~Trains Collide, One Killed, Two Injured ~
Two freight trains in collision near Festus, Conductor
Killed, Engineer and Fireman Seriously Injured.
On Saturday afternoon two freight trains ran together at McCoy Switch a mile
Mesdames G. R. OSTERWALD and Frank LUCKEY spent Sunday in
The recital given Friday evening by Mrs. ATKINSON’s
class was a decided success. The vocal solos were very well selected and very
beautiful. Miss NEES assisted with several readings which were greatly appreciated.
The instrumental duets and double trios were excellently rendered. As a whole
it gave much credit to Mrs. ATKINSON and our local talent.
Dr. F. S. LUCKEY has purchased some white Orpington
chickens. The birds are from the first strain of white Orpintons
in the world. They are beauties and the doctor is very proud of them.
The Sewing Club consisting of ten little girls and conducted by Miss COOK met
at her home in
John A. RYAN and wife, Tommie BOHAN and friend, Miss DACY, all of
Mrs. Mary A. BLUNT has been ill for the past week with la grippe.
Festus high school boys played basket ball in Ste. Genevieve Friday night.
Score resulted 30-24 in favor of Ste. Genevieve.
H. E. VAUGHN and nephew, “Buddie” spent Sunday in
Dr. N. DONNELL and family of
Mrs. George NEES of
Miss Roberta MEYER spent the week end at her home in Ste. Genevieve.
Roy HOPKINS went to
Mr. McCLANAHAN of Danby spent Monday in Festus at the
bedside of his daughter Thelma who is ill with la grippe.
Ethel Puhan
H. B. DRAKE placed an order for a new model Ford to be delivered Friday.
Miss WOODLAND of Jennings, Missouri was a week end guest at the home of Mrs. Gabe BYRD.
Sam BOYCE of Plattin was in Festus Monday evening and attended the recital at
the high school.
C. C. ENGLAND attended the hardware convention in
Miss Helen LARG of
The friends of Mrs. WEASE who has been in the
Gain Breaks Record of Former Season - Department Supports Self.
A total
profit of #11,076.71 made the foot ball season of the
~ Marriage Licenses ~
Geo. Lee ABRAMS ............
Alice Henrietta WILLIAMS ............
Chas. R. HENDERSON ............
Nellie WILLIAMS ............
Carl ABRAMS ............
Howard G. ESTUS ............
Margaret A. CRAIG ............ Herculaneum
~ Ben BLEWETT Dead ~
Ben BLEWETT, Superintendent of Schools in St. Louis died suddenly in Washington,
D. C., last week. He was there attending an educational meeting and was aroused
by an attack on the patriotism of American womanhood. This he could not brook
and while on the floor defending the womanhood of his country was stricken and
fell unconscious and died almost immediately. The
~ Maxville Items ~
Mr. and Mrs. James GREY and son Walter, who have been sick for the last week
are able to get around again.
Mike GRIMM who was sick in bed with diphtheria last week is improving rapidly.
Arthur EHLERS who was also on the sick list is out again.
Mrs. WELDLE who was in bed for several weeks is up again.
Mrs. Jake BECHLER Jr. is reported very sick.
Frank ARNOLD walks the street with a big broad smile on his face - it’s a boy.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank BECKER of
The report is that Tom KIRK will also move to the country.
Hazel SIEDLER returned to her home Friday evening with her father but will
return to
Peter FREDERITZI will give a masquerade ball at this hall, February 18, if you
want to have a good time come.
Mrs. Peter FREDERITZI is spending a few days in
There has been quite a little moving done around here, George ARNOLD has moved
to his father’s place, Louis, ARNOLD; Joe BECKER moved in with his father
Hubert BECKER, and Willie BECKER moved to the TIEFENBRUN place.
Chas. MILLER, Charles GRIMM and Victor BECKER gave a dance at ZENTNER’s hall Sunday evening. There was a large crowd
present and everybody seemed to have a good time.
~ Farm For
Sale ~
I have 200 acres of good farm land in the Sandy Bottom on the LeMay Ferry road near
~ De Soto Items ~
Miss Gladys SERRIN of St. Louis visited with her grandmother, Mrs. John DUFFY
Saturday and Sunday.Mrs. Nora FOSTER was in
The German-American Bank has decided to increase the capital stock of $15,000.00
to $30,000.00. This stock will be sold to friends of the bank who have long
wanted to won an interest.
