Jefferson County Record, Hillsboro, Mo
February 08,

Proceedings February Term County Court

Rural Changes of Roads Granted.
To be Changed at the Expense of the Petitioners

1916 personal tax of A. E. HUBBARD ordered collected in school district 59.

On petition of George MAHN, court orders valuation on 20 acres 34-40-4 corrected to $400.00 for each year on ---h taxes are due.

On petition of J. J. CONRAD, Court orders valuation on 40 acres, 7-43-5 corrected to $350.00 and 80 acres, 8-43 to $600.00.

Horine Hundred Telephone Co. grant has permission to erect telephone line along De Soto and Carey Road, Dry Creek Road and Butcher Branch Road and De Soto


Petition of Frank DANNEMAN et al on change of public road taken up and engineer ordered to survey and report.

Petition of Jno. HILL et al for public is approved and Engineer ordered a survey. Road to be opened at expense of petitioners.

Petition of A. A. YATES, et al, for change of Antonia and Rock Creek is approved and Engineer ordered to survey. Change to be at expense of petitioners.

Court agrees to furnish material for concrete culvert at L. P. WILLIAMS on Ford and Grubville Road provided to be built without further expense to the county.

Contract of Isaac E. POUNDS to erect ---ee along Ware and Grubville Road approved.

Engineer ordered to contract for grating fill at Concrete culvert at Tony ---r’s place on Gravois Road.

---BLACKWELL ordered to clear and ---b Festus and Ste. Genevieve Road from Gary HOLZHAUSEN’s to County and report to Engineer weekly.

Account of Charles NAUMANN for ---ging pauper to Hillsboro rejected.

1917 land and personal assessment presented by N. C. EAVES County Assessor, rejected and turned over to County Clerk.

Account of N. C. EAVES against the State of Missouri for 1,133.28 on account of 1917 assessment, approved.

---ordered certified to State Auditor.

---?. M. MEYER appointed Justice of Peace Rock Township.

Following persons stricken from the County Pension list, viz; Elmira POS----, Lucinda ALEXANDER, Wm. BOLI, Wm. ---NM, Mary J. WIDEMAN, Fritz KRAN- ---

and Virginia FRAZIER.

The Following pensions raised as follows:
---hannah Ast from $6.00 to 8.00 quar.
---o. KOBEL from $12.00 to $15.00 quar
---s. LANSOUCIE from $8.00 to $10.00.

On petition of Henry LEPP, Court orders valuation for 1916 taxes corrected as follows, viz; lot 11 block 5 R. R. ---d. $300.00; 3-8 of 175.82 acres to ---000; 120 acres

18-40-3, $200.00; 1-2 --- 24.89 acres 20-40-3 to #150.00; part block 25, De Soto to $150.00; part block 2 De Soto $400; and half 25.89 acres $150.00.

On petition of Louis KAY Court orders tax on merchants assessment stricken from tax book as double assessment.

Petition of Ed ARNOLD et al for a change of road leading from Antonia Barnhart road near steel bridge to ---ilff Hollow near R. R. trestle heard Road Engineer ordered

to survey and report. Road to be established at expense of petitioners.

Engineer ordered to survey and make one Old State Road 50 feet wide from Imperial north to Rock Creek.

Court met with Mayors and City councils of Festus and Crystal City and town board of Pevely and elected  F. C. PFOTENHANER as commissioner of Festus Special

road district for a term of three years.

Court met with town board of Kimmswick and appointed Wm. T. ---ENTCHEL as commissioner of

Kimmswick special road district.

Miss Anna McCLURE appointed member of County Text Book Commission.

G. H. CASTLE, A. G. PINKEY, and L. ---mine exempted from poll tax.

County warrant No. 251 ordered cancelled.

Merchant’s valuation of Gerard Milling Co., for 1916, corrected to $1,000.

Dramshop licenses granted as follows, viz:

H. H. OBERHAUS, Byrnesville
Peter FREDERITZI, Maxville, Jacob
SCHNEIDER, Maxville, and Arthur


Abstract of fees earned by Circuit Clerk for January 1917, approved.

Quarterly statement of G. W. GASCHE, County Clerk for quarter ending December 31st, 1916 approved.

Abstract of jury scrip issued at January Term, Circuit Court in sum of $712.70 approved.

Inquest proceedings papers filed by coroner and approved and ordered certified for payment, as follows, viz:
Henry HONOUR, Riverside, $33.35
George PLACK, Pevely, $22.85
John SPICER, Crystal City, $32.55
George HERZOG, West Kimmswick, $114

Herman SEIMER appointed superintendent of County farm for one year from March 1st, 1917

Harry D. GRIFFITH appointed Highway Engineer for 1 year from March 1st, 1917, at salary of $1,500.00 per year, payable monthly.

Court orders poll tax of $3.00 levied for 1917. Same to be paid in cash.

Report of Commissioners appointed to assess damages to Mrs. Dover in change of Ware-Brown Ford road filed and continued.

Accounts of R. B. WILSON, County Superintendent of Schools examined and approved.

Highway Engineer ordered to call annual meeting of road overseers at Court House on March 6th, 1917.

Court orders personal property valuation of C. C. BLACKWELL corrected to 350.00 for 1916.
Merchants valuation of Gus BEFFA corrected to 500.00 for 1916 taxes.

Accounts Allowed as Follows:
A. A. YATES, tiling ........ 14.45
E. BLACKWELL, repair Festus and Ste. Genevieve road ........ 156.40
Mary M. KENNER, tax refund  ........ 22.02
John H. HOPSON, sup.
co. farm  ........ .80
R. B.
WILSON, salary ........  103.33
R. B. WILSON, postage ........ 2.00
R. E. KLEINSCHMIDT, salary ........ 208.33
Eugene HOLLAND, salary  ........ 35.00
G. W. GAUCHE, salary  ........ 234.16
G. W. GAUCHE, incidentals ........ 6.50
A. HURTGEN, salary ........ 35.00
W. J. A. SCHUBEL, salary  ........ 166.67
Frank CLARK, feeding prisoners  ........ 113.00
Frank CLARK, waiting on courts  ........ 94.50

~ Mike CLOVER Dead ~
Mike CLOVER, a farmer of lower Belews Creek died last Sunday. He had been ill some time and shortly before his death, he asked his family to retire from the room and informed Dr. L. F.  PARKER, his attending physician, that he had been poisoned and would die. Fred HEIDBRINK was present and heard the statement made. CLOVER died as he said he would and while Dr. PARKER was almost certain that there was only delirium in his statement, the fact that his patient believed it, so preyed upon his mind that he could not suffer the funeral to go on without  examination into the facts. The Coroner being absent at the time Judge J. P. MILLER and Robt. E. KLEINSCHMIDT, Prosecuting Attorney started out to hold the inquest. In the meantime Dr. LUCKEY had been summoned and Dr. FALLOTT the Coroner arrived before the investigation began. A jury was empanelled and found that Mr. Clover came to his death from natural causes, but recommended an autopsy. The Doctors PARKER, LUCKEY, and FALLETT held the autopsy and from all appearances indorsed the jury’s finding. In order that there might not remain any trace or vestige of suspicion, the stomach was removed and sent to
Washington University for analysis and unless poison is found therein, this statement must be taken as the disordered imagination of a very sick mind. The funeral which was to have been held Tuesday was postponed on account of the inquest and autopsy and was held yesterday.

