at the Idle Hour Airdome. The orchestra there now consists of five pieces, namely: Piano, violin, cornet, saxophone and drums. Some beautiful music is rendered each evening.
Mrs. Nellie MARBURY and son Willard of Farmington are visiting the Leo FORSHEE family.
Kelly GRANT of Festus arrived home this week from overseas duty. Kelly is certainly happy to be back and brought nearly all of the foreign countries back with him in the way of souvenirs.
Frank SEWALD sold his Overland car to his brother William. Mr. F. SEWALD contemplates purchasing a Stephens Salient Six.
John RUTLEDGE of St. Louis University brought two boyfriends down with him to spend the weekend with home folks.
Miss Flotie WAGGENER of Plattin is the guest of Mrs. Hallie JENKINSON and daughter Nelle LEE.
Richard ALCOTT Jr., of Memphis Tenn. is visiting his parents here.
The WAGGENER Store Co., is going to erect a beautiful bungalow in the West End. Mr. and Mrs. Sid ENGLAND expect to occupy the bungalow upon completion.
Mrs. Lloyd VINEYARD and little daughter of Deerfield, Ill., are the guests of the MOORE family. Mrs. VINEYARD will be remembered as Leola MORRE.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. E’LLUSE (nee Esther TOWNSEND) of Long Beach California have sent out announcements of the arrival of a little son. Congratulations.
Miss Bertha REECHT who teaches French in the city, is here for a short visit with her brothers.
Miss Ida RUFFER a trained nurse who has been visiting her mother, departed this week with a patient to Fair Haven Vermont, where she will remain the rest of the summer.
H. E. VAUGHN and sister Ethel and Edna; Bond HATTERSHIRE and sister Alice all motored to Ironton Sunday. They were joined by friends there and had a little outing fat Ironton Lake. They reported a most enjoyable trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed KERRUISH motored to Bonne Terre in their Haynes Sunday, being the guests of relatives, stopping in Hillsboro where they made calls, and were joined in their journey by a machine load of friends.
Mr. LOWRY has rented the Jolly bungalow where they expect to make their future home. Mrs. LOWRY and two daughters are expected to arrive from the East within the next week.
Mr. HUCK, the baker for the twin cities has purchased the beautiful cottage on Taylor Ave., from Mr. Chas ENGLAND. The bread business keeps on “rising” so Mr. HUCK expects to remain here permanently.
The Board of Trustees of the Methodist church voted to give their pastor Rev. R. E. FOARD a month’s vacation with pay. The FOARD family expect to attend two reunions while gone. A reunion of Mrs. FOARD’S people and later one of Mr. FOARD’S people.
Mr. Wm. DORLAC has resigned his position with the LONG Mercantile and accepted a better place with the DeSoto Dairy and Ice Plant. We sincerely regret to loose Mr. DORLAC for he was one of the most wide awake business men of our town. Mr. Claude BEATTE of Danby has taken the place vacated by Mr. DORLAC.
Festus and Crystal are making plans for the big 4th of July celebration to be held here. Everyone knows what a wonderful success last year’s picnic was. Officials claim that that picnic was only a “drop in the bucket” in comparison to what this celebration will be, so we are expecting some time.
Francis (Buster) ARMBRUSTER and another friend of Collinsville, Ill., motored through to Festus to visit relatives and friends. Buster formerly was a Festus boy. He holds a position as foreman in a factory in Collinsville.
A.H. LONG and wife departed this week for their new home in Cadet. They expect to move by van but owing to recent rains had to have their goods sent by rail.
~Famous Kaiser WILHELM Canal~
The Kaiser WILHELM canal was officially opened June 21, 1895. It is a little more than 61 miles in length and for the easterly part of its course follows the line of the old Elder canal. It is 187 feet wide at the water surface and 72 feet at the bottom, with a depth of 29 feet 6 inches. The total cost of the canal was $39,000,000.
~Daily Thought~
Wisdom provides things necessary not superfluous – Solon.
