~ Road Overseers Are Appointed ~
Several Assessments Lowered And Many Accounts Allowed. Luke GENDRON sent to
Last week’s items stated “Land and Personal assessment presented by N. C.
~Road Overseers Appointed~
2. N. E. DIEHL
3. Wm. DIEHL
4. John FRANK
8. Chas. BOEMLER
9. Christ FRANK
10. A. A. YATES
11 Henry PREPPER
[# 13. not listed]
14. Anton KOHLER
15. Frank EIKEMEYR
16. Frank DANERMAN
17. Ferdinand WEBER
18. Fred HEITMAN
19. John GEANEY
21. Henry D. EGERS
22. W. L. WILSON
24. Wm. MILLER
26. Wm. DIERKS
27. W.
[ #’s 28. & 29. not listed]
31. Fred HUBER
32. Jos. KING
[ # 33. not listed]
34. Robt.
36. Lawson
37. L. N. ADAMS
38. K. W. MILLER
39. Chas. HENRY
40. Frank HUSKEY
42. Silas WILLIAMS
43. Joseph JAMES
44. A. P. BOOTH
45. Len WIBBLE
46. Jos. RYAN
47. H. A. LUBN
48. E. E. GRAHAM
49. Thos. L. JOHNSON
50. Andrew JOHNSON
52. Emil SIEBELS
54. Justus WILSON
55. Chas. NULL
56. M. J. GROB
57. J. F. BROWN
58. Louis CANEPA
59. C. R. McCLAIN
62. Ed. L. FINK
64. Peter LEE
65. E. M. BERRY
66. J. H. MORSE
68. W. S. BOYCE
69. A. W. MORSE
70. Joseph WHALEY
71. R. B. COLE
73. L. G. MOORE
Merchants, Fox, Festus, Glass ordered stricken off for 1916.
Ed. F. RUCK valuation on 242 acres of land corrected to $1,000 for 1916.
Luke GENDRON ordered sent to hospital No. 4 as county patient.
Chas. L. BUSCH authorized to furnish lumber to floor one half main span of
Court with Hillsboro Town Board elects Ed. L. HINSON as
N. C. EAVES’ offer of $10 for old Royal typewriter accepted.
Eugene HEILAND appointed Court House janitor for $37.50 per month.
Accounts Allowed.
State Hospital No. 4, acct. Luke GENDRON ............. $78.00
State Hospital No. 4, board inmates ............. $187.50
State Hospital No. 1, board inmates ............. $34.50
R. E. BYRD, sal and mil ............. 26.50
Christ MILLER, sal and mil ............. 26.80
Frank PERKINS, sal and mi ............. 26.80
Treasurer’s settlement filed and approved
County warrants redeemed ............. 31,254.12
Stenographer’s script ............. 396.73
Jury ............. 983.35
Interest on warrants ............. 1, 280.26
Total county Rev ............. 33,920.96
Road and bridge warrants red. ............. 12,014.30
Road and construction .............
Permanent Road
Road dist ............. 880.50
Road dragging script ............. 81.00
[end of column 2 added here]
Festus spec. road dist ............. 3,058.50
Witness script ............. 111.25
total ............. 65, 562.51
School Warrants ............. 3,708.37
County Court
Walter BLACK and family of Silica, were here Sunday the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. FINLEY, who has been in
Mr. and Mrs. Press KENNETH and daughter Rebekah
returned to
Skating has been quite good as the cold weather continues.
Sol HOHENTHAL has a new Super Six Hudson which is a very fine car.
The D. A. R. will celebrate Washington’s birthday by
giving a colonial tea at the Elk’s club room.
Mr. and Mrs. MELVILLE were the guests of their children in
It is reported that we may have a dry current in the near future and that is
what the people of
A fire in our city Sunday morning destroyed Mr. O. F. MEEK’s
Dry Goods Store and Mrs. CRAWFORD’s flat above the
tailor and shoe shop and damaged the fixtures of the People’s bank as well as
the offices above the bank. Mrs. CRAWFORD carries no insurance but the others
mentioned were partly insured. It is reported that the MEEK store will be rebuilt,
but not the entire building as it was before for the present. Everyone
sympathizes with all concerned in their losses. The fire department deserves
great credit for their good work.
The bible class will meet with Mrs. Dan ROUGGLY on
The Presbyterian ladies will give their annual chicken pie dinner at the church
February 22.
Mr. and Mrs. HULL assisted by Mrs. HULL’s mother,
Mrs. GRANT, entertained the members of the Rebekah
lodge last Thursday night in honor of Mr. HULL’s
birthday. Old Santa left a new player piano at this home and the music added
much to the enjoyment of the occasion.
Howard ROBERTSON has charged of the Y. M. C. A. affairs since Mr. THOMPSON has
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. WILLIAMS have rented the MITCHIM property next to Mrs.
Jennie JONES and will move their household goods from
Dr. WHITE is talking of buying an Allen car this spring. Joe RODGERS is the
Little Dorothy SAPPER has been quite ill the past week.
Chas. LEWIS of Fletcher sold 80 fine hogs recently for $2,012.65. Who can beat
the record for hugs ten months old?
Attorney Adrian STEELE who moved his office over the People’s Bank just two
days before the fire had some of his law books damaged by smoke and water.
The St. Mary’s circle of the Episcopal Church gave an entertainment February
13th. A good musical program was rendered and refreshments were sold.
The fifty-third birthday of the Knights of Pythias
will be observed at the K. of P. hall Monday evening, February 19th.
The “Go to Church Sunday” in
W. C. STONE and L. L. MASON went to
Miss Flora WEBB spent last week with her brother Ed and family at Fredericktown.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. STOCKING spent Thursday and Friday of last week in
~ Card of Thanks ~
We desire to extend our heartfelt thanks to our
friends and neighbors for their faithful and loyal help during the illness and
death of father and husband.
Agnes CLOVER and Children
~ For Sale ~
One dark bay horse, six years old this spring, sixteen hands high, works double
or single, and is gentle. Can be seen at my stable at
~ Farmers Condemn Removal Of Court Term To
F. E. and C. U. of A. Meet In
At a meeting of the Farmers’ Co-Operative Union of America held at the Court
House in
On the subject of how the bond money is spent Judge Rome BYRD was called and
questioned by George W. HODGES of
A resolution was offered by Sterling P. MOTHERSHEAD that a subscription list be
circulated pledging the subscribers to pay the amounts set opposite their
respective names or such portion there of as should be required to investigate
the sets of the court and the legality of their action in the matter of the
bond issue. This may not be the exact terms of the resolution but is the substance.
After some discussion in which Hon. Homa WEAVER of
A resolution was then unanimously adopted which was in effect an endorsement of
the Court and a pledge of loyalty to them in their efforts to serve the county.
