~ Imperial
News ~
---WHITE is
has been on the sick list for several days, but is improving nicely.
The stork
has made a few visits in past weeks, and has left a big ---. VAUGHN’s a fine
big girl ---UBOLD’s, and a fine boy at ---’s.
~ House
Springs News ~
WEBER is on the -
--- and
Mrs. Wm. HOLZNAGLE are confined in bed and under the care of Dr. Parker of
Cedar Hill.
WILLIAMS is slowly recovering, ---expect to practice medicine ---so this place
is now opening ---new doctor.
---ol is
progressing nicely under the management of our good W. J. CLOVER.
---k, the
Fenton butcher is ---August SCHULZES’ about twice ---but we think his business
---er than buying cattle.
Jr., son of Judge MILLER ---with a broken leg.
---LLER has
just completed the ---of a water system and ---home of Henry F. WEBER is a
perfect success.
who died at the ---s’ Home at
---to Loan
on first deeds of ---y Mrs. Theresa KLEINSCHMIDT, ---
~ Anybody
Kin Run A Ford ~
Louise at
the wheel, Walter and Edna in the rear seat, - everything going well -
enjoyable time we three are having. Says Walter, “If I had a 100 bucks to blow
I’d take you girls to the Sunset Club and show you a gay time. Louise,
confronted with a dream, sees many things. A moment later, - Walter o top of
the Ford (top being turned next the ground) Louise and Edna with a fence rail
apiece (thank goodness we didn’t have more to drink) manage to raise the Ford
sufficiently so that Walter can dig his way out. “Now ‘ain’t’ you glad you are
a poor man,” says Edna. Walter, “Why”, Edna, “Well if you were a man with lots
of ‘doe’ you would own a Pierce Arrow, and think of the weight you would have
had to hold.” Another party heard from, - Louises, “I’m glad too, Walter that
you are a poor man, a Ford is heavy enough for me to raise. - Keep this to
yourself, - Louise and Edna each got a new dress, and Walter eventually, will
get a new side.
~ Kimmswick
Items ~
bachelors, old and young had what they called a bachelor’s dinner at the John
OHEIM, Jr. bungalow Sunday.
Elsie and Leona KIRK were in
John W.
HOPSON our popular school teacher spent the week-end with his parents at Ware,
SIMON and wife of
Miss Gussie
NAUMANN is visiting in
Mrs. Walter
TRUDO entertained friends last Wednesday from
Mrs. E. M.
KEMPE was in
The stork
has been very busy of late leaving a boy with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. BAUERS, a boy
with Mr. and Mrs. Jeff VAUGHN and a girl with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar TAUBOLD.
Frank HALL
is home from
Mrs. L. K.
WATERS is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Francis BECKER.
Lucinda HALL is visiting relatives in
The people
of Kimmswick and
The Lincoln
Day Banquet of the Association of Young Republicans of Missouri will be held in
For the
past seventeen years this association has met annually around the banquet board
to commemorate the deeds of the immortal
One speaker
of national reputation is always invited together with four or five young men
of this state whose oratorical abilities are well known. The speakers for this
occasion are very strong men and include Governor Frank B. WILLIS of
A meeting
of the Republicans State Committee and Republican Editorial Association will be
held in
officers of the association are Forrest C. DONNELL, of
of the
President and Secretary will be at the Hotel.
A cordial
invitation is extended by the Association to every Republican to attend.
Probably 1500 live, working Republicans throughout
The Plates
are $2.50 each and tickets should be procured at once from O. G. BOISSEAN,
~ Circuit
Court Proceedings Continued ~
Many cases
are Continued to April When an Adjourned Term Will Be in Session.
State vs.
Andrew HAYS, petition for parole filed and discharged.
acknowledges receipt of amount of judgment from Sam McKAY and assigns same to
him in open court. Judgment against John DOWDALL and Fred SCHAFFER.
O. L.
HICKELHEIM, et al vs. Theodore KOHLER, report of sale filed and Albert Miller
allowed $100. Harry DAHL acknowledges deed to Frank ATKE [Apke] for N. W. 1/4,
State ex.
rel Chas. W. SHIELDS vs. Pemiscot Co. Abs. and Inv. Co., judgment for
BAURER vs. Arthur BOOTHE, et al, partition. Division agreed on and Clyde
WILLIAMS and Eugene Edgar C. EDGAR allowed $500. Attorney’s fees to be taxed as
costs and be a lien on all of real estate.
Ellis R.
BAGE, et al vs. Mary J. HAYS et al, passed to April 5th.
and Co. vs.
LEHMAN vs. Lucy LEHMAN, decree of divorce granted plaintiff.
vs. Atele FAHR, passed to
G. W.
ELDERS vs. L. S. COLEMAN, trial by court and judgment for $675.
vs. Clara JARVIS, passed to
B. J.
GRUETER et al vs. John H. GRUETER, et al, decree of partition.
J. W. ECKLE and Walter GRIFFITH appointed commissioners to set off home stead.
Judgment for widow for rents and profits and $600. Order of sale of balance of
premises. Terms 50 per cent cash and balance in one year.
KOHLER vs. Anslem KOHLER, plaintiff files reply and trial progresses and
continued to
H. E.
CORBUN vs. St. L. and S. F. Railway Co., passed to
FILKINS vs. Robt. FILKINS, decree of divorce.
Jay B.
GREEN vs. Aubrey GREEN, divorce granted plaintiff.
LAWTON vs. Ernest LAWTON, decree of divorce granted plaintiff.
Cleo M.
HASKINS vs. Gordon HASKINS, divorce granted plaintiff.
State ex
rel Chas. W. SHIELDS vs. Pemiscot Abstract and Inv. Co., motion for new trial
overruled and app. granted to Supreme Court. Leave to file bill of exceptions
Wm. J.
KNORPP vs. Harriet CARNAHAN, plaintiff files affidavit for appeal. Appeal
granted to St. Louis Court of Appeals. Bond fixed at $200 to be approved by
Clerk in vacation. Leave to file bill of exceptions on or before May, ?4, 1917.
R. B.
VOLLMAR vs. H. R. SORGE, default and judgment for plaintiff.
Samuel HILL
vs. Hattie HILL, decree of divorce granted plaintiff.
State vs.
Howard WINGO, motion for new trial withdrawn and stay of execution on fine and
costs granted until 1st day of next term.
Walter ZOLL
et al vs. Rolla MATHIAS et al judgment for plaintiff against defendant Rolla
MATHIAS for $590.85.
O. B.
MARTIN vs. Clara MARTIN, dismissed by plaintiff.
Laura R.
LEWIS vs. A. B. LEWIS, continued by plaintiff.
Edward OGLE
vs. Lola Ogle continued for want of service.
~ Card of
Thanks ~
We herewith
desire to express our sincere appreciation of all the kindness shown us since
the recent loss of our husband and father, George PLACK, and heartily thank all
those who by words of sympathy and deeds of love have helped to lighten our
Gertrude PLACK and family.
~ Farm For
Rent ~
of 66 2-3 acres one mile west of Engle Station, between Pevely and Barnhart.