The odd Fellows held memorial services at their hall Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. O. F. MEEK of Freeport Ill., spent several days here on business.
Dr. and Mrs. W. H. FARRAR and Mrs. Adam MUMMERT went to Arcadia Sunday to see Louise ROZIER who is in the convent in that city.
C. A. GIERTH of Poplar Bluff had business in DeSoto the first of the week.
Miss Tillie CAMPBELL is visiting her sister Miss ALICE at Wichita Kansas.
Mrs. Lillian WEEKS and son were the guests of relatives in St. Louis Saturday.
Mrs. Hattie ALLEN had business in the city Monday.
Mrs. COLLINS entertained the Red Cross Club at the Arlington Hotel Wednesday of last week.
Thursday was “tag day” for the Child’s Welfare and the amount collected for that splendid cause was $200.
The crowd was here from different parts of the county attending the County Graduation Day.
Miss Margaret LAURENCE spent Friday and Saturday in St. Louis.
Howard MORSE and Walter GIBSON left Monday for a river trip south.
Mrs. Ella FARRIS returned from St. Louis last week and her daughter Mrs. C. T. JARVIS returned Sunday morning.
J. W. WATT has improved his property on Fourth Street, building a concrete wall and changing the porch and having windows enlarged making it a desirable home.
Mr. and Mrs. Will REYNOLDS went to Ruleville, Miss., to attend the funeral of Mrs. C. C. MITCHIM. Mrs. MITCHIM was a member of the D. A. R. and loved by all who knew her.
Miss Margaret CARLEY went to Alton last week for a few days to see her mother who has been there for some weeks.
Mr. J. W. HOPKINS and son Captain Horace HOPKINS who has recently returned from France were calling on old friends here Saturday. Mr. HOPKINS moved from DeSoto to Junction City Colo., ten years ago and this is his first visit since leaving.
John FIGGERT has treated his “Hup” to a new coat of paint.
Lee McKAY and wife have a new daughter at their home, born Saturday May 31st. They have named the baby Mildred Evelyn.
Mr. and Mrs. Grade ALLEE spent Saturday and Sunday in DeSoto returning to Fredericktown Sunday evening.
Miss THOST and fiancé Mr. ERNEY departed the first of the week for New Florence Mo., where they will be united in marriage by the bride’s brother-in-law Rev. PUNDT. Miss THOST is the daughter of Mr. THOST the florist and this young couple has many friends who wish them many years of wedded bliss.
Miss Margaret WILLER who has a position in St. Louis arrived home Saturday evening to spend her vacation.
Lieut., Alison REPPY came here Saturday morning to take the train for St. Louis where he gave an address before the Postal Clerks in that city.
On account of the increased cost of all material and supplies used in the maintenance of the telephone plant, and also the necessary increase in wages for all classes of labor, we are compelled to ask the State Public Service Commission for permission to increase our rates for telephone service at Pevely, Fenton and Beck exchanges.
The proposed rates are as follows:
Class of service Rate per month
Direct line – Wall set - - - - - - - $ 2.50
Direct line – desk set - - - - - - - 2.75
Extensions – wall set - - - - - - - .75
Extensions – desk set - - - - - - - 1.00
Direct line – wall set - - - - - - - 1.75
Direct line – desk set - - - - - - - 2.00
Extensions – wall set - - - - - - - - .50
Extensions – desk set - - - - - - - - .75
Rural Lines
Residence - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1.50
Business - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2.00
Calls between Pevely, Fenton and Beck exchanges, 5 cents for each three minutes or fraction thereof.
We have asked that the above proposed schedule of rates be allowed to go into effect July 1st 1919. Each subscriber is therefore notified that if there is any reasonable objection to the proposed increase, that such objection should be made in writing to the Public Service Commission at Jefferson City, prior to the effective date of the proposed schedule.