Rev. Jasper HAMRICK then offered the following resolutions and briefly but
forcibly stated the reasons for their adoptions.
James G. BERKELY of
The question being called for the resolutions were unanimously adopted although
there were prominent businessmen and citizens from
The following is the full text of the resolutions offered and adopted:
WHEREAS, Dr. G. A. AUERSWALD, the representative from Jefferson county has
introduced a bill in the legislature at Jefferson City, known as House Bill No.
582 and Senate Bill No. 430, providing for the removal of the January Term of
the Circuit Court of Jefferson County from
Hillsboro to De Soto; and
WHEREAS, this bill, should it become a law, will in truth and in fact establish
two separate and distinct Circuit Courts in Jefferson county, which will cause
delay in securing Justice, increase the cost of litigation and materially
reduce the usefulness of the Circuit Court of Jefferson county; and
WHEREAS, said bill provides that the County pay for the renting, furnishing and
keeping of a court room, a Circuit Clerk’s office, a Sheriff’s office, a
library and jury room; that the Circuit Clerk appoint a deputy who shall be
required to keep his office in De Soto and who would be paid by the County; and
WHEREAS, the furnishing of said pence of five or six thousand dollars the first
year and from Two to Three Thousand Dollars per year afterward, in addition to
the regular expense of the county, no required, and
WHEREAS, The County revenue of the County is now overdrawn to the amount of Ten
Thousand Dollars and the burden of taxes is already very heavy upon the tax
payers and we fail to see how the citizens of the county can possibly receive
any benefits out of the passage of this bill except a few favored sons, and
WHEREAS, Hillsboro, the County Seat, is centrally located, is very accessible
and has a Court Room sufficient for present requirements;
THEREFORE be it resolved that the Farmers of Jefferson County in mass meeting
assembled, that it is the sense of this meeting that this bill is against the
interests of the tax payers of Jefferson County, as a whole; that a very large
majority of the tax payers are opposed to the passage of this bill and that we
respectfully ask the members of the House of Representatives and of the Senate
to use their best endeavors in the defeat of this bill.
A. Thomas BAKEWELL, Secretary
Representing the F. E. & C. U. of A.,
~ Big Fire in
Several Others are Damaged. Owner of Building Has No Insurance.
A fire broke out in
Another fire occurred shortly afterward in the ZORN building where the new bank
is to be located. A family moved into the upstairs rooms and built a fire in
the fire place, which it seems was not seriously intended for a fire place for
it promptly set the walls on fire and some few hundred dollars damage was done
by fire and water. Dr. R. E. DONNELL’s drug store was
slightly damaged by the water.
~ Man, 70 Shoots Self Near House Springs ~
Despondent Over Illness Leaves Note For Disposition of His Property.
Wenzel PETRON, a stone mason living at House Springs shot himself through the
head Tuesday. The weapon used was a 22 caliber rifle and the ball entered the
forehead and passed entirely through his skull, lodging in his scalp on the
back of his head. A coroner’s inquest was held yesterday and a verdict rendered
in accordance with the facts. Despite the fact that the bullet passed through
his brain he lived until Wednesday. He was a man of about 70 years of age and
has a wife and son in
Henry KREIENHEDER residing near High Ridge, died on
February 8th and was buried on the 10th. Mr. KREIENHEDER was over 85 years of
age and had lived many years at High Ridge. He leaves a widow. All of his children
are grown. He served in the Union army during the civil war and was a man who
was loved and respected by his neighbors.
~ For Sale ~
2 good work horses, J. WALDORF, Kimmswick, Route 3, Mo.
~ Festus Items ~
The marriage of Miss Sadie SCOTT and Silas CHANDLER
was solemnized in F. C. LUCKEY’s office Wednesday
morning. They were attended by the bride’s brother, Marvin SCOTT and Miss Dolly
HELMS. They will reside in Festus. Our best wishes go with them.
Sheriff CLARK of
Mr. and Mrs. Bert OGLE of Hematite spent Sunday with his parents here.
P. H. WAGGENER is home from
The basket ball game here Friday between
Archie McMULLIN and Miss Meoma
AKINS of Danby spent Saturday with Mrs. George SEIFERT.
Ellis SHANON and sister, Miss Lucetta visited their
sister, Mrs. Frank WAGGONER Friday.
Mrs. James SUTTON of
Miss Ida MEYER of Ste. Genevieve spent the latter part of the week with her
sister, Miss ROBERTS, who has been ill. They returned to their home Saturday
evening where Miss ROBERTA will stay until her complete recovery.
Roy HOPKINS delivered a new Ford to Mr. A. A. SMITH of Hematite Thursday.
The remains of a man was found on the
Mr. and Mrs. DIETRICH and children of
One of our oldest citizens, Jacob DUSTER, died suddenly at this home Wednesday.
He was buried Saturday morning from the Catholic Church.
The M. E. congregation was dismissed last Wednesday evening so they might
worship with the Presbyterians, who are beginning a revival. Rev. LAWSON of
There is quite an epidemic of measles in the pubic school.
William MURPHY is visiting his mother near Festus. Mr. MURPHY is thinking of
locating in the capacity of a lawyer in
Mr. Harvey EVENS and family were called to Plattin last week on account of the
serious illness of Mrs. EVANS’ father, Mr. PORTER.
Mrs. Tom GARVIN of
Mrs. ATKINSON is practicing on a recital which she expects to give in Bonne
Terre soon.
Mrs. Mary E. WALLAS of
William DAVENPORT of
Mrs. BURNSIDE is visiting her old home place in
Mr. Lee FORSHEE is ill with la grippe this week.
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. BRICKLEY spent Tuesday in the city.
~ High Ridge Items ~
Frank BAZDEK and family of
Mrs. C. WERNER is seriously ill.
Carl MAXWELL and family of
John FRANK’s sale Saturday was well attended and
things sold well.
The debate on “Resolved; That the Government Should Own
and Operate Railroads” will be held Friday, February 16. Everybody invited. A debate
on Prohibition will be the following Friday at House Springs.
Miss Katherine MILLER of
The masquerade ball given by the Fraternal 22 Club at the McKINLEY
Hall Saturday evening was well attended. The large hall was crowded. About half
a hundred were elegantly masqueraded and everybody seemed to have a grand time.
Miss Minnie IUDE received the prize for being the best costumed lady and Harvey
CIHAK of Goldman received the prize for being the most comic costumed man. The
HAEFNER orchestra furnished the music. The members of the Club are to be
congratulated for their splendid arrangements. Those looking for a real good
time will never regret attending something at High Ridge. Just ask Joe BASTEK [Batek], he’ll tell you.