For particulars write to Lewis R. MURPHY,
~ A
We Publish the First of a Series of Articles by a
To the
farmers of Jefferson Co:
I have just returned from “Farmer’s Week”
There are a number of Counties in
The farm agents are
and partly
by the county for which they work. This makes the expense of the county a small
matter considering the amount of benefit the county derives from the work of
these agents.
The State of Missouri under the name of
Agricultural extension service, County Agents work, has an office in the
Agricultural building at Columbia, Missouri, under the management of P. N.
ROSS, County agent leader; as the name implies, he looks after the agents.
To get the benefit of this great work
which the United States and the State of Missouri are doing for the farmers use
to solve the problems of their county. The agent is employed to do certain
things which the farmers as individuals cannot do and which they cannot do
unless they have organization, besides having the
If your paper will give me space I shall
try to explain in a series of articles what will be necessary for us to do in
order to get the benefits our governments offer to us. I believe that we
farmers ought to take advantage of every help that is offered to us and when
the helping hand of our government is extended to us we ought to grasp it and
accept all the assistance which we can get.
Fellow farmers of
I do not want to make these articles too
long so it may not require too much space I, therefore, close for this time.
~ 1917 Corn
Yield Contest ~
The Agricultural department of the
The prizes
and rules will be very much the same as in the previous contests. One
scholarship, valued at $18.00, is given to the person growing the largest amount
of corn to one acre in each county. Cash prizes for the highest yields in the
district are offered by the Cape Girardeau Commercial Club.
Circular letters are sent out to the
contestants as the season progresses, suggesting things that will increase
yields. All that is required of the contestant is that he keeps an accurate
record of all the work he does on his acre of corn. On enrolling a blank is
sent to each contestant, on which he keeps his record.
In awarding the prizes we do not consider
the cost of producing the corn nor do we require any written essays. The yield
is the only thing that is considered. No enrollments are received after April
1. The plot of ground used may be an acre by itself, or it may be a part of a
large field. The plot must be regular in shape and be a full acre.
As long as the supply lasts, we will be
glad to send a tabulated statement showing how the winners of the 1916 contest
grew their corn.
Enroll now!
You may win some of the cash prizes. Whether you win or not, you are going to
learn, more about corn growing. How big a yield could you if you made the
conditions ideal on a small plot of ground?
Would it
not pay to duplicate on a large field the methods used by the winners to get
their high yields in 1916?
~ Festus
Items ~
Mrs. Meyer
MILLER entertained a number from
The young
folks enjoyed the recent skating to the fullest extent.
Margaret KERRNISH spent Sunday in
Miss Winnie
BYRD has been ill with la grippe for the past week.
There is
quite an epidemic of la grippe among the school children. More than eighteen
cases were reported Thursday.
Mr. O. J.
METHIA [Methias] has been ill for the past week but is now improving.
preparation is being made for the recital to be given by Mrs. ATKINSON on
Friday evening.
Twenty four
hour light service is now in operation in Festus and has proved thus far to be
very successful. Many who were opposed to this movement are now much pleased
with results.
SANGUINETTE and Miss Florence CRAIG spent Sunday at
Mr. and
Mrs. Charles TOWNSEND entertained the following at dinner on Wednesday evening:
Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Le MASTER and Roy HOPKINS.
Quite a
number of young people enjoyed the dance given by the Y. O. P. Club Thursday
Our Festus
High boys journeyed to
Mr. and
Mrs. Le MASTER spent Sunday at his home in
Work has
begun at the public school on the program to be given on Washington’s birthday,
at the Opera House. Every grade including the High school will be represented
in this patriotic exercise.
manager of the Festus Glass Plant is now a resident of our town having engaged
rooms from Monday morning at the factory and a number of men will be employed
within the next two weeks. Mr. McKEE left Tuesday morning for
C. C.
ENGLAND in company with T. R. HILL spent Sunday in
BRICKEY spent Sunday in Festus.
made a business trip to
A number of
Masons from here attended the Shriners’ Ball in
Mrs. Dr.
The house
on West Main Street lately vacated by C. AUBUCHON and family is now occupied by
Wm. KNOTTS and family formerly of Crystal City.
~ Legislators
are pleased with work of University ~
Committee Inspects Work of State Institution to Form Report
and efficient use of the state’s money by University
the smooth working organization of the schools forces, and the wide and healthy
influence of the school in the state were the impressions given by the
junketing committee of the forty-ninth General Assembly, headed by Senator G.
M. BUFORD, chairman, which recently visited the University of Missouri. The
other members of the committee were Representatives P. H. BARRIS of Vronn, and
Representative W. L. SHOUSE of Shelbina.
“You may
rest assured that the University will get an adequate appropriation and that
all of the needs set forth will be taken care of in so far as possible,”
Senator BUFORD said after the trip of inspection. “The University is sending
the right kind of men and women into the state and deserves the right kind of
~ Will
Recognize Practical Work On Missouri Farms ~
into practice the ideas they have learned during winter short course in the
College of Agriculture of the University of Missouri will give the short course
students additional credit in the college according to a new plan adopted by
the faculty of the College of Agriculture. The idea is to make the home farms
laboratories of the College of Agriculture where the theories taught may be
tried in actual practice. Seed growing, the use of pure bred sires, the records
of dairy cows and spraying of fruit trees are among the subjects in which the
additional credit will be given.
~ New Bank
Organized By De Soto People ~
Stock of $25,000 Fully Paid Up. A. O.
WHITE of Kimmswick will be the Cashier.
The newly
organized Farmer’s and Citizens’ State Bank of De Soto with a capital of
$25,000 fully paid up, was reported in last week’s issue. As all of the capital
stock has been sold, and there are still a large number of people very anxious
to secure an interest in the bank, the directors are considering the matter of
recommending a vote to increase the capital stock.
character of a bank and its future depend almost entirely upon the character of
the men who compose its directorate, and its body of stockholders. The Board of
directors of the new Farmers and Citizens State Bank are men so well know in
this community that their names alone are sufficient introduction for the new
institution. They are:
Dr. R. E.
A. O. WHITE, and Mr. George V. WELCH.
are being made to provide the bank with the very latest and best safe, deposit
boxes, office fixtures and equipment of every character and the matter of a
location has been carefully canvassed, in order that the needs of the community
may be fully served.
It is
expected that the new bank will open its doors about March 1st.
~ Some laws
favored by Missouri Farmers ~
Missouri State Board of Agriculture recently asked its crop correspondents to
express their views as to needed Legislation. The replies show the greatest
demand for changes in the present road laws. Ninety farmers place this subject
first. Second in order is the request for a pure seed law, 64 correspondents
answering to this effect. Sixty mention the need of a dog law. Thirty-nine are
of the opinion that the school laws, especially those relating to rural
schools, should be amended. That there is need for some system of farm credits
under state control is the opinion of thirty-three. Better protection for the
quail, or “Bob White,” is asked by 32 farmers, many of whom suggest a closed
season of from three to ten years. Another suggestion on this subject is to
limit the number of birds that may be killed by any one hunter during the open
season. Next in order of suggestions for farm legislations come some provisions
for farm organization, a bureau of marketing, support of the county agent law,
pure feed law, and a stallion law. Other suggestions mentioned are better
fertilizer inspection regulations, changes in revenue laws, a law making plain
what constitutes a legal fence, a law requiring hedges
to be cut
and all obstructions at turns or intersections of roads to be removed.
