Jefferson County Record


MAY 29, 1919




[Photo of Ernest Leroy OGLE of Crystal City]

Ernest Leroy OGLE of Crystal City is enjoying his home once more. He has been Uncle Sam’s boy; 1918 and 1919 and traveled from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast. He was one of the contingent who left Aug. 8. He took double camp training was duly loaded upon the transport for overseas duty, where they waited twenty four hours for shipping orders, but Nov. 11 will never be forgotten, so they did not sail, but were awarded the overseas stripe. He arrived home in time for his mother’s birthday with his honorable discharge. He also tells how nicely the Red Cross treated the soldier boys on Christmas and at all times.


Ben LLOYD of St. Louis a former Hillsboro boy spent Sunday here calling on friends. Ben and his brother Bob were in battle together when Bob was shot and carried off the field by Ben who was slightly gassed. Bob remains disabled, but Ben arrived May, 14 and went to work May 19.


George HEILAND arrived from overseas duty Tuesday looking fine. He didn’t mind the war – but didn’t like the big pond.



George CRULL aged sixty-five years, died at his home at Dittmer, May 24, and was buried Tuesday May 27, 1919. Rev. S. P. GOEBEL, pastor of the High Ridge church, a lifelong friend, conducted the funeral. Mr. CRULL had spent his entire span of life on his home farm which had been the home of his father Dr. Amandus CRULL, before him.

Mr. CRULL was one of the best citizens Big River produced and stood high in his esteem of the whole country side. He was always lined up with the township’s best interests and his loss is felt by all who knew and loved this good upright, and kindly hearted man.

He leaves surviving him, his wife, seven sons and three daughters. With the mother in the Dittmer home are, Miss Lula, Edward and Elmer. Olga, Mrs. HANBEY, lives in Oklahoma; and Carrie, Mrs. Charles BUXTON lives in Cedar Hill. The others are; Lee, in Cedar Hill, Amandus, in St. Louis, Albert in Franklin County and Erastus in France.

As all day service and basket dinner will be held at the Baptist church at Morse Mill next Sunday June 1st. Dr. George STEEL presiding. A special sermon will be preached in the afternoon and song service in connection with all of the day’s exercises will be conducted by Prof. BRYSON of Sprott who has a large class in singing and is well known in that work in this country for many years.



Coonie” KREIGBAUM, aged 65, was struck across the forehead with a club by Clark MANESS, Wednesday evening, and seriously injured. KRIEGBAUM was still unconscious Friday morning and little hope is entertained for his recovery.

The trouble occurred at the KRIEGBAUM home in the south end of town, and according to witnesses, the old man was seated at the supper table when struck. MANESS was arrested by Marshall LANHAM and Deputy Sheriff KULSEY and is being held pending the outcome of KRIEGBAUM’s injuries. (DeSoto Press)


On Sunday, June ? 1919, there will be the usual Children’s day picnic as the St. L(Luke/Luth.?) Evangelical Church, Glaze Creek. Refreshments of all kinds will be served and enjoyment for all. Everyone welcome.



?? BEYERS vs ? Mo - filed by plaintiff to dismiss counter ? fled by plaintiff to dismiss counter claim.

Anton LEICHT vs. Joe BUFKA. Answer filed deft and passed to June 12.

John LIVERAR et al vs. Frank LIVERAR et al. Continued

State vs. Jack CANTRELL, Continued to next term and set for Sept 10.

School Dist. No 89 vs. Rose TOOLOOSE trial by court and taken under advisement.

State vs. Walter HUSKEY. Bond forfeited and writ to Sheriff of Jefferson County.

State vs. A. GOLLMAN. Nolle Prosse.


 Ben RIECHMANN vs. Julius KOHLER Deft granted leave to plead Thursday May 23. Answer filed and course passed to June 12.

State vs. Edward & Lorine WILLIAMS, filed.

Catherine YERGER vs. J. F. WILLIAMS et al. Pleadings made up trial by jury and judgments for all of the defendants.

Evangelical Lutheran Zion Church granted pro forms decree of incorporation of Jno. H. REPPY allowed fee of $10.00 as amicus cruise.


Continued cases.

Louis LaBRYERE vs. St. Louis & S. F. Ry Co.

Jas McDONNELL vs. St. Louis & S. F. Ry Co.

Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co. vs. Herculaneum Service Co.


S. J. ROZIER vs. Thos. HUNT.

C. G. HARRIS vs. L. E. McQUAY.

State vs. August SELTER.

State vs. Tom WELLS.


State vs. Cecil DeBOISE & Archie COLEMAN.

State vs. Fannie DeCLUE.

Clark MANESS vs. Bertha MANESS.

Fetka FEDUCH vs. St. Joe Led Co.


Cases 117 to 124.


Chas C. ENGLAND vs. Lindsey THURMAN.

Frank Louis JACKSON vs. Emma JACKSON.

 Louis ENGEL vs. Manley ENGEL.

Meedy PERRY vs. Fred PERRY.

WAGGNER Store Co. vs. Adam MEYER.

State vs. Edward & Lorine WILLIAMS. Nolle Prose as to Edward WILLIAMS, Lorine WILLIAMS enters plea of guilty to petit larceny. Fine $25:00 & costs.

Festus Glass Co. vs. Festus Bottling Co. Attachment sustained and judgment for $1,487.26 for plaintiff.

Aug BEYER vs. Fred VORNBROCK. Judgment for plaintiff $140.00.

Ike MARTIN vs. Jefferson County et al. Dismissed as to all other deft except Jefferson County and judgment for plaintiff for $73.50.

Ann CROSSMAN vs. Geo. STEPHENS. Plaintiff. Permitted to sue as a poor person.

Rachel KLEINSTAUBER vs. Henry KLEINSTAUBER. Divorce granted plaintiff with care of minor child.

Chas. A. LICH enrolled as member of this bar.

Laura A. TUCKER vs. Wm. M. MILLER. Pleadings made up trial by jury and judgment for plaintiff for $100.00.

Walter BONNELL et al. vs. Guy GLOSSBRENNER et al. Decree of partition order of sale. ½ cash.

B. F. ROBERTSON vs. Fredrick KRETSCHMOR fee to lots 23 & 24 blk 25 DeSoto rested in plaintiff and deft divested of all title.

Crystal City Library associated granted pro form decree of incorporation and H. H. IRWIN allowed $10.00 as amicus curiae.

H. M. Gordon vs. Mo. Pac R. R. Co., Judgment for plaintiff as per stipulation.

In matter of Geo. M. PAUL. Frank B. CLARK appointed Trustee.

State vs. J. P. ROSE. Enters into recognizance in indictments 2, 3, & 4 & continued to next term.

