Jefferson County Record, Hillsboro, MO

January 11, 1917


~ People Don’t Catch Cold But Have Fever ~

Inflammation of the Nasal Mucus Membrane is the Cause of the Contagious Disorder. Germ Not Known.


Common So-called “colds” are the most widespread and least dangerous of all infections. The term, “catching cold” hides a tremendous amount of ignorance and relieves many a careless physician from criticism.


Many persons believe that exposure to cold and drafts produces this trouble, hence the term “catching cold” is an actual matter of fact a thermometer will show that instead of having caught cold, we really have fever. If a person has made a hot house plant of one’s self, then exposure to drafts and cold may do some harm, but more colds are caught by going into poorly ventilated and crowded rooms than by exposure to cold. Under these conditions there is often times a dryness of the nose and throat, which certainly makes it more liable to infection. The normal secretion of our noses is a protection against infection; the flow being outward and washing out dirt and germs. The action of this secretion is readily seen when one’s nose is blown after a dusty railroad trip. Exposure to drafts in a person who is not accustomed to an abundance of fresh air sometimes produces a similar result.


Colds are unquestionably contagious at what germ produces them is not positively known. It seems certain that several kinds have the ??wer, since the “cold” is only an inflammation of the nasal mucus membrane, and is not a specific disease in the sense that typhoid fever and tuberculosis are. “Colds” occur in epidemics and are spread by direct contact of one person with another. Sneezing is one way in which “colds” are generally spread.


~ Hematite Items ~


Rev. CROPPER preached at the Christian Church Saturday evening and Sunday morning and evening.


Mrs. C. MALONE is visiting in North Missouri and Gorrell MALONE of St. Louis is spending a few days with his sister, Miss Claire.


Mrs. Sam OGLE of Buckeye spent Sunday in our town.


Mrs. M. BRADY of Festus was the guest of Mrs. Reub ENGLAND last Tuesday.


Rev. J. WARD of Plattin spent two days here last week calling on friends and having some dental work done.


Quite a number from here are planning to attend the Masonic

installation of officers Tuesday evening, January 9th.


EVANS and ENGLAND are having some work done on the creek bank near the gravel machine since the recent high water threatened serious damages.


Reub ENGLAND is on the sick list.


A. SMITH made a business trip to Farmington Monday.


The many friends of Chas. GERBER were glad to see him out again after several weeks’ illness.


W. L. LEONARD is home after a few months stay in St. Louis.


Mrs. WALTON entertained the members of the Ladies’ Aid last Thursday afternoon.


?? visiting the A. J. STROUPE [Stroup] family - Texas.


Wilber LEONARD and Andy ENGLAND [sentence incomplete].



Miss Hulda, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. McKEE of Cedar Hill and ?. R. HERWICK of St. Louis were happily united in marriage at the Cedar Hill church, Dec 24th at 12 o’clock. The ceremony was performed by Rev. ? P. HAMRICK, and it being the first church wedding there for 12 years, the house was crowded with relatives and friends. The brides’ brother acted as groomsman and the groom’s sister as bridesmaid.


The bride wore a beautiful gown of silk crepe de chene and lace.  Her veil was draped with tiny rosebuds and orange blossoms. She carried a beautiful bouquet of roses and orchids. The bridesmaid wore a gown of silk crepe de chene and carried a bouquet of pink, while the groom and groomsman wore the usual dark suites. After the ceremony a circle of relatives gathered at the home of the bride to partake of a wedding dinner and that afternoon was spent in music and singing. The happy couple remained with the brides’ parents for a few days, returning to St. Louis where they will make their home. Our best wishes for a long and happy life go with them.

A guest.


~ County Court ~

W. J. KNORPP for improving the Bonne Terre road, $2,000.


Engineer ordered to survey proposed change of Antonia and Rock Creek road and report.


Bond of Walter SCHULZ constable of Meramec Township filed and approved.


Engineer ordered to examine Ware and Frumet road, survey and mark out necessary changes and relocation of same and report.


F. J. ADAMS, treasurer files settlement of warrants and script redeemed as follows:


Co. Rev. Fund War................$8,313.37

Co. Rev. Fnd. Int. Reg. War ....537.08

Co. Rev. Fnd. Dis. Reg. War ....127.51

Jury and Wit. Scrip. Red........327.45

Rd. and Br. Fnd. War. Red.....3,786.04

Road Dist................................1,406.72

Road Construction .................13,703.29

Road Drag Scrip ......................99.85

Criminal Costs Scrip..................1....78.74

Foreign Ins. War.....................3,807.60

Inquest Scrip...............................57.10


Total Warrants Redeemed....32,357.50


Approved and treasurer ordered credited with above amounts in proper funds.


County treasurer files settlement of school district clerk’s orders redeemed in sum of $35,142.55.


Examined and approved by Court and treasurer ordered credited with said amounts in proper funds.


January 4th

Court adjourned to inspect roads.


January 5th

Dramshop licenses granted as follows:



Chas. LaBEAUMME....................De Soto

John HEINER..............................Pevely

John H. YESBERG.....................Horine

A. D. THOMURE.........................Festus

Harry FORREST..........................Hillsboro

F. E. SPILKER.............................Hillsboro

GUS OHEIM................................Kimmswick


Abstract of fees earned by R. E. KLEINSCHMIDT, Pres. Atty. but not collected filed and approved:


Same of fees earned and collected.


Abstract of fees earned by W. J. A. SCHUBEL for December, 1916, together with treasurer’s receipts for all fees paid filed and approved.


Resignation of A. O. WHITE as Justice of the Peace of Rock Township field and approved.


Clarence COFFMAN ordered sent to State Sanitarium for tuberculosis.


Geo. W. GASCHE employed to make annual statement of receipts and disbursements of all county funds for year ending February 28, 1917.


Henry FRANK ordered sent to county farm.


Annual statement of J. W.  ECKLE recorder filed and approved.


Christ ELLINGER exempted from poll tax for one year.


Abstract of petit jury scrip issued September adjourned term of Circuit Court $334.85 filed and approved.


Merchants tax De Soto Roller Mills corrected to valuation of $1,000 for 1916.


Valuation on 173.82 acres, sec. 17-40-3 corrected to $1400.


Accounts Allowed

F. J. ADAMS, salary ...............200.00

F. J. ADAMS, com. .................175.72

F. J. ADAMS, postage.................3.50

R. E. BYRD, salary ..................20.00

Frank PERKINS, salary ...........20.00

Christ MILLER, salary ..............20.00

W. J. A. SCHUBEL, postage ....9.05


~ Bowles and Vicinity  ~

Everybody in this neighborhood is thru saying “Happy New Year” by this time.


Mr. John CHOTT, our blacksmith suffered a serious accident last week.

While shoeing a horse his arm was broken and knocked out of place by the horse. Several physicians were consulted and we are glad to say that his arm is improving.


There was a social gathering at Mr. Toney CHOTTS last Sunday.


Miss Anna Miller of Rock Creek is paying a visit to her uncle,

Mr. Rudolph KADLETS this week.


Mr. Seston MILLER and family of Rock Creek motored to St. Louis last Sunday afternoon in their car.


Joe DIEHL has left the United States and went to Rock Creek to work.


Mr. HENRICHS, the merchant turned a summersault with his automobile truck while coming home from a trip to St. Louis.


A. A. YATES canvassed the community taking up orders for fruit trees. He is conducting a successful business.


If you have not paid your subscription since January first you are probably in arrears. Inquire. As fast as each list can be handled, delinquents will be dropped.


~ Farmer’s Week Attracts Many State Ruralists ~

Registration Shows an Increased Number in Attendance of Annual Week at Columbia.