The first half of the school year is past. The grades of each class have been
averaged and the Senior Class has the honors with a class average of 85 and six
members on the honor roll. The Juniors average 82 and
one on the honor roll. The Sophomores averaged 77. The
Freshman have several on the honor roll and an average
of 80. The following had no grades below 90: Wm. BERSHARDT, Beatrice HEYS, Arley INGALLS, Ray McKAY, Hazel
FRECH, Mable AKINS, Violet BENSON, Martha May BOYER, Flossie
HEYS and Crayton TURNER. The following had an average
of 90 Lucille
Miss Elsie PYLE returned Sunday afternoon from a few days stay with her
sister, Miss Mayme at
Ed KAUFMAN has purchased goods for his new store to be opened after a thorough
renovating of the HAMEL building some time in February.
A number of the K. Ps. went to Festus Thursday night to attend the public
installation of the officers of the K. of P. Lodge in that town.
Adam MUMMERT went to the city Monday night to see his sister who is on her way
home from
Mr. WELLS, a prominent merchant of Bonne Terre has business here Wednesday of
last week.
Hugh LLOYD and Son of St. Louis County was here to get his Ford automobile that
was stolen and found by Less CUNNINGHAM on the road between De Soto and
Frank MAHN is confined at his home with rheumatism.
Mrs. G. K. STEWART and Miss Esther KUCHANS entertained the members of the Monday
Club Saturday night in a splendid manner. Dinner was served at
Dave GOFF opened up his new store for business Monday morning.
Sunday was a beautiful day and a number of our citizens enjoyed an automobile
ride to the county-seat.
Mrs. BURGESS was quite ill last week at her home on
The Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church will meet with the President;
Mrs. A. E. STOCKPING at her home on
The Van GELS have rented the JAMES property on
Miss Leah STEWART returned to
Dr. G. A. AUERSWALD departed Sunday night for
The high school pupils will give a play at the Jefferson Theatre February 6th.
The proceeds to be given to the library fund.
Mrs. Nora FOSTER is having her home repaired on
Editor W. E. CROW is planning to publish a complete directory of
The ZORN building will be remodeled for the new bank that will be opened about
the 1st of March.
The LENTEN season will be a campaign for “One to Win One” for Christ. The plans
have been decided upon and all are expected to help in this work.
ROZIER’S Garage has a splendid new “Allen” machine for which they are agents.
Stanley, a young school boy 8 years of age, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. BRYAN
died quite suddenly Wednesday evening from cerebral apoplexy. The funeral
services were held at the 1st Baptist church Friday afternoons.
~ War Imminent ~
An enthusiastic bunch of good roads boosters met at
Cedar Hill Saturday night, January 27 at Heinemer’s
… the meeting which was called to order by temporary chairman,
Charles BRACKMAN. The meeting was organized by electing Chas. BRACKMAN, permanent
chairman and J. H. PARKER, secretary.
The county courts and highway engineer were strongly commended by commended by
several members for the start that has been made and the impression generally
prevailed that
As it never does any harm to ask for things it was voted that the entire number
present consider itself a committee to visit the county court, February 4. Also
it asked House Springs, Byrnesville, High Ridge and the remainder of township to
join us in our visit.
A vote was taken as to whether the court would be asked to consider first the
side roads or our main road, unanimously for Gravois and it was decided to ask
the court.
It was decided to meet regularly the last Saturday night in each month at this
place and to invite anyone interested in good roads to meet with us whether
from Meramec Township or from anywhere else.Charles
BRACKMAN, Chairman J. H.
PARKER, Secretary
~ House Springs Items ~
House Springs folks are all enjoying the good weather and continue to do some
The House Springs Debating Society organized the 26th, inst., and debated the
subject, “Resolved, That Character is Influenced More Thru Influence than
Heredity.”. Affirmative, Mrs.
BONNECKAR, W. J. CLOVER, Miss HILL, and Albert WALLACH; Negative, G. E.
BONNEKER, Roy LEE, A. G. NORTH and Johnnie BRIMMER. The discussion was
very spirited on both sides and much enjoyed by the large audience. The judges
were unanimously in favor of the affirmative. The next subject to be debated
February 9th, in., “Resolved, That National Prohibition Should Be Adopted”
subject promises to be and interesting one as it is fast becoming a national issue.
The speakers are divided as follows:
Negative; Mrs. BONACKER, Miss HILL, Mr. LEE and Mr. NORTH.
Al WEBER, our industrious butcher and trader is giving up farming and is going
to follow butchering and trading exclusively. His rout lays towards and in
William SCHULZ of North House Springs, has left for
Our little bank here is forging itself to the front thru the efforts of our
capable and efficient cashier, H. F. WEBER.