~ Pretty
Church Wedding ~
Miss Anna,
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred PAUL of Seckman and Casper SCHAFER of Rock
Creek were happily united in marriage at the Glaze Creek church January 14 at
2:00 o’clock. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Hugo FRIEDRICH. The bride’s
sister acted as bridesmaid and the groom’s brother as groomsman. The bride wore
a beautiful gown of white silk draped with lace. She carried a bouquet of white
carnations. The bridesmaid wore a gown of white net and carried a bouquet of
pink carnations.
Norma and
Leona YEAGER of St. Louis played the bridal march.
After the
ceremony a circle of relatives and friends gathered at the home of the brides
parents to partake of the wedding dinner and the evening was spent with music
and dancing. From St. Louis were present, Mrs. S. BERNER, grandmother of the
bride, Jos. A. YERGER, Miss Bertha SCHAEFER, Miss Minnie SCHAEFER, Frank
The happy
couple will live on a farm near Seckman.
A friend.
~ Notice to
Taxpayers ~
The land
and personal assessment books for 1917 are now in my possession subject to
inspection of the public. If not satisfied with your assessment call and look
it up and be ready to present your grievance to the county board of
equalization which meets on April 2, 1917.
G. W.
GASCHE, County Clerk
County Record
Partnership composed of
John H.
REPPY and Albertise C. REPPY
Press Association Member Missouri
John H.
REPPY, Editor
Coon REPPY, Associate Editor
Cards of
Thanks, twenty-five cents; Resolutions, one dollar.
poetry, five cents per each six words
Price - One Year, One Dollar
Six Months,
Fifty Cents. In Advance
Mo, Thursday, January 25th, 1917
~ News
Comment and Editorial ~
Florissant clerk who captured three burglars with a flash light ought to be
removed to St. Louis and made Chief of Police.
The “Base
Ball” season will soon be here. This year it is to be ushered in with a strike
impending. We hope nothing interferes with a fair start as it will be quite a
relief from politics and war’s alarms.
Perry, Lawrence, Brainbridge, Paul JONES and many others are names dear to the
hearts of Americana, because they raided the high seas and brought many British
ships into port, captives to American supremacy as fighters and as sailors. We
wonder if after the war is over if the Germanic Captains and Lieutenants who
commanded the present raiders will not also be enshrined in the hearts of the
Teutonic people. It seems quite probable.
The docket
of the Probate Court appearance this week. Judge MILLER wants those docketed to
understand that they are expected to be on hand on the day set or during the
week. Under the law, if executor, administrator, guardians or curator fails to
appear for settlement on the day they are docketed, the settlement is to be
continued for ten days and unless the parties appear and make settlement
citations are required by the law to be issued. Judge MILLER intends to comply
with the law, so you had better be on hand or notify him why you can’t come.
In another
column we are giving excerpts from President WILSON’s address to Congress,
relative to world peace. It is bold and incisive. It may give offense and then
again it may result in final peace.
the result may be, it is in accord with the sentiment of the American people
and is in direct line with the policy urged on the country, and the warring
nations by Ex President TAFT and his Peace League. Let us hope that good will
come and if it does, let us not be chary in giving WILSON credit for the
courage necessary to formulate
and propose.
Senators have five clerks and one stenographer. A good many of them employ
their wives as clerks at $3.50 per day or some other relative. This is taking
care of the public money with a vengeance. A Senator has about as much use for
five clerks and a stenographer as a dog has for five additional tails. Thirty
competent clerks would be worth more than the whole bunch employed. What
difference does the cost amount to among friends! This seems to be the idea,
but the people pay. How long are they going to stand for this sort of thing?
gets a raise in wages or a bonus these days except the printer, the doctor, the
lawyer and preacher. These are expected to trot along at the same old gait,
attend the sick, write the wills, attend the funerals, write the obituaries and
to look after the window and orphans and to do so for the same old price or for
nothing, according to the exigencies of the case. The laborer is worthy of his
hire and in the new adjustment of values your preacher, your doctor and your
lawyer, and last but not least, your favorite newspaper ought not to be
criticized if they are under the inexorable law of necessity compelled to
charge somewhat near the true value of their services and expenses.
for their good looks and charm, among the people who attend Governor GARDNER’s
inauguration of Jefferson City, Jan 8, were a groupof St. Louis suffragists who
wore yellow badges and were greeted with the greatest courtesy and
consideration everywhere. They were given seats next the inaugural platform,
and were invited to an informal reception at the mansion immediately after the
Colonels on the Governor’s staff were presented with their swords, as well as
to the ball in the evening. They were driven in motors through the surrounding
beautiful country, and were shown the prison.
prominent mail anti-suffragist was heard to remark: “Well, if such attractive
and intelligent women as these are espousing the cause of suffrage, cause it is
time for me to change my views on the subject.”
Miss L. C.
TRAX, suffrage organizer went out the National American Suffrage Association
from New York, is now in Jefferson City. Miss TRAX is working with Mrs. HARSCH
of Columbia, Suffrage Chairman of the Eighth Congressional District, and their
aim is to show Congressman SHACKLEFORD through his constituents that it is
important for him to support the Federal Suffrage Amendment at Washington.
spent two days in Mexico, Mo. doing suffrage organization work, and will be
active in the Eighth District all of next week.
Mary Semple
SCOTT, State Press Chairman.
Equal Suffrage Association
and Box Supper ~
There will
be an entertainment and box-supper given at Heads Creek School on Saturday,
February 3rd for the benefit of the school. The program will begin at 7:30 p.m.
Admission ten cents. Ladies bringing boxes admitted free.
Jos. A.
~ Farm
Names in Missouri ~
was the first state in the Union to enact a farm name
law. The Missouri Sate Board of Agriculture has just issued a bulletin, “Farm
Names”, the author being W. L. NELSON, Assistant Secretary of the Board who was
also the author of the farm name bill referred to. This bulletin, in addition
to giving the names of 1,000 Missouri farms, tells how many of these names
originated and offers suggestions for the naming of farm homes. The origin of
the names of famous places in other states is also given. Many Missourians and
others have contributed to this bulletin, thus making it of unusual value. In a
list of 1,000 Missouri farm names “view” is used 88 times, as in “Fairview” or
“Lakeview.” Other popular basic words are “valley”, used 38 imes; “Maple” 34;
“oak” 24; “dale” 28; “walnut” 23, “side” 22; Then there is found frequent use of
“hurst,”; Old English for thicket or grove, as in “Hickoryhurst” ; “foyle” a
leaf as in “Glenfoyle” meaning a leafy glen. This bulletin on farm names is
free to
Advertising the Farm Name ~
Missouri State Board of Agriculture, in a new bulletin on Farm Names, has the
following to say as to advertising the farm name and its products;
“Once an
appropriate farm name has been chosen, there is need of good taste,
discriminating judgment and wisdom in its use. Even when the name is used a trade
mark; used commercially, it should not be in a fashion to offend the best of
taste. The name should be used for identification rather than as an
advertisement. A carefully lettered sign
on the front gate, the R. F. D. mail box, or on a small board made for the
purpose is to be recommended. Letter paper and
should always bear the farm name. The farmer who neglects to use printed
stationary is missing a great opportunity to advertise his business. In this
day and age no farmer can afford to conduct his correspondence on blank
stationary or worse still, on cheap, shoddy stuff containing the advertisement
of some city concern.