MEISSNER Telephone Company
By, H. HEINER, Jr., President
My farm is posted. No hunting or trespassing allowed. Francis FRANK
~World’s Finest Church~
November 18 is the anniversary of the dedication of St. Peter’s in Rome in 1626. The largest Christian house of worship was begun about 1450. In 1546 Michelangelo was put in charge who redesigned the dome. The height to the top of this dome is 435 feet and the building is one of the most imposing in the world.
Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of BUTHER CRESSWELL, dec., were granted to the undersigned on the 2nd day of June A. D. 1919, by the Probate Court of Jefferson County Missouri. All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the Administrator within six months after the date of said letters or they may be precluded from any benefit of said estate and if such claims be not exhibited within one year from the date of this publication they shall be forever barred. Clem CRESSWELL (SEAL) Administratrix. Attested: J. P. MILLER, Judge of Probate.
Notice is hereby given that letter of Administration with Will Annexed on the estate of Mary M. KENNER Dec., were granted to the undersigned on the 26th day of May 1919, by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Missouri. All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them to me to allowance within six months after the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of such estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within one year from the date of the last insertion of the publication of this notice they shall be forever barred. E. R. NIEHAUS. Administrator with will annexed, 100 N. 4th Street. St. Louis (SEAL) Attested: J. P. MILLER Judge of Probate.
~Site of Ancient Capital~
The governor general of Korea and a party recently on tour in Northern Korea discovered the site of the capital of an old Korean kingdom known as Kukuryo. This kingdom flourished at an early stage in Korea’s history from 37 B.C. until A.D. 668.
[page 3]
Mr. and Mrs. Jim DONNELL spent Sunday with Festus relatives.
W. H. WILSON attended the Rural Mail Carriers meeting in DeSoto Sunday morning.
The REPPY family spent the day with the Tony SCHNEIDER family at Morse Mill Sunday.
Sam ECKLE has come home from Chicago where he has been visiting since his return from the army.
Miss Anna MILLER is back from a visit to St. Louis where she went with her brothers Clarence is now connected with the Wagner Electrical Co.
Miss Blanche FRAZIER and escort attended the dance at Kimmswick Saturday night.
Mrs. SCHULZ and sister, Jeanette ZISKIE of Horine were Mrs. R. A. MARSDEN’S guest last week.
J. F. WILLIAMS has a new Overland and Ware EVANS a new Ford roadster.
Mrs. Joel HANEY has gone to the city for a few days visit with friends and relatives.
Mrs. B. T. EAVES who has been quite ill the past week is improving.
Miss Alma MARSDEN of Sandy is here visiting her sister, Mrs. Louis HERMAN.
Mrs. Lena STEEL and children spent yesterday with DeSoto friends.
A number of young people from Central and Big River townships attended the Kimmswick dance Saturday night.
George BOEMLER of House Springs was in attendance at Circuit yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. LAMBERT of Benton have been visiting in the county the past week and are now with the George GASCHE family to whom they have sold their new Chevrolet car.
Note W. J. MAUTHE’S new ad this week. Mr. MAUTHE is Jefferson County’s leading soft drinks manufacturer. The water used in his products, is from a flowing well 390 feet deep, the one that shipped to the World’s Fair in 1904.
Representative Milton MOSS, wife and son Charles and little grandson Lucian MEESE were in the county seat Monday. Mr. MOSS attended the Peace League meeting and his family visited relatives, the family of R. A. MARSDEN.
Word was received here yesterday from J. F. ADAMS that his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Leslie ADAMS died at their home in Detroit. The remains will be interred in St. Louis today, June 12. Mrs. ADAMS will be remembered as Miss Sybil JACKSON of DeSoto and married their about five years ago.
Mrs. A. Paul DAVIS of St. Louis arrived Tuesday for a visit with her parents, Herman PIERCE and wife. She was accompanied by her baby son Douglas who is quite a man now; has two teeth visible, can walk anywhere, and wears a friendly smile good to see. Mr. DAVIS employed in St. Louis during vacation but will return to Ft. Madison Iowa, the opening of the school year.