Chas CARTWRIGHT vs. Mary HAROFF et al plaintiff granted leave to file amended petition and cause continued.

E. F. CORDIA vs. City of DeSoto et al. Trial by jury and judgment for defendants.

John WEISS entered into recognizance to answer charge of murder of 2nd degree.

St. Louis & S. F. Ry Co. vs. John KEHRT. Judgment for plaintiff on pleadings. Plaintiff to pay costs.

O. K. CASTEEL vs. St. Joe Lead Co. judgment for $500 and satisfaction acknowledged.

HILL vs. DAME. Plea to jurisdiction overruled and judgment for plaintiff $181.70 and satisfaction acknowledged.

Joe -?-- vs. Otto THOMAS trial by jury and judgment for defendant. --- trial --.

M. F. ROGERS vs. Wm ROGERS. Trial by ?? ?? ordered ½ cash.

Catherine YEAGER vs Jeff Co Special judge --- for new trial and to --?

? vs. ?


~Welcome Home~

“It is urged that all soldiers and sailors in Jefferson County attend the reunion at DeSoto on May 30th, coming in uniform. A Memorial Service for those who have passed on will be held at 11 o’clock, at which time prominent speakers will address the citizens. In the afternoon there will be a ball game, and in the evening a social time and dancing. All entertainment to the soldiers and sailors is free. The soldiers and sailors will be requested to register on coming to town, where they will be provided with tickets for their dinner. The picture show will be going on all the time, and at night, which we understand will be free to the soldiers and sailors. The matter is in the hands of the committee, who will give same all the attention possible.” R. B. JONES, Chairman of Entertainment Comm.



At a mass meeting at the Jefferson County Court House at Hillsboro last Thursday afternoon the following resolution was unanimously adopted:

“Whereas the war recently ended and with victory for the United States and the Allies associated with the states and whereas the war was fought for the freedom of the people of the whole world and to protect human rights; and whereas, said freedom and rights should be perpetually protected and guaranteed thru all time.

We the people of Jefferson County, Missouri in mass meeting assembled, for the purpose of giving expression to our views on the League of Nations adopt the following resolutions:

Be it further resolved that we unhesitatingly urge the adoption of the covenant of the League of Nations as now proposed for adoption of same would promote liberty and war and would be in the interest of progress and the orderly development of the world.

Be it resolved that copies of this resolution be sent to the President of the United States, Woodrow WILSON, Senator James A. REED and Selden P. SPENCER, Representative Marion E. RHODES and Hon. Wm. H. TAFT, President of the League to enforce Peace.

A permanent organization of the Jefferson County Auxiliary of the League to enforce peace was made. Mr. A. S. ENNIS of Festus was elected permanent chairman; Prof., MATHIAS of Festus was elected Associate Director of Speakers; Prof., SUTTON of Herculaneum, Associate director of Publicity. A representative county executive committee will be announced in a few days.


 The organization of the Jefferson County League to Enforce Peace will be well under way in a few days and it is planned to hold a large County convention at Hillsboro on June 9th to which every man and woman in the county or elsewhere is not only invited to attend but is urged to do so. One or two speakers of note will be present to address the convention. Convention will be called at 10:00 a.m. and there will be an afternoon session. Further announcement elsewhere in this paper.



William H. CULLON, (col) - - - - - - - Festus

Myrtle I. BINGHAM (col) - - - - - - - - Festus


Charles GREENLEE - - - - - - - - - - -Herculaneum

Emma BELCHER - - - - - - - - - - - - -Herculaneum


Clarence BAKER - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Festus

Stella HIGGINBOTHAM  - - - - - - - -  Festus


William S. WALLACE - - - - - - - - - -  DeSoto

Goldie Helen STOKEN - - - - - - - - - -DeSoto


Martin LINHORST - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hillsboro

Marie SCHULZ  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -St. Louis


William H. REYNOLDS - - - - - - - - -DeSoto

Nellie J. MITCHIM  - - - - - - - - - - - -DeSoto


Mrs. John G. BRUNS of Morse Mill returned Friday from a month’s visit to her daughter, Mrs. Robert DORN in Modoc, Ill.

Petitions and core bill dismissed and costs taxed against plaintiff.

WAGGONER Store Co. vs. American Silica Sand and Mining Co. Dismissed.

WAGGONER Store Co., vs. C. J. CAUSEY judge for plaintiff $82.91.

Paul LaROSE vs. Anthony  LaROSE. Report of sale filed. H. B. IRWIN allowed guard ad litum for $25:00 Chas WHITE attorney’s fee $56.00.

The divorce docket was passed to June 10th, 11th & 12th.

Clyde WILLIAMS was elected special judge to hold court Saturday, Mary 31st for judicial sale.

Millard F. HERRINGTON vs. ?? ?? Fire Ins co., Motion for new trial --?--.

Other adjourned to Saturday May 31.



Last Saturday night a party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. WERNER in honor of their son, George WERNER, which was attended by a large number of relatives and friends including the Evangelical Young Peoples League of High Ridge. Ex-corporal Harry J. MILLER and ex-corporal Gus RAUSENDORK, both of whom had seen service in France were present and added considerably to the enjoyment of the evening.

A delicious supper was served, games were played and everybody wore a smile.

Ex-corporal WERNER had been in the Aviation Corps, stationed in London England for about nine months.

The guests over Sunday were: Judge J. P. MILLER and family; Mr. and Mrs. John WERNER; Mr. & Mrs. EDWIN MILLER, Mr. and Mrs. David McKEE and son Howard; Mr. Louis SCHULTZ and family, Misses – Katheryn MILLER, Alma WERNER, Estella and Caroline BOEMLER, Leona MILLER; Messrs. Walter and Henry WERNER, Walter RAUSENDORF, Geo. H. WERNER.

George left Sunday eve for his old position in the post office in St. Louis which was open for him. Only good wishes from his many friends go with him. George is a nephew of whom Uncle Sam may be very proud. “One present”.



We hereby call a county convention of the League to Enforce Peace to meet at Hillsboro at 10:00 a.m. on Monday June 9th, to which every man and woman in Jefferson County who is interested in doing away with all war and in the promotion of national and international peace is most urgently requested to attend. Speakers of prominence will be present and address the convention.

Was your boy in the last bloody war? If not, your neighbor’s was. Did your boy give up his life for this sacred cause? If not, your neighbor’s did. Is your boy now compelled to go thru life blind, or with one leg or one arm? If not, your neighbor’s is. Shall we endure all this death; all this suffering; all this bloodshed; all the mother heartaches, and then not do our part to see that such a condition shall never again face the world? Shall we not now, with the help and influence of these boys and these sad sorrowing parents whose boys are not here to lend their help, but whose influence from their graves in the soil of France should be to us thrice sacred and pressing, insist upon the enforcement of a covenant that will for all time prevent bloodshed sorrow and suffering thru which we have passed, and while the bloodshed may have escaped, the sorrow and suffering is still with us and will never pass during the present generation.