Seven hundred Missouri farmers, their wives and families registered on last Tuesday morning at the opening of the annual Farmer’s Week given under the auspices of the College of Agriculture of the University of Missouri and the State Board of Agriculture at Columbia. Each day brought more and the week was the largest since its founding.


A special part of the program this year was prepared for the wives and children of the farmers and they attended in large numbers. Special demonstration courses for the ruralists of a practical nature were given during the week and met with much favor. The week ended Friday night with a banquet at which was served a prize steer from the University farm and other products grown and produced by the students in the College of Agriculture.


~ Circuit Court Notes ~

Prosecuting Attorney enters nolle prosae in case of State vs. Margaret HEMME.


City of De Soto vs. Alex Van GELS dismissed.


Frank B. CLARK appointed the following deputies whose appointments were approved, Wm. G. GREEN, Carl D. CLARK, Chas. A. BOUZEK, Chas. F. NAUMANN, Willard M. LACKEY and O. H. CLARK and Thos. F. CADWALLADER.


State vs. Pierre L. CLERC, felonious assault, tried by a jury and fined $100.


George WILSON an attorney of Kansas admitted to this bar for the purpose of a trial in which he is an attorney, to-wit: Michael BAUER vs. North American Union in which stipulation for judgment in the sum of $350 is filed.


Bert FERGUSON fined $100 for carrying concealed weapons.


State vs. Chas. G. HARRIS, continued Ly agreement.


Edward RANDOLPH enters plea of guilty to common assault and fined $50.


J. F. WILLIAMSON vs. Anderson BOYCE trial by court and judgment for defendant.


State vs. William BAUER, nolle prose.


State vs. William LOESCH, plea of guilty for burglary and larceny, sentenced to 4 years in pen on Ind. No. 31 and to 2 years under Ind. No. 32 for burglary.


Wallace WALTON vs. Pittsburg Plate Glass Co., continued.


W. H. PILLIARD vs. Singer Sewing Machine Co., defendants appeal dismissed and judgment against defendant and W. H. WAGGENER on appeal bond.


State vs. Oscar NEUGERBAUER, plea of guilty to common assault, fined $1.00.


State vs. Ray JOLLY, plea of guilty to common assault, fined $5.00.


In case of State vs. Jacob KUECHENMEISTER, plea in abatement filed and overruled and pros. Atty. enters nolle prosse in case before jury is sworn.


Wm. WASHER’S appointment as deputy sheriff approved.


~ George KIDD ~

George KIDD was born March 5th, and died December 27th, 1916, at the age of 89 years, 9 months and 22 days.


In 1847 he was married to Miss Hannah CADWALLADER. To this union were born ten children.


Fifty years or more ago he professed faith in Christ as his savior and joined Cedar Hill Baptist church. Since he was lived a consistent Christian life. He loved his family and labored with his hands that he might be able to supply their needs. He was a friend to humanity and was always willing to help those who came to him for assistance. His kindness commended the respect and good will of all who knew him. He was an honest man and a useful citizen, a loving father and a consecrated Christian, and his influence in each of these spheres will long live. His life was one of self sacrifice for he loved his neighbor as himself. Of such as he was it said: “There remainith a rest to the people of God.”


Of his relatives who survive there are 7 children, 81 grand children, 65 great grandchildren and four great great grand children.


All that was mortal of Brother KIDD was laid to rest in the Cedar Hill cemetery December 29, in the presence of a large number of friends and relatives. Funeral services were conducted by the writer, E. J. HAMRICK.


~ Our Two Weeks Report ~





New: George ROGERS, Sam ECKLE, Miss Mary EISENHAUER, W. J. HOOK, Jesse POUNDS.


~ Probate Court Items ~

Inventory and appraisement list of the estate of Albert  E. F. PAGEL filed and approved.


J. M. AUBUCHON estate: Order allowing credit for $2165.37 for not being the property of said estate and charged to administratrix.


Will of Mary HAEFNER filed, Nick ROESCH appointed executor and letters testamentary granted. Henry MARX and George ZIEGLER appointed witnesses.


Inventory and appraisement lists of the estate of Wulf SCHUETT, dec. filed and approved.


Will of M. F. HERRINGTON probated. Letters testamentary granted to Mary C. HERRINGTON and guardianship of minor child, Selma. R. B. JONES and T. B. EAVES appointed witnesses to inventory.


Sale bill of personal property of estate of Henry MAY, dec. filed and approved.


Inventory list of the estate of Frances Ann WILLIAMS, dec. filed and approved.


Order $250 out of the estate of the LEWIS minors for their support for year ending January 1st, 1918.


Mary A. STATZEL, a person of unsound mind. Order to restore her. trial February 3rd.


Walter T. JONES vs. Veronica SCHMIDT, dec. estate. Account of $660. Case continued to February 3, at 10:00 a.m.


Alice MILES vs. estate of Naomi WHITESIDES, on account $162.67 dismissed by claimant who is to pay costs.


Susan CROWDER vs. estate of Naomi WHITESIDES, dec. On account of $100 dismissed for want of prosecution.


Mary OSTER and Eunice CHURCH vs. estate of Alex MILES, dec. On account of $160. Judgment for $63.50 and costs.


Estate of Eliza Jane McCREARY, dec. Executor, Chas. S. McCREARY petitions dispensing with further execution and case continued.


Estate of Mary COYLE. Semi-annual settlement approved.


Estate of Hannah WAGNER, same.


Letters of administration granted to R. B. JONES upon estate of August SEYPOHLTOWSKY, dec. E. C. EDGAR and T. B. BURGESS appointed witnesses of inventory.


Estate of Peter TSCHUMPERT, insane.  New bond ordered by the judge which is filed and approved.


~ Notice ~

Dr. WEEKS, dentist will be in House Springs from January 15 throughout the remainder of the month equipped for all kinds of dental work, for those who need his services.


If you have not paid your subscription since January first you are probably in arrears. Inquire. As fast as each list can be handled, delinquents will be dropped.


~ Hunting Licenses Issued For 1917 ~

Nearly 100 Licenses Already Issued.

We Publish the names That The Public Know Hunters With Licenses.


State Licenses: Dr. LUCKEY, Festus; M. BROOMBAUGH, Herculaneum; Chas. E. WARREN, Herculaneum; G. E. MEISSNER, Bushberg.


Barnhardt: Tom BARMAN, Willard BECKER


Crystal City: Frank SCHAMBER, Frank WAKEFIELD, Joe KRAGEIR, Walter BLANKENSHIP, Dewey WALK, Nick JOHN, Hraieli SIMM.


Danby: George G. BAILEY







House Springs: Ben SULLINS


High Ridge: Martin SPROCK


Horine: Morris JOHNSON


Hematite: Oliver M. HOWE, Jesse ZELTNER, Curtis RICHARDSON, Ferdie COPLIN, Noel RICHARDSON.


Hillsboro: Walter RADECKER, George DEITZ, Glenn CLARK, Oliver JUDD, C. F. PRALLE




Kimmswick and Routes: George BALTZ, Fred BOHME, J. Ed McCLAIN, Jr., Otto WENOM, E. G. RAUCHENBACK, Louis D. RIEBOLD, Rudolph NUYATING, Gus OHEIM, G. A. WENOM, Jos. MEEK?, C. H. GERARD, F. P. FISCHER, B. F. MEYER, Clarence HENSLEY, Henry HUNICKE, Gus F. HUNICKE, Charles LUEBKE, Andrew KLEY, Albert ROESCH, Harry J. ROESCH, Wm. ROESCH, Egbert ASCHE, Fred FRIEDMAN, Emil FRIEDMAN, Rudolph LUDWIG, H. F. BAAM.