~ The Real
Facts In The Case ~
Dr. J. H. PARKER Makes the Following Statement to the Public Concerning The
Death of Mike CLOVER.
So much has been said and thought that is untrue, concerning the demise of the
late Michael CLOVER, I have concluded that it is no more than r??? to the family, to Mr. HEIDBRINK and myself that a statement
of the actual facts in the case he presented to the public. I am conversant
with the family possibly more so than any other, I have no earthly reason to
tell as the truth about this case. If you have heard or thought other than is
related below, and if you love the truth, prepare to disgorge yourself of your
obvious opinion, for this is the truth.
Mike CLOVER told Fred HEIDBRINK and myself, on Friday
before he died on Saturday, that he had been poisoned. Told us that someone, he
accused no one in particular, had put lye in a glass containing whiskey that he
had been drinking from. He said he was going to die and asked that after his
death that I perform an autopsy on his body and ascertain whether or not he was
speaking the truth.
He was seemingly at the time as sane as he ever was in his life. I was with him
an hour and neither heard him utter a delirious remark or saw him act in any
manner other than a man well set who had absolute control of his mind. Fred
HEIDBRINK who probably knew him better than any man on Belows
Creek had been with him for five hours and Fred said he was at himself.
His temperature was not high and he was not under the influence of any drug at
the time that would affect his mind. Prior to that time I had not the slightest
suspicion of anything of the sort. Some one has said that I had said that I
suspected poisoning from the beginning. I never said it.
He died, as he had predicted. What were we to do? It was a grave and serious
thing to tell what we had been told and a dangerous thing to conceal it.
Other than his dying word there was nothing to cause us to believe he had been
poisoned. Symptoms had developed that we knew were pneumonic in character. Nothing else. I could sign a death certificate with
pneumonia as the cause of death with a clear conscience, knowing he had pneumonia.
We delayed making a decision as to what we would do and herein we are to blame.
We admit it. But put yourself in our place for one moment and then tell me
would you decide in an hour whether you would arouse the entire country and
practically accuse one of the finest families in the county, of murder, or
would you allow the burial to proceed unmolested and possibly conceal a
terrible crime?
At the eleventh hour we decided to do an autopsy, hoping that it would prove
that his death was caused by pneumonia alone and thus save the family of this
awful stigma and also save Mr. HEIDBRINK and myself from carrying through life
the thought that possibly we had concealed a crime.
There was the happy termination. A complete autopsy preformed by Coroner
FALLET, Dr. LUCKEY and myself, together with a chemical analysis of the
stomach, showed Mr. CLOVER’s suspicion to be unfounded.
And so ends the case. Mrs. CLOVER remains the same estimable lady, above
reproach that she has always been in the minds of all right thinking people. We
feel sorry for the family that this trouble came up affording such scandal
mongers and tattlers a chance to get in their deadly work.
I will close by dedicating to this class of people the following verse:
The devil will take the slanderer’s tongue.
He’ll extract the venom from it;
Then he’ll mix it with hell-eat soup,
And feed the tattlers on it.
Very respectfully,
~ Notice ~
Dr. G. C. WEEKS of
~ Dear Editor: ~
Please announce in your paper the following: “There
will be the regular services held at Cedar Hill next Sunday. Saturday afternoon
~ News Comment And Editorial ~
The Mexicans are at it again.
We are still at peace with
Some of our friends object to the appellation of “pretended representative of
Thousands of Germans and Austrians in this county who have heretofore neglected
that important duty are now besieging the Naturalization offices to become
citizens of the
They now have a revolution in
Peidmont once had a Circuit Court, but on trial the
people found it wouldn’t work and the law was repealed. Such will be the case
if Auerswald, despite and contrary to the wishes of
three-fourths of his constituents, succeeds, on account of “Legislative
Courtesy”, in getting his bill passed. Quite a considerable number of the good citizens
~ More About The Farm Agent ~
In my article in last week’s paper I described in a short way what we would
have to do to obtain a Farm Agent. I will now add to this, that we can obtain a
Farm Agent only if the farmers call for his services.
An organization must be formed by the farmers called the Farm Bureau, and this
Farm Bureau will control the work of the Farm Agent. If the farmers do not
control and operate this Bureau it will be a failure. The whole intent of the
legislation appropriating this money for this work was,
that it should be organized and controlled by the farmers. I mention this so we
all understand that we farmers must do our share to make the work of the farm
agent the most effective.
Now a few words about the Farm Agent. The Farm Agent
is a practical farmer, who has as far as I understand agent from four to six
years at our agricultural College, studying farm problems. He is a man of wide experience.
He will have a Ford automobile so he can get around and meet the farmers of all
parts of the county when called. He will have an office and stenographer, so he
can answer any inquiries form farmers without delay. He will have the free use
of the mails for his official correspondence. Meetings of farmers may be had in
the community and the agent will meet the farmers there and give such
information as is desired. In other words, part of the work and knowledge of
the Agricultural college is carried right to us by the
Farm Agent.
Not only this; there is at
The Farm Agent will know what kind of stone is needed and running with his
machine all over our county, he will find the places where we can obtain the
needed material and grind it in the most economical way. Our land may need
other fertilizers. The Farm Agent will know which is the most economical
fertilizer to buy, he will know where to by it. If we have our farm bureau we
farmers will become better acquainted with each other we will be able to buy
our fertilizers in car load lots
and divide it among ourselves.
Now something of my own experience, Last fall a year ago, I had a crop of wheat
of over 200 bushels. I sent a load of this wheat to the mill and the mill would
not buy it, it was smutty. You all know wheat was bringing a good price. I sold
part of my wheat at $1.00 a bushel at the feed store for chicken feed, the
balance I fed myself. Could I have sold my wheat at the regular price I could
have taken the money and bough corn for it at quite a saving. Why did I not
sell my wheat at the mill? Because my seed was not treated
with bluestone formaldehyde, as it should have been done. Did I not know
that the wheat ought to have been treated? Yes, I did know. I was raised in the
country and my father would never have thought of sowing wheat before it was treated
with a solution of bluestone. Then why did I not treat my wheat? Because my
neighbors did not treat their wheat and it was not the custom around here to
treat wheat before sowing. When we have a farm agent he will travel over this
county and he will show the people how to treat wheat to prevent smut and it
will be done.
Here is something else which may interest the farmer who raises chickens.
Chickens bring a good price now and farmers are well pleased with the prices
they are getting, but this is no reason that they should not wish to obtain
more. Hundreds of coops are shipped from this county containing young roosters;
they bring a good price, but they would probably bring double the price if they
were caponized. The farm agent cannot only show you how to do this work, he
will also insist upon this being done. There are lots of things which we know
how to do, but which we do not do, because there is
nobody to stir us up to do it, just as I showed you with the smutty wheat.