~ Rock Teachers Meeting ~
A very successful teachers meeting was held by the teachers of
Rock Township at Kimmswick school last Saturday. The teachers present were; Miss WELLS, Miss RATAN, Miss CLYDE, Miss Hannah BOLLEFER and Miss Alvina BOLLEFER and Messrs. HOPSON, ST. JOHN, I. W. DAUTENHAHN, and Supt. R. B. WILSON.
Special mention should be made of the Bowles school, which in spite of the weather traveled 13 miles to contribute to the success of the meeting.
We the committee, on behalf of the teachers present, wish to thank Miss WELLS and Mr. HOPSON for their kind efforts and welcome extended to us. We also heartily thank the pleasant surprise extended the teachers in the form of ice cream, sweet cake in abundance and hot coffee. We feel that Miss WELLS and Mr. HOPSON have the hearty co-operation of these pleasant people and we wish them all possible success in their school.
The Committee.

~ Obituary ~
Mary STAAT, wife of Mike STAAT died of paralysis on
Friday, January 26, 1917 at her home on Kimmswick Route three. She leaves to mourn, her beloved husband and seven children all living in St. Louis. She was buried at Kimmswick on Monday, January 30. Services were held at St.
’s Catholic Church.

Dr. G. A. AUERSWALD, in Bill to Legislature Proposes Removal of January Court Term to DeSoto

The Editor has just returned from Jefferson City where he was present attending a meeting of the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives to whom was referred House Bill No. 582.

House Bill 582 is a bill introduced by G. A. AUERSWALD, the pretended representative of Jefferson County, who diligently concealed the introduction of the bill until he was informed of the fact, that Hillsboro was aware of the introduction and then he notified the Editor of this paper of the date for a hearing before the committee, which would perhaps never have been granted had we not have already asked for and secured it. The bill proposes to take the January Term of the
Circuit Court of Jefferson County to De Soto. This in effect creates two separate and distinct Courts. Cases brought to the De Soto Court if continued will have to go over a year. In like manner, cases brought to the Hillsboro Court in September will have to be continued until next May. The clerk must keep a deputy at De Soto at all times, keep an office open and keep duplicate dockets of judgments in civil cases. Lawyers trying cases in De Soto, instead of being able to use the records would have to get certified copies of the records which would be a needless and useless expense to clients. If you examine a title you would have to go to De Soto to look over Court files there to examine judgments and other dockets for mechanics liens, transcripts and such matter. The Circuit Judge is to select and rent a suitable building, to order furniture, to buy a library and to order the equipment for the Circuit Clerk’s office and the County Court must under the bill audit and pay the bills.

The bill as it stands will be a detriment to the citizens of the whole county and to the citizens of De Soto as well.The experiment has been tried elsewhere and Dexter has a $50,000.00 Court House that is idle and useless for Court House purposes because the law under which the court was established was impractical and was repealed. Dr. AUERSWALD in his statement to the committee said it was an issue in the last campaign and we are willing for the people of Jefferson County to say whether he told the truth, or whether his statement can receive a different appellation. It will inconvenience all litigants. It will add useless and unnecessary expense to a county already overburdened with obligations. It will not add a dollar to the business of De Soto outside the saloons and hotels and will increase the cost of all litigation and as well as the cost of examining and perfecting your land titles. If it was simply the question of the loss of Hillsboro, we would have no right to protest but it is a loss that all the citizens of the County must share and will add to the expense that must be borne by the taxpayers from two to three thousand dollars per year at the least, while the expense of installing the Court is likely to reach from five to seven thousand dollars. We might say more, but we feel that if the Legislature knew the resentment of this county they would rise up on their hind legs and kill the bill so dead that even legislative courtesy couldn’t resurrect it.

~ Kimmswick Items ~
Mrs. William WHITE, Jr. was in
St. Louis Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Jim TIERNEY of Glen Park attended the Woodsmen ball Saturday night.

Mrs. Myrtle JUDGE of
St. Louis spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. B. LONG.

Miss Ela VALET of
St. Louis was the guest of Miss Madeline GERARD Saturday.

Mrs. C. H. GERARD and Mrs. Otto WENOM were in
St. Louis one day last week.

Miss Blanche HERRELL entertained friends from
St. Louis over Sunday.

Wm. HOOK is on the sick list.

Sam McKAY of
Hillsboro spent Sunday with John OHEIM, Jr.

Miss Flora ARNOLD of
St. Louis is spending a few days with her parents.

The stork came back this week leaving a baby girl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake RITTEL and a boy with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer CADWALADER.

Jerry AGNEW’s three month old baby died Friday of pneumonia.

Mr. and Mrs. George HODGES entertained Carl JONES and family of
Chesley Island Sunday.

Miss Edna WHITEHEAD of
St. Louis was visiting B. J. WATERS and family Thursday.

Mrs. Louis OVERATH of
Alton, Ill. returned home last week after spending two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Edward GERARD.

Mrs. E. M. KEMPE is visiting in
Bismark, Mo.

The teachers of
Rock Township held a very interesting meeting at the school house on Saturday afternoon with quite a number of the teachers and Supt. WILSON present as well as a large number of pupils and their parents. Our popular principal, John W. HOPSON informed some
of the ladies about the meeting a few days prior and just as soon as the ladies received the word they began to get busy arranging a luncheon for the occasion as well as a surprise on Mr. HOPSON. A dainty lunch consisting of brick ice cream cake and coffee was served at 3:30
p.m., while the luncheon was being served, Mr. WILSON was informed of the surprise on Mr. HOPSON and was requested by the ladies to present the large angel cake which bore the inscription “ To John W. HOPSON, from Friends” after the presentation speech was made by Mr. WILSON, Mr. HOPSON after recovering from the surprise responded with a few remarks  thanking the ladies for their hospitality and for the surprise cake which we was requested to cut and which was served. Those who contributed toward the luncheon were Mesdames, G. A. WENOM, G. OHELM, M. ESCOFFER, O. WENOM, P. BLANK, W. FISCHER, C. H. GERARD, B. LONG, J. SCHAD, J. HERRELL and A. HANASMANN [Dannaman ?].

The M. W. A. Ball given Saturday  night was well attended and was one of the most pleasant and successful affair given by the lodge. The drill given by the Forresters, assisted by the ladies of the R. N. A. was well received and added much to the merriment of the evening. ‘Home Sweet Home’ was played in the wee hour of the morning.

Several young men from
Hillsboro attended the ball Saturday evening.

~ Byrnesville Items ~
Well we are having quite a blizzard after our spring weather.

Undoubtedly we will have six more weeks of winter.

Quite a few people have la grippe.

Our merchant Mr. DUNNIGAN has been on the sick list for some time.

Mr. E. BURKHART moved to High Ridge last week where he expects to farm in partnership with his brother-in-law, Mr. DIEHL.

Miss Ella BYRNE of
St. Louis is spending a few weeks here with relatives and friends.

Miss Margaret GENTLEY visited her sister at Pacific last week.

Mrs. B. J. CREAN of
Montana is still visiting with Mr. A. J. CREAN.

Mr. F. W. STEFFEN of
Cuba called on Mrs. F. H. FISCHER last Wednesday.

E. SCHULZ is till sawing timber on L. H. STEFFEN’s farm.

Miss Hattie CREAN is in
St. Louis consulting a dentist.

Our school is progressing fine. This cold weather has reduced our roll to six in number.