Pevely Route 1: Arthur STEINBACH, R. E. STEINBACH, H. W. SCHLEUTER, Theo. J. PLACK, Raymond SMITH.


Sulphur Springs: George GULAT, Sam BOLLINGER, Tom WALLACE, Charlie WILLIAMS, F. L. GULAT, Bryce BRACHER, Joe SANTEE, Horner ROMINE, M. T. ST. JOHN, E. J. ST. JOHN.


Valley Park: Jos. J. DIEHL


Victoria: Charles NULL, Andrew SCOTT.


~ Appreciation for Blind Chaplain of U. S. House ~

Rev. Henry N. COUDEN, the blind chaplain of the House of

Representatives, has lately had to endure a further affliction. His devoted wife, who for many years has guided his steps every morning to the Capitol for the opening exercises of the House has suffered a paralytic stroke, and his daughter has now taken her place. In appreciation of his many years of service the House, on motion of one of the Republican leaders has adopted a special resolution granting a substantial increase to Mr. COUDEN’S salary.

A Democratic member from Indiana interposed a characteristic objection to such “extravagance”, but he was promptly overruled.



~ Robbers Caught ~

Stanley C. DAVIS, alias KING and Joseph HAWKINS,  the youngsters who were arrested by Carrol BYRD for the robbery of Funk’s Drug Store at Festus, were taken to St. Louis Thursday by Sheriff CLARK and United States Post Office Inspector, B. F. CAIN.  The boys were wanted by the Post Office authorities for robbery of the post office at Maupin, Missouri. It is understood that they have the postal stuff cached in St. Louis and they were taken there to locate it as well as the remainder of the stuff stolen from the drug store.


DAVIS, although only about 21 years old is said to have a police record from coast to coast and to have Bertillion measurements in most of the principal cities of the country. It is not known whether they will be prosecuted here for the robbery of the drug store or turned over to Uncle Sam, but in any event the young men face a long term of penal servitude as they have admitted their guilt to both cases or so we are informed.


~ Cost of the War ~

Fourteen nations made up of fifty different races are involved in the war which has made Europe a slaughterhouse for two years and a half, and according to the latest estimates, a toll of more than six million lives has been taken at the war fronts, to say nothing of the thousands of non combatants who have died.


The contending nations are: Russia, Italy, Romania, Serbia, Japan, Montenegro, Portugal, Central Powers - Germany, Austria, Hungary, Turkey, Bulgaria.


In addition to the dead, placed at six million, it I estimated by the War Study Society of Copenhagen that the wounded on Dec. 1st, totaled 13,119,516 and that the invalids numbered 3, 935,938.


And the missing, those, whose fates will never be known, it is estimated will reach nearly five million.


The heaviest losses of the war, as estimated by the War Study Society up to the first of the month are distributed as follows:


Country    Dead    Wounded

Austria    718,000    1,117,000

Belgium    50,000    116,000

Bulgaria    25,000    60,000

England    205,000    532,000

France    886,290    2,225,000

Germany    885,000  3,116,000

Italy         103,000    215,000

Russia    1,498,000   3,320,000

Serbia    110,000    140,000

Turkey    150,000    350,000

Totals    4,621,000    11,245,000


And daily estimated cost to each of the leading belligerents is:

Great Britain    $30,000,000

Germany    $22,000,000

France    $15,500,000

Russia    $16,000,000

Austria    $12,000,000

Italy           $8,000,000

Bulgaria    $1,500,000

Belgium    $1,500,000

Total    $108,000,000


New engines of death that had never before been utilized in warfare made their appearance in the great European struggle, among them being submarines, aero planes, Zeppelins, tanks, liquid fire, and asphyxiating gases.


~ Changes in Railway Lawyer ~

Norman A. MOZLEY of Bloomfield, who for many years has represented the Iron Mountain Railroad in this and other southeast Missouri counties has resigned his position to succeed to the position held by Judge Moses WHYBARK as General Attorney for the Frisco. Judge WHYBARK gave up the place which he has held since the Frisco came into this territory and has made a splendid official for that railroad. MOZLEY has made a splendid reputation as a successful lawyer, and has endeared himself to the people of the county with whom he associated during his trips here. He is an orator of the convincing sort and is a man of large information, of broad gauge, of liberal ideas and of high ideals as to social and civic life. He will no doubt make Cape Girardeau his headquarters and is sure to be a force in that city. Mr. H. H. LARRIMOR, who has been assistant to Judge James F. GREEN at the general law office of the Missouri Pacific Ry. in St. Louis will have charge of Jefferson, Iron and Washington Counties. J. C. SHEPPARD at Poplar Bluff will have charge of BUTLER, STODDARD, RIPLEY and WAYNE and W. C. RUSSELL at Charleston will have charge of the remaining counties of Southeast Missouri.


~ Pierre L. CLERC Convicted ~

Pierre L. CLERC, charged with assault with intent to kill Felix

LEUTZINGER was convicted and fined $100.00 by a jury in the circuit court this week. It is said that the jury originally stood 8 for acquittal and 4 for conviction and on the next ballot 9 for acquittal. CLERC’s defense was that he was temporarily insane, due to the fact that he claimed that LEUTZINGER had invaded and despoiled his home.

LEUTZINGER denied all or any improper action and the trial resulted as stated. CLERC will not appeal from the decision and it is hoped that this will be the end of the matter, although there is some talk that CLERC will sue LEUTZINGER for damages.


~ Marriage Licenses ~

Conrad BAUMGARTH..............St. Louis

Margaret HEINEMAN............... St. Louis


Fred SANSOUCIE....................De Soto

Haitie OAKIA [Ozia ?].............De Soto


George A. REYNOLDS............De Soto

Narena PIPPINGER................Lincoln, Ill.


Charles A. HILL.....................Owa?, Ill.

Zula Ruth LUDWIG.................De Soto


~Jefferson County Record~

A Partnership composed of

John H. REPPY an Albertise C. REPPY

[seal] Press Association Member Missouri

John H. REPPY, Editor

Albertise Coon REPPY, Associate Editor

Cards of Thanks, twenty-five cents; Resolutions, one dollar.

Obituary poetry, five cents per each six words

Subscription Price - One Year, One Dollar

Six Months, Fifty Cents. In Advance

Hillsboro, Mo, Thursday, January 18, 1917


~ News Comment And Editorial ~

The United States Supreme Court has upheld what is known as the Web-Kenyon Act, and every state will have complete control of the sale of intoxicating liquors. Hereafter prohibition states may forbid the conveyance into the state of liquors, and consequently interstate carriers would not be protected for violation of such a law. It looks very much as though the prohibition idea is gaining ground constantly and it is propheted by many well informed men that the Republican and Democratic parties in their next national platform utterances will declare for prohibition. What we think, more likely, is that William Jennings BRYAP will again seek the Presidency as the nominee of a National Prohibition Party.


Col. W. F. CODY is reported dying at this home near Denver, Colorado. He is better known to the youth and to most of the citizens of the country as “Buffalo Bill”. He is about the last of the picturesque figures of the country famous as a mighty hunter and scout who did some real service for his country, without ever having gained the reputation of being a gun man, the, there were perhaps few men in the country more expert than he in the use of rifle and revolver


“The Leak” at Washington is still agitating Congress. When men make fortunes on the stock market, on advance information of Presidential action likely to affect the market, it is time to make a thorough investigation and ascertain and make public the names of the guilty parties. On another occasion it will be remembered that fortunes were made on the market by the giving of such advance information and no one ever brought to account. If a leak exists it certainly ought to be stopped.