A small
halftone illustration showing the farm home, the entrance where the name is
displayed, or even some of the leading products of the farm, may be used as a
trademark and also on stationery. It matters not which is preferred, the
material should if possible, be secured through some local firm, preferably the
newspaper, which can and should be of
farm and
its products. It is worth much to have the newspaper make liberal use of the
farm name, even in its news columns. The local printing office is not always
prepared to turn out embossing or perhaps certain halftone work, but can always
secure the desired article without increased cost over that the customer would
be compelled to pay elsewhere.”
Bulletin, of which W. L. NELSON, Assistant Secretary is the author is free to
~ Rock
Township Teachers ~
following program will be discussed by the teachers of Rock Township at the
Kimmswick school house. This may be our last meeting so let us try and be
present. We open our program at one p.m. Saturday, February 3rd.
on Kennedy.
Address of
Welcome, Miss Hazel WELLS.
Member of the Board.
Reading of
the Minutes,
1:30 p.m.
Discussion of Chap. XXI Mrs. Katherine EAVES
Methods in
School Management, I. W. DAUTENHAHM
2:00 p.m.
Teaching Pupils to Help Themselves, Miss Mary Rose CLYDE
2:30 p.m.
Chap. XIX. Teaching of Morals, Ross F. BLEIKER, Supt. R. B. WILSON.
2:45 p.m.
Silent Reading, a Thought Producer, Miss Letta ROTAN.
3:15 p.m.
Motion for Adjournment.
We will
have a successful meeting if you are there. Help us with your presence.
BOLLEFER, Vice-Pres.
Katherine EAVES, Secy.
If you have
not paid your subscription since January first you are probably in arrears.
Inquire. As fast as each list can be handled, delinquents will be dropped.
~ Notice ~
dentist, will be in House Springs from January 15 through out the remainder of
the month equipped for all kinds of dental work, for those who need his
For Infants
and Children
In Use For
Over 30 Years
bears the Signature of Chas. H. FLETCHER
~ Bowles
and Neighborhood ~
A number of
friends surprised Joe HERZOG on his birthday last Tuesday.
With music,
card playing and spirited conversation the evening hours passed by most too
fast. Before the visitors departed they partook of the bountiful supper set for
them by Joe’s good mother at the late hour of the night. After this the guests
left for home. Wishing their friend many more happy birthdays but Joe wasn’t
satisfied and invited the “boys” once more. Everyone present greatly enjoyed
Last Sunday
afternoon and evening Miss Barbara MRAS entertained a number of friends. The
player piano, the victrola and the violin and guitar afforded enough variety of
More cases
of measles are reported in our neighborhood.
Quite a
number of people attended the literary debating society at High Ridge last
Friday night. A good program was
Mr. George
L. STETHEM of Granite City, Ill, a motorman on the McKinley car was visiting
his home folks. It looks as if he brought good weather with him, but not warm
enough for snow.
Miss Ethel
STETHEM left Sunday to stay with her brother, Mr. Charles STETHEM
~ Hillsboro
Items ~
Mrs. J. J.
HOEKEN visited her sister Mrs. DONNELL in St. Louis the weekend.
T. E.
SCHNEIDER went to East St. Louis Saturday to bring his wife and little ones
home after a two week’s visit with Mrs. SCHNEIDER’s brother, Edward WILLIAMS.
Tony found his small son Jack quite ill and too much so to bring home on his
return Monday.
Henry T.
REPPY of Detroit who is home on his early spring vacation from duty in the
Immigration service visited his brother John H. REPPY and family, the first of
the week.
John H.
REPPY was a St. Louis visitor Wednesday.
Mrs. R. B.
WILSON took her young son Oran to St. Louis last week to leave with Mr. and
Mrs. WORK who are going to Florida for the rest of the winter. Mrs. WORK is a
sister of Mrs. WILSON.
Mrs. R. E.
ENGLAND of Hematite was the guest of Mrs. REPPY Sunday.
Rev. M.
WALTON, preached here Sunday morning and evening. Next Sunday being a fifth
Sunday there will be no preaching service.
We have
some sickness in town among whom, are Mrs. G. J. JOHNSON, and Mrs. Ellen
McCreary, the latter having been ill for nearly two weeks.
children of W. S. WILSON and the two small sons of Frank DIETRICH.
and daughter Vivian spent Sunday in St. Louis visiting Richard SCHROEDER and
FRAZIER is visiting his sister in New Haven.
R. A.
HOLEKAMP is back from Columbia where he attended Farmer’s Week and was one of
the lecturers on “Bee Keeping.”
Miss Medora
BOOTH has returned for her teaching in De Soto after a week’s absence through
illness. Her devoted pupils made her glad by sending her a box of carnations
during that time.
Christian Endeavor Society was very pleasantly entertained Thursday evening at
the McMULIN home by the Misses McMULLIN and MORSE.
~ Notice of
Final Settlement ~
creditors and others interested in the estate of Charles E. GRAHAM, deceased
[...] fourth Monday in February, 1917.
Mr. J. W.
PATTERSON, Guardian and Curator, Administrator, de bonis non
~ Regular
Church Services. ~
Rev. A.
HILKEMAN preaches regularly at Hillsboro on the first Sunday of each month; at
Horine on the second Sunday; at Cedar Hill on the third Sunday; at Belews Creek
Chapel on the fourth.
-Methodist Church-
Pevely: 1st
Sunday morning and evening, Hematite: 2nd and 4th Sunday mornings and evenings.
Hillsboro: 3rd Sunday morning and evening.
Saturday night before the 3rd Sunday and also the 5th Sundays. Everybody is prayerfully invited to these
P. C.
Rev. George
STEEL preaches regularly at Victoria on the second Sunday of each month; at
Blackwell on the third Sunday, and at Hillsboro on the fourth.
Rev. E. J.
EAVES preaches regularly at the following churches: Liberty Baptist Church, the
fourth Sunday;
There will
be services regularly at Glade Chapel on the second Sunday of each month.
services at Oakland on first Sunday of each month.
Upper Dry
Creek has regular services on third Sunday of each month.
Where and
When to Worship.
Here’s a
Real Bargain
The St.
Louis Daily Globe Democrat
Every Day
Except Sunday One Whole year for Only
$2.50 in
Clubs of 3 or more
The Globe
Printing Co., Publishers, St. Louis, MO.
~ Probate
Court Docket. ~
Term, 1917
Docket of
cases in which settlements are due from Administrators,
Guardians and Curators, at the ensuing February Term of the Probate Court of
Jefferson County, to be held at the Court House in said County commencing on
the fourth (4th) Monday of February, 1917.