As usual Sunday ended with an electrical storm, but no wonder; after such an exciting ball game as was played between the Maxville boys and Alpen Bran boys. They have to go some to beat our boys as the Alpen Bran’s only won by a narrow fraction.
We invite all our friends to come Sunday afternoon and see the Maxville boys beat Melville.
Mr. and Mrs. Dodie Clara PHILIP and Eddie ROESCH were out from St. Louis Sunday visiting their parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert ROESCH.
Mrs. John REISNER was in St. Louis Sunday to see her sister, Mrs. Wm. SCHALBERT who is very ill.
Mr. and Mrs. A. WEBER and daughter were visitors Sunday at Maxville with their new limousine (lizzie).
Frank SIMON, one of our overseas boys, arrived home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman EHLERS of St. Louis have been visiting out here this week.
Mrs. GAUSEMANN and son are visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. John GRAZACK.
We take it all back what we said about our Kimmswick friends, but it still stands good for our Seckman friends.
The Maxville Base Ball Club will give a dance Sunday evening June 18, 1919 at Forest View, and we invite one and all to come and have a good time. Up to this date music, all kinds of refreshments, and a welcome like you get no place else. Now show as your good will and we will do likewise.
As announced in our last sketch here we are again. We do not expect to compete with our other journalistic friends but we will furnish our readers some good news.
We had nice weather the past week and the farmers are all busy in the fields planting corn and a bumper crop is expected.
Henry DANNIMANN one of our esteemed neighbors has recently purchased a young team of mules and is working very hard.
Henry SWEHLA, who has been working for STRAHER Brothers saw mill is now working for John KASSEL near Antonia, we wonder why?
Frank WUERTZ took a trip to St. Louis last week and we have not yet learned what his business was but we will find that out some time later.
William R. NESSEL, one of our efficient school teachers has gone up to Kirksville to get a higher education and won’t be back until late this summer.
Albert WUERTZ is now very busy picking strawberries and has an enormous crop.
Louis HUNNING of High Ridge has bought a new Ford truck and is very busy hauling strawberries into St. Louis.
Casper REIBOLD of Rock Creek who is now working in St. Louis was home Sunday to spend a pleasant time with some of his friends.
Leo F. HILGERT and Christ KEUNE Jr., of Dry Fork are planning to take a trip somewhere on the rock road.
But where and for what, is unknown. That’s right boys, keep a good thing going as Estella is a fine girl.
William BOLLEFER who resides near Four Ridge is going to give a dance on June the 21st. Everybody is invited.
Christ SAEGER who left us last summer for military service is now returned home. Everybody was glad to see him back as Christ was always a good fellow. Ben SCHYTT went to a dance last low.
Ben SCHYTT went to a dance last Saturday somewhere in rock Township and reported they all had a splendid time.
The ball game played Sunday by Maxville and Four Ridge teams was a success as far as the Maxville boys were concerned. The Four Ridge boys were defeated.
John RILEY to Joseph HEAD lots in Sulphur Springs - - - $1.00
William REICHERT to William MUELLER 90 acres (13-42-5) - - - $7,000
W. L. SMITH to Josephine D. ASHCRAFT 2 lots in DeSoto - - - $2,000
William REICHERT to Adam JURATA, 2 acres, DeSoto - - - $1,550
Vera M. CHENEWORTH to R. B. HILL, 2 lots in DeSoto - - - $166
M. R. CRITES to C. W. YEIDS, lot in Pevely - - - $250
Jas L. FRENCH to Jas A. McKEE, 2 lots in DeSoto - - - $300
Fred L. LAMM to W. J. SPENCER to correct title - - -
W. J. SPENCER to Fred L. LAMM, 8 lots in DeSoto - - - $500
C. C. ENGLAND to Geo. W. HUCK, lots in Crystal - - - $4,500
Chas F. MULLIN to Thos. HOWLETT, 165 acres (5-39-4) - - - $6,500
Frank KOHR et al to Louis J. ROESCH 1:5 acres U. S. Survey 2991 - - - $1,250
John RIESER to Wm. KONERT, 13 acres (36-43-5) - - - $500
Howard CHENEWORTH by guardian to R. B. HILL - - - $166
Pevely Farm & Cattle Co. to Julius STUPP - - - $100
Bryant BULOW, 23 year old assistant to the sales manager of the SIMMONS Hardware Co., St. Louis, died from a cause that begun as neglected tooth decay. The tooth got infected and produced septic cerebral meningitis. Decayed teeth ought to be filled without delay. Any little gum boil ought to be reported promptly to the dentist as it means a serious condition at the root of the tooth involved. Such a condition may result in various kinds of trouble, even death itself.