~ Gold Medal Contest ~
Hillsboro, Mo., Feb. 5, 1917.
R. B. WILSON, Supt. of Schools, Hillsboro, Missouri
Dear Sir: - -
In donating the “Reppy Medal” for oralital work for graduates of the 8th grade schools or pupils of lesser grade in the county schools under your supervision, my purpose is that all shall have an equal chance. It has been brought to my attention that pupils of 8th grade schools in towns frequently are able to secure and do secure training from elocutionary teachers. I, hereby attach the following conditions for entrants in the contest. Pupils competing must declare on their honor
to the judges of the contest before competing that they have not been trained by elocutionary teachers, other than the regular teachers of their own schools and have not received any other help than that given them by the members of their immediate family. I have not consulted Judge DUNNIGAN who gives the silver medal, but I am sure the judge will agree to these conditions as he is very much in sympathy with our country schools.
Very respectfully yours,
John H. REPPY.

~ Mark Winter Layers ~   
Mark the laying hen. Any hen can lay in the spring but the one which lays through the winter when eggs are high is the one which deserves recognition by promotion to the breeding flock. H. L. KEMPSTER of the Missouri College of Agriculture says that everything is to be gained and nothing lost by selecting breeding hens during the winter. It is easy to select the laying hen. Her comb is bright and red and her pin bones will be spread apart. Hens meeting these qualifications should be set apart with a good, vigorous male bird. It is folly to breed from the entire flock. By selecting a few of the Where no selection is practiced, the poor producers will be used for breeding, for even loafers will lay in the spring. It is also a mistake to breed from the immature and undersized stock. Over-fat, coarse-boned hens or those which crop behind should never be put in the breeding pen. The best place for them is on the table. Pick out the good birds and note the improvement. Use fewer males as that you can afford better stock.

~ Hematite Items ~

Paul OGLE is home after a several months stay in

Peter STROUPE died at his home on Little Creek last Thursday and was laid to rest in the old STROUPE cemetery Saturday afternoon. Sympathy is extended the bereaved family.

Mrs. J. H. PORTER is on the sick list.

Willis PACE and wife of
Hexie, Ark. are spending a few days here with Mrs. PACES mother, Mrs. L. STROUPE.

Miss Nina McLANE of
De Soto was the guest of Miss Edith Leonard a few days a week.

The gravel workers are taking a vacation on account of the cold weather.

Mrs. A. C. STROUPE and children, Mrs. J. R. ENGLAND, Harry STROUPE and wife left Tuesday night for a visit with relatives in

Joe JAMES is sawing lumbar on his farm near town.

Miss Lettie
ENGLAND and the Misses IRWIN entertained a Hematite Bunch in their home in St. Louis last Saturday evening.

Mrs. Chas STROUPE and son, Amos of De Soto, Ralph and Harvey STROUPE of
St. Louis and Gus STROUPE of Dupo, Ill. were here Saturday to attend the funeral of Peter STROUPE.

Wm. EVANS of Hoxie,
Ark., spent a few days here last week.

Miss Edith LEONARD entertained a few friends in her home Saturday evening.

In spite of the cold weather quite a number attended the Ladies Aid last Thursday afternoon. Final plans were made for the peanut party and Valentine social, February 14. Hat pins will be furnished, Sandwiches, cake and coffee will be served. Everybody invited.

The Sewing Circle of the Christian Church will have a bazaar the 3rd week in April.

The young folks enjoyed skating last week.

~ For
Sale ~
Ten tons of red clover hay, loose scale on place, apply Judson POUNDS, Morse Mill,

~ A Farm Agent Will Be Good Investment ~
U. S. Government and State University Will Pay Part of Expenses,
Association Should be Organized.

I will give some statistics regarding
Jefferson County.

Jefferson County has a population of 27,878, of which 20,601 live on farms.

There are 2720 farms in the county of which 2107 are operated by the owners, 597 farms are operated by renters and 16 farms by hired managers.

The statistics as above show that 77 per cent of all
Jefferson County farms are operated by owners.

Most of the readers are probably aware of the fact that a good many farms in
Jefferson County are for sale. What is the reason for this? As far as I can see, the reason is that the farms are not profitably run. Many farms in the hilly parts of the county are run down by continuous cropping in corn and wheat, making too great demands on the fertility of the soil and causing the land to be washed away by heavy rains and carried down the Mississippi river and carried down to the Ocean. Something has to be done to avoid these wastes, and I believe that the Farm Agent can assist us in remedying, to a certain extent, these erosion and losses.

I give the above statistics to show how easy it will be for us to get a farm agent, provided we make up our minds to employ him. It will be necessary for us to form a Farm Bureau. This will be an Association of farmers all over the County. It would be desirable to have every farmer become a member of this farm bureau, but it is necessary to have about 500 members.

To become a member of the County Farm Bureau the farmer signs a paper on which he promises to pay $1.00 per year for three years. This membership money is not intended to be used for the salary of the Farm Agent, but is intended to be used for such expenses as hall rent, bringing speakers to the meetings and other incidentals.

The expense of keeping a farm agent will amount to about $1.00 per farm per year paid as follows: The United States will pay $300.00 per year and give free use of the mail service for the Agents official business. The
University of Missouri will pay $850.00, the balances must be paid
by the County.

The first work to form a Farm Bureau would be for the farmers of every community to come together and talk matters up and decide that they wish to employ a farm agent. Then a meeting should be called at some accessible place in the county at which one or more farmers from every
community should be present. Before this meeting is called somebody should be notified that these communities are going to be represented by one or more farmers so we are sure that a representative meeting is to be had.

Now we address a letter to the County Agent Leader, Agricultural Extension service,
College of Agriculture, Columbia, Missouri, and a representative from the Agricultural Extension Service will be sent to attend this meeting and assist in the temporary organization of the County Farm Bureau.

This article is written to give an outline of what our Governments will do for us to get a farm agent and what we will have to do to get him. In another article I will say what the Farm Agents are doing for other counties and what we may expect him to do for us. If those who are willing to work for the Farm Bureau to get organized would make this known, it would help matters very much, as there is a good deal of work to be done to get started.
Hillsboro, Mo., Route 1

~ Marriage Licenses ~

Elbridge E. LAWLER ...........
Granite City
Buelah L. ENGLISH ........... Warden,

Nicholas HANG ...........
Valley Park
Henriette M. GLATT  ........... Maxville

CHANDLER ........... Festus
Sadie SCOTT  ........... Festus

~ Peter STROUPE [STROUP] Dead ~
Peter STROUP of near Hematite, died Monday. He was a well known citizen of the county and while he had his faults he was a loving and indulgent father and husband devoted to his wife and to her comfort and well being.

Jefferson County Record
A Partnership composed of
John H. REPPY an Albertise C. REPPY.
John J. REPPY Editor
Albertise Coon REPPY, Associate Editor

Cards of Thanks - twenty-five cents; Resolutions, one dollar.
poetry, five cents per each six words
Subscription Price - One Year, $1.50
Six Months, .75 cents in advance
Hillsboro., MO., Thursday, February 8, 1917.

~ News Comment And Editorial ~
The people of this county are at present being taxed sufficiently. The “High cost of living” adds to our woes. Now comes Dr. G. A. AUERSWALD of
De Soto and wants to pass a bill to add to the present high cost of litigation, and to lengthen the time that is required to get justice in our courts. The bill in question is House Bill No. 582 to remove the January Term of the Circuit Court to De Soto. Doctor told the Judiciary Committee at Jefferson City, that the passage of the bill was an issue in last campaign in Jefferson County. Did you ever hear of it? Are there ten men in the county who ever heard of it? The Doctor ought to offer some proof of admit that he was mistaken in what he said to the Committee. We offer the citizenship of Jefferson County outside of Hillsboro and De Soto and don’t exclude them as witnesses to refute the Doctor’s statement and yet the Doctor pretends to represent Jefferson County.