The Children’s Code legislation to come before the Legislature at this session is very important and should be adopted. The code in brief provides for the establishment of juvenile courts in the counties; for the payment of pensions by the counties to poor mothers with little children whose fathers are dead or in institutions, so that they may raise their own children at home; for the protection of children born out of wedlock, compelling the fathers to support them when the fathers can be reached; for the guardianship of child workers for the revision of laws pertaining to marriage, and for many other measures of a related nature, all designed to carry out the principle of child protection and nurture. Some of these details we will discuss later.

The code calls for no appropriations of money by the state, and the expenditure of money by the counties rests with the counties themselves. There can be no objection to the code, therefore, on financial grounds. It can be considered solely on its merits as an advanced and enlightened system of laws for the welfare of the children of Missouri. There is no party question involved in it. Whatever may be the differences of opinion as to detail, every member of the Legislature ought to be for it and work for it.


~ De Soto Items ~

Mrs. R. B. JONES is home after a period of hospital treatment in St. Louis and is much improved.


Several engagements in the social set come to light during the holidays, notable that of Miss Ethel HAMEL to Mr. Francis HAWLEY of Marshall.


Mrs. Mamie HARDY and daughter have returned from a visit to Mrs. Gus HINCHEY in St. Louis.


Our attorneys are in Hillsboro this week and some other DeSotoists besides.


Wulford ZOLLMAN is here from the West enjoying the holidays with relatives and friends.


Mr. and Mrs. Lee GRIFF of Bonne Terre spent Sunday here with relatives.


One of the earlier passenger trains Saturday morning stopped here long enough for a new infant of 1917 to be born. The mother was on her way to a hospital in St. Louis. Everything was done for the comfort of the mother and babe and it was given the name of De Soto for present.


A meeting of the Commercial Club was held Thursday night and considerable business was transacted.


Mr. and Mrs. Laurence FLYNN of Colorado spent the holidays with her father. P. W. MAHN.


Lynn DEADERICK departed Sunday afternoon for Carthage, Mo. where he has accepted a position.


The First M. E. Church on Boyd Street will give their usual dinner Thursday.


The new depot is being roofed.


Mr. and Mrs. John REPPY and Mrs. ECKLE attended the Eastern Star installation of officers in our city Monday of last week.


Mr. and Mrs. T. B. BURGESS entertained a few friends at dinner New Year’s Day.


Dr. Leo HAFNER and wife were here several days holiday week.


The Valley Rebekah Lodge installed their new officers Thursday night at the Odd Fellow’s Hall.


Mrs. JONES assisted by her daughter Susie entertained a few friends Wednesday afternoon at her home on South 3rd Street.


The remains of Londa VINYARD, brother of Mrs. J. D LaHAY were laid to rest in the city cemetery Friday afternoon. The funeral services were held at Mrs. LaHAY’s home on South Main Street at 2 o’clock. Rev. SHUTE and Rev. GORDIN had charge of the service.


Miss Rebecca KENNETT of St. Louis spent the week end with her grandmother, Mrs. John DUFFY.


Mr. and Mrs. G. K STEWART were in St. Louis Saturday.


In the contest between St. Genevieve and the De Soto High Basket Ball Teams at the K. of P. Hall Saturday night the score was 23 to 20 in favor of the visitors.


Mr. and Mrs. U. Y. DRAKE departed Saturday for Florida where they will make their home.


B. F. BUTLER, father of Mrs. W. E. CROW and Mrs. Jim LONG died Friday morning at his home on the East Side. The family has the sympathy of their many friends.


The air take at the Max HACKEY’s blacksmith shop exploded Saturday morning. No one was seriously hurt but the shop is windowless.


Mrs. John DUFFY went to St. Louis Press KENNETT. [see above Miss Rebecca KENNETT]


Louis THOMPSON has resigned as secretary of the Y. M. C. A. A new secretary will soon be here to take his place.


Mr. and Mrs. Ode ENGLEDOW of Blackwell were the guests of Joe MADDEN and family Friday and Saturday.


Roscoe JONES has sold his Ford but expects to buy another car in the spring.


Mr. and Mrs. John EDY returned to Montana Sunday afternoon. Mrs. EDY’s aunt, Mrs. George RATHBURN who was critically ill is improving slowly.


Dr. G. A. AUERSWALD who arrived Friday from Jefferson City returned there Sunday evening.


If you have not paid your subscription since January first you are probably in arrears. Inquire. As fast as each list can be handled, delinquents will be dropped.


~ Lone Dell Items ~

Although we were quite silent the past fall we were nevertheless “up and doing”, in fact, we were all so very busy that it seems as though nobody found time to send in any news from here. It was with us as the old saying has it, “still waters run deep”, so then, here we send in a few ripples to show that at last a sort of winter lull has set in.


The diligence and ambition of our people was distributed over various fields of activities beginning with the harvesting of fall crops and followed up by fall plowing and road building. Some note-worthy work was done along these lines, especially the gravelling of the road leading from the LeMay Ferry to Mr. Theo. BECK’s store.


The Lone Dell School has also been doing some good work. The school is now well organized and was placed on the approved list. An entertainment was given in November which was well attended.


A sad occurrence must also be related from here. The home of Mr. Alois OTT was visited by that dread disease, diphtheria. Different members of the family were affected and it proved fatal with their only and well beloved little daughter, Pauline, aged six. She was well several days before her end came and was sick only a very short time. She was a

bright and clever little girl, brim full of life, always singing laughing and gaily hopping she came tripping along. In her we lose a cheerful companion, a bright scholar, and the parents, a loving and also beautiful daughter. Our heartfelt sympathies are with the sorrow stricken parents whose grief might well be imagined.


Mike ULRICH and wife were holiday visitors with Mrs. ULRICH of this vicinity; others home fro the holidays were Mr. and Mrs. Albert MALL, Miss Julia RITTERBUSCH, Frank LORENZ and Adolph RITTERBUSCH.


~ High Ridge Items ~

The weather has been very good for colds and many have them.


John CHOTT, Blacksmith at Murphy between here and Fenton was kicked by

a horse one day last week and had his arm broken in two places.


Henry KREINHEDER ran off the road New Year’s evening with his Chevrolet. His machine skidded where the road was narrow and got into deep mud. He went home and got his team of quadrupeds, of the long eared type and they finished the journey.


The Cedar School Board went to St. Louis one day last week and purchased a nice new piano and placed it in the school. Forty dollars of the money was made by entertainments and box suppers.


The debate Friday evening was not very largely attended because of bad roads. The debate was interesting as well as profitable and all show much enthusiasm. Mr. and Mrs. BONACKER of House Springs were present

and Mr. BONNEKER took a prominent part in the debate. Mrs. BONACKER and

Mr. WALLACH of Rankin also made very interesting speeches. Joe BANTEK also took part. The next debate will be Friday evening, January 19th.

The subject is: “Resolved, That Women Should Vote”. Everybody invited. We are certain that no one will regret attending as we have some good debates and will also have a small program. Why don’t other neighborhoods organize and have debating contests with each other?


Mr. HENRICKS had an accident while coming from St. Louis Saturday. He upset his truck at the bottom of the Meramec Hill from Fenton. We understand he ran into a small creek. He was not hurt.


If you have not paid your subscription since January first, you are probably in arrears. Inquire. As fast as each list can be handled, delinquents will be dropped.


~ Rock Creek Notes ~

We are having fine weather.


Wheat looks good in this vicinity; prospects for the year 1917 are good.


We had an entertainment at our parochial school which was a success.

The pupils were well trained by the Sisters and Rev. Father KUTZ, who is will liked and highly respected. The people of this parish have presented him with a new auto to show their gratitude for the good work he has done during the past eight years he has been with us.