Every man and woman in Jefferson County, who wants to see an end to war and bloodshed, should consider it their duty as well as their great privilege to meet at this convention, hear the addresses and have the opportunity to express their views and hear the views of others. Monday, June 9th, morning and afternoon sessions.

A.S. ENNIS, Chairman,

C.J. MATHIAS, Dir. Of Speakers,

J. SUTTON, Director of Publicity.



Fred PRATT was born on the 30th day of September 1887, died at the age of 33 years 8 months and 12 days on May 12, 1919. This leaves to mourn his death a mother, four children and five brothers and a host of other relatives and friends. (poem illegible, and not transcribed).



Since the appearance of the many empty dinner pails, we herewith write the story in prose as heard from one of the sufferers a devout “Watchful Waiting” enthusiast.

“As I sit here idle, dreaming

Of the good times of G. O. P. gone,

With not a dollar in my pocket.

And the winter will be coming on.

The thing that breaks me up the most

And makes me feel so small;

Is the sight of thot empty dinner pail,

A hanging on the wall.

“I’ve carried that old dinner pail,

For fifteen years or more,

It never saw me idle or destitute before

With the public works all running

And the best of wages paid,

A prosperous gang of fellows,

Was the dinner pail brigade,

But you see we were not satisfied,

And thot we’d like a change,

So we voted Watchful Waiting,

And this, made the exchange.

From full dinner pails and good times,

And this is what they said.

”We’ll lower the cost of living,

And give you cheaper bread.”

Ye we voted Watchful Waiting,

And the change it came you bet.

And all the public works shut down,

And left us in a sweat.

So now gentle reader, we got the change alright,

And don’t you forget it,

To get work is a fright,”


John NACE of Imperial was in the vicinity recently. John has been appointed deputy constable, evidently searching for some suspicious characters Sherlock HOLMS fashion. We referred John to the railroad water tank at Sulphur where” knights of the road” are said to congregate, awaiting side door pullmans.

The renowned “Jolly Old Maids,” Club headquarters are rapidly undergoing extensive alterations. A get together ball will be a feature of the opening. It is presumed that old bachelors as well as old maids of this vicinity, if any, will be extended a cordial invitation to attend.

Aug KOEBBE and Son George were visitors recently. The elder KOEBBE seems in better health than ever before, since his recent departure from the old methods of livelihood.

Earl MURPHY, Cornelius and Arthur BRUHN of near Pevely were in Barnhart and Imperial on business recently. Earl, of Bean BRUMMEL fame, again states he captured the first prize as the most graceful dancer, at the dance near Pevely. Cornelius and Arthur are said to be pupils of Earl.

Ben WINKING of Lone Star Heights was a business visitor recently, enthusiastic about his potato crop. The new variety potato, revived for seed this spring, is already yielding its quota of good sized tubers.

A movement is on foot and petitions circulated for a rural route out of Barnhart. It is thot out new Congressman M. E. RHODES can wield a big stick over Czar BURLESON, Postmaster General big enough to impress his Highness of necessity.

Several farms have changed hands recently, the buyers from the city generally. Bad roads have proved a handicap in the sale of many farms.

A.V. BENSON of St. Louis, a prospective new-comer was here the past week looking over sites for the erection of a public garage and service station.

Edna BULIS of Sulphur and William BECKER appeared betrothed. William wears a smile as large as the full moon, as Edna accompanies him on trips.

Ben REICHMAN along with Henry HELIGTAG of the Glaize Creek district are frequent visitors. Both are prospective members of the Republican Club.

G. O. JURY motored to St. Louis Friday in his “bankers pride” machine. Nothing like gasoline to get you there and back quick is the comment.


The Ladies Domestic Art Club met Thursday with an abundance of business left over from last meeting to be transacted. Several new faces have appeared as members, indicating wide awake enthusiasm in the club officers.

Some pitiful sights are enacted daily by reason of so many empty dinner pails. We believe matters will adjoin themselves about 1920 and possibly ever afterwards.

An auto driven by an apparent joker passed thru Saturday going north with a huge sign reading thusly: We lowered the cost of living and made them jobs, signed W. W. WILSON, President U.S.A. Several forced idlers sadly remarked, the sign struck home as to jobs was not as to the high end of living.

Several ladies of this vicinity have already started a Ladies Voting League and will probably affiliate with the Republican Club for -- politics and -- for the study of political -?- one is not alone in its field of endeavor. The men are also breaking into “klatches” notably Dr. Jules HARON, who is strong for all good things including coffee. The men go the ladies one better as their “klatches” take place each noon, while the ladies meet once a week. The coffee Doc makes is strong enough to float a brick.

The Farmers Union have established a disturbing station in St. Louis in the endeavor to create a system of “From Farmer to Consumer” of all kinds of Farm products. The project is being watched with interest by all communities.

Chas BOMBACH journeyed to the county seat recently on business. Chas wore a broad smile when he announced that he at last learned the identity of Barnhart’s correspondent. Guess again. Chas.

(transcriber note: the above last few lines of Barnhart news are from the continuation found on a following news page).



NEWS FROM ALL OVER JEFFERSON COUNTY. (this column edge is cut off – per transcriber)

F.A. HARBISON of Grubville was at the county seat Saturday on business.

Rural commencement takes place this this Thursday, June 5, in DeSoto.

R.A. HOLEKAMP of Guernsey went to St. Louis yesterday in the interest of his lumber business…

Central Township has her preliminary medal contest in the county seat ---day evening at eight o’clock.  All contestants are to appear on ---.

Peter McLOON of Horine, Mas--- of Pevely, O.J. MATHIS and --- POARD of Festus attended the ma--- meeting here on Thursday to organize the League to Enforce Peace.

W.H. PILLIARD of Festus came to the county seat with Attorney TERRY.  He reports his son Iran having received his honorable discharge from Camp Taylor and back in his teaching position in Milwaukee, advance of $300 per year.

It is rumored that the Pevely – and Cattle-Co. is about to pass to the hands of Julius STUPP and friends. Tom CHARLES Farm will also ? the new concern and it is expected an entire new management will be in order.

Robert B. MUNROE has been --- and completely discharged.  Everyone who really knew Bob knows --- right and no one really believed he as in any sense responsible for the failure of the Bank, or that he was in a failing condition. He is a bright young man and will make an upstanding citizen wherever he goes.

The beautiful Jarvis Church --- the seat of a wedding of two members of its congregation.  Martin I. LINHORST and Miss Marie SCHULZ, next week June 1st, at two in the afternoon.  The bride to be was formerly a H—girl, tho recently living in St. Louis and the young man is a returning soldier.