Name of
Estate ............Adm. Guar., Exetr., Cur.
February 26th, 1917, - First Day.
Daniel A. a minor - Thomas J. BRADLEY, and C, Annual
Minors - Edmund KERRNISH?, Cur., Annual
Peter, a minor - Georgia A. BOSTON, Cur., Annual
Sam., deceased - Melissa BYRNS, Admix, Final
Anderson T., a minor - Charles BOWLES, G. and C., Annual
Wilson W., deceased - J. L. BAILEY, Adm. Final
7. BAGE,
Clara, deceased - J. A. BAGE, Ex., Final
8. BYRD, G.
W., deceased - Margaret M. BYRD and R. E. BYRD, Final
John William, dec. - Laura C. BURDS, Ex, Semi-annual
BUECHTING, Louise, dec - Herman BUECHTING, Ex. Semi-annual
BLACKWELL, Wm., dec. - Wm. BLACKWELL, Jr., Adm., Semi-annual
12. BROWN,
JOHN, dec. - Caroline BROWN, Admx., Semi-annual
13. BAUR,
Frank A., dec - Catharine BAUR, Ex.,
14. CHOTT,
Albert, dec - John CHOTT, Ex., Final
February, 27th, 1917, - Second Day
15. COYLE,
Mary, dec - G. A. WENOM, Ex., Final
16. CRAFT,
Mary A., dec - Elijah BURGESS, Ex., Semi-annual
CAMPBELL, Minnie, dec - Michael S. CAMPBELL, Adm., Semi-annual
DONNELLY, Elsie, Huck and Frank - A. G. MEDLEY, G. and C., annual
Jacob, dec - Henry DIPPAL, Ex., Final
DICKINSON, Walter L., dec - Sarah E. DICKINSON, Ex., Final
DONOVAN, J. F., dec - Julius DONOVAN, Admx, Final
DICKHUT, Fred, dec - A. G. MEDLEY, P. Ad, Semi-annual
ENGLEBACH, John, dec - Dora ENGLEBACH, Admx. Semi-annual
ENGLEBACH, Louis, dec - Harold ENGLEBACH, Ex. Semi-annual
minors - John W. ECKLE, cur., annual
Louis J., dec - Eliza Jane EVRARD, Admx. Final
Charles E., a minor - J. W. PATTERSON, G. AND C., Final
GNICKWITZ, Robert, a minor - J. F. WALTHER, G. and C., Annual
29. HAGUE,
George, dec - P. S. TERRY, Adm., Final
February 28, 1917, - Third Day
HASTINGS, F. M., dec - J. W. HASTINGS, Adm., Final
Della S., dec - Albert AGAR, Adm., Semi-annual
32. HEMME,
Kate, dec - John F. MELER, Ex., Semi-annual
33. KARTE,
John Frederich Carl, dec - Martha KARTE, Ex., Final
34. LEWIS ,
minors - R. B. JONES, Cur., Annual
LEONARD, Rose Catherine, dec - Rudolph LEONARD, Ex., Semi-annual
Vianna, dec. - D. D. McLANE, Ex., Final
37. MILES,
Alex, dec - Alice MILES, Admx., Final
MAHONEY, M. D., dec - E. J. MAHONEY, Ex., Final
MARSDEN, Elizabeth, dec - C. MARSDEN, Adm. Final
40. MOORE,
Jesse Wm., dec - Florence B. MOORE, Admx, Final
March 1st, 1917, - Fourth Day
George, dec - A. G. MEDLEY, Adm. de bonis non, Final
Stanley, a minor - W. W. MAUPIN, G. and C. [unreadable]
Cordelia, dec - Ida E. WILLS, Ex., Final
McMULLIN Minors - F. E. McMULLIN, G. and C., Annual
McMULLIN Minors - Archie McMULLIN, G. and C., Annual
McELWAINE Minors - Mary McELWAINE, G. and C., Annual
McMULLIN, Harry, a minor - William McCARTY, G. and C., Annual
Minors - William McCARTY, G. and C., Annual
McCARTY, W. B., a minor - Emmet McCARTY, G. and C., Annual
William, dec - Geo. VOGT, Adm., Final
POHLMAN, Annie, insane - A. G. MEDLEY, Guar., Annual
March 2nd, 1917, - Fifth Day.
PUCKETT, James Allen, dec - Edmund KERRVEISH, Ex., Final
Elijah T., dec - H. Ellis VAUGHN, Ad., de bonis non
[55. is
skipped here and appears at the end of the sixth day]
56. RUESS,
Edward Simon, dec - R. B. REYER, G. and C. Annual
SCHWALBERT Minors - Mary RUESK, Admx. Semi-Annual
SCHUBEL, Henry Louis, dec. - Wm. SCHWAL????, Cur., Annual
STATZEL, Hannah, dec - F. E. SCHUBEL, Adm., Final
SCHMIDT, August, dec - A. G. MEDLEY, Adm. Annual
SAFFELL, Samuel E., dec - George MANN, Ex. Semi-annual
Brees?, dec. - Bessie SAFFELL, Admx., Final
TSCHUMPERT, Peter, insane - Ludwig SCHULZ, Adm. Final
TULLOCK, John W., dec - Felix LEUTZINGER, Guar., Annual
March 3rd, 1917, -Sixth Day.
Walter, dec - Mary TULLOCK, Admx., Final
Minors - J. E. TULLOCK, Adm., Final
WILLIAMS, L???int, dec - Jennie[or Jennis] W????, Cur., Annual
Harvey, dec - E.D. SMITH, Adm., Final
69. WYNN,
Mathew, dec. - Arthy WHALEY, Admx., Final
John L. dec - Magdaline W???, Exx., Final
WHITESIDES, Naomi, dec. - Mrs. F. A. A. WEAVER, Admx., Annual
72. YATES,
Ramond, a minor - G. A. WENOM, Adm., Final
minors - Arthy WHALEY, Cur., Annual
J. P. MILLER, Judge of
Probate Court
~ Notice of
Good Roads ~
interested in good roads in Meramec Township come out to Cedar
Saturday, January 27 at 7:30 p.m.
for Infants and Children
Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of Chas.
H. Fletcher
In Use for
Over Thirty Years
A helpful
Remedy for Constipation and Diarrhea and Feverishness and
Loss of
Sleep resulting there from-in Infancy.
First Class
Horse Shoers
All kinds
of Machinery repaired on short notice. Try us and see, automobiles repaired.
Buy your
Keen KUTTER Tools etc. from R. a. MARSDEN, dealer in general merchandise,
harness, shoes, etc. Hillsboro
Lumber, Distributors of the renowned
Board, Certain-teed Wall Board, Bishopric Board
For inside
and outside work. Give us the size of your building and we can tell you the
amount required, also the cost.
Afton, Kirkwood, Old Orchard, Webster Groves, Gratiot Station St. Louis,
Planing Mill, Old Orchard
~ All Over
Jefferson ~
of near Maxville was a Hillsboro visitor Monday and gave us a call.