The sick list here is gradually growing smaller.
The principle question here among neighbors, is, “How many eggs do you get per
day and how much per dozen?”
Our business men are all talking prosperity.
Dr. J. V. DENNY of Morrelton, Dr. PARKER of Cedar
Hill and his father, who is also a doctor passed thru our berg one day last
week en route to
~ Sandy Items ~
Everything on
A new mining company has been organized and have leased up all the ground they
can get hold of in the neighborhood of the old
Our school is progressing at its usual high standard set three years ago under
the management of our most able and worthy teacher, Miss Vivian GATY.
Miss Vivian GATY went to her home in
Mrs. Minerva CROSSMAN is thinking again of visiting her son in
Mrs. L. E. ADAMS has just returned from a visit to her sister in
Dr. L. E. ADAM’S horses ran away the other day, running from
~ Entertainment ~
An entertainment and box supper will be given Sunday
evening February appreciated. Come and bring your friends. Lewis F. HILGERT, teacher
~ Fatal Shooting At Herculaneum ~
Young Man Killed as Result of Quarrel
Slayer Surrenders to Deputy Sheriff
Immediately after the Shooting.
Heydan WADSWORTH was shot at
HAYES was here Monday in custody of Deputy LACKEY and Sheriff CLARK and in
appearance is a mild mannered man of rather pleasing appearance and yet withal,
a man of considerable firmness. He was entirely non-comment on the cause of the
difficulty. It is said that the parties quarreled some time before the shooting
occurred and that the final tragedy grew out of the original cause. It is also
stated that young
~ High Ridge Items ~
There are a number of cases of la grippe in this
August NOLLMAN purchased a new Ford last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Anton PFAFF have a new baby girl at their home.
A birthday surprise party was given Mrs. C. WERNER Friday evening.
Our literary meetings are certainly proving a success. Friday evening January
19, the house was crowded. The next debate will be Friday evening, February 2. The subject is, “Resolved, That the Government
Should Own and Operate the Railroads” Affirmatives, Mrs. BONNEKER, Andrew
HILGERT, W. J. CLOVER; Negatives. G. E. BONNEKER, Roy LEE and
Last Friday evening a debate was held at House Springs. The question was; “Resolved,
That character Owes more to Environment than Inheritances.
The affirmatives won. The next debate at House Springs will be Friday evening. February
9. The subject is “Resolve, That National Prohibition Should be Adopted”
Affirmatives, , Mrs. BONNACKER, Arthur NORTH and Roy LEE, negatives G. E.
BONNEKER, W. J. CLOVER, Albert WALLACH and Johnnie BRIMMER. Everybody is
invited to attend these meetings. We have good speakers and are sure no one
will regret attending.
Jefferson County Record
A Partnership composed of
John H. REPPY an Albertise C. REPPY.
John J. REPPY Editor
Albertise Coon REPPY, Associate Editor
Cards of Thanks - twenty-five cents; Resolutions, one dollar. Obituary
poetry, five cents per each six words
Subscription Price - One Year, $1.50
Six Months, .75 cents in advance
~ Hematite Items ~
P. C. McCORMICK [McCormack] and sister, Mrs. CREASEY
entertained a few friends last Thursday evening. Music conversation and refreshments
consisting of apples, candy, cake and float were enjoyed by all. Those present
were J. H. PORTER and wife, Mrs. MAUK, Miss Edith LEONARD and J. R. ENGLAND and
Mrs. Curtis RICHARDSON returned to her home last week after a few days visit
with relatives at
Firman PARKER and wife are the proud parents of son
number two. Congratulations. We have also heard of the arrival of a little
daughter at the Plattin parsonage. More congratulations to Rev. WARD and wife.
S. A. SEAT enjoyed an automobile trip to Festus Sunday and a visit while there
with his daughter, Mrs. JARVIS.
Elroy JANES of St. Louis County spent Saturday here with friends and relatives.
Big time planned for February 14th a peanut party and valentine social at the
E. L. Hall. Everybody invited.
Mrs. Fritz WILLIAMS and two children visited Mrs. R. E. ENGLAND last Saturday.
Misses Marguerite and Evelyn IRWIN and Lucille HUMPHREY spent Saturday night
and Sunday here with relatives.
Mrs. O’BRIEN and daughter Miss Corinne from Kennett are visiting the ACKLEYs.