Mr. and Mrs. C. WERNER of High Ridge entertained their friends and relatives in honor of their son --, lately returned from France.  The --- was full Saturday, nearly a hundred --- coming to do the young man---.  Games and much visiting and food and cigars helped to make the occasion enjoyable.  All of the family give George a glad hand and are happy to see him at his old job in the post office.  While overseas, Uncle Sam gave him a post-office job in --- where he felt very much at home.

Rev. Dr. Geo. STEEL delivered the Memorial Day address at Sandy Creek Sunday.  Owing to the heavy rain and threatening weather, the crowd wasn’t as large as usual, but the service was full deepest meaning to those ---. Rev. STEEL will deliver a memorial address at Hopewell on Friday where he has been going for irregular intervals for more than 20 years.  On --- evening he will attend the 1919 graduating class of nurses at the Baptist Sanitarium in St. Louis.

John WEISS, has been indicted -- the grand jury for the murder of W. –egermann and gave bond for his appearance at the next term of the --- Court.  It will be remembered the account of the matter was given in the Record at the time and the Coroner’s Jury returned a verdict of Justifiable Homicide.  There had been trouble between the two on the evening in question and the young man pursued the elder with a stove lift--. Mr. WEISS after going as far – could, warned the boy to stop.   ---- mann continued to advance and was shot and instantly killed.

W. Harding DAVIS, not Richard ---- ing, visited our town last week.  DAVIS is a prominent St. Louis businessman, who last year purchased the --- ment property north of Montessano. Mr. DAVIS has erected a cozy little galow near the famous ”Chimney --- “ an old and famous Mississippi land mark.  He wanted a ---- wishes as many as ---- is large enough for himself and family and -----friends  ----- hospitality.

(continued below)


 [Page 2]

~Hillsboro Items~

. . . STEEL is in St. Louis.

--- Stella SPILKER has sold her auto . . . to the HAMMOND brothers.

--in MILLER, a student in St. Louis came home to spend the weekend.

Miss Agnes HUBELI is back from a visit to St. Louis friends.

Henry WEBER and family were week visitors in the county capital.

. . . H. REPPY arrives this morning from a trip to Atchison Kansas.

MERSEAL of DeSoto had business with the Probate Court early this week.

. . . Tony SCHNEIDER and kiddies of . . . Mill made a week-end visit to . . . F. WILLIAMS family.

. . . David REPPY was a week-ender . . . at St. Louis, the guest of his sister, Mrs. Edwin MARSDEN.

. . . Etta MEARS of St. Louis visited her aunts here, Mrs. PARKINSON and Buchanan last week.

. . . ker Ross DONNELL was absent from . . . nk last Friday, being in St. Louis for business.

. . . L BURGESS of Pevely was in the county seat on Probate business on . . . ay.

T. S. MATHEWS preached here last Sunday afternoon at three o’clock.

. . . on HUSKEY returned Sunday from a trip to St. Louis.

. . . it HERMAN, our hustling garage . . . is rebuilding. Green HEARST’S . . . and says it is the best built . . . has ever repaired. He expects to make a “flyer’ out of it.

. . . DONNELL made one of his speedy trips into St. Louis Saturday. Jim . . . a railroad is superfluous when he . . . pin in by auto in a little better than an hour.

George MILLER and family attended the home welcoming party given by C. WERNER and wife of High Ridge to their son George, now returned from overseas duty.

Attorney Clyde WILLIAMS, Frank DEITRICH and W. J. KNORPP motored over to Farmington on Business Monday. Green HEARST “made the wheels go round.”

Mr. and Mrs. Mack MARSDEN of Hillsboro Route one welcomed a ten pound baby Tuesday May 27. The youngster is a lively citizen and will be named . . . after his distinguished uncle the owner of the popular Commercial Hotel.

. .H. REINEMER and family went to Cedar Hill to visit home folks for over Sunday. Will is said to have sat on the river bank to watch the funny tribe . . . by. It was Sunday and he didn’t fish. The river being so muddy, he modified his disappointment somewhat.

Charles STONE of Chicago and Ned . . . of St. Louis biked/hiked to Hillsboro over the week-end. These men are famous bikers, this being their third hike/bike to this town, beginning their walk at . . .on. The first named came to St. . . . a commissioner to attend the Annual Convention of Presbyterians within that city last week.

A swarm of high school young folks . . . ened the landscape in and about . . . Hillsboro last Thursday. Miss MATHEWS . . . DeSoto high school brought her . . . and sociology class to witness a . . . rit in the circuit court, which they . . . As there are several high school students living here, the spare time was whiled away sociably until time to for Green HEARST to truck them home.  

---KOHLER, wife and son were Hillsboro visitors last week, a lawsuit bringing them out.



The regular examination for teachers . . . will be held at DeSoto Friday and Saturday, June 6th and 7th at the high school building. The order of objects will be the same as here to.

The examinations will begin at . . . o’clock a.m. Be on time. Teachers seeking the county examination at the State Normal Schools should get appts at once. Fees for examinations are three dollars. Respectfully R.B. WILSON, County Superintendent

~Column Continued~

(transcriber note: part of the continued news from following page has been transcribed above; additional continuation is below).



We miss you in the springtime,

When the flowers are in bloom,

When the birds sing in that perfect rhyme,

And all nature’s out of gloom.

But our hearts are sad and weary

Since you have left us here.

The time to us seems dreary,

For it’s been one long lone year.

We miss you in the summertime

When the sun’s most radiant beams

Are reflected in all nature,

The meadows and bright streams;

Tis then our hearts are yearning

For our loved one passed away,

The lesson we are learning,

Is that you’ll be gone away.

We miss you in the autumn

When the leaves fall from the trees,

When the harvest time is over

And the frost is in the breeze.

When all nature is preparing,

Preparing for the sleep,

Which, for it now is nearing,

‘Tis then we sadly week.

We miss you in the winter-time

When the cold and wint’ry blast

Takes up the place of summer-time

And holds it good and fast;

Our hearts go out to you in love

What o’er the season be;

This love will reach to Heaven above,

Even through eternity.

While we miss you every day,

Every hour, all the time;

At times we feel you’re not away,

Such feelings so sublime.

Your angel thoughts do come to us,

We feel those thoughts of love

Descending to our lovely home

From the realm of God above.

 We miss you, yes, we miss you

Much more than tongue can tell,

In all the hours our whole life through

Our love will with you dwell.

When here our lives are ended,

We’ll meet you once again;

Then will our souls be blended.

Forever, yes ----- Amen.

The above is in remembrance of Mrs. Rebecca HEMME EVANS, who departed this life Friday morning, May 31st, 1918.   The family.