The poisoned blood also poisons the nerves and headaches, neuralgia nervous exhaustion with all its symptoms may occur. All this tooth trouble can be corrected by Dr. WHITE at a very small cost if taken in time. I insist for your own welfare to not neglect your teeth. It has been said dirty teeth will slander the whitest character on earth. Before having your teeth treated, call at my office and get my prices.
Dr. W. H. G. WHITE, DeSoto, Mo.
Miss Estelle STROUPE is on her way home from Germany.
John O’NEIL celebrated his birthday Saturday night with a big party and dance, most everybody went and had a fine time. We wish Mr. O’NEIL many happy returns of the day.
The J. R. ENGLANDS entertained with a Rook Party Monday evening. Those present were the OGLES and Miss SIMCOX, P. C. MCCORMACK and the Misses ENGLAND of Cape Girardeau and W. R. POLITTE.
Mrs. MALONE and daughter Clare leave this week for their new home in Miami Okla. We regret very much to see them go.
Mrs. Curtis EAVES and little daughter Norma of St. Louis are visiting Peter WILLIAMS and wife.
School closed last Thursday with a basket dinner and a good program in the afternoon. The “he or she” who so constantly prates of the “empty dinner pail” should have been a change of subject this week. Grub is not so scarce around here and work for the fellow who wants it.
Several from here attended the celebration at DeSoto Decoration day.
Frank MANLEY and wife will entertain the eighth grade graduates and several other friends at their home Saturday evening.
Miss BRASWELL our County Demonstrator and Miss BROWN state worker were here Monday in the interest of the Home Bureau. A very interesting meeting was held in the afternoon and it looks as the Hematite will furnish several members and we are looking forward to great results from this line of work. The ladies were entertained at the home of Mrs. J. R. ENGLAND.
Fredrick LUEDMANN died at his home near Byrnesville June 1st, 1919 at the ripe old age of seventy-five years and seven days. He was born in Hanover Germany. Came to the United States when twelve years of age and settled on Jones Creek near Morse Mill. At the age of twenty he volunteered to a call of his country and served as a regular soldier in the Union Army, Co. B Missouri Inf., a period of seven months when he was honorably discharged. He returned home on April 12, 1866 and was married to Miss Helena FICKEN. To this union were born five children, four of whom with their aged mother survive him. They are Mrs. Wm. TUEBSING of Clinton Mo., Mrs. Henry BAUER of Cedar Hill, Jno L. LUEDMANN of St. Louis, Henry LUEDMANN formerly of Festus but recently moved to the Byrnesville home to comfort the aged parents in their declining years. The oldest daughter, Mrs. Lawrence DACHN preceded him in death some thirty years ago. He is also survived by a aged brother and a score of grandchildren and great grandchildren.
The deceased was a member of the Cedar Hill Post G. A. R. of which only three remain to pay a last tribute to a departed comrade. He did not possess great riches in the world’s wealth, but built a monument that remains well in the memory of those who knew him, being generous and kind hearted sacrificed his own comfort to please others. The weary traveler and the humble beggar were never turned away unaided. He was a devoted church member and lived a Christian life as a Christian should. The remains were laid to rest in the Dittmer Cemetery where he sleeps to await the dawn of resurrection. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. R. P. GOEBLE of High Ridge who spoke counseling words of comfort to the sorrowing relatives and friends gathered to lay him away in his long last sleep.