The Library
Association is short of funds. Have you paid your quarterly dues! Do it now.
POUNDS and wife of Morse Mill were in town Friday and settled a little court
matter out of court.
Court has adjourned until April 2nd at which time all the jurors are ordered to
report for further duty.
Frank CLARK and his deputies are making good in the court room and are
attending to business and obliging to the attorneys, witnesses, and visitors.
Keep it up.
CLARK returned from Jefferson City Tuesday evening where he went to take a
prisoner, William LOESCH of De Soto. The trip was made in about fifteen hours,
a record breaker.
Schools are
hard at work on the “Exhibit” display, only a month off. Citizens other than
school people are looking forward with pleasure to the big event which begins
Washington’s Birthday.
George F.
BOOTHE, an attorney of Sedalia has business in court here last week in court.
It will be remembered by Jefferson County people as the former County school
commissioner. He also taught in De Soto and Hillsboro.
Dr. Kirk,
Banker Gus WENOM, constable TANBOLD and about half of Rock Township official
and civil were here on witness service in the KOHLER trial Thursday, Friday and
Saturday. The case is laid over for trial next term.
Miss Etta
FRISSELL of De Soto Star Route, a well known teacher in the county is
critically is at her home having been stricken with peritonitis more than a
week ago. Her physician Dr. GIVSON has pronounced her out of danger at the last
report yesterday.
Lillian, a daughter of Rev. A. HILKEMAN, one of the county pastors, graduated
from the Grover Cleveland High School tomorrow, and the Record friends
acknowledge with thanks an invitation to attend. Congratulations and good
wishes to the young lady, who made some friends in this county while here on a
visit last summer.
The open
winter has been an advantage to the poultry business, eggs being plentiful and
forty cents a dozen, here and higher elsewhere. A Rock Township poultry man
told us last week of getting more than 1,000 eggs a week. He has a machine and
delivers them to private customers in the city at 42 cents per dozen. The
Jefferson County hen, like
Jefferson County cow, is a real source of revenue.
W. A.
BERGMEYER, a son of Esq. E. BERGMEYER of Antonia, arrived in the County January
9th for a visit to his parents and the scenes of his childhood. Mr. BERGMEYER
is associated with Mr. Andrew KOHLER of Great Bend, Kansas and expects to
remain in the county until February 1st. He was a recent visitor of the county
seat and while here called on the Record for which he has been a subscriber of
long standing.
VIEHLAND and Louis VIEHLAND of Oerman were in the county seat paying taxes
yesterday. The former has lately returned from St. Louis where he had his eye
removed. Sometime in the fall, while riding home in the dusk, a low hanging
branch pierced the eye which had been blind for about eight years. His
suffering necessitated its removal, and although he is still compelled to wear
a bandage, the healing progresses satisfactorily.
Robert A.
HOLEKAMP whose farm home is “Sorgenfrei” two miles north of Hillsboro has an
important letter before the farmers and dairymen of Jefferson County which
appears elsewhere in the Record columns. He is a very practical man, is
thrifty, energetic, wide awake and anxious to be of benefit to his neighbors
and the county farmers. His article should be read by all the farmers and the
business men of the county. Mr. HOLEKAMP is not the only wide awake farmer who
has expressed a lively interest in “Farm Agent for Jefferson County” to the
Record and urged us to push the matter. Let us hear from others at once.
I have cash
buyers for several small farms. If you want to sell, list your farm with me.
F. J.
ADAMS, Real Estate, Hillsboro, Mo.
~ Missouri
Farms Need Lime ~
The use of ground limestone of some form
of lime to sweeten sour soil will soon become regular farm practice in many
parts of Missouri. The reasons for this practice were given by R. A. KINNAIRD
of the College of Agriculture in a recent lecture during Farmer’s Week at the
University. Soils which were originally poorly supplied with lime and even
limestone soils have lost so much of the lime which they formerly contained
that crops suffer from soil acidity. The continuous leaching to which soils in
the humid regions are subjected and which is greatly increased by cultivation
is largely responsible for this loss of lime.
The greatest soil acidity, therefore, is in
those soils which were originally poorly supplied with lime and especially in
regions where the land has been cultivated a long time with little attention to
soil fertility.
Practically all of the soils of the prairie
region of northwest
are quite sour. In the northwestern part of the state there is
much less
acidity. In the Ozark region soils
derived from limestone
have been
leached until they have become very acid. There are also soils in the Missouri
and Mississippi River bottoms that are sour.
Not all crops are injured by an acid soil,
but unfortunately most important cereals and forage crops, especially clovers
and alfalfa, cannot be grown successfully on a very acid soil. Acidity is
indicated by the failure of these crops and by luxuriant growth of red sorrel,
Canada blue grass and water grass.
To sweeten an acid soil, a sufficient
amount of finely ground limestone or slacked lime must be scattered evenly over
the plowed ground and worked into the top soil. Ground limestone is usually the
cheapest and most satisfactory in general, though it takes effect more slowly
than quick lime, slacked lime or hydrated lime, and a larger quantity must be
applied to get the same results. The screenings from the ordinary rock crusher
can be used. Coarser material has little immediate effect on the soil, but if a
much larger quantity of the course material is used it will keep the soil sweet
for a longer time. Screenings can be obtained at from one dollar and twenty
five cents to one dollar per ton. In some cases where hauling from the railroad
is expensive and where limestone is accessible, small grinders can be used to
grind the limestone on the farm.
Persons interested in the use of limestone
on acid soils should write to the College of Agriculture, Columbia, Missouri,
for more detailed information.
~ Bees Help
Fruit Growers ~
Did you have a full apple crop last year?
Failure of some varieties of apples may be due to lack of pollination. T. J.
TULBERT, of the College of Agriculture, told farmers’ week visitors at the
University of Missouri recently how bees helped to make fruit crops.Many
varieties of apples like Arkansas Blacks, Jonathan and York Imperial are self
sterile and cross pollination is absolutely essential if a set of fruit is
obtained. Other varieties like Ben Davis, Yellow Transparent and Willow Twig
are only partly self fertile and again cross-pollination is necessary.
The numerous white snowy flower clusters
act as a guide to the insects and may attract them far away. When a bee alights
on a flower its hairy body may be covered with pollen from another variety of
apple. As the bee works its way down to the bottom of the flower to get the
nectar it rubs its dusty body against the stigma or female organ of the flower
and cross pollination is accomplished.
It is a well known fact among the best
fruit growers that the weather conditions during fruit bloom has much to do
with the setting of fruit. If the weather is clear and warm at the blooming
time the bees are active and cross pollination process rapidly, while if the
weather conditions are wet cloudy and cold the insects are not active and
usually a poor set of fruit is assured. Strong cold winds may often prevent the
bees from cross-pollinating one side of the apple trees and this may account
for the set of fruit on one side of the tree.
Actual counts and observations at blooming
time have shown that the honey bee is decidedly the most important insect in
the work of pollinating the fruit flowers. Many counts have shown that from seventy
five to ninety per cent of the insects pollinating the blossoms were honey
The wind cannot be relied upon as an
agency to transfer pollen from apple tree to apple tree through out the
orchard. This work must be accomplished by insects, and the honey bee is by
odds the most important of them all.