I will have to close for this time. I will show you in another letter other
things the farm agent will do for us. Robert
~ William
P. WILLIAMS Sr. Dead ~
William P.
WILLIAMS Sr. died at his home in Protection,
father before his death. He was buried at Protection,
~ Mrs. Mary
WOLGAST, widow of Wm. WOLGAST, died on February 9th in
~ Maxville
Items ~
Joseph GRAZEK spent Sunday in
Mr. and Mrs. James GRAF were in
Joseph KOCHNER of Maxville died Saturday evening after a short illness.
Peter FREDERITZI was quite busy at hauling ice last week from the Meramec.
Joe KESSLER and AL HAAGE gave a dance at Seckman Saturday evening which was
quite a success among them from St. Louis were Arthur HAAGE, Frank KESSLER,
Miss B. STEINBERG, Miss V. VOGEL, John and William BAUER, R. PAUL, Jr.
furnished the music which was well received.
Anna ZENTNER was over to visit Margaret WILDEL Sunday afternoon.
Leona ZIEGLER and Hazel SIEDLER went out driving Sunday afternoon with Lester SIEDLER’s pony.
J. B. FREDERITZI has a new team of horses.
Mrs. R. BUREN of
We have heard of “Berry Kings” but a man who can unload sixty boxes of potatoes
at one time this year deserves to be called the potato king. He is John
The foundation of our much waited for bridge is finished.
The ferry after being closed for four days on account of the ice is in
operation again.
It is rumored that Christ EHLINGER has leased the Joe HEIMBACH farm.
~ Along the
Pevely Line~
Mr. and Mrs. August JUEDE were visiting Mrs. John ENGLEBACH last Sunday.
Mrs. Katherine SCHAFER spent a few weeks in
Mr. and Mrs. John STAHL Sr. have been on the sick list, but have greatly
improved, and their daughter Sadie is home from
The ladies’ aid of the Lutheran church had their monthly meeting at Mrs. Ed. RAPP’s last Thursday afternoon. All reported an enjoyable
time, Mrs. RAPP entertaining in the best style. The next meeting will be held at
the home of Mrs. Charles REUBEL.
We learn that Mr. August SCHMIDT near Engle has accepted a position in
Mrs. Valentine HERBST and Floyd SCHMALZ of
Misses Hulda and Emma SCHMIDT attended Lutheran
services at
Miss May MEYER who is teaching the
Mrs. H. GROVEAN of
~ In Memoriam ~
In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Walter
WEDDE who departed this life
~ Public Notice ~
The County Highway Engineer of Jefferson county, will on Saturday, the 24th day
of February, 1917, at Two-O-Clock p.m., near the residence of Toney OBER, at
the foot of the Antire Hill on the Gravois Rock Road
in Meramec township, let at public outcry to the lowest and best bidder, the
complete contract for making fill and building side wails to same at the new
concrete bridge at such place. Plans and specifications of said work are now on
file in the office of the Highway Engineer at
~ Lee Vicinity ~
H. BUCK of East St. Louis was down last week looking over his farm.
Mrs. RICE of
Will LEE cut his foot with an ax one day last week.
George CASTILE is recovering nicely.
Oscar DENNY is laid up with la grippe.
Robert and Herbert HEARD were in
Most everyone in this vicinity has a bad cold.
The local of the F. E. and C. W. of A. was attended well Saturday night.
Clarence CALAHAN enjoyed a pan cake diner at Chas. SWOBS Saturday. Clarence
says he sure can eat pan cakes.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard SEMPLE entertained Miss Dolly SWOB, Miss Amy POPE, Mr.
Francis POPE, John POPE, Clarence CALAHAN and Will LEE at their home Saturday
The Sunny Vale proprietor has finished his garage and is expecting his machine
this week.
~ Real Estate Transfers ~
Lulu MOSS and husband to Mary KRON, 40 acres, sec. 11-41-4, $1200.00
Ora HOYT and husband to Fred F. HAMEL and wife,
158.26 acres in sec. 5-39-6, $25.00
Jens M. PETERSON and wife to . D. W. CARROLL and wife, 20 acres, sec. 15-40-5,
consideration $1.00
Edward SEYPOHLTOWSKY and wife to H. H. JAMES, interest in lots 1 to 10 inclusive
block 8 ... Lansdowne Add. to De Soto, $100.00
Rudolph HARNESS and wife to Frank HARNESS, sec. 5-41-4 and 50 acres in sec. 32-42-4,
$4000.00 and 70 acres.
W. R. DONNELL and wife to Charles JETT, part lot 4 Boyees
Add. to Festus $500.00
Herman JUNGE and wife to M. F. DUNNIGAN, 2 1/2 acres sec. 12-42-3, cons.
T. W. SEEMEL and wife to Anna Louise MILLER, lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 in block 2
Coleman’s Add. to
W. R. DONNELL, and wife to Harvey P. REDDICK, lot in Gamel’s sub. div. Festus, $800.00.
~ Notice to Taxpayers ~
The land and personal assessment books for 1917 are
now in my possession subject to the inspection of the public. If not satisfied
with your assessment call and look it up and be ready to present your grievance
to the county board of equalization which meets on
~ Jack For Sale ~
Seven years old fourteen hands high heavy bone, a sure foal getter, will trade
for young mare or mule, apply Chas. F. WAHLBOLD, Hillsboro, Mo., Route 2.
~ Lone Dell Items ~
Gar gigging was all the rage these cold blustering days among Lone Dellers and many good catches was made. It is said that Mr.
Nicholas HAAG landed one of extra value to him, and it is also claimed that
Miss Henrietta GLATT roped one in of extraordinary weight. This may be confusion
due to hear-say, but there are good reasons for the belief that they both made
a lucky catch.
We were glad to be informed that the Heads Creek country still exists. It would
be sad if that bulwark of education should crumble to ruin. It was the little
log cabin that gave many a teacher and child a training,
and they say that the new school is certainly an up-to-date structure.
Besides the gar giggers many others were stirring
around rather lively here. Mr. F.
RITTERBUSCH and wife made several long distance visits to relatives.
Miss Laura POEPPER and Miss Ida BECKER went to
Mr. John MILLER landed his machinery and crew at the home of the Lone Dell
teacher before day break. As soon as the eastern sky had faintly lit up the
chilly air and revealed the pile of cord-wood began to go into bits, busy, the
buzz saw began to get buzzy, and the wood began to go
into bits. By the time M. C. DAUTUHAHN [or DAUTNHAHN] ?