Dr. KERSHAW and daughter Miss Madeline and Misses BRECK and SHRIFF of St. Louis
spent Sunday on the KERSHAW farm.
Miss Alice ENGLAND will entertain the members of the Ladies’ Aid Thursday
R. E. ENGLAND, J. TIERNEY, A. A. SMITH and June KELLER attended Masonic Lodge
at Festus Tuesday night January 23.
Drs. CLARK and John ACKLEY of
Charles RICHARDSON and Mitchell SPARKS were DeSoto visitors Monday.
Our gravel machine put out three cars of gravel Monday.
Norman LEONARD of
Don’t forget the social February 14, given by the members of the Ladies’ Aid of
Mrs. MAUK and Miss Edith LEONARD entertained last Saturday evening with music,
Rook and Som’r set. A delightful evening was spent.
Delicious homemade candy was served.
J. TIERNEY and family visited relatives near Morse Mill Saturday and Sunday.
~ Tuberculosis is Most Widespread Disease ~
Has Many Forms - Consumption, The Germs of Which are in the Spittle, The Most Common.
Tuberculosis is the most widespread of all dangerous diseases. Every year it
causes upward of 200,000 deaths in the
Tuberculosis may affect and part of the body, according to Dr. M. P. RAVENEI of
the department of preventive medicine of the
The affection which we used to call scrofula, manifested by enlarged glands
about the angle of the jaw, is also tuberculosis.
Consumption is not only the most common form of the disease but is also the
form which is most contagious. In it the lung breaks down in to abscesses.
These abscesses open into the nearest bronchial tubes and the germ are thrown
out in the spit which the patient raises. Every twenty-four hours a well advanced
case of consumption throws out in the spit about three billion consumption
germs. This is the reason why health officers are so seriously fighting the
spitting habit. Spitting is not only a dirty habit, but a dangerous one.
Tuberculosis is common in milch cattle, and it has
been thoroughly proven that many children are infected by drinking the milk
from diseased cows. For this reason, it is important that all cows giving milk
for human use should be free from the disease. This When carried out by a
competent man is best done by a tuberculin test. The test is extremely accurate
and detects the disease in a very early stage when it can not be found out by
any other known means.
In human beings the disease is spread from one person to another through
coughing sneezing and spitting. It is, therefore, of the utmost importance that
person suffering from consumption should cover the mouth or nose always when
they cough or sneeze. This is best done by a paper handkerchief, which can be
put into a bag and burned. The spit which they raise should also be burned.
Excellent and cheap paper cups are made for this purpose. The educated and
careful consumptive is not a danger to those around him, but where care is not
taken, the disease is spread from one person to another in the household.
~ Educational ~
The teachers of Central township will meet at
Discussion on Chapter I. The new Farming Generation, Mrs. A.
Discussion on Chapter II. Country
Life Problems. F. C. EAVES.
Paper on Chapter III. Conditions and
Needs of Country Life, A. R. YOUNG
Discussion on Chapter IC. The
Paper on Chapter V. The Rural Reformation. Miss Mabel PARTNEY.
Discussion on Chapter VI. Problems
of Rural Social Life, A. P. DAVIS.Earl J. HAMRICK,
~ Farmers Committee Visits Lead Belt ~
left here Tuesday morning for a visit to the Lead Belt. They represented the
Farmers Protective Association of Jefferson County and went down to see what
was being done to keep the slush from the mines out of
~ Public Sale! ~
at the Arthur McKEAN farm East of Morse Mill on 17th
day of February, 1917, I will sell the following property:
For cows and two yearlings, three fat hogs, one male hog, one sow and six pigs,
one wagon, one buggy, one McCormick binder, one McCormick mower, one shovel
cultivator, one disc cultivator, one smoothing narrow, one horse corn planter,
one breaking plow, one set of tug harness, 150 bushels of corn, about five tons
of timothy hay, four tons of clover hay, household and kitchen furniture and
numerous other articles too numerous to mention. Arthur McKEAN.
~ For
Choice clover seed, apply at J. WALDORF, Kimmswick, Route 3,
~ For
2 good work horses, J. WALDORF, Kimmswick, Route,
~ Administrator’s Notice ~
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the Estate of John G.
PLACK, deceased were granted to the undersigned on the 24th day of January,
1917 [...] A. J. WESSLER,
~ Weather Forecast ~
Forecast for the week beginning Sunday, January 28, 1917. For the Plains States
and Upper Mississippi Valley: Local snows are probable Sunday and Monday,
followed by generally fair and decidedly cooler weather Tuesday; the cold will
continue until the close of the week. Snow is again probable about Thursday.