Bees will pay for their keep in honey,
aside from their services in fruit production.
~ For Sale
Ten tons of
red clover hay, loose, scale on place, apply Judson POUNDS,
Morse Mill,
Read My
Prices On Dentistry and then come to see me.
Attendant. Examination Free. All Work Guaranteed.
Gold Crown
Bridge Work
per tooth $4.00
or White Crown $4.00
Set of
Teeth, either upper or lower plate $8.00 up
Filling $1.00
Filling $1.50 up
Filling 50c
Dr. W. H.
G. WHITE, Dentist
Old Post
Office Building Phone Office 197, Residence 197
De Soto,
Brothers Motor Car with Dodge Brothers Service means 365 days of real pleasure
and satisfaction in the year. If you don’t believe it, just ask any owner of a
by Appointment.
The J. W.
DUGAN Automobile Co., Herculaneum, Missouri
State of
Ohio, City of Toledo,
County, ss
Frank J.
CHENEY makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. CHENEY &
CO. doing business in the City of Toledo, County and state aforesaid, and that
said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of
Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL’S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A.
D. 1916
A. W.
GLEASON, Notary Public (seal)
Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous
Surfaces of the System. Send for testimonials, free.
F. J.
CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all
Family Pills for constipation.
Care for
Cholera Morbus
“When our
little boy now seven years old, was a baby he was cured of cholera morbus by
CHAMBERLAIN’S Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy.”
writes Mrs.
Sidney SIMMONS, Fair Haven, N.Y. “since then other members of my family have
used their valuable medicine for colic and bowel troubles with good
satisfaction and I gladly endorse it as a remedy of exceptional merit.”
Obtainable everywhere.
The Big
Brick Store wants Your Butter and Eggs
We continue
to offer a full line of Dry Goods, Shoes, Rubbers, Notions, Groceries, Paints,
Hardware, Dishes, Fruits and Vegetables in season.
J. W.
ECKLE, Hillsboro, Mo.
The Record
is Now $1.50. Pay Up.
~ Public
Sale! ~
at the
Arthur McKEAN from East of Morse Mill on 17th day of February, 1917, I will
sell the following property: Four cows and two yearlings, three fat hogs, one
male hog, one sow and six pigs, one wagon, one buggy, one McCormick binder, one
McCormick mower, one shovel cultivator, one disc cultivator, one smoothing
barrow, one-horse corn planter, one breaking plow, one set of tug harness, 150
bushels of corn, about five tons of timothy hay, four tons of clover hay,
household and kitchen furniture, and numerous other articles too numerous to
~ For Sale
clover seed, apply at J. WALDORF, Kimmswick, Route 9, Mo.
~ Hillcrest
Items ~
The people
in this vicinity are not very busy at present as most all the work is done that
can be done before warmer weather. Social functions are thoroughly in order and
are frequently performed.
There was a
party at the home of Mr. J. CRONK Friday evening Those who attended report a
good time.
Mr. and
Mrs. John HUSKEY visited her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. CHRISTOPHER
over Sunday.
in this vicinity is looking forward to the entertainment and box-supper
Saturday night. The seating capacity of the school house has been increased
from forty to one hundred and all are contemplating a good time at the
initiation of the new seats.
~ For Sale
8 good work
horses, J. WALDORF, Kimmswick, Route 3, Mo.
Milling Company
of Kimmswick Mills and Lumber Yards
manufacture Gold Seal, White Seal, Red Seal Flour
We handle
all kinds of Food, Hay, Grain and Seed, also all kinds of Lumber and Building
Milling Company, Kimmswick, Missouri
STEEL, Lawyer
in All the Courts
Office in
KNORPP’s Building
De Soto,
Fred J.
MEYER, House Mover
moved and raised in all parts of the county
Call or
Write Fred J. MEYER
Barracks, Mo., Route No. 10
L. A.
MILLER, Attorney at Law
Hillsboro, Missouri
Executor’s Notice ~
Notice is
hereby given that Letters Testamentary on the Estate of Wulf SCHUETT, deceased,
were granted to the undersigned on the 20th day of December 1916, by the
Probate Court of Jefferson County Missouri.
SCHUETT, Executor
Executor’s Notice ~
Notice is
hereby given that Letters Testamentary on the Estate of Mary HAEFNER, deceased,
were granted to the undersigned on the 3rd day of January 1917, by the Probate
Court of Jefferson County Missouri. [....]
ROESCH, Executor
Administrator’s Notice ~
Notice is
hereby given that Letters of Administration on the Estate of John G. PLACK,
deceased, were granted to the undersigned on the 24th day of January 1917, by
the Probate Court of Jefferson County Missouri.
A. J.
WESSLER, Administrator
Our Capital
of Fifty Thousand Dollars, and our reserve ability of Fifty Thousand Dollars on
over ninety stock holders is a Guarantee to our depositors of the safety of
their funds.
Jefferson Trust Company, Hillsboro, Mo.
Cheerful Cherub~
Cheerful Cherub
A man sold
me a gold-brick
It made me
angry then,
But now I
am glad, at least it shows
I trust my
Cheerful Cherub
I never
mind the troublous day,
hard it seems.
I simply
look ahead to night
And think
about my dreams.
Cheerful Cherub
“It’s love
that makes the world go ‘round”
and how it
does is past my solving,
But anyway
I’ll do my part
To keep it
steadily revolving.
Cheerful Cherub
I’ve had
some awful illnesses,
The worst
that ever have occurred
hard to bear but then I like
To brag
about them afterward.
~ Marriage
Licenses ~
BUSHNELL ......Herculaneum
............... Herculaneum
MARTEN..............De Soto
WALLS..................De Soto
George Lee
ABRAMS ....Bliss, Texas
Alice H.
WILLIAMS..........Crystal City
~ De Soto
Items ~
has bought out his partner, Mr. DICKERMAN in the general merchandising business
on Sixth and Boyd Streets and the business will again be known as the MUSE
Mercantile Co.
Margaret CARLEY returned Saturday from three days visit with relatives in St.
of Popular Bluff who has been with her parents Mr. and Mrs. S. E. MEYERS on
Boyd Street from over a week returned home Friday.
and family returned Monday from a visit with relatives in Southeast Missouri.
Little Miss
Blanch COUCH celebrated her sixth birthday by entertaining her little friends.
officers of the Epworth League of the M. E. Church South were installed Sunday
evening by W. L. SMITH.
Miss Vivian
EDGAR celebrated her birthday by entertaining a number of her friends Thursday
Miss Mamie
PYLE departed Tuesday for Farmington after a few days visit at home.
The Bonne
Terre basket ball team was here Saturday night and De Soto beat the visiting
team one point. The score was 23-22.
of El Paso, Texas was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Charles MITCHIM Sunday and
Mrs. John
H. REPPY of Hillsboro, Regent of the D. A. R. of our city attended their
regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Kirkwood JONES on South 2nd Street.
Mrs. A. E.