Yesterday’s St. Louis papers state that SHINKER has perfected his appeal to the U. S. Supreme Court in the St. Louis County bond matter. Until this is determined it is not likely that Jefferson County will be able to dispose of its bonds. If, however, the present assessment list sticks Jefferson County will have over ten million dollars assessed valuation. This will enable the County Court to raise the levy for county purposes from forty to fifty cents on the one hundred dollars
valuation and will add about ten thousand dollars to the County revenue funds. With a road and bridge tax of twenty-five cents on the one hundred valuations and the saloon tax, the revenues for road purposes would exceed $35,000 per year which would accomplish much. But, alas and slack, the special road districts get over half of this and the whole county gets the balance. The special road districts ought to be abolished.

~ De Soto Items ~
Lucas DUFFNER and F. WELSH of Vineland were in
St. Louis one day last week buying a rug and other necessary equipment for furnishing their rooms in the new bank.

Mrs. John DUFFY and friend, Mrs. Adam MUMMERT will be the guests of the former’s daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan BRYAN of
New York on a trip to South America. Mrs. DUFFY and Mrs. MUMMERT will depart Wednesday of this week and join Mr. and Mrs. BRYAN at New Orleans.

Miss Elsie PYLE took part in a musical program in
St. Louis one might last week.

Mrs. J. D. LaHAY entertained the Sewing Club of which she is a member last Wednesday afternoon.

Miss Annie COUCH was a
St. Louis visitor one night last week.

O. A. WHITE, cashier of the new bank has purchased the WILEY property on
Boyd Street.

Miss Marie HAMEL has sold her type writer to Mr. MUSE and Miss Mamie PYLE will take her place in Adrian STEEL’s office.

Mrs. Hattie ALLEN returned last week from
Ohio where she visited her niece Mrs. Albert EVANS for a week. Mrs. ALLEN was much entertained during her visit.

Mr. HIBBERT, brother of Sam HIBBERT and Mrs. J. F. CARLEY died at the home of the former and the funeral services were held Sunday afternoon and the burial was at the city cemetery.

Denver, Colorado, was here last week calling on many of his old friends as this city was formerly his home.

Mr. AUTRY was sick Sunday and was unable to furnish his customers with milk.

The remains of Leander MITCHELL were brought here Friday of last week and the funeral services were held at the M. E. Church South. The Masons had charge of the funeral. Mr. MITCHELL died at the home of his daughter Mrs. Paul KINGSTON at
Bloomington, Ill.

Mrs. W. C. SMITH who has been away since Christmas has returned home.

The Commercial Club will enjoy a banquet at the Elks Club rooms Tuesday night. Important business will also be transacted.

C. T. JARVIS departed Sunday morning from South east
Missouri to attend Court.

Miss Rebekah KENNETT arrived from
Chicago Thursday for a short stay with her grandmother, Mrs. John DUFFY.

The high school play comes off Tuesday night of this week. The proceeds to be given to the library fund.

The young folks have been enjoying the ice. Several skating parties were on for Saturday night and Monday night.

Mrs. H. E. ZORN was in
St. Louis Wednesday of last week attending a meeting of the Club of which she is a member.

Miss Esther KUCHANS spent Saturday and Sunday at Mr. Olive,
Ill. with her parents.

BERRY’s barn burned this morning and he was unable to deliver milk to his customers. Mr. BERRY has the sympathy of all in the loss of his property.

Miss Lois WEEKS spent Sunday in the city.

A number of our citizens went to
Jefferson City on business this week.

Mrs. Tim SHANE spent several days with relatives in
St. Louis last week.

Robert HEARST of
Piedmont was visiting his parents Thursday and Friday of last week.

Miss Dale MAUTHE went to the city last Wednesday to attend a party.

~ Probate Court ~
Inventory and appraisement list in estate of Levi SCOTT, dec., approved and certain personal property ordered sold. Administrator ordered to serve notice on widow of rights in lieu of dower.

In re estate of LEWIS minors, A. S. filed and approved.

In re estate of James MANGAN, dec. appraisement lists of real estate approved. Report of sale of real estate filed and remain on file 10 days.

In re estate of Wenzel WILJACK, dec. final receipts approved.

In re estate of Andrew FILEY, inventory and appraisement lists approved.

In re estate of Francis WILJACK, dec. will filed. Commission granted to take testimony of witnesses.

In re estate of Caroline HIGGINBOTHAM, dec. demand of R. COXWELL & Son for $317.91 allowed.

In re estate of Anna WAGNER, demand of Commercial Savings Bank for $101 and Bank of Kimmswick for $98.90 allowed.


In re estate of Aug. SEYPOHLTOWSKEY, demand of J. R. RENNICK for $3.45 allowed.

In re estate of Fritz MILLER, dec. Proof of will and certificate granted Letters of testamentary granted to Otto H. MUELLER and ordered published. Louis BANGERT and George FRIEDERICH appointed witnesses to inventory.

In re estate of John B. KEEN, dec., Inventory and appraisement list approved.

W. T. JONES vs. estate of Veronica SCHMIDT, dec. Account Continued to February 10th at
10:00 a.m.

In re Mary STATZEL. Mary STATZEL found to be of restored mind and ordered discharged from guardian.

In re estate of Ann BOOTHE. Sale of Real Estate confirmed and deed ordered made.

~ Heads Creek Items ~
People have somehow formed the idea that Heads Creek is dead or has ceased to exist on this earth, but a wrong idea has certainly been formed. If they had been at the entertainment the other night, and had seen how Uncle Jeff could bring things about they would have thought differently. In short speaking, the entertainment was a success. The untimely date and furious wind that swept over the county on that fierce night, and finally ended in a snow storm Sunday.

Christ MILLER, Jr. is slowly recovering with his broken leg.

Joe HLUCEK [Hulzek ?] is talking about purchasing a Ford.

Miss Irene and Elsie LEICHT came home from
St. Louis Friday.

Frank DANNEMAN has been very busy in the past building roads.

Our new mail carrier, Roy BURGESS made his first trip Friday.

Judge MILLER went to
Hillsboro Monday to attend the County Court.

Well the ground hog saw his shadow very plainly, if the wind did not blow too strong for him to venture out.

Leap year is passed, which makes old maids and bachelors no longer the mode, but live in hopes it will be back in four years again.

~ Hillsboro Items ~
Mrs. Ellen McCREARY who has had bronchial pneumonia is sufficiently recovered to return home to
De Soto.

Mrs. Lillie HEMME PENCE of
St. Louis spent the week-end here with her parents.

Miss Mayme HELLER shopped in
St. Louis Tuesday.

Miss Annette EVANS attended the high school play in
De Soto Tuesday night.

Mrs. Amy CLARK of Goldman visited her parents here Tuesday.

Sunday’s blizzard depleted church attendance greatly, through Rev. A. HILKEMAN preached morning and evening and left Monday morning for Horine.

The Clyde WILLIAMS children and Frank DIETRICH children have the chicken pox.