~ Announcement ~
All box-suppers, pie suppers and gathering of the like nature, given for the
purpose of raising funds, must be accompanied by twenty-five cents to insure
their appearance in the columns of The Record.
~ M. W. A. Ball ~
Given by Kimmswick Camp Number 299
Admission Gents 50 Cents, Ladies Free
Saturday Evening, Feb 3rd
Lunch and other refreshments in abundance.
Reminder, it is the aim of the Woodmen to show everybody a pleasant time. A
floor drill by the M. W. A. Resters and Liberty Camp
(R. N. A.) will be interesting feature of the evening.
~ All Over
Everybody has the grippe or a bad cold.
H. F. WEBER and family visited relatives at
WANTED, team of young gentle mules, apply
Louis J. ADAMS and wife were in
Mrs. Harry MEERS came down last week for a visit to her aunts, PARKINSON AND
BUCHANNAN. She returned to the city Tuesday.
The Associate Editor has the grippe or rather the grippe has the Associate
Editor and if our local columns are scant this week, you can guess the reason.
We call attention to the advertisement of Otto HUBELI who is prepared to
contract for and do any sort of work in sheet metal you may require. It appears
in this week’s issue.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles HERMAN of
The Farmers Educational and Cooperative Union of America met in
Samuel GRIFFITH, a brother of our townsman, Walter GRIFFITH arrived in
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. J. HOEKEN were called to
Eugene C. EDGAR was a
James BOUGHTON and Horace B. FRAZIER were in
Elliot LANHAM, who is working at
Col. Thomas M. LANHAM has departed from the
Mrs. T. E. SCHNEIDER, son and daughter returned from
Frank FRAZIER, the Chesterfield of Jefferson County printers is going to
Ironton to assist in getting out the Register during the absence of Eli D. AKE
who is taking a vacation. Well, he deserves a vacation. Well among the sages of
the fraternity in Southeast Missouri, he gets out one of the most readable
papers in his field, which is somewhat limited but the flow of language and the
genius of the Editor is never absent from its columns. We wish Bro. Eli joy on
his trip.
Wm. Christian FISCHER, Nick DIEHL and Henry SCHOEN were in town last week. Mr.
FISCHER was here investigating American methods of doing business. He served a
year in the German army and his passports to this country show that they are
finally signed across the seas on
A letter from our friend McALLISTER the genial
Hibernian, who declared himself, Orangeman to the marrow, follows:
Jefferson County Record:
How I miss you, (together with the fact that I want my money’s worth) please
change address from Hillsboro to 6118 Clayton Ave., St. Louis and when time
comes to send you another remittance, I’ll be there.
Very respectfully,
We miss
Mack about town and we sincerely hope that he will fulfill his promise and come
back and build that nice bungalow on the finest building site in
Rev. A. HILKEMAN preaches regularly at
Pevely: 1st Sunday morning and evening. Hematite: 2nd and 4th Sunday mornings
and evenings.
Rev. George STEEL preaches regularly at
Rev. E. J. EAVES preaches regularly at the following churches:
There will be services regularly at Glade Chapel on the second Sunday of each
Regular services at
Upper Dry Creek has regular services on third Sunday of each month.
~ Jack For Sale ~
Seven years old fourteen hands high heavy horse, a sure foal getter, will trade
for young mare or mule, apply Chas. F. WAHLBOLD, Hillsboro, Mo., Route 3.
~ Probate Court Docket ~
February Term 1917
Docket of cases in which settlements are due from Administrators, Executors,
Guardians and Curators, at the ensuing February Term of the Probate Court of
Jefferson County, to be held at the Court House in said County, commencing on
the fourth (4th) Monday of February, 1917.
Name of Estate -- Adm. Guar., Ex, or Cur. - Kind of Set.
Daniel A. a minor .... Thomas J.