There was a dance at Frank DIEHL’S New Year’s Eve which was well attended by young and old. Late in the evening lunch was served which consisted of wieners, frankfurters and excellent pies and refreshments of which they all partook to their hearts content. Dancing was kept up to a late hour.


I saw an item in your paper from Buffalo Hill by which the writer refers to Rock Creek, trying to make fun of people living in this vicinity. I suppose he was offended by the empty jug, well it is empty and I hope it will always be, therefore, I will kindly refer the knocks to some saloon and also to some good school where his understanding may be improved.


~ Hillsboro Items ~

Mrs. Ellen McCREARY and her grand daughter, Mrs. Clarence OGLE of DeSoto are visiting here.


Mrs. PARKINSON and Mrs. BUCHANAN have returned to Hillsboro to live and are quartered in the R. B. WILSON home until a vacant house appears.


The colored troupe of entertainers at the hall Monday and Tuesday nights gave and enjoyable entertainment much above the ordinary of its class. A night session at the Court first night depleted the attendance.


Hooping cough has victimized a little granddaughter of E. J. HAMRICK and chicken pox has made its appearance elsewhere among young children.


The new officers of the Christian Endeavor Society were installed with a very appropriate ceremony by Rev. A. HILKEMAN last Sunday evening before the preaching service. Special music by the choir, and complimented by the pastor was very much enjoyed. The officers installed were; President Miss McMULLIN; Vice-president, Mrs. DIETRICH; Secretary, Miss MORSE; Treasurer, Mr. HINSON. The chairmen of

committees include Supt. R. B. WILSON, Miss ADAMS, Miss MORSE, Miss HELLER, Mrs. DIETRICH.


Dr. STEEL presented the Sunday school with 35 copies of the Gospel of St. John at New Year’s.


Floyd ADAMS has returned from a visit to St. Louis.


Miss Bessie KLEINSCHMIDT is again in a St. Louis hospital for treatment.


Our picture show lasted but one night and that was one in Christmas week when there was already too much to go to. Try us again when there is less doing.


Horace FRAZIER of Bonne Terre has been making a home visit for the past few days.


Rumor has it that a young couple in our midst was united in marriage on New Year’s Day in St. Louis. Perhaps Rumor is only an idle gossip out of a job.


Carl Clark and Miss Tillie HOMBERG of St. Louis were married in that city last Wednesday and are now residents of Hillsboro. Mr. CLARK is a deputy for his father, Sheriff Frank CLARK, and is a promising young man who has chosen a bright pretty girl for his bride. Best wishes to both for a happy and prosperous journey through life.


Jacob MILLER and family have returned to their old home in Nilwood, OK after a residence here of five years.


If you have not paid your subscription since January first you are probably in arrears. Inquire. As fast as each list can be handled, delinquents will be dropped.


Mrs. W. S. WILSON visited relatives in De Soto Friday.


W. L. HENKE, deputy collector, is on the sick list.


Mr. and Mrs. J. H. REPPY attend a newspaper meeting at the Planter’s Hotel in St. Louis tomorrow.


W. H. PILLIARD of Festus was in town shaking hands with friends yesterday.


Thomas Benton MOSS of the Masonic Home in St. Louis is making his periodical visit to Hillsboro which never fails when Circuit Court is in session. This is his fifty-fourth year of continuous attendance, including, the years he served as sheriff for the county.


Judge J. H. WINER and Columbus McCULLOCH of Morse Mill were in town yesterday.


Mrs. R. B. WILSON’S name was omitted from the list of teachers in the Hillsboro Sunday School by mistake. She has been a faithful worker in the Sunday School for several years and she has a class of lusty citizens who require her efficient efforts.


Walter DAHL, Walter LANHAM, and Stanley WILSON are three members of the Hillsboro Sunday School who were perfect in attendance throughout the year, 1916. Vivian EVANS and John David DEPPY missed but one Sunday. Supt. W. S. WILSON presented each with a bronze attendance medal with words of encouragement and appreciation. Let’s all try next year.


James H. MOSS is out again after a sick spell last week.


~ Regular Church Services ~


Rev. a. HILKEMAN preaches regularly at Hillsboro on the first Sunday of each month at Horine on the second Sunday; at Cedar Hill on the third Sunday; at Belews Creek Chapel on the fourth.


M. E. South

Rev. R. WALTON preaches regularly at Hillsboro on the third Sunday in each month, morning and evening. Preaches at Hematite the remaining three.



Rev. George STEEL preaches regularly at Victoria on the second Sunday of each month at Blackwell on the third Sunday, and at Hillsboro on the fourth.

Rev. E. J. EAVES preaches regularly at the following churches; Liberty Baptist Church, the fourth Sunday; There will be services regularly at Claude Chapel on the second Sunday of each month. Regular services at Oakland on first Sunday of each month. Upper Dry Creek has regular services on third Sunday of each month.

Where and When to Worship.


~ School Notes ~

Grubville has a debating society which meets every two weeks and we expect to hear of Grubville and High Ridge having a pitched battle of words and wisdom before long. Go to it boys. Elasco GREEN is the Grubville teacher and Roy LEE of High Ridge.


Saturday January 13 is the date set for the Meramec teachers’ meeting, so announces the secretary, Miss Legia HILL.


Rock Creek neighborhood has many sick “grippy” children with coughs and colds.


Everybody is working hard for the School Exhibit, the big school hit of the year. Parents, turn out by the scores. Children, do your very best.


How is your writing and speaking coming on pupils? Prizes for both at the Rural Commencement.


Mr. Felix EAVES is teaching the HUSKEY School resigned by Miss SCHNEIDER.


Herculaneum school is booming this year. Fine corps of painstaking teachers headed by a splendid superintendent. Domestic science is being taught and is most popular with the people. They hope to put in manual training for the boys next year.


The open winter has been a blessing for primary pupils who have long walks and also for Supt. WILSON on his long drives.


The teachers’ meeting at Plattin is in keeping with past meetings at this place. The people always are ready to give the teachers a hearty welcome free dinner with everything good to eat.


Language, grammar and arithmetic letter writing and diagramming discussed in the light of Kennedy’s methods of teaching.


Rev. WARD, who lives at Plattin, spoke on the “School and Home and Church”. His talk was well received. The teachers of Plattin are enthusiastic over the annual school display.


The Festus School promises to be on hand on Friday of School Display Week and furnish the program for that day. Crystal City, Herculaneum and the other towns’ schools are expected to be present on Saturday for the program.


~ Real Estate Transfers ~

R. S. MELVILLE to W. E. GRUNWELL, 3.58 acres near De Soto, 1-39-4, $1.00


Louis LOEHR to Julia PAGEL, interest in 80 acres, 34-30-4, $1.00


J. G. HAVERSTICK to R. T. CHRISTOPHER, 04 acres, 32-39-5, exchange of property and $1.00


Emil HENCHER to Hy BRUIDEGAN, 7a. ?-39-3, $100.00


Walter L. HENSLEY et al to George B. MILLER, 7.23 acres, sur. 421-41-5, $500.00


Geo. W. BENERT to H. H. JAMES, 40 acres, 6-39-4, $200.00


Ferdinand PAGEL and wife to Louis LOEHR and wife interest in 80 acres in 34-39-4, $1.00


Mary GOTTSLEBAN to W. S. NULL, lot in Festus, $900.00


Pittsburg Plate Glass Co. to Charley JOHNSON, lot in Crystal City, $600.00


~ Ozark Trail Leaders Hold Conference ~

The conference of the leaders of the Ozark Trails movement met in Oklahoma City, December 29, according to previous call of President W. H. (Colu) HARVEY. The meeting was well attended, New Mexico, Texas, Missouri and Arkansas, in addition to Oklahoma, being represented. The purpose of the meeting was to decide on some definite plan of action that would maintain harmony and uniformity in the work of promoting and constructing the Ozark Trails along its entire system. The conference hard the representative of road building materials of practically every character - brick and concrete of the more expensive materials, sand-clay, sand and gravel, crushed rock and clay, of the cheaper materials Methods of construction were also widely discussed.