Strawberries, cherries, raspberries, peas and potatoes are being rolled in at Seckman commission stand outrageously and price doesn’t seem to decline.
Nick ROESCH is kept busy day and night hauling berries to St. Louis and bring needs in return. He has ordered another carload of twine, as wheat looks better after every shower.
Robert ROESCH has the honor of being the cherry king as he brings in a load every evening.
Misses Hilda and Laura BUECH were picking berries for the straw berry kind the past week.
Hugo PAUL and Emil ROESCH claim they are going to be the mechanics at our new garage.
Chas ALBRECHT who bought KUECHENMEISTER’S farm last summer is picking strawberries and says he can make a thousand dollars out of them. Some people count their chickens before they buy the incubator.
Frank FISHER was very busy last Sunday chasing the frogs out of the cornfield and planting corn in it.
Ralph EDLING has planted a carload of potatoes and wants to plant a few more to raise seed for next year. Herman MOTTERT is inventing a wet weather plow so those potatoes can be planted in case of another wet season. Wm. F. DAUNENBERG will be the agent for the plow.
My DIERKS has been making frequent trips to St. Louis for the past two weeks to have dentistry work done.
Martin BLANK on Shortbend Ave. was also plaguing the frogs to let him plant corn in the corn ground.
Some of our dear hunters were busy to postpone the date.
There have been some nights that were real interesting the past months on our Lemay Ferry road near Seckman Bridge where the bond issue left the road for the main ditch. Frog ponds in the center of the road make it impossible for small machines to pull thru without having the four biggest jumbo frogs giving their assistance. A sign at the end of the ponds reads; All charges payable to Wm. H. STRAHER Seckman Road overseer. Another sight was seen south of Rock Creek Bridge. Ford passengers are lucky. There were three machines lined up in front of the juggling and dumping station, the front two having four passengers apiece and the rear machine having only the chauffeur strapped in it. The rear chauffeur gave the signal and the brass bands began to play. Meet Me in Dreamland as bumping and juggling began, all the passengers were juggled into the rear machine. By the time they were past the station all looked as if they were ready to vote for another bond issue, one asking the other, “Who is the road overseer?”
Herman MOTTERT met with an accident lately, his father told the neighbors saying “Joe KEPRA’S cow almost killed my Herman. Wonder what the cow thot?
The dance at Imperial was reported a grand success. Who watches the babies when the handsome chauffeur takes mamma to the dance?
Pete BECKER also is up with some of the berry kings.
Wm. DANNENBERG is wearing the don’t come off smile, being the daddy of William the Second.
Joe HOOK is breaking a young team of mules and sure takes it easy with them in such a busy season.
Well at last Christ LUDWIG is possessor of a machine, but it is neither a Curtis or Dehaviland, it is a Four-Ninety or Chevrolet.
Miss Anna REITER was in DeSoto at the teacher’s examination Friday.
Oscar NEUGEBAUER, Jr. has a yard of smiles, he says home life beats all your camp life.
Wm. SCHYTTE said after the frost that all his berries were frozen. He must be hauling next year’s crop for Bill brings in a four hose load to Seckman every evening.
Miss Barbara PAUL is home from St. Louis to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. PAUL.
Hugo PAUL, Emil ROESCH, Katie PAUL and Clara ROESCH were at Forest Park last Sunday to see the animals. Where was Herman KATIE?
Walter BECKER had an accident lately. He had his bicycle in Frank FISHER’S barn and Frank’s mule got on the bicycle and smashed the rear wheel. Tell Frank to buy a motorcycle for the mule. Walter was at the dance at Imperial Saturday eve and someone changed the wheels on his buggy having the front wheels on the right side. Walter don’t notice anything like that when he has a dear in the rig.