BRADLEY; and C ... Annual
4. BYRNES, Sam.? deceased.....Melissa BYRNS, Admix
5. BOWLES, Anderson T., a minor ....Charles BOWLES, G.
and C. ....Annual
6. BAILEY, Wilson W. deceased .... J. I.
BAILEY, Adm. ... Final
7. BAGO, Clara, deceased .... J.
A. BAGE, Ex. ..... Final
8. BYRD, G. W., deceased ..... Margaret
M. BYRD & R. E. BYRD, Exe.
9. BURDS, John William, dec .... Laura C. BURDS, Ex.
.... Semi-annual
10. BUECHTING, Louise, dec
... Herman BUECHTING, Ex. .... Semi-annual
11. BLACKWELL, Wm., dec .... Wm. BLACKWELL, Jr. Adm.
.... Semi-an
12. BROWN, John, dec... Caroline BROWN, Admx. ......Semi-an
13. BAUR, Frank A. dec ..... Chatarine BAUR,
Ex..... Semi-annual
14. CHOTT, Albert, dec ... John CHOTT, Ex..... Final
15. COYLE, Mary,
dec ....
G. A. WENOM, Ex. ..... Final
16. CRAFT, Mary A. dec .... Elijah BURGESS, Ex.
17. CAMPBELL, Minnie, dec ..... Michael S. CAMPBELL, Adm. Semi-annual
18. DONNELLY, Else, Huck and Frank .... A. G. MEDLEY,
G and C .... Annual
19. DIPPAL, Jacob, dec .... Henry DIPPAL, Ex ...
20. DICKINSON, Walter L., dec .... Sarah E. DICKINSON, Ex. .....
21. DOUOVAN, J. F., dec ..... Julius DONOVAN, admx.
......Final [spelled differently]
22. DICKHUT, Fred, dec .... A. G. MEDLEY, P. Ad ........Semi-annual
23. ENGLEBACH, John .... Dora ENGLEBACH, Admx ....
24. ENGLEBACH, Louis.... Harold ENGLEBACH, Ex.
25. ECKLE minors .... John W. ECKLE,
cur ... Annual
26. EVRARD, Louis J., dec ... Eliza Jane EVRARD,
admx. .... Final
27. GRAHAM, Charles E., a minor ... J. W. PATTERSON, G. and C. ... Final
28. GUICKWITZ, Robert, a minor ... J. F. WALTHER,
G. and S. .... Annual
29. HAGUE, George, dec ... P. S. TERRY, adm. .... Final
M. , dec.... J. W. HASTINGS,
Adm. .... Final
31. HUSKEY, Della S., dec .... Albert AGER, Adm. .....Semi-annual
32. HEMME, Kate, dec ... John F. MEIER,
Ex. ....Semi-annual
33. KARTE, John Frederich Carl, dec....
Martha KARTE, Ex . .... Final
34. LEWIS, minors .... R. B. JONES,
Cur. ... Annual
35. LEONARD, Rose Catherine, dec ...
Rudolph LEONARD, Ex. ... Semi-annual
36. MARTIN, Vianna, dec....
D. D. McLANE, Ex. ....Final
37. MILES, Alex, dec .... Alice MILES, Admx. ....
38. MAHONEY, M. D. dec ..... E. J. MAHONEY, Adm. ....Final
40. MOORE, Jesse Wm., dec....
George, dec ... A. G. MEDLEY, Adm. de bonis non.... Fi.
42. MAUPIN, Stanley, a minor .... W. W. MAUPIN, G. and C .......
43. MUNSON, Cordelia, dec .... Ida E. WILLS,
Ex. ..... Final
44. McMULLIN, Minors ....
F. E. McMULLIN, G. and
C. .....Annual
45. McMULLIN Minors ... Archie McMULLIN, G. and C. ... Annual
46. McELWAINE Minors... Mary McELWAINE, G. and C. ... Annual
[47. not listed]
48. McMULLIN Harry a minor ....
John L. McMULLIN, G. and C. .....