The conference, after carefully considering conditions confronting the various counties and communities along the proposed routes, adopted the following resolutions as representing its sentiment.

Be it resolved. By the representatives of the Ozark Trails Association now assemble on this 29th day of December, 1916, in conference in the city of Oklahoma City, that, after full conference and careful comparison of all the various ideas and suggestions offered, we are of the opinion and hereby recommend that the construction of sand and clay roads, sand and gravel roads, or roads surfaced with crushed rock or chats, with clay as a binder are the most practical character of roads to be constructed along the Ozark Trails.

Be it further Resolved, that it is not the intention of this conference to condemn concrete roads, brick roads or any other of the more expensive character of roads in communities. Feeling the inability and necessity therefore, but it is our express purpose and idea to make clear to all Ozark Trail workers the fact that we are appealing to them and the public.


~ Festus Items ~

A. P. McKEE of Shirley, spent one day last week in Festus at

the Festus Glass Plant. …Mr. McKEE did not hesitate to express himself in believing that a successful opening of the factory was but a matter of months.


Judge CONN who has been busy the past two weeks assisting merchants with their stocktaking headed home Saturday.


C. G. STEWART who has b--- fled with the active management of the Festus Mercantile Co. ---organization, has sold his e--- in the concern and tendered --- nation to take effect soon.  We understand that Mr. STEWART expects to engage in the occupation of t--- ing and we hope that the ---  success which has attended --- in the mercantile business will follow him in his new occupation.   We understand that his former position will be filled by Messrs. He---  and Chas. WELSH, the latter purchased a large portion of Mr. STEWART’s holdings in the company.


Little Elizabeth LIUN of --- is spending a month with --- BRICKEY.


Miss Celeste DRAKE spent  --- in the city consulting an ---.


Edward TINSE spent Saturday in St. Louis.


Mrs. BEYERSTADT and children of St. Louis came down Sunday to spend the week with her, ---VAUGHN.


Mrs. George OSTERWALD who was in poor health for several --- is much improved.


Mrs. E. A. KITCHELL and --- HONIG of St. Louis visited --- Mrs. George BENNETT one day.


Roy HOPKINS spent Tuesday in DeSoto attending a stockholder meeting of the Crawford Lumber Co.


The overhead Frisco Bridge received much needed repair work the past week.


Mrs. J. J. MURPHY of --- visited Mrs. M. M. BLUNT S--- Sunday.


Rev. BURNS, former pastor of the Presbyterian church --- Tuesday preparing to move.


Mrs. Nancy HALT is thro--- Pneumonia. Her son Lee, of Kokokomo, Indiana was called ---alde Monday.


Dennis MURPHY who has been away for several weeks returned from --- City Saturday where he attends school.


Little Helen WELSH of --- visited with her aunt, Mrs. --- this week.


~All Over Jefferson~


Feliz EAVES is teaching the Huskey School.


Lora GRAHAM of Victoria circulated among the court throng on Tuesday.


This weather makes on think of garden-making, until we recall that it is January.


Mrs. Katie KROBER and Mrs. Anslem KOHLER of Antonia were in the County seat on Tuesday.


Congressman Walter L. HENSLEY and wife have welcomed another son into their family, born after the holidays.


Miss Ella PATTON of Victoria has gone to Florida to visit her aunt, Mrs. Eugene SCHOLFIELD for the rest of the winter.


From balmy April weather, January has now come into her own with a drop in temperature and equally winds with some snow.


Mail carriers report plenty of mud. All that will be remedied by 1923 when that half million is spread upon the public highways.


William BRACKMAN of Sandy is still in the hospital in St. Louis but is expected to be able to be brought home in about another week.


The remains of Miss Myrtle DUGAN of St. Louis, 16 years old were interred in the Victoria cemetery last Sunday. She was a niece of Mrs. COLEMAN.


John J. NELSON of St. Louis was here on business last Thursday. Mr. NELSON is still in poor health, though of the same cheery spirit and glad to see his old friends who are numerous in Jefferson County.


Dr. DALTON of Fenton motored to the county-seat yesterday to do service as a witness in circuit court. Mrs. DALTON accompanied him to see the town and get acquainted.


Mrs. John E. HUSKEY of Ware is enjoying a visit from her brother, William CAMPBELL who has deserted his Montana ranch until spring to enjoy Missouri’s unusually mild winter.


Mike LYNCH of St. Louis was in town on business on Monday and met numerous old friends among the court crowd. Mr. LYNCH is still with the U. R. where he has been employed for many years.


Bri TOWNSEND of Festus, and a former Hillsboro boy, passed his law examination in Jefferson City and has been admitted to the bar. Bri is a bright young man of excellent character and will make good wherever you put him.


D. C. HERMAN of Sandy circulated among the court crowds Monday and also brought to the Record office three volumes of 1915 magazines to be placed where they will do others some good at the discretion of the Associate Editor.


Jacob WALDORF and Philip KOHLER, two prominent citizens of Antonia transacted business in Hillsboro on Tuesday. Mr. WALDORF has been under treatment in St. Louis all fall and is now able to walk about by the aid of a cane.


William R. HUSKEY of Hillsboro Rt. 2 shipped “a nice little shoat” to St. Louis on the second and received a net check for $49.97. It only weighted 525 pounds. It made the trip to the city in the Motor truck of W. W. THOMPSON of Morse Mill.


The County Court invested $27 in four shoats carl yia the season for the county farm. Supt. Herman SEIMERS butchered them lately and their weight were 260, 298, 300, and 310. As the value of the meat was around $175, we consider that good finance and good stock raising of the farm supt.


Dr. WILLIAMS of House Springs who was stricken with paralysis seven weeks ago is slowly improving. Eats and sleeps well and is getting so he can talk somewhat. He is in good spirits and is now allowed some company. Bright hopes are entertained for his recovery.


Harry DAHL, Sheriff, had a close call Wednesday evening. A violent fit of coughing ruptured a blood vessel somewhere in the head and what at first appeared to be nose bleed, developed into serious hemorrhage. Dr. MOCKBEE was called and after much difficulty succeeded in stopping the flow but not until Mr. DAHL was pretty well exhausted from loss of blood.


William Allen SMITH, the superintendent of the Herculaneum Lead Works has about completed his $15,000 residence in that town. It is frame of about 14 rooms and has all of the modern improvements. Sun porch, sleeping porches, four baths, modern laundry and everything to make an ideal home. Supt. SMITH and wife are thoroughly liked by the men and their families and they seem to be much interested in the welfare of their town and county.


Norvel BRICKEY of Festus was a county seat visitor on Monday.


John MEDLEY of De Soto is here visiting relatives and attending Court.


George T. MOORE of Sulphur Springs had business in the county-seat Monday.


H. S. LANHAM of De Soto had business in the county’s metropolis Saturday evening.


Mrs. J. J. CHAPPEE of St. Louis was here on witness service at the opening of Circuit Court Monday.


During Circuit Court don’t fail to drop in and settle for the Record. Did your neighbor send funds by you to settle his bill.


H. W. McCOY of St. Louis dropped into Hillsboro Monday in the interest of the book concern for which he travels and meanwhile to meet and greet old friends who are numerous in this country.


Horine will have preaching service in the basement of their new church next Sunday and will continue to do so until the church proper is completed. The Sunday School met there last Sunday. The basement adjunct to the church life many of the meetings to be held there.