Mr. Tom KIRK, who moved to the city in the fall
has come back and is living in our neighborhood again. “Old Jeff” is a good
place to live after all.
Mr. Ben BAUER and sons were home over Sunday to see the home folks. Others out
from the city over Sunday were: Frank LOVENZ, Mr. Albert MAHL and wife and Mr.
Just at this writing we hear the sad news that Mr. Joe KOCHNER died at the home
of his parents. His death was quite sudden. He was the blacksmith at BECK’s and was a skillful mechanic.
The schoolchildren of Lone Dell and a number outside of school are planning to
give an entertainment in March. The young folks had several meetings at the
schoolhouse and a keen interest was shown. Some say they wouldn't have missed
the last meeting for anything as they had such a nice time. Dialogues, music
and songs were the order of the meeting. Stay with it boys and girls, as our
county superintendent and the state department of education like to see such
work go on.
The birthday celebration of Joe LORENZ was not so well attended owing to the
unusual cold wave. But all that were there report plenty of fun, kind treatment
and a good time.
~ Notice of Final Settlement ~
All creditors and others interested in the estate of J. W. TULLOCK, Deceased
Mrs. Mary TULLOCK, Administrator.
We are having some real weather at present. And it
looks like the wheat crop is ruined for the weather has been so severe and the wheat
not having any snow to cover it.
Chas. LUDWIG of St. Louis has purchased a Chevrolet automobile and has it
stored with his folks, and he makes good use of it over Sundays.
There was a dance last Saturday night at Otto HOOGE’s
near this place and everybody reports having had a good time.
Dan C. HAEFNER has been appointed road overseer by the Kimmswick special road
district commissioner and made some good repairs on the Seckman and Kimmswick
road which were needed badly.
Ed BAUM of Kimmswick has been circulating around our neighbors and friends
getting signers for three different saloon keeper’s petitions.
Last Friday the 2nd inst when had a heavy cold north wind, the top of Chas. H. EDINGER’s residence caught fire in the center of the roof
and was very near to losing his house. The fire was discovered about
Mr. and Mrs. Albert ---ll, Jr. of St. Louis paid his
father a visit last Tuesday.
~ Public Sale! ~
at the Arthur McKEAN farm East of Morse Mill on 17th
day of February, 1917, I will sell the following property:For
cows and two yearlings, three fat hogs, one male hog, one sow and six pigs, one
wagon, one buggy, one McCormick binder, one McCormick mower, one shovel
cultivator, one disc cultivator, one smoothing narrow, one horse corn planter,
one breaking plow, one set of tug harness, 150 bushels of corn, about five tons
of timothy hay, four tons of clover hay, household and kitchen furniture and
numerous other articles too numerous to mention.
Arthur McKEAN.
How many
valentines did you send?
Mrs. John SCHORR of
Misses Anna SCOTT and Stella TREFT of
Boy, No. 4 arrived this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles DURING. Can’t reach Charley with a six foot pole.
The mild weather and the good roads are bringing out numerous machines. Hard to
hibernate a car such weather as this.
Blue birds are singing and looking for housekeeping possibilities. Mocking birds, flickers and robins, and woodpeckers have been here
all winter.
Sparrows began nest building in the Record porch in the middle of January, but
abandoned the enterprise when spring side stepped into zero weather.
The new automobile license tags are seen flittin
about the streets and highways. The 1917 color is orange with black lettering. Bright, clean and nifty.
The many friends of William BRACKMAN of Jarvis will be glad to know he has
recovered sufficiently to return home from a hospital where he has been under
treatment for over two months.
Roscoe B. JONES, of
~ Hillsboro Items ~
Sunday night a flue in Judge MILLER’s house burned
out and the flames extended several feet above the flue causing an alarm of
fire and made things burn for a short time. No damage resulted.
Tuesday a refractory oil stove in the Jefferson Hotel got befogged with soot
and caused great quantities of black smoke to such an extent that Otto HUBELI
had to get a ladder and open the windows in order to get the stove out. When
the smoke came pouring out it caused some excitement but Otto soon got hold of
the offending stove and set everybody’s mind at rest. Damage badly smoked
ceilings and walls.
J. J. SCHMIDT, Cashier of the German American bank of
A surprise party on the occasion of her birthday was given Miss Vivian EVANS,
Saturday evening by her sister, Mrs. Frank SPILKER. Nearly thirty, of the
younger set were the guests and the evening was enthusiastically spent in
amusements of various kinds. Dainty refreshments were served. a veritable shower of birthday gifts was bestowed.
Mrs. Carl CLARK and Miss Esther CLARK visited their grandmother, Mrs. S. E.
CLARK at Jarvis on Wednesday.
The two small children of Mr. and Mrs. Tony SCHNEIDER are seriously ill of
pneumonia with a slight indication of improvement today.
John F. WILLIAMS left Saturday for
Mrs. James REED and daughter, Miss Bessie of Plattin, visited their son and
brother at
Mrs. Lillie Hemme PENCE of
Miss Katherine MILLER went to High Ridge Sunday to remain with her aunt, Mrs.
WERNER, who has a severe attack of grippe.
Sheriff Frank CLARK has had another wedding in his family. His only daughter,
Miss Esther, while visiting relatives in
Mrs. Bessie KLEINSCHMIDT who has been in
Attorney Albert MILLER and son, Alvin, made a trip to
Mr. and Mrs. B. A. MARSDEN spent yesterday in
Mrs. W. L. STONE gave a quilting Thursday to about a dozen guests.
The young people gave a little dance at the hall Saturday night, a “small and
Quite an enjoyable program was presented at the hall Friday evening. The
proceeds go to the Christian Endeavor Society.
Mrs. REPPY is up again after a three weeks tussle with grip and its two or
three weeks relapses.
Mrs. Thomas LANHAM is critically ill of stomach trouble and has been for over a
week. Her sister, Mrs. Ruth ASHBY arrived from
Weather is fine and the roads into the county seat are as “smooth as a ribbon.”
Mrs. Edwards WILLIAMS and her small son, of
W. S. MERKLE, representing the Keokuk dam people has been here some day looking
up the records relative is the location of a line to Festus. It is quite likely
that these people will secure the
W, J. A. SCHUBEL, W. G. REINEMER, Chas. J. SIEDLER, Judge J. P. MILLER, George
W. GASCHE, Robert E. KLEINSCHMIDT and John H. REPPY, were the
~ Probate Court ~
Final receipts filed in estate of Eli J. McMULLIN and
executor discharged.
Martin U. GRAHAM’s Adminstratrix
ordered to pay interest to Washington County Bank.
Will of Michael CLOVER deceased filed and probated and letters granted to W. J.
Estate of O. M. MUNROE: Administrators ordered to sell electric light plant.