FAUTH will be hostess of the missionary society at her home on Pratt Street
Mrs. Verdie
HERMAN is spending a week with her parents at Hillsboro.
Mrs. George
RATHBURN is able to sit up a part of each day and her friends are glad that she
is improving so nicely.
JONES has sold five Ford cars, two of which were brought from the city last
Miss Esther
KNEHANS spent the week-end with her parents at Mt. Olive, Ill.
De Soto
will have a new bank to be known as the Farmers and Citizens Bank with capital
stock of $25,000.00 fully subscribed and half paid. A. O. W. WHITE of West
Kimmswick will be the cashier. The directors are
Dr. R. E.
O. WHITE, George V. WELCH.
Frank A.
DICKERMAN has sold his interest to his partner, C. W. MUSE. It is rumored that
Mr. MUSE will organize a stock Co. and enlarge the business.
additional watchman at night has been secured and it is said that the robbers
had better take notice.
The K. of
P. held their installation Friday night. Grand Keeper of Records and Seal,
Edwin ETTINGER of St. Louis installed the officers. A box supper and musical
was enjoyed after the ceremony of installation.
Miss Rhoda
COXWELL entertained the sewing club of which she is a member Monday afternoon.
HAMILTON of Flat River was here Sunday.
The annual
meeting of the Congregational Church was held Tuesday night in the church
Mrs. I.
DONLIN has a new Victrola.
Mrs. Lloyd
YOUNG was hostess of the embroidery club Tuesday afternoon.
The High
School will give a play at the Jefferson Theatre the last of the month.
~ Hunting
Licenses ~
De Soto and
Routes: Harry HEMPHILL, Aaron GAMBLE, Lorenz TRUNK, Hy
Eureka: G.
Festus and
Routes: Ben PATTERSON, Floyd GRIFFIN, J. J. GETTINGER, Willie LaPLANT, Norman
Glen Park:
and Routes: Edwin REINEMER, Paul CLERC, Chas. HEMME, Jr., W. L. HINCHKE,
Springs: George PREISTER, Louis PRIESTER, C. T. GILLMAN, Frank VOTAW
R. THOMAS, Chars. SIMPSON, Joe CARROW, Howard PILE, Frank PILE, Laurence
and Routes: George SCHNEIDER, Harry BRENN
Pevely and
Routes: Harry YOUNG, M. A. HENSLEY
Rush Tower:
Park: Chas. A. BOWZEK
~ Notice of
Final Settlement ~
creditors and others interested in the estate of Alex MILES, deceased [...]
fourth Monday in February, 1917.
Mrs. Alice
MILES, Administratrix
Stump Puller, One Man - Horse Power
A. J.
KIRSTIN Company, 1342 Main Street, Escambo?, Mich.
The Best
To keep the
bowels regular the best laxative is outdoor exercise. Drink a full glass of
water half an hour before breakfast and eat an abundance of fruit and
vegetables also establish a regular habit and be sure your bowels move once
each day. When medicine is needed, take CHAMBORLAIN’S tablets. They are
pleasant to take and mild and gentle in effect. Obtainable everywhere.
~ Real
Estate Transfers ~
COLEMAN to Louis STAFFELBACH, lot in Victoria, $200.00
BESSELMAN to J. W. and Mary E. STATON, 2 lots in De Soto. $100
J. R.
HOLTON to W. R. KINCAID, 7a, 3-39-4, $1.00
POHLMAN to S. R. and E. I. HEWLETT, 127a., 8-43-4, A100 etc.
Press J.
SULLIVANN to W. B. LEWIS, 1.58a, 2-39-4, $1.00
Charles W.
LEHMAN to Wm. A. WASHER, $1.00
KOHLER to Louis S. KOHLER, 12a, 21-42-5, $800
George J.
CRULL to Rev. J. M. TORBITZSKY, 4a 3-41-3, $50
Rev. John
M. TORBITZKY to J. J. A. TORBITZKY, 160a, 10-41-3, $1.00
Rev. J. M.
TORBITZKY to Edwin H. RIEMAN, 11a, 7-41-3, $1,000
W. J.
PENDERGAST to Mary PENDERGAST, 2 lots, Fletcher’s add, De Soto, $1
Jas. H.
MEDLEY to H. A. ROZIER, lot in Victoria, $75.00
Henri W.
TOWNSEND to Frieda and Lorenzo BADARACCO, 8a, 8-39-4, $10.00
Ira H.
PERKINS to E. H. THORNHILL, 1a, 1304102, $10.00
John J.
SHONE Jr. to John SHONE, 5a, Sulphur Springs, 1.00
Philip S.
TERRY to Jno. V. HAEFNER, lot W. J. ADAMS sub div. Festus $225
KASSELL to William KRAUS, 1/8 acre, sur. 1969, $1.00
Otto H.
MUELLER to Louise RIESS, lot 63, Sulphur Springs, $10.00
Otto H.
MUELLER to Ida K. PENNEMAN, 20a, sur 1985, 10.00
W. H.
THOMPSON to Ora HOTY, 158a, 5-39-6, $1.00
BERGMAN to William BERGMAN, 26a, sur 3059, $1.00
Otto H.
MUELLER to Wilhelmina, J. K. BENDER, 13?, sur 1985, $10.00
BLACKBURN to W. R. DONNELL 51a, 6-39-5, $1400.00
McCARTY et all to Wm. BERGMAN, 26a, sur 3059, $1.00
~ Notice of
Final Settlement ~
creditors and others interested in the estate of Cordelia MUNSON, deceased
[...] fourth Monday in February, 1917.
Ida E.
WILLS, Executrix
~ Notice of
Final Settlement ~
creditors and others interested in the estate of Naomi WHITESIDES, deceased
[...] fourth Monday in February, 1917.
G. A.
WENOM, Administrator
~ Notice of
Final Settlement ~
creditors and others interested in the estate of Mary COYLE, deceased [...]
fourth Monday in February, 1917.
G. A.
WENOM, Executor
~ Notice of
Final Settlement ~
creditors and others interested in the estate of J. W. TULLOCK, deceased [...]
fourth Monday in February, 1917.
Mrs. Mary
TULLOCK, Administratrix
Announcement ~
box-suppers, pie suppers and gatherings of the like nature, given for the
purpose of raising funds, must be accompanied by twenty-five cents to insure
their appearance in the columns of the Record.
Administrator’s Notice ~
Notice is
hereby given that Letters of Administration on the estate ofLouisa ROGERS,
deceased [...]
granted the undersigned on the 4th day of January, 1917
ROGERS, Administrator.
Bank of
Kimmswick, Kimmswick,
C. H.
GERARD, President
G. A.
WENOM, Cashier
We invite
you to open an account with us.
Kimmswick, Sunday at 3.00 p.m.
Wednesday Nights
Friday Nights
Sunday Nights
J. W.
Officers and Directors of the People’s Bank of De Soto extend to their friends
and patrons their very best wishes for a merry Christmas and a happy and
prosperous new year. They trust that the year, 1917 may have much in store for
their friends and patrons, and offer the services of this institution to any
one desiring a connection with a well-established strong, safe institution.