49. McCARTY, Minors..... William McCARTY, G. and C. ..... Annual
50. McCARTY, W. B., a minor.... Emmet McCARTY, G. and C. Annual
51. NANSEL, William, dec ..... Geo. VOGT, Adm. .....
52. POHLMAN, Annie, insane.... A. G. MEDLEY, Guar...... Annual
53. PUCKETT, James Allen, dec..
Edmund KERRUISH, Ex. ... Final
54. PARKER, Elijah T., dec ...
H. Ellis VAUGHN, Ad. de bonis
55. REMICK minors .. R. B.
BOYER, G. and C. .....Annual
56. RUESS, Edward Simon, dec... Mary RUESS, Admx. .... Semi-annual
57. SCHWALBERT Minors ... Wm. SCHWALBERT, Cur.... Annual
58. SCHUBEL, Henry Louis, dec
....F. E. SCHUBEL, Adm. .... Final
59. STATZEL, Hannah, dec .... A.
G. MEDLEY, Adm. .....Annual
60. SCHMIDT, August .... George MAHN, Ex.
61. SAFFELL, Samuel E., dec .... Bessie
SAFFELL, Admx ... Final
62. SCHULZ, Bruno, dec .... Ludwig
SCHULZ, Adm..... Final
63. TSCHUMPERT, Peter, insane .... Felix
LEUTZINGER, Guar . Annual
64. TULLOCK, John W., dec ..... Mary
TULLOCK, Admx. ....Final
65. TULLOCK, Walter, dec .... J. E.
TULLOCK, Adm. ...Final
67. WILLIAMS, Harriet, dec ....E.
D. SMITH, Adm ....Final
68. WHALEY, Harvey, dec
...Arthy WHALEY, Admx
69. WYNN, Mathew, dec ....Magdaline WYNN, Exx.
70. WEAVER, John I., dec ....Mrs. E. AA.
WEAVER, Adm. .... Annual
71. WHITESIDES, Naomi, dec
...G. A. WENOM, Adm. ....Final
72. YATES, Ramond, a
minor ....Arthy WHALEY, Curx. ... Annual
J. P. MILLER, Judge of Probate Court
~ Notice of Final Settlement ~
All creditors and others interested in the estate of Alex MILES, deceased [...]
Mrs. Alice MILES, Administratrix
~ Notice of Final Settlement ~
All creditors and others interested in the estate of Cordelia
MUNSON, deceased [...]
Ida E. WILLS, Executrix
~ Notice of Final Settlement ~
All creditors and others interested in the estate of Naomi WHITESIDES, deceased
G. A. WENOM, Administrator, de bonis non
~ Notice of Final Settlement ~
All creditors and others interested in the estate of Mary COYLE, deceased [...]
G. A. WENOM, Executor
~ Notice County Warrants ~
County warrants which are registered will be paid January 16, 1917.
Frank DIETRICH, Treasurer
~ Administrator’s Notice ~
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the estate of Louisa
ROGERS, deceased [...] were granted the undersigned on the 4th day of January,
George ROGERS, Administrator.
~ Notice of Final Settlement ~
State of
In the matter of the Estate of Charles F. GRAHAM, formerly a
minor, J. W. PATTERSON, guardian and curator. In the Probate Court of
Jefferson County
To Charles F. GRAHAM:
You are herby notified that on the 27th day of February, 1917, being the 2nd
day of February term, 1917, of the Probate Court of the County of Jefferson, or
as soon thereafter as I can be heard at said Court, I will make to and with
said court, my final settlement as guardian and curator of the estate of
Charles E. GRAHAM, minor heir of Elijah GRAHAM, deceased, that a just and true
exhibit of the account between myself and said ward has been made and filed in
said Probate Court.
Dated this 19th day of January, 1917
J. W. PATTERSON, Guardian and Curator
Money to Loan on first deeds of trust, apply Mrs. Theresa KLEINSCHMIDT,
~ Real Estate Transfers ~
Edmund KERRUISH, Ex. S. T. WAGGENER, et al to F. J. PRATTE, lots 3, 4 and 5 block 1 BERRY AND WAGGENERS add to Festus, $295.00.
The F. E. and C. U. of A. to Cyrus CURTIS and wife, 1-2 acre, sec 31-40-3,
James KYLE and wife to Jas. H. COUCH, lots 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18, block 24,
RATHBURN’s corrected addition to De Soto, $300.00
Mary I. HOYT and husband to E. R. BAGE, interest in estate of the late Theo.
BAGE, real and personal and all other interest she owns in said property,
Dennis W. CARROLL to Wm. M. GOFFNEY and wife, lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
and part of lot 12 in block 5, RICE addition to De Soto, $1400.00
Clarence LaPLANT and wife to Fred J. PRATTE, lot 2
block 1 BERRY and WAGGENER’s addition to Festus,
M. S. SEPT and wife to Emmett S. DUMM and wife, lot 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
George MAHN and wife to Milton CRAWFORD’S subdivision
Wm. E. HAMILTON to I. W. HAMILTON, lot S, block 2 De Soto and lot 2 N. W. 1/4
E. of branch, 5-38-4, $1.00 etc.
J. D. DeBUCHANANNE, et al to M. R. & B. T. Ry. Co., 27 acres in U. S. Survey 288-41-6, $5,000.00.
Elias METTS by trustee to Lulu MOSS 40 acres, Sec 11-41-4, $475.00.
Pittsburg Plate Glass Co. to Ada
THOMPSON, lot 432
~ Notice of Final Settlement ~
All creditors and others interested in the estate of J.