R. A. MARSDEN has had a relapse with his spell of the grip.

Mrs. J. J. HOEKEN is a grip victim since her return from a visit to her sister Mrs. Izella DONNELL in
St. Louis.  Mrs. DONNELL has been ill but is regaining her strength.

Miss Zoe BOOTH who teaches in Bonne Terre has returned to her work after a week’s illness at home with tonsillitis.

~ Teacher’s Examination ~
The regular examination for teacher’s certificates will be at
De Soto on Friday and Saturday, March the 2nd and 3rd.
The order of subjects will be as follows:
Friday, First Day
Geography, Language, Spelling, Algebra, Grammar, Arithmetic, Literature,
Saturday, Second Day
Civil Government,
U. S. History, Agriculture, Algebra, Advanced History, Physiology, Writing, Dedogogy. Literature, Advanced Science.
Paper furnished, bring pencils or pen and ink.
Examination begins at
eight o’clock a.m.
Respectfully, R. B. WILSON
P.S. - All applicants for a first or second grade certification must present evidence of having completed three years work in an accredited high school or must make the required average grade by written examination on the following subjects: Algebra, Plane Geometry, Ancient History and either Modern or Mediaeval or English History, Agriculture and either Physical Geography or Biology.

~ Farm For Rent ~
consisting of 66 2-3 acres one mile west of Engle Station, between Pevely and Barnhart. For particulars write to Lewis B. MURPHY,
Hillsboro, Mo., Route One.

~ Notice of Final Settlement ~
All creditors and others interested in the estate ofJ. W. TULLOCK, Deceased [...]
Mrs. Mary TULLOCK, Administrator.

~ Notice to Taxpayers ~
The land and personal assessment books for 1917 are now in my possession subject to the inspection of the public.If not satisfied with your assessment call and look it up and be ready
to present your grievances to the board of equalization which meets April 3, 1917.

~ Farm For Sale ~
I have 360 acres of good farm land in the Sandy Bottom on the LeMay Ferry road near Goldman, Mo., I will sell any part of it from 40 acres to the whole tract, address owner, Sam J. MARSDEN, Hillsboro, Mo.

~ Executor’s Notice ~
Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary on the estate of Mary HAEFNER, deceased
were granted to the undersigned the 3rd day of January, 1917 [...]
Nick ROESCH, Executor

~ Administrator’s Notice ~
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the Estate of John G. PLACK, deceased
were granted to the undersigned on [the] 24th day of January, 1917 [...]
A. J. WESSLER, Administrator

~ Announcement ~
All box suppers, pie suppers, gatherings of like nature, given the purpose of raising funds, must be accompanies by twenty-five cents to insure their appearance in the columns of the Record.

~ Jack For Sale ~
Seven years old fourteen hands high heavy bone, a sure foal getter, will trade for young mare or mule, apply Chas. F. WAHLBOLD, Hillsboro, Mo., Route 2.

~ Public Sale! ~
at the Arthur McKEAN farm East of Morse Mill on 17th day of February, 1917, I will sell the following property:Four cows and two yearlings, three fat hogs, one male hog, one sow and
six pigs, one wagon, one buggy, one McCormick binder, one McCormick mower, one shovel cultivator, one disc cultivator, one smoothing narrow, one horse corn planter, one breaking plow, one set of tug harness, 150 bushels of corn, about five tons of timothy hay, four tons of clover hay, household and kitchen furniture and numerous other articles too numerous to mention.
Arthur McKEAN.

~ All Over
Jefferson ~
S. M. McKAY had business in
St. Louis Friday and Saturday.

Church services on Sunday were slimly attended on account of the cold weather.

John L. BECHLER, former sheriff of this county, circulated among friends at the county seat Tuesday.

Joachim Lodge Meeting Saturday night was adjourned elsewhere because of the lack of a quorum.

Jos. J. HOEKEN, W. J. A. SCHUBEL left Sunday afternoon for
Jefferson City where they had business in relation to the proposed division of our Circuit Court.

A. G. MEDLEY, Public Administrator who has been quite ill with pneumonia and whose condition has been quite critical is reported as somewhat improved.

All persons interested in the Old State Road Association of Rock Township are invited to attend a meeting at J. P. BOEMLER’s hall, Imperial, Mo. February 19th at 2:00 p.m.
Done by Committee

Louis D. RIEBOLD and Charles WUERTZ were Hillsboro visitors Tuesday attending County Court. Mr. WUERTZ dropped in to the Record office to pay the subscription of Louis KROUPS, one of our
St. Louis patrons.

Henry WIESE, recently purchased the H. A. McALLISTER farm near town. F. W. WIESE, who is to have charge of the farm arrived in
Hillsboro Tuesday. Mr. WIESE came from Western Oklahoma and drove through in a buggy and was on the road three weeks and four days.

John F. WILLIAMS and “Skinsky” (Adolph) HURTGEN made the trip to
St. Louis Tuesday by the automobile route. The Editor made the trip with them on his way to Jefferson City. The ice in the river has cut out the ferry and we had to go by way of Fenton. Several unbridged streams with
water and ice made some bad spots in the road. The
LeMay Ferry Bridge ought to be completed and the failure to finish it before the berry season opens will cost Jefferson County farmers thousands of dollars.

Frank DIETRICH, H. B. IRWIN, Albert MILLER, Jos. J. HOEKEN, W. J. A. SCHUBEL, Sam McKAY and the Editor were the
Hillsboro contingent at Jefferson City last week. The De Soto delegation consisted in part of George MAHN, Roscoe B. JONES, John F. WALTHER, Kirkwood JONES, Lucas DUFFNER, Gus FRECH and others whose names we do not recall were the DeSoto representatives of the One Term at De Soto boosters at Jefferson City Tuesday. We forgot to mention Jas. G. BERKELEY who after having signed a petition against the bill went up to Jefferson City to make a plea for it.

J. C. ZENTNER, Geo. DOHACK, Hy POEPPER, Overseer of Road District 11, Peter GLATT and his intended brother-in-law Haag KLAHS and Wm. A. KLAHS, all of Maxville visited
Hillsboro February 5th, boosting the candidacy of Wm. A. KLAHS for road overseer of District 12. They also wanted to know when the Le May Ferry Bridge is to be completed. We heard ZENTNER before we got into town and we saw the scar of POEPPER’s nose as soon as we arrived. POEPPER declares GLATT tried to put him out of commission because he is a real Democrat, but we thought ZENTNER entitled to the honors when he disclosed the fact that he had the
temerity to leave home with the thermometer below zero without any vest.

~ House Springs Meeting ~
The teachers meeting at House Springs January 27th, was not well attended but the meeting was an instructive one. Many subjects were discussed which was a great benefit to all who were present. We will discuss the remaining chapters of Mr. Kennedy’s “Fundamentals in Methods” at the next meeting.
We sincerely hope that more teachers will be present at the next meeting which will be held at House Springs
February 17, 1917.
The program will be as follows:
Chapter XII. - Language Work, Elementary, Miss Emma LISKI
Chapter XV. - Arithmetic, Advanced, Joe. A. OTTOMEYER
Chapter XIX. - The Teaching of Morals, Miss Legia HILL.
Chapter XX. - The Special Subjects, Herman RAGLIN.
Chapter XXI. - Methods in School Management, John G. GEATLEY
This meeting will begin at
one o’clock and all teachers are expected to be present.
Patrons are respectfully invited.
W. J. CLOVER, Vice-pres.
A. G. NORTH, Secy.