W. T. JONES allowed $500 against estate of Veronica SCHMIDT and executor
appeals from decision.
Peoples Bank of
W. A. STOVE and allowed $159.00 against estate of George KIDD, Sr.
John F. HIBBERT deceased letters granted to S. F. HIBBERT.
Inventory and appraisement list in estate of Fritz MUELLER deceased filed and
Same order in estate of John G. PLACK.
Widow of John G. PLACK allowed $400.09
Dr. J. H. PARKER allowed $6.00 against Geo. KIDD estate.
~ Marriage Licenses ~
Nicholas HAAG ................ ? Park
Henriette M. GLATT ................
Sadie SCOTT ................ Festus
Aaron D. STROOPE ................
Mrs. Marie PAGE ................
~ For
Choice clover seed, apply at J. WALDORF, Kimmswick, Route 3,
~ Administrator’s Notice ~
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the Estate of John G.
PLACK, deceased, were granted to the undersigned on the 24th day of January,
1917 [...] A. J. WESSLER, Administrator
~ Probate
Court Docket ~
February Term 1917
Docket of cases in which settlements are due from Administrators, Executors,
Guardians and Curators, at the ensuing February Term of the Probate Court of
Jefferson County, to be held at the Court House in said County, commencing on
the fourth (4th) Monday of February, 1917.
Name of Estate - - Adm. Guar., Ex, or Cur. - - Kind of Set.
Daniel A. a minor ... Thomas J. BRADLEY; and
C .. Annual
4. BYRNES, Sam.? deceased ....Melissa BYRNS,
Admix .....Final
5. BOWLES, Anderson T., a minor .....Charles
BOWLES, G. and C. .Annual
6. BAILEY, Wilson W. deceased ..... J. I.
BAILEY, Adm. ...... Final
7. BAGO, Clara, deceased ..... J. A. BAGE, Ex. ...... Final
8. BYRD, G. W., deceased ..........
Margaret M. BYRD & R. E. BYRD, Exe.
9. BURDS, John William, dec ..... Laura C. BURDS, Exx.
..... Semi-annual
10. BUECHTING, Louise, dec ..... Herman BUECHTING, Ex.
.... Semi-annual
11. BLACKWELL, Wm., dec ..... Wm. BLACKWELL, Jr. Adm. ..... Semi-an
12. BROWN, John, dec ..... Caroline
BROWN, Admx. .... Semi-an
13. BAUR, Frank A. dec ..... Chatarine BAUR, Exx. .......Semi-annual
14. CHOTT, Albert, dec ..... John CHOTT, Ex.
15. COYLE, Mary,
dec ....... G. A.
WENOM, Ex. ...... Final
16. CRAFT, Mary A. dec ..... Elijah BURGESS, Ex. ......Semi-annual
17. CAMPBELL, Minnie, dec ..... Michael S. CAMPBELL, Adm….
18. DONNELLY, Else, Huck and Frank ... A. G. MEDLEY, G and C .. Annual
19. DIPPAL, Jacob, dec ......
Henry DIPPAL, Ex ..... Final
20. DICKINSON, Walter L., dec ..... Sarah E. DICKINSON, Exx. ......
21. DONOVAN, J. F., dec ....... Julius DONOVAN, admx.
DICKHUT, Fred, dec ..... A. G. MEDLEY, P. Ad ........Semi-annual
23. ENGLEBACH, John ....... Dora ENGLEBACH, Admx
....... Semi-an
24. ENGLEBACH, Louis ...... Harold ENGLEBACH, Ex.
25. ECKLE minors ..... John W. ECKLE, cur ..... Annual
26. EVRARD, Louis J., dec ......
Eliza Jane EVRARD, admx. ...... Final
27. GRAHAM, Charles E., a minor ..... J. W. PATTERSON, G.
and C. ....... Final
28. GUICKWITZ, Robert, a minor ..... J. F.
WALTHER, G. and S. .... Annual
29. HAGUE, George, dec ....... P. S. TERRY, adm. ..... Final
M. , dec .....
J. W. HASTINGS, Adm. ...... Final
31. HUSKEY, Della S., dec .....
Albert AGER, Adm. ......Semi-annual
32. HEMME, Kate, dec ...... John F. MEIER, Ex.
33. KARTE, John Frederich Carl, dec
..... Martha KARTE, Exx . ..... Final
34. LEWIS, minors .......... R. B. JONES,
Cur. .......... Annual
35. LEONARD, Rose Catherine, dec
...... Rudolph LEONARD, Ex. .... Semi-annual
36. MARTIN, Vianna, dec
..... D. D. McLANE, Ex. ....Final
37. MILES, Alex, dec ....... Alice MILES,
Admx. ....... Final
38. MAHONEY, M. D. dec ..... E. J. MAHONEY, Adm. ...Final
40. MOORE, Jesse Wm., dec .....
George, dec ..... A. G. MEDLEY, Adm. de bonis non .... Fi.
42. MAUPIN, Stanley, a minor ......W.
43. MUNSON, Cordelia, dec ..... Ida E.
WILLS, Exx. .....Final
44. McMULLIN, Minors .....
F. E. McMULLIN, G. and C.
45. McMULLIN Minors ....Archie McMULLIN, G. and C. ..... Annual
46. McELWAINE Minors
.... Mary McELWAINE, G. and
C. ....Annual
[#47. not listed]