The dance at Seckman was well represented. Some of the dear hunters were about with two new hunters present, but were out of luck not striking any tracks. Seems as if some dears like to be chased.
Jake KOHR isn’t quite certain about the Seckman Correspondent. You were in the right church but happened to be in the wrong pew. Guess again Jake.
D. C. HAEFNER has to carry a step ladder when he walks through his wheat field he has to get on the sixth step as he can get his head out ever the top to get fresh air. Some wheat, Dan!
[Ad] L. A. CHAMBERLIN Dentist, DeSoto, MO.
[Ad] Don’t throw that broken casting away, have it welded by the UNION WELDING & BRAZING CO. We weld aluminum without preheating and guarantee against warpage of aluminum and cylinders. All kinds of materials welded one to another. Cutting of high and low carbon steel. UNION WELDING AND BRAZING COMPANY Between Festus and Silica. Post Office, Hematite. STILLMAN Bros. Prop.
[Ad] ELCAR Four and Six. Dependable and Classic. Quality and Quantity for your money Seeing is Believing. Also, Two-in-one Make a Tractor Agent For Maude Make a Tractor. Coreless 1500 lb Truck. Elcar Touring Car. Jacob BECKER Jr., Phone Long Distance. Maxville, Mo.
[Ad] Wanted. Poultry, eggs and butter. On Thursday only. Highest market prices paid in cash. Fresh Milch Cows Wanted. Will purchase your marketable live stock. Clay KING. Hillsboro, Missouri.
[Ad] Albert S. ENNIS. Attorney-at-Law. Real Estate. Notary Public. Office over Citizen’s Bank, Festus, Mo.
[Ad] Catarrh Cannot be Cured with local applications as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly influenced by constitutional conditions and in order to cure it you must take an internal remedy. Hall’s Catarrh Medicine is taken internally and acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of the system. Hall’s Catarrh Medicine was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years. It is composed of some of the best tonics known combined with some of the best blood purifiers. The perfect combination of the ingredients in Hall’s Catarrh Medicine is what produces such wonderful results in catarrhal conditions. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Props, Toledo. OH. Hall’s Family Pills for constipation.
[Ad] WARD’s Orange-Crush. Orange- puts a quick quietus on thirst. Served ice-cold, its refreshing natural fruit flavor delights and invigorates. Orange-Crush is obtainable where-ever soft drinks are sold. Our modern machinery bottles Orange-Crush under strictly sanitary condition.
[Ad] Artisian bottle Works. W. J. MAUTHE, Proper. DeSoto, MO.
[Ad] E. A. STOVESAND Agent for John Deere Binders, Dain Mowers, Deer Disc Cultivators and Planters, J. I. Case Disc Cultivators and Planters, James Oliver Sulkey Plows, Weber and Dame Farm Wagons. Cedar Hill, Hillsboro, Route 2, Missouri.
[Ad] Eckles Store. Fresh staple and fancy groceries, paints’ glassware, tin & aluminum. Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing. Market Price for Country Produce. J. W. ECKLE, Hillsboro, Mo.
[Ad] E. A. STAAT General Blacksmith and Garage. Dealer in Farm machinery, Implements, Vehicles, Gasoline engines, and repairs of all kinds; Deering and Plymouth twine. Antonia, Mo.
[Ad]Bank of Kimmswick. Kimmswick, Missouri. Capital - - - $10,000. Surplus and Undivided Profits - - - $10,000. C. H. GERALD, President M. ZIEGLER, Vice-President. G. A. WENOM, Cashier. We invite you to open an account with us. Pass Books and Check Books given without charge regardless of the amount of deposit. We pay 4 per cent on time deposits for one year, and 3 per cent a year for 6 months.
[Ad] Puritan Tires 30x3 1-2. $15.50. Carries Usual 3500 Mile Guarantee. Fresh Stock. Agents for Republic tracks and Dart Touring cars. Maxville Auto Repair Co. Maxville, MO.
[Ad] Subscribe for The Record.