~ For
Sale ~
Choice clover seed, apply at J. WALDORF, Kimmswick, Route 3,

~ Real Estate Transfers ~
Wm. E. HAMILTON to L. N. HAMILTON lots in De Soto, $1.00 etc

Fred W. HESS and wife to Electric Co. of Missouri, light plant including fixtures, Festus, $100.00

Jno. A. KESSLER and wife to Aug. DELBRUEGGE, 80 acres 23-43-4, $1.00

Geo. MAHN and wife to Milton PHILIPS and wife 12-39-4, $1,400.00.

Harry H. SOMMERS and wife to Edw. H. ROLFING, lots in De Soto, $1.00

Martin L. DAWSON and wife to Jas. W. S. KELLEY 30-40-5, $10.00

Chas W. HAVERSTICK and wife to E. J. KERR, 29 & 32-40-5, $1,000,00 etc.

W. H. WAGGENER and wife to Alonzo M. LITTON, Park Hill Add. De Soto, $600.00

Ida FRAZIER et al to Bettie GLASS et al 23-41-4, $100.00

Edgar MARSDEN et al to Bettie GLASS 23-42-4, $1,550.00

Octavia BUCHANNAN to Arthur A. VOELLINGER and wife, 110 acres more or less 14-42-3, $8,000.00

Electric Co. of Missouri to Union Electric Co., Sur. 100 & 315 T. 40, R. ? E. $1.00 etc.

~ Entertainment ~
An entertainment and box supper will be given February 11th at the Four Ridge school. Boxes appreciated Come and bring your friends.  
Lewis F. HILGERT, teacher.

~ For Sale ~
2 good work horses, J. WALDORF, Kimmswick, Route 2, Mo.

~ Probate Court Docket ~
February Term 1917
Docket of cases in which settlements are due from Administrators, Executors, Guardians and Curators, at the ensuing February Term of the Probate Court of Jefferson County, to be held at the Court House in said County, commencing on the fourth (4th) Monday of February, 1917.
Name of Estate, Adm. Guar., Ex, or Cur., Kind of Set.

Monday, February 26th, 1917, - First Day
BRADLEY, Daniel A. a minor .. Thomas J. BRADLEY;  and C  .. Annual
BERRY, Minors ...... Edmund KERRUISK?, Cur ..... Annual
BOSTON, Peter, a minor  .... Georgia A. BOSTON, Cur ....Annual
4. BYRNES, Sam.? deceased  .....Melissa BYRNS, Admix ....Final
5. BOWLES, Anderson T., a minor  ....Charles BOWLES, G. and C.  ...Annual
6. BAILEY, Wilson W. deceased  .... J. I. BAILEY, Adm.  .... Final
BAGO, Clara, deceased  .... J. A. BAGE, Ex.  .... Final
BYRD, G. W., deceased  ..... Margaret M. BYRD & R. E. BYRD, Exe.
9. BURDS, John William, dec  ... Laura C. BURDS, Exx.  ...  Semi-annual
BUECHTING, Louise, dec  .... Herman BUECHTING, Ex.   .... Semi-annual
BLACKWELL, Wm., dec   ..... Wm. BLACKWELL, Jr. Adm.  .... Semi-an
12. BROWN, John, dec   ...... Caroline BROWN, Admx.   ....Semi-an
13. BAUR, Frank A. dec  .... Chatarine BAUR, Exx. .......Semi-annual
14. CHOTT, Albert, dec  .... John CHOTT, Ex.   ..... Final

Tuesday, February 27th, 1917, - Second Day
COYLE, Mary, dec   ....... G. A. WENOM, Ex.   ...... Final
CRAFT, Mary A. dec   ..... Elijah BURGESS, Ex.   ......Semi-annual
17. CAMPBELL, Minnie, dec  .... Michael S. CAMPBELL, Adm. Semi-annual
18. DONNELLY, Else, Huck and Frank   ..... A. G. MEDLEY, G and C .... Annual
DIPPAL, Jacob, dec   .....Henry DIPPAL, Ex  .... Final
DICKINSON, Walter L., dec  ... Sarah
E. DICKINSON, Exx.   .... Final
DOUOVAN, J. F., dec  ..... Julius DONOVAN, admx. .....Final [spelling really looks differently]
22. DICKHUT, Fred, dec  ... A. G. MEDLEY, P. Ad  ......Semi-annual
23. ENGLEBACH, John  ..... Dora ENGLEBACH, Admx  ..... Semi-an
24. ENGLEBACH, Louis   ....... Harold ENGLEBACH, Ex.   ...Annual
25. ECKLE minors  .... John W. ECKLE, cur  .... Annual
EVRARD, Louis J., dec   .....Eliza Jane EVRARD, admx.   .... Final
GRAHAM, Charles E., a minor   ..... J. W. PATTERSON, G. and C. .... Final
GUICKWITZ, Robert, a minor   .... J. F. WALTHER, G. and S.   .... Annual
HAGUE, George, dec  ..... P. S. TERRY, adm.   ..... Final

Wednesday, February 28, 1917, - Third Day
HASTINGS, P. M. , dec   ..... J. W. HASTINGS, Adm.   .... Final
HUSKEY, Della S., dec   .... Albert AGER, Adm.   .... Semi-annual
HEMME, Kate, dec  ... John F. MEIER, Ex.   ......Semi-annual
33. KARTE, John Frederich Carl, dec   ...... Martha KARTE, Exx... Final
LEWIS, minors  ..... R. B. JONES, Cur.   .... Annual
LEONARD, Rose Catherine, dec   ..... Rudolph LEONARD, Ex. ... Semi-annual
MARTIN, Vianna, dec   .... D. D. McLANE, Ex.   .....Final
37. MILES, Alex, dec   ...... Alice MILES, Admx.   ...... Final
MAHONEY, M. D. dec  .... E. J. MAHONEY, Adm…..   Final
Elizabeth, dec   .....C. MARSDEN, Adm.   ...Final
40. MOORE, Jesse Wm., dec   .....
Florence B. MOORE, Admx  ..... Final

Thursday, March 1st, 1917, - Fourth Day
MELTON, George, dec   ......A. G. MEDLEY, Adm. de bonis non ... Fi.
42. MAUPIN, Stanley, a minor   ..... W. W. MAUPIN, G. and C  .....
43. MUNSON, Cordelia, dec  .... Ida E. WILLS, Exx.   ......Final
44. McMULLIN, Minors  ..... F. E. McMULLIN, G. and C.   .....Annual
45. McMULLIN Minors   ...... Archie McMULLIN, G. and C.  ..... Annual
McELWAINE Minors  .... Mary McELWAINE, G. and C.   .....Annual
[47. not listed here]
48. McMULLIN Harry a minor  ....  John L. McMULLIN, G. and C.  .... Annual
McCARTY, Minors   ...... William McCARTY, G. and C. … Annual
McCARTY, W. B., a minor   ..... Emmet McCARTY, G. and C. ….Annual
NANSEL, William, dec  .....  Geo. VOGT, Adm.   ...... Final
POHLMAN, Annie, insane   ...... A. G. MEDLEY, Guar   ...Annual