 (All Over Jefferson, ~Continued)


 The Maxville Special made an excursion into the county seat yesterday bringing passengers who came to transact probate business. Names, they were, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. SIEDLER, John MAYE and mother, Mrs. Elizabeth MAYE; Mrs. Pauline SCHNURBUS, and Mr. and Mrs. SCHMIDT. Louie ROESCH was also one of the party and paid the Record the usual call. He remarked that it was a year to a day, May 28, since he was here to go away with sixty other boys who went away into service.

Atty, Jos. G. WILLIAMS of St. Louis was here in Circuit Court last week, and remarked he couldn’t get along without the Record; “So keep on sending it.”

Mrs. Isom WILLIAMS an old lady up in the seventies broke her arm Monday and her son Len, of St. Louis arrived on Wednesday. A year or two ago she broke the other one, she lives near Morse Mill.

May 1919 will go out as one of the wettest in many years, hardly a day passing without a shower, and many more of continuous raining during constructive days together. The slow down pour was all that prevented a flood along Big River. Dry Creek got out on the low ground. Yesterday, May 28, was the first day of sunshine since May 18th.


Mrs. F. M. McKEE died at her home in Hematite last week after failing health for many months. The internment was in Hematite though she had been a member of the Victoria Baptist Church for many years. Mrs. McKEE was born a KING and was the widow REIBOLD when Mr. McKEE married her. Her husband and a daughter Mrs. Frank BONNER in St. Louis survive her.


Mrs. Cary L. BURKHART of St. Louis and Barnhart, visited Hillsboro last Thursday in the interest of organizing a branch of the League to Enforce Peace.  Mrs. BURKHART’s appointment came before American got into the war and altho she made several (unreadable lines) – ing the war that was little interest was manifest until after the peace was effected.

Now there should be smooth sailing. Her son Francis, who in a veteran of Chateau THIERRY was with her.



Just a few lines of explanation why you haven’t heard from us regularly every week. We have been too busy attending to war work, welcoming our brave soldier boys home, and also keeping in line with the Bolsheviki.

We are glad to say that more of our soldier boys are back home again, even our friend “Rastus BECKER”, and he has had some awful experiences but it hasn’t affected his good looks any.

Our little burg is improving rapidly. We have so far, four young married couples right in the town, saying nothing about those in the vicinity of Maxville.

Louis ROESCH brought one of Henry KOHR’S places and Dr. SIEVING bought the other and they are going to improve them wonderfully, so anybody that thinks Maxville is asleep is mistaken.

We are not in the rear when it comes to accidents either. Yesterday being Sunday, and as a rule an unlucky day around here, an accident occurred on the Bender Hill. A machine upset with six grown people and one child in it. No one seemed to be seriously hurt except the baby who was almost crushed. Joe ZENTNER and son happened along just at the time of the accident, so were called upon to make a record-breaking trip to Dr. SEIVING who advised them to take the baby to the hospital.

Last Friday Mr. and Mrs. WUERTZ took a trip to their farm in Antonia. The team got frightened and ran away throwing Mrs. WUERTZ out and injuring her seriously. Her son Nubert and family were here to see her Sunday. We wish her a speedy recovery.

Eloping seems to be the favorite pastime around here. Our jolly friend Otto FREDERITZI whom one and all loved is the happiest man in this town, as after a stormy courtship he and his dearly beloved Blanche appeared on the scene Saturday evening as man and wife, to the surprise of all his relatives and friends. We wish them a long and happy life and may all their troubles be little ones. They will make their home for the present at Mr. C. J. SIEDLER’S. A few relatives surprised them Sunday afternoon and while the bride and groom entertained them in the parlor, Hazel SIEDLER and her cousin Viola WEBER of St. Louis decorated the dining room beautifully in red, white and blue, in honor of the groom who returned from the army a short time ago. To make the affair a grand success Mrs. C. J. SIEDLER served one of her famous suppers to which they all did justice in the usual way.

There will be a dance given by the Maxville Base Ball Club at Kassebaum’s grove hall Decoration Day, May 30, 1919, and they invite all their friends to help them make it a success. From the looks of things they will be the champion ball players of Jefferson County, as they have beaten every team they have played so far. Good luck to you boys, keep it up; you’re doing fine.

Saturday night will be a big night at ZENTNER’s Hall, the M. G. A. are giving their first dance and say, you Kimmswick and Seckman friends, don’t forget us, as you know you owe us a visit. Au revoire, hope to see you all Friday and Saturday night, May 30th and 31st, 1919.



Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of JOHN OTT, Dec., were granted to the undersigned on the 13th day of May 1919, by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Missouri. All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the Executor within six months after the date of said letters or they may be precluded from any benefit of such estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within one year from the date of the last insertion of the publication of this notice they shall be forever barred. Joseph OTT, Executor (SEAL) Attest: J. P. MILLER, Judge of Probate. 20-4ti

If you have any local news, don’t fail to send it to the Record.



To all our friends who so kindly extended aid and comfort at the death of my dear husband, tender my heartfelt gratitude. For every act of kindness, and for the wealth of beautiful flowers and the consoling service of his fraternity, I am deeply grateful. Stella SPILKER (wife).


W. J. BOWMAN?, who died in Victoria early in the month was a very scholarly man and being well versed in Greek and a man of extensive reading. At one time he was a band and sermon? worker in the Victoria Sunday School. He was a man of devoted and unselfish life, giving the best of himself for others.  His home was with the the family of his brother?, Ed BOWMAN of ?, where he [unreadable].



The Festus Drug Store has quite an interesting window this week, advertising work done by the International Correspondence School. R. E. SULLIVAN who travels for this concern decorated the window.

Miss Joyce BYRD has accepted a position with the Festus Furniture and Undertaking Co. of which her father T. S. BYRD is president.

Harry BOZART, Ed ROSE, Con McCREARY and Charles SPALDING are the local boys who arrived home this week from overseas service. All are very glad to be home once more.

Mrs. Permella BURDETTE and daughter of Oklahoma are visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles GROSSMAN of this place.

The Pittsburg Plate Class Co., is putting on a contest which should arouse quite a bit of interest. Nine prizes of twenty dollar each are to be given to the owner of the nine best improved and kept premises during the year. As a result Crystal ought to be one of the cleanest, prettiest little towns in this section of the country.

The people of the Tri-Cities were permitted to see one of the best pictures ever put out at the Idle Hour Theatre last Thursday and Friday. Mary PICKFORD featured in “Daddy Longlegs” nearly everyone has read the book and the picture was just twice as interesting.

Bert GAMEL, a former resident, but now of St. Louis transacted business here this week.

Bert OGLE, wife and little daughter “Ford”ed over from Hematite to be the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar OGLE.