W. TULLOCK, deceased [...]
Mrs. Mary TULLOCK, Administratrix
~ Notice to Taxpayers ~
The land and personal assessment books for 1917 are now in my possession
subject to inspection of the public. If not satisfied with your assessment call
and look it up and be ready to present your grievance to the county board of
equalization which meets on
Estate of Ann BOOTHE, of unsound mind. S. T. HAVERTICK, W. B. HENTCHER and R. B. JONES
appointed to appraise real estate.
R. COXWELL and Sons allowed $161 against estate of August SEYPOHLTOWSKY
$195.50 allowed against estate of Juanita LEWIS for support and education.
Report of purchase of real estate for estate of Ann BOOTHE, a person of unsound
mind received and approved.
In the matter of the estate of Sam BYRNES. Judgment in
favor of estate of Sam BYRNES against R. A. FRAZIER, compromised by delivery of
law library to estate and order sale made and approved.
Demand of Lewis BRACKMAN against estate of August SEYPOHLTOWSKY for $5.20
Claim of J. H. GRUETER vs. Estate of John B. GRUETER for $1610.73 set for trial
February 3.
Bank of Hillsboro allowed $1619.00 against estate of G. E. MARSDEN.
Letters of Administration on estate of John G. PLACK granted to A. J. WESSLER.
O. E. HENSLEY granted $24.00 against estate of Mary A. CRAFT.
Estate of John B. KEEN, deceased. Will filed and
proven January 25 and letters with all annexed granted to Minerva KEEN who
Demands allowed against estate of Wm. SCHULZ; G. M. MOCKBEE $9.35, and Bank of
Hillsboro $10.00
Inventory and appraisement list in estate of George KIDD filed and approved.
Inventory and appraisement list in estate of Levi SCOTT filed and approved.
In the matter of the sale of real estate in estate of Wilson BAILEY approved.
Inventory and appraisement list in estate of M. F. HERRINGTON filed and
Inventory and appraisement list in estate of Selma HERRINGTON, a minor filed
and approved.
Estate of Andrew FLEIG will filed proven admitted to Probate and letters
Testamentary granted to Barbara FLEIG without bond.
~ Executor’s Notice ~
Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary on the estate of Mary HAEFNER,
deceased were granted to the undersigned on the 3rd day of January, 1917 [...]
Nick ROESCH, Executor
~ For Sale ~
Ten tons of red clover hay, loose. Scale on place,
apply Judson POUNDS, Morse Mill,
~ Farm For Rent ~
consisting of 66 2-3 acres one mile west of Engle Station, between Pevely and Barnhardt. For particulars write to Lewis
~ Advertisements found in this issue ~
Castoria - For Infants and Children
In Use for Over 30 Years
Always bears the Signature of Chas. H. FLETCHER
Prince Albert tobacco
R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N. C.
Picture Shop
Hall’s Catarrah Cure, Frank J. CHENEY
Kristin Stump Puller
Dr. W. H. G. WHITE, Dentist
De Soto, Missouri
Dodge Brothers Motor Car
The J. W. DUGAN Automobile Co.
Herculaneum, Missouri
Holekamp Lumber Co.
Yards: Afton, Kirkwood, Old Orchard, Webster Groves, Gratiot Station St. Louis
Planing Mill, Old Orchard
Henry HURTGEN & Sons.
First Class Horse Shoers
All kinds of machinery repaired on short notice, Try us and see,
Automobiles Repaired
Buy Your Keen Kutter Tools etc.
from R. A. MARSDEN
Dealer in General Merchandise Harness, Shoes etc
Hillsboro, Mo
Sheet Metal, Roofing
Otto HUBELI, Hillsboro, Mo.
Albert MILLER, Attorney at Law, Hillsboro, Missouri
Fred J. MEYER, House Mover, Jefferson Barracks, Mo., Route No. 10
L. A. CHAMBERLIN, Dentist, De Soto, Mo.
Adrian STEEL, Lawyer, De Soto, Missouri
Farms Wanted, F. J. ADAMS, Real Estate, Hillsboro, Mo.
Bank of Kimmswick, Kimmswick, Mo.
C. H. GERARD, President
M. ZIEGLER, Vice President
G. A. WENOM, Cashier
People’s Bank of De Soto
The Jefferson Trust Company, Hillsboro, Mo.
GERARD Milling Company, Kimmswick
The Big Brick Store, J. W. ECKLE,