A happy surprise party took place at the home of Charles A. STEGMANN in St. Louis on the evening of December 30th. The occasion was Mr. STEGMANN’s birthday anniversary. About twenty relatives and friends suddenly arrived, all former Jefferson County people, took possession filled his home, his heart and that of his gentle wife with cordial felicitations and generous holiday spirit. A good time prevailed, which

included a delightful luncheon appropriate to the holiday season, and which the visitors had brought with them. Mr. STEGMANN spent his boyhood in Hillsboro, where is remembered by the older residents of the town. His wife, as Miss Mary DOVER was a much loved teacher in this county in the days a gone.


Rev. A. HILKEMAN filled his regular appointment in the Hillsboro church Sunday preaching a Christmas sermon in the morning, and a New Year’s sermon in the evening. Both sermons were happy, wholesome and inspiring. His sermons are always helpful and practical and urge a more generous outlook and a closer brotherhood of all the people. Mr. HILKEMAN has served this parish, a circuit of four churches, more than two years now and has the love and loyalty of all who know him. If you do not know him, go hear him next first Sunday, communion service will be held at the morning service and all members are urged to be present and all others invited.


~ Notice ~

Everything and everybody has had a raise in prices in the last 20 years except the country physician. People have taken for granted that his prices like the rock of Gibraltar was immovable and unchangeable.

H. C. L. at last has caused me to announce the following increase in my rates.

Call at office, ordinary prescription. $1.00

Call at home within one mile, $1.50.

Call at house further than one mile, 75 cents per mile one way.

Calls at house at night, $1.00 per mile, one way.

Trip to St. Louis with patient, $20.00

Obstetrical cases, uncomplicated, $15

All accounts due and payable within 30 days of completion of case and statement will be so rendered.

Until Dr. WILLIAMS recovers, or until a physician is obtained at House Springs I will be at House Springs at Dr. WILLIAM’s office on the even numbered days of the month in the afternoon. All calls cheerfully answered day or night. Phones, Local and Bell.

Dr. J. H. PARKER, Cedar Hill, Mo.


~ Antonia Items ~

We are having fine weather and many city people are coming to the country to hunt.


The ball given in RUECHTINGS hall was well attended and everybody reports a good time.


Quite a number of Antonia boys and girls attended the mask ball in West Kimmswick and had a good time.


Miss Iva KOHLER spent Christmas week at home.


Mrs. J. S. KOEBE entertained quite a number of St. Louis guests New Year’s. Among them were Mrs. Adolf SEISE, Mrs. A. SCHROEDER, Dr. Walter SCHROEDER, Dr. BRAMM and Dr. SCHMIDT.  The biggest surprise was when Dr. SCHROEDER brought some German theatre players from St. Louis and they had a real German theatre and enjoyed it to a late hour.


Andrew KOHLER departed last week for Great Bend, Kansas.


Mr. Edward HEMME will leave this week for Canada.


Executor’s Notice

Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the

Testamentary on the estate of

Mary HAEFNER, deceased

were granted to the undersigned

The 3rd day of January, 1917 [...]

Nick ROESCH, Executor


Administrator’s Notice

Notice is hereby give that Letters of Administration on the

Estate of

Levi SCOTT, deceased, [...]

The is 12th day of December, 1916

W. R. DONNELL, Jr., Administrator


Executor’s Notice

Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary on the Estate of

Wulf SCHUETT, deceased [...]

were granted to the undersigned on the 20th day of December, 1916 [...]

Christina SCHUETT, Executor


Executor’s Notice

Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary on the estate of

Joseph ZIPP, deceased [...]

were granted to the undersigned on the 13th day of December, 1916 [...]

Helena ZIPP, Executor


Executor’s Notice

Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary on the estate of

Albert Edward Ferdinand PAGEL, dec. [...]

were granted to the undersigned on the 2nd day of December, 1916 [...]

Clara Olvina PAGEL, Executrix


~ Partition Sale ~

By virtue and authority of a decree of partition and order of sale made and entered by Circuit Court of Jefferson County, Missouri, at the September term, 1916, thereof, and on Tuesday, September 12, 1916, in that certain partition suit wherein Clara HICKELHEIM, William KOEHLER and Josephine WASHFORD are plaintiffs and Theodore KOEHLER and Anne OTKE are defendants a duly certified copy of which said decree of partition and order of sale dated October 5, 1916, was to me, the undersigned, sheriff directed and delivered, and by virtue whereof I, the undersigned sheriff of Jefferson County, Missouri, will on Saturday the 13th of January, A.D., 1917, sell at the front door of the Court House, in the town of Hillsboro, Jefferson County, Missouri, at public venue to the highest bidder the following described real estate situate in Jefferson County, Missouri, to-wit: the Northwest quarter of section thirty-six (36), township forty-three (43), Range four (4) East containing one hundred and sixty acres upon the following terms to-wit:

Fifty (50) per cent of the purchase money cash and the balance of the purchase price to be paid in one year and to bear interest at the rate of six per cent per annum from date of sale or all cash at the option of the purchaser.   

Harry DAHL, Sheriff.


Administrator’s Notice

Notice is hereby give that Letters of Administration on the Estate of

Henry MAY, deceased, [...]

The is 2nd day of December, 1916

William MAY, Administrator


~ Administrator’s Notice ~

Notice is hereby given - that Letters of Administration on the Estate of

Louisa ROGERS, deceased, […]

were granted to the undersigned

the 4th day of January,[...]

George ROG--- Administrator


~ Trustee’s Sale ~

Whereas, Frank F. JOHNSTON and Emma Johnston, his wife, by their certain deed of trust dated the 31st day of May, 1916, and recorded in the office of the Recorder of deeds for the County of Jefferson, State of Missouri, in book 53, page 185, conveyed to the undersigned, trustee, the following described real estate, situated in the County of Jefferson, State of Missouri, to-wit: All of lots four (4), five (5) and eight (8), that lie East of the St. Louis Iron Mountain and Southern Railway right of way, as shown by the report of commissioners in a certain partition proceeding, wherein Elizabeth M. HORINE and others were plaintiffs and William L. RILEY and others were defendants, which report and the plat accompanying the same are on record in the Recorder’s office of Jefferson County, Mo., in book “A” at page 405 and following, reference to which is here by made and said plat and report are made and said plat and report are made a part of this deed for a more perfect description, said land being a part of section 26, and U. S. Survey No. 924, excepting, however, forty[five acres off of the East end of lot five, sold to E. SCHLAFFKE by Thomas C. MATHER and others, containing 231 acres, and also lots one (1) and two (2) as shown by plat “B”, as shown by the plat returned by the Commissioners appointed in the partition suit of Ezra CADWALLADER and others against Samuel POLLARD and others as appears in their report dated January 33, 1875, and-recorded in book 9 of Records of Deeds in the Records of Jefferson County, Missouri, at page 220, and following, reference to which is hereby and report and plat are made a part of this deed for a more perfect description, said land being a part of the Northwest fractional quarter of section twenty-five (25) in township forty one (41), range five (5) East, containing twenty eight and 44-100 acres (28 44-100) which conveyance was made to the undersigned in trust, to secure the payment of certain notes in said deed specified; and whereas, four of the principal notes and one of the interest notes in said deed of trust described are now past due and remain unpaid; now, therefore, at the request of the legal holder of said notes, and in pursuance of the conditions in said deed of trust, the undersigned, trustee will sell the property above described at public venue, to the highest bidder for cash, at the front door of the Court House, in Hillsboro, in said County of Jefferson, on Saturday, January 20, 1917 between the hours of nine o’clock in the fore noon and five o’clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of satisfying said indebtedness and the costs of executing this trust.