48. McMULLIN Harry a minor
.... John L. McMULLIN, G. and C. ..... Annual
49. McCARTY, Minors ........
William McCARTY, G. and C...... Annual
50. McCARTY, W. B., a minor ..... Emmet McCARTY, G. and C. Annual
51. NANSEL, William, dec ...... Geo. VOGT, Adm. ....... Final
52. POHLMAN, Annie, insane ...... A. G. MEDLEY, Guar ....... Annual
53. PUCKETT, James Allen, dec ..... Edmund KERRUISH, Ex. .... Final
54. PARKER, Elijah T., dec ......
H. Ellis VAUGHN, Ad. de bonis
55. REMICK minors ...... R. B. BOYER, G. and C.
56. RUESS, Edward Simon, dec ..... Mary
RUESS, Admx. ..... Semi-annual
57. SCHWALBERT Minors .... Wm.
SCHWALBERT, Cur. ....Annual
58. SCHUBEL, Henry Louis, dec ....... F.
E. SCHUBEL, Adm. .... Final
59. STATZEL, Hannah, dec ..... A.
G. MEDLEY, Adm. ....Annual
60. SCHMIDT, August ..... George MAHN, Ex.
61. SAFFELL, Samuel E., dec ...... Bessie
SAFFELL, Admx ..... Final
62. SCHULZ, Bruno, dec ......
Ludwig SCHULZ, Adm. .....Final
63. TSCHUMPERT, Peter, insane .... Felix
LEUTZINGER, Guar ...... Annual
64. TULLOCK, John W., dec ..... Mary
TULLOCK, Admx. ...Final
65. TULLOCK, Walter, dec .....J. E.
TULLOCK, Adm. ....Final
67. WILLIAMS, Harriet, dec ..... E. D.
SMITH, Adm ....Final
69. WYNN, Mathew, dec ..... Magdaline WYNN, Exx.
.......... Final
70. WEAVER, John I., dec .....
Mrs. E. AA. WEAVER, Adm. ..... Annual
71. WHITESIDES, Naomi, dec .... G.
A. WENOM, Adm. ......Final
72. YATES, Ramond, a
minor ... Arthy WHALEY, Curx. .... Annual
J. P. MILLER, Judge of Probate Court
~ Notice of Final Settlement ~
All creditors and others interested in the estate of Alex MILES, deceased [...]
Mrs. Alice MILES, Administratrix
~ Notice of Final Settlement ~
All creditors and others interested in the estate of Cordelia
MUNSON, deceased [...]
Ida E. WILLS, Executrix
~ Notice of Final Settlement ~
All creditors and others interested in the estate of Naomi WHITESIDES, deceased
G. A. WENOM, Administrator, de bonis non
~ Notice of Final Settlement ~
All creditors and others interested in the estate of Mary COYLE, deceased [...]
G. A. WENOM, Executor
~ Notice County Warrants ~
County warrants which are registered will be paid January 16, 1917.
Frank DIETRICH, Treasurer
~ Box Supper ~
There will be an entertainment and box supper at the
L. M. HILL, Teacher
~ Lost ~
In Hillsboro, ten dollar bill. Finder return to
There will be a pie and cake social at Mr. L. R. MEYER’s
home Saturday evening for the benefit of the S. S. Everybody cordially invited.
Ladies bring pie or cake.
The Committee.
~ Notice of Final Settlement ~
State of
In the matter of the Estate of Charles F. GRAHAM, formerly a
minor, J. W. PATTERSON, guardian and curator. In the Probate Court of
Jefferson County
To Charles F. GRAHAM:
You are herby notified that on the 27th day of February, 1917, being the 2nd
day of February term, 1917, of the Probate Court of the County of Jefferson, or
as soon thereafter as I can be heard at said Court, I will make to and with
said court, my final settlement as guardian and curator of the estate of
Charles E. GRAHAM, minor heir of Elijah GRAHAM, deceased, that a just and true
exhibit of the account between myself and said ward has been made and filed in
said Probate Court.
Dated this 19th day of January, 1917
J. W. PATTERSON, Guardian and Curator
~ Notice of Trustee’s Sale Under Deed Of Trust ~
Whereas, by their deed of trust, dated the ninth day of April, Nineteen Hundred
and Fourteen (1914), recorded at page 409 in Book 46 in the office of the
Recorder of Deeds of Jefferson County, Missouri, James SULLENS and Lou SULLENS,
his wife, conveyed to the undersigned trustee the following described real
estate, lying, being and situated in the county of Jefferson and State of
Missouri, to-wit:
All of Lot No. Ten (10) in United States Survey No. 1939, Township Forty-three
(43), Range Four (4), East, as part plat of Subdivision of said Survey made on
the 22nd day of February to March 9th, 1876, by W. H. COZENS, and recorded in
the Recorder’s Office in Jefferson County, Missouri, June 20th, 1998,
containing 41.05 acres more or less; also a strip of ground 30 feet wide off of
the West side of Lot No. 9 of said Survey No. 1939; Also all of the South-east
fractional quarter of the South west fractional quarter of Section Twenty (20)
Township Forty-three (43), Range Four (4) East, containing 39.30 acres, more or
less; also the North east fractional quarter of the Southwest fractional
quarter of Section Twenty (20), Township Forty three (43), Range Four (4) east,
containing 38.60 acres more or less being the same land conveyed by Nicholas
BURKART and wife to James SULLENS, on the 5th day of January, 1914 in trust to
secure the payment of a certain promissory note in said deed of trust fully
And Whereas, default has been made a payment of said promissory note:
And Whereas, I have been requested by the legal holder of said promissory note
to exercise the power of sale in me vested by said deed of trust:
Now, therefore, Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the power vested in me
by said deed of trust and pursuant to the request of the legal holder of said
promissory note, I will, on Monday, the 12th day of March, 1917, between the
hours of nine o’clock in the forenoon and five o’clock in the afternoon of said
day, at the Court House door in the County of Jefferson, State of Missouri,
sell the above described real estate at public venue, to the highest bidder,
for cash, to satisfy said note and the expense of executing this trust.
V. J. LEIGHT, Trustee,
~ Order of Publication ~
In the
To May Term, 1917.
The State of Missouri, at the relation and to the use of Chas. J. SIEDLER,
Collector of the Revenue of Jefferson county, in the State of Missouri, vs. H.
H. ENSMINGER and G. R. ENSMINGER, No. 2657. Action to enforce
tax lien.
Now, at this day comes the Plaintiff by counsel, before the undersigned, Clerk
of the Circuit Court of Jefferson County, Missouri, in vacation, and files
herein its petition and affidavit, stating among other things that the
defendants H. H. ENSMINGER and G. R. ENSMINGER are non-residents of the State
of Missouri and can not be served with the ordinary process of law in this
state. It is therefore ordered by the Clerk aforesaid, in vacation, that publication
be made notifying said defendant that an action has been commenced against them
by petition in the Circuit Court of Jefferson County, in the State of Missouri,
the object and general nature of which is to enforce the lien of the State of
Missouri, for taxes upon the following described lands, to-wit:
Tract No. 1. Lots One (1), Two (2), Five (5), and Six (6), in
block Four (4), of Mount Pleasant Second Addition to the City of De Soto, Mo.
And to recover the amount of taxes due on said lands for the years, 1911, 1912,
and 1913. That unless they be and appear at the next regular term of this
Court, to be begun and held at the Court House in the town of Hillsboro, Jefferson
County, Missouri, on the first Monday in May next, 1917, and on and before the
first day thereof, and answer or demure to Plaintiff’s petition, the same will
be taken as confessed and judgment rendered accordingly. It is further ordered
that a copy hereof be published in the Jefferson County Record, a newspaper
printed and published at
A true copy. Attest:
W. J. A. SCHUBEL, Circuit Clerk.
J. H. REPPY, attorney for Plaintiff.
By A. HURTGEN, Deputy Clerk
State of Missouri,
I, W. J. A. SCHUBEL, Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for said County, hereby
certify that the above is a true copy of the original Order of Publication in
the cause therein named, as the same appears of record in my office.