Friday, March 2nd, 1917, - Fifth Day.
53. PUCKETT, James Allen, dec   .... Edmund KERRUISH, Ex.  ..... Final
PARKER, Elijah T., dec   ....  H. Ellis VAUGHN, Ad. de bonis non...Fi.
55. REMICK minors   ..... R. B. BOYER, G. and C.   .....Annual
56. RUESS, Edward Simon, dec   .... Mary RUESS, Admx.   .... Semi-annual
SCHWALBERT Minors  ..... Wm. SCHWALBERT, Cur.   ....Annual
58. SCHUBEL, Henry Louis, dec   .... F. E. SCHUBEL, Adm....... Final
STATZEL, Hannah, dec   .... A. G. MEDLEY, Adm.   .....Annual
60. SCHMIDT, August   ...... George MAHN, Ex.   .....Semi-Annual
61. SAFFELL, Samuel E., dec   .....Bessie SAFFELL, Admx  ..... Final
SCHULZ, Bruno, dec   ..... Ludwig SCHULZ, Adm.  ....Final
63. TSCHUMPERT, Peter, insane  .... Felix LEUTZINGER, Guar .... Annual

Saturday, March 3rd, 1917, - Sixth Day.
64. TULLOCK, John W., dec   ......Mary TULLOCK, Admx.   ....Final
65. TULLOCK, Walter, dec   ..... J. E. TULLOCK, Adm.  .......Final
WILSON, Minors   ..... Jennie WILSON, Cur.   ...... Annual
WILLIAMS, Harriet, dec   ...... E. D. SMITH, Adm   .......Final
Harvey, dec   ...... Arthy WHALEY, Admx   ......Final
69. WYNN, Mathew, dec   .... Magdaline WYNN, Exx.   ......Final
70. WEAVER, John I., dec   ....Mrs. E. AA. WEAVER, Adm.   .... Annual
WHITESIDES, Naomi, dec   ..... G. A. WENOM, Adm.   ......Final
?2. YATES, Ramond, a minor   ..... Arthy WHALEY, Curx.   .... Annual
J. P. MILLER, Judge of Probate Court

~ Notice of Final Settlement ~
All creditors and others interested in the estate of Alex MILES, deceased [...]
Mrs. Alice MILES, Administratrix

~ Notice of Final Settlement ~
All creditors and others interested in the estate of Cordelia MUNSON, deceased [...]
Ida E. WILLS, Executrix

~ Notice of Final Settlement ~
All creditors and others interested in the estate of Naomi WHITESIDES, deceased [...]
G. A. WENOM, Administrator, de bonis non

~ Notice of Final Settlement ~
All creditors and others interested in the estate of Mary COYLE, deceased [...]
G. A. WENOM, Executor

~ Notice County Warrants ~
County warrants which are registered will be paid January 16, 1917.
Frank DIETRICH, Treasurer

~ Administrator’s Notice ~
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the estate of Louisa ROGERS, deceased [...] were granted the undersigned on the 4th day of January, 1917
George ROGERS, Administrator.

~ Notice of Final Settlement ~
State of
Missouri, County of Jefferson, ss.
In the matter of the Estate of Charles F. GRAHAM, formerly a minor, J.W. PATTERSON, guardian and curator. In the Probate Court of Jefferson County
To Charles F. GRAHAM:
You are herby notified that on the 27th day of February, 1917, being the 2nd day of February term, 1917, of the Probate Court of the County of Jefferson, or as soon thereafter as I can be heard at said Court, I will make to and with said court, my final settlement as guardian and
curator of the estate of Charles E. GRAHAM, minor heir of Elijah GRAHAM, deceased, that a just and true exhibit of the account between myself and said ward has been made and filed in said Probate Court.

Dated this 19th day of January, 1917
J. W. PATTERSON, Guardian and Curator

Money to Loan on first deeds of trust, apply Mrs. Theresa KLEINSCHMIDT,
Hillsboro, Mo.

~ Notice of Trustee’s Sale Under Deed Of Trust ~
Whereas, by their deed of trust, dated the ninth day of April, Nineteen Hundred and Fourteen (1914), recorded at page 409 in Book 46 in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Jefferson County, Missouri, James SULLENS and Lou SULLENS, his wife, conveyed to the undersigned trustee the following described real estate, lying, being and situate in the county of Jefferson and State of Missouri, to-wit:
All of Lot No. Ten (10) in United States Survey No. 1939, Township Forty-tree (43), Range Four (4), East, as part plat of Subdivision of said Survey made on the 22nd day of February to March 9th, 1876, by W. H. COZENS, and recorded in the Recorder’s Office in Jefferson County,  Missouri, June 20th, 1998, containing 41.05 acres more or less; also a strip of ground 30 feet wide off of the West side of Lot No. 9 of said Survey No. 1939; Also all of the South-east fractional quarter of the South west fractional quarter of Section Twenty (20) Township
Forty-three (43), Range Four (4) East, containing 39.30 acres, more or less; also the North east fractional quarter of the Southwest fractional quarter of Section Twenty (20), Township Forty three (43), Range Four (4) east, containing 38.60 acres more or less being the same land conveyed by Nicholas BURKART and wife to James SULLENS, on the 5th day of January, 1914 in trust to secure the payment of a certain promissory note in said deed of trust fully described:
And Whereas, default has been made a payment of said promissory note:
And Whereas, I have been requested by the legal holder of said promissory note to exercise the power of sale in me vested by said deed of trust:
Now, therefore, Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the power vested in me by said deed of trust and pursuant to the request of the legal holder of said promissory note, I will, on Monday, the 12th day of March, 1917, between the hours of nine o’clock in the forenoon and five o’clock in the afternoon of said day, at the Court House door in the County of Jefferson, State of Missouri, sell the above described real estate at public venue, to the highest bidder, for cash, to satisfy said note and the expense of executing this trust.
V. J. LEIGHT, Trustee,
Hillsboro, Mo., February 8, 1917.

~ Order of Publication ~
In the
Jefferson County Circuit Court
To May Term, 1917.
The State of Missouri, at the relation and to the use of Chas. J. SIEDLER, Collector of the Revenue of Jefferson county, in the State of Missouri, vs. H. H. ENSMINGER and G. R. ENSMINGER, No. 2657. Action to enforce tax lien.
Now, at this day comes the Plaintiff by counsel, before the undersigned, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Jefferson County, Missouri, in vacation, and files herein its petition and affidavit, stating among
other things that the defendants H. H. ENSMINGER and G. R. ENSMINGER are non-residents of the State of Missouri and can not be served with the ordinary process of law in this state. It is therefore ordered by the Clerk aforesaid, in vacation, that publication be made notifying said defendant that an action has been commenced against them by petition in the Circuit Court of Jefferson County, in the State of Missouri, the object and general nature of which is to enforce the lien of the State of Missouri, for taxes upon the following described lands, to-wit:
Tract No. 1. Lots One (1), Two (2), Five (5), and Six (6), in block Four (4), of Mount Pleasant Second Addition to the City of De Soto, Mo.

And to recover the amount of taxes due on said lands for the years, 1911, 1912, and 1913.
That unless they be and appear at the next regular term of this Court, to be begun and held at the Court House in the town of Hillsboro, Jefferson County, Missouri, on the first Monday in May next, 1917, and on and before the first day thereof, and answer or demure to Plaintiff’s petition, the same will be taken as confessed and judgment rendered accordingly. It is further ordered that a copy hereof be published in the Jefferson County Record, a newspaper printed and published at
Hillsboro, Jefferson County, Missouri, for four weeks successively, the last insertion to be at least fifteen days before first day of the next regular Term of this Court.
A true copy. Attest:
W. J. A. SCHUBEL, Circuit Clerk.