William PILLARD Jr., is the new soda dispenser at the FUNK and SMITH fountain.

Miss Mary JUNEKER is working in the SEWALD Meat Market as secretary while Miss Bess THOMARE is on her vacation.

Harry KOCKER of Toledo, Ohio spent several days here this week on a business trip.

Miss Lottie McCORMACK of Plattin was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bob COLIN last week.

The Centenary Drive of the Methodist Church to raise $35,000,000 to be used in church work proved to be most successful. We can do big things if we try. The quota of the Festus M. E. Church was $6,000, but as usual in any drive carried on here we like to have a big margin over the top.

 Miss Frances MILLER and Mrs. A. E. MILLER are attending a convention of the Catholic ladies at the Statler Hotel in St. Louis this week.

Miss Dorothy WAGGENER of Detroit Michigan, who has been visiting here left for Hannibal, Mo to be the guest of Francis Taylor WARNE.

Darville PANCHOT of Kokomo Ind., and Miss Catherine SCHAFER of Cape Girardeau are guests of the PANCHOT family.

H. E. MILLER purchased all of the scenery of the Festus Opera House for his theatre and airdome. The airdome has undergone new painting and other decorating, so is ready for business if the showers ever cease preventing us from having warmer weather.

Miss Julia GOFF who has been a guest of friends in Farmington the last two weeks, returned home this week.

Miss Ethel COPELAND who has been visiting in St. Louis, stopped in Festus for a several day visit enroute to her home in Fredericktown Mo.

H. E. VAUGHN and C. C. ENGLAND transacted business in St. Louis in the interest of the WAGGENER Store Co., two days this week.

Miss GARBARINO of St. Louis is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. ENGLAND of Crystal.

Mrs. Jennie GRAY has sold her cottage on Frisco Street preparatory to moving to Springfield, Ohio, where she will make her future home.

Charles REDDICK Jr., purchased the baby grand piano of Prof., J. RICHARDSON’S the name being installed in the REDDICK home this week.

Eli DONNELL accompanied by his father were the guests of relatives and friends here this week.

The “Barnhart Cor,” he or she will have to keep up a brisk trot to keep in the lead. It will be noted that every Cor., in the Record this week is gaining on “him or her” and the gait bids fair to be a hot pace in the future and certainly interesting to the readers.



Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of BERTHA TUCKER dec, are granted to the undersigned, on the fifth day of December A. D. 1918, by the Probate Court of Jefferson County Missouri. All persons having claims against said Estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the Administrator within six months after the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of said estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within one year from the date of this publication, they shall be forever barred. Richard FRANCIS, Administrator (SEAL) Attested: J. P. MILLER, Judge of Probate.


 [Page 3]


By William W. WHITCLOCK, In the New York Sun

Says Lloyd George to Clemenceau:

“This is the biggest joke I know,

He thot that He could run this show,

He thinks He ran it, too, by Joe!

Well, let Him think, we’ve got the dough –

His vanity was flattered so!

Ha! ha! he!he! heigh! heigh! heigh! ho! ho!”

Says Lloyd George to Clemenceau.

Says Clemenceau to Tokio:

“My laughter seems to grow and grow,

Until my tears begin to flow;

I call this treaty really beau,

The Fourteen Points have come to woe,

He doesn’t yet suspect it, though –

Ha! ha! he! he! heigh! heigh! heigh! ho! ho!”

Says Clemenceau to Tokio:

Says Tokie to Sannino:

“With satisfaction I’m aglow,

My gains stand neatly in a row,

And of them I shall ne’er let go;

We gained Our Points by laying low,

We put one over on Him, Bo’ -

Ha! ha! he! he! heigh! heigh! heigh! ho! ho!”

Says Tokio to Sonnino:

Says Sonnino to Georgio:

“The time has come for me to crow,

I’ve got Fiume now in tow,

And doubtless too, the Trentino,

So I can say Adiggio,

Which means in English, Let’s go slow!

Ha! ha! he! he! heigh! heigh! heigh! ho! ho!”

Says Sonnino to Georgio.



Combined license for hunting and fishing.

Non-resident - - - - - - - - - - - fee $10.00

State  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - fee     2.50

County - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - fee    1.00

Note: The county license permits the holder to hunt and fish in his own and adjoining counties.

The state license allows hunting and fishing anywhere in the state; and persons holding a county license may exchange name for a state license and have a credit for the $1:00 paid for the county license.

The hunting licenses now in the hands of the county clerks for the year 1919 are made by the set the combined hunting and fishing license for the year 1919 and the clerks will so consider them; new forms will be issued for the year 1920:

~Fishing License Only~

Resident state license - - - - - fee $1.00

Nonresident license - - - - - - fee  3.00

The Act provides that any alien must take out a non-resident license before he can hunt or fish in this state; no special license will be issued this year for this, but the County Clerks will upon the application of any alien issue to him the regular non-resident fishing license. Aliens must apply to State Game & Fish Commission for combined license.



Hello! Count us in. We expect to come often. Our gossip is as good as anybody’s.

We are sure having a lot of rain now days, for it is raining almost every day but we don’t care as we are all running a dairy and this is excellent weather for the pastures. As soon as we get some sunshine and drier weather we can show the people that we can get ahead of any one in planting corn.

Herman BARKE, one of our neighbor boys who departed from us last summer for military service has now returned as full of enthusiasm as the law allows him to be. He is now a made man and we sure hope that this young man will be with us for at least a half century or more, for it takes such bright and enterprising men as he to set things going, judging from the past.

Henry SWEHLA is now working for STRAHER Brothers sawmill which is at Frank BOLLEFER’S place.

Herman DANNIMANN one of our esteemed neighbors has recently purchased a young team of horses. He is now fixed better for farming than ever before.

Our ball team has put it over the Kimmswick team last Sunday and we think this shows what a splendid team Four Ridge has. But it is no wonder for the boys were seen practicing the last four months late of evening but this will bring good results from now on.

Edward NESSEL has built recently a new granary and last Saturday he gave a dance in it which provided a success.

Anton WURTZ is now in St. Louis and was down on a visit Sunday but had gone back again to keep up his work in the hat factory. As hot weather can now be expected almost any day we know that you will all need a straw hat so all you have to do in case you want one is to send him a telegram and he will insure your prompt and immediate service.

Christ KEUNE Jr., has come back to Dry Fork to stay for the summer, but this fall he intends to go back to the city again to work for the government which he did during the European war.

Frank WUERTZ is now very busy picking strawberries and has an enormous crop.

Kenneth HILLIS is now moving his furniture out here on his farm from St. Louis, and a good farmer we hope he will be, for he has good capital to begin with.

William DOLL is getting ready to run a dairy which we hope he will have greatest success with, for one thing good in a neighborhood always helps another.