Witness my hand as Clerk and the seal of said Court. Done at my
office in
W. J. A. SCHUBEL, Clerk
Per A. HURTGEN, Deputy
~ Order of Publication ~
In the
To May Term, 1917.
The State of Missouri, at the relation and to the use of Chas. J. SIEDLER,
Collector of the Revenue of Jefferson County, in the State of Missouri, vs.
Annie Louise THOMAS and Harry THOMAS, her husband. No. 2637.
Action to enforce tax lien. Now, at this day comes the
Plaintiff by counsel, before the undersigned, Clerk of the Circuit Court of
Jefferson County, Missouri, in vacation, and files herein its petition and
affidavit, stating among other things that the defendants Annie Louise THOMAS
and Harry THOMAS, her husband are non-residents of the State of Missouri and
can not be served with the process in this state. It is therefore ordered by
the Clerk aforesaid, in vacation, that publication be made notifying said
defendant that an action has been commenced against them by petition in the
Circuit Court of Jefferson County, in the State of Missouri, the object and
general nature of which is to enforce the lien of the State of Missouri, for
taxes upon the following described real estate, to-wit:
Tract No. 1. Lots 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18 in block Ten (10) of C. C. FLETCHER’s Addition to the
City of De Soto, Mo. And to recover the amount of taxes due on said lands for
the years, 1911, 1912, and 1913. That unless they be and appear at the next
regular term of this Court, to be begun and held at the Court House in the town
of Hillsboro, Jefferson County, Missouri, on the first Monday in May next,
1917, and on and before the first day thereof, and answer or demure to Plaintiff’s
petition, the same will be taken as confessed and judgment rendered
accordingly. It is further ordered that a copy hereof be published in the
Jefferson County Record, a newspaper printed and published at
A true copy. Attest:
W. J. A. SCHUBEL, Circuit Clerk.
J. H. REPPY, attorney for Plaintiff.
By A. HURTGEN, Deputy Clerk
State of Missouri,
I, W. J. A. SCHUBEL, Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for said County, hereby
certify that the above is a true copy of the original Order of Publication in
the cause therein named, as the same appears of record in my office.
Witness my hand as Clerk and the seal of said Court. Done at my
office in
W. J. A. SCHUBEL, Clerk
Per A. HURTGEN, Deputy
~ Order of Publication ~
In the Circuit Court of
Action to Collect Back Taxes and Enforce Lien
The State of Missouri, at the relation and to the use of Chas. J. SIEDLER,
Collector of the Revenue of Jefferson County in the State of Missouri,
Plaintiff, against W. J. F. KIRK and Carrie L. KIRK, his wife, John J. A.
HILGERT, Bert AXLEY, Wm. J. HAMPEL and the acting Sheriff of Jefferson County,
Defendants. ss. No. 2630.
Now, on this 16th day of December 1916, comes the State of Missouri, at the
relation and to the use of Chas. J. SIEDLER, Collector of the Revenue of
Jefferson County, Missouri, by its attorney, and files its petition herein,
stating among other things that the defendants are the owners of the following
described tracts of land, situate in the said County of Jefferson and State of
Missouri, to-wit: The North three-fifths of block 12 of the Town of Kimmswick
and that the taxes for the years 1911, 1912, and 1913, amounting to Sixty-eight
and 3-100 dollars, are overdue and unpaid; and that the defendant, Bert AXLEY
is a non-resident of the State of Missouri, so that the ordinary
process of law cannot be served on him. It is therefore ordered by the Clerk of
the Court, in vacation, that publication be made
notifying, Bert AXLEY, the said defendant, that an action has been commenced against
him by the plaintiff herein by petition in the Circuit Court of Jefferson
County, Missouri. the general nature and object of which is to collect the
taxes due and unpaid on the aforesaid real estate, situated in Jefferson County
and State of Missouri, for the years and the amounts above stated, together
with the costs of this suit, and to enforce the lien of the State on said real
estate, and that unless he be and appear at the next regular term in said
Court, to be begun and held at the Court House in the town of Hillsboro, in
said County of Jefferson on the second Monday in May. A. D. 1917, and on or
before the sixth day of said term (if the same shall so long continue, and if
not, then before the end of said term) and plead, answer or demure to the plaintiff’s
petition, the same will be taken as confessed and judgment rendered
accordingly. And it is further ordered that a copy hereof be published in the
Jefferson County Record, a newspaper printed and published in said County, for
four weeks successively, the last publication to be not less than four weeks
before the first day of said term.
W. J. A. SCHUBEL, Clerk, Circuit Clerk.
State of
I, W. J. A. SCHUBEL, Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for said County, hereby
certify that the above is a true copy of the original Order of Publication in
the cause therein named, as the same appears of record in my office.
Witness my hand as Clerk and the seal of said Court. Done at my
office in
W. J. A. SCHUBEL, Clerk
~ Advertisements found in this issue ~
[AD] Castoria - For Infants and Children
In Use for Over 30 Years
Always bears the Signature of Chas. H. FLETCHER
[AD] Dr. W. H. G. WHITE, Dentist
De Soto, Missouri
[AD] Dodge Brothers Motor Car
The J. W. DUGAN Automobile Co.
Herculaneum, Missouri
[AD] The St. Louis Daily Globe Democrat
[AD] Picture Show
[AD] Holekamp Lumber Co.
Yards: Afton, Kirkwood, Old Orchard, Webster Groves, Gratiot Station
St. Louis Planing Mill, Old Orchard
[AD] Henry HURTGEN & Sons.
First Class Horse Shoers
All kinds of machinery repaired on short notice, Try us and see,
Automobiles Repaired
[AD] Buy Your Keen Kutter Tools etc.
from R. A. MARSDEN
Dealer in General Merchandise Harness, Shoes etc Hillsboro, Mo
[AD] Sheet Metal, Roofing
Otto HUBELI, Hillsboro, Mo.
[AD] Albert MILLER, Attorney at Law, Hillsboro, Missouri
[AD] Fred J. MEYER, House Mover, Jefferson Barracks, Mo., Route No. 10
[AD] L. A. CHAMBERLIN, Dentist, De Soto, Mo.
AD] Farms Wanted, F. J. ADAMS, Real Estate,
[AD] Bank of Kimmswick, Kimmswick, Mo.
C. H. GERARD, President, M. ZIEGLER, Vice President, G. A. WENOM
[AD] People’s Bank of De Soto
[AD] The Jefferson Trust Company, Hillsboro, Mo.
[AD] GERARD Milling Company, Kimmswick
[AD] The Big Brick Store, J. W. ECKLE,