J. H. REPPY, attorney for Plaintiff.
By A. HURTGEN, Deputy Clerk
State of Missouri,
County of Jefferson, ss.
I, W. J. A. SCHUBEL, Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for said County, hereby certify that the above is a true copy of the original Order of Publication in the cause therein named, as the same appears of record in my office. Witness my hand as Clerk and the seal of said Court. Done at office in
Hillsboro, Mo., this 1st day of January, 1917.
W. J. A. SCHUBEL, Clerk
Per A. HURTGEN, Deputy

~ Order of Publication ~
In the
Jefferson County Circuit Court
To May Term, 1917.
The State of Missouri, at the relation and to the use of Chas. J. SIEDLER, Collector of the Revenue of Jefferson County, in the State of Missouri, vs. Annie Louise THOMAS and Harry THOMAS, her husband. No. 2637. Action to enforce tax lien.
Now, at this day comes the Plaintiff by counsel, before the undersigned, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Jefferson County, Missouri, in vacation, and files herein its petition and affidavit, stating among
other things that the defendants Annie Louise THOMAS and Harry THOMAS, her husband are non-residents of the State of Missouri and can not be served with the process in this state.
It is therefore ordered by the Clerk aforesaid, in vacation, that publication be made notifying said defendant that an action has been commenced against them by petition in the Circuit Court of Jefferson County, in the State of Missouri, the object and general nature of which is to enforce the lien of the State of Missouri, for taxes upon the following described real estate, to-wit:
Tract No. 1. Lots 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18 in block Ten (10) of C. C. FLETCHER’s Addition to the City of De Soto, Mo.

And to recover the amount of taxes due on said lands for the years, 1911, 1912, and 1913.
That unless they be and appear at the next regular term of this Court, to be begun and held at the Court House in the town of Hillsboro, Jefferson County, Missouri, on the first Monday in May next, 1917, and on and before the first day thereof, and answer or demure to Plaintiff’s petition, the same will be taken as confessed and judgment rendered accordingly. It is further ordered that a copy hereof be published in the Jefferson County Record, a newspaper printed and published at
Hillsboro, Jefferson County, Missouri, for four weeks successively, the last insertion to be at least fifteen days before first day of the next regular Term of this Court.
A true copy. Attest:
W. J. A. SCHUBEL, Circuit Clerk.
J. H. REPPY, attorney for Plaintiff.
By A. HURTGEN, Deputy Clerk
State of Missouri,
County of Jefferson, ss.
I, W. J. A. SCHUBEL, Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for said County, hereby certify that the above is a true copy of the original Order of Publication in the cause therein named, as the same appears of record in my office.
Witness my hand as Clerk and the seal of said Court. Done at office in
Hillsboro, Mo., this 1st day of January, 1917.
W. J. A. SCHUBEL, Clerk
Per A. HURTGEN, Deputy

~ Order of Publication ~
In the Circuit Court of
Jefferson County, Missouri. in Vacation -
Action to Collect Back Taxes and Enforce Lien
The State of Missouri, at the relation and to the use of Chas. J. SIEDLER, Collector of the Revenue of Jefferson County in the State of Missouri, Plaintiff, against W. J. F. KIRK and Carrie L. KIRK, his wife, John J. A. HILGERT, Bert AXLEY, Wm. J. HAMPEL and the acting Sheriff of Jefferson County, Defendants. ss. No. 2630.
Now, on this 16th day of December 1916, comes the State of Missouri, at the relation and to the use of Chas. J. SIEDLER, Collector of the Revenue of Jefferson County, Missouri, by its attorney, and files its petition herein, stating among other things that the defendants are the owners of the following described tracts of land, situate in the said County of Jefferson and State of Missouri, to-wit:

The North three-fifths of block 12 of the Town of Kimmswick and that the taxes for the years 1911, 1912, and 1913, amounting to Sixty-eight and 3-100 dollars, are overdue and unpaid; and that the defendant, Bert AXLEY is a non-resident of the State of Missouri, so that the ordinary
process of law cannot be served on him. It is therefore ordered by the Clerk of the Court, in vacation, that publication be made notifying, Bert AXLEY, the said defendant, that an action has been commenced against him by the plaintiff herein by petition in the Circuit Court of Jefferson County, Missouri. the general nature and object of which is to collect the taxes due and unpaid on the aforesaid real estate, situated in Jefferson County and State of Missouri, for the years and
the amounts above stated, together with the costs of this suit, and to enforce the lien of the State on said real estate, and that unless he be and appear at the next regular term in said Court, to be begun and held at the Court House in the town of Hillsboro, in said County of Jefferson on the second Monday in May. A. D. 1917, and on or before the sixth day of said term (if the same shall so long continue, and if not, then before the end of said term) and plead, answer or demur to the
plaintiff’s petition, the same will be taken as confessed and judgment rendered accordingly. And it is further ordered that a copy hereof be published in the Jefferson County Record, a newspaper printed and published in said County, for four weeks successively, the last publication to be not less than four weeks before the first day of said term.
W. J. A. SCHUBEL, Clerk, Circuit Clerk.
State of
Missouri, County of Jefferson, ss.
I, W. J. A. SCHUBEL, Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for said County, hereby certify that the above is a true copy of the original Order of Publication in the cause therein named, as the same appears of record in my office.
Witness my hand as Clerk and the seal of said Court. Done at office in

Mo., this 1st day of January, 1917.
W. J. A. SCHUBEL, Clerk

~ Advertisements found in this issue ~

[AD]  Castoria - For Infants and Children
In Use for Over 30 Years
Always bears the Signature of Chas. H. FLETCHER

[AD]  The St. Louis Daily Globe Democrat

[AD]  Picture Shop

[AD]  Hall’s Catarrah Cure, Frank J. CHENEY

[AD]  Dr. W. H. G. WHITE, Dentist
De Soto, Missouri

[AD]  Dodge Brothers Motor Car
The J. W. DUGAN Automobile Co.
Herculaneum, Missouri

[AD]  HOLEKAMP Lumber Co.
Yards: Afton, Kirkwood, Old Orchard, Webster Groves, Gratiot Station St. Louis
Planing Mill, Old Orchard

[AD]  Henry HURTGEN & Sons.
First Class Horse Shoers
All kinds of machinery repaired on short notice, Try us and see, Automobiles Repaired

[AD]  Buy Your Keen Kutter Tools etc., from R. A. MARSDEN
Dealer in General Merchandise Harness, Shoes etc
Hillsboro, Mo

[AD]  Sheet Metal, Roofing
Otto HUBELI, Hillsboro, Mo.

[AD]  Albert MILLER, Attorney at Law, Hillsboro, Missouri

[AD]  Fred J. MEYER, House Mover, Jefferson Barracks, Mo., Route No. 10

[AD]  L. A. CHAMBERLIN, Dentist, De Soto, Mo.

[AD]  Adrian STEEL, Lawyer, De Soto, Missouri

[AD]  Farms Wanted, F. J. ADAMS, Real Estate, Hillsboro, Mo.

[AD]  Bank of Kimmswick, Kimmswick, Mo.
C. H. GERARD, President, M. ZIEGLER, Vice President, G. A. WENOM

[AD]  People’s Bank of De Soto

[AD]  The Jefferson Trust Company, Hillsboro, Mo.

[AD]  GERARD Milling Company, Kimmswick

[AD]  The Big Brick Store, J. W. ECKLE,
Hillsboro, MO