Henry NANSEL our esteemed neighbor who resides near House Springs is doing some good farming now days for he has about twenty acres of corn planted already.

Christ SAEGER, one of our most efficient school teachers who has gone to France to get the best of the Huns is still over there but an early return is hoped for. We hope also to find him a better man physically then politically than before.



Joseph MRAS to Frank J. & C. J. MRAS. $7000:00 117:72 acres sur. 3011-43-5.

John LAWRENCE to Fritz HEITMAN, $15:25 acres 24-42-4.

C. LEPP by trustee to Henry LEPP. $150: Lot in DeSoto.

Windsor Lake R & G Club to Miss C. T. DEITZ. 1 acre sur. 1981 $50:

Henry HEITMAN to Fredrick HEIDBRINK 10 acres. $690: (24-42-2

H. J. CANTRELL by trustee to M. J. HAARSTON $1275: 500 acres 8-39-7)

Louis F. DINING to H. W. HAMEL, int. in lot in DeSoto $200.

Rosa BAURICHTER to Richard A. LEE. 88 acres 9-40-8. $1000:

V. E. ODELL to Richard FRANCIS 3 lots in Herculaneum $3000:

Lafayette WELCH to George GANSNER. 10 acres (12-39-6??) $1:00

Fred L. BAUMAN to Frank X HUBER lot in Festus $1450:

J. N. WATT to John OEST, 2 lots in DeSoto $1000:

Martin LEUDTKE to J. N. WATT. Lot in DeSoto $1000:

E. E. ALDERSON to C. PONZAR. Lot in DeSoto $725:

Dow DICKERSON to Ben BRIDGES. NW ¼ lot 2 NE ¼ see 3 twp.39-4 $900:

Henry T. REPPY to E. BLACKWELL U. S. Survey 1948 twp. 40-6 $750:

Charles C. MITCHIM to Nellie MITCHIM. N ½ lot 3, 4 & 5 blk. 21 DeSoto 1,600.

G. W. McCORMACK to C. J. WHEELING W ½ lot 6 & 7 U S sur.1984 40-6 $1:00

Michael B. CAMPBELL to Frank G. DERQUE lots 1 & 2 U. S. sur.1984 40-6. $1800.

Prosper JACQUEL to Adam DIET. Lot 6 13-40-5. 50 acres $850:

Emily GRANDJEAN to George MAHN Lots in DeSoto $380:

Isaac L. STEVESON to Joseph BALLE, 9-41-3 80 acres $2,300.

James T. MOSS to R. A. MARSDEN, lot in Hillsboro $1800.

Thomas P. McFADDEN to J. McFADDEN sec 34-40-4 $1:00

John MIKES to ROBERT ALLEMAN, lot 2 3-39-5 $100:

Elizabeth HAEFNER to Wm. BUSH, lots 9, 10 & 11 U S Sur 2005-42-6 $1525:

Pittsburg Plate Glass Co to Laura Pearl HESS, lot 7 in Crystal City. $475:

Edw. J. WHITE to M. P. NUGEBAUER, lots in sur. 2005-42-6.

Fred SCHAFER Sr. to Meyer MILLER lot 1 blk. 12 sur. 315, 40-6 $10,000.

R. W. MCMULLIN to G. KLEISLEY, lot in DeSoto. $30:

Earl HOYT to Albert J. BAUMAN, see 8-39-6, 162 acres $3309:

Mrs. Clifford MALONE to L. WILLIAMS lots in Hematite $1000:

Fred MUGELE to Louis BANGERT, 9:89 acres 1985, 2991. 41 & 42-5 $1000:

W. C. KERCKOFF to trustees Evang. Luth. Zion church of Pevely, lot for cemetery. $1:00

Frank BATCK Sr., to Frank BATCK Jr. 121 sc. (13-43-4) $5000

Geo & Jacob VOGT ex of est. of J. VOGT Sr., dec. to Frank VOLAW $1040

HEINEN heirs to Horace BUXTON, 81 ac sec’s. 11, 12, 13 & 14-43-4. $2,500.

Pittsburgh P. G. Co., to legal rep of Louis DEASCIO dec., lot Crystal city 2,300

F. E. HENTCHER to G. F. H. W. RUTH. 99 acres (39-5) $2000.

LAROSE minors by sheriff to L. KAY lots in Festus $850:

W. T. HENRY to W. H. GRIFFITH, lot in Pevely $1:00.



Notice is hereby given that letters of Administration with Will Annexed on the estate of MARY M. KENNER DEC., were granted to the undersigned on the 26th day of May 1919, by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Missouri. All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them to me for allowance within six months after the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of such estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within one year from the date of the last insertion of the publication of this notice they shall be forever barred. E. R. NIEHAUS. Administrator with will annexed. 100 N. 4th Street S. Louis (SEAL) Attested: J. P. MILLER, Judge of Probate.



Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of FRANK E. SPILKER dec., where granted to the undersigned on the 12th day of May 1919, by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Missouri. All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the executor within six months after the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of such estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within one year from the date of the last insertion of the publication of this notice, they shall be forever barred.  Stella SPILKER, Executor. (SEAL) Attest: J. P. MILLER, Judge of Probate


As we have got nearly everybody from around here, we will come to a close until a later date and we expect to keep up with Barnhart or --  -- 



E. S. COLEMAN returned home Saturday after enjoying the Drummers Convention at Caruthersville, Mo.

The boilermaker’s and helpers employed in the railroad shop here are on a strike.

All arrangements have been made for the entertainment of the soldier boys at DeSoto Saturday, May 30th. The festivities of the day will take place in the two blocks from Boyd to Mineral street on Main street. Platforms will be erected at various places from which band concerts, speeches and vaudeville can be heard and seen. The picture show will be an attraction with a continued program and men in uniform will be admitted free. Dinner will be served free to soldiers, sailors and marines. Every Jefferson County boy who served in any branch of the service is invited to be present on this occasion.


Miss Muriel FRECH and Dr. Marshall HENSLEY of Hematite were married at the bride’s home Thursday afternoon May 22. Rev. L. S. MARLIN performed the ceremony. The bride wore a beautiful gray traveling suit with hat and gloves to match and carried bride’s roses. Only relatives witnessed the ceremony but at a reception from 5 to 6 o’clock friends came to offer their best wishes to the newlyweds. Many beautiful presents were received. Mr. and Mrs. HENSLEY left that evening for Augusta, Mo., to spend a week with relatives and then go to their future home in Kansas City.


Dr. W. H. G. WHITE has moved his office to the rooms above the Farmer’s and Citizen’s Bank.

The Sons of Veterans and G. A. R. Memorial services at the Jefferson Theatre held Sunday afternoon were splendid.