Walter G. THIELECKE, Trustee


 ~ Stockholder’s Meeting ~

Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Bank of Hillsboro, originally fixed for January 8, 1917, has been passed a new meeting called for Monday, January 22, 1917, for the purpose of increasing the membership of the Board of Directors of said bank in order to comply with the provisions of the statute in such cases made and provided and to elect the directors required by statute and for such other and further business as may properly come before them at said meeting.

George W. MOCKBEE, President

W. R. DONNELL, Cashier


~ $5.00 Reward ~

Hillsboro, Mo., Dec. 28, 1916

When I lost 15 head of cattle in Big River by drowning, I also lost one red steer coming 2 years old, with tag in his left ear, “Marked, J. H. SIMCOCK, Victoria, Mo., No. 415” .  Will pay $5.00 for his return to me alive, it may be that he also drowned. Jos. J. HOEKEN.


~ For Sale ~

Choice clover seed, apply at J. WALDORF, Kimmswick, Route 3, Mo.


~ The Cheerful Cherub ~

I’d never hesitate at risks

I’m eager for a thrill

Life’s always so exciting

When you live it with a will.


~ The Cheerful Cherub ~

My life is made of ups and downs

It’s that that makes it nice

I wouldn’t have an easy life -

The contrast gives it spice!


~ The Cheerful Cherub ~

They told me that fame was a bubble,

They loftily scorned worldly pelf,

And I grant that their words may be true, but -

I’d like to find out for myself!


~ The Cheerful Cherub ~

I try to imagine my menial work

Is really my idea of fun

And I might as well like it as not for of course

I know that its got to be done.


~ The Cheerful Cherub ~

I often fret and worry

And long for wealth and such

What makes me think, I wonder

That I deserve so much?


~ The Cheerful Cherub ~

I lost my garter at a dance

Where every one could see

It didn’t bother them, but ok -

The difference to me!


~ The Cheerful Cherub ~

Just keep trying all the time

Till at last your life is done,

You may never reach the top

but the climbing’s lots of fun.


~ The Best Laxative ~

To keep the bowels regular the best laxative is outdoor exercise. Drink a full glass of water half an hour before breakfast and eat an abundance of fruit and vegetables, also establish a regular habit and be sure your bowels move once each day. When a medicine is needed take Chamberlain’s Tablets. They are pleasant to take and mild and gentle in affect. Obtainable everywhere.


~ Announcement ~

All box-suppers, pie-suppers and gatherings of like nature, given for the purpose of raising funds, must be accompanied by twenty-five cents to insure their appearance in the columns of the Record.


[AD] Bank of Kimmswick, Kimmswick

C. H. GERARD, President, M. ZIEGLER, Vice-President,

G. A. WENOM, Cashier.


[AD]Picture Show  J. W. CADWALLADER, Operator

West Kimmswick, Sunday at 2:00 - Maxville, Wednesday - Barnhart, Friday - Fenton, Sunday.


[AD] The Officers and Directors of the People’s Bank of De Soto extend to their friends and patrons their very best wishes for a merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous new year. They trust that the year, 1917 may have much in store for their friends and patrons, and offer the services of this institution to any one desiring a connection with a well-established strong, safe institution.


[AD]  L. A. CHAMBERLIN, Dentist, DeSoto.


[AD] Albert MILLER, Attorney at Law, Hillsboro, Missouri.


[AD] TRY US - Our Capital of Fifty Thousand Dollars, and our reserve ability of Fifty Thousand Dollars on over ninety stock holders is a Guarantee to our depositors of the safety of their funds. The Jefferson Trust Company, Hillsboro, Mo.


[AD] Robert E. KLEINSCHMIDT, Lawyer, Hillsboro, Missouri - Office in Trust Building.


[AD] Adrian STEEL, Lawyer; Practices in All the Courts - Office in KNORPP’s Building De Soto, Missouri.


[AD] Fred J. MEYER, House Mover; Houses moved and raised in all parts of the county.  Call or Write Fred J. MEYER, Jefferson Barracks, Mo., Route No. 10.


[AD] Read My Prices On Dentistry and then come to see me. Lady Attendant; Examination Free. All Work Guaranteed.

Gold Crown $4.00

Bridge Work per tooth $4.00

Porcelain or White Crown $4.00

Set of Teeth, either upper or lower plate $8.00 up

Enamel Filling $1.00

Gold Filling $1.50 up

Alloy Filling 50c

Dr. W. H. G. WHITE, Dentist - Old Post Office Building Phone Office 197, Residence 197

De Soto, Missouri


[AD] GERARD Milling Company - Proprietors of Kimmswick Roller Mills and Lumber Yards.

We manufacture Gold Seal, White Seal, Red Seal Flour. We handle all kinds of Food, Hay, Grain and Seed, also all kinds of Lumber and Building Material - GERARD Milling Company, Kimmswick, Missouri.


[AD] Dodge Brothers Motor Car with Dodge Brothers Service means 365 days of real pleasure and satisfaction in the year. If you don’t believe it, just ask any owner of a Dodge.

Demonstration by Appointment.  The J. W. DUGAN Automobile Co., Herculaneum, Missouri


[AD] State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, ss

Frank J. CHENEY makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. CHENEY & CO. doing business in the City of Toledo, County and state aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL’S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1916 - A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public (seal).

Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send for testimonials, free.  F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.

Sold by all Druggists - Hall’s Family Pills for constipation.


[AD] Care for Cholera Moebus

“When our little boy now seven years old, was a baby he was cured of cholera moebus by CHAMBERLAIN’S Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy,” writes Mrs. Sidney SIMMONS, Fair Haven , N.Y. “Since then other  members of my family have used their valuable medicine for colic and bowel troubles with good satisfaction and I gladly endorse it as a remedy of exceptional merit.” Obtainable everywhere.


[AD] The Big Brick Store wants Your Butter and Eggs - We continue to offer a full line of Dry Goods, Shoes, Rubbers, Notions, Groceries, Paints, Hardware, Dishes, Fruits and Vegetables in season.  J. W. ECKLE, Hillsboro, Mo.


[AD] Castoria For Infants and Children

In Use For Over 30 Years; Always bears the Signature of Chas. H. FLETCHER


[AD] Grand Ball at Marshal’s Hall, Goldman, Mo.

Saturday, January 20. HARPER’S Orchestra Will Furnish Music. Sandwiches Served.

Come One, Come All. All are Welcome; Admission 60 cents, Ladies Free.


[AD] Kirstin Stump Puller, One Man - Horse


[AD] Children Cry for FLETCHER’s Castoria

The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over over 30 years, has borne the signature of Chas. H. FLETCHER and has been made under his personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no on to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “Just-as-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children - Experience against Experiment.

What is Castoria?  Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine, nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness arising there from, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea - The Mother’s Friend.  Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of Chas. H. Fletcher; In Use for over 30 Years - The Kind you have always bought - The Centaur Company, New York City.


[AD] Henry HURTGEN & Sons, First Class Horse Shoers, Hillsboro, Missouri.  All kinds of Machinery repaired on short notice. Try us and see, automobiles repaired.


[AD] Buy your Keen KUTTER Tools etc. from R. A. MARSDEN, dealer in general merchandise, harness, shoes, etc. Hillsboro


[AD] HOLEKAMP Lumber, Distributors of the renowned Baever Board, Certain-teed Wall Board, Bishopric Board For inside and outside work. Give us the size of your building and we can tell you the amount required, also the cost. Yards: Afton, Kirkwood, Old Orchard, Webster Groves, Gratiot Station, St. Louis, Planing Mill, Old Orchard


The Record is Now $1.50. Pay Up.