Dr. G. A. AUERSWALD was a St. Louis visitor one day last week.

Mrs. Howard DONNELL spent several days in the city last week.

George MAHN and wife enjoyed a visit from their son Herman for the weekend.

The graduating exercises of the 8th grade will be held Wednesday evening of this week at the Jefferson Theatre and on Thursday afternoon May 29th the pupils of the Central school will give a pageant “America and her Allies” on the school grounds. The graduating exercises of the high school will be held at the Jefferson Theatre Thursday night. State Supt., Samuel A. BAKER will deliver the address. The closing exercises of the Langston school will be held at the Jefferson Theatre Monday evening June 2nd. DeSoto had a most successful school year and the patrons certainly appreciate the efforts of Supt BOUCHER and his assistants have made, in making a record for a splendid year’s work and the progress they have made in all their undertakings.

Dr. WALLACE and wife spent Sunday in St. Louis with her relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. A. E. STOCKING spent several days in St. Louis last week.

Professor DEARDORF has accepted a position with the Ironton schools and expects to move there soon. Mr. DEARDORF was a most successful principal here.

Miss Margaret LAURENCE who has been attending Lindenwood College returned home Wednesday to spend her vacation with her mother Mrs. W. L. NELLIGAN at “Sunny Slope Farm,” two school mates also came home with Miss LAURENCE for a week’s visit.

Rev. MATHEWS who has been holding services in Southeast Mo., arrived home Saturday to preach the sermon for the G. A. R.

Mr. and Mrs. John HOPSON and Mr. and Mrs. Ward HAMEL attended the Rebecca Grand Lodge meeting of the I. O. O. F. at St. Louis last week.

D. L. ROUGGLY made a trip to St. Louis in his Buick Six Saturday.

Mrs. G. E. LOGAN returned home Wednesday from a visit with her daughter Mrs. LOVETT in Iowa.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter BLACK entertained their friends royally at their home in Silica. A number of our young society folks attended.

Miss Genevieve GIBSON entertained one of the classes from the Potosi school at her home for the weekend.

Mrs. SEMPLE entertained the Red Cross Card Club of which she is a member, at her country home last week.

On last Friday afternoon interesting programs were given by the Bryant, the Washington and Wilson schools.

The Baccalaureate services of the high school were held Sunday night at the Jefferson Theatre. Rev. DAMERON preached the sermon.



Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of JOHN WILDE, Dec., were granted to the under signed on the 9thday of April A.D. 1919, by the Probate Court in Jefferson County, Missouri. All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the administrator within six months after the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of said estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within one year from the date of this publication they shall be forever barred. CAROLINE WILDE Administratrix. (SEAL) Attested: J. P. MILLER, Judge of Probate.

~Antique Furniture.~

Those who possess pieces of antique furniture should devote personal attention to them, and especially to any of old oak, which should be kept in condition by periodical rubbings with flannel dipped in a mixture of beeswax, oil and spirits of turpentine. White painted French furniture is best cleaned with paraffin.


~Little-Used Term.~

The word Saracen was applied in the middle ages to Turks, Arabs, Moors and other Mohammedans in western Asia and northern Africa. The same kind of people live now, but the word is seldom used except in romance, poetry and history.



Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of JAMES A. ACKLEY, were granted to the undersigned the 2nd day of May 1919, by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Missouri.

All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the administrator within six months after the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of said estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within one year from the date of this publication they shall be forever barred.

Patrick H. ACKLEY, Administrator. Attend: Assa MILLER Clerk . . . (SEAL)


[Ad] E. A. STOVESAND AGENT FOR John Deere Binders, Dain Mowers, Deer Disc Cultivators and Planters, J. I. Case Disc Cultivators and Planters, James Oliver SULKEY Plows, Weber and Dane Farm Wagons. Cedar Hill, Hillsboro, Route 2, Missouri.

 [Ad] ECKLES Store. Fresh staple and fancy groceries, paints’ glassware, tin and aluminum. Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing. Market Price for Country Produce. J. W. ECKLE, Hillsboro, Mo.

 [Ad] E. A. STAAT. General Blacksmith and Garage. Dealer in Farm machinery, Implements, Vehicles, Gasoline engines, and repairs of all kinds; Deering and Plymouth twine. Antonia, MO.

 [Ad] BANK OF KIMMSWICK. Kimmswick, Missouri. Capital - - - $10,000. Surplus and Undivided Profits - - - $10,000. C. H. GERALD, President. M. ZIEGLER, Vice-President. G. A. WENOM, Cashier. We invite you to open an account with us. Pass Books and Check Books given without charge, regardless of the amount of deposit. We pay 4 per cent on time deposits for one year, and 3 per cent a year for 6 months.

 [Ad] PURITAN TIRES. 30 x 3 1-2. $15.50. Carries Usual 3500 Mile Guarantee. Fresh Stock. Agents for Republic trucks and Dert Touring cars. Maxville Auto Repair Co. Maxville, MO.

 [Ad] Subscribe for THE RECORD.

 [Ad] Peoples Bank of DeSoto Capital and Surplus, $100,000. Deposis, $600,000. We congratulate the loyal citizens of Jefferson County. Jefferson County’s Quota. $514,500.00. We have exceeded our quota by almost, if not quite, $100,000.00. In your business needs we stand ready to serve you, with capital and resources exceeding the amount of the quota and oversubscription to this Fourth Loan. Resources: Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars.

[Ad] HOLEKAMP Lumber Co. If you want to build a house, a barn or any other kind of a building, and you will let us know, we will call on you with our plat books which will show buildings of all kinds, from the cheapest to the most expensive, with estimates of the approximate cost. We will furnish you complete plans by which to show the building: free of charge. YARDS – Afton, Kirkwood, Old Orchard, West Groves, Gratiot Station, St. Louis, Maple Wood, Planning Mill, Old Orchard

 [Ad] FARM & DAIRY BANK BARNHART, MISSOURI SOLICIT. Your checking Account Savings Department 3 percent. Certificate of Deposit, 12 months 4 percent. Officers. Wm. SCHMIDT, Prest. J. M. STLTES, V. Prest. G. O JURY, Cashier  . . .

[Ad] Gerald Milling Co. Proprietors of Kimmswick Roller Mills and Lumber Y . . . Gerald Milling company, Kimmswick, Missouri.

[Ad] Up To-date Good . . . We buy right and sell right. We ask you to give us your business . . . and compare our prices with our competitors. We can save you money on your daily and weekly purchases and give you better values.

[Ad] R. A. MARSDEN. . . General Merchandise, Hillsboro, Mo.

[Ad] HURTGEN’S SHOP. First Class Horse Shoers. All kinds of machinery repaired on short notice. Try us and see, Automobiles Repaired. Hillsboro, Missouri.